=== cprov-afk is now known as cprov [03:30] maxb: thanks [03:30] it's helping me [09:14] How do I get something bin/harness but with security working? I want, for example, to be able to switch users interactively and see how access to objects changes. [09:25] wgrant: use getUtility(IFooSet) to get the initial object. when you use getUtility the object will be security wrapped, and each object you access through it will also have a security proxy. [09:26] BjornT_: I know hot to get the objects, but I can't seem to switch to a user that doesn't have any permissions. [09:27] BjornT_: canonical.launchpad.ftests.login doesn't seem to work. [09:27] Well, it runs, but my mortal user still has launchpad.Admin on everything. [09:28] wgrant: oh. it probably runs with the permissive security policy... [09:28] BjornT_: Right. Any idea how I can change that? [09:29] It does look like c.l.ftests.login is configuring the participation properly, so that must be it. [09:30] Aha. [09:30] * wgrant tries something. [09:32] wgrant: the following might work: setSecurityPolicy(LaunchpadSecurityPolicy) [09:32] Yep. [09:33] A grep showed me that. [09:33] Thanks. [09:33] (needed to import setSecurityPolicy from zope.security.management) === cprov is now known as cprov-afk [16:27] <3 Launchpad [16:40] Anyone here? [16:40] I just got an error :/ [16:40] bzr: ERROR: no such option: --2a [16:40] ERROR: Unable to set up local LP repository [16:41] AdamDV, you need bzr version 1.9 or higher [16:41] I just installed 1.17.. [16:41] This morning, because on my first rocketfuel attempt I got the 'bzr version not high enough' error [16:42] The script has been runing successfully for like 30 minutes [16:44] andrea-bs: should I use the nightly build instead? [16:45] AdamDV, no, you shouldn't: 1.17 is the right version (I was wrong about 1.9) [16:45] AdamDV, how did you install bzr 1.17? [16:45] I downloaded it from the ppa [16:46] cd Downloads [16:46] sudo dpkg -i bzr* [16:46] what does ``bzr version`` tell you? [16:46] HOwever, when I opened the deb in GDebi, the Install betton was greyed out... [16:46] It says 1.13 :/ [16:47] I'm installing again, andrea-bs [16:47] maybe dpkg has encountered some errors while installing [16:47] Now it says version 1.17 [16:48] it should work now [16:48] Is i possible that rocketfuel-setup would at some point downgrade bzr? [16:49] no, I don't think so :) [16:49] Well now I see [16:49] 'Making local branch of launchpad truck' [16:49] however, I strongly suggest you to add the Bazaar PPA to your sources.list, so you'll get the updates [16:49] Alright [16:50] Does the install just carry on if postfix and everything have already been instaled? [16:50] So that I wouldn't have to wait the 30 min again? [16:50] (I'd assume so) [16:52] all the required deb packages are not re-installed if they are already present [16:52] Ah, ok. [17:23] Now I get this: [17:23] make: *** No rule to make target `install'. Stop. [17:23] ERROR: Unable to install apache config appropriately [18:32] Anyone here? [18:32] I keep getting this: [18:32] bzr: ERROR: Connection error: Couldn't resolve host 'bazaar.launchpad.net' [Errno -2] Name or service not known [18:32] ERROR: Unable to create local copy of Rocketfuel trunk [18:37] AdamDV: does 'ping -c 1 bazaar.launchpad.net' work from the command line? [18:37] yes [18:37] It works for awhile, maybe 20 minutes, then I get that. [18:38] elmo: does launchpad.tar.gz have the lp-branches folder? [18:38] AdamDV: can you install the dnstracer package, and pastebin the output of 'dnstracer -c bazaar.launchpad.net'? [18:38] sure [18:38] AdamDV: I've no idea offhand, sorry - it's a full copy of the LP tree is all I know [18:39] I can't install dnstracer. [18:39] It requires bzr 1.14 < [18:39] And I have 1.17, which is requireed by LP. [18:39] heh, dnstracer doesn't, but something else you've got installed does [18:40] I haven't installed anything, I think the rocketfuel-setup script asks for bzr 1.17 for somestuff and 1.14 for others. [18:40] I've run into a problem like that twice with rocketfuel. [18:40] anyway, going for a coffee, I'll mess with it when I get back. [18:58] Aright, I just downloaded launchpad.tar.gz from herbs repo. [18:58] Its got a bit of a different name scheme, but I hink It'll work. [18:58] *think [19:06] Alrighty [19:06] * AdamDV hopes that this time it will work [21:32] mwhudson, around yet? [21:32] mars: yep [21:33] hi mwhudson, and good morning! [21:33] I have a question about a mail that just arrived on the feedback list [21:34] * mwhudson looks [21:35] mars: the freebie trial one? [21:35] mwhudson, "my email was published" [21:35] oh sigh [21:36] why can't people just give up on the 'hide my email' approach to spam prevention? [21:39] mwhudson, would you be able to write a reply? I'm not sure if there is a real bug there or not. [21:40] and I don't know our policy in that regard, either [21:46] there's no bug [21:46] i'll write a reply === mwhudson changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 0 | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Please use #launchpad for support. | https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-dev | Get it: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | http://people.canonical.com/~herb/ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/ [21:59] morning [21:59] mars: I was just looking at that too [22:02] mwhudson, many thanks [22:10] mwhudson: call? [22:10] thumper: yeah, was just thinking that [22:10] thumper: couple sec [22:12] * mwhudson stabs synergy [22:14] my two laptops can't ping each other?? [22:14] :( [22:16] oh actually, my router had shuffled ip addresses around [22:16] thumper: so, yes, call? [22:16] yep [22:18] skype thinks you're offline of course [22:33] spm: buildbot.devpad.info [22:33] spm: is not responding... [22:34] Not resolving. [22:34] which was going to be my 1st problem.... [22:35] Is there any reason it can't be public? [22:35] thumper: I 'spect we're going to have to wait for Gary on that [22:36] dig +trace suggests the ns servers are fine, but something is nicely borked with the domain itself [22:37] whee. no SOA record even. totally borked. [22:40] spm: who is responsible for merging db-stable back into devel? [22:40] spm: and db-devel's last revision isn't in db-stable :( [22:41] whee [22:41] devpad.info is joey's domain isn't it? [22:41] spm: happy new week! [22:43] mwhudson: so I've been updated to believe, yes. [22:44] i wonder what's up with that domain - it doesn't appear to expire for another 6+ weeks... [22:48] spm: are we re-rolling production? [22:48] spm: do you know why the re-rollout didn't happen ? [22:48] (it's almost like thumper and i are talking to each other) [22:48] !!! I've been here 20 minutes. How much email do you two think I've read? :-) [22:48] spm: Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [22:50] * spm brb - updates to install [22:52] back... [23:24] https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=1302EB113 [23:29] !irc [23:29] A list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines