[01:04] i'm using encyclopedia (factoids) plugin, i'm trying to get it to reply to users in-channel (instead of privately) when i do '! | ' [10:02] hi [10:02] who can help to me [10:02] ongun: just ask [10:03] pc give : initramfs errors [10:03] what can i do ? [10:03] ongun: you should ask this in #ubuntu or #kubuntu, this is not a support channel here [10:04] see the /topic [10:04] ok [10:04] i asked but nobody didn/cant help ? [10:04] thanks [10:07] ongun: you need to be patient, it's Sunday so most people are just not around [10:07] but support questions need to go to either #ubuntu or #kubuntu [10:16] thanks [12:10] bazhang: hello [12:10] can you help us? [12:14] is it something that only bazhang can help? [12:16] hm...i think no) [12:16] we has problem with one user [12:17] he was banned on channel by our ops, but he coninues to come back to our channel [12:27] Garfeild, who is it [12:27] kuzma? [12:34] yep [13:15] <[Green]> hi [13:15] hi [13:16] bazhang: We need more fat ban list:) [13:16] <[Green]> bazhang: ops of the #ubuntu-ru wish to ask to set +L on the channel #ubuntu-ru [13:16] <[Green]> we often do not have a limit 50 [13:16] you should use akick [13:16] we do that on #ubuntu-fr* [13:17] is 50 too small? [13:17] and now we don't need +L [13:17] also use temporary ban [13:17] with a bot [13:17] <[Green]> bazhang: sometimes [13:17] niko akick, I think this is the last way out [13:18] [Green], sometimes better to quiet and chat, then dont need to ban [13:18] A4Tech: depends, normaly we use bot for temporary ban [13:18] [Green], +m user and PM [13:18] when akick needed [13:18] we vote with other ops [13:18] bazhang: or +b and forward to op channel [13:18] A4Tech, is smiges a big problem? [13:18] better than +m [13:18] <[Green]> bazhang: we try [13:19] smiges ? [13:19] [Green], true it does not always work [13:19] A4Tech, he has been banned for more than a month, came in here the other day asking to be unbanned [13:20] 6/23 banned iirc [13:20] bazhang: http://forum.ubuntu.ru/index.php?topic=44379.msg470355#msg470355 2 page... [13:20] A4Tech, [Green] if you feel setting channel limit is the best option, then you know the channel much better than me [13:21] A4Tech, you guys have turned that channel around to be very good, so I believe in you 100% [13:22] A4Tech: or put +R mode [13:22] bazhang That's good, so we turned to you, that would make it even better:) [13:22] niko Already [13:23] How would it not sound ... but the Russians have a character of ... very bad [13:23] A4Tech, if you feel that is best then I think you should try it out [13:23] some people [13:23] A4Tech, not really bad; just not used to IRC rules and protocol [13:24] A4Tech, believe me, badly behaved users are in *all* channels [13:24] bazhang No no, this is specifically [13:24] A4Tech, I understand, some really *problem* users [13:25] just want to make trouble/troll [13:26] A4Tech, [Green] if you need to discuss more, or have already decided, then please let me know what you decide, or if you need any assistance [13:27] bazhang: The fact that the problem is not solved, it is 100%, and from it we will have to leave the more complex methods. [13:28] A4Tech, they are multiple ban evaders [13:28] <[Green]> bazhang: we have tried all methods, except +L [13:28] [Green], then it seems a way to try [13:28] Yes, it would be easiest. [13:29] we can't spend *all* our time on IRC :) [13:29] bazhang Who is it really much [13:29] ;) [13:30] A4Tech, [Green] whatever you decide is best I am supporting you 100% [13:30] e.g. [Green] :) [13:30] hehe [13:30] we need to sleep *sometimes* :) [13:31] <[Green]> yeah ) [13:31] ubuntuhelp works for us:) [13:31] ubuntuhelp is GREAT! [13:31] :) [13:31] thx) [13:33] I have to go eat dinner right now (or I will get in trouble) :) [13:34] talk to you later guys :) [13:35] .. and [13:35] Okay, suppose I have to clear the ban list, and then comes a man who blocked the ball and I have to block it again, he goes on, the board and there crying for a couple of pages. What to do? because I was forced to lift the ban that would exempt for another person [13:35] bazhang ^ [13:35] A4Tech, yep, I understand it; I read that page [13:36] A4Tech, seems +L it is then [13:36] This applies not only to the page you are reading at the moment [13:37] but I reaaally need to eat dinner now :) [13:37] talk more about this later, OK? [13:37] ok [13:37] <[Green]> bazhang: bon appetit) [14:12] ubottu without cloak [14:13] Sorry, I don't know anything about without cloak [14:17] oh wow, it woke up finally [14:54] lets hope that sends it to #ubuntu [14:54] wheeee, it did [15:04] elky: Very interesting way to make it join another channel. And that could be abused by someone else. [15:04] someone who needs to have op access, but yes. [15:05] elky: Well, they don't need to be an Ubuntu OP. They just need to be an OP in a channel where ubottu has joined [15:06] yes, and we tend to be watchful over where we let it join to begin with. if it's abused it gets retracted from channels. [15:07] emergency situations call for emergency deeds [15:08] indeed [17:41] The bot is down [17:44] elky: ubottu down, look like [17:45] niko: we know [17:45] ok, sorry for highlight so :)