[00:24] SiDi: you around? [00:27] jimisrvrox: yes [00:27] cool [00:27] did I tell you when I did down/up on the iwconfig that my system froze? [00:27] Ah [00:28] This sounds like a wifi driver issue [00:28] aptitude search rt25 please [00:29] hrm well heres the other thing turned on the pc the other day and it told me it had a CMOS checksum error but I dont think it has anything to do with it [00:29] And tell me which has a 'i' in fron of the name [00:29] * SiDi doesnt know what CMOS is :| [00:29] ive got tons of driver files but havent a clue as to whats what heh [00:30] [01:28] aptitude search rt25 please ;) [00:30] Type this : aptitude search rt25 [00:30] in a console * And tell me if one of the two entries has a 'i' in front of the name [00:31] shows nothing on this box [00:31] but if you asking me to do it on my other box that has no net? [00:32] SiDi: cmos is where the bootup bios is installed....could indicate a hardware problem in the computer [00:33] SiDi: cmos is the technology of the eeprom for the bios [00:33] okies [00:33] jimisrvrox: on the box that has the internet problem yes [00:33] yup [00:36] cpu is running at 53C and the CMOS error only came up once but when I just rebooted it did not come up [00:39] jimisrvrox: the cmos error might have been just a glitch...or it could have been an early warning. Just keep an eye out for repetitions in the future [00:40] 10-4 [00:40] th0r: are you good with wireless stuff? [00:41] last I remember that I had this problem is it ended up being a rather easy fix..problem is I did not document any of it so im here again.. [00:41] this time im doc'ing it [00:42] jimisrvrox: not really [00:43] damn [00:55] alright then th0r gots me another ? bsides my net connection..one is I have my usb formatted as fat32 to work with windows so not suprisingliy when I try to copy something from my linux box onto my usb drive it tells me that its a read=only file system...how can I format my drive to where I can use it in both win and linux so that I can put some files from my *nix box on there right now. I... [00:55] ...have access to a windows box if it makes it any easier... [00:57] jimisrvrox: the fat32 should be fine. How big is the drive? [00:59] big enough to cover what I need.. [01:00] but it tells me that its readonly so I cant for whatever reason copy the stuff over.. [01:00] I use such usb drives all the time without problems. You might have to add them to fstab if you aren't running the gnome file system with xfce...try adding a line to fstab just to see if it works [01:01] i run gnome [01:01] but its beyond me as to why I cant seem to copy the stuff.. [01:01] jimisrvrox: then the mount should be automatic....but I have heard of that problem before...give me a sec [01:03] it mounts and everything just fine [01:03] I cna even cut/paste into a hdd from the usb but I cannot go from my linux fs to the usb [01:05] jimisrvrox: do a mount command and see what options the usb drive is mounted with [01:05] ok brb [01:11] ok all I did was type in mount [01:11] and I got something like rw, nosuid, blah blah blah is that what youre asking about? [01:11] yeah....the rw means the drive is mounted read/write [01:12] ok so you need to know what the other parameters are? [01:12] if it was mounted read only it would be ro [01:12] oh ok [01:12] thats what I was thinking myself [01:12] not really....just wanted to check that [01:12] but when I go to properties it tells me that its a vfat [01:12] jimisrvrox: might also be mounted with the wrong permissions....does it say 'users' [01:13] jimisrvrox: yeah..vfat is fat32 [01:13] said something about permissions could not be determined [01:13] pastebin the mount command output [01:13] when I clicked on the permissions tab in the properties [01:16] I cant.. [01:16] I have no net connection on that box [01:16] Id have to write the shit down [01:17] jimisrvrox: ok....checking google I found a web page that says they fixed the problem by reformatting the usb drive.... [01:17] jeez! just found out I can't copy and paste a url from opera! [01:18] ok thats fine by me..already cut/pasted whatever the hell I wanted.. [01:18] but how would you format the drive in linux? [01:19] bc i am no cli expert..but I am learning some in a linux class right now using suse sles9 server and it sucks bc I do not learn anything about the desktop type stuff and inztead of helping us the stupid ass teacher tells us to go to google.. === Odin is now known as th0r [01:22] jeez...darn marina wifi [01:23] jimisrvrox: you still there? [01:23] yeah [01:24] the url I had indicated that reformatting the usb drive in windows might solve the read only issue...might be worth a try. [01:24] I have seen the problem before...had it myself...but don't remember what i did to fix it [01:28] heh sounds like me with the damn wireless [01:28] thing of it is when you format it in windows you have to format it as a windows FS [01:34] jimisrvrox: that is oki....use fat32...it will work fine in linux as vfat. [01:34] jimisrvrox: in fact, I would prefer fat32...so whatever you put on the drive is readable by ANY computer (except mac of course) [01:36] jimisrvrox: I run only linux on my computer, but would still format a usb drive as vfat [01:50] jimisrvrox: need to call it a night here. Hope the reformat works for you...good luck with the wireless === Odin is now known as Guest58350 === Guest58350 is now known as th0r [04:54] Im about to install xubuntu 9.04, but id like to netboot via grub instead of burning the iso. Where can I get the netboot installer without having to download the iso and extract them manually? [04:54] Could/should i use the ubuntu netboot instead? [04:56] netboot? [04:56] you mean netinst? [04:56] probably, not familiar with (x)ubuntu. [04:56] https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/installation-guide/i386/ch05s01.html#boot-initrd [04:56] but the netinst is an ISO too [04:56] and you need to burn it [04:56] ok, then no :) [04:57] use unetbooting [04:57] you need an ISO image, the use an USB to boot from it [04:57] then install ubuntu [04:57] that would be even mor overkill [04:59] forces, how similiar are ubuntu and xubuntu? [04:59] the DE makes the difference [04:59] ubuntu uses gnome and xubuntu xfce [05:00] yeah, but do they share the same boot process etc? [05:00] yes [05:00] the install process is the same in both [05:00] in all [05:00] forces, ok, so I can use this guide for the entire process? https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/installation-guide/i386/ch05s01.html#boot-initrd [05:00] (x)(k)(edu)ubuntu(studio) [05:01] yes [05:01] ok, so is there anywhere I can browse the 9.04 online? [05:02] all i want is the files netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/initrd.gz and netboot/ubuntu-installer/i386/linux, without having to download the whole iso. [05:05] the netinst ISO has like 8MB [05:05] oh, ok. [05:08] nevermind, found the files i was looking for. [05:09] i might have followed an unneccesarry symlink or something, but this is a kickass path :p /pub/os/Linux/distributions/ubuntu/ubuntu/dists/jaunty/main/installer-i386/current/images/netboot/386/ubuntu-installer/i386 [05:18] I'm having problems using the nvidia-xlg-71 package with xubuntu 9.04. Does anyone know if this still works? [05:21] sorry, that's nvidia-glx-71 [05:25] sounds like a driver for older chipsets [06:04] /away just when u think u r alone, take a look around [06:05] sorry floks [06:08] matir: how could you ever think you were alone? [06:31] i dont . people do [09:31] hello everyone [09:31] ih [09:31] If I minimize my Firefox where does this go actually ? I cannot find this nowhere. [09:31] In Ubuntu it was easy to find but in Xubunt bit different. [09:32] should still be able to alt+tab to it [09:33] ok, tried it out and it works. Great. [09:33] bye [09:33] although if it's not showing up on the panel & it's not in alt+tab it may have crashed... in which case you can open a terminal & `ps aux | grep firefox` to see if it's even running [09:34] found it with alt+tab [09:35] I now do see it on the panel. But slightly behind a active program currently running. [09:35] thanks for the tip. [12:33] whats the significance of this msg? : W: Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/restricted/l/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24/linux-restricted-modules-2.6.24-24-generic_2.6.24.18-24.1_i386.deb [12:33] Connection failed [IP: 80] [12:34] mikubuntu, that means that the server you get your packages from is (temporarily, I presume) down [12:34] You could try selecting a different mirror though Applications->System->Software Sources [12:35] (after a reboot on my friends machine) hes freaking out [12:35] Oh wait, it's not down for m [12:35] *me [12:35] Does he still have an internet connection? [12:35] he just sent me the email with the error message [12:35] i think thats his only comp [12:36] lemme call him [16:27] Hi [16:28] !hi [16:28] When i want to reboot, xfce says i dont have permission for hal.powermanagement or something like that [16:33] hex ctrl alt backspace , then ctrl alt delete [16:33] when i do that? [16:34] nikolam, wouldn't it better to find the cause of the problem? [16:35] vinnl, it happens sometimes to me to. My cause is xfapplet staying in memory i think [16:35] hexbase, do you happen to know if you use xfapplet? [16:35] when xfapplet is killed, user can log in ok [16:36] vinnl, i dont know [16:36] Then you probably don't :) [16:38] vinnl, no i dont have it [16:39] hexbase, you can go to console with ctrl alt F2 [16:39] and see what processes are active Before login to xfce and after problem with unable to restart from xfce [16:40] type ps -A | grep xf before log to xfce [16:41] so system refuse to restart -> ctrl alt backspace -> ctrl alt F2 ->log in -> ps -A | grep xf [16:41] see if you can see xf* something [17:22] hello, I have a ibook g4 running osx 10.3, I partitioned the HD using jaunty live and now I cant get back into osx.... any ideas on how to fix it? [17:22] I have a ibook g4 running osx 10.3, I partitioned the HD using jaunty live and now I cant get back into osx.... any ideas on how to fix it? [17:23] ianMac, did you also install Xubuntu after partitioning it? And are you sure you preserved the OS X partition during partitioning? [17:23] I did, Im in xubuntu now [17:24] I used the xubuntu partition tool during install [17:24] OK, ehm, could you install Gnome Partition Editor to find out whether your OSX partitions are still there for sure? [17:24] sure, Im pretty new to linux distros, can you tell me where I can get that? [17:26] system->synaptic package manager [17:26] and search for that [17:26] cool thanks [17:27] Or Applications->Add/Remove :) === Odin is now known as th0r [17:38] okay, the partition editor and it says it cant mount "machintosh HD" because the enclosing drive for the volume is locked [17:39] Hmm... Could it be that you did not shut down your computer correctly before you installed Xubuntu? [17:40] honestly I dont remember [17:40] could be because I had a hard time installing xubuntu and had to shut down from the xubuntu install several times by holding down the power button [17:41] OK well it seems like it might not matter, I think we can conclude that it is still there [17:41] When you boot your computer, do you see something like "Press Esc for boot menu"? [17:41] yea it shows 19.84gb for it [17:42] no it takes me to yaboot and asks me to choose between osx or linux or cd, when I choose osx it shows a file blinking to the mac logo and then a question mark [17:42] I tried holding option after the boot chime and it only gave linux as a choice to boot [17:43] Hmm, I don't really know anything about yaboot and the only thing I know of the question mark is that it means something went wrong booting [17:44] Which might after all have to do with the error you got in Gparted [17:44] I guess I need to find out how to unlock the mac drive now [17:44] Does gparted also show a suggestion for resolving it? [17:44] I would guess a disk check but I have no idea how that works on OS X disks [17:45] no, it just shows a caution sign next to fiel system that says uknown [17:45] :S [17:45] ya, thats what I said lol [17:45] And in the right-click menu there's also no "Check disk for errors" or something? [17:46] lemme see [17:48] okay I double clicked it and it says warning unable to detect file system: possible reasons- file system is damaged, file system is unknown to Gparted, there is no file system available [17:48] Hmm, the file system for OS X was HFS, right? [17:49] I think, but Im not sure, its whatever is default for osx 10.3 [17:49] It says here Gparted can check HFS+ but not HFS [17:49] Yeah well I have little to no knowledge about OS X :S [17:49] hda3, it says it up top [17:49] That's the name of the device, not the filesystem [17:49] Hmm :S [17:49] lol, my bad [17:50] You might try to see if there's an OS X support channel and whether they can help you there [17:50] k thanks anyway, I made some progress, at least I know its still there [17:50] Yeah let's hope all the data on there is still intact :S [17:51] yea, if not I guess I'll just have to do a new install [17:51] hey, whats the best flash plugin for ppc? [17:52] Ehm, I believe you had to fuss around with nspluginwrapper but I'm not sure [17:52] !flash [17:52] !ppc [17:52] Oh, ubottu's not here :( [17:53] ianMac, ah: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#Flash%20for%20AMD64%20and%20PPC [18:02] hey vinnl, r u still here? [18:02] ianMac, yep [18:03] friggin battery died, and for some reason xubuntu is freezing on wake up [18:03] Wake up as in fresh boot, or did you hibernate of suspend? [18:03] anyway, any suggestions on a good flash plugin for ppc? [18:03] Because the latter is known to often have problems [18:03] hibernate of suspend [18:03] *or suspend, sorry [18:03] ianMac, ah: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#Flash%20for%20AMD64%20and%20PPC [18:05] cool, I'll check it out, thats next on my list [18:06] thx for your help vinnl [18:06] gg [18:06] yw :) [19:33] Is there a way to make a bootable backup of my entire Xubuntu system (desktop settings, etc)? I've tried using RemasterSys and it says the image is too big for a DVD. I have an empty external harddrive I could use. [19:35] dkkong, why not simply install on that drive, and copy all the folders and files from your working to backup? [19:36] Like do a new installation to the external, and just copy the system to the main drive? Would that make it bootable? [19:37] dkkong, the install makes it bootable.... [19:37] Ibelieve there was one other than RemasterSys but I can't recall its name