
albeNthi guys!00:10
albeNthi guys...someone ther=00:11
albeNtI have a problem here!!!!00:11
albeNtmy HD is incresing temperature...solutions?....00:12
albeNtIm using ubuntu amd64 in hp pavilion 650000:12
Xnet0albeNt: your hard drive??00:12
albeNtis a WDC00:13
Xnet0albeNt: if so, thats not an issue with linux.. thats a hardware issue.00:13
albeNtwestern digital00:13
laurce faceti00:13
Xnet0albeNt; the only thing i could think of is that linux is not detecting all of your RAM. If this is true, more paging will occur on the HDD/00:13
albeNtYes I know, but there are some config in hdparm to fix it00:13
albeNtno ubuntu detect all my RAM welll00:14
Xnet0albeNt: hmm.. not sure..00:14
Xnet0Could anyone help me out with some networking issues???00:15
albeNtyep my HD is risint temp to 45-48 celsius degree00:15
Xnet0get a good case lol00:15
albeNtis that normal?00:15
Xnet0no. not at all00:15
Xnet0i have both the WD 500 and 640gb drives..00:16
Xnet0therer temp issues are easy00:16
albeNtmy HD critical temp is 60-65...T_T00:16
Xnet0dont worry lol00:16
camahuetoHi all00:16
Xnet0open your case if you have to00:16
camahuetoI don't know if anyone can help me with this00:16
albeNtI cant ia a laptop...lol00:17
Xnet0im having problems with my mac address, and my router assigning me another mac address upon startup. How can i help this?00:17
camahuetoI was adding labels to files on nepomuk in dolphin and then a konsole openned (the one inside dolphin)00:17
camahuetoin this konsole apperead a cd command to my current directory and then a clear command00:18
camahuetolike 10 times00:18
Xnet0camahueto; this console inside the window is perfect.. why would you want to remove it??00:18
albeNtok guys c ya later, and thanks for your help!.00:18
Xnet0camahueto: its great when compiling .java files, and other sorts..00:18
camahuetoI checked all the logs and nothing is strange in the authlog00:18
camahuetoI used it00:18
Xnet0can anyone help me with router ip assigning problems??00:19
camahuetoXnet0: I use that konsole, but I don't like when It appears when I don't ask for it, when It appears by itself and begins issuing commands by itself00:20
twasI want to set a static IP. I follow these directions: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-ubuntu-linux-convert-dhcp-network-configuration-to-static-ip-configuration.html00:20
camahuetoXnet0 It's strange00:20
twasBut after I reset my interface, I still have the dynamic IP00:20
twasHow can I get static IP?00:20
Xnet0twas, why do you need this static ip address?00:20
=== Xnet0 is now known as JavaTheJHut
twasXnet0: So I can direct my router to port forward to this machine00:21
JavaTheJHuttwas, aah i see. Im having an interesting problem also. I changed my mac address, and would like it to stay the same, but my ip is set to my static one upon startup. this changes my mac address.00:23
JavaTheJHuttwas, this causes my mac addresss to change back to the original one, everytime linux boots. If i change the mac while in linux then the router see's two of my machines.00:24
JavaTheJHuttwas, is this sort of what you are dealing with?00:24
twasNah, just the IP not the MAC00:24
JavaTheJHuttwas, oo so your ip address is a different one everytime you boot?00:25
JavaTheJHuttwas, what problems are DHCP causing you? i'm just asking because im interested.00:28
BluesKajtwas, wicd will allow static IP without mac address porbs00:33
BluesKaj!info wicd | twas00:35
ubottutwas: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-2 (jaunty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1860 kB00:35
BluesKajhmm, well you can lead a horse to water ....00:41
edgeBluesKaj, but it will drown in the water?00:44
Nameless_auhi. which is better - kmail or thunderbird?00:46
BluesKajedge,  uhm they can swim00:46
Nameless_auopinions pls00:46
edgeBluesKaj, they can , but they wont drink00:47
hydrogenNameless_au: thunderbird00:49
hydrogenkmail is pretty bad00:50
BluesKajkmail was good til they tried too hard to make it pretty and too easy to use ..totally screwed it up00:51
Nameless_autnx guys00:53
darrenhello, quick question. I just did a reinstall and my application audio isn't working.  I fixed this before very simply but don't remember how. Help?00:55
darrenI seem to recall disabling OSS I think, but do not remember exactly what I did.00:56
=== darren is now known as A3K
FirefisheHow do I kill the current xserver session from terminal? One of my Firefox extensions just took touchpad control away from me, so I need to restart the server.01:01
Fanfare_Firefishe: restart X-Server ? sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart01:04
Fanfare_Firefishe: CTRL+ALT+BACKSPACE01:04
=== JavaTheJHut is now known as Xnet0
ubsafderanyone knows how to get data out of track ?01:25
DrknezzHi! Is there anyway i can disable Compositing with a hotkey? KDE401:28
BluesKajhey thomasdorn01:48
thomasdorni just started using irc01:50
thomasdornwhat do you recommend for a news group program01:50
thomasdorndoes anyone know a good irc program for gnome01:50
BluesKajthis is kubuntu but kde apps work on gnome ..konversation for one01:52
thomasdornwhere can i see the other irc channels01:52
DaskreeCHthomasdorn: Might not want to :)01:53
BluesKajyou are using konversation thomasdorn , stick with it in gnome too :)01:53
DaskreeCHthomasdorn: What are you interested in?01:53
thomasdornpython programming01:53
BluesKajtype  /list in the server textbox01:53
BluesKaj /list python will give you several01:54
thomasdornthanks guys01:55
HFSPLUSKubuntu sucks02:07
HFSPLUSKubuntu sucks02:07
Planetaryok back, ok so  i all my graphics work great except hd flash videos, they are choppy. also fullscreen videos can be choppy. i do have legacy workaround on in compiz. i have kubutnu restricted extras installed. i have a geforce 7600gt with dirver 180 working fine. 173 and 96 are options. waht should i do, should i try a differnt driver?02:12
Planetarygila_monster: wil 185 work work with 7600? where do i get that and should i do that? is anyone else having problems with flash videos?02:13
HFSPLUSKubuntu sucks02:14
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) Riddell, Tm_T, fdoving, Mez, tsimpson, jpatrick, seth_k, apokryphos, nalioth, Hobbsee, robotgeek, imbrandon, gnomefreak, genii, Hawkwind, trappist, LjL, haggai, fooishbar, crimsun, seth, apokryphos, DBO, nixternal, PriceChild, Pici or jussi01!02:14
bazhangHFSPLUS, stop that02:14
DaskreeCHPricey: You realise he just called ops himself02:15
DaskreeCHassuming that was a him02:15
DaskreeCHPlanetary: Not familiar with the nVidia setup for graphics but I'll wager you can find out if it has support on the driver download site02:19
PlanetaryDaskreeCH: what site would that be?02:20
DaskreeCHnvidia.com ?02:21
Planetaryok nice i just downloaded 18502:23
Planetaryshould i use jocky or whatever to uninstall what i have first?02:23
=== kit_ is now known as district
voltyhi, I just upgraded from 8.04 to 9.04 and it seems a nightmare, panel color, cursor out of phase (some more chars ahead of where it actually puts the typed), difficulties with kpackagekit etc etc02:42
voltywhat do you suggest pls ?02:42
JavaTheJHutvolty, i had the same types of problems. The panel colour can be changed fromt the system settings menu. This option is under appearance.02:44
DaskreeCHvolty: for 8.04 Remix?02:46
voltyDaskreeCH: don't know02:47
DaskreeCHvolty: ok tell me what you did02:47
voltyDaskreeCH: I just clicked the button 'Version Upgrade' in Adept ...02:48
thomasdorn\list python02:48
DaskreeCHvolty: ok in KDE3?02:49
voltyDaskreeCH: it was all ok before the upgrade, now it's quite ugly with kde4.2.2 (from the menu editor)02:52
DaskreeCHvolty: So I assume that it upgraded to 8.10 first?02:52
voltyI don't think so02:52
DaskreeCHI've no clue what you did then :)02:53
DaskreeCHI didn't know that the system can update from 8.04 to 9.0402:53
voltyI'm ready to install it from scratch but only if I don't get again this crap of kde4 fancy02:53
DaskreeCHand you are running KDE 4.2.2 now you say?02:53
voltyit says so from the system menu editor02:53
DaskreeCHwhat do you call KDE 4 fancy ?02:54
voltythe colors, the fact I can't move widgets on the panel, I cannot find where to set the background color of the panel, i cannot install korundum for kde3 (ruby bindings)02:55
DaskreeCH!info konundrum02:55
ubottuPackage konundrum does not exist in jaunty02:55
DaskreeCHOh wait korundum ?02:55
DaskreeCH!info korundum02:55
ubottuPackage korundum does not exist in jaunty02:55
DaskreeCHNot sure I've ever heard of that02:55
volty!info libkorundum02:55
ubottuPackage libkorundum does not exist in jaunty02:56
voltybut it is listed using kpackagekit02:56
DaskreeCH!info kdebindings-kde402:56
ubottukdebindings-kde4 (source: kdebindings): KDE 4 bindings for Python, Ruby and (CIL) C#. In component universe, is optional. Version 4:4.2.2-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 4 kB, installed size 56 kB02:56

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