ctmjr | neohashi: run sudo nvidia-xconfig in a terminal then reboot see if that fixes it | 00:00 |
th0r | h4f1: that should allow you to use two or more sound feeds at once | 00:00 |
stefg | FloridaGuy: as i just found out gksudo is part of the gksu package | 00:00 |
funkyHat | th0r: why is installing esound a good idea? esound is deprecated | 00:00 |
linuxguy2009 | Im creating a custom compilation 100% SVG icon theme, and Im wondering if anyone know if a theme is missing an icon for an app, does ubuntu look at a "fallback" set of icons to grab it? Like from Clearlooks or Human maybe? | 00:00 |
th0r | funkyHat: I tried pulse and didn't like it...so went back to esound. I admitted already that pulse is the wave of the future...if you want to recommend it to him go ahead | 00:01 |
Lostinspace_46 | th0r coincidently pulse-rt is on of the fies that xmodmap is complaining about | 00:01 |
h4f1 | th0r: I have installed pulseaudio. esound is not even installed | 00:01 |
FloridaGuy | stefg, and thats installed | 00:01 |
civixier | Dr_Willis, thanks for responding. I tried using ./configure --prefix="</usr/local/lib/python3.0/> with the same result. It says that I should write where python is installed, isnt that the right place? | 00:01 |
th0r | h4f1: if you have pulse installed you should be able to use two or more audio feeds at once...can't have both esound and pulse | 00:02 |
stefg | FloridaGuy: so what happens if you run gksudo synaptic ? | 00:02 |
nonewmsgs | is there a way to have fstab autoconfigure itself via a gui or an automatic set up? i just added a drive | 00:02 |
funkyHat | h4f1: which version of ubuntu? | 00:02 |
th0r | h4f1: make sure all your audio apps are using pulse as the audio system and not alsa | 00:03 |
yomm | pulseaudio is especially nice if you have multiple linux boxes , only 1 needs to be connected to an amp , the rest connect via network to the pulseaudio server & play their audio over the network ... quite nice ! | 00:03 |
h4f1 | funkyHat: 904 | 00:03 |
Mx | Guys,guys! my sound just stopped working | 00:03 |
andresmh | how can I make Ubuntu syncs the time with some kind of web service so it's always on time? | 00:03 |
funkyHat | h4f1: is it upgraded from previous versions, or a fresh install? | 00:03 |
Mx | how do I fix it | 00:04 |
nonewmsgs | th0r, how do you do that? i have trouble with a java app and k3b | 00:04 |
h4f1 | th0r: wait so or alsa or pulseaudion or esound ? | 00:04 |
FloridaGuy | stefg, Failed to run synaptic as user root.The underlying authorization mechanism (sudo) does not allow you to run this program. Contact the system administrator. | 00:04 |
th0r | yomm: yeah....and you are using all those system resources for pulse whether you want a server or not...on every box | 00:04 |
funkyHat | h4f1: pulseaudio | 00:04 |
h4f1 | funkyHat: upgrade | 00:04 |
stefg | andresmh: ubuntu uses ntp-sync by default | 00:04 |
Mx | I am 9.04 | 00:04 |
GammaX | anyone know how I can set my video driver from nvidia to vesa? | 00:04 |
=== Andre_Gondim-afk is now known as Andre_Gondim | ||
yomm | th0r , you can easily disable the server side | 00:04 |
h4f1 | cause I use alsa sound, cause only that seems to support my microphont | 00:04 |
stefg | FloridaGuy: so your user is not a member of admin / sudo group | 00:04 |
th0r | yomm: you can easily disable pulse <smile> | 00:04 |
funkyHat | h4f1: have you tried to fix your sound before (with previous versions)? | 00:04 |
andresmh | stefg, where do you configure what server it uses then? | 00:04 |
yomm | disables th0r :) | 00:05 |
linuxguy2009 | GammaX: Why in the world would you want to downgrade your video to vesa? | 00:05 |
Lostinspace_46 | I don't understand why xmodmap needs pulse any way way. But then again when I tried to pipe yesterday, klogd wanted my "Ham" callsign. Go figure! | 00:05 |
th0r | yomm: there may be a reason there are so many howtos on removing pulse and installing esound | 00:05 |
GammaX | linux, cause i believe its overheating my laptop lol | 00:05 |
funkyHat | h4f1: pulseaudio is a layer on top of alsa, so it should support all cards that alsa supports (there are some bugs though) | 00:05 |
h4f1 | funkyHat: the sound is working. but some time can't have two applications accesing the sound/ | 00:05 |
Mx | funkyhat:I have a sound problem as well | 00:05 |
funkyHat | h4f1: can you check that pulseaudio is running? | 00:05 |
FloridaGuy | stefg, i guess not sence i did alowd root access in advanced user mot on the netinstall cd | 00:05 |
th0r | h4f1: Mx I have no sound problems at all <smile> | 00:05 |
linuxguy2009 | GammaX: If your laptop is on, its gonna get warm. Changing display to vesa wont do anything but make the screen look like crap. | 00:06 |
Guest34901 | does ubuntu have ppc version? | 00:06 |
Mx | need help with my sound | 00:06 |
nonewmsgs | is fixing th sound problems a priority for 9.9? | 00:06 |
rootlinuxusr | Guest: It does. | 00:06 |
Mx | can anyone help | 00:06 |
funkyHat | Mx: when did your sound stop working? was it after an update or something? | 00:06 |
Guest34901 | rootlinuxusr is it old or updated? | 00:06 |
h4f1 | funkyHat: Yeap it's running | 00:06 |
GammaX | linuxguy2009, As I said before.... Its (over heating) my laptop. An nvidia 8600m puts out osme heat | 00:07 |
rootlinuxusr | Guest: updated. | 00:07 |
stefg | andresmh: it's in the time/date control applet | 00:07 |
moymoy | GammaX: what's the core temp of your card? | 00:07 |
Mx | funkyhat:it just stopped | 00:07 |
linuxguy2009 | GammaX: Yeah thats what they do. You can use whatever drivers you want and the card still eats the same power and puts out the same heat. | 00:07 |
Mx | I didn't update anything | 00:07 |
rootlinuxusr | http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ports/releases/9.04/release/ | 00:07 |
rootlinuxusr | First link under Desktop CD | 00:08 |
linuxguy2009 | GammaX: Buy a lappy cooler thats about as good as it gets. | 00:08 |
funkyHat | Mx: does it work if you reboot? | 00:08 |
FloridaGuy | stefg, users-admin...has me..my user and root | 00:08 |
Mx | no it does not | 00:08 |
Balk | hi | 00:08 |
Balk | for all | 00:08 |
Mx | I dual boot with windows and my sound card works just fine | 00:08 |
Balk | hloo | 00:09 |
yomm | th0r : that reason imho is the same as there were so many tutorials on how to build your nvidia driver ( in the old days I mean :) ) or anything else that requires a bit of tweaking and doesnt work 100% out of the box | 00:09 |
stefg | FloridaGuy: then check /etc/sudoers if the admin group has sudo privileges. I don't know if that's the default if you choose to run a root account | 00:09 |
Mx | funkyhat:are u there? | 00:09 |
jeanrussou | Dr_Willis: it was my /etc/inputrc settings | 00:09 |
linuxguy2009 | Mx: What version of Ubuntu? | 00:10 |
th0r | yomm: well....I don't subscribe to the 'one install does everything' philosophy. If I want a sound server I will install a sound server. My sound system should play sound on my computer...end of story. | 00:10 |
andresmh | stefg, really? Where exactly? This is all I see http://img413.imageshack.us/img413/7541/screenshot1nkf.png | 00:10 |
Mx | 9.04 | 00:10 |
yomm | th0r : that's exactly my point :) | 00:10 |
Mx | linuxguy:did u get that? | 00:10 |
linuxguy2009 | Mx: Does the sound work in a live CD boot? | 00:11 |
Mx | yes it does,isn't that funny | 00:11 |
funkyHat | h4f1: who owns the process? | 00:11 |
stefg | andresmh: not that one... in system> admin > time & date | 00:11 |
funkyHat | h4f1: also what is the output of the "groups" command? | 00:11 |
linuxguy2009 | Mx: You might have a buggy update installed. I would recomend maybe trying the LTS release cause its had more fixes and patches etc. | 00:11 |
Mx | how do I do that? | 00:12 |
neohashi | need help with x11 error: screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration... yeah upgrade to nvidia 185.18.14 (via installer) killed acceleration.. running low graphivs mode at this moment. | 00:12 |
linuxguy2009 | Mx: ubuntu.com download the ISO for 8.04.3 LTS | 00:12 |
th0r | yomm: I would be interested in knowing if removing pulse and installing esound fixed the issues for these guys | 00:13 |
happosade | !download | 00:13 |
ubottu | Ubuntu installation CDs can be downloaded from http://releases.ubuntu.com - Mirrors can be found at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Mirrors - PLEASE use the !torrents to download Jaunty, and help keeping the servers' load low! | 00:13 |
andresmh | stefg, great! found it. i now realize i don't have ntpn | 00:13 |
Mx | u mean 9.04.3 | 00:13 |
yomm | neohashi ; sudo nvidia-xconfig & then restart your comp or your x server | 00:13 |
linuxguy2009 | Mx: There is no point releases for regular releases. I meant what i said 8.04.3 | 00:13 |
funkyHat | Mx: no, he means 8 | 00:13 |
neohashi | have tried that .. sudo nvidia-xconfig && restart did nothing | 00:13 |
h4f1 | any one know "how to ubuntu cluster" at least some tutorial or where to look for ? | 00:14 |
yomm | th0r ; for multiple sound sources , don't they need to enable software mixing ? | 00:14 |
Xodiac13 | what is the wine irc | 00:14 |
stefg | !wine | 00:14 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 00:14 |
th0r | yomm: just install esound and make sure the apps use alsa | 00:14 |
=== bud is now known as Guest30263 | ||
ctmjr | neohashi: when you said upgraded what driver did you have before that? | 00:14 |
FloridaGuy | stefg, here's what sudoers says.... http://pastebin.com/m19fa05f0 | 00:14 |
GammaX | ubuntu is literally about to melt my laptop case lol | 00:14 |
Guest30263 | whats are some cool plugins for the desktop | 00:14 |
Pandemic187 | hey can somebody tell me how to install themes on xubuntu? | 00:15 |
mohd | hi guys | 00:15 |
linuxguy2009 | GammaX: The operating system has nothing to do with how hot your hardware gets. | 00:15 |
th0r | yomm: but installing esound automatically uninstalls pulse | 00:15 |
mohd | i have problem with installing .tar.bz2 archives | 00:15 |
mohd | anyone help !!! | 00:15 |
mohd | please | 00:15 |
ctmjr | !eyecandy | Guest30263 | 00:15 |
ubottu | Guest30263: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy | 00:15 |
GammaX | linuxguy2009, obviously if its controlling it. | 00:15 |
stefg | FloridaGuy: http://pastebin.com/m1a2081a4 is waht it shoul be | 00:15 |
yomm | th0r : is that new since Jaunty ? | 00:15 |
th0r | mohd: you don't install tar.bz2 archives | 00:15 |
Pandemic187 | can someone tell me how to install themes in xubuntu? | 00:16 |
mohd | yes th0r | 00:16 |
mohd | i still cant install it | 00:16 |
neohashi | well.. not entirely sure.. 180.. the official one via ubuntu gui installer | 00:16 |
Xodiac13 | !wine | 00:16 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 00:16 |
th0r | yomm: I guess...I was out of computer for a while (dead toshiba) and when I got the replacement i waited for jaunty before installing | 00:16 |
linuxguy2009 | GammaX: Dear god! Go download ANY other linux distro or install windows. Hardware uses a preset voltage and creates its own heat as a result. All OSs will do the same thing as far as heat goes. Has absolutley nothing to do with it. | 00:16 |
Pandemic187 | anyone? | 00:16 |
FloridaGuy | stefg, replace mine with that | 00:17 |
help` | why this warning come when i use pppoe: Jul 27 02:16:51 kad pppd[7785]: Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/chap-secrets has world and/or group access | 00:17 |
stefg | FloridaGuy: yes.. i just added the needed lines | 00:17 |
th0r | mohd: and how do you do that, do tell? You can install the contents....once you extract it | 00:17 |
FloridaGuy | ok | 00:17 |
GammaX | linuxguy2009, wow I wish u knew what you were talking about. | 00:17 |
mohd | when write xvid this it goes ok | 00:17 |
linuxguy2009 | GammaX: Same here dude. | 00:17 |
mechtech_ny | any other software I could use for gnutella? | 00:17 |
yomm | linuxguy : and what about speedstep & cpu fan voltages & stuff ? | 00:18 |
stefg | FloridaGuy: and make sure you're member of admin | 00:18 |
mechtech_ny | other than gtk-gnutella? | 00:18 |
ctmjr | neohashi: did you uninstall it first before installing the new driver if not you need to uninstall everything and reinstall | 00:18 |
Mx | linuxguy:so u mean that the 8.04 is more stable than 9.04 | 00:18 |
mohd | but when write ./configure or make it say error | 00:18 |
GammaX | linuxguy2009, a preconfigured OS has drivers wich set voltages... hardware doesnt control that. | 00:18 |
yomm | linuxguy : that could very well be OS specific | 00:18 |
th0r | mechtech_ny: did you try gtk-gnutella, limewire, azureus | 00:18 |
linuxguy2009 | Mx: 8.04.3 has had probably about 300+ updates integrated since 8.04 release. So yes. | 00:18 |
Gnea | linuxguy2009: actually, your OS can determine how hot your hardware gets | 00:18 |
mechtech_ny | GammaX: also often BIOS settings can control voltage | 00:18 |
linuxguy2009 | Gnea: lol | 00:18 |
bonez46 | why do some pages allow me to interact with the menu and hotkeys while others seem oblivious to hot key combinations and instead require mouse pointer activation? | 00:18 |
Mx | ok | 00:19 |
th0r | mechtech_ny: did you search synaptic for gnutella? | 00:19 |
GammaX | mechtech_ny, agreed. | 00:19 |
yomm | linuxguy : gnea is right | 00:19 |
mechtech_ny | th0r: limewire for Ubuntu? I have not...will try now...thanks | 00:19 |
linuxguy2009 | yomm: lol | 00:19 |
Gnea | linuxguy2009: if I tell my OS to run a boinc client that chews up CPU usage, the fans are going to spin faster. | 00:19 |
stefg | !frostwire | mechtech_ny | 00:19 |
ubottu | mechtech_ny: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire. For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire | 00:19 |
linuxguy2009 | Gnea: CPU usage has nothing to do with OS choice. | 00:19 |
mechtech_ny | stefg: thanks | 00:19 |
th0r | mechtech_ny: If I remember right limewire is java | 00:19 |
linuxguy2009 | Gnea: lol | 00:20 |
mohd | th0r i cant th0r can i pm u because i cant speak here | 00:20 |
mohd | ok ??? | 00:20 |
yomm | linuxguy2009 : Gnea : I'm more referring to how the OS hndles things like Intel's Speedstep , & variable fan voltages | 00:20 |
Guest30263 | why is y name Guest | 00:20 |
GammaX | linuxguy2009, stop trying to "POWN" people and know the facts. I asked for help... not an noob reply. | 00:20 |
mechtech_ny | th0r: I'll just give frostwire a try first...thanks | 00:20 |
linuxguy2009 | yomm: Thats all controlled on a BIOS level not OS level. | 00:20 |
ctmjr | !stop | 00:20 |
ubottu | NOTICE - Please stop this discussion NOW. See !offtopic for things that are inappropriate to discuss in this channel. Continuing will result in action being taken. | 00:20 |
linuxguy2009 | ctmjr: lol | 00:21 |
Gnea | yomm: I haven't noticed any problem with variable fan voltages... not sure about the speedstep, though.. pretty sure it's not an issue, though. lm-sensors is great at keeping tabs on it. | 00:21 |
mechtech_ny | guest30263: because you need to register you nick with the server to own it | 00:21 |
ctmjr | am not an op but making me dizzy | 00:21 |
mechtech_ny | !register | 00:21 |
ubottu | Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode | 00:21 |
linuxguy2009 | mechtech_ny: Who cares who is registered? | 00:22 |
help` | why this warning come when i use pppoe: Jul 27 02:16:51 kad pppd[7785]: Warning - secret file /etc/ppp/chap-secrets has world and/or group access | 00:22 |
linuxguy2009 | guest30263 I see | 00:22 |
mechtech_ny | linuxguy2009: guest30263 might...see above posts | 00:22 |
mohd | thooooooor | 00:22 |
jeeves | how can I make a custom launcher for Gl_tail? | 00:22 |
linuxguy2009 | Yeah I see | 00:22 |
mohd | tell me how to install this | 00:23 |
kitche | Guest30263: most likely it's due to whatever client your using | 00:23 |
Gnea | mohd: 'this'? | 00:23 |
th0r | mohd: what are you trying to install? | 00:23 |
linuxguy2009 | jeeves: google is full of simple tutorials such as this. | 00:23 |
stefg | help`: you should chown it to the dialout group and chmod it to 775 | 00:23 |
Lostinspace_46 | My xmodmap is giving me problems. Looking for permissions, most of which I can prolly deal with. The missing or moved files are a different matter. The errorlog is here http://paste.ubuntu.com/234129/ and I am pretty well stuck | 00:23 |
mohd | yes gnea | 00:23 |
mohd | yes th0r | 00:23 |
yomm | ctmjr : what discussion are you referring at ? | 00:24 |
stefg | !permissions | help` | 00:24 |
ubottu | help`: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions | 00:24 |
th0r | !ask | mohd | 00:24 |
n1lqj | is there away to turn off the local echo on stdin when running a program? | 00:24 |
ubottu | mohd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 00:24 |
jeeves | linuxguy2009, thanks. | 00:24 |
Gnea | !troll | mohd | 00:24 |
ubottu | mohd: trolling / trollish behaviour is behaviour that is considered annoying by other channel users, this includes going offtopic, asking the same question time and again getting answered and not acknowledging the answer, and these are not the only ways behaviour can be considered trolling, please see /msg ubottu guidelines - if this applies to you, you may find yourself outside the channel | 00:24 |
help` | stefg got u | 00:24 |
Lostinspace_46 | A somewhat related question. Session ID. That refers to login and not boot, correct? | 00:25 |
linuxguy2009 | Gnea: Who is a troll? | 00:25 |
trollboy | having a crazy driver problem. I've got a device, that has the kernel module loaded, but its not being applied. It works under puppy linux. Here's what I see: dmesg, lsusb from Ubuntu: http://pastebin.com/m5703d5f5 lsmod from ubuntu: http://pastebin.com/m3836152a dmesg from puppy linux: http://pastebin.com/m3bee584d lsmod from puppy linux: http://pastebin.com/m65452395 | 00:25 |
stefg | help`: thinking twice 775 might be not optimal... read the permissions factoid | 00:25 |
Gnea | linuxguy2009: please see the description that ubottu just gave mohd | 00:26 |
linuxguy2009 | Gnea: Why do you hide behind ubottu? Be your own man. hehe | 00:27 |
FloridaGuy | stefg, what format is sudoers supose to be? | 00:27 |
Gnea | linuxguy2009: do you have an on-topic question? | 00:27 |
help` | stefg same thing | 00:27 |
trollboy | anyone? | 00:27 |
stefg | FloridaGuy: plain text :-) | 00:27 |
linuxguy2009 | Gnea: Im not sure your a mod and can really do anything about it, | 00:27 |
help` | stefg should i use sticky ? | 00:27 |
Guest30263 | how do your register your name | 00:27 |
mohd | i see it gnea | 00:27 |
stefg | FloridaGuy: you need to logout and back for changes to take effect | 00:28 |
mohd | i have 2 eyes | 00:28 |
Guest30263 | can it be done from terminal | 00:28 |
help` | stefg can u check default permissions with ur system? | 00:28 |
Gnea | mohd: k, just wondering what you were trying to install | 00:28 |
FloridaGuy | stefg, ...ok was just woundering...cloror of it changed when i saved it | 00:28 |
Dr_Willis | Guest30263: if you mean register your nickname here on IRC.. start with /msg nickserv help | 00:28 |
stefg | help`: no... just make it belong to :dialout and make yourself member of that group | 00:28 |
FloridaGuy | stefg, had to make it read/write in order to saved it | 00:28 |
Gnea | linuxguy2009: that's okay, the channel is publicly logged. | 00:28 |
mohd | .tar.gz2 archive | 00:29 |
FloridaGuy | brb see what happens | 00:29 |
linuxguy2009 | Gnea: Please dont pretend to be a mod. | 00:29 |
help` | stefg actually i'm using root | 00:29 |
th0r | mohd: WHAT tar.gz2 archive? | 00:29 |
Gnea | linuxguy2009: welcome to /ignore | 00:29 |
help` | stefg and root is in the own files ! | 00:29 |
stefg | help`: bad system admin... no bedtime story tonight :-) | 00:29 |
mohd | .tar.gz2 archive when try to compile it its okyes thor | 00:30 |
th0r | Gnea: for some reason he doesn't want to tell us <smile> | 00:30 |
stefg | help`: chown it to root:dialout and make sure it's not worl readable | 00:30 |
stefg | *world | 00:30 |
Gnea | mohd: what's the full filename? | 00:30 |
mohd | but when write next step (make ) it bring error | 00:30 |
Guest30263 | thanks | 00:30 |
yomm | mohd : the way to install 'this' is to do 'that' ! | 00:30 |
mohd | lame-398-2.tar.tar | 00:31 |
Gnea | trollboy: do you have the same results from ubuntu? | 00:31 |
th0r | mohd: that isn't an install problem it is a compile problem....try asking in #gcc | 00:31 |
linuxguy2009 | mohd: Whats your issue with your tar.gz file? | 00:31 |
mohd | is this room ??? | 00:31 |
trollboy | Gnea, see my pastebins | 00:32 |
trollboy | I got LSMOD and DMESG from both | 00:32 |
mohd | tar xvzf package.tar.gz | 00:32 |
Guest30263 | nickserv register 92bud92 | 00:32 |
Gnea | trollboy: yeah, they're all from puppylinux. this is #ubuntu, can you provide the Ubuntu logs? | 00:32 |
Gnea | !info libmp3lame0 | 00:32 |
ubottu | libmp3lame0 (source: lame): LAME Ain't an MP3 Encoder. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 3.98-0.0 (jaunty), package size 129 kB, installed size 328 kB | 00:32 |
FloridaGuy | stefg, thanks....everything works now | 00:32 |
trollboy | Gnea, re-read I got both, lemme repaste them to you | 00:32 |
Gnea | trollboy: ok | 00:32 |
help` | stefg i did as u told me , there is no world user or group in my | 00:32 |
help` | system | 00:33 |
Gnea | trollboy: didn't see the dmesg from ubuntu | 00:33 |
FloridaGuy | now gota run to store | 00:33 |
stefg | FloridaGuy: np.... and next time just don't use a root pw | 00:33 |
joh | Alright, I'm having serious issues with the live usb stick | 00:33 |
trollboy | its with the lsmod | 00:33 |
trollboy | one sec | 00:33 |
joh | For some reason it mounts my main harddisk read-only under /cdrom | 00:33 |
Gnea | trollboy: no it's not | 00:34 |
stefg | help`: 'world' is a term for 'everyone' the last octet | 00:34 |
joh | And I'm unable to unmount it because it's busy | 00:34 |
arand | mohd: and version 3.98-0.0 won't cut it? (This is in the ubuntu repos -- way easier) | 00:34 |
Gnea | trollboy: I see 2 lines from dmesg | 00:34 |
trollboy | yeah | 00:34 |
trollboy | that's all there is for it | 00:34 |
Lostinspace_46 | !offtopic | 00:34 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 00:34 |
h4f1 | joh: try --force or something | 00:34 |
mohd | no arand there is another progs not found in repos | 00:34 |
help` | stefg aha these are permissions : drwxrwsr-x | 00:34 |
trollboy | I run dmesg -c to clear the buffer, I plug the device in, do dmesg again and that's ALL there is | 00:34 |
Gnea | Lostinspace_46: is someone being offtopic? | 00:34 |
stefg | help`: a chmod 777 woul mak a file 'world writable' . | 00:34 |
joh | h4f1: umount2: Device or resource busy | 00:34 |
help` | stefg okie | 00:34 |
joh | h4f1: It just won't unmount | 00:34 |
Sp0tter | I'm having problems setting up nvidia Twinview with my HDTV. It only lets me use max resolution of 1024x768 instead of the regular 720p one of my tv. I have read tons of forums and tried all sorts of things.. lots of conflicting info.. some day disabed the eide auto settings, some say enable them.. i've tried lots of stuff.. anyone have a solution they know works? | 00:35 |
Gnea | trollboy: are you plugging it into a usb port on the system, or into a usb hub? | 00:35 |
yomm | joh : or cd out of devices the directory... that prevents unmounting sometimes | 00:35 |
h4f1 | joh: even if you're root ? | 00:35 |
Sp0tter | using Ubuntu 9.04 with the revision 180 nvidia driver | 00:35 |
joh | yomm: I'm not in the directory! | 00:35 |
joh | fuser -m -v /cdrom displays nothing | 00:35 |
Lostinspace_46 | No, I saw that message earlier, and couldn't figure out what the issue was | 00:35 |
FloridaGuy | stefg, i know...guess who ever created mint linux...new how to set everything up for that | 00:35 |
h4f1 | joh: are you trying to umount cdrom ? | 00:36 |
help` | stefg same thing :( | 00:36 |
joh | h4f1: Yes, /dev/sda1 on /cdrom type ext4 (ro,noatime,barrier=1,data=ordered) | 00:36 |
trollboy | Gnea, on which? | 00:36 |
trollboy | I get the same output regardless | 00:36 |
joh | h4f1: Why on earth is it mounted as /cdrom? | 00:36 |
Lostinspace_46 | I thought that command would give me the offtopic list. | 00:36 |
joh | h4f1: The usb stick is mounted as /media/live | 00:36 |
h4f1 | joh: try eject | 00:36 |
trollboy | ubuntu ONLY got it direct though, never through a hub | 00:36 |
Gnea | trollboy: it's a usb device, right? are you plugging it into a usb port that's on the system, or into a usb hub that's plugged into a usb port on the system? | 00:37 |
joh | h4f1: It's not my cdrom that's mounted under /cdrom, it's my primary hard drive! | 00:37 |
joh | h4f1: For some reason, the usb live system mounted it under /cdrom without the option to unmount it | 00:37 |
trollboy | Gnea, its a usb device, it is plugged directly into the ubuntu box | 00:37 |
h4f1 | joh: funny. so how do you want it to umount if the whole system is working there | 00:37 |
Gnea | trollboy: alright - what kind of device is it? phone? | 00:37 |
joh | h4f1: this is a live usb stick, and I need to use it to rescue my main system | 00:38 |
trollboy | GSM TTY device | 00:38 |
trollboy | a modem | 00:38 |
Lostinspace_46 | Session ID. That refers to login and not boot, correct? | 00:38 |
joh | h4f1: But I can't do anything as long as my primary hard drive is mounted | 00:38 |
travlingeek | other then the net download can i install app from a cd what are the step by step if its possible | 00:39 |
Lostinspace_46 | I guess I just mean session. | 00:39 |
h4f1 | joh: shouldn't be mounted to rescue ? | 00:39 |
joh | h4f1: No, you | 00:39 |
Maira_LRB | Is there someone already used wubi? | 00:39 |
joh | h4f1: No, it shouldn't but for some reason the live cd mixes the devices up | 00:39 |
Mx | I am downloading for installation to solve a sound problem in 9.04. pls is there nothing else I can do get sound in 9.04 | 00:40 |
joh | h4f1: I think it believes that /dev/sda1 is the usb stick | 00:40 |
h4f1 | joh: what exactly you want to rescue ? | 00:40 |
joh | h4f1: My primary hard-drive | 00:40 |
joh | h4f1: I need to run an fsck on it | 00:40 |
joh | h4f1: But I can't as long as the stupid live system has it mounted | 00:41 |
joh | h4f1: And I'm unable to mount it | 00:41 |
coleys | joh: sudo umount /dev/sda# | 00:41 |
stefg | joh: your bios might swap drives around to enable booting from usb... run sudo fdisk -l or cat /proc/partitions and see if your harddrive is on sdb now | 00:41 |
h4f1 | joh: do you have gparted in live cd ? if so run it. there should be an option to umount | 00:41 |
trollboy | Gnea? | 00:41 |
Gnea | trollboy: looking | 00:41 |
joh | coleys: umount: /cdrom: device is busy. | 00:42 |
edge | i would like to put new music on my Ipod, what program would best work for doing this and creating new playlists? | 00:42 |
coleys | edge: gtkpod | 00:42 |
Gnea | trollboy: are you sure it's using the correct module? are there any other modules being blacklisted? | 00:42 |
coleys | joh: You want unmount your cd rom? | 00:42 |
hkdnz | Hello: I am looking to install ubuntu on my spare PC. The PC has two identical HDs. One HD I want Ubuntu on, the other one holds important data. How can I tell on which HD I will install ubuntu? | 00:42 |
joh | coleys: It's not my cd rom | 00:42 |
joh | coleys: sda1 is my primary hard-drive and is mounted under /cdrom | 00:42 |
help` | stefg does this affect on my pppoe login ? | 00:42 |
coleys | joh: sudo umount /dev/sda# #(CHANGE NUMBER TO PARTITION. THAT YOU WANT TO FSCK) | 00:42 |
monkey2 | I am trying to keep directories in sync between 2 computers in a real-time fashion, any ideas on how to achieve this. I have been trying lsyncd and incron, any suggestions? thanks. | 00:42 |
coleys | o.o | 00:42 |
coleys | monkey2: nfs? | 00:43 |
joh | stefg: My hard-drive is /dev/sda1 | 00:43 |
monkey2 | coleys: nope. | 00:43 |
joh | stefg: The usb stick is /dev/sdb1 | 00:43 |
coleys | monkey2: rsync | 00:43 |
trollboy | Gnea, its the same module that puppy's using | 00:43 |
trollboy | Gnea, I don't believe its blacklisted, how do I check? | 00:43 |
coleys | joh: Go into live cd, and do it. =o | 00:43 |
joh | stefg: /dev/sda1 on /cdrom type ext4 (ro,noatime,barrier=1,data=ordered) | 00:43 |
stefg | help`: should not... it'S a waring that everyone can read or modify your pppoe login, but it should still work | 00:44 |
joh | coleys: I *am* in a live cd, you don't understand my problem. | 00:44 |
coleys | joh: Then you should be clear! | 00:44 |
Gnea | trollboy: what I'm wondering, is if there's another module that's being blacklisted that it needs - usually in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 00:44 |
Lostinspace_46 | Is it considered bad form to autopost a question every 1/2 hour. So that if someone has any advice they can leave a message? | 00:44 |
monkey2 | coleys: lsyncd is using rsync with inotify (but I run into issues when propogating changes bidirectionally) | 00:44 |
coleys | Lostinspace_46: Whats your question? | 00:44 |
h4f1 | joh: did you try umount with gparted ? | 00:44 |
trollboy | Gnea, no such file or directory | 00:44 |
help` | stefg what's ur permission of ppp Directory ? | 00:45 |
switch10__ | coleys: he was clear. You came in late | 00:45 |
stefg | Lostinspace_46: just imagine wht happens when 1327 people in this channel do this | 00:45 |
Gnea | trollboy: is there anything in /etc/modprobe.d/ ? | 00:45 |
coleys | switch10__: Thats his problem, not mine. | 00:45 |
trollboy | yes | 00:45 |
trollboy | one moment | 00:45 |
Lostinspace_46 | coleys Huge..LOL. xmodmap is giving me fits, | 00:46 |
stefg | help`:-rw------- 1 root root 80 2009-04-08 08:53 chap-secrets | 00:46 |
coleys | Lostinspace_46: How'd it happen? | 00:46 |
Lostinspace_46 | I have errorlog at http://paste.ubuntu.com/234129/ | 00:46 |
stefg | help`: ah, i see... only root shall access it, because the pppd is running as root anyway | 00:47 |
help` | stefg got group and user root | 00:47 |
help` | ? | 00:47 |
trollboy | Gnea, the driver is not listed anywhere in /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist | 00:47 |
Lostinspace_46 | coleys Well some of it is due to missing files pulse-rc for one | 00:47 |
volk | can anyone tell me why 'ls -lsaR > test.txt' has different input than 'ls -lsaR' when i check in the .txt file? | 00:47 |
Lostinspace_46 | pulse-rt | 00:47 |
Gnea | trollboy: okay. what kind of modem is it? make/model? | 00:47 |
Lostinspace_46 | sorry | 00:47 |
coleys | Lostinspace_46: When did it occur, after update or... removal of something? | 00:48 |
help` | stefg change it to 600 permission and it work | 00:48 |
boss_mc | volk, does ls use the stderr stream as well as the stdout? | 00:48 |
volk | boss_mc: i dont know, how do i tell? | 00:48 |
Lostinspace_46 | This is the first time I have tried to use it | 00:48 |
volk | boss_mc: i should mention i am doing this in / | 00:48 |
travlingeek | if somebody would like to help me would it be possible to do it in pm | 00:48 |
bp0 | hello, im trying to follow the instructions at the bottom of https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-source-2.6.20/+bug/86798 | 00:48 |
volk | boss_mc: all otehr directories run ls -lsaR perfectly why / has trouble running that command | 00:48 |
boss_mc | volk: try ls -lsaR 2> text2.txt | 00:48 |
trollboy | Gnea Multitech Systems MultiModem GPRS model MTCBA-G-U-F4 | 00:48 |
coleys | travlingeek: Just ask your question. | 00:49 |
bp0 | but im not getting very far | 00:49 |
switch10__ | travlingeek: what is your question | 00:49 |
travlingeek | well im want to know iif possible to install app from a cd and if yes how | 00:49 |
trollboy | the drivers on their page: http://www.multitech.com/en_US/SUPPORT/Families/MultiModemGPRS/drivers.asp are NOT compatible with debian based kernels due to changes in the Debian Kernel Header USB file structure | 00:49 |
Lostinspace_46 | coleys I thought it would be easier to mod my keymap | 00:49 |
volk | boss_mc: what does the 2> do ? | 00:49 |
coleys | travlingeek: get .debs to the cd, and yes. | 00:49 |
geirha | volk: &> text2.txt redirects both stdout and stderr to the file | 00:49 |
boss_mc | volk: it's the same as > but for the second output stream (stderr) | 00:50 |
xcdfgkjhgcv | I can't connect using VPN and can't figure out what's wrong. | 00:50 |
volk | ls -lsaR 2> text2.txt or ls -lsaR&> text2.txt | 00:50 |
volk | boss_mc: | 00:50 |
th0r | xcdfgkjhgcv: you using network manager? | 00:50 |
boss_mc | volk: either, try & first actually | 00:50 |
Gnea | trollboy: well according to what you pasted, there should be a new device in /dev/ttyUSB0 or something like that? | 00:50 |
coleys | Lostinspace_46: Im not really sure about problem to be honest, I havn't had similar problems myself. | 00:50 |
xcdfgkjhgcv | th0r: Yes. I think I should check ufw | 00:50 |
mechtech_ny | how to kill package installer please | 00:51 |
trollboy | Gnea, yeah, there SHOULD be, and it is on Puppy linux, but no love on ubuntu | 00:51 |
th0r | xcdfgkjhgcv: if you get nowhere and are grasping for straws you might consider switching to wicd | 00:51 |
Lostinspace_46 | coleys you have xmodmap working? Which ubuntu distro | 00:51 |
jo | shoot it | 00:51 |
th0r | xcdfgkjhgcv: don't know how it is with vpn, but nm won't do static ip....wicd will | 00:51 |
Pizloz | VideoRam no longer does anything in xorg.conf how do i increase the video memory from 256 to 512? | 00:51 |
Server_Side | how can i set screenlets to start auto when ubuntu does? | 00:51 |
Sp0tter | I'm having problems setting up nvidia Twinview with my HDTV. It only lets me use max resolution of 1024x768 instead of the regular 720p one of my tv. I have read tons of forums and tried all sorts of things.. lots of conflicting info.. some day disabed the edid auto settings, some say enable them.. i've tried lots of stuff.. anyone have a solution they know works? | 00:51 |
coleys | Lostinspace_46: I use arch linux. | 00:51 |
geirha | Lostinspace_46: Why do you need to use xmodmap? | 00:52 |
xcdfgkjhgcv | th0r: Do I need to open any ports? | 00:52 |
th0r | xcdfgkjhgcv: not sure...let me check | 00:52 |
switch10__ | Server_Side: in session | 00:52 |
Gnea | trollboy: hrm, and you're on 9.04? | 00:52 |
volk | is there a command that shows how long another command took to carry something out? | 00:52 |
Tfnrsh | hey there i got a problem with bzr-gtk n bzr-notify here maybe u can take a look http://paste.arneburk.de/bzr_error.log | 00:52 |
Server_Side | switch10__: how?? | 00:52 |
Lostinspace_46 | coleys Ahh, see Jaunty changed some file names. | 00:52 |
geirha | volk: prepend the command with time. "time command" | 00:52 |
xcdfgkjhgcv | th0r: It's pptp | 00:52 |
coleys | Lostinspace_46: Makes it alot more confusing I imagine. | 00:52 |
volk | geirha: thank you | 00:52 |
switch10__ | System>prefs>session | 00:52 |
trollboy | Gnea, yup, running 2.6.28-13-generic on this box (my test box) and 2.6.28-13-server on the box it will finally be deployed on | 00:53 |
mechtech_ny | th0r: how to kill package installer? | 00:53 |
th0r | xcdfgkjhgcv: port 1723 I think | 00:53 |
monkey2 | what can I use for realtime file synchronization between 2 machines? | 00:53 |
xcdfgkjhgcv | th0r: Inbound? | 00:53 |
Tfnrsh | rsync is nice | 00:53 |
Tfnrsh | @monkey | 00:53 |
Lostinspace_46 | geirha, because I spent two days trying to find out where my defaylt keymap was using GTK | 00:53 |
th0r | xcdfgkjhgcv: I would think both. and if you can enable ip protocol 47 | 00:53 |
monkey2 | Tfnrsh: but it is not real time.. | 00:54 |
stefg | monkey2: rsync and a clever script :-) | 00:54 |
th0r | mechtech_ny: what package installer? | 00:54 |
geirha | Lostinspace_46: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard -> Layouts tab | 00:54 |
Tfnrsh | ah ok i get the point | 00:54 |
volk | boss_mc: actually 2> and &> differ | 00:54 |
Tfnrsh | sry | 00:54 |
mechtech_ny | th0r: frostwire | 00:54 |
boss_mc | volk: 2> should have less stuff in it | 00:54 |
volk | but boss_mc &> does the trick | 00:54 |
trollboy | Gnea, thoughts? | 00:54 |
volk | boss_mc: 2> yeah, why did taht have less stuff | 00:54 |
th0r | mechtech_ny: is it frozen? | 00:55 |
volk | boss_mc: and does &> print all the stuff? | 00:55 |
mechtech_ny | th0r: yup | 00:55 |
boss_mc | volk: there are two output streams, stdout (1) and stderr(2) | 00:55 |
th0r | mechtech_ny: open a terminal, type 'ps ax | 00:55 |
usr13_ | mechtech_ny: frostwire is not a package installer, it is a p2p application. | 00:55 |
volk | ok | 00:55 |
Lostinspace_46 | geirha: Perhaps I mis-spoke. I want the actual file that kernel reads at startup | 00:55 |
usr13_ | mechtech_ny: You want to kill frostwire? | 00:55 |
boss_mc | volk: > (or 1>) pipes out stdout while 2> pipes out stderr | 00:55 |
th0r | mechtech_ny: and see if you can find the installer. If so, note the process number on the left side and then 'kill -9 #' | 00:55 |
UnholyLessons | Can someone please walk me through installing iTunes on ubuntu. I keep having problems | 00:55 |
boss_mc | volk: and &> pipes out all output streams together (there can be stream 3, 4, etc... in some programs) | 00:56 |
mechtech_ny | usr13: nope, kill frostwire package installer | 00:56 |
Lostinspace_46 | geirha: It doesn't read it at boot, I checked dmesg | 00:56 |
boss_mc | volk: for some reason your command was using both stdout and stderr which is why you needed &? | 00:56 |
boss_mc | *> | 00:56 |
volk | ok | 00:56 |
=== ChatZilla is now known as eb4bgr | ||
geirha | Lostinspace_46: Oh, the console mapping? | 00:56 |
UnholyLessons | I just decided to use ubuntu instead of vista and now the most important application to get working is itunes | 00:56 |
Lostinspace_46 | geirha: Yes...that..lol | 00:57 |
Tfnrsh | im not sure about that but i heard of something called "heartbeat" perhaps it works for you | 00:57 |
eb4bgr | hello, I need help about ubuntu 9.04 | 00:57 |
Gnea | UnholyLessons: itunes doesn't work in ubuntu. | 00:57 |
Lostinspace_46 | geirha: My jargon isn't up to speed yet | 00:57 |
UnholyLessons | Ive read a few help articles that says it does | 00:57 |
Tfnrsh | can anyone help me with this bazaar prop | 00:57 |
geirha | Lostinspace_46: I think you want the console-data package | 00:57 |
UnholyLessons | what distro works with itunes | 00:57 |
bruce89 | none | 00:57 |
uninverted | Anyone know how to make the Menu key a Compose? I tried "compose:menu" in xorg.conf, but that doesn't do anything. | 00:57 |
fivetwentysix | UnholyLessons: UnholyLessons; why would you use iTunes? Unless of course you need some ipod support. | 00:57 |
trollboy | Gnea? | 00:57 |
Gnea | trollboy: that's a bit beyond me, I suggest making a post about it on ubuntuforums.org | 00:58 |
UnholyLessons | I need to sync my iphone, thats the only reason | 00:58 |
Lostinspace_46 | geirha: Which would be...? | 00:58 |
Gnea | UnholyLessons: unless you can provide those urls, I doubt it. | 00:58 |
A3K | Hello, I just did a reinstall and now my application audio isn't working. I fixed this once before really easily, but forgot how. I seem to recall disabling oss...any suggestions? | 00:58 |
boss_mc | !iphone | UnholyLessons | 00:58 |
ubottu | UnholyLessons: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod | 00:58 |
trollboy | Gnea, ok, I just posted it to the users mailing list as well | 00:58 |
Gnea | trollboy: awesome | 00:58 |
mechtech_ny | th0r: invalid signal specification | 00:58 |
Gnea | !itunes + UnholyLessons | 00:58 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 00:58 |
Gnea | !itunes | UnholyLessons | 00:58 |
ubottu | UnholyLessons: itunes is not available on Linux, but there are many audio player alternatives (see !players). For Daap clients (sharing music with other iTunes clients on the network), install banshee | 00:58 |
Lostinspace_46 | geirha: I am going to set several shortcuts, and I need to get into the file to do it | 00:58 |
Vubix | whats the command to navigate nautilus as root user? from alt+f2 ? | 00:59 |
th0r | mechtech_ny: what did you type? kill -9 <process number> | 00:59 |
Firefishe | How do I kill the current xserver session from terminal? One of my Firefox extensions just took touchpad control away from me, so I need to restart the server. | 00:59 |
ctmjr | trollboy: this might sound grazy but i had installed a usb remote control for a mythtv setup on ubuntu it seemed hal was grabbing the remote and seeing it as a keyboard and mouse before the drivers could load so i ran these to commands to find out what had the remote locked up mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb to mount the usb devices and this to look at them sudo cat /proc/bus/usb/devices | 00:59 |
Lostinspace_46 | geirha: My left hand doesn't work too well | 00:59 |
uninverted | Vubix: gtksu nautilus | 00:59 |
Tfnrsh | okay another question is anyone facing problems using dav n svn on jaunty amd64 ? | 00:59 |
Vubix | uninverted: thanks | 00:59 |
eb4bgr | hello, I need help about ubuntu 9.04 | 00:59 |
mechtech_ny | th0r: typed kill -19176 # <---just like that | 01:00 |
Gnea | !ask | eb4bgr | 01:00 |
ubottu | eb4bgr: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 01:00 |
trollboy | ctmjr, cat: /proc/bus/usb/devices: No such file or directory | 01:00 |
th0r | Vubix: I think they use gksudo now instead of gtksu | 01:00 |
geirha | Lostinspace_46: The package console-tools even. It contains commands to alter the keymapping for the console | 01:00 |
Pizloz | this laptop had 512MB of video memory on the windows that came with it but only 256MB on my ubuntu installation. bios does not have a variable for it. it does not seem to adjust on its own either | 01:00 |
uninverted | Vubix: gtksu X runs X as root | 01:00 |
th0r | mechtech_ny: kill -9 19176 | 01:00 |
mechtech_ny | th0r...ok | 01:00 |
Vubix | th0r: gksu works as well | 01:00 |
geirha | Lostinspace_46: Install it, run "dpkg -L console-tools" to get a list of the files it installs, and read the man-page for the commands installed to /usr/bin/ | 01:00 |
ctmjr | trollboy: did you run this first? mount -t usbfs none /proc/bus/usb | 01:00 |
=== nicolas_ is now known as Guest16487 | ||
th0r | Vubix: yeah...gksu works...but gtksu is there any more | 01:01 |
Lostinspace_46 | geirha: Thank you very much. I will try that. I am always trying to learn more. | 01:01 |
trollboy | ctmjr, sorry mounted it, I get this on the Texas Instruments: I:* If#= 0 Alt= 0 #EPs= 1 Cls=ff(vend.) Sub=00 Prot=00 Driver=(none) | 01:02 |
trollboy | Driver none | 01:02 |
Firefishe | How do I kill my current xserver session and restart it from an xterm? | 01:02 |
A3K | actually, I think it was disabling pulse audio, but I have forgotten how I did it | 01:02 |
Firefishe | Uhh....regular terminal session, rather. | 01:03 |
Tfnrsh | try /etc/init.d/gdm / kdm restart | 01:03 |
eb4bgr | ok, sorry. i'm trying to load ubuntu copied to one folder into a fat32 drive as "mode" live-hd. I'm using grub boot loader. grub loads ubuntu, but don't load ubuntu desktop. what's wrong at grub. | 01:03 |
mattgyver | will wakeonlan wake a windows computer? | 01:03 |
Firefishe | Tfnrsh: Thanks | 01:03 |
Tfnrsh | its a certain protocol so its doenst depend on os | 01:03 |
Tfnrsh | q matt | 01:03 |
trollboy | brb | 01:03 |
Firefishe | Tfnrsh: One more question if I may? May I run two concurrent x sessions? | 01:06 |
stefg | Pizloz: https://help.ubuntu.com/7.04/installation-guide/i386/boot-parms.html ... set a mem=512M in the kernel line in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 01:06 |
powerUser92b | testing | 01:06 |
Firefishe | Tfnrsh: That is, is it possible ;) | 01:06 |
Taft | Hi! My workplace switcher isn't working. This might have to do with disabling it in CompizConfig for 3D windows. Anyway I disabled 3D windows, I need to know how to enable workspace switcher again. | 01:06 |
powerUser92b | Testing | 01:06 |
th0r | Firefishe: no...only one X at a time, unless you count vnc sessions | 01:06 |
Pizloz | stefg: tyvm | 01:06 |
Firefishe | th0r: What is the technical limitation, in a nutshell, on running two x sessions? I certainly don't know much about VNC. | 01:07 |
Lostinspace_46 | th0r I thought one had to use xinit to start an xsession?? | 01:07 |
Firefishe | th0r: by VNC, are you referring to virtual machines? | 01:08 |
Tfnrsh | jep u can actuallay firefishe | 01:08 |
eb4bgr | ok, sorry. i'm trying to load ubuntu copied to one folder into a fat32 drive as "mode" live-hd. I'm using grub boot loader. grub loads ubuntu, but don't load ubuntu desktop. what's wrong at grub?? | 01:08 |
eb4bgr | kernel /Boot/Ubuntu/casper/vmlinuz | 01:08 |
cyborg | i have 1 iso file and 1 disk. how can i check the disk? same as the iso file | 01:08 |
eb4bgr | initrd /Boot/Ubuntu/casper/initrd.gz | 01:08 |
Firefishe | Tfnrsh: That's what I'd like to do, what do I have to do? | 01:08 |
Tfnrsh | or maybe but i think so | 01:08 |
th0r | Firefishe: no...vnc is a remote connection something like remote desktop. You can have several connections via the network and each will display a working desktop. But locally you can only run one X session at a time | 01:08 |
tanner2007 | . | 01:08 |
tanner2007 | hey guys | 01:08 |
Taft | Hey can anyone help me out? | 01:09 |
tanner2007 | how could i tell which ubuntu im runnign 64 or 32 bit? | 01:09 |
Tfnrsh | google displays | 01:09 |
cyborg | hi | 01:09 |
Tfnrsh | oh well ok i was wrong | 01:09 |
Lostinspace_46 | Tfnrsh: You don't need to use xinit to start and xsession? | 01:09 |
linxeh | tanner2007: lsb_release -a might tell you, or uname -a | 01:09 |
Firefishe | th0r: Okay, I've not done two at once--didn't know it was possible or not, which is why I'm asking--but what's the reason no more than one local x session can be run? | 01:09 |
stefg | !version | tanner2007 | 01:09 |
ubottu | tanner2007: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 01:09 |
th0r | Lostinspace_46: you need to use xinit to run a local X session...but vnc I don't think requires it | 01:09 |
th0r | Firefishe: have no idea | 01:09 |
Tfnrsh | mh no dont think so | 01:09 |
Pizloz | stefg: that appears to be for RAM rather than VideoRAM | 01:09 |
cyborg | uname -a | 01:10 |
cyborg | tanner2007 | 01:10 |
Taft | My workplace switcher isn't working. This might have to do with disabling it in CompizConfig for 3D windows. Anyway I disabled 3D windows, I need to know how to enable workspace switcher again. | 01:10 |
tanner2007 | x86_64 GNU/Linux | 01:10 |
tanner2007 | so thats 64 bit correct? | 01:10 |
Tfnrsh | i heard somehting about that u can run different X on different displays | 01:10 |
Tfnrsh | but im not sure | 01:10 |
cyborg | looks like | 01:10 |
Lostinspace_46 | Tfnrsh: So I could use xinit in the command you mentioned earlier? | 01:10 |
Tfnrsh | to do waht ? | 01:10 |
Tfnrsh | sry | 01:10 |
boss_mc | Taft: look at keyboard shortcuts (in system->prefs | 01:11 |
Tfnrsh | im kinda drunk | 01:11 |
trollboy | ctmjr, still there? | 01:11 |
tanner2007 | thanks guys | 01:11 |
cyborg | how can i compare an .iso file and a disk? | 01:11 |
boss_mc | Taft: change the one called "move between windows, using a popup window" | 01:11 |
luxos | burnas | 01:11 |
luxos | buenas | 01:11 |
luxos | alguien aki | 01:11 |
stefg | Pizloz: oh, ok... VRAM is a different story... i lost track of all the changes in xorg, so i don't know. In the good old days (TM) you could set in xorg.conf, but nowadays it's not even necessary | 01:12 |
Firefishe | th0r, Tfnrsh: This is how I'm postulating: Each X session is run on it's own Display. The virtual terminal for most default X sessions is ctrl-alt-f7, by default. What I was wanting to do was start another one in another virtual terminal. ctrl-alt-f3, as an example. | 01:12 |
cyborg | luxos nem erteni spanyol | 01:12 |
tuxwulf | How can I make sure a module starts with certain options? | 01:12 |
Tfnrsh | jep | 01:12 |
Tfnrsh | uhm | 01:12 |
Tfnrsh | vnc | 01:12 |
Tfnrsh | ^^ | 01:12 |
Tfnrsh | i dont know any other way | 01:13 |
Pizloz | stefg: indeed XD but i assume there must be a way to tell the system to use 512MB of VRAM if the original windows on this system was using it. very puzzling | 01:13 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: startx -- :3 | 01:13 |
Firefishe | Tfnrsh: How do I use vnc to have multiple terminal sessions, then? | 01:13 |
Firefishe | boss_mc: That will do what I want? | 01:13 |
sagaci | hey guys, i know it's not in ubuntu 9.04 but is there a way to gain an animated boot sequence? | 01:13 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: it opens x in tty3 | 01:13 |
Tfnrsh | its not that hard but i dont know sry | 01:14 |
Firefishe | boss_mc: k, thanks. I'll experiment. | 01:14 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: it's been a while since I tried it, so no promises on synatx.... | 01:14 |
kn100_ | OK mate has a problem, he is running ubuntu on a laptop, its using the drivers that came with ubuntu, thanks to there being no drivers in hardware drivers, but compiz works. but anyway, his screen keeps flickering | 01:14 |
th0r | Firefishe: you start the vnc server with the command vncserver :1, or vncserver :2...all the way up to :9 if I remember right | 01:14 |
Firefishe | Tfnrsh: K, I appreciate it. I'll do some rtfm'ing around and figure it out. | 01:14 |
Tfnrsh | good luck | 01:14 |
Firefishe | th0r: Thanks | 01:14 |
kn100_ | its hard to describe, but there are horizontal white lines going through the screen every now and then for a split second | 01:14 |
Firefishe | th0r: I'll experiment a bit | 01:14 |
dmsuperman | My gnome-panel is stuck, alt+click doesn't move it and neither does normal dragging. Creating new panels doesn't fix it either | 01:14 |
boss_mc | kn100_: you got access to this pc? | 01:14 |
th0r | Firefishe: virtual terminal F2 does correspond to F8 for X, but I don't think you can run them both at the same time | 01:15 |
Tfnrsh | but vnc should do the trick | 01:15 |
kn100_ | boss_mc, no but i have the person on the phone, and he is VERY good at following instructions | 01:15 |
Tfnrsh | thats the point i guess | 01:15 |
th0r | Firefishe: you access the vnc connections by port number, :1 coirresponds to 5801, :2 to 5802, etc | 01:15 |
th0r | Firefishe: it should be possible to open the vnc connections with vncviewer localhost:5801 and so on, and have several desktops in windows on the screen | 01:16 |
UnholyLessons | whats the best bit torrent client for ubuntu | 01:17 |
th0r | Firefishe: never tried it though...no guarantees | 01:17 |
evanescent | is there any good OSS productivity software (I looked around google and turned up nothing). E.g. a way for co-workers and I to exchange chat/lists/doodles/charts/etc in real time integrated into the same application? | 01:17 |
th0r | UnholyLessons: there is no best | 01:17 |
evanescent | I guess it'd be called collaboration software more properly | 01:17 |
UnholyLessons | well im using transmission, in windows i used utorrent | 01:17 |
boss_mc | kn100: ask them to run "lspci -v | grep VGA" in a terminal | 01:17 |
kn100_ | boss ok | 01:17 |
nelson_ | hello, I got a problem in my 9.04. The "Locals" menu icons open VLC instead of nautulus. Anyone knows how to solve this ? | 01:17 |
UnholyLessons | is transmission just fine for downloading torrents | 01:18 |
amane | Anyone have some advice for mounting a Samsung phone | 01:18 |
powerUserbud | How do you install songbird | 01:18 |
UnholyLessons | once i mount a HD, where in the file system can i find it? | 01:18 |
Firefishe | th0r: I did a: startx -- :3 whilst on Virtual Terminal 3 (ctrl-alt-f3) and x started gnome up in ctrl-alt-f8. | 01:19 |
th0r | UnholyLessons: where ever you mounted it | 01:19 |
kn100_ | UnholyLessons, media/ or mnt/ | 01:19 |
Firefishe | th0r: At least I know it's possible. | 01:19 |
Firefishe | th0r: I'm not saying it's *practical* ;) | 01:19 |
th0r | Firefishe: really? must be part of the new xorg....it wouldn't work in the old X | 01:19 |
Jeruvy | powerUserbud: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Songbird | 01:19 |
cooper77z | Hello, what would be a good way to temporarily disable gnome and run cinelerra from the command line? | 01:20 |
UnholyLessons | Thank You | 01:20 |
Firefishe | th0r: I'm running the latest 9.04 with all the updates and all the weird stuff ;) | 01:20 |
lowlycoder | what's the quickest way to setup hadoop? | 01:20 |
th0r | Firefishe: learn something new every day | 01:20 |
Firefishe | th0r: True, we do. | 01:20 |
Firefishe | th0r: Which vnc do I want? vncserver, vnc-server, vnc4server? | 01:20 |
eb4bgr | i'm trying to load ubuntu copied to one folder into a fat32 drive as "mode" live-hd. I'm using grub boot loader. grub loads ubuntu, but don't load ubuntu desktop. what's wrong at grub?? | 01:20 |
amane | It's a Samsung Beat I'm Running Jaunty | 01:21 |
th0r | Firefishe: I think vnc4server is the newest | 01:21 |
Gnea | !info mobile-broadband-provider-info | 01:21 |
ubottu | mobile-broadband-provider-info (source: mobile-broadband-provider-info): database of mobile broadband service providers. In component main, is extra. Version 20090309-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 18 kB, installed size 132 kB | 01:21 |
th0r | Firefishe: but any would probably work. | 01:21 |
cooper77z | how much ram does gnome use up to run? | 01:21 |
th0r | Firefishe: but if you want remote connections there are two better choices....X forwarding via ssh and NX | 01:21 |
Firefishe | th0r: is the package 'vncserver' a meta package for the latest? Or doesn't that package work that way? | 01:21 |
nelson_ | how do I see the "Open with" options tab for folders as I see in the properties for a file ? | 01:22 |
th0r | Firefishe: not sure...I installed vnc4server | 01:22 |
th0r | Firefishe: and it installed vncserver | 01:22 |
cooper77z | how do I make gnome stop running for this session only | 01:22 |
=== ez is now known as Guest6323 | ||
cooper77z | how do I kill gnome? | 01:22 |
Pizloz | cooper77z: /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 01:23 |
th0r | cooper77z: do you want a terminal session or to switch desktop environments? | 01:23 |
kn100_ | boss_mc, 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690M [Radeon X1200 Series] | 01:23 |
bruce89 | cooper77z: you select something else in gdm | 01:23 |
powerUserbud | why my keyboard keep beeping | 01:23 |
Firefishe | th0r: I see. Well, this is a laptop, so what I'm wanting to do is have multiple xsession open. Now, to have them in a virtual gui-terminal on a common desktop--say, one terminal running xfce and another fluxbox, etc.--would be ideal. | 01:23 |
powerUserbud | ? | 01:23 |
kn100_ | boss_mc, any ideas? | 01:23 |
cooper77z | I just want to kill gnome for this session only and run cinelerra from the command line | 01:23 |
Firefishe | th0r: spelling correction: multiple xsessions open | 01:23 |
boss_mc | kn100_: does he have these problems with compiz switched off? | 01:23 |
th0r | Firefishe: you might also consider installing VirtualBox and running separate installs....you could run suse, winxp and redhat all in windows on ubuntu | 01:24 |
kn100_ | erm let me tell him to turn it off | 01:24 |
kn100_ | disabling the effects from 'change my desktop wallpaper' will disable compiz right | 01:24 |
Pizloz | powerUserbud: try disabled "Play Alert Sound" in System > Preferences > Sound > Sound | 01:24 |
cooper77z | thanks pizloz Iam going to kill gnome | 01:24 |
Flaxi | Hi guys, I deleted the Ubuntu partition from my hard drive and now I'm getting error 17 every time I try to boot | 01:24 |
cooper77z | just for this session | 01:24 |
Flaxi | What can I do? | 01:24 |
powerUserbud | thanks | 01:25 |
gonzo_ | nas | 01:25 |
boss_mc | kn100_: I assume he's using jaunty | 01:25 |
Firefishe | th0r: I have virtualbox installed--currently using it to run the new Palm WebOS sdk and emulator, along with Eclipse for program development--niiiice ;) | 01:25 |
kn100_ | boss_mc, course | 01:25 |
boss_mc | kn100_: does he have these problems with compiz switched off? | 01:26 |
th0r | Firefishe: yeah...I love it. For what you are trying to do you are probably best to try running several X sessions. vnc I think you will find too slow to respond | 01:26 |
kn100_ | boss_mc, i am telling him to turn compiz off now | 01:26 |
Firefishe | th0r: I also have various ubuntu, kubuntu, SuSE, etc. I'd probably install open solaris if I ran any virtual machine at all. | 01:26 |
Firefishe | th0r: I follow | 01:26 |
Firefishe | th0r: Thanks :) | 01:26 |
th0r | Firefishe: I have solaris installed...but it is terribly slow | 01:26 |
eb4bgr | good night, see you later. | 01:26 |
Firefishe | th0r: Yes, at least in virtualization it is. It runs fine natively. | 01:27 |
Firefishe | th0r: I mean, the Open Solaris live cd works just fine. | 01:27 |
arif | what time is it in the UK? (checking system clock) | 01:27 |
Flaxi | Ok I found how to fix it, but so I type "root (sdb,2)" or "root (sdb2)"? | 01:27 |
kn100_ | 1:27 | 01:27 |
arif | cheers | 01:27 |
cooper77z | after I kill gnome with this command gksudo cinelerra start cinelerra? | 01:27 |
kn100_ | arif | 01:28 |
Flaxi | This is in the GRUB terminal | 01:28 |
arif | also, how do i direct responses to people like kn100 just did to me? | 01:28 |
boss_mc | !tab| arif | 01:28 |
ubottu | arif: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 01:28 |
Drknezz | Hi! Is there anyway i can disable Compositing with a hotkey? KDE4 | 01:28 |
cooper77z | can cinelerra run without gnome? | 01:29 |
rww | arif: type their name at the start of your message | 01:29 |
Drknezz | cooper77z: yes | 01:29 |
arand | Flaxi: My guess is root (1,2) This would be sdb3 | 01:29 |
Firefishe | Drknezz: alt-shift-f12 | 01:29 |
cooper77z | what command will start it drknezz? | 01:29 |
crazy2k | Hello. | 01:29 |
Drknezz | Firefishe: Thx | 01:29 |
Tfnrsh | ubuntu jaunty amd64 bzr-gtk doesnt work , stderrr smt like incompatible api << can someone help | 01:29 |
Flaxi | arand: I made a mistake I need sdb1 instead, would that be root (1,0)? | 01:29 |
arif | sweet, many thanks people. will try tab in the terminal now... | 01:29 |
Pizloz | cooper77z: once gnome has stopped using the command i gave you you shouldn't use gksudo as it's for starting graphic applications | 01:29 |
boss_mc | Flaxi: yep | 01:30 |
Flaxi | boss_mc: Thanks | 01:30 |
Drknezz | cooper77z: Just install it and run it, it MAY have gnome look, but it will run, no wonder you use kde/xfce .... | 01:30 |
Drknezz | BB | 01:30 |
edoceo | how do I start the setup in a different GUI mode? Doesn't seem to like my monitor :( | 01:30 |
arand | Flaxi: hang on, make thaat root (hd1,0) for sdb1 | 01:30 |
powerUserbud | my desktop is working now but something go wrong if I try to set desktops with CompizConfig | 01:30 |
cooper77z | how then should I start cinelerra from command line withought gnome? | 01:30 |
Firefishe | Drknezz: Had a compositing issue with kde4 (4.2.4 in my case) giving me an error saying compositing was too slow. When it gets this testy, I just reboot in recovery mode, do a nice little fsck from the recovery mode ncurses screen, and boot from there. Works nice that way at times ;) | 01:30 |
Firefishe | oh, he's gone...pish posh | 01:30 |
Flaxi | arand: Then setup (hd1)? | 01:30 |
kn100_ | boss_mc, the flickering apparently occurs every now and then, about every 5 or 10 seconds, just a quick flash of horisontal white noise, i have got him to disable compiz, and he is testing now | 01:31 |
arand | Flaxi: I guess so, if you aim to install to mbr of sdb | 01:31 |
cooper77z | drknezz, how much ram does gnome use up? | 01:31 |
crazy2k | Does someone use wmii2? What is your "mod" key? xmodmap says "mod1 Alt_L (0x40), Alt_R (0x6c), Meta_L (0xcd)" but I tried with both left and right alt keys and none worked when doing Mod-T. | 01:31 |
vijay | i just upgraded to ubuntu 9.04,my wireless is not working now,its keeps asking for wps password,any idea whats the issue | 01:31 |
boss_mc | kn100_: sounds like the open source drivers on that card aren't good enough to run compiz... | 01:31 |
boss_mc | kn100_: which is a bit of a bummer | 01:32 |
nelson_ | is there a portuguese support channel ? | 01:32 |
Flaxi | arand: Well I'm really trying to remove GRUB and reinstall the Windows bootloader but I forgot my Windows password | 01:32 |
kn100_ | boss_mc, yeah, at least they kind of can lol | 01:32 |
boss_mc | !pt | nelson_ | 01:32 |
ubottu | nelson_: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 01:32 |
cooper77z | thanks drknezz, I'll google the rest :) | 01:32 |
kn100_ | boss_mc, how can he composite without compiz? | 01:32 |
Firefishe | On the subject of turning off compositing with alt-shift-f12 in kde4, will another, subsequent application of alt-shift-f12 turn compositing back on? | 01:32 |
boss_mc | kn100_: unfortunately ati dropped support for those cards a few months (and one ubuntu version) back | 01:32 |
boss_mc | kn100_: what does he need it for? | 01:33 |
kn100_ | boss_mc, a dock | 01:33 |
boss_mc | kn100_: metacity can do compositing | 01:33 |
kn100_ | avant window manager | 01:33 |
boss_mc | kn100_: but it's not great... | 01:33 |
kn100_ | boss_mc, erm how do i enable it? | 01:33 |
arand | Flaxi: hum, I SuperGrubDisk can do that nicely I think, and there is tools on SystemRescueCD for changing your windows password... | 01:33 |
boss_mc | kn100_: open gconf-editor | 01:34 |
boss_mc | kn100_: go to Apps->metacity->general | 01:34 |
boss_mc | kn100_: check the compositing_manager box | 01:34 |
Firefishe | boss_mc: My P4 desktop of about 5 years ago has an AGP 256MB video card. I tried using the Jaunty live-cd but it didn't have the ATI fglrx driver for it, so I just stuck with 8.10. Working fine :) | 01:34 |
boss_mc | kn100_: test away... | 01:34 |
kn100_ | boss_mc, thanks for all your help | 01:34 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: like I said, they dropped support one ubuntu version ago, they all work fine in 8.10 (well, using version 9.3 which is ok) | 01:35 |
boss_mc | kn100_: no | 01:35 |
boss_mc | problem | 01:35 |
monkey2 | I am trying to exclude files that begin with a dot in any and all directories using rsync, I have put - .* in my exclude-from file, yet this doesn't work, any ideas? | 01:35 |
storm-zen | Need help with sound. ( Sigh. ) It's never worked right since gutsy. I'm now in Jaunty. It works for a while, and then it stops. Then I reboot six times and it works for a while again. I'd love to find out what this is and fix it for good. | 01:35 |
nelson_ | boss_mc: thanx | 01:35 |
nelson_ | hello, I got a problem in my 9.04. The "Locals" menu icons open VLC instead of nautulus. Anyone knows how to solve this ? | 01:36 |
Dr_Willis | storm-zen: you mean to say if you reboot 5 times - it wont work? | 01:36 |
Firefishe | boss_mc: Are you saying that ATI dropped the support? | 01:36 |
vijay | hello everyone,i just upgraded my machine from 8.04 to 9.04 and my wireless stopped working now,asking for wpa password again and again,anyone know whats the issue | 01:36 |
Firefishe | boss_mc: Or ubuntu? | 01:36 |
storm-zen | Dr_Willis: Surely you don't think I'm making that distinction. | 01:36 |
Dr_Willis | storm-zen: ive seen stranger things.. Ive had sound cards not work in Linux.. UNLESS i power off and boot straight to linux.. if i booted to windows and 'soft' rebooted to linux = no sound. | 01:36 |
Pizloz | considering VideoRam does nothing in xorg.conf now. how can i increase the VRAM from 256 to 512 (the original windows i replaced on this machine had 512) when there are no bios options to change it? | 01:37 |
powerUserbud | if theres a difference between a desk and workspace | 01:37 |
powerUserbud | is* | 01:37 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: ati have stopped developing drivers for 'old' cards, and the last driver they made runs on Xorg 1.4 but Jaunty uses 1.6 so no compatibility... | 01:37 |
Flaxi | arand: Which would you recommend to fix this, changing my Windows password or fixing GRUB? | 01:37 |
storm-zen | Dr_Willis: Yes, that is a bit stranger. :p | 01:37 |
kn100_ | boss_mc, o lord | 01:37 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: so it's ATI's fault and ubuntu had to drop it to develop | 01:37 |
Firefishe | boss_mc: I see. Well, I'm glad my laptop uses nvidia ;) | 01:37 |
Dr_Willis | powerUserbud: you can have several virtual 'workspaces' I guess you can say. the current one you are seeing is your current desktop. | 01:37 |
kn100_ | well disabling compiz seems to have fixed it | 01:37 |
kn100_ | nvidia (o) | 01:38 |
Dr_Willis | storm-zen: yep. "plug and play' getting set oddly and not resetting. | 01:38 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: indeed, I even bought a new card when that happened so I could use jaunty (which is btw, SEXY) | 01:38 |
storm-zen | It just bugs me that i've tried to solve this one problem more times that I even cared to count. | 01:38 |
boss_mc | kn100_: has he got compositing working? | 01:39 |
Dr_Willis | storm-zen: this is a laptop or desktop box? | 01:39 |
storm-zen | I guess I haven't tried to solve it in Jaunty yet, though. | 01:39 |
arand | Flaxi: I don't understan how those two things could be linke to the same issue? | 01:39 |
storm-zen | Desktop. | 01:39 |
=== ^Einstei1 is now known as ^Einstein | ||
kn100_ | boss_mc am taking him through it now | 01:39 |
kn100_ | sorry about the msn lag | 01:39 |
superdaniel49 | i need help with changing the screensaver on xubuntu 9.04 | 01:39 |
Firefishe | boss_mc: I've got Jaunty on the brain, boss ;-). Works beautifully on my Asus G50Vt-X1. The usual 4 gigs (of which I think it sees only 3 for some reason), and the nvidia 9800 GS chipset 512mb vram. not bad at all. | 01:39 |
Dr_Willis | storm-zen: I suppose you dont want me to point out that you can get an ok Creative sound card for $30 ? :) | 01:39 |
boss_mc | kn100_: he might find he get's the same problems... but metacity is much much lighter than compiz so he may have luck | 01:39 |
LLStarks | what is multilib? | 01:39 |
powerUserbud | Yesterday I was going through my workspaces but then I moved to a desk and everything except for my background dissapeared | 01:39 |
storm-zen | Dr_Willis: No, as I've already bought a Turtle Beach one, for the same reason? | 01:40 |
Dr_Willis | storm-zen: so BOTH sound cards have the same issue? | 01:40 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: 512Mb of your addressable memory space is going to your graphics card, and the rest to the kernel | 01:40 |
kn100_ | in the current linux kernel, is there a way to disable gui booting and have it display the text boot? | 01:40 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: if you had 64bit you'd get your whole 4Gb | 01:40 |
Flaxi | arand: The problem is, I had Debian installed on a partition and when I'd finished with it I formatted the partition to NTFS but now I can't boot because I get GRUB error 17 and when I try to use the Windows recovery console it asks for my password so I can't use "fdisk /mbr" | 01:40 |
boss_mc | kn100_: the recovery console? | 01:40 |
arand | kn100_: edit fstab, remove quiet and splash | 01:40 |
storm-zen | Dr_Willis: It would seem so. Though I haven't checked the (unsupported, although it looks like it is supported) soundchip since I got the card. | 01:40 |
kn100_ | arand, this is on a linux based phone | 01:41 |
Firefishe | boss_mc: Aha! So that's the culprit. 64 bit has it's own issues, too, I guess, being still so experimental, at least in linux (or am I blowing wind with this assumption?) | 01:41 |
powerUserbud | Can flash 10 be installed on a 64 bit system | 01:41 |
kn100_ | i have the kernel source code which i can (and have) compiled and flashed to the phone | 01:41 |
kn100_ | is there a way in the terminal | 01:41 |
kn100_ | i can get a terminal from the phone | 01:41 |
superdaniel49 | powerUserbud: probably so | 01:41 |
musikgoat|main | kn100_: usually you can boot to init 3 or another init to stop x from starting | 01:42 |
arand | kn100_: oh... well you'd still need to edit the kernel boot parameters somehow... | 01:42 |
Firefishe | boss_mc: Either way, I'd have to do a complete re-install, and I have *so much installed and configured already*, it'd be a shame to lose it all again. | 01:42 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: it's been around a while, the big issue is drivers, they all need to be adapted for 64bit, most have been but some are still not done | 01:42 |
Dr_Willis | powerUserbud: I got flash 10 going on this 64bit system | 01:42 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: that's always the way... *sadface* | 01:42 |
Firefishe | boss_mc: Tell me this: Does nvidia have a proprietary driver for 64 bit ubuntu jaunty? | 01:42 |
powerUserbud | DId you get it from The Adobe sit. it said I had the wrong architecture | 01:42 |
superdaniel49 | Dr_Willis: do u know how to change the screen saver on Xubuntu 9.04? | 01:43 |
storm-zen | superdaniel49: The screensaver, or the screensaver program? | 01:43 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: I believe so, although the nvidia drivers are frowned on :) (they replace large swathes of the linux graphics system with their own, less efficient system) | 01:43 |
kn100_ | ok i can edit the boot perams | 01:43 |
kn100_ | i just found them | 01:43 |
Xodiac13 | i need help on getting the game openanno http://www.unknown-horizons.org/site/index.php?page=download | 01:43 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: but on the flip side, the nv (open source) drivers are pretty sketchy | 01:43 |
Firefishe | boss_mc: well, do the 64bit 3d linux drivers work? | 01:44 |
LLStarks | what is multilib? | 01:44 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: i use the proprietary ones | 01:44 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: don't know, think so | 01:44 |
musikgoat|main | Firefishe: my x64 nvidia 185 drivers work well | 01:44 |
boss_mc | there you go | 01:44 |
superdaniel49 | storm-zen: the screen saver, u know like the thing that comes after a certain time of not doing anything | 01:44 |
storm-zen | ( I guess I'll just try rebooting until it works again. Who knows? Maybe it's electrical... ) | 01:44 |
arand | Flaxi: Ok, if you don't plan on using grub anymore, I'd say go with reinstalling ntldr using supergrubdisk, that is a fairly easy process from what I remember. | 01:44 |
musikgoat|main | Firefishe: suprisingly so | 01:44 |
Firefishe | musikgoat|main: propritary or open source? | 01:44 |
Dr_Willis | superdaniel49: not a clue. | 01:44 |
storm-zen | superdaniel49: There should be an icon for that under System somewhere. | 01:44 |
Firefishe | musikgoat|main: proprietary rather | 01:44 |
musikgoat|main | Firefishe: the proprietary nvidia drivers | 01:45 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: 185 is proprietary | 01:45 |
cooper77z | how do I know gnome stopped when I can still use it? | 01:45 |
Firefishe | boss_mc: ah, I see..thanks for that clarifcation :) | 01:45 |
superdaniel49 | storm-zen:let me look | 01:45 |
storm-zen | superdaniel49: System/preferences/Screensaver | 01:45 |
Firefishe | boss, musikgoat|main: Now I'm thinking of 64bit virtual machine creation ;) | 01:45 |
dmsuperman | My gnome-panel is stuck, alt+click doesn't move it and neither does normal dragging. Creating new panels doesn't fix it either | 01:46 |
cooper77z | maybe I need to log out first | 01:46 |
superdaniel49 | storm-zen: i'm on the xfce desktop | 01:46 |
storm-zen | Oh yeah, why doesn't <ctrl><alt><backspace> work anymore? | 01:46 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: unfortunately, without some GRUB wizardry you can't have both running at once.... | 01:46 |
spycode | How can I overclock the shader clock in the nvidia-settings? Someone can help? sorry my english | 01:46 |
lasehopesinyouu | i can't extract my rar files | 01:46 |
boss_mc | !nozap | storm-zen | 01:46 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about nozap | 01:46 |
lasehopesinyouu | it goes right to wine file | 01:46 |
storm-zen | superdaniel49: Ah, that's pertinent information, you know. | 01:46 |
boss_mc | !dontzap | storm-zen | 01:46 |
ubottu | storm-zen: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect. | 01:46 |
storm-zen | That will work; thanks boss_mc. | 01:46 |
superdaniel49 | storm-zen: what do u mean pertinent information? | 01:47 |
kn100_ | say i have the kernel source code from a device, what boot perameters would i need to do to make it have a text boot and not boot with a graphic | 01:47 |
musikgoat|main | Firefishe: i think the current stable in jaunty is 180.44 though, and they worked fine as well | 01:47 |
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boss_mc | spycode: what's your native language? | 01:47 |
Flaxi | arand: Thanks, I'll have to reboot out of this live CD so I'll give a go and see what happens | 01:47 |
spycode | How can I overclock the shader clock in the nvidia-settings? there's only Clock and Memory, where's the shader? someone knows anyother method to do this? | 01:47 |
Firefishe | musikgoat|main: The 64 bit version, you mean? | 01:47 |
storm-zen | superdaniel49: Nevermind. Try running gnome-screensaver. | 01:47 |
musikgoat|main | Firefishe: | 01:47 |
musikgoat|main | yes | 01:48 |
Firefishe | musikgoat|main: thanks | 01:48 |
musikgoat|main | !info nvidia-glx-180 | 01:48 |
ubottu | nvidia-glx-180 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-180): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 180.44-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 8682 kB, installed size 26188 kB (Only available for i386 amd64) | 01:48 |
superdaniel49 | storm-zen: ok then let me try that | 01:48 |
vijay | im propting for password again again when wireless security is enable,anyone know whats the issue | 01:48 |
storm-zen | superdaniel49: Oh, wait... that won't work. | 01:48 |
spycode | i'm using the 190.18 graphics beta driver | 01:48 |
storm-zen | Sorry; half asleep. Did you google xfce? | 01:48 |
spycode | but even in the 180 | 01:49 |
musikgoat|main | spycode: any benefits or specific reason? | 01:49 |
spycode | I don't have the shader option | 01:49 |
cattellar | what's the command to open that settings manager that control consolekit, to remove password requirements for certain tasks ? | 01:49 |
spycode | musikgoat|main: more compatibility with dx10 games | 01:49 |
storm-zen | ok... I'm off to mess with sound now. | 01:49 |
Firefishe | musikgoat|main: Again, though, my only *problem* (if I can call it that) is, do I nix my current i386 system install and redo it for 64bit. I'm not doing anything particularly 64bit-ish, and it might just mess up my programming. I think I'll wait for another hard drive to put it on. This lappie has dual drive bays, one of which is currently empty. ;) | 01:49 |
musikgoat|main | spycode: dx10 games via wine? | 01:49 |
spycode | yes | 01:50 |
spycode | musikgoat|main: example: Silent Hill Homecoming | 01:50 |
musikgoat|main | Firefishe: seems like a good idea | 01:50 |
musikgoat|main | spycode: cool | 01:50 |
powerUserbud | does anybody here use Songbird ? | 01:50 |
spycode | yes | 01:50 |
spycode | wine 1.1.26 | 01:50 |
spycode | musikgoat|main: running pretty nice than windows | 01:50 |
spycode | windows really sucks | 01:50 |
FloodBot1 | spycode: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 01:50 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: or install it on a usb pen! | 01:50 |
superdaniel49 | powerUserbud: what is songbird? | 01:50 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: fun fun fun | 01:50 |
Firefishe | boss_mc: Yeah, I could do that, too. | 01:51 |
losher | Firefishe: 64 bit is not as stable as 32 bit. I think you're right to make sure you can boot back into 32 bit easily... | 01:51 |
cooper77z | how do I stop gnome completely and return to command line only? | 01:51 |
TiM | me again, hello everyone, i wanna know how i can modify my sound card propriets? | 01:51 |
Firefishe | losher...My Thoughts Eggs Aktly ;) hee | 01:51 |
boss_mc | Firefishe: I did that to test jaunty performance with the new graphics card | 01:51 |
spycode | musikgoat|main: do you know how to make an overclock in my vga in the xorg.conf... without any settings from nvidia...? | 01:51 |
musikgoat|main | losher: however the stability is far greater in the past couple years than before, i will now recommend it to users | 01:51 |
spycode | musikgoat|main: sorry my english | 01:51 |
superdaniel49 | why so you think i upgraded this Windows 98 computer to Xubuntu spycode? | 01:51 |
musikgoat|main | spycode: no | 01:51 |
Firefishe | losher: I've got the palm webOS sdk installed, and have eclipse and vbox for the webOS emulator. It's working nicely, and I don't really wanna mess it up! | 01:52 |
powerUserbud | Songbird is an open source music player | 01:52 |
spycode | xubundu is rules superdaniel49 it will works nice in a 98 PC | 01:52 |
Firefishe | boss_mc: Using a usb pen is a good way to test a lot of things. The only pen I have that is working, however, is one with an old install of Slax on it. ;). I did for experimental reasons. I have to work with the pens more to get them to work. My earlier attempts proved fruitless. | 01:53 |
cooper77z | if i type in /etc/init.d/gdm stop then terminal says ok does that mean gnome stopped even though I still have gui??? | 01:53 |
superdaniel49 | spycode: that's why I upgraded to Xubuntu. The Windows 98 partition was already messed up | 01:53 |
Firefishe | boss_mc: The newer pen-editions, though, may work better. | 01:53 |
arand | Flaxi: seems like the main page for that one is down currently, but http://freshmeat.net/projects/supergrub/ seems to have some mirror download links | 01:53 |
spycode | superdaniel49: yes... I can imagine that... | 01:54 |
superdaniel49 | Firefishe: I tried Slax, but i was not satisfied | 01:54 |
Firefishe | superdaniel49: Well, it's quite dated. | 01:54 |
spycode | superdaniel49: Windows seven is windows 95 with new themes and support... but... this shit stills windows LoL | 01:55 |
outy | i like 7 :( | 01:55 |
sebsebseb | !ot | spycode outy | 01:55 |
ubottu | spycode outy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 01:55 |
sebsebseb | and it's Vista version 2 | 01:55 |
outy | spycode? | 01:55 |
superdaniel49 | spycode: I mean after i upgraded to Xubuntu, it went a lot faster, so it was worth it | 01:55 |
outy | oh | 01:55 |
aaron_ | any suggestions on getting atheros 802.11 wireless to work? | 01:55 |
outy | nvm just woke up | 01:56 |
cooper77z | is there a multimedia production channel for ubuntu? | 01:56 |
jamieleshaw | #fedora | 01:56 |
superdaniel49 | cooper77z: i'm not sure if they have it | 01:56 |
jocefus | when i browse network folder in nautilus it comes back empty as does smbtree, however it i point nautilus to smb://ip it connects to the server and smbtree as well as network folder magically start working | 01:56 |
cooper77z | superdaniel49, if I stop gnome but I can still windows and background does that mean gnome stopped using ram? | 01:57 |
krayon | Hi. I am looking to be able to access more than ~3gb on an ubuntu 8.10 system (32bit). I hear I can install the server version of the linux kernel but can't find any linux-image-x.x.xx-x-server package. Can it be installed (and used) easily? | 01:58 |
superdaniel49 | Usually if ur on a dual boot with 2 os by each other. It hasn't stoped using RAM | 01:58 |
cooper77z | I am just using 8.04.2, but when I stop gnome, I can still use the windows | 01:58 |
cooper77z | super | 01:58 |
Scunizi | krayon: if you're referring to more than 3gigs of ram the server package or kernel won't help you.. 64 bit is the only way to get more access to ram... ON ANY OS.. not just ubuntu | 01:59 |
edoceo | how do I get the the installer to try to do the GUI installer in a different Graphic mode? After usplash my screen just goes blank | 01:59 |
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test34 | Scunizi: you could have a ram HD and use it that way | 02:00 |
cooper77z | superdaniel49, terminal says ok when I stop gnome, but all windows type graphics remain | 02:00 |
outy | hey when i go to system > preferences > appearance > visual effects tab and try to turn on"ExtrA" it changes my minimize, maximise, and close buttons to some dodgy ones that i dont like, and the "extra" is always turned off again after a reboot, any idea whats going on ? | 02:00 |
Scunizi | test34: yes.. but that's just like vram from the 80's.. another partition.. not functional, operational ram.. | 02:00 |
outy | its making docky not work | 02:00 |
jocefus | i am using 9.04 latest updates. when i browse network folder in nautilus it comes back empty as does smbtree, however it i point nautilus to smb://ip it connects to the server and smbtree as well as network folder magically start working. i have no issues browsing server shares from winxp laptop | 02:01 |
superdaniel49 | cooper77z:do u have Gnome on a partition not used by windows? | 02:01 |
test34 | Scunizi: use it as swap partition, then it's almost like real RAM ? | 02:01 |
mattgyver | jocefus, its a known bug | 02:01 |
cooper77z | I am only running ubuntu linx superdaniel49 | 02:01 |
krayon | Scunizi: What about bigmem? | 02:01 |
Scunizi | test34: naw... you should already have a swap.. 2 is redundant and not used much anyway | 02:02 |
test34 | Scunizi: it could be your only swap partition | 02:02 |
Scunizi | krayon: I don't know anything about bigmem..... | 02:02 |
TiM | hi there | 02:02 |
TiM | i need some helep about sound card | 02:02 |
Scunizi | test34: true.. takes more than a noob to set up though.. :) | 02:02 |
jefinc | !ask | TiM | 02:02 |
ubottu | TiM: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 02:02 |
krayon | Scunizi: My understanding is you can use BIGMEM to enable support for >3gb in the linux kernel. | 02:03 |
superdaniel49 | cooper77z: so ur don't have dual boot. Where when the computer starts it gives u a choice of booting into Windows or ubuntu? | 02:03 |
test34 | Scunizi: maybe but it isnt impossible | 02:03 |
mattgyver | jocefus, see my pm | 02:03 |
Scunizi | krayon: you should google it and see what it actually does.. does it give seemless access to that extra ram? or does it set that extra amount up as something else? partition, swap, whatever? | 02:03 |
Scunizi | test34: my point exactly | 02:04 |
TiM | i installed my sound card, but now i'm having no sound on firefox | 02:04 |
cooper77z | superdaniel49, I reformatted and lost all microsoft influences | 02:04 |
krayon | Scunizi: According to a post on http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/2828/ the server kernel allows for referencing the extra. | 02:04 |
yoyoned | krayon: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=725567 | 02:04 |
darealpatman | hola | 02:04 |
SuperMiguel | whats the best windows program to read ext3 partitions? | 02:05 |
superdaniel49 | cooper77z: how did u install ubuntu. Live CD or Downloaded image? | 02:05 |
krayon | Scunizi: Well, I run ArchLinux and according to some forum posts on the bbs the bigmem makes stuff slower :( Having said that, the request was still made to me to put it on a system for testing. | 02:05 |
Scunizi | krayon: great.. follow that.. you should also ask youself.. do I actually use the 3 gigs recognized now or is most of it left dormant?.. you may be chasing windmills. | 02:05 |
yoyoned | krayon: I use 64 bit on arch everyday there is no reason not to use it | 02:06 |
krayon | yoyoned: I'm not sure if all the software they are using will work with it (and they use Ubuntu not arch) | 02:06 |
cooper77z | superdaniel49, I made an image after I completely installed fedora from a linux for dummies disk | 02:06 |
Scunizi | yoyoned: krayon should say if he even has a dual core machine. | 02:06 |
krayon | yoyoned: Otherwise I'd probably just do that ;) | 02:06 |
superdaniel49 | cooper77z: did u get the image from the Official Ubuntu site? | 02:07 |
Firefishe | Thanks boss_mc, th0r (though I know he's gone now), musikgoat|main, and all the rest who helped me today! :-) | 02:07 |
Firefishe | Bye for now | 02:07 |
krayon | yoyoned: Thanks for the link, that sum's it up nicely :) | 02:08 |
Rapt0rJezuz_ | lola | 02:08 |
cooper77z | I don't know, superdaniel49. | 02:08 |
Rapt0rJezuz_ | loli | 02:08 |
Rapt0rJezuz_ | loli | 02:08 |
Rapt0rJezuz_ | loli sex | 02:08 |
Rapt0rJezuz_ | rape | 02:08 |
cooper77z | I think so superdaniel49 | 02:08 |
FloodBot1 | Rapt0rJezuz_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 02:08 |
cooper77z | is there some kind of code I can read from the cd iso, superdaniel49? | 02:09 |
Paddy_NI | !ops | Rapt0rJezuz | 02:09 |
ubottu | Rapt0rJezuz: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Mez, , elky, imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso, PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia! | 02:09 |
superdaniel49 | cooper77z: first make sure that the image came from the ubuntu site (www.ubuntu.com) | 02:10 |
=== tj__ is now known as tj83 | ||
cooper77z | superdaniel49, I would bet $100 it's a genuine ubuntu os | 02:10 |
superdaniel49 | cooper77z : r u sure? | 02:11 |
cooper77z | 99.95 percent sure superdaniel49 | 02:11 |
kfan | no sound with dv41155se HP laptop | 02:12 |
superdaniel49 | cooper77z: if it's not from the website, then download the live cd version or the alternate install cd for whatever processor u have and burn the image | 02:12 |
yoyoned | !sound|kfan | 02:12 |
ubottu | kfan: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 02:12 |
cooper77z | superdaniel49, isn | 02:13 |
cooper77z | superdaniel49, isn't there a way to read the iso to make sure it's genuine? | 02:13 |
jet | looking for help with the o2 micro integrated card reader | 02:14 |
superdaniel49 | cooper77z: is or isn't cuz all u put was isn | 02:14 |
cooper77z | <cooper77z> superdaniel49, isn't there a way to read the iso to make sure it's genuine? | 02:15 |
superdaniel49 | cooper77z: not that i know of | 02:15 |
longbow | md5 sums | 02:15 |
syntax | cooper, to make sure i would just reinstall getting the iso from ubuntu.com | 02:15 |
cooper77z | ok superdaniel49, but how do I kill the gui for now? | 02:15 |
jcmarini | wine is telling me that the window on a virtual desktop is too small to fit my virtual page; which is blatantly obvious to me and; the help programs are complaining about legalities; as usual. | 02:16 |
superdaniel49 | follow what syntax told u cooper | 02:16 |
natewiebe13 | anyone know anything about a promo video that was for a linux mobile project? | 02:17 |
jcmarini | what is wrong with my wine; is it stakle or something | 02:17 |
trelayne | hey all, I'm trying to creating an ad-hoc network (who's SSID is not visible) on my ubuntu A machine. I've manage to make the network but for some reason the SSID shows up on my ubuntu machine B's list of SSIDs. Any know what I need to do to make the network invisible? | 02:17 |
natewiebe13 | there was a guy that was running linux and had his phone, computer, and car synced | 02:17 |
aaron_ | atheros wireless card wont work, and suggestions? | 02:17 |
cooper77z | It's genuine, I downloaded it from www.ubuntu/... syntax! | 02:17 |
syntax | but at first you didnt know | 02:17 |
cooper77z | I know, syntax | 02:18 |
longbow | try to check the damn md5 sums! | 02:18 |
syntax | oh ok | 02:18 |
natewiebe13 | anyone? | 02:18 |
yoyoned | !wireless|natewiebe13: | 02:18 |
ubottu | natewiebe13:: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 02:18 |
cooper77z | unless, they cloned the site like ebay clones, syntax | 02:18 |
natewiebe13 | yoyoned: wireless? i had a question about a video i saw | 02:18 |
=== Wizzup` is now known as Wizzup | ||
yoyoned | !wireless|) aaron_: | 02:19 |
ubottu | ) aaron_:: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 02:19 |
yoyoned | natewiebe13: oops | 02:19 |
natewiebe13 | no probs | 02:19 |
natewiebe13 | yoyoned: but have you seen that video? | 02:19 |
aaron_ | yoyoned: thanks | 02:19 |
yoyoned | natewiebe13: no, but cars running linux sound really cool | 02:19 |
superdaniel49 | you could check the website by using someone elses windows based computer and use that thing that checks if the website ur looking at is genuine | 02:19 |
nicklas_ | hello, when trying to burn a ubuntu iso to a usb memory with make usb startup disk the program tells me "cant determine partitonnumber" ... what to do? | 02:19 |
xcdfgkjhgcv | I keep getting the error "VPN Connection Failed" When trying to use pptp with network manager. | 02:20 |
natewiebe13 | yoyoned: i saw it on youtube one time.. i think it was moblin, not sure, but i cant find it anywhere | 02:20 |
cooper77z | but, I did install the server from an os that might not have been ubuntu. | 02:20 |
natewiebe13 | it was their vision for the next 5-10 years | 02:20 |
evanescent | is there any good OSS collaboration software (I looked around google and turned up nothing). E.g. a way for co-workers and I to exchange chat/lists/doodles/charts/etc in real time integrated into the same application? | 02:20 |
superdaniel49 | nicklas_: have u tried to format the usb disk | 02:20 |
cooper77z | if I can't kill gui, is that an indication that my edition of ubuntu is not genuine? | 02:20 |
nicklas_ | superdaniel49: no | 02:20 |
syntax | just reformat and install the iso from the site..that will elimate the prob | 02:21 |
superdaniel49 | nicklas_ try that and then try making the usb startup disk again | 02:21 |
jet | !help with card reader | 02:22 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 02:22 |
cooper77z | that is so frustrating, syntax, I have reinstalled so many times, and I want to try to fix this installation, I know there is a way to verify it's authenticity without reinstallation! | 02:22 |
SuperMiguel | to format HD in fat32 whats the name of the program i need to install? | 02:22 |
SuperMiguel | msdosfs? | 02:22 |
natewiebe13 | found it: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX5UAfWiPR8 | 02:23 |
syntax | Like i said man it might be the version of your ubuntu | 02:23 |
IndyGunFreak | SuperBert: if you're using linux, you can use gparted, if you're not using Linux, you can downlod a gparted live cd | 02:23 |
cooper77z | thanks syntax :) | 02:24 |
monkey2 | has anyone tried lsyncd, I don't think that the --exclude-from argument works correctly | 02:24 |
syntax | I know you dont wanna reformat again br0 but this time make sure 100 percent you get it from the site, Reformat and see what happens | 02:24 |
Austin` | What's a good application for tracking time spent on a project? | 02:24 |
jet | looking for help to get integrated card reader working???? anyone? | 02:25 |
IndyGunFreak | Austin`: the clock.. itse installed on all apps. | 02:25 |
IndyGunFreak | lol | 02:25 |
Tfnrsh | no one is using bazaare ? | 02:25 |
cooper77z | I don't even know how to make sure, syntax, short of ordering the disk by mail. I redownload is not even secure from a corrupt os !!! | 02:25 |
danderson | Hi all. I'm wanting to install the latest ubuntu on a system that already has an encrypted hard drive (set up by ubuntu, but another distro replaced it later). Does the main installer disk allow reuse of an existing encrypted volume? | 02:26 |
natewiebe13 | anyone know if moblin is still working on this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aX5UAfWiPR8 ?? | 02:26 |
cooper77z | syntax, I'll order a disk by mail, though, thanks for the heads up :) | 02:27 |
Dr_Willis | natewiebe13: check the 'disrtowatch' web site - i think there was a new release of moblin the other day. | 02:27 |
panickedthumb | natewiebe13: yeah there's a new release | 02:27 |
richardcavell | Is it just me or does it take ages to reload update manager's package information? | 02:27 |
syntax | you would order when you can download? most if not all of the people thats on ubuntu has gotten it from the site.. | 02:27 |
natewiebe13 | except.. this is not what you think | 02:27 |
panickedthumb | natewiebe13: unfortunately, it seems it only works on atom processors. My eee 900 with a celeron won't boot it | 02:27 |
richardcavell | sorry wrong channel | 02:28 |
superdaniel49 | anyone know how to change the screen saver on Xubuntu 9.04 (Xfce desktop)? | 02:28 |
cooper77z | bye for now | 02:28 |
Tfnrsh | java babe | 02:28 |
kfan | my dv41155se overheats with ubuntu and not windows anyone help? | 02:28 |
syntax | wow | 02:28 |
natewiebe13 | Dr_Willis, panickedthumb: this is a video where they show integration into watches, cars, computers, tv's, etc | 02:28 |
syntax | ok | 02:28 |
natewiebe13 | its a year old | 02:28 |
bsmith_ | Is it possible to run folding@home on a server | 02:29 |
Dr_Willis | natewiebe13: seen things like that done over the last few years... | 02:29 |
mazda01_ | hi ya'll | 02:29 |
kfan | hey | 02:29 |
panickedthumb | natewiebe13: aha, gotcha. yes i think they are still working on that | 02:29 |
natewiebe13 | nice | 02:29 |
kfan | why does my computer overheat in ubuntu and not windows? | 02:29 |
test34 | bsmith_: yes | 02:29 |
natewiebe13 | its a good idea | 02:29 |
mazda01_ | anyone need any help with something? | 02:29 |
kfan | me | 02:30 |
bsmith_ | test34: Is there instructions? | 02:30 |
panickedthumb | kfan, my wife's does as well | 02:30 |
test34 | bsmith_: same instructions as a desktop | 02:30 |
superdaniel49 | kfan: it's probably with the hardware ur using | 02:30 |
Tfnrsh | tell me how to get bzr running on jaunty 64 | 02:30 |
mazda01_ | kfan: state your problem | 02:30 |
panickedthumb | kfan: if it's a laptop you might try changing the cpu frequency | 02:30 |
jason | ESPN 360 video will not load | 02:30 |
=== jason is now known as Guest69601 | ||
jet | cmon people | 02:31 |
bsmith_ | test34: Thanks, do you also know of any media server "software" to play in a web browser? | 02:31 |
panickedthumb | kfan: or if you have compositing on Ubuntu but not windows, that could be why | 02:31 |
kfan | hmm | 02:31 |
jet | i want to get my friggin card reader to work i already lost my whole computer once this afternoon..... | 02:31 |
Austin` | IndyGunFreak: ;p something more advanced than that. A 'project manager' perhaps? | 02:31 |
* xTheGoat121x is now awake! | 02:31 | |
xTheGoat121x | But I'm going back to sleep. | 02:32 |
danderson | Austin`: if you happen to use Emacs, org-mode has all of that and more. | 02:32 |
Dr_Willis | jet: built into a laptop? | 02:32 |
danderson | todo lists, project management, timeclocking, agenda mode... | 02:32 |
test34 | bsmith_: I dont understand exactly what you want to do | 02:32 |
jet | Dr_Willis: yea, its one of those o2 micro ones | 02:32 |
powerUserbud | get someone help install the latest version of firefox | 02:33 |
Austin` | danderson: I don't use emacs :( | 02:33 |
bsmith_ | I want to listen to music from any computer connected to the internet in the browser (firefox, IE) without having to download a streaming file | 02:33 |
Dr_Willis | jet: that means little to me. I have had laptops in the past that have odd chipset/built in readers - often its just the sd card that work in them.. some times they dont work at all. theres just a lot of varity in the things. | 02:33 |
Dr_Willis | jet: its possible theres some kernel options that might get it going. but you would have to check the forums for that exact laptop/chipset of the things. some of my netbooks need special boot optiosn to get theirs seen properly. | 02:34 |
Dr_Willis | jet: some only work IF theres a card in the slot when you boot. | 02:34 |
jet | Dr_Willis: i had someone helping with it this afternoon and i screwed up i was so far into terminal i didnt know what i had done to go back and try again | 02:34 |
FloridaGuy | after 2 weeks of trying to get my display set to 1280x1040....sence Polaroid recomends 1040x768....1040x768 was all i could get ubuntu 9.04 to do...when other distro's i could get 1280x1040...so i asked a #xorg if i could copyed a mandriva xorg.conf over...that i had stored on my usb stick if it would work...they said it should..so i did that..rebooted...#xorg was right ...i now have my 1280x1040 | 02:35 |
jet | Dr_Willis: the reader is seen with lspci | 02:35 |
jet | Dr_Willis: but no cards will mount | 02:35 |
linxeh | FloridaGuy: err | 02:35 |
Dr_Willis | jet: yep. ive had some readers that only some of the slots work. You try having a card inserted when it boots up? | 02:35 |
FloridaGuy | linxeh, err...what | 02:36 |
jet | Dr_Willis: im pretty sure its been in there when it boots a few times but i still dont get anything | 02:36 |
powerUserbud | update Firefox to 3.5 anyone | 02:36 |
jet | Dr_Willis: what about boot options? | 02:36 |
rww | !ff35 | powerUserbud | 02:36 |
ubottu | powerUserbud: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY | 02:36 |
robert__ | how is AIM? does it have all the webcam and mic features? | 02:36 |
robert__ | for Ubuntu i mean 1.5 | 02:37 |
linxeh | FloridaGuy: what you said made little sense; what are you trying to achieve ? | 02:37 |
Dr_Willis | jet: ive seen some that work on my netbooks.. but it may deped on your exact chipset. | 02:38 |
Schwanowski | huh, my scroll wheel does no twork | 02:38 |
mattb123 | Hello all. I just installed Ubuntu 9.04 and I'm trying to get my wireless to work. I was told I need to install "linux-backports-modules-2.6.28-13-generic" package. How should I do that? | 02:39 |
Schwanowski | what might be the problem? | 02:39 |
robert__ | how is AIM for Linux? does it have webcam/mic? | 02:39 |
cooper77z | hi, how do I finalize a mail order for ubuntu cds when the only option is to change my request? | 02:39 |
Dr_Willis | robert__: what 'AIM' for linux? theres several 3rd party IM clients that can do AIM chatting. | 02:39 |
Dr_Willis | robert__: as far as i know the official AIM client for linux is very very old. | 02:39 |
robert__ | Dr_Willis, the official aim | 02:39 |
robert__ | oh ok | 02:39 |
jet | Dr_Willis: maybe you can make some sence of a few terminal outputs and tell me if its nearly hopeless or not it wont bother me much. im already down an 80 gig zune | 02:39 |
Drule | Hi | 02:39 |
frostee | robert_...Try pidgin | 02:39 |
Drule | I'm now a member of the Ubuntu family ;) | 02:39 |
jet | ... | 02:39 |
Tfnrsh | welcome | 02:40 |
Drule | Thanks pal. | 02:40 |
FloridaGuy | linxeh, im useing a polaroid LCD tv..that has monitor on it...polariod recomends 1040x768.....other distro's i have been able to get 1280x1040...ubuntu i havent been able to get the 1280x1040....i have a xorg.conf stored on my usb stick from mandriva....#xorg ...told me to copy that over to ubuntu...and it worked | 02:40 |
lstarnes | mattb123: open a terminal and enter this: sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-$(uname -r) | 02:40 |
Schwanowski | robert: pidgon is the common IM client at ubuntu.. you can try it in windows as well | 02:40 |
Dr_Willis | jet: i am heading to work here in 10 min. so cant really help much. Other then to suggest ya pastebin the output somewhere.. and hopefully find someone else who can help. | 02:40 |
emy | hello can anyone recommend me a channel to disccus history? like a network too? | 02:40 |
jet | Dr_Willis: get to work brother lol | 02:40 |
jet | Dr_Willis: thanks anyway | 02:41 |
* richardcavell can't play Counter-Strike with a ping of 300 | 02:41 | |
Dr_Willis | jet: been off work for 2 weeks.. back to 3rd shift.. UGH | 02:41 |
linxeh | FloridaGuy: 1040x768, or 1024x768 ? | 02:41 |
powerUserbud | thanks | 02:41 |
jet | Dr_Willis: i go back for 4 nights tomorrow night | 02:41 |
cooper77z | oh, I get it, it changed the request automatically, "Request changed successfully." :) | 02:42 |
Tfnrsh | is there a cahnnel for networking support ? | 02:42 |
cooper77z | so, how do I kill the gui to free up ram for cinelerra? | 02:42 |
mattb123 | Istarnes, just tried, and it says it couldn't find the package | 02:42 |
jet | so can anyone else take a stab at helping me out with my card reader? | 02:43 |
Dr_Willis | Tfnrsh: 'networking support' is a VERY broad topic. | 02:43 |
FloridaGuy | linxeh, 1024 | 02:43 |
Tfnrsh | id like to start with dns n routing | 02:44 |
prankenandi | hello | 02:44 |
kais3r | hola | 02:45 |
cooper77z | howdy | 02:45 |
Tfnrsh | greeting to your nerds hows life | 02:46 |
cooper77z | sure jet what's wrong? | 02:46 |
Tfnrsh | im havin a wine | 02:46 |
Dr_Willis | Tfnrsh: start? you mean yoi basicially wish to learn about them? or is tehre an actual propblem? | 02:46 |
H_M-Laptop | Hey, I installed gtk-chtheme to use with fluxbox today... and when I went to boot back into GNOME, I noticed it changed my theme there. So I went to change it the normal way, and that control was broken. I apt-get removed gtk-chtheme, but this problem didn't go away. | 02:46 |
H_M-Laptop | I found a forum post saying this was due to something that changed in my .gnome2 config.... | 02:47 |
H_M-Laptop | And the best way to fix it is to simply delete the .gnome2 folder and change your settings all over again... -- But is that the only option? | 02:47 |
Tfnrsh | there is no actual problem, and i got the basics but im lookiong forward to rent a rack with my own uplink | 02:47 |
reorampage | hey all, i'm a total noob at linux and irc but i really dont know where else to turn for help. is this the right room to seek help? | 02:48 |
cooper77z | how do I kill gnome and return to command line? | 02:48 |
Tfnrsh | soooo mom sais itd be a great idea to get some knowlegde first :d | 02:48 |
Tfnrsh | :D | 02:48 |
jet | cooper77z: im trying to get an sd card to mount with an o2 micro integrated reader | 02:48 |
H_M-Laptop | Anyone have any idea with the problem I said above? :( | 02:48 |
jet | cooper77z: pm? | 02:48 |
Tfnrsh | ALT+CTRL+F1-5 | 02:48 |
cooper77z | hmmm, I am using a usb card reader "dynex" with 8.04.2 and it works fine | 02:49 |
Tfnrsh | /etc/init.d/gdm/stop || killall -9 gdm | 02:49 |
H_M-Laptop | jet: Why have a PM? | 02:49 |
H_M-Laptop | jet: That's like the biggest sign of someone doing something malicious. | 02:49 |
lstarnes | H_M-Laptop: some people prefer PM because they can't keep up with the channel | 02:50 |
linxeh | reorampage: it depends what you want to do:) probably | 02:50 |
jet | H_M-Laptop: yea someone was helping me this afternoon that way thats why i asked i can keep up fine lol | 02:50 |
cooper77z | maybe, jet, you should take back your current reader and get a dynex one? | 02:50 |
H_M-Laptop | Anyway, does anyone know a way to restore the gnome gtk2 theme control from gtk-chtheme? | 02:51 |
jcmarini | wine | 02:51 |
H_M-Laptop | Because I REALLY don't want to have to configure everything again. | 02:51 |
jet | its an integrated on in my laptop :\ | 02:51 |
cooper77z | maybe you gotta shell out $20? | 02:51 |
cooper77z | jet? | 02:51 |
toogreen | hi there, something really strange is happening with Apache under 9.04: when i setup my site under default port 80, all works fine. If I change the port, apache seems to still be running but my site is unavailable. Any ideas anyone? | 02:51 |
jet | it MIGHT be my only option? | 02:52 |
H_M-Laptop | Welp.. I guess it can't be TOOOOO bad to just simply start over with a new gnome config.... | 02:52 |
cooper77z | maybe ??? dynex works fine for me :) | 02:52 |
* H_M-Laptop wipes his tears and deletes the folder.. then restarts | 02:53 | |
sabayonuser | i have a serious question regarding the speed of "ubuntu 9.04 gnome" verses "sabayon 4.2 gnome". why is sabayon lightening fast when compared with ubuntu?? | 02:55 |
* richardcavell advises HMLaptop to use backups | 02:55 | |
bazhang | sabayonuser, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic NOT here | 02:55 |
richardcavell | toogreen: firewall? | 02:55 |
sabayonuser | this is on-topic. i am asking a question regarding ubuntu 9.04 | 02:56 |
toogreen | richardcavell, nah its off and ports are accessible | 02:56 |
bazhang | sabayonuser, no, it is not. Please take chat elsewhere | 02:56 |
richardcavell | toogreen: are you able to ping the port from another computer? | 02:56 |
toogreen | richardcavell, when i try to load the site apache is running but tells me the page is unavailable | 02:56 |
toogreen | richardcavell, yes | 02:56 |
WiiW | bazhang: :) | 03:01 |
sabayonuser | it takes a while longer to open pidgin, firefox, and even at boot up. what can be done? | 03:01 |
richardcavell | toogreen: sorry got cut off. What do you get if you http request from another computer? | 03:01 |
toogreen | richardcavell, a "Not Found" error | 03:02 |
sabayonuser | bazhang: read up. i missed to type your name. | 03:02 |
toogreen | richardcavell, so Apache is running indeed and responding, just doesn't load the content | 03:02 |
toogreen | richardcavell, cuz at the bottom of the error page i see the server info: Apache/2.2.11 (Ubuntu) PHP/5.2.6-3ubuntu4.1 with Suhosin-Patch Server at "removed" Port 99 | 03:03 |
toogreen | richardcavell, and then if i go back and change /etc/apache2/ports.conf to port 80, restart apache, same page same content loads fine. I don't get it! | 03:04 |
evanescent | is there a good whiteboard/blackboard app for ubuntu? that runs over the network so two people can use it at once? | 03:04 |
sabayonuser | any idea's here to make ubuntu go faster? | 03:05 |
richardcavell | toogreen: okay, so it is serving | 03:05 |
richardcavell | toogreen: it's just refusing to serve the content of your site | 03:05 |
richardcavell | toogreen: #apache has 112 users right now. Try there. | 03:05 |
jet | i need help with tis stupid o2 reader | 03:05 |
kn100 | i need to borrow someone really quick | 03:06 |
kn100 | is there anyone from the US here with at&t internet | 03:06 |
kn100 | preferably with the high speed dsl | 03:06 |
sabayonuser | is there a special plug for ubuntu to use more cpu power? | 03:06 |
lstarnes | toogreen: I think the channel for the apache httpd is #httpd. #apache is the channel for the Apache Software Foundation | 03:07 |
abstortedminds1 | hi, im experiencing issues connecting ubuntu, i removed network-manager and setup: auto eth0; iface eth0 inet dhcp in my /etc/network/interfaces file, when restarting network, it hangs on not getting any dhcp offers | 03:08 |
richardcavell | lstarnes: ok my bad | 03:09 |
* richardcavell logs off to play counter-strike | 03:09 | |
cooper77z | How do I suspend all programs except the one I click on to free up ram? | 03:09 |
jrs5fg | hi | 03:09 |
cooper77z | hi | 03:09 |
jrs5fg | I have a little grub stage1 problem | 03:10 |
jrs5fg | so I'm installing ubuntu for a person who knows nothing about operating systems and bootloaders... | 03:10 |
cooper77z | I don't know much about grub jrs5fg | 03:10 |
cooper77z | how do I suspend grub, jrs5fg? | 03:11 |
bazhang | cooper77z, you dont | 03:11 |
lstarnes | cooper77z: grub only runs once, and that's when you boot | 03:11 |
jrs5fg | okay so I created a dedicated /boot partition at install... | 03:12 |
jrs5fg | which apparently overwrote whatever was installed at /boot | 03:12 |
jrs5fg | like the kernel | 03:12 |
cooper77z | bazhang, how do I make gui cease and go back to command line? | 03:12 |
sabayonuser | jrs5fg: i think ubuntu is very easy to set up and install. it works every time. | 03:12 |
bazhang | cooper77z, for what purpose | 03:12 |
jrs5fg | yes but I really don't want to reinstall it | 03:12 |
jrs5fg | like everything's set up | 03:12 |
cooper77z | to free up ram for cinelerra, bazhang | 03:12 |
jrs5fg | except that /boot is essentially empty | 03:12 |
=== Mr is now known as Guest37651 | ||
jrs5fg | well I've restored some of it | 03:13 |
jrs5fg | like the kernels | 03:13 |
jrs5fg | but stage1 doesn't exist. | 03:13 |
bazhang | cooper77z, you want to use cinelerra with out a desktop environment? | 03:13 |
jrib | jrs5fg: the installer only formats a partition if you tell it to | 03:13 |
user__ | ola | 03:13 |
cooper77z | yes, because I don't have very much ram bazhang | 03:13 |
jrib | !grub > jrs5fg | 03:13 |
ubottu | jrs5fg, please see my private message | 03:13 |
user__ | hi | 03:13 |
bazhang | cooper77z, that does not make sense | 03:13 |
user__ | someone can help me | 03:13 |
Guest37651 | hello | 03:13 |
cooper77z | why not bazhang? | 03:13 |
tiger2wander | hi all | 03:14 |
lstarnes | cooper77z: you need a GUI in order to run a graphical application | 03:14 |
lasehopesinyouu | i can't extract my rar files | 03:14 |
lasehopesinyouu | it goes right to wine file | 03:14 |
lasehopesinyouu | help :( | 03:14 |
jrib | !rar | lasehopesinyouu | 03:14 |
ubottu | lasehopesinyouu: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free | 03:14 |
bazhang | cooper77z, it is self-evident | 03:14 |
cooper77z | I was told differently, but it could have been errant lstanes | 03:14 |
tiger2wander | is someone known the way to check RAM's manufacturer by command? | 03:14 |
lstarnes | cooper77z: have you tried a lightweight window manager such as fluxbox? | 03:14 |
jrs5fg | jrib -- the partition is formatted tho | 03:14 |
jrs5fg | it's just blank | 03:15 |
jrs5fg | and overwrote the original /boot mount point | 03:15 |
cooper77z | will I have a choice at startup which window manager to use lstarnes? | 03:15 |
jrs5fg | basically how do I get stage1 back? | 03:15 |
jrib | jrs5fg: right, I told you about the installer for teh future. Read ubottu's grub instructions on how to reinstall grub | 03:15 |
lstarnes | cooper77z: yes, by changing which session you use | 03:15 |
jrs5fg | well grub is installed... | 03:15 |
jrs5fg | stage1 just isn't where it should be | 03:16 |
cooper77z | will that free up ram for cinelerra, lstarnes? | 03:16 |
jrib | jrs5fg: so install it where it should be | 03:16 |
aviator | #ubuntu-fr | 03:16 |
jrs5fg | I've used grub-install and recreated the system map and everything | 03:16 |
lstarnes | cooper77z: fluxbox uses significantly less ram than gnome or any other full desktop environment | 03:16 |
jrs5fg | where do I find stage1...? | 03:16 |
lstarnes | cooper77z: how much swap do you have? | 03:17 |
cooper77z | thanks, lstarnes, I'll meditate on it | 03:17 |
cooper77z | lstarnes, I don't know | 03:17 |
Tfnrsh | awwww ubutnu community sucks | 03:18 |
lstarnes | cooper77z: check the system monitor or htop | 03:18 |
jrib | jrs5fg: wow, follow ubottu's instructions on using the super grub disk. That should work afaik | 03:18 |
Tfnrsh | maybe gentoo next time | 03:18 |
jrib | Tfnrsh: do you have a question? | 03:18 |
cooper77z | checking lstanes | 03:18 |
lstarnes | cooper77z: how much ram do you currently have? | 03:19 |
Tfnrsh | yes | 03:19 |
Tfnrsh | actually i got a question | 03:19 |
masterofhate | any body know anything about the new ubuntu operating system after installing the package manager will not open i get an error | 03:19 |
jrib | Tfnrsh: so ask your ubuntu support question | 03:19 |
lstarnes | masterofhate: version 9.04? | 03:19 |
cooper77z | lstarnes, 384 shadow, whatever that means and 256 cache, whatever that means | 03:19 |
masterofhate | yes | 03:19 |
lstarnes | masterofhate: what is the error? | 03:19 |
Tfnrsh | im running jaunty amd64 and bzr doesnt work | 03:20 |
lstarnes | cooper77z: I would strongly suggest getting more ram if you're going to be using applications that use a lot of ram | 03:20 |
jrib | !doesn't work | Tfnrsh | 03:20 |
ubottu | Tfnrsh: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too. | 03:20 |
Tfnrsh | nice thanks | 03:20 |
jrib | Tfnrsh: you need to provide details so we can help you | 03:21 |
cooper77z | 648 swap lstarnes, I can't afford it right now, it's like $85 for a gig | 03:21 |
Tfnrsh | ubuntu community sucks :D | 03:21 |
Tfnrsh | youre another proof | 03:21 |
bazhang | Tfnrsh, no need for that | 03:21 |
sabayonuser | could it be possible that my pc is too slow for ubuntu 9.04? i have a p4 3.2ghz and 640mb ram, ati 64mb vga. could it be my vga is too low??? | 03:22 |
jrs5fg | well ubottu won't parse any requests about the super disk... | 03:22 |
linuxguy2009 | Anyone have any experience in Ubuntu icon theme set creation for gnome? | 03:22 |
cooper77z | lstanes? | 03:22 |
lstarnes | cooper77z: I'm not sure what you're asking | 03:22 |
bazhang | cooper77z, its lstarnes | 03:22 |
jrs5fg | sabayonuser: I've run Unreal Tournament on a 32 MB video card | 03:22 |
cooper77z | did the swap tell you anything more, lstarnes, sorry | 03:22 |
bazhang | cooper77z, please tab complete users nicks | 03:23 |
lstarnes | cooper77z: 648MB? | 03:23 |
cooper77z | yes lstarnes | 03:23 |
cooper77z | tab works bazhang | 03:23 |
lstarnes | cooper77z: that seems like enough swap | 03:23 |
WiiW | how to setup a password with length of 2 ? what can I do with : /etc/pam.d/ ? | 03:24 |
cooper77z | thanks for the help people :) | 03:24 |
lstarnes | WiiW: 2 characters? | 03:24 |
WiiW | lstarnes: yes | 03:24 |
lstarnes | WiiW: that is way too short to possibly be secure | 03:24 |
tiger2wander | did you known the way to find RAM manufacturer by command line? | 03:24 |
WiiW | lstarnes: I know | 03:24 |
sabayonuser | jrs5fg: is your 9.04 fast? mine is fast when compared to windows. but it's noticeably slow when i tried a different linux distro. | 03:24 |
linuxguy2009 | WiiW: Why not just set the system to autologin if thats the issue. | 03:24 |
tiger2wander | I have use dmidecode but the manufacturer is not specified! :( | 03:25 |
Brian_H | I'm trying to setup a preseed file that partitions my drives and makes / and swap encrypted however I can't get the recipe right, can anyone provide some insight? I've tried the "use entire disk and setup lvm and encrypt" however I always get grub error 18 on boot, I think its because the installer for 9.04 doesn't make a separate unencrypted /boot | 03:25 |
WiiW | linuxguy2009: ok , that's a good way | 03:25 |
thepeon | Stupid vi question, anyway to get out of edit mode without using esc?? | 03:26 |
Brian_H | another question... if I'm encrypting my entire / parition it's not necessary to encrypt my home directory right? | 03:27 |
mataks | what program in ubuntu that is like winamp? | 03:27 |
psywiped | yea Brian_H you realy need to make a boot partition | 03:27 |
bazhang | mataks, audacious | 03:27 |
timbojimbo | can any one help me with installing pokerth? | 03:27 |
linuxguy2009 | Brian_H: encrypting the "/" root folder is everything. Unless you have a seperate home partition, it will be encrypted also. | 03:27 |
psywiped | Brian_H you could also use trucript | 03:28 |
jrib | thepeon: some people use ctrl-[. Personally, I swap escape with CapsLock on my keyboard | 03:28 |
mataks | bazhang, ok thnx | 03:28 |
Brian_H | psywiped, linuxguy2009: thanks, I'm trying to setup a preseed file that does all of these choices for me but am having some dificullty getting the d-i paritioning part down | 03:28 |
timbojimbo | can any one help me with upgrading from 0.6.4 to 0.7.1 pokerth? | 03:29 |
channelbot | hi | 03:29 |
Brian_H | I see examples for regular paritioning, but none for setting up a regular /boot parition, and then encrypted / and swap | 03:29 |
=== channelbot is now known as krismanto | ||
krismanto | can i know the package name mirc for linux test? | 03:30 |
krismanto | its exist or not? | 03:30 |
linuxguy2009 | mataks: Visit your add/remove list and look through the Sound & Video catagory for a list of options. Rhythmbox comes by default and thats what I use. | 03:30 |
jrib | krismanto: try xchat instead | 03:30 |
krismanto | i use ubuntu jaunty..there is mirc for ubuntu text? | 03:30 |
krismanto | xchat? | 03:30 |
krismanto | okay | 03:30 |
krismanto | jrib:thanks | 03:30 |
FloodBot1 | krismanto: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:30 |
sabayonuser | ok.. maybe my username offends you people. it came up automatically when i booted a different distro using usb "live cd." is there a way to make my ubutnu 9.04 faster? | 03:30 |
krismanto | jrib:know something about eggdrop | 03:30 |
raar | Any clue what's wrong with this?: http://pastebin.com/d21ff2461 - I'm trying to add a user with the useradd command and arguments listed in --help, yet it errors telling me the possible arguments | 03:30 |
jrib | krismanto: ask the channel and see :) | 03:31 |
linuxguy2009 | sabayonuser: no | 03:31 |
thepeon | jrib thanks, that helped. Stuck with awn's terminal interface (esc minimizes the window) | 03:31 |
jrib | raar: looks to me like you aren't passing the LOGIN part | 03:31 |
WiiW | when 9.10 login to gnome desktop , I saw it used my memory is 212MB , is it normal ? | 03:31 |
mataks | im new to linux and im bothered with the two panel at the top and the bottom.. is there a way to merge them like on windows.. the taskbar and the tabs tray is only at the bottom | 03:32 |
linuxguy2009 | WiiW: Is what normal? | 03:32 |
sabayonuser | linuxguy2009: thank you! i tend to be straight forward. sorry to offend the rest. | 03:32 |
kingdong | what is the 'best' distro to run on a eee pc 1000he | 03:32 |
kingdong | the standard build or some custom eee build ? | 03:32 |
Brian_H | mataks: yes you can right click the top bar and add a window selector to it I think | 03:32 |
linuxguy2009 | mataks: Theres tons of tutorials for panel customization on google its been asked a million times. | 03:32 |
raar | jrib: ahhh, I see.. silly me, I had all the options right but forgot the main part :( thanks! | 03:33 |
Brian_H | then delete the bottom panel | 03:33 |
WiiW | linuxguy2009: 9.10 is so faster , from power on to login to desktop , it is only 15 second | 03:33 |
linuxguy2009 | WiiW: What are you telling me for? hehe | 03:33 |
jrib | !karmic | WiiW | 03:33 |
ubottu | WiiW: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | 03:33 |
WiiW | jrib: ok , I see | 03:34 |
kingdong | anyone ? | 03:34 |
Brian_H | kingdong: don't know but I know there is a ubuntu netbook remix, give it a try | 03:35 |
linuxguy2009 | kingdong: Have you tried Ubuntu Netbook Edition? | 03:35 |
kingdong | it look like shit | 03:35 |
kingdong | its for a dev server | 03:35 |
kingdong | not a desktop | 03:35 |
FloodBot1 | kingdong: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 03:35 |
kingdong | i plan to migrate from netbsd to ubuntu | 03:35 |
kingdong | since the 'trial' will be done on a eee so no idea wich distro to use, is the standard 9.x distro supporting most of the eee hardware ? | 03:36 |
linuxguy2009 | kingdong: There is the netbook release of ubuntu other than that do you have any specific questions that we might be able to help with? | 03:36 |
Brian_H | you're not making any sense.. you asked about a netbook OS now you're talking about a dev server? | 03:36 |
=== adamg_ is now known as webman | ||
mataks | linuxguy2009, k thnx i'll look for it | 03:36 |
kingdong | dev server on a netbook, nothing fancy, python, apache, svn, etc, etc | 03:36 |
Sgeo | Hi all | 03:36 |
mataks | bazhang, in audacious i can't see the playlist.. | 03:37 |
Sgeo | Why doesn't the Guest account work? I try it, then the screen goes between black and off repeatedly, then it locks under my account | 03:37 |
mataks | wait i see it now. hehe | 03:37 |
bazhang | mataks, you have to click one of the buttons on the right hand side of the player window, will bring it up | 03:37 |
linuxguy2009 | mataks: If your the one looking for media players. Go to Applications menu, Add/Remove and search in the Sound & Video for apps. | 03:37 |
linuxguy2009 | mataks: Also have you tried the default Rhythmbox? | 03:38 |
kfan | how can i adjust my laptop fan to make it always run at full speed? | 03:38 |
linuxguy2009 | kfan: Perhaps the BIOS setup? Might be set to a power saving setting. | 03:39 |
mataks | linuxguy2009, yes i tried the rhythmbox and it's big.. i mean not like audacious its so cute. hehe | 03:39 |
wers | how do i send private messages on twitter using gwibber? :) | 03:39 |
cooper77z | anyone know how many hours a dell inspiron 1000 was made to be used for? | 03:40 |
jrib | cooper77z: ask dell | 03:40 |
linuxguy2009 | cooper77z: Yeah call Dell for expected battery life. | 03:40 |
mazda01_ | kfan: what kind of laptop is it again? | 03:40 |
cooper77z | jrib, how can I completely back up my os and doccuments on dvd? | 03:40 |
jrib | !backup > cooper77z | 03:40 |
ubottu | cooper77z, please see my private message | 03:40 |
jrib | cooper77z: personally, I like rsnapshot | 03:41 |
cooper77z | ubottu, I don't know where to find your private message | 03:41 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 03:41 |
linuxguy2009 | cooper77z: A live CD session that includes Part Image program. I use Parted Magic distro live CD. | 03:41 |
jrib | cooper77z: look on the left or bottom of your xchat for "ubottu" in red and click on it | 03:41 |
jrs5fg | can someone give me their /boot/grub/stage1? | 03:42 |
linuxguy2009 | cooper77z: www.distrowatch.com look for Parted Magic. | 03:42 |
jrib | jrs5fg: did you use the super grub disk? | 03:42 |
jrs5fg | or a url where I would download it from? | 03:42 |
Sgeo | Hello? | 03:42 |
jrs5fg | ubottu would return me errors when I asked about it... | 03:42 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 03:42 |
jrib | !grub > jrs5fg | 03:42 |
ubottu | jrs5fg, please see my private message | 03:42 |
jrs5fg | can't I just download a /boot/grub/stage1? | 03:42 |
jrib | jrs5fg: click on the link he gives you | 03:42 |
mazda01_ | jrs5fg: http://pastebin.com/f3c2af3dc | 03:43 |
bruenig | mazda01_: ahahahaha | 03:43 |
Sgeo | Any help? | 03:43 |
bruenig | I was waiting for someone to pastebin | 03:43 |
mazda01_ | bruenig: what are you laughing at? | 03:43 |
bruenig | mazda01_: you pasted a binary file | 03:43 |
linuxguy2009 | Sgeo: Hola! How can we help you today? | 03:43 |
Sgeo | Why doesn't the Guest account work? I try it, then the screen goes between black and off repeatedly, then it locks under my account | 03:43 |
jrs5fg | well I think I need a binary file... | 03:43 |
jrs5fg | but I don't know where it starts | 03:44 |
bruenig | but you can't paste a binary file | 03:44 |
kn100 | LOL at binary | 03:44 |
Sgeo | As though I clicked Locked screen | 03:44 |
kn100 | He just broke the internet | 03:44 |
mazda01_ | bruenig: HA, you're right. i din | 03:44 |
bruenig | jrs5fg: http://omploader.org/vMjFtdw | 03:44 |
artillerytx | Hey guys im trying to use lmsensors but when it says want to add lines automatically it never does anything | 03:44 |
jrs5fg | and I can't find where the ELF line starts lol | 03:44 |
linuxguy2009 | Sgeo: Log into a regular account and choose guest from user switcher applet. | 03:44 |
mazda01_ | bruenig: i didn't realize stage1 was a binary file. ha ha | 03:44 |
kn100 | You cant do THAT on the internet | 03:44 |
jrs5fg | thx | 03:44 |
Sgeo | linuxguy2009, what is not a regular account? | 03:44 |
jrs5fg | trying now | 03:44 |
Sgeo | It worked before | 03:44 |
cooper77z | thanks everyone :) I am really pleased with my system now, it just needs more ram | 03:44 |
linuxguy2009 | Sgeo: Any account. | 03:45 |
Sgeo | And that's what I've been doing, assuming that this account is a regular account | 03:45 |
bruenig | cooper77z: just needs less bloat | 03:45 |
linuxguy2009 | Sgeo: 9.04? | 03:45 |
kit_ | cooper77z, how much ram you got? | 03:45 |
Sgeo | Yes | 03:45 |
cooper77z | kit, what is shadow ram? | 03:45 |
Sgeo | Although the Update thing has been bugging me to update stuff. I'm currently a bit scared of upgrading the kernel | 03:45 |
krismanto | jrib:i mean irc for linux text only..no gui | 03:46 |
linuxguy2009 | Sgeo: Dont know of any reason it shouldnt work. It should come right back in as guest. | 03:46 |
Sgeo | Don't think that's relevent | 03:46 |
jrib | krismanto: try irssi and weechat then | 03:46 |
Sgeo | Could running too much stuff cause a problem? | 03:46 |
mazda01_ | bruenig: have you tried out the command line app, pastebinit? it's awesomem no more copying and pasting into pastebin, i just issue pastebinit /filename and it returns a link and i paste that and I am good to go | 03:46 |
krismanto | ok | 03:46 |
bruenig | mazda01_: quite familiar | 03:46 |
kit_ | cooper77z, i'm not sure. something on your cpu or graphics adaptor maybe | 03:46 |
linuxguy2009 | Sgeo: How much ram do you have? | 03:46 |
Sgeo | Not sure offhand | 03:46 |
=== selocol_ is now known as yimi | ||
Sgeo | Just closed out of a bunch of stuff, about to try again | 03:46 |
cooper77z | I am not sure either, so I don't know how much ram I have, maybe 1.2 gigs? | 03:46 |
cooper77z | kit | 03:47 |
bruenig | cooper77z: free -m | 03:47 |
mazda01_ | Sgeo: just issue free -m and you can see how much ram you have | 03:47 |
bruenig | be the first number | 03:47 |
linuxguy2009 | Sgeo: System menu, Administration, System monitor will say. | 03:47 |
Sgeo | Closing out of stuff worked | 03:47 |
cooper77z | bye bye for now :) | 03:47 |
=== yimi is now known as selocol_ | ||
linuxguy2009 | Sgeo: English? | 03:48 |
kfan | says i only have 3637 ??? | 03:48 |
Sgeo | ~1GB | 03:48 |
kfan | what the hell shouldnt it before 4000? | 03:48 |
Sgeo | linuxguy2009, hm? | 03:48 |
eli_ | hi, I did setting ufw allow 443, but I checked open port by use nmap -v localhost then opened 139, 445 port... | 03:48 |
Sgeo | I closed out of a bunch of open stuff, and now the Guest session thing is working | 03:48 |
eli_ | plz help me | 03:48 |
linuxguy2009 | Sgeo: You have 1Gb total or free? | 03:48 |
Sgeo | total | 03:48 |
Sgeo | BRB | 03:48 |
linuxguy2009 | Sgeo: How much free? | 03:48 |
kfan | how can i only have 3637 ram ???? shouldnt it be 4gig? | 03:49 |
linuxguy2009 | kfan: 32bit CPU limit? Not sure what the actual limit is at all. Guess. | 03:49 |
Frank83 | Greetings guys. Is there a way to remove the message "Loading from disk **** swap ****" at ubuntu's load up? | 03:49 |
linuxguy2009 | kfan: 32bit OS limit I mean | 03:50 |
mothdragon | Hi I'm trying to get the scanner portion of my new Brother MFC-290C Multifunction printer working in Ubuntu 9.04, I'm not too familiar with my way around Linux... But I have been able to get the printer portion working... Anyone Have Any Ideas? I tried looking online for XSANE drivers, and various other variations on search, but I din't find anything helpful... | 03:50 |
eli_ | could you help me firewall setting? | 03:50 |
linuxguy2009 | Frank83: Its just stating what it is doing. Whats the problem? | 03:50 |
kit_ | 3637mb could be 4,000,000,000 bytes | 03:50 |
Frank83 | Linuxguy2009: There is really no problem at all. I was just wondering how it could be removed. Pure curiosity. That is before I start messing with the GRUB (I thought I could remove it from there) | 03:51 |
linuxguy2009 | mothdragon: Brother have excelent Linux driver support. google for brother linux support. They have drivers in deb and rpm formats there. | 03:52 |
Sgeo | 298used now | 03:52 |
macgyver_ | all, I seem to have lost my bluetooth, dmesg shows it as there, but I cannot seem to get it to activate --> dmesg |grep Bluetooth --> Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized | 03:52 |
=== Guest8540 is now known as stew | ||
Sgeo | After I closed out of stuff and started the guest account | 03:52 |
macgyver_ | for the record, it was working fine before I did the updates | 03:53 |
mothdragon | linuxguy2009: all I've been able to find is the cups and the lpr drivers for the printer... It doesn't seem to have any effect for Scanner though... | 03:53 |
linuxguy2009 | mothdragon: Did you install them both using sudo? | 03:54 |
mothdragon | linuxguy2009: yes... It's possible that I'm scanning wrong though... I'm just learning the device too... just bought it today | 03:54 |
linuxguy2009 | mothdragon: Do you notice if you got an error saying that /user/share/cups/model folder doesnt exist? | 03:55 |
jessicasco | can man read HTML? | 03:56 |
eli_ | hi | 03:56 |
belorix | is Ubuntu Studio an Oddicial Ubuntu Release | 03:57 |
belorix | !studio | 03:57 |
ubottu | UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org | 03:57 |
mothdragon | linuxguy2009: no, the instructions told me I had to make that.... The instructions didn't tell me though that I had to make the /var/spool/lpd/mfc290c directory though | 03:57 |
bazhang | belorix, you can install the package on top of Ubuntu, it is official | 03:57 |
linuxguy2009 | motherdragon: http://solutions.brother.com/linux/en_us/download_scn.html | 03:57 |
fez | sup | 03:58 |
linuxguy2009 | mothdragon: Your printer scanner is listed under the brscan3 models. There is a seperate driver for the scanner looks like. | 03:58 |
kit_ | jessicasco - no, do you mean as in html on the web? you could use links, it's a console based web browser | 03:58 |
mothdragon | linuxguy2009: Ahh... thank you! checking it out now! :) | 03:59 |
fez | i fergut my rewt passwerd.... halp!!!111 | 03:59 |
linuxguy2009 | mothdragon: Im sure itll work great for you. Brother has excelent drivers for linux. | 03:59 |
kit_ | fez - use sudo su | 03:59 |
kit_ | and then when you're in as root run passwd | 04:00 |
Lenin_Cat | how do you blank a disc in ubuntu? | 04:00 |
linuxguy2009 | Lenin_Cat: Brasero can blank a CD-RW or DVD+_RW | 04:00 |
arbic | Hello i need help , i delete bot folder | 04:00 |
jrib | !noroot | kit_ | 04:00 |
ubottu | kit_: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information. | 04:00 |
jrib | !sudo | fez | 04:00 |
ubottu | fez: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE) | 04:00 |
linuxguy2009 | Lenin_Cat: Or do you mean a hard drive or what exactly? | 04:01 |
Lenin_Cat | dvd-rw | 04:01 |
jrib | fez: there is no root password by default. You use sudo when you need administrative privileges. Ubottu's link should fill you in, but ask if you are unsure about anything | 04:01 |
linuxguy2009 | Lenin_Cat: Yeah try Brasero | 04:01 |
Tfnrsh | does anyone know a good linux community ? | 04:01 |
Brian_H | "I am unable to deny the allegations that a) I'm a straight rider, b) it may not be in your best interests to "fuck with me" and c) in spite of the police making attempts to locate and apprehend me, my record to this point has proven to be flawless and unscathed" | 04:01 |
jrib | Tfnrsh: please keep the discussion in this channel related to ubuntu support only | 04:01 |
linuxguy2009 | Tfnrsh: No none of us know of a good linuc community. lmao | 04:01 |
linuxguy2009 | Right here! | 04:01 |
kit_ | jrib, read what fez asked | 04:01 |
jrib | kit_: I did | 04:02 |
Tfnrsh | both funny | 04:02 |
mcrawfor | firefox 3.5 | 04:02 |
urifu | Hi. I'm wondering if someone could help me with a graphics driver problem I've been having. | 04:02 |
linuxguy2009 | urifu: Fire away! | 04:02 |
mcrawfor | ubottu: firefox 3.5 | 04:02 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about firefox 3.5 | 04:02 |
Tfnrsh | like someone told me firefox would play lfash videos without flash support | 04:02 |
CShadowRun | Can anyone tell me where the sessions dialog has gone? I need to stop gnome-panel from restarting so i can replace it with AWN. | 04:02 |
eli_ | Hi, could you help me firewall setting? | 04:02 |
mcrawfor | ubottu: firefox-3.5 | 04:02 |
ubottu | Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY | 04:02 |
linuxguy2009 | CShadowRun: Startup applications under preferences | 04:03 |
CShadowRun | linuxguy2009, nope, that doesn't have any session control | 04:03 |
kfan | why youtube choppy? | 04:03 |
urifu | Ok. I have an ATI Radeon HD 4870, and upon installing Ubuntu, it requests that I install restricted drivers to use the full potential of the card. Upon installing the drivers, my display flickers on startup and whenever I attempt to change the screen resolution. | 04:03 |
duncan | hello | 04:04 |
linuxguy2009 | CShadowRun: You can select what apps startup. What else do you want? | 04:04 |
CShadowRun | linuxguy2009, i want the sessions menu, so that i can stop gnome-panel from automatically being restarted | 04:04 |
urifu | I tried installing other drivers, and once I reboot after installing them, Ubuntu won't even boot. All I get is a garbled screen. | 04:04 |
duncan | Anyone know if the 9.10 alpha will update between each phase or do I need to update it manually? | 04:05 |
jrib | !karmic | duncan | 04:05 |
ubottu | duncan: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | 04:05 |
duncan | thanks | 04:05 |
linuxguy2009 | CShadowRun: I belive gnome panel has to be running or else you cant get to a terminal or anything else for that matter. | 04:05 |
linuxguy2009 | CShadowRun: You would render your desktop useless. | 04:06 |
thiebaude | duncan, when 9.10 comes out you upgrade from 9.04 if you want | 04:06 |
CShadowRun | linuxguy2009, not really, theres plenty of alternatives (awn, cairo, etc) | 04:06 |
CShadowRun | i'm planning to use awn or cairo, havn't decided yet | 04:06 |
linuxguy2009 | CShadowRun: If your Cairo crashes how do you restart it without gnme panel menus? | 04:06 |
kfan | is awn a ram eater? | 04:06 |
j0rd_ | can someone recommend a good virtualization system. I need to run windows (under my linux) for the adobe CS suite and Internet Explorer (web testing) | 04:06 |
CShadowRun | linuxguy2009, from a tty? | 04:06 |
duncan | thiebaude: I know that I can upgrade when it is released, just that 9.04 uses an older version of the kernel that has issues with my laptops chipset that was fixed in 2.6.30 | 04:07 |
jrib | !vbox | j0rd_ | 04:07 |
ubottu | j0rd_: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox | 04:07 |
linuxguy2009 | CShadowRun: What the hell is a TTY? | 04:07 |
CShadowRun | linuxguy2009, or even better, the same way that gnome-panel restarts itself, if the dialog wasn't removed -.- | 04:07 |
hansolo6691 | 04:07 | |
urifu | Is there some other kind of driver that I need to install to get my video card to work? | 04:07 |
j0rd_ | jrib: do you use it? | 04:07 |
jrib | j0rd_: sure | 04:07 |
hansolo6691 | 04:07 | |
j0rd_ | jrib: better than vmware? | 04:07 |
CShadowRun | linuxguy2009, ctrl + alt + FX allows you to switch ttys | 04:07 |
CShadowRun | you are in TTY 7 | 04:07 |
jrib | j0rd_: try both and use what is better for you | 04:07 |
linuxguy2009 | CShadowRun: Just change desktop environments. Easy as that. You cant remove gnome panel. | 04:07 |
CShadowRun | linuxguy2009, you used to be able to, before jaunty -.- | 04:08 |
kfan | i need a virtual program for windows also but with USB | 04:08 |
CShadowRun | it used to be right there in the sessions dialog | 04:08 |
j0rd_ | jrib: don't have that kind of time, which is why i'm asking here for advice | 04:08 |
linuxguy2009 | CShadowRun: Google it. I did and couldnt find anything before. | 04:08 |
j0rd_ | jrib: but i'll look into vbox and how it works with Adobe CS | 04:08 |
j0rd_ | jrib: thanks | 04:08 |
jrib | j0rd_: vbox should work fine | 04:08 |
CShadowRun | linuxguy2009, i've done alot of googling unfortunatly it's all out of date information for intrepid and below, where the sessions dialog is still there | 04:08 |
bastidrazor | linuxguy2009, you can stop using the panels. | 04:08 |
linuxguy2009 | bastidrazor: K dude fill us in. | 04:09 |
duncan | or better yet is there a simple way to upgade the 9.04 kernel to 2.6.30? | 04:09 |
duncan | without breaking everything | 04:09 |
kfan | does vbox have usb support? | 04:09 |
thiebaude | duncan, yea you can but i dont have a link | 04:09 |
iman | hay dear | 04:09 |
bastidrazor | linuxguy2009, right click the panel and select delete. panel in gone. | 04:09 |
linuxguy2009 | kfan: The on ein the repos no. On vbox.org yes. | 04:09 |
hansolo669 | 04:09 | |
kfan | k | 04:09 |
boss_mc | will firefox3.5 be the default in karmic does anyone know? | 04:10 |
CShadowRun | bastid_razor, hehe, i actually need to stop the gnome-panel process, as it takes the notification area | 04:10 |
linuxguy2009 | bastidrazor: Yeah that kills one. What about the second. hehe | 04:10 |
linuxguy2009 | bastidrazor: Brickwalled | 04:10 |
jrib | boss_mc: #ubuntu+1 for karmic discussion please | 04:10 |
thiebaude | boss_mc, yes it will | 04:10 |
boss_mc | jrib: ah, forgot that one, going there now, cheers | 04:10 |
linuxguy2009 | boss_mc: I think theres an Ubuntu+1 room or something for that. | 04:11 |
bastidrazor | CShadowRun, you can delete the applet on the top panel that has notificatoins | 04:12 |
urifu | Is there any way I can get my ATI Radeon HD 4870 working on Ubuntu with fan control as well? without screen flickering or garbled color screen on boot? | 04:12 |
LinuxGold | hmm... | 04:12 |
urifu | I'm on Windows right now, too. Ubuntu won't even boot. | 04:12 |
LinuxGold | got ubuntu server (x64) installed into my laptop, trying to figure out how to apt-get install kubuntu-9.04-alternate-i386 | 04:12 |
CShadowRun | bastidrazor, yea, that makes gnome-panel crash (and then repeatidly crash and restart itself), gotta love gnome-panel. That's why i'm trying to get rid of it...it's so buggy -.- | 04:12 |
LinuxGold | Burned that into CD | 04:12 |
linuxguy2009 | urifu: 9.04 wont boot? | 04:12 |
urifu | Every time I boot I get garbled colors. I installed CCC from Synaptic and after I rebooted, all I got was garbled color and no login screen. I saw the Ubuntu loading screen though. | 04:13 |
LinuxGold | my laptop isn't connected via wireless yet, so no network connection to do apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 04:13 |
=== Al1_ is now known as conor | ||
linuxguy2009 | CShadowRun: Gnome panel keep reapearing not cause of a bug. Its programmed into it. Panel is a must have. | 04:14 |
CShadowRun | linuxguy2009 no it's not, theres many, many alternatives to gnome-panel | 04:14 |
linuxguy2009 | CShadowRun: i didnt say there wasnt. | 04:14 |
bastidrazor | CShadowRun, have you tried unchecking 'indicator applet' in startup programs? | 04:14 |
CShadowRun | and it's not a must have because i did without it for long periods of time in hardy, and intrepid | 04:14 |
linuxguy2009 | CShadowRun: You can nolt kill the last gnome panel no matter what you do. | 04:14 |
LinuxGold | how do I configure apt to also include CD, I ran apt-cdrom add, it couldn't find anything from kubuntu-9.04-alternate-i386 CD | 04:15 |
CShadowRun | linuxguy2009 i did it fine in hardy and intrepid | 04:15 |
linuxguy2009 | CShadowRun: Were on 9.04 now. Cant do it. | 04:15 |
CShadowRun | bastidrazor, what's the indicator applet? | 04:15 |
CShadowRun | <linuxguy2009> shh :P | 04:15 |
=== saulus_ is now known as SauLus | ||
=== fartbooger is now known as lolcat420 | ||
kit_ | could be a safety feature for those people who accidentally removed all their panels and couldn't right click on one to add another. | 04:16 |
linuxguy2009 | CShadowRun: Well then quit asking about it. | 04:16 |
linuxguy2009 | kit_: Your exactly right. It would render there system seemingly dead. | 04:16 |
CShadowRun | linuxguy2009 just because you don't know the answer to something, doesn't mean that i can't have a conversation with someone else who may be able to solve the problem, please stop. | 04:16 |
william56 | hey, i wanna update from ubuntu 8.04.1 to the latest, and i read that i should make sure that everything's updated as much as 8.x can before doing the dist upgrade.. anyone know what i absolutely have to update before trying to upgrade? | 04:17 |
CShadowRun | bastidrazor, whats the indicator applet? :) | 04:17 |
bastidrazor | CShadowRun, that is the applet that runs in the gnome panel | 04:17 |
CShadowRun | ah, i see | 04:17 |
linuxguy2009 | CShadowRun: Then quit putting my name on your messages to other people. | 04:17 |
LinuxGold | did I get the wrong package? | 04:17 |
jrib | !print > yitehay | 04:17 |
ubottu | yitehay, please see my private message | 04:17 |
kit_ | who was asking about removing all their gnome panels / | 04:18 |
yitehay | ok | 04:18 |
LinuxGold | hmm | 04:18 |
linuxguy2009 | The indicator applet doesnt run the gnome panel. The gnome panel runs the applets. | 04:18 |
linuxguy2009 | Little backwards there. | 04:18 |
william56 | LinuxGold: i'm googling a little on that now.. | 04:18 |
CShadowRun | bastidrazor i've removed it from startup but that process isn't running right now so i doubt it's restarting gnome-panel | 04:18 |
LinuxGold | ok | 04:18 |
urifu | So nobody has any idea on what I should do? | 04:19 |
CShadowRun | i'll try restarting X, be back in a second. (I'll stay online, bouncer. But i won't get messages) | 04:19 |
urifu | Is there some specific issue with the ATI Radeon HD 4870 and Linux? It used to work but now it doesn't function correctly. | 04:20 |
william56 | LinuxGold: what exactly does it say when you try apt-cdrom add? | 04:21 |
LinuxGold | 0 packages found | 04:21 |
william56 | ah | 04:22 |
CShadowRun | Sucess! it's gone | 04:23 |
Alex_K | . | 04:23 |
CShadowRun | thanks bastidrazor | 04:23 |
bastidrazor | CShadowRun, nice, glad i could help | 04:23 |
duncan | also if I upgrade my kernel to 2.6.30 or higher is there anything else I need to rebuild against it for compatability? | 04:23 |
william56 | LinuxGold: maybe the second post here? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=837209 | 04:23 |
LinuxGold | checking it out... | 04:24 |
bazhang | LinuxGold, are you trying to install using the alternate iso by using aptoncd? or adding the cd as a repo to do that? | 04:24 |
bastidrazor | CShadowRun, gconf-editor is a powerful tool, in the future you could dig around there too.. apps/panel holds all the configurations for the gnome-panel | 04:25 |
LinuxGold | aha! | 04:25 |
bazhang | !panels | 04:25 |
ubottu | To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel » | 04:25 |
LinuxGold | ill try that one | 04:25 |
william56 | cool | 04:25 |
LinuxGold | bazhang: I haven't tried aptoncd... | 04:25 |
CShadowRun | bastidrazor, it was the applet that did it in the end, anyway :) | 04:25 |
LinuxGold | I'm too used with untar, make make install, blah.. | 04:25 |
bazhang | LinuxGold, is that your goal? | 04:25 |
bastidrazor | CShadowRun, yeah, my thinking was the applet was causing errors whent he panel wasn't there.. the indicator applet is on a time delayed start | 04:26 |
LinuxGold | brb as I try aptoncd and 2nd post mentioned earlier | 04:26 |
LinuxGold | thanks -- brb | 04:26 |
mojo_ | hello | 04:26 |
bazhang | hi | 04:26 |
mojo_ | i would like to ask how to configure Upstart to run Apache2 | 04:26 |
mojo_ | or is there any script/port to use Apache2 with Upstart? | 04:27 |
CShadowRun | bastidrazor, it could also have been some key i removed in gconf-editor earlier | 04:27 |
CShadowRun | but yea, it's gone now, now i can just choose between awn and cairo :D | 04:27 |
bazhang | http://upstart.ubuntu.com/ mojo_ have you seen this | 04:27 |
CShadowRun | bazhang, funky | 04:28 |
bazhang | CShadowRun, the reset panels command? | 04:28 |
=== hazza is now known as n00b101 | ||
bastidrazor | CShadowRun, i'm fond of cairo-dock | 04:28 |
mojo_ | bazhang: yes I have | 04:29 |
CShadowRun | bazhang, huh? | 04:29 |
CShadowRun | bastidrazor, hehe, i'm gonna give it a whirl, i'm a crazy quad screen user, so alot of panels don't work (gnome-panel, for example :D) | 04:29 |
mojo_ | I would like to ask if anyone here has Upstart native job rule for Apache2 so I could replace the Apache2 initscript version, thanks alot | 04:29 |
n00b101 | how would you record and store logons, passwords and security access for users in a workplace environment? | 04:29 |
bastidrazor | CShadowRun, the repo version is a bit old.. they have debs of more recent releases with better effects | 04:30 |
CShadowRun | n00b101, are you talking about automatic login? | 04:30 |
CShadowRun | bastidrazor, cool, got a link? | 04:30 |
CShadowRun | n00b101, or a secure password storage utility | 04:30 |
william56 | hey, i wanna update from ubuntu 8.04.1 to the latest, and i read that i should make sure that everything's updated as much as possible before doing the dist upgrade.. anyone know what i absolutely have to update before trying to upgrade? | 04:30 |
n00b101 | CShadowRun secure pw storage utility | 04:31 |
CShadowRun | william56, it would be a good idea to update everything | 04:31 |
n00b101 | id think | 04:31 |
CShadowRun | n00b101, i recommend keepassx, it's in the repos, i use it for all my login information, it stores it all encrypted, i have a diffrent password for every single service i use (and thus have about 600 unique passwords) | 04:31 |
j0rd_ | jrib: you know if vbox can run an existing version of windows on a different partition? from what i'm reading it appears not | 04:31 |
william56 | shoot | 04:31 |
bazhang | william56, yes | 04:31 |
bastidrazor | CShadowRun, http://tinyurl.com/njj9xv install the dock first then the plugins.. sudo dpkg -i filename.deb | 04:32 |
n00b101 | CShadowRun, thanks. one last question, does it work on windows servers aswell? or would i need something different | 04:32 |
CShadowRun | bastidrazor, no ppa? D: | 04:32 |
william56 | bazhang: ?? | 04:32 |
CShadowRun | n00b101 keepass is cross platform, theres a version for just about everything from pocket pcs to opensolaris | 04:32 |
=== vrizlle is now known as vraa | ||
macgyver_ | has anyone else here had issues with Bluetooth disappearing in jaunty? | 04:33 |
bastidrazor | CShadowRun, i've not looked for a ppa.. i just snag the debs from the developers themselves. | 04:33 |
n00b101 | nice thanks | 04:33 |
macgyver_ | it was working fine for me and then just vanished... | 04:33 |
macgyver_ | adapter is showing as ok --> Bluetooth: HCI device and connection manager initialized | 04:33 |
Overloaded | when I switch to another user using "su <user>". Is there a log so I can check? | 04:33 |
lstarnes | Overloaded: you should be using sudo -i -u <user> | 04:35 |
lstarnes | Overloaded: try /var/log/auth.log | 04:35 |
Overloaded | lstarnes: nothing in my auth.log. The point is..someone may be loggin with my user and noone knows. thats bad :( | 04:37 |
CShadowRun | bastidrazor, deb http://repository.cairo-dock.org/ubuntu jaunty cairo-dock wget -q http://repository.cairo-dock.org/cairo-dock.gpg -O- | sudo apt-key add - | 04:37 |
CShadowRun | shiney :) | 04:37 |
delicowa | maybe you should disable remote login | 04:37 |
lstarnes | Overloaded: make sure that your password is secure | 04:38 |
fsda | when using 'lshw' what does 'Device Not Claimed' Mean?? | 04:38 |
bastidrazor | CShadowRun, nice. | 04:38 |
^Phantom^ | Hi. | 04:39 |
^Phantom^ | Wrong chat actually. | 04:39 |
^Phantom^ | Well, maybe. | 04:39 |
bastidrazor | CShadowRun, what version is the ppa offering? 2.0.8? | 04:39 |
Overloaded | lstarnes: oh there's SULOG_FILE in /etc/login.defs. Just uncommented. think it'll work now | 04:40 |
^Phantom^ | I have an old laptop hard drive (it's 500 or so MB in size) that I want to format and put DSL on, but I'm afraid it might have a virus on it. If it does, can it infect my CMOS? | 04:40 |
CShadowRun | bastidrazor, dunno yet, i seem to be hanging while wgetting the gpg key :( | 04:40 |
^Phantom^ | Or is there any safe way to remove and insert an internal drive WHILE UBUNTU IS RUNNING? | 04:41 |
CShadowRun | bastidrazor, darn, i think that repo is dead, lol | 04:41 |
bastidrazor | CShadowRun, https://launchpad.net/~matthaeus123/+archive/ppa ..not sure how well this guy is trusted but launchpad hosts his ppa. | 04:42 |
^Phantom^ | Would I be safe unplugging my internal hard drive after unmounting it from within Ubuntu? | 04:43 |
* macgyver_ is stressing out.... | 04:43 | |
^Phantom^ | And plug in another one | 04:43 |
CShadowRun | bastidrazor, hehe looks ok to me, he seems to package alot of fun stuff | 04:43 |
m0r0n | Has anyone sucessfully installed Listen? | 04:43 |
fsda | you mean Hotplugging | 04:44 |
^Phantom^ | fsda, I guess | 04:44 |
obtel | I just updated firefox from conical and it is now slower than hell... had to go to Opera to browse the Internet | 04:44 |
bastidrazor | CShadowRun, i would definitely recommend use at your own risk.. any ppa is that way, imo | 04:44 |
darthanubis | obtel: so? | 04:44 |
^Phantom^ | fsda, i run ubuntu on an external drive | 04:44 |
CShadowRun | bastidrazor, indeed | 04:44 |
darthanubis | CShadowRun: ppas work just fine | 04:44 |
obtel | SO? Why? | 04:44 |
darthanubis | obtel: who can tell from your informed blurt? | 04:45 |
macgyver_ | all, is there a way I can find out what is up with my Bluetooth? | 04:45 |
^Phantom^ | fsda: so would i be safe to swap out two internal drives using an unmount command on the internal one that is presently plugged in? | 04:45 |
darthanubis | macgyver_: noone can tell anyting from "what is up?" | 04:46 |
fsda | I do not know | 04:46 |
aviator_ | #ubuntu-fr | 04:46 |
CShadowRun | bastidrazor, yay xinerama support :D | 04:46 |
ozzloy | the volume buttons on my laptop stopped working after having connected my bluetooth headphones. i'm not finding anything in the internets. can i get some direction of where to look? | 04:47 |
obtel | Look I'm new to this And I really don'y need the god damned Holy Gee Wiz Im a cumputer Guru Crap... Can anyone tell be how to back todays upgrades out of my cumputer? | 04:47 |
macgyver_ | I have rebooted into windows, device is fine, in Ubuntu when I did the initial installation it was there and working ok, after updates and installing some apps (all from the reputable location) it has vanished | 04:47 |
CShadowRun | funny part is i think i'm the one who feature requested that god knows how long ago :) | 04:47 |
LinuxGold | neither works -- aptoncd is not installed by default. | 04:47 |
^Phantom^ | fdsa i'm nervous to plug it in and boot with it because i don't remember if there is a virus or something on it | 04:47 |
LinuxGold | Found 0 package indexes, 0 source indexes, 0 translation indexes and 1 signatures | 04:48 |
macgyver_ | darthanubis, I did ask earlier, so I want just throwing a n00bie out there :) | 04:48 |
mojo_ | I would like to ask if anyone here has Upstart native job rule for Apache2 so I could replace the Apache2 initscript version, thanks alot | 04:48 |
darthanubis | obtel: watch your language kid | 04:48 |
lancerocke | my sessions arent saving for some reason. so i tried ticking/toggling the check box that says 'remember running apps' and restarting and even with it ticked/toggled off it starts pidgin on startup and no other app. no matter what i do it remembers pidgin and no other app | 04:48 |
darthanubis | and grow up | 04:48 |
obtel | Kid? U got to be kidding me I'm 58 | 04:49 |
^Phantom^ | do i dare boot up with this drive plugged in? | 04:49 |
macgyver_ | darthanubis, I think might just run through the install again (no biggie) and see where it disappears | 04:49 |
darthanubis | "Can anyone tell be how to back todays upgrades out of my cumputer?" And learn how to ask a question so that people can understand you, and then itwon't all go over your head | 04:49 |
^Phantom^ | I guess all i can do is try heh | 04:50 |
macgyver_ | bbs guys | 04:50 |
belorix | !ubuntu studio | 04:52 |
ubottu | UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org | 04:52 |
=== shlcdr is now known as amoclr | ||
rufuscure | I just installed ubuntu through windows, and now I'm in ubuntu, and I'd like to delete all my windows files, where do I start? | 04:52 |
rufuscure | I don't have usb boot on my bios,or a cdrom drive* | 04:52 |
UnholyLessons | Can someone please help me get itunes working for ubuntu | 04:53 |
william56 | rufuscure: delete the files or the whole partition, specifically? | 04:53 |
=== amoclr is now known as amocla | ||
rufuscure | I didn't set up a partition, but if it is I'd like to remove it | 04:53 |
UnholyLessons | I am searching for reasons to keep running Linux, but I keep finding stuff I cant do that I can do with Windows | 04:53 |
rufuscure | or just remove windows all together idk | 04:53 |
CShadowRun | rufuscure, you've installed ubuntu _inside_ windows, inside being the key word here | 04:53 |
CShadowRun | if you remove windows, ubuntu is inside windows! you'll remove ubuntu too. | 04:54 |
LinuxGold | unholylesson: then linux is not for you. | 04:54 |
dirtyfreebooter | is the disk equivalent to top for cmd line disk performance monitoring? | 04:54 |
rufuscure | I used the live cd to install in windows rebooted to ubuntu and finished the installation | 04:54 |
CShadowRun | yes, you installed inside windows | 04:54 |
rufuscure | ok | 04:54 |
UnholyLessons | Well I want to keep it to force myself to learn it and I need help getting iTunes working becuase I need it for my iphone | 04:54 |
rufuscure | how do i get rid of windows now | 04:54 |
CShadowRun | you'll need to use the livecd to install outside of windows | 04:54 |
CShadowRun | to do that, you boot from the CD | 04:54 |
abstortedminds | i just installed ubuntu 9.04 on a hardware raid 1, and when i reboot it basically doesnt recognize my cd | 04:55 |
rufuscure | i don't have a cdrom drive | 04:55 |
CShadowRun | during the install you'll have an option to remove windows if you want (in the disk partioning part, selecte use entire disk). | 04:55 |
LinuxGold | unholylessons: dual boot? | 04:55 |
CShadowRun | rufuscure, ah, is it a modern computer? | 04:55 |
CShadowRun | you could boot from USB | 04:55 |
CShadowRun | is it a netbook? | 04:55 |
UnholyLessons | That sounds like an option BUT I already formatted, and now i just have ubuntu | 04:55 |
rufuscure | its an old tough top work computer imma use it to trouble shoot dsl cables outside | 04:55 |
UnholyLessons | trying to force myself to use it | 04:55 |
LinuxGold | ok, buy 2nd desktop for itunes only. | 04:56 |
LinuxGold | :) | 04:56 |
william56 | dirtyfreebooter: what are you talking about? | 04:56 |
UnholyLessons | I pulled up an article on how to install itunes but I need someone more linux-intelligent to help me install it | 04:56 |
UnholyLessons | like....walk me through it maybe | 04:56 |
mechtech | so...why did noone answer my plea for help re: gtk-gnutella on the gtk-gnutella server? | 04:56 |
LinuxGold | I'm not familiar with itunes and linux. | 04:56 |
CShadowRun | rufuscure, hmm, does it have a removable hard drive? | 04:56 |
CShadowRun | you could put the hd in a diffrent computer, and then install ubuntu | 04:56 |
rufuscure | i could crack it open and take it out maybe | 04:56 |
UnholyLessons | but u might know how to walk me through this : https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone | 04:56 |
CShadowRun | rufuscure, it's a tricky one, do you think it might support boot from USB? | 04:57 |
Symmetria | lo all | 04:57 |
CShadowRun | you could use a usb drive to install ubuntu that way | 04:57 |
LinuxGold | unholylessons: that is a good chance to force yourself to learn how linux works that way. | 04:57 |
william56 | hi Symmetria | 04:57 |
rufuscure | i checked the bios and it doesn't | 04:57 |
CShadowRun | ah :( | 04:57 |
rufuscure | if you don't think there is a way i could try to find a cdrom online | 04:57 |
UnholyLessons | yeah but i keep running into walls because i dont understand what the instructions are asking me to do | 04:57 |
mechtech | rufuscure: shoot...I have a couple old dc-rw drives...I could give you one...where you at? | 04:58 |
rufuscure | how do i check my partitions in ubuntu | 04:58 |
UnholyLessons | I went here : http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads and downloaded the one for my architecture, but what do i do now | 04:58 |
rufuscure | riverside ca | 04:58 |
CShadowRun | rufuscure, there is a way but it's only theory in my mind and i don't know how to fully do it | 04:58 |
CShadowRun | rufuscure, gparted | 04:58 |
mechtech | I'm in Sac | 04:58 |
rufuscure | k hold on | 04:58 |
mneptok | rufuscure: df -h | 04:58 |
UnholyLessons | I downloaded a "key" and now I need to run this "sudo apt-key add sun_vbox.asc | 04:59 |
UnholyLessons | " | 04:59 |
UnholyLessons | but it doesnt work | 04:59 |
mechtech | rufuscure: pm me your address and I'll mail one to you | 04:59 |
mneptok | rufuscure: do you have a USB key with ~800MB free? | 04:59 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, the .deb file.. you should be able to double click it or .. are you any bit familiar with terminal? | 04:59 |
UnholyLessons | just a little bit | 04:59 |
rufuscure | ya | 04:59 |
rufuscure | its called a go book | 04:59 |
rufuscure | i pulled the dvd out of my other laptop and it doesn't fit | 05:00 |
UnholyLessons | I already downloaded and installed it | 05:00 |
william56 | hey mechtech, how many of those drives do you have? ;) | 05:00 |
rufuscure | so its kind of unique, im not sure if your drive will fit mech | 05:00 |
mechtech | william56: 2 | 05:00 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, run the wget command .. copy paste that whole line into a terminal and run it.. the apt-key one will not work if you havne't snagged the key. | 05:00 |
UnholyLessons | I ran wget and it said "OK" | 05:01 |
rufuscure | i need to set up the lan to get gparted afk | 05:01 |
mneptok | rufuscure: do you have a USB key with ~800MB free? | 05:01 |
UnholyLessons | sudo apt-key add sun_vbox.asc | 05:02 |
UnholyLessons | david@david-laptop:~$ sudo apt-key add sun_vbox.asc | 05:02 |
UnholyLessons | gpg: can't open `sun_vbox.asc': No such file or directory | 05:02 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, wait.. you downloaded and installed what? | 05:02 |
UnholyLessons | I'm following these directions | 05:02 |
UnholyLessons | http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads | 05:02 |
mneptok | !info liveusb-creator-ubuntu > rufuscure | 05:02 |
Sinatra | how do i mount cue/bin files in ubuntu? | 05:02 |
william56 | mechtech: check your pms | 05:02 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, the wget line .. you need to include the | sudo apt-key part of that line also. | 05:03 |
UnholyLessons | i downloaded the one for my architecture | 05:03 |
anirban | I can't find the pg_hba.conf file under /etc/postgresql . | 05:03 |
belorix | How can i install Ubuntu Studio on an already installed version of ubuntu | 05:03 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, no reason to download it if you're adding a repo for it. | 05:03 |
darthanubis | Sinatra: search synaptic for those extentions | 05:03 |
kpkudi | does anyone know how to fix the error in banshee when a song is in the same album but banshee assums that that is not the case because the artist name is a little diffrent? | 05:03 |
bastidrazor | !studio > belorix | 05:04 |
ubottu | belorix, please see my private message | 05:04 |
UnholyLessons | the sun_vbox.asc | 05:04 |
UnholyLessons | is saved to my desktop | 05:04 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, either way.. do you know where the deb file is you downloaded? | 05:04 |
Sinatra | better idea i'll just use bchuck | 05:04 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, in a terminal type : cd ~/Desktop ..then run the apt-key command | 05:04 |
UnholyLessons | i clicked it, and said to open it, when it was done downloading it installed with package manager | 05:04 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, then you should have virtualbox 3.0 already installed. | 05:05 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, that page is giving you multiple ways to install the program. 1 is to use a deb.. the other is to add a repo | 05:05 |
UnholyLessons | ohhh | 05:06 |
UnholyLessons | then it may be installed | 05:06 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, in a terminal type virtualbox-3.0 | 05:06 |
uknow_ | whats a good limwire equal on ubuntu | 05:07 |
bastidrazor | uknow_, frostwire | 05:07 |
uknow_ | thanks haha i i could think of was frostbite noting poped up hahah | 05:08 |
uknow_ | thanks | 05:08 |
UnholyLessons | david@david-laptop:~/Desktop$ virtualbox-3.0 | 05:08 |
UnholyLessons | bash: virtualbox-3.0: command not found | 05:08 |
WIGGMPk1 | How can I create a shortcut in alacarte that can launch an application that runs in the terminal??? | 05:08 |
uknow_ | anyonw know alot about ham radios | 05:08 |
UnholyLessons | I know it might be frustrating helping me but I really need your help getting through this :david@david-laptop:~/Desktop$ virtualbox-3.0 | 05:08 |
UnholyLessons | bash: virtualbox-3.0: command not found | 05:08 |
ozzloy | never mind i fixed it. system -> preferences -> sound -> Default Mixer Tracks -> choose different stuff in that menu | 05:08 |
UnholyLessons | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone | 05:09 |
ozzloy | thanks anyways! | 05:09 |
Celroc | UnholyLessons: Does it make a difference if you type "virtualbox"? | 05:09 |
* kindofabuzz burps. | 05:09 | |
kindofabuzz | just start typing virtual and hit tab | 05:10 |
UnholyLessons | david@david-laptop:~/Desktop$ virtualbox | 05:10 |
UnholyLessons | The program 'virtualbox' is currently not installed. You can install it by typing: | 05:10 |
UnholyLessons | sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose | 05:10 |
UnholyLessons | bash: virtualbox: command not found | 05:10 |
FloodBot1 | UnholyLessons: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:10 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, lets just add the repo, that'll be much easier since it may need some dependencies | 05:10 |
ShapeShifter499 | hi | 05:11 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, have you added the line to your sources.list yet? | 05:11 |
Celroc | ShapeShifter499: Hi | 05:11 |
deepak | i am using ubuntu 9.04 on my laptop compaq nx6110 and having problem with my wifi | 05:11 |
UnholyLessons | No, I do not know how to do that | 05:11 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, in a terminal type gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 05:11 |
deepak | please help me i have Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 05:11 |
mechtech | william56: check your pms | 05:12 |
UnholyLessons | Ok its opened | 05:12 |
ShapeShifter499 | hi | 05:12 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, which version of ubuntu are you using? if jaunty add the jaunty line to the main bottom of the file | 05:12 |
mechtech | william56: that's PMs...not p m s | 05:12 |
mechtech | LOL | 05:12 |
anirban | Where to find the pg_hba.conf file under /etc/postgresql . I am on Ubuntu 9.04 | 05:12 |
william56 | heh | 05:12 |
UnholyLessons | I am using Jaunty, add the "jaunty line"? | 05:12 |
mechtech | deepak: What's the issue? | 05:13 |
UnholyLessons | add this to sources.list ?? deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian jaunty non-free | 05:13 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian jaunty non-free add this line to the bottom, on its own line | 05:13 |
ShapeShifter499 | If I'm able to make and compile a linux for my embedded device (a ViewSonic V35) how do I get it installed? | 05:13 |
abstortedminds | What do I need to do in order for ubuntu to support Intel Matrix Raid (Hardware Raid) | 05:14 |
UnholyLessons | ok i added it and saved it, whats next bastidrazor (ty btw) | 05:14 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: you have a lot of system resources? | 05:14 |
UnholyLessons | yes | 05:14 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, next you need to do the line with wget.. the entire line in a terminal | 05:14 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: good...you'll need them, I only have a 1.7Ghz proc and 1GB RAM and puttputt saves the zoo crashed winxp on virtualbox on my daughter's profile, then win7 all alone crashed on vb | 05:15 |
ShapeShifter499 | anyone know? | 05:15 |
UnholyLessons | ok it said OK | 05:15 |
UnholyLessons | mechtech, im just running itunes in vb | 05:16 |
torturedsoul802 | hey can anybody here help me out? | 05:16 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, good, now sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade && sudo apt-get install virtualbox-3.0 | 05:16 |
coz_ | torturedsoul802, what is the issue? | 05:16 |
torturedsoul802 | I just installed Ubuntu on my laptop and cant get it to connect to the internet | 05:17 |
torturedsoul802 | it acts like its trying to connect, but doesnt | 05:17 |
coz_ | torturedsoul802, cable dsl wireless??? | 05:17 |
torturedsoul802 | im new to Linux besides rooting and modding a G1 | 05:17 |
torturedsoul802 | :p | 05:17 |
UnholyLessons | Looks like I already have it | 05:17 |
UnholyLessons | david@david-laptop:~/Desktop$ sudo apt-get install virtualbox-3.0 | 05:17 |
UnholyLessons | Reading package lists... Done | 05:17 |
UnholyLessons | Building dependency tree | 05:17 |
UnholyLessons | Reading state information... Done | 05:17 |
UnholyLessons | virtualbox-3.0 is already the newest version. | 05:17 |
FloodBot1 | UnholyLessons: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:17 |
krismanto | there is any httpd packages for ubuntu? | 05:17 |
DaZ | UnholyLessons, ever heard about pastebin? | 05:18 |
torturedsoul802 | cable | 05:18 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, it should be listed under applications>system tools .. i think | 05:18 |
torturedsoul802 | comcast | 05:18 |
krismanto | i tried apache2 but it gives me an error when i treid to start it | 05:18 |
krismanto | treid > tried | 05:18 |
coz_ | torturedsoul802, mm that should picked it up automatically o0 | 05:18 |
torturedsoul802 | i know | 05:18 |
krismanto | !httpd | 05:18 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about httpd | 05:18 |
krismanto | !apache2 | 05:18 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about apache2 | 05:18 |
torturedsoul802 | ive seen on forums that the Nvidia ethernet cards have problems? | 05:18 |
coz_ | torturedsoul802, ah | 05:18 |
torturedsoul802 | something about forcedeth? | 05:18 |
torturedsoul802 | idk what that means exactly | 05:18 |
UnholyLessons | it isnt listed anywhere | 05:18 |
coz_ | torturedsoul802, what model number? | 05:19 |
musikgoat|main | torturedsoul802: that shouldn't be the case, can you pastebin the output of the command dmesg | 05:19 |
torturedsoul802 | HP Pavilion dv9013cl | 05:19 |
deepak | ? | 05:19 |
musikgoat|main | !pastebin | torturedsoul802 | 05:19 |
ubottu | torturedsoul802: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic | 05:19 |
deepak | please help me i have Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 05:19 |
UnholyLessons | In my add/remove programs app, virtual box OSE is available...but thats not what i want is it | 05:19 |
ShapeShifter499 | hello? anyone know the answer to my question | 05:19 |
ShapeShifter499 | ? | 05:19 |
ShapeShifter499 | ? | 05:19 |
FloodBot1 | ShapeShifter499: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:19 |
Faltzer | is the Gateway battery w35052lb supported on Ubuntu? | 05:20 |
musikgoat|main | UnholyLessons: no, don't get ose if you want good usb support | 05:20 |
UnholyLessons | Ok, not getting OSE, just trying to install and use 3.0 | 05:20 |
torturedsoul802 | im connecting through my xp desktop btw lol | 05:20 |
UnholyLessons | for itunes | 05:20 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, no, in terminal type which virtualbox-3.0 | 05:20 |
ShapeShifter499 | hello? anyone know the answer to my question | 05:20 |
ShapeShifter499 | If I'm able to make and compile a linux for my embedded device (a ViewSonic V35) how do I get it installed? | 05:20 |
UnholyLessons | type : which virtualbox-3.0? | 05:20 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, yes | 05:20 |
Faltzer | I need to know because power management doesn't seem to work on it (i.e cannot set display brightness, etc.) | 05:20 |
Sinatra | okay i just tried use bchunk to convert the bin/cue to an iso and it failed | 05:21 |
Sinatra | any other options? | 05:21 |
musikgoat|main | UnholyLessons: why 3.0? the version i use is 2.2.4 and it works well | 05:21 |
UnholyLessons | for itunes? | 05:21 |
DaZ | Sinatra, there is bin2iso script iirc | 05:21 |
UnholyLessons | david@david-laptop:~/Desktop$ which virtualbox-3.0 | 05:21 |
UnholyLessons | david@david-laptop:~/Desktop$ | 05:21 |
musikgoat|main | UnholyLessons: your trying to run itunes for syncing, iirc, right? | 05:21 |
coz_ | torturedsoul802, you could try disabling ipv6 by adding alias net-pf-10 off to /etc/modprobe.conf to find out if opc6 is enabled tyep ifconfig -a and if you see a sit0 device it is enabled also you see an inet6 entry under the ethernet device eth0 or eth1 | 05:21 |
UnholyLessons | I'm very new to linux and i really need itunes for syncing my iphone | 05:21 |
torturedsoul802 | Is there anything specific from dmesg? | 05:21 |
mataks | help pls i just installed an emerald theme and im missing something on the title bar.. here's the screenshot http://img242.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1lc7.png/ ....... and here's the theme that im trying to use.. anyone? | 05:21 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: wouldn't you still need an OS to run iTunes on? | 05:21 |
coz_ | torturedsoul802, to see if ipv6 I meant | 05:21 |
Sinatra | what is this IIRC i been hearing about? | 05:21 |
=== uknow__ is now known as uknow | ||
mataks | http://kims-area.com/?q=node/15 <-- the theme that im trying to use | 05:22 |
DaZ | if i recall correctly <: | 05:22 |
torturedsoul802 | hey Coz, can you AIM me b/c this is like impossible to read in here? | 05:22 |
UnholyLessons | bastidrazor is helping me follow these instructions but i keep having problems im a noooob | 05:22 |
UnholyLessons | http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Linux_Downloads | 05:22 |
dahlia | is there a gui tool for setting up new disks? | 05:22 |
leachim6 | hi | 05:22 |
kindofabuzz | Why is my Pidgin still showing buddies that aren't even logged in anymore? | 05:22 |
mechtech | !private message | 05:22 |
ubottu | Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 05:22 |
torturedsoul802 | IFCONFIG -A outputs eth0, eth1, lo and pan0 | 05:23 |
UnholyLessons | bastidrazor are u still there | 05:23 |
mechtech | was hoping that would give a person more info on how to rather than ettiquette | 05:23 |
coz_ | torturedsoul802, I am tryin to PM you | 05:23 |
coz_ | torturedsoul802, do you see it? | 05:23 |
UnholyLessons | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone is what im using to get it working | 05:23 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, the bottom of that page suggests installing dkms .. sudo apt-get install dkms | 05:23 |
kindofabuzz | if you're not nickserv registered you can't pm | 05:23 |
UnholyLessons | i already have dkms | 05:24 |
Sinatra | daz: may i private message you the talk in here is too fast | 05:24 |
DaZ | Sinatra, if you have to [; | 05:24 |
musikgoat|main | UnholyLessons: you shouldn't try to build/install 3.0, 2.2.4 is in the repo's and is much easier to install | 05:25 |
outy | is there a way to copy my xchat settings from ubuntu across to windows ? | 05:25 |
UnholyLessons | im installing 2.2.4 right now musikgoat | 05:25 |
musikgoat|main | !info virtualbox | 05:25 |
ubottu | Package virtualbox does not exist in jaunty | 05:25 |
musikgoat|main | UnholyLessons: ok | 05:25 |
UnholyLessons | just ran sudo apt-get install virtualbox-2.2 | 05:25 |
J_Dahmer | Hey yo | 05:25 |
musikgoat|main | UnholyLessons: sorry, guess i misread | 05:26 |
UnholyLessons | Is installign and using KDE pretty easy? I hear it looks way better than gnome | 05:26 |
Celroc | ShapeShifter499: I wonder if someone in the Gentoo channel might be able to help you; even if it is a little of topic, Gentoo users have experience compiling and installing operating systems to computers. Might be able to help with your embedded device | 05:26 |
=== mac__v is now known as mac_v | ||
UnholyLessons | How do I install a larger more interesting repository so i can find more good apps | 05:27 |
rww | UnholyLessons: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop will install it | 05:27 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: synaptic package manager does it all for you (KDE) and my daughter prefers it | 05:27 |
ShapeShifter499 | Celroc: ok whats their channel? | 05:27 |
Celroc | ShapeShifter499: One moment, please | 05:28 |
UnholyLessons | how do i get my system to stop always asking me for root password? | 05:28 |
UnholyLessons | can i make it so my user has all the abilities root does | 05:28 |
ShapeShifter499 | Celroc: ok w8ing | 05:28 |
Celroc | Hehe, sorry, I think it's #gentoo | 05:29 |
Celroc | ShapeShifter499: Should be on Freenode | 05:29 |
kindofabuzz | UnholyLessons, that's not a good thing to do | 05:30 |
ShapeShifter499 | Celroc: tnx, I'll go ask my questions there | 05:30 |
Celroc | ShapeShifter499: np | 05:30 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, if you're going to use the 2.2 version it would be a good idea to remove the line you added to sources.list | 05:30 |
musikgoat|main | UnholyLessons: i don't think that is wise, would you want a script that has the ability to impersonate you be able to do things without your authorization? | 05:30 |
UnholyLessons | no, good call musikgoat | 05:30 |
mechtech | *sniffs* smells a soon=to-be-hosed computer | 05:31 |
musikgoat|main | the privilege system is essential to the security of linux and is one of the things that *finally* microsoft is starting to realize | 05:31 |
outy | i realised something today about ubuntu, which as a new user is like "oh well that helps" | 05:31 |
outy | the file structure and permissions system is all like one giant website | 05:32 |
abstortedminds | if my router is using a DHCP server, can i still get a static ip ? | 05:32 |
outy | and how its all basically text files | 05:32 |
crankharder | anyone know why my gnome panels are showing up on top of mythtv? | 05:32 |
anirbanhazra | pg_createcluster 8.3 main Can u rcmd me the default settings . I am trying to install http://www.opennms.org/wiki/Installation:Debian | 05:32 |
UnholyLessons | ok i am configuring 2.2.4 or w/e | 05:32 |
musikgoat|main | outy: that is a good analogy | 05:32 |
UnholyLessons | it brought up a GUI | 05:32 |
mechtech | abstortedminds: simply, yes | 05:32 |
UnholyLessons | Unable to find a precompiled module for the current kernel! │ | 05:32 |
UnholyLessons | │ │ | 05:32 |
UnholyLessons | │ Without a suitable kernel module you will not be able to start any VMs. │ | 05:32 |
UnholyLessons | │ It is strongly recommended to compile a kernel module now. | 05:32 |
FloodBot1 | UnholyLessons: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:32 |
abstortedminds | mechtech, should i disable it on router? | 05:32 |
bastidrazor | abstortedminds, you should set the static ip in the router. | 05:33 |
mechtech | abstortedminds: the only problem would be if another computer got "your" ip first, then you would have no throughput | 05:33 |
abstortedminds | yea im not worried about that, i have 3 computers on my subnet | 05:33 |
abstortedminds | so like 101, 102, 103 | 05:33 |
=== Mike is now known as Guest70317 | ||
mataks | help pls i just installed an emerald theme and im missing something on the title bar.. here's the screenshot http://img242.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1lc7.png/ ....... and here's the theme that im trying to use http://kims-area.com/?q=node/15. anyone? | 05:34 |
abstortedminds | ill just set that in wicd, and should work with dhcp enabled | 05:34 |
mechtech | abstortedminds: disable dhcp? depends on how many other computers are on that network and what they do | 05:34 |
mechtech | abstortedminds: yeah...you got it...leave the router dhcp, and static setup for all three pcs and you're set | 05:35 |
UnholyLessons | Ok im on step 3 of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone | 05:35 |
UnholyLessons | david@david-laptop:~/Desktop$ sudo gpasswd -a David vboxusers | 05:35 |
UnholyLessons | gpasswd: unknown user David | 05:35 |
lstarnes | UnholyLessons: it's case-sensitive | 05:35 |
UnholyLessons | ok it worked when i uncapped the d | 05:36 |
abstortedminds | ok | 05:36 |
UnholyLessons | Ok i did STEP 4 now | 05:36 |
abstortedminds | do you recommend wicd for that mechtech? | 05:36 |
UnholyLessons | it gave me a number like it said | 05:36 |
UnholyLessons | 124 | 05:36 |
UnholyLessons | now what exactly do i do with it | 05:37 |
yaboo | is firefox 3.5 out for ubuntu yet? | 05:37 |
cmartin0 | i have prerelease repo enabled but I still have version 180 of the nvidia drivers and the newest is 185.18.14. when will ubuntu roll the new drivers? | 05:37 |
lstarnes | !ff35 | yaboo | 05:37 |
ubottu | yaboo: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY | 05:37 |
mechtech | abstorted: I have never used wicd...I used man interfaces | 05:37 |
lstarnes | cmartin0: probably in a later release of ubuntu | 05:37 |
stryker | For some reason, my songs are not playing in Amarok. I just installed it, and none of my songs will play. I can play them in Rhytmbox but they will not play in Amarok. please help | 05:38 |
abstortedminds | k | 05:38 |
UnholyLessons | bastidrazor still there buddy? | 05:38 |
mechtech | mataks: is that your main de, or one of the other desktops you have setup? | 05:38 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, yeah. | 05:39 |
UnholyLessons | step 4 on the url | 05:39 |
UnholyLessons | having more problems because of my noobness | 05:39 |
stryker | anybody know why amarok won't play my songs? | 05:39 |
sHyLoCk_ | stryker: amarok 2? | 05:39 |
mechtech | stryker: cuz it's not vlc | 05:39 |
stryker | yeah | 05:39 |
stryker | amarok 2 | 05:39 |
mataks | mechdave, main | 05:39 |
UnholyLessons | The output should be a number. Now edit /etc/fstab and add the following line, but make sure you set the devgid= number to the output of the previous command. | 05:40 |
UnholyLessons | how do i edit it and put the number it gave me in it | 05:40 |
stryker | mechtech: please elaborate | 05:40 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 05:40 |
sHyLoCk_ | stryker: check synaptic for amarok related packages | 05:40 |
yukaboyshow | hola como esamos | 05:40 |
yukaboyshow | ! | 05:40 |
mechtech | stryker: vlc has worked best for me for all media types, audio, video, many codecs...very good software | 05:40 |
sHyLoCk_ | i needed to get a lot of extr stuffs to get things working..like amarok-engines, etc.. | 05:41 |
krammer_ | is there an irc for python | 05:41 |
stryker | well, vlc was best for movies, my computer would just crash if i used the default movie player that ubuntu would bring... | 05:41 |
Doshiro | hey all. I am in need of some help getting wireless set up on my other laptop | 05:41 |
mechtech | matak: sorry bro...I wish I could help you with that...the only thing I can think is un-install that theme | 05:41 |
Doshiro | running ubuntu 8.10 | 05:41 |
yukaboyshow | por lo visto solo hablan ingles aqui español nadie sabe!! | 05:41 |
stryker | yo se yukaboy | 05:42 |
yukaboyshow | HOLAS | 05:42 |
stryker | jaja Hola | 05:42 |
mechtech | !spanish | 05:42 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 05:42 |
UnholyLessons | ok i did it | 05:42 |
UnholyLessons | i made the dit | 05:42 |
UnholyLessons | edit | 05:42 |
stryker | de donde eres? | 05:42 |
yukaboyshow | mexico | 05:42 |
yukaboyshow | y tu | 05:42 |
yukaboyshow | ? | 05:42 |
stryker | Puerto Rico | 05:42 |
yukaboyshow | lo que pasa es que ya hiba a poner mexico 5 usa 0 jeje | 05:42 |
krammer_ | is there an irc for python | 05:42 |
yukaboyshow | oye puerto rico que bien muy lindo verdad | 05:43 |
stryker | si, precioso :D | 05:43 |
UnholyLessons | i dont see virtualbox in my system drop down though | 05:43 |
yukaboyshow | yo vivo en cancun! | 05:43 |
LinuxGold | aha | 05:43 |
LinuxGold | my server is now connected via wireless | 05:43 |
Doshiro | can anyone answer some questions for me about setting up wireless on an HP pavilion? | 05:43 |
LinuxGold | my first time -- woo | 05:43 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: applications>systemTools>Virtualbox | 05:43 |
stryker | sHyLoCK_: i downloaded another package related to amarok2 from synaptics, i will give it a shot | 05:43 |
UnholyLessons | all thats there is something called Dolphin | 05:43 |
sHyLoCk_ | stryker: good luck ;) | 05:43 |
UnholyLessons | no virtualbox, weird | 05:44 |
yukaboyshow | tu en que parte de puerto rico vives oye una pregunta veo que aqui es linux lo que manejan | 05:44 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, there is also #vbox channel if things become stale here. i'm soon to bed | 05:44 |
stryker | si, es linux | 05:44 |
stryker | y no vivo en puerto rico al momento | 05:44 |
UnholyLessons | well it looks like ive installed it all and it should be ready to rock, its just not in my dropdowns | 05:44 |
LinuxGold | now doing apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 05:44 |
LinuxGold | :) | 05:44 |
yukaboyshow | lo que pasa es que tengo una duda yo tngo windows y la verdad he visto el linux y me llama mucho la atencion | 05:44 |
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yukaboyshow | y quiero cambiarme | 05:44 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: did you see my post? | 05:44 |
yukaboyshow | me lo recomiendas | 05:44 |
stryker | digame su pregunta | 05:44 |
yukaboyshow | al 100% | 05:44 |
UnholyLessons | yes mech, not there either | 05:44 |
stryker | depende | 05:44 |
yukaboyshow | de que stryker? | 05:44 |
stryker | en verdad depende de lo que quieres hacer con tu computadora | 05:44 |
stryker | si eres un gamer or un casual user | 05:45 |
yukaboyshow | pues la verdad mi maquina me sive mas que nada de uso personal nada mas descargar cosas ver peliculas nevegar en la web | 05:45 |
UnholyLessons | how do i put ur names in the front of the message so it highlights my text to u in red | 05:45 |
yukaboyshow | lo normal | 05:45 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: do you have terminal output to paste at paste.ubuntu.com? | 05:45 |
Doshiro | can anyone answer some questions for me about setting up wireless on an HP pavilion? | 05:45 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: just type it in | 05:46 |
stryker | oh, pues si, no veo ningun problema en eso, eso lo ago yo tambien, pero with a little bit of gaming ;) | 05:46 |
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yukaboyshow | por que ? | 05:46 |
UnholyLessons | david@david-laptop:~/Desktop$ paste at paste.ubuntu.com | 05:46 |
UnholyLessons | paste: at: No such file or directory | 05:46 |
thejackal221 | hi everyone | 05:46 |
cmartin0 | has anyone tried the 190 nvida beta drivers? | 05:46 |
yukaboyshow | no es compatible con todos los juegos | 05:46 |
yukaboyshow | ? | 05:46 |
stryker | no, casi ningunos | 05:46 |
stryker | es un proceso complicado para poder jugar un juego bueno si no es compatible | 05:46 |
abstortedminds | mechtech, did you remove network-manager? | 05:46 |
stryker | sHyLoCK_: no luck :( when I play the song, it just acts if it finished the song already | 05:47 |
yukaboyshow | mm.. jaja de todas formas no juego mucho | 05:47 |
yukaboyshow | ! | 05:47 |
stryker | jaja | 05:47 |
UnholyLessons | damn it i feel like we made lots of progress but now we're just stuck again | 05:47 |
stryker | si lo que haces es ver peliculas y surf el web y un poco de musica, esto esta muy bien | 05:47 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons...no, I meant terminal output from when you ran apt-get install that you could then copy and subsequesntly navigate using a browser to paste.ubuntu.com and paste there, then copy THAT url to paste here for all of us to read | 05:47 |
yukaboyshow | es que la verdad me llamo mucho la atencion la forma del escritorio las opciones que tiene y mas que un amigo tiene su unbutum en su usb | 05:47 |
stryker | te recomiendo wubi para que veas como funciona sin tener que quitar a windows | 05:48 |
rod_ | #ubuntu-ph | 05:48 |
stryker | sHyLoCK_: i tried in the #amarok channel, but no one responds | 05:48 |
UnholyLessons | ok im at paste.ubuntu.com | 05:48 |
sHyLoCk_ | stryker: hmm | 05:48 |
UnholyLessons | u want me to paste here what happened after apt-get install? | 05:48 |
stryker | is there any plugin i should try findin in Add/Remove? | 05:48 |
rod_ | hi anyone knows how to add channel? | 05:48 |
mataks | help pls i just installed an emerald theme and im missing something on the title bar.. here's the screenshot http://img242.imageshack.us/i/screenshot1lc7.png/ ....... and here's the theme that im trying to use.. anyone? | 05:48 |
yukaboyshow | asi!! | 05:49 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: terminal output is what your teminal window pukes out at you after you issue a command or run a script | 05:49 |
yukaboyshow | entonces viene siendo un trial ! | 05:49 |
yukaboyshow | ?? | 05:49 |
yukaboyshow | o un demo nada mas | 05:49 |
stryker | es una opcion | 05:49 |
stryker | no, te lo instala con windows | 05:49 |
stryker | osea, tienes los dos a la misma vez | 05:49 |
UnholyLessons | hre u go | 05:49 |
UnholyLessons | http://paste.ubuntu.com/234248/ | 05:49 |
stryker | !ubuntu | 05:49 |
ubottu | Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com | 05:49 |
stryker | oops | 05:49 |
stryker | LOL | 05:49 |
stryker | !wubi | 05:49 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. | 05:49 |
FloodBot1 | stryker: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:49 |
yukaboyshow | y no interfiere con la velicidad de mi memoria ram por que no tngo mucho solo 512 | 05:50 |
stryker | no no | 05:50 |
stryker | osea | 05:50 |
stryker | el proceso es este | 05:50 |
yukaboyshow | ok | 05:50 |
stryker | instalas ubuntu con wubi | 05:50 |
yukaboyshow | ahh ok! | 05:50 |
rod_ | how to join another channel | 05:50 |
MrPiracy | is this the spanish room? | 05:50 |
stryker | y cada vez que le prendas tu computadora | 05:50 |
UnholyLessons | did that help mechtech? | 05:50 |
sHyLoCk_ | rod_: just type join #channelname | 05:50 |
stryker | MrPircay: is there a problem? | 05:51 |
stryker | te pregunta si quieres usar ubuntu or windows | 05:51 |
UnholyLessons | im following these intructions | 05:51 |
UnholyLessons | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone | 05:51 |
yukaboyshow | aja | 05:51 |
UnholyLessons | ill be right back, need to smoke one | 05:51 |
yukaboyshow | !! | 05:51 |
yukaboyshow | t leo | 05:51 |
yukaboyshow | ! | 05:51 |
stryker | si! | 05:51 |
FloodBot1 | yukaboyshow: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 05:51 |
MrPiracy | stryker: nope, i am just wondering .... trying to configure xChat here | 05:51 |
UnholyLessons | this linux is stressing me i wanna learn it so bad | 05:51 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: no...go to http://paste.ubuntu.com ...on that page, there is a form, you put your username you use in here into the form, then inside the big form field, you paste what you copied from your terminal...then click the paste button on the webpage...this will generate a new url with a special number at the end...then copy THAT url and paste that in here...then we can all look without flooding the room with terminal output | 05:51 |
Jeruvy | !es | stryker | 05:51 |
ubottu | stryker: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 05:51 |
stryker | MrPiracy: np :P | 05:51 |
UnholyLessons | yeah i did that mechtech, and posted it for u to see | 05:51 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: you ARE learning...we all are...just keep moving forward | 05:51 |
UnholyLessons | http://paste.ubuntu.com/234248/ | 05:51 |
stryker | yukaboy, estoy usando ubuntu instalado por wubi ahora mismo :P | 05:51 |
MrPiracy | stryker: that's the english room, rite? (just want to be sure) | 05:52 |
stryker | this is the english room, just talking with someone that is speakin spanish | 05:52 |
MrPiracy | stryker: ok, np | 05:52 |
Jeruvy | stryker: its better to take it to #ubuntu-es, so not to distract here :) | 05:53 |
artistxe | UnholyLessons, read lines 51 and 52 | 05:53 |
stryker | Jeruvy: i understand, but as I was in the middle of a long conversation, i thought it rude to suddenly stop and tell the user to move channels | 05:53 |
artistxe | UnholyLessons, and tell me what line 50 is missing | 05:54 |
Jeruvy | stryker: not at all. Its a normal activity for irc. | 05:54 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: read what you pasted...you will see where it tried to add you to the virtualbox users, but the installer did not have permissions to change /etc/fstab...so, you need to add yourself to the group by editing fstab yourself as root | 05:55 |
artistxe | UnholyLessons, and line 44 is missing somethig as well | 05:55 |
stryker | sHyLoCK_: i can't get it to work, any suggestions?> | 05:55 |
sHyLoCk_ | stryker: im guessing you have all the codecs installed | 05:56 |
mechtech | gonna smoke...brb | 05:56 |
stryker | sHyLoCK_: yes | 05:56 |
Covent | If switched from generic kerner to server j´kernel, how do I swich back to generic? | 05:56 |
UnholyLessons | so how do iedit that stuff | 05:57 |
UnholyLessons | i need to edit fstab as root | 05:57 |
artistxe | you could sudo gedit | 05:57 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, gksudo gedit /etc/fstab | 05:58 |
bastidrazor | !gksudo > artillerytx | 05:58 |
ubottu | artillerytx, please see my private message | 05:58 |
artistxe | bastid_razor, stop repeating me ;) | 05:58 |
bastidrazor | err.. artistxe gksudo for graphical and sudo for cli | 05:58 |
Steve100 | !boot | 05:58 |
ubottu | Boot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto | 05:58 |
artillerytx | what | 05:58 |
bastidrazor | artistxe, sudo is not gksudo | 05:58 |
artillerytx | ? | 05:58 |
bastidrazor | artillerytx, sorry.. wrong tab completion | 05:58 |
Steve100 | update-rc.d | 05:58 |
Steve100 | er wrong terminal | 05:58 |
LinuxGold | lol | 05:59 |
steevmor | quick question everyone | 05:59 |
Covent | !grub | 05:59 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 05:59 |
LinuxGold | !kernel | 06:00 |
ubottu | The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages | 06:00 |
steevmor | I just installed ubuntu as a virtualbox VM on my macbook pro | 06:00 |
steevmor | and it's limited to 800x600 res | 06:00 |
=== _MrsApple_ is now known as _MrApple_ | ||
sHyLoCk_ | stryker: not sure, maybe some kde4 dependencies are missing if ur on gnome? amarok2 works fine in kde4 for me. | 06:01 |
bastidrazor | steevmor, have you installed the guest additions? | 06:01 |
stryker | yeah gnome | 06:02 |
steevmor | ah, no i haven't. | 06:02 |
steevmor | where do i get those? | 06:02 |
bastidrazor | steevmor, that i don't know. possibly #vbox will have the answers. | 06:03 |
stryker | sHyLoCK: rhythmbox is boring and dull.. lol... im gonna try VLC if i don't fix Amarok | 06:04 |
thejackal221 | newbie here, how do I run a program from terminal | 06:04 |
cfedde | start a terminal window and type the command at the prompt. | 06:05 |
cfedde | is that what you're asking? | 06:05 |
thejackal221 | thank you but I don't know what command to use | 06:06 |
thejackal221 | I am trying to run vurtualbox | 06:06 |
UnholyLessons | ok im editing fstab | 06:06 |
UnholyLessons | what was it that i needed to edit | 06:06 |
deepak | please help me i have Broadcom Corporation BCM4318 [AirForce One 54g] 802.11g Wireless LAN Controller (rev 02) | 06:06 |
deepak | and it is not working | 06:06 |
WholeGrains | thejackal221, what program are you wanting to run? | 06:06 |
thejackal221 | virtualbox | 06:07 |
UnholyLessons | can i just log in to terminal as sudo | 06:07 |
UnholyLessons | so i can run everything | 06:07 |
ironmagma | you can log into ubuntu as root | 06:08 |
ironmagma | but it's not very safe | 06:08 |
bastidrazor | !sudo > UnholyLessons .. read this page it'll give you some great information | 06:08 |
ubottu | UnholyLessons, please see my private message | 06:08 |
WholeGrains | thejackal221, I don't have that installed, have you tried typing 'virtualbox' (without the quotes) | 06:08 |
thejackal221 | no one sec | 06:08 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: once you run a command as root (ie: use sudo[superuser-do]) you will have super user priviledges for a time...for instructions on how to add yourself to virtualbox users group see here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/234252/ | 06:09 |
bastidrazor | UnholyLessons, in short the easy ways is to use sudo -i | 06:09 |
thejackal221 | never mind I found the program in the app menu | 06:09 |
WholeGrains | thejackal221, ok, enjoy | 06:09 |
Lostinspace_46 | When syslog give you this msg. Jul 26 12:02:55 mypos kernel: Cannot find map file. How do you know which map file? | 06:10 |
UnholyLessons | mechtech, i just read your paste and ill admit it was way above my head man | 06:10 |
UnholyLessons | lol | 06:10 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: just line 2 then | 06:11 |
thejackal221 | I have xp on another hd can I use virtualbox to access it? | 06:11 |
SMII | #ubuntu-th | 06:11 |
outy | how do i adjust gnome-do docky settings ? | 06:11 |
UnholyLessons | i ran line 2. worked fine | 06:12 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: you don't want it to run on bootup anyways most likely, so after line 2...skip to line 19 | 06:12 |
^Phantom^ | I bought a Coraline DVD tonight, and upon trying to play it on this computer, the media player freezes up. | 06:12 |
^Phantom^ | Is there a solution to this? | 06:12 |
UnholyLessons | david@david-laptop:~/Desktop$ sudo gpasswd -a david vboxusers | 06:12 |
UnholyLessons | Adding user david to group vboxusers | 06:12 |
mechtech | thejackal221: you have to setup sharing in vb | 06:12 |
thejackal221 | ok thanks | 06:12 |
outy | arrggghhh | 06:13 |
outy | in opera on ubuntu, i go to facebook and it brings up google | 06:13 |
UnholyLessons | http://paste.ubuntu.com/234254/ | 06:13 |
outy | but the http addy is facebook | 06:13 |
UnholyLessons | http://paste.ubuntu.com/234256/ | 06:13 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: good...now issue command on line 19 | 06:14 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: virtualbox | 06:14 |
UnholyLessons | I did | 06:15 |
UnholyLessons | http://paste.ubuntu.com/234256/ | 06:15 |
bening | is wifi has installed on jaunty? | 06:15 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: rebbot | 06:15 |
UnholyLessons | reboot...ok ill brb | 06:15 |
bening | has wifi installed on jaunty? | 06:15 |
thejackal221 | thank you for all your help | 06:15 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: er...reboot | 06:15 |
UnholyLessons | plz dont leave ur helping me so much | 06:15 |
mechtech | k | 06:16 |
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ShapeShifter499 | I give up | 06:17 |
ShapeShifter499 | g2g | 06:17 |
ShapeShifter499 | bye | 06:17 |
bening | emmm | 06:18 |
abstortedminds | hi, i just installed the restricted video drivers for ubuntu and now when it boots up my screen is blank | 06:18 |
mechtech | ouch | 06:18 |
abstortedminds | yea i had a feeling something bad would happen | 06:18 |
abstortedminds | how do i revert? | 06:18 |
sHyLoCk_ | abstortedminds: which card do you have? | 06:19 |
abstortedminds | nvidia | 06:20 |
UnholyLessons | So I rebooted and now virtual box shows up under system tools | 06:20 |
mechtech | UnholyLessons: great...use away | 06:21 |
RickX | can anyone tell me how to connect to a VPN? I have one configured in network-manager, but I don't see where/how to start/connect. | 06:21 |
Lostinspace_46 | When syslog gives you this msg. Jul 26 12:02:55 mypos kernel: Cannot find map file. How do you know which map file? | 06:21 |
abstortedminds | mechtech how do i remove this video card | 06:22 |
abstortedminds | i mean driver | 06:22 |
^Phantom^ | is there any way to play copy-protected dvds on ubuntu? | 06:22 |
abstortedminds | ubuntu boots up, but when its about to go into the desktop, the video goes blank | 06:22 |
^Phantom^ | I just bought a movie tonight and it's not playing :( | 06:22 |
WholeGrains | Where is the log for boot errors? For example it will say 'Loading hd(x,y) ext4 letters-&-numbers, then flash an error msg | 06:22 |
psywiped | odd whats with the mass quit | 06:23 |
cbk486 | ? | 06:24 |
RickX | netsplit? | 06:24 |
bastidrazor | a netsplit | 06:24 |
Jeruvy | \1netsplit | 06:24 |
Jeruvy | !netsplit | 06:24 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 06:24 |
^Phantom^ | netsplit | 06:24 |
mechtech | abstortedminds: You want to install the package 'envyng' from the repositories. | 06:24 |
mechtech | System=>Admin=>Synaptic package manager. | 06:24 |
mechtech | When this opens use the search option and type in envyng. | 06:24 |
mechtech | When the package is found right click on it and choose 'Mark for installation'. | 06:24 |
mechtech | Once it installs look in Applications=>System tools=>Envyng. | 06:24 |
mechtech | This package automates installing and uninstalling ATI/Nvidia drivers. | 06:24 |
psywiped | ah | 06:24 |
TorturedSoul | hey all | 06:25 |
macgyver_ | ok, fresh install, Bluetooth working, all I have done is install the ATI driver and Xchat | 06:25 |
^Phantom^ | Is there any way to play copy-protected dvds on ubuntu? | 06:25 |
TorturedSoul | what do i do if my comp wont display the battery life correctly | 06:25 |
TorturedSoul | always shows 0.0% | 06:25 |
macgyver_ | I will now do a update and a reboot and see in Bluetooth stays, if it does not, what can I do to see what caused it to stop working? | 06:25 |
cbk486 | hello, I am running audacity 1.37 with ubuntu 9.04, and I no longer have sound when playing audio files from within the application, but I used to have sound. I can still hear sound in my headphones from flash and media players like exaile, however. | 06:25 |
^Phantom^ | I'm trying to play a copy-protected DVD in ubuntu, it refuses to start up. Totem Media Player just freezes up. How can I work around this? | 06:26 |
b0nn | hrm, I am using NBR and want to know how to add things to the 'Favourite' menu | 06:26 |
b0nn | ^Phantom^: try with mplayer, or dragonplayer | 06:27 |
TorturedSoul | how do i get my battery status to show correctly | 06:27 |
^Phantom^ | thank you | 06:27 |
cbk486 | @Phantom: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras | 06:27 |
^Phantom^ | Also, things look WICKED WEIRD with 3d-glasses on lol | 06:27 |
b0nn | hrm | 06:27 |
root | clear | 06:28 |
b0nn | does this #channel not have a kickbot for when people log into IRC as root? | 06:28 |
cbk486 | hello, I am running audacity 1.37 with ubuntu 9.04, and I no longer have sound when playing audio files from within the application, but I used to have sound. I can still hear sound in my headphones from flash and media players like exaile, however. | 06:28 |
=== myself is now known as Guest18261 | ||
abstortedminds | man this is screwed up | 06:29 |
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ | ||
cwillu | abstortedminds, did you get any of that? | 06:30 |
mechtech | abstortedminds: did you see my last post? | 06:30 |
abstortedminds | oh let me check | 06:30 |
TorturedSoul | hey when i try to "modprobe ac or "modprobe battery" I get "module XXX not found" | 06:31 |
abstortedminds | mechtech i cant get to desktop | 06:31 |
abstortedminds | ill just install it from command line in recovery mode? | 06:31 |
abstortedminds | oh wiat, seems to work now | 06:31 |
abstortedminds | hrm | 06:31 |
=== Guest18261 is now known as myself | ||
ianm_ | what's the best-sounding open source command-line text-to-speech app? | 06:32 |
mechtech | abstortedminds: http://paste.ubuntu.com/234260/ <---I would still install envyng | 06:32 |
drurew | can someone point me to an extensive mysql databese how too | 06:32 |
drurew | !mysql | 06:33 |
ubottu | LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process (different in Edgy+) | 06:33 |
TorturedSoul | when i try modprobe ac or modprobe battery, i get module not found? anyone have a cue how to fix this? | 06:33 |
TorturedSoul | cant get battery status | 06:33 |
mechtech | drurew: http://www.webwisesage.com/addons/free_ebook.html | 06:33 |
cwillu | abstortedminds, escape from the grub menu (that line that shows up when you reboot), hit recovery kernel, and you should get a menu that will let you into a failsafe x mode, that you can do whatever you need to from there | 06:33 |
abstortedminds | ok ill try tha tin a biit | 06:34 |
stryker | Is there a bug in Shiretoko in which some image files are not correctly displayed? | 06:34 |
abstortedminds | ty | 06:34 |
Temlar_Xion | TorturedSoul, try lshw | 06:34 |
cwillu | abstortedminds, incidently, which chipset? | 06:34 |
cwillu | stryker, define correct | 06:34 |
stryker | cwillu: some images in different websites appear greenish | 06:35 |
stryker | cwillu: when they are not supposed to | 06:35 |
cwillu | stryker, probably colour profile | 06:35 |
stryker | cwillu: erm, explain please :D | 06:35 |
cwillu | stryker, if that's the case, they're actually being displayed 'correctly' according to the colour profile they have stored | 06:35 |
cwillu | there's an about:config to turn it off | 06:35 |
cwillu | if that fixes it, then you know what the problem is | 06:36 |
cwillu | one sec | 06:36 |
garyson | can anyone tell me why | 06:36 |
garyson | /home/gary/Desktop/pidgin-fonomobutton-0.1.5/fonomobutton.c make all install | 06:36 |
garyson | returns as permission denied | 06:36 |
cwillu | stryker, it's related to gfx.color_management.display_profile, but I don't know the setting to turn it off offhand | 06:36 |
MikeL | I want to use avant-window-navigator because it's very pretty. However, it has an unreasonable set of dependencies. Any ideas for something else I could use? | 06:36 |
stryker | cwillu: isee, a google search seems other people have the same problem | 06:37 |
=== thejackal is now known as Guest77138 | ||
MikeL | garyson: are you doing that as root? | 06:37 |
stryker | http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29524225/testimage.jpg | 06:37 |
bastidrazor | MikeL, cairo-dock | 06:37 |
coz_ | MikeL, you could also use cairo dock | 06:37 |
cwillu | garyson, you'd have to sudo it if it's trying to write things to places outside of your home directory | 06:37 |
rotkeppchen | ^^ | 06:37 |
coz_ | MikeL, which video card are you using? | 06:37 |
garyson | i'm fairly sure i'm root | 06:37 |
mechtech | garyson: use sudo? | 06:37 |
Lostinspace_46 | When syslog gives you this msg. Jul 26 12:02:55 mypos kernel: Cannot find map file. How do you know which map file? | 06:37 |
cwillu | stryker, you're on ff3? | 06:37 |
cwillu | or 3.5? | 06:37 |
stryker | 3.5 | 06:38 |
WholeGrains | Where is the log for boot errors? | 06:38 |
MikeL | coz_: intel | 06:38 |
cwillu | stryker, about:config -> gfx.color_management.mode -> 0 and see if that fixes it | 06:38 |
garyson | mechtech how do i use sudo | 06:38 |
cwillu | http://kb.mozillazine.org/Gfx.color_management.enabled | 06:38 |
coz_ | MikeL, ok cairo dock will work with intell but no the opengl implimentation in it | 06:38 |
cwillu | garyson, sudo make install | 06:38 |
gartral | garyson: man sudo | 06:38 |
cwillu | or whatever the relevant command is | 06:38 |
coz_ | MikeL, there are still going to bedependencies ...are you running gnome or kde? | 06:38 |
DaZ | cwillu: die | 06:39 |
MikeL | coz_: openbox | 06:39 |
cwillu | DaZ, wha? | 06:39 |
DaZ | makedepend <: | 06:39 |
DaZ | or.. | 06:39 |
mechtech | garyson: sudo is a pre-command paramenter for use with any command...it means Super User Do: whatevercommandyoutype | 06:39 |
coz_ | MikeL, ah ok well then you are going to get an unreasonable number of gnome dependencies with awn | 06:39 |
DaZ | damn, i don't remember what did debfiles | 06:39 |
DaZ | but telling people to do make install is stupid | 06:39 |
MikeL | coz_: 11MB is acceptable - awn was ~260MB | 06:39 |
stryker | cwillu: how do i change that setting? | 06:39 |
coz_ | MikeL, and unless openbox has a compositor onboard you will have to use fake transperancy with cairo-dock | 06:40 |
cwillu | stryker, go to about:config in the browser, and find the relevant string, or add it (new -> integer) if its not there | 06:40 |
stryker | ohh | 06:40 |
stryker | oka | 06:40 |
stryker | okay* | 06:40 |
DaZ | checkinstall* | 06:40 |
MikeL | coz_: xcompmgr | 06:40 |
mechtech | garyson: you just type it in before your command, then it will ask for your password, you type that in (you will see no output when typing in your password) hit enter and the command should work | 06:40 |
coz_ | MikeL, right that is because of the extra gnome dependecies it would require | 06:40 |
coz_ | MikeL, ok then cairo dock should work but I have not tried it on openbox ever | 06:40 |
MikeL | coz_: ok... that thing is nice | 06:40 |
coz_ | let me check | 06:40 |
mechtech | garyson: example: sudo pico filename | 06:41 |
duryodhan | hi ... I am unable to change my screen resolution in ubuntu .. I have a nvidia card and nvidia settings only shows 1680x1050, I wanna try something smaller like 1024x768 for this game I am playing | 06:41 |
mechtech | garyson: would allow me to edit a file I have no permissions to | 06:41 |
DaZ | mechtech: there's still pico in ubuntu? :o | 06:41 |
mechtech | DaZ: I use it every day | 06:42 |
gartral | duryodhan: why not turn up the game/ | 06:42 |
DaZ | :o | 06:42 |
stryker | cwillu: thank you! it worked! | 06:42 |
garyson | ah thank you mech tech | 06:42 |
mechtech | no prob | 06:42 |
=== DaZ- is now known as DaZ | ||
cwillu | stryker, incidently, is that off images that you have control over, or just random pictures from elsewhere? | 06:43 |
macgyver_ | there it goes, something in th eupdates I just did took out my Bluetooth | 06:43 |
coz_ | MikeL, apparenlty cairo dock can be used on openbox | 06:43 |
MikeL | coz_: yup - and I really like this thing | 06:43 |
stryker | random pictures, i.e. from facebook's gui or the huffingtonpost.com's gui etc | 06:43 |
cwillu | okay | 06:43 |
cwillu | nvm then :p | 06:43 |
stryker | the problem is with jpegs, at least what i read :P | 06:43 |
coz_ | MikeL, cairo dock? | 06:44 |
stryker | cwillu: thanks! | 06:44 |
cwillu | well, it's not technically wrong, but ya | 06:44 |
MikeL | coz_: yup | 06:44 |
gartral | !ciarodock | 06:44 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ciarodock | 06:44 |
coz_ | MikeL, yeah it is pretty robust | 06:44 |
MikeL | cwillu: it feels kinda glitchy - but nothing serious | 06:44 |
MikeL | !info cairo-dock | gartral | 06:44 |
ubottu | gartral: cairo-dock (source: cairo-dock): A light and eye-candy dock to launch your programs easily. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 312 kB, installed size 928 kB | 06:44 |
coz_ | MikeL, if yu need configuration help you can meet me in #cairo-dock we have a separate channel for support | 06:44 |
cwillu | s/cwillu/coz_/?<MikeL> cwillu: it feels kinda glitchy - but nothing serious | 06:45 |
MikeL | cwillu: sorry | 06:45 |
cwillu | MikeL, np, just got really confused for a moment :p | 06:46 |
duryodhan | gartral: ? | 06:46 |
gartral | duryodhan: yes? | 06:46 |
stryker | I usually don't get an answer to this question, but if anybody here has gotten Call of Duty 4 to work on ubuntu and has the time to help me install it, PLEASE let me know! | 06:46 |
gartral | duryodhan: you should be able too turn the games resolution up.. | 06:47 |
duryodhan | you said why not turn up the game? whats that mean ? | 06:47 |
duryodhan | ohh | 06:47 |
duryodhan | the game is runnign at 1680x1050 | 06:47 |
duryodhan | but everything is too small | 06:47 |
DaZ | stryker, winehq | 06:47 |
duryodhan | which I don't like | 06:47 |
gartral | duryodhan: just wondering.. what game? | 06:47 |
stryker | DaZ: meh, i've tried, unfortunately its too complicated for me, i've tried so many times :( | 06:47 |
DaZ | tried to browse the webpage? | 06:48 |
DaZ | yeah it's hard | 06:48 |
DaZ | so much text and buttons >: | 06:48 |
gartral | !enter | DaZ | 06:48 |
ubottu | DaZ: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation! | 06:48 |
=== yoyo is now known as bootme | ||
DaZ | i don't care | 06:49 |
gartral | !attitude | DaZ | 06:49 |
ubottu | DaZ: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines | 06:49 |
DaZ | !stopabusingthebot| gardar | 06:49 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 06:49 |
stryker | jaja a bot war! | 06:49 |
DaZ | stryker, it works on wine | 06:49 |
DaZ | at least it says so on this cute webpage http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=12804 | 06:50 |
duryodhan | gartral: openTTD | 06:50 |
stryker | I got it to install on wine, but i would get a "critical" DirectX error when I started to play | 06:50 |
bullgard4 | '~$ man ps; To get security info: ps -eo euser,ruser,suser,fuser,f,comm,label.' What security information is thus obtained by the parameter 'fuser'? | 06:50 |
=== IVBela1 is now known as IVBela | ||
DaZ | stryker, there is ubuntu how-to | 06:50 |
DaZ | prepare for sourcepatching | 06:51 |
gartral | duryodhan: ok, quit the game.. go into System>administration>NVIDIA X Server Settings and the second in the list down should let you change your resolution | 06:51 |
bitplane | my clock crashed a few days ago.. how can i kill and restart it without starting a new GNOME session? | 06:52 |
duryodhan | gartral: thats exactly my question .. it doesn't .. it only shows 1 resolution | 06:52 |
DaZ | bitplane, you mean applet? | 06:52 |
gartral | duryodhan: what card+linktype+driver serise you running? | 06:53 |
Temlar_Xion | duryodhan, look up xorg.conf editing | 06:53 |
bitplane | I think so, the little date and time thing in the upper right panel | 06:53 |
DaZ | just remove it from the pannel and add again | 06:53 |
bitplane | it says 4:26am on thursday :/ | 06:53 |
bitplane | i tried that, it won't remove | 06:53 |
DaZ | kill gnome-panel | 06:53 |
bitplane | thanks | 06:54 |
duryodhan | gartral: nvidia driver 180.4 8600M GS 512MB | 06:54 |
bitplane | yey, now I have 10 clocks!! thanks :) | 06:54 |
gartral | duryodhan: nice card.. what link type? VGA, DVI, HDMI? | 06:54 |
DaZ | lol | 06:54 |
sleepy_cat | nick c_nick | 06:55 |
DaZ | bitplane, screenshot? | 06:55 |
bitplane | it's okay, i've closed them... it just wasn't removing or adding the ones when i right clicked | 06:55 |
losher | bullgard4: it's apparently a filesystem access user ID. On certain systems, just knowing this is enough to allow access to files, including possibly those you normally wouldn't have permission to access. Don't ask me for details, because I don't know of them. I just recall there being an issue with nfs at one time because file system handles weren't sufficiently random and hence could be... | 06:55 |
losher | ...predicted, allowing unauthorized access. | 06:55 |
cNoNim | ji all | 06:55 |
cNoNim | hi | 06:55 |
duryodhan | and Temlar_Xion the xorg.conf is configured by nvidia, the display subsection doesn't have a Modes line | 06:55 |
duryodhan | gartral: right now just watching it on my laptop screen | 06:56 |
cNoNim | how i can install ubuntu with lvm? | 06:56 |
DaZ | cNoNim, tried google? | 06:56 |
duryodhan | I wonder if someone ever answered 'hmm .. sudo apt-get install google' doesn't install any package | 06:57 |
syntax | lol | 06:57 |
gartral | duryodhan: whats the last 2 option subsections? | 06:57 |
losher | cNoNim: if you can't figure out how to install it, you probably shouldn't use it, else how are you going to troubleshoot it if something goes wrong with it. Why not stick to nice, simple, reliable old ext3... | 06:58 |
duryodhan | Option "TwinView" "0" Option "metamodes" "nvidia-auto-select +0+0" | 06:58 |
duryodhan | gartral: ^ ^ | 06:58 |
garyson | sudo make all install ~/Desktop/pidgin-fonomobutton-0.1.5/Makefile returns as "no rule to make target all. stop" can someone help | 06:59 |
losher | garyson: try: sudo make all install -f ~/Desktop/pidgin-fonomobutton-0.1.5/Makefile | 07:00 |
DaZ | garyson, don't worry, you don't need it anyway | 07:00 |
gartral | duryodhan: that in the X Server Display Configureations page, isnt it? whats the last 2 page in the list on the far left of the nvidia x server window? | 07:00 |
neohashi | hi running ubuntu 9.04 (2.6.28-13 generic) and I tried to enable openGL 3.1+ for development by installing NVIDIA-Linux-x86-185.18.14-pkg1.run | 07:00 |
* DaZ tries to act like other ubuntu users | 07:00 | |
neohashi | but X fails with the error "(EE) Screen(s) found, but none have a usable configuration." nvidia-xconfig dosen't help.. | 07:00 |
cNoNim | ok, how i can enable expert mode on live DVD, or live DVD don't have expert mode? | 07:00 |
losher | garyson: Daz: well, you need the -f | 07:00 |
cNoNim | losher: i use it, on gentoo | 07:01 |
garyson | thank you losher | 07:01 |
Cryptorchild | does anyone knows how to se ident on xchat? | 07:01 |
losher | cNoNim: I find lvm makes recovery ten times more difficult... | 07:01 |
Cryptorchild | set* | 07:01 |
moymoy | cNoNim: you have to run nvidia-xconfig as root because it needs permission to write to xorg.conf | 07:01 |
lstarnes | Cryptorchild: it should be the username setting in the network list | 07:02 |
=== VanDyke_ is now known as VanDyke | ||
cNoNim | cNoNim: ??? | 07:02 |
DaZ | Cryptorchild, google.com/search?q=xchat+ident ? | 07:02 |
lstarnes | Cryptorchild: also, /set irc_user_name | 07:02 |
losher | daz: how do 'other ubuntu users' act, exactly? | 07:02 |
bullgard4 | losher: Thank you for commenting. I guess I got your main point. But could you please tell me what a filesystem access user ID is? The output column 'FUSER' lists entries such as 'root', 'daemon', 'syslog'. I believe that 'root', 'daemon', 'syslog' are no filesystems. A filesystem may be ext3, ext4, fat32. Please resolve my misunderstanding. | 07:03 |
duryodhan | gartral: last 2 are nvidia settings configuration and DFP-0 (Seiko), the latter being a sub selection of 'GPU-0' | 07:03 |
DaZ | loesh, this discouraging attitude <: | 07:03 |
DaZ | eh | 07:03 |
neohashi | all I did was Ctrl+Alt+F1 , sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop .. sudo sh NVIDIAxxxx .. sudo reboot. | 07:04 |
DaZ | losher* | 07:04 |
gartral | duryodhan: ok, hit the DFP-0 and tell me the link info that you see.. | 07:04 |
lstarnes | bullgard4: I think 'root', 'daemon', and 'syslog' are the names of the accounts of the owners of those processes | 07:04 |
Cryptorchild | lstarnes: works, thanks | 07:04 |
=== xx is now known as Guest73983 | ||
cNoNim | losher: lvm allows you to resize the logical drives, and do not use all the disk space. | 07:04 |
duryodhan | gartral: Flat Panel information | 07:04 |
losher | bullgard4: well, it was an educated guess, based on the man page. I could be completely wrong. The man page does say "if it's available". Maybe it's not supported on your system? | 07:05 |
duryodhan | gartral: and other stuff about flat panel , connection link : dual . chip location : internal , Signal : LVDS | 07:05 |
gartral | duryodhan: ya | 07:05 |
duryodhan | gartral: what is all this stuff ? :) | 07:05 |
gartral | duryodhan: tech. info.. ok, you should see scaling options there somewhere on the right, yes? | 07:06 |
losher | cNoNim: I agree, but lvm comes at a price i.e. greater complexity, particularly during recovery. So it worries me when I see someone asking how to install it... | 07:06 |
bullgard4 | losher: Hmm. I will do more snooping on it. | 07:06 |
rod_ | /join #lamp2 | 07:06 |
lstarnes | bullgard4: "filesystem access user ID" may refer to the name of the user account being used by the process for accessing the filesystem | 07:06 |
duryodhan | gartral: yeah and it is selected to 'Stretched' | 07:07 |
UnholyLessons | So i installed virtual machine in order to run itunes, but now I have to install windows on it? | 07:07 |
UnholyLessons | why cant WINE just work with itunes damn it | 07:07 |
bullgard4 | lstarnes: Ah! Thank you for explaining. | 07:07 |
losher | bullgard4: lstarnes: hmm. It *does* say it's a *user* id, so that does make sense... | 07:07 |
duryodhan | gartral: it says the scaling comes in only if frontend and backend resolutions are different | 07:08 |
DaZ | UnholyLessons, wine page says it works | 07:08 |
xShadowx | So, I don't have a blank CD to burn an iso for super grub...is there anyway I can fix Grub Error 17 without a CD? | 07:08 |
duryodhan | gartral: which in my case they are not | 07:08 |
DVA5912 | UnholyLessons|> because mac is like ms in that aspect | 07:08 |
DVA5912 | and maby low support | 07:08 |
cNoNim | losher: recovery after what? | 07:08 |
gartral | duryodhan: ok.. turn on Force full GPU scaling... and when you go back into the game, select a lower resolution, and it will sale too look right | 07:08 |
losher | cNoNim: after file system errors... | 07:08 |
UnholyLessons | it keeps giving me error during install...all i do is double click the itunessetup.exe and click next all the way through and it errors | 07:08 |
mike_bruns_99 | Hi All. Running 9.04, running into a Mouse/Trackpad issue. Running on a Dell Vostro. Everything was working fine, but I disabled some unnecessary services. I.E. apache. Now the Mouse/Trackpad doesn't work. I tried plugging in an external USB mouse, but still no luck. | 07:08 |
duryodhan | gartral: ok | 07:08 |
duryodhan | gartral: will try that .. I will need to restart X right .. ? | 07:09 |
losher | xShadowx: got a live install CD? You can run grub from it... | 07:09 |
mike_bruns_99 | I ran a sysvconfig and added back any of the services I disabled, but still no luck. | 07:09 |
DVA5912 | UnholyLessons|> Do you have to use itunes? | 07:09 |
mike_bruns_99 | Any suggestions? | 07:09 |
DaZ | DVA5912, no, he doesn't | 07:09 |
gartral | duryodhan: only if it says so, though, you probably wont have too | 07:09 |
xShadowx | Yes, I'm booted off that now. | 07:09 |
duryodhan | gartral: also , online there is talk about setting useEDID to false .. is that also something I should try ? do you have idea about what that does ? | 07:09 |
Antaranian | hi there | 07:10 |
duryodhan | gartral: Foce Full GPU scaling is already active | 07:10 |
lstarnes | bullgard4: just so that you know, that was purely an inference based on the provided description in the manual page | 07:10 |
Antaranian | I'm newbie here | 07:10 |
xShadowx | How do I run grub from it? i need to make it recognize Vista. I dual booted with Kubuntu, did something wrong, got grub error 22, uninstalled Kubuntu using the live CD and gparted, then got grub error 17.. | 07:10 |
gartral | duryodhan: yea, tht will cause the card too ignore the EDID info about your monitor, it can be tryed, but may or may not give the effect your looking for.. | 07:10 |
Antaranian | I want tochange look of my ubuntu to smth new | 07:10 |
losher | bullgard4: lstarnes: it makes more sense than my over complicated theory though... | 07:11 |
huffman | Are there any GUI applications that allow you to configure X devices? i.e. a gui version of xinput | 07:11 |
Antaranian | where can I get help for this ? | 07:11 |
duryodhan | gartral: well the force full GPU scaling didn't work .. maybe I should try the Edid thing | 07:11 |
bullgard4 | lstarnes: Your comment is helpful for me, anyway. | 07:11 |
losher | !grub | xShadowx | 07:11 |
ubottu | xShadowx: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 07:11 |
DaZ | Antaranian, do you seriosly need help with it? | 07:11 |
eboyjr | Antaranian: I can help you a little bit.. if you need | 07:12 |
happosade | Is there another channel for 9.10 problems? | 07:12 |
happosade | !9.10 | 07:12 |
ubottu | Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | 07:12 |
Antaranian | it will be nice, thanks :) | 07:12 |
huffman | Anyone? | 07:12 |
duryodhan | gartral: thanks for all the help .. I will need to restart X to see the EDID option take effect .. hopefully nothing breaks ..thanks bye | 07:13 |
gartral | duryodhan: good luck | 07:13 |
Antaranian | eboyjr: DaZ what I need to do, folks ? | 07:13 |
eboyjr | huffman: Maybe this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1060393 | 07:13 |
Brun | Hi, Folks! | 07:13 |
Brun | Help me join Ubuntu fileserver to Ubuntu PDC. | 07:14 |
DaZ | Antaranian, gnome-look ? | 07:14 |
xShadowx | Okay, thanks, how would I add Vista to it? I was told that I should use a recovery disc to run the fixmbr command...is that another option? Oh and I have a USB stick...could I possibly fix the mbr that way? | 07:14 |
eboyjr | Antaranian: Okay, you can navigate to http://gnome-look.org/ and click on Metacity and GTK+2.0 themes | 07:14 |
Antaranian | thanks, let me look at it | 07:15 |
huffman | eboyjr: Checking it out, thanks | 07:15 |
DaZ | xShadowx, you can install ubuntu on usb stick and recover windows mbr with windows cd | 07:16 |
DaZ | hm, or* | 07:16 |
xShadowx | Ok, so could I put super grub on it and boot from that? | 07:16 |
Bob_Dole | xShadowx, yes, you need to run fixmbr, however, this kills grub, so you then need to reinstall grub, if both linux and vista are installed. | 07:17 |
DaZ | xShadowx, get ubuntu iso and unetbootin | 07:17 |
DaZ | and read about grub recovery from livecd | 07:17 |
cooper77z | hello, how do I run cinelerra from command prompt? | 07:17 |
torturedsoul | hey can anyone help me really quick with a battery problem? | 07:17 |
cooper77z | without graphical yadayada? | 07:18 |
DaZ | torturedsoul, get windows | 07:18 |
DaZ | quick enough? | 07:18 |
torturedsoul | lol, have it on my desktop | 07:18 |
torturedsoul | only problem i have is battery state wont display | 07:18 |
cooper77z | everythings gone pink | 07:18 |
xShadowx | Ok so right now, only Vista is installed. I'm booted from a liveCD. Is there a program I can get that I can make my PC boot from a USB just so I can fix windows for now? I have this http://neosmart.net/blog/2008/windows-vista-recovery-disc-download/ | 07:19 |
cooper77z | or purple | 07:19 |
torturedsoul | went to /proc/acpi/battery/bat0 | 07:19 |
torturedsoul | the files have no info in them | 07:19 |
DaZ | xShadowx, unetbootin | 07:19 |
huffman | eboyjr: Cool, that is pretty much what I was looking for. I take it there is no standard app that ubuntu users use (or is distributed with Ubuntu)? | 07:19 |
eboyjr | huffman: No, but it would be nice.. maybe in the next release it will be pushed. Who knows? :) | 07:20 |
cooper77z | please help me get rid of excess gui to run cinelerra with most ram available to program. | 07:21 |
huffman | eboyjr: Well, I'm mainly looking to add support for devel features of X, so I *was* hoping there was some standard app I could add to and just push the patch to the devs... Looks like it will have to mostly be done from scratch. | 07:22 |
unforgiven512 | Is there a way to completely replace firefox-3.0 with firefox-3.5 on Jaunty? | 07:22 |
cooper77z | how can I get rid of gnome untill I reinstall gnome? | 07:23 |
huffman | eboyjr: When is the next release btw? | 07:23 |
eboyjr | !karmic | 07:23 |
ubottu | Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | 07:23 |
Cryptorchild | what's the idea of ubuntuone? i have slow internet connection | 07:23 |
eboyjr | Cryptorchild: File backup, basically. | 07:23 |
richardcavell | anyone here using clonezilla? Can you vouch for its ability to backup and restore multiple partitions in one disk image? | 07:24 |
losher | cooper77z: sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop might do it. At your own risk... | 07:24 |
richardcavell | losher: that does hardly anything | 07:24 |
cooper77z | what is the risk losher? | 07:25 |
losher | cooper77z: the risk is that your X11 will stop working & you won't be able to recover... | 07:25 |
DaZ | cooper77z, meeting with the console | 07:25 |
robertxs | I got an problem with my laptop Amilo 1705, i followed this guide http://www.amilo-forum.com/topic,1065,30,-Amilo-Li1705-No-sound-from-headphone-jack.html - so i can listen music thru my spearks and it WORKS! But the music is jumping and dont sound good at all :/ someone who knows how to fix that? | 07:25 |
cooper77z | I know how to reinstall gnome, it that's the risk losher | 07:25 |
losher | richardcavell: cooper77z: odd, ubottu says it's how you install gnome. You'd think it would work in reverse too... | 07:26 |
mattwj2002 | hi everyone | 07:27 |
cooper77z | it doesn't, gnome won't leave losher | 07:27 |
richardcavell | losher: it doesn't | 07:27 |
losher | richardcavell: cooper77z: time to start googling 'ubuntu remove gnome' then... | 07:27 |
DaZ | cooper77z, remove gtk2 or something like that, with every dependency | 07:27 |
cooper77z | been there done that lasher | 07:27 |
richardcavell | losher: Do what I did. Try to fix it by manually removing packages from the root shell until you start getting kernel panics and can't boot at all. Then spend the weekend reinstalling all over again. | 07:28 |
defrysk | sudo apt-get remove metacity chould do the trick | 07:28 |
lwlw | ? | 07:28 |
richardcavell | losher: <excuse my frustration. Spent the weekend reinstalling> | 07:28 |
DaZ | richardcavell, cool | 07:29 |
losher | richardcavell: cooper77z: no need to apologize. Been there.... | 07:29 |
cooper77z | the only thing I can think of is to decide on the programs I want, then reformat and run only from command prompt | 07:29 |
losher | cooper77z: well, if ram usage is the issue, you don't have to actually uninstall gnome, you just have to stop it running. That's easier... | 07:30 |
* Symmetria groans | 07:30 | |
cooper77z | so,lasher, if I stop gnome in terminal and terminal says ok, does that mean gnome stopped hogging ram? | 07:31 |
Symmetria | :( my test file transfer died at 3.2 terabytes | 07:31 |
Symmetria | wget crashed | 07:31 |
mattwj2002 | 3.2 terabytes o.O | 07:31 |
DaZ | -c? :f | 07:31 |
mattwj2002 | what were you transfering? | 07:31 |
richardcavell | mattwj2002: that's a lot of pr0n | 07:31 |
mattwj2002 | :P | 07:31 |
Symmetria | heh, a 10 terabyte sparse test file | 07:32 |
mattwj2002 | :O | 07:32 |
Symmetria | I'm testing our new south africa -> london circuit | 07:32 |
nomad77 | wow | 07:32 |
mattwj2002 | is that the one on wikipedia? | 07:33 |
Symmetria | unfortunately the server I'm using for the download can't go any further :( | 07:33 |
Symmetria | ooops further/faster | 07:33 |
Symmetria | its still using less than 10% of the line capacity | 07:33 |
Symmetria | which one on wikipedia? | 07:33 |
WindowsUser | get 10 servers on both sides? | 07:33 |
WindowsUser | thats my windows response :) | 07:33 |
mattwj2002 | http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SEACOM_(cable_system) | 07:33 |
Symmetria | heh windows, just gonna get a much much bigger server to stick in there for testing | 07:33 |
Symmetria | mattwj2002, yeah, I have a 10G circuit on that system | 07:34 |
losher | cooper77z: if you stop gnome from inside a terminal (running under gnome), you will lose your xsession entirely. That's not what you want. If you want to run an X application, you basically need an X server and a window manager. Many people who want to conserve resources switch to Xfce I believe. | 07:34 |
mattwj2002 | nice :D | 07:34 |
Symmetria | 0% [ ] 32,026,498,776 84.5M/s eta 38h 8m | 07:34 |
Symmetria | ;p thats a test thats currently running | 07:34 |
richardcavell | Symmetria: I got kicked off my University server yesterday for downloading Half-Life 2 over steam after 1.5 Gigs. | 07:35 |
cooper77z | losher, what are you talking about? | 07:35 |
mattwj2002 | I know this in a bit off in left field....but has anyone built a router using this guild? | 07:35 |
mattwj2002 | *guide? | 07:35 |
mattwj2002 | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router | 07:35 |
cooper77z | I have a server losher | 07:35 |
losher | cooper77z: I thought you said you want to conserve ram so you can run cinelerra? | 07:35 |
yoyo | hey I can't get my nvidia drivers to load...i get this error at startup... http://img38.imageshack.us/i/helpizj.jpg/ does anyone know what I can do to fix it | 07:35 |
mattwj2002 | richardcavell you mean they shutoff your port? | 07:35 |
cooper77z | I do, losher | 07:35 |
richardcavell | mattwj2002: yep | 07:36 |
mattwj2002 | universities suck | 07:36 |
Symmetria | haha I've moved 22 terabytes of data this weekend just testing crap | 07:36 |
mattwj2002 | when it comes to that | 07:36 |
mattwj2002 | :( | 07:36 |
richardcavell | mattwj2002: I think it happened automatically because I was wardriving at midnight | 07:36 |
losher | cooper77z: cinelerra is an X application. It requires a running X server to execute. With me so far? | 07:36 |
mattwj2002 | :P | 07:36 |
richardcavell | sitting in my car with the heater on outside the building, using wifi | 07:36 |
richardcavell | l33ching Half-Life 2 | 07:36 |
cooper77z | are you talking about gui or os, losher | 07:36 |
lgc | I can't seem to be able to revive my wireless connection after suspend. I wonder if someone else is having the same problem. Input wanted. | 07:37 |
DVA5912 | Whats a good programming language for developing 3d games | 07:37 |
richardcavell | DVA5912: C++ | 07:37 |
DVA5912 | richardcavell|> i meant to say programming ide | 07:37 |
richardcavell | lgc: there's plenty of other people who have the same problem | 07:37 |
richardcavell | lgc: do you know what a resume/thaw script is? | 07:37 |
lgc | richardcavell, well, at least I don't feel alone anymore! | 07:37 |
roracle | okay, i've been doing this all day and i have school starting tomorrow. the issue i'm having is setting up my netbook (which receives a wireless signal) as a router to my desktop (because i don't have a network cable long enough to reach in here). IE: Internet Connection Sharing. I have done it with my Mac in the past, but it's pretty much dead these days, so I know a wireless signal can be routed to a desktop. Could anyon | 07:38 |
cooper77z | how do I get rid of gnome for a session? | 07:39 |
mattwj2002 | roracle | 07:39 |
lgc | richardcavell, I pretty much can imagine what they do, indeed. I don't know where to poke to get 'em running, though. | 07:39 |
roracle | yes sir | 07:39 |
losher | cooper77z: neither. I think you need to do some reading. You sound very confused about gui, os, X, desktops, window managers and gnome. | 07:39 |
mattwj2002 | do you want to do that with ubuntu? | 07:39 |
kindofabuzz | cooper77z, sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop | 07:39 |
richardcavell | lgc: often involves modprobe | 07:39 |
mattwj2002 | internet sharing I mean? | 07:39 |
roracle | yes i do. my netbook has ubuntu 9.04 on it and the desktop has that and windows on it | 07:39 |
cooper77z | I want my command prompt back without gnome, losher | 07:39 |
richardcavell | lgc: you'll have to google it because I don't know enough to help you myself. | 07:39 |
mattwj2002 | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router | 07:39 |
bazhang | cooper77z, you cannot use cinelerra without an X server; this was explained several hours ago | 07:39 |
mattwj2002 | I was just talking about this | 07:39 |
mattwj2002 | :) | 07:39 |
cooper77z | kindofabuzz, been there done that | 07:40 |
mattwj2002 | this is pretty advance though | 07:40 |
mattwj2002 | :) | 07:40 |
roracle | that's fine as long as the instructions are there | 07:40 |
kindofabuzz | cooper77z, well that's how to do it. don't know what to tell you | 07:40 |
redhat_ | how to use two way interface shorewall | 07:40 |
losher | cooper77z: I don't think I can help you, sorry... | 07:40 |
roracle | i tried using firestarter and dhcpd and all that with failure around every corner | 07:40 |
cooper77z | thanks for trying losher, different individuals have different teks and methods, and ideas of reality :) | 07:40 |
lgc | richardcavell, do such scripts do more than waking the wireless connection? | 07:41 |
redhat_ | wat about webmin | 07:41 |
mattwj2002 | here is another easier guide too | 07:41 |
mattwj2002 | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EasyRouter | 07:41 |
richardcavell | lgc: they do whatever you put in the script | 07:41 |
richardcavell | lgc: on Macbook typically we have to restart wireless and Bluetooth | 07:41 |
nomad77 | roracle: firestarter can do it | 07:41 |
unforgiven512 | How can I completely replace firefox-3.0 with firefox-3.5 in Ubuntu 9.04? | 07:42 |
richardcavell | nomad77: good advice. | 07:42 |
=== yoyo is now known as towtruckbob | ||
lgc | richardcavell, oh, I see. | 07:42 |
richardcavell | nomad77: just use the wizard on firestarter | 07:42 |
alexchan | test | 07:42 |
mojo_ | I would like to ask if anyone here has Upstart native job rule for Apache2 so I could replace the Apache2 initscript version, thanks alot | 07:42 |
cooper77z | bazhang, they said I don't need gui to run cinelerra! | 07:42 |
roracle | well, firestarter keeps telling me i have a problem. i think my dhcp server is messed up or something | 07:42 |
losher | roracle: buy a long cable & stop wasting your time. If you were paying even a tiny fraction of what support really costs, you wouldn't think twice about doing it any other way... | 07:42 |
kindofabuzz | unforgiven512, 3.5 is already in Jaunty | 07:42 |
alexchan | Gah. Irssi is frustrating. | 07:42 |
Bob_Dole | I like IRSSI Dx | 07:42 |
eboyjr | alexchan: Need help? :) | 07:42 |
bazhang | unforgiven512, you cannot replace it; it is a separate package | 07:43 |
alexchan | I'm learning it slowly Eboyjr. =) | 07:43 |
unforgiven512 | kindofabuzz: yes, I know this. however it is called shiretoko, and it's exectuable name is firefox-3.5 | 07:43 |
bazhang | cooper77z, well they were wrong, so please let it drop. | 07:43 |
roracle | brb, i need a cig | 07:43 |
richardcavell | unforgiven512: it's called something different for legal reasons | 07:43 |
cooper77z | ok bazhang, will do :) | 07:43 |
unforgiven512 | I know, but if I remove package "firefox" | 07:43 |
bazhang | unforgiven512, it will just be re-installed | 07:43 |
kindofabuzz | unforgiven512, http://ubuntuzilla.wiki.sourceforge.net/ | 07:44 |
richardcavell | anyone here use clonezilla and can vouch for it being able to restore a whole disk with multiple partitions? | 07:44 |
bazhang | kindofabuzz, no need for that, it is in the repos | 07:44 |
cooper77z | bye bye for now | 07:44 |
cooper77z | :) | 07:44 |
unforgiven512 | So there's no way to give firefox-3.5 the official firefox branding, as well as the executable name "firefox" rather than firefox-3.5 | 07:44 |
richardcavell | unforgiven512: well you can download the official version from mozilla.com | 07:45 |
kindofabuzz | there is a need if you want mozilla's version and not ubuntus | 07:45 |
stryker | i have a quick question, i have 4 virtual desktops with compiz, how can i change the desktop background for each? | 07:45 |
towtruckbob | can someone help me with nvidia drivers...http://img38.imageshack.us/i/helpizj.jpg/ | 07:45 |
unforgiven512 | I just enjoy the convenience of the apt repositories | 07:45 |
kindofabuzz | stryker, you can't with compiz i don't think. you have to use another app for that | 07:46 |
stryker | kindofabuzz: i see, do you know what app is that? | 07:46 |
kindofabuzz | stryker, no, google is your friend =) | 07:47 |
stryker | you gave me a good starting road :D thanks! | 07:47 |
bloupotlood | Hi guys, anyone here with a Panasonic dp-180 Workio? | 07:47 |
bazhang | stryker, you may wish to find out for certain by joining the #compiz channel | 07:47 |
mrme | hi all | 07:47 |
stryker | bazhang: i tried, but no one responded | 07:47 |
yesitisjustme | when i run googleearth screen turns black i think maybe is my video card driver has this happen to anyone? | 07:48 |
bazhang | stryker, it may take more than 2-3 minutes | 07:48 |
stryker | bazhang: i see, well, thanks | 07:48 |
richardcavell | yesitisjustme: not me | 07:49 |
=== Wajih is now known as MaWaLe | ||
yesitisjustme | ok | 07:49 |
richardcavell | yesitisjustme: what video setup do you have? | 07:49 |
yesitisjustme | ati radeon 9200se 128mb | 07:49 |
RaWolf | hello | 07:50 |
syntax | how do you fix the sound on ubuntu when it makes a fuzzy sound..My sound doesnt work at all and i had to shut down..After comeing back on from rebooting it makes that noise | 07:50 |
Q-collective | ohai | 07:50 |
Bob_Dole | I have a 9200SE, 64MB..pretty crappy with the open source drivers. | 07:50 |
richardcavell | yesitisjustme: I don't know much about the ati drivers, man | 07:50 |
itai_michaelson | can anyone help me with a simple rsync command - i want to copy one hard disc into another | 07:50 |
richardcavell | itai_michaelson: get grsync | 07:50 |
=== aaaaa is now known as Azeri | ||
yesitisjustme | i see | 07:50 |
Q-collective | Is there anyone inhere with some experience with a Broadcom 4306 wireless card? | 07:50 |
towtruckbob | I need help with my xorg.conf with nvidia drivers | 07:51 |
Bob_Dole | richardcavell, if he is on 9.04, it's the open source driver, not fglrx. | 07:51 |
richardcavell | Bob_Dole: Okay | 07:51 |
itai_michaelson | richardcavell, can i set grsync to run everyday at a specific hour? | 07:51 |
cooper77z | what is wrong q- collective? | 07:51 |
richardcavell | Bob_Dole: again I don't know much about it | 07:51 |
richardcavell | itai_michaelson: No, for that I'd use cron | 07:51 |
syntax | anyone? | 07:51 |
Q-collective | cooper77z: well, my brothers' laptop, he's RaWolf inhere btw, has such a card and Ubuntu 9.04 doesn't seem to be able to make it working | 07:52 |
itai_michaelson | richardcavell, i thought so, thats why i want to know the right syntax for the sync command | 07:52 |
Q-collective | I'm a bit puzzled | 07:52 |
cooper77z | does he have the driver on cd or disk Q- collective? | 07:52 |
itai_michaelson | richardcavell, basically i want to copy sdc1 into sdc2 ,thats it | 07:53 |
Q-collective | cooper77z: we installed the driver via system -> administration -> hardware drivers | 07:53 |
markmq | okay | 07:53 |
markmq | this is really bothering me | 07:53 |
markmq | why is surfing the web such a disaster in ubuntu | 07:54 |
kindofabuzz | works for me | 07:54 |
markmq | p4 2.4ghz 2 gigs of ram | 07:54 |
cooper77z | maybe try using the windows for wireless program, Q- collective? | 07:54 |
markmq | why should xp out perform it? | 07:54 |
babyshambles | hi all, i want to install xbmc on my jaunty, so i follow this step http://xbmc.org/wiki/?title=HOW-TO_install_XBMC_for_Linux_on_Ubuntu_with_a_minimal_installation_step-by-step, but when i search xbmc on synaptic i don't find it. please help. thank you | 07:54 |
markmq | its aggravating | 07:54 |
Q-collective | cooper77z: how do you mean? | 07:54 |
Q-collective | markmq: how does it perform poorly? | 07:54 |
kindofabuzz | babyshambles, did you add the repos? | 07:55 |
markmq | it chugs along when multiple tabs are open | 07:55 |
cooper77z | there is a linux program that allows you to install windows wireless drivers q- collective | 07:55 |
itai_michaelson | richardcavell, will rsync -ax --delete --force /sdc1 /sdc2 be correct? | 07:55 |
mrme | hi all | 07:55 |
markmq | it even has a problem with crap sites like dig | 07:55 |
richardcavell | itai_michaelson: okay. I'm not the expert at it. I relied on grsync to keep my backup and it didn't work to restore when I needed it, so I'm disavowing it | 07:55 |
babyshambles | kindofabuzz : yes i did | 07:55 |
markmq | load time is atrocious | 07:55 |
itai_michaelson | richardcavell, ok | 07:55 |
richardcavell | itai_michaelson: I'm going to image-based backup | 07:55 |
richardcavell | itai_michaelson: clonezilla | 07:55 |
markmq | scrolling pages screeches to a halt a majority of the time | 07:55 |
Q-collective | cooper77z: you're referring to b43-fwcutter? | 07:56 |
markmq | many a time it goes grey and askes for a force quit | 07:56 |
syntax | I have no sound in ubuntu linux..How do i fix that | 07:56 |
itai_michaelson | richardcavell, but i'm backing up data not / | 07:56 |
markmq | compiz or no compiz same effect | 07:56 |
markmq | is flash purely to blame? | 07:56 |
cooper77z | no, it's called window wireless drivers, q- collective | 07:56 |
sHyLoCk_ | syntax: alsamixer? | 07:56 |
lancerocke | for some reason gparted seriously lags after about 7 minutes in it. any ideas? | 07:56 |
markmq | its not because flash block doesn't help much | 07:56 |
richardcavell | itai_michaelson: okay, so sdc1 is mounted as /home or something, is it? | 07:57 |
richardcavell | lancerocke: what do you mean by lags? | 07:57 |
Q-collective | cooper77z: and where can I find it? :x | 07:57 |
markmq | I've even enlisted the help of noscript and yesscript to stop the javascript from bogging it down | 07:57 |
richardcavell | lancerocke: sometimes it takes ages but as long as it's working, let it work | 07:57 |
itai_michaelson | richardcavell, mounted as /data and the other partition as /backup | 07:57 |
lancerocke | richardcavell, the mouse and everything moves slowly | 07:57 |
markmq | its a train wreck the only one that performs somewhat adequately is chromium with its unofficial release | 07:57 |
richardcavell | itai_michaelson: okay | 07:57 |
markmq | with no flash support | 07:57 |
cooper77z | you can find it in synaptic and in add/remove Q- collective | 07:57 |
richardcavell | itai_michaelson: well I'd be tempted to replace /sdc1 and /sdc2 in your command with /data and /backup | 07:58 |
richardcavell | itai_michaelson: keep them mounted | 07:58 |
markmq | I know its not this channels job to try to keep people from running for the hills of comfy windows | 07:58 |
markmq | but god almighty what is the deal | 07:58 |
lancerocke | richardcavell, even is i leave it idle without doing any operations then move the mouse it starts lagging | 07:58 |
itai_michaelson | richardcavell, of course , you are right..... | 07:58 |
markmq | my laptop outperforms my system | 07:58 |
markmq | which is an antique compared to this | 07:58 |
Q-collective | cooper77z: right, so just run that and it should work? | 07:59 |
markmq | my first thought that it was using swap instead of my ram | 07:59 |
richardcavell | lancerocke: can't explain that, man | 07:59 |
markmq | but I checked and thats not the case its using about 2 megs of swap and 99% ram | 07:59 |
UnholyLessons | can someone help me getting my Wine install itunes without error | 07:59 |
markmq | bleh | 07:59 |
cooper77z | well, Q- collective, after you install windows for wireless, then find the driver and install it :) ! | 07:59 |
* richardcavell logs off to play Half-Life | 07:59 | |
itai_michaelson | richardcavell, i just found a good HOWTO so i'll follow that : http://www.mikerubel.org/computers/rsync_snapshots/#Rsync.....thaks | 07:59 |
markmq | the real question the ubuntu team should be asking themselves. why should web browsing be such a nightmare compared to windows | 08:00 |
markmq | 90% of my computer use is geared towards that | 08:01 |
kaiser10123 | does 9.04 have support for aircards out the box? | 08:01 |
markmq | and its a nightmare | 08:01 |
RaWolf | cooper77z: what driver do i need to download? Broadcom406? | 08:01 |
markmq | no responses? | 08:02 |
UnholyLessons | what should i set the base memory size at for a windows xp VM im going to be using for itunes | 08:02 |
markmq | should I go back to using lynx? | 08:02 |
th0r | markmq: we don't feed trolls...you should go back to windows | 08:02 |
cooper77z | Rawolf, do you have it on disk? | 08:02 |
markmq | half of your total UnholyLessons | 08:02 |
RaWolf | mmm nop | 08:02 |
markmq | th0r: but thats my point I'm not trying to be a troll per say. although I am being one. | 08:03 |
kaiser10123 | cooper77z: any clue about using aircards | 08:03 |
UnholyLessons | It recommends 192MB but I have a total of 3584MB....really half of that? | 08:03 |
markmq | th0r: I'm just frustrated and I wish there was an answer out there | 08:03 |
cooper77z | then you will have to find a site you can trust, and dl the driver rawolf | 08:03 |
kaiser10123 | i have pdf guide but not sure how to do it off fresh install with no internet | 08:03 |
Slart | UnholyLessons: try giving it 128 MB then.. nothing will explode if it gets to little memory | 08:03 |
markmq | th0r: I feel like my computer is overly equipped to do nothing but browse the web and it struggles to do that in ubuntu | 08:03 |
UnholyLessons | markqm | 08:03 |
lancerocke | u have to use memtest 1 stick at a time? if so, thats ridiculous | 08:04 |
lgc | markmq, what are you talking about? There are but just a few pages, for example those using Microsoft Silverlight, that can't be viewed on Linux. All else is as good or better. I work with two hi-res laptops side by side, and, when I look at the same page, the one on Linux looks much better. Starting from the fonts. | 08:04 |
cooper77z | wireless is inherently insecure kaiser10123 | 08:04 |
Slart | lancerocke: I don't think so... but it's been a while since I ran memtest | 08:04 |
markmq | lgc I'm not talking about appearance i'm talking about speed | 08:04 |
kaiser10123 | cooper77z: i know but im using an aircard through sprint and have no other internet | 08:05 |
cooper77z | that's fine | 08:05 |
cooper77z | kaiser | 08:05 |
markmq | I like/prefer the appearance of ubuntu to windows | 08:05 |
markmq | I love the functionality | 08:05 |
Bob_Dole | markmq, The flash plugin has issues, so if you are on flash heavy sites, it will be slow | 08:05 |
markmq | but that doesn't detract from the sluggish experience | 08:05 |
UnholyLessons | i setup virtual machine for windowsxp...now do i actually have to install windows with a XP CD or what? | 08:05 |
kaiser10123 | cooper77z: can i send u guide and u tell me if i can do it without internets | 08:06 |
Slart | UnholyLessons: yes | 08:06 |
Bob_Dole | markmq, mac suffers it too, but it seems to be a lot better on mac than linux. | 08:06 |
lgc | markmq, even so, I find no noticeable difference, except backwards: IE8 is soo much slower and soo much inferior than Firefox, for example. | 08:06 |
Slart | UnholyLessons: or you can use an iso of an xp install cd | 08:06 |
kaiser10123 | like maybe go download gnome-ppp as .deb to have it to install | 08:06 |
cooper77z | nope, kaiser, but you can buy another wifi card with a disk :) | 08:06 |
markmq | the truly disappointing part of my experience is this | 08:06 |
markmq | running vmware windows xp I can get a better web experience than my native linux one | 08:07 |
markmq | there is something fundamentally wrong with that | 08:07 |
Bob_Dole | markmq, I told you, it is flash that is causing that. | 08:07 |
kaiser10123 | cooper77z: no its not wifi card it connect to cdma | 08:07 |
UnholyLessons | im installing it now | 08:07 |
markmq | well yes I realize that but its also javascript | 08:07 |
markmq | and yes I do have flash block | 08:07 |
markmq | and yes it does help but only marginally | 08:07 |
cooper77z | what is cdma kaiser? | 08:07 |
UnholyLessons | how well do virtual machines work and what do people normally use them for | 08:08 |
Bob_Dole | You can run the windows version of Firefox and Flash under WINE (I last tested with WINE 1.1.23) and it'll be fast | 08:08 |
markmq | they work well UnholyLessons | 08:08 |
kaiser10123 | cooper77z: phone service like 3g for cell phone | 08:08 |
Bob_Dole | WINE 1.0.1 is unstable, but firefox will run under that. | 08:08 |
Slart | UnholyLessons: works pretty well for normal, non-3d-graphics stuff | 08:08 |
syntax | I have no sound in ubuntu linux..How do i fix that..it wont pick on autodetect | 08:08 |
markmq | vmware is a great piece of software and it almost feels native UnholyLessons | 08:08 |
kaiser10123 | it can connect anywhere u get cell coverage | 08:08 |
Slart | UnholyLessons: I use it for my scanner software and to backup my mobile phone | 08:08 |
cooper77z | hmmmm... I don't know kaiser, maybe contact the service provider for a disk? | 08:09 |
UnholyLessons | ok cool thanks a lot | 08:09 |
UnholyLessons | im going to use it for itunes | 08:09 |
kaiser10123 | there is no disk | 08:09 |
Bob_Dole | There is no spoon | 08:09 |
cooper77z | well, what is there kaiser? | 08:09 |
kaiser10123 | im sending u the pdf | 08:10 |
=== desti_T2 is now known as desti | ||
cooper77z | I don't want the pdf kaiser. | 08:10 |
kaiser10123 | it has a guide for ubuntu | 08:10 |
Bob_Dole | If 3G connects anywhere you get cell coverage.. I wouldn't be able to connect here. | 08:10 |
kaiser10123 | cooper77z: but i need gnome-ppp | 08:10 |
cooper77z | huh, kaiser? | 08:10 |
kaiser10123 | is that on 9.04 or do i need to find a .deb for it | 08:11 |
markmq | I guess my best hope and truly all of our best hopes is that the web truly adopts html 5 and we can finally see the end of flash | 08:11 |
bloupotlood | Guys, anyone here ever connect a Panasonic PD-180 Workio to Jaunty? | 08:11 |
markmq | and all its drudgery | 08:11 |
Cryptorchild | my VirtualBox is v 2.1.4_OSE but sun have the v 3 how to update into his version? it's not listed on package man? please help | 08:11 |
=== bloupotlood is now known as bluegoon | ||
Slart | Cryptorchild: wait until the version is updated in the repos | 08:12 |
markmq | Cryptorchild: add the repository that does have the update or wait for ubuntu to support it in theirs | 08:12 |
cooper77z | why does gnome make arbitrary colors and lines? | 08:12 |
lgc | markmq, and if you complain about the speed of Firefox, which is indeed slow, Windows or Linux version, try using the Fasterfox add-on, so you get better mileage. Or drop it altogether in favour of Opera, which is very fast and nice, but does have its glitches, though. | 08:12 |
Slart | Cryptorchild: if you really have to use the newer version you'll have to download it from sun's site manually.. that's not recommended though | 08:13 |
markmq | lgc I have exhausted those options | 08:13 |
bluegoon | If a printer isnt compatible with jaunty machines, is it possible to install the printer on a windows box, and have the jaunty's print to it via network share? | 08:13 |
ubuntu | okay, so, I tried using that boot thing for the usb and it didn't work. Not only does my computer not boot from it, it acts like it's not even there. What do I do? | 08:13 |
markmq | opera is good but not as clean as firefox | 08:13 |
Cryptorchild | ok that make sense | 08:13 |
Cryptorchild | thanks | 08:13 |
markmq | and I do feel like firefox performs well in windows unlike ubuntu or linux I should say | 08:13 |
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xshadowx | Sorry about that | 08:14 |
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markmq | its almost like it has gotten worse over the updates, as far as speed and web usability | 08:14 |
xshadowx | Anyway, yeah, does anyone know about the ms-sys program thing for linux? I need it to fix my mbr. | 08:14 |
Bob_Dole | My only complaint with firefox: memory leaks galore | 08:14 |
cooper77z | ubuntu, booting from sd card was only ever a concept :) | 08:14 |
Cyber_Akuma | memory leaks? | 08:14 |
Cyber_Akuma | I thought they fixed that | 08:14 |
Bob_Dole | They fixed some. | 08:15 |
Cyber_Akuma | though now it uses an insane amount of CPU | 08:15 |
towtruckbob | still trying to fix my nividia xorg.conf file...i have been googling for quite a while now...any help would be appreciated | 08:15 |
lgc | markmq, I have to agree with you on that, though it's much faster and generally good enough. And it has LOTS of widgets and appearances. But it ended up getting on my nerves on certain pages, like Google Finance, for example. | 08:15 |
Bodsda | xshadowx, dont know about ms-sys, and ive missed most of the convo but a 'fixmbr' command from a windows recovery console should fix your mbr | 08:15 |
Cyber_Akuma | Not sure if this counts as an Ubuntu question or not | 08:15 |
Cyber_Akuma | But I use the grub bootloader supplied by ubuntu | 08:15 |
Bodsda | towtruckbob, the xorg.conf file is not used by default in the latest version of ubuntu | 08:15 |
Cyber_Akuma | and I tripleboot | 08:15 |
Cyber_Akuma | Is there a way to make the other distros autoupdate the menu.lst on ubuntu's partition? | 08:16 |
Bodsda | Cyber_Akuma, not unless they are linux OS's, windows cant read ext2/3/4 so it cant write to the menu.lst | 08:16 |
cooper77z | why does cinelerra say my sd card was made in 1969? | 08:16 |
Cyber_Akuma | they are | 08:16 |
Cyber_Akuma | Vista, Ubuntu, OpenSUSE | 08:17 |
Cyber_Akuma | im trying to make opensuse update the menu.lsu on ub...... | 08:17 |
Cyber_Akuma | awww crap | 08:17 |
Cyber_Akuma | just realized, I installed ubuntu on ext4 | 08:17 |
xshadowx | Yeah, sorry, long story, basically, I installed Kubuntu, then got grub error 22, I uninstalled thinking that would fix the problem, then I got grub error 17. So now, I'm booted up from my Ubuntu LiveCD and am kin of stuck. I don't have any blank CDs nor does my CD burner work, so I tried using a USB boot way with Supergrub installed on it. Didn't work | 08:17 |
Cyber_Akuma | opensuse can't read that yet | 08:17 |
lgc | markmq, weird thing is, though, that your browsing experience is so much worse in Linux than it is in Windoze. It's contrary to my own experience. | 08:17 |
markmq | you have to make sure it append the menu.lsu and not overwrote it | 08:17 |
towtruckbob | bodsda: im using 8.10 | 08:17 |
syntax | i need help on a sound issue..anyone | 08:17 |
Bodsda | Cyber_Akuma, then no.. but you could easily write a script to do that when suse can readt ext4 | 08:17 |
markmq | lgc: you dont find yourself trudging along most of them time | 08:17 |
cooper77z | did apollo have sd card? | 08:18 |
Cyber_Akuma | BTw, is there a way I can add a grub entry for ubuntu that does not specfically need the kernal listed? | 08:18 |
Cyber_Akuma | because ubuntu dosen't seem to autoupdate either >.< | 08:18 |
markmq | lgc: I use many tabs and when I have maybe 2 open with any kind of flash element my experience is ruined | 08:18 |
markmq | ubuntu will update when you've installed a new kernel through the updater | 08:18 |
Bodsda | Cyber_Akuma, It makes no sense to add an entry without listing a kernel... it wont boot. | 08:19 |
markmq | neither will go fetch the info from the others grub conf on its own | 08:19 |
J_Dahmer | I was banned on #mac and #windows, what do I do | 08:19 |
Cyber_Akuma | every time it complains that it cannot understand the menu.lst | 08:19 |
markmq | you'd have to write your own grub conf script | 08:19 |
Cyber_Akuma | because ive had to modify it | 08:19 |
xshadowx | Oh and this is the ms-sys program I was talking about.... http://ms-sys.sourceforge.net/ I am a linux noob so I need to figure out how to make that file compile and work! | 08:19 |
Cyber_Akuma | I see | 08:19 |
Bob_Dole | If I avoid 3 websites, native firefox is fast and usable. Youtube, *confidential*, and Gaia Online. these 3 websites slow down firefox horribly.. all 3 use flash extensively. | 08:19 |
markmq | so that they append themselves | 08:19 |
th0r | J_Dahmer: learn to behave | 08:19 |
cooper77z | goodnight friends :) | 08:19 |
Cyber_Akuma | Oh yeah, and speaking of kernels | 08:19 |
markmq | so when you update one the other appends the other | 08:19 |
Cyber_Akuma | Whats a good way to remove the older kernels after an update? | 08:19 |
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Cyber_Akuma | the boot dir gets messy after a while with several kernels in it | 08:20 |
Bodsda | xshadowx, what are you having issues with? it gives good instructions | 08:20 |
Bodsda | Cyber_Akuma, just rm the kernel's you dont use by checking them off against the ones listed in menu.lst | 08:20 |
xshadowx | When I download it and extract, I don't know what to do after. I did the terminal commands on there and nothing happens. | 08:20 |
markmq | well Bob_Dole when you are on a site like digg reddit or any other new story aggregator you'll find that you'll be browsing plenty of flashed based sites at once | 08:21 |
Cyber_Akuma | Huh, I was told I shoulden't just delete them | 08:21 |
markmq | even with adblock its a shit storm | 08:21 |
syntax | i got a ? | 08:21 |
markmq | you can delete the them if you know you're new kernels are stable | 08:21 |
markmq | and I dont think just delete them from the directory willl remove them from your boot loader | 08:22 |
Bodsda | !compile | xshadowx | 08:22 |
ubottu | xshadowx: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first) | 08:22 |
Cyber_Akuma | they arentt in my bootloader | 08:22 |
Cyber_Akuma | grub only has one ubuntu entry, that I have ot manually update | 08:22 |
Cyber_Akuma | the autoupdater fails to modify it | 08:22 |
Bodsda | markmq, the boot loader knows nothing apart from a file path. | 08:22 |
lgc | markmq, Oh, not at all. Right now I have 4 or 5 Firefox independent windows sparsed around my typically 6 desktops (ever heard of multiple desktops in Windows?) and one of them has at least 5 tabs, and one of those is Google finance, which is indeed Flash. And I do it all the time, concurrently with several other apps. Heck, I even watch por*otube on Firefox with my processor at 100% without problems! | 08:22 |
markmq | haha | 08:23 |
Bob_Dole | markmq, if it slows down too much I'd just fire-up the windows version of firefox under WINE (using 1.1.23, not 1.0.1, or later than 1.1.23) and it'd be fast. infact, I have the windows version running right now and on a few flash based sites. it isn't slowing down or crashing. | 08:23 |
markmq | then I must have a shit video driver or I'm missing something | 08:23 |
wizzo50 | what is the command using wine to install a program on Ubuntu | 08:23 |
Cyber_Akuma | youtube runs like crap for me in firefox | 08:23 |
stillborn | what does gnome-settings daeomon do??? | 08:23 |
Bodsda | lgc, you dont seem to understand the concept of 100% cpu usage | 08:23 |
Cyber_Akuma | IE, opera, and chrome however | 08:23 |
Cyber_Akuma | it runs well | 08:23 |
markmq | because I have serious troubles browsing just moderately | 08:23 |
Cyber_Akuma | I wonder why flash sucks in firefox | 08:23 |
Bob_Dole | wizzo50, you double click on the .exe file | 08:23 |
xshadowx | Which one of those options (under the screen shot for the ms-sys program) would I use to fix my mbr for Vista? It seems as it only has xp, 2000, and 2003 | 08:23 |
lgc | Bodsda, illustrate me, please. | 08:23 |
bastidrazor | Cyber_Akuma, use apt-get or synaptic to uninstall older kernels. it is perfectly safe | 08:23 |
Cyber_Akuma | thanks | 08:24 |
markmq | lgc: my specs aren't complete trash although they aren't cutting edge | 08:24 |
raghu125coorg | for certain files in folder permissions automatically gets changes to apache:apache? is there any fix for it? | 08:24 |
wizzo50 | Bob_Dole: YOu can't run a .exe file in Ubuntu | 08:24 |
Bodsda | lgc, 100% cpu usage spike are a good thing, but one program using 100% cpu can eb fine, but other programs 'will' be suffering | 08:24 |
Cyber_Akuma | I was just asking if there was basically a sort of "clean up" command or script that rmeoves the older ones for me, but if not I can jut manually remove them | 08:24 |
lgc | markmq, mine neither! | 08:24 |
markmq | lgc: p4 2.4 hyperthreading 2 gigs of ram and an old gforce 5200 | 08:24 |
Bob_Dole | wizzo50, WINE makes it run..double clicking it runs it with wine | 08:24 |
markmq | plenty to browse the web by anyones standards | 08:24 |
Bodsda | Cyber_Akuma, interesting idea actually. I might get to work on something like that tonight | 08:25 |
Cyber_Akuma | heh | 08:25 |
Cryptorchild | does anyone knows which repository have most updated packages? | 08:25 |
Bodsda | Cryptorchild, main probably | 08:25 |
markmq | lgc: I feel like I'm in a war with firefox to relinquish my cpu back to me | 08:25 |
ILMAN5 | hey | 08:25 |
wizzo50 | Bob_Dole: That is the Archive Manager | 08:25 |
ILMAN5 | i need games for ubuntu! | 08:25 |
Bob_Dole | wizzo50, not for me | 08:25 |
ILMAN5 | can someone recommand me ? | 08:25 |
Bodsda | ILMAN5, pingus | 08:25 |
bastidrazor | !games | ILMAN5 | 08:26 |
ubottu | ILMAN5: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 08:26 |
floating | is there an equivalent on linux to xampp lite ? I am used to using that on windows and usb stick. | 08:26 |
ILMAN5 | i want your recommand not the bot ones | 08:26 |
wizzo50 | Bob_Dole: I know it is like ~ wine /desktop/ ???? but can't get it right | 08:26 |
Bodsda | ILMAN5, the bot is there for a reason, listen to him. but pingus and frozenbubble are cool | 08:26 |
lgc | markmq, well, perhaps your hardware just doesn't digest well Firefox and Linux together. Sorry about that, but that's not a Linux issue, IMHO. | 08:26 |
Bob_Dole | 2.8ghz Core2Duo, 4GB RAM, ATI Radeon HD 3850...and flash makes firefox slow to a crawl. once I have about 20-25 tabs open, the frame rate on youtube videos drops to about 10FPS or less. With Firefox under WINE I get more than that. | 08:27 |
markmq | I tend to disagree because the same hold trues for my laptop which is worse | 08:27 |
ILMAN5 | 10x | 08:27 |
Cyber_Akuma | Firefox and Flash run like crap on my laptop in ubuntu | 08:27 |
kraut | moin | 08:27 |
markmq | and my laptop is running win 7 beta | 08:27 |
Cyber_Akuma | but they work perfectly in opensuse | 08:27 |
Cyber_Akuma | wonder why | 08:27 |
markmq | and will outperform this pc in firefox any day of the week | 08:27 |
Cyber_Akuma | different flash version? gpu support? | 08:27 |
Bob_Dole | Tremulous is a great First Person Shooter available in the repos. | 08:28 |
Cyber_Akuma | I guess I can't blame firefox for stutering on youtube on this desktop | 08:28 |
lgc | markmq, as per Ubuntu 8.10, I'm having growing trouble with the performance of the graphics engine, since it seems so unresponsive and power-hungry. But then again it might be my hardware getting old, sadly. | 08:28 |
Cyber_Akuma | since its a pentium 3 system, 1.13ghz, with only 1gb of PC133 SDRAM.... | 08:28 |
Cyber_Akuma | but sinc IE6 and Opera actually run it well... | 08:28 |
Cyber_Akuma | Hell, even on ym laptop in Win7 it stutters in firefox | 08:28 |
Bob_Dole | 1.13ghz? Is that a tualatin or one of the recalled Coppermines? | 08:29 |
markmq | win 7 runs beautifully on my laptop | 08:29 |
markmq | I was stunned | 08:29 |
Cyber_Akuma | tualatin IIRC | 08:29 |
Cyber_Akuma | its been a while | 08:29 |
ILMAN5 | i downloaded fretsonFire.tar.tg | 08:29 |
ILMAN5 | how can i open it ? | 08:29 |
markmq | I think its a 2ghz celeron with 1 gb of ram | 08:29 |
syntax | brb | 08:29 |
Cyber_Akuma | 1gb? | 08:29 |
Cyber_Akuma | and win7 runs well? | 08:29 |
Cyber_Akuma | That.... that IS surprising | 08:29 |
markmq | ILMAN5: forget that game it blows go download urban terror http://urbanterror.net | 08:29 |
Cyber_Akuma | Then again, they WERE designign it so itll work on netbooks too... | 08:29 |
Slart | !ot | 08:30 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 08:30 |
wizzo50 | HOw do you use wine to run a exe file off your desktop after downloading it | 08:30 |
cew_chiess | hi... | 08:30 |
Slart | ILMAN5: isn't frets on fire available through the repos? | 08:30 |
markmq | setup wine wizzo50 | 08:30 |
bastidrazor | wizzer, wine ~/Desktop/file.exe | 08:30 |
Bob_Dole | wizzo50, have you even installed wine? | 08:30 |
markmq | then you should be able to right click on it and run through wine | 08:30 |
Slart | wizzo50: right click the file or use a terminal, like bastidrazor said | 08:30 |
Cyber_Akuma | <Slart> ILMAN5: isn't frets on fire available through the repos? <---- yes it is, I saw it yesterday | 08:31 |
Cyber_Akuma | in add/remove programs | 08:31 |
wizzo50 | I do have it installed, Wine | 08:31 |
wizzo50 | Does ITunes run on here? | 08:33 |
lgc | Ever since my update to Jaunty I can't have an 'su' terminal at my disposal. The 'gksudo x-terminal-emulator' doesn't work. Who knows what gives here? | 08:33 |
markmq | itunes does not run through wine wizzo50 | 08:33 |
markmq | you'll be better off running virtual windows | 08:33 |
wizzo50 | Oh | 08:33 |
markmq | and thats a nightmare | 08:34 |
wizzo50 | Ok | 08:34 |
ILMAN5 | hmm what should i do with tar.gz file / | 08:34 |
markmq | sorry | 08:34 |
ILMAN5 | hmm what should i do with tar.gz file? | 08:34 |
bastidrazor | lgc sudo -i possibly? | 08:34 |
markmq | ipod + linux = nightmare for the common user | 08:34 |
wizzo50 | What is a good music program that does run on here | 08:34 |
markmq | flash + linux = another nightmare for everyone | 08:34 |
Slart | lgc: that feels like a very roundabout way of getting a root terminal.. why not do "sudo -i" ? | 08:34 |
markmq | ummm | 08:34 |
markmq | amarok | 08:34 |
markmq | is good | 08:34 |
xshadowx | uhhhhhh so ./configure isn't doing anything in terminal | 08:34 |
markmq | and does have ipod support | 08:34 |
FloodBot2 | markmq: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:34 |
markmq | fair enough FloodBot2 | 08:35 |
hkais | hello | 08:36 |
lgc | bastid_razor, nice, indeed. Thanks. Though I hate getting the 'Failed to contact the GConf daemon; exiting.' error and the distinctive black term. | 08:36 |
hkais | I what to use a package of hardy-backport. but if I add the repo i will get all updates. how can I use only one package of the newer repo? | 08:36 |
markmq | I wish open software compared to its counterpart but I feel like its always going to be trying to play catch up | 08:36 |
markmq | its a sad state of affairs but that is truly the case | 08:36 |
markmq | and with that I'm out. | 08:36 |
ashwini | hi all, recently i tried to install graphics and net related packages from ADD/REMOVE program, and in result my gnome got freeze now even on restarting I am not able to click on Applications/Places/SYstems etc and the tope pannel is also not showing date time tc. how to fix the problem , kde is owrking fine | 08:37 |
eric785 | mark - i feel the same | 08:37 |
UnholyLessons | So im running windowsxp in a VM. How do I get it to connect to wireless NIC? i havnt used xp in a while thought it automatically connected to wireless | 08:37 |
markmq | it does make me sad | 08:37 |
markmq | believe me | 08:37 |
eric785 | unfortunately corporation have the advantage | 08:37 |
sHyLoCk_ | ashwini: what packages did u install? | 08:37 |
markmq | okay I'm out | 08:37 |
lgc | markmq, shape up man! It's not so bad... | 08:38 |
cew_chiess | .. | 08:38 |
jigpe | hello guys how to use or run on CLI WeeChat? | 08:38 |
jigpe | sudo apt-get WeeChat is not running | 08:39 |
jigpe | and also weechat | 08:39 |
eric785 | never heard of weechat | 08:39 |
ashwini | sHyLoCk_ i dun remmeber but some thing like desktop environment etc. I guess the problem lies with the them , is ther any log file generated of isntallations or to see the history of installation | 08:39 |
lgc | bastid_razor, do you happen to know where I can report such bug? | 08:39 |
eric785 | i just swiched to ubuntu recently | 08:39 |
lgc | eric785, welcome aboard! | 08:40 |
hkais | !stick | 08:40 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about stick | 08:40 |
hkais | !backport | 08:40 |
ubottu | If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging | 08:40 |
eric785 | thx | 08:40 |
hkais | !packaging | 08:40 |
ubottu | The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports | 08:40 |
floating | anyone know some bundle install on ubuntu that would install php,mysql,phpmyadmin,apache ? Rather something that wouldn't install any extra beyond that, like xampp lite on windows :o) | 08:41 |
sHyLoCk_ | ashwini: check /var/log/apt | 08:41 |
ashwini | sHyLoCk_ thanks I will check and will cometry to fix | 08:42 |
sHyLoCk_ | ashwini: good luck | 08:42 |
ashwini | sHyLoCk_: THanks | 08:43 |
Reefer | Anyone here to help me with wifi issues with ubuntu? | 08:44 |
Reefer | I have a few questions. | 08:44 |
Reefer | 1. Is there any programs in the assisting of stealing wifi connections? | 08:45 |
Reefer | for ubuntu | 08:45 |
bazhang | Reefer, no | 08:45 |
bazhang | Reefer, that is not supported here. Dont ask again | 08:45 |
Reefer | oh | 08:45 |
Reefer | This isnt ubuntu help? | 08:45 |
eric785 | n ostealing | 08:46 |
Slart | !piracy | 08:46 |
ubottu | piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o | 08:46 |
eric785 | lol | 08:46 |
bazhang | !illegal > Reefer | 08:46 |
ubottu | Reefer, please see my private message | 08:46 |
Reefer | Oh | 08:46 |
Reefer | ok | 08:46 |
bie_ | ? | 08:46 |
eric785 | reverse engineering is okay | 08:47 |
eric785 | make your own wifi connection | 08:47 |
bie_ | quit | 08:47 |
eric785 | lol | 08:47 |
bie_ | /quit | 08:47 |
hkais | do I need to add the backport repo in sources.list if I pin ejabberd of backports in hardy? | 08:48 |
J_Dahmer | Is there a nutrition channel? | 08:49 |
Slart | J_Dahmer: ask in #freenode | 08:50 |
eric785 | i wish more hardware supported linux, specifically the model i just bought | 08:50 |
Slart | J_Dahmer: there might also be a way of listing channels in your irc client | 08:50 |
eric785 | (printer) | 08:50 |
wizzo50 | How do you open Weechat? | 08:51 |
unforgiven512 | I upgraded my PulseAudio using a ppa -- How do I revert back to the old version? | 08:51 |
eric785 | unfortunately i cant get access to any ppas | 08:52 |
eric785 | there isnt one on the driver disk | 08:52 |
Slart | unforgiven512: uninstall pulseaudio and everything you updated, remove the ppa, install again | 08:52 |
unforgiven512 | Slart: Thank you. | 08:52 |
unforgiven512 | The new version is garbage. | 08:52 |
eric785 | oops | 08:52 |
lokpest | how do I change so I dont have to use sudo at one specific place outside /home ? :) | 08:53 |
wizzo50 | How do you install weechat on here | 08:53 |
=== iwat is now known as iwatth | ||
lesshaste | where does this line put the .h file? /usr/bin/install -c -m 644 'IpStdCInterface.h' '/home/user/Desktop/Ipopt-3.7.0/include/coin/IpStdCInterface.h' | 08:53 |
unforgiven512 | Slart: What about all the stuff that depends on it? Ugh. | 08:54 |
unforgiven512 | Slart: Would forcing a version be a good idea, after deleting the PPA from my sources? | 08:55 |
eric785 | install weechat on where | 08:55 |
wizzo50 | How? | 08:56 |
Leoneof` | Ubuntu is very complicated :-/ | 08:56 |
eric785 | wizzo let me see if i can install it | 08:57 |
lokpest | Leoneof`: s/complicated/different | 08:57 |
wizzo50 | eric785: How do you? | 08:57 |
Leoneof` | lokpset, right! | 08:57 |
Reefer | fuck this | 08:57 |
Reefer | your all bitches | 08:58 |
Reefer | fucking you guys | 08:58 |
Reefer | fag ass niggers | 08:58 |
FloodBot2 | Reefer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:58 |
yinxiao | NIH | 08:58 |
=== Leoneof` is now known as Leoneof | ||
yinxiao | SDKFASD | 08:58 |
FloodBot2 | yinxiao: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 08:58 |
Leoneof | so what is the best? | 08:59 |
eric785 | how far have you gotten wizzo | 08:59 |
Tyrath | Ive got the Badoo virus - does this mean it infects Ubuntu computers? | 09:02 |
aaaaa[^^] | hey, i get that on the terminal :ALSA lib pcm_dmix.c:947:(snd_pcm_dmix_open) The dmix plugin supports only playback stream , its a game - and it crashes after a short time | 09:02 |
aaaaa[^^] | is there a way to fix it ? | 09:02 |
Tyrath | basically my email address runs rampid and emails everyone on my email list | 09:03 |
=== cha2 is now known as cahjogja | ||
chalcedny | someone told us they use brasero for cd burning, i got it with apt-get - but how do you run it? | 09:06 |
eric785 | applications>sound & video > barsero | 09:06 |
eric785 | brasero* | 09:07 |
xshadowx | I feel stupid, I can't configure ms-sys so I can fix my mbr problems. I've been stuck using the ubuntu liveCD every time I want to use my computer for about a week and a half now.. | 09:07 |
=== user101 is now known as user10 | ||
lokpest | why does the welcome message from chanserv have an ! in the channel namne (#ubuntu!), then when I klick on that in Konversation it sends me to a different channel | 09:08 |
hyperionx11 | xshadowx, vista boot cd says unable to find a problem? | 09:08 |
Cyber_Akuma | heh, my Vista partition is pretty damn corrupted too | 09:08 |
chalcedny | lokpest, click on the name in a different place, or set it in your channels to join on connection? | 09:09 |
JonathanEllis | I have twin monitors running at 1280 x 1024 using Xinerama on a Matrox G200 twin output graphics card. Every time I boot, the second screen comes up at a lower resolution. When I restart X by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Backspace the second screen goes to the correct resolution of 1280 x 1024. I dont understand why this is happening. My xorg.conf is at http://pastebin.com/f2624ef8b | 09:09 |
sHyLoCk_ | !gparted | 09:09 |
ubottu | gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php | 09:09 |
lokpest | chalcedny: sure I could do that, that doesnt mean haveing that ! is suboptimal/wrong | 09:10 |
Cyber_Akuma | I thought gparted came installed on the ubuntu/xubuntu livecds? | 09:10 |
Cyber_Akuma | at least it did on mine | 09:10 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: Are you dual booting with windows? | 09:10 |
xshadowx | No, long story short, I uninstalled Kubuntu after grub error 22 appeared and now I have grub error 17 and I need to at least get back in to Vista. I don't have any blank CDs and my CD burner decided to not work..so, I'm kind of stuck. I tried using a USB boot up, but that failed. So I need to figure out how to use this ms-sys program to fix vistas mbr problem. | 09:10 |
xshadowx | yes | 09:10 |
hyperionx11 | xshadowx, win98 boot cd available online will install a mbr that vista repair notices and repairs | 09:10 |
eric785 | thats harder | 09:10 |
Cyber_Akuma | I don't suppose there is a #windows channel on this server btw? | 09:10 |
hyperionx11 | ya | 09:10 |
xshadowx | I dual booted with Vista and kubuntu. Or tried to at least.(sorry left that out) | 09:11 |
lokpest | Cyber_Akuma: ##windows :) | 09:11 |
Cyber_Akuma | xshadowx: which did you install first? | 09:11 |
Cyber_Akuma | or are you running one in a virtual machine | 09:11 |
xshadowx | I had Vista installed first. | 09:11 |
Cyber_Akuma | odd | 09:11 |
lokpest | and it was linked from #windows aparently... | 09:11 |
Cyber_Akuma | I had no problems evne quad booting when I installed vista first | 09:11 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: You might find Super Grub Disk would sort it out for you | 09:11 |
james_ | reinstall ubuntu and replace vista :P | 09:12 |
Cyber_Akuma | why do some channels have ## instead of #? | 09:12 |
xshadowx | That's what I had on the USB stick. It wouldn't boot from it...and it wouldn't even show up in BIOS | 09:12 |
james_ | you are on the live cd, right? | 09:12 |
xshadowx | Correct | 09:12 |
james_ | hit the install icon :P | 09:12 |
JonathanEllis | james_: If he installs Vista after Ubuntu that would remove the Grub entry from the MBR | 09:13 |
james_ | i didn't say to install vista afterwards :) | 09:13 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: Maybe your computer wont boot from a USB stick. Mine wont | 09:13 |
xshadowx | What's the other option then? I tried this, but I'm stupid and can't seem to get the terminal commands right to configure it... http://ms-sys.sourceforge.net/ | 09:14 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: You might find that PartedMagic with Grub4dos might sort your problem | 09:14 |
james_ | xshadowx, if your computer has recovery mode for windows then maybe you can reinstall vista from there and get rid of ubuntu altogether | 09:14 |
james_ | you can always install ubuntu later | 09:14 |
Cyber_Akuma | Yeah, if you have no files you care to backup, id recommend that route, it woudl be the easiest and least messy | 09:15 |
james_ | yep | 09:15 |
james_ | JonathanD, there are guides to install vista after ubuntu | 09:15 |
xshadowx | Well, I don't have ubuntu or kubuntu on either of my hard drives right now. I think on accident, when I installed kubuntu, it installed grub on my vista partition. | 09:15 |
Cyber_Akuma | strange | 09:15 |
pozic | Is it possible to setup VPN only for certain applications? | 09:15 |
Cyber_Akuma | it should have installed it in the boot sector and on the kubuntu partition | 09:15 |
pozic | (instead of running everything through the VPN?) | 09:16 |
Cyber_Akuma | the stage 1.5 files on the kubuntu partition I mean | 09:16 |
james_ | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=224351 | 09:16 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: Does your Vista installation still have lots of applications in it? I ask because I find installing Windows apps a pain in the arse so you might want to keep your Vista intact and repair it rather than a comlete reinstall | 09:16 |
xshadowx | I have A LOT of applications(more than I need) but I use it for music and other school stuff. | 09:17 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: In that case you might not want to do a complete reinstall of Vista. Are you currently on the machine in question? How are you using it now? | 09:17 |
xshadowx | Yes, I am on it right now. I have booted up using ubuntu's live CD | 09:18 |
Cyber_Akuma | Do you have the installers for all your aplications? | 09:18 |
Cyber_Akuma | either on disk or on our windows partition? | 09:18 |
Cyber_Akuma | your* | 09:18 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: Can you give me a list of the partitions you have on your machine so I can get an idea what is what? You can see the partitions by running gparted | 09:18 |
JonathanEllis | Cyber_Akuma: If he has a lot of applications, it would take a long time to reinstall them all. Plus a fresh Vista install takes ages too. | 09:20 |
xshadowx | I have /dev/sda1 (vista) and /dev/sdb1 (NTFS and nothing else on it) | 09:20 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: So your vista is in place on sda1. sdb1 is a blank partition formatted as NTFS? What is that partition for? | 09:21 |
xshadowx | Sdb1 use to have Kubuntu on it. I uninstalled it and reformatted it back to NTFS hoping that it would fix everything. | 09:22 |
BePhantom_ | hi all, could anyone help me to disable the GDM? i have intrepid installed in my hard disk and i cannot access the terminal, i want to disable the gdm using my live cd so that i can start my intrepid and fix the problem | 09:22 |
BePhantom_ | is there something in /etc/gdm i can tweak to disable it_ | 09:23 |
AdvoWork | Has anyone here ever heard of or come across programs running in ubuntu causing a monitor squeal? Turning monitor off, it goes. So i assume it was the monitor but now, ive just tested: if i load a terminal, it gets worse, close it,it goes away.. | 09:24 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: OK. I think I know what your problem might be. When you installed Ubuntu it replaces the code in the Master Boot Record to run Grub. Now that the partition that Grub was installed in is not there, it doesnt know what to do. I suggest the easiest way to proceed is to reinstall Ubuntu on your empty partition. It will replace the MBR code to run Grub. It should detect your Vista installation and put Vista as an entry in your boot menu in Gru | 09:25 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: How much experience do you have with setting up partitions for Ubuntu? | 09:25 |
th0r | xshadowx: don't do that...just fix the mbr to boot vista again | 09:25 |
xshadowx | I did it before with Fedora. | 09:26 |
xshadowx | but that's about it. | 09:26 |
UnholyLessons | whats the command to edit a file like /etc/apt/sources.list in ubuntu | 09:26 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: I mean, do you have a preferred partitioning scheme or do you prefer to let Ubuntu's installer decide how to partition? | 09:26 |
james_ | vi | 09:26 |
JonathanEllis | UnholyLessons: sudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 09:26 |
xshadowx | I usually let the installer decide but make sure it's not messing with my hard drive with Vista on it. I think there is something I did wrong during the install of Kubuntu...at the end of the installation there was an option for "advanced settings" in there I should've looked because I'm pretty sure it installed grub on my first hard drive(the one with vista) rather than the one with kubuntu on it. | 09:27 |
aaaaa[^^] | hi, i just set my audio to pulseaudio and used this link https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio , but it doesnt work .. any sugestions ? | 09:28 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: I forgot to ask. What do you want to achieve here? Do you want both Ubuntu and Vista or just one of them? | 09:28 |
UnholyLessons | how do you update apt in ubuntu | 09:29 |
xshadowx | I wanted to successfully dual boot Vista and Ubuntu(or Kubuntu) so I can learn how to use Ubuntu/Kubuntu properly and still have Vista as my every day thing (for gaming and so forth). | 09:29 |
xshadowx | I am quite interested in linux and some of my colleagues told me to try Ubuntu instead of Fedora. | 09:30 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: I doubt it would have installed grub on your first hard disk. By default it places grub in /boot/grub which will be on your Ubuntu partition unless you setup a dedicated partition for boot or grub which it sounds like you didnt do. | 09:30 |
syntax | Ubuntu is tight shadow | 09:30 |
anouar | bonjour | 09:30 |
wizzo50 | How do you setup Weechat on here | 09:31 |
tavi | hy | 09:31 |
tavi | a software for controling the fan? | 09:31 |
xshadowx | Possibly, but there is a random 1mb unallocated space partition in my HD with Vista...I'm not sure what that is and I only found that after uninstalling Kubuntu | 09:32 |
masteron | anyone here who knows something about xchat? ^^ | 09:32 |
mustafa | Hi | 09:32 |
masteron | hello :) | 09:33 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: I would agree with your colleagues. What the Ubuntu installer has done is to replace the MBR code on your vista partition to run Grub instead of ntldr (the windows loader). Grub then gives you the choice of chain loading windows or loading ubuntu. That small partition is probably a rescue partition put there when you manufacturer first formatted your hard disk | 09:33 |
wizzo50_ | How do you setup WeeChat on GUI | 09:33 |
JonathanEllis | !xchat | 09:33 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about xchat | 09:33 |
masteron | hmm :( | 09:33 |
jdredwind | How do I run a program through terminal? | 09:33 |
UnholyLessons | how do you apt update in terminal of ubuntu | 09:33 |
masteron | i need to know how to automaticly connect to my bnc on startup | 09:33 |
xshadowx | So what should I do then? Fix mbr and get rid of grub? Or reinstall Ubuntu and grub then add Vista to the loader? I think I've tried doing that once and I received another Grub error 22.. | 09:34 |
mustafa | why my pidgin icon dosn't shows up in notification area | 09:34 |
AdvoWork | anyone else have issues with monitor squeal/whine when a few programs are open(if theyre minimized it doesnt happen).. | 09:34 |
mustafa | I'm using 9.04 | 09:34 |
UnholyLessons | im doing this : Add the relevant two lines mentioned below to /etc/apt/sources.list and run aptitude update && aptitude install xmms | 09:34 |
hyperionx11 | mustafa, it shows up in the shutdown menu when you "X" the pidgin | 09:34 |
UnholyLessons | how do i aptitude update and install on ubuntu | 09:34 |
tavi | any software for controling the speed of the fan? | 09:34 |
pozic | UnholyLessons: that is the correct command | 09:35 |
JonathanEllis | UnholyLessons: try sudo apt-get update | 09:35 |
wizzo50_ | How do you setup Weechat? | 09:35 |
pozic | UnholyLessons: so unless you get an error message, it should work. | 09:35 |
lillis | after installing spotify over wine it seems my sound has pretty much stopped working | 09:35 |
pozic | wizzo50_: like all other software? | 09:35 |
mustafa | thanks :) | 09:35 |
lillis | anybody had similar issues? | 09:35 |
pozic | lillis: probably the crappy pulseaudio. | 09:35 |
geent1 | Do you like the Chrunch Bang | 09:36 |
jdredwind | I am currently in terminal and I have a program I want to run. Is there a command I can type to initialize this? | 09:36 |
pozic | wizzo50_: do not talk to me in private unless asked in public channel. | 09:36 |
wizzo50_ | How do you? | 09:36 |
UnholyLessons | oh i got an error and fixed it :) | 09:36 |
UnholyLessons | thanks | 09:36 |
pozic | wizzo50_: stop talking to me in private. | 09:37 |
pozic | wizzo50_: if it is in the repositories, you just install it and read the Ubuntu documentation in /usr/share/doc/ | 09:37 |
pozic | wizzo50_: otherwise, you just read the README file distributed in the source distribution. | 09:37 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: Its up to you. If you know how to fix the MBR to just run windows and you dont want Ubuntu then you could do that. I dont remember how to do that - you would probably boot from your Vista CD and get it to repair your Windows installation. Personally, I would delete your NTFS partition on your second hard disk (the blank one) and then install Ubuntu. If you do it from the Live CD I can talk you through it if you like | 09:38 |
UnholyLessons | does anyone know any REALLY good repositories | 09:38 |
pozic | wizzo50_: if there also is no README file, you read the source or use another program or you write your own program. | 09:38 |
wizzo50_ | pozic: I don't understand it | 09:38 |
UnholyLessons | Whats the name of that little app that monitors system performance and temperature? | 09:38 |
lillis | UnholyLessons: conky ? | 09:38 |
Dayofswords | system monitor? | 09:38 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: You should then have a working dual boot system with Grub giving you the choice of whether to run windows or linux | 09:38 |
pozic | wizzo50_: these instructions are easy to understand for someone who knows something about Linux. Read a book first if you do not understand. I read books on how to use a computer too. Nothing to be ashamed of. | 09:39 |
UnholyLessons | yeah its like the windows sidebar but came out way back. its a system performance monitor...looks real sleek | 09:39 |
UnholyLessons | whats it called | 09:39 |
jdredwind | Does any body know how to run a program through terminal. I know the program is on the system some where but I can't find it. How do I run programs using the command line? | 09:39 |
xshadowx | So basically, if I install ubuntu the right way, Vista would show up in the OS selection screen? | 09:39 |
masteron | respositories | 09:39 |
masteron | check for the installed app | 09:39 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: Yes | 09:39 |
JonathanEllis | jdredwind: Just type the name of the program | 09:40 |
masteron | you'll find all the files installed by this app here | 09:40 |
JonathanEllis | jdredwind: So if you want to run the text editor, for example you would type gedit | 09:40 |
xshadowx | Okay, well I think I'll do that then... Let me know how to do this right. I'll start the install. | 09:41 |
JonathanEllis | jdredwind: What is the program you want to run? | 09:41 |
pozic | JonathanEllis: he said he doesn't know the name of the program. | 09:41 |
pozic | JonathanEllis: :) | 09:41 |
jdredwind | tf5 JonathanEllis | 09:41 |
wizzo50_ | weechat | 09:41 |
jdredwind | It's a MUD client | 09:42 |
pozic | jdredwind: so, just type tf5 <enter> | 09:42 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: From the Live CD I think there is an icon marked Install Ubuntu or something similar. Double click that | 09:42 |
onats | hi there | 09:42 |
rdsnet_slatina | hello | 09:42 |
Dayofswords | any chance ubuntu have a program built into default install that give all the info possible about your hardware and os, similar to windows' "system information" | 09:42 |
onats | im having issues with VNC on 9.04, i always get the first screen and then it locks up. is this a known issue? | 09:42 |
xshadowx | OK. I'm at the partition part of the install already. | 09:42 |
pozic | Dayofswords: KDE has something like that in the control center. | 09:43 |
UnholyLessons | how do i install KDE? | 09:43 |
pozic | Dayofswords: you can also just run lspci | 09:43 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: What are the choices? I think you want to use the whole of your second disk | 09:43 |
pozic | Dayofswords: for cpu info you can do cat /proc/cpuinfo | 09:43 |
k0eff | hi. I cant browse my network. I have SMB installed. Somebody can help? | 09:43 |
Dayofswords | pozic: thank you | 09:43 |
jdredwind | pozic , JonathanEllis: I tried that, it just brings up copy right info for the program and an introduction but none of it offers any real information on how to actually turn on the client | 09:43 |
bitplane | how can I add keys to gconf? | 09:44 |
pozic | Dayofswords: in general, if you have a specific question. that information can probably be found somewhere. | 09:44 |
xshadowx | /dev/sda1 and dev/sdb1 I chose that one. Should I click "use the entire disk"? or Specify partitions manually? | 09:44 |
bitplane | the gui tool doesn't let me add new keys :/ | 09:44 |
rdsnet_slatina | onats: yes | 09:44 |
rdsnet_slatina | onats: it is | 09:44 |
pozic | Dayofswords: normally, I only care about those things when stuff doesn't work, which isn't the case for me now. | 09:44 |
SandGorgon | guys... i am using zsh as my shell - when I type a command that does not exist, Ubuntu usually suggests the package I should install to get it (in bash) - I dont get this in zsh. how do i enable this? | 09:44 |
tavi | hey | 09:44 |
tavi | anyone | 09:44 |
pozic | SandGorgon: you port the script which is written in dash to zsh | 09:44 |
rdsnet_slatina | onats: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1145451 | 09:45 |
onats | rdsnet_slatina, any updates when it'll get fixed? | 09:45 |
tavi | using lm sesors | 09:45 |
tavi | sensors | 09:45 |
SandGorgon | pozic, which script is that ? | 09:45 |
pozic | jdredwind: url to program? | 09:45 |
rdsnet_slatina | onats: yes | 09:45 |
jdredwind | Man I sure wish Linux was just a little more straight forward. | 09:45 |
JonathanEllis | Dayofswords: You can install hardinfo. sudo apt-get install hardinfo | 09:46 |
rdsnet_slatina | bcs you use metacity | 09:46 |
aaaaa[^^] | mmmm my sound doesnt work >_> | 09:46 |
UnholyLessons | whats the command to install KDE? | 09:46 |
pozic | SandGorgon: something in /etc/ which you can probably find via Google. Something containing command not found package, IIRC. | 09:46 |
pozic | SandGorgon: just find the exact response and use rgrep to find it. | 09:46 |
hyperionx11 | jdredwind, a mud client bringing up about program? try tf5 <tab><tab> | 09:46 |
rdsnet_slatina | onats: | 09:46 |
jdredwind | pozic: http://tinyfugue.sourceforge.net/ | 09:46 |
pozic | jdredwind: Computers cannot be much simpler than Linux from a user point of view. | 09:47 |
pozic | jdredwind: the only alternative is an advanced AI for which you do not have the hardware. | 09:47 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: You have already chosen sdb1? Does it ask WHICH hard disk to use when it suggests using the entire hard disk? | 09:47 |
onats | rdsnet_slatina, what should i be using then? | 09:47 |
xshadowx | Yes. | 09:48 |
rdsnet_slatina | onats: you go https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg-server/+bug/353126 ? | 09:48 |
aaaaa[^^] | can someone help? , i just set my audio to pulseaudio but i cant hear anything ,,, but i see sth on the output device | 09:48 |
UnholyLessons | Can someone help me im trying to install that different desktop enviroment for kubuntu,,, | 09:48 |
UnholyLessons | KDE, how do i get it on ubuntu | 09:48 |
pozic | jdredwind: so, did you compile and install it from source? | 09:49 |
moymoy | UnholyLessons: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop | 09:49 |
pozic | jdredwind: if not, where did you get your version? | 09:49 |
jdredwind | no, synaptic package manager | 09:49 |
jdredwind | pozic: synaptic package manager | 09:49 |
pozic | jdredwind: what is the name of the package? | 09:49 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: Can you please prefix your messages to me with my name? Otherwise its difficult for me to keep track. Can you expand your Yes answer please as I am not sure what you are answering yes to (remember those exam questions where you have to answer in complete sentences :)) | 09:50 |
jdredwind | pozic: tf5 | 09:50 |
pozic | jdredwind: man tf5 should work then | 09:50 |
pozic | jdredwind: if it doesn't you should file a bug. | 09:50 |
jdredwind | Pozic: Linux doesn't like me | 09:51 |
pozic | jdredwind: Linux is about the same as all the other *n*x operating systems out there. | 09:51 |
JonathanEllis | jdredwind: Silly question perhaps. Have you googled tf5? | 09:51 |
pozic | jdredwind: it is just not Windows, because you can actually use your machine as something else than a toy. | 09:51 |
xshadowx | JonathanEllis: I'm not familiar with IRC, I'm sorry. But anyway, its a yes to choosing sdb1 and a yes to the installer asking which hard disk to use when using the entire disk | 09:52 |
bloupotlood | pozic: lol, too true. | 09:52 |
pozic | jdredwind: man tf5 works in my machine | 09:52 |
pozic | jdredwind: I would say that you are just a lazy user who expects other people to hold your hands. | 09:52 |
onats | rdsnet_slatina, thanks. looks like no solid workaround yet | 09:52 |
jdredwind | pozic: Hmm, lazy perhaps | 09:53 |
pozic | jdredwind: there is nothing wrong with asking about weird system behaviour, but until now not a single creative thought was required by me. | 09:53 |
jdredwind | pozic: But I don't have hands. | 09:53 |
jdredwind | pozic: I type with my feet | 09:53 |
pozic | jdredwind: if that really is the case I don't mind helping you. | 09:53 |
rdsnet_slatina | onats: y see | 09:54 |
rdsnet_slatina | lol | 09:54 |
pozic | jdredwind: just start a terminal and then type in tf | 09:55 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: No problem about the IRC etiquette: none of us was born knowing everything. So if you have the chance to install Ubuntu using the whole of sdb1 I would go for that, unless you have a particular partitioning scheme in mind. You can always change it later anyway, though its harder. Is there a separate option for guided partitioning? That might give some suggestions and choices | 09:55 |
pozic | jdredwind: then you get some command interface where you can do /help | 09:55 |
jdredwind | pozic: I don't mind you helping me either, but don't assume i'm lazy. Before I decided to come into the channel I spent 45 minutes trying to run this program myself, until finally I decided to ask for help. I wasn't looking for a hand hold. Just an arrow in the right direction. | 09:55 |
pozic | jdredwind: you should be able to read English and go on from there by yourself. | 09:55 |
jdredwind | thanks | 09:55 |
pozic | jdredwind: if you spent that amount of time, I suggest you read a book on Linux in 3 hours. | 09:55 |
xshadowx | JonathanEllis: Yes, there is a separate option. It says "Specify Partitions Manually (advanced)". It lets me choose the /root and other options. | 09:56 |
pozic | Yes, that guy is really interested in learning how to use a computer ;) | 09:56 |
twit324 | can I cum and masturbate all over the text? | 09:56 |
james_ | rofl | 09:56 |
pozic | twit324: you can try. | 09:56 |
insomic | what idiot proff backup software should i use ? | 09:57 |
pozic | If it is proff, call Redhat ;) | 09:57 |
xshadowx | JonathanEllis: There isn't really a specific partition pattern I'm looking for other than just to have a hard drive for vista and a hard drive for Ubuntu. | 09:57 |
pozic | xshadowx: do you have two harddisks? | 09:58 |
pozic | xshadowx: or just one? | 09:58 |
xshadowx | pozic: I have two. | 09:58 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: In that case, just use the whole of sdb1 | 09:58 |
insomic | dose any know? | 09:58 |
pozic | xshadowx: so, just say that Ubuntu can use the whole harddisk that does not contain Vista. | 09:58 |
twit324 | what are the main chat rooms on freenode? | 09:58 |
twit324 | like just off topic? | 09:58 |
pozic | xshadowx: only you can know the device names. | 09:59 |
ActionParsnip | !backup | insomic | 09:59 |
JonathanEllis | If you are interested I have found some info about partitioning so you can make an informed choice. | 09:59 |
jasonmchristos1 | hey how do i stop netstat from printing so much i cant read the first it doesnt scroll up? | 09:59 |
ubottu | insomic: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning | 09:59 |
=== uniquebob is now known as qe2eqe | ||
ActionParsnip | insomic: i personally use a cron'd cp job to a firewire partition | 09:59 |
jasonmchristos1 | it prints so much on the screen and i cant read the first part | 09:59 |
jasonmchristos1 | im trying to do netstat | 09:59 |
jasonmchristos1 | from term | 09:59 |
ActionParsnip | jasonmchristos1: pipe it into less | 09:59 |
insomic | <ubu> what would you recound though | 10:00 |
jasonmchristos1 | ActionParsnip: how? | 10:00 |
xshadowx | JonathanEllis: O | 10:00 |
ActionParsnip | jasonmchristos1: netstat <some options here> | less | 10:00 |
cooper77z | gnome just went nuts with the color control, everythings pink and blue @ | 10:00 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: Here they are https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LinuxFilesystemTreeOverview http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/partitioning https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/sparc/non-debian-partitioning.html | 10:00 |
xshadowx | JonathanEllis: whoops, anyway, I'm at the final step before install. Should I click advanced and make sure the bootloader is not installed? | 10:00 |
pozic | xshadowx: the last time I installed Ubuntu, I was amazed by the fact that all the partitioning stuff and resizing actually worked without problems. | 10:01 |
pozic | xshadowx: doing it on two harddisks is even easier. | 10:01 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: I cant remember whats in Advanced. Tell me whats there | 10:01 |
r00ktard | =] | 10:02 |
cooper77z | oh, it's ok on the tube monitor, but wak on the lcd monitor | 10:02 |
jasonmchristos1 | ActionParsnip: thanks | 10:02 |
ActionParsnip | jasonmchristos1: pipes are your friends | 10:02 |
xshadowx | JonathanEllis: a box to click to install a bootloader or not (it's checked) and it says a device for boot loader installation with a drop down menu.The current choice is (HD0) which has Vista on it. Then popularity contest, and network proxy. | 10:02 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: The first time I installed Ubuntu I just took the default options. I think I used the whole hard disk. Now, though I have my own partitioning scheme as I have experimented with various versions of Ubuntu | 10:03 |
ActionParsnip | jason__: you can also use it for other stuff, like dmesg if you want to read it all | 10:03 |
ActionParsnip | jason__: dmesg | less | 10:03 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: That sounds fine to me. The bootloader on HD0 will install some code in the Master Boot Record of HD0 to run Grub on HD1. Then Grub will give you the option of running either Ubuntu or Windows | 10:04 |
ActionParsnip | jason__: nm, wrong target, sorry | 10:04 |
=== ILMAN5 is now known as ILMAN | ||
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: I would go with those default options and not change anything | 10:04 |
xshadowx | JonathanEllis: Even if Vista is on that hard drive? | 10:05 |
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xshadowx | JonathanEllis: The reason I'm asking is because this is exactly what I did the first time I installed Kubuntu on the hard drive..that's when I got grub error 22. | 10:05 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: Hold on a minute please | 10:06 |
insomic | after looking over this HomeUserBackup (which i must say i like quite a bit ) is it still in the idea Phase right now or can i dowload it ? | 10:08 |
No1Viking | Is ti possible to add a gpg key in a apturl link? | 10:09 |
ActionParsnip | !info homeuserbackup | 10:09 |
ubottu | Package homeuserbackup does not exist in jaunty | 10:09 |
=== ILMAN is now known as ILMAN2 | ||
ActionParsnip | insomic: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup | 10:10 |
insomic | im at that webpage right now | 10:10 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: We can deal with Grub errors later. To explain what is going on, when your machine boots, the BIOS looks at the Master Boot Record of the first hard disk (on some BIOSs you can choose which hard disk to boot from but most will use the first hard disk by default). The Master Boot Record then tells the machine which partition to boot from. So you will set the Master Boot Record of your first hard disk to load Grub which will be in a partiti | 10:10 |
mataks | need help pls.. everytime i reboot my pc and when i start my audio volume will automatically mute.. why is that.. | 10:11 |
insomic | so is it vapor ware | 10:11 |
lesshaste | the touchpad on my toshiba tecra a9 fails intermittently and I see this in dmesg psmouse.c: DualPoint TouchPad at isa0060/serio1/input0 lost sync at byte 1 | 10:11 |
amor | aniessss | 10:11 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: There is some useful info about Grub here http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/grub/index.htm | 10:11 |
xshadowx | JonathanEllis: Alright, I'll check it out. Shall I continue with the install? | 10:12 |
MementoMori | hi | 10:13 |
mataks | how to have a graphical grub? | 10:13 |
ActionParsnip | insomic: i don't know what that means. There are many backup solutions, just choose one that appeals and is supported and you'll be fine | 10:13 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: You understand that changing the MBR of HD0 is necessary so you can run Grub. That will give you access to both your operating systems. Yes go ahead. | 10:13 |
MementoMori | where can I find ext4 kernel headers? | 10:13 |
=== adam is now known as Guest43140 | ||
mrme | any recommanded on media center? | 10:14 |
ActionParsnip | mrme: can you expand | 10:14 |
saeed_ | hi | 10:15 |
ActionParsnip | mrme: a few details would be nice :) | 10:15 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: If you are using Pidgin you can search through this chat by pressing Ctrl-F. Its sometimes useful to search for your own name then you can see everything that has already been said. I suggest you note down those links to info about Grub and partitions for later | 10:15 |
honey^moon | tia | 10:16 |
saeed_ | i want install xps2 but i do know how.if possible help me | 10:16 |
ActionParsnip | mataks: considering grub is on the screen for about 3 seconds, is it really worth it? | 10:16 |
bernardlychan | anyone have a jdownloader alternative? | 10:16 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: Is the partitioner creating your partitions now? I need to go away from the computer for a few minutes. I will message you when I get back | 10:16 |
xshadowx | JonathanEllis: yes it is. | 10:16 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: OK. Let me know when its done | 10:17 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: Back in a few minutes | 10:17 |
peterva | question: is it possible to install ubuntu hardy with raid6, instead of the standard installer options (raid0, raid1, raid6)? | 10:17 |
ActionParsnip | peterva: sure | 10:17 |
ActionParsnip | saeed_: all i can find on xps2 is its one of dell's systems | 10:18 |
peterva | ActionParsnip: as in, from the installer? | 10:18 |
ActionParsnip | peterva: can't see why not | 10:19 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: I'm back. Any progress? | 10:19 |
saeed_ | no xps2 is a web server | 10:19 |
peterva | I dunno, but the installer just gives the options for creating raid0, raid1 and raid5 :) | 10:19 |
saeed_ | i need this for mono | 10:19 |
ActionParsnip | peterva: you'll have to consult the (sucky) fakeraid documentation to see if its supported though | 10:19 |
xshadowx | JonathanEllis: It's currently copying files at around 40% | 10:19 |
ActionParsnip | saeed_: have you tried asking in #mono ? | 10:20 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: OK. Let me know when its comlete | 10:20 |
saeed_ | tanks | 10:20 |
ActionParsnip | peterva: if you want decent raid setups get a proper raid card and ditch the software rubbish that motherboards come with | 10:20 |
peterva | ActionParsnip: mdadm is not software rubbish on the motherboard :) | 10:21 |
peterva | we want mdadm for a reason | 10:21 |
peterva | and I know it's possible to make a raid6 array in mdadm, but I was asking if it was possible from the installer :) | 10:22 |
ActionParsnip | peterva: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mdadm states: mdadm is a Linux utility by Neil Brown that is used to manage software RAID devices, previously known as mdctl. Besides managing, it can create, delete, or monitor Linux software RAIDs | 10:22 |
ActionParsnip | peterva: the wiki shows some commands that may help | 10:22 |
ActionParsnip | peterva: the raid you are configuring is the fake raid in the bios which may give you issues. If you get a raid card, the raid management will be managed in the card and the OS will only see the disk/s shown to it by the raid controller | 10:24 |
=== Guest43140 is now known as Takhisis | ||
peterva | ActionParsnip: thanks, I'll sort it out :) | 10:25 |
ActionParsnip | peterva: hope you get the gold :) | 10:25 |
peterva | I hope so as well :P | 10:26 |
Cube | hey, how can i get the EVOLUTION-RSS plugin to run on ubuntu? | 10:26 |
floating | on ubuntu, should canon powershot cameras be auto-mounted, detected, when plugged into USB and turned on ? | 10:27 |
mabi | hi folks, got a quick question: i'm including universe packages on my alternate (jaunty) install cd. now it looks for a debian-edu-archive-keyring udeb - and i'm wondering WHY? | 10:27 |
ActionParsnip | floating: you can check detection with: sudo fdisk -l | 10:27 |
ActionParsnip | floating: and dmesg | tail | 10:27 |
Cube | hey, how can i get the EVOLUTION-RSS plugin to run on ubuntu? | 10:28 |
floating | dmesg shows new usb high speed device, and fdisk -l gfives maybe a new partition, not sure if that one was there :> | 10:28 |
floating | i try mount it | 10:29 |
floating | how should I mount it though | 10:29 |
xshadowx | JonathanEllis: still there? | 10:29 |
ActionParsnip | Cube: http://gnome.eu.org/index.php/Evolution_RSS_Reader_Plugin | 10:29 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: Yes | 10:29 |
ActionParsnip | floating: can you pastebin the fdisk output please | 10:29 |
Laestrygo | Cube: you need to install a plugin | 10:30 |
Laestrygo | it's in the repo | 10:30 |
xshadowx | JonathanEllis: It's finished installing. | 10:30 |
Cube | ActionParsnip: lol im on that page. im just looking for the ubuntu binary | 10:30 |
lstarnes | mabi: uncheck the cd in system > administration > software sources under the "third-party software" tab | 10:30 |
Laestrygo | but, i don't really recomend it | 10:30 |
Cube | Laestrygo: oh which repo? | 10:30 |
ActionParsnip | !find evolution-rss | 10:30 |
ubottu | Found: evolution-rss | 10:30 |
Laestrygo | default ubuntus | 10:30 |
Cube | Laestrygo: well, i'd like to have one program for email and rss. or is there any big reason not to use it? | 10:30 |
ActionParsnip | !info evolution-rss | 10:30 |
ubottu | evolution-rss (source: evolution-rss): Evolution RSS Reader Plugin. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 103 kB, installed size 524 kB | 10:30 |
ActionParsnip | Cube: there you go | 10:31 |
mabi | lstarnes: oh, i missed that in my statement. the error comes up right after booting into the installer CD. | 10:31 |
mabi | i'm packaging this for a no-network install | 10:31 |
Laestrygo | i use a firefox plugin | 10:31 |
mabi | now retrying with dists/universe cleaned up | 10:32 |
lb__ | good morning :) I got a question about wget: at times you can download a file which is served by some script, for example a link like http://example.com/dl/download.php?arg1=foo&arg2=bar&fileID=666. is there a way for wget to determine what the downloaded file's name should be, like a "usual" browser would be able to? | 10:32 |
lstarnes | mabi: forget what I said, I misread the question | 10:32 |
Laestrygo | Cube: NewsFox | 10:32 |
JonathanEllis | xshadowx: Is it telling you to reboot? If so, I will wait here and please come back and tell me if both Windows and Linux boot properly. If it doesnt work, boot from your Live CD | 10:32 |
Cube | Laestrygo: ok i installed it. its in the plugins window, its turned on. but where do i add a feed? | 10:32 |
xshadowx | JonathanEllis: Yes, it's telling me to reboot. I'll be back. | 10:32 |
Laestrygo | in preferences | 10:33 |
ActionParsnip | Cube: http://gnome.eu.org/evo/index.php/Evolution_RSS_Reader_Plugin:Setup_Feeds | 10:33 |
Laestrygo | Cube: Edit>Preferences | 10:33 |
ActionParsnip | Cube: the link was on the wiki i gave ou that you said you were reading | 10:33 |
Cube | ActionParsnip: ;) | 10:33 |
Cube | thanks guys | 10:33 |
ActionParsnip | Cube: reading is good :D | 10:34 |
Cube | xD | 10:34 |
ActionParsnip | maybe i'm old fashioned in my age | 10:35 |
Cube | Laestrygo: so whats the advantage of newsfox? | 10:35 |
floating | ActionParsnip: http://pastebin.com/m68cb40b ..seems like none of those is the camera ? | 10:35 |
Laestrygo | it will render the web in firefox | 10:35 |
Laestrygo | evolution uses gtkhtml which is baaaaaaad | 10:35 |
Laestrygo | they're planning to replace it with webkit, but it'll take time | 10:36 |
jacky4 | im having trouble with a nvidia video card giving me full resolution...the max i can have is 1200 x 800 but my screen goes way higher than that...any ideas...im using nvidia 180 drivers | 10:37 |
ActionParsnip | floating: no that is only your internal drive | 10:37 |
jacky4 | using buntu 9.04 | 10:37 |
ActionParsnip | floating: have you trie gkcam or whatever gnome uses for cameras | 10:37 |
floating | I have a xfce, but I can check if there is something like that | 10:37 |
pozic | jacky4: nvidia-settings | 10:37 |
pozic | jacky4: it could be that you have a crappy card. | 10:38 |
pozic | jacky4: if you have a good card, nvidia-settings works | 10:38 |
ActionParsnip | floating: you can use gnome apps in xfce but there will be a camera app some place, or you can install one, kde has digikam | 10:38 |
xShadowx | JonathanEllis: Okay, well it seems to be working...although last time I installed, and rebooted, I got a grub error 22. I should check to make sure that doesn't happen...but as of right now Ubuntu seems to work properly. I'm going to reboot again and I'll let you know. | 10:38 |
prospire | how do I get a mp3 on ubuntu...I mean a codec.... and my graphics driver is not shown in propertier hardware | 10:38 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: you'll need to run it with: gksudo nvidia-settings | 10:38 |
JonathanEllis | xShadowx: Great. Can you check that windows boots too | 10:38 |
jacky4 | pozic: im in nvidia x server settings right now...the max it will let me go is 1200 x 800 i have a 7600 gt | 10:38 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: you can add lines to xorg.conf to get weird resolutions | 10:39 |
Mkop | is totem supposed to be able to play DVDs? It's giving an error "Could not open location. You might not have permission to open that file." | 10:39 |
jacky4 | actionparsnip: the nvidia settings were just under administration for me... | 10:39 |
prospire | how do I get a mp3 on ubuntu...I mean a codec.... and my graphics driver is not shown in propertier hardware | 10:39 |
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ActionParsnip | jacky4: i use command line a lot, and irc is text based so I give text based advice | 10:39 |
ActionParsnip | !mp3 > prospire | 10:39 |
ubottu | prospire, please see my private message | 10:39 |
pozic | jacky4: well, I would say then you cannot go higher. | 10:39 |
jacky4 | actionparsnip: U understand...what exactly do i need to add to my xorg.conf...i can pastebin if you want | 10:40 |
prospire | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 10:40 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: i can hive you mine for reference if you wish | 10:40 |
pozic | jacky4: it can also be the case that you need to add another resolution to the screen section of xorg.conf | 10:40 |
pozic | jacky4: but I personally doubt that is necessary. | 10:40 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: actually i cant as my ubuntu box is off right now :( | 10:40 |
mabi | yep, removing debian-installer from dists/universe did the trick... | 10:41 |
mabi | gday folks :-) | 10:41 |
pozic | jacky4: there already should be a screen section in the xorg.conf file, just add the resolution you want to it. | 10:41 |
prospire | a page comes where it shows download codec....when I click the download it shows some error... | 10:41 |
Rabbitbunny | I'm trying to create a panel launcher to ssh into a box and grab a screen, i have \"gnome-terminal --command="ssh user@box 'screen'"\", This doesn't work very well, namely the terminal disappears. It sticks around if I don't pass a command to ssh. Hints? | 10:41 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: you can add resolutions to xorg.conf if the app will not give you the res you desire, if you websearch around you will find examples of the file which you can copy parts out of | 10:41 |
prospire | ActionParsnip: :-( | 10:41 |
jacky4 | pozic and actionparsnip: im sure a 7600 gt is good enough for better htan 1200 x 800 res | 10:41 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: i know | 10:41 |
pozic | jacky4: pressing Control-Alt-+ you can do cycle through the resolutions. | 10:41 |
prospire | ActionParsnip: a page comes where it shows download codec....when I click the download it shows some error... :-( | 10:42 |
ActionParsnip | prospire: well what error. saying you get an error then a smiley is less than helpful | 10:42 |
prospire | ActionParsnip: it gives a server contact error | 10:43 |
Sam_HImuRa | #smana | 10:43 |
jacky4 | pozic and actionparsnip: im gonna pastebin my xorg.conf | 10:43 |
ActionParsnip | prospire: can you pastebin the error please | 10:43 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: sure | 10:43 |
prospire | ActionParsnip: wait a sec | 10:43 |
inc_ | !ru | 10:44 |
ubottu | Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke | 10:44 |
mariobrod69 | hi | 10:44 |
inc_ | hi | 10:44 |
mariobrod69 | helow inc | 10:44 |
jacky4 | pozic and actionparsnip: http://pastebin.com/m7f8c613e | 10:44 |
mariobrod69 | cno pinoy d2 | 10:45 |
Cube | ActionParsnip: Laestrygo: ok this is with the awesome (:P) dark theme i made, i have no issues displaying email (coz the background is black/dark) but when viewing feeds is unreadable, only if i select it http://imagebin.org/57321 any ideas? | 10:45 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: ok in the subsection display in the screen section add this: Modes "1024x768@60" | 10:46 |
prospire | ActionParsnip: my graphics is not recognized in ubuntu | 10:46 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: change the res to whatever you want it to do | 10:46 |
ActionParsnip | Cube: i use neither rss not evolution so i am clueless | 10:47 |
Cube | ActionParsnip: lol ok | 10:47 |
ActionParsnip | prospire: what is the output of: lspci |grep -i vga | 10:47 |
Coudy | hi, I need help with this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/396003 | 10:47 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: you will need: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf to get write access | 10:47 |
jacky4 | ActionParsnip: i dont want to mess this up could you add that line to where it supposed to go and pastebin it back to me...res 1920 by 1200 | 10:48 |
jacky4 | oh wait whats 1080p for 16 by 10? | 10:48 |
jacky4 | 1920 by what? | 10:48 |
Coudy | hi, can someone help with this ? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/396003 | 10:48 |
bloupotlood | If you set up a printer,on a windows machine, and print to it via samba, do you print using WINDOWS or the printer? | 10:48 |
bloupotlood | via* | 10:48 |
ibrar | How to incremental build kernel I am using | 10:49 |
ibrar | fakeroot make-kpkg --initrd --append-to-version=-my kernel-image kernel-headers | 10:49 |
ibrar | It always build whole kernel | 10:49 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: http://pastebin.com/d1095b15b | 10:50 |
prospire | ActionParsnip: the output is - "01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation D9M-20 [GeForce 9400 GT] (rev a1)" | 10:50 |
prospire | but resolution is very low | 10:50 |
prospire | and display properly not shown | 10:50 |
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ActionParsnip | bloupotlood: the job goes to the spooler process which is shared on the wndows side | 10:51 |
prospire | property | 10:51 |
ActionParsnip | prospire: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180 | 10:51 |
ActionParsnip | prospire: then reboot | 10:51 |
ActionParsnip | nvidia kick ass | 10:51 |
prospire | y? | 10:51 |
thirdwheel | hey all, i installed torrentflux on xubuntu 9.04 and I can't get any downloads to start - I click the start button, select all files and click "Run Torrent" but the start button stays, the estimated time says unknown and no downloading happens | 10:51 |
jacky4 | actionparsnip: thanks i will try it...i tried upgrading to 185 nvidia drivers but i got some kind of failed to load nvidia kernal error on startup then it went into low graphics mode | 10:51 |
ActionParsnip | prospire: fantastic support for all OSes on all architectures, can't go wrong | 10:51 |
pozic | thirdwheel: wow, what a fantastic description of the problem. | 10:52 |
hdon | what's that program called for recording my screen with gstreamer? | 10:52 |
bloupotlood | ActionParsnip: So, in terms of drivers etc, the windows machine will handle it? | 10:52 |
pozic | thirdwheel: too bad nobody will help you like this. | 10:52 |
bloupotlood | ActionParsnip: im having an epic battle with a freaking Panasonic Dp-180 | 10:52 |
ActionParsnip | bloupotlood: you will need drivers on the Linux side to tell it how to talk to the spooler | 10:52 |
hdon | it's like.. the name of a middle-eastern city i think? | 10:52 |
bloupotlood | ActionParsnip: thought about setting it up on a win machine, and sharing that with the Linux nodes | 10:52 |
thirdwheel | pozic, well that's all I can gather from it - the logs tell me nothing and no new processes start | 10:52 |
bloupotlood | ActionParsnip: dammit, ok | 10:52 |
hdon | ah, istanbul | 10:53 |
bloupotlood | ActionParsnip: dont understand why im struggling so badly with this printer | 10:53 |
pozic | thirdwheel: if there are no logs, always use strace first. | 10:53 |
mataks | is there a messenger program in linux that supports webcam streaming? | 10:53 |
bloupotlood | ActionParsnip: there are even drivers for it on Openprint.org or w/e that site is called. | 10:53 |
pozic | mataks: just use a combination of msn/jabber/whatever + skype | 10:53 |
bloupotlood | ActionParsnip: Whenever anyone prints to it from an ubuntu machine, the task is "completed", yet nothing happens printer side.. | 10:53 |
ActionParsnip | bloupotlood: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsXPPrinter | 10:54 |
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mataks | pozic, my fren is using yahoo messenger.. any program that support ym webcam | 10:54 |
bloupotlood | ActionParsnip: Sweet dude, thanks again. | 10:54 |
pozic | mataks: I do not know of such a program. | 10:55 |
Evelina | I have a script that contains a call to rtcwake and therefore restarts the computer after some minutes. The problem is that when I run the script using a cron job, then the computer doesn't seem to start up as it should afterwards, ehy? | 10:55 |
Evelina | *why? | 10:55 |
pozic | mataks: people with no clue about computers can use Skype too. | 10:55 |
pozic | I do not work for Skype, but it is the only software I know that works with video and audio over more than one platform. | 10:56 |
ActionParsnip | mataks: gyachi i think supports cam | 10:57 |
mataks | ActionParsnip, yes im googling at it.. but the link is broken :( | 10:58 |
Rabbitbunny | There we go... | 10:58 |
Rabbitbunny | I'm trying to create a panel launcher to ssh into a box and grab a screen, i have \"gnome-terminal --command="ssh user@box 'screen'"\", This doesn't work very well, namely the terminal disappears. It sticks around if I don't pass a command to ssh. When running the command in a terminal I get "Must be connected to a terminal" Ubuntu 8.10. #ubuntu doesn't know. Hints? | 10:58 |
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ActionParsnip | mataks: http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=2&url=http%3A%2F%2Fubuntuforums.org%2Fshowthread.php%3Ft%3D82567&ei=ZXptSuOJNeWutgeiqv2IDA&usg=AFQjCNG6r61_PdZwHwpixIgKlKmvqqypuQ | 10:59 |
ActionParsnip | god i hate google | 10:59 |
FloodBot2 | ActionParsnip: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 10:59 |
ActionParsnip | mataks: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=82567 | 10:59 |
Evelina | When I try to log in remote the host says connaction lost or something similar. The problem occur when I try to log in after using rtcwake by a cron job, but not using the rtcwake by a script as a user. | 10:59 |
Rabbitbunny | It turns out you have to tell shh to create a terminal, via the -t switch. \"gnome-terminal -e "ssh -t user@box screen"\". Interesting. | 10:59 |
jacky4 | actionparsnip: that didnt work...still same res...i looked up my video card and its supposed to support max res of 2560 x 1600 | 11:00 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: maybe so but if you use a 15" CRT monitor ten it won't | 11:01 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: you may need to tweak xorg.conf to match your monitor settings | 11:01 |
jacky4 | actionparsnip: im using a monitor capable of 2560 x 1600 | 11:02 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: then your xorg.conf doesnt reflect that | 11:02 |
jacky4 | ah what do i need to add | 11:02 |
jacky4 | i changed your mode display to 1920 x 200 | 11:03 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: not sure tbh, if you search round for sample xorg.conf files using nvidia you will bump into something juicy | 11:03 |
jacky4 | 1920 x 1200 | 11:03 |
myself | DD-WRT OWNS!!!!!!!!! | 11:03 |
jacky4 | tomatto | 11:03 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: you may need to increase the refresh rates in the monitor section | 11:03 |
ActionParsnip | myself: yer a bit behind... | 11:03 |
coleys | jacky4: type: nvidia-xconfig | 11:04 |
Ruby | Hey I'm wanting to dual boot two SATA HDDs, one has Ubuntu 9.04 and the other Windows, and all the tutorials I can find only list it on either two IDE hard drives or an IDE and a SATA | 11:06 |
ActionParsnip | Ruby: all drives have ide ;) | 11:06 |
ActionParsnip | Ruby: in linux, the technology doesnt matter, its handled by the kernel | 11:06 |
myself | they dont have tomato support for my router specifically and dd-wrt works great | 11:06 |
Ruby | Wait, so we are on the same page here | 11:07 |
Ruby | by IDE I am thinking like what connects some CD/DVD drives to the motherboard | 11:07 |
Ruby | my HDDs do not have those connectors. | 11:07 |
jacky4 | coleys:ok i did that... | 11:07 |
ActionParsnip | Ruby: by IDE you really mean PATA | 11:08 |
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Ruby | I see. | 11:08 |
ActionParsnip | Ruby: the IDE is that little controller thingy on the drive itself and gives you the disk cache | 11:09 |
Ruby | Alright. | 11:09 |
ActionParsnip | Ruby: back in the day, drives didnt have that so and relied purely on the motherboard, the new drives (when they were new) were called IDE, Integrated Drive Electronics | 11:09 |
ActionParsnip | Ruby: if you are dual booting on any technology with ubuntu, grub simply doesnt care, the kernel give it hardware support so it could be a scsi drive, 3 SATA and a PATA and all wil be bootable by grub | 11:10 |
Ruby | Hm | 11:11 |
Ruby | Give me a second | 11:11 |
ActionParsnip | Ruby: provided you have driver modules for each so they are readable 9the default install has modules for the vast majority of onboard controllers | 11:11 |
Ruby | So to do this I'd have to have the ubuntu drive with GRUB set as the master? | 11:11 |
HaRDaWaY | hi | 11:11 |
MementoMori | hi | 11:11 |
kman_ | aloah | 11:12 |
MementoMori | I'm looking for ext4.h kernel header but I can't find it. Which package should I install? | 11:12 |
ActionParsnip | Ruby: the drive can be master or slave, as long as its not on cable select you are fine | 11:12 |
vega_ | hm sata drivers don't have master/slave stuff? | 11:12 |
vega_ | drives | 11:13 |
MementoMori | vega_ no | 11:13 |
ActionParsnip | Ruby: as long as grub can be reached by the system you will be fine as grub will manage the rest 9or LILO is you decide to use lilo) | 11:13 |
pozic | MementoMori: linux-2.6/fs/ext4/ext4.h | 11:13 |
Ruby | Well | 11:13 |
Ruby | Would it be easist to just have the ubuntu drive as the master, because that what it seems like it is | 11:13 |
indus | hi | 11:13 |
pozic | MementoMori: installing a recent source package should get you the file. | 11:13 |
cmcasper | hi people can you give me some help ? | 11:13 |
ActionParsnip | Ruby: if you wish | 11:13 |
pozic | !ask | 11:14 |
ubottu | Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 11:14 |
ActionParsnip | Ruby: just install windows first, then the dual boot will be managed for yo | 11:14 |
Ruby | Ah that would be a bit problematic | 11:14 |
pozic | Windows does not care about other operating systems. Ubuntu does. | 11:14 |
Ruby | So I need to reinstall windows? | 11:14 |
Pikiora | Evening all :) I have a question re: deleting stuff from / I don't get the option to send to recycle bin. I need to delete a large file. | 11:14 |
jacky4 | actionparsnip: im just gonna try to upgrayed to the latest nvidia drivers...i need to learn how to rmmod nvidia and modprob nvidia | 11:15 |
pozic | jacky4: modprobe -r nvidia | 11:15 |
MementoMori | pozic: I've installed the linux-source package and I've extracted it in /usr/local but I'm not sure I can use it inside my C projects | 11:15 |
pozic | jacky4: or with sudo before it, depending on your setup. | 11:15 |
thirdwheel | ok, python's running something briefly, but it dies before anything can happen and nothing is being logged grr | 11:15 |
h4ck3rs0nly | hello ppl, i really need to know why my computer starts ubuntu so slow, he starts it after 1 minute, ive checked the messages from ubuntu and it sais this, Jul 27 11:48:13 h4ck3rs0nly-desktop kernel: [ 9.886531] HDA Intel 0000:00:1b.0: PCI INT A -> GSI 16 (level, low) -> IRQ 16 | 11:15 |
h4ck3rs0nly | Jul 27 11:48:13 h4ck3rs0nly-desktop kernel: [ 57.886127] lp0: using parport0 (interrupt-driven). | 11:15 |
jacky4 | pozic: can i pm your real quick? | 11:15 |
pozic | MementoMori: that is described in your compiler documentation. | 11:15 |
_dr | hi, i'm trying out ubuntu 9.04 and i cannot help but wonder why it uses half a gig of ram when i'm doing nothing? | 11:15 |
pozic | jacky4: no | 11:15 |
thirdwheel | not to mention the output from strace is gibberish to me | 11:16 |
_dr | also there's lots of free physical mem and it uses loads of space on the swap partition | 11:16 |
MementoMori | pozic: what shoul I read? | 11:16 |
_dr | it's fscking slow | 11:16 |
pozic | MementoMori: google gcc documentation | 11:16 |
_dr | summing up the processes resident memory values doesn't even slightly equal 500mb | 11:16 |
gartral | h4ck3rs0nly: have you installed bootchart? | 11:16 |
_dr | what could be wrong? | 11:16 |
pozic | MementoMori: basically what you are asking for is basic C programming knowledge. | 11:16 |
h4ck3rs0nly | no? | 11:17 |
pozic | MementoMori: there is a header file and that header file is on your system and you want your compiler to be able to find that file. | 11:17 |
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MementoMori | pozic: no. I'm not asking for C programming. I'm asking for the headers to be in the right place | 11:17 |
pozic | MementoMori: every compiler known to mankind has a thing called a search path. | 11:17 |
gartral | h4ck3rs0nly: i recommend doing so and taking a look at the log it creates on boot-time, its a very helpfull tool | 11:17 |
Ruby | I'll ask my question again, because it has not been answered | 11:17 |
_dr | MementoMori: man gcc /-I | 11:18 |
pozic | MementoMori: search paths need to be set by the user, in this case you. | 11:18 |
h4ck3rs0nly | ok ill do | 11:18 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: could be the key, if you use the .run file from nvidia.com you may hit gold. I wiould make sure you uninstall all the curret nvidia stuff | 11:18 |
Ruby | To dual boot windows and ubuntu, with ubuntu as the master, do I have to reinstall the OS on any of the drives? | 11:18 |
pozic | Ruby: no\ | 11:18 |
ActionParsnip | Ruby: no, you can simply configure grub and both will be fine | 11:18 |
ActionParsnip | !grub | Ruby | 11:18 |
ubottu | Ruby: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 11:18 |
MementoMori | pozic: not agree with you... | 11:18 |
arand | Ruby: what is your current setup? | 11:18 |
pozic | MementoMori: about what? | 11:19 |
jacky4 | pozic: if i download the fresh drivers from nvidia and go through the installation all i need to type is modprobe -r nvidia to fix it...cause before i got this after the installation....http://img38.imageshack.us/i/helpizj.jpg/ | 11:19 |
Ruby | Windows Vista and Ubuntu 9.04 on seperate drives that I've pretty much treated like two male leopard geckos | 11:19 |
MementoMori | pozic: kernel headers should be in standard path | 11:19 |
vega_ | Ruby: just boot to ubuntu and add windows to grub config and that's it | 11:19 |
pozic | jacky4: so, did you read the log? | 11:19 |
gatotkaca | helloooo | 11:20 |
pozic | MementoMori: and they are, AFAIK. | 11:20 |
Ruby | Which, to the unbriefed, if two male leopard geckos are put in the same enclosure they usually fight and kill eachother. | 11:20 |
Ruby | Alright. | 11:20 |
gatotkaca | I need a help for bridge-utils | 11:20 |
Ruby | Well | 11:20 |
pozic | MementoMori: I do not know how yours ended up in /usr/local | 11:20 |
vega_ | ubottu: and configure the ubuntu drive as the one the machine boots from (in the bios) | 11:20 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 11:20 |
Ruby | I'll be back in a bit, booting onto ubuntu. | 11:20 |
gatotkaca | I need to share my connection from eth1 (wireless) to usb0 | 11:20 |
MementoMori | pozic: etx4 headers should live here: /usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.28-13-generic/fs/ext4 | 11:20 |
gartral | !info bootchart > h4ck3rs0nly | 11:20 |
gatotkaca | but it is always failed | 11:20 |
ActionParsnip | !ics | gatotkaca | 11:20 |
ubottu | gatotkaca: If you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php | 11:20 |
jacky4 | pozic: yeah i didnt understand any of it...and then upgrayed from 8.10 to 9.04 and now im using the nvidia 180.44 drivers again | 11:21 |
pozic | MementoMori: yes, and AFAIK, that's exactly what installing an ubuntu source package does. | 11:21 |
ActionParsnip | jacky4: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=990978 | 11:21 |
gatotkaca | obottu: why I cannot use bridge-utils? | 11:22 |
pozic | jacky4: if you do not understand, you search for the error message on google. | 11:22 |
pozic | jacky4: you also read the README which has been written by nvidia, I think. | 11:22 |
ActionParsnip | pozic: or any search engine at all | 11:22 |
pozic | ActionParsnip: yes, you are right. I do not know a better search engine than google, though. | 11:23 |
ActionParsnip | pozic: there is no better, they are all equal | 11:23 |
ActionParsnip | pozic: different search algorithms different results | 11:23 |
pozic | ActionParsnip: search is a part of information retrieval. For some queries you can measure which one is better. | 11:24 |
ActionParsnip | pozic: depends on the search criteria. Ive found ask.com to yield more accurately than google in many cases | 11:24 |
pozic | ActionParsnip: but I agree that searching for Britney Spears could return either the official webpage first and then the wikipedia entry or in the other order. | 11:24 |
pozic | ActionParsnip: ok, I will test ask.com with some of my test queries. | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | pozic: which is why i say "websearch" rather than "google" | 11:25 |
kibibyte | hi | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | pozic: all i'm saying is that there is more than goole | 11:25 |
ActionParsnip | 11:25 | |
kibibyte | how to detect person in my LAN which overloading networj traffic | 11:25 |
kibibyte | ? | 11:26 |
user10 | how do i open my ip to external world to access from ubuntu at a specific port where my webserver is running? | 11:26 |
ActionParsnip | kibibyte: do you mean a logged in user on a system? | 11:26 |
kibibyte | no | 11:26 |
nevyn | kibibyte: ntop at the gateway if you know it's internet traffic. will let you get stats on which ip's are using data. | 11:26 |
kibibyte | we have LAN and someone is using rapid share i want his IP | 11:26 |
user10 | how do i open my ip to external world to access from ubuntu at a specific port where my webserver is running? | 11:26 |
kibibyte | neveyn but gateway is somne hardware router very simple | 11:27 |
kibibyte | :/ | 11:27 |
pozic | ActionParsnip: ask.com has a smaller index, but for the queries I entered that did have a result, the result was good enough. | 11:27 |
ActionParsnip | pozic: theres also msn.com and yahoo.com too, all are equally good | 11:27 |
kibibyte | is there any sniffer which can tell me whos overloading network bandwith | 11:27 |
JonathanEllis | I have twin monitors running at 1280 x 1024 using Xinerama on a Matrox G200 twin output graphics card. Every time I boot, the second screen comes up at a lower resolution. When I restart X by pressing Ctrl-Alt-Backspace the second screen goes to the correct resolution of 1280 x 1024. I dont understand why this is happening. My xorg.conf is at http://pastebin.com/f2624ef8b | 11:28 |
pozic | ActionParsnip: msn.com is not very good, imho. Yahoo is quite good, indeed, but slightly slower I think. | 11:28 |
ActionParsnip | pozic: true, it is slower | 11:28 |
pozic | Google simply still has superior processing power. | 11:28 |
ActionParsnip | pozic: true but it isnt the one and only | 11:28 |
ActionParsnip | pozic: and sometimes it throws up some real garbage | 11:29 |
gartral | whois bazz | 11:29 |
ibnulislam | how to list files of some specific mime type? | 11:29 |
candrodor | Where exactly does grub get installed to on a computer? I have two HDs, one currently has XP installed, and I'm going to try installing Ubuntu again, hopefully this time it should all go to plan. But where will GRUB be installed to, and do I need to do *anything* to make sure it picks up on both OSs? | 11:29 |
arand | ibnulislam: ls *.mimetype ? | 11:29 |
pozic | Why can't people simply read the manual here? | 11:29 |
user10 | repost: how do i open my ip to external world to access from ubuntu at a specific port where my webserver is running? | 11:30 |
Red1 | Alright, the boot went well | 11:30 |
Spykemcc | candrodor you use windows 2k,xp,vista,7 ? | 11:30 |
ActionParsnip | ibnulislam: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PythonRecipes/MIMETypes | 11:30 |
nexTac | yahoo will probably be using microsofts "bing" soon | 11:30 |
mataks | nice gyachi supports webcam streaming for ym :) | 11:30 |
pozic | nexTac: they will? That's bad. URL? | 11:30 |
durt | candrodor, needs to be on the MBR of the first drive the bios 'sees' | 11:30 |
Myrtti | please keep the offtopic somewhere else, this is Ubuntu support channel, everything else to #ubuntu-offtopic or more relevant channels | 11:30 |
ActionParsnip | ibnulislam: actually scratch that, just got excited | 11:30 |
Red1 | Aside from the fact that while booting ubuntu my mobo gave me an "overclock fail" message, and my CPU is now running at 2.8 ghz | 11:30 |
rntk | candrodor: you can choose the partition where grub is installed during the install | 11:31 |
nexTac | pozic: i only read it on german newspage at http://www.heise.de/newsticker/Bericht-Microsofts-Bing-soll-fuer-Yahoo-suchen--/meldung/142597 perhaps you can find english one | 11:31 |
kibibyte | how to detect person in my LAN which overloading network traffic | 11:31 |
candrodor | Spykemcc: XP. I know from reading things that it should all work fine, but I tried the other day and it er, didn't. I think that was more a problem with XP than Ubuntu though, and is probably sorted now. | 11:31 |
Red1 | Oh and I have a question regarding NVIDIA X Server Settings | 11:31 |
durt | kibibyte, I suggest using iptraf | 11:32 |
ActionParsnip | kibibyte: if your interconnecting devices are not intelligent they you will have a hard job, you could nmap each pc (if you have a small handful) to see what is going on | 11:32 |
Red1 | How do I save settings? I use a resolution of 1152x864 and I have to set it back every time I boot | 11:32 |
Red1 | When I try Save to X configuration, it gives me an error about not being able to make a backup | 11:32 |
candrodor | durt/rntk: so it's both the MBR and a separate partition, if I understand that right? | 11:32 |
rntk | candrodor: yes | 11:32 |
ibnulislam | arand: what is *.mimetype? | 11:32 |
h4ck3rs0nly | i need to know how i can see whats wrong with my boot sequence after running bootchart | 11:32 |
arand | candrodor: grub comes in two parts, one is installed to a normal partition, usually in /boot/grub/ on your ubuntu main partition, the other part is put in the mbr, which is a small section in the beginning of the hard-disk which basically says which partition to look for and start the grub loader from. | 11:33 |
candrodor | ah, ok! That makes a lot more sense now. | 11:33 |
ActionParsnip | ibnulislam: you may have to use a small script to run the 'file' command on every file on your system, then test that output for a certain string | 11:33 |
kibibyte | ActionParsnip, how?? | 11:33 |
Spykemcc | if you have more than 2Gb of ram > use gparted do a windows xp partition, one to save your windows datas and an ext3 partition for linux ... just save linux data in windows backup partition as shared datas ... | 11:33 |
ActionParsnip | kibibyte: nmap is hugely complex, i suggest you research it some | 11:34 |
pozic | nexTac: so Yahoo just has given up on search. | 11:34 |
kibibyte | durt, iptraf is sniffer? | 11:34 |
Myrtti | nexTac, pozic: the whole yahoo-bing-microsoft discussion is offtopic to this channel, take it elsewhere | 11:34 |
ibnulislam | ActionParsnip: Is there not any switch in find just like -type? | 11:34 |
nexTac | Myrtti: ok sry ;) | 11:34 |
arand | ibnulislam: any mimetype, i.e. if you're looking for .txt files you'd do ls *.txt, and for .ods ls *.ods etc... | 11:35 |
=== maciej_ is now known as Lorbasek | ||
rntk | candrodor: so just choose the MBR of your primary HD during your install (it is probably the default option, but check it anyways), e.g. /dev/sda | 11:35 |
ActionParsnip | ibnulislam: theres -type which will filter files folders links special files blocks etc | 11:35 |
Spykemcc | someone know better tha arch linux ??? | 11:35 |
Spykemcc | than | 11:35 |
pozic | ibnulislam: I think there are libraries to get the mimetype of files. | 11:35 |
ibnulislam | I used find . -exec file {} \: | 11:35 |
ActionParsnip | Spykemcc: depends on your requirements | 11:35 |
pozic | ibnulislam: so, you could use that in combination with find to do what you want. | 11:35 |
candrodor | Spykemcc: assuming I won't be needing to share many files, is it more effective to have an ntfs and an ext3 "storage" folder, and maybe a separate fat32 or even pendrive for when I do occasionally need to share things? | 11:36 |
ActionParsnip | ibnulislam: sure, then you will need to grep that output for what you need | 11:36 |
h4ck3rs0nly | i need to know how i can see whats wrong with my boot sequence after running bootchart | 11:36 |
ibnulislam | ActionParsnip: But I need filtered records for a specific mime type. | 11:36 |
ActionParsnip | candrodor: fat32 isnt very robust, ntfs is much better | 11:36 |
candrodor | rntk: when it refers to (hd0) in the install process, that's equivalent to /dev/sd1, right? 'cause of how Grub names things. | 11:36 |
ActionParsnip | ibnulislam: yes, the output of file will be the mime type, you can grep that text, if there is a match then output the name to the terminal | 11:37 |
Spykemcc | I use ntfs for massive amount of datas between windows and linux ... you should be fine ... just remember to dismount the drive before reboot or shutdown ... | 11:37 |
ActionParsnip | ibnulislam: i'd ask in #bash for further advice. it is more specific to your query | 11:37 |
arand | candrodor: no, hd0 is sda with no number to specify the partition. | 11:38 |
h4ck3rs0nly | no1 can help me? | 11:38 |
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rntk | candrodor: I can't say that for certain, it might be different if you're installing from usb disk for example. I think there's a button called advanced where you can see the /dev/xxx type of listing | 11:38 |
durt | kibibyte, more of a simple traffic analyzer. | 11:38 |
arand | candrodor: and (hd,0) would be sda1 | 11:38 |
Spykemcc | and linux partition type drives can't be used in windows easily, so it's better to let linux handle ntfs ... | 11:39 |
ActionParsnip | Spykemcc: you can use www.fs-driver.org | 11:39 |
Spykemcc | linux care about windows, but windows don't care about linux ... | 11:39 |
candrodor | Ah, ok. Awesome. | 11:39 |
frogzoo1 | Spykemcc: there's an ext2 driver which works well | 11:39 |
ActionParsnip | Spykemcc: but linux has ntfs-3g which can mount the ntfs as read /write (best effort) | 11:39 |
Spykemcc | I know but it can't be used for windows apps ... | 11:39 |
candrodor | (10:37:31 AM) Spykemcc: I use ntfs for massive amount of datas between windows and linux ... you should be fine ... just remember to dismount the drive before reboot or shutdown ... | That can be set to umount automatically, surely? | 11:40 |
arand | candrodor: sorry that was wrong (hd0,0) reperesents sda1 | 11:40 |
frogzoo1 | the windows ext2 driver works fine | 11:40 |
brutus | how do I change my home folder permissions so that other users cannot 'cd' into my home? | 11:40 |
Spykemcc | candrodor not sure about umount | 11:40 |
h4ck3rs0nly | brutus: encryp your home folder | 11:41 |
brutus | h4ck3rs0nly, eh? I was thinking something on the lines of chmod/chgrp? | 11:41 |
ActionParsnip | brutus: you marrk it as 700 | 11:41 |
matmo | http://packages.ubuntu.com/ details "available" packages but where can I find out which ones are included as standard? | 11:41 |
ActionParsnip | brutus: only the owner has any access at all | 11:41 |
h4ck3rs0nly | aah, i know noting about that | 11:41 |
arand | Spykemcc: candrodor: afaik, all drives are unmounted automatically on shutdown, so there is really no need to bother for a normal user... | 11:42 |
h4ck3rs0nly | i need to know how i can see whats wrong with my boot sequence after running bootchart | 11:42 |
brutus | ActionParsnip, ok, thanks | 11:42 |
arand | matmo: I've been wondering that as well... | 11:43 |
ActionParsnip | h4ck3rs0nly: try looking at the easier solutions first rather than jumping straigt in with huge changes like that | 11:43 |
matmo | arand: did you find anything? | 11:43 |
h4ck3rs0nly | likw what? my computer is friggin fast but boots ubuntu after 1 min | 11:44 |
ActionParsnip | h4ck3rs0nly: i was on about your advice to Brutus | 11:44 |
h4ck3rs0nly | aah yeah | 11:44 |
gatotkaca | thanks! | 11:45 |
candrodor | Oooh. I think I know what all my problems were. I think sdb is first on the boot order. And I'd just never realised before because I only had XP and I only ran it on sda, so it was never an issue. | 11:45 |
ActionParsnip | h4ck3rs0nly: try this: http://digg.com/linux_unix/How_to_make_Ubuntu_extremely_fast | 11:45 |
candrodor | Now I've got XP on sdb and I'm putting Ubuntu on sda | 11:45 |
h4ck3rs0nly | ok ty, ill do | 11:45 |
ActionParsnip | h4ck3rs0nly: you can tweak hdd performance with hdparm to get extra speed but if yiou push too far you can break them | 11:45 |
aaaaa[^^] | E: core-util.c: Home directory /home/sweet not ours. | 11:45 |
aaaaa[^^] | ALSA lib pulse.c:272:(pulse_connect) PulseAudio: Unable to connect: Connection refused | 11:45 |
ActionParsnip | h4ck3rs0nly: the dual core booting thing is very handy :) | 11:46 |
wojciech_ | mrok :D | 11:46 |
aaaaa[^^] | i have no sound D: | 11:46 |
ActionParsnip | h4ck3rs0nly: backup any and all config files you edit | 11:46 |
=== wojciech_ is now known as twoja_mama | ||
rntk | candrodor: if you get ubuntu running but the grub doesn't show xp, i't can be fixed relatively easily by editing /boot/grub/menu.lst | 11:46 |
rntk | candrodor: but it should work automatically of course | 11:47 |
ActionParsnip | h4ck3rs0nly: basically, a default install of ubuntu has shockigly poor performance settings but this is to accommodate more systems, if you want speed you must tweak and play | 11:47 |
indus | ActionParsnip: really? how can i increase speed? | 11:48 |
ActionParsnip | indus: read the guide i pasted | 11:48 |
indus | where , missed it | 11:48 |
egw_ | anyone know a sharepoint server for linuxÇ? | 11:48 |
indus | k saw it thanmks | 11:48 |
candrodor | rntk: thanks. I think I tried to get that working yesterday, but the xp install was just borked that time anyway. So one problem obscured another one. | 11:49 |
Myrtti | egw_: sharepoint is microsoft technology | 11:49 |
egw_ | yes but i want to share files wiht differnt locations | 11:50 |
egw_ | and all files in a dedicated server over internet | 11:50 |
arand | matmo: unfortunately no. | 11:50 |
Myrtti | egw_: that can be achieved with other methods than sharepoint | 11:50 |
egw_ | and the most secure is sharepoint or there is other method? | 11:50 |
egw_ | waht methods? i want versionating with the files and access log or modifiy log | 11:50 |
Myrtti | egw_: version control systems, like svn, bzr or mercurial come to mind | 11:51 |
Myrtti | or git | 11:51 |
lokpest | how do i fix so that I dont have to use sudo at a specifik place outside /home ? | 11:52 |
Evet | sudo -S | 11:52 |
bitplane | hi, i'm having trouble installing polkit-dbus | 11:53 |
Myrtti | lokpest: you'll be picking blood from your nose if you go changing the user access rights, sudo is a perfectly valid system and it can be overridden in special occasions, if the need is really needed | 11:53 |
egw_ | but waht software? | 11:53 |
Myrtti | (that didn't make much sense, more coffee) | 11:53 |
prospire | ActionParsnip: sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-180 shows an error....u can see the error at -> http://pastebin.com/d7b90a3c4 | 11:55 |
lokpest | Myrtti: but I have a harddrive partition /media/extra that use to be my windows-install (now empty) where I want to host my virtualbox WinXP... | 11:56 |
prospire | the server installs and asks to give the command in konsole and this error comes | 11:56 |
ActionParsnip | prospire: you need to use: sudo nvidia-xconfig | 11:56 |
WholeGrains | h4ck3rs0nly: Should be in /var/log/bootchart | 11:57 |
Myrtti | lokpest: you need to mount it with proper user rights and flags then | 11:57 |
prospire | ActionParsnip: ok...lemme see | 11:57 |
h4ck3rs0nly | i know but what do i need to see in tghe pic? | 11:57 |
h4ck3rs0nly | http://img193.imageshack.us/img193/1889/h4ck3rs0nlydesktopkarmi.png | 11:57 |
lokpest | Myrtti: only when I install/setup the virtual XP or every time I want to run it? | 11:58 |
prospire | ActionParsnip: again an error -> http://pastebin.com/d6836482d | 11:58 |
* richardcavell has been playing Half-Life | 11:59 | |
prospire | a validation error or something like that | 11:59 |
prospire | :-( | 11:59 |
ActionParsnip | prospire: looks fine, reboot | 11:59 |
prospire | ok...wait | 12:00 |
Myrtti | lokpest: when you mount it to your system | 12:00 |
matmo | arand: AFAICT from forum responses, the default installed list of packages seem to come from "http://packages.ubuntu.com/<RELEASE>/ubuntu-desktop". Can anyone confirm this is the case? I am about to write some advice for users and would like to be sure that when I say "it is installed as standard" that I am correct? | 12:00 |
lokpest | Myrtti: and how do I do that? | 12:00 |
prospire | ActionParsnip: am downloading a codec,...then I'll do | 12:00 |
Myrtti | lokpest: mount has a good manpage, there's a specific explanation about user rights such as guid, uid etc. | 12:01 |
ActionParsnip | prospire: if you come unstuck you can run the graphic fix in grub's recovery mode | 12:01 |
ActionParsnip | prospire: afaik, you dont have to run nvidia-xcong | 12:01 |
bitplane | any clues on how to get anywhere with this: http://pastebin.com/m6fc8693 ? | 12:01 |
prospire | hmm | 12:01 |
prospire | exit | 12:01 |
lokpest | Myrtti: sounds easier to just reinstall ubuntu and add that partition to my /home | 12:02 |
Evet | : ) | 12:02 |
Evet | buying a new pc is easier too | 12:02 |
Myrtti | lokpest: if you think that taking a five minute read on manpage is more difficult than reinstalling and using 40 minutes | 12:02 |
Hustlers_23 | anyone here able to help me install Gyachi 1.2.2?? i have to compose a file and do watever, never done anything like it in my life | 12:03 |
iank_ | #luinxac | 12:03 |
ActionParsnip | Myrtti: you'd be suprised what some people see as a "good idea" | 12:03 |
Myrtti | ActionParsnip: have been around since 2000, have seen them all. Been one of them once. | 12:04 |
lokpest | Myrtti: I do, I newer use the terminal | 12:04 |
cemunal | hi all | 12:04 |
Myrtti | ActionParsnip: anyway, offtopic | 12:04 |
snoopddrm | hello everyone. i've just installed unbuntu on my notebook. i've found the fix for the sound on my notebook but i don't know how to apply it. the fix is: Ubuntu 9.04 has the same sound problem as 8.10 and it can be fixed by creating a new file /etc/modprobe.d/options.conf containing the line options snd-hda-intel model=mobile | 12:04 |
Myrtti | lokpest: happy reinstall then | 12:04 |
snoopddrm | can anyone tell me how to apply this? | 12:04 |
ActionParsnip | Hustlers_23: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=773802&highlight=gyachi | 12:04 |
ActionParsnip | Myrtti: true | 12:04 |
cemunal | i create an ext4 part. and mount /media/sda1 but i can't write on tihs part. like a normal user | 12:05 |
Evet | snoopddrm: try to change ALSA to Realtek | 12:05 |
Evet | or etc | 12:05 |
ActionParsnip | snoopddrm: gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/options.conf | 12:05 |
ActionParsnip | snoopddrm: paste the line in, save and exit gedit | 12:05 |
snoopddrm | Evet: hwo do i apply this fix? i know i have to go to a terminal windowl | 12:05 |
Evet | no, no need | 12:06 |
Evet | go speaker icon on tray | 12:06 |
h4ck3rs0nly | having problems with booting ubunut | 12:06 |
h4ck3rs0nly | ubuntu | 12:06 |
Evet | if doesnt work, u must edit config file | 12:06 |
snoopddrm | Evet: speaker icon in the tray, then? | 12:06 |
Evet | snoopddrm: preferences | 12:06 |
snoopddrm | okie | 12:07 |
snoopddrm | then? | 12:07 |
Evet | then choose something, alsa, realtek, intel | 12:07 |
ActionParsnip | !details | h4ck3rs0nly | 12:07 |
ubottu | h4ck3rs0nly: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 12:07 |
snoopddrm | ok, selected intel also | 12:07 |
snoopddrm | alsa i mean | 12:07 |
iank_ | |#lunixac | 12:07 |
Evet | okay, change it | 12:07 |
ugliefrog | F9 fades out my screen.....I need it for blender but cant seem to get it fixed ant ideas? | 12:11 |
Spykemcc | someone can give good tutorials for ubuntu, as I want it small,fast,simple ... | 12:11 |
prospire | what does sudo actually means? | 12:11 |
frogzoo | !docs | 12:12 |
ubottu | documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com | 12:12 |
prospire | ezxactly | 12:12 |
prospire | ?? | 12:12 |
Spykemcc | super utilisator do ... | 12:12 |
prospire | ? | 12:12 |
prospire | can u explain where and why its used? | 12:12 |
prospire | precisely | 12:12 |
prospire | ?? | 12:12 |
prospire | ? | 12:12 |
prospire | can anybody please tell me? | 12:13 |
ugliefrog | F9 fades out my screen.....I need it for blender but cant seem to get it fixed ant ideas? | 12:13 |
bazhang | https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo prospire | 12:13 |
Spykemcc | sudo is needed when you need the help of the administrator, you're upped to some of his skills as a friend of it ... | 12:13 |
arand | matmo: That is not a complete list, however, I think you could safely say that all application listed there are installed by default, however, there are several things missing from there (kernel, and coreutils just as an example) | 12:14 |
neo8848 | sudo passwd root | 12:14 |
jpds | Spykemcc: Super User DO. | 12:14 |
jpds | !noroot | neo8848 | 12:14 |
ubottu | neo8848: We do not support having a root password set. See !root and !wfm for more information. | 12:14 |
bazhang | neo8848, no need for that | 12:14 |
neo8848 | :D i was teasing | 12:14 |
Hustlers_23 | anyone here able to help me install Gyachi 1.2.2?? i have to compose a file and do watever, never done anything like it in my life | 12:15 |
Hustlers_23 | i have the .tar.gz file downloaded | 12:15 |
Myrtti | neo8848: if you can't give valid help, don't give any - means no "joke" or "tease" help | 12:15 |
Hustlers_23 | the instructions are as follow to install use the autogen script to generate a configure script:./autogen.sh | 12:15 |
Hustlers_23 | then says | 12:15 |
Hustlers_23 | 2) run configure, with any options that you might prefer: | 12:15 |
Hustlers_23 | ./configure --disable-rpath --enable-maintainer-mode --prefix /usr | 12:15 |
Hustlers_23 | 3) To generate a Fedora/RedHat spec file | 12:16 |
Hustlers_23 | make gyachi.spec | 12:16 |
Hustlers_23 | any1 got any idea how i can do all 3 of those things... | 12:16 |
Freidenker1 | I have a dell Xps M1330 with Ubuntu 9.04 64bits, I'm pretty sure Ubuntu isn't detecting my graphics card, where can I see what he thinkgs my graphic card is ? | 12:16 |
ActionParsnip | Hustlers_23: i gave you a link with some debs | 12:16 |
Hustlers_23 | ActionParsnip, i know ,but thats 1.2.1 | 12:16 |
Hustlers_23 | this is 1.2.2 | 12:16 |
Paavi2_0 | Freidenker1: lspci | 12:16 |
atthelake | join #blah | 12:17 |
Myrtti | Hustlers_23: and why do you need 1.2.2? | 12:17 |
ActionParsnip | Hustlers_23: whats new in .2? | 12:17 |
Hustlers_23 | plus i need to learn one day to compose, might as well be today LOL | 12:17 |
bazhang | Hustlers_23, a redhat/fedora spec for Ubuntu? | 12:17 |
Hustlers_23 | better settings for webcams n no connection error | 12:17 |
Spykemcc | show all the bests tutorials that you use or used please ... pm them to me please | 12:17 |
Hustlers_23 | im almost positive it works for ubuntu jaunty too | 12:17 |
Hustlers_23 | from the forums i grabbed it from, ppl were using it on jaunty | 12:17 |
gribouille | hi | 12:18 |
hdon | does istanbul even work in 9.04? | 12:18 |
hdon | istanbul for me freezes every time i tell it to stop recording | 12:18 |
gribouille | I'm trying the kubuntu live cd and when I try to install software, the program hangs waiting for headers | 12:18 |
Spykemcc | xvidcap or recordmydesktop man ... | 12:18 |
matmo | arand: thanks | 12:19 |
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ash_ | my desktop isn't responding as a desktop, no icons, no right click context menu, it's rather strange | 12:19 |
rob_ | hi | 12:20 |
ActionParsnip | ash_: alt+f2, type nautilus, press enter | 12:21 |
neo8848 | @Myrtti: sorry... but i just have a question, i got so used to using root and then running , > nautilus & ... how do i run nautilus with superuser permissions, without losing access to my current terminal? | 12:21 |
pete_ | hi | 12:21 |
rob_ | would anyone be so kind as to send me their /etc/xen/scripts/block script from a server running a more recent version of xen than xen 3.2.0 | 12:21 |
pete_ | anyone running vbox 3.0.2 seamless mode? | 12:22 |
Myrtti | neo8848: gksu nautilus | 12:22 |
ash_ | ActionParsnip: Thank you so much, have been trying to fix that for ages! | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip | np | 12:23 |
ActionParsnip | ash_: i'd reboot just to make sure its ok | 12:23 |
ash_ | ActionParsnip: will do thank you :D | 12:24 |
Spykemcc | show me the best tutorials for ubuntu please !!! | 12:25 |
crand | Ok, looks like I'm installed. Slight problem. The computer I'm installing Ubuntu on, via the LiveCD, froze. So I can see in the taskbar at the bottom that "Installation complete" but I can't change window away from my irc window on this channel. I can move the mouse, but nothing responds. | 12:25 |
indus | !documentation | 12:25 |
ubottu | documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com | 12:25 |
koltroll | Guys. What (ubuntu based) distro should I choose for me eeepc 1000he to get everything working as smooth and quick and possible. With the offical ubuntu NBR MOST things work. Had to change drivers for the wlan to get WPA2 support and also I haven't managed to get suspend-mode to work, everything just freezes. | 12:25 |
shay26 | Hello does someone know what is the best open source software/system to save versions of scripts etc.. (team work ) something like cvs ? that also support windows & linux ? | 12:25 |
crand | And I can't actually even type in here. I'm on another computer now. | 12:25 |
xtempor | tutorials for ? | 12:26 |
indus | !community docs > indus | 12:26 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about community docs | 12:26 |
koltroll | I'm simply a guy that "just want things to work" | 12:26 |
Spykemcc | any tutorial that seem a must-know for ubuntu ... | 12:26 |
Dr_Willis | !training | Spykemcc | 12:27 |
ubottu | Spykemcc: documentation is to be found at http://help.ubuntu.com and http://wiki.ubuntu.com - General linux documentation: http://www.tldp.org - http://rute.2038bug.com | 12:27 |
papapep | koltroll: Ubuntu Netbook Remix | 12:27 |
Spykemcc | ubuntu documentation is old and bloated ... | 12:27 |
indus | Spykemcc: https://help.ubuntu.com/community | 12:27 |
Dr_Willis | Spykemcc: Hit the wiki pages then. and start making it better? | 12:28 |
indus | Spykemcc: its very good | 12:28 |
koltroll | papapep, yea that's what I'm using atm. And as I wrote there's problems with the wlan for wpa support and also some problems with suspend mode | 12:28 |
indus | Spykemcc: yeah you can also edit the pages | 12:28 |
xtempor | spykemcc: http://www.vtc.com/products/Ubuntu-Linux-tutorials.htm | 12:28 |
indus | add your own experience | 12:28 |
Dr_Willis | Spykemcc: you may want to clarify the question a bit also. | 12:28 |
ActionParsnip | Spykemcc: if you update them they will improve, moaning does nothing | 12:28 |
indus | You probably wont find as much variety in documentation anywhere else | 12:29 |
crand | Should I just reboot wtih the reset button on the case? | 12:29 |
Spykemcc | I will begin by making tutorials as I'm not a programmer so html codes aren't for me, but I will accept if it's included for me in the doc ... | 12:29 |
Dr_Willis | 'ubuntu specific' is not really a imporntant part of learning the core of linux. | 12:29 |
indus | community docs is best, i remember one user adding how he got his cannon printer working there | 12:29 |
papapep | koltroll: don't think any other ubuntu flavor is better adapted to that kind of devices | 12:30 |
bazhang | http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/ Spykemcc enjoy | 12:30 |
Leoneof | is there are PPPOE GUI for wireless ? :-$ | 12:30 |
Spykemcc | bazhang more for advanced users and professionnals ... | 12:30 |
koltroll | papapep, allrighty :/ I was considering eeebuntu. But then again there's so many ubuntu flavors out there, so knowing which one's "gonna work best" feels almost impossible | 12:30 |
pdelgallego_ | hello Im try to fix the grub file after installing a XP. But when Im trying to find /boot/grub/stage 1 he could find it. this is my fdisk list http://pastie.org/560113 | 12:30 |
bazhang | Spykemcc, then check help.ubuntu.com and wiki as well | 12:30 |
ActionParsnip | !ppoe | 12:31 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about ppoe | 12:31 |
ActionParsnip | !pppoe | 12:31 |
ubottu | Setting up an ADSL/PPPoE connection? Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ADSLPPPoE | 12:31 |
Dr_Willis | Spykemcc: if you want more 'advanced' docs - you need to look for docs specific to the advanced topic you are intereested.. apt, apache, bash, and so on. | 12:31 |
papapep | koltroll: I understand. UNR is improving rapidly, so I guess it's just a matter of time it works better in your pc | 12:31 |
indus | Spykemcc: how about man pages | 12:31 |
crand | I'll try the reisub thing. | 12:31 |
koltroll | papapep, yea I guess you're right about that | 12:31 |
indus | Spykemcc: and corresponding website | 12:31 |
neo8848 | @ubottu: where can i find !root and !wfm? ( the google results are not promising... ) | 12:31 |
Dr_Willis | neo8848: ! stuff are bot commands. | 12:31 |
Dr_Willis | !root | neo8848 | 12:32 |
ubottu | neo8848: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo | 12:32 |
Leoneof | thanks ActionParsnip, but i need GUI , not to used 'sudo pppoeconf' | 12:32 |
Spykemcc | more like good blogs tutorials and so on ... | 12:32 |
tr4sh | ow ubuntu spanish?? | 12:32 |
jacosis | Hello everyone. | 12:32 |
Dr_Willis | neo8848: and ubottu is a bot. :) | 12:32 |
papapep | koltroll: keep in mind that suspend and all the power saving issues is not only a problem in the netbooks area, it's widely spread in all laptops... | 12:32 |
tr4sh | channel spanish?? | 12:32 |
Myrtti | !es | tr4sh | 12:32 |
ubottu | tr4sh: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 12:32 |
ActionParsnip | Leoneof: sometimes the terminal is a good choice | 12:32 |
papapep | tr4sh: ubuntu-es? | 12:32 |
bazhang | tr4sh, /join #ubuntu-es | 12:32 |
tr4sh | thank you | 12:32 |
Cammy | I think I need to set permissions for the DVD burner before I can burn a disc, does anyone know where I can do this? | 12:33 |
Leoneof | ACtionParsnip: i just want to use double click on icon to run PPPOE , like in windows, i got tired with Terminal | 12:33 |
Leoneof | ActionParsnip* | 12:33 |
Dr_Willis | pdelgallego_: /dev/sda5 seems to be where you installed ubuntu to, so that is hd0,4 in grub naming scheme | 12:33 |
papapep | Cammy: it shouldn't be necessary to do that, in a "normal" installation | 12:33 |
indus | ActionParsnip: isnt nm-applet a gui for configuring pppoe also? since 9.04 | 12:34 |
jacosis | Can anybody tell me what does this mean: Received CTCP 'VERSION' (to jacosis) from freenode-connect.:) | 12:34 |
Dr_Willis | jacosis: the irc server just versioned you... not a big deal. | 12:34 |
ActionParsnip | indus: i dont use pppoe, i just know of pppoeconf | 12:34 |
Spykemcc | http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org//jeu?redirect=1#encore_plus_de_jeux|http://free.korben.info/index.php/Accueil|http://www.vivezvege.blogspot.com/|http://tuxtraining.com/2008/09/28/how-to-make-ubuntu-extremely-fast/|http://www.techradar.com/news/software/operating-systems/50-amazing-ubuntu-time-saving-tips-482714|http://lunduke.com/?p=616|http://doc.ubuntu-fr.org/installation_minimale|http://www.ubuntu-fr.org/|http://www.ubuntumini.com/|http://www.ubuntu1501.co | 12:34 |
Spykemcc | m/|http://www.ubuntugeek.com/|http://www.howtoforge.com/howtos/linux/ubuntu|http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Hardy|https://help.ubuntu.com/|https://wiki.ubuntu.com/|http://www.tldp.org/|http://rute.2038bug.com/index.html.gz|https://help.ubuntu.com/community|http://www.vtc.com/products/Ubuntu-Linux-tutorials.htm | 12:34 |
FloodBot2 | Spykemcc: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 12:35 |
bazhang | Spykemcc, dont paste that here | 12:35 |
Spykemcc | that's for helping others if they need | 12:35 |
Dr_Willis | I got tons of ubuntu related and linux related docs at my delicious web siet. :) | 12:35 |
Dr_Willis | Spykemcc: that was a rather ugly paste. :) | 12:36 |
bazhang | Spykemcc, the ubuntu help docs are fine | 12:36 |
scribus-dev_ | Hi all | 12:36 |
kurdology | hi | 12:36 |
tr4sh | quisiera saber si me podeis ayudar a levantar un servidor irc para algunos trabajores de mi empresa. | 12:36 |
bernardlychan | anyone have a jdownloader alternative? | 12:36 |
papapep | Spykemcc: just imagine everybody begins to "help" that way in the channel... | 12:36 |
tr4sh | I wondered if I can help lift a worker for some irc server for my business. | 12:36 |
scribus-dev_ | i m using ubuntu 9.04 | 12:36 |
bazhang | tr4sh, English here | 12:36 |
pdelgallego_ | Dr_Willis: so the line in grub to do ubuntu the default option should be something like install (hd0,4)/boot/grub/stage1 (hd0) | 12:36 |
scribus-dev_ | i installed qt 4.5 manually | 12:36 |
scribus-dev_ | but i cant find qmake | 12:37 |
kurdology | i've question if some one can answer me | 12:37 |
ActionParsnip | !ask | kurdology | 12:37 |
ubottu | kurdology: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 12:37 |
Dr_Willis | pdelgallego_: I forget. i rarely have to mess with grub. i would suggest rereading the 'restoring grub after you install windows' docs closely. most lilkely you can boot the live cd and chroot over (or somthing) and do a 'grub-install hd0' | 12:37 |
kurdology | ok | 12:38 |
Dr_Willis | pdelgallego_: or 'install (hd0) from the grub 'command line' ' perhaps | 12:38 |
indus | pdelgallego_: what is the problem.You trying to restore grub? | 12:38 |
pdelgallego_ | indus: Yes I install XP and it destroy the grub | 12:39 |
kurdology | the new version of ubunto when relased iv'e ubuntu 9.4 but i need to know when the lastest version has been relased | 12:39 |
jacosis | Dr Willis: Thank you. | 12:39 |
indus | Dr_Willis: mind if i help pdelgallego? | 12:39 |
bondarev | hi everybody | 12:39 |
bazhang | kurdology, 9.04 is the latest release | 12:39 |
indus | pdelgallego_: you have a live cd with you? | 12:39 |
Dr_Willis | indus: go for it. Im about ready for bed. :) i just answered a specific question he asked. :) /dev/sda5 = hd0,4 | 12:39 |
pdelgallego_ | indus: yes I booted using the live cd | 12:40 |
indus | pdelgallego_:how many hard disks you have? and on which one is windows | 12:40 |
bazhang | kurdology, lets keep questions in channel | 12:40 |
kurdology | sorry | 12:40 |
indus | pdelgallego_: paste output of sudo fdisk -l | 12:40 |
indus | Dr_Willis: good night then :) | 12:41 |
pdelgallego_ | indus: Only one. This is my fdisk -l http://pastie.org/560113 | 12:41 |
kurdology | i mean the new version of ubuntu when relase | 12:41 |
indus | pdelgallego_: in terminal type sudo grub | 12:42 |
bazhang | kurdology, the next release? in October 2009 discussion in #ubuntu+1 | 12:42 |
indus | pdelgallego_: then type find /boot/grub/stage1 | 12:42 |
pdelgallego_ | indus: ok | 12:42 |
MaNU_ | i manually installed qt 4.5 from http://www.qtsoftware.com/downloads | 12:42 |
pdelgallego_ | indus: (hd0,4) | 12:42 |
indus | pdelgallego_: root (hd0,4) | 12:42 |
MaNU_ | but terminal say no qmake command found | 12:43 |
MaNU_ | what should i do? | 12:43 |
indus | pdelgallego_: finally setup (hd0) | 12:43 |
indus | pdelgallego_: done :) restart | 12:43 |
Dr_Willis | !find qmake | 12:43 |
ubottu | Found: qt4-qmake | 12:43 |
pdelgallego_ | indus: Ok Im going to restart. thank you | 12:43 |
MaNU_ | ok | 12:43 |
Dr_Willis | MaNU_: may be a good idea to stick with the repos to install things.. | 12:44 |
bondarev | could anyone help me with any of a few system setup issues please? (1: nautilus won't automount usb drives, can mount manually but no automount) (2: area of desktop is larger than physical screen after removing second monitor) (3: pci wifi card sees networks but can't connect to them) | 12:44 |
blind|melon|chit | Dr_Willis: Yeah, then you could just update-alternatives --config qmake and switch it to 4.5 version | 12:44 |
MaNU_ | but i needed latest version of qt | 12:44 |
SURFkees | is there a way to make dpkg ignore errors in the postrm script? | 12:44 |
MaNU_ | now its in /usr/share | 12:44 |
MaNU_ | i installed it in there | 12:45 |
blind|melon|chit | MaNU_: The repo version is 4.5? | 12:45 |
MaNU_ | yes | 12:45 |
=== cWex_iMutZz is now known as ce_pinter | ||
il_conte | hello everybody | 12:46 |
bondarev | heya | 12:46 |
ActionParsnip | bondarev: choose one issue and get that nailed | 12:46 |
ce_pinter | hi | 12:46 |
il_conte | i'm looking for some help with ubuntu... is there someone i could ask to? | 12:47 |
ActionParsnip | bondarev: i suggest you run: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg then restart x, you can then reconfigure video settings witha fresh config file | 12:47 |
MaNU_ | what should i do to get qmake work in terminal? | 12:47 |
ActionParsnip | !ask | il_conte | 12:47 |
ubottu | il_conte: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 12:47 |
MaNU_ | i have manually installed qt 4.5 in /usr/share/ | 12:48 |
il_conte | ok ubottu. thankyou. i am looking for a way to install ubuntu on a usb drive. i'd like to have a command line only install... a minimal one. is there a way to achieve it? | 12:48 |
MaNU_ | typing qmake in terminal says not found? | 12:48 |
=== surfbum is now known as tc1 | ||
Dr_Willis | MaNU_: type the full path to the command? | 12:48 |
MaNU_ | PATH=/usr/share/qtsdk-2009.03/qt/bin:$PATH | 12:49 |
MaNU_ | like this? | 12:49 |
MaNU_ | its workin nw | 12:49 |
aviator | #ubuntu-fr | 12:49 |
MaNU_ | but when i close the terminal its gone?? | 12:49 |
bondarev | ActionParsnip: I'll try that, but before I do, how do I save my existing settings in case I need to restore them?...also, help with any of the 3 is appreciated, I just listed all of them since I don't know which is easiest to address for those watching | 12:50 |
Dr_Willis | il_conte: ubottu is a bot. :) you can use various tools to do a 'live cd' install to a flash drive.. if you wanted.. andyou can install to a external usb hard drivealso. but you may need to change the grub settings because the installer can get confused. | 12:50 |
ActionParsnip | bondarev: sudo cp /etc/X11/xorg.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf_27thJun09 will do it | 12:50 |
peterva | ActionParsnip: I got it working through mdadm in the installer :) | 12:50 |
MaNU_ | Dr_Willis:,PATH=/usr/share/qtsdk-2009.03/qt/bin:$PATH | 12:50 |
MaNU_ | doing this gives | 12:51 |
bondarev | thanks, I'll see if that works | 12:51 |
candrodor | Is this still a valid way of fixing grub (only, it seems like it's basically just reinstalling ubuntu but pretending not to be) for Hardy? http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-24113.html | 12:51 |
Dr_Willis | MaNU_: that would do it for one shell.. you need to export the path from a .bashrc or similer config file to make it perlenet | 12:51 |
ActionParsnip | peterva: wtg :D | 12:51 |
bernardlychan | sites which have multiple dl links for downloading 1 file jdownloader can do all of them at once but does anyone have an alternelative that can do the same? the scheduler doesnt work in jdownloader | 12:51 |
MaNU_ | hw can i do that | 12:51 |
ce_metal_cord | hai | 12:51 |
ActionParsnip | peterva: in my fileserver the installers only sees one drive despite their being 4 disks | 12:51 |
Dr_Willis | MaNU_: edit the .bashrc or whatever file that has the path set in it. | 12:51 |
ActionParsnip | peterva: works immediately :D | 12:52 |
pkkm | how to search for files with .od? extension (.od and any character)? | 12:52 |
Dr_Willis | MaNU_: you may want to read up on bash basics befor going hard core into qt development. :) | 12:52 |
MaNU_ | <Dr_Willis>where can i find .bashrc | 12:52 |
MaNU_ | kk | 12:52 |
peterva | yeah, that's hardware-raid, but we didn't want that, since it's harder to monitor when a disk fails :) | 12:52 |
Dr_Willis | MaNU_: its in the users home directory like all other user config files. | 12:52 |
ActionParsnip | pkkm: sudo find / -name "*.od" | 12:52 |
il_conte | Dr_Willis :) thanks... i just want to have a persistent install, and i don't know how.... and, i want a cli only... i didn't found what you said... so i am asking | 12:53 |
ActionParsnip | pkkm: not sure about the 3rd any character thoug | 12:53 |
Dr_Willis | MaNU_: ahh. its set in .profile now on ubuntu it seems | 12:53 |
bazhang | !usb | il_conte | 12:53 |
ubottu | il_conte: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 12:53 |
ActionParsnip | pkkm: try "*.od*" maybe | 12:53 |
il_conte | thank you so much bazhang :) | 12:53 |
Dr_Willis | il_conte: there are ways to have a persistant save 'settings' with a live cd type install to a flash drive. best of both worlds if you move the drive from pc to pc. the pendrivelinux web site has tutorials on doing that. | 12:54 |
bonsai_ | can someone help me please | 12:54 |
Dr_Willis | il_conte: do a persistant live cd type install using the alternative installer cd perhaps. or use the desktop cd and disable the gdm service. is one way | 12:54 |
bonsai_ | i need to configure the pearpc | 12:55 |
Dr_Willis | pearpc? | 12:55 |
bonsai_ | yes | 12:55 |
Pici | bonsai_: What does that have to do with Ubuntu? | 12:55 |
bonsai_ | i installed the pearpc on ubuntu | 12:55 |
bonsai_ | to install mac osx tiger on ubuntu | 12:55 |
Pici | bonsai_: Is that a package in our repositories? | 12:55 |
MaNU_ | <Dr_Willis>should i edit the previous path | 12:55 |
bonsai_ | yes | 12:56 |
bonsai_ | i installed from synaptic | 12:56 |
MaNU_ | ar just add new path for qmake | 12:56 |
pkkm | ActionParsnip: I'll use *.od?, thank you very much | 12:56 |
Cube | whats the best screen recorder? | 12:56 |
il_conte | Dr_Willis: ok thank you for the info... i will look on the pendrivelinux website :) | 12:56 |
bazhang | !info pearpc | 12:56 |
ubottu | pearpc (source: pearpc): PowerPC architecture emulator. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4.0-3.1 (jaunty), package size 357 kB, installed size 960 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386) | 12:56 |
Dr_Willis | MaNU_: im not clear on what you are doing. If you want to add that directory to your path. you need to edit the proper PATH= line, and add it to the path. | 12:56 |
bonsai_ | witch path i need to edit | 12:56 |
bonsai_ | ? | 12:56 |
MaNU_ | but will it cause any problems for other tools | 12:57 |
MaNU_ | ?? | 12:57 |
Dr_Willis | MaNU_: No idea on what other tools you mean. | 12:57 |
Dr_Willis | MaNU_: You can set the path for a single shell if you wanted to. | 12:57 |
bonsai_ | ok | 12:57 |
ActionParsnip | pkkm: np, if thats what works, use it | 12:57 |
MaNU_ | <Dr_Willis>i have bever edited bash before | 12:57 |
Dr_Willis | export PATH=NEW/Place/TO/Add:$PATH | 12:57 |
ActionParsnip | !dontzap > bondarev | 12:58 |
ubottu | bondarev, please see my private message | 12:58 |
MaNU_ | i should type this in terminal | 12:58 |
Dr_Willis | MaNU_: you may want to invest the time in reading up on bash basics befor getting into QT development then. | 12:58 |
MaNU_ | kk | 12:58 |
Pici | bonsai_: It would probably be best to ask in #pearpc and look at the documentation at | 12:58 |
Dr_Willis | setting the PATH is a rather fundamental thing you should learn about. | 12:58 |
Pici | bonsai_: http://pearpc.sourceforge.net/doc.html | 12:58 |
=== kaytherion is now known as azarion | ||
dpreacher | I've got an apt-get query. Regardless of what frontend one uses to apt-get is there a way to keep a log of what packages I installed in the last login session or say last 12 hrs. I connect my machine to the net sometimes to get new package list and browse through them and choose a few to check out. Now y'all know how enormous the total number of packages are, even selecting a few from those would still mean I | 12:58 |
dpreacher | got quite a few that I won't remember. I select the ones I need installed and then keep apt-get to download overnight, but next morning without a log, its hard to remember all the apps I installed coz some are totally new for me and I only realise those packages as installed as the ones which come in the GUI menu, but not all packages have GUI or are menu-aware | 12:58 |
Pici | dpreacher: /var/log/dpkg.log | 12:59 |
dpreacher | thanks Pici | 12:59 |
ActionParsnip | Pici: nice, all that text, then a simple file ref ;) | 12:59 |
mazda01_ | hello? | 13:00 |
dpreacher | ActionParsnip :) well sometimes it takes hours to complete my selections n next morning i've no clue what to look...its actually quite funny | 13:00 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: thats one reason i do a 'clean reinstall' every 6 months. :) | 13:00 |
=== nicolas_ is now known as Guest28565 | ||
dpreacher | why'd you do that Dr_Willis? | 13:00 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_Willis: i do it every new release | 13:01 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: i keep a list of stuff i want,, and every 6 mo . when a new relese comes out.. i do a reinstall, cleaning out the cruft i 'looked at' and just reinstall what i got in my 'must have list' | 13:01 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: with home on its own partition. its rather trivial to do. :) | 13:01 |
mazda01_ | Dr_Willis: how do you successfully save all your settings for all your programs and still do a clean install every 6 months? | 13:01 |
ActionParsnip | dpreacher: gets rid of old bits and bats, makes the system fresh. not necessary but nice imho | 13:02 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_Willis: script the removal and addition of stuff once you get to the other side too ;) | 13:02 |
Dr_Willis | mazda01_: all the user settings are in their home directory. Other then a few other files in /etc/ i dont have a lot of 'settings' for all my programs. to backup. | 13:02 |
mazda01_ | what about all the config files stored in /etc/? | 13:02 |
Dr_Willis | mazda01_: i save the samba config.. and thats about it... what else do ya keep? | 13:02 |
dpreacher | I've been doing clean installs, but then both cruft and must-have goes away, so I'd need to reinstall them. I was thinking of trying a upgrade through a ubuntu-alternate cd. Dr_Willis | 13:02 |
dpreacher | Which is better debfoster or deborphan? | 13:03 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: ive heard either can be dangerous if not used with care. :) | 13:03 |
ActionParsnip | dpreacher: there is no better, they are both different apps | 13:03 |
dpreacher | but i confused them to be the same... | 13:03 |
ActionParsnip | dpreacher: i use deborphan quite a bit | 13:03 |
dpreacher | but i remember havin used one | 13:04 |
dpreacher | long back | 13:04 |
mazda01_ | Dr_Willis: sbackup.conf, updatedb.conf, and many others but I don't do a clean install every 6 months though so I can't remember what I all backup. I just backup everything with sbackup besides /proc/ and like 5 other directories. | 13:04 |
ActionParsnip | dpreacher: read their man pages online and evaluate | 13:04 |
dpreacher | I do have a separate /home partition Dr_Willis, I can't risk losing that. | 13:04 |
Dr_Willis | mazda01_: i dont recall ever altering much in /etc/ other then the samba config. | 13:04 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: back it up.. :) | 13:05 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: back it up.. regullary... | 13:05 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_Willis: sshd.conf? | 13:05 |
mazda01_ | ActionParsnip: yeap | 13:05 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_Willis: hosts | 13:05 |
Dr_Willis | ActionParsnip: i rarely customize that either. | 13:05 |
mazda01_ | ActionParsnip: yeap | 13:05 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_Willis: resolv.conf | 13:05 |
dpreacher | ActionParsnip so far I've been doing clean reinstall, except I don't alter the preferences that apps store in my home dir | 13:05 |
mazda01_ | ActionParsnip: you're hitting em all on the head | 13:05 |
Dr_Willis | ActionParsnip: i can make a new one of hosts easially enough. mnever edited resolv.conf either that i recall. | 13:05 |
* Dr_Willis wonders why these people need to edit all these files.. | 13:05 | |
Dr_Willis | :) | 13:05 |
ActionParsnip | Dr_Willis: i'm lazy and use dnsmasq and cant be bothered to reconfigure resolv.conf or dnsmasq.conf ;) | 13:06 |
=== Caplain_ is now known as Caplain | ||
dpreacher | Dr_Willis, yeah...so far I've still risked it without a separate backup drive. You think FreeAgent drives are good? anyone else, any other opinion? | 13:06 |
Kacunica | BLEHHH 2 all u lzrs of the world | 13:06 |
Kacunica | xD | 13:06 |
Kacunica | LoL | 13:06 |
mazda01_ | Dr_Willis: I use opendns, because my router doesn't properly forward dns requests | 13:06 |
Kacunica | i know, im so funny | 13:06 |
ikonia | Kacunica: what are you talking about ? | 13:06 |
Kacunica | BYE | 13:07 |
mazda01_ | dpreacher: anything seagate with a 5 year warrenty is good for me. i have much success with seagate. | 13:07 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: i stick with Segate Exteranal usb hard drives.. their warrenty plan gave me a new 500gb hd last month. :) | 13:07 |
dpreacher | thanks mazda01_ | 13:07 |
TacticSiege | so I just upgraded my virtual machine (using Virtual Box) to 9.04, and after rebooting I boot into "Failed to start the X server". looking further, it instructs me to restart GDM when it is configured correctly. I can at least access terminal, where do I configure GDM? | 13:07 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: and it auto-powers off when the pc turns off. :) some externas dont do that. | 13:07 |
dpreacher | wow Dr_Willis | 13:07 |
ikonia | TacticSiege: it will be your xorg virtual video card configuration | 13:08 |
ActionParsnip | mazda01_: i have a script to use or copy tonnes of guff off my fileserver to configure it, it also guts a large portion of the OS out and installs updates + apps I actually use | 13:08 |
Dr_Willis | TacticSiege: did you have the vmware- guest addatiomns installed? You may need to reinstall them | 13:08 |
pete_ | yea | 13:08 |
dpreacher | Dr_Willis but u lost data on the old drive | 13:08 |
pete_ | tactic i had the same problem | 13:08 |
pete_ | with a fresh install | 13:09 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: thats why one has backups..... | 13:09 |
=== charlie__ is now known as Chaz_ | ||
TacticSiege | ok great, thank you all | 13:09 |
dpreacher | so you had backups of backups Dr_Willis | 13:09 |
pete_ | had to install the guest addons from the 9.04 repos | 13:09 |
pete_ | then it worked | 13:09 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: yes I do. | 13:09 |
dpreacher | I'm just a home user...single machine backup...how many drives will I keep adding | 13:09 |
dpreacher | :( | 13:09 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: on a shelf above me.. i have a 1tb and a 1.5tb external usb drives. :) | 13:09 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: and i am a home user. :) | 13:10 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: then i got a 2 500gb's in the case. | 13:10 |
Ecto | does anyone know if there is a special #room for ubuntu netbook remix ? | 13:10 |
dpreacher | so seagate external drives are AC powered.. I was thinking USB was for drawing power as well | 13:10 |
dpreacher | Dr_Willis | 13:10 |
il_conte | well, thank you all very much for the info... i'll go trying now :) | 13:10 |
il_conte | see you soon! | 13:10 |
pete_ | no matter how big the HDDs, they just fill up | 13:10 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: drives powered JUST by the usb port will be the more expensive laptop-sized hard drives and slower... | 13:10 |
pete_ | it's in their nature ;) | 13:10 |
dpreacher | I'm a home user and a student, just started working in a small firm, I'll need time to reach your level Dr_Willis | 13:11 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: like 2x the cost per gb. | 13:11 |
dpreacher | ohh | 13:11 |
ActionParsnip | pete_: not here, i keep my fluff to a minimum | 13:11 |
sleepy_cat | hi i went into the synaptic and installed the usb image writer but i cant find it anywhere in application places nor system is there a shortcut anywhere.. can someone guide me | 13:11 |
pete_ | heh, ok | 13:11 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: i have several external usb portable hard drives also. :) | 13:11 |
dpreacher | all are seagate? Dr_Willis | 13:11 |
ActionParsnip | sleepy_cat: try typing sudo usb then press tab a few times | 13:12 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: nope.. but the one i had die.. was. :) and its now been replaced for free. | 13:12 |
pete_ | but I wouldn't call my 2x20GB virtual xp and virtual ubuntu fluff ;) - they might get pissed | 13:12 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: in the future i will be using seagate mor. | 13:12 |
pete_ | and you don't want a pissed off OS, not even a virtual one.. | 13:12 |
dpreacher | ok so what do u backup seagate drives to and wait for new free drives Dr_Willis | 13:12 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: its amazing when you can replace 4 drives with ONE.. :) for under $100 | 13:12 |
dpreacher | 4 drives with one...how? | 13:13 |
ActionParsnip | pete_: ive never seen an annoyed OS | 13:13 |
sleepy_cat | ActionParsnip: there is no shortcut on the panel | 13:13 |
dpreacher | Dr_Willis | 13:13 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: I had 4 smaller drives.. 250gb's replaced them with one 1TB drive. | 13:13 |
mazda01_ | yeah, when I was buying hard drives 5 years ago, they were 200 for 500gb, now you can get 1.5 TB for what, 150? | 13:13 |
Dr_Willis | dpreacher: 2TB drives are getting cheaper also. | 13:13 |
ActionParsnip | sleepy_cat: You said, I know, thats why i'm getting you to look in the terminal | 13:13 |
Dr_Willis | mazda01_: i found a 1.5tb on sale for $110 | 13:13 |
sleepy_cat | yes i found it in the terminal | 13:14 |
mazda01_ | i thought the only maker of 2TB was western digital? i wouldn't by them. myself as well as my dad has lost data with western digital | 13:14 |
blind|melon|chit | Hmm, I think I either need a faster processor or more RAM :> XP runs smoothly in VirtualBox 3.0.2, even Direct3d, but it's intermittently smooth...there's a whole lot of "stutters" where everything seems to be going slowly for a few seconds, then it's fine again | 13:14 |
ActionParsnip | sleepy_cat: then run it from there, its the same thing | 13:14 |
mazda01_ | Dr_Willis: where at? | 13:14 |
dpreacher | In my currency, 500gb drives cost around 4000 bucks or so...I think as someone starting to earn, Its better I give that a try. | 13:14 |
pete_ | action, you're a lucky man then | 13:14 |
sleepy_cat | hmm ok | 13:14 |
Dr_Willis | mazda01_: frys, on a holiday special | 13:14 |
pete_ | OS's are sensitive creatures | 13:14 |
mazda01_ | Dr_Willis: NICE DEAL. | 13:14 |
sleepy_cat | thanks.. can i use the iso-editor in the synaptic to make an iso image file of the Ubuntu 9.04 CD | 13:14 |
ActionParsnip | pete_: not if you dont start playinig with their innards too much | 13:14 |
dpreacher | thanks Dr_Willis mazda01_ and ActionParsnip :) | 13:14 |
Dr_Willis | Thers that UbuntuOne Service thats in the works.. that gives you Online Storage also. :) | 13:15 |
mazda01_ | dpreacher: what am I being thanked for? | 13:15 |
dpreacher | mazda01_ dont feel like scrolling up... | 13:15 |
dpreacher | :P | 13:15 |
dpreacher | seeya later | 13:15 |
pete_ | yea.. but some of them are asking for it: "Come on my big bad user.. You don't want to see what's inside me?" How can you resist? | 13:15 |
mazda01_ | Dr_Willis: ubuntuone service, online storage? cool. they want to be like apple with their mobleme | 13:16 |
sipior | pete_: uh...is this going anywhere? | 13:16 |
ActionParsnip | pete_: you can see all you like, its when new users start messing with very sensitive system files then wonder why their OS won't boot that you have to worry about | 13:16 |
Dr_Willis | mazda01_: saw it mentioned in the release notes for the next release. :) apple has sort of downplated that feature also it seems... | 13:16 |
Dr_Willis | mazda01_: its a neat idea.. and handy.. just need to get more standardized. and cheaper! | 13:17 |
pete_ | well, that's just all part of the learning process | 13:17 |
pete_ | you get a bruise and learn from it | 13:17 |
Dr_Willis | mazda01_: ive seen some live cd that have a 'persistant save' over the network feature also. (in testing) | 13:17 |
mazda01_ | Dr_Willis: agreed. I do use mobileme because I have an iphone, so I want to make sure my 1500 contacts, memos, calander are backed up besides on my computer. it does it all via push, very nice feature. I paid $99 (us) for the year for that feature though | 13:18 |
Dr_Willis | all my contacts.. fit on a 3x5 card.. with room to spare. | 13:18 |
mazda01_ | Dr_Willis: i never had much luck with livecd's. how much ram do you need for the livecd's to be not noticable speed slowness. bad wording i know | 13:18 |
mazda01_ | Dr_Willis: ha. ha ha ha | 13:18 |
Dr_Willis | mazda01_: depends on the live cd.. 512mb min i would suggest. i always make a swap partition on every hd on eveyr system.. just incase I use a live cd on them | 13:19 |
ActionParsnip | mazda01_: if you get about 3Gb ram you can use your OS in ram and use the drive partitions as pure storage (provided you never reboot) ;) | 13:20 |
mazda01_ | Dr_Willis: WOW, no way. I have used a live cd on my mahcine with 1.5gb of ram and it was noticably slow. how can you make a livecd use a swap partition? I'll have to look that up sometime. i thought the whole thing with a livecd was so that you didn't haev to modify the machine at all. | 13:20 |
myself | does anyone know how to get the rhythmbox music player in ubuntu to not search for PLUGINS ITS NEVER GOING TO FIND EVERY TIME IT FREAKING STARTS UP | 13:20 |
Dr_Willis | mazda01_: most live cds see/use a swap partition if one exists. | 13:20 |
bazhang | myself, no caps | 13:21 |
mazda01_ | Dr_Willis: oh, ok. | 13:21 |
myself | !caps | 13:21 |
ubottu | PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 13:21 |
Dr_Willis | mazda01_: with 1.5gb of ram.. many live cd's have a 'toram' option where they run totally from ram. | 13:21 |
myself | !caps myself | 13:21 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about caps myself | 13:21 |
gsr | Hi everyone. I remember coming across a library for linux which tracks specific points on a video as they move. Basically, it finds dots or specific points on a webcam feed, and can relay their x,y coordinates. Does anyone know the name of this library? I know I also saw it in the ubuntu apt-get repository, somewhere. | 13:21 |
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mazda01_ | ActionParsnip: got it, I saw the other day some new motherboards at tigerdirect.com and they could accept like 24gb of ram. and then new Intel Core i7 Quad core | 13:22 |
ActionParsnip | mazda01_: buy what suits your needs | 13:23 |
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Dr_Willis | Buy what fits your budget. :) | 13:23 |
bazhang | myself, check plugins and disable the ones you dont want | 13:24 |
mazda01_ | ActionParsnip: yeah I know, it's just amazing how much computers are coming along. My dad has an old Macintosh Plus with it's 512mb hard drive and I don't even know how much ram | 13:24 |
ActionParsnip | mazda01_: gonna get me an aspire revo. looks sweeet | 13:24 |
bazhang | edit --> plugins myself | 13:24 |
pete_ | 640KB should be enough for everyone ;) | 13:25 |
myself | bazhang what plugns | 13:25 |
radmila | hey, how do i mount a floppy -> i inserted a drive but i can't see anything in /dev/fd? | 13:25 |
myself | bazhang it searches for plugins that don't exist, every time i start it up | 13:25 |
myself | bazhang what plugin do i disable for it to stop doing that | 13:26 |
indus | radmila: do a mount -a | 13:26 |
ActionParsnip | radmila: sudo modprobe floppy | 13:26 |
indus | or that | 13:26 |
bazhang | myself, uncheck the ones in edit--> plugins | 13:26 |
ActionParsnip | radmila: then run: sudo /etc/init.d/hal restart | 13:26 |
mazda01_ | ActionParsnip: yeah, I have a Powerbook G4 and want to install Ubuntu on it but it's a PPC chip and I have read not such good things about ubuntu on PPC. I have to first figure out how to shrink the HFS+ drive to make room for ubuntu and I read I have to use a certain distro livecd because gparted livecd doesn't have something compiled into it. then I'd have to turn off journaling on my mac so on and so on, it seems not worth it. I just | 13:26 |
nutzer_ | all okay | 13:27 |
zim | hi all. Is there a way I can get ssh to tunnel in the opposite direction ie. to allow an inward connection? | 13:27 |
ActionParsnip | mazda01_: it runs great, just that theres no adobe flash for it | 13:27 |
ActionParsnip | mazda01_: ive not used hfs so couldnt comment on the resize | 13:28 |
mazda01_ | ActionParsnip: no adobe flash for what? | 13:28 |
ActionParsnip | mazda01_: ppc | 13:28 |
mazda01_ | ActionParsnip: oh | 13:28 |
ActionParsnip | mazda01_: gotta use gnash of swfplayer | 13:28 |
sipior | zim: have a look at the "-R" switch for ssh | 13:28 |
mazda01_ | ActionParsnip: i wasnt' aware of that. does gnash work on ppc? | 13:28 |
myself | bazhang i unchecked all the plugins except last.fm and it still does that | 13:28 |
zim | sipior: ty will do | 13:28 |
mazda01_ | ActionParsnip: I couldn't be without youtube and facebook farm town. | 13:29 |
bazhang | myself, resize to tray or quit completely and restart; what plugins is it searching for | 13:29 |
mazda01_ | ActionParsnip: oh, you already responded. thanks | 13:29 |
libertad0 | Hi peoples | 13:29 |
mazda01_ | hi libertad0 | 13:29 |
libertad0 | How I could to install ubuntu from windows?. I have the image ISO, but I don't have cd for burn | 13:29 |
ActionParsnip | mazda01_: yes gnash works on ppc | 13:29 |
libertad0 | I want to boot that image salved in my dd | 13:30 |
myself | bazhang it searches for x-mswinurl decoder | 13:30 |
libertad0 | my Hard Disk | 13:30 |
bazhang | libertad0, use a usb stick | 13:30 |
libertad0 | I dont have usb stick | 13:30 |
iceroot | libertad0: http://www.instantfundas.com/2007/08/install-any-linux-distro-directly-from.html | 13:30 |
linuxman410 | i have never been able to get gnash to work | 13:31 |
radmila | ActionParsnip, thanks, that seemed to have worked; where can i edit modprobe.conf or whatever ubuntu uses to know what it mounts, so modprobe floppy will be executed on next restart? | 13:31 |
ActionParsnip | radmila: gksudo gedit /etc/modules | 13:32 |
radmila | ActionParsnip, more like sudo vim /etc/modules, but thanks :) | 13:32 |
ActionParsnip | radmila: type floppy at the bottom and press enter on the end of it, save the new file | 13:32 |
ActionParsnip | radmila: if you prefer | 13:32 |
ActionParsnip | !irc . bondarev | 13:33 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about irc . bondarev | 13:33 |
ActionParsnip | !irc > bondarev | 13:33 |
ubottu | bondarev, please see my private message | 13:33 |
bazhang | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/rhythmbox/+bug/343707 myself seems to be this bug, check the debdiff lower down | 13:34 |
myself | yea im raeding that thread now | 13:34 |
CopyWriter | good morning all | 13:35 |
myself | where can i get the latest version of rhythmbox | 13:35 |
stardust1985 | myself: in their development branch http://projects.gnome.org/rhythmbox/development.html | 13:36 |
myself | i se | 13:36 |
mazda01_ | goodmorning CopyWriter | 13:37 |
mazda01_ | does anyone know if ubuntu is hiring for paid tech support? | 13:37 |
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mazda01_ | i am currently unemployed and would love to get paid for helping others out with ubuntu. i don't know it all but can always seem to find the answer somehow. | 13:38 |
ActionParsnip | mazda01_: you could start your own business | 13:38 |
stella | Bonjour | 13:39 |
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iceroot | mazda01_: as you see in this channel, people get nothing for doing support | 13:39 |
mazda01_ | ActionParsnip: true. i had an ad in the paper awhile ago but only got one job out of it. I setup their house with mythtv, 1 backend and 4 frontends. got paid a pretty penny too. not many people must of saw my ad or because teh economy is crap no one wants to spend money on entertainment systems | 13:40 |
mazda01_ | iceroot: i said, paid support. companies do pay for ubuntu support. | 13:40 |
ActionParsnip | mazda01_: true, well you gotta chill for a bit then | 13:40 |
strange | whats the name of 9.04 | 13:41 |
mazda01_ | strange: Juanty Jackalope | 13:41 |
mazda01_ | Jaunty | 13:41 |
mazda01_ | sorry | 13:41 |
ActionParsnip | !9.04 | 13:41 |
ubottu | Ubuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) is the current release of Ubuntu. Download: http://releases.ubuntu.com/9.04/ - Release Info: http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/releasenotes/904 - Please use !torrents | 13:41 |
strange | thx | 13:41 |
mazda01_ | ubottu: you're quick. and yes I know you're only a bot | 13:42 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 13:42 |
Sirisian|Work__ | If I have shared IP between two ubuntu servers and one of them is holding it as eth0:0 is it possible to just add an interface into /etc/network/interfaces on the other server under eth0:0 to have it take the IP? Like by adding iface eth0:0 inet static and then the address? | 13:42 |
mazda01_ | ha, i love that message | 13:42 |
iceroot | mazda01_: thats true but companies usually using other (professional) linux-versions like SLES/SLED or Red Hat and UCS | 13:42 |
ActionParsnip | Sirisian|Work__: you'd be better off forwarding ports and using a single IP | 13:42 |
{g} | Hey People! How do I edit which partition grub boots by default? | 13:43 |
fivetwentysix | Is there anyway I can make .pyc files hidden? | 13:43 |
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iceroot | fivetwentysix: start filename with "." | 13:43 |
Sirisian|Work__ | ActionParsnip, well I did have heartbeat running for failover, but I've made a new server, so I just need to temporarily switch the IP over manually. If that makes sense. | 13:43 |
mazda01_ | fivetwentysix: if it's got a . in front of it, it should already be hidden | 13:43 |
fivetwentysix | iceroot, they don't start with ., | 13:43 |
fivetwentysix | iceroot, You know what pyc files are right? | 13:44 |
ActionParsnip | fivetwentysix: doesnt matter what they are | 13:44 |
sipior | {g}: change the "default" entry in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 13:44 |
iceroot | fivetwentysix: .thisishidde.pyc thisisnothidden.pyc | 13:44 |
ActionParsnip | fivetwentysix: in unix based systems, if the file name starts with . then it is hiddent | 13:44 |
{g} | sipior: thanks! | 13:44 |
lulusux | www.e-facto.com/admin login: 'or '1'='1' or '2' = ' no password a french company spezialised in webdeveloppement secure O_o !!! | 13:44 |
fivetwentysix | ActionParsnip, I see that my tmp files ending with ~ are hidden... | 13:45 |
mazda01_ | fivetwentysix: you want them to be hidden in nautilus, bash, or both? because there may be a config file to modify in nautilus to make foo.pyc hidden | 13:45 |
bazhang | lulusux, dont advertise here | 13:45 |
sipior | lulusux: go away. | 13:45 |
ActionParsnip | fivetwentysix: try it with a test file | 13:45 |
fivetwentysix | mazda01, Well nautailus for starters | 13:45 |
bondarev1 | does anyone know how to enable mounting of usb drives through Nautilus? I can mount just fine from command line, and going to "Computer" in nautilus shows the drive, but trying to mount it there gives an error of "Unable to mount location"..."Can't mount file" | 13:45 |
nanderv | Hi all | 13:47 |
mazda01_ | fivetwentysix: here's some script that will do it with the right click menu in nautilus | 13:47 |
bondarev1 | hi nanderv | 13:47 |
mazda01_ | fivetwentysix: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=789684 | 13:47 |
nanderv | I have a question | 13:47 |
fivetwentysix | mazda01, thank you | 13:47 |
mazda01_ | bondarev1: it should just mount automagically. if it doesn't, you need to remove them from your fstab. it's an action controlled bby hal. the prefs are within nautilus prefs | 13:48 |
moncky | nanderv: just ask, someone will help if they can | 13:48 |
nanderv | Is it possible to assign a word to a key (that if you press the 'e' button for example, that it types in a word) | 13:48 |
mazda01_ | nanderv: just ask you question | 13:48 |
mazda01_ | nanderv: in bash? | 13:48 |
nanderv | Yes | 13:48 |
sfstikkun | hi, I'm not sure of the protocols here for asking questions. Do I just jump in or is there a queue? | 13:48 |
oshua86 | Hello guys i have a laptop running a ATI HD 3650 video card, I am trying to configure twinview two or 3 monitos, how can I do this ? | 13:49 |
WholeGrains | sfstikkun: jump in | 13:49 |
mazda01_ | nanderv: those are called alias's. here ya go: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=89732 | 13:50 |
mazda01_ | sfstikkun: just ask your question | 13:50 |
sfstikkun | Thanks, WholeGrains. When I down loaded the last distro 9.04, files were left on my computer that shouldn't be on it. What is the best program for cleaning out such files? | 13:50 |
mazda01_ | oshua86: don't use ATI so I can't help sorry. nvidia has nvidia-settings which makes life much easier | 13:51 |
bondarev1 | mazda: it doesn't automount, and it's not in fstab, this happens with all external drives, in fact, it only automounts drives that I manually put into fstab | 13:51 |
WholeGrains | sfstikkun: So you upgraded from an earlier version? | 13:51 |
mazda01_ | bondarev1: what verison of ubuntu? | 13:51 |
bondarev1 | 9.04 | 13:51 |
nanderv | Thanx, but this is not really what I want.. I | 13:51 |
mazda01_ | bondarev1: i'll be brb, i am goign to sit at my ubutnu comp0uter instead of this mac running os x | 13:52 |
sfstikkun | WholeGrains, yes, and my lastest distro is fully operational but I keep getting the messages about upgrading programs that can't be upgraded. It's not stopping my use of my computer but its time wasting and annoying. | 13:52 |
nanderv | am building an arcade cabinet and I want the text OK to be assigned to one button. This button is a construction over a default keyboard. If the user presses the button, the key underneath it is pressed. I don't want a normal keyboard to be the using input device. | 13:53 |
mazda01 | hello | 13:54 |
WholeGrains | sfstikkun: Maybe System>Administration>Computer Janitor....or from the command line 'sudo apt-get autoremove' | 13:54 |
outy | everytime i click system > preferenceS > appearance > and change to "extra" in the visual effects tab, it changes my minimize, mazimise, and exit buttons, the toolbar etc | 13:54 |
WholeGrains | sfstikkun: Hopefully that is what you want. | 13:54 |
bondarev1 | wb mazda | 13:54 |
outy | and it doesnt remember that "extra" is on once i reboot so i cant run docky, but the buttons are still changed | 13:54 |
sfstikkun | WholeGrains, thank you. I'll download Janitor and see if that takes care of the problem. | 13:54 |
mazda01 | bondarev1, ok, in system, prefs, removable drives and media. do you have that showing a check box for mount removable media? | 13:55 |
Vaevictus | anyone have a suggestion as to which control panel would be best for a server? | 13:55 |
behappy | is there some thing like an application or what every can help to blacklisted some specify files by name? | 13:56 |
mazda01 | Vaevictus, control panel? | 13:56 |
nanderv | Like CPanel, Direct Admin, etc? | 13:56 |
bondarev1 | there is no 'removable drives and media' under system->prefs | 13:56 |
Vaevictus | mazda01: yes. clients access a webpage to adjust their shell/webhost/etc settings | 13:56 |
sleepy_cat | I got an image file of 700 MB can i furthur compress it to make it aroung 600 MB something | 13:56 |
Vaevictus | nanderv: yes, like those | 13:56 |
mazda01 | behappy, i am only aware of the config files blacklist*. just do a find for blacklist | 13:57 |
nanderv | Do you want to pay for it? | 13:57 |
Vaevictus | nanderv: i don't have the option. :) | 13:57 |
mazda01 | bondarev1, ok, that must be left over from when I upgraded from hardy, then to intrpid, then to jaunty, did you check in nautilus, prefs, media? | 13:57 |
Vaevictus | nanderv: my boss would rather me spend a week setting up a server than pay dreamhost or anyone 6$/mo. | 13:57 |
mazda01 | Vaevictus, no idea, sorry | 13:58 |
mazda01 | bondarev1, yeah, my system, prefs, removable media is from mythbuntu hardy heron. it was using this command: /usr/lib/thunar-volman/thunar-volman-settings | 13:59 |
godoshian | hello, i want to ask if there is plugin support in deluge | 14:00 |
super | hello need hacking Wlan help | 14:01 |
bazhang | super, not here | 14:01 |
Dextorion | godoshian, did you look at deluges homepage? They have a section named "Plugins" there | 14:02 |
mazda01 | super, go to snort or other locations. this is ubuntu support, not wlan hacking support | 14:02 |
papapep | Vaevictus: altough I haven't used them, I've read some good reviews about Vhcs and ispconfig | 14:02 |
super | yes but on ubuntu i cannot see my wlan network either | 14:02 |
super | i see it when i doe iwconfig | 14:02 |
super | but not if i go into wireless config | 14:02 |
mazda01 | super, can you issue sudo iwlist interface scan | 14:02 |
bazhang | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 super | 14:03 |
ekimmargni | I have several email accounts (all imap) set up in Evolution. How can I have them all consolidated into the "on this computer" inbox and folders? | 14:03 |
godoshian | Dextorion, i tried utorrent with wine and it tries to install over and over again so i turned to deluge | 14:03 |
Vaevictus | papapep: yeah... i was working towards ispconfig 3 ... but it scares me with it's package requirements... ispconfig 2 looks better | 14:03 |
Freidenker1 | What's the command to see all the material in my computer ? | 14:04 |
Freidenker1 | Like; graphic cards, sound card, processor.... | 14:04 |
papapep | Freidenker1: for the pci ones "lspci", for the USB "lsusb" | 14:05 |
Freidenker1 | papapep: thanks | 14:05 |
diddy | What is the difference between change and modify times of files? | 14:05 |
papapep | read man pages for options, they have a few | 14:05 |
cwillu | diddy, that's the same time | 14:05 |
cwillu | diddy, there's creation, modification and access times | 14:06 |
super | bahzang, it would be nice if i could see other wifi networks then my own | 14:06 |
cwillu | access is often turned off for performance | 14:06 |
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mazda01 | Freidenker1, not sure what to tell you for one command, but memory can be found at free -m, procesor can be found with cat /proc/cpuinfo | 14:06 |
super | brb | 14:06 |
Freidenker1 | Well that's really odd, Ubuntu seems to get it right: "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile GM965/GL960 Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 0c)"... but in practice Ubuntu is really slow, if I try to do a simple thing like resizing a windows it will be ridiculously slow. | 14:07 |
diddy | cwillu, then why does "stat testfile.xtx" provide 2 different times? | 14:07 |
asger | how do i get gtkpod to import my song to a hard disk, and categorize them by artist and album? | 14:08 |
asger | from my ipod 30gb | 14:08 |
Myrtti | Freidenker1: the fact ubuntu detects your software correctly has some, but not total effect on how well the drivers of the hardware perform | 14:08 |
Myrtti | s/software/hardware/ | 14:08 |
anirban2 | When I am trying to start postgresql it is giving error Error: Invalid data directory | 14:08 |
cwillu | diddy, I'm guessing one of those is actually the creation time | 14:08 |
papapep-afk | anirban2: you've got to pass the data directory in the order | 14:08 |
cwillu | diddy, doesn't help that many apps write changes by replacing the file with a new one | 14:09 |
sleepy_cat | i installed a bootable Ubuntu 9.04 onto my pendrive.. then when i booted it gave me a boot error | 14:09 |
arand | !intel| Freidenker1, maybe this affects you | 14:09 |
ubottu | Freidenker1, maybe this affects you: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information. | 14:09 |
sleepy_cat | i had changed the configurations in the boot | 14:09 |
cwillu | diddy, if I had to guess, I'd say that the changed time is the creation time | 14:09 |
cwillu | but that's really just a guess | 14:09 |
sleepy_cat | and enabled boot from usb | 14:09 |
cwillu | and I could also be wrong on the whole thing :p | 14:09 |
diddy | cwillu, I need to know for sure. | 14:09 |
diddy | :) | 14:09 |
sleepy_cat | i used usbcreator | 14:09 |
arand | sleepy_cat: what boot error? | 14:10 |
sleepy_cat | it just shows boot error | 14:10 |
sleepy_cat | on the blank screen and then loads the older version 8.04 | 14:10 |
sleepy_cat | is there a manual way to do so | 14:11 |
jacosis1 | Hey, can any one recommend a online radio software? | 14:12 |
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outy | yay i got docky working ! | 14:13 |
outy | now to solve a billion other issues | 14:13 |
sipior | diddy: the modification time applies to the data in the file. the change time applies to the file status itself. consult the stat manpage: "man 2 stat" for more information. | 14:13 |
=== Vero_ is now known as Vero | ||
janisozaur | i want to create a call trace for ELF64 binary, what should i use? | 14:14 |
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jacosis1 | Hey, I wonder if any one know how to listen radio on ubuntu? could you please give some instructions? | 14:15 |
jitu3485 | hi, I have created a custom ubuntu alternate disk image (iso image). but it is quite large to fit in single CD and I don't want to use a DVD.how can I break the iso and burn the image so that it will ask for second CD after first CD is completed? Can I use rar for this? | 14:16 |
fat_rat | xmms + streamtuner + streamripper ;] | 14:17 |
jacosis1 | fat_rat: That is to say, if I want to use streamtuner, I have to install xmms first? | 14:18 |
sipior | janisozaur: strace, or gdb if you need to get serious :-) | 14:18 |
janisozaur | sipior: i just have to trace the bottlenecks | 14:19 |
macsim | hi, miro loose my feeds, I found a corrupted database on ~/.miro anybody know this issue or know how to fix that ? | 14:19 |
janisozaur | sipior: well, maybe not exactly bottlenecks, but codepaths worth optimization | 14:19 |
koltroll | Is the ubuntu remix really more optimized for the hardware in a netbook than just the ordinary ubuntu ? | 14:19 |
eliosh | hi to all | 14:20 |
warden | i like xubuntu over the remix.. on my eee 701 the remix ran slower then xubuntu | 14:20 |
fat_rat | jacosis1: http://blog.sartek.net/2008/04/install-xmms-on-ubuntu-804-hardy-heron.html then sudo apt-get install streamtuner streamripper | 14:20 |
warden | or go crunchbang for good speed | 14:20 |
eliosh | is there anybody out there that has some useful hint for KVM on jaunty ? | 14:20 |
ILMAN5 | Hey | 14:21 |
eliosh | i'm unable to use static ip on the guest (hardy) | 14:21 |
ILMAN5 | i want to run C program i have made | 14:21 |
warden | or if you have an eee 701 ... eeebuntu is still the best | 14:21 |
koltroll | warden, isn't the speed mainly because of that is uses a light window managers ? | 14:21 |
warden | yes and the eee kernel | 14:21 |
ActionParsnip | warden: puppy is good too | 14:21 |
koltroll | warden, I have a 1000he. Right now using ubuntu NBR and having problems with going into suspend mode. | 14:21 |
warden | sorry xubuntu is generic kernel | 14:21 |
warden | only eeebuntu uses the eee custom kernel | 14:22 |
ILMAN5 | i want to run C program i have made | 14:22 |
sipior | janisozaur: you might consider giving Performance Inspector a go; see here: http://perfinsp.sourceforge.net/ | 14:22 |
ILMAN5 | how can i do that? | 14:22 |
ActionParsnip | ILMAN5: sudo apt-get instal build-essential | 14:22 |
ActionParsnip | ILMAN5: and compile it | 14:22 |
warden | i have tried a lot of distros on my eee 701 and i like eeebuntu best | 14:22 |
ILMAN5 | oh | 14:22 |
ILMAN5 | i have this | 14:22 |
ILMAN5 | i dont know how to use | 14:23 |
warden | i like puppy | 14:23 |
ActionParsnip | ILMAN5: then head over to #C | 14:23 |
warden | but not for eee | 14:23 |
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koltroll | warden, but you are having the 701, and its hardware is really well supported by now. wouldn't you say ? | 14:23 |
ILMAN5 | :| | 14:23 |
ActionParsnip | warden: or DSL | 14:23 |
benny-x | ILMAN5, you're asking how to run an executable file? | 14:23 |
Evet | aslan yarim kız senin adın uubuuntuu | 14:23 |
fat_rat | warden: or moblin ;] | 14:23 |
ActionParsnip | warden: both great for the 7 series | 14:23 |
warden | ya 9.04 supports all the hardware on the 701.. but eeebuntu boots a lot faster by like 20 secs | 14:23 |
ILMAN5 | yes! | 14:23 |
=== yoni is now known as CrAzYoNi | ||
benny-x | ILMAN5, I will PM you | 14:24 |
Myrtti | !tr | Evet | 14:24 |
ubottu | Evet: Turk ubuntu kullanıcıları, Türkçe yardım ya da geyik için #ubuntu-tr hizmetinizde. | 14:24 |
koltroll | warden, hm really. Then maybe I should give eeebuntu a go.. the thing I'm after is simply that i want "everything" to work. Without hacking away so to speak. | 14:24 |
=== taoup is now known as fdd | ||
Evet | :) | 14:24 |
outy | just trying to do that thing with xmms | 14:25 |
warden | go with eeebuntu base. it is the smallest install and then you can just install whatever else you need for apps | 14:25 |
Evet | is anybody faced a problem after update on 9.04 netbook remix | 14:25 |
warden | i like the install is like 1.2 gigs for eeebuntu base | 14:25 |
warden | think* | 14:25 |
outy | for the aptget bit, its not very clear, theres like six lines of stuff i put into console ? | 14:25 |
koltroll | warden, will I get a window manager? :) | 14:26 |
koltroll | warden, or if I put it like this: Will everything hardware wise work (I know you cannot answer for me, but if you answer for yourself) with the base? | 14:26 |
warden | ya it uses gnome wm | 14:26 |
koltroll | Cause it sounds great if I can get all hardware to work, and then install whatever software I like. | 14:26 |
warden | with eeebuntu everything should work on most eee models... but i have only tested on 701 and everything worked | 14:27 |
koltroll | I did install eeebuntu standard actually, tho I only had it for some hours before installing the ubuntu nbr - simply cause i -thought- I'd like the interface better. | 14:27 |
Cube | kk | 14:27 |
koltroll | I tried installing the nbr-packages to the eeebuntu standard, but that just made me fuck things up :) | 14:27 |
ActionParsnip | warden: thats pretty bloated, puppy is about 100Mb | 14:28 |
=== fat_rat is now known as fat_rat|away | ||
Evet | is anybody faced a problem after update on 9.04 netbook remix | 14:29 |
warden | the NBR interface looks cool.. but i found i only used three to 4 apps anyway on my eee ... and i remember the NBR gui lagged a lot ... can't remember the details | 14:29 |
gajop | hey, are there any other open source word processor other than open office or abiword? i'm not really impressed with the startup time on open office (3 mins on a 2GHz celeron with 256MB RAM) or abiword (initial install didn't even load unicode documents properly), compared to microsoft office | 14:29 |
warden | ActionParsnip: ya i hear ya but I have never liked puppy's installer | 14:29 |
frogzoo | gajop: enable memory preloading in OO | 14:29 |
anux | via family ???? | 14:29 |
koltroll | the eeebuntu base iso is about 500mb | 14:29 |
gajop | frogzoo, how do i do that? | 14:29 |
jrib | gajop: I'm guessing you're probably getting into swap with that little ram | 14:29 |
anux | how about remix 9.04 | 14:30 |
gajop | 256 might be little, but a machine with 128 (one with Windows and Microsoft Office) still loads it faster | 14:30 |
ActionParsnip | warden: doest matter, once its installed you never see the installer again | 14:30 |
gajop | i do think it goes into swap, well at least with open office, don't think it did with abiword | 14:31 |
koltroll | warden, I'll take your word for that this is absolutley the best distro for me. So I will install it and hold you 100% responsible if I dislike anything. | 14:31 |
jacosis1 | fat_rat:thank you, it's excellent. | 14:31 |
frogzoo | gajop: tools -> options -> memory -> systray quickstart | 14:31 |
warden | ActionParsnip: ya i dig puppy but i am an ubuntu fanboi these days don't really look at puppy much anymore. :) | 14:31 |
Evet | which version u suggest for old laptopts? | 14:31 |
koltroll | xp | 14:31 |
jrib | gajop: I would troubleshoot the unicode issue with abiword | 14:31 |
Cube | warden: lol | 14:31 |
ActionParsnip | warden: check xpud if you are impress by boot times | 14:31 |
moncky | Evet: xubuntu or even fluxbuntu if its up to date | 14:32 |
warden | ActionParsnip: will do | 14:32 |
ActionParsnip | warden: boots in bout 5 seconds on my 1.6Ghz + 1Gb DDR2 + PATA HDD | 14:32 |
Cube | ActionParsnip: YOU HAVE A NETBOOK? | 14:32 |
Evet | thanks moncky | 14:32 |
warden | ActionParsnip: nice | 14:32 |
ActionParsnip | Cube: used to, sold it | 14:32 |
anirban2 | how to recreate /dev/null | 14:32 |
anux | how do that ? | 14:32 |
gajop | frogzoo, will the quick starter get up and running each time i restart the machine? | 14:32 |
ActionParsnip | warden: not really, the functionality is quite limited, but hey..its boot time that matters right | 14:33 |
frogzoo | gajop: sure, but it will also use up memory all the time | 14:33 |
ActionParsnip | warden: answer = no | 14:33 |
=== sean is now known as Guest62172 | ||
gajop | frogzoo, that's fine, it's my mother's PC anyway, and all she does is type documents | 14:33 |
oskar- | anirban2: mknod /dev/null c 1 3 | 14:34 |
ActionParsnip | warden: theres even a boot image you can plonk in /boot and add a line to meu.lst | 14:34 |
oskar- | anirban2: normally, udev should care about this | 14:34 |
warden | ActionParsnip: cool | 14:34 |
gajop | ok thanks guys | 14:34 |
anux | hi, i have a problem | 14:36 |
anux | my notebook with via family chipset | 14:36 |
anux | any can help me ? | 14:36 |
Cube | anux: ya | 14:36 |
oskar- | anux: simply ask, preferred on one line... | 14:36 |
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anux | how oskar ? | 14:37 |
kaiser101231 | omg my mobile aircard works out the box on ubuntu 9.04 | 14:37 |
moncky | anux: just ask your question, If somone knows the answer they will reply | 14:37 |
=== deww is now known as WiZ | ||
kaiser101231 | was support for the card from kernel or program | 14:38 |
oskar- | anux: by pressing enter after you have written all question details ;-) | 14:38 |
anux | okay moncky | 14:38 |
=== WiZ is now known as dewc | ||
raph_ael | hi, my imac last generation is very hot, is there a know solution ? thanks | 14:39 |
koltroll | copying fils to usb2 stick.. 4.4MB/s. I find that extremley slow. ;/ | 14:39 |
kaiser101231 | anyone here use aircard | 14:39 |
koltroll | 20 minutes to copy5.5gb | 14:40 |
RaWolf | Mmm could someone help me? I got a wireless problem:( | 14:40 |
dgnorton | problem: XP host & JeOS VMWare guest. I can ping the guest's IP but can't resolve the guests name. Any ideas? | 14:40 |
lesshaste | I get " shm.c: mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory" all the time when using pidgin | 14:40 |
indus | koltroll: i too have same problem | 14:40 |
lesshaste | anyone else seen this? | 14:40 |
mazda01 | dgnorton, sounds like a dns issue. are you using hosts file or a dns server? | 14:40 |
kaiser101231 | trying to figure out why networkmanager found my card in ubuntu but my other linux distro couldnt and they both using gnome | 14:40 |
oskar- | koltroll: does the stick work faster in other computers? maybe it is that slow (?) | 14:40 |
dgnorton | mazda01, dns | 14:40 |
mazda01 | kaiser101231, doesn't ahve anything to do with gnome, it's weather they can detect your card properly and load the right module | 14:41 |
mazda01 | dgnorton, i would look into your dns server then. it sounds like that's not setup right. | 14:41 |
bals00ni | #ubuntu-de | 14:42 |
bals00ni | sry | 14:42 |
kaiser101231 | mazda01: oh so guess ill stick with ubuntu for now cause aircard is my only internet | 14:42 |
dgnorton | mazda01, i'll do that. thanks. | 14:42 |
NeonSteven | lesshaste: does this happen after you've been running it for a long time? | 14:42 |
anux | thank's all CU | 14:42 |
kaiser101231 | i like using sabayon too to try different things | 14:42 |
=== Guest27207 is now known as AdminOHH | ||
RaWolf | Mmm could someone help me? I got a wireless problem:( | 14:43 |
mazda01 | kaiser101231, just see which modules you have loaded in ubuntu. lsmod then make sure to load that same module in the other os. | 14:43 |
koltroll | warden, But when it comes to all these different "brands" (don't know the correct name) of ubuntu.. what if development suddenly stops on, let's say, eeebuntu. Then you are kinda doomed to reinstall your whole operating system. | 14:43 |
kaiser101231 | mazda01: how do i do that im on live ubuntu cd now but sabayon is installed on a partition | 14:43 |
lesshaste | NeonSteven, not really | 14:47 |
i46614161 | :-D | 14:47 |
indus | what is typical usb speed when copying from HDD to usb. i just purchaes a transcend 8gb i get 1 gb/s to 5 gb/s | 14:47 |
i46614161 | 有中国人吗 | 14:47 |
Davy95 | come si compila un programma scritto con qt3 designer? | 14:48 |
fireman | how to change the keyboard language | 14:48 |
fireman | how to change the keyboard language | 14:48 |
i46614161 | anychinese here? | 14:48 |
Davy95 | how to compile c++? | 14:48 |
kaiser101231 | mazda01: how do i make sure the other os loads it? | 14:48 |
i46614161 | i don't know | 14:49 |
indus | fireman use keyboard layout indicator | 14:49 |
mazda01 | kaiser101231, modprobe modulenamehere | 14:49 |
indus | fireman on panel,right click and add | 14:49 |
NeonSteven | lesshaste: hmm. I'm not much help then :( | 14:49 |
mazda01 | kaiser101231, look up guides for modprobe and what not | 14:49 |
lesshaste | NeonSteven, :) | 14:49 |
indus | fireman: also ,from menu>system>admin>language support install the language of choice | 14:49 |
mazda01 | kaiser101231, did you goggle your aircard? whatever is in lspci, goggle that and you should find some guides for getting that card working in the other os | 14:50 |
oskar- | Davy95: g++ -o program program.cc | 14:50 |
snoopddrm | hi everyone, i'm trying to do a fix for the sound of my notebook but i don't know how to apply it. The fix is: Ubuntu 9.04 Ubuntu 9.04 has the same sound problem as 8.10 and it can be fixed by creating a new file /etc/modprobe.d/options.conf containing the line options snd-hda-intel model=mobile | 14:50 |
snoopddrm | can some kind soul walk me through this terminal steps to apply this fix? | 14:51 |
rek | pici: Idesk starting in :0.0 | 14:51 |
rek | [idesk] Background's source not found. | 14:51 |
rek | Loaded default file: /usr/share/idesk/default.lnk | 14:51 |
rek | /bin/sh: /usr/bin/Xdialog: not found | 14:51 |
rek | riccardo@riccardo-desktop:~$ | 14:51 |
FloodBot2 | rek: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 14:51 |
fireman | i can't login into my system cause i cahed it to arabic | 14:51 |
puff | Hm, got my ipod restored (using itunes on a friend's mac, sigh) but now my ipod has a bunch of corrupted songs on it. | 14:51 |
rek | i see a little icon... on the desktop but 've configured the terminal icon | 14:52 |
fireman | indus: i can't login into my system cause i cahed it to arabic | 14:52 |
indus | fireman hehe cool | 14:52 |
rek | anyone can answer? | 14:52 |
indus | fireman what you mean cant login | 14:52 |
snoopddrm | hi everyone, i'm trying to do a fix for the sound of my notebook but i don't know how to apply it. The fix is: Ubuntu 9.04 Ubuntu 9.04 has the same sound problem as 8.10 and it can be fixed by creating a new file /etc/modprobe.d/options.conf containing the line options snd-hda-intel model=mobile | 14:52 |
puff | Shorte of deleting them all and starting over, is there any way to have amarok or gtkpod or rhythmbox determine which songs are corrupted and remove them? | 14:52 |
rek | indus | 14:52 |
fireman | when i wrote something theres nothing on the screen | 14:53 |
indus | rek yes? | 14:53 |
rek | idesk | 14:53 |
indus | fireman change it back to english then | 14:53 |
rek | i want an icon | 14:53 |
fireman | indus: when i wrote something theres nothing on the screen | 14:53 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: I had to do a similar thing. What do you need help with? | 14:53 |
indus | rek: i dont understand your question | 14:53 |
fireman | indus: how can i do it without logging in | 14:53 |
rek | i need to have an icon | 14:53 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: hello... i don't know how to apply the fix | 14:53 |
indus | fireman ok right now which screen aer you on? | 14:54 |
snoopddrm | i know its probaby to go into the terminal window | 14:54 |
snoopddrm | but i don't know what to do next | 14:54 |
fireman | now i'm on anoher machine | 14:54 |
fireman | indus: now i'm on anoher machine | 14:54 |
=== Moult_ is now known as Moult | ||
puff | NeoStSounds like linux and command shells and config files are foriegbn to him | 14:54 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: ok, run Applications > Accessories > Terminal | 14:54 |
indus | fireman where is the machine with arabic | 14:55 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: okie done | 14:55 |
kaiser101231 | mazda01: with lsmod how do i know which module is for the usb aircard | 14:55 |
puff | NeonSteven: Sounds like linux and command shells and config files are foriegbn to him | 14:55 |
puff | Gah, my network is laggy as all get out. | 14:55 |
NeonSteven | puff: yeah, but it's OK :) we can do this | 14:55 |
indus | fireman how exactly did you change the language? | 14:56 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: hold on, I'm trying to figure out the easiest way to do this for you | 14:56 |
snoopddrm | puff: yes, i've just installed ubuntu 9.04 on a usbstick. sorry ,i'm a noob at linux | 14:56 |
snoopddrm | ;-) | 14:56 |
garyalex | I'm very much a newbie, could someone help me install Ubuntu on an Asus netbook and get the network working? I don't want to completely wipe the existing Windows XP. | 14:56 |
fireman | indus: i chaged it normally but when i rebooted i cant do nothing | 14:56 |
indus | fireman wy cant you do anything | 14:57 |
indus | fireman you just changed language, when you reboot, options will come in arabic | 14:57 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: almost there... :) | 14:58 |
fireman | indus: yes it's true | 14:58 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: okie thanx man ;-) | 14:58 |
fireman | indus: but i cant write on english | 14:58 |
zer0her0 | any suggestions on console/terminal based IM client, I used to use NAIM on OS X, is NAIM still the best bet? | 14:59 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: ok, first, let's try running gedit. Just type gedit <enter> | 14:59 |
indus | fireman when it asks for username ,what happens\? | 14:59 |
disappearedng | Hey can I have multiple tor running on multiple ports | 14:59 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: a new window opens up - unsaved document 1 - gedit | 15:00 |
fireman | indus: i try to write but it dosent work cause it write arabic when my username in english | 15:00 |
indus | fireman yeah interesting | 15:00 |
indus | fireman give me 1 sec | 15:00 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: great, this is like a text adventure :P. Go to Edit > Preferences... | 15:01 |
snoopddrm | yaya... | 15:01 |
snoopddrm | i'm there | 15:01 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: select the Editor tab and uncheck "Create a backup copy..." | 15:01 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: done | 15:01 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: OK, I changed my mind partway through, but that's OK, we'll keep going. So in this text file, put "options snd-hda-intel model=mobile" (without the quotes) | 15:03 |
fireman | indus: what can i do? | 15:03 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: okie done | 15:03 |
indus | fireman wait iam searching | 15:03 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: great, now go to File > Save As... and save the file as "sound" | 15:04 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: okie, the file name is sound. any preference as to the save location? or leave it as default? | 15:05 |
jacquesdupontd | hi there | 15:05 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: default | 15:05 |
indus | fireman can u type ur user name letters in arabic? | 15:05 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: okie done | 15:05 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: OK, quit the text editor, and in the terminal, type 'cat sound' and see what prints out | 15:06 |
fireman | indus: you know that arabic letters are differnt that english ones | 15:06 |
indus | fireman do a sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg and set keyboard | 15:06 |
=== fat_rat|away is now known as fat_rat | ||
sipior | fireman: is there no "reset to defaults" option? | 15:06 |
indus | fireman try | 15:06 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: This is the output "options snd-hda-intel model=mobile" | 15:06 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: Great! I wanted to make sure the file was where I expected it to be and had the right contents. Now we're going to move it into the right place. | 15:07 |
garyalex | Can I install Ubuntu on a Windows Netbook and still have the choice of using Windows? (Newbie here) | 15:07 |
legend2440 | NeonSteven: sorry to interrupt but there is an easier way. snoopddrm has to edit or create that file as root so the command would be gksudo gedit /etc/modprobe.d/options.conf then he would add the line options snd-hda-intel model=mobile and save the file. | 15:07 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: Okie... ready ;-) | 15:07 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: great, do this: 'sudo cp sound /etc/modprobe.d/' | 15:08 |
thiebaude | garyalex, , you can dual boot or have a virtual machine | 15:08 |
achilles | #roomkav | 15:08 |
cemunal | i will install a command line system before. after xorg openbox. after xfce4. which DM will be dafault for "startx" command? openbox or xfce4? | 15:08 |
shivek | help, pidgin isn't working ! | 15:08 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: that'll ask you for your regular password | 15:09 |
garyalex | Thanks thiebaude, I want to dual boot. | 15:09 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: okie, done. nothing is outputed though | 15:09 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: yes, i entered it. | 15:09 |
trelayne | hi all, there appear to be two clipboards on Ubuntu (and all *nixes): (1) the regular select, ctrl-C , ctrl-V , and (2) copy with LMB, then paste with MMB. Anyone know how to assign a hot key to the MMB paste? | 15:09 |
=== xavi is now known as xavirouter | ||
thiebaude | garyalex, do you have the live cd? | 15:09 |
garyalex | I am trying to partition it, using the installer, and don't understand the options if I do it manually. What do I do with the existing partitions? | 15:09 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: that's great! In unixland, silence usually means it worked :). Now do 'ls -l /etc/modprobe.d/sound' | 15:09 |
indus | fireman do this Look in /etc/default/console-setup and saw that XKBLAYOUT was set to "af" | 15:10 |
indus | fireman set it to us | 15:10 |
thiebaude | garyalex, keep your existing ntfs partitions | 15:10 |
garyalex | I have a live SD card, in the machine as we speak (but I don't have internet access yet so am doing IRC on a MacBook) | 15:10 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: This is the output "-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 35 2009-07-27 22:08 /etc/modprobe.d/sound" | 15:10 |
thiebaude | garyalex, use the first option, indstall side by side | 15:10 |
thiebaude | install | 15:10 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: looks great! you should be all set, I believe. You'll have to reboot to try in out. | 15:11 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: Okie, i'll do a restart now and back in five. Wish me luck guys! :-) | 15:11 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: if it still isn't working, don't give up! it took me a couple tries to get my sound working. | 15:11 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: no worries, be back in five ;-) | 15:12 |
rek | To everyone ;-) http://nopaste.com/p/anxL12zp Help NeonSteven snoopddrm etc..... | 15:12 |
garyalex | thiebaude, the choice it is giving me is put Ubuntu on the entire disk, which will delete Windows, or 'specify partitions manually'. | 15:12 |
thiebaude | garyalex, specify partitions | 15:12 |
frogzoo | garyalex: so manual of course | 15:12 |
thiebaude | garyalex, are you using the ubuntu live cd? | 15:13 |
NeonSteven | legend2440: yeah, I don't use gedit myself, and I was afraid it would make all sorts of extra files in bad places, so I tried to find a safe, easy-to-explain way | 15:13 |
garyalex | thiebaude: I am using a live SD card that I purchased from Ubuntu. | 15:13 |
Raul | Hello everyone, i was wondering if anyone has Tried an LFS project with Ubuntu, and if so what version should i attempt this on, i do plan on using a diffrent desktop enviroment though. | 15:13 |
thiebaude | garyalex, never heard of that | 15:13 |
kkszysiu | is there package related channel? | 15:13 |
frogzoo | a live SD card? that's pretty schmick | 15:14 |
Pici | kkszysiu: For creating packages you mean? | 15:14 |
grawity | NeonSteven: gedit seems pretty safe to me | 15:14 |
thiebaude | frogzoo, what is that, live sd card? | 15:14 |
garyalex | thiebaude: I assume it is the same as the live CD, which I received also, but my netbook doesn't have an optical drive. | 15:14 |
* stardust1985 upgrading to Karmic Koala alpha 3 :) | 15:14 | |
coz_ | thiebaude, SD card Secure Digital | 15:15 |
thiebaude | garyalex, how many install options do you have on that installer? | 15:15 |
rek | pici:help | 15:15 |
garyalex | Anyway, friends, I am at the stage where I have to manually partion the disk and I don't understand the choices. | 15:15 |
thiebaude | coz_, i heard of sd drive,lol | 15:15 |
rek | set also a background source but nothing happens | 15:15 |
coz_ | :) | 15:15 |
Raul | gary what dont you understand? | 15:15 |
Raul | you need an Ex3, and a Swap. | 15:15 |
coz_ | thiebaude, but not for ubuntu right ?? I sure havent | 15:15 |
rek | Pici | 15:15 |
Pici | rek: What? | 15:15 |
legend2440 | NeonSteven: ok. but according to his original statement he was trying to create a file called /etc/modprobe.d/options.conf so shouldnt it be named options.conf instead of sound? | 15:16 |
thiebaude | coz_, yep | 15:16 |
rek | nopaste | 15:16 |
rek | wait | 15:16 |
rek | i link a nopaste | 15:16 |
* fat_rat enjoys hardy lts edition ;] | 15:16 | |
rek | http://nopaste.com/p/anxL12zp | 15:16 |
NeonSteven | legend2440: it doesn't matter; modprobe reads all the files in that directory regardless of name and uses options from them all | 15:16 |
garyalex | If I reformat the sda1 partition, which contains the existing Windows, what do I use it as: do not use, swap area, ntfs, FAT32, etc.? | 15:16 |
Raul | I was wondering if anyone has Tried an LFS project with Ubuntu, and if so what version should i attempt this on, i do plan on using a diffrent desktop enviroment though. | 15:16 |
rek | seen? | 15:16 |
legend2440 | NeonSteven: ok | 15:16 |
Moofius- | heya, I'm having trouble with a cronjob, it has always run before, I can execute the command in my terminal, but it isent run | 15:17 |
mazda01 | trying to help someone figure out why an external fat32 drive isn't automounting anymore. can someone shed some light? | 15:17 |
Raul | Garyalex: if you reformat it windows goes away, are you triyng to go into full ubuntu take over? | 15:17 |
thiebaude | garyalex, ntfs, but if you format that, it will erase it | 15:17 |
Raul | mazda chekc if yo can mount it yourself? | 15:17 |
Pici | rek: I don't know much about idesk, but from those errors I'd make sure that 1) The target of Background.File exists 2) That idesk wasn't running already when you tried to start it. | 15:18 |
Raul | just because it didn't show the icon on the desktop doesn't mean it's not mounted, check "places" | 15:18 |
rek | error: Idesk is running in :0.0 | 15:18 |
rek | what does this mean???? | 15:18 |
garyalex | I see, then how can I have a choice between booting windows and ubuntu? | 15:18 |
rek | pici: it can reload .... | 15:18 |
Raul | Gary, you wont be able too if you reformat.. | 15:18 |
thiebaude | garyalex, how many opitons does it give you? | 15:18 |
stardust1985 | frogzoo: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick this works for SD cards as well, you only select the right "disc" in bios | 15:18 |
doglino | Raul in which vm? | 15:18 |
rek | then i set also a backround file but nothing hapens | 15:18 |
Pici | rek: Then I don't know, I've never used that software before. | 15:19 |
Raul | Doglino, are you reffering to my LFS question? i'm going to do it on my Real hdd | 15:19 |
rek | help | 15:19 |
Raul | or i might use VMware. | 15:19 |
thiebaude | garyalex, i would use unetbootin, if the sd doesn't work | 15:19 |
doglino | Raul said "just because it didn't show the icon on the desktop doesn't mean it's not mounted, check "places"" | 15:19 |
Raul | so what does a "vm" have to do with anything? | 15:20 |
mazda01 | Raul, he can mount himself. manually that is. he's in the plugdev and admin group, he does have hald and dbus running so I am not sure why it's not automounting and putting an icon on the desktop? | 15:20 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: hihi, am back ;-) I guess i don't need to test the sound, when ubuntu started up again, i heard the music ;-) | 15:20 |
extor | The playback of this movie requires a application/zip decoder plugin which is not installed. | 15:20 |
garyalex | theibaude: OK, I did download unetbootin yesterday, from within Windows. Is that a Windows programme? | 15:21 |
garyalex | I didn't know what to do with it. | 15:21 |
extor | Any idea how to solve this? Doesn't work in mplayer nor vlc | 15:21 |
Raul | 'zip decoder' | 15:21 |
Raul | ive never heard of that type of format for a video | 15:21 |
thiebaude | garyalex, it lets's you install a distro without a cd drive | 15:21 |
VCoolio | coz_: remember you solved my problem on button sounds in openbox few days ago by uninstalling canberra-gtk-module? Turned out that gives a lot of errors when starting gtk apps, so better is adding it to blacklist. Still thx for pointing in right direction. | 15:21 |
Raul | are you sure you extracted it? | 15:21 |
nexTac | you have libdvdcss2 installed extor? | 15:21 |
rek | nextac | 15:21 |
extor | not sure lemme install it | 15:22 |
=== fusion44 is now known as fusion44_away | ||
garyalex | Thiebaude: I'll have a play with that and get back here a little later. | 15:22 |
thiebaude | garyalex, ok | 15:22 |
rek | can you help me with idesk? | 15:22 |
garyalex | Thansk for your help, theibaude. | 15:22 |
nexTac | no sry rek | 15:22 |
nexTac | no idea what that is | 15:22 |
thiebaude | garyalex, i've used it many times | 15:22 |
nexTac | ^^ | 15:22 |
coz_ | VCoolio, ok yeah that should work also :) | 15:22 |
extor | Package libdvdcss is not available, but is referred to by another package. This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or is only available from another source Package libdvdcss has no installation candidate | 15:22 |
erUSUL | 1medibuntu | extor | 15:23 |
erUSUL | !medibuntu | extor | 15:23 |
ubottu | extor: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 15:23 |
kaiser10123 | how do i get more display options | 15:23 |
nexTac | rek: i just read what it is, perhaps use a "normal" window manager? ;) | 15:24 |
mazda01 | Raul, he can mount himself. manually that is. he's in the plugdev and admin group, he does have hald and dbus running so I am not sure why it's not automounting and putting an icon on the desktop? | 15:24 |
Raul | Does anyone know how to get a tenda twl541p wifi pci card to work in ubuntu | 15:24 |
kaiser10123 | i am using a 42 inch hdtv monitor and only ger 800x600:( | 15:24 |
NeonSteven | snoopddrm: awesome! | 15:24 |
rek | nex tac? | 15:24 |
nexTac | haha | 15:24 |
Raul | Mazda, have you checked "places" | 15:24 |
rek | normal wm ? what? | 15:24 |
snoopddrm | NeonSteven: Thanx so much, got it fixed now ;-) | 15:24 |
Raul | i remember ubuntu would never put it on the desktop but it would always be in "places | 15:24 |
nexTac | sounds like huge pixels kaiser10123 | 15:24 |
kaiser10123 | sabayon and windows xp got alot better resolutions | 15:25 |
nexTac | i read idesk is only for fluxbox and the like | 15:25 |
nexTac | am i mistaken? | 15:25 |
rek | fluxbox's cool | 15:25 |
rek | i must have an icon | 15:25 |
Raul | !wireless | 15:25 |
ubottu | Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs | 15:25 |
thiebaude | rek, yea it is, i use openbox | 15:25 |
Pici | rek: Maybe #fluxbox would be a better place to ask | 15:25 |
outy | so i go to facebook in opera in ubuntu and it loads google, happens on other sites too, they just load google | 15:25 |
rek | openbox? | 15:25 |
rek | ko | 15:25 |
nexTac | think so too, most people would have gnome or kde here | 15:25 |
rek | ok | 15:25 |
VCoolio | rek: you can also use pcmanfm to draw your desktop with icons if you can't sort it out with idesk | 15:26 |
Raul | outy: are you using a proxy? | 15:26 |
rek | i've gnome too | 15:26 |
warden | can you install madwifi if you have a broadcom wireless chipset? or is it just for atheros only? | 15:26 |
koltroll | I can read from the usb stick 5 times fast than I can write to it :) | 15:26 |
outy | nope Raul | 15:26 |
rek | VCoolio: sure? | 15:26 |
outy | it works in firefox just fine, but im an opera person | 15:26 |
kaiser10123 | nexTac: any clue how to force a 1024x768 maybe? | 15:26 |
Raul | then i have no idea why it would do that sorry mate. | 15:26 |
rek | how | 15:26 |
outy | ive tried uninstalling and reinstalling opera, and also the stable and beta releases of opera, still now good | 15:26 |
outy | no good | 15:26 |
jorgp | what? my ar5212 is not supportedout of the box? wg511T | 15:26 |
Raul | Kaiser the reason you might not be able to reach those resolutions might be because improper graphics card drivers? | 15:26 |
VCoolio | rek: start pcmanfm then edit > preferences > desktop | 15:27 |
nexTac | never had problems with monitors, sry kaiser10123 if you cant select different resolution ive no idea | 15:27 |
kaiser10123 | its a old savage video card | 15:27 |
Raul | That's probably why it can't reach it.. | 15:27 |
sebsebseb | hi | 15:27 |
warden | koltroll, to answer your question from like 15 mins ago.. i just take that chance. on my eee i switch and format to a different os like once a month. its my toy | 15:27 |
kaiser10123 | but xp and another distro read alot more | 15:28 |
chrismnh | is anyone familiar with XCheckMaskEvent? I'm using it to detect key presses and key releases, it never seems to recognize key releases | 15:28 |
Raul | Then check for drivers on ubuntu? | 15:28 |
koltroll | warden, you boy roy | 15:28 |
koltroll | bah. | 15:28 |
nexTac | kaiser10123: oh, i thought you had the right resolutions on other devices | 15:28 |
kaiser10123 | only reason i swithed to ubuntu is because my sprint aircard works otbaircard | 15:28 |
extor | Still get the same error. How do I check which codec it is using? | 15:28 |
nexTac | warden i do the same distrohopping on my old notebook :) | 15:28 |
kaiser10123 | outthebox | 15:28 |
rek | VCoolio: show icons? howw can i put them? | 15:28 |
warden | nexTac, i used to be a huge distrohopper. | 15:29 |
Raul | Kaiser what GPu are you using? | 15:29 |
kfan | i got a problem when i go to appearance my computer freezes | 15:29 |
VCoolio | rek: I assume it just displays the contents of ~/Desktop, no? In edit > prefs > desktop tick the box on top and then hit ok | 15:29 |
Raul | kfan: what are your PC stats? | 15:29 |
=== papapep-afk is now known as papapep | ||
mataks | what's the command in terminal to force kill a running application? | 15:29 |
sebsebseb | mataks: xkill will do it | 15:30 |
snoopddrm | control c? | 15:30 |
kaiser10123 | Raul: its a savage | 15:30 |
sebsebseb | mataks: xkill and click on the app having the problem, to close it | 15:30 |
=== Vellas is now known as Vellas|afk | ||
warden | mataks, i use killall | 15:30 |
mazda01 | volume is really low, any thoughts to make it higher? and yes, I have played around with gnome alsa mixer and made sure nothing was muted and everything is turned up. if I turn mic up to far, I get scratchy winy noises. | 15:31 |
grawity | mataks: 'kill' if you know the process ID, 'pkill' if you only know the application name; if it doesn't work, try "kill -9 pid" or "pkill -9 name" | 15:31 |
grawity | warden: remember that on some distros, 'killall' literally kills all processes. | 15:31 |
mataks | what's the command to list the all the task that's running | 15:31 |
papapep | mazda01: audio device brand and model? | 15:31 |
mataks | like in windows tasklist | 15:31 |
mataks | xkill didn't work | 15:31 |
warden | grawity, hmm.. thanks for that info.. | 15:31 |
lesshaste | how would I find out which version of python-scipy I have installed? | 15:32 |
grawity | mataks: ps -ef | 15:32 |
rek | help with idesk | 15:32 |
kaiser10123 | Raul: how do i get exact card name | 15:32 |
mataks | grawity, k thnx | 15:32 |
papapep | mataks: run "ps -e|grep nameofyourapp", that will give you a process number, and then run "kill -p processnumber" | 15:32 |
mazda01 | papapep, i used to have a digital one listed but now I don't. aplay -l shows: card 0: VT82xx [HDA VIA VT82xx], device 0: ALC888 Analog [ALC888 Analog] | 15:32 |
grawity | papapep: kill doesn't have -p | 15:32 |
kaiser10123 | cant i go to some config file and try and change the resolution manually | 15:32 |
papapep | ups | 15:33 |
papapep | sorry | 15:33 |
anon^_^ | Hi, I have question about the volume applet in Jaunty. Is there any way to replace it with the old volume applet from Intrepid? | 15:33 |
kaiser10123 | xorg or something like that | 15:33 |
papapep | s/-9/-p) | 15:33 |
papapep | well, whatever... :) | 15:33 |
anon^_^ | pics for reference | 15:33 |
grawity | papapep: and your regexp is reversed. | 15:33 |
anon^_^ | http://www.hadess.net/2009/01/nb-it-doesnt-actually-look-like-that.html | 15:33 |
papapep | yes | 15:33 |
papapep | :( | 15:33 |
anon^_^ | top image is what Jaunty volume applet looks like | 15:33 |
anon^_^ | bottom image is what old Intrepid volume applet looked like | 15:35 |
mataks | yehey i stop the application :) | 15:35 |
Atomic_ | !it | 15:35 |
step | hi all | 15:35 |
Atomic_ | hi | 15:35 |
papapep | mazda01: you could try reading this, perhaps it helps: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1153133 | 15:36 |
TecR0c | how do you update a already installed application with APT ? | 15:36 |
Raul | does anyone know about getting tenda twl541p to work in ubuntu | 15:36 |
papapep | TecR0c: "sudo aptitude upgrade application" | 15:36 |
VCoolio | TecR0c: apt-get install | 15:36 |
Raul | because i dont have internet access on ubuntu until i install my wifi card. | 15:36 |
lulusux | on www.e-facto.com/admin login 'or '1'='1' or '2' = ' no passeword a french company spesialize in webdeveloppement secure !!!!! | 15:37 |
TecR0c | how do you get a list of what packages are already installed ? | 15:37 |
VCoolio | dpkg -l (will be quite long) | 15:37 |
VCoolio | TecR0c: ^^ | 15:37 |
dAnon | can I uninstall this worthless firefox? | 15:38 |
Raul | firefox, worthless? | 15:38 |
grawity | dAnon: If you find it worthless - sure. | 15:38 |
dAnon | always was | 15:38 |
TecR0c | Thanks. | 15:38 |
Raul | firefox is the best web client i have EVER used. | 15:38 |
erUSUL | !software | dAnon | 15:38 |
grawity | Reminder: discussions, flames and arguments about whether Firefox is worthy of anything or not --> #ubuntu-offtopic | 15:39 |
Raul | back to my question, does anyone know of porting tenda twl541p to ubuntu, since my card has no linux drivers?? | 15:39 |
=== ToXBoT_ is now known as ToXBoT | ||
LexLuth0r | Is there any decent VNC software for Ubuntu as Remote Desktop is too laggy | 15:41 |
Raul | lex, i think ubuntu uses VNC already as default remote desktop | 15:41 |
UBUNTUVISTA | hello does anyone know if DEBIAN 5.0 works well on the NETBOOKS Like asus eee pc 1000h etc | 15:41 |
mataks | anyone plays farmtown here? i have problem scrolling in flash games.. scrolls are missing | 15:41 |
=== bastidrazor is now known as bastid_raZor | ||
LexLuth0r | Raul VNC on WinXP is alot more responsive | 15:42 |
kfan | do people still use compiz ???? or is that old now | 15:42 |
MaT-dg | I want to configure a VPN in networkmanager but all options are greyed out. How do I add a VPN? | 15:42 |
kfan | ?\ | 15:42 |
grawity | kfan: Compiz is still used often, and comes with Ubuntu. | 15:42 |
Raul | lexluth try using x11vnc | 15:42 |
grawity | MaT-dg: What type of VPN? | 15:42 |
UBUNTUVISTA | hello does anyone know if DEBIAN 5.0 works well on the NETBOOKS Like asus eee pc 1000h etc | 15:42 |
TecR0c | compiz is used alot | 15:42 |
LexLuth0r | will check it out | 15:43 |
LexLuth0r | cheers | 15:43 |
Pici | UBUNTUVISTA: You should ask in #debian not #ubuntu | 15:43 |
frostburn | MaT-dg, you need to install the respective vpn module for nm, search for it in the repositories, it should be called nm-openvpn and the like | 15:43 |
FloodBot1 | NOTICE - If you couldn't speak to the channel during the past minutes, please try again now. | 15:43 |
zim1 | goog Q is there another compiz type app? | 15:43 |
dgnorton | mazda01, i don't have access to our dns servers. I booted up an XP guest and can resolve its IP from the host with no problem. Any suggestions on how to troubleshoot? | 15:43 |
Pici | UBUNTUVISTA: Excuse me? | 15:44 |
lulusux | on www.e-facto.com/admin login 'or '1'='1' or '2' = ' no passeword a french company spesialize in webdeveloppement secure !!!!! | 15:44 |
zim1 | sorry Good Q is there another conpiz type app | 15:44 |
sixstring | Google isn't helping on this question. I keep getting random zero-byte files stuffed into my directories when I run svn (maybe?). They always have a filename of "0" (that's a zero). Any idea what's going on here? | 15:44 |
UBUNTUVISTA | Pici Excuse me, You said that last time and I left you a PWNAGE RESPONSE. IMGHelp | 15:44 |
grawity | zim1: Metacity (GNOME's default window manager) supports compositing, but it doesn't have any effects. | 15:44 |
UBUNTUVISTA | Ok thanks X | 15:44 |
sipior | UBUNTUVISTA: go away. | 15:45 |
=== the is now known as jozef | ||
UBUNTUVISTA | sipior fuck yourself, your ass hole is 3 inches away, I am sure your cock is atleast 4-5 inches. Ok thanks X so next time sit on a cock and die you inbred piece of shit | 15:45 |
UBUNTUVISTA | Ok thanks X | 15:45 |
VCoolio | zim1: xcompmanager has a few modest effects, is more leightweight | 15:45 |
Myrtti | meh | 15:45 |
sipior | such a sweet person. | 15:46 |
thiebaude | he's lucky he left | 15:46 |
TecR0c | some reason i am getting input/output error on alot of commands in the terminal ? | 15:46 |
ChatUser20226215 | Hmm. | 15:46 |
Myrtti | thiebaude: escorted out | 15:46 |
=== ChatUser20226215 is now known as The_Crow | ||
goldins | TecR0c: your harddrive is dead | 15:46 |
TecR0c | its a vm | 15:46 |
frostburn | TecR0c, paste the exact errors, most likely filesystem corruption | 15:46 |
thebishop | is there any good (english->french) language learning software for gnu/linux/ubuntu | 15:46 |
The_Crow | ¿Alguien habla español? | 15:46 |
stefg | !es | 15:46 |
TecR0c | that was the exact error ! | 15:46 |
euzao | hey, is there Lotus Symphony in any other languages? | 15:47 |
stardust1985 | The_Crow: yo. escribeme en privado | 15:47 |
TecR0c | i am running it in vmware fusion | 15:47 |
Pici | The_Crow: #ubuntu-es | 15:47 |
koro | The_Crow: #ubuntu-es | 15:47 |
goldins | TecR0c: "Input/Output error" ? | 15:47 |
TecR0c | yes | 15:47 |
goldins | when you do what | 15:47 |
jorgp | what filesystem type? | 15:47 |
TecR0c | if i do something like man man | 15:48 |
TecR0c | or reboot | 15:48 |
RaWolf | I got a Broadcom 4306, everything is installed and yet I see (when clicking on networks) that there is no wireless | 15:48 |
goldins | you have major filesystem corruption | 15:48 |
The_Crow | koro Pici Gracias | 15:48 |
jorgp | can ext4 be trusted as compared to ext2/3? | 15:48 |
koro | jorgp: i hear no | 15:48 |
thiebaude | jorgp, i use it and have had no problems with it | 15:49 |
goldins | I mean, ext2 has been around for 20 some odd years | 15:49 |
jorgp | koro: hmm, well karmis installed it by default | 15:49 |
goldins | ext3 for 10 or so | 15:49 |
koro | if you want to be safe, i'd stick to ext3 | 15:49 |
jorgp | karmic | 15:49 |
mataks | is there an anti virus for linux? | 15:49 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 15:49 |
thiebaude | !virus | 15:49 |
goldins | mataks: yes, but there isn't really a need for it | 15:49 |
ubottu | A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=21 | 15:49 |
RaWolf | mataks, thats not really needed | 15:49 |
mataks | goldins, why? | 15:49 |
koro | jorgp: karmis? | 15:49 |
goldins | mataks: read that | 15:49 |
jorgp | koro: ubuntu 9.10 | 15:49 |
stefg | jorgp: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ext4#Delayed_allocation_and_potential_data_loss | 15:50 |
euzao | IBM Lotus Symphony is nice | 15:50 |
mataks | k | 15:50 |
goldins | there is anti-virus software for linux because some corporations and governments have really stupid rules regarding computers | 15:50 |
goldins | so, we have to have anti-virus software installed on all of our computers where I work, even when it isn't doing anything | 15:50 |
raph_ael | is there a mactel chan ? | 15:50 |
specto | goldins: and anti-virus can be used to scan emails etc for viruses. | 15:50 |
koro | jorgp: oh. Well you're installing an unreleased OS, so you shouldn't worry about being on the edge | 15:50 |
RaWolf | I got a Broadcom 4306, everything is installed and yet I see (when clicking on networks) that there is no wireless. Someone please help? | 15:50 |
jorgp | stefg: I know, that is why I asked because 9.10 installs it by default | 15:50 |
goldins | raph_ael: you mean hackintosh? | 15:50 |
raph_ael | goldins: i mean a chan for linux on mac | 15:52 |
huey23 | i set up an alias for root's mail in /etc/aliases that looks like this: root: my@mail.address ... is there anything else i need to do to have the mail delivered to me? i am getting messages backed up and i am unsure on how to clear it | 15:52 |
goldins | raph_ael: it should Just Work (tm) | 15:52 |
goldins | are you having problems? | 15:52 |
anto9us | RaWolf, in a terminal window, does iwconfig list it? | 15:52 |
RaWolf | anto9us, yes | 15:52 |
sipior | huey23: you ran "newaliases", right? | 15:52 |
laclasse | huey23, ran 'newaliases' ? | 15:52 |
stefg | jorgp: i think the dev'she know what they are doing. On a server with critical data and the net being the bottleneck i'd say i'd still use ext3, but i use ext4 on jaunty on various machines and my experiences are positive. Fast, robust and reliable for me so far | 15:53 |
huey23 | of course :P ... just did | 15:53 |
laclasse | huey23, if not run it, then your alias will work | 15:53 |
huey23 | thanks | 15:53 |
laclasse | lol | 15:53 |
raph_ael | goldins: my brand new imac is hotter with ubuntu than os x (btw thanks) | 15:53 |
laclasse | huey23, restart your smtp | 15:53 |
RaWolf | anto9us, http://paste.ubuntu.com/234574/ | 15:53 |
anto9us | RaWolf, iwlist <device> scan | 15:53 |
laclasse | huey23, make sure you can forward from the local machine to the alias domain, if another domain | 15:53 |
huey23 | laclasse: thanks | 15:53 |
goldins | raph_ael: are the fans activating? | 15:53 |
huey23 | it is a mail gateway...i can | 15:54 |
jorgp | stefg: I have never had a problem with any linus filesystem except one time with reiserfs going corrupt and I have been running linux for about 10 years | 15:54 |
jorgp | linux | 15:54 |
laclasse | huey23, very bizarre then, not sure whats the issue | 15:54 |
anon^_^ | is anyone familiar with the volume control applet in Ubuntu Jaunty? | 15:54 |
huey23 | i didn't run newaliases | 15:54 |
anon^_^ | and how to switch it back to the same style used in Intrepid? | 15:54 |
raph_ael | goldins: difficult to say, some parts are cold some are not, there are many posts about this, but never found out a clear solution | 15:54 |
laclasse | huey23, hehehe | 15:55 |
RaWolf | anto9us, http://paste.ubuntu.com/234579/ | 15:55 |
garyalex | thiebaude: I'm back, slightly wiser, but no further ahead. I tried unetbootin, but it only creates a usb boot disk, and I already have that, with my SD card. I can run Ubuntu off that (but no internet yet), but it is slow and awkward to boot. The machine tries to go back to Windows. | 15:55 |
stefg | jorgp: i'd trust ext4... the whole discussion has put lots of eyes on the problem, and i think they're sorted out in 9.10 | 15:55 |
goldins | raph_ael: are you loading the applesmc kernel module? | 15:56 |
kfan | computer gets slow after clicking display preferences | 15:56 |
raph_ael | goldins: i do, some fans seems to work if i check /sys/devices/platform/applesmc.768/ | 15:56 |
jorgp | yeah from what i read they put patches into kenel 2.6.30 and ubuntu back ported them back to 2.6.28 | 15:56 |
thiebaude | garyalex, hmm, the unetbootin has 2 options, install to flash drive or hard drive | 15:56 |
anto9us | RaWolf, ok, it's seeing access points, the problem is with network manager, you can restart it with sudo service NetworkManager restart | 15:57 |
jorgp | stefg: I am going to give ext4 a chance and try it | 15:57 |
garyalex | thiebaude: I didn't see that, I'll try again. | 15:57 |
thiebaude | ok | 15:57 |
thiebaude | garyalex, yea, i used it alot | 15:57 |
kfan | why does my computer get slow after i go to display preferences? | 15:58 |
LexLuth0r | anyone know how to get openssl??? | 15:58 |
goldins | raph_ael: if the fans are running then I wouldn't worry about the machine blowing up | 15:58 |
thiebaude | garyalex, the bot says flash but it needs updated | 15:58 |
thiebaude | !unetbootin | 15:58 |
ubottu | For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent | 15:58 |
erUSUL | LexLuth0r: is probably already installed | 15:58 |
RaWolf | anto9us, thx alot! | 15:58 |
garyalex | Thanks ubottu | 15:58 |
erUSUL | LexLuth0r: or you need the headers to compile something ? | 15:58 |
stefg | jorgp: and you know: backups exist only to defeat Murphys Law :-) you never need them if have them, but once you forgot to make one, soething will go wrong | 15:58 |
anto9us | RaWolf, you're welcome | 15:58 |
LexLuth0r | How can I make my miRC run on SSL | 15:58 |
raph_ael | goldins: cool :-) thanks for helping | 15:58 |
erUSUL | LexLuth0r: mirC is windows program... | 15:59 |
jorgp | stefg: yes that is always the case.. | 15:59 |
mataks | help.. how to install java on browser? | 15:59 |
kishor_ | msg thiebaude can u plz help me | 15:59 |
jshriver | Greetings | 15:59 |
LexLuth0r | xhat even | 15:59 |
jshriver | how do you tell Cups to not automatically add network printers? | 15:59 |
dAnon | can't run any guitar tunning program on ubuntu, am I just dumb? OR faggots can't write a manual for shit | 15:59 |
jorgp | wow according to this wikipedia page, ext3 has been around for 10 years | 15:59 |
ttwj | heya | 15:59 |
grawity | LexLuth0r: Freenode network does not support SSL connections yet. | 15:59 |
thiebaude | kishor_, with what? | 15:59 |
ttwj | i have a ubuntu 7.10 vps | 16:00 |
jussi01 | !language | dAnon | 16:00 |
ubottu | dAnon: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 16:00 |
ttwj | but apt wont wrok | 16:00 |
ttwj | *work | 16:00 |
jrib | anirban2: !7.10 | 16:00 |
ttwj | when i type apt-get update | 16:00 |
ttwj | any ideas? | 16:00 |
jrib | !7.10 | ttwj | 16:00 |
ubottu | ttwj: Ubuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details. | 16:00 |
ttwj | !eol | 16:00 |
ubottu | End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases | 16:00 |
grawity | ttwj: any error messages? | 16:00 |
ttwj | yea | 16:00 |
jrib | ttwj: you need to upgrade | 16:01 |
ttwj | jrib, i cant even update it | 16:01 |
ttwj | cos network update needs that thing | 16:01 |
grawity | !upograde | 16:01 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about upograde | 16:01 |
kishor_ | msg thiebaude i've installed ubuntu 9.04... and there is no device manager option under Administration.. | 16:01 |
jussi01 | dAnon: have you tried fmit? | 16:01 |
jrib | ttwj: if you follow ubottu's !upgrade instructions you can | 16:01 |
erUSUL | LexLuth0r: the question is what you need and ssl capable irc client for ? afaik there is no encrypted irc protocol standar or server | 16:01 |
grawity | !upgrade | 16:01 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading | 16:01 |
ttwj | !upgrade | 16:01 |
lulusux | www.e-facto.com/admin login : 'or '1'='1' or '2' = ' no password ??? this is a website of french company specialize in webdeveloppement secure !!!! it's normaly ? | 16:01 |
ttwj | !upgrade | 16:01 |
ttwj | !eol | 16:01 |
ubottu | End-Of-Life is the time when security updates for an Ubuntu release stop. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases | 16:01 |
ttwj | hmm | 16:01 |
jrib | ttwj: ? | 16:01 |
grawity | ttwj: Those two pages from !upgrade have information on upgrading from 7.10 | 16:01 |
bening | hi | 16:02 |
ttwj | jrib, how can i update | 16:02 |
ttwj | cos i read the manual | 16:02 |
jrib | ttwj: follow the link in the !upgrade factoid | 16:02 |
ttwj | k | 16:02 |
dAnon | jussi01 no I didn't, can I find it in repos? | 16:02 |
stardust1985 | !upgrade | 16:02 |
ubottu | For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading | 16:02 |
jussi01 | dAnon: yes | 16:02 |
jussi01 | !info fmit | dAnon | 16:02 |
ubottu | dAnon: fmit (source: fmit): Free Music Instrument Tuner. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.97.7-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 244 kB, installed size 692 kB | 16:02 |
=== Vellas|afk is now known as Vellas | ||
kfan | whats a good graphic game for linux ? | 16:02 |
jussi01 | !games | kfan | 16:02 |
ubottu | kfan: Information about games on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Games and http://www.icculus.org/lgfaq/gamelist.php | 16:02 |
thiebaude | kishor_, im not sure how to fix that, im not my ubuntu system right now | 16:03 |
thiebaude | on | 16:03 |
warden | kfan, armagetron | 16:03 |
dAnon | kfan Enemy Territory: Quake Wars ;) | 16:03 |
ttwj | jrib, i typed sudo apt-get install update-manager-core | 16:03 |
ttwj | and i got a 404 | 16:03 |
kfan | thanks | 16:03 |
jussi01 | kfan: yw | 16:03 |
grawity | lulusux: I reaelly don't recommend advertising securityvulnerabilities ion IRC. _Especialy_ in #ubuntu. | 16:03 |
jrib | ttwj: that's not the first thing you need to do | 16:03 |
grawity | ttwj: Go to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes like we told you. Find "Upgrading from 7.10 ..." | 16:04 |
ttwj | jrib, then? | 16:04 |
Myrtti | lulusux: how is that Ubuntu related? | 16:04 |
jrib | ttwj: follow the link ubottu gave you | 16:04 |
ttwj | k | 16:04 |
ttwj | aww | 16:04 |
ttwj | thanks guys | 16:04 |
ttwj | i'll go call the support desk | 16:04 |
jrib | ttwj: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades#7.10%20to%208.04%20(Gutsy%20to%20Hardy) | 16:04 |
grawity | ttwj: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades | 16:04 |
ttwj | to gimme a fresh install | 16:04 |
kelmix | q es esto | 16:04 |
kelmix | ?? | 16:04 |
dAnon | jussi01 doesn't react on pulling the strings | 16:05 |
pepperjack | !es | kelmix welcome :-) | 16:05 |
ubottu | kelmix welcome :-): En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 16:05 |
kelmix | nadie sabe espaol aki? | 16:05 |
darkhamm | someone with an acer almost new? | 16:05 |
jussi01 | dAnon: is your mike hooked up correctly? | 16:05 |
dAnon | I use line in | 16:05 |
kelmix | no c como cambio de canal??? | 16:05 |
papapep | kelmix: mucha gente, pero no es el sitio adecuado, entra en #ubuntu-es | 16:05 |
sebsebseb | !es | kelmix | 16:05 |
ubottu | kelmix: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 16:05 |
lilcoconut | could someone please help me? | 16:05 |
papapep | kelmix: "/join #ubuntu-es" | 16:06 |
* hagisbasheruk has Aspire One A150 darkhamm | 16:06 | |
otto_ | hallo leute begrüsse alle hier im netz | 16:06 |
kelmix | ok pero como cambio de canal??? | 16:06 |
pepperjack | lilcoconut: possibly. what is the problem? | 16:06 |
sebsebseb | !details | lilcoconut | 16:06 |
ubottu | lilcoconut: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 16:06 |
papapep | kelmix: "/join #ubuntu-es" | 16:06 |
capneb | we're having a problem writing files. we have correct permissions; however, root can write to the file but the other users cannot. | 16:06 |
domcyrus | hi, I've a problem setting up a wireless lan hotspot with gnome network connections | 16:06 |
jrib | capneb: pastebin | 16:06 |
kelmix | hay no hay nadie??? | 16:06 |
lilcoconut | well im traying to install several programms on ubuntu btu i just cant | 16:06 |
kelmix | jajajajajaja | 16:06 |
otto_ | kann eine deutsch ? | 16:06 |
lilcoconut | and no they are not .exe files | 16:06 |
sebsebseb | !de | otto_ | 16:06 |
jrib | !de | otto_ | 16:06 |
ubottu | otto_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 16:06 |
domcyrus | when setting the pw it looks like the password is getting hashed or so | 16:06 |
dAnon | jussi01 now it reacts but I don't understand this program, it doesn't show the note | 16:06 |
otto_ | dankeubottu | 16:07 |
domcyrus | I mean the pw looks like a hash | 16:07 |
domcyrus | and not anymore the pw I've set | 16:07 |
pepperjack | lilcoconut: ok so most of the stuff you will want to install can be found in the ubuntu repositories. basically you just go into add/remove programs and add from there. can you give an example of a problem you need to install? | 16:07 |
kelmix | hay no hay nadie alguien q me pueda ayudar | 16:07 |
grawity | domcyrus: It's probably converted to hexadecimal | 16:07 |
mazda01 | i ahve to change my volume control to 475% just to get it to a reasonable level, why is this? http://img30.imageshack.us/my.php?image=screenshot14s.png and that's just for totem. am I going to have to do this for every app? | 16:07 |
papapep | kelmix: aquí en español NO | 16:07 |
huey23 | !es | kelmix | 16:07 |
sebsebseb | !es | papapep | 16:07 |
ubottu | kelmix: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 16:07 |
ubottu | papapep: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 16:08 |
domcyrus | grawity: yeah that could be the case | 16:08 |
kelmix | papapep cambiate para halla plis | 16:08 |
domcyrus | although how can I prevent doing that | 16:08 |
domcyrus | ? | 16:08 |
kelmix | pa q me explique unas cosas | 16:08 |
kfan | igames | 16:08 |
dAnon | jussi01 this program is completely useless, and worthless, it doesn't tell me note names | 16:08 |
NeonSteven | kelmix: cambia el canal como "/join #ubuntu-es" | 16:08 |
capneb | jrib: what does that mean? pastebin? we have been set up for a long time, then this morning we cannot save files to the server with the smb user, or logged into terminal. | 16:08 |
kelmix | ya lo cambie pero no hay usuarios hay | 16:08 |
grawity | domcyrus: Try entering the password to http://www.nickciske.com/tools/hex.php (in the "Text" box), and you will probably get the same. | 16:08 |
domcyrus | is there another network manager program to setup a wlan hotspot | 16:08 |
dAnon | jussi01 how am I supposed to tune guitar without that | 16:08 |
jrib | capneb: this is an issue with samba? | 16:08 |
pepperjack | lilcoconut: i might not be able to help so probably best to keep it in the channel. in case someone else can assist | 16:09 |
grawity | !pastebin | capneb | 16:09 |
ubottu | capneb: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic | 16:09 |
jussi01 | dAnon: Ive found it very useful, unless something has changed since 8.04 | 16:09 |
arand | domcyrus: It is hexadecimal indeed, I think there is a bug report for showing it as "text" I don't think it's currently possible... | 16:09 |
domcyrus | oha | 16:09 |
NeonSteven | kelmix: yo veo 64 usarios en #ubuntu-es | 16:09 |
domcyrus | that's a pity then | 16:09 |
stefg | !info wicd | domcyrus | 16:09 |
ubottu | domcyrus: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-2 (jaunty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1860 kB | 16:09 |
kelmix | no hablan | 16:09 |
grawity | domcyrus: you can convert hex back to ASCII | 16:09 |
dAnon | ok got lingot to work | 16:09 |
lilcoconut | pepperjack: i tried to install pidgin | 16:09 |
dAnon | thx | 16:09 |
grawity | capneb: So, can you pastebin the permissions, owner, group of the files? | 16:09 |
capneb | probably not, because logged in to terminal over SSH I cannot write to a new file I created. It will create the file with "touch file.txt" but if I "nano file.txt" and then save it cat file.txt shows nothing. | 16:09 |
pepperjack | lilcoconut: ok. did you get an error? | 16:10 |
domcyrus | ubottu: coolio thanks | 16:10 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about coolio thanks | 16:10 |
garyalex | thiebaude and ubottu: Have tried again, but still no further along. I can boot from the SD drive. I want to know if I can do an installation that doesn't wipe Windows XP. Unetbootin gave me no option to install on the HD. The SD drive does, but it seems like I will wipe Windows. What do I do? | 16:10 |
sebsebseb | !thanks | domcyrus | 16:10 |
ubottu | domcyrus: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) | 16:10 |
NeonSteven | kelmix: :) 1 esta hablando ahora | 16:10 |
sebsebseb | !bot | garyalex | 16:10 |
ubottu | garyalex: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots | 16:10 |
lilcoconut | pepperjack: no i didnt... i unzipped the file and clicked on the install button | 16:10 |
kelmix | ok | 16:10 |
domcyrus | lol I'm definitely not used to IRC | 16:10 |
=== Edson is now known as Edson` | ||
garyalex | Oh! sorry, I didn't realise ubotto was just a bot! | 16:10 |
nameless` | hi | 16:11 |
lilcoconut | pepperjack: but it didnt work... | 16:11 |
stefg | garyalex: First step should be making a backup ... | 16:11 |
pepperjack | lilcoconut: ok. ubuntu is actually a lot easier than this to install. its not like windows where you have to track down individual apps. | 16:11 |
lilcoconut | Pepperjack: ok. so how do i install things? | 16:11 |
garyalex | stefg: a backup of the windows installation? | 16:11 |
pepperjack | !synaptic | lilcoconut | 16:11 |
ubottu | lilcoconut: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto | 16:11 |
garyalex | I have a backup CD, but no CD drive! | 16:11 |
kelmix | quien habla espaol aki | 16:11 |
pepperjack | lilcoconut: basically you just choose it from a list and ubuntu downloads and installs for you | 16:11 |
kelmix | q me ayude en priv | 16:11 |
stefg | garyalex: yes... so in case you get something wrong, you can at least revert to that state | 16:12 |
sebsebseb | !es | NeonSteven kelmix | 16:12 |
ubottu | NeonSteven kelmix: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 16:12 |
papapep | kelmix: please, stop it | 16:12 |
Myrtti | kelmix: you are going to be removed. this channel is ENGLISH ONLY | 16:12 |
lilcoconut | and where do i find this list? | 16:12 |
pepperjack | lilcoconut: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto | 16:12 |
kelmix | ok brb | 16:12 |
Vaevictus | anyone have a good command line rc editing tool? rcconf doesn't appear to be fully functional | 16:12 |
NeonSteven | sebsebseb: I barely even speak spanish :) I was trying to tell him the same thing | 16:12 |
sebsebseb | NeonSteven: ok np | 16:13 |
pepperjack | lilcoconut: system --> administration --> synaptic basically | 16:13 |
civixier | in bash, ctrl+z puts a job in the background, but also pauses it. Is there a way to put a job in the background while it is still running? | 16:13 |
nameless` | hi there | 16:13 |
otto_ | das mit der Eingabe für ubuntu de hat nicht funktioniert | 16:13 |
capneb | mgr@machine:~$ touch index.php | 16:13 |
capneb | mgr@machine:~$ nano index.php | 16:13 |
capneb | mgr@machine:~$ cat index.php | 16:13 |
grawity | civixier: Use the 'bg' command after you press Ctrl-Z | 16:13 |
thiebaude | sebsebseb, wassup | 16:13 |
Myrtti | !de | otto_ | 16:13 |
ubottu | otto_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis. | 16:13 |
capneb | shows nothing even thou I saved hello world to the file via nano. | 16:13 |
bastidrazor | civixier, or start the application with appname & | 16:13 |
grawity | capneb: Can you do "ls -la . index.php"? | 16:13 |
NeonSteven | Myrtti: it's ok, he just needed help finding the channel | 16:13 |
stew | civixier: after suspending, you can run "bg" to tell bash to continue it in the background | 16:13 |
civixier | ah, thanks! | 16:13 |
thiebaude | garyalex, im not sure what to do | 16:13 |
capneb | -rw-rw-r-- 1 mgr mgr 0 2009-07-27 11:12 index.php | 16:14 |
nameless` | my gparted tell me that my partition is 3GiB but i made a "du" and the total size of all my file doesn'"t exceed 1.2GiB | 16:14 |
Myrtti | NeonSteven: and if he hadn't found it soon, I would have assisted him with it with banforwarding him there | 16:14 |
grawity | capneb: And of the current directory? | 16:14 |
Myrtti | capneb: use pastebin | 16:14 |
grawity | Myrtti: For a single line? | 16:14 |
Myrtti | grawity: earlier three | 16:14 |
papapep | Vaevictus: something like update-rc.d ? | 16:14 |
erUSUL | civixier: « bg job_number » | 16:14 |
stew | civixier: or "bg %jobnum" where jobnum comes from the output of "jobs" (as you can have multiple backgrounded jobs) and "fg %jobnum" will beging a backgrounded or suspended job back to the foreground | 16:14 |
=== Edson is now known as Edson` | ||
Vaevictus | papapep: does that have a list mode? individual runlevel toggles? | 16:14 |
pepperjack | lilcoconut: or from a terminal you can apt-cache search pidgin or whatever then sudo apt-get install whateverpackagename | 16:14 |
stefg | otto: /join #ubuntu-de | 16:14 |
capneb | not familiar with pastebin yet. looking into it. | 16:14 |
v0lksman | anyone know where the chromium crew hang out? or have any info on running an ad blocker with chromium | 16:15 |
papapep | Vaevictus: don't know, take a look at the man page | 16:15 |
yitehay | can anyone tell me the number of host there are to be comming from an Internet Service Provider?<<< | 16:15 |
Myrtti | !pastebin > capneb | 16:15 |
ubottu | capneb, please see my private message | 16:15 |
grawity | capneb: basically you paste the text to the pastebin site (http://pastebin.ca or http://dpaste.com or whatever you want); then you click "Submit" and copy the new page address. | 16:15 |
grawity | yitehay: what do you mean by that? | 16:16 |
capneb | thanks. will do. sorry | 16:16 |
=== horstle_ is now known as horstle | ||
tdn | How do I set Ubuntu to have a static IP instead of using DHCP and also have network enabled when no user is logged in? | 16:16 |
yitehay | (grawity)...I cant be anymore specific as I already explained<<<< | 16:16 |
kelmix | demen el canal de espanol otraves | 16:16 |
lilcoconut | pepperjack: i cant find pidgin though | 16:16 |
grawity | yitehay: um, you didn't. | 16:17 |
grawity | kelmix: #ubuntu-es? | 16:17 |
yitehay | can anyone tell me the number of host there are to be comming from an Internet Service Provider?<<< | 16:17 |
kelmix | ok thankxxxx!! | 16:17 |
pepperjack | lilcoconut: open a terminal. what does sudo apt-get install pidgin <--- what does that say? | 16:17 |
jacquesdupontd | re | 16:18 |
grawity | capneb: generally, pasting one or two lines directly to the channel is okay; Three or more - pastebin. Now, can you tell the permissions of $HOME? ls -ld . | 16:18 |
sipior | yitehay: which ISP? what do you mean by hosts? do you mean a count of ip addresses? this is what is meant by specific. also, why do you want to know, and how is ubuntu involved? | 16:19 |
jacquesdupontd | any news xorg problem with ati old card and fglrx ? | 16:19 |
lilcoconut | pepperjack: i am confused... i have the german ubuntu version.... | 16:19 |
oskar- | jacquesdupontd: how old is the ati card? | 16:20 |
lilcoconut | pepperjack: could it be that Kopete also works for using icq or msn? | 16:20 |
capneb | cannot find the .Trash. Trying to see if there is something big in the trash. Problem seems to be that the disk is full, even though it shows 161 GB available. Where is trash? Isn't it /home/mgr/.Trash? | 16:20 |
Vaevictus | papapep: yeah, update-rc.d is a pile of junk too. | 16:20 |
th0r | capneb: trash is in ~/.local/share/Trash | 16:20 |
tdn | How do I set Ubuntu to have a static IP instead of using DHCP and also have network enabled when no user is logged in? | 16:20 |
King_tiger_claw | Guys is there any channel for rtlinux? | 16:20 |
Vaevictus | papapep: basically only good for one time use, during install | 16:21 |
kelmix | necesito ayudaaaaaaaaaaaaaa | 16:21 |
jacquesdupontd | oskar-, it's an ati radeon 7000 igp | 16:21 |
capneb | not finding it there either!?! Argh! | 16:21 |
jacquesdupontd | i know its very old but fglrx was working on older ubuntu | 16:21 |
stew | Vaevictus: in what way is it a pile of junk? do you just not like the interface? | 16:22 |
yitehay | (sipior) The ISP should'nt matter the question is,was were and presently still stands "how many hosts are there suppose to be comming from any ISP?....The reason to know is because I dont know and thought that since this is a channel for information relating to computers as well as ubuntu I should be able to get a sensible answer | 16:22 |
capneb | looked in ~/Desktop ~/.local/share can't find Trash | 16:22 |
King_tiger_claw | rtlinux? | 16:22 |
sipior | tdn: add a stanza to /etc/network/interfaces describing the connection. the syntax for that file can be found via "man interfaces". | 16:22 |
grawity | capneb: Mine is /home/grawity/.local/share/Trash/ | 16:22 |
dewdude | jacquesdupontd, are you talking about the fact the propritary binary drivers for ATI cards doesn't work in Jaunty with some ATI cards? | 16:22 |
=== kb is now known as Guest92910 | ||
tdn | sipior, ok. And then it will work without NetworkManager? | 16:22 |
sipior | yitehay: try asking a sensible question, if you would like a sensible answer. | 16:22 |
King_tiger_claw | Any channel for rtlinux? | 16:22 |
th0r | grawity: and I thought it was ~/.local.share/Trash <smile> | 16:23 |
sipior | tdn: should do, yes. | 16:23 |
ShortWave | hi all | 16:23 |
thiebaude | garyalex, are you still here? | 16:23 |
tdn | sipior, ok | 16:23 |
King_tiger_claw | GUYS | 16:23 |
tdn | sipior, thanks. | 16:23 |
lilcoconut | ok and then i have another problem, too | 16:23 |
sebsebseb | !ot | King_tiger_claw | 16:23 |
Vaevictus | stew: it has no interface, and it complains about doing anything :) | 16:23 |
ubottu | King_tiger_claw: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 16:23 |
oskar- | jacquesdupontd: i have a also have an old ati card, a 9200 se, and it is well supported by the open source driver in my opinion. with gentoo and fglxr i also had problems... | 16:23 |
ShortWave | I'm trying to do an install, and I'm getting a failure on libxapian | 16:23 |
jacquesdupontd | dewdude, exactly | 16:23 |
dewdude | King_tiger_claw, this is not the place to ask | 16:23 |
King_tiger_claw | ANY CHANNEL FOR RTLINUX | 16:23 |
sebsebseb | !caps | King_tiger_claw | 16:23 |
ubottu | King_tiger_claw: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too. | 16:23 |
Myrtti | King_tiger_claw: this isn't yellow pages of freenode | 16:23 |
yitehay | (spior)<<<Just dont reply to my questions if you dont like them or dont know the answer....how stupid can one be | 16:23 |
ShortWave | King_tiger_claw: Uh. Are you blind? | 16:23 |
sipior | King_tiger_claw: google broken, friend? | 16:23 |
King_tiger_claw | Then show me the path please. | 16:23 |
stew | Vaevictus: I don't know about it complaining. but perhaps try sysv-rc-conf or sysv-rc or rcconf | 16:24 |
Vaevictus | stew: all i want is to disable dovecot from all runlevels, and none of those tools work for it. i could rename or edit the links manually, but it seems strange that no tool can manage that. | 16:24 |
lilcoconut | does anyone know which programm i can install instead of ADOBE FLASH PLAYER? | 16:24 |
dewdude | jacquesdupontd, it's got to do with ATI put a bunch of cards in legacy status | 16:24 |
sipior | yitehay: i've yet to figure out what your question is. | 16:24 |
Vaevictus | stew: rcconf isn't picking up all the entries. | 16:24 |
oskar- | King_tiger_claw: maybe noone knows of a rtlinux channel | 16:24 |
sebsebseb | King_tiger_claw: ask in | 16:24 |
dewdude | the cards in legacy status have to use the older binary package, which is incompatible with the version of X used in Jaunty | 16:24 |
grawity | lilcoconut: You could try Gnash (but others say it sucks). | 16:24 |
sterna | hi, will 9.10 server be LTS? where can i check that? | 16:24 |
sebsebseb | King_tiger_claw: #freenode or do a /list and search for yourself | 16:24 |
jacquesdupontd | oskar-, im actually on open source drivers that are very cool except for games and im sur ei could win more fps on glxgears if i was running with the propriety drivers | 16:24 |
stefg | lilcoconut: evince is ubuntus default pdf viewer | 16:24 |
dewdude | if you want to use propritary drivers, you'll need to use an older version | 16:24 |
sipior | yitehay: but let's just say the answer is "42". there are always 42 hosts coming from every ISP in the entire world. | 16:24 |
sebsebseb | sterna: no | 16:24 |
King_tiger_claw | I am from my mobile phone. | 16:24 |
dewdude | jacquesdupontd, probably not. the opensource drivers seem to be pretty good | 16:24 |
jacquesdupontd | oskar-, in fact for all that is in 3d | 16:24 |
sebsebseb | sterna: next LTS will be 10.04 | 16:24 |
pepperjack | !flash | lilcoconut | 16:24 |
ubottu | lilcoconut: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 16:24 |
jacquesdupontd | oskar-, but compiz-fusion is working perfectly | 16:24 |
King_tiger_claw | So cant search it from google now. | 16:24 |
ShortWave | I find it hard to believe that someone smart enough to get into IRC, and EVIDENTLY knowledgable to know about rtlinux, has to be in here, ASKING if any of us knows of an rtlinux channel. I find that confusing. | 16:24 |
jacquesdupontd | oskar-, suprisingly btw | 16:25 |
=== ToXBoT_ is now known as ToXBoT | ||
dewdude | jacquesdupontd, you do know glxgears isn't a benchmark right? | 16:25 |
King_tiger_claw | I am from my mobile phone. | 16:25 |
th0r | sipior: I knew it was 42! had to be | 16:25 |
sterna | sebsebseb: i need a newer kernel because areca drivers are broken with 2.6.24 | 16:25 |
dewdude | King_tiger_claw, we don't care. obviously you don't know how to IRC properly | 16:25 |
grawity | ShortWave: Phones generally don't support multitasking. It's either the IRC client, or the browser, or ... | 16:25 |
jacquesdupontd | dewdude, for sure that i what i just told, it makes 5 years im on linux | 16:25 |
Myrtti | moving on | 16:25 |
sebsebseb | sterna: which version of Ubuntu are you on? | 16:25 |
stefg | ShortWave: welcome to #ubuntu , where everything is possible ... | 16:25 |
yitehay | well if you've yet to figure my question out then dont reply to my question asking what my my question is...better yet if I ask another question just dont answer it ok...THANKS | 16:25 |
sterna | sebsebseb: what's the standard way to do that? i'm on 8.04 LTS | 16:25 |
grawity | dewdude: How the hell do you google without closing the IRC client? | 16:26 |
King_tiger_claw | In that time you could tell me where I should go. | 16:26 |
oskar- | jacquesdupontd: glxgears is not a benchmark... ;) | 16:26 |
sebsebseb | sterna: I see, well I think there's a ppa for a later kernel for 8.04 LTS as well | 16:26 |
jacquesdupontd | dewdude, im at 447 fps with a pretty good xorg.conf on glxgears | 16:26 |
dewdude | uhm....use a better phone or don't IRC mobilly? | 16:26 |
sterna | sebsebseb: ah, ppa, thanks, that's all i need | 16:26 |
Vaevictus | stew: sysv-rc-conf looks perfect. thanks for the suggestion | 16:26 |
Myrtti | grawity: high end mobile phones do have multitasking ;-) | 16:26 |
lilcoconut | ok thx for your help guys :) i will probably need some more sooner or later.. but at first im done :) | 16:26 |
King_tiger_claw | If you do not know tell me. | 16:26 |
ShortWave | crap | 16:26 |
sebsebseb | sterna: ok np | 16:26 |
dewdude | my Sidekick multitasked | 16:26 |
grawity | Myrtti: Like my Sony-Ericsson, yeah. | 16:26 |
jacquesdupontd | oskar-, its not but it can tell you the 3d fps of your card and you can adapt drivers or xorg.conf to have more | 16:26 |
ShortWave | King_tiger_claw: Do you really want to hear AN ENTIRE CHANNEL say "I don't know"? | 16:26 |
Myrtti | grawity: nokia was what I had in mind | 16:26 |
ShortWave | Hrm | 16:26 |
King_tiger_claw | If you know which channel I should go tell me please. | 16:27 |
Myrtti | King_tiger_claw: no, we don't know. | 16:27 |
grawity | Myrtti: Do Nokia phones have a SMB server builtin? :) | 16:27 |
grawity | King_tiger_claw: Try /msg alis list *rtlinux* | 16:27 |
Myrtti | grawity: ickle http one they do | 16:27 |
Myrtti | grawity: anyway, ot | 16:27 |
ShortWave | So I'm getting a failure on installing latest ubuntu, where libxapian is dying | 16:27 |
stew | Vaevictus: note that just removing the symlinks isn't recommended, since they will reappear upon upgrade, its best to rename S?? to K?? as documented in the update-rc.d manpage. I'm not sure which sysv-rc-conf does | 16:27 |
Vaevictus | stew: maybe not perfect, (it didn't provide for reordering or changing priorities, and didn't invert the number when changing from S to K ... (S24 to K76 for example), but not really. | 16:27 |
capneb | still unable to locate trash .trash .Trash or Trash for this user. | 16:28 |
grawity | capneb: Does "this user" even have a trash? | 16:28 |
bastidrazor | !trash | capneb | 16:28 |
King_tiger_claw | You could say that before thank. You guys for giving me a great help by saying lot of important details on where I am. | 16:28 |
ubottu | capneb: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash | 16:28 |
sipior | yitehay: i think the point is: no one here knows what the hell you are talking about. i tried to get some sort of clarification out of you to help, and got the same question repeated for my trouble. have you considered the possibility that your question is simply phrased badly? could you word it differently? | 16:28 |
grawity | capneb: find ~ -iname '*trash' -type d | 16:28 |
ShortWave | King_tiger_claw: It might help you if you understood more about IRC in general, like perhaps...where to look to find this information. | 16:28 |
Vaevictus | stew: sysv-rc-conf renamed S24dovecot to K24dovecot... which is good enough. probably should have been K76 though | 16:28 |
capneb | well i suppose not. will look at other users. we have 8.0.4. well ok thanks. | 16:29 |
King_tiger_claw | No one know about rtlinux channel in this room!! O.o | 16:29 |
grawity | capneb: Did you fix the permission problem too? | 16:29 |
Pici | King_tiger_claw: Ask in #freenode, we cannot help you here. | 16:29 |
mpalatnik | i did apt-get install perl and got perl v5.1.0 | 16:29 |
sipior | King_tiger_claw: try looking in #rtlinux. | 16:29 |
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mpalatnik | is 5.88 not avalable on apt-get? | 16:29 |
grawity | King_tiger_claw: Either go to #freenode, or use the ALIS service. | 16:29 |
King_tiger_claw | People forget to help each other. That is very sad. Bye guys | 16:29 |
capneb | nope. not yet. we're still checking | 16:29 |
thiebaude | King_tiger_claw, Join the #linux-rt channel | 16:30 |
grawity | mpalatnik: YOu sure it's 5.1.0 and not 5.10.0? | 16:30 |
sipior | King_tiger_claw: people should help themselves occasionally. | 16:30 |
Ambri | /join #familycasserole | 16:30 |
grawity | capneb: Can you tell me the permissions of $HOME? | 16:30 |
mpalatnik | grawity: err no it's 5.10.0 | 16:30 |
thiebaude | i hope he seen that | 16:30 |
veggteppe | Hey there, just moved from linux mint to ubuntu, and just wondering; On compiz fusion icon, i am missing the "settings" tab, meaning i cant change the "cube" settings etc. Any ideas? Appreciate any help. | 16:30 |
grawity | mpalatnik: Which is latest according to Perl.org. | 16:30 |
mpalatnik | yeah i apparently cannot read numbers anymore | 16:30 |
mpalatnik | ignore me | 16:30 |
erUSUL | !ccsm | veggteppe you probably need to istall one of these | 16:31 |
ubottu | veggteppe you probably need to istall one of these: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz | 16:31 |
veggteppe | Thank you. | 16:31 |
capneb | grawity: It's drwx------ 37 user group 4096 2009-07-20 15:54 . | 16:32 |
erUSUL | veggteppe: no problem | 16:32 |
mataks | how to restart x? | 16:32 |
mataks | how to restart x in shortcut keys | 16:33 |
bastidrazor | mataks, alt-sysrq-k | 16:33 |
veggteppe | erUSUL: Have done it now, but not getting that extra option . | 16:33 |
moncky | mataks: ctrl-alt-backspace | 16:33 |
grawity | moncky: Disabled in 9.04 | 16:33 |
grawity | veggteppe: Can you run compizconfig-settings-manager from Alt-F2? | 16:33 |
erUSUL | veggteppe: probably you need to reload/relaunch the fusion icon | 16:33 |
erUSUL | veggteppe: becouse i have it | 16:34 |
grawity | veggteppe: (assuming you installed the full one) | 16:34 |
thiebaude | grawity, what does ctrl-alt-f1 do? | 16:34 |
grawity | thiebaude: Ctrl-Alt-F1 to Ctrl-Alt-F12 switch "virtual consoles"; F1-F6 usually are terminal logins (text-only), F7 is the GUI, the rest are usually empty. | 16:34 |
mataks | what's the meaning of GDM? | 16:34 |
tdn | How do I install Skype? | 16:34 |
thiebaude | grawity, thanks alot | 16:34 |
veggteppe | Hehe, it's all good now :). Thanks erUSUL - Grawity | 16:34 |
tdn | mataks, Gnome Desktop Manager | 16:34 |
pepperjack | !skype | tdn | 16:35 |
ubottu | tdn: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga | 16:35 |
Vaevictus | thanks stew. | 16:35 |
erUSUL | veggteppe: no problem | 16:35 |
liam_ | i need some assistance | 16:37 |
garyalex | Thiebaude: Still struggling here, I'm afraid. Do you or does anyone know if I can install Ubuntu on a hard disk without destroying the existing Windows XP? | 16:37 |
erUSUL | !ask | liam_ | 16:37 |
ubottu | liam_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 16:37 |
th0r | Gary: yes you can | 16:38 |
Spykemcc | yes if you're careful garyalex ... | 16:38 |
Spykemcc | !dualboot | garyalex | 16:38 |
ubottu | garyalex: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot | 16:38 |
thiebaude | garyalex, ok on the bottom of unetbootin install window, Type: choose hard drive then Drive: C:\ | 16:38 |
liam_ | are you able to compile the nvidia drivers against the 2.6.30 kernel? | 16:39 |
LnxSlck | hello guys | 16:39 |
thiebaude | garyalex, there are 2 options on the bottom | 16:39 |
LnxSlck | i'm having a problem running update-manager -d | 16:39 |
thiebaude | garyalex, tehy are drop down menus | 16:39 |
craigbass1976 | I'm trying to set up a scanner; it's a brother and it's networked directly. rather than shared out from another computer. Neither xsane nor scanner utility will let configure anything, just say "go pound sand" essentially | 16:39 |
thiebaude | they | 16:39 |
LnxSlck | everytime i click the Update Now button, it crashes | 16:39 |
capneb | the gnome desktop for my colleague in the office is freezing. we tried to do a restore from sbackup to a new server a few days ago. we don't see any related processes running and the machine was rebooted an hour ago. now his Gnome env has frozen again. Samba users cannot save files to the server. I cannot save data to ANY files I create as ANY user except root. ideas? | 16:39 |
capneb | the disk show 161GB free, but cannot write new data to it unless root. | 16:40 |
kelmix | ayuda alguien que hable en espanol | 16:40 |
HardDisk | chown chmod | 16:40 |
tdn | capneb, how big is the disk? | 16:40 |
Myrtti | kelmix: no | 16:40 |
thiebaude | garyalex, once you select hard disk the default would be c:\ | 16:40 |
HardDisk | ?es | 16:40 |
capneb | 500GB | 16:40 |
HardDisk | !es | 16:40 |
ubottu | En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 16:40 |
dewdude | capneb, it's a permissions problem. make sure the folder you're mounting it has the right permissions | 16:40 |
help` | hello if i want to specify the umask to know the default permission of creating file ! better like if umask = 022 to subtract from 666 (which is file) or use subtract by bits! thx | 16:41 |
anirban2 | How to install java on Ubuntu | 16:41 |
tdn | capneb, what happens if you write "touch foo"? | 16:41 |
LnxSlck | anyone has an idea? | 16:41 |
HardDisk | anirban2 sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre | 16:41 |
thiebaude | garyalex, i hope that works for you | 16:42 |
jlilly | hi all. Sometimes, my sound cuts out. If I reboot, it works fine. Is there a way to reset it without restarting my computer? | 16:42 |
jlilly | I think the cutting out is related to playing multiple sounds at once. | 16:43 |
jlilly | ie: getting an IM when music is playing. | 16:43 |
* jlilly isn't sure of that though. | 16:43 | |
help` | jlilly did you try to reload alsa ? | 16:43 |
jlilly | help`: No. How do I do that? | 16:43 |
grawity | help`: for files, permission = 0666 & ~umask | 16:43 |
grawity | help`: it's octal, by the way | 16:43 |
UnderSampled | Hello | 16:43 |
help` | grawity ahh 0666 files and directory 0777 ? | 16:44 |
pepperjack | jiffe99: perhaps sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart | 16:44 |
sergio_ | #lscube@oftc.net | 16:44 |
pepperjack | jiffe99: no on ubuntu atm so that path might not be right | 16:44 |
UnderSampled | How do I test that my boot parameter worked? | 16:44 |
UnderSampled | (ie: that pci=acpi was recognized)? | 16:44 |
liam_ | cananyone help | 16:44 |
erUSUL | UnderSampled: cat /proc/cmdline | 16:45 |
fccf | UnderSampled: dmesg ... see if anything changes | 16:45 |
UnderSampled | fccf: how would I know if something changed? | 16:46 |
grawity | help`: if, for example, the umask is 0122 and you're creating a file, the permissions are calculated like this: 0666 & ~0122 == 0664 (& means binary 'AND', ~ means 'NOT') | 16:46 |
jorgp | what mta is everyone using postfix or exim4? | 16:46 |
jlilly | help`: sorry.. How do I "reload alsa"? | 16:46 |
help` | erUSUL cat /proc/cmdline for what it display ?boot partition? | 16:46 |
erUSUL | help`: ? cat /proc/cmdline --> BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz- root=UUID=22b22080-8f07-4864-9b26-a62f2e8c96f7 ro quiet splash | 16:47 |
help` | jlilly sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils reload | 16:47 |
help` | jlilly of if there is force-reload check by typing: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils it will paste for you | 16:47 |
erUSUL | help`: you can sse that my kernel was boot with ro quiet splash and root=UUID..... parameters | 16:47 |
grawity | jorgp: I use exim4, because all I need can be set with dpkg-reconfigure ... but postfix is nice too. Whatever you use, remember: 'sendmail' configs can drive you insane. | 16:47 |
fccf | UnderSampled: you could have saved a dmesg before adding boot param .. and did the same after adding it ... you'd then diff it and see what changed | 16:47 |
portuguesemafia | hey guys | 16:48 |
portuguesemafia | anything new | 16:48 |
tdn | How do I change language in Ubuntu? | 16:48 |
UnderSampled | fccf: oh, so I should have planned for that earlier | 16:49 |
tdn | (I have no X, only SSH) | 16:49 |
ganesh | hi | 16:49 |
UnderSampled | ganesh: Hello | 16:49 |
ganesh | i need to remove new pre release kernel hoe to? | 16:50 |
LnxSlck | anyone?? | 16:50 |
ganesh | undersampled: hi | 16:50 |
LnxSlck | update-manager -d crashes | 16:50 |
grawity | tdn: 'man locale-gen' may help. | 16:50 |
portuguesemafia | tdn system - administration- and language support | 16:50 |
grawity | portuguesemafia: <tdn> (I have no X, only SSH) | 16:50 |
legend2440 | LnxSlck: any error messages? | 16:50 |
LnxSlck | legend2440, | 16:50 |
tdn | portuguesemafia, I have no X. I need to do it from console. | 16:50 |
HardDisk | LnxSlck sudo apt-get install -f | 16:50 |
HardDisk | ? | 16:50 |
HardDisk | tried that? | 16:50 |
LnxSlck | legend2440, CTraceback (most recent call last): | 16:51 |
LnxSlck | File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/UpdateManager/UpdateManager.py", line 802, in on_button_dist_upgrade_clicked | 16:51 |
LnxSlck | fetcher.run() | 16:51 |
LnxSlck | File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/UpdateManager/Core/DistUpgradeFetcherCore.py", line 234, in run | 16:51 |
LnxSlck | if not self.showReleaseNotes(): | 16:51 |
FloodBot3 | LnxSlck: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 16:51 |
LnxSlck | HardDisk, i'm trying to update to karmic | 16:51 |
portuguesemafia | are you using 9.04 | 16:51 |
HardDisk | karmic = #ubuntu+1 | 16:51 |
sebsebseb | LnxSlck: alpha 3 so bugs yep | 16:51 |
HardDisk | karmic is still not final. | 16:52 |
piglit | when i want to print a page i view in firefox i cant print the article because the right part of the text isnt printed at all what is the fastest way to fix this problem can i save the page as pdf somehow and print it that way? | 16:52 |
LnxSlck | sebsebseb, don't care | 16:52 |
LnxSlck | HardDisk, i know | 16:52 |
tdn | grawity, I tried man locale-gen. It provides no examples, and I do not understand how to use it to change language. How, for example, do I change from Danish (da_DK) to regular English (the default)? | 16:52 |
mattgyver | I have a script that runs on restart, however this script is only running with the root user. How can i make this run for all users? | 16:52 |
jlilly | no such luck w/ reseting alsa. | 16:52 |
goefu_ | list | 16:52 |
ganesh | hardDisk: do u know how to remove prerelease? not shown in synpatic manager | 16:52 |
sebsebseb | LnxSlck: well you may get some odd issues | 16:52 |
grawity | tdn: the current locale setting is in $LANG (and $LC_ALL). | 16:52 |
LnxSlck | sebsebseb, i know | 16:52 |
ganesh | hardDisk: do u know how to remove prerelease kernel? not shown in synpatic manager | 16:52 |
portuguesemafia | iv been having problems with karmic but it's not bad | 16:52 |
LnxSlck | sebsebseb, this is not a "production" machine | 16:52 |
tdn | grawity, yes, but how does that help me change language? | 16:53 |
jorgp | grawity: yes, exim4 is what i used dpkg-reconfigure exim4-config worked nicely and perfectly | 16:53 |
tdn | grawity, I need to change the language system wide. | 16:53 |
HardDisk | ganesh #ubuntu+1 | 16:53 |
oxocoffee | I have Secure SD card plugged into my reader. What I need to do is find out what device is it under and how can I use dd to read all 32Gb or RAW data from it for a file | 16:54 |
ganesh | hardDisk:? can't uncerstan?wht do u mean? | 16:54 |
ganesh | hardDisk:? can't understan?wht do u mean? | 16:54 |
HardDisk | karmic related questions in #ubuntu+1 | 16:54 |
ganesh | ok | 16:55 |
HardDisk | oxocoffee sudi fdisk -l | 16:56 |
HardDisk | sorry | 16:56 |
HardDisk | sudo fdisk -l | 16:56 |
capneb | it's not permissions. it was two folders in /home/tmp0xyz and /home/tmp1xyz these had incomplete restores of the entire home folder, which hanged when the disk got full and sbackup did not remove them. So the disk was inherently full. I removed them and things are OK. But it was NOT permissions related. | 16:56 |
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bullgard4 | What is the functionality of the Ubuntu 9.04 service System > Administration > Services > Services Settings > 'Remote backup server (rsync)'? | 16:58 |
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spirit_ | which bt software is good?? | 16:59 |
th0r | spirit_: all of it | 16:59 |
bastidrazor | !torrent > spirit | 16:59 |
ubottu | spirit, please see my private message | 16:59 |
bastidrazor | !torrent > spirit_ | 16:59 |
ubottu | spirit_, please see my private message | 16:59 |
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mbeierl | !rsync|bullgard4 | 17:00 |
ubottu | bullgard4: rsync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync | 17:00 |
FloodBot3 | !netsplit | 17:00 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 17:00 |
UnderSampled | fccf, erUSUL: thanks for your help | 17:01 |
mataks | is there a program in linux that is like deepfreeze? | 17:01 |
bastidrazor | mataks, what is deepfreeze? | 17:01 |
bullgard4 | mbeierl: You missed the subject: I did not ask for the command but for the indicated service. | 17:01 |
erUSUL | UnderSampled: no problem | 17:01 |
onexused | Since I updated a couple days ago, I can no longer wake my laptop up from hibernation. I can put it to sleep, but trying to turn it on again, it seems to try to start up normally, and my root directory is mounted read-only. Can I do something to fix this? | 17:01 |
grawity | bullgard4: rsync is both the service and the command that uses it. | 17:02 |
mbeierl | bullgard4: you asked what the function of the command is... That quotation explains what rsync can do | 17:02 |
bullgard4 | mbeierl: No I did not. | 17:02 |
bastidrazor | mataks, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deep_Freeze_%28software%29 | 17:02 |
onexused | bastidrazor: It restores your computer to a saved state every time you start up. Useful for Internet cafés and libraries and such that don't want users to be able to make lasting changes. | 17:03 |
mbeierl | bullgard4: sorry, I misinterpreted "what is the functionality of..." to mean what does it do. | 17:03 |
bullgard4 | grawity: Can you elaborate that rsync is a service. | 17:03 |
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bastidrazor | mataks, http://www.faronics.com/html/DFLinux.asp | 17:04 |
judithtgilde | hi. Is there a You tube video download pluggin or something? I don't want to install flash. | 17:04 |
jpds | bullgard4: Rsync has a daemon mode too. | 17:04 |
TwoToneSpirit | mataks, bastidrazor: I'm also interested in this question. Can one simply reset the contents of a /home/publicuser directory each time? Or perhaps centrally store a home directory for members on a server that will be consistent no matter where on a LAN they log on? I'm sure this is possible - what are the good resources to embark on such a project? | 17:04 |
romeus | hello | 17:04 |
garyalex | thiebaude: Thanks for your much more explicit advice. I'm afraid that was what I needed. Now I have Ubuntu installed on my hard disk and I have a choice of Windows or Ubuntu. However, the memory allocated to Ubuntu is only 480 MB. There is also a 77 GB partition just called 77.4 GB Media. Can I use that freely? Sorry for the very basic questions. | 17:05 |
yitehay | can someone tell me how can to tell which version of ubuntu i'm using?<<<<, | 17:05 |
grawity | yitehay: lsb_release -a | 17:05 |
romeus | I'm running Jaunty 9.04, is there a way to setup unique panels and dock for each workspace? | 17:05 |
bastidrazor | TwoToneSpirit, that website seems to be what you're looking for | 17:05 |
yitehay | thanks | 17:05 |
grawity | TwoToneSpirit: all configuration files are in $HOME, so yes, replacing it would work. | 17:06 |
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mattgyver | I have a script that runs on restart, however this script is only running for the root user. How can i make this run for all users? | 17:08 |
romeus | I'm running Jaunty 9.04 and I have four workspace setup. Is there a way to setup unique panels and docks for each workspace? | 17:08 |
onexused | My laptop won't resume from hibernate after a recent update. What can I check? | 17:08 |
erUSUL | mattgyver: run it from their .bashrc or .login scripts ? | 17:09 |
mattgyver | erUSUL, this script needs to run on restart, runlevel 6 | 17:09 |
th0r | mattgyver: add it to the runlevel | 17:10 |
erUSUL | !version | yitehay | 17:10 |
ubottu | yitehay: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 17:10 |
mattgyver | th0r, it has been added to the run level. When i login as root with 'sudo -i' and restart the script will run, if loged on any other user and restart it will not | 17:11 |
romeus1 | I'm running Gnome 2.26.1 (Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04). I have four workspace setup. Is there a way to setup unique panels and docks for each workspace? | 17:12 |
erUSUL | TwoToneSpirit: make an nfs server to serve all home dirs and syncronize users on all machines via yellowpages or a openldap server should be possible | 17:12 |
jaikishan | Hekki | 17:12 |
FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 17:12 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 17:12 |
jaikishan | Hello | 17:12 |
th0r | mattgyver: the initscripts process has changed and adding a simple link isn't the way to go....have you used the new process? | 17:12 |
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bullgard4 | jpds: Thank you very much for explaining. | 17:13 |
mattgyver | th0r, im not sure i completely understand however the script works perfectly as a root user. | 17:13 |
jaikishan | I am a new Ubuntu user. And mistakenly when I logged in , I think I changed my priviliges. | 17:13 |
jaikishan | now I cannot do a sudo | 17:13 |
Myrtti | jaikishan: you logged in as what? | 17:13 |
FloodBot2 | !netsplit | 17:14 |
onexused | My laptop won't resume from hibernate after a recent update. What can I check? | 17:14 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 17:14 |
th0r | mattgyver: did you use the skeleton script in /etc/init.d and did you use update-rc.d to add it to the runlevel? | 17:14 |
jaikishan | as the user when I installed my ubuntu | 17:14 |
jaikishan | but now when I try to run anything with sudo, it says I am not in sudoers list | 17:14 |
mattgyver | th0r, no this is just a basic script that i wrote, added to init.d and symlinked in the rc6.d folder | 17:14 |
uns3en_ | i have easypeasy 1.1 and i'm trying to install acerhdf but it can't find build and make stops i'm total linux n00b what should i do ? | 17:15 |
DaZ | jakeriver, so add yourself to sudoers | 17:15 |
jaikishan | Is there any way I can gain login as root now as I have lost my sudo priviliges. | 17:15 |
DaZ | ehh | 17:15 |
lesshaste | I get " shm.c: mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory" all the time when using pidgin.. anyone else seen this? | 17:15 |
DaZ | jaikishan, * | 17:15 |
jaikishan | It wont let me add. | 17:15 |
Myrtti | jaikishan: reboot the computer to single user mode and check the user privileges from the commandline | 17:15 |
DaZ | jaikishan, chroot or single user mode | 17:15 |
erUSUL | !version | yitehay | 17:15 |
ubottu | yitehay: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 17:15 |
th0r | mattgyver: I got burned the same way trying to add a bootup script to my suse vm. The old way of symlinking won't do the trick any more. I got the same results you are getting...the script ran fine, but not automatically. Trying to find some howto for you now | 17:15 |
FloodBot3 | !netsplit | 17:15 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 17:15 |
yitehay | have anyone here ever heard or used MOBLOCK | 17:16 |
yitehay | ? | 17:16 |
yitehay | ok thanks ubott | 17:16 |
jaikishan | I am trying to find how to do I log in a single user moed | 17:16 |
jaikishan | mode* | 17:16 |
FloodBot2 | !netsplit | 17:16 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 17:16 |
Myrtti | jaikishan: reboot, right after the POST test there comes a text "press esc to enter menu" | 17:17 |
uns3en_ | i have problem with acerhdf and easypeasy 1.1 i was able to wget the file and tar it but after i do make it can't find build and make stops :( | 17:17 |
FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 17:17 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 17:17 |
kaffien | what package do i need to play 3gp files? | 17:18 |
mattgyver | th0r, any particular reason that method no longer works? | 17:18 |
yitehay | have anyone here ever heard or used MOBLOCK?<<< | 17:18 |
jaikishan | trying.. | 17:18 |
UnderSampled | fccf: hello, I'm back. How do I use diff? | 17:18 |
Myrtti | xdpker91: yritäs käyttäytyä | 17:19 |
th0r | mattgyver: as I understand it the move is to parallel startup of various processes, so a sequential operation like the old sysv init scripts will no longer work. | 17:19 |
FloodBot2 | !netsplit | 17:19 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 17:19 |
jaikishan | do you mean I boot in a recovery mode now ? | 17:19 |
xdpker91 | ?DCC SEND "ff???f?" 0 0 0 | 17:19 |
yitehay | have anyone here ever heard or used MOBLOCK | 17:20 |
yitehay | ? | 17:20 |
Myrtti | yitehay: seems like nobody has | 17:20 |
erUSUL | !repeat | yitehay | 17:20 |
ubottu | yitehay: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 17:20 |
LexLuth0r | Anyone know of any IRC software I can use with Putty over my SSH connection | 17:20 |
LordLandon | LexLuth0r: irssi | 17:20 |
Myrtti | LexLuth0r: irssi | 17:20 |
yitehay | OK...sorrry for the repeates | 17:20 |
erUSUL | LexLuth0r: screen + irssi | 17:20 |
jaikishan | ok, I booted in recovery mode and then selected to login to root shell. | 17:20 |
LexLuth0r | thanks guys | 17:20 |
th0r | mattgyver: in the skeleton you define, among other things, any modules or scripts that must be completed before this script can execute. Then update-rc.d takes care of making sure your script doesn't start too early | 17:20 |
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maximo__ | /msg nickserv identify Nasra | 17:21 |
LexLuth0r | really like this channel everyone gets back to you so quickly | 17:21 |
LexLuth0r | :-) | 17:21 |
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Stanley_ | Not sure there's a specific place to ask this but I'm sure there are some people here that may know the answer... I run ubuntu on 3 computers and windows on 2, I'm a web developer and it's _very_ painful to keep the list of FTP connections in filezilla updated across all 5 systems. I add about 3-4 a month on average. Is there any FTP client or tricks that let you sync your saved connections across different computers ??? | 17:21 |
yitehay | Well can someone go to this link and tell me how to install this program in my terminal shell?<<<<>>>> http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net/ | 17:21 |
Hilikus | hey guys | 17:22 |
ajay_ | I am trying to run firefox using a different user account, but it crashes saying "cannot open display". | 17:22 |
Hilikus | how do i do an AND in regexp? i want to match "hello my name is blah" using hello*is | 17:23 |
mugwort13 | Hi all, having a problem getting a kodak p850 connected to 9.04. The camera connects fine to slackware & fedora, just not ubuntu. Am I doing something wrong? or forgetting to install a certain package? | 17:23 |
ajay_ | how to run a program as a different user in the current Xserver ? | 17:23 |
Stanley_ | ajay_: su ,user. | 17:23 |
UnderSampled | fccf: never mind | 17:23 |
sHyLoCk_ | ajay_: did you login as this user? | 17:23 |
FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 17:23 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 17:23 |
Stanley_ | ajay: su <user> | 17:23 |
UnderSampled | fccf: thanks | 17:23 |
kaffien | so its not 3gp i need its mpeg4 and AMR | 17:23 |
kaffien | elo? | 17:24 |
jaikishan | so what do I do now after I enter in single user mode? | 17:24 |
kaffien | wow lag | 17:24 |
garyalex | Can someone help me get internet working on my Asus 1008ha? I Googled for help on this machine, and got the answer: download the 'linux-backports-modules' *.deb file" I did that, and copied it to my netbook, but what do I do with it? How do I install it? | 17:24 |
sHyLoCk_ | !deb > yitehay | 17:24 |
jrib | Hilikus: read the tutorial at http://www.regular-expressions.info/, that's a pretty simple construct. Read what '.' and '*' do | 17:24 |
ubottu | yitehay, please see my private message | 17:24 |
ajay_ | Stanley_: no use.. it keeps saying the same thing | 17:24 |
grawity | kaffien: I'm sure Totem and VLC support MPEG4. | 17:24 |
kaffien | i will try vlc i heard they had a recent upgrade | 17:24 |
Stanley_ | ajay_ Didn't read your problem before, was just answering how to run a program as a differnet user ;) | 17:25 |
aboyz | anyone know how to setup a cron to run on August 7 2009? I can't firgure it out.. please advise.. thanks.. | 17:25 |
mattgyver | yitehay, you have to add the repo to your sources and install either from synaptic or apt-get | 17:25 |
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ajay_ | Stanley_: ok :) | 17:25 |
hhlp | yitehay, see Grab the packages!m follow the instrution add repository to your source list do an sudo apt-get update and you can install the packed via synaptic | 17:25 |
sHyLoCk_ | !crond | 17:25 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about crond | 17:25 |
sHyLoCk_ | !cron | 17:25 |
ubottu | cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto - There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm | 17:25 |
keepguessing | Hi I have just done a fresh installation of ubuntu 9.04 ... The output of my uname -a shows the build is of type i686 .. when i do perl -v it shows i486 ... Is this not wrong | 17:25 |
jrib | aboyz: cron is for things run at regular intervals. « at » is for things run at a specified time | 17:25 |
aboyz | jrib, i need it to run on agust 7 | 17:26 |
jrib | aboyz: right. Use at | 17:26 |
yitehay | (hhlp)<<...ok when I do a sudo apt-get update then the repo I need will appear?<<<< | 17:26 |
mattgyver | keepguessing, no, thats normal | 17:26 |
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mattgyver | keepguessing, "This is perl, v5.10.0 built for i486-linux-gnu-thread-multi" | 17:26 |
keepguessing | hmm but my ubuntu is i686 .. would not i have problems later | 17:27 |
mattgyver | yitehay, when you add the repo it will be able to find the package | 17:27 |
onexused | My laptop won't resume from hibernate after a recent update. What can I check? | 17:27 |
mattgyver | keepguessing, no | 17:27 |
mattgyver | keepguessing, its built for 486+ | 17:28 |
grawity | onexused: Do you use the proprietary nVidia drivers? They break standby/hibernate completely. (I'm not sure about ATi and others) | 17:28 |
uns3en_ | okay i got new error | 17:28 |
hhlp | yitehay, Add to /etc/apt/sources.list, Add my gpg key, sudo aptitude update, sudo aptitude install moblock blockcontrol mobloquer folow the instruction in the Grab the packages! | 17:28 |
uns3en_ | FATAL: Error inserting acerhdf (/lib/modules/2.6.27-8-eeepc/kernel/drivers/misc/acerhdf.ko): Operation not permitted ... ? what should i do | 17:29 |
uns3en_ | i just tried modprobe acerhdf | 17:29 |
onexused | grawity: This laptop has a Intel video card only. Would video drivers cause the laptop to try booting normally, and as a result have the root partition mounted read-only? | 17:29 |
yitehay | )hhlp)..your saying I need to do sudo /etc/apt/sources.list first? | 17:30 |
Shortguy109 | Is there a command you can use or something to add audio to a video? | 17:30 |
FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 17:30 |
grawity | onexused: Hmm, probably no. | 17:30 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 17:30 |
tj83_ | are there any ITT-Tech students in the house? PM me plz if you are. | 17:30 |
aboyz | 0 0 7 8 * | 17:30 |
onexused | Why do the floodbots keep saying !netsplit? | 17:30 |
jrib | aboyz: cron will not do what you want. Use at. Read « man at » | 17:30 |
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onexused | grawity: Okay. Any other ideas? Before the update a couple days ago, hibernate worked like I'd expect it to. | 17:31 |
RaWolf | mmm i have installed kismet but i got no idea how to start it up | 17:31 |
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hhlp | yes yitehay sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list to edit it in a terminal | 17:31 |
veggteppe | Anyone here that know why my computer basicly, "buggs" when i try to minimize a game? :P | 17:31 |
Shortguy109 | Is there a command you can use or something to add audio to a video? | 17:31 |
yitehay | ok | 17:31 |
jrib | aboyz: unless you meant you want to run it on august 7th every year? | 17:32 |
Frank83 | Greetings. Is there a channel dedicated to "Wine"? | 17:32 |
thiebaude | !wine | 17:32 |
ubottu | WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu | 17:32 |
grawity | Frank83: #winehq | 17:32 |
aboyz | jrib, how about this.. 0 0 7 8 * | 17:32 |
emmanuel_ | yo | 17:32 |
tj83_ | are there any ITT-Tech students in the house? PM me plz if you are. important project you might be interested in. | 17:32 |
grawity | onexused: Does 'dmesg' say anything useful after resume? | 17:32 |
Frank83 | Thanks! That's right here in FreeNode too, right? | 17:33 |
grawity | onexused: btw, this might be useful: sudo mount -o remount,rw; dmesg > dmesg.txt | 17:33 |
grawity | Frank83: Yes. | 17:33 |
mu | So I just installed Ubuntu and it finds my mounted media, namely a USB drive and a second hard-disk. I need to rename these, but when I try to do so in gksudo nautilus it tells me device is busy. How may I unmount and rename these? | 17:33 |
tyson_ | can someone help me create a VPN?...all the buttons in the network manager are grayed out :( | 17:33 |
Frank83 | Thanks for the help! | 17:33 |
grawity | tyson_: What kind of VPN? | 17:33 |
grawity | !tab | 17:33 |
ubottu | You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 17:33 |
grawity | Hmm | 17:33 |
onexused | garwity: I'd have to check. I don't remember, unfortunately. I'll try hibernating and resuming, then asking someone later, after I get this work done. | 17:33 |
FloodBot3 | !netsplit | 17:34 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 17:34 |
Shortguy109 | Is there a command you can use or something to add audio to a video? | 17:34 |
onexused | grawity: remount - okay. | 17:34 |
tyson_ | i am trying to connect to itshidden.com | 17:34 |
grawity | Shortguy109: mencoder (and probably ffmpeg) can do that, but I don't know how exactly. | 17:34 |
FloodBot1 | !netsplit | 17:34 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 17:34 |
Shortguy109 | grawity, yeah i thought ffmpeg might be able to xD i just don't know how either | 17:34 |
grawity | FloodBot1: Um, shut up, thanks. | 17:35 |
Myrtti | grawity: it's a *BOT* | 17:35 |
yitehay | (hhlp)...I've ran the sudo nano /etc/apt/sources. and somthing came up at the bottom of the page I do not understand and I cant click on anything at all | 17:35 |
grawity | Myrtti: I *know* | 17:35 |
mattgyver | shortguy, you can also use Pitivi if you want a gui app | 17:35 |
grawity | yitehay: it's sources.list, not 'sources' | 17:35 |
jrib | aboyz: did you see my question? | 17:36 |
grawity | yitehay: Use Ctrl-X to exit 'nano'. | 17:36 |
FloodBot2 | !netsplit | 17:36 |
ubottu | netsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit | 17:36 |
mu | After unmounting a device, how am I to rename it so that it appears in my /media/ as the renamed folder? | 17:36 |
grawity | tyson_: itshidden.com VPN is PPTP, so you need network-manager-pptp and pptp-linux packages. | 17:37 |
Dimensions | Hiya ... i have a ubuntu dedicated server with two ips ... i just added a second website to host on it on second ip ... i have added /etc/apache2/sites-available/domain1.com and domain2.com do i need to change any thing in /etc/apach2/sites-available/default file ? | 17:37 |
mu | I use umount /dev/sdc1 ... is there a file that auto mounts to a specific file that I can edit? | 17:37 |
Shortguy109 | grawity, yeah i thought ffmpeg might be able to xD i just don't know how either | 17:37 |
Shortguy109 | oops wrong thing | 17:37 |
Shortguy109 | Is there a command you can use or something to add audio to a video? | 17:37 |
tyson_ | ok, thanks grawity...i will work with that info for a while | 17:37 |
bastidrazor | yitehay, it would actually be easier to use gedit .. gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list | 17:37 |
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keyhack | It appears that only eth0 or eth1 can work at a time, not both at the same time? I can only ping eth1 IP address if I ifdown eth0, how can I have both eth0 and eth1 working at the same time? | 17:38 |
thiebaude | yitehay, exactly | 17:38 |
jrib | Dimensions: try #apache probably | 17:38 |
=== world is now known as eurythmia | ||
metropolis | how do i find out what my wireless card's chip is? | 17:38 |
LordLandon | metropolis: lspci | 17:38 |
yitehay | (hhlp)..i've exit out the nano | 17:38 |
Dimensions | thanks jrib :) trying my luck there too as hosting is on ubuntu so thought mite be related ... | 17:39 |
eon01 | Hi everybody | 17:39 |
Ankari | I'm having trouble signing the CoC, can someone help | 17:39 |
Guest20606 | hi | 17:39 |
jrib | Dimensions: afaik default is just another site just like domain1 and domain2 | 17:39 |
pintook | where do i go to change my mouse click settings pls | 17:39 |
uns3en_ | uh ... can anyone help me because i'm total n00b. i have easypeasy 1.1 and modprobe says operation not permitted on acerhdf | 17:39 |
Shortguy109 | Is there a command you can use or something to add audio to a video? | 17:39 |
pintook | where do i go to change my mouse click settings pls | 17:40 |
mu | What file does Ubuntu use to mount file automatically? in /etc/fstab I only find my filesystem, but two of my devices are being mounted and I wish to rename where they mount to. | 17:40 |
jrib | pintook: can you be more specific? | 17:40 |
yitehay | (bastidrazor)...ok i've pulled up a list of sources...now do I choose which repos I want now? | 17:40 |
raph_ael | mu: udev rules | 17:40 |
jrib | mu: removable drives like usb sticks? | 17:40 |
mehrsteckdose | Has anyone had experience with the stuck keyboard key bug? (https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/124406) | 17:40 |
mu | jrib: USB drives, yes. | 17:40 |
mu | and evidently hard disks, too, as my second hard disk is also being mounted. | 17:40 |
pintook | where do i go to change my mouse click settings pls | 17:40 |
jrib | mu: easiest way is to just change their labels. They'll get mounted to /media/LABEL | 17:40 |
raph_ael | uns3en_: modprobe as root | 17:40 |
thiebaude | yitehay, you can add which repo you want | 17:40 |
bastidrazor | yitehay, the #'s .. delete those in front the the deb and deb-src lines that you want | 17:41 |
uns3en_ | raph_ael, how ? | 17:41 |
yitehay | do I add it in the terminal now? | 17:41 |
mu | jrib, I'm aware, that's what I'm trying to change. | 17:41 |
jrib | !label > mu | 17:41 |
ubottu | mu, please see my private message | 17:41 |
Dimensions | jrib: thanks mate ... thats what i thought but for some reasons domain2.com isn't accessible when trying with www ... but is working only as domain2.com | 17:41 |
uns3en_ | raph_ael, i'm really clueless | 17:41 |
Guest20606 | 可以打中文吗?因为我的英文不好 | 17:41 |
raph_ael | uns3en_: open a terminal, type sudo su, and then modprobe your module | 17:41 |
jrib | !cn | Guest20606 | 17:41 |
ubottu | Guest20606: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw 或者 #ubuntu-hk | 17:41 |
mu | Ugh. | 17:41 |
mu | How is that easier? If I'm able to specify the mount path then it evades all of that. | 17:41 |
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mu | But thanks, I suppose. | 17:42 |
Guest20606 | THINK | 17:42 |
eon01 | Any one know about SEO tools working under ubuntu ? | 17:42 |
mehrsteckdose | I totally have the above bug... and it doesn't seem like I can find away around it. =P | 17:42 |
Shortguy109 | Is there a command you can use or something to add audio to a video? | 17:42 |
jrib | mu: umm, changing the label is one command? | 17:42 |
mu | Oh | 17:42 |
Ankari | Is there a default passphrase? | 17:42 |
mu | So I can just use sudo mlabel, then? | 17:42 |
yitehay | (bastidrazor) when you say delete the #'s are you saying dont use those? | 17:42 |
mu | I mean, I already unmounted the partition. | 17:42 |
jrib | mu: sure, just like in the wiki | 17:43 |
jrib | !who | mu | 17:43 |
ubottu | mu: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :) | 17:43 |
mu | jrib: Well, okay. I'll try it then. | 17:43 |
pintook | bye | 17:44 |
yitehay | from the sources list how do I add them? | 17:44 |
Raydiation | is there any good video editor out there? | 17:44 |
uns3en_ | raph_ael, thank you very lot | 17:44 |
Raydiation | im struggling with pitivi | 17:44 |
grawity | yitehay: Just delete the # from beginning -- NOT the entire line. | 17:44 |
uns3en_ | raph_ael, seriously <3 <3 | 17:44 |
raph_ael | uns3en_: :) | 17:45 |
yitehay | ok...when I delete the # do I copy the line then add it to my terminal | 17:45 |
yitehay | ? | 17:45 |
=== nick is now known as Guest56744 | ||
grawity | ... | 17:45 |
thiebaude | yitehay, copy and paste | 17:46 |
yitehay | ok | 17:46 |
yitehay | (thiebaude)...did you see the link I posted about which repos I needed? | 17:46 |
eon01 | Hello...Any one know about SEO tools working under ubuntu ? | 17:46 |
n8bounds | Any Canonical Ubuntu support customers in the room? | 17:47 |
thiebaude | yitehay, no i just came i again | 17:47 |
Myrtti | n8bounds: why are you asking? | 17:47 |
yitehay | (thiebaude)...will you answer my pm please? | 17:47 |
n8bounds | Just curious. I'm considering the pitch to the brass for a support contract for our servers. | 17:48 |
n8bounds | I'd like to hear from some experiences from some real customers | 17:48 |
n8bounds | regarding their service | 17:48 |
mibocote | can someone post a sample of a ldap entry for a postfix mail alias for ubuntu 9.04? | 17:48 |
thiebaude | i dont have that capability on this chat client and im on windows | 17:48 |
Myrtti | n8bounds: this channel is for the free and community powered Ubuntu support... so, considering that... | 17:48 |
iceroot | eon01: Search Engine Optimizing is done with HTML and co | 17:48 |
yitehay | I did'nt know you can use windows in here | 17:48 |
thiebaude | yitehay, yep any OS you want | 17:49 |
n8bounds | good point | 17:49 |
yitehay | kool | 17:49 |
aaronvarghese | hey | 17:49 |
aaronvarghese | can som1 remote me | 17:49 |
n8bounds | remote you? | 17:49 |
mehrsteckdose | Anyone have any luck with the dreaded "Keyboard keys get stuck and repeat" bug? - > https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/124406 | 17:49 |
yitehay | (thiebaude)<<<can you check out this link and tell me which repos I need? | 17:49 |
JonathanEllis | My computer will play mp3s but not Ogg Vorbis files. Any ideas? | 17:49 |
sachael | what is the version of python shipped with ubuntu | 17:50 |
yitehay | http://moblock-deb.sourceforge.net/ | 17:50 |
thiebaude | yitehay, ok | 17:50 |
iceroot | !info python jaunty | 17:50 |
ubottu | python (source: python-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.6.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 138 kB, installed size 624 kB | 17:50 |
eon01 | iceroot, I'm speaking about tools like popularity checkers and keywords analysing and stuff like that | 17:50 |
thiebaude | yitehay, which ubuntu version? | 17:50 |
sachael | thankx, iceroot | 17:51 |
ascheel | Anybody know of a way to get a script to execute as root without the sudo requirement? I tried setuid, but apparently that doesn't work for scripts. I've also tried prepending 'sudo' to the beginning of the required lines in the script and it's still not working. | 17:51 |
porter1 | Anyone know where I can find a Wubi channel? | 17:51 |
yitehay | it says I have jaunty 9.04 version | 17:51 |
ascheel | porter1: wubi questions can probably be answered in here | 17:51 |
thiebaude | ok | 17:52 |
porter1 | Well, this is more about the disk format, and whether I can use dd with it..\ | 17:52 |
thiebaude | yitehay, the first line under 9.04 | 17:52 |
iceroot | eon01: popularity checker (pagerank and so on) can be done with a firefox addon but dont know th name | 17:52 |
thiebaude | yitehay, copy and paste that to the last line in sources.list | 17:53 |
porter1 | I'm trying to go the opposite direction most people are: I want a linux partition I have to act as the disk for wubi | 17:53 |
aaronvarghese_ | can som1 remote me | 17:53 |
thiebaude | yitehay, gksudo /etc/apt/sources/list | 17:53 |
porter1 | By way of copying of course | 17:53 |
=== michelangelo is now known as Guest26949 | ||
iceroot | aaronvarghese_: why? | 17:53 |
thiebaude | yitehay, thats all that is to it | 17:53 |
yitehay | well I already have the source list up but I need to add a repos from it I think | 17:54 |
iceroot | thiebaude: you mean gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list ? | 17:54 |
thiebaude | iceroot, my bad | 17:54 |
thiebaude | i forgot gedit | 17:54 |
mibocote | can someone post a sample of a ldap entry for a postfix mail alias? | 17:54 |
eon01 | iceroot, Yes I know it can be done with SEO toolbar in FF , in reality I'm seraching a tool that can rewrite | 17:55 |
thiebaude | yitehay, im always adding things to the soureces.list | 17:55 |
iceroot | eon01: ah ok, sorry dont know | 17:55 |
deleric | eon01 look at apache mod_rewrite | 17:55 |
aaronvarghese__ | remote desktop plz | 17:55 |
yitehay | ok i paste the first line and it did nothing at all | 17:56 |
Myrtti | aaronvarghese__: WHY? | 17:56 |
yitehay | do i need to push enter after adding that line? | 17:56 |
thiebaude | yitehay, save it | 17:56 |
yitehay | so dont copy and paste it in the terminal? | 17:56 |
eon01 | deleric, It's not rewriting URL , it's rewriting articles that I wrote to increase their SEF | 17:57 |
thiebaude | yitehay, copy from the link you gave me paste it to the sources.list | 17:57 |
iceroot | aaronvarghese_: please ask a real question and dont spam the channel, thank you | 17:57 |
thiebaude | copy and paste | 17:57 |
yitehay | ok and then save it ok I got cha now | 17:57 |
yitehay | hold on | 17:57 |
thiebaude | yep | 17:57 |
yitehay | so do I close the sources list now? | 17:58 |
deleric | eon01 like adding metatags or something? | 17:58 |
OEP | Hey, I am having a bit of trouble getting xorg working after a fresh install (I was going to switch from nv to vesa driver but can't figure out how). Where should I start looking? Xorg.log shows no errors.. | 17:58 |
iceroot | yitehay: after adding a repo type sudo apt-get update | 17:58 |
thiebaude | yitehay, update your repos | 17:59 |
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deco | i've noticed that when i login on a terminal i get a 0 emails recieved something like that what do i have to setup to get emails and be notified by ubuntu? | 17:59 |
douwei | Hello, I think this is the wrong channel but am trying to find approved hardware for a media center pc for ubuntu | 17:59 |
ascheel | douwei: what parts are in question? | 18:00 |
yitehay | now it's saying I may want to run sudo apt-get to correct the problems of the gpg ring | 18:00 |
Myrtti | !hardware | douwei | 18:00 |
ubottu | douwei: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 18:00 |
titi__ | salut | 18:00 |
thiebaude | iceroot, thanks for mentioning that | 18:00 |
ascheel | douwei: yeah or what Myrtti said. :) | 18:00 |
yitehay | and the following signatures couldn't be verified... | 18:00 |
douwei | its called !hardware? | 18:00 |
grawity | douwei: Read the message from ubottu. | 18:00 |
OEP | deco, you want to be notified by command line like if you get an email to your gmail account? | 18:00 |
Myrtti | douwei: did you see the links ubottu gave you? | 18:00 |
ascheel | douwei: reat what 'ubottu' said below Myrtti | 18:01 |
grawity | deco: The notification only works for local mailboxes - it can't check remote ones. (You could use Fetchmail, but that probably won't be what you want.) | 18:01 |
eon01 | deleric, You know writing an article wich is SEF is not a normal task , it demands some knowledge . There are many issues involved in writing an article. I'm searching for a tool that can help me create efficient articles | 18:01 |
thiebaude | yitehay, add the gpg key | 18:01 |
yitehay | (thiebaude)....can you tell me whick gpg key ring to add from that link I gave you? | 18:01 |
eon01 | deleric, most of those tools are not free | 18:01 |
deleric | eon01 what tools are you referring too? | 18:02 |
thiebaude | gpg --keyserver wwwkeys.eu.pgp.net --recv-keys 9072870B and gpg --export --armor 9072870B | sudo apt-key add - | 18:02 |
thiebaude | yitehay, | 18:02 |
ctmjr | OEP: try gksu gedt /etc/X11/xorg.conf change nv to vesa under the device section, but do not be surprised if your resolution changes | 18:02 |
_rubydiamond | test | 18:03 |
thiebaude | yitehay, copy and paste to a terminal and then update | 18:03 |
OEP | ctmjr, the auto-configurator has left xorg.conf very minimal... can dpkg-reconfigure generate an xorg.conf file to be more like a tradtional one? | 18:03 |
eon01 | deleric, http://www.squidoo.com/article-writing-software-reviews | 18:04 |
porter1 | Any Wubi experts out there? | 18:04 |
thiebaude | !wubi | 18:04 |
ubottu | Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug. | 18:04 |
ascheel | !ask | porter1 | 18:05 |
ubottu | porter1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:05 |
thiebaude | yitehay, did it work? | 18:05 |
buntunuby | Hello everyone once again i need some help on my lenovo laptop i can't get the wifi to connect i drop down the wifi list but it is empty showing no connections available what do i need to do to fix this??????? | 18:05 |
Bob_Dole | I noticed uninstalling Ubuntu from wubi has a tendency to not remove it from boot.ini | 18:05 |
Cocodude | Hello there. I think I've managed to buy a wireless keyboard (with integrated touchpad) which is incompatible with Linux, or at least the stock kernel with the latest Ubuntu. Where's the best place to report this? | 18:05 |
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Cocodude | It appears to support the standard HID profile, and works under the BIOS. | 18:06 |
Howard | Can Ubuntu 9.04 properly display with a video card that uses only a DVI connection and has no option for VGA? I have been having problems for several month with the display and a new card, and just realized that your system requirements requires a VGA card. I'm using the desktop install with GDM. | 18:06 |
deleric | eon01, a i see you want to generate lots of fake articles to get high up in google | 18:06 |
ctmjr | OEP: that will pretty much give you what you have now if you want more from your graphics card install the nvidia driver from hardwar-driver option in the main menu | 18:07 |
Cocodude | Howard: I've installed Ubuntu cleanly on my nVidia 7600 GS which only has DVI outs | 18:07 |
ascheel | Howard: DVI - SVGA adapters are usually supplied with all video cards and will work just fine. I don't know of any reason why DVI output wouldn't work, though. | 18:07 |
OEP | ctmjr, hopefully there is a command-line method for that... no graphics hehe :) | 18:07 |
OEP | I'll try it out and see what happens | 18:08 |
puff | Is there any way to autoamtically detect and remove corrupted files from my ipod? | 18:08 |
sebsebseb | Bob_Dole: yeah Wubi is bad really | 18:08 |
Howard | Well then I must revert to my original suspicion that there is not a working driver for the NVIDIA Geforce 9500 GT | 18:08 |
thiebaude | sebsebseb, i agree | 18:08 |
eon01 | deleric, it's not fake article , my own article will be rewritten , because of my bad english | 18:08 |
ascheel | puff: corrupt how? | 18:08 |
deco | OEP: no what grawity said :P | 18:08 |
aaronvarghese__ | huhuh | 18:08 |
sebsebseb | Bob_Dole: also really what it does, is put's it in a section of Windows, and hacks the boot loaders | 18:08 |
aaronvarghese__ | uhu | 18:08 |
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aaronvarghese__ | am i hurd | 18:08 |
ascheel | puff: are you using the iPod as a mass storage device and files you've stored on it are corrupt? | 18:08 |
sebsebseb | Bob_Dole: or something like that | 18:09 |
grawity | deco: What did I say O_o | 18:09 |
* Bob_Dole runs ubuntu exclusively on all but 1 of his personal machines, and most of the machines he is the administrator of. | 18:09 | |
sebsebseb | aaronvarghese_: no as far as I know your not GNU Hurd :D | 18:09 |
thiebaude | yep it adds an entry to the bootloader | 18:09 |
alex__ | Does crunchbang use xfce? | 18:09 |
yitehay | (thiebaude)...yess it worked and it's now adding and removing things | 18:10 |
deco | grawity: to use fetchmail | 18:10 |
yitehay | I did'nt know I had to add both keyrings but I did and it worked | 18:10 |
sebsebseb | Bob_Dole: well on personal computers people tend to be the admin | 18:10 |
moltenbobcat | alex__: no crunchbang uses openbox | 18:10 |
OEP | deco, fetchmail will put it in your local inbox, but I like the way ubuntu integrates with evolution/thunderbird well enough | 18:10 |
lufis | Is there a way to view CD rom drive information like lspci? | 18:10 |
thiebaude | yitehay, great | 18:10 |
eon01 | deleric, So ? | 18:10 |
erUSUL | !undelete | 18:10 |
ubottu | Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel | 18:10 |
Howard | Has anyone gotten the driver correctly installed with a GeForce 9500 GT? | 18:10 |
buntunuby | ok my wifi list is empty assuming its cause i lost proprietary drivers somehow when i try to reactivate the proprietary driver it says may have to manually fix this package how do i fix it i am totally content using linux without understanding linux as it works quite well for me been doing it for 6 or 7 months now and love it but i count on you folks who understand it to fix my booboos can anyone please help me | 18:11 |
sebsebseb | alex__: no | 18:11 |
sebsebseb | alex__: ,but I guess it can be installed, but then it's not exactly crunchbang, also crunchbang is based on Ubuntu, but not supported in here | 18:11 |
Bob_Dole | sebsebseb, I mean, I manage the machines, I do the updates, etc. I'm the administrator for 15 boxes. | 18:11 |
RaWolf | does anyone know how kismet work? | 18:11 |
deleric | eon01 from the site "Generate Hundreds of Unique Articles With ArticleApps Spinner" | 18:12 |
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puff | ascheel: No, i'm using the ipod as an ipod. | 18:12 |
alex__ | msg sebsebseb ok thanks | 18:12 |
alex__ | damn i keep forgetting how to private message | 18:12 |
alex__ | people | 18:12 |
sebsebseb | alex__: you don't need to do your thank you's in pm | 18:12 |
yitehay | (thiebaude)...why are you here helping people while using windows os? | 18:12 |
Bob_Dole | alex__, well, first, you need to /msg | 18:12 |
puff | ascheel: Something odd happened (still dunno what) and I had to haved a friend use itunes to restore it. However, now apparently some of the songs are corrupted. | 18:13 |
thiebaude | yitehay,i dual boot | 18:13 |
sebsebseb | thiebaude: busted :D | 18:13 |
thiebaude | sebsebseb, haha | 18:13 |
eon01 | deleric, sorry but I'm not good at english , and I can't read all the site even I read it I will not undrestand a great thing | 18:13 |
puff | I want a command-line ipod UI :-) | 18:13 |
RaWolf | does anyone know how kismet work? | 18:13 |
ascheel | eon01: what is your native language? | 18:13 |
thiebaude | sebsebseb, offtopic, but i vant help it,lol | 18:14 |
thiebaude | cant | 18:14 |
buntunuby | I need help please ok my wifi list is empty assuming its cause i lost proprietary drivers somehow when i try to reactivate the proprietary driver it says may have to manually fix this package how do i fix it i am totally content using linux without understanding linux as it works quite well for me been doing it for 6 or 7 months now and love it but i count on you folks who understand it to fix my booboos can anyone please help me | 18:14 |
ascheel | puff: my advice is to contact Apple support as this is the Ubuntu support channel and that is WAY offtopic. | 18:14 |
reya276 | How can I Install the Adobe Flash plugin on Ubuntu 9.04 64bit? | 18:14 |
wildc4rd | evening all | 18:14 |
deleric | eon01, no problem, but i think if you want software like wordflood (creating synonims etc) a paid app would be the way to go. I don't know any opensource ones | 18:15 |
reya276 | I already installed the Ubuntu-restricted-extras but...not working | 18:15 |
ascheel | reya276: have you tried: sudo apt-get install flashplayer-nonfree | 18:15 |
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reya276 | no let me try that | 18:15 |
ascheel | reya276: k | 18:15 |
deleric | eon01, but you can always check sites like http://www.osalt.com/ | 18:15 |
thiebaude | bbl | 18:15 |
tyson_ | grawity, i think i have all the VPN settings correct for connecting to itshidden, but nothing happens when i try to connect. Is there a way to see an error message or read a log file of what is happening? | 18:15 |
eon01 | OK , deleric Thanks | 18:15 |
puff | ascheel: I don't have a mac, or a windows, just linux. I'm trying to figure out if there's a way to fix it. | 18:15 |
reya276 | ascheel: Reading state information... Done | 18:16 |
reya276 | E: Couldn't find package flashplayer-nonfree | 18:16 |
puff | ascheel: That is,if there's an easier way to fix it.. | 18:16 |
grawity | tyson_: Ubuntu, like most Linux systems, use syslog -- so run 'tail -f /var/log/syslog' on the terminal, and then reconnect. | 18:16 |
puff | ascheel: Than simplyt reformatting it. | 18:16 |
mehrsteckdose | Anyone have any luck with the dreaded "Keyboard keys get stuck and repeat" bug? - > https://bugs.launchpad.net/linux/+bug/124406 | 18:16 |
buntunuby | can anybody spare a moment to help an uneducated fool pleeeaaasssse | 18:17 |
mehrsteckdose | (Please don't make me switch to Fedora!) | 18:17 |
sebsebseb | mehrsteckdose: nothing wrong with switching to Fedora :) | 18:17 |
yitehay | (thiebaude)<<<<<..ok...i started off using dual boot but was having a real bad spyware problem with windows and my ISP which is comcast....when I use windows I have a lot of networks bringing me the internet instead of one network...may I ask what internet service do you have<<<< | 18:17 |
sebsebseb | yitehay: he left | 18:17 |
sebsebseb | buntunuby: What would you like help with? | 18:18 |
mehrsteckdose | sebsebseb: but I'll miss apt! | 18:18 |
sebsebseb | mehrsteckdose: yum is similar | 18:18 |
tyson_ | aschell, try this: http://ubuntu-chronicles.blogspot.com/2009/05/jaunty-flash-firefox.html | 18:18 |
RaWolf | does anyone know how kismet work? | 18:18 |
buntunuby | my wifi won't list the connections believe its my proprietary drivers when i try to reactivate them it says i need to manually fix the package | 18:18 |
mehrsteckdose | sebsebseb: Yes. I suppose. Besides, I doubt the switch would actually fix my problem. | 18:18 |
kins_jose | my ubuntu9.04 restarts immediately after sleep/suspend...could someone help | 18:19 |
sebsebseb | mehrsteckdose: if you don't have it on the Live CD, you won't have it in the install I expect | 18:19 |
RaWolf | buntunuby, you mean the wireless is one? | 18:19 |
RaWolf | on* | 18:19 |
buntunuby | ra wolf yes | 18:19 |
pianistbaby | how can i find out my "modem address" | 18:19 |
mehrsteckdose | sebsebseb: Yeah, unetbootin is finishing up again. I ran out of Debian based distros. | 18:19 |
sebsebseb | mehrsteckdose: by the way I wanted to put Fedora 11 on, but then I got an error message when I tried to partition, and it said it was probably a bug, and to report it, so hmm at that | 18:20 |
iceroot | pianistbaby: ip-adress? | 18:20 |
RaWolf | buntunuby, and when clicking on the network you see only your cable? | 18:20 |
ascheel | buntunuby: do this for us: Try and activate them again and give us the results in a pastebin. | 18:20 |
ascheel | !paste | buntunuby | 18:20 |
ubottu | buntunuby: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic | 18:20 |
pianistbaby | iceroot: no. "modem address" | 18:20 |
=== OuChen is now known as w0rmie | ||
mehrsteckdose | sebsebseb: Hmmm. I'll cross my fingers. Wish me luck. =) | 18:20 |
pianistbaby | iceroot: something like this: 00:19:3d:13:c2:34 | 18:21 |
sebsebseb | mehrsteckdose: I been doing a lot of distro trying in vm recently also, but most of those distros weren't up to date enough etc, so staying with Ubuntu for now | 18:21 |
grawity | pianistbaby: That isn't a "modem address"... | 18:21 |
pianistbaby | grawity: what is that? | 18:21 |
iceroot | pianistbaby: "modem Adress" is a very bad description and can be a lot | 18:21 |
grawity | pianistbaby: most often called "MAC address" | 18:21 |
UnderSampled | Hello. If I have a kernel panic that I can easily fix with a boot option, how do I recover the error message after I successfully boot? | 18:22 |
pianistbaby | grawity: i see. so how can i find my comp's MAC address? | 18:22 |
buntunuby | ok i am not on that laptop i am on my dell but it says SystemError :l wasn't able to locate file for the alamin-server package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package | 18:22 |
iceroot | pianistbaby: ipconfig will give you all mac-adresses from all devices | 18:22 |
grawity | pianistbaby: 'ifconfig' will print all the network interfaces and their hardware addresses. | 18:22 |
ascheel | UnderSampled: check /var/log/messages or /var/log/syslog | 18:22 |
grawity | iceroot: iFconfig | 18:22 |
iceroot | grawity: yeah.. | 18:22 |
grawity | pianistbaby: You probably need the one next to "eth0" | 18:23 |
pianistbaby | grawity: ipconfig doesn't work for me ("command not fonud") but ifconfig does. | 18:23 |
pianistbaby | is it the "HWaddr"? | 18:23 |
iceroot | pianistbaby: ifconfig | 18:23 |
ascheel | pianistbaby: ipconfig is the windows command doing the same | 18:23 |
grawity | pianistbaby: ipconfig was iceroot's suggestion; and yes, it's the "HWaddr". | 18:23 |
buntunuby | RaWolf ok i am not on that laptop i am on my dell but it says SystemError :l wasn't able to locate file for the alamin-server package. This might mean you need to manually fix this package | 18:24 |
grawity | pianistbaby: Btw, why do you need that address? | 18:24 |
pianistbaby | grawity: iceroot ascheel thank | 18:24 |
camello | freenode #supremos :) | 18:24 |
pianistbaby | grawity: because i'm checking our household's bandwidth usage. And someone naughty used up more than our monthyl allowance and we have a big bill to pay!!! | 18:24 |
pianistbaby | and the bandwidth report is done by "MAC address" | 18:24 |
polainas | faaaaa | 18:25 |
pianistbaby | the HWaddr in my ifconfig doesn't match either of the 2 "Modem address"es given in the bandwidth usage report when i log onto my isp's account. | 18:25 |
polainas | cuanta gente | 18:25 |
=== michelangelo is now known as Guest44377 | ||
iceroot | pianistbaby: wifi? then its not eth0 | 18:26 |
pianistbaby | iceroot: can't be wifi, because i'm on wired. | 18:26 |
iceroot | pianistbaby: to there is a router and some clients and the router shows the used traffic with mac-adress? | 18:27 |
pianistbaby | iceroot: come again? | 18:27 |
ascheel | pianistbaby: if you're using a router, your ISP only sees the router. It doesn't see the individual PCs behind it | 18:27 |
tyson_ | grawity, do you understand these log statements (http://dpaste.com/72028/)?...i am trying to connect to vpn.itshidden.com | 18:27 |
huffman | pianistbaby: Won't the hwaddr be related to your modem, not the hwaddr in ifconfig | 18:28 |
pianistbaby | iceroot: ascheel: i see. yes we are using a router. | 18:28 |
pianistbaby | huffman: perhaps. how can i find the hwaddr of our modem then? | 18:28 |
Sj4lut | How can I make home folders restricted for anyone but the owner of the home directory? | 18:28 |
ascheel | pianistbaby: then the MAC address will be of no use to you. Anybody use BitTorrent in your house? | 18:28 |
pianistbaby | ISP bandwidth page _DOES_ say "Modem address". so perhaps we are indeed looking for MODEM address | 18:28 |
pianistbaby | ascheel: yes, but now I've blocked it. | 18:29 |
ascheel | Sj4lut: chmod 700 /home/<username> | 18:29 |
ascheel | pianistbaby: blocked what? | 18:29 |
Sj4lut | ascheel: ofcaurse | 18:29 |
pianistbaby | ascheel: blocked P2P/filesharing sites via opendns.com | 18:29 |
ascheel | pianistbaby: Modem address is just the MAC address of the cable/DSL modem | 18:29 |
iceroot | pianistbaby: if the isp is showing the traffic, it will say all traffic goes from one mac-adress (your modem) so you cant see which client is using how much traffic | 18:29 |
Sj4lut | Sj4lut: can this be someehow automatically bade while in system, user accounts? | 18:30 |
ascheel | pianistbaby: you can block the sites, but that doesn't block the trackers or connections to individual users. How many PCs are you looking at? | 18:30 |
pianistbaby | ascheel: iceroot. i see. how can i see the mac address of our cable modem | 18:30 |
pianistbaby | ascheel: 2. mine and the "family" one | 18:30 |
huffman | pianistbaby: oou can probably just check the bottom of your modem | 18:30 |
pooljo | hey guys i have a serious problem | 18:30 |
pooljo | my ubuntu wont load my DVD | 18:30 |
pianistbaby | ascheel: but if we block the site, how will the naughty person in our house make filesharing work? | 18:30 |
pooljo | my DVD/CD-ROM is fine | 18:30 |
pooljo | any ideas? | 18:31 |
tyson_ | pooljo, have you installed ubuntu-restricted-extras? | 18:31 |
pooljo | tyson_ im trying to reinstall windows xp so i can dual boot | 18:31 |
pooljo | yes restricted are installed | 18:31 |
ascheel | pianistbaby: here's the deal. One of those 2 PCs is using a ton of bandwidth. The MAC address (or modem address) won't help you because all of the PCs show up as a single PC to your ISP. | 18:31 |
pooljo | but it loads ubuntu instead of the DVD on startup | 18:31 |
pooljo | my bios setttings maybe? | 18:32 |
ascheel | pianistbaby: You need to actually monitor what's going on in your house and who's using what programs. | 18:32 |
tyson_ | pooljo, yea, check your BIOS boot order | 18:32 |
pooljo | tyson_ how? | 18:32 |
=== Dream is now known as Dream-Stalker | ||
ascheel | pianistbaby: This is an issue of monitoring the family PC to find out what they're doing and who's hogging your bandwidth. | 18:32 |
Dream-Stalker | does anyone know of an LUA editor? | 18:33 |
ascheel | pianistbaby: is the family PC an Ubuntu PC? | 18:33 |
ascheel | Dream-Stalker: vi | 18:33 |
Dream-Stalker | vi? | 18:33 |
tyson_ | pooljo: during boot, there should be a message about what key to press to enter your BIOS | 18:33 |
ascheel | Dream-Stalker: I was being facetious, but here: | 18:33 |
erUSUL | Dream-Stalker: many if not all text editors in linux should have lua syntax highlight | 18:33 |
Sj4lut | !ati | 18:33 |
ubottu | For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 18:33 |
ascheel | !vi | Dream-Stalker | 18:33 |
ubottu | Dream-Stalker: Text Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code | 18:33 |
Dream-Stalker | :/ | 18:33 |
pooljo | tyson_ do you know what the default key is? | 18:33 |
ascheel | Dream-Stalker: you can even turn on syntax hilighting | 18:33 |
pooljo | F10 or F12? | 18:34 |
Dream-Stalker | lol | 18:34 |
ascheel | Dream-Stalker: nvm, erUSUL beat me to saying that. | 18:34 |
iceroot | pooljo: look if there is something like "press f8 to change boot order" | 18:34 |
pooljo | ok | 18:34 |
pooljo | brb | 18:34 |
mazda01 | pooljo, it's usually like F1 or F3, just enter you computer model in goggle and boot to bios. | 18:34 |
tyson_ | pooljo: F2 and Delete are also popular options | 18:34 |
iceroot | pooljo: you dont have to access the bios for that | 18:34 |
Dream-Stalker | i just want it to check if ive made errors, ah well :P | 18:34 |
Dream-Stalker | i made the hello world :) im happy | 18:35 |
=== jesse is now known as Guest88800 | ||
ascheel | pianistbaby: if the family's PC is an Ubuntu machine, we can probably provide solutions to let you monitor all traffic. | 18:35 |
tyson_ | Can someone help me connect to the VPN at vpn.itshidden.com? It slightly fails when I try to connect, but these statements are logged: http://dpaste.com/72028/ | 18:35 |
=== Guest33437 is now known as martinken | ||
zanberdo | I've recently installed a deb however the bin fails to find a newly installed lib in /usr/lib (specifically liblightscribe.so.1). ldconfig -p | grep light does not show the lib, which leads me to think the lib needs to be loaded. I've tried sudo ldconfig -n /usr/lib to reload the libs but still no reference to my newly installed lib. What am I missing? | 18:36 |
tyson_ | silently* | 18:36 |
Sj4lut | If I wanna directory to wrx.. by all users not just root, how can I do this? | 18:37 |
grawity | tyson_: It seems to be a problem with the NetworkManager program, not the VPN server... | 18:37 |
grawity | Sj4lut: chmod a+rwx directory/ | 18:37 |
pianistbaby | ascheel: the other (a.k.a "living room" /"family") PC uses WinXP. | 18:37 |
tyson_ | grawity: should I log a bug report? | 18:37 |
pooljo | ok i checked my bios settings and they were correct | 18:38 |
pooljo | but the DVD still did not load | 18:38 |
pooljo | instead it said "grub" and switched to my ubuntu | 18:38 |
pooljo | what is wrong with my system? | 18:38 |
ascheel | pianistbaby: then I'd say you're out of luck finding help in here. You have to monitor what's being done on that PC. That's all there is to it. I suspect someone deserves a butt whoopin', though | 18:38 |
iceroot | pooljo: how did you burn the iso? | 18:38 |
pianistbaby | We're looking at paying an extra $185 for this monht because of "overuse charge". OUCH OUCH OUCH!!! | 18:38 |
Sj4lut | grawity: thanx, what is a and + ? | 18:38 |
DaZ | overuse charge? :f | 18:39 |
ascheel | pianistbaby: I feel your pain, but #ubuntu won't help with the overuse charges, either. ;P | 18:39 |
pooljo | i used gnomebaker | 18:39 |
pianistbaby | ascheel: yes. i better leave this chatroom before some whoops my butt for going offtopic | 18:39 |
pianistbaby | sp: some --> someone | 18:39 |
ascheel | !ot | pianistbaby | 18:40 |
ubottu | pianistbaby: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 18:40 |
grawity | Sj4lut: The 'a' part means "all" (it's the same as 'ugo', which mean "user" (owner), "group" and "others"). | 18:40 |
=== Tiago is now known as Guest85066 | ||
ascheel | pianistbaby: there you go. :) Done | 18:40 |
rek | hello | 18:40 |
Otacon22 | Is is possibile to see the other shells? A my friend is connected with ssh on my pc, and i want to see what he is doing | 18:40 |
pianistbaby | thanks everyone. | 18:40 |
pianistbaby | bye for now. | 18:40 |
ascheel | !hi | rek | 18:40 |
ubottu | rek: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 18:40 |
grawity | Sj4lut: + means "add permissions". ('-' would remove, '=' would set.) | 18:40 |
ascheel | pianistbaby: my pleasure | 18:40 |
grawity | Otacon22: ps -u friendsusername | 18:40 |
pooljo | iceroot any ideas? | 18:40 |
rek | my desktop changes every time with fluxbox : help | 18:40 |
Guest85066 | ola | 18:40 |
grawity | Otacon22: But you can't spy on their terminal. | 18:40 |
rek | ciao otacon | 18:40 |
Otacon22 | grawity, even if i'm root? | 18:41 |
ascheel | rek: I would recommend looking in #fluxbox | 18:41 |
Guest85066 | alguem fala portugues | 18:41 |
Nazaroo | has anybody tried compiz with nVidia dual screens? | 18:41 |
twig11 | How do I erase the default home directory created by ubuntu on my last install? I had placed my previous home directory on its own partition during a previous install, then left it untouched when I reinstalled and modified my fstab file to use the earlier /home on the other partition. | 18:41 |
twig11 | I was told I should delete the default /home created during the install once I had successfully switched to the one on the separate partition. I'm not sure how to do that and I'd appreciate if someone could give me some help | 18:41 |
ascheel | !pg | Guest85066 | 18:41 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about pg | 18:41 |
kfan | can someone help me to make sure my video drivers are installed right? | 18:41 |
ascheel | erm.. what's the Portugal abbr? | 18:41 |
mazda01 | trying to compile subtitle editor for ubuntu jaunty and I am seeing a whole bunch of this error: libtool: relink: warning: `/usr/lib/gcc/i486-linux-gnu/4.3.3/../../../../lib/libglademm-2.4.la' seems to be moved | 18:41 |
fosco__ | kfan, glxinfo | grep -i render | 18:41 |
grawity | ascheel: pt, maybe? | 18:41 |
ascheel | !pt | Guest85066 | 18:42 |
ubottu | Guest85066: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado. | 18:42 |
rek | ascheel: they would reccomand to stay here | 18:42 |
ascheel | AH HA! Thanks, grwaity | 18:42 |
fosco__ | kfan, if it says YES video is ok | 18:42 |
rek | my desktop changes every time with fluxbox : help | 18:42 |
grawity | Otacon22: Even if you're root. (You _may_ be able to do "cat /dev/pts/whatever", but that is really not guaranteed to work, and the friend will probably notice the slowdown that 'cat' causes.) | 18:42 |
Guest85066 | obrigada | 18:42 |
grawity | Otacon22: Seriously, I would just ask the friend. | 18:42 |
kfan | direct rendering: Yes | 18:42 |
kfan | OpenGL renderer string: ATI Radeon HD 3200 Graphics | 18:42 |
kfan | GL_KTX_buffer_region, GL_NV_blend_square, GL_NV_conditional_render, | 18:42 |
fosco__ | kfan, so, it is ok | 18:42 |
rek | hei | 18:43 |
anybuntu | yo | 18:43 |
v-ashitaka-v | hi guys..there is an italian page for ubuntu? | 18:43 |
fosco__ | !it | v-ashitaka-v | 18:43 |
ubottu | v-ashitaka-v: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 18:43 |
mazda01 | just did all of it and it doesn't even open when i clicked on the menu item. what gives? so now I have all this subtitleditor junk throughout my system. how to easily remove? | 18:43 |
marko-_- | !offtopic | 18:43 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 18:43 |
Dream-Stalker | test | 18:44 |
ShortWave | Ok so | 18:44 |
ShortWave | 9.04 is failing to connect to my samba shares | 18:44 |
cybacme | sup | 18:44 |
rek | hei | 18:45 |
ascheel | ShortWave: gotta give us more info bud. Errors? How are you trying to connect? Are the connections Ubunto to Ubuntu or Ubuntu to Windows? What? | 18:45 |
rek | help | 18:45 |
fosco__ | !ask | rek | 18:45 |
ubottu | rek: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 18:45 |
ascheel | rek: just ask the question | 18:45 |
mazda01 | trying to open it from the command line, gives me this: subtitleeditor: error while loading shared libraries: libsubtitleeditor.so.0: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory | 18:45 |
ShortWave | ascheel: Collecting, one second | 18:46 |
rek | my desktop changes background every few seconds | 18:46 |
Keiffer | What's the best linux distro? | 18:46 |
ikonia | !poll | Keiffer | 18:46 |
ubottu | Keiffer: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 18:46 |
cybacme | lol | 18:46 |
Keiffer | Wrong. Ubuntu! | 18:46 |
UnderSampled | Keiffer: What is the best linux distro for you | 18:46 |
UnderSampled | ? | 18:46 |
cybacme | yep, Ubuntu best. | 18:47 |
ascheel | Keiffer: different distros are better suited for different situations. That's a loaded question, but you're in the Ubuntu channel | 18:47 |
ikonia | it's personal prefernce, lets leave it at that | 18:47 |
kfan | when i click on ati control center it does not pop up | 18:47 |
warden | windows vista basic is the pwn | 18:47 |
ikonia | warden: please don't help take it offtopic | 18:47 |
mazda01 | can someone please tell me how to remove a package when I just did ./configure, make, and make install? | 18:47 |
ikonia | guys, the topic is Ubuntu support disccussion please. | 18:47 |
aaronvarghese_ | #freenode | 18:48 |
ascheel | mazda01: try make uninstall | 18:48 |
zanberdo | mazda01, often there is an uninstall option for make | 18:48 |
Matic | mazda01, make uninstall | 18:48 |
mazda01 | ascheel, thanks, will try | 18:48 |
zanberdo | mazda01, try make uninstall | 18:48 |
fosco__ | mazda01, usually make uninstall from sources directory, read the README file | 18:48 |
ikonia | mazda01: you have to manually remove it if there is not an uninstall routine | 18:48 |
mazda01 | thanks | 18:48 |
ascheel | lol no shortages of answers for mazda01 there | 18:48 |
DaZ | mazda01, use checkinstall instead of make install | 18:48 |
Keiffer | mazda1, romania? | 18:48 |
kfan | what about me? lol when i click ati catalyst control center it dosnt load up | 18:48 |
=== erUSUL_ is now known as erUSUL | ||
mazda01 | yeah, thank you all! | 18:49 |
cybacme | kfan: ati-config | 18:49 |
cybacme | kfan: try write in term | 18:49 |
UnderSampled | ascheel: I could not find what I was looking for in those files. am I doing something wrong? | 18:49 |
yitehay | is anyone here familiar with privoxy? | 18:50 |
ascheel | UnderSampled: what was I helping you with? | 18:50 |
cybacme | yitehay: yep | 18:50 |
fosa | what's the smbclient command or samba command to list the available hosts? | 18:50 |
UnderSampled | ascheel: I had a kernel panic, and I am trying to recover the error report | 18:51 |
mazda01 | all the files are located in /usr/local/lib/ but subtitleeditor must be looking somewhere else. how can I fix this? | 18:51 |
yitehay | (cybacme)<<<have you ever used it or presently using it now? | 18:51 |
fosa | like smbfind.. or something? | 18:51 |
twig11 | How do I remove the default home folder created by a Jaunty install? I set up fstab so ubuntu mounts /home on a different partition, but now how do I access and delete the default /home? | 18:51 |
ShortWave | ok mostly solved | 18:52 |
ascheel | UnderSampled: if you didn't find the error in those logs, I don't know of anything to help you, I'm sorry. Someone else may, though. Ask the question again in its entirety to the channel | 18:52 |
ShortWave | ok so | 18:52 |
ShortWave | where do I look to change the default SMB domain? | 18:52 |
torgrimt | ShortWave: /etc/samba/smb.conf | 18:52 |
fosa | woo woo! another person looking for smb help! | 18:52 |
ShortWave | For the *browser*, not the server. | 18:52 |
DaZ | twig11, umount partition and delete /home ? :f | 18:52 |
ShortWave | Will that affect it? | 18:52 |
ascheel | For all users using Samba, I am going to recommend: /join #samba | 18:52 |
fosa | ShortWave, torgrimt do you know how to list available hosts? smbfind or some such? | 18:52 |
DaZ | /home/* | 18:52 |
twig11 | DaZ: I'm pretty new. can you explain that in more detail? | 18:53 |
ShortWave | fosa: the file manager should do that. | 18:53 |
torgrimt | fosa: sorr, i dont know | 18:53 |
Evet | which is the best open-source social networking cms? | 18:54 |
DaZ | twig11, explain what exactly? :f | 18:54 |
UnderSampled | Hello. I am trying to recover an error report of a kernel panic on my current computer. where can I find it, so I don't have to transcribe the error by hand? | 18:54 |
fosa | ShortWave, I'm trying to use the IP address to connect via command line, my graphical manager dies when I try to connect to the windows share | 18:54 |
fosco__ | !best | evet | 18:54 |
ubottu | evet: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 18:54 |
fosco__ | UnderSampled, /var/log/* | 18:54 |
Matic | ubottu, is it true you are just a bot? | 18:55 |
ubottu | Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) | 18:55 |
b3rz3rk3r | evening all, i'm wishing to backup my installation, slipstreaming all updates and customisation i have done to this install. Can anyone point me in the direction of a tool to do this? | 18:55 |
Evet | m | 18:55 |
fosco__ | b3rz3rk3r, sbackup | 18:55 |
mercutio22 | A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept. | 18:55 |
twig11 | DaZ: On a previous install, I placed /home on its own partition, sda6. When I reinstalled, I left that partition alone, and after the install I set up fstab to mount sda6 as /home. that's the home folder I'm using now. I'm not sure even how to find the default home directory created during the install. | 18:55 |
b3rz3rk3r | fosco__, il check it out now, thx | 18:56 |
twig11 | DaZ: do you understand what I'm doing? | 18:56 |
Myrtti | mercutio22: hello | 18:56 |
Matic | b3rz3rk3r, sbackup will definitely do the job | 18:56 |
twig11 | DaZ:what I'm trying to do that is. | 18:56 |
b3rz3rk3r | Matic, good to hear a second vote for it... thx lads | 18:56 |
Matic | b3rz3rk3r, men! :) | 18:57 |
DaZ | twig11, default home is hiddem because of partition mounted at /home/ | 18:57 |
ascheel | b3rz3rk3r: there are 2 things you want to do. First is get a list of all installed applications. See this link: http://www.arsgeek.com/2006/09/19/ubuntu-tricks-how-to-generate-a-list-of-installed-packages-and-use-it-to-reinstall-packages/ | 18:57 |
=== DPic is now known as zen | ||
DaZ | twig11, unmount it to see it | 18:57 |
ascheel | b3rz3rk3r: if you're interested in settings files, I'd recommend backing up /etc. Individual user files, /home | 18:57 |
zen | none of you would happen to know where i could find that video of berserkaaar since it was removed from youtube, would you? | 18:58 |
v-ashitaka-v | please can you regive me the italian room of ubuntu? | 18:58 |
fosco__ | !it | 18:58 |
ubottu | Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare) | 18:58 |
twig11 | DaZ: How do I unmount that partition if it's the home folder I'm using? | 18:58 |
zen | ooops wrong channel | 18:58 |
b3rz3rk3r | ascheel, i was hoping that i could just backup the current state of my system to a dvd and make it bootable? | 18:58 |
=== zen is now known as DPic | ||
DaZ | twig11, logout, and log in as root in the terminal | 18:58 |
ascheel | b3rz3rk3r: sorry I wouldn't know. :( Someone else suggested 'sbackup' though | 18:58 |
grawity | DaZ: 'root' account is by default locked on Ubuntu. Using 'sudo -s' is preferred. | 18:59 |
fosco__ | twig11, select recovery mode in the grub menu, it will be easyest | 18:59 |
cosa | hola | 18:59 |
legend2440 | b3rz3rk3r: http://www.geekconnection.org/remastersys/remastersystool.html | 18:59 |
DaZ | grawity, and it won't give errors while umountng /home ? | 18:59 |
erUSUL | !es | cosa | 18:59 |
ubottu | cosa: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 18:59 |
cosa | al guien sabe una pagina wuebg guarra | 18:59 |
UnderSampled | fosco__: what do you mean by '*'? | 19:00 |
grawity | DaZ: Good question ... 'exec sudo -s' then? | 19:00 |
b3rz3rk3r | legend2440, that seems to be exactly what im after! Nice one man! | 19:00 |
DaZ | whatever | 19:00 |
DaZ | setting root password is easier | 19:00 |
JonathanEllis | I cant play ogg vorbis files but I can play mp3. I have vorbistools installed. What am I missing? | 19:00 |
fosco__ | UnderSampled, different files in that dir contain different kernel and application information | 19:00 |
somaunn | hello guys | 19:00 |
somaunn | i've a problem since this morning | 19:00 |
Paulo39 | hi, its possible do handle apps like pidgin or firefox in a screen session? | 19:00 |
sebsebseb | !details | somaunn | 19:00 |
ubottu | somaunn: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 19:00 |
somaunn | trying to load a flycard usb edge modem on my jaunty | 19:01 |
UnderSampled | fosco__: so, which one would it be in? | 19:01 |
somaunn | but the system it's not picking up the device | 19:01 |
fosco__ | UnderSampled, just look inside them | 19:01 |
Paulo39 | or it is just possible with console' apps? | 19:01 |
DaZ | twig11, sudo passwd root, type password you want, logoud, switch to tty1, login as root and umount /home | 19:01 |
DaZ | logout* | 19:01 |
sebsebseb | somaunn: dialup or broadband? | 19:01 |
somaunn | sebsebseb, broadband | 19:02 |
ShortWave | So tell me | 19:02 |
UnderSampled | somaunn: cellular, or phone line? | 19:02 |
ShortWave | Why don't my mounted SMB shares show up in the normal file browser from firefox? | 19:02 |
twig11 | DaZ: does it actually matter if the default home directory is there? | 19:02 |
DaZ | twig11, root uses /root as home directory | 19:03 |
somaunn | i mean the system is just picking up the device as a mass storage | 19:03 |
somaunn | cellular | 19:03 |
whileimhere | Hi. I was wondering if there is any website someone could recommend that discusses ways to speed up gnome other than turning off un-used services? I was wondering if things like the themes and the wallpaper really have an effect on the speed of gnome? | 19:03 |
fosco__ | twig11, no, it doesn't matter | 19:03 |
DaZ | twig11, or you can set up user directory somewhere else with usermod | 19:03 |
Matic | JonathanEllis, Have you tries another player like mplayer? | 19:03 |
DaZ | twig11, or just remove /home partition from fstab | 19:03 |
DaZ | this is linux, think on your own <: | 19:04 |
somaunn | maybe the brand going to help: flycard | 19:04 |
sebsebseb | somaunn: not my area | 19:04 |
sebsebseb | somaunn: try ##linux | 19:05 |
JonathanEllis | Matic: I havent tried mplayer yet. Is that just command line driven? | 19:05 |
somaunn | sebsebseb, ok - i'll try | 19:05 |
=== Paraselene__ is now known as Paraselene_ | ||
DaZ | JonathanEllis, yes | 19:05 |
warden | JonathanEllis, vlc perhaps? | 19:05 |
grawity | DaZ: "This is Linux, RTFM"? :) | 19:05 |
pepperjack | whileimhere: i wouldnt think they would have an impact (measurable). Only perhaps in mem usage that that would only be maybe a MB or two | 19:05 |
Flannel | !rtfm | grawity | 19:06 |
ubottu | grawity: Acronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period. | 19:06 |
twig11 | DaZ: fosco__: thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately I have to be careful about thinking on my own. I'm pretty new to linux, and the computer's used by non-tech-savvy people who don't have much patience if I've broken the system and they want to check their email. Know what I mean? | 19:06 |
Matic | whileimhere, normally it is indicated in the system requirements the minimum resources you need on your machine, every distro has it's own and what they release is deemed fit. if it doesn't favour your machine, please upgrade. thanks | 19:06 |
twig11 | DaZ: I think I'll leave things as they are if it won't make future problems. | 19:06 |
whileimhere | pepperjack so its not worth toying with it then. Ionly have 1 gig ram so I sometimes have to go into fluxbox to work on graphics. | 19:06 |
deco | cd /var | 19:06 |
deco | ls | 19:06 |
Matic | JonathanEllis, you can install gnome-mplayer it a nice app | 19:06 |
ShortWave | Hrm | 19:06 |
DaZ | twig11, it won't make any problems | 19:06 |
grawity | Flannel: I know, dammit. Reread the message. | 19:07 |
DaZ | i thought you want to acces files there [; | 19:07 |
twig11 | DaZ: okay, thanks. | 19:07 |
DaZ | grawity, why rtfm? <: | 19:07 |
camello | why I can't join in #supremos with pidgin? | 19:07 |
ShortWave | Anyone here know why mounted SMB shares won't show up in the "Places" box on a standard file open dialog? | 19:07 |
DaZ | it was more 'this is linux, be creative' | 19:07 |
stew | camello: please respond to my PMs | 19:07 |
=== MadMax is now known as Guest27702 | ||
zimbres | why ubuntu is hosted in an specific microsoft related web-hosting? | 19:08 |
JonathanEllis | Matic: gnome-mplayer doesnt work either. Gives a whole bunch of error messages one after another | 19:09 |
DaZ | zimbres, because ubuntu is microsoft secret project | 19:09 |
Matic | JonathanEllis, please paste the errors | 19:09 |
DaZ | pastebin :c | 19:09 |
Matic | DaZ, not really | 19:10 |
JonathanEllis | Matic: Once I manage to dismiss the multiple error boxes I will. Is there a log? | 19:10 |
Pici | zimbres: I'm not sure I understand what you're asking, can you rephrase? | 19:10 |
stryker | If ubuntu is being installed in a hard drive that doesn't have an operating system but already has files in it, will ubuntu ask if you want to partition over it or will it just install it? | 19:10 |
JonathanEllis | stryker: It will ask | 19:11 |
Leapo | This the right channel for PowerPC Ubuntu? | 19:11 |
stryker | JonathanEllis: okay, thanks | 19:11 |
Matic | stryker, yes ofcourse and if you do not partition it will overwrite! | 19:11 |
stryker | Matic: jaja okay, i see | 19:12 |
Myrtti | !ppc | Leapo | 19:12 |
ubottu | Leapo: PowerPC. Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ | 19:12 |
syntax | I got a question..If you had sound and after you reboot the sound goes out how do you fix it in ubuntu linux | 19:12 |
stryker | anybody know how to have different background images with the Desktop Cube effect in Compiz? | 19:12 |
zimbres | Pici, Since .net is mycrosoft related I thoght it be more natural to host ubuntu in savannah for example instead of launchpad, | 19:13 |
Emad | hi | 19:14 |
Pici | zimbres: I'm not sure what you mean, could you perhaps explain in #ubuntu-offtopic as this doesn't seem support related. | 19:14 |
Jordanmota | Just installed Ubuntu - Fresh - The folder "File System" (with a padlock symbol next to it) shows as having 23 GB (278,437 items totalling 23.0 GB). That can't be right? | 19:14 |
Emad | anyone knows a good chatting server to go to???? | 19:14 |
Matic | Jordanmota, justify that | 19:14 |
JonathanEllis | Matic: Does gnome-mplayer have an error log? | 19:15 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: you can install gparted and upload a screenshot, and i'll tell you if your partitions are ok or not, no problem | 19:15 |
sebsebseb | !screenshot | Jordanmota | 19:16 |
ubottu | Jordanmota: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it. | 19:16 |
Jordanmota | Matic - I literally just installed Ubuntu. When I booted up first time, it wanted to install some updates. I clicked "install" but it said I didn't have enough free space... so I checked out the folder and saw it had 23 GB of files in it. | 19:16 |
Jordanmota | Thanks, I will do a print screen soon. | 19:16 |
fosco__ | Jordanmota, open a terminal and type df -h | 19:17 |
kfan | Parse error on line 34 of section Module in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf somone help me with this? | 19:17 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: or you can do that | 19:17 |
fosco__ | kfan, that line has a syntax error, open with an editor and repair it | 19:18 |
danzyg__ | i get a error that says " failed to start the x server " when i try to run a version of ubuntu that i got with my book ... Hacking the art of exploitation. Can anyone help me ... my video card is 256 MB Nvidia Gforce 8600 if that helps at all | 19:18 |
sebsebseb | fosco__: maybe he dosn't know how to repair the file | 19:18 |
vishal | Hi, what tool can I use to montior the current rate of data speed on my computer with my isp ? | 19:18 |
fosco__ | vishal, iptraf | 19:19 |
ctmjr | kfan: what command did you run to get this error? | 19:19 |
Jordanmota | fosco - I just typed df -h in terminal. Should I screen capture this, or can I copy paste it somewhere? | 19:19 |
fosco__ | Jordanmota, copy&paste to pastebin.com | 19:19 |
danzyg__ | i just tried to start it ... its a live boot CD | 19:20 |
sebsebseb | !pastebin | Jordanmota | 19:20 |
ubottu | Jordanmota: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic | 19:20 |
lesshaste | I get " shm.c: mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory" all the time when using pidgin.. anyone else seen this? | 19:20 |
kfan | how do i open xorg.conf so i can save to it? | 19:21 |
fosco__ | kfan, sudo nano /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 19:21 |
danderson | Hi. I'm wanting to reinstall an ubuntu on top of another distro. The disk has an encrypted volume with all the partitions in it, created by Intrepid a while back. | 19:21 |
kfan | thanks | 19:21 |
danderson | Does the Jaunty installer offer the option to reuse partitions in that volume without destroying them? | 19:21 |
Matic | JonathanEllis, please try installing svn mplayer by following this post, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=558538 | 19:22 |
Jordanmota | Okay - I just used pastebin - http://paste.ubuntu.com/234683/ | 19:23 |
Qu4R0w | my gnome corrupted | 19:23 |
Jordanmota | Cool service btw... | 19:23 |
n_nick | hi got a problem with Ubuntu Installation.. I used the ":create USB start up disk option" and then on my laptop booted from the usb but then the screen went blank and it displayed 4 character garbage ($%*#) something like that...with a blinking cursor and nothing happens i tried with 8.10 and 9.04 both both giving the same problem | 19:23 |
n_nick | how should i install ubuntu.. ? i dont have a CDRom | 19:23 |
sebsebseb | n_nick: sounds like some sort of xorg issue, what graphics card do you have? how old is it? | 19:24 |
JonathanEllis | Matic: vlc also does not play ogg viles and neither does totem. I think the problem is the codec | 19:24 |
sebsebseb | !install | n_nick | 19:24 |
ubottu | n_nick: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate | 19:24 |
vishal | fosco_: thanks I installed it and its working great ! | 19:24 |
n_nick | i got an atom processor | 19:24 |
JonathanEllis | !ogg | 19:24 |
ubottu | For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 19:24 |
n_nick | its a Net book | 19:25 |
sebsebseb | n_nick: I see, did you try the netbook version? | 19:25 |
n_nick | no | 19:25 |
Qu4R0w | my gnome corrupted..how to reinstall gnome? | 19:25 |
n_nick | i have the 9.04 iso | 19:25 |
n_nick | so tried that only | 19:25 |
Matic | JonathanEllis, I asked you to paste the error messages so I can tell what's wrong | 19:25 |
sebsebseb | n_nick: well you should probably try the netbook version | 19:25 |
JonathanEllis | Matic: I asked you where the error log was so I could paste the errors | 19:26 |
sebsebseb | n_nick: three versions of 9.04, desktop, server, and netbook | 19:26 |
n_nick | desktop | 19:26 |
sebsebseb | n_nick: well the special netbook version is likely to run better | 19:26 |
sebsebseb | in your case | 19:26 |
n_nick | hmm | 19:26 |
NewProggie | Hi | 19:26 |
Evet | best | 19:26 |
sebsebseb | !netbook | n_nick | 19:27 |
ubottu | Sorry, I don't know anything about netbook | 19:27 |
n_nick | well then its best to download the netbook version of ubuntu and try | 19:27 |
Evet | what is the ubuntu best channel? | 19:27 |
sebsebseb | n_nick: yep | 19:27 |
sebsebseb | Evet: depends | 19:27 |
legend2440 | !best | 19:27 |
ubottu | Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 19:27 |
Matic | JonathanEllis, check in the syslog | 19:27 |
NewProggie | Anyone knows how to get proxy settings working with firefox? Seems something is still missing :-/ | 19:27 |
Evet | thanks | 19:28 |
mgolisch | NewProggie: what settings? | 19:28 |
mgolisch | NewProggie: you set a proxy in firefox? maybe you did something wrong? | 19:28 |
Matic | NewProggie, what error do you get? | 19:28 |
pepperjack | NewProggie: they should be under preferences --> advanced options --> network or whatever | 19:28 |
NewProggie | mgolisch: I don't like using IE6 at work, so I put firefox on my usb-drive and adviced firefox to import settings from IE | 19:28 |
lesshaste | I get " shm.c: mmap() failed: Cannot allocate memory" all the time when using pidgin.. anyone else seen this? | 19:29 |
Pici | lesshaste: Have you checked for similar bugs on Launchpad? | 19:29 |
NewProggie | but I still can't connect to web, it says that there's a connection but maybe wrong proxy settings | 19:29 |
lesshaste | Pici, I say something that talked about gstreamer | 19:29 |
mgolisch | NewProggie: just check the proxy settings in firefox | 19:29 |
lesshaste | Pici, but I am not playing any video or audio | 19:29 |
LordLandon | NewProggie: so set the proxy settings manually. | 19:29 |
Pici | lesshaste: Perhaps you should log a new bug then? | 19:29 |
pepperjack | NewProggie: id say its very likely maybe firefox isnt picking them up you can open up ie to find them and then put em in firefox | 19:30 |
vivxone_ | helo | 19:30 |
JonathanEllis | Matic: The syslog is huge. How do I grep it? | 19:30 |
sebsebseb | !hi | vivxone_ | 19:30 |
ubottu | vivxone_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 19:30 |
Evet | How can I force to close a running program? | 19:30 |
NewProggie | mgolisch: LordLandon: pepperjack: I put the settings to automatically find the networks proxy settings, is there a way to look for the right proxy server in IE? | 19:30 |
legend2440 | Jordanmota: did you manually partition the drive or did the ubuntu installer do it? | 19:30 |
vivxone_ | hhey guys i am not able to install ubuntu 9.04 on p-4 intel ,,,,-ata hard disk ,,,,can any one help me plzzz i am in very big truble | 19:31 |
Matic | JonathanEllis, grep -r 'type one of the errors here' * | 19:31 |
NewProggie | the menu in IE6.0 is hidden, so I have to look it up somewhere else.. | 19:31 |
NewProggie | I mean the menu for network settings is hidden | 19:31 |
mgolisch | NewProggie: controlpanel -> internet options | 19:31 |
ARMENIAN | I want to buy a wireless adapter for a computer, I have two in mind, can someone help me in verifying that they will work in ubuntu? | 19:31 |
pepperjack | NewProggie: alt-f | 19:31 |
Jordanmota | legend2440: I did it in the live cd using the partition tool. I shrunk the windows vista partition and created a new one. Then installed it and it took over the rest | 19:31 |
NewProggie | mgolisch: hidden unfortunately :-/ | 19:31 |
Matic | vivxone_, don't panic, what happens | 19:31 |
ericP | i have set Preferences::Preferred Applications::Internet to firefox, /etc/mailcap has no refs to either firefox or opera, yet, after installing opera, my konsole Open Link menu selection has been starting opera instead of using firefox | 19:31 |
mattwj2002 | hi guys | 19:32 |
vivxone_ | i am able to install ubuntu 9.04 on my pc | 19:32 |
mgolisch | NewProggie: then no idea, maybe check netstat while browsing it might show the open connection to the proxy | 19:32 |
ericP | optimum would be that it opens a tab in which ever is running, but that's for later | 19:32 |
NewProggie | mgolisch: pepperjack: Is IE6 writing the settings somewhere into a file? | 19:32 |
ARMENIAN | anyone? | 19:32 |
mattwj2002 | I am having some wireless weirdness | 19:32 |
legend2440 | Jordanmota: wekk the reason you cant do the updates is there is no room /dev/sda5 2.3G 2.1G 140M 94% / | 19:32 |
NewProggie | mgolisch: thats a good idea | 19:32 |
vivxone_ | when i click install button then pc hang | 19:32 |
deco | im trying to setup fetchmail to fetch gmail it connects than i get an error that says can't connect to localhost connections refused | 19:32 |
mattwj2002 | matt@node1:~$ iwconfig eth1 | 19:32 |
mattwj2002 | eth1 IEEE 802.11 Nickname:"" | 19:32 |
mattwj2002 | Access Point: Not-Associated | 19:32 |
lesshaste | Pici, I might have to | 19:33 |
lesshaste | as you say | 19:33 |
sebsebseb | ARMENIAN: probably a question that is better to ask in ##linux the general Linux channal | 19:33 |
sebsebseb | ARMENIAN: or in #ubuntu-offtopic | 19:33 |
ARMENIAN | sebsebseb: thanks :) | 19:33 |
Matic | vivxone_, upgrade your memory or graphics card | 19:33 |
ARMENIAN | #linux | 19:33 |
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mattwj2002 | but I have a wireless connection.....and my wireless bars are white instead of blue | 19:33 |
mattwj2002 | anyone know why? | 19:33 |
pepperjack | !hardware | ARMENIAN may help | 19:33 |
ubottu | ARMENIAN may help: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection | 19:33 |
kaffien | vlc played back the video but could not play the audio due to missing samr codec | 19:33 |
JonathanEllis | Matic: The errors are not in the syslog | 19:33 |
Jordanmota | legend2440: I was just looking at /dev/sda5 - how did it get created? | 19:34 |
Flannel | ARMENIAN: just remember that that hardware list isn't exhaustive. | 19:34 |
JonathanEllis | How do I reinstall the ogg vorbis codec? | 19:34 |
fosco__ | mattwj2002, because you're low on signal | 19:34 |
mattwj2002 | nope | 19:34 |
mattwj2002 | signal is nice and strong | 19:34 |
Paulo39 | i have ubuntu, and i have both gnome and kde installed. there are a process (avant window navigator) that i set up to run automatically when i start ubuntu. but now, i installed kde and when i start kde, awn stats too. i want to configure it to just start when i enter in gnome. is that possible? | 19:34 |
mattwj2002 | I am very close to the router | 19:34 |
Matic | JonathanEllis, there's a post I suggested you check, am sure it will help, I had the same problem and svn mplayer played the files | 19:34 |
mattwj2002 | the router is less than 20 feet from me | 19:34 |
kaffien | i'll try mplayer | 19:35 |
Matic | JonathanEllis, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=558538 | 19:35 |
nkvorn | what fs is best to use with an ssd? | 19:35 |
Jordanmota | legend2440: I created the /dev/sda3 for Ubuntu (59 GB) so unsure what to do now... | 19:35 |
legend2440 | Jordanmota: not sure is 2.3 G what was left for Ubuntu after you shrunk the Vista partition? | 19:35 |
om26er | plz any1 tell me how to clone ubuntu installation | 19:35 |
fosco__ | !best | nkvorn | 19:35 |
ubottu | nkvorn: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots. | 19:35 |
pepperjack | nkvorn: consensus is ext2 since some fear journaling on solid state | 19:35 |
mattwj2002 | why would iwconfig say no access point is associated? | 19:36 |
warden | nkvorn, i just leave them fat32 that way they can work in any OS | 19:36 |
Jordanmota | legend2440: I gave Ubuntu 59 GB for the install - that's what I shrunk the Vista partition by. | 19:36 |
warden | nkvorn, opps i thought you meant SD no ssd sorry | 19:36 |
JonathanEllis | Matic: Thing is I want to be able to play ogg files in Quod Libet with all my other music files, not have to run a particular app just to play ogg which should be supported by default. Or do the other players use mplayer as their backend? | 19:36 |
ctmjr | !clone | om26er: | 19:36 |
ubottu | om26er:: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 19:36 |
om26er | how to clone ubuntu installation on a new drive | 19:36 |
legend2440 | Jordanmota: well ubuntu was installed on /dev/sda5. i dont dual boot so i wont be much help | 19:37 |
JonathanEllis | Matic: I am also reluctant to compile an unstable player - especially if its not the player thats the problem but the codec | 19:37 |
KB1JWQ | om26er: Could do it with dd, depending. | 19:37 |
Jordanmota | legend2440: No problem. | 19:37 |
om26er | KB1JWQ: what is dd | 19:37 |
KB1JWQ | om26er: man dd | 19:37 |
Jordanmota | When I create a partition - do I create a primary one, or extension? Ext2 or NTFS? | 19:37 |
aslan | hello, i have been running ubuntu jaunty 32bit, since it came out with no problems. I updated to 64bit, and since then gnome-terminal is using a ton of memory. | 19:38 |
DaZ | Jordanmota, doesn't matter | 19:38 |
Jordanmota | I just shrunk my vista partition to dual boot, and it obviously went wrong... | 19:38 |
aslan | I have 2 Gigs, and it's using 30% | 19:38 |
om26er | KB1JWQ: sudo apt-get install dd? | 19:38 |
aslan | anyone seen this issue? | 19:38 |
nkvorn | pepperjack: i installed ubuntu 9.04 and i chose ext4! would you suggest to convert it to ext2? | 19:38 |
KB1JWQ | om26er: If it's not installed by default on your box, something's likely very wrong; it's part of the basic *nix toolset. | 19:38 |
KB1JWQ | aslan: How did you update to 64 bit? | 19:39 |
Jordanmota | DaZ: Cool - but then I am not sure what I did wrong then... because all I did was shrink my partition and create a new one. I did not format it... just left it and then ran the Ubuntu install. | 19:39 |
Jordanmota | And its given me a weird result... http://paste.ubuntu.com/234683/ | 19:39 |
DaZ | Jordanmota, ntfs needs defrag before resizing | 19:40 |
om26er | KB1JWQ: i want to make the copy of my current installation and make that copy default | 19:40 |
om26er | KB1JWQ: it is installed on a slow drive | 19:41 |
DaZ | Jordanmota, this is from livecd? | 19:41 |
DaZ | wait.. | 19:41 |
Jordanmota | DaZ: Yes | 19:41 |
DaZ | hm | 19:41 |
DaZ | Jordanmota, then it doesn't look weird imho | 19:42 |
Cube | ok im having BIG issues with GRUB | 19:43 |
Cube | i had no problems at all | 19:43 |
DaZ | i'm tired | 19:43 |
Cube | but now suddenly | 19:43 |
Jordanmota | I created 2 partitions (splitting 1 into 2) - but looking at it now, there's sda1, sda2, sda3... sda5 ?? | 19:43 |
Cube | it doesnt start but says: Error 25 | 19:43 |
aslan | KB1JWQ: fresh install | 19:44 |
aslan | I did copy directories/files over from 32bit though.. just stuff in my ~ | 19:44 |
Jordanmota | and it's sda5 where it installed itself in... not the partition I created for it (thus leaving me with no free space) :( | 19:44 |
om26er | plz tell me how to clone my current ubuntu jaunty installation on another hard drive | 19:45 |
Pici | !clone | om26er | 19:45 |
ubottu | om26er: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate | 19:45 |
pepperjack | Jordanmota: maybe a quick reboot then run gparted to clean it up from livecd? | 19:46 |
Cube | it doesnt start but says: Error 25 | 19:47 |
Cube | it doesnt start but says: Error 25 | 19:47 |
Jordanmota | pepperjack: I don't know what I am doing... | 19:48 |
pepperjack | Jordanmota: ok. gparted is super easy to use. it allows you to resize a partition and free up space for a new partition | 19:49 |
Jordanmota | pepperjack: Should I delete sda3 (the partition I originally created for Ubuntu) and resize sda5 to fill out the remaining disk space? Here's the print out of my drive for reminder - http://paste.ubuntu.com/234683/ | 19:50 |
aslan | So, since no one seems to know what I can try to fix gnome-terminal from consuming so much memory, can anyone tell me how to use valgrind or something so I can open a bug? | 19:51 |
om26er | plz tell me how to install gparted 0.4.5 | 19:51 |
sebsebseb | !info gparted | 19:52 |
ubottu | gparted (source: gparted): GNOME partition editor. In component main, is optional. Version 0.4.3-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 858 kB, installed size 3536 kB | 19:52 |
sebsebseb | om26er: why do you want a later one:? | 19:52 |
sebsebseb | om26er: surely the one in the repo should be ok? | 19:52 |
om26er | sebsebseb for mmc partition buy default | 19:52 |
sebsebseb | om26er: mmc partition by default??? | 19:52 |
pepperjack | Jordanmota: you can kinda resize them however you like. if you have nothing saved id be tempted to just delete the partitions and reinstall | 19:53 |
JonathanEllis | Matic: I reinstalled vorbistools and that seems to have solved the problem | 19:53 |
LexLuth0r | !latest | 19:53 |
ubottu | Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports. | 19:53 |
om26er | sebsebseb: i cannot partition mmc but by the following command i can gparted /dev/mmcblk.. | 19:53 |
sebsebseb | om26er: maybe there's a ppa for a later version of gparted, if not mayb a deb, and if not you can compile yourself | 19:53 |
om26er | sebsebseb: and the latest has the feature | 19:54 |
Janhouse | How can I check what mac address my wireless card has? | 19:54 |
OEP | Janhouse, maybe ifconfig or iwconfig does the trick? | 19:55 |
sebsebseb | om26er: search google for gparted ppa or some such, and if there is one it should be on launchpad | 19:55 |
mchan | hi | 19:55 |
warden | Janhouse, ifconfig | 19:55 |
mchan | does anyone know why /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/phc_controls doesn't exist? | 19:56 |
=== Vero_ is now known as Vero | ||
mchan | should it exist on every setup? | 19:57 |
sebsebseb | mchan: What are you talking about? | 19:57 |
legend2440 | Jordanmota: you mentioned Vista before. which of these partitions is Vista supposed to be on? | 19:58 |
om26er | sebsebseb: thanx i found the ppa | 19:58 |
sebsebseb | om26er: ok good | 19:58 |
mchan | sebsebseb: i'm trying to 'cat /sys/devices/system/cpu/cpu0/cpufreq/phc_controls' but it doesn't exist. should it exist? | 19:59 |
aslan | mchan: it's not on my system. | 19:59 |
mchan | ooh | 20:00 |
sephy | So, I'm having troubles playing DVDs. I have VLC media player installed and The Ubuntu Restricted Extras and I still cannot see to get the DVD to play. Am I missing aditional things needed? | 20:01 |
=== Odin is now known as Guest24027 | ||
=== Guest24027 is now known as th0r | ||
sebsebseb | sephy: yep you need libdvdcss2, but it may not be fully legal in USA | 20:01 |
sebsebseb | !medibuntu | sephy | 20:02 |
ubottu | sephy: medibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org | 20:02 |
sephy | Thank you | 20:02 |
sebsebseb | sephy: np | 20:02 |
yitehay | can anyone tell me why adobe flash want work? | 20:03 |
iceroot | yurebis: no | 20:03 |
boss_mc | !flash | yitehay: how much of this have you tried? | 20:03 |
ubottu | yitehay: how much of this have you tried?: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 20:03 |
sebsebseb | mchan: don't know | 20:03 |
fumblnoob | yitehay: 64bit? | 20:04 |
yitehay | i've tried installing from the synaptics add remove and the adobe site | 20:04 |
iceroot | yitehay: can you please post some details + errors? so that we dont have to ask everything | 20:04 |
yitehay | ok | 20:05 |
yitehay | well when I try to use differnt app's that require adobe it says I dont have the correct version of it installed and when I install all that they offer for linux I still have a problem | 20:06 |
dr3mro | please i need help from someone expert here i ran deporphan and it gave me list of packages that needed to be removed and here is the list http://pastebin.com/m5220cdd6 is it safe to remove those . I use jaunty | 20:07 |
Qu4R0w | now i had xp+ubuntu..i want to add backtrack 4.will it make my GRUB corrupt? | 20:08 |
sebsebseb | Qu4R0w: you shoudn't use backtrack 4 as a desktop SO | 20:08 |
sebsebseb | OS | 20:08 |
kyja | why is my java crash happy? | 20:08 |
Qu4R0w | it no desktop environment? | 20:08 |
dr3mro | backtrack is for pentest not desktop environment | 20:09 |
dr3mro | backtrack is buggy for a desktop | 20:09 |
sebsebseb | backtrack is not a Desktop OS | 20:09 |
dr3mro | use hardy or jaunty | 20:09 |
dr3mro | http://pastebin.com/m5220cdd6 | 20:09 |
dr3mro | please i need help from someone expert here i ran deporphan and it gave me list of packages that needed to be removed and here is the list http://pastebin.com/m5220cdd6 is it safe to remove those . I use jaunty | 20:09 |
=== cellofel1ow is now known as cellofellow | ||
FloodBot1 | dr3mro: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 20:09 |
aresnick | Is there a way to dump the list of files in the index updatedb uses to a text file? I don't want to actually run updatedb (a bunch of files were deleted, and I'd like to be able to look at which) | 20:09 |
Qu4R0w | will backtrack give crash to my GRUB? | 20:09 |
dr3mro | Qu4R0w, if it corrupted grub it's repairable | 20:10 |
warden | !topic | 20:10 |
ubottu | Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic | 20:10 |
thiebaude | !grub | 20:10 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 20:10 |
Qu4R0w | ok2..tq all..i try | 20:10 |
sebsebseb | Qu4R0w: backtrack is for security reasearch and such, it was not made to be a Desktop OS | 20:10 |
SHEITAN | nne | 20:11 |
gee | new to ubuntu, need help. I mistakingly changed my user /home/ directory to /root. Now i cant login. Is there a command i can use in failsafe terminal to change back may directory to /home? | 20:13 |
UnderSampled | Ok, so I am trying to follow https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI | 20:13 |
UnderSampled | however, it ascs for a tarball of the /proc/acpi directory, of which there is none | 20:13 |
Spongeroberto | hi! I switched from fedora 10 to the latest ubuntu, and I must say it feels much more sluggish for some reason. Aside from installing the proprietary nvidia drivers ubuntu recommended to me, everything else is still set to default - any ideas what the problem might be? | 20:14 |
rdsnet_slatina | hello | 20:14 |
rdsnet_slatina | i need to install vuze how can i do that? | 20:15 |
legend2440 | aresnick: in terminal type man updatedb scroll down to the -o flag. is that what you mean? | 20:16 |
UnderSampled | I can get a folder of that name if I choose a different way to dissable acpi, but I don't know which one I should go with | 20:16 |
ctmjr | rdsnet_slatina: try sudo apt-get install vuze | 20:16 |
sebsebseb | rdsnet_slatina: why do you want to install it? | 20:16 |
rdsnet_slatina | ok | 20:16 |
rdsnet_slatina | thanks | 20:16 |
rdsnet_slatina | has hd clips | 20:17 |
overclucker | how would i go about setting up ubuntu to wake on request over a network? | 20:17 |
outy | rawwwrrr | 20:18 |
outy | im an ubuntu dinosaur | 20:18 |
sebsebseb | !ot | outy | 20:18 |
ubottu | outy: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 20:18 |
papapep | gee what have you done to make such a change? | 20:18 |
poseidon_ | I need some help with lspci | 20:19 |
overclucker | my laptop gets sleepy, and i want to access it through ssh, but dont want it to overheat while i am away | 20:19 |
outy | so id like to put the applications/places/system menu on my docky dock | 20:19 |
outy | is it possible ? | 20:19 |
sebsebseb | outy: which dock? apparantly cairo dock is the best | 20:19 |
oshua86 | hey guys where do I find that setting for compiz fusion to enable the emerald themes? | 20:19 |
poseidon_ | lspci doesn't seem to return correct information. | 20:20 |
anonymouz | under system | 20:20 |
nJustin3k | is there a GUI for broacasting to a shoutcast server for linux? | 20:20 |
Jordanmota | Okay - I just removed the partitions that Ubuntu created (from livecd). Now I can't boot Vista and the "grub" is broken. How do I repair this? | 20:20 |
UnderSampled | oshua86: : I personally always install the fusion icon, then use that to enable them | 20:20 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: ok this is easy to fix | 20:20 |
poseidon_ | Are there any errors associated with lspci or the kernel not detecting installed pci hardware? | 20:20 |
nJustin3k | is there somthing like SAM Broadcast (windows) for linux? | 20:20 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: however you removed Ubuntu hmm, are you going to put it back on? Why did you remove it? | 20:20 |
aresnick | legend2440: Yeah, I wasn't sure if that actually ran updatedb or not--I want to be sure to avoid altering the existing database. | 20:20 |
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Jordanmota | sebsebseb: Yes, hopefully - the install went wrong though. Well... it did or I did! | 20:21 |
gee | I was trying to get permissions in root and changed my home directory in the user group too root | 20:21 |
anonymouz | apt-get install compiz-fusion | 20:21 |
aresnick | legend2440: But I think I can just locate '*' > files.txt | 20:21 |
oshua86 | UnderSampled, i got it install but its not showing up, how do i start it? | 20:21 |
papapep | poseidon_: why do you think lspci gives wrong information? | 20:21 |
PASJR | hello | 20:21 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: there's a tiny bit of Grub left behind, in your Master Boot Record, the MBR the first section of your hard disk | 20:21 |
overclucker | open a grub shell and run root (hdx,x); setup (hdx) | 20:21 |
UnderSampled | oshua86: its in the applications menu, under system tools | 20:21 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: where the boot loader goes by default :) and where it should go really | 20:21 |
Jordanmota | I split my single Vista partition into 2 partitions. But ubuntu installed itself into a tiny self-created partition (2 gb) and thus uselee | 20:22 |
legend2440 | aresnick: how were these files removed? because synaptic keeeps a history of packages removed in Files>History | 20:22 |
kingfishr | can/does a vanilla ubuntu installation share data via p2p (updates, distro files, etc?) I have someone saying that it does, but I was not aware of any such thing. | 20:22 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: I see | 20:22 |
poseidon_ | papapep The hardware is disparate from what's detected in a windows installation (since removed) as well as this location: http://www.linuxquestions.org/hcl/showproduct.php/product/4075/cat/all | 20:22 |
papapep | gee: put a live cd, reboot and undo the changes in the hd filesystem | 20:22 |
Jordanmota | sebsebseb: So what should I do? Thanks btw | 20:22 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: you just need a boot loader to go over what's left of Grub, that can also be Grub when you re install Ubuntu | 20:22 |
apoleo12 | how can I fix my numberic keyboard when the idicator light is lit? the numbers wont show when i type in? | 20:22 |
YaAndreiKo | I really love linux and Ubuntu !!! | 20:22 |
erUSUL | kingfishr: there are a experimental version of apt that uses bittorrent... but it is not oficial nor supported | 20:22 |
gee | ok thanks | 20:22 |
oshua86 | UnderSampled, ok got it, then what do I do? | 20:23 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: how did you resize Vista? | 20:23 |
apoleo12 | it seemed acting as a mouse | 20:23 |
Jordanmota | sebsebseb: So I could just go ahead and install Ubuntu again, and it will sort it out in the process? | 20:23 |
Myrtti | kingfishr: not that I know of | 20:23 |
nawk | which version of flash player should i download if I'm using 64-bit 9.04 (jaunty)? | 20:23 |
overclucker | assuming that you still have the grub files, and that at some pooint, you slipped a windows setup disk in the cd drive . . . | 20:23 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: yes exactly | 20:23 |
Jordanmota | sebsebseb: i used the partition tool from the livecd | 20:23 |
oshua86 | UnderSampled, select windows decorator? | 20:23 |
oshua86 | then emerald? | 20:23 |
phoenixz | I'm looking for the ubuntu package that will give me phpize.. How can I find this with apt-get? | 20:23 |
papapep | poseidon_: can you paste the lspci output to pastebin to let us see it? | 20:23 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: and at the moment Vista can't boot of course, because that remaining peice of Grub is still there, and there is no file for it anymore, that tells it what partitions to boot and where they are located | 20:23 |
poseidon_ | papapep Specifically devices 02:06.3,02:06.4, and 00:1e.3 | 20:24 |
poseidon_ | certainly | 20:24 |
Jordanmota | sebsebseb: I shrunk the partition, created a new one. I didn't format the new partition, just created it. Then installed Ubuntu and it did the rest | 20:24 |
poseidon_ | papapep how do I do that in IRC? | 20:24 |
w0ls0n | hello all. Is there a way to block kernel updates from happening? | 20:24 |
kingfishr | erUSUL, Myrtti, you guys know anything about apt-p2p? | 20:24 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: for XP that's fine, for VIsta using gparted to resize it can cause dataloss, as a result it's better to use Vista's own partition resizer | 20:24 |
nawk | which version of flash player should i download if I'm using 64-bit 9.04 (jaunty)? | 20:24 |
Jordanmota | sebsebseb: I think I understand you (lol) | 20:24 |
papapep | just paste the resultant url here after submitting the output i pastebin.com, for example | 20:24 |
papapep | s/i/in | 20:24 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: however that one tends not to be that great, and then the Vista partitions are still rather massive normalely | 20:24 |
Jordanmota | sebsebseb: ah... whoops! did not know that.. | 20:24 |
Myrtti | kingfishr: have tried it | 20:25 |
w0ls0n | like the update manager ... how do I tell it to skip kernel updates? | 20:25 |
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kingfishr | Myrtti, but this isn't turned on by default in any existing ubuntu versions, right? | 20:25 |
dr3mro | please i need help from someone expert here i ran deporphan and it gave me list of packages that needed to be removed and here is the list http://pastebin.com/m5220cdd6 is it safe to remove those . I use jaunty | 20:25 |
Myrtti | kingfishr: no | 20:26 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: dual booting hmm, if you have enough RAM, and depending on what you want to do, maybe you can just get by with virtual maching Vista or another version of Windows, inside Ubuntu | 20:26 |
kingfishr | Myrtti, ok thanks | 20:26 |
th0r | w0ls0n: in synaptic, highlight the kernel and then choose Package - Lock version | 20:26 |
overclucker | Jordanmota, i just realised that no one here asked what grub error message you are getting . . . | 20:26 |
wizzo50 | sebsebseb: Hi, where you been? | 20:26 |
poseidon_ | papapep Did you get it? | 20:26 |
Jordanmota | sebsebseb: That would be perfect I think. I am tempted.. - I don't use particulary heavy programs (no gaming) and would be perfectly happy running XP in virtual mode. I have only 1GB ram though - would I get away with it? | 20:27 |
apoleo12 | the keypad isnt putting out numbers | 20:27 |
papapep | poseidon_: uh? did you paste the url in the channel? | 20:27 |
sebsebseb | wizzo50: chat in pm if you like, not in here | 20:27 |
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poseidon_ | Oh | 20:27 |
dewdude | 1 gig would barely get you a vm that could run XP very well | 20:27 |
poseidon_ | papapep I was trying to send it to you over irc. pastebin is a website? | 20:27 |
w0ls0n | I dont see that th0r | 20:27 |
Jordanmota | overclucker: Good question! I... don't remember :( | 20:27 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: for XP no problem, for Vista maybe not | 20:27 |
poseidon_ | papapep Google, here I come | 20:27 |
Jordanmota | overclucker: I should had written it down.. | 20:27 |
papapep | poseidon_: yes :) | 20:27 |
wizzo50 | lol | 20:28 |
nawk | !flash | 20:28 |
ubottu | To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also !Restricted and !Gnash | 20:28 |
sebsebseb | dewdude: wrong, I have virtual machined loads of stuff with 1GB :) | 20:28 |
dewdude | yeah, but XP generally needs about 512 to work comfortably | 20:28 |
Pici | !offtopic | 20:28 |
ubottu | #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks! | 20:28 |
dewdude | sure, you can use a LOT less, but the service packs bloated the OS | 20:28 |
vivxone | hi | 20:28 |
sebsebseb | dewdude: no I have done XP in a vm with 1GB psycial RAM, no problem as well | 20:28 |
legend2440 | phoenixz: http://en.kioskea.net/faq/sujet-637-phpize-command-not-found | 20:28 |
Jordanmota | Cool, good to know. I might go that way... we'll see | 20:28 |
sephy | Having some issues again I'm trying to help out a friend and he has a compaq presario SR 1923WM desktop. Does he need the 1386 or amd64 for the libdvdcss2 | 20:28 |
poseidon_ | papapep http://pastebin.com/m53653e15 | 20:29 |
th0r | w0ls0n: are you in synaptic? | 20:29 |
phoenixz | legend2440: thanks, let me see... | 20:29 |
papapep | poseidon_: well done ;) | 20:29 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: ok that sounds good then, re install Ubuntu, get rid of Vista, and virtual machine XP if Wine won't cut it for something, or you can't find an alternative | 20:29 |
overclucker | dewdude, same here, i run xp pro in virtualbox, with the office suite no problem | 20:29 |
dewdude | sebsebseb, but what isntall of XP did you use? I've tried doing XP SP3 in 256MB of ram and things just didn't fit | 20:29 |
Jordanmota | What is the better one - Wine or VirtualBox ? | 20:30 |
dewdude | the only reason any of it works is swap...which seriously degrades performance | 20:30 |
Pici | dewdude, sebsebseb: Could you please move this discussion to ##windows, as #ubuntu is for Ubuntu support. | 20:30 |
overclucker | dewdude, who needs service packs for a vm'd os? | 20:30 |
sebsebseb | Pici: i'll move it to pm | 20:30 |
Pici | sebsebseb: Thanks | 20:30 |
poseidon_ | papapep: I also know that the SD card was working prior to my installation. | 20:30 |
overclucker | dewdude, oh no! someone just rooted my VM! | 20:30 |
deco | how do i make my apache server public ? | 20:30 |
iceroot | deco: start it | 20:31 |
dewdude | i'm just saying is all. | 20:31 |
deco | iceroot: it's just localhost | 20:31 |
papapep | poseidon_: which is the computer part number that states in the sticker at the bottom | 20:31 |
iceroot | deco: using a router? | 20:31 |
sebsebseb | Pici: also maybe the better channal would have been #vbox by the way | 20:31 |
deco | iceroot: yeah | 20:31 |
overclucker | deco, bind it to, setup portforwarding on any router you are using | 20:31 |
iceroot | deco: forward the port to your apache | 20:31 |
deco | iceroot: how? | 20:31 |
pepperjack | Jordanmota: depends on the app. for something like utorrent wine is perfectly fine and a better option. for <random MS app> though i prefer virtualization. google seamless desktop for some solutions for like IE etc | 20:31 |
iceroot | deco: look at the manual from your router | 20:32 |
w0ls0n | ok the update manager is installed th0r | 20:32 |
w0ls0n | er running | 20:32 |
overclucker | http://yourdefaultgateway | 20:32 |
poseidon_ | papapep: agency series HSTNN-C02C | 20:32 |
deco | iceroot: k thank! | 20:32 |
Jordanmota | pepperjack: Thanks. | 20:32 |
deco | overclucker: oh thanks | 20:32 |
sephy | Ok. My buddys computer is a compaq presario SR 1923WM and the specs says the process is AMD Athlon 64. I had him download the AMD package for libdvdcss2 and it told him the file was the wrong arctecture | 20:32 |
th0r | w0ls0n: no, open synaptic | 20:32 |
apoleo12 | question: when my ps/2 KB unplugged and replug in what happens to it? would it stop working? | 20:32 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: ideally you want to use native Linux apps :) ,but sometimes there isn't something for what you want, then you can of course try Wine, but apps don't always work in that, and configuring can be difficult, that's where a Windows virtual machine comes in, however at this time they won't quite cut it for 3D Wnindows games for example, altough they are getting there | 20:32 |
apoleo12 | same goes for usb mouse? | 20:32 |
wizzo50 | sebsebseb: How you setup webchat on here? | 20:33 |
sebsebseb | wizzo50: what kind of web chat? | 20:33 |
dewdude | sephy, i don't think they'll give you libdvdcss support here since that package is very legally-questionable | 20:33 |
wizzo50 | sebsebseb: I mean weechat | 20:33 |
UnderSampled | wizzo50: Are you trying to create a channel on freenode? | 20:33 |
sephy | I already had support on it earlier | 20:33 |
jrib | !dvd | sephy | 20:33 |
ubottu | sephy: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats | 20:33 |
porter1 | Where might Gnome stgore which window manager a user is using? | 20:33 |
sebsebseb | wizzo50: I don't use that program | 20:33 |
jrib | porter1: gconf most likely | 20:33 |
syr64 | can I get help in here with getting an ethernet card working for ubuntu server or should i use the forums? | 20:33 |
overclucker | dewdude, nah, i believe libdvdcss2 is in ubuntu-restricted-extras | 20:33 |
porter1 | jrib have any idea about where? | 20:34 |
jrib | !ask | syr64 | 20:34 |
ubottu | syr64: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 20:34 |
porter1 | I can't seem to find it | 20:34 |
sephy | He installed that as well | 20:34 |
iceroot | syr64: yes, just ask the channel with some details | 20:34 |
jrib | porter1: no, but you can search for something like "manager" | 20:34 |
wizzo50 | sebsebseb: I just seen someone else asking about it so I looked it up to check it out and couldn't get it setup | 20:34 |
Jordanmota | sebsebseb: I think I might get away with it then - I don't game, I mostly work in a browser. I just use the occasional MS applet. Nothing heavy. | 20:34 |
porter1 | jrib, finally found it. Thanks | 20:34 |
nJustin3k | is there somthing like SAM Broadcast (windows) for linux? for broadcasting to a shoutcast server | 20:34 |
overclucker | nJustin3k, videolan-server is quite nice | 20:35 |
wizzo50 | UnderSampled: I just seen someone else asking about it so I looked it up to check it out and couldn't get it setup | 20:35 |
* apoleo12 taps on his mic... hello hello? | 20:35 | |
outy | facebook is resolving to google again in opera :( | 20:35 |
sebsebseb | Jordanmota: uh I pm'd wrong guy hmm | 20:35 |
cmelo | anyone have any experience with the Native VPN client in Ubuntu? I have a Cisco ASA I would like to connect to using Ubuntu 64 bit - Cisco's vpn client only works in 32 bit | 20:36 |
oskar- | nJustin3k: perhaps icecast | 20:36 |
overclucker | outy, what dns are you using? | 20:36 |
wizzo50 | UnderSampled: How you create a channel on freenode for weechat? | 20:36 |
kwame | Hi, so in CentOS in .ssh/known_hosts file, the line starts with either the ip of the hostname of the host that my box has connected to | 20:37 |
laclasse | cmelo, if you need to talk to cisco vpn, try using vpnc | 20:37 |
snoopddrm | hi guys | 20:37 |
legend2440 | apoleo12: hir shift+num lock | 20:37 |
syr64 | Is there a Ubuntu build that will support a Realtek 8139 ethernet card during install? Looking for a 64bit server version | 20:37 |
kwame | but in Ubuntu, the line starts with something not human readable | 20:37 |
laclasse | cmelo, vpnc has also an integration in NetworkManager | 20:37 |
UnderSampled | wizzo50: to create a channel on freenode, you just /join it | 20:37 |
legend2440 | apoleo12: hit shift+num lock | 20:37 |
kwame | any idea on how can I translate this to either hostname or ip? | 20:37 |
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cmelo | ok- thanks | 20:37 |
apoleo12 | OMG | 20:37 |
dewdude | syr64, i believe realtek 8139 has a kernel driver, it should work out of box | 20:37 |
apoleo12 | thanks! | 20:37 |
jrib | kwame: that's an ssh setting. Why do you want this? | 20:37 |
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UnderSampled | wizzo50: registering it is a little more complicated, but all that does is make sure that you don't lose your op status on a channel, so that it can't get stolen | 20:38 |
ShortWave | hi all | 20:38 |
gee | anyone know if there is a issue with intel lan on a MSI motherboard, cant get it to work, wireless and another nic card work with no problem | 20:38 |
nJustin3k | oskar-, overclucker, sorry... I have a shoutcast server running on my dedicated server. I used to conntect to it using SAM Broadcast (when I used windows) and controled the stream using that, im looking for somthing similar for linux | 20:38 |
kwame | jrib: I didn't know it was an ssh setting | 20:38 |
syr64 | Does the cable have to be plugged in for it to work on boot? Not getting an eth0 in interfaces after install of 9.04 or 8.10 | 20:38 |
jrib | kwame: HashKnownHosts | 20:38 |
ShortWave | So I'll ask this again, is there a way to get SMB mounts to show up in the "places" sidebar of a standard file open dialog? | 20:38 |
snoopddrm | hello everyone. i've just installed ubuntu 9.04 on a usb stick and have resolved a couple of issues. however, my firefox browser refuses to start. can any one help? Everytime i click it, it a window pops up saying "starting" but the browser itself doesn't load... | 20:39 |
laclasse | cmelo, install vpnc and network-manager-vpnc | 20:39 |
kwame | jrib: ah! ... thanks! | 20:39 |
dewdude | nJustin3k, there's nothing similar to the SAM package...but there are solutions for pushing data to a shoutcast server...however most linux solutions are centered around icecast since it's open source | 20:39 |
snoopddrm | is it a memory issue? | 20:39 |
OEP | ShortWave, I have some in my bookmarks | 20:39 |
snoopddrm | how would i resolve this? | 20:39 |
pepperjack | snoopddrm: launch it from terminal hopefully that will throw some errors you can work with | 20:39 |
wizzo50 | UnderSampled: Oh | 20:39 |
legend2440 | snoopddrm: firefox 3.0 or 3.5? | 20:40 |
ShortWave | OEP: Don't want a bookmark. I want the actual currently-mounted SMB shares to show up | 20:40 |
dewdude | syr64, it SHOULDN'T. My laptop has a 8139 and it worked out of box | 20:40 |
papapep | poseidon_: I think that it's just that there are really different versions of the same model you have. If you take a look here, you'll see it's almost exactly your hardware combination: http://reviews.cnet.com/laptops/hp-compaq-nc4200/4507-3121_7-31343460.html | 20:40 |
OEP | ShortWave, I have one of those too... | 20:40 |
dewdude | i do get an eth0 option in ifconfig without cable plugged up | 20:40 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: ok,... sorry, but what are the command to launch firefox in a terminal window. am a noob ;-p | 20:40 |
ShortWave | if, for instance, I go Places -> Home | 20:40 |
OEP | I didn't do anything special to get it there it just showed up | 20:40 |
kwame | jrib: thanks | 20:40 |
ShortWave | I can see them listed in the places sidebar | 20:40 |
oskar- | nJustin3k: idjc | 20:40 |
snoopddrm | legend2440: i'm not quite sure, its the default one that comes with ubuntu 9.04 | 20:40 |
nJustin3k | dewdude, what is there for icecast then? | 20:40 |
phoenixz | Im using some external repos, I'm trying to install php5-dev, but I get php5-dev: Conflicts: libtool (>= 2.2) but 2.2.6a-1ubuntu1 is to be installed ... how should I interpret this error? libtool 2.2.6 is installed, but it says 2.2.6a should be installed or what? | 20:40 |
papapep | poseidon_: I don't really think lspci is cheating you :) | 20:40 |
laclasse | snoopddrm, firefox [enter] | 20:40 |
ShortWave | but if I go to say, Firefox, and do file->open, in that dialog, while I have some places listed, currently mounted shares do NOT appear | 20:40 |
OEP | ShortWave, it is mounted through gvfs though so that might be the difference | 20:40 |
OEP | ah I see | 20:41 |
snoopddrm | laclasse: LOL!!! okie am doing it | 20:41 |
legend2440 | snoopddrm: in terminal type firefox | 20:41 |
jrib | phoenixz: are you mixing unofficial repositories or installing packages outside the official repositories? | 20:41 |
ShortWave | OEP: perhaps | 20:41 |
pepperjack | snoopddrm: basically you open a terminal and then run firefox. so maybe if this is mounted to /media/usb it would be like /media/usb/firefox/firefox in terminal | 20:41 |
dewdude | Shortwave: check the /media folder | 20:41 |
SFW | Anyone else having DNS-related problems and no Internet connection? | 20:41 |
poseidon_ | papapep So you're saying that my SD card isn't installed? | 20:41 |
outy | is there a way to make my applications/places/system menu bar allign to the left/right/etc ? | 20:41 |
ShortWave | dewdude: You're suggesting instead of having them show as "places" that I should visit their mountpoints? | 20:41 |
pepperjack | snoopddrm: oh if you have booted from the usb stick yeah just type 'firefox' | 20:41 |
jrib | SFW: we're on the internet now... | 20:41 |
snoopddrm | EEEEKS! It says illegal instruction | 20:41 |
dewdude | well, yeah. all places does is point to mountpoints | 20:41 |
papapep | nope, I didn't say anything about that :) perhaps it just died? | 20:41 |
jrib | outy: you can middle-click drag it | 20:42 |
OEP | ShortWave, not sure if there's a way to automagically do it, but you can click add on any open directory and it will stick there | 20:42 |
dewdude | my NFS shares I manually mount show up under places....but not every app will show places properly | 20:42 |
phoenixz | jrib: I'm using a dotdeb and a launchpad repo | 20:42 |
ShortWave | welp, what if their mountpoints are virtual, as they appear to be, and not actually mounted into the filesystem? | 20:42 |
jrib | phoenixz: that's probably why... | 20:42 |
dewdude | what do you mean "virtual" | 20:42 |
OEP | ShortWave, that is, any selected directory | 20:42 |
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phoenixz | jrib: I know, but that was not the question.. How should I interpret the error? If I know what its trying to tell me, I can try to fix the problem | 20:42 |
erUSUL | dewdude: 2hat do you mean by "manually" ? | 20:43 |
outy | doesnt seem to be working :( | 20:43 |
ShortWave | Meaning they're not mounted through the normal mechanism of "mount -t smbfs", but rather appear to be mounted with gvfsd-smb | 20:43 |
dewdude | ShortWave: go to a terminal and type mount...that will display all mount point locations and what's mounted there.... | 20:43 |
jrib | phoenixz: you should interpret the error as saying "stick to the repos" | 20:43 |
_rob_ | hello. | 20:43 |
ShortWave | dewdude: Consider me an old hand at linux :) | 20:43 |
poseidon_ | papapep Thanks for the help. :) | 20:43 |
phoenixz | jrib: if you have nothing usefull to say, then please keep quiet | 20:43 |
dewdude | ShortWave, it's not a virtual mountpoint..it's more like an auto-mount daemon | 20:43 |
w0ls0n | im having a bit of a problem just finding synaptec | 20:44 |
w0ls0n | th0r? | 20:44 |
dewdude | the mounts are in /media...and they should actually exist | 20:44 |
th0r | w0ls0n: yeah...keep getting dropped by the wifi here | 20:44 |
papapep | poseidon_: you're welcome | 20:44 |
ShortWave | dewdude: Nope. They're located in /home/me/.gvfs/<some shared> on <some host> | 20:44 |
phoenixz | Im using some external repos, I'm trying to install php5-dev, but I get this error: php5-dev: Conflicts: libtool (>= 2.2) but 2.2.6a-1ubuntu1 is to be installed ... how should I interpret this error? libtool 2.2.6 is installed, but it says 2.2.6a should be installed or what? | 20:44 |
snoopddrm | i just entered "sudo firefox" in a terminal window, i was prompted for my password and then it again gave me "illegal instruction" | 20:44 |
dewdude | ...really? | 20:44 |
ShortWave | dewdude: yup | 20:44 |
_rob_ | i have a query about abiword, i know i've got the help files but when i click help it wants to go online | 20:44 |
jrib | phoenixz: I'm trying to help you. I'm not sure what you want exactly. The error is clear. The version required by a package is not getting installed. The reason is you have mixed repositories in an unsafe way. The solution is to remove the unofficial repositories. If you want more specific help then pastebin the details | 20:44 |
legend2440 | phoenixz: why not install php5-dev from synaptic? | 20:44 |
pepperjack | snoopddrm: ok but never run firefox with sudo in the future :) | 20:44 |
papapep | snoopddrm: wy are you trying to run firefox as root????? | 20:45 |
ShortWave | dewdude: this is via the file manager | 20:45 |
Sirisian|Work__ | I ran a grep statement like grep -r "141.218" /etc/ > /tmp/ipfoo is there a way to make grep show a progress bar? It's taking forever. Not sure how long it normally takes though to grep /etc/ | 20:45 |
th0r | w0ls0n: did you get synaptic started? and did you highlight the kernel version in synaptic? | 20:45 |
dewdude | then i can't remember how i reconfigured mine....then again, i don't mount smb shares in ubuntu and every time I have, i did it manually. | 20:45 |
w0ls0n | the updater thing | 20:45 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: & papapep: sorry, i didn't know lol | 20:45 |
ShortWave | dewdude: I don't really want to have to edit fstab and put a buncha smb shares in there | 20:45 |
pepperjack | snoopddrm: try this: sudo apt-get install wget; wget http://mirror.karneval.cz/pub/mozilla/firefox/releases/3.5.1/linux-i686/en-US/firefox-3.5.1.tar.bz2 | 20:45 |
ShortWave | nor do I want a script or anything, I just want them to show in Places globally | 20:45 |
Sirisian|Work__ | oh hmm my grep stopped. It must be done | 20:45 |
w0ls0n | update manager | 20:45 |
dewdude | ShortWave, then fix gvfs? | 20:45 |
ShortWave | This is a stock install | 20:45 |
ShortWave | I imagine tis not broken | 20:46 |
laclasse | to allows mounts by users they gonna have to be in the user writable space | 20:46 |
snoopddrm | even typing just firefox in a terminal window also give me the same result | 20:46 |
w0ls0n | it just popps up when there are security updates | 20:46 |
dewdude | maybe there's a configuration you're missing? | 20:46 |
ShortWave | laclasse: i suspect that's the root of the issue | 20:46 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: okie am trying it now | 20:46 |
dewdude | I know devices i plug in show up in /media/whatever | 20:46 |
k4dm3l | hello! | 20:46 |
ShortWave | laclasse: Or rather, at least, why they're mounted in .gvfs/whatever | 20:46 |
_rob_ | i have a query about abiword, i know i've got the help files but when i click help it wants to go online | 20:46 |
dewdude | as far as smb shares...i ahve no idea where they go becuase i've NEVER automatically had one mounted....i think the few times I did it was a pain | 20:46 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: its downloading | 20:46 |
dewdude | however, let me see what mine does | 20:46 |
phoenixz | jrib: Just a "dont do it" isn't really usefull if you ask me.. I need to work with PHP5.3.0, which in package was only from dotdeb.. I could compile it, etc, but I dont want to go into that mess (Though it would work).. so I NEED to use the dotdeb repo.. | 20:47 |
ShortWave | It mounts great, and I can browse it OK | 20:47 |
mechtech | Why is it that in order to have KDE, I need to have (it seems) EVERY package that is in KDE? | 20:47 |
k4dm3l | anyone knows a software translator like a widget for ubuntu | 20:47 |
k4dm3l | ? | 20:47 |
laclasse | ShortWave, its not an 'issue', it is a feature. gvfs for you. Being curious, is the netfs service running on ur box? | 20:47 |
ShortWave | That is, from the normal browser, and it shows in places from the menu, and in a file browser window. | 20:47 |
scud | yo | 20:47 |
ShortWave | laclasse: hahah, well | 20:47 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: its done. do I need to do anything to execute it? | 20:47 |
ShortWave | laclasse: the "issue" is that the SMB shares don't show in a file dialog in the places section | 20:47 |
dewdude | ShortWave, then your problem is actually the file dialog box on the application you're using | 20:47 |
ShortWave | laclasse: Otherwise, they're fine. | 20:47 |
phoenixz | If I know that the error is completely unsolvable, then I'll have to revert to installing php5.3 using manual compiling.. Sure can do but as long as packages and repositories are possible, I'll stick with those | 20:47 |
pepperjack | snoopddrm: just doubleclick on it to open it then drag the firefox folder to your desktop | 20:47 |
ShortWave | dewdude: Firefox appears to be using a file dialog that's "decorated" with gnome-specific stuff. | 20:48 |
papapep | mechtech: that's not true. What makes you think that? | 20:48 |
laclasse | ShortWave, do they show when you click the 'Network' item? | 20:48 |
laclasse | in places? | 20:48 |
scud | I just got a computer that I could install linux onto, but i have no idea where to get drivers, can anyone help? | 20:48 |
sonism | ShortWave: i think you can automount a smb share through fstab, using smbfs | 20:48 |
LordLandon | scud: what drivers? | 20:48 |
laclasse | scud, linux ships majority of drivers | 20:48 |
ShortWave | sonism: I know that...I don't *want* to do that. | 20:48 |
dewdude | yeah, cuz when i do file-open....all my nfs shares show up in places....however those were manually mounted to /media/whatever...let me see if i can't get ubuntu to see my samba | 20:48 |
ShortWave | sonism: that's not my issue | 20:48 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: ohyeah, i don't know if this matters, but i did an update for ubuntu from the update manager earlier. selected all packages. | 20:48 |
dewdude | Sonism: he's lazy and doesn't want to do that | 20:49 |
mechtech | papapep: well...whenever I try to remove a package that is part of KDE, synaptic also wants to remove KDE itself | 20:49 |
ShortWave | It's not me. | 20:49 |
ShortWave | It's my wife. | 20:49 |
ShortWave | She knows jack about Samba | 20:49 |
insomic | if i have my desktop effects configured to extra and attempt gaming performance? | 20:49 |
overclucker | to have a share mounted in .gvfs/ just seems yucky to me . . . | 20:49 |
jrib | phoenixz: The package requires one version of libtool and you have another. Just build your own package | 20:49 |
ShortWave | She just wants to click on a server, and get files and be done. | 20:49 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: so sorry, but double click what? there is nothing to double click on in the terminal window. sorry, i'm a noob at ubuntu | 20:49 |
overclucker | i would setup the shares in /etc/fstab, with noauto | 20:49 |
ShortWave | I want her to be able to go File -> Open -> Home on <server> and see her files in say, Firefox | 20:49 |
scud | it's an hp slimline pc, and it's pretty virus infested, i'd have to run dban to get rid of everything, and hp is making me pay to get the drivers for it so i figured i migt as well install linux | 20:50 |
ShortWave | Yeah, I know this is a stringent use case, but hey | 20:50 |
phoenixz | jrib: but the required package is >=2.2 and I have 2.2.6... | 20:50 |
ShortWave | it's what makes her happy :) | 20:50 |
papapep | mechtech: I'm sure this doesn't happen with every KDE package. There are some core packages that are needed to keep it operative, but all, all the packages, no... :) | 20:50 |
_rob_ | i have a query about abiword, i know i've got the help files but when i click help it wants to go online | 20:50 |
_rob_ | is there any way i can tell it where to look for the files | 20:50 |
overclucker | ugh, pleasing people | 20:50 |
Michalxo | anywhere ubuntu-koala testing room? I have some issues with sound... | 20:51 |
ShortWave | https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/273213 | 20:51 |
ShortWave | That's a relevant bug | 20:51 |
jrib | phoenixz: pastebin the details (apt-cache policy and apt-cache show of all relevant packages) | 20:51 |
erUSUL | !karmic | Michalxo | 20:51 |
ubottu | Michalxo: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | 20:51 |
laclasse | ShortWave, there are many other issues. By allowing user to change network connections or mount devices, while keeping a high level of separation and privileges isolation, we are essentially breaking things. Try this: log in desktop, connect to wired / wirelss network, open a shell, mount a nfs share. Then go in the desk top and reboot the machine. Network connection gets killed with the desktop (userland) while the mount persist, an | 20:51 |
laclasse | d when you try to umount ... network's gone. | 20:51 |
mechtech | papapep: I think I'll just remove KDE, the only reason I was keeping it is my daughter likes it | 20:51 |
Michalxo | erUSUL, thx | 20:51 |
ShortWave | laclasse: I'm aware of these issues. | 20:51 |
SFW | Any fixes for the DNS problem swamping the forum over the weekend? | 20:52 |
legend2440 | !karmic | Michalxo | 20:52 |
ubottu | Michalxo: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+1 | 20:52 |
papapep | mechtech: well, that's another way of solving the problem XD | 20:52 |
ShortWave | laclasse: That's why I'm limiting the case to SMB, since it's a "soft mount" via gvfs | 20:52 |
ShortWave | laclasse: It's easy to browse by just going to Network in places | 20:52 |
Michalxo | legend2440, thanks already get there :) | 20:52 |
ctmjr | insomic: it depends on your graphic card ati/amd has a problem with tearing in videos and games while composite is enabled | 20:52 |
overclucker | laclasse, you have entirely too much time on your hands . . . | 20:52 |
nJustin3k | oskar-, that what Im looking for yea... but thats for a jack server, no shoutcast :( | 20:52 |
mechtech | papapep: Think I need to reboot after?removed about 60 different packages...will be removing KDE soon I just | 20:53 |
ShortWave | Ooh | 20:53 |
ShortWave | Idea | 20:53 |
laclasse | overclucker, err ... not at all. i am very busy thank you ;-) | 20:53 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: ok got it, its extracted and the firefox is on the desktop... | 20:53 |
oskar- | nJustin3k: i don't know, i just search with "apt-cache search shoutcast" | 20:53 |
pan__ | sudo fdisk -l says 'Partition table entries are not in disk order' ??? | 20:53 |
nJustin3k | oskar-, ahh, thanks anyway :) :) | 20:54 |
pan__ | i can't boot into my ubuntu in grub and i've setup grub and installed | 20:54 |
laclasse | ShortWave, that lp bug sounds like ur issue. | 20:55 |
overclucker | pan_, grub error message? | 20:55 |
pan__ | i tarred my whole system and tar -C back to where it should be | 20:55 |
janisoza1r | pan__: what's the error? | 20:55 |
pan__ | cannot read | 20:55 |
aaandaiii | I am on ubuntu on a laptop with an unsupported graphics card, running vesa. I don't need any acceleration. Can I at least configure vesa to use a higher resolution? | 20:55 |
pan__ | seems like it cannot find the kernel | 20:55 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, only 4:3 resolutions | 20:55 |
k4dm3l | Anyone Knows a widget which can translate??? | 20:56 |
laclasse | no wide screen on vesa modes | 20:56 |
overclucker | kernel who? | 20:56 |
aaandaiii | laclasse: that's okay, but can I get it ANY higher than 1024x768? | 20:56 |
snoopddrm | hmmm.... i've now got it on the desktop, what do i do next? sorry for repeating | 20:56 |
k4dm3l | how do I get the maximum resolution on my laptop? is Compaq nx6120 | 20:56 |
overclucker | pan__ what is you disk layout? boot is same as root? | 20:57 |
pan__ | overclucker: im confused | 20:57 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, if your video bios advertizes the mode, yes. to make sure you could edit /etc/x11/xorg.conf and add a Mode "1280x1024" for example and restart the desktop. | 20:57 |
phoenixz | jrib: http://pastebin.com/m24e2c277 | 20:57 |
ShortWave | laclasse: Could be, yeah | 20:57 |
ShortWave | I'll dig into it and see if I can surface with some sorta solution here | 20:57 |
pepperjack | snoopddrm: so try like /home/$USER/Desktop/firefox/firefox <-- in terminal | 20:58 |
janisoza1r | pan__: is "/" on the same partition as "/boot" | 20:58 |
pan__ | yes | 20:58 |
Michalxo | k4dm3l, try xrandr | 20:58 |
jrib | phoenixz: I meant apt-cache policy PACKAGE, sorry | 20:58 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, a look in /var/log/Xorg.0.log could tell you whats going on. whats the gfx card btw? | 20:58 |
poseidon | papapep: It was a BIOS security setting the last guy had enabled. | 20:58 |
phoenixz | jrib: no problem, one sec | 20:58 |
janisoza1r | pan__: why did you tar your system? to move it another partition? | 20:58 |
pan__ | what is uuid | 20:58 |
insomic | hi will someone be willing to do remote desktop with me i cant figure out how to play source games. in return i will give a guest pass of team fortress 2 (extra info )steam and wine is installed and work along with the original halflife | 20:58 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: its on the desktop now | 20:58 |
pepperjack | snoopddrm: so try like /home/$USER/Desktop/firefox/firefox <-- in terminal | 20:58 |
janisoza1r | pan__: uuid is an id for a partition (at least in this case) | 20:58 |
poseidon | papapep Thanks again for the help. | 20:59 |
aaandaiii | laclasse: ATI Technologies Inc Mobility Radeon HD 3650 | 20:59 |
jrib | phoenixz: never mind, it's clear now. For some reason the php5-dev package has "Conflicts: libtool (>= 2.2)", so you can't install it with a libtool version that is >= 2.2 | 20:59 |
overclucker | pan__, so when you configure grub, you need to specify the root device,partition; and the kernel to use. | 20:59 |
janisoza1r | pan__: if you have made any changes to your filestystem between tarring/untarring, then it's quite probable, that uuid-s have changed | 20:59 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, is that too new to be supported? even with fglrx prop drivers? | 20:59 |
AlexanderSupertr | does ubuntu opens a flash drive automatically? | 20:59 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: i did that in the terminal, this is the output: /home/twowire/Desktop/firefox/run-mozilla.sh: 399: /home/twowire/Desktop/firefox/firefox-bin: not found | 20:59 |
janisoza1r | pan__: you can check uuid using "volid" | 20:59 |
aaandaiii | laclasse: ATI doesn't have a driver download for that exact card, I tried something similar several times and had to do a complete resinstall (could never figure out how to just reinstall xorg :/) | 20:59 |
insomic | alex-weej, yes | 21:00 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, i am a bit out of touch on ati, but i thought the new radeon driver supported high end models. | 21:00 |
janisoza1r | pan__: it should be something like "sudo volid -u /dev/<yourdisk>" | 21:00 |
alex-weej | insomic, NO | 21:00 |
phoenixz | jrib: ah, canNOT... :) Now I get the problem.. so just another question.. would it be possible to install a <2.2 version of libtool right next to the existing >2.2 version of libtool? | 21:00 |
aaandaiii | laclasse: The laptop came with vista, I'm not sure how old it is. Toshiba Satellite A350-12D | 21:00 |
insomic | hi will someone be willing to do remote desktop with me i cant figure out how to play source games. in return i will give a guest pass of team fortress 2 (extra info )steam and wine is installed and work along with the original halflife | 21:00 |
janisoza1r | pan__: confirm that your root partiton's uuid reported by volid is the same as one in menu.lst | 21:00 |
aaandaiii | laclasse: what package exactly are you referring to? | 21:00 |
erUSUL | AlexanderSupertr: yes | 21:00 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, exact card is not really a problem, the core is most likely sold to an assemblor that makes a special revision of the card for laptops | 21:00 |
=== worm__ is now known as worm | ||
jrib | phoenixz: it's weird, if you look at the source package it has "support new (>= 2.2) and older versions of libtool for backporting ease" | 21:01 |
outy | so i still cant move this gnome menu so that its to the top left only | 21:01 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, therefore, did you simply try activating the universe repository and installing the ati prop driver from the add/remove menu item? | 21:01 |
janisoza1r | pan__: sorry, it's "blkid", not "volid" | 21:01 |
phoenixz | insomic: that would be VERY inadvisable to have some unknown person roam around your computer... | 21:01 |
pepperjack | snoopddrm: are you basically trying to make an ubuntu livecd? | 21:01 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, fglrx ati proprietary driver | 21:01 |
pepperjack | snoopddrm: or rather usb | 21:01 |
pan__ | i will give it a try | 21:01 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, it should be in your universe repo | 21:01 |
insomic | but i really dont know what to do | 21:01 |
phoenixz | jrib: ahw.. well, then my first confusion stands anyway :) it says it works with >2.2, which I have b ut it complains its incompatible anyway | 21:02 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: no, i have already installed ubuntu on a usbstick from a livecd. | 21:02 |
pan__ | yeah that might make some sense | 21:02 |
pan__ | into it not reading | 21:02 |
pan__ | thx | 21:02 |
pan__ | i will read man pages | 21:02 |
bruenig | hmm | 21:02 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: I have done the updates from the update manager and fixed the sound for my notebook. | 21:02 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, most lilely your card is supported. Are you runnign the latest version of Ubuntu (9.04) ? | 21:02 |
janisoza1r | pan__: if it's different, you'll have to update grub's menu.lst and /etc/fstab | 21:02 |
jrib | phoenixz: well that was just a comment from the source package. If I were you I would try to find out exactly what the issue is with having libtool >= 2.2 | 21:02 |
robert__ | soundcard question. conexant venice. has various known issues, including unresponsive capture level control, but i used not to experience that one. now suddenly i do. what could have changed? | 21:03 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: but for some reason, clicking on firefox it doesn't work. i did start up the browser, went to ubuntuforums.org site and then it terminated by itself. | 21:03 |
AlexanderSupertr | erusul: thanks. | 21:03 |
mechtech | Can any one tell me what is the difference in synaptic between remove and completely remove? | 21:03 |
javagamer | How come the Ubuntu package for the binary nivida drivers (nvidia-glx-180) is at 180.44 when nvidia has released 185.18.14, is there some nvidia-glx-185 package I'm missing? | 21:03 |
aaandaiii | laclasse: ATI binary xorg driver? | 21:03 |
aaandaiii | laclasse: Yes 9.04 | 21:03 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: clicking on the firefox icon does not start the browser. | 21:03 |
LordLandon | mechtech: the latter gets rid of config files, etc | 21:03 |
phoenixz | Thats what I was trying to do.. I'm considdering just compiling php5 manually now, just as easy.. | 21:03 |
nerdshark | a | 21:03 |
erUSUL | !latest | javagamer | 21:03 |
ubottu | javagamer: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports. | 21:04 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, yes! | 21:04 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, install that. | 21:04 |
janisoza1r | !nvidia | javagamer | 21:04 |
ubottu | javagamer: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 21:04 |
pepperjack | snoopddrm: yeah im not sure what is going on there. | 21:04 |
insomic | thanks for your help every one. I think I will now find a dark corner and rip my own head off | 21:04 |
mechtech | LordLandon: thanks...didn't want to accidentally hose my system | 21:04 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, same tip actually | 21:04 |
snoopddrm | is there anyway to unload firefox and try and reload it? | 21:04 |
pepperjack | snoopddrm: you should be able to just go in that firefox folder and doubleclick on 'firefox' assuming dependancies are installed | 21:04 |
snoopddrm | i'm sorry, i don't know how to do this in ubuntu | 21:04 |
snape | java not working in opera and firefox even after installing restricted extra package in jaunty | 21:05 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, check this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | 21:05 |
javagamer | I know Ubuntu doesn't have the latest packages as they come out, but it seems to be really lagging behind in this case, checking out that link now | 21:05 |
pepperjack | snoopddrm: just double-click on the folder on the desktop. there should be a firefox file | 21:05 |
th0r | snoopddrm: just uninstall it (completely) and then install it again | 21:05 |
aaandaiii | laclasse: I saw :) | 21:05 |
^^f | could someone help me to deinstall linux from my hdd? with live cd , i want to reinstall it to solve a problem | 21:05 |
janisoza1r | snape: java plugin used to have issues when openjdk was installed, uninstall it | 21:05 |
janisoza1r | snape: you can check for package names by "dpkg -l | grep -i java" | 21:05 |
mechtech | ^^f: what is the problem...re-install might be waaay overkill | 21:06 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, but this leads you here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 21:06 |
floryn90 | !hello | rtp2342 | 21:06 |
ubottu | rtp2342: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 21:06 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: i double clicked on firefox | 21:06 |
laclasse | aaandaiii, and your card is supported, so you should be able to have native resolutions, if not a bit more acceleration than vesa :) good luck | 21:06 |
snoopddrm | pepperjack: nothing happened | 21:06 |
=== big-G-upstairs is now known as Baldwin | ||
rtp2342 | !grub | 21:07 |
snoopddrm | th0r: i think i will uninstall it | 21:07 |
ubottu | GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 21:07 |
^^f | doesnt matter i just want to reinstall it | 21:07 |
snoopddrm | th0r: damn how do i uninstall firefox? | 21:07 |
snoopddrm | lol | 21:07 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: sudo apt-get purge firefox | 21:08 |
mechtech | ^^f: ok...just boot up to the cd and re-format and re-install...no need to "un-install" first | 21:08 |
pepperjack | snoopddrm: ok badness then. try opening synaptic under like system --> administration or something sorry i dont know gnome. synaptic is the package manager. do janisoza1r's command first | 21:08 |
robert__ | ^^f: or delete /boot /usr /etc /lib /bin /sbin. or move them to a backup folder. that way you keep other data | 21:08 |
^^f | mechtech: i cant format it | 21:08 |
^^f | its blocked with a key | 21:08 |
UnderSampled | how do I discover what /dev device is mounted to /media/disk? | 21:09 |
janisoza1r | robert__: sounds like rm -rf / ? | 21:09 |
mechtech | ^^f: how come? | 21:09 |
janisoza1r | UnderSampled: mount | grep /mount/disk | 21:09 |
^^f | ? | 21:09 |
mechtech | ^^f: that's wierd | 21:09 |
laclasse | Uncle|Sam, type 'mount' in a terminal | 21:09 |
robert__ | UnderSampled: mount | grep /media/disk | 21:09 |
laclasse | UnderSampled, type 'mount' in a terminal | 21:09 |
Uncle|Sam | why? ;) | 21:09 |
janisoza1r | UnderSampled: or "cat /proc/mounts | grep /media/disk", almost the same | 21:10 |
laclasse | Uncle|Sam, sorry nasty tab completes here | 21:10 |
laclasse | too busy :) | 21:10 |
pepperjack | snoopddrm: personally id just reinstall to the usb drive | 21:10 |
mechtech | ^^f: blocked with a key?? Please explain | 21:10 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: okie, its done. uninstallation of firefox is complete | 21:10 |
Uncle|Sam | i know ,) just want to make a joke :P | 21:10 |
UnderSampled | ah. thanks | 21:10 |
laclasse | Uncle|Sam, go back to the states then :P | 21:10 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: to reinstall is to click on the firefox icon in the firefox folder on the desktop? | 21:10 |
Uncle|Sam | never been there | 21:10 |
Uncle|Sam | hehe | 21:10 |
=== Vellas_ is now known as Vellas | ||
laclasse | rofl | 21:10 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: sudo apt-get install firefox | 21:10 |
^^f | its a key infront of the 'extended' | 21:10 |
outy | ok | 21:11 |
outy | so ive been using ubuntu for a while now | 21:11 |
robert__ | anyone able to help with soundcard problem (conexant venice)? | 21:11 |
outy | and i still cant win at Four-in-a-row | 21:11 |
bavardage | nerdshark: o/ | 21:11 |
Michalxo | outy, :D | 21:11 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: or you can use synaptic to do that, whatever your preference is | 21:11 |
mechtech | ^^f: you mean an icon of a key in front of your extended partition? | 21:11 |
laclasse | outy, open a bug :) | 21:11 |
^^f | yes | 21:11 |
=== Vellas is now known as Vellas_ | ||
outy | a bug ? | 21:11 |
laclasse | yup | 21:11 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: okie i did the sudo route | 21:12 |
outy | i dont know what a bug is | 21:12 |
snoopddrm | umm... ithink its done | 21:12 |
snape | janisoza1r: "dpkg -l | grep -i java" does not give any result | 21:12 |
LordLandon | ^^f: you encrypted your partition or something? | 21:12 |
snoopddrm | trying firefox now | 21:12 |
laclasse | bug: For in a row is too hard and i never win even after using ubuntu for a while | 21:12 |
^^f | nope | 21:12 |
janisoza1r | snape: then you don't have java installed. wait a sec | 21:12 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: arrgghh! same issue, firefox doesn't load | 21:12 |
laclasse | ^^f, you care about the data on it? | 21:13 |
^^f | no | 21:13 |
snape | janisoza1r: waiting... | 21:13 |
paolob | Hi guys! is there a way to nfs mount a removable media so that it can be used by other than root? I can't get it be mounted with permissions different from (root)wrx------ | 21:13 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: could it possibly a memory thing? i have 4gb ram on my notebook | 21:13 |
=== [SkG] is now known as Guest5299 | ||
LordLandon | paolob: -o uid | 21:13 |
janisoza1r | snape: "dpkg -l | grep -i openjdk" gives any results? | 21:13 |
cdsmithus | Any idea what might cause Ubuntu to intermittently log me out when I'm typing something on my keyboard? Doesn't crash the system; just logs me out. Always when I'm typing. Any log files I should check? | 21:13 |
paolob | LordLandon, explain better, please | 21:14 |
laclasse | ^^f, just blow the partition table, boot in single mode, and do a dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev<yourharddisk> for about 2 minutes, then reboot with a cd installer. | 21:14 |
LordLandon | ^^f: you don't care about any of the data on the drive? | 21:14 |
janisoza1r | snape: and does "sudo apt-get install sun-java6-plugin" want to install any dependencies? | 21:14 |
k4dm3l | I want a resolution grater thant 1024x768 | 21:14 |
k4dm3l | any suggestion? | 21:14 |
DevilBass | alguien sabe como configurar multiseat en ubuntu 9.04 | 21:14 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: my uuid is different | 21:14 |
OEP | d'oh. I just spent all afternoon installing 32-bit ubuntu when I should have installed 64 bit z;9 | 21:14 |
k4dm3l | I have a Compaq nx6120 | 21:14 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: does it produce any output in terminal? | 21:14 |
LordLandon | paolob: mount /dev/sdxx /path/to/mount/point -o uid=yourusername | 21:14 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: how do i update /etc/fstab? | 21:14 |
LordLandon | paolob: that'll mount it with you as the owner | 21:14 |
janisoza1r | pan__: you're running livecd? | 21:14 |
pan__ | yes | 21:14 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: i will start firefox in terminal now | 21:14 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: had to | 21:14 |
paolob | LordLandon, but is it dangerous? | 21:14 |
janisoza1r | pan__: where is your "/" mounted? | 21:15 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: it says "Illegal instruction" | 21:15 |
LordLandon | paolob: what do you mean? | 21:15 |
pan__ | i mount it in another drive | 21:15 |
pan__ | or folder | 21:15 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: do you have any unofficial repos? | 21:15 |
^^f | mechtech: "and do a dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev<yourharddisk>" wth ? ima noob | 21:15 |
ctmjr | !es | DevilBass: | 21:15 |
ubottu | DevilBass:: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 21:15 |
paolob | I'm asking whether it could be dangerous | 21:15 |
janisoza1r | pan__: yes, but where? something like /media/disk | 21:15 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: sorry? i don't understand the term unofficial repos? | 21:15 |
Some_Person | I'm having trouble. My camera says my SD card needs formatting | 21:15 |
laclasse | ^^f, that was me. | 21:15 |
outy | whats the thing i type into terminal thats like the first step to editing docky ? | 21:15 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: i mounted my drive somewhere sudo mount -t ext4 /dev/sda6 ~/Desktop/drive | 21:16 |
Some_Person | How can I format it into ubuntu to have the best chance of success? | 21:16 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: mounted it elsewhere | 21:16 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: did you add any repositories in synaptic or edit any file in /etc/apt ? | 21:16 |
snape | janisoza1r: It does want to install these: gsfonts-x11 java-common odbcinst1debian1 sun-java6-bin sun-java6-jre | 21:16 |
snape | unixodbc | 21:16 |
^^f | that doesnt help me | 21:16 |
pepperjack | Some_Person: im not sure what those cards are normally formated as... fat16? | 21:16 |
OEP | Some_Person, mkfs.vfat should do the trick | 21:16 |
DevilBass | some body know about multiseat configuration in ubuntu 9.04 | 21:16 |
janisoza1r | snape: and what about the other command? | 21:16 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: i did blkid /dev/sda6 and it is different uuid so i have to change that | 21:17 |
cdsmithus | No idea where I'd look (what log file, etc?) to determine why I occasionally bomb out to the login prompt when I'm typing on my keyboard? | 21:17 |
janisoza1r | pan__: sudo vim /path/to/your/root/etc/fstab | 21:17 |
snape | janisoza1r: what other command | 21:17 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: k | 21:17 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: i don't understand unofficial repos? u mean unoffical repositories? hmmm.... i only installed aircrack-ng. thats all. | 21:17 |
mechtech | ^^f: ok...two ways, the first I would consider to be more complete, and therefore more reliable...boot to cd, and blow out all your linux partitions (esp your extended) then reformat then re-install ubuntu...the second is to boot to live cd, then whenit asks to install...go through the process untill you reach the part where you can selec which partition to trsh...trash it, then rebuild it, and make it a whatever partition | 21:17 |
k4dm3l | please, Can anyone tell me how to get more resolution | 21:17 |
k4dm3l | ? | 21:17 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: im there | 21:17 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: try to purge firefox in synaptic, it might be a meta-package | 21:18 |
laclasse | ^^f, when you try to delete the partition with the key, what does the installer says? | 21:18 |
mechtech | ^^f: see here: http://forum.eeeuser.com/viewtopic.php?id=45468 | 21:18 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: ok i will try that now. | 21:18 |
janisoza1r | pan__: then replace uuid in the file with what blkid reports | 21:18 |
k4dm3l | I want more resolution than 1024x768 | 21:18 |
vlt | Hello. After `aptitide install grub` what do I have to do to actually write it to /dev/sda's MBR and create the needed files /boot/grub/ (on /dev/sda1)? | 21:18 |
k4dm3l | ? | 21:18 |
dremits | hi i have just used nmap to scan for open ports and i've found port 8080 to be open (service: http-proxy). How can I disable/uninstall whatever is using this port so it becomes free? | 21:18 |
portuguesemafia | hey guys | 21:18 |
k4dm3l | can any one help? | 21:18 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: can i remove previous fstab? | 21:18 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: also you check (in package properties) what are the dependencies for "firefox" package | 21:18 |
laclasse | k4dm3l, System=> Preferences => Display | 21:18 |
Walex | dremits: 'lsof -i tcp' | 21:18 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: it shows aufs / aufus fw 0 0? | 21:19 |
erUSUL | dremits: lsof -i tcp :8080 | 21:19 |
janisoza1r | pan__: it easier to edit i think | 21:19 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: and tmpfs /tmp tmpfs nosuid,nodev 0 0 | 21:19 |
pan__ | janisoza1r ok | 21:19 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: ok, the page is taking a long time to load, please bear with me. | 21:19 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: im not sure where to add the uuid | 21:19 |
Some_Person | OEP: I tried formatting as fat16 but it didn't work | 21:19 |
janisoza1r | snape: "dpkg -l | grep -i openjdk" | 21:19 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: should i pastebin it? | 21:19 |
k4dm3l | but it only shows 1024x768 | 21:19 |
janisoza1r | pan__: no, just replace uuid | 21:19 |
k4dm3l | laclasse: the thing is I want more than that | 21:19 |
janisoza1r | pan__: and also in /boot/grub/menu.lst | 21:20 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: fstab there is no uuid | 21:20 |
laclasse | dremits, netstat -tcp | grep 8080 | 21:20 |
dremits | erUSUL i get this: lsof: status error on :8080: No such file or directory | 21:20 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: do i type uuid=#?? | 21:20 |
janisoza1r | pan__: then pastebin | 21:20 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: alright | 21:20 |
OEP | Some_Person, I'd think it would use fat32 and not fat16 | 21:20 |
ctmjr | k4dm3l: what graphics card do you have? | 21:20 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: http://paste-bin.com/view/c813353e | 21:21 |
laclasse | k4dm3l, maybe your card / screen combination doesn;t support more, maybe you need to install some hardware proprietary drivers, what card / screen do you have? | 21:21 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: the dependancies are firefox-3.0 and firefox-3.0 -branding | 21:21 |
vlt | I tried `grub-install /dev/sda` but got "Could not find device for /boot: Not found or not a block device." Any idea what's missing here? | 21:21 |
dremits | laclasse it just hangs with that command | 21:21 |
erUSUL | dremits: is « lsof -i :8080 » | 21:21 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: then you should purge also those packages | 21:21 |
snape | janisoza1r: nothing | 21:21 |
jpoirier_ | Hi all, how can I increase the screen brightness for an ubuntu Intrepid install? Thank you. | 21:22 |
laclasse | dremits, are you root ? sudo in front | 21:22 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: when you later "sudo apt-get install firefox", then it should install those packages again | 21:22 |
laclasse | this will tell you which program holds a connection on 8080 | 21:22 |
janisoza1r | snape: good, then just install sun-java6-plugin and restart your browsers | 21:22 |
laclasse | lsof will do the same. | 21:22 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: purge purge... umm..... how do i purge them? | 21:22 |
dremits | laclasse yep did that | 21:22 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: right click on package | 21:22 |
laclasse | and it hangs? | 21:22 |
vxp_ | hi | 21:22 |
dremits | erUSUL says apache2 | 21:22 |
dremits | didn't realise it used port 8080? | 21:23 |
laclasse | could be | 21:23 |
laclasse | /etc/init.d/apache2 stop | 21:23 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: the colour of the box to the left should change (or have red X or something) | 21:23 |
vxp_ | can anyone recommend a good / easy DVD ripping software (or may be a guide would be best) ? I have a lot of movies I wanted to rip.. | 21:23 |
laclasse | as root. | 21:23 |
erUSUL | dremits: now you know who is listenning there you shut it down or remove it | 21:23 |
janisoza1r | pan__: did you paste /etc/fstab or fstab from the filesystem on your disk with your ubuntu? | 21:23 |
roachy | @ vxp - try acidrip - it's in the repos and i a nice front end for mencoder | 21:23 |
janisoza1r | pan__: i mean is it from livecd or from the disk? | 21:23 |
vxp_ | 1 sec, will do | 21:24 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: the option is mark for removal or mark for complete removal? | 21:24 |
laclasse | vxp_, mate of mine wrote acidrip ... not sure if maintained anymore. but it had easy gtk interface and uses memcoder. | 21:24 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: the second one | 21:24 |
pan__ | my fstab from my /dev/sda6 | 21:24 |
snoopddrm | okie | 21:24 |
Some_Person | OEP: Still no luck | 21:24 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: fstab from the drive i mounted | 21:24 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: it's the same as "sudo apt-get purge ..." | 21:24 |
laclasse | vxp_, http://untrepid.com/acidrip/ | 21:24 |
vxp_ | laclasse, I'm installing it now | 21:24 |
OEP | Some_Person, have you checked out the partition table? does everything look square there? | 21:24 |
vxp_ | it's in the reos, as you said | 21:24 |
vxp_ | :) | 21:24 |
vxp_ | s/reos/repos | 21:25 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: the disk | 21:25 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: okie, its done, completely removed. | 21:25 |
pozic | Is nzbget packaged anywhere in Ubuntu? | 21:25 |
Some_Person | OEP: It looks ok | 21:25 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: both -3.0 and -3.0-branding? | 21:25 |
snape | janisoza1r: thanks a lot | 21:25 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: then now just install "firefox" | 21:25 |
roachy | no worries mate - I've been ripping my collection to Divx to save the daughter scratching discs!! | 21:25 |
outy | Gtk-WARNING **: Theme directory of theme Azenis Icons has no size field | 21:25 |
janisoza1r | pan__: hmm.. never met aufs before | 21:26 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: sorry | 21:26 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: i messed up i was wrong | 21:26 |
Qu4R0w | how to remove my older kernel version??it annoying me to choose in boot option menu. | 21:26 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: accidentlly typed in /etc | 21:26 |
OEP | Some_Person, ok. if the partition type is ok (and a primary partition) and you're formatting it as vfat I guess that about sums up everything I know to check for :P | 21:26 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: which was live cd | 21:26 |
erUSUL | Qu4R0w: like any other package... use synaptic for example | 21:26 |
janisoza1r | pan__: that'd explain a lot | 21:26 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: i see UUID | 21:26 |
roachy | @Qu4R0w - just edit the /boot/grub/menu.lst | 21:26 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: i know >_< | 21:26 |
roachy | and remove the option | 21:26 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: sorry for the confusion | 21:26 |
Qu4R0w | i want to del it | 21:27 |
Qu4R0w | what to search?? | 21:27 |
janisoza1r | pan__: then edit the /etc/fstab and /boot/grub/menu.lst on your disk | 21:27 |
snoopddrm | janissoza1r: yes, removed the branding too | 21:27 |
pan__ | i also have to specify uuid for swap as well right? | 21:27 |
erUSUL | Qu4R0w: linux-image | 21:27 |
janisoza1r | pan__: if it's changed, then yes | 21:27 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: am doin the sudo apt-get install firefox now | 21:27 |
Qu4R0w | erUSUL: i try | 21:28 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: thank you so much | 21:28 |
dremits | erUSUL came up with what appears to be an error when stopping apache http://pastebin.com/m6b3ec403 | 21:28 |
aandaii | laclasse: Agh the same thing happened now like when I installed ati's official drivers without knowing what I was doing | 21:28 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: do you have any hunch why didn't it start in the first place? did it ever start? | 21:28 |
aandaii | laclasse: when it tries to start X i get those strange visual artifacts and nothing else | 21:29 |
erUSUL | dremits: you seem to have something worng in apache's config files... i'm not expert on apache so i dunno | 21:29 |
janisoza1r | pan__: in menu.lst there are 2 places to put uuid, be sure to update both | 21:29 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: oh yes, i did start, worked for a while. then it abruptly closed. i don't know why. i could only get it to start again if i rebooted | 21:29 |
Qu4R0w | how can i see my current kernel version? | 21:29 |
aandaii | laclasse: I tried installing the restricted drivers before, the progress bar just stayed at 0% for two hours. But that won't help now. I have the package installed, do I still need to copy some things somewhere? | 21:29 |
janisoza1r | pan__: in "root ...." and in "kernel .... root=...." | 21:30 |
Qu4R0w | uname -r | 21:30 |
helo | if i put a 1GB UNR .img onto a 4GB thumb drive, how can i use the extra 3GB for file storage? | 21:30 |
laclasse | aandaii, try to run 'aticonfig' as root | 21:30 |
Qu4R0w | it is safe i remove my older kernel version? | 21:30 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: then perhaps it is a problem with cache or /tmp? | 21:30 |
laclasse | aandaii, i take it that you have a shell / console on the box? in one of the VT? | 21:30 |
deany | helo, make 2 partitions | 21:30 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: damn... same thing... it doesn't work. i did the command in terminal as well as clicking on the icon | 21:30 |
VCoolio | Qu4R0w: yes, but keep latest and latest -1 to be sure | 21:31 |
janisoza1r | in terminal does it produce any output? | 21:31 |
Qu4R0w | owh..ok2.. | 21:31 |
laclasse | Qu4R0w, what for? its more unsafe than anything. Its not bad to always have a kernel to boot on just-in-case | 21:31 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: in terminal the output is illegal instruction | 21:31 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: which ubuntu are you running? | 21:31 |
janisoza1r | !firefox | 21:32 |
ubottu | firefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.5 | 21:32 |
dremits | erUSUL turns out i had a virtual server running on 8080. removed and port is free. thanks | 21:32 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: when i enter "firefox" in terminal, the output is "illegal instruction" | 21:32 |
oshua86 | Has any | 21:32 |
oshua86 | has | 21:32 |
janisoza1r | !firefox-3.5 | 21:32 |
aandaii | laclasse: I ran aticonfig --initial, it succeded. I'll see if it worked | 21:32 |
ubottu | Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY | 21:32 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: i'm running jaunty jackalope with all the updates selected and unpacked from the update manager. | 21:32 |
mzz | snoopddrm: what kind of system is this? Can you pastebin its /proc/cpuinfo? | 21:32 |
k4dm3l | laclasse: is an intel my card | 21:32 |
mzz | snoopddrm: and what version of firefox is it? | 21:32 |
helo | deany: after writing the .img to the thumb drive, the partition table appears to be invalid... | 21:32 |
aandaii | laclasse: No, black screen | 21:32 |
pan__ | janisoza1r: what is the purpose of a uuid instead of hd(?,?) ? | 21:33 |
oshua86 | does any of you have any experience connecting laptops to projectors in ubuntu? | 21:33 |
snoopddrm | mzz: how do i check that? coz I can't telll without firefox starting up. | 21:33 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: can you check if there is firefox-3.5 package in your system? "apt-cache search firefox-3.5" | 21:33 |
nsahoo | for some reason not all the windows in the workspace are appearing in the task bar. I think it's a compiz related issue because I was having it when I was using gentoo+xfce+compiz-fusion | 21:33 |
mzz | pan__: a uuid doesn't break if you rearrange the partitions but does break if you reformat the partition | 21:33 |
mzz | snoopddrm: how did you install firefox? Can you do that pastebin? | 21:33 |
nsahoo | anyone else having the issue of taskbar not showing some windows? | 21:34 |
laclasse | aandaii, you can edit files? try nano /etc/x11/xorg.conf, and see if you can make it safer: lower resolution, make sure driver -> is fglrx save and restart display/ gdm | 21:34 |
janisoza1r | mzz: he has just purged firefox-3.0 and installed firefox | 21:34 |
mzz | snoopddrm: I'd have to ask around, but it's possible the jit in firefox 3.5 has issues on sse-less (or possibly mmx-less) systems | 21:34 |
mzz | janisoza1r: meaning which version? | 21:34 |
Qu4R0w | i just install backtrack 4 on my hdisk=/dev/sda8/ as "/" also same mount point with my ubuntu..after i reboot,i cant see backtrack boot option | 21:34 |
laclasse | aandaii, you should at last be able to get a display. What is the exact laptop model again? | 21:34 |
janisoza1r | mzz: that'd be 3.0 i guess, since 3.5 isn't installed unless explicitly specified | 21:35 |
mzz | snoopddrm: so I'm guessing either you're running an unusual cpu, you installed a package for the wrong architecture, or the binary got corrupted somehow | 21:35 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: & mzz: how do i do a paste-bin? i can't open a browser to get there | 21:35 |
snoopddrm | abrowser-3.1 - dummy upgrade package for firefox-3.1 -> firefox-3.5 | 21:35 |
snoopddrm | abrowser-3.1-branding - dummy upgrade package for firefox-3.1 -> firefox-3.5 | 21:35 |
snoopddrm | firefox-3.1 - dummy upgrade package for firefox-3.1 -> firefox-3.5 | 21:35 |
snoopddrm | firefox-3.1-branding - dummy upgrade package for firefox-3.1 -> firefox-3.5 | 21:35 |
snoopddrm | firefox-3.1-dbg - dummy upgrade package for firefox-3.1 -> firefox-3.5 | 21:35 |
snoopddrm | firefox-3.1-dev - dummy upgrade package for firefox-3.1 -> firefox-3.5 | 21:35 |
FloodBot1 | snoopddrm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 21:35 |
mzz | snoopddrm: sudo apt-get install pastebinit | 21:35 |
* mzz groans | 21:35 | |
aandaii | laclasse:Toshiba Satellite A350-12D btw, the howto says i need to do some commands. They have 'uname -r' in them, am I supposed to substitute that for something else? | 21:35 |
Michalxo | k4dm3l, what is your graphics card? | 21:35 |
georg_ | Hallo all | 21:35 |
deany | helo, what partition setup have you got on it | 21:35 |
snoopddrm | sorrry! | 21:35 |
laclasse | aandaii, no, type as is, they will be subtituted | 21:36 |
mzz | aandaii: they may have `uname -r` (those quotes are different, and this is important) | 21:36 |
georg_ | I moved my boot partition to another hard drive | 21:36 |
georg_ | with gparted | 21:36 |
mzz | aandaii: can you link to the instructions? | 21:36 |
georg_ | now I need to reset grub | 21:36 |
laclasse | aandaii, and yes, you need to follow the end of the howto | 21:36 |
janisoza1r | !grub | georg_ | 21:36 |
ubottu | georg_: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto | 21:36 |
Otacon22 | How can I say to NetworkManager that i don't want that it tries to connect to the wifi? | 21:36 |
helo | deany: the same partition table that is on the UNR live image | 21:36 |
helo | deany: which happens to be invalid... | 21:36 |
georg_ | but the problem is that my ***** bios does not alow booting from sdb1 | 21:36 |
laclasse | mzz, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI | 21:36 |
deany | helo, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles | 21:37 |
helo | Bad primary partition 0: Partition begins after end-of-disk | 21:37 |
mzz | Otacon22: perhaps right-click the icon and uncheck "enable wireless" | 21:37 |
mzz | laclasse: urgh, binary blobs. You're on your own with those, sorry. | 21:37 |
georg_ | can I install grub on sda and poit root to sdb1 | 21:37 |
ikonia | georg_: root can be where ever you want | 21:37 |
laclasse | mzz, aandaii is unfortunately, he seems to have aparticular exotic ati card as well ... :| | 21:37 |
Chessguy | could somebody please tell me how to remove pulseaudio? | 21:37 |
Scunizi | Where do I find the keyboard setup option in Kubuntu? | 21:37 |
snoopddrm | mzz: i downloaded it. in terminal i typed pastebinit (i'm assuming that's how u start it) nothing happens | 21:38 |
k4dm3l | Michalxo: lspci? | 21:38 |
helo | deany: i know how to dd an .img onto a drive | 21:38 |
georg_ | so I'm trying another croot run | 21:38 |
mzz | aandaii: but for that `uname -r` stuff: the instructions are correct, but make sure you type backticks (usually on the "~" key), not regular single quotes | 21:38 |
Michalxo | k4dm3l, yes | 21:38 |
k4dm3l | Michalxo: Mobile 915GM/GMS/910GML | 21:38 |
mzz | snoopddrm: "pastebinit /proc/cpuinfo" | 21:38 |
janisoza1r | georg_: yes, you can | 21:38 |
janisoza1r | !grub | georg_ | 21:38 |
snoopddrm | sorry, am a complete noob | 21:38 |
deany | helo, format 1 partition as fat32 for the UNR and the other as, I guess whatever. | 21:39 |
k4dm3l | Michalxo: mi laptops is Compaq nx6120 | 21:39 |
mzz | snoopddrm: it's fine, many people are a bit lost without gui tools | 21:39 |
deany | helo, write img to it, it works, I use it | 21:39 |
aandaii | mzz, laclasse: Yeah, the reason I asked, I got the same error again: "Package 'linux-restricted-modules-uname' is not installed and no info is availible.'" The howto assumes I used the restricted drivers module (which i tried a few weeks ago and did not work) but I installed the ati binary driver through Add/Remove. | 21:39 |
snoopddrm | mzz: so sorry ;-( | 21:39 |
vxp_ | laclasse, acidrip seems wonderful. ripping one dvd to an AVI now. do you know if acidrip is able to duplicate DVDs, as well? (Im talking about VOB files - can I burn them and pla them in my 'regular' dvd player after?) | 21:39 |
outy | arrggh, this is making me crazy | 21:39 |
outy | facebook resolves to google in opera | 21:40 |
deany | helo, do you want persistence? | 21:40 |
Michalxo | outy, I won in four-in-row :D | 21:40 |
snoopddrm | mzz: i think i will reboot, and be back in a min. i'll see if i still have the same problem. thank you once again as well as pepperjack | 21:40 |
snoopddrm | ;-) | 21:40 |
outy | LOL Michalxo | 21:40 |
aandaii | mzz: OH, didn't see that | 21:40 |
georg_ | sdb1 does not have coresponding bios drive | 21:40 |
nsahoo | no one having any task bar problem? | 21:41 |
outy | i was earlier but i figured it out nsahoo | 21:41 |
shell | nsahoo, nope not her | 21:41 |
nsahoo | outy: what did you do? | 21:41 |
mzz | nsahoo: not showing what windows? | 21:41 |
Michalxo | k4dm3l, see "private chat" | 21:41 |
nsahoo | mzz: randomly, often times the matlab window | 21:41 |
mzz | nsahoo: check the preferences, notice it groups similar windows by default. | 21:41 |
shell | how do i make source games work in wine? | 21:42 |
nsahoo | mzz: ya, but, none of the matlab windows are in the task bar! | 21:42 |
georg_ | @shell: pray | 21:42 |
mzz | nsahoo: also, some windows will set hints causing them to not show up on the task bar. I wouldn't expect this to be compiz-related, but that's easily checked by temporarily switching to no desktop effects in system -> preferences -> appearance -> visual effects | 21:42 |
erUSUL | !iso | 21:42 |
ubottu | To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning. | 21:42 |
shell | geo05, tryed that nobody answered | 21:42 |
bidossessi_ | hi all | 21:42 |
aandaii | laclasse, mzz: The first command worked. Then (logged in as root) I run " insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile/fglrx.ko " and it says can't read, no such file or directory | 21:43 |
mzz | aandaii: see earlier comments about you being (mostly) on your own with binary blobs | 21:44 |
bidossessi_ | i just installed a pcie card on my motherboard (foxconn with onboard sis card) and it hangs after post. google doesn't help. any pointers on where i should look first | 21:44 |
shell | how do i make source games work in wine | 21:44 |
mzz | aandaii: (that isn't a channel thing! I just tend to avoid them myself, and know relatively little about them) | 21:44 |
ascheel | shell: that's a question for #wine | 21:44 |
shell | asc thanks | 21:44 |
Grizmawe | Shell, check http://winehq.com/appdb | 21:44 |
Dimitree | How do i make a launcher for something that i start in terminal with java -Xmx1024m -jar ./ultraed-0.7-svn.jar ? | 21:45 |
pyrak | is it a bad idea to "sudo svn commit" | 21:45 |
majikman | hwo do i get a list of all packages available to install? | 21:45 |
georg_ | pyrak: yes | 21:45 |
mzz | pyrak: that sounds like an unusual thing to want to do | 21:45 |
bidossessi_ | i just installed a pcie card on my motherboard (foxconn with onboard sis card) and the pc hangs after post. google doesn't help. any pointers on where i should look first? i've got jaunty installed. could the change from onboard to pcie affect grub? | 21:45 |
aandaii | mzz, Okay, I'd rather use the open ones as long as they get me a less blurry resolution. But do they support ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650? | 21:45 |
shell | ascheel, it said that #wine was a invite only chanell 0_o | 21:45 |
ascheel | shell: whoops | 21:46 |
ascheel | shell: try #winehq | 21:46 |
mzz | aandaii: I don't actually see "3650" in "man radeon", but I don't know if that actually means it's not supported | 21:46 |
Dr_Willis | bidossessi_: pcie card should not affect grub. You did move the monitor cable over? You may want to reseat teh card.. be sure to UNPLUG the pc from the wall befor doing stuf like that. | 21:46 |
georg_ | UI error: Cannot open `/boot/grub/device.map | 21:46 |
mzz | aandaii: (I don't have the family tree of radeon cards in my head either) | 21:46 |
Dr_Willis | bidossessi_: ive had some quirky machines wehre i had to disable to onboard card FIRST then install the new card. (ages ago) | 21:47 |
aandaii | mzz: Okay. How do I remove the not-open one I just installed (that stops vesa from working too) ? | 21:47 |
Qu4R0w | how to add my bt4 boot option in my grub menu??i already install bt4 but i cant see bt4 option in boot menu | 21:47 |
majikman | how do i get a list of all packages available to install from the command line? | 21:47 |
Dr_Willis | ALL? thats going to be a long list | 21:47 |
bidossessi_ | Dr_Willis: i sure moved the cable over. i've been all over the BIOS but i can't fid anywhere i can disable the onboard pci card. | 21:47 |
Qu4R0w | majikman:try apt-get cache search something* | 21:48 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: you can check the existing /boot/grub/menu.lst syntax and based on that add what you need | 21:48 |
aandaii | mzz: The proprietary ATI binary driver from universe in Add/Remove. What package is that and how do I remove it, and can I remove it without internet? | 21:48 |
bidossessi_ | Dr_Willis: i figured since i still get POST, then maybe the issue is with grub? | 21:48 |
majikman | Qu4R0w, cache doesn't seem to be an available parameter | 21:48 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: moreover, as i recall bt4 is a livecd, you could check what options are passed during bootup | 21:48 |
georg_ | menu.lst is fine | 21:49 |
iPoRn | majikman, apt-cache search what_you_want | 21:49 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: or after it has booted, using "dmesg" | 21:49 |
georg_ | there is a problem in device list | 21:49 |
majikman | ahh.... ok. there we go. thanks | 21:49 |
iPoRn | np | 21:49 |
Qu4R0w | dmesg is what??where to using it? | 21:49 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: you want to boot backtrack from disk, am i right? | 21:49 |
Qu4R0w | yah..i already install it | 21:50 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: how? | 21:50 |
=== ian_brasil is now known as ian_brasil-afk | ||
mzz | aandaii: again: see earlier comments about me knowing relatively little about the binary blobs | 21:50 |
mzz | aandaii: (*especially* on ubuntu) | 21:50 |
Qu4R0w | i put bt4 cd,i type=startx and run install.sh | 21:50 |
roger21 | hello | 21:50 |
snoopddrm | janisozalr: firefox is working now | 21:51 |
chaos2fu | hi can anyone tell me how to easily "burn" a isofile bootable to a usbstick?? | 21:51 |
Qu4R0w | see mine=http://paste.ubuntu.com/234739/ | 21:51 |
aandaii | I installed ATI Binary Driver from Add/Remove. It broke vesa. How do I remove it? | 21:51 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: it's much easier to track the conversation, if you put nick as a first word | 21:51 |
snoopddrm | also, is there anyway for ubuntu to "remember" my screen brightness settings? i keep having to adjust it everytime i reboot | 21:51 |
Qu4R0w | i try..me use konversation either | 21:51 |
helper | aandaii doesn't look in Add/Remove ? | 21:51 |
Grizmawe | Chaos2fu, try unetbootin. Google it | 21:52 |
roachy | exit | 21:52 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm, Qu4R0w you can aout-complete nicks using [tab] | 21:52 |
roachy | quit | 21:52 |
aandaii | helper: It broke vesa means I'm stuck with the command line. | 21:52 |
janisoza1r | auto* | 21:52 |
helper | aandaii use : aptitute | 21:52 |
Qu4R0w | i nid press tab key? | 21:52 |
Qu4R0w | nothing happen* | 21:53 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: okie thanx ;-) | 21:53 |
chaos2fu | Grizmawe; im trying it now | 21:53 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: type "jan" and press [tab] | 21:53 |
helper | aandaii sorry, aptitude * | 21:53 |
roger21 | ubuntu 8.4 on thinkpad r50e : when i open the lid the screen flash back and turn black again, i have to close and open again to have the screen ligthen again, how do i fix that ? | 21:53 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: i see ^^ | 21:53 |
Dr_Willis | chaos2fu: yep. Unetbootin makes that job easy. | 21:53 |
Qu4R0w | "jan" | 21:53 |
janisoza1r | ugh.. | 21:54 |
Qu4R0w | me forgot :( | 21:54 |
aandaii | helper: I use '/' to search, i type ATI Binary Driver and it just gives me ALL the packages that are installed (ever). | 21:54 |
chaos2fu | Dr_Willis can it burn other isofiles than linux? cause i want to burn a windows xp iso file | 21:54 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: how about my grub? | 21:54 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: do you use the pc that you want to install bt on? | 21:55 |
Dr_Willis | chaos2fu: it dont do windows... | 21:55 |
Dr_Willis | chaos2fu: thers guides out on making a usb bootaable windows install. see #windows channel | 21:55 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: me use laptop | 21:55 |
helper | aandaii ya , you want to remove the Driver right? i think there is g to Remove it press on g | 21:55 |
janisoza1r | is there any ubottu command to make it say how to auto-complete nicks and how much useful it is? | 21:55 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: and you want to isntall bt4 on the same laptop, right? | 21:56 |
aandaii | helper: I can't find it. Are you on Ubuntu now? Could you tell me what package that is? | 21:56 |
Dr_Willis | !tab | janisoza1r | 21:56 |
ubottu | janisoza1r: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 21:56 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: yeah..i already have xp+ubuntu on it now | 21:56 |
koltroll | Stupied icons looking almost the same making it hard to see which one is which in the dock :( | 21:57 |
snoopddrm | omfg! now my ternimal window is a blank screen without a prompt | 21:57 |
=== xF|ux is now known as xFlux | ||
snoopddrm | ! | 21:57 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: ;-( | 21:57 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: can you pastebin your /proc/mounts file and output from "sudo fidsk -l"? | 21:57 |
outy | ok maybe im an idiot, but i cant add an mp3 to amarok | 21:57 |
chaos2fu | Dr_Willis yeah i know, but im doing it from ubuntu...and i think its working, its burning now!;-) | 21:57 |
Grizmawe | Chaos2fu; I doubt you can run windows from USB. Why would you want to??! | 21:57 |
aandaii | Hi, could someone please tell me what package "Ati Binary Driver" is in Add/Remove, and tell me how to remove it from the command line? | 21:57 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: sec | 21:58 |
helper | aandaii no i'm not using Ubuntu now, if you are stuck with aptitude , press q , quit then type dpkg -l | grep ATI | 21:58 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: okie | 21:58 |
helper | aandaii you can find the name of the package | 21:58 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: can you execute any command? | 21:58 |
chaos2fu | i dont want to run it, i want to install it on a smaller partion to get my garmin305 gps watch to work correctly | 21:58 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: its a blank sreen without a prompt even. | 21:58 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: do you see blinking cursor? | 21:58 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: http://paste.ubuntu.com/234740/ | 21:58 |
aandaii | helper: I have a LOT of them. Do I remove them all? | 21:58 |
chaos2fu | and i want to install it from the usb, cause i have an acer one with no cd:-( | 21:58 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: nope, nothing at all | 21:59 |
helper | aandaii can you pastebin | 21:59 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: no root drive no nothing, a blank window | 21:59 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: you're using gui now, right? | 21:59 |
aandaii | helper: You mean I should type them all? It's on a laptop with no internet | 21:59 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: yes | 21:59 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: and by terminal you mean "gnome-terminal"? | 21:59 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: could it be because of the swap file? i set my swap file at 300mb. but i have 4gb of ram though. | 22:00 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: not likely | 22:00 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: and by terminal you mean "gnome-terminal"? | 22:00 |
Qu4R0w | snoopddrm:i think u not nid swap | 22:00 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: i'm assuming there gnome terminal is at applications > accessories > terminal | 22:01 |
Gerinych | For some reason I have grub loading at startup instead of vista's bootloader. Vista's repair cd doesn't see any problems. How do i fix that? | 22:01 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: yes | 22:01 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: what happens when you press ctrl+shift+t ? | 22:01 |
helper | aandaii sorry i don't know the exact package , you should know what you install ! | 22:01 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: nothing happens at all | 22:01 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: u see my fdisk -l? | 22:01 |
Server_Side | avi to dvd converter? | 22:02 |
fiasco | when will the next release for PHP 5.2 hit the ubuntu repos? | 22:02 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: yes, but please paste also /proc/mounts | 22:02 |
aandaii | helper http://pastebin.com/d7288bf21 | 22:02 |
CabbageWangler | Hey. Anyone know why the audio is quieter on Ubuntu than on Vista? | 22:02 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: -bash: /proc/mounts: Permission denied | 22:02 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: press alt-f2, type "gnome-terminal" see if the problem persists | 22:02 |
Server_Side | dvd convter sioftware? | 22:02 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: "cat /proc/mounts" | 22:02 |
snuxoll | !repeat | Server_Side | 22:02 |
ubottu | Server_Side: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait. | 22:02 |
helo | deany: the problem with creating two partitions on a thumb drive before writing the ubuntu live .img to it, is that the UNR .img will overwrite the partition table | 22:02 |
freenoder | Hello, I am having trouble getting Ubuntu Live CD session to recognize my dvd +rw Drive... can anyone help plz? | 22:02 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: if you still get permission denied, then "sudo cat /proc/mounts" | 22:03 |
Grizmawe | Chaos2fu; don't have gps but people have been working on getting them working: http://code.google.com/p/garmintools/ | 22:03 |
snuxoll | Server_Side: I used a combination of ffmpeg + dvdauthor + growisofs when I was burning DVD's | 22:03 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: this is the window that pops up when i press alt f2: Unable to load file '/usr/share/gnome-panel/glade/panel-run-dialog.glade'. | 22:03 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: http://paste.ubuntu.com/234741/ | 22:03 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: should i do a reboot? ;-p | 22:03 |
helper | aandaii check mine i'm using ATI too :) :: http://pastebin.com/m447e26e2 | 22:03 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: well... i don't know yet | 22:03 |
deany | helo, ive done it.... | 22:03 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: lol okie.... | 22:04 |
deany | helo, you not writing it properly then... /dev/sdb1 not /dev/sdb | 22:04 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: try going to the tty1 (alt-ctrl-f1) and login, see if you get propmt there. to get back to gui press alt-ctrl-f7 | 22:04 |
aandaii | helper: Thanks. How did you install it? | 22:05 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: what system are you running now? | 22:05 |
helper | aandaii i'm not sure put i think it's envyng-core try use dpkg -l envyng-core ( check Description if this is the driver) | 22:05 |
deany | helo, I have a 16gb usb with UNR on first partition, and another partition for other stuff. ive written to the first partition multiple times, clonezilla, then UNR, then clonezilla, then UNR.. i`ll get myself another stick 1 day. | 22:05 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: its a blank screen with numbers/characters running across right at top edge. | 22:06 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: i though /proc/mounts has some more information. paste the output of "mount" | 22:06 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: then try -f2 .. -f6 until you see "login:" | 22:06 |
Gerinych | For some reason I have grub loading at startup instead of vista's bootloader. Vista's repair cd doesn't see any problems. How do i fix that? | 22:06 |
aandaii | helper I have envyng-core installed. Can I use it from command line? | 22:06 |
freenoder | Does Ubuntu Live Cd Session only 'see' the cd drive it is running from? How can I get my dvd drive to show? | 22:07 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: ubuntu=fluxbox | 22:07 |
helper | aandaii ya but wonder what envyng-core use for? | 22:07 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: all says the same error; Unable to load file '/usr/share/gnome-panel/glade/panel-run-dialog.glade'. | 22:07 |
bassxm | my wireless connection is gone! can't get it working anymore even with help... working with ubuntu9.04. Help me please? | 22:07 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: actually, i guess you could just type your login and the password prompt would pop up, since ubuntu uses it as an output for some system info and the login prompt just got lost few lines ago | 22:07 |
bluequijote | hello... I need some help with an installation on eeepc. I need hide available partitions on the ubuntu... somebody know how could I do it? | 22:07 |
bluequijote | windows partition | 22:08 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: in the console? alt-ctrl-f2? | 22:08 |
bluequijote | ubuntu remix is the installation... that I am doing... | 22:09 |
helo | deany: hmm... i've never heard of writing a live image to the first partition... i thought they were intended to be written directly to the block device | 22:09 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: | 22:09 |
Cube | it doesnt start but says: Error 25 | 22:09 |
Cube | it doesnt start but says: Error 25 | 22:09 |
helper | aandaii check tail /var/log/installer/casper.log ( for latest install package) maybe you find the name of the package therre | 22:09 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: it works now the tty3. but there is some error: | 22:09 |
helo | deany: and the link you pasted says to write it to the block device, not the first partition | 22:09 |
helo | i'll try though... | 22:09 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: what next? | 22:10 |
aandaii | helper: thanks | 22:10 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: ext3-fs error unable to read inode | 22:10 |
bluequijote | someone could help me? | 22:11 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: chkdsk? | 22:11 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: paste the output of "mount" | 22:11 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: sort of | 22:11 |
Qu4R0w | how? | 22:11 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: how? | 22:11 |
aandaii | helper, dzz: Hooray!!! I have my good old low-res desktop back. | 22:11 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: how would i do that? | 22:11 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: run "mount" and copy output to pastebin | 22:11 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: do you have any livecd? | 22:12 |
remoteCTRL | how do i make a hotspare hdd from an existing raid 5 active? | 22:12 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: yes i do | 22:12 |
helper | aandaii gr8 | 22:12 |
* helo kidnaps ubottu | 22:12 | |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: http://paste.ubuntu.com/234743/ | 22:12 |
helper | aandaii at least you got desktop :P | 22:12 |
aandaii | helper: Should I try "Hardware Drivers" now? in System > Administration ? | 22:12 |
poseidon_ | I need help getting fdisk to detect a SD card | 22:12 |
helo | (it is a kid, no doubt) | 22:12 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: i have it with me nwo | 22:12 |
snoopddrm | now | 22:12 |
deany | helo, ive never written to a block device. | 22:12 |
helper | aandaii what version of ubuntu you got ? | 22:13 |
koltroll | I'd like a text editor (for coding) where I can create projects, and if I like add ftp-information for each project so that i can work directly against the ftp, or work local and simply upload the content. Any tip on this ? | 22:13 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: then boot to it and run "fsck.ext3 /dev/<yourdisk>", i guess you should pass some options to it also | 22:13 |
aandaii | helper 9.04 | 22:13 |
deany | helo, always /dev/sdb1 | 22:13 |
deany | helo, etc | 22:13 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: you mean you use it now? | 22:13 |
koltroll | I'm after the "sites"-functionality in dreamweaver (the only thing I ever liked about the program). | 22:13 |
poseidon_ | deany It's not detecting it as sd(a/b/etc)1 | 22:13 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: no no, i have the livecd with me now, but now using the usbstick to run ubuntu | 22:13 |
remoteCTRL | koltroll: well basically a grat coding editor is eclipse but i dont know about its ftp abilties... | 22:13 |
helper | aandaii aha , lspci | grep VGA | 22:14 |
koltroll | remoteCTRL, well I'll check it out. cheers | 22:14 |
th0r | koltroll: kompozer has sites functionality but it is a little rough around the edges still | 22:14 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: okie, i will do that | 22:14 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: be bacck later | 22:14 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: oh, so i think you should boot to livecd, as it's inadvisable to fsck ext3 online | 22:14 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: just in case, you know how to get irc on livecd? | 22:14 |
remoteCTRL | koltroll: and have a look at the extensions cos basically its been written for java but you can install extensions for c/c++, and several otgher laguages | 22:14 |
deany | helo, formatted a partition already? | 22:14 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: okie got it. | 22:14 |
koltroll | th0r, will check that out as well. thank you | 22:15 |
aandaii | helper ATI Mobility Radeon HD 3650 ( on a laptop, remember :] ) | 22:15 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: i assume so, pidgin? | 22:15 |
snoopddrm | am using pidgin to get on irc now. | 22:15 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: i use irssi, but whetever client you use is fine | 22:15 |
Gerinych | i have grub loading instead of vista's bootloader. on top of that, i get error 22, maybe because i don't have a menu.lst. the repair cd doesn't see a problem. how do i change it back to vista's bootloader | 22:15 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: okie, back in five. | 22:15 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: can you mount the other linux disk? you should probably see it to the left in nautilus | 22:15 |
remoteCTRL | with what tools do i edit raid 5 volumes? | 22:15 |
outy | how do i make my deskspaces two and not four ? | 22:15 |
helper | aandaii on your left side there is like : 01:00.0 VGA or ATI i mean there is similiar like these , what are the numbers? | 22:16 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: i cant mount | 22:16 |
remoteCTRL | outy: right click into the spaces in the taskbar and set the values | 22:16 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: why? is it not present or errors? | 22:16 |
poseidon_ | outy Go to the desktop, right click and go to properties | 22:16 |
aandaii | helper 01:00.0 | 22:16 |
aandaii | VGA compatible controller | 22:16 |
bluequijote | please | 22:16 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: i cant see what the text..no text* | 22:16 |
poseidon_ | outy Sorry, "configure desktop" | 22:16 |
poseidon_ | outy and then Multiple desktops | 22:16 |
poseidon_ | Can someone please help me set up my SD device? | 22:17 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: could you rephrase that? i don't understand | 22:17 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: Directory doesn't exist! | 22:17 |
helo | deany: yeah, i'm waiting for the .img to finish downloading | 22:17 |
helper | aandaii u need to find driver using this : 01:00.0 for ATI | 22:17 |
helper | aandaii did you check ATI site? | 22:17 |
aaandaiii | they do not have my model, i think | 22:18 |
remoteCTRL | Pici: happen to be there dude? | 22:18 |
helper | errr | 22:18 |
aaandaiii | helper: I installed something similar but it messes up everything | 22:18 |
mocker3 | hi | 22:18 |
helper | aandaii ya becarefull so not having conflict | 22:18 |
mocker3 | does someone here use nvidia settings | 22:18 |
mocker3 | i talked to someone here about that | 22:18 |
remoteCTRL | mocker3: sure | 22:18 |
aaandaiii | helper I would prefer to use open source driver :P btw I am on laptop now, i can copy paste things | 22:18 |
helo | mocker3: the answer to that is 'yes', i'm sure | 22:18 |
mocker3 | great :) | 22:19 |
aandaii | On my neighbours wireless hehe | 22:19 |
helper | aaandaiii ya problem resolution u got now ? | 22:19 |
mocker3 | its fantastic but i have a few problems with it | 22:19 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: sudo mkdir -p /media/sda8 && sudo mount /dev/sda8 /media/sda8 | 22:19 |
mocker3 | the most important one is that i dont get colour on my tv | 22:19 |
remoteCTRL | !ask | mocker3 | 22:19 |
ubottu | mocker3: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 22:19 |
aaandaiii | helper: 1024x768 | 22:19 |
mocker3 | i know the reason, its because i have a PAL tv | 22:19 |
helo | mocker3: if your question is specific to nvidia-settings, you may want to ask in #nvidia | 22:19 |
mocker3 | but where can i change from NTCS to PAL | 22:19 |
helper | aaandaiii ok! doesn't look ok for you ? | 22:20 |
mocker3 | if i change it in my xorg.conf nothing happens | 22:20 |
remoteCTRL | mocker3: that is most definitely not the reason | 22:20 |
aaandaiii | No, screen is 1366x768 | 22:20 |
aaandaiii | helper | 22:20 |
syntax | Before i rebooted i had sound and when i came back the sound was gone.. Even i did the test in system pref and sound but none of those work..How do you reset it..btw im on ubuntu linux 9 | 22:20 |
remoteCTRL | bazhang: happen to be there dude? | 22:20 |
outy | um, sorry im back now, i changed something and things went crazy | 22:20 |
Cube | how do i check which wifi drivers i have? | 22:21 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: i can open it now | 22:21 |
mocker3 | remoteCTRL, what do you mean? | 22:21 |
Qu4R0w | Cube:try lspci -v | 22:21 |
Cube | Qu4R0w: thanks | 22:21 |
helper | aandaii ah i though it's 1024 can you pastebin cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 22:21 |
mocker3 | i can handle it with the colour but not if i use nvidia settings | 22:21 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: paste "ls -l /media/sda8/boot" | 22:21 |
remoteCTRL | mocker3: i mean that it doesnt make a difference wheterh your tv operates ntsc or pal, if it were you wouldnt see any reasoable output at all... | 22:22 |
mocker3 | it is as if nvidia settings would overwrite things in my xorg.conf | 22:22 |
aaandaiii | helper I am using vesa | 22:22 |
aaandaiii | helper my xorg has no settings, just vesa and default monitor | 22:22 |
mocker3 | i get an output | 22:22 |
mocker3 | but i dont get the colour | 22:22 |
remoteCTRL | mocker3: nvidia-seetings is supposed to write into your xorg.conf, therefore the button savo to xorg.conf... | 22:22 |
bluequijote | :( | 22:22 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: http://paste.ubuntu.com/234748/ | 22:22 |
poseidon_ | Anyone help me with a "mmc2: error -84 whilst initialising SD card"? | 22:22 |
helper | !xrandr | aaandaiii | 22:22 |
ubottu | aaandaiii: XRandR 1.2 is the new method of running dual screens in !X. Information/HowTo here: http://wiki.debian.org/XStrikeForce/HowToRandR12 | 22:22 |
mocker3 | yes but that button doesnt work :( | 22:23 |
helper | aandaii hope this can help | 22:23 |
mocker3 | there are error messages if i press that button | 22:23 |
aaandaiii | helper lol i have a LAPTOP :/ | 22:23 |
poseidon_ | Anyone help me with a "mmc2: error -84 whilst initialising SD card"? | 22:23 |
remoteCTRL | mocker3: by what do you connect to the tv? svhs or videochinch or how do you do it? | 22:23 |
remoteCTRL | mocker3: like you dont have write permissions? in that case i suggest you execute nvidia-settings with a sudo infront;) | 22:24 |
mocker3 | no i am root | 22:24 |
mocker3 | one moment | 22:24 |
Cube | Qu4R0w: ok im trying to configure Kismet, trying to get it to run. i have to configure the sources @ kismet.conf. it says it doesn't recognize the ath9k part in source=ath9k,wmaster,Cube | 22:24 |
remoteCTRL | mocker3: so what error messages? | 22:24 |
=== xavi is now known as xavirouter | ||
Qu4R0w | Cube:i think madwifi not support to run with kismet | 22:24 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: just one more thing, "sudo blkid /dev/sda8" and paste uuid, you can do it here | 22:24 |
remoteCTRL | unop: r u there durde? | 22:24 |
remoteCTRL | unop: errr dude even | 22:25 |
Cube | Qu4R0w: yaeh i dont have madwifi | 22:25 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: /dev/sda8: UUID="ae48306a-668c-4a95-b1ff-d5db7373c35c" TYPE="ext3" | 22:25 |
Cube | or do i? ll | 22:25 |
Cube | lol | 22:25 |
Qu4R0w | Cube:can i see kismet.conf | 22:25 |
helper | aaandaiii i think this will help you using ATI , don't u have another Desktop check the link! | 22:25 |
remoteCTRL | gawd any of the cheif rockerz in the house? i need help with a raid 5 compund here please | 22:26 |
drforshaw | hello | 22:26 |
kfan | whats the best guide to get ccs to work | 22:26 |
kfan | cssm | 22:26 |
mocker3 | whats the command again for PAL-G or NTCS ? | 22:27 |
Dr_Willis | !compiz | kfan | 22:27 |
ubottu | kfan: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz | 22:27 |
remoteCTRL | mocker3: waht command, dude whats the error you get? | 22:27 |
Dr_Willis | kfan: ccsm is the config tool to configure compiz. You mean you dont have 'compiz' working? | 22:27 |
Cube | Qu4R0w: ye one seck | 22:27 |
kfan | yea i guess its not working right | 22:27 |
mocker3 | remoteCTRL, i think i could handle it now | 22:27 |
mocker3 | one moment | 22:28 |
Qu4R0w | Cube:ok | 22:28 |
kfan | desktop effects can not be enabled :( | 22:28 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: i guess your menu.lst should look like this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/234751/ | 22:28 |
drforshaw | got the right driver installed or glx? | 22:28 |
Qu4R0w | Cube::may i see lspci -v & kismet.conf | 22:28 |
Dr_Willis | kfan: most of the time when i see 'compiz not working' its due to the pesson Nothaving the 3d video card drivers installed. Tell the channel your video card. | 22:28 |
kfan | radeon hd 3200 | 22:29 |
drforshaw | kfan: same here or if glx isnt enabled | 22:29 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: i can see=title backtrack..new option there | 22:29 |
Dr_Willis | kfan: that ati card may or may not - need the fglrx driver. I dont do ATI card. perhaps others can help ya trouble shoot it. | 22:29 |
Cube | Qu4R0w: http://pastebin.com/m5e2862a6 | 22:29 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: yes, that;s what i've added | 22:29 |
aandaii | helper Okay I installed it through Hardware Drivers and broke it again XD | 22:29 |
kfan | ok thanks | 22:29 |
mocker3 | brb | 22:29 |
Qu4R0w | w8..i burn my cigarete 1st | 22:30 |
Dr_Willis | kfan: check the system->admin->hardware drivers tool to see if it needs updated drivers | 22:30 |
kfan | i know it does do the cuve it w2as working but then i went to appears visal effects and clicked on custom and everything stoped working and then i clicked another one and then it says can not be enabled | 22:30 |
kfan | k | 22:30 |
drforshaw | what do use think of sshfs over nfs through a ssh tunnel | 22:30 |
janisoza1r | drforshaw: sshfs over nfs? | 22:31 |
Cube | Qu4R0w: http://pastebin.com/m31af5ead | 22:31 |
Qu4R0w | cube:#suiduser=yoursizr_user_here | 22:31 |
Dr_Willis | drforshaw: that dont make any sence to me. | 22:31 |
aandaii | helper lol nevermind i am fixing it again | 22:31 |
drforshaw | soz typed that wrong what is better sshfs or nfs over ssh? | 22:31 |
kfan | driver is activated and currently in use it says | 22:31 |
Qu4R0w | cube:# source=sourcetype,interface,name[,initialchannel] | 22:31 |
supremos1 | Gentlemen, now for a little word from our sponsors... | 22:31 |
supremos1 | JOIN #supremos Free official ubuntu, debian, internet support. Heart of Freenode. We are building a better NET -- Join #supremos now! - Please /msg mama21mama for more information, official #supremos staff. DISCLAIMER: According with EC #14.864/08 rule, this is not spam. If you want to be removed from this marketing list, /join #freenode and /say Drop #supremos marketing | 22:31 |
FloodBot1 | supremos1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:31 |
supremos3 | Gentlemen, now for a little word from our sponsors... | 22:31 |
supremos1 | JOIN #supremos Free official ubuntu, debian, internet support. Heart of Freenode. We are building a better NET -- Join #supremos now! - Please /msg mama21mama for more information, official #supremos staff. DISCLAIMER: According with EC #14.864/08 rule, this is not spam. If you want to be removed from this marketing list, /join #freenode and /say Drop #supremos marketing | 22:31 |
supremos2 | Gentlemen, now for a little word from our sponsors... | 22:31 |
supremos3 | JOIN #supremos Free official ubuntu, debian, internet support. Heart of Freenode. We are building a better NET -- Join #supremos now! - Please /msg mama21mama for more information, official #supremos staff. DISCLAIMER: According with EC #14.864/08 rule, this is not spam. If you want to be removed from this marketing list, /join #freenode and /say Drop #supremos marketing | 22:31 |
Vero3 | Gentlemen, now for a little word from our sponsors... | 22:31 |
supremos2 | JOIN #supremos Free official ubuntu, debian, internet support. Heart of Freenode. We are building a better NET -- Join #supremos now! - Please /msg mama21mama for more information, official #supremos staff. DISCLAIMER: According with EC #14.864/08 rule, this is not spam. If you want to be removed from this marketing list, /join #freenode and /say Drop #supremos marketing | 22:31 |
FloodBot1 | supremos3: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:31 |
Vero3 | JOIN #supremos Free official ubuntu, debian, internet support. Heart of Freenode. We are building a better NET -- Join #supremos now! - Please /msg mama21mama for more information, official #supremos staff. DISCLAIMER: According with EC #14.864/08 rule, this is not spam. If you want to be removed from this marketing list, /join #freenode and /say Drop #supremos marketing | 22:31 |
FloodBot1 | supremos2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 22:31 |
Dr_Willis | drforshaw: sshfs is easier to use. | 22:31 |
Dr_Willis | 'according to ec ## rule this is not spam?' Huh? | 22:32 |
janisoza1r | drforshaw: i'd also use sshfs | 22:33 |
drforshaw | janisoza1r: would u say it is more secure or less? | 22:33 |
janisoza1r | drforshaw: same, since it uses the same ssh tunnel | 22:34 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: shall i restart n try? | 22:34 |
drforshaw | ah right i thought that bcoz of the name. cheerz i was lookin at some howtos and it seems alot simpler to set up. | 22:34 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: i think so | 22:34 |
cooper77z | when I try to change effects in appearances the menu tells me "the composite extension is not available" Whats the problemo? | 22:34 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: after i try tell cube something | 22:35 |
kfan | can i just redownload the drivers from amds webstie or do i have to do a uninstall before i install them again? | 22:35 |
funkywds | prolly better to uninstall 1sr | 22:35 |
zErOaCid | i just noticed with my jaunty, i'm on a dualboot with windows7, when i try restarting the computer it will not go to bios instead it will just load the kernel immediately? from here im not able to choose OS when restart not unless i will shutdown my computer, any ideas ? | 22:35 |
funkywds | *1st | 22:35 |
kfan | k | 22:35 |
janisoza1r | kfan: for gpu? ati installer generates debs, so it doesn't matter | 22:35 |
Qu4R0w | cube:mine=source=ath5k,wlan0,cQ | 22:35 |
funkywds | zero, you need to restore win7's boot enabler | 22:36 |
janisoza1r | kfan: as apt takes care of all the dependencies and conflicts with DEBs | 22:36 |
funkywds | http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1035999 | 22:36 |
funkywds | for dual-boot instr | 22:36 |
helo | if i know what sectors a partition starts and ends on, how can i create a storage mapper that would allow me to access the partition? | 22:36 |
Qu4R0w | cube:source=[Kernel driver in use][interface][user*] | 22:36 |
Qu4R0w | me reboot | 22:36 |
helo | deany: your method appears to have failed | 22:37 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: one sec | 22:37 |
cooper77z | when I try to change effects in appearances the menu tells me "the composite extension is not available" Whats the problemo? | 22:37 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: yah | 22:37 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: ? | 22:37 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: is there any particular reason to dual boot 2 linux-s? | 22:37 |
Dr_Willis | cooper77z: most of the time when i see 'compiz not working' questions its due to the pesson Not having the 3d video card drivers installed. Tell the channel your video card. | 22:37 |
funkywds | @qu4row testing | 22:38 |
zErOaCid | funkywds: it was working perfectly for weeks. i'm not sure what i've done with my ubuntu. | 22:38 |
funkywds | update anything? | 22:38 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: i 19 years old interest with computer.i want learn only | 22:38 |
funkywds | obviously.... | 22:38 |
funkywds | umm | 22:38 |
cooper77z | Dr_Willis, what' s the terminal command to check plesas? | 22:38 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: oh. all right. but i'd rather aim to have functionality of bt4 in ubuntu | 22:38 |
lis_ | salut | 22:39 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: anyway, reboot | 22:39 |
berriop | I am using a CAT-5 crossover cable between two ubuntu (8.04) machines to transfer files over ssh, the speed is toooo slow around 400 KB/sec, Why? | 22:39 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: tq ^^..i try | 22:39 |
cooper77z | Dr_Willis: It's a 3d card. | 22:39 |
helper | berriop what NIC's speed you use ? | 22:39 |
kfan | is 61 celcius a good temp for a idle HP laptop? | 22:40 |
poseidon_ | Does anyone know what filesystem cameras use by default? | 22:40 |
berriop | helper: where cn I check my NIC speed? | 22:40 |
poseidon_ | I have a SD card from a canon PowerShot that I need to mount | 22:40 |
drforshaw | poseidon: im sure its fat32 | 22:40 |
grothendieck | hi if i want to change my xorc.conf | 22:40 |
grothendieck | namely i want to put in the backup | 22:41 |
cooper77z | poseidon, doesn't it automatically mount? | 22:41 |
poseidon_ | I'm just going to start trying them from man mount. | 22:41 |
grothendieck | i have to do this when i am not logged in right_ | 22:41 |
poseidon | poseidon_, why do you have my nick? | 22:41 |
grothendieck | or is there anohter method | 22:41 |
poseidon_ | drforshaw vnick didn't work | 22:41 |
grothendieck | if so what are the commands for it | 22:41 |
poseidon_ | poseidon AHAH | 22:41 |
grothendieck | in the login menue | 22:41 |
=== Kernel_n00b is now known as Kernel_n00b__ | ||
poseidon | I am the god of C | 22:41 |
poseidon_ | poseidon So you're the one who had this first. | 22:41 |
unop | remoteCTRL, you there? | 22:41 |
poseidon_ | poseidon Sorry, this is my username. | 22:41 |
aandaii | Hello. I need some help with a tricky ATI card on a laptop. | 22:41 |
poseidon | it's ok | 22:41 |
=== poseidon_ is now known as Lordofthesea | ||
poseidon | Just I kept getting pinged, and was like wtf | 22:42 |
helper | berriop mii-tool | 22:42 |
funkywds | `/notice aandaii sup? | 22:42 |
=== Lordofthesea is now known as BigTuna | ||
drforshaw | poseidon: coopers right aswell it sould just auto mount | 22:42 |
poseidon | Lordofthesea, do you know C? | 22:42 |
BigTuna | Damn, | 22:42 |
Faltzer | It seems that my copy of ubuntu won't react to mouse clicks much at all now. | 22:42 |
grothendieck | how to recover my xorg.conf ? | 22:42 |
RainCT | Hey. Can anyone tell me how to put together an OGV and an OGA file? | 22:42 |
aandaii | funkywds: wat | 22:42 |
arne_ | is there anyway to install my restricted ATI driver with a commando? | 22:42 |
BigTuna | poseidon Yeah | 22:42 |
Faltzer | If it does, it goes haywire as far as clicking goes. I'm not sure how to describe it. | 22:42 |
mohd | guys is there msn messenger with voice at ubuntu ??? | 22:42 |
poseidon | drforshaw, ping Lordofthesea, not me | 22:42 |
grothendieck | please help | 22:42 |
Qu4R0w | i cant see | 22:42 |
qkgus | does anyone know how to get usb 2.0 to work? | 22:42 |
Faltzer | but clicking on something spawns another application | 22:42 |
BigTuna | poseidon Why am I getting pinged? | 22:43 |
janisoza1r | BigTuna: if the SD card doesn't mount, paste (use pastebin) " tail /var/log/messages" | 22:43 |
=== deniz is now known as Guest85584 | ||
shopps | Hey this is weird, but booting from the ubuntu 9.04 desktop install CD it doesn't respond to the enter key on the boot screen after I pick english as my language, anyone else experience that? :) | 22:43 |
drforshaw | y do i wanna ping him u asked the question/ | 22:43 |
mohd | guys is there msn messenger with voice at ubuntu ??? | 22:43 |
Dr_Willis | arne_: sudo apt-get install WHATVER_pacakage-name-it-is | 22:43 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: i cant see bt4 option | 22:43 |
grothendieck | how to recover my xorg.conf ? | 22:43 |
berriop | helper: after sudo mii-tool eth0 | 22:44 |
berriop | eth0: autonegotiation failed, link ok | 22:44 |
grothendieck | please its important | 22:44 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: have you edited your /boot/grub/menu.lst ? | 22:44 |
grothendieck | i am in deep trouble right n ow | 22:44 |
qkgus | does anyone know how to get usb 2.0 to work? | 22:44 |
shopps | oops, I take that back, 'check disc' worked, just not the install option itself | 22:44 |
Dr_Willis | grothendieck: check /etc/X11 to see if theres any backups.. xorg.conf self configures for the most part these days | 22:44 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: sure.. | 22:44 |
mohd | bt4 isnt working | 22:44 |
janisoza1r | grothendieck: what happened? | 22:44 |
cooper77z | when I try to change effects in appearances the menu tells me "the composite extension is not available" Whats the problemo? | 22:44 |
BigTuna | http://pastebin.com/m5e134b2 | 22:44 |
Paddy_NI | !details | qkgus | 22:44 |
ubottu | qkgus: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..." | 22:44 |
Michalxo | grothendieck, dpkg-reconfigure xorg-xserver ? | 22:44 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: paste it | 22:44 |
helper | berriop use this on both Pc's | 22:44 |
arne_ | well whats the name of the package Dr_Willis :P | 22:44 |
grothendieck | my backup is called xorgbackup.conf | 22:44 |
helper | berriop both same thing ? | 22:44 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: http://paste.ubuntu.com/234760/ | 22:45 |
BigTuna | janisozalr http://pastebin.com/m5e134b2 | 22:45 |
grothendieck | so i think i have to log out | 22:45 |
berriop | helper: yep same thing | 22:45 |
Michalxo | grothendieck, then just mv /etc/X11/xorgbackup.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf | 22:45 |
grothendieck | then delete my xorg.conf | 22:45 |
grothendieck | when i am logged in ? | 22:45 |
Michalxo | yes | 22:45 |
janisoza1r | !tab | BigTuna | 22:45 |
ubottu | BigTuna: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 22:45 |
Michalxo | grothendieck, changes are made after restarting X I think | 22:45 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: i open nautilus.cant mount my bt4 partition | 22:46 |
Dr_Willis | grothendieck: sort of hard to do things with out logging in - in one way or another... | 22:46 |
BigTuna | I didn't realize that worked in IRC | 22:46 |
BigTuna | BigTuna, Hello | 22:46 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: what does it say? | 22:46 |
berriop | helper: on d other 1 SIOCGMIIPHY on eth0 failed operation not supported | 22:46 |
Faltzer | Clicking on some areas on Ubuntu warrants no response whatsoever. | 22:46 |
Bowbles | Is there something like groupinstall in apt-get? | 22:46 |
berriop | helper: eth1 not link | 22:46 |
Dr_Willis | arne_: no idea check the ati docs. | 22:46 |
Faltzer | it's as if they were never clicked. | 22:46 |
blognewb | hello everyone, is anybody else with FF 3.5.1 having Memory / CPU usage problems? Mine reaches ~900,000K in no time =( | 22:46 |
helper | berriop then /? | 22:46 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: nothing..no text..title is=unable to mount* some like that | 22:46 |
RainCT | mohd: Haven't tried it but maybe gizmo5 will do (for voice chat with MSN) | 22:46 |
BigTuna | !tab| janisoza1r | 22:46 |
ubottu | janisoza1r: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 22:46 |
Dr_Willis | Bowbles: It can support wildcards i recall seeing.. or write a script to install several packages at once. Depends on exactly what you want to do. | 22:46 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: perhaps you need to replace the spaces with tabs and move the whole section up (above windows) | 22:47 |
zErOaCid | funkywds: i found the answer. i just need to disable kexec-tools :) thanks | 22:47 |
berriop | helper: what do u mean by "then /"? | 22:47 |
funkywds | zErOaCid: cool beans | 22:47 |
helper | berriop u said eth0 not a link ? or you meant the output ? | 22:47 |
BigTuna | Anyone? http://pastebin.com/m5e134b2 | 22:47 |
janisoza1r | BigTuna: can you use sd elsewhere? | 22:47 |
berriop | helper: the output | 22:47 |
cooper77z | I am running hardy, when I try to change effects in appearances the menu tells me "the composite extension is not available" Whats the problemo? I expected to see some new effects on the behavior of the desktop. | 22:47 |
BigTuna | janisoza1r, Yeah, windows, and my camera | 22:48 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: u mean i nid edit grub(put backtrack option bootloader to the top)? | 22:48 |
zippert | swedroid | 22:48 |
Bowbles | Dr_Willis: on centos I can do a groupinstall of development utils, and it gets everything I will ever need to compile anything, was wondering if there is something similair in ubuntu | 22:48 |
grothendieck | sudo gedit mv /etc/X11/xorgbackup.conf /etc/X11/xorg.conf ? | 22:48 |
mohd | guuuuuys is there msn messenger with voice 4 ubuntu ? | 22:48 |
Dr_Willis | Bowbles: ubuntu uses the apt system. theres 'meta packages' that install groups of other packages... | 22:48 |
BigTuna | janisoza1r, I'm sure it's not a hardware errors-FoFo | 22:48 |
berriop | helper: the crossover is connected to the eth0 on both computers | 22:48 |
Dr_Willis | Bowbles: such as the 'build-essential' package | 22:48 |
Bowbles | thanks Dr_Willis I will look into that | 22:48 |
janisoza1r | Qu4R0w: yes, and replace spaces with tabs between option name and option value (you can't do that in the web edit field) | 22:48 |
janisoza1r | BigTuna: the log says that it cant find valid FS on the sd | 22:48 |
mohd | guuuuuys is there msn messenger with voice 4 ubuntu ? | 22:49 |
Dr_Willis | !im | 22:49 |
ubottu | The Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete | 22:49 |
BigTuna | janisoza1r, log lies | 22:49 |
berriop | helper: 7 hours to copy 10 GB, is not normal isnt it? | 22:49 |
BigTuna | janisoza1r, Hmm | 22:49 |
funkywds | mohd: no | 22:49 |
Qu4R0w | janisoza1r: i working on it now | 22:49 |
BigTuna | janisoza1r, Can I use the camera as an interpreter? | 22:49 |
generic155481 | I need help. | 22:49 |
mohd | yes dr | 22:49 |
generic155481 | on setting up proxies. | 22:49 |
mohd | anything ??? | 22:49 |
cooper77z | mohd, I was wondering the same thing myself, but how would that work 1364 people can't all speak at once. | 22:49 |
janisoza1r | BigTuna: where did you format the card? | 22:49 |
helper | berriop woow seems it's working at 10Mbps | 22:50 |
Dr_Willis | mohd: try them and see. check pidgin homepage. it may be a feature in a newer release. | 22:50 |
BigTuna | janisoza1r, I didn't. | 22:50 |
janisoza1r | BigTuna: i mean did you do it in windows or in the camera? | 22:50 |
mohd | no i mean for msn messenger mail | 22:50 |
berriop | mohd: try to use "amsn" | 22:50 |
mohd | like live messenger but for linux | 22:50 |
BigTuna | janisoza1r, It was given to me | 22:50 |
helper | berriop weird , did you try to reboot both pc's and try? same thing? | 22:50 |
generic155481 | anybody? | 22:50 |
janisoza1r | BigTuna: "sudo blkid /dev/<yourcard>"? | 22:50 |
shopps | So, anyone have advice for when none of the boot options seem to work? Is it my CD? I can't get past the boot menu | 22:50 |
generic155481 | any help on setting up proxies? | 22:51 |
mohd | berriop amsn can chat with voice ??? | 22:51 |
trimeta | Is there a way to install Ubuntu from within a different Linux distro on the same HD, without repartitioning or modifying the boot loader? | 22:51 |
qkgus | I have a problem with transferring large files to an external HD with usb 2.0 capability. im using ubuntu jaunty jack, but the file transfer speed does not change from 1mb/s. Does anyone know if there Is there a special package i need for usb 2.0 to bump up the file transfer speed? | 22:51 |
janisoza1r | BigTuna: i'm guessing it might be using exFat by MS, which is not supported in linux afaik | 22:51 |
helper | berriop did you try to enforce use 100baseTx on both sides? check mii-tool --help | 22:51 |
generic155481 | I want to set up 7 proxies, but I have no idea how in Linux. | 22:51 |
mohd | berriop amsn can chat with voice ??? | 22:51 |
cooper77z | maybe keep an open internet connection that uses phone type stuff and multiple party listening and talking? Is that what msn speak does. | 22:51 |
generic155481 | where would I go in GNOME to set stuff like that up? | 22:51 |
berriop | helper: ok i ll try that | 22:51 |
janisoza1r | BigTuna: you'd have to use windows to back up your files, use camera to format it and use it as you wish | 22:51 |
Dr_Willis | generic155481: why do you need to set up 7 proxies? | 22:52 |
BigTuna | janisoza1r, It executed | 22:52 |
BigTuna | janisoza1r, thanks! | 22:52 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: hello, i'm back. | 22:52 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: from livecd or usb? | 22:52 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: have done the fsck | 22:52 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: have you used -p option? | 22:52 |
berriop | mohd: Im not really sure, i didnt try it, i just try it with cam and really good, it is the most similar to msn, have a try | 22:52 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: what was the option again? | 22:52 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: the -p is for what option? | 22:53 |
BlinkSun | I'm trying Ubuntu with the help of WUBI ... tonight, i ll delete windows :P | 22:53 |
mohd | ok berr | 22:53 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: i did a couple of them, force check and correct all without prompting | 22:53 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: not good. -p, according to man, "preens" the files system. i don't know this word, but i guess it means that it actually writes to the fs... anyway, is the problem gone? | 22:53 |
Dr_Willis | BlinkSun: you do realize that wubi uses windows stuff to boot? | 22:53 |
webb_b | ok i just didnt the update to koala and everything looks the same how would i know if it isntalled | 22:53 |
kpkudi | has anyone ever experience banshee separating songs from the same album just because of different artist names? If so how do I go about fixing this? | 22:54 |
BlinkSun | yess, it's why i ll install ubuntu alone... without dualboot with windows ! | 22:54 |
snoopddrm | i think so, i keep rebooting and discovering new problems. could it be the usb thumdrive? but i just bought it a week ago to install ubuntu on it | 22:54 |
trimeta | BlinkSun: As long as you're OK with your current Ubuntu environment being lost and having a completely fresh install. | 22:55 |
Dr_Willis | BlinkSun: ok.. just wanted to make sure you dident remove windows.. then winder where WUBI went.. | 22:55 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: what kind of problems? | 22:55 |
kora | heya im using 9.04 and have a problem with the cpu governor. even if i set it to "performance" it wont scale my cpu higher than 1.2GHz although it can do 1.6 GHz. if i set it to "powersafe" it scales down to 800. any idea how to set my cpu to 1.6? | 22:55 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: why are some windows slowly getting greyed out and then become brighter after a while? | 22:55 |
qkgus | I have a problem with transferring large files to an external HD with usb 2.0 capability. im using ubuntu jaunty jack, but the file transfer speed does not change from 1mb/s. Does anyone know if there Is there a special package i need for usb 2.0 to bump up the file transfer speed? | 22:55 |
qe2eqe | BlinkSun, from wikipedia: A Microsoft Windows migration tool, called Migration Assistant (introduced in April 2007)[31], can be used to import bookmarks, desktop background (wallpaper), and various settings from an existing MS Windows installation into a new Ubuntu installation.[32] | 22:55 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: while its greyed out, the window is like frozen. | 22:55 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: they don't respond, so the gui notifies you about that | 22:55 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: that's exactly why | 22:56 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: ah... it happens often, but usually comes out of it. | 22:56 |
berriop | helper: which should i choose 100 base HD FD T4? whis is d difference? | 22:56 |
BlinkSun | oh nice, on the wiki.ubuntu ? | 22:56 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: what appllications? | 22:56 |
GauntletWizard | So, I've been having software raid issues since day 1 with this machine | 22:56 |
snoopddrm | pidgin for one, | 22:56 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: it's weird, you shouldn't see too much of it, unless you expect it | 22:56 |
snoopddrm | sometimes other windows that i have open they don't respond | 22:56 |
snoopddrm | but i dont' have more than one firefox open | 22:56 |
GauntletWizard | I've finally figured it out; SDB is not, at poot, reading the partition header | 22:56 |
qkgus | GauntletWizard: never use raid.. lol | 22:56 |
qe2eqe | Kora, sometime's motherboard manufacturers don't write a healthy bios that linux can use out of the box. You might have an easier time using the bios itself as your governer, using APM instead of ACPI | 22:56 |
webb_b | does anyone know how to install the new kubuntu along side ubuntu | 22:56 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: as in "long calculations or busy I/O operation" | 22:57 |
webb_b | would it just be like installing the old one threw synaptic? | 22:57 |
Dr_Willis | webb_b: 'new' ? as in the next release/testinb version? | 22:57 |
qkgus | webb_b: make 2 seperate partitions? | 22:57 |
GauntletWizard | qkgus: My job would like that; Isilon systems sells the Anti-raid | 22:57 |
Ratazzana | Well installed the Kurumin very long to get wireless internet now I did not install the Ubuntu and wireless Internet is already working? | 22:57 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: you can use gnome task manager to track the problem | 22:57 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: okie... any thoughts about my my system is thinking so long? is there any way to force ubuntu to load from usb stick to ram? | 22:57 |
anybuntu | I am about to reformat my netbook HD and install reinstall ubuntu. What folders in particular do i need to backup? other than my docs and other downloads. | 22:57 |
GauntletWizard | All the protection! None of the volume limitation! | 22:57 |
GauntletWizard | /shill | 22:57 |
Dr_Willis | webb_b: test the pre-release/alpha stuff inside virtualbox sessions. much easier. | 22:57 |
qkgus | GauntletWizard: lol | 22:57 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: okie, trying now | 22:57 |
kora | qe2eqe: the strange thing is it normally works,.... | 22:58 |
qe2eqe | BlinkSun, no, regular old en.wikipedia.org. Anyways, apparently wubi uses the same tool automagically? I've never done it myself | 22:58 |
trimeta | anybuntu: If you've done any complex configuration, you might want a copy of /etc. | 22:58 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: with knoppix there was boot option "toram", don't know about ubuntu, but i guess there is | 22:58 |
trimeta | But yea, definitely your home directory if nothing else. | 22:58 |
webb_b | Dr_Willis, i dont know how to use vm so | 22:58 |
Ratazzana | Well installed the Kurumin very long to get wireless internet now I did not install the Ubuntu and wireless Internet is already working? | 22:58 |
snoopddrm | janisoza1r: ah i c i c... am googling it now | 22:58 |
anybuntu | the only thing i have done is mess with the gfx menu.. running mint right now.. | 22:58 |
kora | qe2eqe: im using an xfce governor panel plugin to change the settings, can i change them via console? | 22:59 |
webb_b | but i did the update to the 9.10 koala but ev erything looks the same | 22:59 |
helper | berriop HD = Half-Duplex, FD= Full Duplex | 22:59 |
trimeta | anybuntu: Any user configuration stuff is probably in a hidden directory underneath your home directory, so just grabbing all of ~ should be enough. | 22:59 |
boss_mc | !version | webb_b | 22:59 |
ubottu | webb_b: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> » | 22:59 |
webb_b | on the internet the 9.10 looks way differant | 22:59 |
Dr_Willis | webb_b: if you updates/upgraded - themn your users settings are the same.. so it should look the same. | 22:59 |
webb_b | ok | 22:59 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: perhaps the usb stick can't handle too much data being transfered? that would mean that transferring to ram *could* help | 22:59 |
Dr_Willis | webb_b: try a new user to see the new defaults if you want. | 23:00 |
GauntletWizard | fdisk shows the partitions, no problem | 23:00 |
anybuntu | okay cool... thanks trimeta... gonna start my 30 linux challenge tomorrow... basically try to use linux only and no other system to do my day to day stuff. | 23:00 |
mrwes | is there anyway to refresh /var/cache/apt/archives/ so I can use aptoncd to build in iso? | 23:00 |
webb_b | ok | 23:00 |
anoneemouse | how do i set my soundcard sample rate | 23:00 |
GauntletWizard | and when I re-save with fdisk, it finds the partitions | 23:00 |
helper | berriop different! Half-Duplex use one pc send and other only receive which this can cause collision on hubs, while Full Duplex Both Can send and receive which is more enhance but you are using point-to-point doesn't matter but anyway use FD | 23:00 |
qe2eqe | Kora, I just don't know. Are you sure you're testing it right? Are you giving it a full load? Is hyperthreading/yoursecond cpu at full load? -- Yes, you can, but I forget the command. You echo something into /proc/acpi/,... | 23:00 |
aboyz | Hi, i got a .xml file , when i import it into msmq it always set vt_empty. Here is an example of my .xml file. http://pastebin.com/m55c454fa . am I missing a body type?? or how to do i add it? thanks.. | 23:00 |
janisoza1r | snoopddrm: however, once loaded, ubuntu should use very little of that usb, unless, say, loading a new app | 23:00 |
trimeta | anybuntu: Good luck. | 23:00 |
anybuntu | thx | 23:00 |
GauntletWizard | but at boot, it finds the partitions for the identical drive on another sata port, but not this one | 23:00 |
kora | qe2eqe: is there a good tool to give it a full load? | 23:01 |
webb_b | but if i were to just install the "kubuntu desktop" from synaptic wouldnt that install the new one that just came out | 23:01 |
janisoza1r | qe2eqe: perhaps it's doctype? | 23:01 |
Dr_Willis | webb_b: depends on what you have installed now each release has its own 'repositories' so most likely not. | 23:01 |
webb_b | ill just install it onto a usb disk to test it out | 23:01 |
janisoza1r | qe2eqe: sorry, not you | 23:01 |
janisoza1r | aboyz: perhaps it's doctype? | 23:01 |
qe2eqe | janisoza1r, np. | 23:02 |
trimeta | webb_b: Or you could learn how to use a VM; they're much easier than they sound. | 23:02 |
mrwes | is there anyway to refresh /var/cache/apt/archives/ so I can use aptoncd to build in iso? | 23:02 |
webb_b | i have 9.10 installed drwillis | 23:02 |
aboyz | janisoza. doctype in where? in my .xml setting?? | 23:02 |
Dr_Willis | webb_b: so you are going to be using the versions in te 9.10 repositories.. | 23:02 |
webb_b | mrwes, do you know of a good place to start learning,, any specific web sites | 23:02 |
qe2eqe | kora, I don't know... try a few tabs of firefox at youtube? | 23:02 |
janisoza1r | aboyz: you can take it to validator (http://validator.w3.org/) i think | 23:02 |
webb_b | Dr_Willis, ya | 23:03 |
Dr_Willis | webb_b: virtualbox homepage has docs on using virtualbox. | 23:03 |
kora | qe2eqe just found cpuburn | 23:03 |
qe2eqe | kora, I use the UBCD usually to test that stuff | 23:03 |
pdelgallego | .help dual booting | 23:03 |
mrwes | webb_b, of course I do | 23:03 |
webb_b | so vb is not that hard for a "noob" | 23:03 |
Dr_Willis | webb_b: theres no need to rush into testing the next ubuntu release - unless you just gotta 'see whats going on' | 23:03 |
trimeta | webb_b: If you can install Ubuntu on a computer, you can install Ubuntu in a VM. | 23:03 |
janisoza1r | !tab | aboyz | 23:04 |
berriop | helper: thanks very much, but it seems one of the pc does not support MII queries | 23:04 |
ubottu | aboyz: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line. | 23:04 |
qe2eqe | kora, yeah, that came to mind, I'm surprised it's in the apt tree as cpuburn... because cpu[tab] didn't show me anything. | 23:04 |
felix_ | hello everybody | 23:04 |
mazda01 | anyone know a good program for turning a vodsub subtitle file into a srt file. i tried sub2srt but it says it can't read the file format. | 23:04 |
webb_b | Dr_Willis, im pretty fresh to linux so i like to test everything i can to get a better view of the linux "scene" | 23:04 |
berriop | helper: SIOCGMIIPHY on 'eth?' failed: Operation not supported The interface in question does not support MII queries. Most likely, it does not have MII transceivers, at all. | 23:04 |
Ilija | i need help with setting routes for my VPN | 23:04 |
kora | qe2eqe: found it cpu | grep load | 23:04 |
berriop | helper: maybe the interface is too old | 23:04 |
Ilija | i have a router at home | 23:04 |
felix_ | may I ask for help here? | 23:04 |
funkywds | yes | 23:05 |
helper | berriop is't new NIC or old ? | 23:05 |
janisoza1r | !ask | felix_ | 23:05 |
Ilija | and am connecting to it by ethernet | 23:05 |
ubottu | felix_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) | 23:05 |
helper | berriop ah ok seems so :) | 23:05 |
berriop | helper: old | 23:05 |
Ilija | the router is connecting me to a larger local network | 23:05 |
helper | berriop well, sorry :) hope i can help you as much as i know :) | 23:05 |
Ilija | with ips in the 10.x.x.x range | 23:05 |
webb_b | ill go check out virtual box | 23:05 |
Ilija | so i have entered the route in network manager | 23:06 |
Ilija | so far so good | 23:06 |
berriop | helper: ok problem solved, interface needs to rejuvenate :), thanks very very much av a nice day or night | 23:06 |
Ilija | the vpn server is set on | 23:06 |
nanotube | webb_b: yea, vbox is pretty cool, and fairly easy to figure out. | 23:06 |
anoneemouse | does someone know how to set soundcard sample rates in k/ubuntu 9.04? | 23:06 |
Ilija | and is used for internet sharing | 23:06 |
helper | berriop nop :) | 23:07 |
webb_b | what can you do with it.. is it more or less a virtual computer to run iso.s | 23:07 |
node357 | Hi there. Does flash work in 64-bit Ubuntu? | 23:07 |
Ilija | with and username+password i am connected | 23:07 |
Ilija | but cannot access anything on the internet | 23:07 |
funkywds | node357: yes | 23:07 |
nanotube | webb_b: it's your standard-issue virtual machine - you can install other operating systems in it, and open them up and boot them inside a window on your main host os. | 23:07 |
node357 | funkywds, thank you! | 23:07 |
berriop | ubuttu: felix just seems to want to ask to ask a question, just that | 23:07 |
felix_ | ok then.. my php stopped working. now when I try to run any scripts, firefox asks me to download the file. php apache mode is enabled. restart apache dont work too. what could be? | 23:07 |
funkywds | node357: well, it does for me | 23:08 |
webb_b | do i want to download the guest utilis or the guest x-11 | 23:08 |
node357 | funkywds, if it's possible, that's all I need to know, thanks. :) | 23:08 |
KB1JWQ | felix_: Add a php handler within httpd.conf. | 23:08 |
Nathan_R_Cda | Need a little help, got MySQL via MediaWiki from Package Manager. I'm decent enough with bash and SQL but haven't the slightest idea how to log into my wiki's DB so I can make a few queries manually, if someone could fill me in please? | 23:08 |
Googledidnthelp | Every time I power down my computer when I turn it back on my internally connected USB Wlan0 device isn't properly loaded and I must perform a reboot at which time it works. How can I re-initialize all USB devices to give the Wlan0 device a chance to load properly without needing to reboot? | 23:08 |
aboyz | its not the doc | 23:08 |
nanotube | webb_b: erhm... what's your host and what's your guest os? | 23:08 |
funkywds | node357: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/install-flash-10-ubuntu-linux-64bit.html | 23:08 |
felix_ | KB1JWQ, how can I do that? | 23:09 |
Dr_Willis | Googledidnthelp: you could figure out what module its loading.. and manually load that moduel somehow | 23:09 |
webb_b | nanotube, i dont know | 23:09 |
nanotube | webb_b: heh, what is the operating system that you are running on your computer, and what is the operating system that you want to install inside virtualbox? | 23:10 |
boss_mc | Googledidnthelp: lspci -k should show you the module that's in use | 23:10 |
sfstikkun | This notice keeps coming up after I click on the update icon....over and over and over...."failed to fetch http.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/distros/" "some index files failed to download. They have been ignored, or old ones used instead. I tried cleaning this up with Janitor..no luck. What should I do now? Is this going to cause problems when I try to download the next distro? | 23:10 |
dAnon | someone know, how can I mount the Diablo 1 image so the game sees it as the regular cd as in deamon tools for windows? | 23:10 |
yeahuyean | can someone help me with this? http://pastebin.com/m6dcfb2df | 23:10 |
berriop | felix_: try to copy and paste the location of the file on the URL box of your browser, dont open it directly | 23:10 |
Nathan_R_Cda | dAnon: how have you tried mounting it? | 23:11 |
webb_b | im download the kubuntu netbook remix | 23:11 |
Buuntu | quit | 23:12 |
Googledidnthelp | boss_mc: AM I looking for the Wlan0 module or the USB hub module? | 23:12 |
poseidon | When I'm installing something, how can I get apt-get to go ahead and and install the suggested packages as well? | 23:12 |
bobofosho | can anyone here help me with a problem installing ubuntu | 23:12 |
bobofosho | ?? | 23:12 |
Googledidnthelp | Dr_Willis: Isn't the command to reload all module depmod -a ? | 23:12 |
Cyber_Akuma | whats the problem? | 23:12 |
funkywds | bobofosho: sup? | 23:12 |
mazda01 | anyone know a good program for turning a vodsub subtitle file into a srt file. i tried sub2srt but it says it can't read the file format. mplayer can't even open the subtitle file. i have an idx and a sub file. what's wrong here? | 23:12 |
nanotube | dAnon: try this: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-to-mount-iso-image-under-linux.html | 23:12 |
marc | hi | 23:12 |
funkywds | marc: hi | 23:13 |
bobofosho | i'm able to start the ubuntu install disk fine, but when i click on any of the install or other options nothing happens | 23:13 |
funkywds | i hate to ask, but did you double-click? | 23:13 |
marc | funkywds: how r u? | 23:13 |
nanotube | webb_b: so, you want to install the netbook remix under virtualbox? ok. what's your main operating system - the one you're running on your comp right now? | 23:13 |
funkywds | marc: oh, fine | 23:13 |
=== J_- is now known as J-_ | ||
marcules | damn it - I should remove the highlight "marc" from my list :> | 23:13 |
funkywds | marc: you? | 23:13 |
mrwes | anyway to restore the /var/cache/apt/archives/ after doing an apt-get clean ? | 23:14 |
nanotube | marcules: hehe | 23:14 |
webb_b | no the kubuntu netbook remix | 23:14 |
marc | funkywds: fine too | 23:14 |
sfstikkun | mrwes, were you addressing my problem? | 23:14 |
marc | funkywds: I've just installed xubuntu | 23:14 |
boss_mc | Googledidnthelp: probably the hub, but as it's usb, I don't know if it will show up... | 23:14 |
nanotube | webb_b: try this: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/virtualbox | 23:15 |
mrwes | sfstikkun, nah, I was addressing my own problems | 23:15 |
qe2eqe | koro, http://acpi.sourceforge.net/documentation/processor.html | 23:15 |
funkywds | marc: i'm running linux mint | 23:15 |
sfstikkun | sorry, there's a lot of white noise | 23:15 |
marc | funkywds: how is it? | 23:15 |
ARMENIAN | I have a dell gx620, it has an internal speaker which I cannot turn off, it gets annoying when i use my speaker and that speaker plays too, how can I turn it off? :) | 23:15 |
sam__ | how can I get up/download speed via commandline? | 23:15 |
Nathan_R_Cda | Armenian: sounds like you need a speakerectomy | 23:15 |
webb_b | and im downloading the virtual box | 23:15 |
Googledidnthelp | boss_mc: It seems to be ohci_hcd and ehci_hcd, does that seem right? | 23:16 |
mrb__ | hey everybody | 23:16 |
Nathan_R_Cda | let me look for the link to the essay on that | 23:16 |
funkywds | marc: smooth and tweaked. i prefer it to ubuntu. it's just ubuntu that's been tweaked a bit | 23:16 |
nanotube | webb_b: are you /currently/ running windows, or linux? | 23:16 |
mrb__ | anybody is trying the ubuntuone new service | 23:16 |
felix_ | KB1JWQ, ... waiting Syntax error on line 1 of /etc/apache2/httpd.conf: | 23:16 |
felix_ | Invalid command 'php', perhaps misspelled or defined by a module not included in the server configuration | 23:16 |
ARMENIAN | Nathan_R_Cda: what is that? like I can't control the internal speaker with the volume manager, only the speaker I have plugged in | 23:16 |
marc | funkywds: mmh.. sounds cool | 23:16 |
iceroot | felix_: php installed? | 23:16 |
marc | funkywds: I wanted to try xubuntu but I've already found the browsing network problems.... | 23:17 |
Nathan_R_Cda | Armenian: it's a clever way of saying you should remove the speaker. Hold on though, I think the essay may have some tips on other solutions | 23:17 |
iceroot | felix_: php --version shows what? | 23:17 |
cheney | is there a way to perform a cp command that when it overwrites the files it maintains the properties (owner/permissions) of the file it is overwritting? | 23:17 |
=== cheney is now known as FirstSgt | ||
funkywds | marc: some proprietary stuff like mintMenu (a nicer menu), mintInstall (a nicer install app thaan add/remove), and mintUpdate, a nicer updater | 23:17 |
felix_ | iceroot, php was working until 30min ago | 23:17 |
webb_b | so with virtualbox i can install it on my imac g5 and run virtual box using ubuntu and pretty much get ubuntu on my mac?? | 23:18 |
FirstSgt | felix_: whats ur error log say? | 23:18 |
ARMENIAN | Nathan_R_Cda: ohh ok :P yeah I don't need the internal one, but no clue how to remove it, where it's found | 23:18 |
marc | funkywds: wow, seems nice | 23:18 |
Grizmawe | cheney; try cp -P -preserves attributes | 23:18 |
felix_ | iceroot, PHP 5.2.6-3ubuntu4.1 with Suhosin-Patch (cli) (built: Apr 23 2009 14:35:05) | 23:18 |
FirstSgt | Grizmawe: okay, thank you... Should i also add -af ? | 23:18 |
boss_mc | Googledidnthelp: no idea | 23:19 |
mrb__ | i cant get a connection of UbuntuOne to the cloud | 23:19 |
felix_ | FirstSgt, how can I see that? | 23:19 |
iceroot | felix_: ok, post the errors from /var/log/apache2/error.log to pastebin | 23:19 |
zrfg | hi | 23:19 |
boss_mc | Googledidnthelp: but rmmoding and insmodding those might have the same effect as a reboot (on that HW) | 23:19 |
iceroot | !paste | felix_ | 23:19 |
ubottu | felix_: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic | 23:19 |
FirstSgt | felix_: dmesg, error_log, check your php.ini file (usually /etc/php.ini) for error log location | 23:19 |
marc | funkywds: gotta go, talk to you in these channel soon! | 23:19 |
Grizmawe | cheney; no need | 23:19 |
nanotube | webb_b: yes, if there is a version of virtualbox for mac, that is... i don't have a mac, so never checked... let me see... | 23:19 |
Googledidnthelp | boss_mc: Ok, thanks for the help. | 23:19 |
boss_mc | Googledidnthelp: np | 23:20 |
donaldo | hello | 23:20 |
nanotube | webb_b: yes, there's a mac version. http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads so yes, you can install virtualbox on your mac, then install ubuntu inside virtualbox, and have ubuntu running on your mac. | 23:21 |
donaldo | hola no hablo muy bien el ingles | 23:21 |
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janisoza1r | !es | donaldo | 23:21 |
ubottu | donaldo: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. | 23:21 |
nanotube | !es | donaldo | 23:21 |
felix_ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/234786/ | 23:21 |
webb_b | oh lame i have the ppc virtualbox doesnt run on ppc | 23:21 |
FirstSgt | Grizmawe: preserve perserved the user that downloaded it :P | 23:21 |
donaldo | quisiera saber si alguien ha podido hacer funcionar el subwoofer de una toshiba x205-s9800 en ubuntu | 23:21 |
zrfg | does any body know how can i fix my wireless? asus f5 laptop with atheros doesn't work after the installation (strange but in the Live CD mode it does) | 23:21 |
Nathan_R_Cda | Armenian: I think this is it: http://www.scribd.com/doc/2586324/visualbell | 23:21 |
FirstSgt | i need it to be the owner of the file it is replacing | 23:21 |
Nathan_R_Cda | it discusses the bell on the terminal and briefly mentions speakerectomy | 23:22 |
zrfg | I have read lot of forum | 23:22 |
webb_b | nanotube, but i did install vb on my netbook | 23:22 |
nanotube | webb_b: indeed, doesn't seem like it runs on ppc macs | 23:22 |
donaldo | how to subwoofer toshiba satellite x205-s9800 ubuntu? any idea? | 23:22 |
roger21 | hi | 23:23 |
nanotube | well, now you can install something inside virtualbox, then. :) | 23:23 |
dragon_ | !hi | roger21 | 23:23 |
ubottu | roger21: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! | 23:23 |
zrfg | does any body know how can i fix my wireless? asus f5 laptop with atheros doesn't work after the installation (strange but in the Live CD mode it does) | 23:23 |
roger21 | thks | 23:23 |
ARMENIAN | Nathan_R_Cda: hmm idk mine like plays music and everything not really just beeping | 23:23 |
dragon_ | how would my nfs client respond if an nfs server is inaccessible? | 23:23 |
felix_ | FirstSgt, http://paste.ubuntu.com/234786/ | 23:24 |
Nathan_R_Cda | Armenian: Oh... hmm. It's been a while since I was inside an optiplex, back before the 500 series :S not sure I can help further | 23:24 |
FirstSgt | felix_: your php.ini file is trying to load an extension with a bad path. | 23:24 |
FirstSgt | felix_: you do not need xdebug.so for php | 23:25 |
FirstSgt | felix_: so remove that line | 23:25 |
dragon_ | In other words, is it safe to add an NFS line in my /etc/fstab? What will happen when I turn on my laptop (client) outside the home network? | 23:25 |
ARMENIAN | Nathan_R_Cda: ohh thanks anyway :( I mean there must be a way to disable it without taking it out physically, no? I tried the BIOS but when i disabled teh sound controller I lost audio thorugh speakers also | 23:25 |
mzz | ARMENIAN: remove the pcspkr module | 23:26 |
Dr_Willis | dragon_: there may be a delay when it boots.. but i dont think so. If you wanted you sould use the 'noauto' option so it dosent try to automount the nfs share at boot up | 23:26 |
mzz | ARMENIAN: assuming I'm guessing about your question correctly, I haven't read my scrollback | 23:26 |
roger21 | is it differnt to do a do-release-upgrade and a aptitude dist-upgrade with the sources.list upgraded before ? | 23:26 |
janisoza1r | dragon_: aren't there any options in man fstab mentioned that would specify the behavior? | 23:26 |
Dr_Willis | ARMENIAN: theres forums threads on the topic. :) one easy way.. blacklist thepcspkr module like mzz said. | 23:26 |
mzz | ARMENIAN: (you can use /etc/modprobe.d/ for blacklisting it) | 23:27 |
Dr_Willis | ARMENIAN: the 'beep' is not the same as a the sound card playback | 23:27 |
mazda01 | anyone know a good program for turning a vodsub subtitle file into a srt file. i tried sub2srt but it says it can't read the file format. mplayer can't even open the subtitle file. i have an idx and a sub file. what's wrong here? | 23:27 |
dragon_ | Dr_Willis: is there a way to defer mounting rather than using 'noauto'? | 23:27 |
ARMENIAN | mzz: ill try that right now :) | 23:27 |
dragon_ | janisoza1r: already checked the man pages | 23:27 |
Pici | roger21: Yes. do-release-upgrade does some things that may not be possible in a regular package upgrade. It is reccomended that you use do-release-upgrade or update-manager to upgrade from one release to the next. | 23:27 |
Dr_Willis | dragon_: use noauto then make a icon that runs a script to mount it if you wanted.. unless you want clarify what youmean by defer. :) | 23:27 |
roger21 | Pici, ok thx | 23:28 |
nanotube | donaldo: i looked around on the web, it seems that a few people have had this problem, and none have found a solution... | 23:28 |
dragon_ | Dr_Willis: script should work for me, thanks! | 23:28 |
felix_ | FirstSgt, xdebug was working fine | 23:29 |
webb_b | ok i installed virtualbox now i cant find it | 23:29 |
nanotube | webb_b: applications -> system tools | 23:30 |
webb_b | nanotube, nothing says virtualbox | 23:30 |
nanotube | webb_b: mine says 'sun virtualbox' | 23:30 |
webb_b | maybe i should restart | 23:30 |
nanotube | webb_b: try it from the cli: run "virtualbox" or "VirtualBox" (depending on version you installed) | 23:31 |
moltenbobcat | webb_b: mine is in applications -> accessories | 23:31 |
nanotube | webb_b: instead of restarting the whole thing, try restarting just the panel with command "killall gnome-panel" | 23:32 |
nanotube | moltenbobcat: huh, interesting. what version of ubuntu? | 23:32 |
koltroll | Would it be possible for me to assign shift+alt+8 and shift+alt+9 to produce { and } ? | 23:32 |
felix_ | FirstSgt, I use that with netbeans. is that the cause of php stopped work? I didnt change anything on the config files this week | 23:32 |
webb_b | found it | 23:32 |
moltenbobcat | nanotube: 9.04 I installed the virtual ose package | 23:32 |
nanotube | moltenbobcat: ah ic. i'm on 8.10, and running non-ose version. either one could make the difference. :) | 23:33 |
moltenbobcat | just the standard ones out of repo I thought it was a strange place to put it too | 23:33 |
webb_b | Failed to register the VirtualBox product. | 23:35 |
webb_b | Invalid IP address. | 23:35 |
gee | anyone know how i can move back my /home directory from /root. with live cd. I changed my home directory to root in user/group to try and get permissions. when i restarted it wont let me log into root | 23:35 |
funkywds | gee: roops | 23:35 |
webb_b | ok i got it so you just pick a os from the list and its that easy/?? | 23:36 |
kbp | I run Ubuntu Server with LAMP but gmmktime() in PHP return local timestamp instead of GMT timestamp. Any one know how to fix it? | 23:36 |
gee | roops? sorry I am a newbie | 23:37 |
cooper77z | Hi, is there some kind of rolling color to physical eyesight dimension involved with configuring a laptop screen, because in hard I keep getting lines and boxes in my menus unless I reset the monitors | 23:37 |
funkywds | gee: roops is how Scooby-Doo would so "oops" | 23:38 |
funkywds | srv for the confusion | 23:38 |
webb_b | how do you boot into the virtual box i created | 23:39 |
aandaii | Hi | 23:39 |
gee | i feel like scooby doo | 23:39 |
Dr_Willis | webb_b: there is a ratehr well done docs in pdf format at the virtualbox homepage. You 'create' a cirtual machine.. install to the virtual machine.. and then click and boot that vrtual machine from the vbox gui. | 23:39 |
mazda01 | gee, what do you mean. how many partitions make up your install? do you just have 1 hard drive and 1 parititon for / and /home? | 23:40 |
FirstSgt | felix_: no, there isn't a way an ide can prevent your server from working. | 23:40 |
Dr_Willis | dont forget the swap partition also. :) | 23:40 |
gee | yes one partition for ubuntu and swap | 23:40 |
FirstSgt | felix_: you may have had code that would have changed the .ini file. e.g. ini_set('property','value'); within the code (but ini_set() is temporary. | 23:41 |
solexious|netbk | Any tips on what nvidia graphics cards to buy for a dual monitor set up, and can I do sli on linux? | 23:42 |
gee | some told me to use live cd to change back my home directory | 23:42 |
mazda01 | gee, i am trying to chat with you in a private chat but not sure how to start one with xchat. I sent you some kind of DCC chat list thing. not sure what that is. | 23:42 |
felix_ | FirstSgt, i mean, xdebug is crashing php? I just say cuz I didnt install xdebug today. | 23:42 |
iceroot | solexious|netbk: for what you need sli on linux? | 23:42 |
felix_ | FirstSgt, and no ini_set().. | 23:42 |
gee | it wont let me accept | 23:42 |
mazda01 | gee, i can help you but i like talking in a private chat because this channel is very active | 23:42 |
d1 | i have got an ASUS F5 laptop with atheros wireless witch does not work. Strange but in Live CD mode it does work but after the installation it doesn't. I have read lot of forums but they can't help (for example solutions: madwifi, madberry...) I'm using 9.04. Probably I am the looser so if you know a really working method please share with me.:) | 23:43 |
Myrtti | !pm | 23:43 |
ubottu | Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first. | 23:43 |
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bobofosho | has anyone else had problems with not be able to select options at the live cd scereen? | 23:43 |
felix_ | FirstSgt, just stopped to work between a render and other. | 23:43 |
solexious|netbk | iceroot, well, not necessaryly sli but can it run two cards at once? | 23:43 |
gee | i see u now | 23:43 |
mzz | d1: how much does it not work? Does it work until you suspend or hibernate? | 23:43 |
Dr_Willis | mazda01: you could always just create a new channel and have him Join there. :) /join #mazda01 :P | 23:43 |
funkywds | bobofosho: did letting the clock count down not work? | 23:43 |
gee | mazda i see u now | 23:44 |
bobofosho | nope | 23:44 |
Dr_Willis | bobofosho: ive seen some issues in the past with usb keyboards instead of ps2 ones.. on some of my older machines. | 23:44 |
funkywds | hmmm... oddd | 23:44 |
iceroot | solexious|netbk: searching nvidia sli linux says you can use it | 23:44 |
mzz | d1: I'm on an asus laptop, and the wireless would work until then (although the led for it wouldn't be on). Karmic's kernel made both that led and wireless post-suspend/hibernate work. Apparently there was a bug in the asus-laptop kernel module. | 23:44 |
felix_ | FirstSgt, there any chance to crashed for overload? I was working with very big arrays. | 23:44 |
stowaway | Gday.. i installed openssh (i think thats what it was.. cnat check at work atm) and when i vnc from my networked computer (windows.. using tightvnc. also tried realvnc) it logs in but it only displays one screen.. i can move the mouse and it control it. but when i click something it doesnt refresh the screen on the client (also doesnt refresh it when i click refresh screne) it just stays on that 1 image | 23:44 |
funkywds | bobofosho: you can always try the Linux Mint variant, as it has a different boot menu | 23:45 |
bobofosho | well the boot menu shouldn't be the problem | 23:45 |
funkywds | bobofosho: it's ubuntu 9.04, but tweaked a bit to be smoother and more elegant | 23:45 |
Dr_Willis | bobofosho: whats the actual problem then? | 23:45 |
bobofosho | hmm maybe | 23:45 |
bobofosho | dr. pm me | 23:45 |
Dr_Willis | bobofosho: best to keep it in the channel. i may have to leave at any ti,me | 23:46 |
funkywds | bobofosho: but the initial hardware that;s recognized under ubuntu may be different that what LM7 can do | 23:46 |
bobofosho | well i just installed xp on this lappy the other day | 23:46 |
d1 | thanks mzz. the led doesn't matter however i am not able to use my network device it doesn't appare in the sys | 23:47 |
anoneemouse | how do i set my sound card settings in ubunut? | 23:47 |
Cowfish | i cant ubuntu to work lawl | 23:47 |
webb_b | well that sucks i installed kde with gnome but i cant switch into kde in session, when i pick kde at login it just boots me into gnome | 23:47 |
Cowfish | keeps giving me this damn permission denied error | 23:47 |
darthanubis | !language | 23:47 |
ubottu | Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly. | 23:47 |
mzz | d1: I'm not on the same laptop, so this may be a completely different problem, but can you pastebin dmesg? | 23:47 |
bobofosho | brb | 23:48 |
vigo | !sound | anoneemouse | 23:48 |
ubottu | anoneemouse: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP3 | 23:48 |
Cowfish | sorry about langugage lol this thing is just getting me angry | 23:48 |
anoneemouse | thanks vigo | 23:48 |
Cowfish | is there any way i can get ubuntu downloaded on vista? | 23:48 |
solexious|netbk | In that case, Does any one have advice on choosing graphics cards, im looking at nvidia | 23:49 |
d1 | MZZ sorry its comlicated cause i use another linux for my wifi net | 23:49 |
felix_ | FirstSgt, xdebug lines removed from php.ini and php still dont works. | 23:49 |
StupidWeasel | hey folks, would anyone be willing to talk through my Alsa problems as well? I'm on a HP nx6235 laptop that I've recently been gifted. Everything seems to be working fine, apart from the fact that if I want to use headphones I need to force alsa to reload. | 23:49 |
vigo | anoneemouse: There are also a few Terminal commands that help, or may show the device, that is covered in that msg I got. | 23:49 |
mzz | d1: yeah, I guess you'll have to either use a wired connection or use usb storage or the like to transfer files | 23:49 |
mzz | d1: sorry, bit low on time right now too (it's late here) | 23:49 |
Cowfish | can anyone help me with installing ubuntu? | 23:50 |
d1 | but have you got any idea why the wifi works under the LiveCD | 23:50 |
StupidWeasel | Both the speakers and the headphone output work perfectly fine, I just need to alsa force-reload everytime I reboot. | 23:50 |
LiquidMeson | is there a ubuntu dev room? | 23:50 |
anoneemouse | i want to try setting my sample rate | 23:50 |
Evet | How can I start Apache server? | 23:50 |
anoneemouse | i have choppy noisy sound | 23:50 |
LiquidMeson | /etc/init.d/apache2 start | 23:50 |
Dr_Willis | Evet: sudo service http start (or apache2 ) | 23:50 |
Dr_Willis | Evet: if you installed it - it should auto start | 23:51 |
Grizmawe | Evet, /etc/inti.dhttpd start | 23:51 |
vigo | anoneemouse: Have you tried Pulse? | 23:51 |
Evet | Thanks Dr_Willis, Grizmawe | 23:51 |
Grizmawe | Evet, /etc/intit.d/httpd start | 23:51 |
MT- | How do I remove everything the ubuntu-restricted-extras installs with it? I tried to purge the package, but it decided to only remove the meta package, nothing it auto installed. | 23:51 |
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Dr_Willis | MT-: thats how meta packages work. Why do you want to remove it all? | 23:52 |
anoneemouse | vigo... no i havent | 23:52 |
anoneemouse | i tried switching to pulse but theres nothing there | 23:52 |
vigo | anoneemouse: Look into that, here,,,, | 23:52 |
vigo | !pulse | anoneemouse | 23:53 |
ubottu | anoneemouse: PulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions | 23:53 |
MT- | Dr_Willis: I don't want the extras anymore | 23:53 |
anoneemouse | im using kubuntu | 23:53 |
anoneemouse | no esd? | 23:53 |
vigo | ermmmm | 23:53 |
Cowfish | can anyone help me? | 23:53 |
Dr_Willis | MT-: you realize that the 'extras' include flash, and java, and othe bits you proberly want? | 23:53 |
MT- | Dr_Willis: yes | 23:54 |
Dr_Willis | Cowfish: state the problem in clear concice terms to the channel and see what people can help | 23:54 |
funkywds | Cowfish: ask | 23:54 |
MT- | Dr_Willis: this system was build up from cli ;) | 23:54 |
MrStein | Anyone else experiencing in Firefox (3.0.12) that the cursor keys do not move the page, but there is a text cursor in the page that moves ? Happens usually on launchpad bug pages. | 23:54 |
Cowfish | Ok | 23:54 |
Cowfish | Well | 23:54 |
bobofosho | dammnit still having problems | 23:54 |
Cowfish | I'm trying to install Ubuntu I have the disk and whenever I try to run it it installs a little bit then gives me a "Permission denied" error and stops | 23:55 |
Dr_Willis | MT-: you could try aptitide to 'install' then 'remove' the meta pakage.. | 23:55 |
MT- | Dr_Willis: I only use aptitude | 23:55 |
funkywds | Cowfish: did you boot into the install? | 23:55 |
funkywds | Cowfish: or did you start it from windows? | 23:55 |
Dr_Willis | Cowfish: it boots to the desktop then you launch the installer it has that issue? or befor it starts? | 23:55 |
Cowfish | No I just popped in the CD and ran it in windows | 23:55 |
redrebel | i'm getting this dozens of these error per minute.... [22162.556024] hpet1: lost 1 rtc interrupts | 23:55 |
funkywds | Cowfish: reboot | 23:55 |
funkywds | run it from the disc | 23:56 |
Dr_Willis | Cowfish: thats using the 'wubi' method to install then. I dont reccomend using WUBI at all. | 23:56 |
funkywds | screw windows | 23:56 |
MrStein | Is it possible to install multiple installation with Wubi ? I have Ubuntu 9.04 x64 installed and would need the 32 bit version to check some bugs. | 23:56 |
Cowfish | ok how do i do without wubi? | 23:56 |
bobofosho | can someone pm with help | 23:56 |
Dr_Willis | Cowfish: use a normal install (by booting the disk) or test it out in virtualbox. | 23:56 |
funkywds | Cowfish: boot directly from the disc | 23:56 |
Cowfish | ok so just put in the cd and go to boot menu? | 23:56 |
MrStein | Cowfish: just start wubi.exe | 23:56 |
MrStein | thats all | 23:56 |
Cowfish | wubi screws up though | 23:56 |
Dr_Willis | Cowfish: pop in cd.. reboot.. tellit to boot from cd.. | 23:57 |
MT- | Dr_Willis: I'll tyr to figure out how to remove each piece. I'm going for the free alternatives now | 23:57 |
Cowfish | OK | 23:57 |
Cowfish | thanks for your help | 23:57 |
funkywds | :) | 23:57 |
Cowfish | bye | 23:57 |
Cowfish | :D | 23:57 |
Dr_Willis | Cowfish: backup stuff... | 23:57 |
Cowfish | ok | 23:57 |
funkywds | lol | 23:57 |
Cowfish | :P | 23:57 |
FloodBot1 | Cowfish: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. | 23:57 |
Cowfish | dont wanna lose all my crap | 23:57 |
Cowfish | :/ | 23:57 |
Cowfish | bye | 23:57 |
Dr_Willis | Cowfish: with pc's BACK STUFF UP | 23:57 |
infid | will ubuntu accept programs into the main repository that are BSD licensed, or only gpl? | 23:58 |
Dr_Willis | !info bsdgames | 23:58 |
ubottu | bsdgames (source: bsdgames): a collection of classic textual unix games. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.17-16 (jaunty), package size 948 kB, installed size 2488 kB | 23:58 |
funkywds | infid: whatever you specify | 23:58 |
Dr_Willis | Hmm.. thats not in main. :) | 23:58 |
vigo | anoneemouse: Look here: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=f1ed9d5014547a5167fe9f5bf4e40217&t=843012&highlight=sound+KDE | 23:58 |
bobofosho | can someone help me | 23:59 |
bobofosho | i just reburned the disk and no dice | 23:59 |
mazda01 | bobofosho, i don't know, can we? | 23:59 |
bobofosho | i'm stuck here.. | 23:59 |
mazda01 | bobofosho, reburned what disc? | 23:59 |
funkywds | bobofosho: so just letting it sit after boot and letting the clock count down didn't work? | 23:59 |
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