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TheMusoHrm, got some weird FTBF sstuff happening here.00:56
TheMusothis is on the buildds BTW.00:58
jelmermathiaz, hi00:59
rickspencer3ArneGoetje: hi00:59
jelmermathiaz, Thanks for the sync requests00:59
mathiazjelmer: sure :)00:59
mathiazjelmer: I've successfully built samba4 and talloc in a ppa01:00
ArneGoetjerickspencer3: morning01:00
mathiazjelmer: thus the sync request01:00
mathiazjelmer: that should fix seb128 build failure for openchange (IIRC)01:00
jelmermathiaz, Ah, cool01:02
TheMusoYay, udev package setup is borking for some reason.01:12
TheMusowhich in turn breaks other pieces needed by the packages I have recently uploaded.01:13
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twbA package (dovecot-imapd) is listed as being maintained by MOTU.  How do I find out who the "real" stakeholders are?01:55
twbI want to pay them to backport dovecot 1.2 to Hardy.01:55
twbOops, s/MOTU/Core devs/01:56
twbHmm, I guess I should look at Debian.changelog01:56
billybigriggeris anyone here around to answer some questions about v4l and my webcam?02:09
billybigriggerall through karmic development my webcam hasn't worked, is this because of v4l apps trying to use v4l2 devices?02:10
TronicHow do you file a bug for fetching new version from Debian to Karmic?03:03
TronicWe fixed some rather serious bugs and the new version is now in Debian Unstable.03:04
TheMusoTronic: What is the package?03:04
Tronic(performous-dbg and performous-tools also)03:05
TronicUmmh, wait a sec, I think it is still in NEW.03:06
Tronic0.3.2 is the fixed version.03:06
TheMusoYou need to file a bug against the performous source package in launchpad, requesting a sync from unstable. Then you have to subscribe the ubuntu-universe-sponsors team to the bug so they can look at it. Please mention why the package should be updated in the bug.03:06
StevenKBut it isn't in unstable yet, if it's in NEW03:07
TheMusoTronic: Well once its out of the new queue, file the bug.03:07
StevenKAnd we can't pull from NEW.03:07
TronicNo, seems to be accepted to unstable, but I guess packages.debian.org hasn't updated its index yet.03:07
TronicTheMuso: Ok. Do I need any tags or something for it?03:09
TronicWill do that, thanks :)03:12
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hilehelvetti ne olivat nopeita, 'luovutusta yritetty, vastaanottajaa ei tavoitettu' mä tilasin sen hitto torstaina, yleensä toimitusaika thomannilla 8-10 työpäivää!07:10
hileoops wrong channel :)07:16
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sanmarcosin 9.04, does anybody else notice images (icons) in libnotify popups are blurry?07:31
phurlanyone can help me with reprepro Error: Distribution doooh contains an architecture called 'all'. any ideaS?07:36
joaopintophurl, you dont need "all" listed on the Architectures field of a distribution07:37
phurljoaopinto, thanks.07:37
joaopintoI am using: Architectures: i386 amd64 source07:37
phurlso when i remove it. i got a different error. lets see07:38
phurlit is for java stuff07:38
joaopintono problem, "all" packages will be accepted anyway07:38
sanmarcoswhy does ubuntu break something new every release07:40
sanmarcospulseaudio, now libnotify07:40
phurlworking now joaopinto thanks!07:41
sanmarcosnotify-osd is such shit07:45
sanmarcosyou hove rthe notification and it hides, what the hell where they thinking07:45
sanmarcosI give you a 512x512 icon and it still looks blurry07:45
joaopintosanmarcos, what your language !07:50
TheMusoSeems like anything that pulls in udev to be built FTBFSes on all except for powerpc and armel.07:53
phurlso how can i test my new repo on fedora?08:01
phurlit only wants to use apt for rpms but not for debs :(08:02
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phurlhow can i get apt on fedora to download debs?08:08
AnAntHello, could someone sponsor those: LP 401816 & LP 40456108:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401816 in guile-1.8 "Conflicting types for 'jmp_buf' " [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40181608:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404561 in debhelper "Candidate revision debhelper_7.3.8ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40456108:14
slytherinTheMuso: cjwatson_: infinity: A million thanks to whoever fixed powerpc buildd problems. :-)09:21
directhexyay powerpc09:22
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ares4youHi! I am ( was ) from Ubuntu developing team.  I had one big problem with  network manager ( i coldn`t acces internet ) I want to help developing ubuntu but I don`t want to test that packages with network09:50
ares4youwho can help me?09:51
slytherinares4you: What development team are you member of?09:51
ares4youcan someone help me?09:55
ares4youI think I can`t test just some pacages10:01
ares4youam I right?10:02
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ares4youwhat is doing computer janitor in developing team ( testing )? Can be used to reconfigure my system?10:17
maxbares4you: You might do better finding a channel specific to your native language. I'm sorry but your English is a bit too muddled for you to be understood clearly.10:27
ares4youmaxb: I am sorry! I am learning....10:28
ares4youmaxb: I do my best and I try to explain  if you do not understand me10:30
ares4youfrom where can I download an older version of network manager?10:47
TheMusoslytherin: and so far as things go now, powerpc is more healthy than supported architectures. :)10:48
joaopintoares4you, if you need general support, please ask on #ubuntu10:49
slytherinTheMuso: how so?11:00
TheMusoslytherin: Due to a weird bug that is being triggered whenever a package installs udev as a dependency, a lot of packages on everything except for armel and powerpc are failing to build.11:03
TheMusoIts a buildd host issue I think. Armel and powerpc are not running hardy, so don't seem to be affected.11:03
slytherinI saw one such error. But I didn't know the reason11:03
TheMusoslytherin: I worked it out, thinking I may have been able to upload a fix somehow, but it seems not.11:06
simon-oHi, does anyone now if pitti is on vacation?11:36
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seb128simon-o, he is11:39
simon-oseb128: thanks. Is anyone from ~ubuntu-mir around?11:40
seb128you're welcome11:41
seb128dunno, use launchpad and open a bug, etC?11:41
* ogra guesses its a hard week to catch people on IRC, half the world is at debconf and the other half on vacation :) mail and bugs might be the best bet11:42
simon-oI've got a specific question about an existing bug, where I need some advice from someone from ubuntu-mir11:42
ograask in the bug then11:43
simon-oogra: Yes I could, but who should answer that question ;)11:43
ograoh, its not a MIR bug ?11:44
james_wsimon-o: the LP page would tell you the other members11:44
simon-oogra: no it's bug 403565. And I don't know what to do next.11:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403565 in lyx "Sync lyx 1.6.3-4 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40356511:46
simon-ojames_w: thanks, I'll see if I can catch someone from the team11:47
james_wwhy is that ubuntu-mir?11:47
james_wI see why11:47
james_wbut I think it's just oddness and shouldn't need them11:48
simon-ojames_w: geser from ubuntu-motu told me to ask someone from ubuntu-mir.11:49
geserjames_w: who should he ask instead?11:49
james_wI just happen to be sitting next to cjwatson, who is the perfect person to ask11:50
james_wwe're just fixing it now11:50
simon-ojames_w: thanks, that's great11:50
geserjames_w: why him?11:51
james_wbecause it's cjwatson :-)11:51
james_whe knows everything11:52
james_wthe problem is a cryptic error message11:52
james_wit's a safety catch11:52
cjwatsonso the problem here is that lyx, a source package in universe, wants to produce a new binary package called latex-xft-fonts, which is already produced by a source package in main11:52
cjwatsonlatex-xft-fonts is in main for abiword and koffice11:52
cjwatsonwhich means, I think, that lyx needs to be MIRed11:52
cjwatsonI don't see any particular way around it11:53
cjwatsonthe sync can be forced with sync-source.py -F11:53
geserjames_w: will remember that for the future (and if he complains I'll refer to you :)11:53
cjwatsonor maybe (as james_w says here) if latex-xft-fonts is just a transitional package then its rdepends should be updated?11:54
cjwatsonit happens that I've run into this problem before, that's all :)11:54
cjwatsonlatex-xft-fonts Depends: ttf-lyx11:54
gesercjwatson: that won't help here as latex-xft-fonts depends on ttf-lyx-fonts (build from lyx)11:55
cjwatsonso unless I miss my guess we're going to need to MIR lyx anyway11:55
cjwatsonperhaps an MIR that said "we only actually need the fonts, and won't be promoting the other binaries"11:56
cjwatsonbut I'm not in ubuntu-mir :)11:56
geseras I don't know the chances for lyx to pass MIR, I suggested simon-o to get some more input (if there are any other options)11:56
cjwatsonI can't think of any other options that are easier11:57
cjwatsonsplitting the binaries back out doesn't seem like a great idea maintenance-wise11:57
geserif the fonts didn't change, would it be an option to don't build the fonts package by lyx? and leave latex-xft-fonts in main as is?11:59
cjwatsonthat would work but I think it's a bad idea in the long term, if it's just to try to avoid an MIR12:00
geserbut that would have the disadvantage of a package without proper maintainace in main12:00
cjwatsonwe should just suck up the main promotion IMO12:00
* geser hands https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MainInclusionProcess to simon-o12:01
simon-ogeser, cjwatson: thanks for the insights. I'll request the main inclusion.12:05
YokoZarkees: Just saw your name on the copyright of Wine's crypt32.dll ;)12:06
seb128directhex, hi, do you know if anybody is working on updating mono and gnome-desktop-sharp2 to current version?12:52
directhexseb128, mono is being worked on over the next week(ish) - all the mono stack except the main mono package itself is up to date12:52
seb128directhex, gnome-desktop-sharp2 is 2.24 and upstream is 2.26?12:53
directhexi know i looked at g-d-s, but i decided to hold fire for some reason. don't remember why12:53
seb128directhex, ok, that was just a reply to your 'all the mono stack except the main mono package itself is up to date'12:54
seb128directhex, no issue, I'm just checking was is marked outdated on the desktop team versions.html list12:54
directhex(the mono stack is mono, libgdiplus, gluezilla, mono-tools, xsp, mod-mono, mono-basic and mono-debugger)12:55
seb128oh ok12:55
seb128learning every day ;-)12:55
directhexi THINK (don't quote me on this) i held off when i noticed it was outdated, as our ABI validation tools are currently broken, and the guy making their replacement is MIA12:55
directhexgnome-sharp people can occasionally cock that one up, which is what lead to that whole gnome2.24-cil in jaunty12:56
seb128I will ignore it for now then ;-)12:56
directhexbut if you want it updated, i could take a look12:56
seb128I'm just trying to clean the outdated list a bit12:56
directhexoh, here's a better idea12:56
directhexlet's make slomo do it. slomo, you're gnome team AND mono team!12:57
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slomodirecthex: what's the problem (in a single sentence please)?12:58
directhexslomo, uupdate gnome-desktop-sharp2 from 2.24 to 2.26, assuming it doesn't horribly break everything12:59
directhexseb128, i've been repeatedly promised a new f-spot from upstream before FF, by the way13:01
seb128directhex, excellent!13:01
directhexthey're in FF themselves, so.... it might slide past FF, but i think things like this should go in with a minimum of fuss...13:02
seb128right, desktopish upgrade are usually not an issue13:02
directhexoh, and mono will hit binary NEW, due to re-adding a library we disabled for DFSG reasons, and adding a lib that upstream forgot (!) to put in 2.4.013:04
directhexjust FYI13:04
directhexwith luck we should also be able to actually deliver on something I promised earlier in the cycle (need to deal with some useless linkages in order to strip a 3 meg lib from the CD)13:06
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slytherinCan any of the core devs please give back gnome-applets on powerpc?14:28
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RiddellArneGoetje: did you do the language-support-zh-hant and other new pages?  why does language-support-zh-hant conflict/replace itself?15:18
ArneGoetjeRiddell: ?15:24
ArneGoetjeRiddell: like all language-pack/-support packages it conflicts/replaces a lower version of the same package... has always been that case.15:25
Riddellwhy does it do that?15:25
RiddellArneGoetje: also how do these packages relate to language-support-zh ?15:27
ArneGoetjeRiddell: they replace language-support-zh. language-support-zh becomes a dummy package for transitioning to zh-hans/zh-hant15:28
ArneGoetjeRiddell: the language-pack/-support-zh packages got split into zh-hans and zh-hant15:29
RiddellArneGoetje: ok accepted, but that conflict/replace on itself should go, it's just confusing15:30
RiddellArneGoetje: and while I'm mentioning it, language-pack-kde-xx should depend on language-pack-xx15:31
ArneGoetjeRiddell: oh, damn... bug in the script... :( will fix it15:39
gaspaTheMuso: any news on this morning problem?15:45
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Riddelldpm: any idea what should be done with bug 378075 ?16:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 378075 in ddtp-ubuntu "Typos in package summaries" [High,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37807516:12
dpmRiddell: on a call atm, I'll have a look and try to reply when I'm done16:13
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mathiazkees: jdstrand: how do you feel about processing a MIR for mysql 5.1?16:32
keesmathiaz: I likely won't have time this week (travelling to Blackhat)16:35
mathiazkees: travelling -> mysql 5.1 is amazing to be reviewed on a plane :)16:39
hyperairdtchen: regarding pulseaudio, is it supposed to scale the system volume together with the apps volumes?16:52
hyperairdtchen: it's causing some rather annoying issues with mplayer's pulse plugin when there is more than one pulse client16:53
hyperairdtchen: e.g. if you repeatedly scale mplayer's volume up and down, you eventually mute all other clients.16:53
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mathiazhow can I find all the packages in main that build-dep on libmysqlclient-dev or libmysqlclient15-dev?17:21
lucasmathiaz: using the edos tools17:21
pochuor build-rdeps?17:22
lucasah, depends if you want transitive b-deps or not17:22
seb128mathiaz, grep-dctrl -F Build-Depends -s Package libmysqlclient-dev /var/lib/apt/lists/archive.ubuntu.com_ubuntu_dists_karmic_main_source_Sources17:37
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mdzKeybuk: I've created https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TechnicalBoard/TeamReports/09/July with the notes from today's meeting, if you could fill in the previous one17:58
Keybukmdz: sure, I'll paste from the mail18:00
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AnAntHello, can someone sponsor this merge: LP 40456118:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404561 in debhelper "Candidate revision debhelper_7.3.8ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40456118:31
sebnerRiddell: thanks for syncing themonospot that fast! :)18:46
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Riddellsebner: when it's my archive day, things get done! :)18:47
* directhex requestsyncs nant18:47
Riddelltoo late, my archive day is over18:48
directhexwell, poop18:48
sebnerdirecthex: ahaha!18:49
sebnerRiddell for 7 days a week archive master \o/18:50
AnAntRiddell: when's your archive day ?18:50
RiddellAnAnt: tuesday afternoons18:50
AnAntisn't that today18:51
ograit was18:51
AnAntso, who's archive day is it ?19:19
sebnerpitti: \o/19:19
AnAntpitti: would you sponsor this merge: LP 404561 please?19:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404561 in debhelper "Candidate revision debhelper_7.3.8ubuntu1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40456119:21
pittiAnAnt: please sub u-main-sponsors, will go back to real work tomorrow19:21
maxbIt's impossible to purge sysklogd because it wants to deluser syslog, which is now used by rsyslogd - what needs to be done here?19:24
maxbPerhaps karmic needs a dummy sysklogd package that can be upgraded to to nuke that postrm19:24
AnAntpitti: done19:26
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superm1mvo, ping.  i wanted to talk to you about helping figure out why the mythbuntu tasks are so broke when you get a sec20:28
mvosuperm1: hello! yeah, please tell me about the problem20:47
mvosuperm1: but its quite possible that I will do the actual investigation tomorrow morning, its getting a bit late here20:48
superm1mvo, okay so the issue is installing the mythbuntu-desktop meta pulls in half of gnome.  installing the task doesn't pull in enough of the mythbuntu-desktop stuff. installing the task and meta at the same time pulls in about the right balance20:56
superm1if you look at the livecd-rootfs branch you can see the current workaround that we have in our live disks that gets the right set of packages installed, but is still a hack20:57
mvosuperm1: ok, I check it out (tomorrow :)21:02
superm1mvo, okay great thanks :)21:02
infinityI'll give all the spare change in my pocket to the first person who tells me why perl is FTBFS on sparc.21:03
infinity(Bonus points if you also fix dbus on ia64)21:04
infinityThat it all. :P21:04
SarvattDoes anyone know of any existing scripts or packages that handle reverting all packages in a PPA to the distro ones?21:36
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arandMay I poke someone about a requested SRU which already has a debdiff? Bug #31650221:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 316502 in gnumeric "cannot release a graph in gnumeric after click and drag" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/31650221:40
stefanlsdseb128: Im looking at Xchat in Karmic, where on the server list I see C_onnect. The xchat code is right, and it should be an accelerator for alt o. Do you know if any other GTK apps under Karmic are having an issue with this?21:50
seb128stefanlsd, bug #40476721:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404767 in gtk+2.0 "gtk: mnemonic/accelerator shows as underscore instead of underline, and does not register with keyboard" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40476721:51
seb128stefanlsd, testcase would be useful21:51
stefanlsdseb128: thanks. somehow lp search never finds this stuff for me :)  will see what info I can add21:52
seb128stefanlsd, you probably use the wrong keyword, usually sort by newer first that give you a good overview of recent issues21:53
maxbdoko: Hi, are you around?23:00
maxbI'm trying to push a s/default-jdk-builddep/default-jdk/ change back to Debian and the maintainer is hesitant because no Debian Policy explains the purpose of these23:01
maxbCan you provide an authoritative Debian citation for the correct usage of default-jdk vs. default-jdk-builddep?23:01
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