
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
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slytherindirecthex: Check FTBFS page. The number in universe has suddenly dropped from 660+ to 450. Looks like powerpc buildd was causing high number of FTBFS. :-)09:36
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=== Guest45626 is now known as Zic
gaspadmentre: morning! :)09:45
gaspadmentre: you can request sync for packages of round4, I guess.09:46
gasparemaining in round3 are not dependencies for them.09:46
coolbhavigaspa, good morning :)09:54
gaspacoolbhavi: hi.09:54
=== ShadowChild is now known as lukjad007
max7anyone knws ubuntu asterisk ?10:48
max7pls let me know?10:48
Hobbseemax7: the answer was the same as it was 2.5 hours ago.11:01
dmentregaspa: ack. I'll do it11:13
slytherinmax7: Simply ask the question you have about asterisk. If anyone knows the answer you will know.11:15
raywanggaspa, hey11:18
dmentregaspa: lablgtkview and matita rely on gmetadom, otherwise there does not seem to be any dependency11:19
gaspadmentre: yes, I wrongly upload lablgtkview .. but it'll be enough to retry the build, when gmetadom will be ready.11:20
gasparaywang: hi11:20
raywanggaspa, heh, have time to review my package? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/strongwind  :)11:20
dmentregaspa: Ok. I'll open the bug this afternoon11:21
gaspaand there's some strange build problem in lablgtk2 ia64 build....11:21
gasparaywang: ouch. completely forgot, sorry.11:21
raywanggaspa, I follow your suggestions to update, :)11:21
raywanghehe, no prob11:22
max7anyone knws ubuntu asterisk ?11:22
max7anyone knws ubuntu asterisk ?11:22
max7pls let me know?11:22
max7pls let me know?11:22
raywanggaspa, you have reviewed for last time11:22
dmentregaspa: Yep. I saw the build failure but postponed to look at it. I would much prefer to have amd64 and i386 correct first11:22
gasparaywang: ah, really? :P  time for coffee, then...11:22
raywanggaspa, no prob, just take you time11:22
raywangi just want to have someone take a look and review, no hurry ;)11:23
gaspa:) ok, i'll do asap.11:23
raywanggaspa, Thanks!! :)11:23
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TheMusothe ia64 build failure for lablgtk2 is nothing to do with the package itself. Its a failure that now affects all architectures accept powerpc and armel. It will likely require a buildd admin to fix it.11:24
TheMusoSeems ia64 was the first to get affected by whatever the problem is.11:24
TheMusoAny package that manages to pull in udev via its dependency chain will fail to build.11:24
gaspaTheMuso: ok, what's the problem?11:24
gaspaI see11:24
gaspaTheMuso: is there a bug to which I can subscribe?11:25
TheMusogaspa: none that I know of yet, and I am not sure where to file one.11:25
gaspaok, thanks.11:26
TheMusoI think it needs to be filed against soyuz11:26
TheMusochecking now.11:26
TheMusoseems like there is no bug about it, and I don't currently have enough time to file one.11:27
simon-oHi, does anyone now if pitti is on vacation?11:29
gesersimon-o: try asking in #ubuntu-desktop or #ubuntu-devel, but as I don't see him in those channels I assume so11:35
* hyperair thinks uscan --repack should pass --rsyncable to gzip11:36
simon-ogeser: thanks, once again :)11:36
* Laney replicates hyperair 11:38
* hyperair scratches his head and stares at his replicated self11:39
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daurnimatoranyone here?11:44
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:46
\shguys, what's the correct way to package python modules today? python-support or python-central?12:05
* daurnimator needs some lua related stuff packaged, anyone able to help?12:06
daurnimatorI've only filed one need-pkging, and its for the easiest package of the ones I need: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/39628712:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 396287 in ubuntu "[needs-packaging] liblua5.1-iconv" [Wishlist,New]12:06
\shPOX: thx12:08
slytheringeser: DO you have some time to review jmeter from packaging point of view (if not java point of view). :-)12:11
ttxslytherin: I'll try to have a look into it in the next hours12:24
geserslytherin: re jmeter: what about the other licenses in LICENSE? does the package contain code covered by them?12:28
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slytheringeser: No. Those are the licenses for the libraries which are shipped in upstream binary distribution.12:50
juli_slytherin, hi! did you have chance to take another look at  http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/cobertura ?12:52
slytherinjuli_: Forgot completely. Will surely review tonight.12:55
juli_slytherin, thanks!12:55
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slytherinttx: thanks.13:07
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slytherinttx: I am probably going to add another binary package -doc which will contain the api documentation. It is useful for users who wish to create custom components.13:26
ttxslytherin: ok13:27
ttxslytherin: haven't started the review yet, i'm still in triaging mode13:27
slytherinttx: no issues. I am ok if it is done before my 10am tomorrow. (UTC+5:30).13:28
dmentregaspa: Bug opened: bug 405789.13:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405789 in sexplib310 "[3.11.1 transition][round 4/6] Please synchronize following source packages from Debian sid into Karmic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40578913:46
gaspa \o/13:46
daurnimatoranyone able to help?13:54
voriandaurnimator: usually if you ask your question and wait, someone will eventually answer13:55
daurnimatorvorian, I asked 3 or 4 hour ago13:55
jbernard__daurnimator: ill be happy to package up liblua5.1-iconv13:55
daurnimatorjbernard__, sweet13:55
vorianmy bad13:55
jbernard__ill update the lp ticket13:56
daurnimatorjbernard__, I have a couple of other requests, that was the easiest and most stable of them13:56
daurnimator(and only one on launchpad)13:57
jbernard__cool, ill take a close look that afternoon and see what i can come up with13:57
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=== LadiesMan217 is now known as vorian
Riddellcody-somerville, jdong: ping on bug 34581714:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345817 in xfce4-terminal "tab switch alt+<n> hotkey broken" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34581714:34
slytherinRainCT: nhandler: any idea why revu reads the description of last binary package when there are more than one binary packages defined in debian/control?14:39
nhandlerslytherin: I noticed that a while ago. I know I pointed it out to RainCT, but I can't remember what his reason was for leaving it like that14:50
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bddebianHeya gang15:34
Riddelldevfil: ping on bug 34581715:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 345817 in xfce4-terminal "tab switch alt+<n> hotkey broken" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34581715:45
devfilRiddell: cody has already acked that SRU15:47
Riddellwhy so he has, thanks cody-somerville15:47
cody-somervillenp :)15:48
iulianHi bddebian.15:51
bddebianHi iulian15:51
sebnerahoi bddebian =)15:55
bddebianHi sebner15:57
hyperairLaney: is oftc available to you?15:58
* hyperair kicks his internet connection16:03
Laneyhyperair: you split off so maybe your server died16:10
hyperairi see.16:10
dmentregaspa: thank you for the uploads. Seems to wokr quite well for those packages16:28
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RainCT_nhandler, slytherin: yeah that needs to be changed. I'll probably end up putting the debian/control file in an iframe, and controls to switch to other files (rules, changelog, etc)16:35
LaibschHi, any chance to see bug 404152 fixed and sqliteman uploaded to universe?16:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404152 in ubuntu "Please sync new package sqliteman from Debian NEW queue" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40415216:55
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LaibschHobbsee, siretart: are you maybe willing to sponsor that upload?  The package is already in the Debian NEW queue, but waiting for it to clear and syncing afterwards has a great risk of not making it for Karmic.16:58
* Laney knows the feeling16:59
ejatcan someone look into bug 40454616:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404546 in ppp "pppd crash (unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 00000014)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40454616:59
sebnerLaney: heh, dito :)17:01
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hyperairthe buildds are broken =O17:15
hyperairmake that one amd64 buildd is broken17:16
hyperairlpia seems fine17:16
hyperairhmm i386 also17:17
Laneythere was a known udev problem17:19
hyperairi see17:19
binarymutantwhat happened to packages.ubuntu.com17:55
Laibschit's down again17:59
LaibschI opened bug 40950417:59
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 409504 could not be found17:59
Laibschmake that bug 40590418:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405904 in ubuntu-website "packages.ubuntu.com is flakey recently" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40590418:00
LaibschAnother example of people merely interested in closing tickets instead of fixing bugs18:05
* hyperair wonders if Zhenech has forgotten about geany-plugins18:08
Zhenechhyperair, no, not forgotten :P18:09
slytherinttx: geser: any idea why javadoc is horribly slow on powerpc?18:09
hyperairZhenech: okay, just checking :)18:09
Zhenechhyperair, had exams till last thursday and allowed me to rest some days after that, lemme see tonight :)18:12
hyperairah i see. how were the exams?18:12
Zhenechhyperair, will you be available in 2-3hours?18:12
hyperairprobably so18:12
Zhenechsomewhat fine, a A- and a B-, the latter could be better :(18:13
hyperairat least you didn't get any C's like i did =p18:13
Zhenechwell, the prof said "if I see you get a C or badder, I'll ask if you want to abort and retry later"... :)18:14
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hyperairthat sounds bad.18:14
* hyperair thinks about his C programming paper which got a C+18:14
Zhenechheh, C, /me only had to write some stupid kernel module in C this semester18:15
hyperairi think i'm never getting over that one. stupid 20 multiple choice question paper in which people who haven't even touched C before scored full marks.18:15
hyperairkernel module!18:15
hyperair O_O18:15
Zhenechhyperair, some 120 LoC, nothing complicated18:17
hyperairthat's small!18:17
hyperairoh yeah, my C programming paper didn't require writing any code18:18
hyperaircan you imagine that?18:18
Zhenech(dont ask why my apache does not want to serve the images, looks like installing sarge, upgrading to etch and then lenny without touching the confs and no reboot since 3years isnt good)18:19
hyperairit 404's everything18:20
hyperairthe images =\18:20
Zhenechah, yes, maybe18:21
hyperairyou could try poking the error log18:21
Zhenechhaha, fixed18:25
Zhenechwell, gone now, I'll ping you when I have looked at geany-plugins18:38
hyperairokay, thanks. =)18:38
dmentreThank you to Jonathan Riddell for looking at bug 40578918:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405789 in sexplib310 "[3.11.1 transition][round 4/6] Please synchronize following source packages from Debian sid into Karmic" [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40578918:39
dmentreCould an Ubuntu Core Developer look at bug 405286? Non recompilation of gmetadom in round 3 blocks compilation of lablgtkview for round 4 of transition to OCaml 3.11.1 in Karmic.18:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405286 in graphviz "[3.11.1 transition][round 3/6] Please recompile following source packages in main" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40528618:44
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Riddelldmentre: looking18:48
dmentreRiddell: ack. Let me know if you have questions18:52
Riddelldmentre: done18:52
dmentreRiddell: Many thanks!18:53
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ScottKAny suggestions on https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/r-base/2.9.1-2/+build/1137459/+files/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.r-base_2.9.1-2_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz ?19:12
dmentreRiddell: the build of ocamlgraph failed. I think this is because an error occurs when installing udev. Could confirm this is the case? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29629298/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-amd64.ocamlgraph_1.1-1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz19:12
ScottKdmentre: That looks similar to my r-base problem.19:14
dmentreScottK: yep :-(19:15
ScottKRiddell: I think something is somewhat generally broken at the moment.19:15
JontheEchidnawe had the same problem with kmess yesterday night19:17
ScottKAnyone fixing/complaining?19:25
maxbSome complaining, I've not seen any fixing19:27
* ScottK has to go offline for a while. Would someone please write ubuntu-devel?19:30
dmentreFor my notes, once the udev issue is fixed, should I request a new rebuild of ocamlgraph or will it be recompiled automagically?19:30
ScottKJontheEchidna:  How about you?19:30
james_wwhat's up?19:30
ScottKdmentre: Usually you have to ask.  Sometimes after a mass breakage they'll do a mass give back.19:31
dmentreScottK: ok, thanks.19:31
ScottKjames_w: See the two build failure logs from ~20 minutes ago.19:31
ScottKIt seems there is some udev problem (or something) that is causing a lot of build failures unrelated to the package in question.19:31
james_w"error getting signalfd"?19:31
ScottKjames_w: http://pastebin.com/m45efca1119:33
james_wwe think we've got it figured19:43
devfiljames_w: about the waf package, is it ok with http://svn.debian.org/viewsvn/python-apps?view=rev&revision=3352 ?19:45
ScottKjames_w: Is there a timeline for resolution and will there be a mass giveback?19:46
james_wdevfil: pretty much19:46
james_w"Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement. PSF license text follows."19:46
james_wthat's not quite correct19:46
james_wScottK: trying to get hold of infinity, as we think it's a change he made to the code19:47
ScottKjames_w: Thanks.19:47
james_wit's not a "break the world" thing, but there will probably be plenty of failures19:47
devfiljames_w: so how should I fix that?19:47
james_wwe think it's that apt is now installing recommends when it installs the build-depends which ends up dragging in udev19:48
james_wdevfil: oh yeah, sorry :-)19:48
james_wdevfil: the PSF isn't a license, it's a foundation19:48
devfilPython license text follows?19:48
james_w"Licensed to PSF under a Contributor Agreement and distributed under the Python License" would be better19:48
devfilok, I'm going to upload a new package with the new changes19:49
chrisccoulsonhi, i'm just looking at updating libgdamm because i need it for another update i'm doing. it seems we rename the source package to incorporate the upstream major version (so, libgdamm -> libgdamm3.0 for the current version). The new upstream version has a new API version (4.0), so this means a new source package name. should I copy the changelog across from the old version?19:53
devfiljames_w: uploaded20:01
james_wmass giveback will be done once all the chroots are updated20:03
slytherindoes that mean solution is found?20:04
ScottKdmentre: ^^^ No need for you to ask for a retry.20:05
dmentreScottK: ok, thank you20:05
devfiljames_w: can you process the binary queue please?20:15
devfiljames_w: can you please process the waf binary? I need it in order to fix a ftbfs. really thanks20:26
slytherinjuli_: advocated cobertura20:28
\shsiretart`: ping check www.sourcecode.de or planet ;)20:48
\shand gone for a beer :)20:51
siretart`\sh: wow, looks impressive :)20:57
binarymutantwhat channel would be best to ask about packages.ubuntu.com?21:34
Zhenechhyperair, did two of "mine" uploads, you're next after a smoke :)21:36
hyperairZhenech: okay, though i'll probably be asleep soon (it's nearly 5am here)21:37
Zhenechmv /org/cn/hyperair /org/de/ :P21:38
Zhenechits 10:37 pm here21:38
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hyperairZhenech: ENOENT21:49
hyperairZhenech: it's /org/my ;)21:49
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Zhenechhyperair, if you zoom out in google earth, everything looks like cn :P22:06
hyperairZhenech: heh yeah22:06
Zhenechhyperair, meh, it ftbfs in cowbuilder (but its not your fault but cow/pbuilders)22:07
hyperairwhat's the error?22:09
ZhenechSetting up netbase (4.36) ...22:09
Zhenechinsserv: Service ifupdown has to be enabled to start service networking22:09
Zhenechinsserv: exiting now!22:09
Zhenechdpkg: error processing netbase (--configure):22:09
hyperairhow very strange22:10
Zhenechwhich breaks libwww-perl which breaks libxml-parser-perl which breaks intltools which you depend on22:10
Zhenechas said, not your fault22:10
Zhenechlets try to build directly on my box...22:12
Zhenechthat looks fine22:15
Zhenechhyperair, /^Depends: /s/a(n)?// :)22:17
Zhenech(remove the leading a/an from the short description)22:17
Zhenechyour override_dh_installchangelogs is cool22:26
hyperairZhenech: thanks =)22:30
Zhenechbut looks quite clean and stuff22:31
Zhenechmaybe I'll propose some text changes to the descriptions or so, but nothing critical22:32
Zhenechlets actually test the plugins XD22:32
* hyperair uploads a geany-plugins with fixed descriptions to mentors.debian.net22:37
Zhenechhyperair, vc plugin works XD22:52
RoAkSoAxDktrKranz, hi there. I've updated lekhonee package with the changes on the binary packages. Could you please review it. Thanks a lot: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/lekhonee22:58
DktrKranzRoAkSoAx: I'll move to bed soon, I'll probably have a look tomorrow evening. Thanks for the reminder, though ;)23:02
RoAkSoAxDktrKranz, thank you for reviewing it :)23:03
hyperairZhenech: i'm off to bed. could you leave any further feedback here, or in a PM or email, please? thanks =)23:09
Zhenechye will do23:09
Zhenechas said, if any those would be low prio cosmetical anyone23:09
Zhenechbut I'm goin to bed soon too23:10
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