
bdrungasac: it needs some more error handling, help messages and a manpage09:35
e-jatasac: did chromium support pdf viewer for the time being?09:38
asace-jat: why not just try ;)09:41
e-jatasac: i have try .. but nothing appear :)09:42
e-jatusing it right now ..09:42
e-jative try it for slideshare.net09:42
asaci guess not. you probably would need to enable plugins09:42
e-jatasac: owh .. ok ..09:42
e-jatso i need to copy pdf plugin that was use in ff ?09:42
asacyou can enable that experimental plugins feature by setting some magic in /etc/chromium*/default09:43
e-jatis it?09:43
asacno clue about the current plugin state. wait for fta09:43
asacbdrung: yeah. i wrote a test suite like thing. looks pretty good.09:43
asacnot yet sure which name to use for it though09:44
asacmoz-compare-versions ;)09:44
asacor mozcmp09:44
asacor something else?09:44
e-jatCHROMIUM_FLAGS=""i can see only09:48
asace-jat: you will figure. its probably coded in chromium-browser warpper script09:50
asacotherwise wait for fta ;)09:50
e-jatmean .. need to specify : --enable-extensions --load-extension="/some/path"09:50
e-jatasac: ok i will :)09:50
e-jatso far so good with the chromium .. after flash seem working fine :)09:51
asacso flash works?09:51
asachow did you enable it?09:51
e-jatasac: i copy libflashplayer.so to /usr/lib/chromium-browser/plugins/09:53
e-jatthen run it with --enable-plugins09:53
e-jatr0x :)09:54
=== reed is now known as Guest3224
aquariusasac, hey11:27
asacaquarius: hi11:32
aquariusasac, your CouchDB patch from yesterday (https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COUCHDB-435) wasn't quite enough, it turns out; the spidermonkey API apparently changed, and another chap did a different patch: https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/COUCHDB-28811:33
aquariusasac, your views on those would be interesting; I don't know enough about spidermonkey to evaluate the other guy's patch to know whether it's the Right Thing or not11:34
asacaquarius: what was the problem with that patch?11:38
aquariusasac, nothing at all, it's just that in addition to JSOPTION_NATIVE_BRANCH_CALLBACK going away, the API to call spidermonkey changed too, meaning that your patch made couch compile fine but the other guys patch makes it actually work :-)11:39
aquariusthis is by no means your fault :)11:39
asacaquarius: what i asked was : what didnt work?11:40
aquariusasac, ah, when couch tried to use a JS view function, it threw the error "expression does not evaluate to a function"11:40
asacok ... will check the patch then11:41
asaci mean the one from 28811:41
aquariuscheers, chief :)11:42
andvasac, is the guy who did the torbutton fix a new contributor?11:58
andvasac, if yes I won't run dch -r11:58
andvasac, contents here: http://paste.debian.net/42831/12:03
asacandv: sponsoring never involves dch -r12:20
asacif you change more things you can either take over changelog or be nice and just add you to the changelog12:21
asacor ask the the guy to fix the patch12:21
andvasac, dch -r do the work for you12:21
asac(though if its trivial its not really worth a round)12:21
andvasac, it creates a path for the previous changer12:21
andvand adds one for you where you can add your changes12:21
asacandv: dch -r will take over changelog12:21
asacthats not sponsoring12:21
andvasac, no, it creates a [ name ]12:21
andvpath with personal changes12:22
asacandv: it also takes over ownership12:22
asacandv: just add that [ ... ]  manually12:22
andvasac, yes, it's what I did12:22
asacgood. then its fine12:22
andvjust updated timestamp12:22
andvasac, look at package contents and tell me if they are fine12:22
andvasac, http://paste.debian.net/42831/12:22
asacandv: looks fine. if its tested go for it12:23
asacnext ;)12:23
asacok running some errands and doing lunch12:23
andvok, I finish this and I go to prepare lunch too12:24
andvasac, the diff shows some changes12:27
andvasac, to torbutton.js12:27
andv-        proxy_host = '';12:27
andv+        proxy_host = 'localhost';12:27
andvis that normal012:27
andve.g it gets auto-generated during build?12:27
andvasac, it's not on his debdiff so I guess it's auto-generated during build12:29
asacandv: you are a motu12:31
andvasac, I just wanted a clean diff :)12:32
asacandv: yeah. start with a clean tree12:32
asacapply the reviewed patch12:32
andvasac, I know, and I get that change12:32
andvasac, which is not in his debdiff12:32
andvasac, the only thing possible is that that file gets auto-generated during build12:33
asacand just debuild -S12:34
asac   12:34
asacandv: yes. loads of packages are bad and dont properly clea n up12:34
asacthats normal but one shouldnt bother with it when sponsoring12:34
asacjust take care that you dont produce sources from a tree you used to build ;)12:34
asacits annoying, but thats life :)12:34
andvasac, yeah, I was just having a look at the diff12:35
andvand found out that thing12:35
andvso I asked you if that was normal12:35
andvnothing more12:35
asaceverytime i do something to packages not done by me i dpkg-source -x ... modify, create sources .... and if i do a binary build for testing i trash the tree again and unpack the dsc12:36
asacok bad connection atm12:37
asacandwell spotted. you are right that diff shouldnt be in teere ;)12:37
asacok ... have to run out  and connectivity is gettin worse. will be back in 30 minutes i guess12:37
andvasac, I leave it as it is?12:37
andvit's something really minor12:38
andvasac, want me to push anyway?12:38
andvasac, I looked at old package previously uploaded12:39
andvand that change is still there12:39
andvso I assume it's auto-generated12:40
andvfine then12:40
=== penny|wise is now known as pennywise
asacandv: a clean debdiff is what we want13:26
asacandv: dont use _built_ trees to produce the sources13:26
andvasac, I know13:26
andvasac, I uploaded it more than 30 mins ago13:26
andvbut I received no mails13:26
andvmaybe the archive don't recognize my sha-256 key13:27
andvI'm asking on LP13:30
e-jatping fta13:48
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
exnhi! why not include jssh support for ubuntu build of mozilla ?14:15
asacexn: not sure what jssh is ;)15:06
asacexn: you are asking to have it packaged or to instal it by default?15:06
exnI'm ask to compile it with this options by default mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=browser15:07
exnmk_add_options MOZ_OBJDIR=@TOPSRCDIR@/firefox-jssh15:07
exnac_add_options --enable-extensions=default,jssh,webservices15:07
exnac_add_options --enable-application=browser15:07
exneven redhat has firefox compiled with jssh15:07
exnasac: yes, it will be cool to have it by default15:08
exnI'm tired to recompile it every time15:08
exnand it just option which can be enabled anytime15:09
exnlike  firefox -jssh15:09
asacexn: since when does jssh exist?16:18
exnasac ?16:18
asacsince when does it exist16:20
asacjust want to estimate how likely it is that this goes away16:20
asacin next release or something16:21
asacwe were burned in the past by shisping stuff that upstream does not support16:21
exnfrom 1x versions16:21
exncheck it http://tinyurl.com/685tac16:22
exnthere described how to compile it with jssh support16:22
exnfor 3x version16:23
asacyeah. i will think about it. file a wishlist bug for now16:23
asacalso check if there ar other extensions we might put into a firefox-3.0-extras package or something16:24
exnafter compiling it must looks like this http://pastie.org/56180416:24
asacwell. compiling and doing is not the problem ;)16:24
asacits just that unsupported stuff shoudlnt be in a firefox build with official branding16:25
asaci will check with fedora guy, why and how they ship it16:25
asacso for now: file a wishlist bug ;)16:26
asacagainst firefox-3.516:26
exnit will  be cool to have jssh immediately after apt-get install =)16:30
exnI don't know will it be in extras or not16:30
exnI think no, because xulrunner and libs must be compiled with this option. but I not sure16:31
asaci will check it. i think its basically just chrome and components16:31
asaccan be shipped outside16:32
asacotherwise we wont do it i guess16:32
asacfile bug ... tell me id and I will check when i have time16:32
exnmaybe somebody knows how to run mozilla without an any kind of X ?17:03
asacexn: any kind of X?17:04
exnasac , yes, without Xvfb, without desktop17:04
exnjust one process of mozilla and no more17:05
exnwithout rendering !17:05
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asacexn:what do you want to do17:10
exnit's sounds bad, I know. if I will work with it through jssh interface, rendering is not needed, I mean do not need to draw pages anywhere17:10
exnjust disable rendering, or something like this17:11
exnit's possible ?17:11
asacexn: why do you want to run firefox just for jssh?17:12
asacwhat are you doing with it?17:12
exntesting javascript17:14
eagles0513875hey asac17:32
asachi exn17:33
asachi eagles0513875 ;)17:33
eagles0513875kde is broken lol woohooo17:34
asacexn: kde networkmanager?17:39
asaceagles0513875: ^17:39
asac(sorry exn)17:39
eagles0513875the desktop as a whole17:40
asaceagles0513875: but ou had problems with kde network manager right?17:40
asaci need you to test something then ;)17:40
eagles0513875the login is broken there have been a whole bunch of kde updated packages and updating to the latest ones seems to have issues i login then my screen goes blank then all i see is the mouse and black screen nothing shows that the desktop is loading17:41
eagles0513875hey fta18:26
ftais it just me or is http://packages.ubuntu.com/ dead?18:36
eagles0513875what you mena not loading18:41
eagles0513875fta: sites down18:42
eagles0513875if you wanna know what is honestly dead is something with kde login18:42
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
=== rickspencer3 is now known as rickspencer3-afk
bdrungasac: did you wrote a test program like http://paste.ubuntu.com/235370/ ?20:08
ftaA    chromium-v8-13149/src/test/mjsunit/proto.js20:47
ftasvn: Decompression of svndiff data failed20:47
ftamake: *** [gos-co] Error 120:47
ftaforcing a respin of the bot..20:48
erhis the version of mozjs in xulrunner 1.9.1 supposed to be the same as spider monkey 1.8?21:05
erhi'm getting some weird differences between them - including a symbol being in the headers but in the library21:05
BUGabundohey hey hey . guud evening21:30
* BUGabundo is Happy.... enjoy while you can :D21:30
micahgBUGabundo: is BUGaBOTdo a better nick?21:32
* BUGabundo ignores Mika21:33
asacbdrung_: something similar ... more complete21:38
asacbdrung_: but in sh ;)21:39
asacand done manually. but i dont think that there is much need to extend the test much21:39
asaci mean manually as yours, but i also test gt ge for instance nd le21:39
asacerh: i dont know about js versioning21:40
erhasac: the really weird thing is that there is a symbol in a header file js_RegExpClass that is not in libmozjs.so  when i build spider monkey myself, its in the library21:51
bdrung_asac: i only tested the cases listed on the website21:55
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/235432/22:01
BUGabundoidentica is down!!!22:03
BUGabundowho will have I to nag now ?!!?22:03
BUGabundoOMG OMG OMG22:03
micahgBUGabundo: I thought it was distributed so it can't go down22:05
BUGabundoLaconica support OMB and Federation it is22:06
BUGabundo*but* identica is just ONE service22:07
BUGabundoit can go and has been down22:07
ftayou killed it22:09
BUGabundodamn it22:10
BUGabundoGMail spend the entire day killing my FF22:10
BUGabundoboth here on 3.622:10
BUGabundoand on debian iceweasel 3.0.922:11
BUGabundostupid gmail22:11
ftaBUGabundo, so you're using debian now?22:12
BUGabundoat work22:13
BUGabundoI told you that like 3 weeks ago22:13
ftaBUGabundo, now that i've unsubscribed from your dents, i may pay more attention to what you actually say ;)22:16
BUGabundoI said it HERE22:16
BUGabundofta: you shameless ex-follower :(22:16
ftano offense ;)22:16
BUGabundofta: http://www.brainbird.co.cc/bugabundo22:17
BUGabundosub to me there22:17
BUGabundomuch less _noise_22:17
ftai'm only on identi.ca22:17
BUGabundoits federated!!22:18
BUGabundoI'm subbed to ppl on at least 5 other Laconica servers22:19
BUGabundofrom my identica account22:19
BUGabundoactually my identica and my brainbird are subbed to each other22:19
ftaIncorrect username or password.22:19
ftahow do i know they didn't collect my password in the process?22:20
BUGabundowhat ppassword?22:21
BUGabundoyou should have been returned to your idenitca accont22:21
BUGabundoyou are pressing the worng button22:21
BUGabundolet me sign out to give you the DIRECT link22:21
BUGabundono enter http://identi.ca/fta in the 2nd field22:22
BUGabundoNo suitable nodes are available to serve your request.22:23
pace_t_zuluhttp://mashable.com/2009/07/27/firefox-40/ <- anyone see the chromium/chrome resemblance?22:23
BUGabundofta: see it now ?22:24
BUGabundoassuming Identica is up22:24
ftanope, nada, i gave up22:25
BUGabundotry again later22:25
BUGabundowhen its up22:25
ftapace_t_zulu, ff 4.0? ff 3.7? wtf is that?22:25
BUGabundodid you undertood how to sub to a remote account fta?22:25
BUGabundopace_t_zulu: saw it and read all about tit22:25
BUGabundofta: mockups of the next looks of FF22:26
BUGabundoon version 3.722:26
BUGabundothat will lead to 4.22:26
pace_t_zuluthey borrowed liberally from google22:27
ftawhy not, chromium borrows a lot from firefox22:27
pace_t_zulufta: +122:29
asacbdrung_: its ok. i tested almost everything. its good. i will commit it ... thanks!22:30
asacerh: how do you checkout/build spidermonkey22:30
ftaasac, http://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=16800#c1722:34
ftaso system v8 is a problem...22:34
asacfta: please disable shred build for now22:56
asacbut keep v822:56
ftait's off22:56
ftai never enabled shared build22:56
asacfta: i dont understand the problem though22:57
asaccan you explain what exactly is broken now?22:58
ftalocaltime is called by v8, but the binary being jailed (sandboxed), it doesn't have access to /etc/localtime so fails to apply the correct tz23:00
asacfta: aha. how does jailing work?23:01
asacwhich binary is being jailed?23:01
asachow do they detect in which binary they are (code wise)23:01
ftait's a chroot on an empty dir (deleted dir)23:01
asacis there some document online? that gives an overwivew?23:02
ftachromium searches for chromium-sandbox, if it finds it, it starts from there, then all children (the renderers) are jailed23:03
=== rickspencer3-afk is now known as rickspencer3
ftayes, most probably23:03
BUGabundofta: http://www.brainbird.co.cc/main/remote?nickname=bugabundo23:08
BUGabundocan you try now?23:08
BUGabundoand enter http://identi.ca/fta in the 2nd field23:08
asacfta: yeah. but seems its not many cases that this breaks. in general it works pretty well23:12
asaci will check the links though. thanks!23:12
ftaasac, run javascript:alert(new Date().getTimezoneOffset())23:13
bdrung_asac: can you push the branch?23:13
ftaBUGabundo, Bad Request, No authorization request!23:15
BUGabundothis is supposed to be easy23:15
BUGabundoI've done it 250 times before23:15
BUGabundofta: are you loggin on identica??23:16
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/235480/23:17
ftaBUGabundo, of course i am23:17
BUGabundoare you sure ? :p23:18
BUGabundofta: (11:17:33 PM) shiny: remote subscriptions are..... flakey23:19
BUGabundo(11:18:12 PM) evanpro: shiny: I think there's a problem with the session storage23:19
asacbdrung_: urgently? i am not logged onto the system.23:23
ftaasac, i will disable it for now, please experiment in a sandbox ppa23:23
asacfta: well. what i wanted the daily builds for atm is to track how well abi/api works23:24
asaci cannot do that in a sandbox23:24
asacfor me the current regression seems ok. but if you think its too bad go ahead23:24
asacbut good to see that they plant to stabilize v823:25
asacon their own23:26
ftaasac, my plan was always to push upstream to do the right thing for us, even if i sometimes have to do the patch, and use that *when it's ready*, but never to enable stuff before they are accepted23:26
asacand settle on 1.2 branch23:26
asacfta: the discussion i read didnt sounded like they would care much about sonames for now23:26
ftaasac, many people use chromium with gmail, so their emails have a busted date23:26
ftasoname is a different topic, it's about system libs here23:27
asacif upstream says they will do stable abi stuff for v8 its ok. i wont bother to put any work in this. but your paste is the first i see that they want to do that23:27
asacfta: yes. but what i did i didnt do for the sake of ssytem libs it was for the sake of checking how abi works out23:28
asacnot for chomium, but to check if v8 can be a viable alternative for mozjs in the archive and the freesoftware that needs js23:28
asacchromium wsa just a good build target to check if soname breaks23:28
asacfar better than the shell testcase they proposed imo as it is massive real live usage23:28
ftaasac, as i said many times, webkit, v8 and skia should be the last libs we should try to get in, because they are the ones that are not ready23:28
asacall the rest isnt important for the distro23:30
asacv8 is what i want to understand23:30
asacwe have a pressing need to get any stable js lib23:30
asacbut we have none23:30
asacthe v8 api looked simple enough to be trackable thats what i did here ;)23:30
bdrungasac: it not urgently.23:30
asacbdrung: just want to test or to improve the rest?23:30
asacbdrung: i didnt modify your patch so you can work on top of that23:31
bdrungasac: i only replaced the dpkg command by mozcmp and added an "a" to the comparision for maxversion.23:32
asacfta: anyway today i made some political progress on the mozjs abi front so the urgency of v8 might drop again23:32
ftaasac, i'm all for experimenting stuff, but not when it's a confirmed regression for users23:32
asacfta: sure. i wasnt aware about the regressions. for me it looks ignorable for daily build archive (not in a release archive for sure). but its your decision23:33
ftaasac, what else would use v8 anyway? it's not even complete23:33
bdrungasac: s/it/it's/23:33
asacfta: what is missing its a js engine that works good enough fo r abrowser23:33
asacso its probably good enough for almost everything23:34
ftaasac, well, the problem is that we just have those daily builds, nothing else, so all users are using the same thing, and they will eventually suffer from our experiments23:34
asacseems like you can do all the basics like definining functions objects, running them23:34
asacfta: i understand and its your decision because you drive this. maybe we can make the packageing smart so that it will pick up system v8 in a repository that has v8 in it23:35
asacand move the daily v8 to some other ppa23:35
ftaeh?? "fo r abrowser" ? you mean the unbranded firefox? you want to swap the js engine??23:35
asacin that way i could regularly copy over23:35
asacfta: for a browser == its used by chromium. its definitly complete enough to be used23:35
asacfta: i didnt want to say that another browser should use it. what i meant was that for apps that need it now (like couchdb, google gadgedts) its definitly complete enough23:36
ftayeah maybe, then try it there, chromium has obviously troubles with it23:36
asacthough to some degree i feel tempted to build ephy webkit against chromium webkit ;)23:36
asacfta: those apps do not exist yet. i need chromium to test how good the abi is23:37
asacso i can suggest folks to use that and promote it in the archive.23:37
asaci will check what we can do.23:37
ftav8 could probably already go, it has everything now23:38
asacwhat i want i sthat i can copy chromium browser to a special ppa where it at best would pick up libv8 system23:38
bdrungasac: good night23:38
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
asacfta: thats what i mean. and i didnt want to experiment weith chrome because of chrome, just beacuse its a great app that probably uses most symbols and so we would see abi breakage23:38
ftaasac, maybe you should make more use of the testsuites23:39
bdrungasac: it looks like the whole mozcmp works. i will do more testing the day after tomorrow23:39
bdrungfta: look here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/234812/23:40
bdrungfta: it compares mozilla versions.23:41
bdrungfta: it's the current working title.23:41
asacfta: yes. you can do it right with testsuites too probably. but they just have the shell from what i understand and not so extensive api tests23:41
ftaxul already has that23:41
asacand the shell most likely doesnt touch enough23:41
e-jatping fta23:42
asacfta: which script does provide it. i dont know of any23:42
asaci only know of C code23:42
e-jatfta: can chrome use pdf plugin?23:43
ftaasac, i assume the v8 testsuite tests everything, and as for chromium, it should too, gaps should be filled in23:43
ftae-jat, no idea, i never tried23:43
e-jateven it wont try to download its ..23:44
e-jatexample : slideshare.net23:44
ftae-jat, wfm, i mean, when i click on a pdf, it offers me to save it, i accept, then it's also in the dl bar at the bottom, if it click it there, my preferred pdf viewer opens up23:46
e-jatowh ok ..23:47
ftait's not *nice* but it works23:48
asac_fta: i think he wants an embedded pdf viewer (guess he already told that though)23:50
ftaasac_, as i said, i don't know. i don't use any even with firefox23:51
e-jatasac & fta : it not necessary to embedded it :) ... just curious why mine is not offer me to save it ... its ok .. ill keep try it23:54
ftamaybe you auto-accept all dls23:55
ftatry ~/Downloads/23:55
fta(i should change that back to our default btw)23:55
e-jatfta: another thing is ... is it i need to manually add the SSL cert for the website that they self generate?23:55
asac__auto-safe or not auto-safe by default?23:56
asac__fta: does chromium already treat .deb files as unsafe downloads? e.g. only offers to save and not gdebi?23:56
ftaasac__, i think it's off by default23:56
asac__yeah. i think it should be on ;) ... and honour XDG ... lol ;)23:56
ftanot sure it's ready23:57
ftasame for ssl23:57
asac__whats not ready? unsafe downloads?23:57
ftayou know you can file bugs, right?23:57
asac__whats the problem with ssl right now?23:57
asac__i wouldnt file a bug to find out if a feature is already implemented ;)23:58
ftae-jat, well, for self signed certs, i get something similar in ff23:59
e-jathmm ..23:59

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