
FlannelWe're getting more spam.  Replacement of those files I removed the other day, from https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HelpOnInstalling/hu01:43
FlannelCan we ban that user or something?01:43
FlannelIP maybe? Also, found this other one: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CarInsurance/lxzdvavmtmkqeddveibzn and also some just from /CarInsurance01:44
Flanneldeleting now.  But it'd be nice if we could make those pages not come back01:44
Flannel(since the have a stake inmaking those same URLs come back, because they've got those links out there)01:44
FlannelMeh.  Wiki spam protection is foiling my efforts!01:54
Rocket2DMnFlannel, if you find stuff on help.ubuntu.com/community, there are a few of us who can delete those02:03
Rocket2DMnany of these people - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EditorGroup02:03
FlannelRocket2DMn: this is on wiki.ubuntu.com02:03
Flanneland, delete the people? or just the uploads?02:04
Rocket2DMnyeah i know, im just letting you know in case you do see some on h.u.c since not everybody can delete from there02:04
Rocket2DMnto delete the people you have to get a LP admin to disable the account02:04
Rocket2DMnive been housecleaning the community docs tonight02:05
FlannelI've gotten all of the viruses/whatever from wiki.ubuntu.com that showed up in RecentChanges, but that's only a few days.02:06
Rocket2DMncool, thanks for your help02:12
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=== Liz is now known as Atamira
mdke_Flannel: you might be able to report the users to the Launchpad administrators and see if they can be banned on IP07:55
=== akgraner_ is now known as akgraner
raboof'man ulimit' seems a tiny bit misleading: 'ulimit' is actually provided by your shell, and 'man bash' (for example) might reveal much more functionality than 'man ulimit'23:42
raboofperhaps this should be mentioned in 'man ulimit'?23:42

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