
=== Guest77821 is now known as NCommander
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Keybukapw: when's your next upstream-tree-of-the-day-build due?12:42
apwthey build about 10am12:42
Keybuk23-Jul was the last?12:43
Keybukoh, no, daily12:43
Keybuksorry, mis-understood your directory structure12:43
apwheh :)12:43
Keybukany way to know what the git log/revno of a given build was?12:43
apwthe last -rc was 23rd12:44
apwat the top of the build log12:44
Keybukwhy the -g ?12:44
apwthats the form git uses for describing a commit12:44
apwthe short form of the sha1 follows the -g12:45
Keybukgot it12:45
Keybukthat has the patches I need to ack12:45
* Keybuk downloads to test12:45
apwthough i also report the full commit after the checkout there12:45
apwvvv - build head12:45
Timmy2TallHome is where the heart is13:03
Timmy2Tallwould you agree?13:03
=== akgraner_ is now known as akgraner
maks_hello Keybuk 13:57
maks_thanks for your write down, will release current state of i-t to have that out of the way and then soonest pick up.13:57
Keybukmaks_: busy atm, will get back to you in a bit13:57
maks_no rush needed. Keybuk 13:57
Keybukgreat! :)13:57
dk_i have questions14:52
dk_i have a Netbook acer aspire one, and i want compile the kernel for the  best performace14:55
rtgdk_, start here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelMaintenance14:58
rtgapw, we don't have a single example of request-pull in any of the git recipe pages.14:59
apwrtg, thats poor, i can fix that14:59
rtgapw, the reason I was looking is the I cannot get one of my request-pull examples to work, so I was just making sure i didn't have brain damage15:00
apwwhats it doing wrong reporting lots and lots of patches?15:00
rtgapw, it can't find the repo on zinc.15:01
apwwanna paste the line here or in /query that you are using15:01
rtgapw, actually, there is an example: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelSimpleGuide?highlight=(request\-pull)15:01
rtgapw, here is my example: git request-pull HEAD~1 git://kernel.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ubuntu-karmic.git15:02
apwyour branch won't be in the ubuntu karmic repo though will it15:02
rtgapw, I tried my repo as well15:03
apwnormally its in your personal one15:03
rtggit request-pull f493e5ae7f0799a45f25e6f0595e32e95990c67d git://kernel.ubuntu.com/rtg/ubuntu-karmic15:03
apwok so its definatly yours as the last param15:03
apwand you have pushded the commit as which branch in your repo?15:03
rtgapw, this is just master, and I'm synced.15:04
rtgit should be a no-brainer15:04
* apw looks15:04
rtgapw, how about you, can you get a request-pull to work correctly?15:04
apwjust testing with your repo15:05
apwrtg ok a request pull can only be for a commit which is the head of a branch15:07
apwso you'd have to have pushed HEAD~1 as a branch tip15:07
apwso the one you are trying there f493e5ae7f0799a45f25e6f0595e32e95990c67d is master~215:09
apwso if you want to send a request pull for that you need to do like15:09
dk_rtg:  i was compiling my kernel for acer aspire one, but i  need more help::)15:09
apwgit push zincremote master~2:pullme15:09
apwand then the request-pull will work15:09
rtgapw, I don't think thats correct. I just updated against the core repo (I guess I wasn't synched). This works fine (notice I can specify a commit prior to HEAD) : git request-pull HEAD~1 git://kernel.ubuntu.com/rtg/ubuntu-karmic15:10
rtgdk_, do it the long way first. install devscripts, then 'debuild -b' and follow the bouncing ball.15:11
apwrtg ok we are both using it wrong15:12
apwor i am understanding you wrong15:12
apwgit request-pull HEAD~1 git://kernel.ubuntu.com/rtg/ubuntu-karmic15:12
rtgapw, my understanding of the SHA1 in request-pull is that is where you'd like the pull to start from.15:13
apwdoes not ask for HEAD~1 to be the thing to pull, that says list from after HEAD~1..HEAD on the  page, and find HEAD in the repo15:13
apwie the HEAD~1 there is the commit before the first one you want mentioned, but it is trying to find your current branch in there15:13
apwyou can add a commit tip as param 315:14
apwbut either way that needs to be in the pushed repo as a head15:14
apwgit request-pull f493e5ae7f0799a45f25e6f0595e32e95990c67d git://kernel.ubuntu.com/rtg/ubuntu-karmic15:14
apwgit request-pull rtg/master~1 git://kernel.ubuntu.com/rtg/ubuntu-karmic rtg/master15:15
apwso that says ... generate a request to pull the commits from rtg/master~1 to rtg/master15:15
apwthe  final param must be a the sha1 of a tip in the repo in param 215:15
rtgapw, I think I grok it. I just wasn't properly synced. Its just like forgetting to see if your mixer is plugged in when it won't turn on.15:16
apwi happen to be using your branches there15:16
* apw notes he got its use wrong again and once again had to read the manual. its not an obvious interface to me15:17
rtgapw, true, but at least request-pull tells you when its confused.15:18
dk_rtg:  speak spanish?15:18
rtgdk_, nope.15:18
apwrtg it should just say, "look read the manual, trust me its quicker"15:18
=== lamont` is now known as lamont
apwKeybuk, how common across distros is the modprobe blacklist stuff?  is it ubuntu specific?15:34
Keybukapw: the blacklist files, or the contents of them?15:36
apwthe format and support for the functionality15:36
Keybukoh, totally upstream15:37
Keybukwe have no patches to module-init-tools15:37
apwso if you can find the right place, then a blacklist config can be added, cool15:37
apwKeybuk, are we still looking to remove graphics drivers from initramfs?  i was supprised to find i915 in mine15:39
Keybukin the common case, yes15:40
apwwhats the uncommon case?15:41
Keybuksee my mail today ;)15:41
* ogra is relived that Keybuk agrees we *do need it* :)15:46
apwKeybuk, thanks ... thats exactly what i needed to know at the moment i needed to know; most fortuitious15:48
ogradid anyone ever chack how much ot bloats the kernel if we compile all FB drivers in ?15:48
Keybukogra: FB drivers are quite closely linked to the X driver15:49
ograor is that breakins15:49
KeybukI don't think we want to compile them in15:49
Keybukin fact, in general, I say we should never compile a _driver_ in15:49
ograwell, we do so for filesystems15:49
ograand that was actually a noticeable speedup15:49
Keybukonly ext415:49
Keybukext* sorry15:50
Keybukand those aren't really drivers15:50
ografuse too15:50
apwwe tend to compile in commonly used filesystems yes15:50
apwdrivers we tend to make modules15:50
ograand nfs i think15:50
Keybukagain, not a driver15:50
apwKeybuk, have you tried switching the initramfs to lzma ?15:50
Keybukdriver sits on a bus15:50
maks_-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  6314398 2009-07-29 16:48 /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-rc4-amd6415:51
maks_contrast too15:51
maks_-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 10655820 2009-07-29 10:10 /boot/initrd.img-2.6.31-rc4-amd64.bak15:51
rtgKeybuk,  so you are arguing that we should only be compiling in drivers that are essential to mount the rootfs. udev can do the rest (for the common case).15:52
ograapw, please make that optional, we have massive probs on ARM with lzma 15:52
Keybukapw: I'd like to see the benchmarks of decompress time first15:52
Keybukrtg: that's what we do15:52
Keybukrtg: I think the only driver we compile in, in practice, is the Intel PIIX driver no?15:52
rtgKeybuk, thats what I though we were doing, just wanted to confirm.15:52
Keybukthings that it makes sense to compile in15:53
Keybuk - modules that we force load for everybody unconditionally15:53
apwKeybuk, its slower to decompress, but a lot smaller to load15:53
Keybuk - core kernel functionality that it makes no sense to be an option (unix.ko, printk.ko, etc. :p)15:53
rtgKeybuk, actually, we compile in _all_ of the block level drivers that are required for a root fs15:53
apwso its a trade off between the two15:53
Keybukapw: I'd like to see the timings for that15:53
Keybukdecompress should show up as the populate_rootfs() time15:54
apwyeah ... and you should just be able to make the initrd which ever way you prefer15:54
apwthe kernel should understand both15:55
ograon ARM its like 10x slower to compress/decompress15:55
apwi would think on netbooks gzip is faster, on faster boxes i would think lzma probabally is15:55
apwogra, yep, but as the kernel understands both you can choose the faster one15:56
ograin fact we have massive build failures on arm for all packages using lzma because the ddeb compressing times out after 3h15:56
apwif your initrd is in flash you may decide not to compress it15:56
ograits on SD15:56
ograor various forms of disks depending on the HW15:56
ograwe dont use flash on any of the supported SoCs15:57
apwall i am saying is it is an option ... not trying to make one or the other the right one15:58
apwwas just interested if Keybuk had poked that pile of ants in his review of boot speed15:58
maks_smaller initramfs also builds faster, as added bonus :)16:00
apwcking, that kernel i was tlaking about is here: http://people.canonical.com/~apw/lp318942-jaunty/17:00
ckingapw, cheers, will test.17:02
ckingapw, yep some audio, and crackly reboot sound too17:13
apwso the audio is 'working' but the thingy you said was bust is17:14
ckingapw, yep. Let me do some other tests (headphone, suspend/resume etc) to make sure it's all fine.17:14
apwKeybuk, sorry to ask yet again, but where might i find info on the vt7->vt1 switch17:15
ckingapw, speakers work, headphones plug in works, headphones unplugged => no sound out of speakers.17:24
ckinglemme have a poke around.17:24
ckingapw, you're 95% the way there. It's just that weird hda pin stuff that needs some massaging17:32
rtgcking, you mean that 128 bit magic array of bits?17:33
ckingsomething that way. It's not too difficult when one has the data sheet. However, I don't have the data sheet :-)17:33
rtgcking, thats what makes it magic. how often can you procure the data sheet for a motherboard?17:37
cking..rarely. But there are ways and means...17:37
apwcking, it is meant to work in karmic if that helps18:02
ckingreally? I will give that a try and make sure.18:02
ckingI will pick this up tomorrow. I've got some family deadlines tonight18:03
apwjust the kernel should be sufficient18:03
apwand thanks for that18:03
ckingI could not apply your 3rd patch onto jaunty, I got:18:04
ckingApplying: UBUNTU: SAUCE: select the patched sigmatel codec for HP mini family18:04
ckingerror: sound/pci/hda/Makefile: does not match index18:04
ckingerror: sound/pci/hda/hda_codec.c: does not match index18:04
ckingerror: sound/pci/hda/hda_patch.h: does not match index18:04
ckingPatch failed at 0001 UBUNTU: SAUCE: select the patched sigmatel codec for HP mini family18:04
ckingrats, my left hand has gone numb, must be my neck pressing on the nerves18:06
apwcking, third patch would be 0003?18:07
apwcking,  what base you applying them to?18:09
ckingtop of the jaunty repo.18:09
apwthats where they are in my tree18:09
ckinglemme retry. could be a typo, my left hand is out of action18:10
apwd2d686f4ff11f7cde54e30ddab3886936f4101d8 is the tip i am on18:10
apwand remember they apply in numeric order18:11
cking0001, 0002, then 0003 -> probs18:11
ckingd2d686f4ff11f7cde54e30ddab3886936f4101d8 is the tip too18:12
apwcking, sum those patches18:13
apwas i just applied them from my rookery copy18:13
apwapw@dm$ git am ~/rookery/lp318942-jaunty/????-*18:13
apwApplying: UBUNTU: SAUCE: copy the hda sigmatel codec driver for the HP mini family18:13
cking5a65225dec284daf299a8d6711e99595  0001-UBUNTU-SAUCE-copy-the-hda-sigmatel-codec-driver-for-.patch18:13
cking0a54f072f5a75c199cd866e5be4971f9  0002-ALSA-hda-Rework-on-STAC-IDT-auto-configuration-code.patch18:13
cking0195e12abb7b4ff2d5f2a73a2b86baf2  0003-UBUNTU-SAUCE-select-the-patched-sigmatel-codec-for-H.patch18:13
apwApplying: ALSA: hda - Rework on STAC/IDT auto-configuration code18:13
apwApplying: UBUNTU: SAUCE: select the patched sigmatel codec for HP mini family18:13
apwsums match18:13
ckingapw, see my email - got a script of what happens. Most curious.18:19
apwcking, oddness, could you ensure you are reset to head correctly18:23
* apw will push up my branch too ...18:28
cking_apw, that fixed it. sorry about that18:30
apwcking_, np was confused18:30
* cking_ is surprised he missed that one. doh18:32
cking_I need to go. Family + left hand issues.18:32
Alaric`localtime(time()), folks ....   anyone here running 9.04 on an Inspiron 4100?  I have a fan problem I'm seeking a solution for.18:50
Alaric`capsule summary:  the fans on the laptop never run, causing it to overheat, unless I load the i8k module.  i8k.ko + i8kmon runs the cooling fans properly, BUT i8k.ko disables the keyboard as soon as it loads, and I can't get the keyboard back except by rebooting without i8k.18:50
Alaric`is there a known solution for this?18:51
* apw hasn't heard of that specific issue18:52
Alaric`(right now I'm compiling a new kernel with a modified i8k.c patched to never try to touch fn-key status, to see whether that's where it's blowing away the keyboard)18:53
Alaric`also speculating that it may be an ACPI issue18:53
apwhave you tried later mainline kernels to see if they work?18:53
Alaric`last time my wife (it's her laptop) checked for updates, it wasn't showing a newer kernel available as a package18:54
apwno i mean a later mainline build, from the mainline builds archive18:55
Alaric`mainline builds archive?18:55
apwthose contain builds of later upstream kernels which can be used to see if the issue is fixed later on18:55
Alaric`but yeah, once I get the build-kernel-on-ubuntu procedure down, I was thinking of building a
apwwhich can help find it18:55
Alaric`hm, lemme check that out18:56
apwthere are prepackaged 2.6.30 kernels on there18:56
Alaric`hm.  in this situation, would you go with, or 2.6.31.rc3?18:57
Alaric`er, s/1.6/2.6/18:58
Alaric`oh, there's an rc418:58
Alaric`missed it at first18:58
apwi would tend to pick the latest first if that works pick one between the distro and that one and try that18:58
apwyeah so i'd try -rc418:58
apwits not intended as a fix, more as a barometer of that feature being fixed18:58
Alaric`the linux-source package is equal to the corresponding linux-image plus linux-headers?18:59
apwi am suspicious it will not fix things as there does not seem to be much18:59
apwnope thats a source package no use generally18:59
apwyou want the binary and headers and generic headers19:00
Alaric`so http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.31-rc4/linux-image-2.6.31-020631rc4-generic_2.6.31-020631rc4_i386.deb, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.31-rc4/linux-headers-2.6.31-020631rc4_2.6.31-020631rc4_all.deb, http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v2.6.31-rc4/linux-headers-2.6.31-020631rc4-generic_2.6.31-020631rc4_i386.deb?19:00
Alaric`oops.  forgot those'd get expanded.  :p  sorry.19:01
apwlooks about right19:01
apwis there a bug for this on launchpad?19:01
Alaric`haven't found any reference to it except in way old threads dating from 2.6.819:03
apwyou should file one then, so it can get tracked19:03
Alaric`roger that.  soon as I get this kernel-with-patched-i8k built and tested.19:05
Alaric`if it works, I'll have at least a workaround to attach to the report.19:07
rtgapw, whats the script you use to rebase master onto a topic branch, e.h., master --> lpia ?19:09
apwyou mean to rebase the netbook branches onto a tag ... rebase-branch in the branch19:10
apwthat reminds me i have a netbook push to do for jaunty19:10
rtgapw, I guess. where is it located?19:10
apwnormally you rebase to a tag19:11
rtgapw,  ah, that script only lives on the netbook branch19:12
apwyes, its branch specific right now, am working on removing the last couple of branch specific items19:12
apwthen we cna commit it to the master19:12
apwthat reminds me, i have a proposed update to the karmic config system19:13
apwwhich makes it a completely overrides based system19:13
apwie. each level contains only the options which are changed19:13
rtgapw, I'd like to use it for the LTS branch, i.e., the hardy branch in the Jaunty tree.19:13
apwso you can have a default at the top and only mask it with another value on one flavour or arch19:14
apwrtg makes sense for that use for sure19:14
apwi will get an email together for this config thing and send it out, prolly in the morning now19:14
rtgapw, yeah, isn't it time you were off quaffing beers?19:15
apwheh something like that19:15
]Oscardoes the usb driver send a reset signal to all peripherial while shutting down the pc?20:08
AnAntHello, I got a directory that has a kernel module how can I avoid a binary blob (.o) file from being deleted by clean target ?20:09
AnAnt when I run make -C $KERNELSRC -M $(CURDIR) clean, the blob gets deleted that is20:09
AnAntisn't there an override that I can add to the makefile ?20:09

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