
stevendebaetshi everybody00:26
stevendebaetsi've been here before this evening, but i have another problem now00:26
stevendebaetsi can't login in spreadubuntu using m openID00:28
stevendebaetsanybody here?00:29
TakyojiApparently you're the second person today that's expressed being able to login via OpenID00:29
TakyojiI mean00:29
TakyojiNOT being able to login via OpenID*00:29
stevendebaetsoh hi again takyoji00:30
stevendebaetswell it's my first time that i'm trying to login in the drupal 6 site00:30
stevendebaetsis there anything i can do?00:31
Takyojinot to my awareness at this moment00:32
TakyojiSo the last time you tired to login was about over a month ago?00:34
TakyojiFor some odd reason I don't see an OpenID identity associated with your account00:34
TakyojiSame case as the last person00:35
stevendebaetsi think it was on 8th of july or something00:36
stevendebaetsthis is my account00:36
stevendebaetswell, my openid login at launchpad00:37
stevendebaetsit works perfectly in launchpad00:38
stevendebaetsi'm logged in in launchpad at the moment00:39
TakyojiYea, it's just that your OpenID account isn't associated with your SpreadUbuntu account on SpreadUbuntu00:40
Takyojiand so a workaround might have to be done to add your OpenID account to your SpreadUbuntu account since there isn't really any available method of doing such currently as it seemed.00:41
stevendebaetsokay, but how can i do that when i can't log in in SpreadUbuntu?00:43
TakyojiYes, that's what the problem is. And it's going to need someone with DB access to manually associate your OpenID with your SpreadUbuntu account on SpreadUbuntu.00:43
Takyojias the situation currently appears00:43
TakyojiIn fact I'll be sure to send you an email when this issue gets resolved.00:44
stevendebaetsMaybe I can ask Evan Boldt00:44
TakyojiI've already notified him. I have administrative privileges on Drupal on SpreadUbuntu; but it would require direct DB access which he most likely will have. I've already notified him of the person earlier with the same issue, just haven't gotten a response yet.00:45
stevendebaetsOkay, thanks Takyoji00:46
stevendebaetsI'll have to wait for his response then00:46
TakyojiGot a response00:57
TakyojiTry: http://spreadubuntu.neomenlo.org/user00:57
TakyojiYea, that should work00:58
stevendebaetsnope, got a 40401:00
TakyojiFor going to that page?01:01
stevendebaetsoops sorry no01:02
stevendebaetsi got to the page, tried logging in and got a 403-access denied01:02
stevendebaetstried again - access denied01:03
TakyojiAre you just using a username for the username, or were you trying your OpenID or email address?01:03
TakyojiBecause it should just be your username01:03
stevendebaetsjust the username01:03
stevendebaetsgot it - i'm in01:04
TakyojiAlright, then go to the tab for OpenID, and see if you can associate your OpenID account01:04
stevendebaetsi can't see any tab for openID01:07
TakyojiDo you see "My account" on the bottom left?01:07
Takyojisuch as on the homepage01:07
TakyojiClick on that.01:07
stevendebaetsdid that01:07
TakyojiThen "OpenID Identities" at the top01:08
Takyojiwhich is along with: View, Edit, OpenID Identities, and Track01:08
TakyojiIt's the tabs that run horizontally01:08
stevendebaetsno, i only got view, edit and track...01:08
stevendebaetsstrange huh01:09
stevendebaets3 buttons only01:10
TakyojiI'll have to look further into the issue yet01:10
stevendebaetsmaybe i haven't got permissions to see that tab, cos' i'm only an 'authenticated user'01:11
TakyojiThat's what I was going to look for01:12
Takyojiotherwise you're additionally labeled as an administrator for some reason. :P01:12
TakyojiNot sure if that's a bug or anything.01:12
stevendebaetsthe main thing is that i can login again using that link01:17
TakyojiYea, which will be useful for the time-being01:17
stevendebaetsokay takyoji, i hope i don't have to disturb you again today...01:18
stevendebaetssee you around01:18
TakyojiIt's not disturbing me at all. :P01:18
TakyojiI'm always available for assistance01:18
stevendebaetsThanks again, if there is anything i can do... you know where to find me01:20
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