
lifelesssalgado-afk: I'm trying to reproduce now00:11
=== psynaptic is now known as psynaptic|afk
* SamB wonders why poolie has to ASK jam if he can call him00:17
jamSamB: because it is 1.5 hours past the end of my work day00:18
SamBoh, right, work relationship ...00:18
* SamB isn't used to many people in an IRC channel working for the same company00:19
lifelessmore a work call00:19
shikibuI am trying to do bzr init; bzr add in a quite small directory tree, and bzr seems determined to ignore one of my directories (formassembly/). Any idea why? http://pastebin.com/d5c84f4f100:19
lifelessmany of us have relationships preceeding working at the same company, but if we're communicating about work respecting work/family balance is easy and important00:19
shikibupoolie: ?00:20
SamBoh, and not terribly used to people having lives ;-P00:20
lifelessshikibu: odd00:21
lifelessshikibu: what does 'bzr add formassembly' do ?00:21
jamlifeless: global ignores?00:21
lifelessshikibu: also, perhaps a global ignore as jam says00:22
shikibulifeless: http://pastebin.com/d4140694400:22
poolieshikibu: hi; i'm on the phone to jam00:23
lifelessshikibu: cat ~/.bazaar/ignore00:23
jamlifeless: formassebly is a bzr branch00:24
shikibunot there00:24
jamshikibu: bzr status formassembly?00:24
lifelessls -a formassembly00:24
jamlifeless: that is my guess, at least00:24
shikibulifeless: http://pastebin.com/d1c3ef6ca00:24
lifelessjam: I'm betting svn00:24
shikibulifeless: http://pastebin.com/d7427da4a00:25
jamshikibu, lifeless: could be anything but "bzr status formassembly" makes it clear it is a separate project00:25
jamwhich is why we aren't adding it00:25
lifelessjam wins00:25
jamand I believe there is an open bug about it00:25
shikibuah, I see. thank you@00:25
lifelessshikibu: you've bzr init'd the subdir formassembly already00:25
shikibuthank you!00:25
shikibuyes, i understand now00:26
lifelessjam: python 2.4 doesn't have SEEK_SET/SEEK_CUR, I'll just define them locally if thats ok00:27
lifelessjam: but I'll call them SUBUNIT_SET/SUBUNIT_CUR00:27
jamlifeless: or COUNT_SET/COUNT_CUR, but sure00:31
poolielifeless: do they really have to be variables pointing to ints?00:42
lifelesspoolie: well, its an enum00:55
* spiv yawns01:09
=== cprov-afk is now known as cprov
poolielifeless: that mp was pretty damn timely :)01:22
poolieit's the secret of good comedy you know :)01:22
lifelessspiv: ping01:37
lifelesssalgado-afk: still up?01:49
salgado-afklifeless, yes, but not for very long01:52
lifelesshave you tried with bzr 1.17 or 1.16 ?01:52
lifelessdo they also fail?01:52
salgado-afkjust bzr 1.1701:53
lifelessand did it fail too?01:53
salgado-afkI don't quite understand your question, but locally I can't reproduce the error, either with 1.17 or 1.18dev01:54
lifelessI meanm have you tried to branch from lp with 1.1701:54
salgado-afknot sure; let me try again01:55
salgado-afkabentley did that, IIRC01:55
salgado-afkAttributeError: 'AbsentContentFactory' object has no attribute 'get_bytes_as'01:56
salgado-afkthat's what I get when branching from lp using 1.1701:56
lifelessdoes the backtrace look the same otherwise?01:56
salgado-afkI think so, let me paste it01:58
salgado-afklifeless, as I mentioned earlier, my temp branch on that project looks weird.  that was the first thing I pushed on that project, and it is a launchpad branch, IIRC01:59
salgado-afkI pushed it from the DC so that I'd have something to stack on01:59
lifelessits the same in 1.1701:59
lifelesswhich is good02:00
lifelessI hope to have something for you overnight02:00
salgado-afklifeless, great, just let me know if there's anything else I can help with02:00
spivsalgado-afk: just checking, local and remote are both 2a in this case?02:00
lifelessdon't fix it :)02:00
lifelessspiv: yes02:00
spivOk, good.02:00
lifelessI haven't checked if trunk's format is 2a02:01
spivlifeless: (bzr.dev currently fails to push between CHK repos with different serializers)02:01
lifelessbut it stacks ok, so I assume it is :P02:01
spiv(at least in the presence of stacking)02:01
lifelessspiv: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/40668602:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406686 in bzr "get_stream_for_missing_keys does not include inventory CHK pages." [Undecided,New]02:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406687 in bzr "insert_stream doesn't check references are satisfied" [Undecided,New]02:47
lifelessspiv: mayI call?02:48
spivlifeless: sure02:49
lifelessspiv: nosmart+lp:~salgado/canonical-identity-provider/test403:24
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spivlifeless: curiously, your merge proposals (and only yours) display in mutt with ^M at the end of every line of the attachment.06:25
lifeless\o/ evo06:26
lifelessits probably being correct06:26
=== MT- is now known as MT
=== MT is now known as MT-
fullermdspiv: ping06:40
spivfullermd: pong06:40
fullermdspiv: Did you ever find anything on bug 389413?06:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389413 in bzr "ObjectNotLocked: _KnitGraphIndex(CombinedGraphIndex()) is not locked running diff across hpss" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38941306:40
fullermdI just had a coworker hit what looks like it with merge.06:40
spivfullermd: it's probably quite shallow, but I just haven't got it it.06:40
spivPresumably a lock isn't being held long enough.06:41
spivfullermd: if the traceback isn't obviously the same, feel free to add it to the bug, though.06:42
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AfCIs there a diffstat equivalent in Bazaar land?07:17
mwhudsonAfC: we still have diffstat ?07:18
lifelessthere is a diffstat plugin07:18
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AfCI'm not even sure if it means anything, but it seems the closest I've come across to an abstract quantification of the size of a delta07:18
lifelessalso bzr diff | diffstat :P07:18
AfClifeless: oh, it's a command? Sorry didn't know that.07:18
* AfC goes a hunting07:18
AfClifeless: so, what would a bzr diffstat plugin be doing that bzr diff | diffstat doesn't? Is that plugin something I should go find?07:19
lifelessAfC: its easier for folk on windows07:21
lifelessit can also do things like hook into the commit template, I suppose07:25
ronnydoes bzr have something like keywords that get expaneded to the current data09:45
fullermdSorta kinda.09:45
fullermdAlternately, "Yes, with a plugin, but they mostly don't work, and where they do, they're inconvenient to enable."09:46
ronnyhmk, i'll just add some calls to the bzr version info thing then09:48
ronnyhmm, works fine10:04
ronnywhats the propper way to merge, if a file got created independ in 2 branches10:32
ronny(it created a .bzrignore.moved file)10:32
bialixmerge old a new file by hands, select wich file history to stay, delete other file and resoove conflict10:34
senderanyone an idea of a way to integrated bzr and mantis bugtracker? that bugtracker tab under settings, looks quite promising :)10:48
bialixit depends on what you mean by "integrate"10:49
senderbialix: tx, assign a bugnumber to a commit for example10:50
bialixah, this should be very easy10:50
bialixcan you show the typical URL to your bugs?10:51
sendersomething from the mantis website itself, this is the url to view a certain bug: http://www.mantisbt.org/bugs/view.php?id=772110:52
senderbugnumber: 000772110:52
bialixso you can assign10:53
bialixbugtracker_mantis_url = http://www.mantisbt.org/bugs/view.php?id={id}10:54
bialixand then use10:54
bialixbzr ci --fixes mantis:772110:54
bialixqlog can show you bugs assigned to revisions10:55
bialixhmm, it seems qlog does not support mantis yet10:56
bialixI'll add such support10:56
senderwow that's great10:56
senderthe abbreviation is configurable? "mantis:" could be "bug:" or "m:"?10:57
bialixit should be the same you put in bugtracker_???_url name10:58
sendernice. bzr, plugins and support keeps amazing me =)11:00
lifelessjelmer: I'm doing a talk on subunit at slug tomorrow, ok to mention samba as a user?11:13
senderbialix: after commit --fixes, I don't see any info on this show up in bzr log, is this correct? bzr qlog crashes (probably the same error that you saw - I guess I don't need to report it?)11:19
bialixplain log does not show this info, yes11:19
bialixtry to update qbzr from trunk branch11:20
senderIs there an other way to see that the bugfix is attached to the commit?11:20
bialixcan you pastbin qlog error anyway?11:20
jelmerlifeless: Hi11:23
bialixsender: no it's different error maybe11:23
jelmerlifeless: Yes, of course :-)11:23
bialixsender: try to update your qbzr from trunk and say me if my change helps11:23
bialixsender: but it smells like new bug11:24
bialixsender: will be nice to file it as bug report11:24
lifelessjelmer: whats the name of your C test library?11:25
jelmerlifeless: libtorture11:25
senderbialix: qlog from trunk looks perfect11:25
jelmerlifeless, it's not really usable standalone though, and quite specific to samba at the moment11:25
lifelessyeah, I know11:25
bialixsender: file a bug please, mention that qlog crashes when bug_url is unknown11:25
senderno errormessage and a nice red bar to show bug id, great =)11:26
senderok i will, can i retrigger? just remove bugtracker setting?11:26
bialixno, you have to comment line 59 in qbzr/lib/logmodel.py11:28
bialixthis one: r'|bugs/view.php\?id='      # Mantis bug tracker URL11:29
senderbialix: if I remove the mantis url from settings, the new qlog still works. commit --fixes refuses. Seems like "qlog crashes when bug_url is unknown" is not the actual bug?11:33
bialixsender: you have to comment line 59 in qbzr/lib/logmodel.py11:34
bialixthis one: r'|bugs/view.php\?id=' # Mantis bug tracker URL11:34
bialixqlog does not use bugtracker_XXX_url settings at all11:34
bialixqlog using internal regexp to parse final bug url11:35
bialixthis is what I mean by bug_url is unknown11:35
bialixunknown to qlog regexp11:35
bialixsender ?11:36
senderyes bialix11:36
bialixsender: can you test with commented regexp?11:36
senderyes, def, jst a sec11:36
senderbialix: no crash, just no "bug tag"11:37
bialixI know11:38
bialixrecently Gary fixed bug around this feature11:38
fullermdDarn those people sneakily fixing bugs!11:38
bialixfullermd: it was actually different bug!11:39
fullermdIf you fix a bug accidentally while fixing another bug, is the bug fix a bug?11:39
bialixerr, no11:42
bialixGary fixed bug with not very clear symptoms, and in fact he has fixed 2 bugs11:42
fullermdI think it is.  Luckily, it's easy to fix; you just say "Oh, yeah, I meant to do that".11:42
bialixor maybe this new bug symptom makes those symptomps more clear11:43
bialixand everything worked!11:43
sendergreat, btw I installed mantis on localhost, and the url for bugs is: http://localhost/view.php?id=1 so without '/bugs/', it seems that mantisbt.org is the exception11:47
konnertzhi. Pls how to find out the central repository of a checkout?11:54
senderkonnertz: try bzr info11:55
senderbialix: should: "http://bazaar-vcs.org/3rdPartyTools#Integrated Bug Trackers" be updated with LP, Bugzilla, Redmine, Sharepoint, Fogbugz, Roundup and Mantis?11:55
konnertzok sender thx11:56
senderbialix: I see I can edit the page, can I add those?12:00
* bialix back12:07
bialixsender: um?12:07
bialixsender: about localhost: ok, so my regexp is wrong12:08
senderbialix: but still i got the bug tag in qlog12:08
bialixsender: about 3rdPartyTools: I don't think qlog support does count there12:09
bialixsender: I don't understand you, it won't work once you setup different url12:10
senderbialix: ok will test again12:11
bialixsender: on commit bzr store exact URL as part of revision metadata12:12
bialixyou can see it in qlog revision details window (bottom left)12:12
senderok without the correct regexp I don't see the red tags, but the urls are in (revision details window)12:16
senderchanging the regexp to r'|view.php\?id=' makes those visible12:16
senderbtw it's possible to commit with --fixes mantis:2 eventhough bug nr 2 doesn't exist. is this intended?12:17
fullermd--fixes doesn't _do_ anything with the bug tracker.  It just saves a URL along with the rev for reference.12:17
senderfullermd: understood, I guess thatdistributed means12:19
senderbeing able to work without connection to the bugtracker (sorry for the newline)12:19
fullermdWell, not just that...  who knows how $RANDOM_BUGTRACKER works.  How could bzr _tell_ whether the bug existed?12:19
fullermd(first, you embed an HTML parser...   then an AI engine...)12:20
senderfullermd: check for 200OK?12:21
senderfullermd: AI enigine would be nice anyway ;)12:21
fullermdThat wouldn't help.  The bug tracker will return a "WTF?  I don't know what that bug is" page, but it's still a HTML page that's HTTP 200 OK12:21
senderfullermd: ok that should be part of the bugtracker specific settings then, but def. nasty to implement12:23
fullermdYeah.  VERY nasty to implement, exponentially so to maintain.  And what if it needs authentication?  Session state?  etc.  It's an endless garden path.12:25
sender:) btw would it in a way be possible to show the diff(s) along with the bug in mantis?12:27
fullermdThat would be going the other way; teaching mantis about bzr.12:28
senderyeah, too bad bzr log doesn't seem to support bugnumbers, or am I missing something?12:29
bialixyou can have more than one revisions with the same bug url12:30
senderbialix: is there a way to enlist them with log?12:30
bialixI don't know. fullermd, you know almost everything, what you say?12:31
fullermdI'm not aware of one offhand.12:33
fullermdI never use --fixes though, so I'm not much of an authority on it.12:33
bialixright. I've started to use --fixes heavily after I've started to use QBzr12:34
bialixQBzr has full support: in qcommit you can easily provide bug url, and then see it in qlog12:35
bialixIIRC this bug url feature was introduced in bzr core to use with lp as primary target12:35
fullermdIn a quick look around, the only place I see it showing up through the CLI is the long-form testament.12:36
fullermdIt's probably just gotten at the API level anywhere that actually uses it currently.12:36
fullermdSo, as soon as someone reimplements bzrlib in a sensible language like perl...   O:-}12:37
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
=== salgado-afk is now known as salgado
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salgadolifeless, how can I test your fix for that bug we were debugging yesterday?13:07
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=== JamalFanaian|afk is now known as JamalFanaian
=== oubiwann_ is now known as oubiwann
dvheumenHi, does anyone know which sentence is (more) correct? "warning: \'--allow-writes\' enables unauthenticated ' \15:39
dvheumen                'write access to anyone with network access to the server.15:39
dvheumenwoops, sorry15:39
dvheumen... enables unauthenticated writes access {to,for} anyone with network access to the server ... (Which is better, 'to' or 'for'?)15:40
dvheumenbob2: by?15:42
bob2enables unauthenticated write access by anyone with network access15:46
theAdibhello all,I am working on a project where I have to program on a win32/linux/mac box. I tried bazaar on my web server using ftp. Bazaar fails updating: FTP temporary error: 451 /repository.bzr/TDD/.bzr/repository/upload/eexq0mvoqcyo15:56
theAdibzaxulmqz.pack: Append/Restart not permitted, try again. Retrying.15:56
theAdiband then aborts after 3 failures. I can not change the settings in the ftp server (is part of the webhoster)15:56
theAdibDo you have a suggestion how to work using bazaar? (My win32 and linux is on one computer)15:57
bob2they don't provide ssh access?15:58
theAdibbob2, no, they don't16:00
SamBtheAdib: break out your *old* computer16:10
SamBuse it as an SSH server16:10
theAdibany way to use the ftp server as a collector for patch-sets and merge them back in an intelligent way?16:12
theAdibis it possible to put the bzr-repository on an usb stick? And then move this from computer to computer?16:21
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
sigmonsaysDoes anyone know what bzr: ERROR: Unknown repository format: 'Bazaar RepositoryFormatKintPack6 (bzr 1.9)\n' can be avoided?16:54
* sigmonsays mumbles, back in his day you used to cvs checkout without a login. Now I need to give them a shared key, my e-mail and make an account in their system16:55
sigmonsaysoh, and install their crappy RCS command16:55
sigmonsaysthat doesn't work...16:55
sigmonsaysthis is rediculous16:57
Taksigmonsays: what version of bzr do you have?17:01
=== KX is now known as Xavura
sigmonsaysBazaar 1.517:01
sigmonsaysthey should seriously fix their crap if i'm forced to use it17:02
sigmonsaysthis just pisses me off17:03
Takso...you have bzr 1.5, and it can't understand a bzr 1.9 format17:03
Takseems pretty straightforward17:03
Takwho's "they", and how are they forcing you to use it?17:04
sigmonsaysjumpin through hoops just to get some code17:04
sigmonsaysgit just works17:05
sigmonsaysnone of this version crap17:05
sigmonsaysno account on launchpad17:05
sigmonsaysno shared key uploaded17:05
sigmonsaysno e-mail given17:05
sigmonsayswtf is all that17:05
sigmonsaysthey want some piss and blood too?17:05
Takgit works? there must be a new release...17:06
Takyou don't have to have a launchpad account to checkout code17:06
Takwhat you apparently need is a version of bzr that's less than 15 months old17:08
ToyKeeperD'oh.  I still can't 'bzr diff -r parent:' even though 'bzr diff -r submit:' works fine.17:09
Takalthough it would be nice if lp allowed one to grab a tarball of a particular revision17:12
jelmerTak: bzr export -r<revision> lp:bzr foo.tar.gz17:15
jelmerwith the last two arguments swapped, sorry17:15
Takyeah, but I mean from the web ui17:16
jelmerah, right17:16
jelmerI think there was some work happening in loggerhead to support that17:16
jelmerNot sure if it's landed yet though, and/or if it is enabled on launchpad17:16
TakI can't find it anywhere on launchpad, although it could just be some place I haven't thought to look17:18
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=== vxnick-AFK is now known as vxnick
* kfogel is away: kfogel-food18:31
=== kfogel is now known as kfogel-food
askograndThis might seem like a silly question, but with bazaar can someone check out a single file?18:36
askograndas opposed to a folder.18:36
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
askograndis there any version control system that will?18:48
captaincAlright, I downloaded the bzr windows installation package and its giving me errors about plugins that are supposed to be in my local python site-packages directory. should i uninstall and reinstall in a different way?18:52
Raimbob2: svn does not support checkout of single files, only unversioned 'svn cat $URL'18:56
=== kfogel-food is now known as kfogel
captaincHow do I fix or work around this win32 symlinks issue?20:22
captaincwithout cygwin20:23
phinzehi folks, can someone point me in the direction of (or just give your own offhand) definition for "upstream" and "downstream" in the VCS domain?20:30
phinzeis upstream towards trunk and downstream towards the most remote fork?20:30
phinzeor the other way around?20:30
phinzeactually, just found this, which helped: http://strategiesforsustainability.blogspot.com/2005/10/upstream-vs-downstream.html20:32
Linkadminis there a way to configure a plugin against a branch instead of in ~/.bazaar/ ? I'd like to set up the bzr-email plugin to send an email to the dev mailing list on update without making all users install/configure the plugin in their homedirs...20:32
phinzeLinkadmin: you can install the plugin systemwide on your central server and then configure that branch to send emails; let me see if i can find a link that describes that20:34
Linkadmini've installed it system-wide already. Wasn't able to find docs on binding a plugin to a branch. That would be *much* appreciated20:34
phinzeah ok20:35
phinzeso bzr help email is telling you to set post_commit_to and post_commit_sender ... i'm not completely sure but i think you should be able to set those in .bazaar/branch/branch.conf20:38
Linkadmintried that on my local branch then bzr commit resulted in a pointlessCommit. I'll try on the central branch instead20:40
phinzehah, that's a sassy error20:40
Linkadminlol yes20:41
phinzeLinkadmin: the other thing to look into would be https://launchpad.net/bzr-hookless-email20:42
phinzei used that to some success for awhile20:42
phinzeit's nice because it doesn't have to be tied to a particular branch20:42
Linkadminit appears the branch.conf change in the central branch on the server worked  :D20:43
Linkadmini'll bookmark the other one too, thanks a ton!~20:43
phinzeawesome; good to hear -- i was always wondering whether bzr-email could worth that way :)20:44
Linkadminyeah i was really worried that it wouldn't hehe.20:45
=== mwhudson_ is now known as mwhudson
=== fta_ is now known as fta
flvr8hey, what's the proper thing to do with uncommitted trunk changes before doing a bzr switch to a branch? committing them locally fails (switch complains). we have a central repo, so there'd be nowhere to push them otherwise22:06
lifelessflvr8: do you want them committed to trunk?22:07
flvr8nope. (actually i'm asking on behalf of one of the guys in my team). typically the situation is he's working on a feature that'll end up in trunk, but he's not ready to commit. and some fire comes up on production that requires a change to the branch22:08
lifelessbzr shelve --all22:08
lifelesswhen hes done, bzr unshelve22:08
flvr8excellent. thanks22:09
lifelessmoin jam22:33
abentleylifeless: bzr-pipeline has that built in-- every branch has a shelf, and switching shelves and unshelves changes.  It works pretty nicely, and I'd like to have it in core.22:33
lifelessabentley: Something I have with looms that I don't with regular branches is shelve-in-one-place, unshelve-in-another22:34
jammorning lifeless22:34
jamevening abentley22:34
abentleyjam: evening.22:35
lifelessabentley: I really like that; its for moving changes across branches (similar to switch merging)22:35
lifelessabentley: I think both cases are useful; I agree that having a solid answer to 'stop working on this bit now, but its not ready to commit' is needed, I'd also like to have an easier story for 'move this bit elsewhere' - which is currently 'switch elsewhere' for me22:36
lifelessabentley: if we can satisfy both use cases in core I'll be ecstatic, and change loom to match the idiom22:36
abentleylifeless: We already have merge --uncommitted and switch for the second case.  Why don't they satisfy?22:37
lifelessabentley: merge --uncommitted isn't as interactive as shelve; it doesn't satisfy the 'get one hunk case'. I currently do that by 'shelve; select all but the bit I want to move elsewhere', then either switch or merge --uncommitted22:38
lifelessthen an unshelve22:38
abentleylifeless: merge --uncommitted -i is exactly as interactive as shelve.22:38
lifelessoh thats landed. Nice one122:39
lifelessso, in pipeline, how do you move an uncommitted change to the pipe before/after ?22:40
abentleylifeless: Yep.  I was also thinking about supporting merge --shelf.22:40
abentleylifeless: I move changes with standard switch, or with merge --uncommitted PIPE.22:41
lifelessabentley: salgado's bug yesterday, was it affecting the lp puller/scanner/review stuff?22:41
lifelessabentley: I thought you said that switching shelves first ?22:41
abentleylifeless: I was simplifying.  "switch-pipe" shelves first.22:42
lifelessjam: as you'll have finished work when I get these tweaks done, is there more after them? and do you want a re-review, or can I just grab a local tz-er for an incremental ok?22:42
lifelessabentley: ah, ok.22:43
abentleylifeless: I would expect salgado's bug to affect the puller, but I don't actually know.22:43
lifelessabentley: ok. His bug is a bug in the remote streaming code, the branch itself is intact22:43
jamlifeless: pretty sure an incremental is fine22:43
lifelessif the puller is using file: or http: urls it won't be affected22:43
lifelessjam: thanks22:43
jamI don't remember any major review that was needed22:43
abentleylifeless: Those pulls use http IIRC, so we might be okay.22:44
lifelessI won't make a lp task for the bug at this point then22:44
abentleyhmm, no, the scanner uses http.  I bet the puller uses file:  mwhudson?22:45
lifelessso, you'd like to add per-branch shelves to core?22:45
abentleylifeless: Yes.22:45
lifelessalong-with or replacing per-tree shelves?22:45
lifelessIt seems like along-with will add some complexity to the ui and how to explain/work with shelves22:46
abentleylifeless: along-with, I think.  I tried to replace shelf with bzr-pipeline, but it wasn't really nice.22:46
lifelessby replace with bzr-pipeline, you mean something like doing a commit on switch-pipe (from), and an uncommit on switch-pipe (to) ?22:47
abentleylifeless: I was trying to unify shelves and (threads|pipes) into a single concept, but it didn't really work out.22:48
lifelessah interesting22:48
lifelessso I was thinking during this conversation that for a branch, just doing a commit on the tip is ~= shelve22:49
abentleylifeless: You can do "add-pipe -i --no-switch" to get an effect similar to "shelve"22:49
lifelesswhen the use case is that you're getting rid of the attached tree (due to switch), and implicitly popping it off when the user returns to the branch22:49
lifelessbut thats likely going to surprise users that attach to the branch with a checkout, so its probably just a completely crack idea22:50
mwhudsonabentley: yes22:52
mwhudson(well, it used lp-hosted/lp-mirrored, which backs onto a local transport)22:53
lifelessabentley: so, +1 on some way to stash changes for a branch when there is no tree; I think users wanting to bzr switch will appreciate this a lot22:53
abentleylifeless: I think you *could* do it as a commit, as long as you record the head somewhere other than last_revision.  Though you lose some of the potential for recording missing files, etc. that shelves have.22:53
lifelessabentley: I'm not sure about the mechanism of shelf-per-branch, rather than (say) shelves-named-by-branches-in-the-tree22:53
lifelessabentley: what do shelves do for missing files?22:54
lifelessabentley: my concern about the mechanism is just ui complication/confusion. It would be good to get a few possible mechanisms under evaluation (something it sounds like you've been doing already) and do set based design on them22:55
abentleylifeless: Being based on PreviewTree, shelves can represent basically any working tree state.  So if you added a file-id but not a file, you could shelve that.22:55
abentleylifeless: But I said "potential", because most of our code, like merge, ignores unversioned files.22:56
lifelessabentley: that makes me start speculating about having a kind of 'missing' in inventories ;)22:56
abentleylifeless: The shelf on pipes only has space for a single set of changes, and it seems to work out alright.  Maybe I should see about making shelve/unshelve actually use pipes.22:58
abentleylifeless: That would give us a single concept, but retain the specific shelve/unshelve UI.23:00
lifelessso, in a non-pipeline, shelve would be as it is, in a pipeline it would add pipes ?23:01
lifelessabentley: I think there are two broad questions: does shelve need a supercapability over commit? If yes, then we have to use shelve storage. If no we can look at temporary commits.23:06
lifelessSecondly, what places do we need to be able to shelve things *to* - both for users comfort and tools like pipe/loom/bzr-explorer23:07
abentleylifeless: sorry, on phone.23:19
lifelessabentley: no worries, just finishing overnight mail+reviews anyhow23:20

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