
ace_suaresMichelle_Qimo: hmm tries install Jaunty and later Qimo on a 64 MB laptop but didn't work00:25
ace_suaresprocess killed out of memory, dpklg reconfigure, and so on00:26
Ahmuckback to SDL ... just tried out a SDL app directly on the server and the sound is skipping and causing all types of disorder00:42
ace_suaresHi LaserJock00:42
LaserJockoh, kinda00:43
ace_suaresyou'll be good, I  am sure00:43
ace_suaresLaserJock: your blog speaks of new blood and reenrgizing on 2009/05/21, where did the new blood go and the energy !?00:54
LaserJockace_suares: well, *you're* here :-)00:55
ace_suareshe he but way after may 2100:55
ace_suaresand the council is just you, highvtge and graber... bu tin may it was still 5 ppl00:57
LaserJockthe first "new blood and re-energizing" thing was probably in 200800:57
LaserJockwell, in May all but highvoltage and me were not involved with Edubuntu anymore00:58
ace_suaresSo the edubuntu-dev team is just council + scorry01:02
ace_suaressorry scotty01:02
LaserJockwell, it wasn't council01:02
ace_suaresno bu tnow01:03
LaserJockit was available uploaders (myself and stgraber) and people who've contributed packages (highvoltage and sbalneav)01:03
ace_suaresah okay so that has a function for uploading that's good.01:03
Ahmuckace_suares: new blood is in the mix.01:03
Michelle_Qimoace_suares: email Mike about the issue with qimo01:03
Ahmucki'm having problems with sound01:03
Michelle_Qimoi'm not technically inclined01:03
Ahmucki'm not sure01:04
ace_suaresMichelle_Qimo: nah i'll check it out another day01:04
Michelle_Qimoi'm sorry i'm no help!01:04
ace_suaresAhmuck yeah well can't help you with sount01:04
Michelle_Qimohe's mhall119, usually around here somewhere01:04
Ahmuckwhat is the issue about qimo, i'll e-mailhim01:04
ace_suaresMichelle_Qimo: no problemeaux!01:04
ace_suaresAhmuck doesnt install on 64MB01:04
Michelle_Qimo64MB of... what?01:05
Michelle_Qimosorry, that's dumb of me to ask01:05
Ahmuck64 mb of disk space, 64mb of memory?01:05
ace_suaresMichelle_Qimo: l'ace qui rit :-)01:05
Ahmuckit's a valid question01:05
mhall1191ace_suares: Qimo needs a bare minimum of 192MB to install01:11
mhall1191sometime more, depending on the integrated graphics01:12
mhall1191this is because I've only made a LiveCD version of Qimo, not anything inherent in Qimo itself01:12
mhall1191still, 64MB might be a little slim01:12
ace_suaresmhall119hmm too bad I thought it would work on older computers. I have an IBM R61 laptop with 110 MB and I ripped out the HD and installed it on another system and then put it back and it worked. I am going to try that with Qimo too on the 32MB system see what it does. DSL runs perfectly on 32 MB01:13
mhall1191ace_suares: it'll work on older computers, just not quite that old01:13
mhall1191DSL is significantly lighter weight than Qimo01:13
mhall1191we tried to find a balance between weight and ease of use01:14
ace_suaresmhall119 still too bad. The installer takes more mem then actually running it so installing it on a biggrer machine and then putting it back miught save even more old machines.01:14
mhall1191because we hard to make it usable for non-technical adults too01:14
mhall1191ace_suares: I'm working on a debian-installer CD image01:14
mhall1191well, I take that back, I'm working on making DEB packages so that I can start working on a debian-installer based CD image01:14
mhall1191so much to do, so little time01:15
mhall1191right now, I'm running out in the rain to pickup some chinese takeout01:15
mhall1191be back later01:15
Michelle_Qimoace_suares: we'll keep you posted on how qimo evolves.  we're still learning.  rather, he's still learning, and I'm running like a fat kid to keep up01:17
* Michelle_Qimo is a fat kid.01:17
LaserJockit's a common problem with Live CDs01:18
LaserJockthat's one of the reasons Ubuntu has an Alternate CD01:18
Michelle_Qimoan alternate cd is high on the priority list.  he's just to to figure out how to do it.  we're hoping to have something by the 15th for the build day01:19
LaserJockok, so I've created new PPAs01:21
ace_suaresMichelle_Qimo: cool wish him lots of luck! I'll follow developments. I just handed out my first Qimo computer to a neighbour in Curacao, Willemstad (look on google maps)01:22
ace_suaresLaserJock: cool! where?01:22
Michelle_Qimoace_suares: awesome!01:22
LaserJockand https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu-dev/+archive/edubuntu-updates01:23
Michelle_Qimoace_suares: post a blurb on growingupfree.org if you'd like to tell us about why you chose that neighbor, etc.01:23
ace_suaresthey ar eempty yet but they fill up after some time ?01:24
LaserJockwell, I just made them :-)01:24
ace_suaresoh not uploaded yet. kk01:24
LaserJockI'll upload the SDL fix01:24
ace_suaresSo cool!01:24
LaserJockas a test01:24
LaserJockthere is also https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu-dev/+archive/ppa01:25
LaserJockwhich is a generic PPA01:25
LaserJockwe can add people to ~edubuntu-dev and then they can upload without needing Ubuntu upload permissions01:25
ace_suarescool understood.01:26
AhmuckLaserJock: uploading a fix for SDL?01:28
LaserJockthat would be the idea01:28
LaserJockthough I'm not really sure what releases to upload for01:29
Ahmuck9.04 :)01:30
Ahmucki thought u were working on a disert01:30
LaserJockwell, I'm taking a slight break :-)01:31
dgroosHi All02:00
dgroosI'm looking for instructions that will tell me where to install apps on the chroot.02:00
dgroosI think I installed the CmapTools in the wrong folder.02:01
dgroosI don't see the info on the ltsp.org site02:01
ace_suaresdgroos in what folder would it normally be installe d?02:02
dgroosAhmuck: thanks I'm on their site looking at the section on LocalApps, will check the 2 links, esp. the latter.02:03
dgroosace_suares: I've never quite figured that out in Ubuntu.  in mac you put it in the Applications folder :)02:04
Ahmuckapps are normally installed in /opt02:04
Ahmucksome people use /usr/local02:04
Ahmuckhowever, it doesn't sound like you chrooted02:04
ace_suaresdgroos but you installed cmap on your non-chroot, yes? You don't know where it went? try 'sudo updatedb' and then 'locate cmap'02:05
dgroosace_suares: I've got it installed in both the chroot and the regular root.  I'm actually searching for where I put it in the chroot now...  OK--cool looking command.02:07
dgroos:) nice.  I installed it /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/02:09
dgroosBut really, I don't know how to launch it as a local app.  I tried launching it where I've got it in the regular file system but that didn't launch in localapp02:11
Ahmuckin the thin client, open a term and enter the command to see if it's installed02:17
ace_suaresdgroos: installing an entire app in ..../etc/ is not a good idea.02:17
ace_suares..../etc is for configuration files.02:17
* Ahmuck re-booting02:17
Ahmuckdgroos: i was thinking the same thing02:18
ace_suaresdgroos: where did you install it in the non-chroot? And are you sure the 'binary' is called cmap? Do you have an icon on your server that was installed? If so, can you open the icon and look at the properties?02:18
dgroosOK--I was thinking about seeing where the main firefox folder was and install there.02:18
dgroosace_suares: sure, I'll check02:19
ace_suaresdgroos: not a good idea. Look at this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard02:19
dgroosaccording to that wikipedia page should be in /opt02:22
ace_suaresyeah but in the chroot it will be /opt/ltsp/i386/opt ;-)02:22
ace_suaresdgroos: is okaty02:22
ace_suaresdgroos: is okay the chroot has an entorire FHS02:22
dgroosYes--I'd figured that out, slowly... :)02:23
ace_suaresdgroos:  in a while you be a dev and a linux admin and btw if you look under the hood of the Mac, you'll see all familiar things !!!02:24
dgroosit has been reassuring :)02:24
dgroosOK here's where I put the other cmaptools on the file system: /usr/share/applications/02:24
dgrooswhat do I want to look at in the properties now?02:25
dgroostype? it says: shell script (application/x-shellscript)02:26
ace_suaresdgroos: probably it will also list the 'command' to start the program.02:28
dgrooshmmm don't see that in any of the 'CmapTools Properties'02:31
ace_suaresdgroos: normally it says: Name, Description, Command, Comment, Type, Size, Location, Volume, Accessed, Modified02:32
ace_suaresif it's an icon to start a program on the desktop. Is it ?02:32
dgroosHow do I see that pane?  I clicked once on the launching icon, right-clicked and selected 'properties'--doesn't have all that.02:34
dgroosYes, I navigate to that file: IHMC_CmapTools/bin/cmaptools, then just double click on it. Never been able to start it in Terminal by typing its name.02:36
Ahmuckdgroos: downloading now.  will check out02:37
dgroosThis was in sbalneav's wiki LTSPManual page: list of application names as they appear on their .desktop files.02:38
dgroosWhoa--thanks, it's a cool program.02:38
dgrooswhat's a .desktop file?02:39
ace_suaresdgroos: never mind the .desktop file. You know how to navigate to it. this is in the non chroot.02:40
ace_suaresdo 'locate cmaptools | grep bin '02:40
ace_suaresyou should get one in /opt/ltsp02:40
dgroosace_suares: maybe I didn't explain it correctly.  On this page, http://www.ltsp.org/~sbalneav/LTSPManual.html#chroot search for LOCAL_APPS_MENU_ITEMS--I think it's important.  I'll do the grep thing.02:51
dgroosNice!  very efficient--I only got 2 listings:02:52
dgroosoops, didn't capitalize correctly in the grepping...03:01
dgroos*dgroos will be back in 30 min...03:08
ace_suaresdgroos:  'locate cmaptools | grep -i bin '  (the -i makes it case insensitive)03:12
ace_suaresdgroos: oh nonsense, 'bin' is always normal letters, and locate doesnt mind about capitals. But you said:03:13
ace_suaresYes, I navigate to that file: IHMC_CmapTools/bin/cmaptools, then just double click on it. Never been able to start it in Terminal by typing its name.03:13
ace_suaresso you must be able to navigate to cmaptool in the chroot too (I mean, DONT dot the chroot, just navigate and tell me on whihc one you would dbl clck.03:14
LaserJockok, https://launchpad.net/~edubuntu-dev/+archive/edubuntu-testing is open for business03:30
LaserJockI wonder where Lns went03:34
dgroosback--reading 'bionicles' to my son--it has more jargon in it than server management!03:41
dgroosace_suares: the capitalization I referred to was not bin/Bin but cmaptools (which brought 2 search items) and CmapTools (which brought 30 or so).03:43
dgroosI would click on this file: /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/IHMC_CmapTools/bin/CmapTools03:46
ace_suaresdgroos: okay i thought that locate didn't mind case... anyway03:46
ace_suaresOKAY ! now we are getting somewhere.03:46
ace_suaresnow in the thin client, run 'localapps /etc/IHMC_CmapTools/bin/CmapTools'03:46
dgroossaid: bash: localapps: command not found03:47
ace_suareshm local-apps ?03:48
dgroosSame result---Or should I run that in local console?03:48
ace_suareshm you are on the thin client yes? try Alt-F2 and the the command.03:50
dgroosyes I am.  Will do...03:50
dgroossearched my blog--alkisg had walked me thought this--is: ltsp-localapps03:56
ace_suareshe he03:56
dgroosAnd you do it on the regular terminal--and no luck, didn't give an error but didn't launch anything.03:57
dgroosmaybe it has to be installed on the same relative places in the chroot and regular file system?03:58
ace_suarestry open a terminal on the thin client and then type on the command line:03:58
ace_suaresand yes, /etc is wrong place bu ttry this first...03:58
dgroosNice! getting somewhere... "No Java virtual machine could be found from your PATH environmental variable.  You must install a VM prior to running this program.04:02
dgroosCmapTools installs it's own java stuff.04:03
dgroosHow tell CmapTools where to look for it's stuff.  Everything it needs is located in the IHMC_CmapTools directory...04:07
ace_suaresI really think you should remove the /etc/IHMC_CMAP directory from the chroot (not the etc!)04:14
ace_suaresyou can do it like this from the non-chroot: 'sudo rm -f /opt/ltsp/i386/etc/IHMC_CmapTools' AT YOUR OWN RISK04:15
ace_suaresthen install it (in the chroot) under /usr/share04:15
ace_suaresor /opt04:15
ace_suaresthis will result in /opt/IHMC_CmapTools or /usr/share/IHMC_CmapTools04:16
ace_suares(in fact of course /opt/ltsp/i386/opt/IHMC_CmapTools or /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/share/IHMC_CmapTools04:17
dgroosThere is an 'Uninstall' script in the IHMC_CmapTools folder--I'll use that, but I need to use the process that ogra walked me through...04:17
ace_suaresIf Cmap tools installs everything under the same directory, then the uninstall is not needed. It's not windows :-)04:18
dgroosRight, this will take me a bit... As long as you don't hear a loud noise...04:18
dgroosI wonder why it has an uninstal script, then?04:19
ace_suaresto automate the stuff for less savvy users. But do what you think is best.04:19
dgroosI've tried repeating ogra's method a couple of time in different ways and can't repeat the success.  I've got another permutation to try...05:03
dgroossuccess :)05:57
dgroosI've recreated the instructions from the irc and the pastebin and my notes.  Much trial and error.  Got it in my blog :)05:58
dgroosNow, back to the original question--where to install the IHMC_CmapTools folder for localapps?05:58
dgroosace_suares: In spite of the info on the wikipedia I'm going to just install it alongside the programs that are installed as localapps--firefox and openoffice.  ie in /opt/ltsp/i386/usr/lib.06:02
dgroosseems strange, but that's where the others are...06:02
dgroosworked like a charm--results, tomorrow!06:10
DawnLighti'm having some errors with nbd/squashfs. anyone take a look please http://pastebin.com/f59984166 around line 38009:19
=== ogra__ is now known as ogra
=== ogra__ is now known as ogra
=== Rondom__ is now known as Rondom
ace_suareslns are these SCHOOL busses running Edubuntu ?20:18
ace_suaresmhall119 ping23:16
ace_suaresMichelle_Qimo: ping23:16
mhall1191ace_suares: pong23:24

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