
=== asac_ is now known as asac
lex79I uploaded plasma-runner-amarok in revu00:24
JontheEchidnalex79: the packaging looks perfect to me, but I need to wait a bit to testbuild00:31
lex79JontheEchidna: thanks, don't worry we have time :)00:36
a|wenlex79: looks good so far ... i have one lintian compaint though: "plasma-runner-amarok: old-fsf-address-in-copyright-file"00:49
Riddella|wen: if that's what upstream uses then I think best to follow them00:52
lex79a|wen: thanks, what mean old fsf address?00:52
RiddellFSF moves its postal address occationally00:53
Riddellwhich used to mean a mass update of file headers every couple of years, until it switched to using URLs00:53
a|wenit doesn't look like upstream uses a postal address00:54
lex79Riddell: btw, new tarballs :)00:54
Riddelllex79: oh really?00:54
lex79Riddell: yes :(00:54
a|wenlex79: http://paste.ubuntu.com/236240/00:57
lex79a|wen: ok now I understand :) I'll fix00:59
a|wenlex79: perfect! ... "lintian -iI *.deb" is your friend :)01:00
lex79I take notes :)01:00
neversfelde|weboh, tarballs?01:01
neversfelde|webI will be back home tomorrow and then I can help01:01
neversfelde|webwell, if you are not ready then :)01:02
neversfelde|webninjas gooooo01:02
lex79neversfelde|web: o/01:03
a|wenlex79: apart from that it looks and builds fine; can't test it though, as I'm not yet on karmic ... but if JontheEchidna is satisfied, I'd say go after the change :)01:05
lex79perfect :P01:06
neversfelde|weba|wen: if you have some time, would be coll, if you could have a lokk at bilbo on revu01:14
neversfelde|webit needs a second review01:14
neversfelde|webs/coll/cool and s/lokk/look01:14
neversfelde|websorry, bad keyboard01:15
a|wenneversfelde|web: preparing to leave for now ... but poke me again tomorrow evening (european time) and I can have a look01:15
neversfelde|weba|wen: will do01:15
a|weng'night ppl01:29
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shtylman_where can I find the main code for kde system settings? I want to replicate the widget that does the initial icon view... with the sections and icons under those sections02:13
JontheEchidnashtylman_: kdebase-workspace02:18
shtylman_JontheEchidna: yea...found it...now trying to figure out how it works exactly...02:19
shtylman_to be able to create a similar widget02:19
JontheEchidnakcategorizedwidget is the key iirc, brb02:34
kub1Anyone here know about K System monitor?03:04
kub1Are there any KU developers here now?03:05
kub1Anyone alive here?03:07
JontheEchidnairt cherrypicking Qt stuff, we'll want to get this one: http://gitorious.org/qtwebkit/qtwebkit/commit/ae7c5f469753b2422d9ea3989eaaffa8ef765cf903:29
JontheEchidnaalso have one for always trying to open up mimetypes it doesn't know in arora: http://trac.webkit.org/changeset/4321403:39
JontheEchidna(patch for Qt's copy of webkit03:39
kub3Any KU devs here now???04:24
macoJontheEchidna: oh THAT's what the red line is?05:45
ScottKJontheEchidna: If you can make me a debdiff, I can sponsor it in the morning.06:28
ScottKThe mimetype one is, if it's what I think it is, very important to arora.06:28
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=== Riddelll is now known as Riddell
dpmArneGoetje: Riddell: just to follow this up, the debian-qt-kde.mk fix seems to have worked well. There are quite a lot of new KDE templates in the translations imports queue now, and some got approved automatically already. The untranslated systemsettings strings we were talking about yesterday, for example, are now already in Launchpad11:15
Riddelldpm: yay11:18
dpmRiddell: re: bug 376686, I've been waiting for more input from the Basque guys, but I'm not sure I'll get more feedback. I'm pretty certain that that was an upstream bug, in which the Bulgarian translations were by mistake committed into the Basque translations tree. At this point, I think the best solution for Basque users will be to simply upload a new kde-l10n-eu package. Is that possible? If so, how can I request the upload?11:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376686 in language-pack-kde-eu "Errors in KDE4 basque translation - Cyrillic characters and wrong names" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37668611:19
dpmI've at least checked that to the best of my knowledge there were no longer Bulgarian translations in the Basque SVN upstream tree (I've checked a couple of the packages which were mentioned in the bug -or in its duplicate)11:21
Riddelldpm: are there bulgarian translations in the currentl kde-l10n-eu source package?11:29
dpmRiddell: I'll re-check, but if the Bulgarian translations are in Launchpad, I'm guessing that they should be in the package as well, since these particular ones were not entered through the UI. Give me a second.11:31
Riddellthanks.   I have the 4.3.0 tars so I can upload the new kde-l10n-eu early if we can confirm it fixes the issue11:32
dpmRiddell: I think this only affects jaunty - I'm looking at the kde-l10n-eu-4.2.2 sources and there are indeed Bulgarian translations in messages/kdeutils/desktop_kdeutils.po11:34
Riddellhmm, it's probably my fault then since those get added by me11:36
Riddell(the desktop*po files)11:36
RiddellLANGCODE=bg  yeah that's the problem in debian/rules11:37
Riddelldpm: well I can fix that and upload to jaunty-proposed but I don't know if rosetta picks up from -proposed11:37
dpmBy looking at the duplicate (bug 392742) seems to confirm that only desktop_*.po files are affected11:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 392742 in ubuntu "Corrupted Basque (Euskera) language translations (dup-of: 376686)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39274211:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376686 in language-pack-kde-eu "Errors in KDE4 basque translation - Cyrillic characters and wrong names" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37668611:38
Riddelldpm: can you check with jtv if an upload to -propsed will fix it?11:38
dpmI don't think it does, but let me check with ArneGoetje ^ and jtv11:39
Riddellinfact the same problem exists in the karmic tar, someone must have fixed them all in rosetta manually11:41
dpmhmm, let me have a look at the Basque karmic translations. I don't know how that's possible, since with message sharing they should have been automatically fixed in Jaunty11:45
Riddellfixed kde-l10n-eu uploaded11:49
Riddellto karmic11:49
dpmRiddell: that's not fixed in Rosetta for Karmic yet -> https://translations.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/kdeutils/+pots/desktop-kdeutils/eu/+translate. The date those translations is 2009-04-17, which makes me think that no new desktop_*.p files have yet been uploaded into Karmic?11:49
Riddellwell I just uploaded kde-l10n-eu to karmic so that should fix it?11:51
dpmyes, that will be fixed in Karmic when the strings from your kde-l10n-eu upload are picked up, which should happen automatically11:51
dpmI'm just wondering what's the best way to solve this in Jaunty. I've asked around in #launchpad, but jtv was not sure if translations of uploads in -proposed are picked up by Rosetta (it depends on how soyuz works). I cannot be 100% certain, but I don't think they will.11:54
dpmRiddell: bigjools from Soyuz tells me that translations are processed when they're in -proposed12:07
dpmI see two ways of solving this12:07
dpm1) uploading the fixed kde-l10n-eu into proposed, the translations flow into LP, translations can be tested in the semi-weekly language packs PPA and will be used in the next language pack12:07
dpm2) you could send me the corrected desktop_*.po files and I'd either give them to the Basque guys to upload them manually in LP or I'll take care of doing it, translations can be tested in the semi-weekly language packs PPA and will be used in the next language pack. If this fixes the problem, I think it wouldn't be necessary to upload a new kde-l10n-eu, since the next language pack export would take care of the fix12:07
dpmWhat would you prefer? (I think 1) is the more correct approach, but 2) is equally valid, in fact, that's what we have language packs for, so that strings can be fixed in Launchpad by translators)12:07
Riddelldpm: 1) seems easier?12:14
dpmsounds good to me12:15
dpmjust let me know whenever you have the chance to upload the package to -proposed, so I can check that the translations where indeed updated in LP12:20
dpmand now it's time for lunch, bbl12:21
Riddelldpm: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/jaunty/+source/kde-l10n-eu/+bug/376686 updated and uploaded to jaunty-proposed12:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376686 in kde-l10n-eu "Errors in KDE4 basque translation - Cyrillic characters and wrong names" [Undecided,In progress]12:30
Riddelldpm: could you poke pitti into accepting it from jaunty-proposed unapproved12:30
RiddellI now have e-mail backup set up but wihtout spam filters it's like drowning  is a sea of bad grammer12:42
asierdpm: I'll be ready for testing them12:58
ScottKRiddell: I thought apachelogger uploaded qt4-x11 with the lzma fix yesterday, but I guess not.13:15
ScottKI think we have that, the patch fix mentioned on kubuntu-devel, and a couple of patches to cherrypick.13:16
* ScottK won't get to it before tomorrow or saturday at the earliest.13:16
JontheEchidnaunless my mouse is at the bottom right corner of the screen, the screen starts scrolling rapidly to the right, brb (only happens after the monitor gets turned off for powersaving, but not all the time)13:18
JontheEchidnacould anybody check bug 406852 with arora and see if they have the circular ajax button for unprivating it?13:46
ubottuBug 406852 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/406852 is private13:46
JontheEchidnaand is kde-hal-device-manager even maintained anymore? It hasn't had an upload since '06 o_O13:47
ScottKJontheEchidna: I saw the button briefly, but then it went away.13:49
* JontheEchidna tries to find a similarly-broken button that everybody would have13:50
ScottKJontheEchidna: Also, it's pretty dead, but last I checked the author seemed to have a sentimental attachment to it and didn't want it removed.13:57
ScottKNow that hal itself is going, perhaps it's time.13:58
dpmRiddell: still regarding the Basque translations: by having a look at the debian/rules file to fetch the desktop_*.po translations, I see a problem:14:11
dpmThose files are fetched from the 'stable' svn branch, which is constantly evolving, and by examining the files, I see that lots of strings now differ from the 4.2.2 ones.14:11
dpmThe solution would be to fetch them from the 4.2.2 tag, but unfortunately, KDE upstream removes the desktop_*.po files when tagging14:11
dpmI think a solution could be to add a revision corresponding to the date 4.2.2 was released, sort of like that:14:11
dpmBy then, the upstream translations should have already been released in any case, and they will match what is in Jaunty14:11
Riddelldpm: well spotted, let me try that14:13
RiddellJontheEchidna: kde-hal-device-manager can go14:13
JontheEchidnaRiddell: while you're at it, desktop-effects-kde looks like a likely candidate too14:14
Riddelland I guess guidance-power-manager can too, although I still maintain that its UI is infinately superior to the rediculously complex powerdevil one14:14
RiddellJontheEchidna: yeah that can go14:14
Riddellfeel free to file removal bugs14:16
JontheEchidnawill do14:19
ScottKRiddell: I fixed the kdebluetooth FTBFS and uploaded it.14:19
Riddelldpm: bug 376686 updated and fixed version in jaunty-proposed unapproved queue14:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 376686 in kde-l10n-eu "Errors in KDE4 basque translation - Cyrillic characters and wrong names" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37668614:23
RiddellScottK: damn I did that yesterday but seem to have failed to upload14:23
Riddellthere's a bunch more similarly14:24
ScottKOK.  Well that's the only one I fixed.14:24
Riddellentirely my fault (or probably this strange console breaking problem I've been having distracting me)14:25
RiddellScottK: so have you tried kdebluetooth in karmic at all?14:25
* ScottK doesn't recall.14:25
ScottKI don't think so.14:26
JontheEchidnabug 406881, bug 40688414:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406881 in desktop-effects-kde "Request for removal (binary and source)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40688114:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406884 in kde-hal-device-manager "Request for removal (binary + source)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40688414:26
JontheEchidnawhoa, arora has a slightly-less-awesome-than-firefox's-but-still-quite-awesome-bar14:46
Riddellit should definately be called the quite-awesome-bar14:47
Riddellseele: I closed bug 389747 (in bzr, to be uploaded next week), appologies for the delay14:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 389747 in hundredpapercuts "In default KDE panel use Show Desktop instead of Show Dashboard widget" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38974714:48
JontheEchidnaI think the quite-awesome-bar is new in 0.8.014:48
JontheEchidnaone thing that irks me about arora is that it uses raw QPainter functions for drawing certain buttons where an Oxygen icon would be so much better (and less code to maintain)14:49
JontheEchidnathough I guess you don't get a clear button for nearly free in qlineedit14:50
JontheEchidna~karma kde14:50
kubotukarma for kde: 114:50
JontheEchidna~karma c14:50
kubotukarma for c: 11614:50
seeleRiddell: thanks :)15:02
dpmRiddell: thanks! I think in the kde-l10n-* packages it might make sense in the beginning of the Kubuntu development cycle to add the SVNREV variable to debian/rules pointing to the date of release (or perhaps better to the date of tagging) of the KDE version used in the particular Kubuntu release. What do you think? Would it be a lot of overhead?15:04
Riddelldpm: does it work pointing at a date in the future?15:06
dpmRiddell: that's what I understood from there -> http://svnbook.red-bean.com/en/1.4/svn.tour.revs.specifiers.html, but since this is the crucial point, I guess I should check it. Let me try...15:07
dpmIt seems to work. I've tried it with the kde-l10n-eu package. I've set the date to 2010 and it fetches the HEAD version, so it looks good15:11
Riddelldpm: ok I'll do that in the 4.3.0 upload next week15:19
dpmRiddell: great, let me check which date would be more appropriate for translations (release date or tagging date) and I'll let you know15:25
dpmasier: if you want to help testing the Basque translation fixes, that would be great. You should add the semi-weekly language pack PPA for Jaunty (https://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-langpack/+archive/ppa) in your software sources and probably subscribe to the bug. Eskerrik asko!15:27
JontheEchidnaArneGoetje: did your fix the other day for bug 406146 also take care of bug 405803 and bug 405923, or is a per-language-pack thing?15:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406146 in language-pack-kde-ru-base "package language-pack-kde-ru-base 1:9.10+20090725 failed to install/upgrade: попытка перезаписать /usr/share/locale-langpack/ru/LC_MESSAGES/crashesplugin.mo, который уже имеется в пакете language-pack-ru-base" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40614615:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405803 in language-pack-kde-nl-base "package language-pack-kde-nl-base 1:9.04+20090413 failed to install/upgrade: poging tot overschrijven van `/usr/share/locale-langpack/nl/LC_MESSAGES/crashesplugin.mo', wat ook in pakket language-pack-nl-base zit" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40580315:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 405923 in language-pack-kde-sv-base "Error on update. " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40592315:29
JontheEchidnasweet, just received a fully-translated po for pt_BR15:55
JontheEchidnafor kcm-gtk15:55
dpmJontheEchidna: cool, have you announced the string freeze already? I still haven't seen any e-mail15:58
JontheEchidnathese X hangs are getting rediculous16:03
JontheEchidnaand of course that should be spelled "ridiculous"16:10
macoJontheEchidna: or ridiculos, if there's a boggart about16:16
ArneGoetjeJontheEchidna: fixed all of them16:18
JontheEchidnaArneGoetje: would you recommend marking them as duplicates or setting them all to fix committed?16:20
ArneGoetjeJontheEchidna: I've done both already16:23
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
joshuajtlhi folks, does a default install of kubuntu 9.04 install any gnomelibs?17:35
smarterjoshuajtl: it shouldn't17:38
joshuajtlgood to know smarter17:38
* JontheEchidna gave up and switched on vesa17:51
joshuajtldoes a default install of kubuntu 9.04 install any kde3 ?18:00
JontheEchidnajoshuajtl: k3b and the openoffice.org kde integration are still kde3 in kubuntu 9.0418:01
joshuajtlJontheEchidna: is there anyway to install just those from unstable to be able to have pur kde4 ?18:01
JontheEchidnacurrently OO.o doesn't have a kde4 integration pack (it will soon, currently there's no kde integration whatsoever in karmic)18:02
joshuajtlJontheEchidna: is koffice a workable replacement in 9.04?18:03
JontheEchidnaeh, it lacks a lot of the features openoffice has18:03
JontheEchidnahopefully one day it'll be a viable replacment, openoffice is huge18:04
joshuajtli really wanted to find a purekde4 distro or one i could make pure18:05
joshuajtlhmm seems i can remove libgnome from fedora and still keep openoffice18:07
nixternalok, this is causing me to brainfart...I created a tray icon app, that when clicked will either turn on/off wifi power...to do this, I need to run it superuser style with wireless-tools...what is the correct way of running it as superuser when clicked?18:15
nixternalScottK: ^^18:15
smarternixternal: policykit I guess18:17
nixternaloh, ya, forgot about that18:18
smarteror kdesudo if you don't want to spend too many hours on it :p18:18
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pgquileswhy is Arora the default browser in Karmic? It cannot open embedded PDFs, RTFs, etc18:21
_Groo_hey ppl18:27
_Groo_ppl, with latest kde 4.3 i cant activate the kdm config in systemsettings!18:28
macopgquiles: even with mozplugger?18:35
macomy only complaint about it is that its sloooow18:35
pgquilesmaco: I just sent an e-mail to the kubuntu-devel ml, it's due to a bug in webkit18:37
pgquilesmaco: http://www.qtsoftware.com/developer/task-tracker/index_html?method=entry&id=24253618:37
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dajomuIs the jaunty iso-file updated with the latest fixes? I mean, if I download jaunty will all the latest fixes be included?19:17
smarterdajomu: nop19:18
dajomuto bad19:54
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nixternalhow can I test my notifyrc with a pykde4 app? this is driving me up a wall21:05
_Groo_hi/2 all21:42
_Groo_JontheEchidna: ping21:42
_Groo_JontheEchidna: ping21:48
Riddellnixternal: you need to install the file into the right place then kill and restart knotify421:48
Riddellpgquiles: do people really use PDFs embedded in web pages?21:49
_Groo_Riddell: hi ridell21:49
Riddellevening _Groo_21:50
nixternalRiddell: ahh, didn't know about killing/restarting knotify4..thanks21:50
Riddellnixternal: what are you coding?21:50
_Groo_Riddell: are you guys aware that kdm config is broken in latest kde 4.3 rc?21:51
_Groo_Riddell: jaunty, i dont know about karmic21:51
Riddellno, what doesn't work about it?21:51
nixternalRiddell: you are my hero :)21:51
nixternalRiddell: a WiFi power switch for kubuntu-netbook so ScottK can turn the wifi on/off his 10v while on the airplane21:52
_Groo_Riddell: the kdm config (login manager), you click on it but it doesnt invoke the kdm login config21:52
_Groo_Riddell: strangely the k3b bug is gone, latest rc fixed the permission issues... one less problem for me :P21:52
nixternalScottK: I have version 0.1 pretty much complete and working :)21:53
Riddell_Groo_: you mean the settings dialogue doesn't open at all or it doesn't apply changes?21:53
nixternalneed to go through and clean up some race conditions I created by using subprocess...other than that it works pretty good21:53
_Groo_Riddell: doesnt open at all21:53
_Groo_Riddell: root or normal user21:53
_Groo_Riddell: same behaviour21:53
Riddell_Groo_: it does open in karmic (for me) so it's not a priority, but does it work from the command line?  `kcmshell4 kdm`21:54
_Groo_Riddell: let me check21:54
JontheEchidnait wouldn't, unless you prefixed that with kdesudo21:55
JontheEchidnait is patched to open up that kcm shell with kdesudo, so it should work21:55
_Groo_JontheEchidna: yes it works.. but it doesnt allow do to much :)21:55
_Groo_Riddell: it works21:55
JontheEchidnayeah, it won't let you do much if you aren't root21:56
_Groo_JontheEchidna: Riddell: it works via commandline, it doesnt via systemsettings21:56
d_edI get nothing when I try via systemsettings..21:57
* d_ed finds the .desktop file21:58
_Groo_d_ed: good idea..21:58
_Groo_the .desktop appears correct21:59
d_edcopying and pasting the 'Exec' line loaded it all up..22:00
d_edyeah. Seems right.22:00
_Groo_mistery ¬¬22:01
_Groo_well when everything else fails, blame Riddell!22:01
d_edeverything else works, so we don't have to blame him :-P22:01
jussi01_Groo_: just as true, when you find things fixed, blame Riddell22:02
_Groo_d_ed: ahhh never leave a window of oportunity to pass :D22:02
_Groo_jussi01: nahh to piss him off i blame JontheEchidna ;)22:02
pgquilesRiddell: yes, they do. It's very usual for instance in travel agencies, software specifications, public administration forms, etc22:02
d_edooh, results22:03
d_edchanging X-KDE-RootOnly to false makes it load22:03
_Groo_now seriously, it doesnt show any error, nothing. could be either 1) a true kde bug 2) a permission problem , probably in policykit22:03
ubottuError: KDE bug 2 could not be found22:03
_Groo_d_ed: hmmm22:04
_Groo_JontheEchidna: Riddell: this  X-KDE-Root is kubuntu or kde related?22:04
d_edso by this theory, kdnssd will also fail to load22:04
d_edoh it does.. that's confusing22:05
pgquilesRiddell: but the problem is not actualy not embedding the PDFs, RTFs, etc. If they were opened in a new Okular or Adobe Reader window, it'd be OK. The problem is you only see an empty window and you wonder what's wrong (if you knew you should be seeing a PDF) or you are left without even knowing you should be seeing an embedded file.22:05
_Groo_d_ed: what file are you changing?22:05
_Groo_d_ed: yeah same, but here i changed to false and didnt do squat22:06
d_edthen ran kbuildsycoa422:06
d_edseems that you always need to do that if you poke a .desktop22:06
d_edmine worked after I changed it to false22:07
_Groo_d_ed: ok let me check22:07
d_edand I shall change mine back to true and see if stop again..22:08
d_edwhat the hell...mine still works...22:08
_Groo_d_ed: yeah, know it works..22:08
_Groo_d_ed: the thing is... when you click on it it should trigger policykit and ask for a password not go and run as normal user, which is kinda pointless22:09
_Groo_d_ed: so the kde-root thing is correct, its the policykit rule that is missing22:09
Riddellpgquiles: that has to be balanced against konqueror not working with slashdot, gmail and other important sites though22:10
d_ed_Groo_: I changed mine back to true, and it still worked, which confused me..but it was because I hadn't rerun kbuildsycoa22:11
_Groo_d_ed: ehehe i was about to tell you that :D22:11
pgquilesRiddell: konqueror also has kwallet and, in general, KDE integration22:11
_Groo_unfortunatelly policykit rules are thick to me... i cant figure out what do do with them22:12
pgquilesbtw, what's wrong with konqueror and slashdot? it works for me (KDE trunk here) :-?22:12
Riddellpgquiles: bottom of page, click on Yesterday or other links to try and read more, doesn't work in 4.322:16
pgquilesRiddell: oh, I see. It doesn't work with trunk, either.22:17
Riddellpgquiles: the integration is an issue.  they're working on kwallet but it's not clear if it'll be done in time for us.  but my impression is most kubuntu users install firefox and that's because it works with more sites which is the most important thing for a web browser, arora wins there22:17
pgquilesRiddell: what about konqueror with webkitpart ?22:18
pgquilesbest of both worlds?22:18
Riddellalthough I seem to be outnumbered by kubuntu contributors on this22:18
pgquilesworst of them? :-D22:18
Riddellpgquiles: yes I think webkitkde is the way to go long term, but I don't see it being ready until 4.5 which is a year  away22:18
pgquilesRiddell: what about going the crazy way - fixing konqueror ?22:19
pgquilestoo difficult (I've never touched khtml/kjs) ?22:19
seeleso why don't we keep firefox instead of switching browsers 3 times?22:21
pgquilesseele: do you mean keep firefox forever, or until konqueor with webkitkde is ready ( kde 4.5? ) ?22:23
Monika|KPersonally I would prefer better integration of Firefox with Kubuntu, as I don't think Konqueror can ever be as good as Firefox is. But well, it uses GTK.22:33
_Groo_well my two cents is to help developing rekonq which is arora with kde integration.. keep konqueror, it has its uses and use rekonq as default browser when it gets better22:35
* neversfelde votes for w3m22:36
neversfeldeArora 0.8 was definetly a step in the right direction22:37
* JontheEchidna would be worried if it was a step in the wrong direction :P22:38
_Groo_neversfelde: yes but they defent their qt independence. rekonq is commited to kde integration22:38
JontheEchidnabut I agree, it was a good release22:38
_Groo_cookie to anyone who figures out whats wrong with kdm config.. policykit?22:39
JontheEchidnaI don't think it uses policykit yet22:40
_Groo_JontheEchidna: well it was using it already in 4.222:40
JontheEchidnawe were patching it to launch via kdesudo in 4.222:41
JontheEchidnabut I really think it didn't have policykit integration in 4.222:41
_Groo_JontheEchidna: ok :)22:41
JontheEchidnapolicykit integration would be nice, though.. it'd only ask for the password if you try to change something, and the module would stay inside the System Settings window22:42
_Groo_JontheEchidna: confused, the module already stays inside the window22:43
d_ed_Groo_: but would it if it switched user properly?22:45
d_ed_Groo_: that was a question. I genuinely have no idea..22:45
JontheEchidna_Groo_: right, because it's not being launched as root. You would be able to change things if it was launched as root and was it's own separate window22:46
a|wenneversfelde: did you still have something on revu i should take a look at?22:47
seelepgquiles: until konqueror is fixed22:47
neversfeldea|wen: yes, bilbo http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/bilbo22:48
neversfeldewould be great, if you could have a look at it22:48
a|weni'll take a look22:52
=== Riddell is now known as Riddelll
ScottKnixternal: Cool news about the wifi thingy.  Does it (will it) also work with the keyboard switch?23:43

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