
BluesKajGS3User007, do you have a kubuntu live cd ?00:00
GS3User007nothing with ext4 support00:01
GS3User007BluesKaj: I am dling a copy of karmic right now though00:01
GS3User007BluesKaj: I assume that "sudo update-grub" made a backup copy of the previous menu.lst somewhere?00:02
GS3User007BluesKaj: If so, where would it be, and would putting it back into /boot/grub/ fix my issue?00:02
BluesKajGS3User007, I'm not sure which version of grub is defasult on karmic but i suspect it's grub2 in which case the file has changed from /boot/grub/menu.lst to   /boot/grub/grub.cfg from00:08
BluesKajGS3User007, ignore thatr last "from" :)00:09
GS3User007BluesKaj: I was hoping to just mount the exising / partition and replace the new file the tool generated with the old one...00:13
qw[bline]my system cpu usage goes way up when the system blanks, anyone seen this?00:14
BluesKajGS3User007, well there are some changes required to run ext4,  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103316300:15
BluesKajBBL ...errands to do00:15
GS3User007qw[bline]: what do you mean by "system blanks:?00:17
qw[bline]Screen blanks00:19
qw[bline]cpu goes up00:19
qw[bline]and cpu temp jumps to almost 80 by morning00:19
qw[bline]this is just leaving my system along over night00:19
GS3User007qw[bline]: i haven't noticed anything like that on my laptop00:20
GS3User007it's actually rather cool in the morning after having been idle all night00:20
=== tonii_ is now known as tonii
qw[bline]nvidia chipset00:21
qw[bline]maybe it's some app being retarded00:21
qw[bline]firefox is probably a good guess00:21
GS3User007i've got an nvidia chipset as well, and usually leave firefox open for days at a time :P00:21
noquinhodo i need use defragment and ccleaner on linux ?00:28
GS3User007noquinho: no00:28
mardi_ when i press letter with accent i get strange things like  Ã© Ú ÃŽ ç à on other software it is not the case any idea ?00:30
ubottuThe default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.00:30
mardi_only in qt apps any idée00:35
mardi_i use xinput-driver not evdev00:35
GS3User007mardi_: a couple of thoughts... you could have the wrong keyboard selected in system settings, or perhaps the software in question needs some sort of language pack00:35
mardi_GS3User007, it was not the case 2 hours ago00:35
mardi_i dont use the keybors layout from kde but the xorg.conf config file00:36
mardi_because of using xinput-drivers instead of evdev00:36
GS3User007mardi_: isn't xorg.conf being phased out or something?00:36
GS3User007mardi_: does the one in kde work?00:36
BluesKajmardi_, xorg.conf is becoming difficult to edit , what kubuntu version do have ?00:37
mardi_i do not use kubuntu00:37
mardi_just kde400:37
noquinhodo you remember in windows the option system informations ? i need this in my ubuntu . Do we have something like that ?00:37
GS3User007mardi_: you should maybe join #kde for kde specific issues00:38
mardi_ok thanks .. (*buntu ) are channel where real people answer quicly that's why i came here :)00:39
=== kevin is now known as ki4anr
noquinhome too00:40
noquinhoenglish, but i try :)00:40
BluesKajsystem settings00:40
GS3User007BluesKaj: you around?01:02
ntrfugAre there any kernel compilers in the house?01:16
SerpardumIs there some way I can tell kubuntu (or is it vbox?) to quit sticking my windows to the edge of the screen?01:30
DragnslcrSerpardum- did you check System Settings -> Window Behavior?01:34
SerpardumI think that did it, Dragnslcr, thanks01:37
Serpardumset the snap zones to none01:37
rmrfslashAnyone else having issues w/ KDE 4.3 RC3 and the latest Linux 2.6.28-14 update?01:51
rmrfslashi.e. no more window borders01:51
rmrfslashand windows all appear in top left of screen01:51
rmrfslashand no compositing01:51
=== voxtuur is now known as old-faltenface
rmrfslashWell... thank god for being able to downgrade linux01:56
rmrfslashThere is almost def a problem w/ kde 4.3 and linux 2.6.28-1401:57
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=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
WalzmynIs there a way to turn off the alt+leftClick to move a window for a specific window - say a game running in wine?02:19
sosi installed 9.0.4 on my laptop and everything went ok, it boots up ok, i login, but once its done loading kde, there's no GUI anywhere. just a background. no menu, no icons. anyone know what could be wrong?02:20
Walzmynsos: can you hit alt+F2 and start anything?02:24
soslet me try02:25
Walzmynsos: i had a problem with plasma dieing - i couldn't see anything, but KDE was still working02:26
s2rI configured INADYN to update a dynamic ip service. I added the command inside rc.local however rc.local does not run on start-up. If I run it like: ./rc.local start it runs the command. Any ideas?02:33
=== Joschi__ is now known as Joschi
mardi_soirGSF1200S, hello again02:51
mardi_soirproblem soved02:51
mardi_soirit wxas about locale generation02:51
mardi_soirnot about kde02:51
mardi_soiréé é02:52
zayxhey everyone, is the "kde4.3 not shutting down" bug a known issue?02:52
mardi_soirzayx, do you use  kdm or gdm ?02:53
mardi_soiror something else02:53
zayxand im testing karmic02:53
zayxeverything works as normal except for after clicking the "shutdown dialog" it does nothing02:54
zayxweird thing is hibernate works fine02:54
zayxim guessing no one else here is on karmic and having the same problems?02:55
zayxhmmm is there a place i can read more about these "packaging issues" mentioned in the motd?03:00
kub1What is the channel for KUbuntu developers?03:01
zayxthat would be nice to know03:01
Picikub1: #kubuntu-devel03:02
kub1Are there any KUbuntu developers in this channel now?  Ever?03:02
kub1Pici: thanks03:02
Picizayx: What packaging issues?03:03
zayx"Do not install KDE 4.3 beta unless you are an experienced user, there still are packaging issues"03:03
zayxits in the motd03:03
zayxi think im gonna ask around the devel channel you mentioned03:04
Picizayx: Probably a good idea03:04
jmtodaroHi all! I'm using Kubuntu (Karmic) which has Inkscape 0.47 in the repositories as the default. My question is how can I go about obtaining Inkscape 0.46 using kpackagekit as I'm having some issues creating Plasma theme elements with 0.4703:07
jmtodaroI would rather not try to compile it if I don't have to =)03:08
zayxhi jmtodaro, just curious if you are having a problem shutting down/rebooting from the kde 4.3 menu?03:09
kub1zayx: where was that motd you just mentioned?03:10
jmtodarozayx: Sorry I have not encountered any issues with that yet, However I haven't updated today.03:10
el_My kde4 usually shuts down right, but one time it didn't work. I think it was caused by one of my open applications.03:10
zayxtop of chat window03:10
zayxdo you guys use wicd or netwrokmanager?03:11
zayxjmtodaro: not sure how to do it with kpackagekit but in synaptic you can enable the old repos and force version03:11
el_neither ;)03:12
zayxel_: you just use something like dhclient?03:12
el_My atheros card doesn't need any network manager in order to not work correctly ;)03:12
el_I use /etc/network/interfaces03:12
Walzmynthe network manager plasmoid is saying i'm not connected to the internet, yet here I speak03:12
zayxel_: lol :P03:12
jmtodarozayx: thanks, I might have to give that a try if I can't find a better solution03:13
kub1zayx: was that to me, you said the motd you referred to was ¨in the top of the chat window¨? - ie, this #dubuntu channel message?  I don´t see the motd message you mentioned ther now. ??03:14
jmtodarome either...it says that rc3 will be hitting backports (disable if you don't want it)03:15
zayxkubl: yes03:15
zayxits at the end of the message03:15
zayxoh wait03:16
jmtodaroI can say from expeirence that I had very little luck with it as a backport on Jaunty, but it works great with Karmic03:16
zayxsorry i didnt realize this irc client keeps an inline history03:16
BluesKajkub1, depending on your client it could also be in the intro when you logged on to the chat03:17
WalzmynOf course, with my ISP, I might as well NOT be connected to the 'net03:17
zayxTopic for #kubuntu is "Official Kubuntu support | Kubuntu 9.04 Released http://www.kubuntu.org/news/9.04-release | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Free 9.04 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | KDE 4.2.3 for 9.04 http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.3 | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Do not install KDE 4.3 beta unless you are an experienced user, there still are packaging issues"03:17
zayxold motd03:17
zayxjmtodaro: the only problem i have is that kde wont properly shutdown when using the "leave" menu03:18
lizhi all, I'm thinking of moving /home into a separate partition and was wondering if then I would be able to resize the /home partition in a new install of kubuntu?03:19
jmtodarozayx: Well, that isn't so bad compared to the way my install was working =)03:19
jmtodarozayx: when you said "enable the old repos" do you mean to enable jaunty repos, or is there another way?03:20
zayxjmtodaro: yes, just copy/paste all the karmic repos and swap "karmic" with "jaunty"03:21
Walzmynliz: you can do it, but it's not good to resize partitions with data in them - not safe03:21
lizWalzmyn: even if it's to make it bigger?03:22
zayxjmtodaro: i also find synaptic to be far superior to any other available package manager03:22
Walzmynliz: it's one of those things that *shouldn't* give you a problem, but i'd darn sure not do it with out haveing a good backup03:23
* Walzmyn agrees with zayx03:23
zayxi personally removed all traces of packagekit due to it being nearly useless03:23
jmtodaroliz: I don't think it's ever 100% safe to resize a partition with data in it. It would be best to make backups of anything important before trying.03:24
lizWalzmyn: I see, well thanks, was just wondering03:24
jmtodarokpackagekit is okay...I agree synaptic is alot more flexible though =)03:24
Walzmynthen again liz, I keep backups even when i'm not planning on resizeing anything :)03:25
zayxthe lack of functionality present in kpackagekit drives me nuts03:26
jmtodaroliz: It is very much worth putting /home on it's own partition though...makes reinstalls a breeze =)03:26
lizmy prob is my backup would be 20gb+ and I don't have an external drive... only found  out about separate /home recently03:26
zayxit wouldnt be so bad if they had a fe as capable as synaptic03:26
ubottuלשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:03:26
ubottu/join #ubuntu-il03:26
Roeyoh that's so cute03:26
lizsounds much better especially if wanting to install a new version of kubuntu03:26
lizjmtodaro: my thoughts exactly03:27
zayxliz: kubuntu wont overwrite your /home folder on install03:27
zayxso you can simply rm all the other system folders and reinstall03:27
zayxunless you are changing partition type03:28
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jmtinteresting! I didn't know that =)03:29
lizzayx: it did on my previous pc, but since it was a fresh install I created a separate /home at the very beginning03:29
zayxliz: just use the manual partitioning and set the existing partitions as / and swap03:29
zayxthen it wont get reformatted03:30
jmtcould be tricky to do, but it does sound safer than resizing without a backup03:31
zayxas long as you dont reformat and use the same information there should be no problem03:31
lizzayx: ok so the trick is to use manual partitioning so that it won't reformat03:31
zayxbtw resizing partitions will also change their uuid03:32
zayxliz: yep (be sure the "format" checkbox is unchecked03:32
lizah ok, well thanks very much, that was my concern03:34
lizwas thinking of upgrading to at least hardy kde4 but didn't want all data to be lost03:35
zayxthats well aged there03:35
zayxcant you do a dist upgrade?03:36
lizbut everything works great in hardy :)03:36
lizdist upgrade will give me jaunty03:36
lizI'm using kde3.5 w/hardy03:37
zayxi get what you are doing now03:38
zayxcant you just add the backports ppa?03:38
lizdon't know what that is03:39
zayxah hold on03:39
zayxi think [deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-members-kde4/ubuntu hardy main] will work03:42
sosso i installed
sosno gui when i login, but there's a background03:44
soswhen i hit alt+f2, a little search box looking thing pops up03:44
soshow can i go about getting everything else to show up?03:44
lizzayx: just shows two folders dists/ and pool/03:45
Walzmynsos: alt+F2 "konsole" then type "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade"03:46
zayxliz: that goes in your /etc/apt/sources.list03:46
ironfroggy_If i swap out the motherboard, should a kubuntu system be able to reconfigure itself on boot up? or do i need to grab my install cd?03:47
zayxliz: although it looks like the hardy repos are on kde4.1 so it might not be a good idea03:47
zayx4.1 was horrible still03:47
ironfroggy_i mean, i didnt expect it to work, but i just thought id verify that03:47
lizcan I ask what the kde4 desktop is? would that be installed side by side to 3.5?03:47
zayxiron it should work fine03:47
zayxliz: it should install along side just fine03:48
ironfroggy_zayx: its sitting at the initial startup screen with the progress bar unmoving for a while now. system is still responsive tho, just doesnt seem to be getting anywhere.03:48
ironfroggy_to be honest i might reinstall anyway. good time to do it i guess.03:48
ironfroggy_tho the new hardware a long will give that machine a jolt of life03:48
lizthanks for the info, I will mess around and see what suits me best :)03:49
ironfroggy_hm.. it just dropped me into BusyBox, now03:49
zayxliz: fyi kde4.1 sucked and 4.3 is almost out so dont make a complete judgement call just yet03:49
sosok, so03:50
sosthat almost would've worked except i'm on wireless03:50
zayxiron: prob cant find your root partition03:50
sospossible to get that working so it can fetch these packages?03:50
ironfroggy_i do think it moved03:50
lizzayx: Thanks much :)03:50
zayxliz: np03:50
ironfroggy_can i edit fstab from the busybox shell?03:51
Walzmynsos i don't think so, i had to get some libraries updated to fix it on mine03:51
Walzmynsos can you plug it in?03:51
zayxiron: you need to be able to mount the partition with the config data on it first03:51
* Walzmyn is going to bed03:52
zayxiron: it might be easier to do from a live cd03:52
ironfroggy_as long as ive got my expected cmds at hand i can do it. i can see what device the drive is at now and i can mount it myself to get at fstab03:52
sosonce i plug it in and run that03:52
soswhat should i do next?03:52
ironfroggy_but is there anything else ill need to edit, like kernel parameters?03:52
soscause it'll disconnect me from here03:53
sosthanks for the help thus far03:53
zayxiron: sounds like a plan03:53
zayxiron: i wouldnt think so unless you have added something03:53
webbyok this could be a reall dumb question but i cant seem to be able to make my desktop bigger so the icons will look smaller and ill have more room03:54
ironfroggy_i did forget one thing when i was putting the new stuff in there... its only got CD drives (aside from installation, i never use discs anymore, so i never think to upgrade them)03:54
zayxiron: however you will need to edit your "menu.lst" to reflect any uuid changes03:54
ironfroggy_and i dont even know where i havea any old cd-r to stick the live cd on03:54
zayxiron: you could make a "live usb"03:54
ironfroggy_never got into the habit of keeping usb keys handy. i stick everything on the ipod if i need it in my pocket.03:55
ironfroggy_the tubes have made every physical kind of storage sort of unused for me, ya know?03:55
zayxyea i hear ya03:55
zayxbut keeping a cheap usb drive around is handy03:56
ironfroggy_here i was worried id have to upgrade the old 40GB in this machine, too, but it wasnt even using 1003:56
zayx*one that you can boot from i should say*03:56
ironfroggy_yeah i'll probably grab a bulk of them from ebay "just in case"03:56
ironfroggy_i want to experiment anyway with running virtualbox with the vdisc on a key03:57
zayxi did that for a while running a server2008 install that i had on a second drive through vbox03:58
zayxit was interesting...03:58
ironfroggy_i am really absent minded in this whole project03:59
ironfroggy_completely forgot that the upgrade was also to 64bit03:59
ironfroggy_so it really makes even less sense not to just reinstall03:59
zayxyea pretty much03:59
zayxit wouldnt be all that enjoyable to try migrating an existing install to 6404:00
ironfroggy_i replaced 1GB, 1.6ghz, integrated video with 4GB, 2.2ghz x4, 512MB nv840004:00
ironfroggy_i think it'll be a frightening difference04:00
ironfroggy_but only if i remember what the hell im doing04:01
zayxthe latest 190 nvidia drivers are quite nice too04:01
ironfroggy_i think i still need to upgrade those on this machine (the one im on, not the one im upgrading)04:02
ironfroggy_im just hoping blur effect will stop causing that weird redraw-delay border around windows04:03
ironfroggy_at least i think its blur causing that04:03
zayxdont use a composited desktop so i cant help you there :/04:03
webbyis their a way to make the desktop bigger or zoom out so i can fit more apps onto my netbook screen,  like on windows you can change the resalution to get a bigger desktop,, any ideas how to do this04:04
zayxbut if anything i think the latest nvidia drivers might help04:04
ironfroggy_im using it on dual screen. it has issues, but its fun.04:04
ironfroggy_the composited effects for desktop switching is the first time i could ever stand to use multiple desktops04:04
zayxwebby: yea its under display in system settings04:04
ironfroggy_webby: you're on a netbook and you want to cram more on the screen?04:05
ironfroggy_think about that a second04:05
ironfroggy_you're probably already operating at the small LCD's native resolution04:05
zayxiron: yea i think compositing is great but for now it still interferes too much with non kde full screen apps04:05
ironfroggy_zayx: hmm.. i didnt realize that. could that possibly be why ive been having some video problems? fullscreen flash or vlc crashes04:06
ironfroggy_makes hulu use sadly limited04:06
webbyi cant make it any bigger, darn  i just hate opening firefox and only having a 2 iinch window to browse04:06
zayxiron: quite likely04:06
ironfroggy_well along with upgrading the other machine, i also upgraded this one including a newer nv model (8400 up from 7200) and if i upgrade those drivers, too, i hope that helps.04:07
zayxiron: there is also this annoying thing where my autohid menubar is still in the active forground when im playing a game :P04:07
zayxiron: it should the 7200 was still using legacy drivers i think04:07
ironfroggy_i can see how thatd be annoying04:07
ironfroggy_hm so i swapped out the card, but what should i do to get it using whatever the newest/correct drivers are?04:08
zayxnvidia-uninstall to remove current drivers04:09
zayxassuming you used the package from the nvidia site04:09
zayxotherwise you should be able to do an apt-get --purge remove nvidia*04:10
sos_outside_guyok, so04:10
sos_outside_guysudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade04:10
ironfroggy_hmm im not sure what i did in the first place so i guess if there is anything to purge, i used apt04:10
sos_outside_guyran that and i'm back to the prompt04:10
=== sos_outside_guy is now known as sos
zayxiron: yea04:10
soswhat should i do now?04:11
sosmy issue is no gui when i login04:11
sosno menu/icons04:11
zayxsos: does /etc/init.d/kdm restart work?04:11
sosone sec04:11
webbyis their a way to add a bookmark directory to the panel or desktop04:11
sosoperation not permitted04:12
zayxsudo it04:12
sosk, restarting04:12
sosis it supposed to start back up on its own?04:14
zayxif you used the restart script then yes04:14
zayxare you at tty?04:14
ironfroggy_sweet. i dont remember when or why i downloaded a live CD, but i already had one for 9.04 on hand.04:15
zayxctrl+alt+f1 log it as root and type '/etc/init.d/kdm restart && logout'04:15
sosi'm at nothing04:15
sosblank screen04:16
sosits starting back up04:16
sosi think it powered down, but i started it back up04:17
soslogged in04:17
sosstill nothing04:17
sosjust a background04:17
FloodBotK1sos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:17
CaliostroHi. Can you help me with decorating amarok2? I'm new with this player.04:19
zayxsos: i dont know what happened to the guy that was helping you but im not sure what you can do at this point04:19
sosthat's fine, i understand04:19
sosthanks for trying04:19
zayxsos: sounds like the plasma desktop is failing to start but i cant be sure04:20
zayxyou can still get to the krunner interface with alt+f2 right?04:20
CaliostroSo, how to change amarok look? I'll appreciate for link :)04:21
jmtzayx: I just wanted to say thanks for the help earlier...it totally worked =)04:21
sosyeah i can04:21
zayxjmt: no prob04:21
CaliostroDoes anybody use amaroK??04:22
zayxsos: no rightclick context menu though, roght?04:22
zayxcali: amarok uses your current kwin theme if thats what you want to know04:23
Caliostrozayx: I want to change that )))04:23
jmtCaliostro: It appears that it is not well documented yet...amarok2 theming i mean04:23
zayxcali: as far as i know amarok 2 doesnt yet support independant theming04:24
soscorrect, no right click04:24
zayxcali: you can change the color scheme of all qt4 items through system settings / appearance though04:25
CaliostroOk, and where to get detailed instruction how to change global theme and modern themes? ;)04:27
zayxsos: im not sure how to properly restart the plasma desktop through kdeinit but try to bring up a console and check through your logs04:29
CaliostroHow to install this theme?    http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/newdanna+set+(normal+and+lite+version)?content=2605504:32
zayxcali: that theme is for amarok 1.x as i have said i dont believe amarok 2.x supports theming yet04:34
ironfroggy_uugh... i forgot how slloooww it is writing to cd-rw04:35
ironfroggy_zayx: btw, the previous "remove the current nv drivers" advice. well, whats that next step? confirmed im still on 180 drivers04:37
C00LARR0whow do i find out what drivers are installed already on my box?04:40
ironfroggy_drivers for what04:41
C00LARR0wwireless card04:41
webbyis it possible to put a bookmark menu  in a panel  or desktop04:42
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papasmurfettai just installed kubuntu and i cant enable my wifi04:57
papasmurfettacan someone help?04:57
mmtктонить по русски тут говорит?05:01
CaliostroI have a little problem with my sound - it's stereo. I have 5.1 speakers and want that Kubuntu can play on all speakers :)05:05
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CaliostroHow to 5.1 sound on Kubuntu???05:17
lordresubuntu en español cual es el canal?05:23
lordresubuntu es05:25
lordresjoin #ubuntu-es05:25
squirrel25anyone in here ?05:33
squirrel25where ya from?05:34
Teclysheyy, total linux newb here, is this a good place to ask for help or should i try somewhere else?05:34
geniiTeclys: If you run Kubuntu ask here first05:35
Joschi_it is05:35
squirrel25i have ubuntu 9.0405:35
squirrel25how the FUCK do you get .mpg files to play?05:36
* squirrel25 is going to put rolls in the oven and will return...pm please05:36
geniisquirrel25: Please watch the profanity.05:36
* squirrel25 throws acorn05:37
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats05:37
Teclyssorry about that, something funky happened05:39
Teclysi have a couple of questions, one with what i'm assuming will be a simple answer and the other not quite05:39
Teclysfirst off, i started up kubuntu for the 7th or so time and now my active window has small white bars floating above and below it05:41
Teclysdoes anyone know how i might get rid of them?05:42
Teclysalso, i was wondering if anyone here could help me set up my wireless adapter05:46
Teclysis there somewhere else i might be able to get help?05:52
jithinekopete in 4.3 rc3 keeps crashing after connecting06:24
estresjithine: do not use kopete06:24
estresjithine: there is another programs better than kopete06:25
jithineestres: like?06:29
jithinei am looking for kde speecific06:29
estresjithine: like amsn, esm, there is a lot better06:29
estresjithine: you are trying to uose kopete for...?06:30
jithinegmail and yahoo06:31
MarshWigglehello, how might I make my external usb drive work on kubuntu?06:33
fg56lxIm trying to edit my kmenu with "kmenueditor" but when I move the different sub sections around and click save they dont change. Why would it do this?06:34
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koksy89i need help07:20
koksy89how to connect to undernet server07:20
geniikoksy89:  /server name-of-server-here07:24
koksy89a ima li nekoj makedonac ili srbin07:30
koksy89mozda i bugarin07:33
geniiI wonder if there'll ever be a Macedonian loco channel07:36
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ciudatukopete have voice conversation?how do i start'it ?cant find the tab...09:35
=== partyboy is now known as kikaha
ciudatukopete have voice conversation?how do i start'it ?cant find the tab...09:41
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tdnHow do I install a PDF printer so that I can print all kinds of documents to a PDF file?09:57
tdnI have installed the package cups-pdf, and this seems to provide a PDF printer. Although nothing happens, when I print to this PDF printer. Where do the PDF file go?09:58
=== jr is now known as RIddell
eggy_Hello, using kubuntu the akonadi server fails to start any time I try to open a program such as kopete. This is the error log: http://paste.pocoo.org/show/131653/ . How do I solve this?10:06
eggy_Or how can I tell KDE to not use this akonadi server?10:06
tdnIn Firefox, if I do File > Print, I see this: Printer: PDF; Status: /usr/lib/cups/backend/cups-pdf failed10:20
esterHi. I'd like to mount an SSH directory in my fstab. I've followed this guide https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS and everything mount fine except that I'd like to mount it as my local user instead of root. How do I do that?10:21
tdnHow do I fix this?10:22
OliverKruegerI have an issue with the update-notifier in kde 4.2.2:  I have blocked packages, which should stay blocked. I get notified on updates for those everyday, making the notify icon stay permanent. Im missing important updates this way.10:45
OliverKruegerAny chance to configure this behaviour?10:45
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MamarokOliverKrueger: no, not really, at least not for now regarding the update notifier11:11
OliverKruegerMamarok: ok, thanks.11:11
MamarokOliverKrueger: what you can do ist just do a sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade which will not touch the packages held back11:12
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OliverKruegerMamarok: The upgrade works fine (leaving the blocked packags alone). This notification is the only thing.11:12
Mamarokwell, you can close it and just perform a manual update and upgrade daily, so you don't miss anything11:13
OliverKruegerI like this nifty tray icon... ;)11:14
MamarokOliverKrueger: are you shure you shouldn't upgrade those held back packages? It might just be that you don't have a necessary dependency installed11:14
OliverKruegerIts the kernel image, thats blocked.11:14
MamarokOliverKrueger: well, that's a newer kernel, it might not hurt as those are often necessary corrections11:15
Mamarokdoing a sudo apt-get dist-upgrade would install it11:15
OliverKruegerit does hurt, cause I have some older vmware apps, which have kernel version depedend drivers, which needs to be recompiled manually each update. :(11:15
Mamarokwithin a release cycle, only security upgrade are patched to the kernel, so I strongly suggest you apply these11:16
Mamarokit only happened twice since the release of Jaunty, not much in 3 months11:16
OliverKruegerWell, I have a $job next to my system admin tasks. ;)11:17
OliverKruegerI think, its a calculated risk, to update only once a year (or so).11:18
MamarokOliverKrueger: your choice :)11:28
Mamarokand we all have day jobs, too, this is a channel run by volunteers only11:28
OliverKruegerMamarok: Sorry, it was not my intention to attack you.12:00
kroetehi, i installed kubuntu and typed ext4, but when i boot i got a message ext3. can somebody help me where i can check it ? sry im a linux n00b12:17
kroetehi kann mir jemand sagen wo ich das dateisystem nachschauen kann (ob meine root partition nun ext3 oder 4 ist)12:27
OliverKruegerkroete: cat /etc/fstab12:28
toniikroete: english only, and if you run "mount" you'll see what filesystem all mounts are using.12:28
AlexZiontype df -T in a konsole if you want just check it12:28
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kroeteis there a kind of a list where i can look up some of the console commands12:29
tonii<tab> key, press it once or twice and you'll get a question if you want to list all commands.12:31
kroetek got it12:32
kroeteand then i can read the man-pages12:32
Rasmuswhats the untu servername for the swedish ub12:32
kroetety bb i got to restart12:33
u19809hi all, do  you also have problems with sound on 9.04 ? amarok works dragon player works, xine not, firefox not, kaffeine not ???12:40
MamarokOliverKrueger: no problem, I didn't feel attacked  :)12:47
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AlexZionu19809: the first timeI installed Kubuntu 9.04 , I had a problem audio , but it was just because some volume on the mixer was off, so have you already check it all ?12:50
u19809AlexZion yes i tried but for xine, kaffeine smplayer firefox-youtube ... no sound !13:14
AlexZionso the PCM volume is on and up to 60/70 % and it's not working ?13:15
barbapaI have a dependancy error for a server install http://pastebin.ca/151212613:25
barbapashould I modify my sources.list ?13:26
barbapahere is my souces.list http://pastebin.ca/151213313:26
bazhangbarbapa, hang on checking13:26
barbapawhat can I do?13:27
bazhangbarbapa, installing something on the server? or a first install of a server13:28
barbapabazhang: it's a dedicated server13:28
barbapa("serveur dédié" in french, I don't know if the translation is good)13:29
bazhangbarbapa, what does sudo apt-get update return13:29
bazhangbarbapa, yep thats a good translation :)13:29
barbapait's ready13:30
u19809barbapa : why do you not add the needed libs to your install ?13:30
barbapaLecture des listes de paquets... Fait13:30
bazhangbarbapa, and sudo apt-get upgrade is okay?13:30
barbapau19809: what are the libs I need?13:30
barbapabazhang: ok too13:30
barbapaapt-get dist-upgrade, too13:31
u19809the ones that are missing libltdl7 and libclamav613:31
u19809so apt-get install clamav clamav-daemon libtldl7 libclamav6 ?13:31
barbapau19809: ah ok, I test :)13:31
barbapalibtldl7 does not exist13:32
barbapalibclamav6 exist13:32
u19809barbapa : do apt-cache search libtldl perhaps it has a -0 or something at the end13:32
barbapaapt-cache search libtldl does not reply somethings13:33
u19809one moment , checking too13:33
barbapaI'm on a Jaunty13:33
barbapa(I'm reading this tutorial http://www.howtoforge.com/perfect-server-ubuntu-9.04-ispconfig-3-p4 )13:34
u19809libltdl7 should exist13:36
u19809not libtldl13:36
u19809if you go to 'debian' and check the clamav package you find all dependencies and you can see what packages you need (although it should have insatalled automatically i think)13:37
bazhangpackages.ubuntu.com actually u19809 barbapa13:38
u19809bazhang : you are correct ... bad habit of mine to check debian ...13:38
u19809same result tough13:38
u19809as kubuntu +-= debian13:39
sebastiansind das hier alle ubuntu user????14:33
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bazhang!de | sebastian00814:34
ubottusebastian008: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:34
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joel__bonjour a tous14:48
bazhang!fr | joel__14:49
ubottujoel__: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:49
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boblenyHey, anyone here know anything about shell scripting?15:06
boblenyHow dare he not ping back15:07
Picibobleny: What about it?15:07
boblenyWell, I have a shell script. I am opening a file with the shell script. I need to get the file path and name of the file opend.15:09
boblenyDoes that make any sence?15:09
Picibobleny: Sort of... but #bash is probably the best place to ask about shell scripting15:10
boblenyI will do so. Thanks.15:10
boblenyHey, how do I speak in #bash?15:14
boblenyIt tells me to register???15:14
genii!register | bobleny15:15
ubottubobleny: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode15:15
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nexxshould i go for a 64bit version of 9.04? i just dont know :(16:02
nexx9.04 für 32bit works just fine, does a 64bit kubuntu bring any problems with it?16:03
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Mamaroknexx: not as far as I know16:04
BluesKajnexx, most of the probs with 64 bit have been with browsers like FF and related media plugins like flash for youtube etc16:06
nexxmh, these problem arent too bad16:07
nexxokay, then i willl feed my system with the live 64bit 9.04 and see if all the hardware does work fine16:07
Mamaroknexx: and the flash problem is mostly solved now, I can watch flash stuff in both FF (3.5 and Knoqueror16:07
BluesKajI used to be a loyal FF user but the last versions don't render images on some sites , so I've switched to konqueror and I'm experimenting with chromium16:08
* Mamarok uses FF, Konqueror and Arora, but the latter still has a long way to go IMHO16:09
nexxdo you have experiences with compiz?16:10
Mamaroknexx: KDE4 doesn't use Compiz but it's own compositing16:10
nexxlooks quite interesting16:10
geniiMamarok: Arora is nice but just not there yet :(16:13
=== desudesudesu is now known as desu
BluesKajMamarok, compiz runs ok on kde416:20
MamarokBluesKaj: yes, I know, but oyu have to change the window manager it won't with Kwin16:20
Mamarokand I think the possiblities in Kwin compositing are as good as Compiz16:21
Mamarokso why use an additional compilcation :)16:21
nexxokay, convinced ;)16:21
BluesKajMamarok, but what about the whiz-bang effects ? ..I don't see much on kwin16:22
MamarokBluesKaj: well, I use this computer for work, too muhc bling is just distracting :)16:23
nexxokay, gonna boot the 9.04 64bit now, brb :)16:25
FanfareHi @ all16:30
* BluesKaj takes a look at arora16:31
BluesKajok , later ...taking wifey to the malls16:48
ironfroggy_i just tried booting up a new machine with the live CD and its telling me "ACPI: Aborted because junk in compressed archive"16:49
ironfroggy_what kind of problem does that point to?16:49
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sbirulo nicola è qui16:56
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joshuajtlhi folks, is 9.04 a pure kde distro?17:30
geniijoshuajtl: If you install from a Kubuntu cd/dvd you get KDE as desktop. If you install from stock Ubuntu cd/dvd you get Gnome desktop. If you install from Xubuntu cd/dvd you get XFCE desktop. Etc.17:32
joshuajtlgenii: right I know... what Im asking is if the 9.04 Kubuntu install installs any gnome libs, or/and kde3 libs17:33
geniijoshuajtl: Only if you have an app which uses the gtk stuff. Like firefox, etc17:33
joshuajtlgenii: but on default install does it install any gnomelibs?17:34
geniijoshuajtl: Not that I know of. But you might want to ask a dev in someplace like #kubuntu-devel17:34
joshuajtlok thanks17:35
Vermuxwho can help me with batch scripting?17:42
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kriohi people18:04
kriothe questio is there is a place where the old repositery work18:04
geniikrio: old-releases.ubuntu.com18:05
geniikrio: welcome18:05
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shadeslayerhey is it possible to use ctrl+enter in arora to complete the www.......com ??18:16
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=== thedarkfreak is now known as TheDarkFreak
henry_BRHello, I use Kubuntu 9.04 and my firefox is 3.012 yet... Will it upgrade in someday automatically? If not, how can I upgrade? I see I have a firefox 3.5 with name: shiretoko web browser... Thanks18:26
jadohi! in which language are the kdegames developped?18:26
shadeslayerhenry_BR: you will need to install firefox-3.518:26
shadeslayer!info firefox-3.5 | henry_BR18:26
ubottuhenry_BR: firefox-3.5 (source: firefox-3.5): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 907 kB, installed size 3524 kB18:26
Pici!shiretoko | henry_BR18:27
ubottuhenry_BR: FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation18:27
cygnus_hey guys im having probs with sound, I have an HP dv7 laptop and I have an intel ICH9 series HD audio18:27
shadeslayer!sound > cygnus_18:27
ubottucygnus_, please see my private message18:27
henry_BRubottu: okay :) thanks18:28
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about okay :) thanks18:28
TheDarkFreak!info firefox-3.5 | TheDarkFreak18:29
ubottuTheDarkFreak: firefox-3.5 (source: firefox-3.5): safe and easy web browser from Mozilla. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.5.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu0.9.04.1 (jaunty), package size 907 kB, installed size 3524 kB18:29
cygnus_sound is enabled18:33
cygnus_still doesn't work18:33
cygnus_and I tried some of thje stuff on this site https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/alsa-driver/+bug/27442418:34
cygnus_can anyone please help?????18:34
cygnus_is there a way to fix my sound problem?18:36
shadeslayer cygnus_ have you checked if you have set all channels to max?18:36
cygnus_umm well18:36
cygnus_how do i do that18:36
cygnus_do you just mean setting everything in sound to max?18:37
shadeslayercygnus_: then please do,right click the sound icon > show mixer window > settings > configure channels > select everything > set everything to max18:37
cygnus_ok I selected everything18:38
shadeslayercygnus_: now set everything to high18:39
cygnus_but still doesn't work it just echoes18:39
cygnus_the same sound18:39
cygnus_over and over18:39
cygnus_everything is set to high18:40
shadeslayercygnus_: so the sound just hung? hmmm...never heard of this..18:40
cygnus_ya it just echoes18:40
cygnus_take a look at this site18:40
cygnus_it tells me how to fix it18:40
cygnus_but the directory /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.config18:41
cygnus_aren't directories18:41
shadeslayercygnus_: yes,they are files :)18:41
cygnus_at least I get that error when trying to fix it18:41
cygnus_well it saysthey are not18:42
cygnus_when i type it in konsole18:42
shadeslayercygnus_: prepend sudoedit to those18:42
cygnus_how do I do that?18:42
kriogenii: thanks guy seems it 's work18:43
shadeslayercygnus_: type sudoedit /etc/modprobe.d/alsa-base.config in a konsole18:43
cygnus_ok, so now in here do I type in the options it says on the site?18:44
shadeslayercygnus_: then same thing with the other file,then find the lines and edit them to your needs,ctrl+X will quit the editor,answer 'y' after pressing ctrl+X18:44
cygnus_well what I need to do is add options to this file18:46
cygnus_and it doesn't appear in directory18:46
shadeslayercygnus_: yep.. the path to the directory would be /etc/modprobe.d/18:46
TheDarkFreakthe file inside it18:47
anoneemousei dont have that file...18:47
TheDarkFreakis alsa-bas.config18:47
TheDarkFreakor maybe18:47
cygnus_oh ok18:47
shadeslayeri have the file...18:47
cygnus_so then I just type that in here?18:47
TheDarkFreakwhich file?18:47
anoneemousethere it is18:47
shadeslayercygnus_: no,i gave you a command earlier,the sudoedit one18:47
cygnus_im in it18:47
TheDarkFreakif you're already in the modprobe folder18:47
TheDarkFreakrun sudoedit alsa-base.conf18:48
cygnus_I already did that18:49
TheDarkFreakis the file empty?18:49
TheDarkFreakor is there stuff in it?18:49
cygnus_its empty18:49
TheDarkFreakyou might have opened the wrong file then18:49
TheDarkFreakclose sudoeditwith ctrl+x18:49
cygnus_well it says thats the file in the site18:49
cygnus_alreadyu did18:49
TheDarkFreaksometimes the names change18:49
shadeslayerhey,is it possible to use netstat in a loop?18:49
TheDarkFreakat the command line18:49
TheDarkFreakyou're still in modprobe.d, right?18:49
cygnus_nop just closed konsole18:50
cygnus_ill open it again18:50
anoneemousedo any of you know how to set sample rate in alsa?18:50
anoneemouseive been struggling literally for days with it :/18:50
TheDarkFreakok cygnus18:51
TheDarkFreakin modprobe.d18:51
TheDarkFreaktype ls alsa-base.*18:51
TheDarkFreakand it'll show you the actual name of that file18:51
SmurphyCarefull folks... Channel police watches ... Just speak "englisch" !!!18:55
anoneemousei see18:55
* Smurphy was kicked almost twice because I answered in !english...18:56
anoneemousei just said hello :/18:56
Smurphyanoneemouse: yes - but in spanish ... They don't like it ...18:57
cygnus_is there any other way to fix my sound?18:57
Smurphycygnus_: what's the issue. didnt follow it ...18:58
PiciSmurphy: We have nothing against any other languages, but this channel is designated to be enlgish.  #ubuntu-es exists for those who speak spanish.18:58
SmurphyPici: I know - but have you seen the fast reaction of your's just because we talked about it ? That says it all, doesn't it ?18:58
anoneemouseso one word means you get kicked?18:59
Picianoneemouse: No.18:59
anoneemouseoh then its ok :)18:59
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:59
Smurphyanoneemouse: Nope - but if you continue ... Reason I'm rather sparse in the ubuntu channels lately...18:59
PiciSmurphy: I'm just watching and wanted to put my 2 cents in.18:59
TheDarkFreakwho's the smart aleck that had the bot speak in spanish?18:59
SmurphyPici: As I said. Bog brother is watching you :)19:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about af19:00
anoneemousedidnt think so19:00
Smurphy.joi #kubuntu-international19:00
anoneemouseSmurphy: no thanks19:00
cygnus_ok the issue is that my sound keeps echoing19:01
Smurphy*lol* Just created a channel for all Language Freaks :D19:01
omarthamerany one has idea about text.extras.menu19:01
cygnus_ive tried many different things to fix it19:01
Smurphycygnus_: oh. Disable the Micro ?19:01
Picianoneemouse: I thought we had one, but I cannot seem to find it.  You might be able to find something that fits on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat though.19:01
cygnus_how do I do that?19:01
cygnus_disable the micro?19:02
Smurphycygnus_: Mier -> check for line in etc. and disable it. probably it's just a loop-back from your loudspeakers the micro gets..19:02
anoneemouseits ok Pici i speak english just as well... i was just curious to see whether there was a community...19:02
SmurphySorry: s/Mier/Mixer/g19:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about klingon19:02
Smurphyahhhh...Not my world *lol*19:03
=== tackat_shower is now known as tackat
anoneemousecan anyone help me with my sound problem... just maybe19:03
anoneemousemy sample rate in alsa is all wrong and no matter what i try i can seem to get it set?19:03
Smurphyanoneemouse: what kind of problem do you have ? Just joined in.19:03
Smurphyanoneemouse: what sound chip do you have ?19:03
anoneemousemy sound is really slow and choppy19:03
cygnus_no there is no loopback there its disable in channels19:04
anoneemouseno chip... i have a usb creative emu 0404 usb sound interface19:04
Smurphyanoneemouse: and what kind if system do you have ?19:04
anoneemousekubuntu 9.0419:04
Smurphycygnus_: then disable the Echo function of your soundcard.19:04
cygnus_I have an intel HD audio ICH919:04
cygnus_how do I do that?19:04
Smurphyanoneemouse: Hardware ;)19:04
Smurphyah. USB Sound ? *shrug* That works ?19:04
anoneemousei found a forum thread for the soundcard19:05
anoneemousebut the stuff on there doesnt help for me19:05
anoneemouseits 17 pages long :/19:05
anoneemouseand ive run out of ideas... im probably doing everything wrong or something19:05
Smurphycould you type: sudo lspci | grep -i audio19:05
anoneemouseyeah usb sound works19:05
Smurphycould you type: sudo lsusb | grep -i audio19:05
Smurphysorry - lsusb ;)19:05
Smurphycygnus_: My Mixer shows me the echo Function. I can disable it here.19:06
cygnus_mine doesn't19:06
anoneemouseBus 001 Device 004: ID 041e:3f04 Creative Technology, Ltd E-Mu 040419:06
cygnus_iis it right when you open it?19:06
Smurphybad... What sound-cad do you have ?19:06
Smurphyanoneemouse: what drivers did you load ?19:06
cygnus_I have an intel ICH9 HD Audio sound card19:07
anoneemousei didnt load any... kubuntu did it all at install19:07
cygnus_do I need drivers?19:07
anoneemousei was shocked to hear sound coming out of it... i was pretty sure it wouldnt be supported19:07
cygnus_cause i couldn't find them for my card19:07
Smurphycygnus_: that's the one I have too. No issues at all ... Did you install plain new, or upgraded ?19:07
cygnus_you mean kubuntu?19:07
Smurphycygnus_: yes.19:08
cygnus_I just installed kubuntu from the cd download inside windows19:08
cygnus_and thats it19:08
cygnus_but its nt working19:08
Smurphyanoneemouse: Hmmm. what USB port did you put it into ? USB 1.1 or 2.0 ? also - what CPU speed/Memory does your computer have ?19:08
anoneemouseusb 2.0 it definitely wont work on usb 1.119:09
anoneemouseand for the record it works perfectly on xp19:09
Smurphycygnus_: insde windows ? *Shrug* Works, but Windows can screw it ;)19:09
MamarokSmurphy: ever heard of Wubi?19:09
Smurphyanoneemouse: Something working under XP doesn't it's flawless ;)19:09
cygnus_so then what do I do?19:09
SmurphyMamarok: yes. i know it. Makes many issues though. Had to migrate some installations away from it, cause windows decided it needed space.19:09
cygnus_im lost here, do I need new drivers then?19:10
cygnus_I looked and I cant find them for my sound card19:10
Smurphycygnus_: Open the Mixer -> Settings -> Configure Channels, and check what's in there you could try19:10
cygnus_already tried that19:11
cygnus_I enabled all channels19:11
Mamarokcygnus_: what does the system settings -> multimedia show you?19:11
cygnus_audio output and audio capture19:12
* Smurphy ha no systen settings -> Multimedia on his system...19:12
Mamarokcygnus_: well, in the right window, does it show your soundcard?19:12
cygnus_yes it does19:12
MamarokSmurphy: are you sure you are using a recent KDE?19:12
cygnus_it shows HDA intel19:12
cygnus_and pulse audio19:12
Mamarokcygnus_: that is most likely the problem, pulseaudio :(19:13
cygnus_what do I do with it?19:13
cygnus_disable it?19:13
SmurphyMamarok: on my Work laptop, ond 4.2.something... On my Mac mini @ Home, bleeding edge19:13
Smurphyah- found it...19:13
Mamarokcygnus_: there is a tab saying backend, what backend do you have there, xine or gstreamer?19:13
* Smurphy ha xine too ..19:13
Mamarokcygnus_: ok, we found the culprit, pulseaudio doesn't work well with the xine-backend, also you shouldn't even have pulseaudio installed19:14
Smurphyanoneemouse: sorry. But I don't find anything about your USB sound thingy. not even on Google ... that helps.19:14
Mamarokremoving pulseaudio sould bring back the sound19:14
cygnus_well I didn't install it it was just there lol19:14
=== buuuuuu is now known as chuso
cygnus_so what do I do?19:14
anoneemousei did Smurphy19:14
Mamarokyou need to uninstall it, but I have never done that in Wubi19:14
anoneemousebut it doesnt help me19:14
FloodBotK1anoneemouse: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:14
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.19:14
anoneemousei think i may be doing it wrong19:14
Mamarokcygnus_: you should check that link above19:15
cygnus_so mamarok, do you know what i can do to fix it?19:15
Smurphyanoneemouse: did it help ?19:15
cygnus_what link19:15
anoneemouseit had a guy with the same problem i have19:15
Mamarokcygnus_: http://wubi-installer.org/support.php19:15
anoneemouseand he managed to fix it19:16
anoneemousebut i tried the same thing it didnt work19:16
anoneemousethe guy at the bottom of that page19:16
anoneemousehe says noise gone sound fixed...19:16
cygnus_I already have wubi?19:16
cygnus_what will this do?19:16
Smurphyanoneemouse: Hm. cool :) I had these issues with the M10000 EPIA Board. was a pain to fix it. had to recompile my own kernel ...19:16
Mamarokcygnus_: didn't you say you installed Kubuntu inside Windows? that is wubi19:17
anoneemousealsa configuration seems to be my problem...19:17
cygnus_but what does it have to do with sound?19:17
anoneemouseand #alsa is dead19:17
anoneemousethe problem is that my .asoundrc file seems to have no effect...19:18
faydrissalsa dead? long live alsa!19:18
Mamarokcygnus_: wubi is installed in a sandbox, and if you have trouble with it, you should check in that link above.19:18
=== faydriss is now known as cuznt
Smurphyanoneemouse: yep. what was it too on the Epia board ... had to fix that, but also to recompile some newer kernels, as the support was bad at that time :)19:18
cygnus_im not having probs with wubi, just with sound19:18
Mamarokanoneemouse: I didn't follow everything, could you just restat your exact problem in oneline?19:19
cygnus_I dont get what it has to do with wubi????19:19
Mamarokcygnus_: but as you are using wubi I can't help you, you need to check with the link I gave you above19:19
TheDarkFreakmy apologies, but would using wubi really interfere with it?19:19
TheDarkFreakI thought Wubi was just what installed Kubuntu in a windows filesystem as a file19:20
anoneemousemy sample rate on my soundcard is set to 44khz and my music and videos are all 44khz, but alsa is stuck on 48khz and i cant seem to get it changed... my sound is really slow and choppy19:20
TheDarkFreakafter that19:20
TheDarkFreakkubuntu is kubutnu19:20
MamarokTheDarkFreak: the problem is how do you remove a package in wubi? I have no idea19:20
anoneemouseim also using wubi19:20
anoneemouseMamarok: just like normal kubuntu?19:20
TheDarkFreakMamarok: you have a full installation of Kubuntu with Wubi19:20
TheDarkFreakit's just like normal kubutnu19:20
TheDarkFreakthe only difference is19:20
TheDarkFreakkubuntu's "filesystem"19:20
FloodBotK1TheDarkFreak: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:20
Mamarokcygnus_: the problem you have is puleaudio, and you need to remove that, but as I never used wubi I have no idea how it works19:20
TheDarkFreakis stored as a file under windows19:20
TheDarkFreakyour regular solution should do19:21
cygnus_ok so once i remove pulse audio then thats it19:21
TheDarkFreakdo you use a package manager to remove it?19:21
* Smurphy has to eat something. Cya later folks ... Maybe ...19:21
Mamarokcygnus_: you will need to restart KDE after that19:21
TheDarkFreakbecause to Kubuntu19:21
cygnus_how do I remove it?19:21
TheDarkFreakthere is no difference between a wubi install or a direct hardware install19:21
anoneemouseexcept that you use the windows bootloader and your harddrive doesnt need to be partitioned19:22
Mamarokanoneemouse: what does the system setting -> multimedia tell you about the sound engine and the backend?19:22
TheDarkFreakbut that has nothing to do with Kubuntu packages19:22
TheDarkFreakI gotta go19:22
anoneemouseE-MU Systems, Inc. E-MU 0404 | USB (USB Audio)19:23
anoneemousethats the preffered device19:23
anoneemousebackend is xine19:23
Mamarokand you don't use pulseaudio?19:23
anoneemousethere seems to be a pulseaudio driver in the list... but i dont use it19:23
Mamarokanoneemouse: because pulseaudio and the phonon-xine-backend don't work well together, you should remove pulseaudio, this has solved the sound problems of most of the people19:24
cygnus_pulse audio19:24
cygnus_is in synaptic19:24
Mamaroksudo apt-get purge pulseaudio should work in a konsole19:24
cygnus_but when I go to uninstall it removes a whole bunch of other crap which I want19:25
anoneemouseokay how do i remo... thanks :)19:25
Mamarokthen remove the ~.kde/sahre/config/phonondevicesrc and restart KDE19:25
anoneemousePackage pulseaudio is not installed, so not removed19:26
cygnus_it says directory is locked19:26
cygnus_when i type in the purge pulseaudio command19:26
Mamarokcygnus_: could you paste the output of 'sudo apt-get purge pulseaudio' in http://paste.ubuntu.com and give the url here? Just don't execute the command once it suggest the packages it wants to remove19:26
Mamarokcygnus_: you need to close synaptic first19:26
Mamarokanoneemouse: try removing the configuration files of phonon anyway and restart KDE19:27
cygnus_it says19:27
cygnus_not installed19:27
cygnus_so it couldnt be removed19:27
cygnus_what the hell? but it says i have pulse audio19:28
Mamarokcygnus_: that is because there is a library still installed. It will not interfer with your sond anymore, but it will show in phonon19:29
cygnus_well do i need to restart19:29
cygnus_cause my sound ids still messe up19:29
cygnus_or do I need to do something else?19:29
Mamarokcygnus_: what do you mean by 'messed uo'?19:30
Mamarokup*, sry19:30
cygnus_it echoes19:30
cygnus_and it doesn't stop19:30
cygnus_and I cant hear anything else19:31
Mamarokstrange, I have never heard that before19:31
cygnus_I know it really weird19:31
cygnus_but what do i do now?19:31
cygnus_you were saying something a bout phonon?19:32
Mamarokbut as a coincidence, you both have a wubi installation with sound problems, did you check the bugs database on launchpad? http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug19:32
Mamarokcygnus_: phonon is the sound framework for KDE4, it distributes the sound19:33
cygnus_oh ok19:33
cygnus_so how do I fix it?19:33
Mamarokbecause this is the first time I hear about such sound problems, and both are related with a wubi installation19:33
Mamarokcygnus_: you should check that bugs database in the link above19:33
cygnus_yes I have to register19:33
cygnus_I cant see anything19:33
Mamarokand consider freeing a partition on your computer and install a regular Kubuntu19:34
Mamarokit will run much better than in a Wubi sandbox, without being slowed down by windows19:34
ironfroggy_does anyone know if there is something of a shelf life to CD-Rs? not written, but blank ones. I am trying to make a live CD on one of some of blanks i found, but they keep not reading properly19:37
cygnus_I looked19:37
cygnus_in the pad19:37
cygnus_there is nothing19:38
FloodBotK1cygnus_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:38
cygnus_about sound19:38
cygnus_so whtaq do I do now?19:39
Mamarokironfroggy_: it can be a quality problem, cheap CD-Rs have more problems than more pricier ones19:39
Mamarokcygnus_: do you have space left on your computer?19:39
cygnus_not much19:39
Mamarokhow much?19:39
cygnus_I think19:40
FloodBotK1cygnus_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:40
Mamarokyep, that's too little19:40
cygnus_I have an external drive19:40
Mamarokcygnus_: please do write in one line19:40
Mamarokcygnus_: how big is your internal HD?19:40
anoneemousehow do i restart kde... do i just log out?19:41
Mamarokcygnus_: please read what the bot tells you: you need to type your answers in one line, don't hit enter after just one or two words19:41
Mamarokyes, that's how you restart it19:41
cygnus_im doing that now19:41
Mamarokcygnus_: wait19:42
Mamarokcygnus_: ?19:42
cygnus_My Drive is 1TB, my external19:42
Mamarokcygnus_: how big is your internal one?19:42
cygnus_but it only has 2GB leftm of space19:43
Mamarokcygnus_: then you should push data to your external hard disk, this will free space so you could do a regular Kubuntu installation besides your windows19:43
MamarokI am sure you don't need to have all your data on the internal disk, the external disk is fast enough for data storage19:44
cygnus_well the thing is it cnt read kubuntu from my external19:44
Mamarokcygnus_: I don't understand, do you have an operationg system on that external harddisk?19:44
cygnus_no I tried installing kubuntu on it but it didnt work19:44
cygnus_which is why its on my internal drive19:45
Mamarokcygnus_: well, the external one is not bootable, that's why, but you can push the data of your internal HD to the external one19:45
cygnus_but how will thqat fix my sound?19:45
Mamarokyour personal data I mean, so it would be usable from both Windows and Kubuntu19:45
ironfroggy_I was finally able to confirm that my Live CD is written properly, but when I try to select any option, be it to run the desktop of the cd or just install kubuntu, I get just a blinking prompt, no errors, and it just sits there.19:45
Mamarokcygnus_: this will free space so you can install Kubuntu on your internal HD19:46
cygnus_it is installed on my internal drive19:46
Mamarokcygnus_: not as a standalone operating system, it is a Wubi installation, and this slows down everything19:46
cygnus_how do i insta;ll as a stand alone?19:47
cygnus_don't you need wubi to install kubuntu?19:47
Mamarokcygnus_: move all the data you want to access from both Windows and Kubuntu to the external hard disk, then you boot up your computer with an installation CD and select the installation option before it starts Kubuntu19:48
Mamarokcygnus_: no19:48
Mamarokbut make sure you move everything to the external disk19:48
cygnus_ummm ok, thanx for your help but I dont wanna reinstall again19:48
cygnus_Ive done it 3 times already19:49
Mamarokcygnus_: as you like :)19:49
cygnus_and i dont get why the sound wouldn't work in wubi19:49
Mamarokcygnus_: because it runs inside Windows19:49
Mamarokso all your system is slowed down, and this can well cause some problems19:49
cygnus_thanks for your help19:50
Mamarokcygnus_: you are welcome :)19:50
the-turkhi - im not able to install ubuntu server 9.04 on a dell optiplex 755 - no ps/2 port only usb - i can start the installation (grub) - but when the installer starts im not able to select the language - i already tried to hold the shift button but that does not help - any suggestions?19:51
Mamarokthe-turk: hi. Do you try installing it from a self made CD?19:52
the-turkno i downloaded the ubuntu server 64 bit edition19:52
the-turkor yes if you mean that i burned it19:54
Mamarokthe-turk: that's what I was asking, you burned the ISO yourself, right? Make sure you use a high quality media, there are sometimes problems with cheap CD-Rs19:54
the-turkok i will try again19:54
MamarokI had this problem myself several times, now I avoid cheap CD-Rs19:55
the-turki hope thats it19:56
geniiYou might be missing usbkbd type of driver loaded from initial ramdisk on server version cli19:56
the-turkgenii: i think you are right19:56
anoneemouseokay i restarted and my sound is still messed up :/19:56
the-turkany workaround suggestion than creating the iso by myself19:57
TheDarkFreakby the way19:57
TheDarkFreakis there any way to set a default refresh rate in kubuntu?19:57
TheDarkFreakwhen I boot kubuntu, it always sets itself to about 59 Hz, but the monitor looks best at 75 Hz19:58
TheDarkFreakit's a simple matter to change it19:58
TheDarkFreakbut must I change it every time I boot?19:58
TheDarkFreakor is there somewhere I can set 75 as the default>19:58
geniithe-turk: Without a ps2 kb it gets to be chicken-egg situation19:58
the-turkgenii: does the kubuntu installer load usbkbd?20:01
ironfroggy_i think im having the same problem the-turkis then. i just went through about 30 old CD-Rs20:01
ironfroggy_they're all around ten years old tho...20:01
ironfroggy_im about to break down and stick the dvd drive from this machine into the new one i built so i can just use my "live dvd"20:02
geniithe-turk: my usb kbd works fine in the kubuntu live install cd, so I'd have to say yes20:03
the-turkgenii: ok thank you20:03
the-turkMamarok: thank you20:04
jarodcohi everybody20:08
the-turkwhich version should I prefer for a intel core 2 duo? 32 or 64 bit?20:08
jarodconopro 64 bit is better20:08
jarodcoand lot faster20:09
jarodcoWho want to go on my sites20:12
FloodBotK1jarodco: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:13
jarodconow what i put thw code in FloodBotK120:14
=== ryan is now known as rnieuwoudt
saikat_how to make kde 4 graphics effects more fast20:16
saikat_they are very slow in my laptop20:16
jarodcoupdate it???20:17
llutzdisable them20:17
jarodcothats a guess20:17
jarodcodon'r disable20:17
saikat_i have 2gb ram, hp dv600020:17
anoneemousesaikat_: what graphics card do you have?20:17
saikat_its only 10 months old20:17
llutzintel i guess20:18
jarodcoyou will not see the computer good20:18
jarodcodo you have 9.0420:18
saikat_kde 420:19
jarodcoyou can't get kde 4 anymore on 9.0420:19
saikat_i did sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:19
jarodcoi found this on google: When I disable desktop effects, it loads instantly, just like Gnome. It still, however, takes 3-4 seconds to load the system tray apps, and FF still loads slightly slower (instead of appearing instantly, half the browser renders first, then the whole thing appears). Meh..20:19
jarodcoso try that20:20
saikat_gut gnome handles the effects brilliantly20:20
jarodcodoes it work now20:20
saikat_its faster20:21
jarodcono problem20:21
saikat_but is there no way to make the desktop effects work as well as in gnome20:21
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jarodcoif you need any more help email me at20:22
jarodcodon't think so you can try google it20:22
saikat_thank you very much20:22
saikat_i mean for yoour help20:22
anoneemousemy sound is still messed... can someone help me. i need to fix my sample rate on alsa20:23
anoneemousei tried asoundrc to no avail20:23
jarodcodon't think so i try to google it20:23
jarodcois it on mute20:23
jarodcois it plug in green20:23
anoneemousemy sound is working... there is just alot of noise20:24
anoneemouseand its slow... everyone has very deep voices20:24
jarodcoturn it up20:24
anoneemousehow will that help?20:25
jarodcoand turn it up by your computer20:25
jarodcoif anybody need my help email me20:25
jarodcoif you want to Join JarodCo Server go on Mozilla20:27
=== libervisco is now known as memenode
Lucas___a todos21:27
Lucas___que onda ¿??21:27
=== memenode is now known as libervisco
Wreckagehey, can someone help me out with a text color/display problem?21:40
Fanfare_fefe: hi21:55
Walzmynthe network manager plasmoid says i'm not connected to my wireless router, when clearly I am - anybody else getting this?21:57
fefealguien me puede ayudar a encontrar una persona21:57
fefesoy de mex21:57
Fanfare_Walzmyn: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plasma-widget-network-manager/+bug/40430921:59
fefealguien me puede ayudar a encontrar una persona22:00
fefe[15:57] <fefe> soy de mex22:00
Walzmynthanks Fanfare_ I was looking for something lke that22:00
Walzmynweird. You can "killall plasma-desktop" then run the plasma-desktop again and the plasmoid fixes itself22:05
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ufesohello all22:07
ufesogustavo de donde sos22:11
zorael_Is there a KDE4 package that sorts GNOME apps into its own subdivision in the kickoff menu, like there was in KDE3?22:29
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zemoois this a german channel22:47
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=== fred_ is now known as frankfer
=== Dezier is now known as zierbrian
=== Riddell is now known as Riddelll
TearsOfBloodhi... need some help regarding connecting to another network.23:11
TearsOfBloodany body can help me, pls?23:11
sebastiansorry about the question but does anyone know the channel for eee pc?23:23
=== leccapiedi is now known as SoleNero
ricard1hi, how configure kde to run faster?23:39
dwidmannricard1: which things seem slow?23:40
ricard1I have only 512 MB of memory. Some flash web-sites go very slow, in gnome they go a little more quick. In gnome there is an application called Appearance which can make all graphics more simple, I want a similar program in KDE.23:52

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