
TheMusoScottK, NCommander, is there a bug filed anywhere re the powerpc glibc/chroot wait issue?00:01
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RainCTgood night00:45
ximion_could some motu please look at the smile package in revu for sponsoring? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/smile00:45
ximion_it is already good (after some help from gaspa) and on a list to be included in Debian.00:46
ximion_ok, I'll ask this tomorrow, it's really late here01:06
ximion_good night!01:06
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ScottKTheMuso: I ping'ed NCommander and he said he ping'ed infinity.  Dunno about any bugs.01:43
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TheMusoah ok02:11
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LaserJockquestion, it seems like debuild is just not recognizing .orig.tar.gz files. It's just creating native packages :/04:17
LaserJockthe question is, is that a known issue in karmic?04:17
wgrantIt works fine for me as long as I have a proper version string.04:18
wgrantAnd everything would be pretty broken if it was.04:18
LaserJockso 1.5.8-2ubuntu0.8.04-ppa1 would not be a proper version string?04:19
wgrantBecause the upstream version there is 1.5.8-2ubuntu0.8.0404:19
wgrant'-ppa1' is never right.04:19
* LaserJock thinks for a second04:20
ajmitchdebian revision is everything after the final -04:21
ajmitchso don't use lots of them04:21
LaserJockI guess I'm a little rusty04:22
LaserJockmaybe 1.5.8-2ubuntu~0.8.10~ppa1 would maybe be the more correct versioning04:26
wgrantI don't like that ubuntu~04:26
wgrantWhat is this package?04:26
LaserJockit's just a bug fix I'm pushing for Edubuntu04:29
LaserJock1.5.8-2 is the current version04:29
LaserJockand I'm going to do PPA packages for hardy, intrepid, and jaunty04:29
LaserJockI don't like ubuntu~ either04:32
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LaserJockwgrant: is ~hardy or ~0.8.04 the preferred way to version these days?04:42
wgrantLaserJock: The later, I suspect.04:44
wgrantBut why 0.8.04, not 8.04?04:44
LaserJockbecause of a ubuntu1 version04:44
LaserJockbut I guess the ~ takes care of that04:45
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slytherinttx: geser: FYI ... I added .desktop file and uploaded jmeter. The source is in new queue.08:32
ttxslytherin: cool :)08:33
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directhex\sh, your blog commenting is broken. "An illegal choice has been detected. Please contact the site administrator."08:44
directhexi was gonna link to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCvdTXrXsBc !08:44
\shdirecthex: can't be...there are comments on the latest post08:48
directhex\sh, anti-directhex detection then. really isn't working08:51
\shdirecthex: I'll have a look in the logfiles :)08:51
\shbut funny video :)08:51
\shthe good part...my friend needs to pay the next round :)08:52
directhexhow often do packages in main which no longer need to be in main get demoted to universe?09:02
geserdirecthex: probably when someone goes over http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt09:05
geserbut better ask in #ubuntu-devel09:05
juli_slytherin, thank you for advocating cobertura!10:11
slytherinjuli_: You are welcome. Talk with geser or ttx to see if they have enough time to add another advocation.10:12
juli_slytherin, I will, thanks.10:13
ttxjuli_: it's on my tasklist, unfortunately no time yet10:13
juli_ttx, no problem I'll wait. I just need it in repo before FF:)10:14
juli_ttx, thnks:)10:14
lucaswhere is the reference doc for ubuntu development again?10:38
lucas(I mean the wiki page)10:38
slytherinlucas: link is in the channel topic10:38
slytherinOn Ubuntu channels, when in doubt check the channel topic. :-)10:38
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ScottKAnd that should just about do it for boost1.37 ...13:05
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slytherinAm I the only one seeing lot of netsplit here?13:30
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elgeneralmidihi !13:55
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elgeneralmidii have a little question, about revu13:58
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elgeneralmidiperson to answer me ?13:59
RainCThey elgeneralmidi14:02
elgeneralmidihi RainCT14:02
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elgeneralmidii want to upload my deb diff on revu, i have modified /etc/dput.cf14:04
elgeneralmidino problem for upload, with login anonymous14:07
RainCTelgeneralmidi: Have you seen the instructions at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/Packages/REVU? You don't upload debdiffs to REVU, but source packages (which can be created with "debuild -S -sa")14:07
elgeneralmidiRainCT:   yes no problem i uploaded .changes14:09
RainCTelgeneralmidi: ok, so what's the question?14:09
elgeneralmidiit's possible to upload with my loggin ? because i have uploaded source with login anonymous14:10
RainCTelgeneralmidi: No, the upload is always anonymous (and you shouldn't need to edit dput.cf if you're on a recent Ubuntu installation, I think REVU is already in the by default). The owner of the package is determined, once it's uploaded, by looking at the GPG signature of the .changes file.14:11
RainCTelgeneralmidi: The only thing you need to do for REVU to recognize you is logging in from the web interface once before you upload the package14:12
luisbgelgeneralmidi, have you logged in before to the REVU site?14:12
elgeneralmidiyes i am connected14:14
RainCTelgeneralmidi: what's the name of the package?14:14
RainCTelgeneralmidi: OK. You did a binary upload (ie., uplodaded a2jmidid_5-0ubuntu1_i386.changes instead of a2jmidid_5-0ubuntu1_source.changes).14:16
elgeneralmidiarf it's not good14:17
elgeneralmidiRainCT:  ok i have upload with a2jmidid_5-0ubuntu1_source.changes14:24
elgeneralmidii wait ?14:25
RainCTYes, the cronjob runs every 3 minutes if I remember correctly.14:25
* RainCT files bug #406886 for when he gets some time14:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406886 in revu "Send out e-mails in response to wrong uploads" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40688614:26
Laneywhere's the script for me to do a manual sync?14:45
geser"manual sync"?14:47
jpdsLaney: dput .changes14:47
Laneyupload it myself14:47
Laneyyeah I know14:47
Laneybut there's a script for this14:47
elgeneralmidiwhere is my upload RainCT ?14:58
RainCTelgeneralmidi: 2009-07-30 15:24:02 - a2jmidid_5-0ubuntu1_source.changes: Incorrect signature, moving to rejected.14:59
bddebianHeya gang14:59
elgeneralmidiwhy ?15:00
RainCTelgeneralmidi: you either have never logged in on REVU, you used the wrong GPG key for signing the package, or Launchpad doesn't know your GPG key15:00
elgeneralmidiah ok, how to import my gpg key on launchpad ?15:02
RainCTelgeneralmidi: https://edge.launchpad.net/people/+me/+editpgpkeys15:03
RainCTelgeneralmidi: you'll need to logout and login again on REVU after adding the key, so that it fetches it again15:05
elgeneralmidiLaunchpad could not import your OpenPGP key.15:06
slytherinelgeneralmidi: I hope you are uploading your public key in ascii format15:08
elgeneralmidiI launched the command gpg --fingerprint15:09
elgeneralmidiand paste a public key15:09
elgeneralmidi27CB 86A6 A43B 3D21 E6A1  6D31 A5C4 C863 C393 E7C315:10
elgeneralmidiand clic on Import Key15:10
elgeneralmidiLaunchpad could not import your OpenPGP key. :-(15:11
slytherinelgeneralmidi: Looks like launchpad imports the key from some key server. Is your key uploaded to a keyserver already?15:11
elgeneralmidiyes i launched this command15:14
elgeneralmidigpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys15:14
slytherinhmm, then I am not sure what the problem is.15:15
elgeneralmidiI understand why15:16
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* Laney figures out some other haskell packages to rebuild15:44
Laney30 can be done now15:50
Laneyanyone fancy splitting the uploads?15:50
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LaneyCouple of quick REVUs for some packages in Debian NEW anyone?16:41
* Laney flutters eyelids16:41
LaneyI hope this ppc buildd problem doesn't mess up the ghc transition there :(16:57
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ximionhi! could someone please take a look at the smile package at revu? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/smile17:11
ximionit is quite fine and already on the list to be included to debian experimental, but it would be great if it could go to ubuntu karmic before feature-freeze.17:12
ximion(I'm not a motu, so the package needs sponsoring)17:13
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mzzis there some cunning way to edit a file in an sbuild-lvm chroot, other than "schroot -c jaunty-source" and then editing the file in /var/lib/schroot/mount/jaunty-source?17:20
Laneyis there a special auto-accept for synced packages which would be binary NEW?17:44
Laneyor do they go through the queue like any other17:44
Laneyjames_w: ^?17:45
james_wLaney: they end up in the queue17:45
james_wthe archive admin should fast-track them though17:46
Laneydeciding whether to requestsync or syncpackage17:46
james_wwant me to fish something out17:46
Laneynot uploaded yet17:46
Laneyjames_w: bug 40698417:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406984 in hscolour "Sync hscolour 1.13-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)." [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40698417:47
* Laney heads home17:47
* Laney updates The Graph first17:49
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andolWondering if I can get some help interpret https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/munin/1.2.6-12ubuntu1/+build/106213618:07
andolDoes that ^^ information mean that 2009-07-28 was the first build attempt, or merely the most recent of potentially many build attempts?18:08
geserthe most recent (see also the time and date within the changelog)18:15
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awaltonI've got a ppa question: if I have four packages that waterfall depend on each other (a->b->c->d), do I need to setup 4 ppas and set the dependencies likewise, or will it be able to figure it out on its own?19:22
geserawalton: one PPA is enough. are those build-dependencies or run-time dependencies?19:23
awaltonthanks geser19:24
geserupload the first package, wait till it got build, upload the next one, wait till it got build, ...19:25
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agrajaganyone use/like anything other then dpkg-scanpackages to make a Packages.gz file?20:39
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elgeneralmidihi, how to look on revu the source rejected uploads ? because i have uploaded source there are 10 minutes,and I still see nothing20:43
poningruquick question how ok is it to have files go into /usr/local?20:52
poningruas in /usr/local/sbin/ etc.20:52
jpdsIn a package? Not so OK...20:52
poningruas in whats the policy in a package installing files to that20:52
poningruah ok20:53
nhandlerelgeneralmidi: What is the name of the package?20:59
elgeneralmidipyphat nhandler20:59
nhandlerLet me take a look elgeneralmidi21:00
nhandlerelgeneralmidi: What is your LP profile?21:00
nhandlerelgeneralmidi: Have you logged into REVU yet?21:01
elgeneralmidion revu i am logged in as ubuntufromscratch21:03
nhandlerelgeneralmidi: And are you signing the package with the same key that is on LP ?21:03
elgeneralmidiyes, i have just one key21:03
nhandlerelgeneralmidi: What command were you using to build the source package?21:04
jpdselgeneralmidi: Try: debuild -S -sa21:06
elgeneralmidiand sign the source after with debsign21:06
elgeneralmidiit's impossible for me, because i created a base pbuilder karmic on my hardy21:08
elgeneralmidiand debuild -S -sa build a package with the system21:09
geserit should only build a source package21:09
elgeneralmidi pyphat_0.4.1-0ubuntu1_source.changes: bad-ubuntu-distribution-in-changes-file karmic21:11
geseryou can ignore that, it's normal that hardy doesn't know about karmic21:13
elgeneralmidiI have another message saying that my secret key is not available21:15
elgeneralmididebsign: gpg error occurred!  Aborting....21:15
geserthis usually happens when your key uid (including any comments) doesn't match your name in the last line of the changelog entry21:17
elgeneralmidiI checked and it is identical in the changelog and my gpg key :-/21:20
devfiljames_w: about the papyon package (it was rejected yesterday), what should I add in debian/copyright? "papyon source embeds a copy of pyiso8601"?21:21
nhandlerelgeneralmidi: You can try passing the -k<key-id> option to debuild21:22
elgeneralmidiyes it's good now21:24
elgeneralmidithx nhandler21:25
nhandlerDid you re-upload to REVU elgeneralmidi ?21:25
elgeneralmidiok i try21:25
elgeneralmidiSuccessfully uploaded packages21:26
nhandlerelgeneralmidi: I'm glad it worked21:29
elgeneralmidiyes it worked, :)21:30
elgeneralmidithanks you again21:30
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ximionhi! could someone please take a look at the smile package at revu? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/smile22:26
ximionit is quite fine and already on the list to be included to debian experimental, but it would be great if it could go to ubuntu karmic before feature-freeze.22:26
ximion(I'm not a motu, so the package needs sponsoring)22:26
ximionhi! could someone please take a look at the smile package at revu? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/smile22:26
ximionit is quite fine and already on the list to be included to debian experimental, but it would be great if it could go to ubuntu karmic before feature-freeze.22:26
ximion(I'm not a motu, so the package needs sponsoring)22:26
ximionsorry for asking this question again and again: could someone please take a look at the smile package at revu? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/smile22:27
ximionit is quite fine and already on the list to be included to debian experimental, but it would be great if it could go to ubuntu karmic before feature-freeze.22:27
ximion(I'm not a motu, so the package needs sponsoring)22:27
ximionsorry for asking this question again and again: could someone please take a look at the smile package at revu? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/smile22:27
ximionit is quite fine and already on the list to be included to debian experimental, but it would be great if it could go to ubuntu karmic before feature-freeze.22:27
ximion(I'm not a motu, so the package needs sponsoring)22:27
ximionsorry for asking this question again and again: could someone please take a look at the smile package at revu? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/smile22:27
ximionit is quite fine and already on the list to be included to debian experimental, but it would be great if it could go to ubuntu karmic before feature-freeze.22:27
ximion(I'm not a motu, so the package needs sponsoring)22:27
ximionsorry for asking this question again and again: could someone please take a look at the smile package at revu? http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/smile22:27
ximionit is quite fine and already on the list to be included to debian experimental, but it would be great if it could go to ubuntu karmic before feature-freeze.22:27
ximion(I'm not a motu, so the package needs sponsoring)22:27
ximionoops... this was not planned ;-)22:27
ximionmaybe I found a bug in quassel22:27
ximionsorry for that many entries.22:28
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