
LLStarkshey asac00:02
LLStarksor is it asac_00:03
=== asac_ is now known as asac
asacfta: http://paste.ubuntu.com/236209/00:10
asacLLStarks: its me00:10
asacbut i have to throw myself in the bed soon ;)00:11
LLStarksasac, is autocomplete acting up for you?00:11
ubottuMozilla bug 507269 in Location Bar and Autocomplete "Address bar autocomplete doesn't always work" [Normal,Unconfirmed]00:11
LLStarksalso, when will firefox-3.6 be distro package on launchpad?00:11
asacLLStarks: can you give detailed instructions? e.g. how you trigger autocomplete etc.00:12
ftaasac, l35=l9700:12
LLStarksi have no idea how i trigger it00:12
asacfta: oh yeah. the team section at bottom is removed ;)00:12
asaci thought it was better to start with simple stuff like team and toools ;)00:13
asacgood thing its more or less an open end session ;)00:13
asacso if you wake up and feel like jumping in at 9 or 9:30 i might still be acting ;)00:14
asacok with team at bottom removed: http://paste.ubuntu.com/236213/00:14
ftai'm at work at that time00:15
asacthat makes sense ;)00:15
* asac is curious who will show up that early ... australians? asians? early-birds?00:16
ftano one?00:16
asaci just can hope that whatever set it is,its at least with me ;)00:16
asaci would hope not :)00:17
asacLLStarks: usuually we push things in repo on late alphas or early betas00:20
asacfor first time00:20
ftalzma is good for the size, but the build time jumped to almost 3h00:24
asaci dont think thats worth it now00:24
asacchromium is alredy heavy enough00:24
asacit for now ;)00:24
ftaheavy? you mean slow to build or heavy debs?00:26
asacslow to build00:28
asaccurrenlty PPA cycles seem to be more precious than space ;)00:28
asacat least we seem to be ok with the current quota (also not much room of course)00:28
asacdamn. i uploaded nss jaunty to intrepid in ppa :(00:29
asacnow the ppa is lost00:29
ftalol, with 40GB of quota, that's enough..  even if every few days, i reach 38GB00:30
asacstill it works for the current approach :)00:30
asachave you seen this notify-osd patch from above?00:33
LLStarksmark better demand delta debs for lucky liger.00:34
asaci cant parse that to be honest ;)00:34
asacbut its late00:34
LLStarksor courgette00:34
asaci think the mozillateam is the wrong group to fix debs to use courgette ;)00:35
ftaasac, http://paste.ubuntu.com/236226/00:37
ftaasac, so your patch could be much simpler00:38
asacfta: you mean because it unrefs?00:39
BUGabundohey guys00:40
asacfta: not sure what you mean. the patch definitly could make things much simpler, but i dont think the patch can be made much simpler. i do the check for the reference counting of surfaces because of the data thing that the client has to take care on its own00:41
ftaasac, no, your if (ptr != NULL) destroy(ptr);00:41
ftajust call destroy00:41
asacyeah that could be00:41
asacit was not specified in api doc00:41
ftathat's why i fetched the sources00:41
asacyeah. but i am not sure one should rely on undocumented api behaviour00:42
asacthats why i usually dont look at sources ;)00:42
asacbut i will think about it... maybe there is some general sectio nthat says that all destroys in cairo are NULL safe00:42
ftacairo does ref counting, so that should be pretty robust00:42
ftaotherwise, we'll see a lot of crashes everwhere in gnome00:43
asacfta: you say alot of things in gnome call _destroy with NULL ?00:44
asacnot sure why refcounting means that something is NULL safe ;)00:44
asacanyway. there ar emore memory issues left. at least i am down from 100 Megabyte in 20 minutes using special testcase to 1.4 m ;)00:45
ftathat's the basis of refcounting, don't crash ;)00:45
asacwell. not on NULL00:45
asacthe idea of refconuting is that you can unref it ... but not that you can unref something that doesnt exist00:45
asacof course its there to prevent doublt free situations... but you rarely call something with NULL and ge ta double free00:46
asacrarely == never ;)00:46
asaceither its graceful or it crashes00:46
asacgood. nss bits are in the ppa ... so i can sleep  ;) cu 'morrow00:47
BUGabundoI'm going to00:49
BUGabundostill need to make chromium work on debian00:50
BUGabundodarn lib32-gtk00:50
ftarebuild it00:50
ftaoh, lol, more ia32 issues00:50
ftaBUGabundo, i will soon experiment with native x6400:51
ftait's getting closer00:51
ftaasac, http://groups.google.com/group/chromium-dev/browse_thread/thread/3fbd367ac70f623201:08
micahgasac: I would normally show up for that time period as it's 1AM for me :)01:38
micahgI won't be there tonight though...01:38
micahgI'll check the logs over the weekend though01:38
micahgI wish I could make it01:38
asacfta_: annoying form thing ... posted two messags. they dont show up08:21
asacfta_: if you could point them to my issue, that would be great: http://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=41108:21
asacpinged evmar directly08:26
asacanyone with hardy/intrepid/jaunty here ;)?09:00
asacso i will probably not so another training session at 6 UTC)10:29
e-jat:( i miss the training ..10:30
andvasac, which training session?11:40
gnomefreakasac: did devicekit-power replace devicekit?12:06
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP312:09
asacgnomefreak: dont know. but sounds reasonable12:13
asacat least devicekit is dead12:13
gnomefreakasac: thanks12:18
gnomefreakasac: my feelings aside im getting the hint that multisearch shyould be removed. 2 more bugs reported today on it.13:25
gnomefreak- Drop devicekit dependency.13:27
gnomefreak    - Add Conflicts to devicekit.13:27
gnomefreakthat explains that13:27
gnomefreakill be back in a few13:27
asacgnomefreak: we will remove multisearch for alpha413:33
asacthat was communicated, wasnt it?13:33
asaci will check if we can remove it in a week or so. i guess we have want we wanted by then13:33
asacgnomefreak: please use "multisearch" tag for those bugs. thanks!13:34
gnomefreakasac: they were duplicates of the 2 main bugs we have13:48
gnomefreakasac: i will check to make sure they are tagged13:48
gnomefreakasac: yep both are tagged already13:49
gnomefreakmy Lp script isnt working :(13:49
gnomefreakbdmurray: as i recall you are the author of the LP greasemonkey script (from PPA) if so it seems i lost the reply choices13:52
gnomefreakfirefox-lp-improvements is the name of it13:53
gnomefreakasac: it doesnt seem you commented about removing it on either bug. Can you please comment about it either on your blog or on the 2 bugs bug 403246 bug 402767. if on blog let me know i will comment ont he bugs linking them to your blog. blog im talking about is at: http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/162-What-is-this-Multisearch-thing-in-my-Firefox-about.html14:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 403246 in firefox-3.5 "multisearch - please restore old NEWTAB" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40324614:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402767 in firefox-3.5 "multisearch add on blocks the functionality of firefox location bar" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40276714:01
mac_vguys...In karmic, why is the right-click google search always searching in the Ubuntu start page?14:28
mac_vI removed ubufox but still it is stuck with the start page :(14:28
mac_vsearching from the searchbox searches in the google.com/firefox , but the right click select always uses ubuntu start page [both in 3.0 &3.5]14:31
mac_vfta_: asac gnomefreak : is this a known issue or should i open a separate bug^ ?14:32
gnomefreakmac_v: yes for now disable ubufox should help it14:33
mac_vgnomefreak: nope , doesnt do it :( , i removed ubufox , but still only start page14:33
gnomefreakstart page == your home page or ubuntu search page14:34
mac_vubuntu start page14:34
gnomefreakmac_v: link?14:34
asacgnomefreak: ubufox has nothing to do with it14:35
asacmultisearch ;)14:35
asacis it14:35
mac_vgnomefreak: what link? i'm confused14:35
gnomefreakasac: removing ubufox helps some of them. but yes i know multisearch is the problem14:35
asacgnomefreak: please dont tell anyone to disable ubufox14:35
asacgnomefreak: for the search issue. thats a wrong thing and spreads around and everyone drops ubufox ;)14:36
gnomefreakasac: you started that not me14:36
asaci started it?14:36
asaci said: disable multsearch ;)14:36
asacnot ubufox14:36
mac_vguys... gus...14:36
mac_vguys... how do i solve this? ;p14:36
gnomefreakasac: ah. thats it :(14:36
asacmac_v: what is right click google search ... i dont know that14:37
gnomefreakmac_v: try disabling multisearch :)14:37
asacack ;)14:37
gnomefreakyou can also check the button that says web search14:37
mac_vasac: select text and right-click , you have the search option ... i was mentioning that14:37
gnomefreakat the top of that page but not sure if that is once or once for each search14:38
mac_vgnomefreak: i tried checking the websearch button , no go for me14:38
gnomefreakmac_v: disable multisearch extension14:38
gnomefreakasac: there are 4 or 5 arm patches?14:38
asacmac_v: yeah disable multisearch then14:39
gnomefreakthere is 18_arm 38_arm bz339782_cvs and bzr 322806_14:39
gnomefreaki had 3 of them already14:39
gnomefreakso i feel im missing one14:40
mac_vhehe... so long i was wondering what was multi-search extension.... just now checked ... that bugger has sneaked in ;p14:40
asacmac_v: also file a bug about "right click search going to custome search" ... and tag it multisearch please14:40
mac_vyeah disabling it solves the problem14:40
mac_vasac: ok... but how did that extension get added?14:41
gnomefreakhmm that seems those are the only ones. at least the 2 bzr were added14:43
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about multisearch14:44
asac!multisearch is http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/162-What-is-this-Multisearch-thing-in-my-Firefox-about.html14:44
asac15:44 [freenode] [ubottu(n=supybot@ubuntu/bot/ubottu)] Your edit request has been forwarded to #ubuntu-ops.  Thank you for your attention to detail14:44
asacsigh ... too bad that they dumped me from the ops list14:44
gnomefreaki got it14:44
gnomefreak!multisearch is <reply> http://www.asoftsite.org/s9y/archives/162-What-is-this-Multisearch-thing-in-my-Firefox-about.html14:44
ubottuI'll remember that, gnomefreak14:44
asacsure. but i am 100% sure it worked for me a while ago ;)14:45
gnomefreakasac: you have to be loggede in to bot to add14:45
ubottuThe operation succeeded.14:45
gnomefreakasac: try that14:45
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.14:46
ubottuuse @whoami14:46
asacyou dont rock ubottu14:46
asacgnomefreak: we already had that a few days ago. i am not in the list anymore i am sure14:47
gnomefreakasac: i am working on it14:47
asacdont bother to add me again ;) ... just curious when i got removed14:47
gnomefreakme too14:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about snack14:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about treat14:47
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.14:47
asac!snack is <reply> not something to drink14:47
gnomefreakno there is one already14:48
gnomefreakgedit is crashing damnit14:51
gnomefreakgedit patches/series14:51
gnomefreakSegmentation fault (core dumped)14:51
mac_vasac: done ... Bug #40689314:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406893 in firefox-3.5 "Right-click search goes to custom search" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40689314:51
bdrung_asac: you wanted a correct version comparison. here you have it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/236641/15:10
gnomefreakok arm patches are added :)15:10
bdrung_asac: the only problem is, that you need all packages installed (e.g. firefox-3.0, firefox-3.5, thunderbird, prism, ...)15:10
asacbdrung_: please a diff ;)15:10
asacbdrung_: yeah. but you need those installed then ... i am not sure if we really want it15:11
bdrung_asac: http://paste.ubuntu.com/236644/15:12
bdrung_asac: or would it be enough if you strip the upstream version out of the debian package version?15:12
asacbdrung_: we could say that apps should add a custom header to the binary packages control file15:13
asaclike: Xb-Moz-App-Version: ${xulapp:version}15:14
asachowever, i am currently not sure if we can have access to that on the builders15:14
bdrung_asac: how do access those information in the terminal?15:15
asacbdrung_: check apt-cache show mozilla-plugin-gnash | grep Npp-15:16
asacthose are custom headers that are in control like: Xb-Npp-....15:16
bdrung_asac: i read your classroom session and stumbled upon the xulrunner dependency checks. e.g. "shell pkg-config --exists 'cairo >= 1.5.8'; a=$$?; if test $$a != 1; then echo 1; fi"15:24
bdrung_asac: you can simplify this or do you really want to check _exactly_ the result version != 1?15:25
gnomefreaknow it no longer crashes15:27
bdrung_asac: "shell pkg-config --exists 'cairo >= 1.5.8' && echo 1" should do the same. the second command is only run, if the first exits with 0.15:28
asacbdrung_: yeah i know.15:39
asacbdrung_: i am not sure when we did it ;)15:39
asaci usually dont care for working code :)15:39
asacfeel free to suggest improvements15:39
asacat best by suggesting merges ... lol...15:40
asacyeah this training session was a bit odd. noone really replied so i think they expected something completely different and ran away15:40
bdrung_asac: oh, i wanted to only create a patch file :) (so i don't have to write a changelog entry)15:41
bdrung_asac: or they had to go to university to write an exam.15:41
asacbdrung_: whatever you prefer. but i assure you that you will love bzr if you actually give it a chance ;)15:41
asacbdrung_: yeah. actually the time was more for eastern europe/asian/australian folks15:41
bdrung_asac: i like bzr, but not love it. :)15:42
asacbut afaik free software isnt that popular15:42
asacbdrung_: that whould be good enough to use it :)15:42
asacTomJaeger: hi15:42
asacTomJaeger: so seems xserver 1.7 is at risk15:42
bdrung_asac: my preference would be a combinition of git and bzr15:43
TomJaegerasac, yup15:43
asacbdrung_: for our purposed bzr is pretty perfect15:43
bdrung_but slow15:43
asacbdrung_: nowadays?15:43
bdrung_asac: yes15:44
asacbdrung_: for me it feels pretty snappy nowadays ;)15:44
asacat least similar to hg15:44
bdrung_asac: git feels faster.15:44
asacand the difference really isnt significant to git for everything but the biggest source tres15:44
asacbdrung_: i think your current perception is still biased from past experiences ;)15:44
bdrung_asac: gitweb is better.15:45
asacthats a fair point15:45
asacand i kick folks everytime i see it15:45
asacsee them15:45
bdrung_but the big problem of git is, that is complex and some command are really weird15:45
asacbut imo git web doesnt outweight the brain-pain that git comes with15:45
asacright. i dont think its worth for packaging. really15:45
asacits completely over engineered for that purpose15:46
asacits for a huge development project with centralize main tree ;)15:46
bdrung_asac: and for ugly packages like eclipse15:47
asacpackages that need git do something wrong i am sure ;)15:48
bdrung_asac: for the speed: bzr pull in mozilla-devscripts need 4 secs (with no changes)15:48
asacoh wait. eclipse package is dead15:48
asacbdrung_: because you go through ssh?15:48
gnomefreakkernel uses git IIRC15:49
asactry how quick the http: thing is15:49
asacbdrung_: if you use lp:~.... it tries ssh first i think15:49
bdrung_asac: bzr+ssh15:49
bdrung_asac: but with http i cannot push, right?15:49
asacbdrung_: you can have http for pull and ssh for push15:50
gnomefreakbdrung_: https you can15:50
gnomefreakits slower by a little bit15:50
bdrung_gnomefreak: that's what asac was referring to (its for a huge development project with centralize main tree)15:50
asacgnomefreak: no you cannot push15:50
gnomefreakasac: i thought i did15:51
asacbdrung_: for me pull taking 4 seconds is completely acceptable. you dont run pull like twenty times in a row ;)15:51
asacanyway ;)15:51
bdrung_asac: i have a script which updates all my repos15:51
gnomefreakapport isnt working in Kamric15:51
asacbdrung_: yeaah. then pull through https ... just tried takes about 1-2 seconds15:52
gnomefreakany idea on how to report a crash using apport?15:52
asacbdrung_: bzr pull --remember https://code.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/mozilla-devscripts/mozilla-devscripts15:52
gnomefreakasac: example i used bzr push sftp://bazaar.launchpad.net/~gnomefreak/firefox/firefox.dev15:52
asacgnomefreak: you shouldnt use sftp15:52
asacthats rally old and slow15:53
gnomefreakasac: shouldnt but had to with firefox15:53
asacgnomefreak: use lp:~gnomefreak ...15:53
gnomefreakasac: i couldnt it would stall out every time push or pull using lp~*15:53
bdrung_asac: http needs 1.1 secs15:53
bdrung_and https 1.1 secs, too.15:54
bdrung_thats nearly 4 times faster.15:55
asacbdrung_: yeah. thats what i mean15:56
asacthe other thing is bzr+ssh15:56
asacso its all ssh handshake ;)15:56
asacso do a bzr pull --remember with https://code.launchpad on all branches and bzr push --remember lp:~... then its fine15:57
bdrung_3 secs for ssh. i currently tested my ssh connection to the university. they need 3 secs, too.15:57
bdrung_asac: so i blamed the wrong one. ;)15:58
asacack ;)15:59
bdrung_asac: back to xpi.mk: if all apps would provide a custom header Upstream-Version, then this patch should work: http://paste.ubuntu.com/236723/16:08
asacbdrung_: yeah. unfortrunately i found out that we have no access to any apt db during build16:09
bdrung_asac: why not?16:09
bdrung_asac: isn't it possible to depend on apt?16:10
asacbdrung_: apt yes, problem is you dont have athe apt db locally ... nor do you have access to network on buildd's16:11
bdrung_asac: so we need the first approach, that we have the binary packages installed. any other suggestions?16:12
asacgood question.16:15
asaci will think a bit about it16:17
asacwe could have two modes: a) accurate versioning (requires build depends) or b) no versioned depends16:18
asachi Willex16:18
Willexis it possible some update has screwed up my firefox as it struggles to start?16:18
bdrung_asac: can you explain b) more?16:18
bdrung_hi Willex16:19
Willexit worked fine in the morning but this evening when I rebooted nothing appears until like 5 min lag...16:20
WillexI tried reinstalling but still no change16:20
bdrung_Willex: did you tried to start ff without plugins?16:21
asacbdrung_: basically extension package maintainers could decide. either they opt-into accurate versions ... which would require them to build depend on all applications he wants to have in Depends/Recommends16:21
asacor he says: just add packages for the given targetapplication ids ... wihtout considering versions16:22
bdrung_Willex: you can try to start ff with "firefox -safe-mode"16:22
Willexwell I already disabled all the addons and it now starts fluidly16:22
Willexso is it some broken extension update that's screwing it up?16:23
bdrung_Willex: so you can enalbe them step by step and you will catch the problematic one16:23
WillexI don't remember updating them recently...16:23
bdrung_or it is a ff problem in combinition with an extension16:24
Willexwell I've had the same ones for quite some time...16:25
Willexhmm, seems to be Kallout that's the trouble maker here16:26
Willexwaiting... tralalalaaa16:26
bdrung_asac: updating the changelog and doing the change in the same commit or in different ones?16:28
asacbdrung_: what change?16:30
asacthe accurate vs. proactive16:31
asacerr sloppy16:31
bdrung_asac: e.g. the one regarding xulrunner (simplifying the shell command)16:32
asacbdrung_: rule is: if current changelog is UNRELEASED -> extend the changelog16:32
asacif its karmic or so it means that last commit was a release update16:32
asacthen open new changelog entry with UNRELEASED16:33
asacmakes sense?16:33
bdrung_asac: yes, that was clear16:33
asacbdrung_: oh. do it on xulrunner-1.9.2.head branch ... thats where we usually land improvements first16:33
bdrung_asac: my question was: a) doing changes, commit, update changelog, commit or b) doing changes, update changelog, commit16:33
asacas its trunk16:33
asacbdrung_: ah ok.16:33
asacbdrung_: doing change, update changelog and use debcommit16:34
asacso the changelog entry is used for bzr commit of the change16:34
bdrung_asac: here you are: https://code.launchpad.net/~bdrung/xulrunner/simplify-shell-command/+merge/946916:42
bdrung_asac: you can find UNRELEASED twice in the xulrunner changelog. something went wrong there...16:49
asaclet me check16:56
asacbdrung_: yeah. thats the 1.9.1 changelog still ;)16:56
bdrung_asac: how to proceed with xpi.mk?16:59
asacbdrung_: a bit of a difficult question.17:04
asacbdrung_: not from xpi.mk side, but from what we require applications to do17:04
asacxpi.mk should get a switch like ..._XPI_AUTO_VERSION17:04
asacand if its there use whatever mechanism we define for targetapplication packages to expose their version17:05
asacalso we could consider to define a version mapping for packages so we could guess the right lower/upper version bounds for depends17:05
asacfor package versions17:06
asaclet me think a bit ;)17:06
bdrung_it's now late enough to think clearly ;)17:06
bdrung_asac: my goal is it to simplify the plugin packages. so simplifying depends, but the having to b-d on the ff, tb, etc. would destroy the win17:07
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
asacbdrung_: yes. so if we could invent a mozversion -> deb package mapping, we could generate proper version bounds without having them installed17:21
asacso we might have impossible combinations like thunderbird (>= 3.0~a1)17:22
asacbut we could maintain a list of special EOL and SOL versions for certain packages17:22
asaclike thunderbird_sol = 0.1a1pre17:22
asacthunderbird_eol = 2.0.0.*17:22
bdrung_what do you mean with eol and sol?17:23
asacthunderbird-3.0_sol = 3.0a1pre17:23
asacbdrung_: eol = end of life ;)17:23
asacsol the opposite ;)  ... version of birth like ;)17:23
bdrung_not birth date, but fecundation date ;)17:25
bdrung_asac: you said that in the building we cannot run apt-cache. how should the mozversion -> deb package mapping work?17:26
bdrung_asac: now i understand it.17:31
bdrung_asac: here's the implementation of your idea: http://paste.ubuntu.com/236918/17:41
eagles0513875morning asac17:46
bdrung_asac: we could set the *_sol to the current upstream version of the packages in unstable/karmic, couldn't we?18:04
bdrung_asac: wow, NEW contains nearly 300 packages.18:58
=== dpm-afk is now known as dpm
bdrung_asac: packages should b-d on xulrunner-dev instead of libxul-dev, right?19:39
bdrung_asac: do you know how to sru a new upstream version? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/adblock-plus/+bug/32076219:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 320762 in adblock-plus "Please backport adblock-plus 1.1-0ubuntu1" [Wishlist,New]19:51
asacbdrung_: yes xulrunner-dev is the right one20:24
asacbdrung_: thtas a backport request. not an SRU?20:24
asacbdrung_: ok. it basically needs a bug that is severe enough to justify a backport20:25
bdrung_asac: the backport team said, that sru fits better than backporting20:25
bdrung_asac: maybe we should adjust the severity20:25
asacbdrung_: we should make a bug out of it ... like: "adblock-plus filters broken"20:32
asacwhat exactly is broken?20:32
bdrung_asac: some filter expressions do not work, because only the newer version supports the syntax. so less spam is filtered.20:33
bdrung_asac: so it is not totally broken, but partly.20:33
asacbdrung_: i remember that there are different filterlist providers20:34
asacare the new filter expressions used by new providers? or by the old ones?20:35
bdrung_asac: and depending on how aggressively they use the new syntax...20:35
bdrung_asac: by the old ones.20:35
bdrung_asac: they are used by (nearly) all providers listet on adblock website20:35
asacbdrung_: what i mean is: users that have the old adblock extension ... do they already pull data that they dont properly understand?20:38
bdrung_asac: yes. the lists are automatically updated (weakly)20:39
pace_t_zulufta_: i reckon this command works for formatting the commit date like you suggested GIT_DATE = $(shell cd $(TMP_DIR)/src && git rev-list --max-count=1 --date=rfc --format=%ad HEAD | tail -1 | xargs -i date +%Y%m%dt%H%M -d'{}')20:47
pace_t_zulufta_: if you have a better/more compact command... please share20:48
asacbdrung_: ok make a bug out of it. change severity and subscribe motu-sru20:49
bdrung_asac: other topic: should we set the *_sol to the current upstream version of the packages in unstable/karmic?20:50
asacbdrung_: but i think we cannot use the same packaging. so we need to branch off the current jaunty version and maintain a stable branch for jaunty and before20:50
asacbdrung_: no. i think _sol is basically first upstream version that matches the branch associated with the name20:51
pace_t_zulufta_: so now the version looks like this... 0.0.3+git20090717t2107x65f7bc720:51
pace_t_zului stuck the hash on the end for good measure20:51
asacbdrung_: example: thunderbird-3.0 -> 3.0a1pre20:51
bdrung_pace_t_zulu: very long version string20:51
pace_t_zulubdrung_: indeed... that's just for the ppa... for unreleased commits20:52
asacbdrung_: firefox-3.5 -> 3.5a1pre ...20:52
bdrung_pace_t_zulu: then it's ok. it would be more readable if the date is seperated from the rest20:52
pace_t_zulubdrung_: how do you suggest i do it dfferently20:53
bdrung_pace_t_zulu: for git checkouts i used only the date, e.g. 0.0.3+git20090717 and if you need more than one build per day, add the time 0.0.3+git20090717-170420:54
asacbdrung_: alternatively we could say that it should be the first version that entered the archive20:54
asachave to think a bit about it ... but i currently lean to the first upstream version20:55
bdrung_asac: and why not the current version in the archive?20:55
pace_t_zulubdrung_: you wouldn't include the hash?20:55
bdrung_pace_t_zulu: no, you could mention the hash in the changelog.20:56
asacbdrung_: because that would be overly strict imo20:57
bdrung_s/you could/i would/20:57
bdrung_asac: but it fits for the normal user.20:57
asacbdrung_: think about packages. you wouldnt bump lower version if there is no incompatibility20:57
asacbdrung_: why do you think its better to use current version as sol?20:58
bdrung_asac: example: we have thunderbird 2.0 in the repo, but the _sol is 0.1a1pre.20:59
bdrung_asac: we have an extension which works with tb till 1.0.20:59
asacbecause what we use _sol for is to figure if it makes sense to have thunderbird as a dependency20:59
bdrung_asac: so it would not work with tb and so tb should not be listed as possible dependency.21:00
asacbdrung_: no. it should be listed, but with proper bounds21:00
asacthunderbird >=0.5 <= 1.0.*21:00
bdrung_asac: ok, with bound it would be ok.21:01
asacso if we use current ones we would get overly strict depends21:02
bdrung_asac: then the xpi.mk need finetuning21:02
asacif we use upstream sol /eol we would end up with overly lax depends until we do the next and final step and get perfect bounds21:02
asacimo overly lax is better because it does not prevent you install for targets that work21:03
asacalso its the right way for the final solution imo21:03
andvasac, are you available for an upload later?21:03
asacnot today21:04
andvasac, I've decided to take back libagg coz someone wanted to NMU it21:04
asactomorrow might work21:04
andvasac, my other packages are all ok so I can have one more package to work on21:04
andvasac, I gonna leave for the sea at like 2-3 pm21:04
asacbdrung_: the final solution would require a version scheme for packages .. e.g. policy21:04
andvasac, can you make it for the morning?21:05
asaci cants say when21:05
andvdamn : /21:05
asaci have a haystack of work ;)21:05
bdrung_asac: how would the version scheme look like?21:05
asacbdrung_: i think its pretty simple (not sure about *) ... 2.0a1pre -> 2.0~a.1~pre21:06
asacmaybe + instead of .21:07
asaci am not sure if there can be a perfect mapping ;)21:07
bdrung_asac: i would prefer 2.0~a1~pre21:07
asacbdrung_: does it always work if we dont split letter to number transitions?21:08
bdrung_asac: yes. we only have to split number to letter21:09
asacbdrung_: maybe it really works21:09
bdrung_asac: because their interpretation is that an empty string is lower than everything else21:09
asacdpkg --compare-versions a1 eq a01 && echo asdsa21:09
asaca1 is equal to a01 ... so dpkg seems to split those transitions somehow21:10
* asac didnt know that a01 == a1 ;)21:11
bdrung_even a1 > a-2 works21:11
asacbdrung_: is it equal in mozilla land too ;)?21:11
bdrung_asac: yes, they allow negative numbers21:11
asacbdrung_: no i mean is a01 == a1 ;)21:11
asaclet me test with our script ;)21:11
bdrung_asac: yes, it was one of the examples21:11
asacworks ;)21:12
asacok so lets try to standardize that with debian moilla and debian moz extension maintainers21:12
asaci will talk to extension guy ... and ask him to ask instead of me ;)21:12
bdrung_asac: mozilla mailing lists i should subscribe?21:13
asacbdrung_: no .. debian mozillateam21:14
asacmozilla has no stake in deb versions ;)21:14
bdrung_asac: link?21:14
asaclet me get it21:14
asachttp://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-mozilla-maintainers + http://lists.alioth.debian.org/mailman/listinfo/pkg-mozext-maintainers21:15
asacbdrung_: ^21:15
bdrung_asac: and ubuntu lists?21:15
asacbdrung_: we only have our mailing list (/topic)21:16
asachmm ... there is no url ;)21:16
asacbdrung_: ^21:17
bdrung_asac: done. :) the ubuntu list was the fastest (although i subscribes as last)21:18
andvasac, k21:23
andvasac, gonna prepare everything for you for tomorrow21:23
andvasac, it's just a bug fix anyway on amd6421:23
bdrung_asac: pkg-mozilla-maintainers needs a spam filter21:25
asacdebian doesnt want spam filter ;)21:26
asacbdrung_: i wasnt accurate. debian has tradition to not require a subscription21:28
asacand since alioth has no spam filtering (compared to debian-devel) its a mess21:28
asacbut even debian-devel gets loads of spam through afaik21:28
asacbut they have pretty good mailadmins that tweak spamfilter quite well21:28
bdrung_asac: where to report the spam filter request for alioth?21:30
asaclet me check if i can enable spam filtefring for that list21:33
asachmm ... i am not admin i think21:34
asacof the list21:34
asacjust the project21:34
asaci dont know where to file something. sorry.21:35
bdrung_asac: what was the conclusion of the _sol version? using the version of the first package release?21:39
BUGabundohey . gonna get my self a Android G2 tonight!21:44
andvasac, does it matter if I gonna provide you orig diff e dsc files instead of branches?21:47
bdrung_pace_t_zulu: for getting the latest git commit date, i used: "git log --pretty=format:%h -1"21:56
pace_t_zulubdrung_: i will test that now21:56
bdrung_pace_t_zulu: your command looked much more complex21:57
pace_t_zulubdrung_: indeed...21:57
bdrung_pace_t_zulu: ups21:58
bdrung_pace_t_zulu: that command was only for the hash. for the date i used the current one (date +%Y%m%d)21:58
bdrung_pace_t_zulu: and i used "${VERSION}+git$(date +%Y%m%d).${GIT_HASH}" as version string. so i did include the hash21:59
=== fta_ is now known as fta
asacbdrung_: i think so. yes.21:59
fta(booo, localtime, baad)21:59
ftaasac, so, how was your session?22:00
pace_t_zulubdrung_: that date command will only get the current date... not the commit date22:00
andvasac, does it matter if I gonna provide you orig diff e dsc files instead of branches?22:00
bdrung_pace_t_zulu: yes, i know. i thought i improved that.22:00
pace_t_zulubdrung_: the current date isn't as useful as the commit date22:01
asacandv: i think only you can answer that22:01
andvasac, lol22:01
andvasac, nvm then :S22:01
andv* :D22:01
asaca) i have no clue what package you are talking about ... b) i have no idea if there were any branches used before/in future22:01
andvasac, libagg, there are no branches yet22:02
andvasac, there will be some branches in the future, but I gonna setup them after the package is uploaded (fixes a grave bug)22:02
andvasac, so on monday when I get back, I'll make some working branches22:03
andvasac, gonna provide you a dgettable url22:03
andvasac, don't worry22:03
bdrung_andv: all ubuntu packages are now in bzr branches. so you could easily branch the karmic version.22:05
andvbdrung_, are you talking about my package?22:06
bdrung_andv: https://code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/agg22:06
bdrung_andv: yes.22:06
asacyeah. should be easy to downstream maintain packages in debian from ubuntu22:07
andvbdrung_, have to upload a package as soon as possible, so I won't have time to do all revisions in bzr22:07
andvbdrung_, on monday I'll set them up22:07
andvbdrung_, for now I gonna work with orig diff dsc file22:08
bdrung_andv: it's only a hint for the future work.22:08
andvbdrung_, appreciated ty22:08
andvbdrung_, I'll have to merge the package anyway22:08
andvI see two ubuntu patches there22:08
andvfor fixing something in jaunty22:08
bdrung_andv: you're welcome22:09
andvdidnt know all packages are branched now22:09
bdrung_it's for a short time now22:10
andvbdrung_, how does it work?22:10
andvbdrung_, they get synced on bzr automatically?22:10
bdrung_andv: yes. every time a new package is uploaded a new commit is generated.22:11
bdrung_andv: i don't know how fast it is. it's probably a cron job which runs every hour or every day or something in between22:12
andvlooks like a good idea22:12
ftaasac, http://dev.chromium.org/user-experience/omnibox may give you idea for the addon ;)22:14
asacfta: idea for which addon?22:23
ftaroh, i'm kidding22:26
asacdoes chromium not have a search field by default?22:28
ftano, it's omnibox22:31
asacfta: we have to decide what to do with dailies22:34
asacerr .head for xul + ffox22:34
asaci will transition stuff like yesterday ;)22:34
asacat firs tadding xulrunner-dev to 1.9.122:34
asacthen transitioning rdepends and then moving firefox to 3.5, enablling branding and asking profile migration question22:35
asacso i see two questions ew have to answer with yes to just continue:22:37
asaca) is it ok to migrate daily users to xulrunner-dev 1.9.1 by default22:37
asacb) is it ok to migrate daily users to firefox 3.5 by default22:37
asaci dont think its a big issue ... and i think thats aktually what most probably want, but still it hsould be an explicit decision that you also agree with ;)22:37
asacfta: ?22:37
asacrather than me injecting that in .head and then it happens everywhere22:38
ftai guess it's fine22:40
asacyeah only thing i am a bit unsure about is xulrunner-dev22:40
asacmaybe they want to respin a hardy package and then it breaks22:40
asacbut lets assume that those that need this can use pinning22:40
asacand the rest doesnt care most likely22:41
ftathey should respin in chroot / pbuilder, not on their own box22:43
andvasac, a linux magazie in italy posted the link to chromium daily ppa22:47
andvasac, on this month22:48
andv* magazine22:48
andvbdrung_, do ppa builds for sid too?22:49
bdrung_andv: no22:50
andvk ty22:50
bdrung_andv: and only x86 and amd6422:50
andvI gonna change the changelog to karmic then22:50
bdrung_(due to virtualisation)22:50
bdrung_asac: lpia counts as x86 for me22:51
asacstill they build separtely22:51
asacandv: remember to keep version in ppa lower than the actual upload22:51
ftai wonder if it's possible to hack apport to send crash reports to upstream somehow22:52
ftagoogle would like that22:53
asacfta: can google deal with our crash files?22:54
asacthe blocker usually is that they need our symbols22:54
ftano, they use breakpad22:54
asacright so its the same thing as with mozilla22:54
ftabreakpad is actually google, not mozilla ;)22:54
asacfta: the blocker is not really the sending of the crash report22:54
asaci knew22:54
asacits the "how to get the symbols uploaded and keep them versioned in their db so they can find the right ones etc."22:55
asaci would be happy if we solve this with google directly ;)22:55
ftai often resolve my crash files locally22:56
asacyou do. but most dont have the huge -dbg packages availabl22:56
asacand it shouldnt be required22:56
ftathat's something lp should do22:58
asacfta: what should launchpad do?23:00
asacfta: google has to be ready to accept uploads of symbols from distros23:00
ftalp has all the debs, fresh and not so fresh, it should be able to resolve all the crashes that are interesting to have and feed the results to a tracker specified in the package23:00
asacand later be able to assocaited those symbols23:00
asacfta: you say forward the bugs. ok23:00
asacthats a different thing23:01
asacthan uploading the crashes to breakpad23:01
ftajust an apport service23:01
asacwe discussed forwarding retraced crashes to their db23:02
asacbut there were problems too23:02
ftai would like to add some apport hooks to my packages to teach apport what it should do with resolved crashes, instead of posting them in a lp bug, or reject it because "it's not a genuine ubuntu package"23:02
asacfta: unlikely that apport will get a feature to run code etc on the retracers machine23:03
asacfta: i understand. but where should it post the results to?23:03
asacfta: you said know if i asked if those should be auto fild upstream23:03
ftaa remote bug tracker23:03
asacerr you said no ;)23:03
ftanot to lp, then forwarded, but directly upstream23:04
asacah ok23:04
asacbut still in launchpad ?23:04
ftaapport will run on the ubuntu side, as all the debs are there23:05
asacso that would involve: a)23:06
asacmake an apport webservice that is the primary upload service, rather than launchpad bugs23:07
ftasomething like that23:07
asacspecify a contract that upload plugins can implement23:07
asacand use that after retracing to do the upload23:07
asacmain problem is really that the retracers machine are deep in a datacenter ... not sure if someone would wnat to give them net access23:08
asacbut one has to find out23:08
asacsomething we should suggest to pitti23:08
ftacould be proxified, like pushed in a queue and processed by another machine23:08
asacyeah. the other thing is that we are talking about privacy related data23:09
asacso if users upload to ubuntu ... they dont expect google to get the private data23:09
asacnot sure if that is relevant23:10
asacbut users even complained that we violate privacy law in many states by putting multisearch in23:10
asaceven though we just get the amount of clicks done where ;)23:10
asacand all the requests still go to google23:11
ftawell, it's no different that going through breakpad23:12
asacfta: its different23:12
asacwell of course it applies to the idea of us uploading to breakpad23:12
asacas well23:12
ftamaybe i should just find a way to bypass apport and use breakpad then23:12
asaci meant its different if users directly upload to breakpad23:12
asacand we provide te symbols23:12
asacfta: as i told you thats the best way. but the problem is somewhere else23:13
asacits to get the symbols uploaded ... and afaik breakpad is not ready out of the box to do that23:13
asacif we can solve that i would jump up and down for 10 minutes ;)23:13
ftanot enough ;)23:21
asacfta: ok one time a week 10 minutes additional push ups for a month;)23:22
asacwith each month it takes till this happens i remove 1 minute ;)23:22
ftabug? they all have the same graph23:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about date23:22
asacfta: yeah23:23
asacthats what i wanted to say ;) and forgot to write it after the link23:23
asacnot sure yet which one they take23:23
asaci had a different one before i reloaded23:23
ftaanyone using chromium and having crashes on shutdown?23:32
asacfta: no23:35
asacsince when does ithappen?23:35
ftawith --enable-plugins?23:35
ftai noticed a few days ago23:35
asacfta: i use the dailies23:35
asaci am upgrading to latest now23:35
asacbut i think i upgraded yesterday23:35
ftatry with  --enable-plugins23:36
ftaon the cmd line or in /etc/chromium-browser/default23:36
ftaupstream noticed some crashes when totem plugin is installed, but that's supposedly fixed now23:37
asacfta: do i need to use something that trigers plugins?23:37
asacor jus topen and cloe?23:37
asactyping spastics23:37
asac--enable-plugins works too23:37
asaci am on 32bit23:37
asachmmm ... even works with nspluginwrapper ;)?23:38
asacnice ;)23:38
asachmm. seems they dont resolve links23:39
asacso i have multiple entries now23:39
andvasac, sent to build on ppa23:44
andvasac, if it builds fine on amd64, problem is fixed23:45
ftaasac, it crashed if i have acid3 in a tab23:48
asac_no need to report every progress. just the big steps :)23:54
andvasac_, k23:54

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