
SarvattThe following packages have unmet dependencies:03:38
Sarvatt  libgl1-mesa-dri: Depends: libdrm-radeon (>= 2.4.12) but it is not installable03:38
SarvattE: Broken packages03:38
* Sarvatt didnt touch the control files03:39
bryceman goes into car dealership03:39
bryce "I bought a car from you, but now it doesn't work"03:39
bryce "Oh, sorry to hear that.  What's wrong with it?"03:39
bryce "Well, I try to drive it, but it doesn't go."03:39
bryce "That's a pity, can you give us some more information?  Or just bring it in and we'll take a look at it."03:40
bryce "But I can't bring it in, it doesn't go!"03:40
bryce^-- how I feel things are going with bug #39907003:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 399070 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i845] Ubuntu 8.10 does not install - "OUT OF RANGE"" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39907003:41
Sarvattahh crap, i bet it pulled the libdrm-radeon from the new libdrm-radeon1.symbols i made03:41
Sarvattyou summed it up pretty well there :)03:55
Sarvattwell that was a good time for people to test out the script since edgers was broken for a bit :D03:57
Sarvattmade a new libdrm-radeon1.symbols since i finally figured out how and didnt change the first line -- libdrm_radeon.so.1 libdrm-radeon #MINVER#03:58
Sarvattxorg is going to be a close call, fedora is for sure using 7.5 in F12 but i think they're releasing a month after karmic04:04
bryceyeah they also are more directly involved upstream so have more influence over the actual timing of the release04:06
bryceso unfortunately often things get timed more conveniently for them than for us...04:06
bryceplus, they seem to be a bit more liberal in the level of upstream QA they accept04:07
Sarvattwould have to drastically diverge from debian i'd think at this point to go 7.504:09
Sarvatti cant keep up with it, need to rebuild large chunks of the xorg stack every week because of all of the changes04:15
Sarvattoh, fedoras final release is november 2nd..04:16
Sarvatthmm every single person running 1024x600 posting traces of usplash crashes has the same exact thing, starting to wonder if it really is just this resolution screwed up04:22
Sarvattrecompiled it with debug info and uncommented the printf's around where it segfaults http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29680345/usplash_bt_dbg.txt04:22
brycewhew long day... -intel's down to 155 bugs.  I'd keep going but I should probably stop working and go entertain the wife.  cya.  Tomorrow I switch my focus to -ati.  :-)04:26
Sarvattsee ya bryce! yeah I need to do the same, shes talking my ear off and i'm not paying attention :)04:35
tjaaltonthere's something seriously wrong about virtualbox, because there are a ton of crash reports flowing in08:10
RAOFSarvatt: Oooh.  Your libdrm to the PPA upload broke nouveau.  I'll just upload a newer snapshot, that'll work.11:16
=== crevette_ is now known as crevette
NgI guess it'll be a while before XInput2 is widely deployed?14:51
NgI was about to poke around some of the recpies, but I realised I don't have it in karmic ;)14:52
tjaaltonxserver bugs down to 199 (from 220+)15:09
Nghave there been any hug days for X bugs? every now and then I look over all the bugs relating to chipsets I own, but they're rarely things I've ever been able to reproduce or test :/15:14
tjaaltonI think there's been one15:16
tjaaltonbut they don't fix that well, since most of the bugs have been touched already15:19
tjaaltonuh, "fit"15:19
tjaaltonsweet, I could reproduce the crash in vbox15:36
bdmurraybryce: do you have a bug like bug 406996 - black lines on screen after logging in until desktop fully loads?18:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406996 in ubuntu "[ubuntu karmic] bug in desktop graphic layout" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40699618:57
brycebdmurray, nope18:59
brycebdmurray, guessing its some bug with the mythtv login dialog?18:59
bdmurraybryce: I've seen it too on my laptop18:59
brycebdmurray, it sort of looks like a shadow rendering error18:59
brycewhat's your laptop got installed?19:00
brycebdmurray, tell me more about your laptop19:00
bdmurraybryce: Ubuntu! its the new login dialog as soon as I click my name and it shrinks I see the black bars19:01
bdmurraybryce: it has intel 945GM/GMS19:03
brycewith or without compiz?19:04
bdmurraywith compiz19:04
brycedoes it repro if compiz is disabled?19:04
bdmurrayis disabling compiz enough or do I need to restart gdm or something?19:05
bryceI think disabling compiz and logging out / in should be sufficient19:05
bdmurrayokay then it still happens with compiz disabled19:06
brycebdmurray, ok, run apport-collect 406996 and I'll just upstream it19:46
brycemaybe it's not an X bug, but if not I'm not sure what'd cause it.  seems coincidental both you and the other reporter have i945.19:47
Sarvattbdmurray: funny, i cant reproduce that with the same exact machine19:56
Sarvattthat seems like a mythbuntu problem with the special hooks in gdm it has19:57
Sarvattwow good results from the new pixman on armel https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pixman/+bug/38555320:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 385553 in pixman "Integrate NEON optimisations for armel" [Wishlist,Confirmed]20:09
Sarvatta large portion of the results are almost 2x faster20:09
brycebdmurray, hmm folks were talking about enabling compiz on the gdm login screen at one point, I wonder if that's what's going on20:33
bryceyou mentioned the login box "shrinks" - is that a "compizy" type shrinking?20:34
Sarvattyou can edit that in gconf-editor at /apps/gdm/simple-greeter20:40
tjaaltonit's the new login box that does that. there's no compiz running until the session has loaded20:41
Sarvattyou can make it use compiz for the GDM session, that might even be the default behavior now20:41
tjaaltonnot on my laptop20:41
tjaaltonalthough maybe I didn't reboot it after today's updates20:42
Sarvatti dont use compiz so i have no idea if it picks that if its enabled on upgrade or something20:42
brycetjaalton, are you also seeing the line droppings?20:43
Sarvattit looks like the greeter box doesnt fully clear, thats the size of the box20:43
tjaaltonbryce: haven't seen them20:43
tjaaltonbut then again I'm not sure if something changed very recently20:43
brycewell, I forwarded the issue upstream anyway - https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=2304720:44
ubottuFreedesktop bug 23047 in Driver/intel "[i945] two horizontal black stripes shown where top/bottom of login box was" [Major,New]20:44
tjaaltonah, those stripes20:44
Sarvattit doesnt happen here on the same machine as his, thats why i'm guessing its a mythbuntu specific setting since mythbuntu has a bunch of custom things done to gdm to get around the greeter20:44
tjaaltonI saw them with virtualbox :)20:44
bryceSarvatt, well bdmurray says he sees it and he runs stock ubuntu20:44
tjaaltonwhich is not using intel20:44
tjaaltonI'd say it's gdm20:44
Sarvattbdmurray's picture shows mythbuntu in the menu?20:45
bryceyeah I speculated similarly on bug #40699620:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406996 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945] two horizontal black stripes shown where top/bottom of login box was" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40699620:45
bryceSarvatt, that's not bdmurray's picture20:45
tjaaltonwell, vesa or vboxvideo both don't support compositing20:45
bryce<bdmurray> bryce: Ubuntu! its the new login dialog as soon as I click my name and it shrinks I see the black bars20:46
crevetteknow problem, csw problem on gtk20:46
crevetteuptream bug is laready opened20:46
brycecrevette, oh... got a bug id?20:46
crevettebryce, let me find it20:46
Sarvatti thought https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-intel/+bug/406996 was his bug, sorry20:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406996 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "[i945] two horizontal black stripes shown where top/bottom of login box was" [High,Triaged]20:46
crevettecsw on gtk+ caused few problem20:46
maxbCan anyone tell me what happened to the i810 video driver after the 2.4.x series? 20:46
tjaaltonmaxb: it's been -intel since 2.020:47
crevettebryce, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58936920:47
ubottuGnome bug 589369 in gdk "[csw] GDM background redraw issue" [Normal,Unconfirmed]20:47
brycecrevette, thanks20:47
tjaaltoni810 has been removed from the archive since hardy I think20:47
Sarvattahh so disabling the background plugin in gdm might fix it, that would have been the first thing i'd try :D20:47
jcristauxserver-xorg-video-i810 | 2:1.7.4-0ubuntu7 |         hardy | source, amd64, i38620:47
jcristauxserver-xorg-video-i810 | 2:2.4.1-1ubuntu10 | intrepid/universe | all20:47
tjaaltonoh right20:48
crevettebryce, for csw problem you want to look at this query http://tiny.cc/Gwf3d20:48
tjaaltonit was in hardy, and intrepid had the dummy20:48
crevetteor do it yourself by putting csw in whiteboard field in bugzilla20:48
jcristautjaalton: won't you need a dummy for upgrades to the next lts btw? or does update-manager take care of making sure -intel is installed?20:49
crevettecsw = Client Side window for those not aware 20:49
tjaaltonjcristau: I think it does. we'll probably see before too long :)20:49
tjaaltonalthough, didn't someone from intel say that -i810 should be used for i810 chips?20:50
tjaaltonwhich would mean to revive the driver \o/20:50
brycebdmurray, ok there we go then.  known gdm issue.20:50
bdmurraybryce: yes, I see that now20:50
crevettenot gdm20:50
jcristaui don't think i810_driver.c has changed that much from the earlier driver20:51
crevettegtk problem20:51
bdmurraysorry about that then20:51
Sarvattgconftool-2 -s '/apps/gdm/simple-greeter/settings-manager-plugins/background/active' --type bool false20:51
tjaaltonjcristau: true, and I doubt there are many laptops with that hw working anyway20:52
Sarvattthey even dropped i810 from xf86AutoConfig.c in xserver master20:52
tjaaltonthem becoming older20:52
tjaaltonabout time20:53
bryceI've run into a couple i810 users this year, one of which was at UDS20:53
tjaaltonpeople are getting worried because the logs have error entries about the driver missing20:53
tjaaltonbummer :)20:53
jcristauso for an i810/i815 the current driver will work as well/bad as the old one probably20:54
Sarvatti've got that background plugin in gdm disabled here because it makes the screen flash loading the second background plugin after you login20:54
jcristauexcept the old one wasn't updated for pciaccess and other abi changes, so.20:54
tjaaltonah, right20:54
brycevery recently I had a guy approach me about an i830 bug in a laptop he *just* bought.  I had to ask how much he paid!  ($75 on ebay it turned out)20:54
tjaaltonso no problem there then20:54
tjaaltonpoor man20:55
tjaaltonnot literally :)20:55
brycehe said windows xp worked fine on it, so I wished him luck with that20:55
bryce(but I did kindly make sure the bug got forwarded upstream after advising him it probably would not get attention upstream)20:56
tjaaltonhaving this jerrylamos guy around might prove very useful20:57
tjaaltonwith all the old hardware20:57
bryceyep, I've been pleased with the bug reports he's been filing20:57
* Sarvatt wonders why he doesnt just use vesa since he seems to think gtkperf compared against vesa = a real world performance benchmark20:59
tjaaltonI think he's genuinely interested in seeing the OOTB-experience to be "good enough"21:01
SarvattOOTB experience playing a gtk port of progress quest maybe :D21:02
tjaaltonwell I don't know the specifics :)21:02
tjaaltonsuperm1: can you disable the other nvidia device from the XPS 1340?21:02
Sarvatt#3 0x00871096 in usplash_clear (x1=332, y1=457, x2=692, y2=607, colour=0) at libusplash.c:22821:03
Sarvattahhhhh my y res is only 60021:04
tjaaltonSarvatt: what does /etc/usplas.conf say?21:04
Sarvattthemes screwed up21:05
Sarvattit doesnt use 1024x600 in non KMS so i didnt notice21:05
superm1tjaalton, no that's not possible21:06
tjaaltonsuperm1: ok, that would've been handy to test if the vesa probing fails because there are two devices21:08
superm1tjaalton, that wouldn't surprise me.  i believe that you need to start from the primary device21:09
Sarvattif i had one of those laptops, i would want to always use the dedicated video in linux since the alternative is never using the dedicated video and always using the IGP.. thats how the vaio bioses do it at least, but acpi checks for linux osi dont do anything since it returns vista so you have to force it on the kernel command line21:13
Sarvattcan you change the primary video device on the xps 1340 in bios?21:15
Sarvattnot disabling the other just making the 9200 primary21:15
Sarvattthings should work if you could do that, the 9200 works fine with -nv21:16
superm1Sarvatt, i dont believe you can force the primary with the way it's wired (at least from what I last heard from NV)21:22
bryceNg, mind upping the priority on your fdo bug 22186 to high please, so it matches the priority in lp?21:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 22186 in alsa-utils "error on boot: /etc/init.d/alsa-utils: Warning 'alsa ctl restore' failed with error message (dup-of: 19171)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2218621:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 19171 in udev "where is my /dev/input/mice on breezy?" [Critical,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1917121:22
superm1there isn't a setting in any of the shipping bios'es for it (development bioses used to have that feature on the early versions of the hardware)21:22
Sarvattohh darn :( 21:22
Ngbryce: done :)22:42
bryceNg, thanks22:43
Ngbryce: I noticed a similar thing today, if I have the mouse inside vinagre's VNC widget the screensaver doesn't seem to kick in, but moving the mouse out activates it almost immediately22:44
NgI need to check that I'm not mistake and work out a simple test case before I file it though22:45
virtualdhave you found a reason why the edgers xorg or its ati driver turns off the displays at random? like some inactivity counter doesn't stop counting sometimes when it should22:48
bryceit's not edgers, it occurs with stock ubuntu too22:51
bryceI've been noticing that issue myself for quite some time22:51
brycemy guess is it's some quirk with power management or the screensaver, but I've never chased the issue down22:51
bryceseems to happen a fixed time after waking up the displays.  15 min?  I've not done an exact measurement22:52
virtualdi don't know much c but can i do anything to help anyway?22:52
virtualdhm i don't remember a pattern like that yet22:52
brycevirtuald, I think a first step would be to try to figure out a reliable way to reproduce the issue22:52
virtualdalso should this: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29669968/OopsText.txt be upstreamed?22:53
virtualdand to who?22:53
brycemy guess is that if you put the monitors into power saving mode, then woke them up and noted the time, and then when it blanks note the time at which that occurs22:54
brycerepeat that a few times to see if the time is the same22:54
brycevirtuald, that looks like a kernel oops, so should be filed against the kernel22:55
bryceif you think there's an X-ish aspect to it, you can tag it 'xorg-needs-kernel-fix' so it gets into the kernel/X queue22:55
brycethe 'radeon_ttm_*' stuff seems to indicate that's the case22:56
virtualdi get it on every boot22:56
virtualdshould ad that too22:56
virtualdis it ok if i just update the description and not add a new comment? does the right people get pinged with that tag alone?22:57
bryceit's not a ping, but rather causes the bug to show up in a certain report22:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406478 in linux "BUG: unable to handle kernel paging request at ffffff88000cd7bb" [Undecided,New]23:00

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