
billybigriggerhow does one go about getting compositing working in xfce?00:05
billybigriggeri originally had gnome installed, and still do, but trying xfce out, and i can't get gnome-do working because i don't have compositing working? at least that's what it's complaining about, compiz/gnome-do works fine in gnome00:06
knomebillybigrigger, applications -> settings -> window manager tweaks -> compositor00:06
knomeif you need compiz,00:06
knome!compiz | billybigrigger00:06
ubottubillybigrigger: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz00:06
billybigriggercan't have a panel-less xfce eh?00:07
knomewhy not? just remove all the panels.00:08
knomeor kill the xfce4-panel process.00:08
billybigriggerwhen i try to remove it, it complains i can't remove the last panel00:08
knomethen kill the xfce4-panel process. that will kill the last panel00:09
billybigriggerya that did the trick00:09
billybigriggerme likey panelless xfce w/ gnome-do :P00:11
PredaGRhello all, I am loosing my keyoard and mouse at the same time from time to time, anyone knows why?00:11
knomePredaGR, some problems with the usb ports maybe?00:11
PredaGRthey are PS/200:12
knome..some problems with the ps/2 ports then?00:12
PredaGRknome: they working in windows non stop00:12
knomePredaGR, no idea really. have you searched the forums?00:13
PredaGRI do not mind at all, it is not so costant, but I have to reset the system to bring it back, mousepointer works, click seems to try to activate things, but for some reason, it wont activate anything00:13
PredaGRmenus and other buttons I hover on and click show sign of refresh00:14
PredaGRlike if my arrow keys are pressed, yet they not00:15
knomefile a bug?00:15
PredaGRermm where and how?00:15
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots00:15
PredaGRit is not on some specific package, or do not know if something causes it, so will manually send one from the web00:16
PredaGRby the way, I love xubuntu, very nice work00:17
SiDiits a kernel bug00:18
SiDixorg-input-evdev should be the package, or something similar00:19
knomePredaGR, thanks and great to hear you are enjoying it.00:19
SiDixserver-xorg-input-evdev PredaGR00:19
SiDiSearch here, if you dont find it, you can report it00:20
SiDialso, it may already be filed in bugzilla.kernel.org which is the main place for kernel problems00:20
PredaGRlooking at it right now00:21
PredaGRsyslog by the way does not show anything, cron cron cron and just the restart when it comes back00:22
billybigriggerwhere is xfce's font dir?00:40
planetaryso any one know why slacker radio.com doesnt play for this computer?01:47
planetaryi have restricted exras installed01:47
pleia2p/g 5601:48
=== Pricey is now known as PriceChild
=== PriceChild is now known as Pricey
zhxkhello, whats wrong with my xfce4? it wont show uper and lower bars on startup02:40
zhxkhello, any gentleman help me?02:45
pleia2zhxk: I'm not a gentleman, but you might try alt f2, and then run: xfce4-panel02:55
zhxkhello, how to disaple pppoeconfig and let xfce4 manage dialup?03:00
planetaryyeah  alt f2    xfce4-panel  works for me03:09
mankeletorhey all, how can i play mp3 files?03:57
planetaryi am not sure if it is included but i would recommend to install the xubuntu restricted extras04:17
planetaryi dont remember installing any other package for that04:18
chatmay i choose a none smp kernel?04:32
Guest52610hello, may i swith to non smp kernel?04:38
Guest52610can any gentleman help me?04:41
mankeletorplanetary, thx =)04:46
billybigriggerwhat is the proper way to unmount a flash disk?05:00
zhxkanybody ever use ircii?05:00
billybigriggerin thunar when i right click on "16GB" and then click unmount i get a nasty message about not being able to open /media/.hal-mtab05:01
geniibillybigrigger: sudo sync && sudo umount /mountpointname && sudo eject /dev/sdX#               ... substitute accordingly05:01
billybigriggersame when i try to unmount from the desktop icon05:01
billybigriggergenii, fair enough, is unmounting via thunar broken?05:02
geniibillybigrigger: Not sure, I'm mainly in KDE05:02
billybigriggeri fell in love with xfce today for some reason05:03
billybigrigger"16GB" still shows on the desktop, and in thunar05:03
zhxkhello, how to switch to none smp kernel?05:04
zhxkthis computer only has one core05:04
_Pete_zhxk: there's no non-smp kernel in the repos so if you *really* need one I guess you need to compile one yourself05:12
billybigriggeranyone know of a plugin or script i can use for thunar with unrar to right click "Extract here"05:13
billybigriggerthunar-archive-plugin does the trick :P05:15
zhxkhow to cusomize kernel? what packages need install?05:53
geniiTrick question there05:57
sakethanyone know how to add notify-osd to xubuntu?06:18
sakethi tried installing the package notify-osd and using a script to kill notification daemon at startup06:18
sakethbut i dont get the special volume notifications06:18
sakethnor do i get the connection ones06:19
sakethi only get the ones i used to get using notification-daemon06:19
zhxkgreet, none smp kernel works smooth on this pc06:32
zhxkits damn faster than smp version06:32
sakethany takers?06:38
sakethjust tryin to get an answer 2 mi question06:49
zhxksaketh:whats your question?06:51
sakethummm just a sec06:51
saketh<saketh> anyone know how to add notify-osd to xubuntu?06:52
saketh<saketh> i tried installing the package notify-osd and using a script to kill notification daemon at startup06:52
saketh<saketh> but i dont get the special volume notifications06:52
saketh<saketh> nor do i get the connection ones06:52
saketh<saketh> i only get the ones i used to get using notification-daemon06:52
saketh<saketh> anyone?06:52
sakethi asked that one like 20 mins ago06:52
om26ercan i install netbook launcher on xubuntu??06:56
sakethi think so06:56
sakethjust add the netbook repos and yea06:56
sakethlemme see06:56
moodogMorning :)06:57
sakethom26er: that post tells u how to install06:59
zhxkmy laptop runs damn fast07:02
psycho_oreoswhat was the other program thats almost equivalent to synergy?07:24
fsbyteshi there... i'm on a netbook with xubuntu running and i constantly have 100% cpu usage09:25
fsbytessudo top shows that kacpid and kacpi_notify is using all of the cpu09:25
fsbytesi read some forum posts and it seems to be common09:26
fsbytesbut they turned kacpid of - but they all had desktop mashines09:26
fsbytesso is it a good idea to turn kacpid off when i'm on a netbook?09:27
_Pete_you dont need to use sudo to run top09:27
fsbytesi know but i wanted to know if the process that takes up all the cpu usage is runned by me09:28
fsbyteshey how do i kill the kacpid and kacpi_notify process?10:31
fsbytesi have 100% cpu usage10:32
TheSheepthe k* "processes" are not really processes, they are parts of kernel10:42
fsbytesi read that i'm not the only one with that problem10:43
fsbytesit seems to have something to do with hyperthreading?! do you know anything about that TheSheep ?10:43
TheBasichow do i change the screen res from 640x480 to bigger ?11:55
th0rSettings - Display11:56
TheBasicthe fonts to big and i can't scrool down11:58
TheBasiccan it be set from the comand line ?11:58
CRMHey, how do I get the lines in Conky? Just a straight line to separate stuff13:41
=== KingOfDos|lap is now known as KingOfDos
mcellais it normal that the xubuntu desktop layout installed is different than the livecd one?14:53
mcellainstalled = 1 panel, livecd = 2 panel14:55
web_knowshi :)15:09
cody-somervillemcella, ermm... definitely not :)15:21
cody-somervillemcella, What version?15:21
mcellacody-somerville: jaunty15:22
mcellalive cd was like that http://xubuntu.org/sites/default/files/xubuntu-jaunty.png15:23
mcellainstalled I've got only one panel at the bottom15:23
msinghanyone use xubuntu for a media center?15:23
cody-somervillemcella, thats very odd. I've never heard of that happening before.15:24
cody-somervillemcella, If you create a new account and log into it, do you have the same problem?15:25
mcellacody-somerville: strange indeed :-D15:25
mcellacody-somerville: let's try, could it be that localization borked something up? I've used italian as installation language15:25
mcellawoa, freshly created account and everything is all right :-/15:27
mcellacody-somerville: wack, weel it seems I picked up the name of an old account15:28
mcellaI've not formatted /home and I was sure to have used a new account name15:28
cody-somervilleah :)15:28
mcellathere was ubuntu 7.10 before15:28
mcellasorry for the false allarm! :-/15:29
mcellanow everything is looking nice and clean :-D15:29
mcellait was a really strange setup :-D15:29
mcellasorry again15:30
GillesGuys I hve a problem, when I boot up my Xubuntu, my mouse and Keyboard sometimes fail to work15:49
geniiGilles: Is this a bluetooth set like for instance Logitech MX5500 ?16:02
geniiBah. Thats what comes from starting to type a reply, getting sidetracked by work and then returning to it later....16:03
Ahmucki need a module in my kernel.  i don't recall how to get it to work18:00
Besogonmodule? make menuconfig?18:04
* Ahmuck needs intel sound18:04
BesogonAhmuck, modprobe for loading drivers18:06
xunewbtuI need some help with something if anyone is free to do so.18:46
CRMHello, will Xubuntu run with 64 mb RAM ?19:20
knomeCRM, very badly, if at all.19:22
knomeCRM, i'd recommend a CLI only system19:23
CRMPuppylinux better choice?19:23
knomeCRM, i don't think you will be able to run *any* graphical interface19:23
knomeCRM, 64 RAM is *very* little19:23
CRMknome: DSL ?19:25
knomeCRM, 64 RAM is very little memory to graphical interface dependless of the linux distribution.19:26
CRMknome, so what do you recommend in my case ?19:26
knomeCRM, you could run a text-mode linux.19:27
knome!minimal | crm19:27
ubottucrm: The Minimal CD image is very small in size, and it downloads most packages from the Internet during installation, allowing you to select only those you want (the installer is like the one on the !Alternate CD). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:27
knomeCRM, with the minimal cd you can install only text-mode ubuntu19:27
CRMknome, Well its not for me, it's for someone who Im guessing isnt very... computer literate19:27
knomeCRM, ram is very cheap now19:28
knomeCRM, your best bet might be getting more ram, if you can19:28
CRMknome, I dont know if they still sell the kind I need19:28
knomeCRM, with 256 you could easily run graphical, but would be a bit slow still19:28
CRMknome, I'm running Xubuntu on a system with 128 mb RAM, and it works perfectly, very fast bootup, though it gets a bit sluggish when you try to run many applications19:29
knomeCRM, yeah.19:43
knomeCRM, but you know yourself that 64<<12819:43
CRMknome, yea, I'm just looking for an operating system that would work on this machine. Is Windows 98/95 my best choice here ?19:44
knomeCRM, i'm not sure if they would work with it.19:45
CRMknome, Windows 98 is what's on there now19:45
knomeCRM, if you can get your hands on windows 95 osr2, it would be quit good.19:46
knomeCRM, it's basically 95 with the features of 98 but the speed of 95. not exactly, but it's at least better than 95 and faster than 9819:46
CRMknome, alright, thanks19:48
souledHey, I'm having trouble getting a persistent version of Xubuntu onto a USB drive, anyone have a minute?19:49
knome!usb | souled19:49
ubottusouled: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:49
knomesouled, read that?19:49
souledI looked on forums I think I'm just missing something all together.19:50
souledAlso, those instructions are assuming you're already using linux. I have windows on this machine, and some OS made for children and/or seniors that has no optical drive.19:55
nooboHi, Im a noob in need of some help. Im looking for an easy to use program that changes global proxies for ubuntu, but not tor or privoxy because Ive heard tor isnt safe and privoxy gave me some problems. Ive been googling around and cant find a single answer, can anyone point me in the right direction?21:38
TheSheepsafe from what?21:40
nooboI heard tor can be exploited that hackers use it to get into your computer somehow21:41
TheSheepfirst time I hear that, but then again I wasn't interested21:43
TheSheepmaybe go to the #tor channel and ask if it's fixed21:43
noobomeh, I couldnt get tor to work globally anyway, so thats why im lookin for another program21:46

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