
mac_v!hi | SiDi 09:30
ubot4SiDi: Hi! Welcome to #ayatana!09:30
SiDihi ubot4 09:31
SiDihuhuhuh :D09:31
mac_vSiDi: hehe... i told the ops SiDi missed ubottu , so they gave us a spare bot ;p09:32
SiDiyay thats great09:32
davidsiegelHey, if anyone is interested in participating in a user testing initiative for Ubuntu, please check this out: http://davidsiegel.org/distributed-user-testing-archives/17:01
davidsiegelDanRabbit lamalex MDC2 mrooney|w mccann ^17:01
DanRabbitdavidsiegel: double click should extract17:04
davidsiegelDanRabbit: shhh17:04
davidsiegelDanRabbit: :)17:04
DanRabbitI'm too outspoken :D17:04
davidsiegelwe're just looking for data17:04
DanRabbitI'll test when I get home :)17:04
davidsiegelawesome man17:04
DanRabbitI'm moving this weekend though, so we'll see what happens.17:05
davidsiegelno problemo17:05
* DanRabbit whispers btw, yesterday was my birthday17:05
davidsiegelDanRabbit: happy birthday!17:05
DanRabbitwhy thankyou 17:05
DanRabbitBUt, I have to get the new keys :D17:06
DanRabbitsee ya later17:06
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
=== rockstar` is now known as rockstar
mac_vdjsiegel1: ping?18:41
djsiegel1hey mac_v18:41
mac_vhi... check out my latest screenshot of kwwii's ppa , bug 40542618:42
ubot4Launchpad bug 405426 in human-gtk-theme "Remove application icons from title bars" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40542618:42
mac_vdjsiegel1: ^18:42
* djsiegel1 checks18:46
djsiegel1mac_v: ok18:47
mac_vdjsiegel1: you notice the problem i was mentioning?18:48
djsiegel1mac_v: yes18:48
djsiegel1I never claimed that removing the icons makes the windows easier to identify, or just as easy to identify18:48
djsiegel1I agree that it makes them less easy to identify18:48
djsiegel1it just fixes an aesthetic problem with the human theme18:48
djsiegel1If your windows are stacked to the right, you would still have that same problem today18:49
mac_vdjsiegel1: how about using Dust Sand for the default?18:49
mac_vkwwii would kill me ;p18:50
djsiegel1not going to happen18:50
mac_vhehe... maybe kwwii would come up with what he is working on ,something awesome he says18:50
mac_vfor karmic+118:51
mac_vBTW windows dont stack to the right , the default is they stack from left to right18:55
djsiegel1DanRabbit: hey19:59
* gus__ is having a hard time trying to modify notify-osd so it displays the notifications on the bottom left20:06
mrooney|wdjsiegel1: yeah, I should do that test on my girlfriend who is a mac user20:39
mrooney|wI tried screenjelly but it doesn't...seem to do anything?20:39
djsiegel1mrooney|w: please do20:39
djsiegel1mrooney|w: you need java20:39
mrooney|wyeah I installed that and the message saying that went away, but clicking the red button still does nothing20:39
mrooney|wI can still use gtkrecordmydesktop, that works nicely20:40
* SiDi waves at mrooney|w 20:40
SiDiyou forgot to mention launchpad also provides ninjas in your last blog post ;P20:41
SiDibtw, did you code a little on wxbanker lately ?20:50
mrooney|windeed I have been working on it the past few weeks, why?20:51
SiDiCause the PPA didnt have any new deb for a while20:51
SiDiand thus i didnt think about checking my bank account for a while20:51
mrooney|wI never thought about people using it like that20:52
mrooney|woh by the way I have #wxbanker now :)20:52
SiDii actually check the amount on the bank account, but i dont go into details with the bank's website, cause its ugly to use :P20:53
djsiegel1beuno: http://www.flickr.com/photos/ronnietucker/3776139572/in/pool-556923@N24/?addedcomment=1#comment7215762190674984621:48
djsiegel1kwwii: ^21:48
djsiegel1clear winner21:49
beunodjsiegel1, hi21:49
beunousing gimp21:50
DanRabbitdjsiegel1: pong23:08
djsiegel1hey DanRabbit23:21
DanRabbitwhat's up?23:21
* SiDi found out why the font was looking so damn little in notify-osd !23:25
SiDiIt was defaulting to 72 DPI (instead of 95) because i dont have the DPI gconf key set :P23:25
djsiegel1SiDi: is that a general bug for most people?23:26
yoasifdjsiegel1, it might be, how do i check?23:27
yoasifi have tiny text in my notfications 23:27
djsiegel1yoasif: talk to SiDi23:27
djsiegel1he can tell you about the DPI gconf setting23:27
djsiegel1if it's defaulting to something small because the key is not set, it's a bug23:27
yoasifSiDi dpi gconf for notify? :)23:27
mrooney|woh yeah I noticed that too, notify-osd text is very small in Karmic haha23:29
SiDidjsiegel1: anyone not on GNOME has a 72 DPI23:30
SiDiwe default to 96 in xubuntu, so i think 72 may be a bit tiny for some screens23:30
djsiegel1anyone not on GNOME has 72 DPI in notify-osd?23:30
SiDiyeh, there is a gconf key for your DPI value, yoasif 23:30
djsiegel1what about on GNOME?23:30
djsiegel1SiDi: is it set by default?23:31
SiDidjsiegel1: then it'll use the DPI value if it exists23:31
yoasifSiDi, how can i check to see if it is set?23:31
djsiegel1I noticed that the text is small too23:31
SiDiotherwise it fallbacks to 7223:31
djsiegel1SiDi: I am wondering if it's falling back on default install23:31
SiDiwell, Mirco used to use a bigger font size, and he switch to a more little one, so there's that too23:31

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