
lifelessjam: oh, also - the new ACF exception is harder for people to match on00:03
lifelessjam: how do you feel about:00:03
lifeless putting the string AbsentContentFactory in the string,00:03
lifeless changing the exception to BzrError (or something like that, that doesn't spew a backtrace)00:03
lifeless having it ask for a bug to be filed, with ~/.bzr.log's contents for that command00:04
poolieemmajane: hi, are you around?00:05
lifelessmwhudson: bug 40689800:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406898 in bzr "rocketfuel-setup (Launchpad) SHA1KnitCorrupt error" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40689800:09
mwhudsonlifeless: yeah, don't really know what's going on there00:09
mwhudsonlifeless: it's probably a bzr-git bug?00:10
mwhudson(it's also intermittent, which is really strange)00:10
lifelessnot sure at all00:10
mwhudsonor maybe it's not intermittent, but only happens over http or something00:10
lifelessis the branch in 2a format?00:12
spivpoolie: good morning.01:04
pooliehullo spivvo01:04
pooliejam: i have comments on the lock-warning branch, please don't merge it yet01:32
spivUgh, the bazaar@ moderation queue has gotten huge.02:25
pooliespiv, oh probably, i haven't done it for a while and not many other people do02:37
poolieand i think the spam filteringthere is poor02:38
mwhudsonlifeless: borrow your cvs knowledge very briefly?02:49
mwhudsonlifeless: https://pastebin.canonical.com/20636/ <- a chunk of rlog02:49
mwhudsonlifeless: the date for 1.20 seems a little bong, correct?02:49
lifelessclient had the date wrong02:50
lifelessrule 1 of distributed systems, you can't trust anyones dates except your own02:50
mwhudsonunless it's just a coincidence, i think this is confusing cscvs02:50
mwhudson(very hypothetical as of yet)02:50
lifelesscscvs has a huge chunk of code to deal with this - it generates a DAG of the versions02:50
lifelessthen walks that DAG, in parallel for all files, for each branch02:51
lifelesstheres a 'fun' test case in there02:51
lifelessfor the case of two files02:51
lifelesswith revs 1.1 @ time A, 1.2 @ time B in file F02:52
lifelessand revs 1.1 @ time B, 1.2 @ time A, in file G02:52
lifelesswith the same commit messages02:52
mwhudsonlifeless: the CVS/Catalog thats getting generated in this case has revision 1.20 as the only 'add' for this file02:53
lifeless[you need to turn this into 3 commits - A 1.1; A1.2,B1.1; B1.202:53
lifelessmwhudson: I think you're pulling on the right thread02:53
lifelessthis is one of the fundamental issues with CVS though; its not pretty02:54
lifeless(I have actually seen that test case in the wild. Debugging that weirdness was Not Fun)02:54
mwhudsonthe only 'mainline' add, rather02:55
lifelessits definitely wrong02:57
lifelessso the /intent/ is that date is a hint but the DAG wins02:58
lifelesswe start with N parallel DAGS, one per file02:58
lifelesswe collect across the DAGS by commit message02:58
lifelesswithin that, cycles are broken - such as that vicious case above02:58
lifelessfinally, we walk in DAG,date order02:59
lifelessso that if two commits on different files have no ordering to each other, date order wins02:59
lifelessthats the intent. the reality - I think you've found damage :)02:59
mwhudsoni think there are probably two bugs here02:59
* lifeless is shocked03:00
mwhudsonone is this case (it's from sane-backends)03:00
mwhudsonthe other, and this is rather more common, is that there seems to be a problem updating the catalog when a merge creates a file03:00
lifelessmwhudson: I'm lunching/prepping LCA submission before the deadline03:06
lifelessmwhudson: which is in 1 hour IIRC. So after that hassle me more :P03:07
mwhudsonlifeless: cool, thanks for the thoughts so far03:07
* mwhudson is off for a haircut soon in any case03:07
abentleylifeless: (in a non-pipeline, shelve would be as it is, in a pipeline it would add pipes?)  All branches are single-pipe pipelines, so that's not a way to distinguish.  I think we'd start with separate commands.03:17
abentleylifeless: (does shelve need a supercapability over commit?) shelve is meant to be a stepping stone to a true undo feature, so it will need more capability than commit has.03:19
lifelesspoolie: around?04:04
lifelessa) quick call and b) still on for slug? I'm meeting horms et all @ the red oak at 5pm if you want a little pretalk social04:05
pooliea- sure; b- i doubt i can make it04:05
* spiv heads out for a run and lunch.04:30
thumperany bzr talks proposed for LCA2010?05:01
lifelessI put the groupcompress one in a minutes ago05:01
jmlthumper, I proposed a talk on Ubuntu Distributed Development.05:10
mwhudsonjml: hooray05:10
thumperjml: hey, I just proposed two05:10
thumpermore launchpaddy though05:11
thumperjml: yes...05:12
jmlthumper, oh sorry, typo.05:13
thumperjml: ok05:13
mwhudsonlifeless: borrow your thoughts again?05:23
mwhudsonlifeless: so there is a problem in cscvs something like this:05:30
mwhudsona branch is imported from cvs, all fine05:30
mwhudsonterminology :)05:30
mwhudsona module is imported from cvs, all fine05:30
mwhudsona file is created on a non-MAIN branch in cvs05:30
mwhudsonthe import is updated, the catalog gets some entries, all still fine05:31
mwhudsonthe branch is merged to MAIN in cvs05:31
mwhudsonwhen cscvs goes to update the import, the Revision that adds the file is a Revision.CHANGE05:31
mwhudsonso applying it goes boom05:32
mwhudsonif you generate the catalog from scratch, the Revision that adds the file to MAIN is a Revision.ADD, and it all works05:32
mwhudsonlifeless: makes sense so far?05:32
mwhudsoni've chased this as far as CacheGenerator.set_rev_type -- when you do an initial import, this is where the CHANGE gets overridden to an ADD05:33
lifelessso 1.0 of the file is dead05:34
lifeless1.1 is alive, but datewise there are versions alive before hand?05:34
lifelessit makes sense to me; the incremental analysis is incorrectly thinking the CHANGE can be applied to trunk.05:35
mwhudsonlifeless: well, cvs has 1.1 not 1.0, but yes05:35
lifelessmagic black holes aside05:36
mwhudsonlifeless: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/238150/ <- the full log05:36
mwhudsonlifeless: so i'm currently thinking that set_rev_type should dip into the catalog to check for this case, but i've nfi if that's at the right level05:38
lifelessit should be already05:40
lifelessbut yes, I think you're in the rightish spot05:40
lifelessits cscvs, by definition you're in the right spot05:40
mwhudsonholy crap, my fix works!05:45
mwhudsonthe complexity is all kinds of wrong, but nm that05:45
lifelessi am sorry05:46
lifelessits a _very_ organic codebase05:46
* lifeless is not here anymore (\o/ starting at stupid o'clock)05:49
mwhudsonthanks for being a teddy bear05:51
lifelesshowever, right now, I has talk to finish.05:51
lifelessso, I actually mean, anytime except now.05:51
arjenAUlifeless: has anyone played with inotify and bzr combo?05:52
lifelessarjenAU: I wrote an inotify watcher at guadec 200805:52
lifelessdunno were it went...05:52
lifelessarjenAU: but that was for repositories05:52
lifelessthere is a mail sender demon that uses inotify to detect changed branches too05:52
arjenAUlifeless: pondering it for redundant webservers05:53
lifelessarjenAU: how do you mean?05:53
arjenAUauto-syncing them, but with revisioning and through bzr rther than rsync05:53
arjenAUjust talking static files and php scripts, not db data ;-)05:54
lifelessoh hmm05:54
lifelessprobably a little shell love could glue them together well05:54
lifelessa little program to watch for changes and run bzr update; bzr commit05:54
lifelessmyself, I'd just deploy via bzr upload to both servers05:55
arjenAUwith a push trigger. and it'd need to make sure of conflict resolution etc05:55
lifelessand smack, hard, anyone touching them otherwise05:55
arjenAUyea not disagreeing there, but there are other uses... pmwiki for instance uses plain files by default rather than a db.05:55
arjenAUwhich has benefits.05:56
lifelesssurely it has a hook to call into things on changes?05:56
arjenAUyep it has, but inotify would solve it more generically05:56
lifelesswith risk though05:56
arjenAUregardless of which stupid app the server has.05:56
lifelessinotify has some latency, and you could record inconsistent state05:56
arjenAUyes, hence the pondering and asking you ;-)  right now it's an evil thought.05:56
lifelessanyhow, I don't know of anyone doing this particular scenario, but bzr can coexist with inotify in python progreams - thats known for sure :)05:57
arjenAUthere's a pyinotify too05:57
lifelessyes, using that05:58
arjenAUlifeless: already using etckeeper with bzr. rocks.05:58
arjenAUI suggested something like that years ago except only bk was around then. happy someone actually did it and integrated with apt and such.05:59
arjenAUit's like essential on a box. shouldnt be without it05:59
pooliehi arjen06:20
pooliespiv - did your comment before mean that you emptied the mailman greasetrap?08:58
spivpoolie: no, just that I noticed the list admin mail about it.08:59
poolieit's such an annoying chore08:59
pooliei'll do it08:59
spivYeah, it sucks.08:59
pooliegeez, look at them all09:00
spivAre we still getting bazaar-ng@ mail forwarded to that?  If not then decommissioning might cut down the problem a little.09:00
pooliei think not09:01
pooliei can't believe our spam system thinks all this crap about acai berries is relevant09:03
pooliespiv, i might call it a day09:14
spivpoolie: ok.  Have a good weekend.09:16
timeless_mbphello, is bzr supposed to fail when there's no disk space available?10:40
fullermdWell, I wouldn't expect it to _succeed_  :)10:42
fullermdI don't think python has built-in support for growing hard drives.10:42
timeless_mbpwell... as an end user, i expect that 'st' is a readonly operation10:45
* timeless_mbp gets out an end user's list of unreasonable expectations and points to this one10:45
fullermdWell, it's potentially a write operation, since it may want to rewrite the dirstate file about the checkout (I don't think it does every time there are possibilities, for efficiency reasons).10:45
fullermdIn this case, though, it blew up on writing the logfile.  In that sense, _every_ bzr operation writes.10:46
fullermdEven 'bzr rocks', which is as near a no-op as imaginable, writes an entry into .bzr.log.10:46
timeless_mbpis there a --please-do-not-right10:46
timeless_mbpor --please-do-no-write10:46
fullermdThere's no general such option, no.  You could hack around this _particular_ case by seeing the BZR_LOG env variable to something like /dev/null (or something on a partition with space).10:47
timeless_mbpso, this is a design decision, and not bugworthy?11:02
fullermdWell, the two aren't necessarily exclusive.11:05
fullermdIt _is_ a conscious decision.  That doesn't mean it can't be changed, though I wouldn't expect this one to be.11:05
fullermdIf it's actually a significant problem or a big surprise for you, it's worth registering in a bug or on the ML; the decision would certainly never be changed if nobody argued against it.11:06
timeless_mbpessentially my system has a bunch of version controlled directories11:07
timeless_mbpthey automatically grow with changes from "upstreams"11:07
timeless_mbpi was looking for trees which had changes, to decide whether i could delete them (if there aren't any changes in the tree, i could get it back later, when my disk space problems were resolved)11:08
fullermd.bzr.log won't grow without bounds; bzr rotates it when it gest to a few megs.11:08
fullermdYou can use $BZR_LOG to shut it off temporarily, or rm the existing one/backup manually to free up a little space.11:09
timeless_mbpin this case, i'm pretty sure my repositories were fairly tiny11:09
timeless_mbpthey were network-manager and network-manager-gnome11:09
fullermd(stat may still try to write metafiles and fail if the partition is full, but one problem at a time)11:09
timeless_mbpand had only a couple of uses11:09
timeless_mbpsorry, i had to delete stuff, and the bzr repos were going to go, once i found the files i needed :)11:09
fullermdThe error you got isn't from writing anything in those branches, it's from the ~/.bzr.log  (though that may be the same partition)11:10
fullermdSo `env BZR_LOG=/dev/null bzr st` would get you past that at least.11:10
timeless_mbp-rw-rw-r-- 1 timeless timeless 168K Jul 31 13:35 /home/timeless/.bzr.log11:11
fullermdFile a bug with the stacktrace anyway; we should probably handle it a little more gracefully.11:11
* timeless_mbp puts on a clueless hat11:11
timeless_mbp"where's your bug tracker?"11:11
* timeless_mbp goes to find the password11:13
timeless_mbpheh, it seems i've filed a couple of bugs against bzr :)11:15
timeless_mbpoh, no11:15
timeless_mbpit seems i can't understand launchpad's UI.. great11:15
fullermdDon't think that makes you special   :p11:19
timeless_mbpyeah, probably not11:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407295 in bzr ""bzr st" failed to handle No space left on device for ~/.bzr.log" [Undecided,New]11:22
timeless_mbpanyway, thanks. have a good weekend or something11:22
vxnickdoes bzr-keywords work well?13:06
fullermdIn itself, it seems OK.  But various issues in the filtering layer keep it from being really useful.13:13
vxnickas long as it doesn't break anything :)13:13
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vxnickare there any docs about the 2a format and a description of stacked branches?13:47
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dolphyHi all, quick question. When contributing to a project generating a bundle sent by mail for a feature I added15:21
dolphyif I want to work on a new fix feature meanwhile it's being reviewed, should I remove my branch and start from scratch again so that all bundles I m pushing are all coming from the original current branch ?15:22
beunoemmajane, hi15:26
beunodolphy, you just create a new branch from trunk, yes15:26
beunoso your diff is clean15:26
beuno"feature branches"15:27
dolphybeuno: any faster way to do that than rm -rf and a brand new bzr branch command ?15:28
beunodolphy, don't rm -f!15:28
beunoleave it15:28
beunountil it gets approved15:29
beunoyou may need to make changes   :)15:29
beunobranch should be pretty fast if you're using a shared repository15:29
homyHi! Do you usually also put compiled binaries under revision control?15:49
LeoNerdGenerally not15:49
LeoNerdBut as with general vauge questions you'll get general vague answers. :) can you be more specific about your use case?15:50
luksanything automatically generated15:50
homyLeoNerd: no special use case. Just this one:  http://bazaar-vcs.org/Workflows#Solo.15:53
LeoNerdOh.. well, generally, don't then.15:53
LeoNerdHalf the point of a DVCS is you can do things like branch and merge. bzr won't be able to merge a compiled binary.15:53
LeoNerdBest just to keep the source which it can merge, and have the binary handled separately by some build system.15:53
homyLeoNerd: But I do put binary files like images under Revision control?15:54
LeoNerdWell.. again.. it's partly up to you. bzr -can- store binary files... it's up to your situation if that's a good idea.15:54
LeoNerdThere can be valid use cases. E.g. storing GIF images as part of a webapp source.15:54
homyor icons for a qt programm.15:54
awilkinsI wonder if you could bolt on that Google x86-binary-diff algorithm15:55
homyok, thanks. In what use case *would* you store compiled binaries?15:55
awilkinsOr something that unpacked JAR files and diffed the classes before15:55
awilkinshomy: Maven repository?15:55
awilkinshomy: Backup archive?15:55
awilkinshomy: I;m storing compiled binaries, but that's because I'm using Bazaar as an update mechanism for my users on a particular project - and the binaries are not in the source tree15:56
awilkinshomy: thinking about it I could probably just install Maven on their machines and make them run a maven goal to update their software...15:57
awilkins.. they could have a working tree of the sources15:58
awilkinsBut the project is basically done with now15:58
homysorry, what is "maven repository"?15:58
awilkinsMaven is a build-and-dependency system, primarily for Java applications15:58
emmajanepoolie, pong15:58
emmajanebeuno, hey :)15:59
homythe same as apache maven?15:59
awilkinshomy: Yes15:59
awilkinshomy: We're using Apache Archiva as our repository15:59
beunoemmajane, how's your day today to have a call?16:07
emmajanebeuno, pretty good. I'm just dealing with allergies right now so I'm snuffling lots.16:32
beunoemmajane, in 2 or 3 hours would be great for me16:33
emmajanebeuno, that would be just after lunch which could work for me nicely as well.16:33
beunoemmajane, perfect. Lets ping-pong later then  :)16:33
emmajanebeuno, sounds good :)16:33
corporate_cookieI have a development branch; which is out of sync with a production branch. I want to merge some changes (entailed in 2 revno's) from the development into the production branch; but only the changes entailed in those two revnos. Anyone know how that can be done ?16:53
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jamsidnei: ping18:00
Takdoes bzr+ssh:// require server software other than ssh?18:01
LarstiQTak: bzr installed on the remote end18:06
LarstiQTak: or well, invokable. bzr_remote_path=~/src/bzr/bzr.dev/bzr works too18:06
Takok, but there doesn't have to be any kind of server running?18:08
Taknot like svnserve18:08
LarstiQTak: no, bzr is just started up over the ssh session and shut down again18:16
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Takis it possible to preauthorize a password with bzr+ssh using the auth mechanism?18:26
LeoNerdIsn't that what an ssh key is for?18:27
Takheh, not possible sometimes18:29
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sidneijam: pong18:36
jamhey sidnei, I was hoping we could get buildbot working to build the latest installer18:38
jamhave you done anything with it recently?18:38
sidneijam: not recently no, but i haven't forgotten about it.18:39
jamso at this exact moment I'm a bit preoccupied with something18:39
jambut in about an hour it would be nice to work on it with you18:39
sidneijam: ok, i should get to a stopping point in one hour too18:40
jamsidnei: ok, I'll try to ping you if I don't hear from you first :)18:42
sidneijam: awesome, thanks!18:42
nilghi, I've a problem, I've modified source files wrongly, it was after a local commit but before pushing on lauchnpad, does a revert command will do the trick, that is ignoring my last modifications?19:26
nilgI tried to push directly (since I did not commit the changes), but it says: bzr: ERROR: These branches have diverged.  Try using "merge" and then "push".119:27
nilgbut I certainly not want to merge I just want to ignore these last modifications19:28
SamBnilg: "bzr uncommit"19:28
blackxoredhello everybody19:28
SamBor maybe "bzr pull --overwrite"19:28
blackxoredhow to export a part of my bzr branch to a svn repository without lose of history19:29
SamBblackxored: what part?19:29
blackxoreda debian/ directory without the .bzr/* files at the root19:29
SamBblackxored: what does the repository actually consist of ?19:30
SamBthe bzr one, I mean19:30
nilgSamB, no this will ignore my last commit, right? but I don't want this I want to ignore my last changes not committed19:30
SamBnilg: oh!19:30
SamBwell, the diverging has nothing to do with that19:30
SamBrun "bzr missing" to see how they diverged19:31
nilgand I'm scared to do bzr revert and loose my last commit19:31
SamBbzr revert doesn't lose you commits19:31
SamBonly "bzr uncommit" or "bzr pull --overwrite"19:31
SamB(and you can still *probably* find them again even then)19:31
blackxoredSamB, I got this branch: rootdir => .bzrignore and etc debian/ dir I need to push the debian dir only without the .bzr oens19:31
SamBblackxored: you can't skip .bzrignore without losing history19:32
nilgSamB, bzr revert has exactly what I wanted, thank you so much!!!!19:33
blackxoredthen .bzrignore has to be checkout?19:33
blackxoredci,I mean19:33
SamBthe .bzr directory, though, isn't part of the bzr-managed tree -- it's where bzr keeps it's notes -- so that won't show up if you just "bzr push" to the SVN URL of your choice19:33
SamBhopefully, either your bzr repository originally came from the SVN repository or the SVN repository is empty?19:34
* SamB wonders what exactly a "chk" *is*19:37
blackxoredSamB, the svn repo is empty19:37
SamBblackxored: so, why does it even need to be an SVN repository?19:37
blackxoredSamB, because is where the team is19:38
blackxoredanyway, my three is something like .bzr .bzr-builddeb com debian edu org .pc , and I only need to push debian/19:38
SamBblackxored: and do you have bzr-svn installed, and is it a SVN 1.5 (or greater) format repository?19:38
blackxoredyes it is19:38
SamBhmm, why do you only want to push the "debian" directory?19:39
blackxoredbecause I'm doing debian related work and that's all I need to commit19:39
SamBI think it would make a lot more sense to keep using the bzr repository if Debian makes you jump through so many hoops to use SVN19:39
blackxoredSamB, sure but I'm part of a team19:40
blackxoredSamB, so solutions/?19:40
jamsidnei: ping for great justice19:40
blackxoredSamB, I just want to keep history under debian19:40
SamBwell, you could either commit it all, or you could lose some of the history by filtering the branch ...19:41
blackxoredSamB, and push debian19:41
sidneijam: wrapping up, 2 minutes19:41
Takcan you make another branch of the svn repo, merge in just the commits to debian/, then push those back up to the repo?19:41
blackxoredTak, right, the question is how?19:41
SamBbut that would probably make it very difficult to collaborate with Ubuntu ...19:41
Takwas your bzr branch originally branched from the svn repo?19:42
blackxoredTak, no It was private19:42
SamBblackxored: it would make things way more complicated unless the people who made the bzr repository aren't going to continue using it ...19:42
blackxoredSamB, I hosted my branch in launchpad initially19:42
blackxoredSamB, I could assume that won't be used anymore19:43
TakI'm not sure if you can automatically merge two branches that don't have the same ancestor...19:43
SamBblackxored: and did you already try to talk the rest of the team into joining you in using the bzr branch?19:43
SamBTak: SVN repo is empty19:43
SamBTak: that's why I'm wondering what is so important about using SVN!19:43
blackxoredSamB, because the team uses svn!19:44
SamBblackxored: they can't use anything but svn?19:45
blackxoredSamB, I'd be glad if they use bzr, actually, I'll jump and jump and jump...19:45
blackxoredSamB, I'm quite new , so won't ask them to switch19:45
Takhmm, could you push the branch to the repo, then merge out non-debian/-relevant revisions?19:46
sidneijam: ok, ready19:46
* sidnei updates bzr.dev19:46
blackxoredthe branch has no upstream code19:47
blackxoredonly debian dirs, and bzr-related ones19:47
SamBblackxored: com edu and org are debian-related?19:47
Takmust be a java project ;-)19:47
SamBI mean, what do they do?19:47
blackxoredTak, is a java project19:48
SamBblackxored: oh, so there *is* upstream code!19:48
jamsidnei: so the first (small?) issue, is that I don't think Tortoisebzr actually makes releases19:48
* Tak winnar19:48
blackxoredthose files are ignored19:48
jamso we don't really have tags to use19:48
jamper se19:48
jamis the solution to just force it?19:48
blackxoredSamB, *are* ignored19:49
Takso...everything but debian/ is ignored anyway?19:49
blackxoredTak, yes!19:49
sidneijam: what you mean by 'force' it?19:49
Takso what's the problem?19:49
SamBblackxored: so what bzr branch do you want in svn?19:49
SamBstep 1: make that branch19:49
jamsidnei: force them to start using tags and releasing19:50
jamor faking it my making my own branch with tags in it19:50
blackxoredok, listening19:50
jamto date, I've just grabbed whatever the current tbzr tip revision is19:50
SamBstep 2: bzr push svn://alioth.debian.org/path/to/repo/and/branch19:50
sidneijam: tip would work, but of course it would be best to have a tag19:50
sidneijam: who's upstream for tortoizebzr?19:51
jamrandom people19:51
jamIt was originally written a while ago, then updated by Mark Hammond19:52
jamright now I'm not sure who is really maintaining it19:52
jamI've seen updates from both bialix and Naoki19:52
ronnyreminds me, i need to get a hold of all the tortoise kinds of people (there shouldnt be one for each vcs)19:53
SamBblackxored: if you don't really care about anything but debian/, you could just use jelmer's filtering plugin to remove everything else from the entire history before pushing19:53
ronnymore like one for all of the vcs's19:53
jamsidnei: beyond that I think I can go through and update some of the bits.19:54
sidneijam: how does tagging work in bzr? can you tag a remote branch?19:55
jamsidnei: tags are maintained as part of the branch meta-info19:55
jamso if you are deleting the target, you can't just set a tag there19:56
jamif you were copying into your own branch, then you could have your own set of tags19:56
jamsidnei: what is this:19:56
jamrem Enable this when this branch is merged.19:56
jamrem make python-installer PYTHON24=${settings:python24} PYTHON25=${settings:python25} PYTHON26=${settings:python26}19:56
jamrem @if %ERRORLEVEL% NEQ 0 (set BUILD_ERROR=%ERRORLEVEL%) & goto End19:56
SamBwhy aren't tags part of the repository ?19:56
jamYou seem to copy the code from "python-installer" into your own set of lines w/ bdist_wininst19:56
jamSamB: read the mailing list19:56
jamlots of discussion there19:57
jamstuff like, 2 projects using the same shared repo, and using "release-1.2" style tags19:57
jambut being different ancestries19:57
SamBjam: yes! I'm not exactly going to reread the whole thing19:57
SamBjam: oh, point19:57
SamBokay, that's good enough for me for the moment19:57
jamyeah, there was a *lot* of discussion about possible tag mechanics19:57
jamI'm not very satisfied with what we have, but at least we have something.19:58
SamBand it's not a case where there is an obvious improvement19:58
sidneijam: hold on, let me finish this thought about tags, then i will look into that19:58
jamsidnei: so I'm wondering if I should uncomment the "rem" and then remove the next few lines.19:58
sidneijam: so just tagging a specific revision (the one included in the installer) of tortoisebzr trunk in launchpad with the installer release version would be enough, if that's possible19:58
jamsidnei: I would guess I actually have write access to lp:tortoisebzr or if necessary, I could *get* it.19:58
sidneijam: seems like you have access. in fact, i now have access to. the owner is an open team *wink*19:59
SamBwow, that's got pugs beat!20:00
jamsidnei: what is "gf.recipe.bzr" ?20:00
ronnynow, how to persuade all the different tortoiseFoo teams to work togeth20:00
SamBI mean, I have joked that if you so much as *sneeze* in #perl6, they will give you pugs commit access, but ...20:01
sidneijam: it's a buildout recipe that calls bzr20:01
ronnyi managed to end up in the pugs contributors list20:01
sidneijam: just so the branches to be pulled for the plugins are in the buildout.cfg20:02
jamsidnei: sure, but where is that recipe, and how is it maintained?20:02
jamas I don't see the code anywhere20:02
SamB(assuming your sneeze includes an email address and possibly an SSH public key ;-P)20:02
sidneijam: oh, it's in launchpad, lp:gf.recipe.bzr20:02
jamsidnei: how is that found by the boostrap code?20:02
SamBsidnei: that's your girlfriend's recipes?20:03
jamas I don't see a reference to that sort of thing20:03
sidneiSamB: could be :)20:03
ronnywhat is gf ?20:03
sidneijam: oh. it's downloaded from pypi with easy_install20:03
sidneigf == greenfinity20:03
sidneicompany from hungary20:03
SamBhmm, what's the correct Ubuntu release to list in my sources.list to get the nightly builds at the moment?20:04
jamsidnei: so should we be using the rc6 release, and/or #strict ?20:05
* SamB wishes bzr would up an additional progress bar when it has to do a repack ...20:06
sidneijam: rc6 should work yes, i haven't used strict, i believe it's not needed20:06
jamsidnei: I'm concerned about this:20:07
jamOn update, if "pull" is unsuccesful, the recipe will give an error with the bzr command output, but it will not cause buildout to stop with an error. The developer needs to look at this output to realize that the update has not taken place.20:07
jamI'd rather buildout failed if it doesn't manage to update properly.20:07
sidneijam: ok. i believe strict fails in that case, so we can use strict.20:07
SamBjam: that *is* the usual configuration, yes20:08
jamSamB: what is the usual configuration?20:08
jamAt least from what I can tell, gf.recipe.bzr changed what is happening20:08
jamand if I read pypi correctly, it seems to say that the latest release is more relaxed then before20:09
SamBhaving buildbot fail when it can't pull / checkout from the VCS20:09
sidneijam: looking at the source for strict, seems like it does what you want.20:11
jamnow, do I need to set:20:12
jamgf.recipe.bzr#strict = 1.0rc620:12
jamor do I just set20:12
jamgf.recipe.bzr = 1.0rc620:12
jamand then later use20:12
jamrecipe = gf.recipe.bzr#strict20:12
sidneijam: the latter, though it's ':strict' not '#strict'20:13
jamsidnei: k, though that isn't what pypi said20:13
jamaccording to this page: http://pypi.python.org/pypi/gf.recipe.bzr20:13
jamperhaps the docs for gf.recipe.bzr need to be updated?20:14
sidneijam: yeah, i don't remember #strict working, but i could be wrong.20:14
* sidnei files a bug20:14
jam(given that you seem to have commit rights there)20:14
jamsidnei: so I had #strict and it didn't fall over immediately20:14
jambut that could be because it treated # as a comment20:14
jamand just ignored it20:15
sidneilikely yes20:15
sidneii have a couple branches to merge there, will sneak this fix in20:15
jamsidnei: this doesn't seem like the correct place for an official zlib dll:20:16
jamnot to mention I noticed because I got a timeout while trying to download20:16
sidneijam: that's the one i've been using for building lxml for ages, where you've been getting zlib from?20:17
jamI'm not sure what you were doing with it, but I would think:20:17
jamsidnei: and the fact that the dir is "libxml" means it would be a reasonable place for *libxml* but not necessairly zlib :)20:18
jamgetting a traceback inside "hexagonit.recipe.download"20:18
sidneijam: if i remember correctly, the version provided at zlib.net is not statically compiled, but i could be wrong20:18
jamsidnei: http://paste.ubuntu.com/239887/20:19
jamsidnei: the one at zlib is a dll, yes20:19
jambut the one *I* compile against is a dll, as well20:19
jamI've been packaging zlib1.dll into the installer for a while20:20
sidneijam: ah, so you're shipping the dll, ok.20:20
jamwell, py2exe is :)20:20
sidneijam: for lxml, it is all statically linked, so the dll doesn't need to be shipped20:21
jamalso, is there any chance to not have "make installer-all" pollute my working dir?20:21
jamsidnei: well, python itself statically compiles against it20:21
jamand if they *didn't* then we wouldn't need to do it ourselves20:21
jamwe want like 1 function out of it, but python hides the zlib dependency20:21
jamso even though all the functionality is there... ;(20:22
sidneijam: log is not defined, ha!20:23
SamBsidnei: import math, duh ;-P20:23
jamsidnei: yeah, so bug in hexagonit... I think we can work around it somehow by unsetting: 'strip-top-level-dir'20:24
jamsidnei: what does that setting do?20:24
jamsince I see you set it on almost all the recipes20:24
sidneijam: it unpacks the file in the target directory, instead of creating a sub-directory with the zip file name20:25
jamsidnei: so the zlib.net zip file puts everything into the root dir20:26
jamshould we be unsetting this?20:26
sidneijam: give it a try, i believe so20:26
jamsidnei: it at least doesn't crash20:26
jamso a good strat20:26
jamI'm all the way to "Getting release from bzr repository...."20:27
sidneijam: awesome20:28
jamcourse, it breaks after that20:28
jambut at least a start :)20:28
sidneijam: whats the failure20:29
jam(I'm pretty unhappy about all the droppings in my WD, I'll probably try to clean that up next.)20:30
* SamB wishes you didn't need a special build of python just to get backtraces in GDB...20:30
jamsidnei: As near as I can tell, it isn't trying to use "trunk -r tag:XXX" but an actual branch named "trunk@tag:..." and it never actually created it20:32
jammy guess is something about not handling the "@"20:32
jambzr *itself* doesn't treat it like svn does20:32
jamit just considers it another character20:32
jamnot an indication that it is a specific rev in that branch20:32
sidneijam: yes, that seems like a bug in gf.recipe.bzr, which is odd because it worked when i tried20:32
jamsidnei: might be 1.0rc5 versus 1.0rc6?20:32
jamalso: lp:///~jameinel/bzr/1.18-win32-buildbot20:32
sidneijam: maybe, want to change versions.cfg and try again?20:33
jamis the latest of what I've been doing20:33
* sidnei gets it20:33
jamI had to back up the setuptools version20:33
jamdo you know any reason why I would need setuptools...9 instead of 8?20:33
sidneijam: no specific reason, just the latest available20:33
jamI seem to have 8 installed20:33
jamand if I leave it at 920:34
jamit fails20:34
jamclaiming incompatibility20:34
sidneijam: what's the parent branch for your branch?20:36
sidneiseems like it has a couple extra changes from bzr.dev20:36
jamsidnei: only things that landed in bzr.dev, but probably not mirrored to lp: yet20:37
sidneijam: ah, ok.20:37
jamnamely: 4580 Canonical.com Patch Queue Manager 2009-07-31 [merge]20:37
jam     (jam) Support SIGBREAK on Windows dropping you into the debugger.20:37
sidneijam: whats your complaint about the WD?20:38
jamsidnei: building the installer creates about 10 directories in tools/win3220:39
jamwhich means "bzr status" is no longer clean20:39
sidneijam: where should they be created? under build?20:39
jamsidnei: something like that20:39
sidneijam: makes sense20:40
jamsidnei: working on it now20:40
nevansI'm looking for the simplest command line to restore a previously deleted file/dir (assuming that I know the rev id that I want)20:50
nevans"bzr cp foo/bar@123 foo/bar" was my first instinct (coming from svn-land)20:51
Raimnevans: bzr revert foo/bar  restores the file20:54
nevansoh yeah.20:54
Raimnevans: think like reverting the deletion20:54
jamsidnei: so since i'm creating this new location, would it make sense to always nuke it as part of "make installer-all" ?20:55
jamand I'm getting the same failure with 1.0rc520:55
sidneijam: im investigating the failure, seems like an actual bug20:56
sidneijam: not sure about nuking, i would prefer it to be part of make clean20:56
nevansRaim: hmm... no luck.20:56
jamsidnei: so the way "build_release" works, is that it keeps branches of everything it wants20:56
nevansbzr revert -r 123 foo/bar just does nothing.20:56
jambut then nukes a new directory20:57
jamand stages everything into that20:57
jamso it doesn't necessarily do a fresh download of everything20:57
jambut it *does* copy everything into a clean build location20:57
jamsidnei: revno 4583 of my branch now stages everything into a 'build-win32' directory20:57
nevansit's possible that the containing dir was also deleted at some point (and then recreated).  but I don't even get a conflict20:57
sidneijam: yeah, i remember that.20:58
sidneijam: i would say go for it then.20:58
Raimnevans: maybe I did not understand you correctly, but you just deleted a file and want the last version back, right? why would you need a revision number?20:58
nevansahh! I just figured it out.  It turns out that I never *actually* deleted the file dir.20:58
nevansI simply moved it from src/foo to src/shelved/foo20:58
jamsidnei: so the main problem is that it is going to download everything from remote *from scratch* based on what I'm seeing now20:59
jam(it seems to copy everything into $project)20:59
nevansso, when I tried to "bzr src/foo/bar", that was a no-op, because src/foo/bar actually still exists in my HEAD (albeit in a different location)20:59
jamwhich would be inside $BUILD/$project20:59
nevanshowever, when I ran "bzr revert -r 123 src/foo" it renamed src/shelved/foo back to src/foo21:00
sidneijam: ok, found the bug. the 'strict' recipe is out-of-sync with the other one, i have a branch ready to merge to fix that. i will make a release with this asap21:00
nevansRaim: to answer your question, it wasn't *just* deleted.  I thought it was deleted a long time ago.21:00
sidneijam: you can change where it's checked out, just change the 'destination'21:00
nevanswhen actually it was merely renamed a long time ago.21:01
jamit seems to be trying to re-use my local shared repo, which means it inherits certain flags like "by default don't create working trees"21:01
sidneijam: for the [bzr] part, set the shared-repo to true21:01
sidneijam: that makes it create a new shared-repo21:01
jamsidnei: though for testing, I don't really want to wait 10min for it to download bzr from scratch... :)21:01
sidneijam: eh :)21:02
jamas long as it is only bzr, its probably fine21:02
sidneijam: for landscape, i've made 'destination' a configurable option and i pass it a path outside the tree21:02
sidneijam: so all checkouts are on a central directory21:03
jamsidnei: so gf.recipe.bzr has another small bug21:04
jamit seems to assume that "bzr branch $OTHER" will create a local working tree21:04
jambut you can create a local repo and set "no_working_trees"21:04
jamwhich is how mine work21:04
sidneijam: true. is there a command line option to force working tree?21:04
jamsidnei: so there is "bzr branch --no-tree" I don't know if the other way works21:06
jamno, it looks like the flag only disables creating a tree21:07
jamsetting it to True, gets overridden by the repository policy21:07
jamyou *can* do "bzr checkout ." to make it create a workingtree21:07
sidneijam: so bzr checkout after bzr branch21:09
jamI'm trying to understand gf.recipe.bzr a bit to be sure21:09
jamsidnei: shouldn't bzr_strict inherit from bzr ?21:10
jam(or something to that effect)21:10
jamI suppose you could do "bzr get --no-branch" and then "bzr checkout ." after that21:11
jamwhich should always succeed21:11
jamotherwise I'm not sure what "bzr checkout ." does when you already have a checkout21:11
sidneijam: that could work21:13
jamsorry "get --no-tree" :)21:13
=== zirpu2 is now known as zirpu
jamsidnei: so without :strict (since it is currently broken) if it fails to get the branch at all21:25
jamit then fails during "os.chdir()"21:25
jamrather than giving you the error at the time it happened21:25
jamnamely, that it can't get the code...21:25
jamanyway, I don't quite understand why the default isn't strict21:26
jambut hey, I'm not the one writing it21:26
* SamB wishes Python supported compacting collection ...21:27
sidneijam: strict wipes out the branch if it fails to pull *wink*21:27
jamalso, it seems that gf.recipe.bzr requires that you have a valid "bzr.exe" in your path, as  Ihave 'bzr.bat' and a really old version of bzr.exe21:27
jamfailing the build because you failed to pull21:28
jamis different than nuking a dir21:28
sidneijam: i agree. it should never nuke a dir. i am not using strict because of that, so i should fix it21:28
sidneijam: if you get your old version of bzr.exe out of the path, it should call bzr.exe i believe21:29
sidneis/exe/bat on the latter21:29
jam"no such file"21:30
jamworks if I explicitly state "bzr.bat"21:30
jamlet me try it in a different shell21:31
sidneijam: pass 'shell=True'21:31
jamah, yeah, shell=True changes that21:31
sidneijam: does it call bzr.bat then?21:32
jamsidnei: yes21:32
jamand gf does use shell=True21:32
sidneijam: awesome. that's the intended behaviour21:32
jamsidnei: I was wondering if we could get it to run the local copy of bzr21:33
jambut that is probably a pain to get working21:33
sidneijam: uhm, that could work. maybe an option to the gf.recipe.bzr recipe 'executable=/path/to/bzr.py'21:34
jamsidnei: yeah, I'm not sure that it is generally useful21:34
jamas only *bzr* is going to have that21:34
sidneijam: or people that don't have bzr in the PATH21:34
jamwhile gf.recipe.bzr is about building everything else with bzr as just a mechanism to get the code21:34
sidnei(or even more than one bzr in the PATH)21:35
jamsidnei: also, how does all of this work if you want to try packaging $TIP for bzr + plugins?21:35
jamThe idea being a "nightly" build21:35
jamis it that you would use $TIP for bzr, but explicit versions for everything else?21:35
sidneijam: should work both ways. did i show you this? http://buildbot.sidneidasilva.com/21:36
sidnei argv: ['make', 'installer-all', 'BZR_TARGET=release', 'PLUGIN_TARGET=plugin-dev',...21:36
jamSo I think I have the "boostrap" stage all working21:41
jamI get to the point of:21:41
jamcd build-win32 && bin/build-installer.bat release plugin-release21:41
jamRemoved: c:\Users\jameinel\dev\bzr\work\build-win32\release\bzr.1.1721:41
jamso it seems like it makes it all the way to the end21:42
jambut "build-installer.bat" sort of falls over21:42
jamnow, it could be that "foo.bat" can't find my "make"21:42
jamas I have make in cygwin21:42
jambut not a mingw32 or other more "pure windows" make21:43
sidneijam: could be. is it in your PATH?21:43
jamwell running "cmd.exe" and then typing "make"21:44
jamseems to find it21:44
sidneishould be enough21:45
jamso, is there a way to get the .bat file to say something about what is going wrong?21:45
jamor alternatively, why are we using .bat here, rather than python?21:46
sidneijam: no specific reason, other than passing environment variables in python is a little more sucky21:50
jamsidnei: just to set PYTHONPATH?21:51
sidneijam: no, there's a boatload of environment variables in build-installer.bat, check it out21:52
sidneijam: is there a way to make a branch remember its pull location without doing 'bzr pull --remember'? i wanted 'bzr get --remember'21:52
jamah sure21:52
jamsidnei: "bzr get" defaults to remember21:52
jamor I should say21:52
jamif you are creating a new branch it should remember its source automatically21:53
jamsidnei: Popen(env = {dict}) doesn't seem that bad to me21:53
sidneiso 'bzr get BRANCH' followed by 'bzr pull' with no args should work just fine?21:53
jamsidnei: yes21:53
* sidnei fixes gf.recipe.bzr once more21:54
sidneijam: im fine with rewriting it as a python script, just that it sounded like too much work at the time. not sure it will gain you anything though21:54
jamsidnei: easier for *me* to support :)21:55
jamwon't gain a lot today, sure21:55
jammore about maintenance, etc21:55
jamI guess what it would give me right now is a way to drop into pdb to figure out why it thinks it is building just fine, but I'm not actually getting any results21:57
sidneijam: there's no output at all?21:58
jamsidnei: I showed you the output21:58
jamit seems to build everything21:58
sidneijam: it should exit with an errorcode if it it fails21:58
jamwell, dependencies21:58
jamand then I get:21:58
jamroot is c:\Users\jameinel\dev\bzr\work\build-win3221:58
jamRemoved: c:\Users\jameinel\dev\bzr\work\build-win32\release\bzr.1.1721:58
jamwith exit code 021:58
sidneidoesn't sound right21:59
* sidnei checks21:59
jam(I added the "root is" line)21:59
jamIt removes the directory, seems to checkout a new directory21:59
jamand then stops21:59
sidneijam: that's all checked in to your branch? i will give it a try22:01
jamthe message isn't22:01
jambut having everthing "work" is checked in22:01
jamah, let me push22:01
jamsidnei: rev 4586.22:02
jamif I remove the @echo off22:03
jam line22:03
jamit does the checkout22:03
jamand then just stops22:03
jamoh I know why....22:03
jamcalling a .bat file *from* a .bat file22:03
jamtransfers control22:03
jamand stops running locallly.22:03
jamthats a reason to use python22:03
jamusing "CALL bzr" makes it return control22:04
sidneijam: try adding '%COMSPEC% /c' before bzr22:04
sidneior that yeah22:04
jambut I don't know what it does if it is a .exe22:04
sidnei%COMSPEC% will work with an exe22:04
sidneii am mostly confident22:05
jamright, it is just effectively "sh -c"22:05
jamso it at least gets to the point of:22:05
jamc:\Python25\python.exe: can't open file 'setup.py': [Errno 2] No such file or directory22:05
jamand I think *that* is because I don't have checkouts22:05
sidneiseems so22:05
jamk, 4587 uses COMSPEC22:08
jamnow I'm having failures related to 'msginit'22:08
jamseems I have a copy on my path that doesn't work22:08
jamman, getting the dependency stack for pygtk on windows sucks22:18
jameverything is a .zip download22:18
jamand there are all sorts of version questions22:18
sidneijam: you will start bundling pygtk in the installer too?22:18
jamIt is just where I have "msginit" on my system22:19
jamk, found another small problem with "rebase" vs "rewrite"22:25
sidneijam: i made a release of gf.recipe.bzr with a fix for strict and a couple others that were pending merge, want to try that?22:29
sidneijam: 1.0rc7 it is22:30
jamI assume I just change the version nmu?22:30
jam(and add :strict back)22:30
sidneijam: yep22:31
jamsidnei: so I'm getting a failure now ,because qbzr optionally supports pygments, and py2exe is failing when it tries to import pygments22:31
jamany suggestions?22:31
jamwould we put that into boostrap ?22:31
jamor is it just use whatever people have installed22:31
jamlike we do for PyQt etc22:32
sidneijam: depends on how hard it is to get pygments in. if it's trivial, i would add it22:32
sidneii guess size also matters22:32
jamwell, it is an "easy_install" sort of thing22:33
jamI think we want it in the final package22:33
jamPyQt dominates the size of everything else22:33
sidneijam: let's do it then22:33
jamI'm pretty sure it is installed on kerguelen22:34
jamsidnei: of course, we aren't staging PyQt at this time22:34
jamhow does buildout handle the fact that you may have libs in your python install22:34
jamwhich differ from what you are building22:34
sidneijam: there are some recipes that can be told to ignore all of site-packages in your python install22:36
sidneijam: gary is polishing that up for launchpad usage22:36
sidneijam: but that's different from what we are doing, which is to call 'python setup.py py2exe', going completely around that22:37
jamsidnei: so far, 1.0rc7 "just works" for me22:39
sidneijam: there is a way of generating a 'custom interpreter' with buildout, which would mean we can get things installed locally without polluting the system-wide site-packages, but i wonder if that will play well with py2exe22:39
jamsidnei: well, you could boostrap into downloading python.msi and installing it to a local dir, etc22:39
jamso it seems that on kerguelen, if I use setuptools c8 (like I have here) it fails with the same "incompatible" error22:40
jam(just opposite)22:40
jamso perhaps I'll just install c9 here and live with it22:40
sidneijam: that's probably a good idea22:42
sidneic8 is like 2 years old by now ainnit?22:42
jamwell not much older than that22:43
jamthis machine isn't much more than 1.5 yrs old22:43
jamcan you update setuptools using setuptools?22:45
sidneijam: you can! easy_install -U setuptools22:45
sidneion windows you might need to call it with python easy_install-script.py22:45
sidneiotherwise it fails to replace the .exe22:46
sidnei(easy_install.exe that is)22:46
sidneijam: if you want to give the buildout python thing a try, see the section 'custom interpreter' on this page: http://grok.zope.org/documentation/tutorial/introduction-to-zc.buildout/recipes-to-install-eggs-scripts-and-custom22:46
sidneijam: if you add eggs = Pygments there, then run setup.py with the the generated 'bin/py', it *might* work22:47
jamsidnei: Couldn't find index page for 'zc.recipe.eggs' (maybe misspelled?)22:49
jamahh, singular22:49
sidneijam: yes, mispelled, it's 'egg'22:49
jamwell zc.recipe.egg:eggs22:50
jamso the plural form is in there22:50
jamsidnei: hmm... that gets me to the point where it thinks "build-win32/subvertpy" should be a checkout22:51
jamwhen the checkout should be "build-win32/subvertpy/release"22:51
jamperhaps a bug in gf?22:51
sidneijam: could be, traceback?22:51
sidneijam: your branch is pushed?22:56
jamsidnei: everything except the 'zf.recipe.egg' stuff22:56
jamI get the same failure without it22:56
jamit seems that :strict and uninstall aren't playing well together22:57
jamthough getting rid of :strict seems to cause the same failure22:57
sidneijam: yeah, uninstall is called by both. removing the directory manually will get you going for now, while i figure out what's wrong22:58
jamon kerguelen it is up to "getting trunk for bzrtools"22:59
jamsidnei: if I delete subvertpy, then it has the same failure for bzr-rewrite22:59
jamI have the feeling, it is going to keep chaining until it is all deleted22:59
sidneijam: yeah, all of them22:59
jamthough maybe it is because I did a manual "bzr co" ?22:59
jamso it doesn't actually build at home because I don't have VC923:00
jamweird, transient error downloading svn-lib23:01
jamConnection Refused now23:01
jamof course, it doesn't do anything nice like tell me what url it couldn't download:23:01
sidneijam: i figured the uninstall problem23:02
sidneijam: os.listdir() found the .bzr dir, because of the shared-repo23:03
jamah, so it says there is something there other than just the directories it knows to remove?23:04
sidneijam: well, it's a plain bug. it tries to do 'bzr st .bzr' :)23:06
jamit seems subversion.tigris.org is down right now anyway...23:08
jamso not much I can do to try it at this point23:08
jamnot a big deal23:08
jamas I should have stopped working 10 min ago :)23:08
sidneime too :)23:09
sidneijam: what timezone are you on?23:09
jamcentral US23:10
jamwhat about yourself?23:10
sidneijam: BRT (GMT-3), freezing southern brazil23:10
jaminteresting, as I'm GMT-523:11
jamI guess you work later than I do :)23:12
sidneiyes, i work from 10-8 with long break for lunch23:13
jamsidnei: well thanks for working on this with me23:15
jamI think it is close23:15
jamwill you be available at all on Mon?23:15
sidneijam: it's been a pleasure! thanks for pushing me!23:15
sidneijam: i will23:15
jamk, I'll see you around then23:15
jamhopefully the subversion web host will be back up :)23:16
sidneijam: except 16UTC, for an irc meeting, but that should be no trouble23:16
sidneisee ya!23:16
sidneijam: fwiw, i made a 1.0rc8 of gf.recipe.bzr with the fix for uninstall23:32
* sidnei disappears now23:32

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