
Michelle_Qimoace_suares: I'm here!00:15
Michelle_Qimowhat's up?00:15
ace_suareshi Michelle_Qimo mhall11900:23
ace_suaresh ehe he00:23
ace_suaresI got Qimo 'running' on a 64 MB 500 Mhz Celeron laptop, a Comapq Pessarium :-)00:23
Michelle_Qimooh yeah?00:33
Michelle_Qimohow'd you manage that one?00:34
=== LaserJock is now known as DrLaserJock
mhall1191DrLaserJock: you got it?01:15
HedgeMagehi, DrLaserJock :)01:16
DrLaserJockmhall1191: yep01:17
mhall1191congrats Dr.01:17
Michelle_QimoDrLaserJock: Congratulations!!01:18
ace_suaresW000t for Dr LaserJock!01:40
mhall1191hey ace_suares01:41
ace_suareshi mhall119 i know stuff about qimo that you don't know ;-))))01:43
* Michelle_Qimo is listening intently to ace_suares01:44
mhall1191do tell01:47
ace_suaresheh he01:47
ace_suareswell first off, 'running' is a bit overstated. It's crawling so slow that the desktop takes 35 minutes to come up fully. But I got the eskimo and the icons down below and the Menu in the left corner... and I can spin the harddisk by moving the mouse.01:48
ace_suaresOf course it won't INSTALL on 64MB... but I fixed that by taking out the Harddisk, put it in a usb enclosure, boot up another PC with sufficient RAM and all that, installed on the USB harddisk... then put the harddisk back into the laptop. Oh it's a 5GB harddisk with now 128 MB swap and the rest is /01:49
ace_suaresSo if the installer gets a bit more lean, I bet you could install it on computers with 64+32 MB ram and have them 'work'.01:50
ace_suaresI doubt if tuxpaint etc will work but hey it's fun to see. I'll make a photo :-)01:50
mhall1191I think 128M would be a good target01:53
mhall1191we're not claiming to be a light-weight distro like DSL or Crunchbang, just a usably-light distro01:53
ace_suaresyou could be a light-weight distro and then be really fast on 256 MB :-)01:55
ace_suaresI just started calculator and it took a minute but then I can move it around the screen and looks quite workable!01:57
ace_suaresExcept the name Qimo... is that pronounced like 'chemo', the cancer therapy?01:58
mhall1191no, like the kimo part of eskimo01:59
ace_suaresemail address for pictures?02:09
mhall1191michael@qimo4kids.com or michelle@qimo4kids.com02:10
mhall1191depending on which of us you like better :)02:10
ace_suareswell your names are almost the same so...02:13
ace_suareshave you got them ?02:15
Michelle_Qimonot yet02:18
ace_suaresi sent them to michael02:19
* Michelle_Qimo leans over to look at his laptop02:19
ace_suarestuxpaint is working, be it very slow02:21
Michelle_Qimovery cool02:21
ace_suarestuxpaint has sound too!02:21
ace_suaresisnt' that neet? on a 64MB laptop!02:22
Michelle_Qimoawesome!  that's fantastic02:22
ace_suaresthe puzzle in childsplay works at normal speed, with sound!02:26
ace_suaresgot the pics yet?02:26
* Michelle_Qimo pokes mhall11902:29
Michelle_Qimoyep, got 'em02:30
Michelle_Qimofantastic!  Good to know it's possible02:31
ace_suaresjust played pong against the AI... well if pong wouldnt' work i'd start falling off my faith...02:31
ace_suareswell niow pong crashed.. he he02:34
ace_suaresgonna look on ebay to find a 128 MB module for this thing02:34
ace_suareshave fun u 2 !02:34
Michelle_Qimolol, keep us posted!02:34
ace_suareswill do02:34
mhall1191can anyone here help me with PPAs?02:57
ace_suaresmhall119 going to bed soon but what's you q?03:01
ace_suaresoff to sleep a while.03:02
mhall1191ace_suares: nevermind, found someone in #launchpad to help me03:06
mhall1191thanks though03:06
Ahmuck-Jrace_suares, i've got a 128mb module06:14
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=== alkisg1 is now known as alkisg
LaserJockmorning everybody17:33
highvoltagemorning LaserJock18:09
highvoltageLaserJock: LTSP Cluster is more or less in shape packaging wise. Any ideas for MOTU work that can be done for Edubuntu?18:10
LaserJockhighvoltage: there are a couple tasks maybe18:11
LaserJockone would be trolling through the Edubuntu bugs looking for patches that can be uploaded or just packaging bugs that should be fairly easy18:12
LaserJockanother thing would be to get together a list of Universe packages we want to include and go over their bugs18:14
highvoltageLaserJock: cool, I'll look at the bugs list so long18:16
Ahmuckedubuntu uses nbd and fuse?19:48
mhall119|workhello eduteam19:49
mhall119|workwanted to share with you guys that I'm starting on Qimo packages: https://launchpad.net/~mhall119/+archive/ppa19:49
alkisgAhmuck: ltsp yes, but I don't think that edubuntu uses nbd...20:01
highvoltageAhmuck-Jr: ltsp does, yes20:15
highvoltage(sorry only saw alkisg now)20:15
Ahmuckfirefox have a big memory hole?23:02
Ahmuck2+ G of memory and the server is telling me it's out of memory23:02
LnsAhmuck: how many clients on the 2G server?23:07
mhall1191I think FF doesn't do so well running multiple instances23:22
mhall1191unlike other apps, the majority of FF's memory usage can't be shared across instances, since it's cache and history and such23:23
mhall1191you might try reducing the amount of page caching it does, limit the history, and reduce in-memory caches23:24
LnsAhmuck: how did you determine it was firefox causing the memory probs?23:27
Ahmuckdead reckoning23:32
Ahmucktop is showing me 18% of mem being used by firefox.  server side only23:34
AhmuckLns: i can't download anything at all, not even a 2mb file, shows i'm out of mem23:35
Ahmucknm, i found the bad process23:36
dgroosDoes iTALC on LTSP Jaunty auto detect computers?  I can't get it to do so.23:46
dgroosI just installed iTALC in the client chroot of the jaunty LTSP install, following the directions on the ubuntu wiki.23:47
Lnsdgroos: unfortunately, i haven't heard of many people who have gotten italc to work very well w/ltsp..stgraber isn't around but he has done a lot of work with it, might be useful to ask him when he's around23:55
dgroosI used it last year in class and it worked ok.   It is one of the critical apps for a lab situation.  I'll try asking again tomorrow--thanks!23:58
Lnsdgroos: out of curiosity, what do you use italc the most for (most commonly used functionality) ?23:59

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