
phhricard1: kpersonalizer iirc00:04
phhbut you'd better use stuff like compcache00:04
ricard1thank you I'll try it.00:09
josehay alguien00:10
WalzmynK3B is telling me my writable DVDs are not writable. What can I do about this?00:17
sitoanywhere know a dovecot config?00:29
sitoi try do a mail server00:29
sitodefault_mail_env = maildir:/usr/local/virtual/%u/ -> is wrong... and i don't know why00:29
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Bryan_SierraWhenever I backspace when nothing is there to erase (no matter the application I'm using. It even does it in terminal) This really loud and annoying AAANNNNNTTTT plays. Is there anyway to turn this off?01:16
JontheEchidnaBryan_Sierra: this might help: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com/2007/07/26/turning-off-the-system-hardware-beep-linux-tutorial/01:19
Bryan_SierraJontheEchidna, it's not the pc speaker01:21
Bryan_Sierrait comes from the speakers01:21
Bryan_Sierraand when I had my headphones on01:21
Bryan_Sierracomes through them01:21
Bryan_Sierrareally really annoying to be listening to some loud music and then all of a sudden BAAAHHHHHNNNNTTTT01:21
racecar56what's the keyboard shortcut to show the menu bar on konsole01:23
Fanfare_racecar56: hm, there seems to be no default set...01:24
racecar56Fanfare_: not fun as i accidentally disabled the menu bar D:01:24
Bryan_Sierraracecar56, if you click in the black bit of the terminal01:25
Fanfare_racecar56: rightclick in terminal01:25
Fanfare_show menu01:25
Bryan_Sierraany ideas?01:27
Bryan_Sierraif it helps, even when I mute the master channel it does it01:27
Bryan_Sierrafigured it out01:28
FloodBotK1Bryan_Sierra: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:28
Bryan_SierraAlright, JontheEchidna here is how I fixed it in case anyone comes in and has this same issue. Kmixer has a "PC Beep" channel. If you just mute that, it goes away.01:29
JontheEchidnahuh, interesting01:30
DragnslcrAny advice on mounting a USB storage device (actually a media player) that doesn't seem to be getting mounted automagically?01:33
bochiTrying to compile Songbird. Extracted the tarball with Ark, But when I run ./configure I get "comand not found"01:34
DragnslcrThe device doesn't show up in fdisk -l, but it does show up in lsusb01:36
Fanfare_Dragnslcr: does it offer itself as a storage? could be a daap or so device... just a clue01:38
DragnslcrI get "USB Mass Storage support registered." in the syslog, so the system knows about it, it just isn't getting added to /dev01:39
Fanfare_Dragnslcr: maybe its somehow blacklisted in hal...01:40
DragnslcrDunno why, but maybe. Know offhand how to check?01:41
Fanfare_get the usb device id from lsusb01:41
sladencould somebody with KDE running quickly answer01:42
sladen"How do I change the default web brower in Kubuntu from Konqueror to Firefox?"01:42
DragnslcrFanfare_- yup, I've gotten that. I've never done anything with a HAL blacklist, so I don't know how/where it's kept01:44
bochisladen go to system settings/default applications01:48
Fanfare_Dragnslcr: could u paste last lines of /var/log/messages whilöe attaching usbdrive?01:50
bochiFresh install Jaunty can't get ./configure to work, must be missing something?01:50
DragnslcrFanfare_- this is actually from dmesg- http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/237773/01:51
Dragnslcrbochi- did you make sure that the file exists and is executable?01:51
bochiI extracted to a folder and it looks like all the files are there. One is "songbird.bin" I go to that folder and run sudo ./configure and get "command not found:.01:55
sladenbochi: Since you're familiar with it, could you reply to the user in question (the bug report has been converted to a question)01:56
sladenbochi: eg. what do you do after clicking on "default applications"01:56
Dragnslcrbochi- is there a file in that directory names "configure"?01:56
bochiDragnsler no "configure there"01:59
DragnslcrThere you go then02:00
DragnslcrThere should be a README or INSTALL file that will give you instructions. You might also try the site that you got the program from02:00
DragnslcrOf course, you should always check the repositories before download programs yourself02:01
bochisladen Web Browser/default component/ enter Firefox "in the following brewser02:01
Fanfare_Dragnslcr: hm, i dont know, there is the partitioncheck missing...02:01
Fanfare_Dragnslcr: whats the usbid?02:02
DragnslcrFanfare_- looking for this line from lsusb? "Bus 001 Device 005: ID 0e21:0801 Cowon Systems, Inc."02:03
bochi<Dragnslcr The readme has no install info. I first installed a .deb but it has problems so I went to the Songbird and downloaded the ,tar.gz02:05
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Fanfare_Dragnslcr: looks devicespecific http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/slackware-14/unable-to-mount-cowon-d2-iaudio-607204/02:07
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DragnslcrFanfare_- it's worked fine more recently than that thread. Can't remember exactly, but something broke within the past few months. Dunno if it might be a kernel or KDE issue02:12
Fanfare_Dragnslcr: think its a kernel issue then, as dmesg does not show any partitions on that device...02:14
sidneyevening all02:14
sidneyi right clicked on firefox icon and tried to create a luncher. now it dosent work. HELP02:16
DragnslcrBleh, figures. Thanks anyway02:16
* ross_ is away: Gone away for now02:42
* ross_ is back.02:42
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Guest91824Question RE: Festival TTS. Anyone here have experience?02:52
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ltwallyI'm new to Kubuntu.  What do you all use for PPTP/L2TP clients?02:54
shanepardueWhen I try to import pgp keys for a ppa in packagekit, it never sees my file. What extension do I have to save the pgp key as for it to recognize there is a key to import?02:54
darthanubisltwally: whatever is in the repos02:55
darthanubisshanepardue: not special extension02:55
JontheEchidnashanepardue: the ones I see are .gpg files and .gpgkey files02:56
ltwallydarthanubis:  repos?02:56
shanepardueJontheEchidna: gpg did it, thanks!02:57
shanepardueFor some reason I couldn't think of it and packagekit doesn't let you ignore extensions02:58
darthanubis!repositories |lwally02:59
ubottulwally: The packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories02:59
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Republika_Srpskacan you tell me03:00
Republika_Srpskawhat is official version of linux kernel03:00
Republika_SrpskaI have four blocked updates03:01
shanepardueRepublika_Srpska: If by "official" you mean latest stable release of the kernel, it is
ltwallyah.  I was hoping for actual feedback on people who use l2tp/pptp in kubuntu.03:02
Republika_SrpskaI use repo form Serbia03:02
ltwallythanks though03:03
Republika_Srpskawhy am I still on 2.6.2803:04
shanepardueWhich distro are you using?03:04
Republika_SrpskaKubuntu 9.0403:05
shanepardueUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months and they don't upgrade the kernel to the most recent version until that new release comes out03:06
_gtt_anyone know of anything specific to beware of updating to kde 4.3rc3 ?03:06
shanepardue_gtt_: Awesomeness03:06
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Republika_Srpskathank you03:06
_gtt_i already got it started, it sounded good... but sometimes things go awry and I'd like to prevent it.03:07
shanepardueI'm really digging 4.303:08
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_gtt_no hiccups on the install? i'm looking forward to some of the bug fixes03:08
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shanepardueNope..it upgraded just fine and I haven't found any problems other than packagekit freezing the first time I open software sources..from then on, it doesn't freeze03:09
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_gtt_anyone know how i can disable the additional informational icon (the blue circle, white i) in the notification area from appearing when kopete displays desktop notifications?03:10
Guest22763is there anyone who can help me with printer installation xerox03:10
_gtt_shanepardue: or do u know if thats fixed in 4.3?03:11
shanepardueI'm not sure..I am able to remove it from the tray if that answers your question03:12
shanepardueOh wait, maybe I can't.03:12
shanepardueI couldn't tell you03:12
Guest22763how can get back the desktop panel03:12
shanepardueGuest22763: Add the folder view widget03:13
_gtt_shanepardue:  not the kopete program itself, but when a friend signs on/off, it temporarily adds a blue circle with a white "i", which forces my area to be resized, along with the rest of my taskbar03:13
shanepardue_gtt_: I haven't seen that in 4.303:13
_gtt_i look forward to that being gone03:13
DragnslcrIt's still there in 4.3, but it's always there, so at least you won't have the resizing issue03:14
Guest22763quien me ayuda a instalar un impresor xerox que esta en red03:14
_gtt_Dragnslcr:  that useless icon?!03:14
=== Guest22763 is now known as fran_
_gtt_why not just reuse the existing icon thats already on that notification area?03:15
DragnslcrIf it's specifically the signon/signoff notifications that bother you, you can disable them in Kopete03:15
hairoldfran si yo03:15
_gtt_i like the desktop pop-up alert, the annoying blue useless icon that resizes my task bar I havent found a way of disabling separately.03:15
fran_bueno ayudame entonces hairold03:15
DragnslcrThe "i" icon is the notification icon, so it's used by most KDE apps (Kopete, Konversation, etc.)03:16
hairoldjejeje cual es tu problema03:16
_gtt_i dont think it needs to show up for a desktop alert.03:16
hairoldsorry solo me rio de que estoy tratando encontrar algun ispano03:16
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:16
fran_no puedo imprimir en una xerox que tengo en red03:16
bbeckI was wondering if anyone knew if there is a way to get the appearance of windows in kwin to look similar to the appearance in compiz?03:16
fran_no problem man is weired ha03:17
fran_la reconoce sin ningun problema la instala aparentemente03:17
fran_pero cuando imprimes sale solo basura03:17
_gtt_okie, maybe i can catch it where it shows up and tell it to hide it03:18
_gtt_i'm gonna give it a shot03:18
hairoldte fuiste por instalar desinstalar programas?03:18
Dragnslcr_gtt_- looks like it's part of the System Tray, and I can't see any way to get rid of it03:18
Dragnslcr!es | hairold03:18
ubottuhairold: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:18
hairoldsorry thanks03:19
fran_si hairold03:20
fran_pero no instala bien03:20
fran_tienes alguna alternativa03:20
fran_o eres novato igual que yo03:20
hairoldbueno algo, pero creo que te puede funcionar el desintalarlos e intalarlos nueva vez, luego reiniciar la pc, me fui no quiero otro boche,03:21
Dragnslcr!es | fran_03:21
ubottufran_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.03:21
hairoldubottu como demonios hago eso?03:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:21
hairoldese nombre parese de bolsa tu me excusasç03:22
fran_ubottu sorry man you misunderstand, i am not who has problems with english, any way i speak italian french english and spanish and a little portuguese03:26
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:26
fran_well i will tried in spanish maybe there i will find an answer03:28
Picifran_: Are you looking for an Italian channel?03:29
Picior not.03:29
unixdawgwhere can I grab the beta iso03:32
unixdawgor is the new kubuntu still alhoa03:32
DragnslcrPretty sure karmic is still in alpha03:32
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+103:33
asdfghjkam relatively unexperienced and having trouble installing nvidia controler in 9.04, please pm me if you think you might be able to help03:36
asdfghjkwhen i install nvidia drivers and and restart the startup freezes at "checking battery status03:42
asdfghjkthis happens with both the driver that the device maneger finds and the newer driver dated june 28 dwnloaded directly from nvidia03:44
asdfghjkis there anyone here? Im seeing nothing but server messages.03:50
BluesKajasdfghjk, uninstall the the driver you downloaded from nvidia before you install the default kubuntu driver (prolly the nvidia-glx-180) , depending on your card.03:56
BluesKajasdfghjk, are you at a tty prompt ?03:57
asdfghjkim in windows on my laptop, i cant even get kubuntu to boot now, have reintalled about 5 times today03:58
BluesKajasdfghjk, live cd ?03:58
asdfghjkdo you mean to say uninstall the default before  installing the downloaded?03:59
ToHellWithGAwhich package adds "Keyboard & Mouse" to systemsettings?03:59
ToHellWithGAwithout a full KDE desktop i only have "Multimedia" in that category03:59
BluesKajasdfghjk, no uninstall the dl'd driver if it's installed , if you can dod that from the tty prompt or live cd04:00
asdfghjkpm BlueKag pls to avoid the distractions of other conversations04:01
HollowPointHey guys, anyone got any ideas on getting Avahi working properly in 9.04?04:01
ToHellWithGAHollowPoint: what's not working about it?04:01
BluesKajasdfghjk, most likely the live cd since I don't think you have a completed install04:01
asdfghjknot a complete install?04:02
BluesKajwere you using kubuntu at all previous to this problem ?04:02
asdfghjkit was upgraded from 81004:02
HollowPointToHellWithGA: Well I work in a mostly mac environment, but I hate Macs, I need to use iChat/Bonjour in order to communicate with the other members of staff, I get no buddies showing up in Pidgin, Kopete, Empathy or for that matter any other chat client I try to use with Bonjour, the avahi-browse .... etc shows no buddies and avahi-discover shows nothing either04:03
asdfghjkhow would i tell if it is complete?04:03
BluesKajso you're familiar with the command line then04:03
HollowPointBluesKaj: Was that question/statement aimed at me?04:04
asdfghjklittle bit enough to install th driver. but not much more04:04
BluesKajsorry HollowPoint , no04:04
BluesKajHollowPoint, try konversation if you want irc , amsn if you wany IM04:05
HollowPointI'm in IRC, I use aMSN for MSN, but I NEED to be able to use the Bonjour/LinkLocal protocol to communicate with other staff members on campus04:05
ToHellWithGAthat's a bummer, man04:05
asdfghjkhow do i go about removing the driver that is causing the prob without reinstalling?04:06
HollowPointI should explain here I'm a 3rd line IT engineer specialising in Unix/AIX based systems and Cisco Networking, unfortunately for me I've never previously needed to have much to do with IM services, now I desperately want to shed the mac book I have sat next to me, now ONLY used for iChat and I can't get Avahi to work, from googling it seems there are issues with it and IPv6 as well in Jaunty04:07
BluesKajasdfghjk, do you recall the driver number , like 180 or some such ?04:07
HollowPointasdfghjk: are you having a problem with an NVIDIA driver?04:08
asdfghjkone was 180 something, the latest was 185.18.2904:08
ToHellWithGAwhat's wrong with macs?04:08
asdfghjkboth had the same problem04:08
HollowPointI just don't like them, I get angry when I can't modify things like I can in Linux/Other Unix based systems04:08
BluesKajyeah , that's the latest version of the 180 driver for most nvidia cards04:09
HollowPointasdfghjk: there are instructions available through a quick google search on "how to completely remove nvidia driver linux"04:09
asdfghjki have 2 260 in sli04:09
BluesKajsorry HollowPoint , Iknow very little about what you are trying to do04:09
HollowPointnp BluesKaj me either04:10
ToHellWithGAi run all kinds of stuff on my macbook04:10
asdfghjkthanks hollowpoint04:10
HollowPointFirst time I've been in an entirely mac environment04:10
ToHellWithGAwhat do you miss so much from linux?04:10
HollowPointI run all kinds on the mac book I have here, but I prefer my Linux laptop04:10
ToHellWithGArunning out of battery?04:10
asdfghjki am more interested in making them work than just eliminating them though04:10
HollowPointI miss things like Yakuake being available for terminal, I miss being able to actually use Bash with proper Bash commands, I HATE the fact that the Mach kernel is buggy, pathetically weak and doesn't error report properly, it's almost like working with MS04:11
ToHellWithGAi really like running os x and trying to port linux things to it rather than dealing with its default set of stuff04:11
asdfghjki cant even watch movies wth the default driver04:11
ToHellWithGAinstall macports and bash04:11
ToHellWithGAthere's your bash04:11
BluesKajasdfghjk,  can you get to a TTY prompt by doing ctrl+alt+F2 on your linux machine ?04:11
HollowPointyeah except you still can't use the bash commands properly in MacOSX because OSX won't respond to the commands04:11
asdfghjkIll try now04:11
ToHellWithGAasdfghjk: to get back ctrl+alt+f704:11
ToHellWithGAin case you want to come back to GUI land04:12
BluesKajdon't think has a gui to get back to04:12
ToHellWithGAassuming asdfghjk is using a GUI IRC client (:04:12
HollowPointwhat is asdfghjk actually trying to do?04:12
asdfghjkcant even boot04:12
ToHellWithGAoh lawdy04:12
ToHellWithGAnevermind then04:12
asdfghjkit freezes at check battery status04:12
HollowPointhave you tried using the alternate installer CD?04:12
asdfghjkin the startup04:13
BluesKajdamm laptops04:13
ToHellWithGAwatch your language young man, this is a family place04:13
BluesKajtry anyway , it might be far enuff into the boot sequence04:13
asdfghjkit installs fine till i try to install a driver for nvidia04:13
ToHellWithGAthere's that recovery console option in grub04:13
asdfghjkok going now04:13
HollowPointmy first port of call would be alternate installer CD, next would be install 8.10, then upgrade to 9.04-Hybrid and it should keep things working through the upgrade process. Then install the NVIDIA drivers04:14
BluesKajToHellWithGA, ...interesting youshould say that , with your nick :)04:14
ToHellWithGAyes but my nick is a tradition and your frustration with laptops is just an expletive04:14
HollowPointit wasn't an expletive because he didn't spell it right ;)04:15
ToHellWithGAit was the policy in other ubuntu channels to keep things as tame as possible04:15
HollowPointusually is here because we get kids, where are you from though ToHellWithGA if you consider that word expletive?04:16
ToHellWithGAi haven't been around in several days though, i guess that may have changed04:16
ToHellWithGAwhere isn't really a big deal04:16
HollowPointyou're trying to tell me you're an older generation?04:17
BluesKajto hell with expletives :)04:17
ToHellWithGAi'm from a time when people considered cursing just enough of a big deal that they saved it for when it actually meant something04:17
ToHellWithGAnot that much older04:17
BluesKajwell, I'm 66 and cranky as hell so I have the right :)04:17
ToHellWithGAi don't think IRC channels help anyone get less cranky04:18
asdfghjkin tty04:18
asdfghjkdo i need to su?04:18
BluesKajasdfghjk, now what driver did you install exactly , do you recall ?04:19
BluesKajthat's the proprietary driver you downloaded ?04:19
ToHellWithGAi wonder if he coudl get into x using VESA04:19
HollowPointmost likely04:20
ToHellWithGAit would make things go more smoothly with the exception of graphical eye-candy04:20
HollowPointthe vesa driver is built into the Jaunty Kernel I believe, so would be worth a try04:20
ToHellWithGAfrom a functional DE he could then installenvyng04:21
asdfghjki still need to install a driver that will at least let me watch movies04:21
ToHellWithGAs/lle/ll e04:21
ToHellWithGAyou can do that from a lazy man's tool04:21
ToHellWithGAunless you really love fighting with things04:21
ToHellWithGAthere's a package called envyng-qt which let's you pick your driver04:22
ToHellWithGAit is bedtime for me04:22
ToHellWithGAtoo many typos in too little time04:22
ToHellWithGAy'all have a good night04:22
asdfghjki allready tried 2 drivers04:22
BluesKajok asdfghjk , sudo aptitude remove nvidia-glx-185 , dunno if this is correct driver but try anyway04:23
ToHellWithGA2 drivers that the tool picked for you by detecting your hardware?04:23
asdfghjkpicking one is not a prob, its getting them to work04:23
ToHellWithGAor 2 that you arbitrarily picked04:23
ToHellWithGAif you want to do it the cowboy way instead of the easy way i'm sure you'll learn a lot more04:23
=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman
ToHellWithGAi had great luck with envyng-gtk getting 3d acceleration on my grandmother's pentium ii laptop with an old ATI card04:24
asdfghjk\the first was ver 180 something that the device manager in kubuntu found by itself and offered to install04:24
ToHellWithGAi'm not saying it's foolproof, but if it can figure out such old, dull junk it can probably handle the recent stuff as well04:25
ToHellWithGApeace out04:25
asdfghjkthe second is the one the nvidia website says is correct for my cards04:25
BluesKajasdfghjk, we need to know your nvidia card model to find the correct default driver to install from the repos , lspci | grep -i vga04:25
elI set up a framebuffer console via vesafb, but when I try to use it together with splash then it won't work: I get a splashscreen but when I switch to a console I get a blackscreen...04:25
asdfghjkevga geforce gtx 26004:25
asdfghjki have the right drivers04:26
asdfghjkit might make a difference that have the 64 bit ver of kubuntu04:27
asdfghjkthe file that i have from nvidia i04:28
asdfghjkis " NVIDIA-Linux-x86_64-185.18.29-pkg2.run04:29
BluesKajasdfghjk, sometimes the nvidia driver don't work with updated versions of the OS due to the kernel modules taking over from X04:30
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asdfghjkbut i also tried the older one that kubuntu downloaded automatically and offered to install04:31
asdfghjksuposedly checked and approved04:31
asdfghjkafk 1 min04:32
_gtt_anyone using arora?04:32
asdfghjki guess no one else has had a similiar problem04:34
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asdfghjkis there anything else (other driver) i can try, the default driver cant display a dvd at anything much bigger than postage stamp size smoothly.04:36
BluesKajasdfghjk, if you installed the DL'd driver first , it has to be removed before the default driver will work04:40
BluesKajthe first install becomes the default04:41
asdfghjki had the default driver first04:41
BluesKajdid you remove it before installing the DL'd one ?04:42
asdfghjkthen kubunto offered to install a tested and approved nvidia driver04:42
skreechAnyone knows what nvidia did to mess up X ?04:42
asdfghjkit locked up on start up so i reinstalled kubuntu04:42
BluesKajskreech, nothing ...X is practically depracated04:43
skreechasdfghjk: Full lockup?04:43
skreechBluesKaj: Deingrated is more like it04:43
asdfghjkfroze at checking battery status04:43
BluesKajwell, not working or doing much04:43
asdfghjkbut crtl alt del worked04:44
skreechI'm Getting a can't find module type1 and can't find module freetyp04:44
BluesKaj<--- tired, can't think anymore ...sacktime for me04:44
BluesKajsorry I couldn't help more , asdfghjk04:44
asdfghjkthanks for trying to help04:45
asdfghjktoo late04:45
asdfghjkhes gone04:45
skreechasdfghjk: What's the problem?04:45
asdfghjkwhen i try to install a nvidia driver then reboot the reboot stops a checking battery status      [OK]04:46
asdfghjkand doesnt continue04:47
skreechasdfghjk: can you get to a VT ?04:47
asdfghjkim new at this is VT command line?04:48
skreechasdfghjk: where are you now?04:48
asdfghjkim in mexico if that is what you mean04:48
skreechasdfghjk: I meant are you on Linux or a Live CD or Windows?04:48
asdfghjkor im on my laptop in windows if that is04:49
skreechasdfghjk: ok Hmm ok too hard to explain then04:49
asdfghjklaptop has hd too small to dual boot04:49
skreechhow big?04:50
asdfghjkabout 300g04:50
* skreech chuckles04:50
asdfghjkthe prob is on mt desktop04:50
asdfghjk4 tB04:50
skreechasdfghjk: ah what's the problem over there? nvidia ?04:51
asdfghjk2 gtx 260s in sli04:51
asdfghjkand with the default kubuntu driver i cant even watch a dvd except in a really small size04:52
skreechI take it you went to the nvidia site and got the driver from there?04:53
asdfghjkfirst the one kubuntu offerd to install when it detected my cards04:53
asdfghjkand when that one didnt work i went to th nvidia site and downloaded the latest, 2 days old now04:54
asdfghjkit failed in the same way04:55
skreechasdfghjk: well I don't think it killed the whole process I think that it just stopped X updating.04:56
asdfghjkyea i can get into command line04:57
skreechI don't have any GUI right now since the nvidia driver did something stupid but I can be in here to get (and give) help :)04:57
skreechasdfghjk: install irssi and pastebinit then04:57
asdfghjkbut i dont know how to get rid of it without reinstalling kub, no prob about 30 min04:58
asdfghjkbut i have reinstalled a lot of times today trying different things04:58
asdfghjkand the fact remains that the default driver is not even close to good enough04:59
skreechasdfghjk: how to get rid of the nvidia driver?05:00
asdfghjkdo you suppose that the sli could be the problem?05:00
skreechasdfghjk: Possibly I couldn't tell you. I'm not a Video Card Hidh end fan05:01
asdfghjkive been doing that by reinstalling the operating sytem05:01
skreechasdfghjk: You can just type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh05:01
asdfghjkive found that for me the second card doent make any noticable difference, ive considered just putting it in another computer05:02
skreechasdfghjk: a quick search of SLI and Jaunty should give you some answers05:03
asdfghjkthat will reinstall the default video driver?05:03
asdfghjkjust type sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg -phigh05:04
asdfghjkthanks that will be easier than reinstalling the os after each experiment05:05
asdfghjkas i said before im pretty new at this05:06
skreechasdfghjk: You will learn more as you go at some point there is no error you can't recover from given tools another computer and a network05:08
asdfghjkbut if i cant get a better drivre working im just not going to be able to use kubuntu on my best machine05:08
skreechIt may be way faster to reinstall sometimes :)05:08
asdfghjki do have 4 computers and a network05:09
skreechasdfghjk: well get the rubbish driver working and copy /etc/X11/xorg.conf to your home directory05:09
skreechthen you can start to play around05:09
skreechIf things break badly you can just copy it back to /etc/X11/xorg.conf and run sudo /etc/init.d/kdm restart and you will be ok again05:10
asdfghjkwhat will that do?05:10
skreechwhat will what do?05:10
asdfghjki didnt read all of the message before talking05:11
skreechasdfghjk: almost all of UNIX settings are in a file so if you want to reset something you just move a file out. You want it back youmove it back again05:12
asdfghjkok thanks05:12
asdfghjkill be back in a min my wife calls05:12
skreechso you can get things ih vanRijn05:15
skreechhi vanRijn05:15
asdfghjkok got to go05:15
asdfghjkthanks for helping skreech05:16
asdfghjkasdfghj is not much of a nick but it is really easy to type, i was in a hurry ill probably use something different when i come back05:17
skreechHa ha :)05:17
skreechI was wondering about that05:18
asdfghjkill try to get back tomorrow if i see you i will say hi.05:18
=== Byron_ is now known as Byron
jiggerswhere's a good place for a noob like me to find a tutorial about how to use the terminal?05:30
murryterminal of what?05:30
jiggersthe command terminal05:30
jiggersI'm trying to download a shockwave plugin and i need to know how to navigate to a certian file by using the terminal05:31
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal05:34
skreechjiggers: ^^^05:34
jiggersgreat. thank you. i just wanna learn how to do stuff with it. right now, i basically only know how to install stuff via the sudo command. lol05:35
skreechjiggers: ask questions here as well05:36
vanRijnhiya skreech =:)05:39
skreechvanRijn: How goes it?05:39
vanRijnskreech: well, thanks. you?05:40
skreechvanRijn: Not badsomeone was asking about syncing their palm in here the other day and I was trying to poke you :)05:41
vanRijnskreech: ah. =:)05:41
skreechHow are your young ones?05:42
vanRijnskreech: good, thanks. =:)05:49
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ShockValuehola.. just started running kubuntu tonight and am liking it06:32
ShockValuewas wondering, how do i add software sources so I can get more "bleeding edge" software?  (firefox 3.5, amarok etc)06:33
bazhangShockValue, firefox 3.5 is in the repos06:35
bazhang!ff35 | ShockValue06:35
ubottuShockValue: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY06:35
bazhangShockValue_, as far as the rest, there are PPA and proposed06:36
ShockValuehrm.. this is a bit confusing for me.. when I search for firefox I only see 3.0.. but it comes up ok if I search for Shiretoko06:37
bazhangShockValue, its named that until next release, Karmic06:37
tijiAnyone knows a reliable french network?06:39
ShockValuehrm.. when I installed 3.0 it only wanted a couple pre-req packages.. 3.5 wants to install half of gnome :)06:39
bazhang!fr | tiji06:39
ubottutiji: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr06:39
tiji<bazhang> no I meant a NETWORk. Like not Ubuntu IRC, something else ?06:40
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr06:40
bazhangtiji, no idea, this is Kubuntu support only06:40
tijiOKay, thanks anyway06:41
ShockValuehrm, maybe i dont want firefox afterall. i hate installing most of gnome just to get a web browser06:44
darthanubisArora keeps asking for the flash installer to be installed, and I will not use the or install the 32bit flash when the 64bit flash works flawlessly06:51
skreechdarthanubis: file a bug with aroa07:01
skreechShockValue: Try --no-reccomends07:01
skreechShockValue: also read http://kubuntu.org07:02
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ShockValuei wouldnt mind using arora, but it seems theres issues with flash07:08
mostafa_can anyone help me in grub 2.0 any thing will be appreciated07:30
bazhangmostafa_, jaunty?07:30
bazhangmostafa_, lets keep it in channel please07:31
mostafa_ok np07:32
bazhangmostafa_, could you clarify your issue?07:34
mostafa_i want to install grub2.0. and it is better to add a repository that contains grub2.007:35
bazhangmostafa_, 32bit or 64bit07:35
mostafa_64 bit07:35
bazhang!info grub2 | mostafa_07:35
ubottumostafa_: grub2 (source: grub2): GRand Unified Bootloader, version 2 (dummy package). In component universe, is extra. Version 1.96+20080724-12ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 8 kB, installed size 100 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia powerpc ppc64)07:35
bazhangmostafa_, it is in the repos07:35
mostafa_you mean i can't install it cos of i have amd64 ? or u mean that i already add the repository to the menu.lst07:37
bazhangmostafa_, no need for 3rd party repos07:38
bazhangmostafa_, it is in Universe07:38
mostafa_ok just check07:38
mostafa_i already have the main server , universe ,restricted and multiverse07:39
mostafa_but when i fetch the package list07:39
mostafa_i don't have the grub update07:40
mostafa_and my grub is 1.507:40
bazhangsudo apt-get install grub207:40
mostafa_no excuse me it's version is07:40
mostafa_of course unfortunately07:41
mostafa_bazhang, i install it then a notification appears that said this can u explain it for me that what should i do07:51
mostafa_ The following Linux command line was extracted from the `kopt' parameter in   │07:51
mostafa_  │ GRUB Legacy's menu.lst.  Please verify that it is correct, and modify it if   │07:51
mostafa_  │ necessary.07:51
bazhangmostafa_, are you needing to modify it? you have a dual boot? does it look alright? please paste.ubuntu.com in future if more than one line07:53
mostafa_let me say this ,that i install jaunty first then install intrepid second and the main grub is for intrepid07:54
mostafa_i have 3 OS jaunty , seven and intrepid07:55
bazhangmostafa_, you want to dual boot kubuntu and kubuntu?07:55
mostafa_excuse me sir your saying is clear but i can't catch your meaning of saying this07:56
mostafa_you mean that i want both 8.10 and 9.04?07:57
bazhangmostafa_, triple boot = 3 OS; you want to triple boot kubuntu (two versions) and win7?07:57
mostafa_yeah i want all of my OS es07:58
mostafa_i need them all07:58
mostafa_that is i want to get into them07:58
bazhangmostafa_, and prior to installing grub2 were they working? able to boot all 3?07:58
mostafa_the main boot loader is 8.10 because i installed it as the last os07:59
mostafa_and 8.10 grub act like the admin08:00
bazhangmostafa_, and all was working correctly? able to boot all 3 OS?08:00
mostafa_yeah i can boot all of them now08:00
kalpi am trying to convert a folder full of wave files to mp3 files, what command should i giv to avoid giving command for each file?08:00
mostafa_it means that i can go through all of them08:00
bazhangmostafa_, so seems you dont need to make any changes as you asked above08:00
bazhangmostafa_, your old grub menu.lst was okay, so no need to change it08:01
kalpi am using lame command08:02
mostafa_bazhang_, if i can change the jaunty grub into the main grub it is gonna be so good08:02
mostafa_can i?08:02
mostafa_cos now the intrepid grub is the main one08:03
kalpi am trying to convert a folder full of wave files to mp3 files, what command should i giv to avoid giving 'lame' command for each file?08:03
raphinkkalp: you can run a loop on your files08:03
raphinkfor i in *.wave; do yourlamecommandon $i; done08:04
raphinkkalp: I just told you :)08:04
raphinkwhat is the lame command you're running on each file currently?08:05
mostafa_bazhang: do u C my previous saying?08:06
bazhangmostafa_, did you finalize the menu.lst?08:06
b0nnhow do I change my jaunty system, such that it auto logs in to a certain user on boot?08:07
raphinkkalp: try this :08:07
raphinkkalp: for i in *.wav; do lame -V3 ${i} ${i/.wav/.mp3}; done08:07
mostafa_bazhang : i just want to have the menu.lst of intrepid in jaunty that is copy of that menu.lst08:09
matakshow to remove the "favorites section" in start menu...08:09
mostafa_i'm so afraid that i am clear or not?08:10
bazhangmostafa_, not understanding you; you can choose any 3 OS to boot from correct?08:10
bazhangmostafa_, so why bother08:10
mostafa_ok then u mean i just press enter at this notification08:11
bazhangmostafa_, if it is correct08:11
mostafa_bazhang : can i send u my both menu.lst files?08:12
bazhangmostafa_, are they working?08:12
mostafa_when i install the jaunty it works as well then when i install the intrepid it says do u want to have another grub? then i say yes create a new one08:14
mostafa_and then the intrepid became the main grub menu for me08:14
bazhangmostafa_, okay08:14
bazhangmostafa_, and is it working? then finalize it08:14
mostafa_if you mean now i should say yes the intrepid grub works well08:15
bazhangokay, then finalize it08:16
Teclyswhats the most recent version of kubuntu?08:16
mostafa_excuse me i don't get to the point really sorry . what do you mean by saying finalize?08:16
mostafa_u mean check08:17
bazhangmostafa_, hit enter08:17
bazhangTeclys, 9.0408:17
Teclysthank you08:17
mostafa_ok thanks08:17
mostafa_bazhang thank u sir u r so generous i want to check it now and i want to restart08:20
bazhangmostafa_, okay08:20
mostafa_again thanx08:20
raphinkTeclys: Ubuntu/Kubuntu versions are named after year and month of release, so 9.10 is for october 2009 and 9.04 is for april 2009. Given that we are in July 2009, the most recent released version is the one from april :)08:21
Teclysraphink: thank you very much, this makes sense now. i was wondering why they were all named .04 and .10 haha08:23
kalpraphink_ how ? did i miss ur messages?08:23
raphinkTeclys: Ubuntu is released every 6 months, in April and October of each year :)08:23
raphinkkalp I guess you did, I'll repost ;)08:23
raphinkkalp: for i in *.wav; do lame -V3 ${i} ${i/.wav/.mp3}; done08:23
Teclysraphink: i remember reading that now, Teclys: Ubuntu/Kubuntu versions are named after year and month of release, so 9.10 is for october 2009 and 9.04 is for april 2009. Given that we are in July 2009, the most recent released version is the one from april :)08:23
Teclyskalp (n=kalp@ has joined #kubuntu08:23
Teclysit Teclys: Ubuntu/Kubuntu versions are named after year and month of release, so 9.10 is for october 2009 and 9.04 is for april 2009. Given that we are in July 2009, the most recent released version is the one from april :)08:23
Teclyskalp (n=kalp@ has joined #kubuntu08:23
FloodBotK1Teclys: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:23
Teclysim not sure what just happened, i apologize for the c/p haha08:24
raphinkkalp: did you get the line?08:25
mostafabazhang: the installation was correct and nothing to be worry about but when i restart nothing changed i think because the main grub is for intrepid08:26
mostafahow can i change it to the jaunty08:26
bazhangmostafa, it is working now?08:26
mostafawhat is working? intrepid grub or jaunty grub?08:27
bazhangmostafa, the triple boot (3 OS)08:27
mostafanow the intrepid one is the main and that is working08:27
mostafayeah all are correct08:27
bazhangmostafa, good. I have to go away for a bit; perhaps someone else can assist you08:28
mostafaok thank u but didn't u know how to change the main grub08:29
mostafai mean that i want the jaunty grub to act not the intrepid08:29
raphinkchange the default parameter in menu.lst08:30
raphinkit's set to 0 by default, set it to the OS you want to boot by default08:30
raphinkbeginning with 0 in the list08:30
mostafaraphink :let me check08:30
raphinkso if your list is : intrepid, jaunty, whateverelse08:31
raphinkset it to 108:31
mostafaraphink : how can i send u these two files i mean menu.lst s08:33
mostafacan i?08:33
raphinkpaste them ina  pastebin08:33
kalpraphink_thanks, its working!08:34
raphinkkalp: good08:34
mostafadid u get it?08:35
raphinkmostafa: you have to give me the url08:35
mostafaaha ok http://pastie.org/56639208:36
mostafathis is the intrepid one08:36
kalpraphink_ the shell is busy but no new files in the folder??08:36
raphinkmostafa: so you boot on windows 7 by default currently?08:37
mostafaand another one is08:37
mostafafor jaunty08:37
mostafadid u get my goal ?08:38
raphinkI don't think I can find time to look at that now actually08:38
mostafawhen i boot up08:39
mostafathen the intrepid grub comes up08:39
mostafabut u want the jaunty grub to comes up08:39
mostafaam i clear08:39
ioanyou can use super grub bootable image ,burn it to a cd and fizx your boot problems08:40
ioani used it many times as i have dual boot windows and linux08:41
kalpraphink_ the shell is busy but no new files in the folder??08:41
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mostafaioan: then i don't want to make another boot , i just want to replace the active intrepid grub with the jaunty one08:43
mostafacan i?08:43
ioanis a bootable image08:43
mostafado u have a link to download the super grub bootable image08:44
ioantake a look08:45
mostafathnx bro :-*08:45
mataks how to change themes in kubuntu?08:46
kalpraphink_ its not working08:47
mostafaioan : which one is better Auto Super Grub Disk 1.7  or Super Grub Disk 0.9797 ?08:47
ioani use an old version of super grub -don't know about the auto version08:47
mostafaok thanks08:47
ioani was able to fix all my boot problems with super grub -i hope you'll have the same for now on08:49
kalpraphink_ its not working!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!08:53
matakshow to change themes in kubuntu.. newbie here09:00
vapormataks, System Settings -> Advanced -> Desktop Themes09:01
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mataksvapor, i downloaded this theme.. http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/Thinking+about+blue?content=26392  <-- but i don't know how to add themes ..09:05
Mamarokmataks: the easiest way is to download these themes directly from the desktop settings, it will be added automatically09:07
mataksMamarok,  how? im just new to linux :(09:09
kennethaarHi. Kmail keeps popping up outside of kontact, what have I done wrong? Where do I set it to open inside Kontact?09:09
Vinlegi can't apply desktop effects, help!09:12
scorpidhow can i see my device list09:13
scorpidpls console command09:13
Vinlegi can't apply desktop effects, help!09:14
scorpidtry compiz09:14
scorpidand become root before apply09:14
Vinlegyou mean?09:14
Vinlegbtw sorry, im using dvorak, and im new to this so it09:17
Vinlegit'll be very long09:18
Vinlegi can't apply desktop effects, help!09:18
Tm_TVinleg: please don't repeat09:18
Vinlegah ok sorry09:19
Tm_TVinleg: also, you might like to tell more precisely if you have any error messages included (:09:19
Mamarokmataks: on the desktop, you right click and go to desktop settings09:19
Vinlegno error message09:19
Mamarokthere you select 'New Theme' and download the theme you want directly from there, it will show up in the list then09:19
Vinlegi can't apply snow flakes09:20
Vinlegeven though i have pressed meta ctrl f1209:22
kalp_raphink _ r u there?09:31
kalp_raphink_ it didnt work09:35
matakshow to add  auto launcher on panel?09:36
raphinkkalp:  does it work on one file ?09:36
matakshow to add  auto launcher on panel?  like i won't my konqueror browser in panel09:36
raphinklame -V3 yourfile.wav yourfile.mp309:36
matakscan i use compiz in KDE?09:42
justi_i need help with wifi configuration in ubuntu 9.0409:43
Vinleganyone here using dvorak09:46
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matakshow to add shortcut launcher on panel?09:55
kalp_raphink, yes10:02
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kalp_raphink, yes10:09
raphinkkalp_: yes what?10:13
mataksi have a question. can i disbale the auto double click on folder?10:14
kalp_raphink_ yes, it works for a single file10:16
raphinkkalp_: ah, good10:16
raphinkmataks: the answer is yes10:17
mataksraphink,  how?10:17
kalp_raphink_ what next?10:17
raphinkin system settings iirc10:17
raphinkkalp_: did you get any output with the loop command I gave you before?10:17
kalp_raphink_no. there was no error, but the prompt also did not return, jus the cursor stayed10:18
raphinklet's try again and see what it says10:19
kalp_raphink_i tried many times10:19
raphinkfor i in *.wav; do echo "Converting $i to ${i/.wav/.mp3} with lame -V3 $i ${i/.wav/.mp3}"; lame -V3 $i ${i/.wav/.mp3}; done10:20
raphinkkalp_: paste that in your shell and show me the output in a pastebin10:20
kalp_raphink_do i put this command while in the folder or outside?10:22
=== MarkieMark1_ is now known as MarkieMark1
raphinkwhile in the folder kalp10:22
kalp_is 'done' a part of the command??10:24
kalp_raphink_is 'done' a part of the command??10:26
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raphinkkalp_:  yes10:39
raphinkkalp_: when you say my name, try to put a space after it so it pings me, otherwise I'm not likely to know that you're talking to me10:39
raphinksince I'm not watching this channel constantly10:39
kalp_raphink _is 'done' a part of the command??10:40
raphinkkalp_: I answered that with yes ;)10:41
raphinkotherwise, the while loop is not finished10:41
kalp_raphink Converting 10 - unknown 10 - Track 10.wav to 10 - unknown 10 - Track 10.mp3 with lame -V3 10 - unknown 10 - Track 10.wav 10 - unknown 10 - Track 10.mp310:41
kalp_raphink lame: excess arg unknown10:41
raphinkkalp_: can you paste the full thing to a pastebin please?10:42
raphinkit's a bit clearer10:42
kalp_raphink this is what i get for all files10:42
raphinkplease paste to a pastebin10:42
kalp_raphink dont kno how to use pastebin10:42
raphinkgo to http://pastie.org, paste your output, click paste and send me the url you get10:43
kalp_raphink http://pastie.org/56646710:53
mostafaraphink: i boot up with the jaunty grub but 8.10 and 9.04 doesn't work just seven works10:53
mostafacan u help me?10:53
raphinkkalp_: oh, your files have ugly spaces in them ;)10:54
raphinkfor i in *.wav; do echo "Converting \"$i\" to \"${i/.wav/.mp3}\" with lame -V3 \"$i\" \"${i/.wav/.mp3}\""; lame -V3 "$i" "${i/.wav/.mp3}"; done10:54
raphinkkalp_: try this one10:54
vaporugly spaces10:55
raphinkkalp_: so ?10:56
matakshow to have a transparent taskbar.. help pls newbie here10:56
mostafaraphink : can u plz?10:56
vapormataks, get a theme with transparency10:57
vaporits really simply10:57
vaporon the theme selection it should say something10:57
mostafaahadiel: can u help me with my grub problem?10:58
matakshow to add startup application in kubuntu?11:04
kalp_raphink yes, u r a genius!!!11:04
raphinkkalp_: a sysadmin is more appropriate11:05
mostafaraphink help me11:05
raphinksorry mostafa I'm overwhelmed with stuff here, debugging a one-liner is fine, but finding out about your grub conf is too long for the time I can give you11:06
kalp_raphink trying to understand the command; why have you used 2 lame commands?11:07
raphinkkalp_: the first one was in the echo, to show it on the screen to check what was going to be launched11:07
mostafano don't debug my grub just tell me what should i do11:07
raphinkecho displays things on the terminal11:07
raphinkmostafa: since your problem is not kubuntu specific, you might find more people who can help you on #ubuntu11:10
kalp_raphink why is there a "" ?11:10
raphinkkalp_: where?11:10
kalp_raphink nevermind, got it11:11
mostafaraphink :  y do u want to make it special? it is just a grub problem not kubuntu it doesn't have any thing with kubuntu11:11
mostafaunderstand me plz11:12
raphinkmostafa: exactly, that's why you will find people to help you on #ubuntu11:12
ShishKababHello. I've installed Apache2 on a Kubuntu 9.04 box, but can't get it to automatically start. I did 'sudo update-rc.d apache2 defaults' which normally is enough but not this time. Any suggestions?11:14
libervisco"Trash has exceeded its maximum size".. wtf is that "feature"?11:14
liberviscosays so even after I remove stuff from trash manually..11:15
Mamaroklibervisco: you can fix the size of the Trash bin yourself, right click on the bin11:15
Mamaroklibervisco: and you obviously are going to erase a file or a folder that is bigger than the default size11:15
Mamarokyou can erase it bypassing the Trash with Ctrl+Del11:16
Mamaroklibervisco: right click on the trash has the option to empty it11:16
liberviscoright, but I already emptied the trash.. and the files I want to put there aren't that big.. I just don't get the point of limiting trash size..11:16
liberviscothe empty option is shaded11:17
Mamaroklibervisco: because there is nothing inside11:17
Mamarokchange the size of the bin then :)11:17
liberviscoright, but it was shaded anyway.. sometimes the trash icon doesn't update :S11:17
Mamarokor erase with Ctrl+Del11:17
Mamarokworks for me in 4.2.9811:17
matakshow to enable compiz in KDE?11:18
raphinkmataks: KDE has its own effects, you don't need compiz11:18
mataksim used to compiz.. how to enable compiz in kde/11:19
liberviscothere are no option in the right click menu to resize bin..11:19
liberviscoand also.. one of the files managed to get into trash now and I emptied it, but it shows full11:20
liberviscoand it does that sort of thing often :P11:20
Mamarokmataks: use teh Kwin compositing, it's pretty much the same as compiz11:20
liberviscobut that was always like that on Linux.. GNOME trash, KDE trash, they all do it11:20
Mamaroksystem settings -> Desktop -> deskto effects11:20
Mamaroklibervisco: what KDE version do you have?11:21
libervisco4.3 rc311:21
mataksMamarok, i don't know how to use it im just new to kde.. where can i find it?11:21
liberviscoVersion 4.2.98 (KDE 4.2.98 (KDE 4.3 RC3))11:21
Mamaroklibervisco: then something is wrong with your settings, the trash bin widget works fine here, always has btw11:21
munnyHi all!11:22
Mamarokmataks: read what I said above11:22
Mamarokin the system settings11:22
liberviscoah.. well widgets seem a little messed up here.. I can't enable newly installed widgets11:22
liberviscoand last night the weather forecast one mysteriously vanished11:23
mataksMamarok,  is this the one.. desktop effects?11:23
Mamaroklibervisco: restarted KDE?11:23
munnyanyone can help me with mysql?11:23
Mamarokmataks: yes, read what I told you, you can set all the options there11:23
liberviscoMamarok, I did before..11:23
liberviscoafter the upgrade11:24
Mamaroklibervisco: how did you upgrade to RC3? going through all the previous updates or in one setp from 4.2.x?11:24
liberviscoI went through all of them.. I started with KDE 4.3 beta211:24
Mamaroklibervisco: try moving your ~/.kde/ to ~/.kde_backup/ and restart KDE again11:24
Mamaroklibervisco: you can then copy over the stuff you need form the old settings11:25
liberviscoI don't mind setting it up from scratch anyway if it works :)11:25
liberviscoMamarok, thanks.. brb11:26
munnyI would install mysql server 5.1 from dotdeb... but i can't because is in conflict with package mysql-server-core-5.011:26
Mamarokmunny: why do you want another mysql version?11:27
mataksi still want to use compiz..  kwin is good but compiz is much better...     how to use compiz in kde?11:27
Mamarokyou can get it from the repositories too in Kubuntu 9.0411:27
Mamarokmataks: that is more tricky, you need to disable Kwin, never did so, sorry11:28
Mamarokmunny: in general you should avoid packages from third party sources if there is one in the repositories11:29
munnymamarok: because i need to use some feauters in 5.1 like Event scheduler... i'm a developer...11:29
Mamarokmunny: then take the 5.1 from the repositories, it is already there in 9.0411:29
Mamarokmunny: the package name is mysql-server-5.111:30
munnyMamarok yes thank you... but it'not11:31
Mamarokmunny: which Kubuntu version do you have?11:31
munnyMamarok i would latest version11:31
munnyMamarok: 9.04 with KDE 4.3RC311:32
Mamarokmunny: then it is there, I see it in my repositories11:32
Mamarokmunny: try sudo apt-get install mysql-server-5.111:32
munnyMamarok: i see in official repositories mysql 5.1.31 latest version is 5.1.3611:34
Mamarokmunny: and you absolutely need the latest one?11:34
Mamarokmunny: then you need to compile it yourself11:34
Mamarokmunny: to avoid a conflict with the 5.0 needed for Aknoadi, install it locally, this is much more suitable for development anyway11:36
knusperfroschgot a program that's wrapped in a bash script and needs a konsole to startup, can i hide that window somehow?11:36
munnyMamarok i'm trying to install from official repositories but i've always problem with broken dependencies11:36
munnyMamarok the problem is always mysql-server-core-5.011:37
Mamarokmunny: did you read what I said above?11:37
Mamarokinstall it locally to avoid the conflict with the installed version11:37
Mamarokmunny: you are a developer, no? so this should not be that difficult for you11:38
munnyMamarok yes... but usually i would spent time to write software not to compile... if there's already a package i would use that11:39
Mamarokmunny: well, resolving dependencies is easy for a dev IMHO, I can do that and I am not a developer11:40
Mamarokmunny: and writing software without compiling, how do you test then?11:41
munnyMamarok i don't know very well linux yet...11:41
Mamarokmunny: it's easy to learn, there is always documentation coming with the source coed, in the readme and install files11:42
munnyMamarok if i must compile every time all software i use i can't do anything... i'm thinking to migrate to another distribution beacause i love kubuntu but i don't like versioning repositories11:43
Mamarokmunny: I can install that package here, so it should work for you too11:43
Mamarokmunny: what broken dependencies do you get from apt-get? Paste the output in http://paste.ubuntu.com and give the URL back11:44
Mamarokmunny: usually you should make a chroot for development, so you install only what you need11:45
Mamarokmunny: see also this: http://em.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chroot11:45
Mamarokthis is done once, then you have a development environnement and can work without hassle, takes not more than 30 minutes *once*11:46
munnyMamarok: this is the link11:49
munnyapt-get has remove all my kde...11:50
Mamarokmunny: I don't think so11:50
liberviscoNewly installed widgets still don't work11:51
Mamarokmunny: I didn't tell you to proceed IIRC, just paste the dependecy output11:51
Mamarokmunny: also read the link I gave you for chroot11:51
munnyMamarok yes i'm reading...thank you...11:51
Mamarokok, I have to run, cu later, folks11:53
Mamaroklibervisco: do you have all kdebase-* installed? as well as all plasma packages?11:54
munnyMamarok tank again ;)11:54
Mamarokmunny: you are welcome :)11:54
Mamaroklibervisco: sorry, I really have to go11:54
liberviscook.. thanks11:54
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »12:17
matakshelp.. how to add workspace in kubuntu..  i already right click on the workspace icon and click configure desktop and from there i add 3 more desktop somehow when i rotate it won't make a cube12:31
Mamarokmataks: you need to modify the zoom of the cube, in the desktop settings12:41
vishalne body home13:01
DaskreeCHSo I have a X issue13:06
DaskreeCHnvidia apparently updated something with my kernel and screwed up the Xorgconfig13:07
DaskreeCHI figured out that I can't get anything but a black screen cause it tried to guess my Refresh rates guessed wrong and set it anyway. I still can't get anything larger than a 640x480 resolution even though I have them specified in the xorg.conf. xrandr says I can't access those modes13:08
bazhangDaskreeCH, nvidia? ati?13:09
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DaskreeCHbazhang: nvidia13:10
bazhangDaskreeCH, does nvidia-settings not do it?13:10
DaskreeCHbazhang: hmm not sure I was trying nvidia-config13:11
RodrItachiATI Radeon>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>NVidia13:12
DaskreeCHI know I've not had any problems with My ATI card13:13
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DaskreeCHbazhang: how do I change resolution with that?13:39
bazhangDaskreeCH, do you have it installed?13:40
bazhang!info nvidia-settings13:40
ubottunvidia-settings (source: nvidia-settings): Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver. In component main, is optional. Version 180.25-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 753 kB, installed size 1888 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)13:40
bazhangDaskreeCH, provides a nice gui for setting it up; though it may well be your driver, which card and driver?13:41
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DaskreeCHbazhang: Geforce FX 5200 and the 180 driver13:49
bazhangDaskreeCH, that tool always just worked for me, is that the recommended driver per Hardware Drivers?13:51
DaskreeCHbazhang: I thought that I had installed 172 but either it autoupdated or something else happened. How do I set a resolution with the nvidia-settings tool ?13:53
bazhangDaskreeCH, its a control panel with loads of options, the problem is only if that driver is not the correct one; let me websearch if it is correct or not13:54
DaskreeCHbazhang: Rebooted and X comes up properly now but I still can't set the resolution even though it's in the xorg.conf ?14:08
DaskreeCHbazhang: Using 173 now14:08
bazhangDaskreeCH, that is the correct one14:09
DaskreeCHI remembered all the others (except 91 I think) giving problems. Any idea why the resolution is ignored?14:10
DaskreeCHShould I try the nvidia-config again ?14:10
bazhangDaskreeCH, did you choose from hardware drivers, enable it and then reboot? (ie it was installed before reboot)14:10
bazhangDaskreeCH, xorg.conf is pretty much empty these days; I would take a try with the nvidia-settings tool14:11
DaskreeCHHOw do I set resolution in there ?14:12
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mostafacan anyone help me how to add a menu to grub2.0?14:12
DaskreeCHmostafa: Try in #ubuntu+114:12
mostafaDaskreeCH: how could i get in there?14:13
bazhangDaskreeCH, alt f2 nvidia-settings14:13
DaskreeCHmostafa: type /join #ubuntu+1 in the IRC client14:13
DaskreeCHbazhang: Right then ?14:13
bazhangmostafa, you using karmic?14:13
bazhangDaskreeCH, you have it installed? it's a huge control panel with a load of options14:14
DaskreeCHYes but no way to set resolution that I can see14:14
bazhangDaskreeCH, does your xorg.conf show the proprietary driver as being used?14:15
DaskreeCHdriver "nvidia"14:16
bazhangwell googling for that card and driver turned a load of bugs14:16
bazhangmostafa, if your current grub setting is working, no reason to go fiddling with it14:17
DaskreeCHI found one on launchpad that says there is a well known bug with detection of montiors leading to a issue with refresh rate and then Resolution14:17
DaskreeCHi.e. exactly what I'm seeing the listed workaround does great right up till actually getting a resolution other than 640x48014:18
DaskreeCHHmm I wonder what happens if I take that option out of the config14:18
bazhangsetting modelines might well do14:18
DaskreeCHSubSection     "Display"14:20
DaskreeCH Modes      "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"14:20
DaskreeCH    EndSubSection14:20
DaskreeCHThat should do it I think14:20
bazhanghopefully :)14:20
sitoi have a little problem with mail server14:20
DaskreeCHReboot and nothing but 40x480 :-(14:20
sitowhen i try send a mail to localhost is ok14:20
sitobut whe i try send to gmail.com, a error ocurried -> Relay access denied14:21
toniilots of topics to read14:22
mostafawhen i restart then after this text "System will now restart" sth like this it stops and i must press alt+ctrl+del14:23
mostafato restart14:23
mostafaand it says "stopping all md devices" sth like this?14:24
mostafahow can i solve this thank u?14:24
toniiis it an old computer?14:26
shadeslayeranyone using google gadgets?14:27
* DaskreeCH kicks X and nvidia14:36
DaskreeCHMy Ire knows no peace gainst thee14:36
shadeslayerDaskreeCH: really? i thought nvidia has better support,i have a nvidia :)14:38
shadeslayerwell..maybe since i have a relatively new card.....14:38
DaskreeCHwait KDE14:38
DaskreeCHYeah they dropped support for a whole lot of cards recently14:39
shadeslayerimho it gets better and better every release..14:39
DaskreeCHand those they kept around are now really spotty14:39
shadeslayerDaskreeCH: yeah,i heard,that just plain sucks14:39
DaskreeCHand intel has open source drivers anyway AMD gives out the full specs for the Crds so we can make our own drivers. nvidia it's buy a new card or suck it up14:40
DaskreeCH<--- Ire, no bounds and all that stuff14:40
DaskreeCHPlus i hate X14:40
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!14:41
DragnslcrC'mon now, tell us how you really feel14:41
bazhangmostafa, no need to fiddle with grub2 as it is working already14:41
DaskreeCHPici: Not offtopic I can't get a resolution above 640x48014:41
PiciDaskreeCH: That doesn't involve ranting about it.14:41
DaskreeCHbut... Ire!!14:42
mostafabazhang :it is working but i have "system rescue CD" on my hard drive and i need that and i want to go through that too14:42
shadeslayer!resolution | DaskreeCH14:42
ubottuDaskreeCH: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution14:42
DaskreeCHshadeslayer: Doesn't work14:42
mostafabazhnag: because i make images by that14:42
shadeslayerDaskreeCH: not even by editing xorg ?14:43
mostafabazhang: and restore them14:43
bazhangmostafa, system rescue cd? for windows?14:43
mostafabazhang:no for linux14:43
DaskreeCHshadeslayer:  Modes      "1600x1200" "1280x1024" "1024x768" "800x600" "640x480"14:43
DaskreeCHStill only 640x48014:43
shadeslayerDaskreeCH: you did restart x,right?14:44
bazhangmostafa, not clear what you are trying to do14:44
DaskreeCHdriver "nvidia"14:44
bazhangmostafa, how does this relate to grub214:44
mostafabazhang : i boot it from the hard drive and have it as a menu on the grub14:44
shadeslayerDaskreeCH: ill pastebin my xorg..14:44
mostafabetter to say had it14:45
bazhangmostafa, where did you install system rescue cd from14:45
shadeslayerDaskreeCH: http://pastebin.com/f26183e2314:45
shadeslayerok,now onto my problem....kdm starts too late...any help?14:46
DaskreeCHshadeslayer: Should I try this instead of mine?14:46
mostafai just get the iso and then copy the contents into a partition then add that address to the menu of the grub then it works for me and it acts like a stable bootable cd14:46
DaskreeCHshadeslayer: Tell it to go to bed earlier?14:46
shadeslayerDaskreeCH: no!! just take a cue and compare the 214:46
DaskreeCHHa ha14:46
bazhangmostafa, installed from where14:46
DaskreeCHshadeslayer: http://pastebin.com/m410cf13114:47
shadeslayerDaskreeCH: you have tried all the methods in the wiki?14:47
DaskreeCHNot even remotely close :-)14:47
mostafai said i didn't install anything i just copy the iso contents to a partition14:47
DaskreeCH!grub | mostafa14:48
ubottumostafa: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto14:48
DaskreeCHmostafa: Follw that14:48
bazhangmostafa, what is the link for that cd; why not use recovery mode instead14:48
shadeslayerDaskreeCH: yeah....i think theres a command to reset the default values of Xserver...do you have this problem since the beggining?14:48
DaskreeCHshadeslayer: Nope just since yesterday when apparently the driver updated itself to 180 instead of 173 without me saying anything14:49
shadeslayerDaskreeCH: so have you tried the 180 driver?14:49
DaskreeCHThen X would boot but I couldn't see anything hence me removing the refresh rate and now I can't get anything other than 640x48014:49
DaskreeCHI had to roll back to 17314:50
DaskreeCHI'm on that now14:50
shadeslayerDaskreeCH: yes,so did it work?14:50
DaskreeCH<--- IRE14:50
* shadeslayer guesses 180 does not have support for DaskreeCH's card14:50
DaskreeCHIt does but I would have to be an entomologist14:52
mostafabazhang : check this out i hope u get what i am saying with this14:57
bazhangmostafa, well follow that guide and update grub when it is installed; /msg ubottu grub for links14:59
mostafabazhang :i always do the same thing from that help but grub2 is different and i don't know how to add a menu in it15:01
bazhangmostafa, no idea about grub2 sorry15:01
mostafathank u bro;)15:01
shadeslayermostafa: the grub 2 architecture is different,there is a post on ubuntuforums about this,please check it out15:01
shadeslayeri know this since i had a hard time with it.....15:02
mostafashadaslayer :thank u .do u have a link from that?15:02
shadeslayermostafa: i dont,but its a prominent post,just google : editing grub215:03
shadeslayeror such15:03
dhuvhello all, I am using Jaunty and upgraded to firefox 3.5. i wanted to know where I can get dom-inspector. Its there for 3.0 but not 3.515:04
mostafatoo thanks bro;)15:04
shadeslayerdhuv: the addon might not have been updated :)15:04
dhuvits been out for a while, any workarounds?15:05
shadeslayerdhuv: contact the dev or visit #firefox15:06
shadeslayeris there a easy way to install a new usplash?15:09
shadeslayersomething like a GUI method?15:10
bazhang!usplash > shadeslayer15:10
ubottushadeslayer, please see my private message15:10
DaskreeCHSo any ideas as to why resolution is not read in from the xorg.conf ?15:11
DaskreeCHor why it's not detected?15:11
shadeslayerbazhang: it says my version is not supported...where am i suppposed to put the images? what is the format of usplash images?15:13
bazhangshadeslayer, you read the customization how to link?15:14
shadeslayeryes,it didnt say how to install themes15:14
shadeslayerbazhang: is it step 3 to 5??15:15
shadeslayeroh and are there PPA's for gfx-grub and plymouth for ubuntu?15:16
bazhanghttp://www.flyninja.net/?p=884 shadeslayer seems that link is really old, check the ones here15:16
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Boriswhats the conversation?15:55
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DaskreeCHBoris: The Konversation ?16:03
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[fade]anyone here ?16:08
[fade]do you maybe know how to set to ask for password when waking up from sleep mode?16:10
DragnslcrSystem Settings -> Advanced -> Power Management16:11
DragnslcrShould be an option in there to lock the screen on resume16:12
[fade]its there, however it does not lock it :(16:12
DaskreeCH[fade]: try a dcop call16:24
Borisnaw, i didnt mean Konversation, I ment conversation. Tahnx anyway16:27
Borismeaning not many people over here talking...16:28
BluesKajBoris, we talk when there's a problem to be solved , otherwise we speak about other stuff in #kubuntu-offtopic16:30
ubsafdermy system has 3 broken pakage because it says it can't install libkipi6 how do i fix that16:30
BorisThanx a bunch BluesKaj16:32
ubsafderlooks like libkipi6 conflit with libkipi-comom on a file /usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/kipi.png16:32
BluesKajubsafder, sudo dpkg --configure -a16:32
ubsafderconfigure failed too16:36
DaskreeCHBoris: Well ask a question :)16:36
linuxkillerhello everybody16:49
linuxkillerhow often did you destroy your ubuntu before everything was right ?16:50
makehello all16:56
shadeslayermake: hi16:57
shadeslayermake: any questions>16:57
makei study the chatt16:58
shadeslayeroh.. i dont think anyone is chatting right now :P16:59
BluesKajmake, we don't chat much . but we do try to help ppl solve problems17:00
makeoh thank17:00
matakshelp pls i accidentally remove my tab bars.. i can't click any open application to switch..  how can i get them back? what will i add in panel?17:02
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:02
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ali_I am trying to install kubuntu 9.04 on a notebook which already has kubuntu 7.04 installed. X fails to load because the openchrome driver has problems. using vesa instead of openchrome also fails because it does not find a usable screenconfiguration. whats wrong with the openchrome driver and what alternatives do I have?17:04
GrumbelStrigi daemon can't start plz help17:05
makemataks add  windows list to you penel17:08
matakshow to change the login screen/17:15
EagleScreenmataks: in systemsettings17:16
mataksEagleScreen,  im in systemsettings.. im new t o kubuntu.... i can't find it17:17
EagleScreenAdvanced -> Login manager17:18
mataksoh.. didn't see there's a tab for advance.... and EagleScreen  how to disable double click when clicking folder?17:19
EagleScreenin Mouse/Keyboard module17:19
matakshelp i accientally zoom out the desktop by clicking the small menu in the upper right of the screen..17:28
matakshow to change it back to fullscreen17:28
bbeckmataks: You press the magnifying glass icon under the desktop you want to zoon in on. (4.3)17:33
mataksbbeck,  thnx17:36
matakseverytime i boot to my KDE.. numlock keu won't automatically enable.. how to enable it auto?17:45
EagleScreenmataks: innsystemsettings17:45
EagleScreenSystemsettings -> Mouse & Keyboard17:46
geniiecho "NumLock=On" | sudo tee -a /etc/kde4/kdm/kdmrc                 also works17:47
mataksthnx guys..17:49
matakswhere to set shortcut keys? i want t set shortcut keys on my terminal and taskmenu17:50
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matakscan found it17:50
mataksi mean i found it ;)17:50
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aswinhi does anyone know how to configure network. the network widget doesnt seems to be workin18:51
shadeslayeraswin: what connection? wifi or ethernet?18:53
aswini just want to assign a static IP and opendns18:53
aswinas my dns18:54
shadeslayeraswin: i dont think that currently works...18:54
EagleScreenaswin: use /etc/network/interfaces18:54
shadeslayeror use the other network manager...18:54
aswinhow do i use network manager\18:55
EagleScreenaswin: try to install and use network-manager-kde (it is the KDE3 version whick works pretty well)18:55
EagleScreensudo aptitude -R install network-manager-kde18:55
shadeslayeraswin: http://forum.kde.org/viewtopic.php?f=18&t=3057918:55
aswini did install that18:56
EagleScreenthen close KDE4 network widget and run kde3 version18:56
aswinbut i dont see network-manager getting listed when i use tab in Konsole18:57
EagleScreenaswin: look for knetworkmanager18:57
shadeslayerEagleScreen: there is an alternate n/w manager18:58
aswinhey hey, that works18:58
* shadeslayer cant remember the name18:58
jackdhi guys. does someone know how to kill all my soundblocking processes in kde4? i remember in kde3 i simply typed "killall artsd" in my console to make my sound devices free :)18:58
shadeslayeraswin: try wicd18:59
shadeslayer!info wicd | aswin18:59
ubottuaswin: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-2 (jaunty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1860 kB18:59
shadeslayeraswin: wicd will remove knetwork manager19:01
aswinyea i could see that19:01
aswinwhich one is better19:01
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aswinhi which dock is best suited for kubuntu19:07
EagleScreenKDE 4.3 will come with a good dock19:08
PliskinEagleScreen : which one ?19:10
EagleScreenjust one, i have seen screenshots19:10
aswinwhats the name of the dock19:10
aswincoz i'm using KDE4.3 RC319:11
PliskinEagleScreen : is it a plasmoid ? I'm on kde4.3, but I don't see any dock19:13
EagleScreeni dont see too, but it must be anywhere, may be in some package19:14
EagleScreeni am not usre, but it could be quick launch plasmoid some configured to seem as a dock19:18
EagleScreensee mine: http://imagebin.ca/view/bKVCBtM.html19:20
fg56lxWhen ever I'm listening to music in amarok my sound skips requently. What would cause this?19:28
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fg56lxWhen ever I'm listening to music in amarok my sound skips requently. What would cause this?19:56
Seren__lack of processing power ?19:56
white_pelicanand/or memory would be my guess19:56
Seren__If your CPU is 100% busy doing something else, you can have some lag19:57
fg56lxIve got a 2.6ghz dual core amd, with 3gb of ram. And the only program I had open was Amarok.19:57
Seren__can you run top when you have some lag, just to check if something else is not running19:57
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white_pelicantop from the konsole19:58
fg56lxIll try that.19:59
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Seren__top is the equivalent of Windows Task manager20:00
Seren__it will tell you what is currently going on20:00
Seren__you can try now just to have a look20:00
fg56lxIm not famiar with windows.20:00
Seren__'q' to quit20:00
fg56lxIts showing 25% cpu usage and about a gig of memory used.20:00
fg56lxAnd its still skipping.20:01
white_pelicandoes this happen on all your music files?20:02
Seren__ok so you have another problem20:02
fg56lxwhite_pelican: Yes.20:02
Mamarok!ru | shamall20:15
ubottushamall: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke20:15
shamallI must speak english?20:16
shamallsorry i didn't know20:17
shamallcan I ask U for help?20:18
shadeslayershamall: sure20:18
shadeslayershamall: please ask in english onle20:19
shamallI have kubuntu 9.04 for 1 week, and installed skype from their site20:19
shamallbut it didn't work when I want to make a call... =((20:20
shadeslayer!skype | shamall20:20
ubottushamall: To install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga20:20
shamallIt said that have a problem with sound20:21
shadeslayershamall: have you tried the OSS version?20:21
shamallAnd i didn't hear anything in speakers20:21
shamallNo whtas that?20:22
shadeslayershamall: also in the settings try selecting alsa as output devices20:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about OSS20:22
shamallgo to try, thank very much20:22
shadeslayershamall: same for input20:22
shamallit's working good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!20:23
shamallOf course I'm stupid...20:24
shamallshadeslayer: thank U!20:24
shadeslayershamall: nope,just trial and error20:24
shamallwhere is the russian irc of kubuntu chanel in quassel IRC?20:25
shadeslayer!ru > shamall20:26
ubottushamall, please see my private message20:26
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MTGapso what exactly goes on here..20:52
geniiMTGap: People ask questions they have in relation to the Kubuntu operating system, and others here attempt to find satisfactory answers20:55
MTGapuh ok I got that but do I ask them just right here20:56
geniiMTGap: Yes21:00
MTGapOk, I'm using kde 4.3 right now and I'm trying to get the hang of activities, I have 4 different activities right now and the strange thing is when I use the keyboard shortcut to change activities I see more than I actually have, and I can't seem to get rid of them21:02
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imgoofygooberHow do you get amarok to play mp3's?22:02
carpiiimgoofy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu22:04
carpiiass the mediabuntu repo's i think22:04
carpiioops, ass = add :D22:05
luis_Ei guys i got 1 problem with adobe flash player, there is a program, called zynga poker, than the tables appear invisible (doesnt show), at the start of the app, some words says: Refresh cache or upgrade adobe flash playe22:18
luis_this program is in facebook, i am using firefox, can someone help me?22:19
COm_BOY I would like to add a route in my linux machine22:23
COm_BOYthe destination subnet is 172.16.1.x/24 and the gateway is ..22:24
COm_BOYwhat would be the command22:24
=== tackat is now known as tackat_shower
luis_Ei guys i got 1 problem with adobe flash player, there is a program, called zynga poker, than the tables appear invisible (doesnt show), at the start of the app, some words says: Refresh cache or upgrade adobe flash playe22:34
luis_this program is in facebook, i am using firefox, can someone help me?22:34
=== Drachenblut is now known as Lord_Drachenblut
jaymacdonaldIs it stable yet?22:36
ultrazHello guys, it's been a few years since i used KDE the last time, boy this thing has changed a lot .... i am on Kubuntu now, i downloaded some window decorations form kde-look.org, how do i install them? Thanks in advance.22:47
Xodiac13what version of kubuntu should i use i have a radeon x20022:56
Xodiac13i just want to make sure my video card works22:56
Xodiac13can someone please help me22:57
snarkster1really having difficulty getting 9.04 to connect to wpa encrypted network. continues to say network failed23:00
snarkster1kde 4.2.223:01
BluesKajsnarkster1, using the widget-network-manager ?23:01
snarkster1password is typed into manager but it doesnt save the password get a new window upon trying to connect asking for password again23:01
BluesKajit's real flaky , i swirched to wicd23:02
luis_Ei guys i got 1 problem with adobe flash player, there is a program, called zynga poker, than the tables appear invisible (doesnt show), at the start of the app, some words says: Refresh cache or upgrade adobe flash playe23:02
snarkster1continues to fail over and over.23:02
luis_this program is in facebook, i am using firefox, can someone help me?23:02
BluesKaj!info wicd | snarkster123:02
ubottusnarkster1: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-2 (jaunty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1860 kB23:02
snarkster1is that the suggestion to get off the widget manager?23:02
snarkster1can i switch to the gtk version client isnt that technical23:03
snarkster1well problem now is cant get machine online to get wicd23:03
BluesKajdunno , but wicd works on gnome and kde afaik23:03
ilyaultraz: hello23:04
solifugusWhy do I have blocked updates and how can they be unblocked?23:04
snarkster1have to add blocked upgrades by hand23:04
=== Nousaibou is now known as SothaSil
BluesKajsolifugus, use " sudo aptitude safe-upgrade " in the terminal23:05
snarkster1Blueskaj: how do i connect with wicd to a wpa encrypted network23:16
mop3rHello everybody how are you all today?23:18
snarkster1haha nvm figured it out23:20
snarkster1thank you23:20
noquinhohi people23:24
noquinhohow are you today?23:24
noquinhoi have a question. How can i change that image after grub ?23:25
noquinhoi think its loading image23:26
mop3rhello everybody23:26
EagleScreen!usplash | noquinho23:28
ubottunoquinho: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork23:28
EagleScreennoquinho: usplash is engine that draw that load screen, you can find some themes in repositories23:29
noquinhoi will try23:31
Rockfordi need a Good mirc for ubuntu, that suport script =/23:36
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
ubottuThe packages in Kubuntu are divided into various sections. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Kubuntu - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories23:40
darthanubisDid you search these?23:40
darthanubisBecause polls go to #kde-offtopic23:40
ign0ramushey kids. anyone else having issues with Opera repos? Specifically: "W: Failed to fetch http://deb.opera.com/opera-snapshot/dists/stable/non-free/binary-i386/Packages  404 Not Found"23:49
ign0ramusMy major issue with this is that I do not have an Opera-specific repo in /etc/apt/sources.list - where would this be coming from?23:50
EagleScreenign0ramus: /etc/apt/sources.list.d23:54
ign0ramusEagleScreen, checking now... i also found some references in /var/lib/apt/ too23:55
ign0ramusEagleScreen, thanks!23:56
ign0ramusEagleScreen, i assume that was added using wget at one point?23:56
EagleScreenyes, sure23:56
ign0ramusEagleScreen, good to know - plus I have a ton of graphics updates that were apparently being held back by that error.  good stuff :)23:57
EagleScreenare they held by kpackagekit?23:58
oliverlHi there, is here somebody who has some experience with vdr/vomp?23:59

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