
ziroday`Is plymouth in by default now?00:01
=== drmrhorse_ is now known as DrMrHorse
yofelziroday`: karmic won't have plymouth cause it takes too long to initialize, and the devs plan to have karmic boot in ~10s00:06
ziroday`yofel: really? Where was that decision made?00:08
yofelziroday`: http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NzI5NQ00:17
ziroday`yofel: how odd, I was under the impression that plymouth was decided to be used in karmic. Must of been reading wrong :)00:23
yofelziroday`: it was indeed planned for karmic, but on the UDS they changed their opinion00:24
billybigriggeranyone here using xfce?01:15
Twigathyalthough I didn't install xubuntu-desktop...01:17
billybigriggerme either01:17
billybigriggeryou ever had usb problems with it?01:17
billybigriggerit doesn't seem to want to recognize my digi cam01:17
Twigathynope, although I don't have a lot of USB devices (card reader, mouse and USB -> Serial widget)01:17
TwigathyDoes it not automount it when you plug it in?01:17
Twigathy(Probably under /media/splargh)01:18
billybigriggernot listed in fdisk or in /media01:18
Twigathynothing in dmesg at all?01:18
billybigriggerbut my video camera gets detect01:18
billybigriggerjust not the digital camera01:19
billybigriggerlookin in dmesg now01:19
billybigrigger*facepalm* should have taken the video cam to the zoo, not the digi cam :P01:19
billybigriggerusing the same cable to plug them in01:20
billybigriggerJul 30 18:20:20 cabo kernel: [263290.680599] usb 1-3: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 1601:22
billybigriggerJul 30 18:20:20 cabo kernel: [263290.816045] usb 1-3: configuration #1 chosen from 1 choice01:22
billybigriggerthat's it01:22
DarkrDoes anyone happen to know what is replacing powernowd in Karmic?01:36
Darkrpowernowd used to be a part of Ubuntu but it's no longer in Karmic I've noticed.01:37
DarkrIf I understand correctly.  The "ondemand" frequency scaler that is built into the kernel is replacing powernowd.  Correct?01:40
DanaGheh, aside from the off-center icon, the new-old gnome brightness thingy is relatively nice.01:43
DarkrI want to disable frequency scaling.  There is a bug with my mobo where it crashes the OS if it's done.  Before, I could just remove powernowd, now I can't.01:44
DanaGhmm, you can blacklist cpufreq_ondemand module.01:47
DanaGAt least, I think that's what it is.01:47
yofelDanaG: the governors are now compiled into the kernel so that won't work01:49
DarkrCan I disable 'ondemand' with rcconf or will that not work either?01:50
yofelDarkr: the default governor on boot is 'performance'. After boot into runlevel 2 /etc/rc2.d/S99ondemand sets it to ondemand after 60 seconds01:51
Darkryofel, that's very interesting.  You see, approximately 60 seconds after I boot, I get a white screen of death.  However it runs okay up until that point.01:51
DarkrIn Hardy, I removed powernowd and that remedied the problem.01:52
DarkrI think it's just my crappy motherboard which freaks out whenever CPU freq scaling is used.01:52
yofelDarkr: yeah, I remember powernowd too, but the config was changed in jaunty01:52
DarkrIs there anything I can do to disable cpu freq scaling all together in Karmic?01:53
yofelhm, not that I know of, but I'm no expert at this either01:54
yofelDarkr: since this is kernel stuff you could ask in #ubuntu-kernel01:54
DarkrWill #ubuntu-kernel answer questions about Karmic (since it's still in dev)?01:55
yofelDarkr: afaik yes01:56
yofelbut something else01:56
yofeldid you already get a white screen in jaunty?01:56
Darkryofel, I haven't tried Jaunty.  I'm dual booting between Hardy and Karmic.01:56
DanaGugh, nexuiz has horrible input lag.01:57
yofelhm, well, I think you should to remove the initscript from the runlevel with update-rc.d and maybe the kernel devs know a way to disable cpufreq completely01:58
Darkryofel, I just now found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=760257201:59
DarkrI'll try it.01:59
=== GatoLoko^ is now known as GatoLoko
DanaGoh yeah, and if you stand still for even, say, 2 seconds... it hurts you and tells you not to camp.02:04
DanaGOr sometimes, it'll even tell me that while I'm actually moving around!02:04
DarkrOkay.  I was able to disable ondemand with rcconf.  I don't want to celebrate just yet though.02:11
DarkrIf I can get 30 minutes of uptime with no white screen of death, I'll be happy.02:12
DanaGhmm, does the motherboard have the same issue in Windows?  If so, you have reason to complain to the manufacturer.02:13
DarkrDanaG.  It doesn't appear to.  I don't know if Windows XP has cpu freq scaling or not.02:13
DanaGIt does; it's just disabled by default.02:15
DarkrI'm 99% certain it is a motherboard flaw though.  I tried looking for a BIOS update, but I couldn't find any for my exact board.02:15
DarkrIt's an MSI motherboard.  The weird thing is that they make the same motherboard (under the same device name) with different brands of BIOS.  The board is an MS-7093 and there is a Phoenix BIOS version (the one I have) and an Award BIOS version of the board.02:19
DarkrMSI's website only has BIOS updates for the Award version.02:19
DarkrSo far it appears to work perfectly.  I'm at 18 minutes uptime (longest ever on Karmic) with no white screen of death.  =)02:23
hiyo777how do i install ubuntu on a coputer without an Operating System02:25
Darkrhiyo, you just put the disc in and go.  An OS doesn't already need to be installed to use Ubuntu.02:27
yofelhiyo777: another thing: this is the support and discussion channel for the devlopment release of ubuntu (currently karmic koala 9.10), support for jaunty and other stable releases is in #ubuntu02:30
BluesKajhiyo777, ubuntu IS an operating system02:31
zj3t3mjuwhen my karmic startup, it show a window to enter password for mounting /dev/sdb202:33
zj3t3mjubut I don't want to mount that02:34
zj3t3mju /dev/sdb2 not in fstab02:34
yofelzj3t3mju: known bug, just click cancel for now02:34
zj3t3mjuyofel: thanks02:34
yofelzj3t3mju: bug 39644802:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 396448 in gvfs "inconsistent automounting on startup" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39644802:35
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away
leleobhzkarmic still with problems about telepathy and msn about network error?03:06
leleobhzi have 2 messengers, one with custom email, another with @hotmail03:07
leleobhz@hotmail get network error, custom mail works..03:07
xtknightwhere can i get old karmic releases for testing?03:07
xtknightalphas or dailies03:07
billybigriggerxtknight, you want to do a clean install or upgrade?03:10
billybigriggerupgrading from jaunty is easy03:10
xtknightbillybigrigger, i want to test a regression in karmic and see where it started happening03:11
billybigriggerleleobhz, are you up to date? i had that problem back in A203:11
billybigriggerxtknight, i read that wrong :P03:11
xtknightso it would be nice to have alpha1,alpha2 or even versions in between so i can install in my VM03:11
xtknightwell, my cd burner shows up in brasero under Jaunty, but not under Karmic.  no clue why.03:12
xtknightin brasero, that is...it always works on the command line and it's mountable03:12
leleobhzbillybigrigger, last update 10 minutes ago03:12
billybigriggerxtknight, no idea, tried a torrent site somewhere maybe?03:13
xtknightyeah noone posts ubuntu cuz it's free03:13
xtknightwell, few03:13
billybigriggerxtknight, i would have suggested cdimage.ubuntu.com but i can't find anything your looking for03:13
xtknighti found a virtualbox 9.10 kubuntu alpha 2 appliance03:14
xtknightthat's better than nothing03:14
russelAlpha 1 and Alpha 2 iso are here:  http://www.ubuntu.com/testing03:15
xtknightthe release notes but the download links are broken03:16
billybigriggerthe iso's are hosted on cdimage, and they're gone03:16
russelI see now03:16
billybigriggergeez russel03:16
xtknightit seems like they would keep the other two03:16
billybigriggeryou'd think they might03:16
xtknighti understand not keeping all the dailies or even the old versions i guess03:16
billybigriggerbut, on the other hand might also cause more problems than good03:16
billybigriggerhaving people download the old isos and complaining something doesn't work, when it's fixed in the newest release03:17
xtknightyeah imagine the karmic alpha 1 support call lol03:17
billybigriggerdailys from A1 to now would be quite the collection03:17
xtknightyeah i've seen some crazy things03:17
xtknighti mean gnome keeps practically every release03:17
xtknightwith all their code it's probably pretty big03:18
xtknightbut very nice for development and debug03:18
xtknighti'm just going to try against Debian testing to see if it has the problem03:19
xtknightdoes anyone else here have cd writer problems?  empty media not being detected?03:20
DanaGwtf... I can't drag panel applets with middle button?03:41
DanaGThat's screwed up.03:41
nhasianxtknight, yes brasero doesnt dectect media right now...03:44
DanaGyargh, stupid gnome-panel regression.03:45
nhasianxtknight, i filed a bug report both on launchpad and bugzilla03:45
rleedsAnyone use erlang-mode in emacs? I just noticed my Erlang menu in gtk emacs is empty. Don't know since when.03:49
DanaGOh, and I removed FUSA, to get my logout and shutdown items back.03:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 337775 in fast-user-switch-applet "no "usability sane" way to reboot jaunty without mouse" [Medium,Confirmed]03:50
billybigriggeri thought brasero was fixed like last week03:51
ubottuGnome bug 402528 in tasklist "Offer option to disable scroll wheel on task list" [Enhancement,Unconfirmed]03:55
DanaG"Out of curiosity, why would we want this configurable?  Why don't we just disable the behavior? " -- this is exactly my gripe with Gnome devs.03:55
billybigriggerprefering to disable something over configuration? :P03:56
andresmhfor some reason scrolling by touching the right side of my touchpad stopped working :(03:57
DanaGSame for me... something's trashing my edge threshold settings on the fly.03:58
billybigriggeroooooh! new 64bit flash released :D03:59
DanaGI use the nspluginwrapped one so I can killall -9 npviewer.bin, without taking down the whole browser.04:00
billybigriggerfor those who are interested04:00
andresmhoh wow, flash 64!04:00
andresmhhow is it performing billybigrigger04:00
billybigriggerdunno, installing now04:00
andresmhi'd be curious if full screen still tears04:01
billybigriggernot working so well so far haha04:04
billybigrigger*** NSPlugin Viewer  *** ERROR: /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6404:04
ubuntuis there a way to update to Karmic Koala from Jaunty Jackalops ?04:18
rleedsubuntu, yeah. look it up. it's straightforward. do so at your own risk though.04:20
ubuntuhow bad can it be ?04:20
ubuntui broke my system around 2 times in the last day and formated like 6 so far04:21
ubuntumy nickname is ubuntu cause i am using the live CD to format as we speak04:21
ubuntuinstallation finished, i'll be back in a while04:22
leleobhzi have good experiences with karmic... but fresh install04:23
mac_vguys... why is the grub.cfg a read-only file [even for root]?04:28
billybigriggerit was designed that way04:30
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub204:30
billybigriggerlots of info on that wiki page for editing grub04:30
billybigriggeranything in particular your wanting to do?04:30
mac_vnah...nothing in particular... i just temporarily change the permissions to reduce the timer and rearrange the order.. , was just wondering why it was read-only... makes it 1 step more to edit the file04:32
DanaGDid you read the comments at the top?04:32
DanaGtop of grub.cfg, that is.04:32
mac_vDanaG: the "Do not edit the file" ?04:33
billybigriggerhaha yeah04:33
DanaGyeah, edit the stuff in /etc/grub.d and /etc/default/grub instead.04:33
billybigriggerit's not meant to be editied04:33
billybigriggerand run sudo update-grub after your changes to those files04:34
billybigriggereverything you want to know about grub2 is in that wiki04:34
mac_vah... thanx... i never realized that!04:34
billybigriggerhaha usually when something says "do not edit" it usually means, don't edit it04:34
mac_vjust thought it was a , a regular warning :( ! :face-palm:04:35
* billybigrigger slaps mac_v with a huge rolled up RTFM poster04:39
billybigriggerhaha :P04:39
* mac_v ReadingTFM04:40
mac_vwow... grub2 has so many options... \o/04:56
xtknightnhasian, thanks05:00
xtknightnhasian, i am still investigating it05:00
xtknightbug # please?05:00
billybigriggermac_v, if your reading that wiki page, i'm sure i haven't even touched on HALF of grub2 :P05:00
billybigriggerG2 doesn't even support themeing yet, once that hits that will be my main focus for that page...but who knows when G2 will support it, and if it even makes it into karmic05:02
xtknightlol what bugs me about grub2 is the second index of the drive changing to 105:02
xtknighthd(0,0) is now (hd0,1)05:02
nhasianxtknight, no worries i just want my cd burner back hehe05:02
xtknightnhasian, yeah i spent 5+ hrs trying to look at the source code today.  traced it down to gio and gvfs i think but beyond that phew i have no idea... it is a rat's nest in there05:03
leleobhzpeople with touchpad having trouble with click-on-pad ?05:03
nhasianits because hal is being depreciated right?05:03
leleobhzmine dont work, i must to use buttons05:04
billybigriggerpartition's now match, i find it easier05:04
xtknightbut nhasian, i tried the brasero with hal and it still didnt work05:04
leleobhzgrub 0.97 is unsupported now05:04
billybigriggersda1 = 0,1 sda3 0,305:04
x1250guys, I know skype isn't really supported here, but I wonder if anyone is having problem with flash and skype. I can't get audio from both at the same time.05:04
xtknighthal is being deprecated in favor of gio for drive detection in brasero05:04
leleobhzand #grub dont support it :]05:04
leleobhzbillybigrigger, my update-grub from some day until now duplicate some entries on my menu05:05
maccam94why is firefox 3.0 in karmic?05:05
mac_vx1250: flash WFM , havent tried skype05:05
billybigriggermaccam94, by the time karmic is released, default WILL be 3.505:05
nhasianmaccam94, a few more things need to be finished before Firefox3-5 is the default browser.  soon though05:06
billybigriggerleleobhz, have you checked your /etc/grub.d/ for duplicate entries?05:06
maccam94billybigrigger: is /usr/bin/firefox a symlink to 3.5 or stlil 3.0?05:06
maccam94nhasian: stuff like ubufox?05:06
x1250mac_v, I have no problems with flash alone, just with skype05:06
leleobhzbillybigrigger, 00_header  05_debian_theme  10_linux  20_memtest86+  30_os-prober  30_otheros  40_custom  README05:06
mac_vah.. ok05:06
billybigriggerleleobhz, you'll have to look inside those files05:06
nhasianmaccam94, i remember reading a todo list on the web, dont remember where it is now05:07
billybigriggerupdate-grub reads and processes all those files in order, starting wtih 00, then 05, 10 etc05:07
nhasianmaccam94, but you can have both versions of firefox installed at the same time05:07
mac_vleleobhz: 30_os-prober  30_otheros ? these 2 do the same05:07
maccam94nhasian: i know, but i want it to launch firefox 3.5 when i run "firefox" :-\05:07
maccam94i guess i can mess with the symlink05:07
mac_vleleobhz: the "otheros" is the old buggy one05:07
nhasiansince i started usin grub2 i always have to run "sudo update-grub" after upgrading to a new kernel05:08
nhasianmaccam94, no but you can run it with firefox-3.505:08
maccam94is there any group working on taking screenshots of applications?05:08
leleobhzright... otheros is buggy05:08
nhasianmaccam94, for synaptic?05:08
maccam94nhasian: i know, but i'm always just going to click on the existing icons. i'll just fix the symlink05:08
xtknightwhy doenst windows show up in grub205:08
maccam94nhasian: yeah05:08
maccam94didn't finish that thought haha05:08
mac_vxtknight:  the "otheros" is the old buggy one05:09
xtknightmac_v,  so do i need to put stuff in 40_custom?  i have already figured the code to make my windows boot05:09
mac_vxtknight: no need .. Bug #40279505:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402795 in grub2 "windows option not shown" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40279505:09
maccam94for a split second i got excited thinking i was using grub2 in my new karmic box, but then i remembered i upgraded. is there a guide for upgrading to grub2?05:09
xtknightah k05:10
mac_vnhasian: you have to install firefox3.5-gnome-support05:11
mac_vnhasian: that will make firefox3.5 the default05:11
nhasiannasser@iphone69:~/bin$ apt-cache policy firefox3.5-gnome-support05:12
nhasianW: Unable to locate package firefox3.5-gnome-support05:12
DanaGer, there's a dash there.05:12
nhasiannasser@iphone69:~/bin$ apt-cache policy firefox-3.5-gnome-support05:13
nhasian  Installed: 3.5.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu105:13
nhasian  Candidate: 3.5.1+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu105:13
DanaGsudo dpkg-divert --local --add --rename /usr/bin/firefox05:13
DanaGthat'll make it not trample on your own symlink.05:13
DanaGThen re-make the firefox-3.5 -> firefox symlink.05:14
leleobhzsomeone know a package that provides firefox?05:14
leleobhzi want to remove firefox but i dont want to broke ubuntu-netbook-remix package05:14
maccam94leleobhz: why are you removing firefox? space issues?05:14
* leleobhz using and very very very happy with midori05:14
leleobhzmaccam94, no, because it sucks05:15
maccam94oh well why not just remove the icons?05:15
maccam94or just leave it alone05:15
* leleobhz think firefox have seriously problems...05:15
leleobhzmaccam94, space problems too... im notting using, and my 16Gb SSD drive dont support too much05:16
maccam94i suppose you could just delete the installed firefox files...05:16
maccam94although you'd still get updates for the package :-\05:16
maccam94...unless you locked the version05:16
leleobhzleleobhz@luana:~$ df -h | grep sda605:19
leleobhz/dev/sda6             3,3G  2,9G  157M  95% /05:19
maccam94should system-config-printer-udev be installed by default?05:20
leleobhzmaccam94, this is a problem too..05:20
leleobhzbut firefox is a target to remove because i dont use it05:20
maccam94i think you could lock the version in synaptic and then remove the actual firefox files, thereby preserving the metapackage...05:21
leleobhzi prefer a metapackage... ill do this someday05:23
* syn-ack put the Beatles - Live at the BBC vinyl on.05:37
syn-ackLets dance while we hack, folks. :D05:38
SeveredCrossHas there been any reports of Alt-F2 not working?05:40
SeveredCrossHmm, interesting.05:40
SeveredCrossNothing with the left alt modifier works.05:40
SeveredCrossAlt-F1 is broken too.05:40
syn-ackSeveredCross, Last I checked it works here05:41
SeveredCrossMight just need an update/05:41
mac_vSeveredCross: doesnt work for me too... fully-updated05:44
SeveredCrossmac_v: Bah.05:44
SeveredCrossI blame metacity.05:44
SeveredCrossActually, it's probably the panel.05:44
SeveredCrossConsidering metacity's not running at all.05:45
* mac_v didnt file a bug , just has other bugs to worry about05:45
billybigriggerSeveredCross, what is alt-f1 supposed to do?05:56
maccam94there's a bug in firefox 3.5 in karmic05:56
billybigriggeralt-f2 lauches the run dialog for me05:57
SeveredCrossbillybigrigger: Open up the System menu.05:57
SeveredCrossNeither work.05:57
billybigriggeris that a gnome thing? i'm in xfce05:57
SeveredCrossI'm chalking it up to some transient nonsense, will see if it's borked again after restart.05:57
SeveredCrossYes, it's a GNOME thing.05:57
maccam94if i search wiki something in 9.04, it'll take me straight to the wikipedia page05:57
maccam94in karmic it takes me to the new custom google search page05:57
SeveredCrossmaccam94: Yeah, that's multisearch.05:58
SeveredCrossIt's not a bug, it's a feature.05:58
SeveredCrossYou can disable it by disabling the "Multisearch" addin.05:58
maccam94...what's the advantage of multisearch?05:58
billybigriggerthere is no advantage05:59
billybigriggerit's a way for canonical to make some extra dough and collect your search information05:59
maccam94oh :-\05:59
billybigriggeryeah :-\ is right05:59
billybigriggermore like :-O05:59
maccam94couldn't they have just done that for the google search box instead of crippling functionality?05:59
billybigriggeri'm sure they could have06:00
maccam94or is that mozilla's cut?06:00
syn-ackbillybigrigger, No worries, they can make as money as they want off my pr0n inquiries06:00
maccam94is there a bug report? or discussion page or something?06:00
syn-ackmaccam94, if you dont want it, use the upstream version06:01
billybigriggerdiscussion on the topic is everywhere06:01
maccam94syn-ack: it creates a functionality issue, which i think is valid for a bug report/technical discussion06:01
syn-ackI dont mean to sound like an ass, but I'm sure it's Canonical's stand on the subject06:02
maccam94i don't care how they redirect google searches, but i don't want them messing with my awesomebar06:02
syn-ackand honestly, which this being their distro, I'm fully backing it.06:02
maccam94and i'm sure 95% of their users would agree06:02
maccam94i'm totally cool with them making money, just not at the cost of functionality06:02
syn-ackMan, I am really starting to no longer like Bit Torrent06:03
maccam94syn-ack: what about it?06:04
syn-ackmaccam94, The fact that half the up loaders turn their sharing to .000000000000000000000001 and screws with my completing a download06:04
maccam94block bitlord then?06:05
syn-ackgo on... :)06:05
billybigriggersyn-ack, agree with your partially ther06:05
maccam94i'm pretty sure azureus has a minimum 1.0 (or at least .5) ratio for autoremoval06:06
maccam94bitlord is an evil bittorrent client06:06
billybigriggerthey could have at least told the users about it, not sneak it in an update06:06
maccam94it hoards download bandwidth and does not upload06:06
syn-ackmaccam94, ah06:06
billybigriggerthey're totally snuck it in and tried to pass it off to users who are knew, don't know much better06:06
syn-ackI mean, I use Transmission but I at least share some of my upstream06:07
billybigriggercanonical should have went about getting "multisearch" installed in a different way, the idea behind it is great, but don't sneak it in an update and not tell anyone, and then avoid the questions that users have on the mailing lists...poor taste06:08
maccam94syn-ack: try to find torrents with more seeders...?06:08
maccam94billybigrigger: yeah. i think there are better ways of doing it that don't impede functionality, and i would be totally ok with them setting up the custom search by default for the homepage and google search box06:09
ghindobillybigrigger, It would have been nice if they included a more thorough changelog...06:11
billybigriggerfor sure, but disabling the functions of google, and trying to pass it off as google, is not the right way of going about things, and not making it known to people, hoping people don't notice! like geez, make it known that people are installing this plugin, or give them an option, but there's no documentation, and when confronted about it on the mailing lists, the dev who i won't say, totally avoided answering any questions06:12
billybigrigger, like a big cover up06:12
syn-ackWhat did they disable?06:12
billybigriggerghindo, exactly! there was no mention of it anywhere, they hoped it would sneak in under the radar and no one would notice06:12
syn-ackI'm not trying to play into anything, I'm really interested06:12
billybigriggeryou can't search google video/images with the multisearch06:13
syn-ackAh, see, I google news as my homepage so I just go from there06:14
billybigriggeri think the no documentation pissed off more people than the actual revenue, data tracking06:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402767 in firefox-3.5 "multisearch add on blocks the functionality of firefox location bar" [High,Triaged]06:15
billybigriggerand the fact of it being a "dirty tactic" like some other OS we won't mention06:15
SeveredCrossI honestly couldn't care less what Canonical knows about my searching habits, but the LOF and underhandedness of it all ticked me off.06:16
billybigriggerSeveredCross, roger06:16
maccam94that comment i just linked to is a rather thorough explanation (from canonical i believe)06:16
maccam94the extension will only be installed through alpha 406:17
nztalbillybigrigger, what did canonical do ?  the google search bar in firefox is setup to do something other than a normal google search ?   i noticed it was somewhat different, but i wasn't sure how.  any way to change it back to standard results ?06:18
billybigriggerthat's been heavily edited since last time i saw it :P06:18
syn-ackbillybigrigger, for the better or worse?06:18
DanaGbillybigrigger: another thing: they put it in the firefox package,  not in a separate package...06:19
billybigriggerthose are not the answer's that were given after it was released06:19
DanaGso as a user of firefox-3.5... I never even saw that piece of changelog.06:19
DanaG"oh, firefox... I don't use that.  I use 3.5."06:19
mac_vi was surprised too06:19
DanaGI used the search box to.... what the hell is this?06:19
DanaGthat was my reaction.06:19
maccam94billybigrigger: what did it originallt say?06:19
mac_vbug #40689306:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406893 in firefox-3.5 "Right-click search goes to custom search" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40689306:20
billybigriggerThe custom search thing is currently the easiest way for us to gather06:21
billybigriggerthe data we want to get from this experiment.06:21
billybigriggerA newtab implementation - if it was done - would be configurable and06:21
billybigriggerfar more powerful than what you see now. The current state is just a06:21
billybigriggerquick pitch for the test we wanted to do in alpha3.06:21
maccam94yeah that comment was posted earlier06:22
DanaGOh yeah, and new-tab search.... duuude, there's already a way to do that.06:22
DanaGDon't go overriding my specific preference!06:22
DanaGThat's what the extension does: it specifically OVERRIDES my "new tab is blank" preference.06:22
DanaGGood manners would be this: change the default setting, so anyone who hadn't changed from the old default would see the new default.06:23
billybigriggerseems like there was alot more negative backlash than what they were expecting :P06:23
DanaGAnd same for the rather sucky search page.  I'd be fine with a tweaked logo, but the functionality is a major regression.06:23
DanaGMy solution: I didn't just disable the extension... I dpkg-diverted the files out of the way!06:24
billybigriggerwhatever the case is, they went about the whole thing the wrong way06:24
syn-ackDanaG, .... wow man06:24
syn-ackpersonally, I think you lot need to take a breath.06:24
mac_v+1 to billybigrigger06:24
syn-ackYES it sucks, they DID do it wrong06:24
DanaGOverriding user preferences is bad, always.06:25
DanaGSame theme in my (no need to repeat) rants about notify-osd.06:25
billybigriggerDanaG's just worked up over his touchpad threshold :P06:25
DanaGYeah, something's been trampling on that, too.06:25
syn-ackfile a bug report fix it to how you like and just be done with it06:25
syn-ackThats just my 2 cents though06:25
billybigriggeri'm sure they're still sorting out filed bugs against that from last week :P06:26
syn-ackmore than likely. heh06:26
DanaGOh yeah, and the gnome devs seem not to realize that people might want both two-finger AND edge-scrolling.06:26
DanaGThey have options to choose between the two... but not an option to have both.06:26
syn-ackHonestly, any more when I go to file a bug and if theres something already there about it and I have the same general issues and arch and such, I wont even file nor confirm06:27
syn-ackesp if there are a metric buttload of people who have06:28
DanaG"Select the touchpad scroll method. Supported values are: 0 - disabled, 1 - edge scrolling, 2 - two-finger scrolling"06:28
DanaG./modules/common/gpds-touchpad-xinput.c:    {GPDS_TOUCHPAD_EDGES,                      "Synaptics Edges",                       G_TYPE_INT,  32, 4},06:29
syn-ackDanaG, Well, I dont know if this is going to matter to you but guess what there is now an update for?06:30
DanaGYeah, I saw the new preferences pane.06:30
DanaG=synclient RightEdge=5100 TopEdge=1500 LeftEdge=1650 BottomEdge=470006:30
DanaGsorry, altgr is right next to context-menu.06:30
DanaG'þ' is AltGr-t, and Paste as Plain Text is context-menu 't'.06:31
DanaGI also wish Apple hadn't bought and killed Fingerworks.   (it's a googleable term.)06:34
DanaGOh, and google has started bothering me, too:06:34
DanaGsearch for Three Letter Acronym, you get:   "these results do not include the word Acronym.  click here to see only results that include it."06:34
DanaGOf course, that's not a query that that'd apply to, but it gets the point across.06:35
SeveredCrossWhat the...06:40
SeveredCrossAnyone notice that jQuery is now a dependency of a basic Ubuntu system?06:40
DanaG    Auto-adjust edges if values fall outside queried min/max ranges. (#21001)06:40
SeveredCrossAs in, the Javascript library.06:40
DanaGxorg bug 2100106:40
SeveredCrosspython-apt depends on it.06:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 21001 in xorg "on boot cannot open default font fixed" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2100106:41
DanaG(trying to dig up bug link; I'll swtich to PM.)06:41
* SeveredCross is confused.06:41
maccam94can standard touch pads do two-finger scrolling yet?06:41
DanaGMy old laptop could do real 2-finger... but my new one can't.06:41
DanaGStupid Synaptics has started disabling the feature when OEMs don't specifically pay for the gesture ability, it seems.06:42
DanaGIs it just me... or is this backwards?06:48
DanaG    tapButton1 = priv->has_left ? 0 : 1;06:48
DanaG    tapButton2 = priv->has_left ? 0 : 3;06:48
DanaG    tapButton3 = priv->has_left ? 0 : 2;06:48
DanaGsynclient -m 1006:59
DanaGCan't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?06:59
SeveredCrossI thought it was supposed to be on by default from now on.07:03
SeveredCrossSlash unnecessary07:03
DanaGwow, the defaults on this touchpad really are unusable.07:04
DanaGThe scroll area is about 2 millimeters wide.07:04
DanaGOkay, 3 millimeters.07:05
SeveredCrossHmm, lots of things broken in Compiz.07:06
SeveredCrossFocus follows mouse isn't working either.07:06
DanaGy'know, I think I'll file a bug about that really-narrow scrolling area, perhaps.07:07
DanaGI just tried the defaults by moving my fdi file out of the way... and the defaults are rather unusable.07:08
DanaGOnce you get used to even fake 2-finger scroll, it sucks to go back.07:08
DanaGEspecially when the edge scroll region is only 3 millimeters wide.07:08
chris4585is the karmic alternative ISO alpha 3 suppose to install the desktop? or should I download the karmic-desktop ISO?07:12
syn-ackchris4585: the alt disk can literally install any of the versions07:12
syn-ackwow, let me finish typing first07:12
mobmornin all07:13
syn-acksup mob07:13
syn-ackMOB RULES!07:13
syn-ackerr, I digress07:13
mobkarmik a no go on an acer travelmate 22007:14
mobhangs after login07:14
syn-ackI know I'm jinxing it but dammit, there's nothing broken here. I'm bored07:14
DanaGOh yeah, so the gnome touchpad preferences thingy pales in comparison to the Windows one.  =þ07:15
syn-ackmob: So what arch, etc are you running07:15
mobwell that acer got probs07:15
mobim on 2 boxes07:15
billybigriggermob, gnome/gdm?07:15
billybigriggermaybe try kdm or xdm? xfce?07:15
mobwasnt an option .. no cd07:15
SeveredCrosssyn-ack: Fix Compiz for me?07:16
mobguess i could add the iso as repo07:16
SeveredCrossConsidering that neither Alt-F2 nor Alt-F1 work.07:16
SeveredCrossThere was another thing broken, but I can't remember what now.07:16
SeveredCrossOh, Focus Follows Mouse doesn't work either.07:17
SeveredCrossAt least Do works though. <307:17
mobgot a dlinkwsomthing 2340 wireless that works in w$ and has worked in linux , but dont now07:17
DanaGThe Windows one even gives a GUI for adjusting touchpad boundaries.07:18
mobthat acer got a intel 82830m gcc ..... nuff said ther07:18
syn-ackmob: not really, its not07:18
mobk  its probably the worst video card/chip i ever worked with in any os07:20
syn-ackI give up07:20
mob@ sever dose ctrl alt bksp work?07:21
billybigriggerctrl-alt-bkspace is disabled by default now...has been for awhile07:21
mobtry a copy of mint lol07:21
SeveredCrossobject :-P07:22
SeveredCrossTime for bed.07:22
mobbed is for reality which is virtually nonexistant07:23
mobdeep thoughts by mob07:23
DanaGodd, my touchpad itself is sucky... z goes only up to 77.07:25
* mob looks for the askii gens07:26
SeveredCrossWoops, wrong term.07:30
chris4585I'm sorry if I'm repeating myself, I have a bad connection, but is the karmic alternative ISO alpha 3 suppose to install the desktop? or should I download the karmic-desktop ISO?07:32
SeveredCrossAlternative ISO won't install a desktop system unless you tell it to.07:32
chris4585no wonder then, It kept failing at "select and install software" so it inly installed the base system07:33
chris4585thanks SeveredCross thats all I needed07:33
x1250chris4585, you can always install ubuntu-desktop package to get all the packages07:35
chris4585x1250, I could of, but my sources.list was set for the cd07:36
chris4585I didn't know how to change or update my sources.list07:37
mobnot that hard in gui .. im lost in cmd line07:37
x1250chris4585, you can use this one: http://paste.ubuntu.com/238397/07:38
chris4585x1250, thanks for your help07:38
Oli```Should I be removing devicekit or should I wait until the package forcing it out (devicekit-power) is fixed?07:38
kklimondaOli```: you can remove it07:46
Gumbyhi all, is there a way in koala to rescan hdd partitions and auto add OS's to the grub boot menu?08:09
mac_vGumby: $sudo update-grub08:09
Gumbyhrm... that didnt seem to add it08:09
mac_vGumby: windows is missing?08:10
mac_vGumby: bug #40689308:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406893 in firefox-3.5 "Right-click search goes to custom search" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40689308:10
Gumbyah weird... found it this time08:10
mac_vGumby: hehe... it was fixed recently08:10
Gumbyyeah, but I just did it like 5 mins ago08:11
Gumbyanyhow... thanks a lot.  I've got to reboot into windows now  :(08:12
mac_voops i gave you the wrong number!08:12
mac_vBug #40279508:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402795 in grub2 "windows option not shown" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40279508:13
indushi folks08:32
indusi took the plunge yesterday to alpha 3 :)08:32
industhis is slow and sluggish for me'08:49
indusdaily build08:49
indus30 july08:49
andresmhHow do I run a specific command automatically after waking up from suspend?08:51
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fuzzybunny69yhey everyone I am having major problems with my sound. It has been happening ever since Intrepid and it seems to be even worse in Karmic when I play a song it will start playing fine and then when i skip to the next song it will just freeze up the program. The driver is snd-hda-intel and ICH8 variant of it. The codec it is using is Realtek ALC262 and then it also lists Conexant ID 2c06 and I am using a Sony Vaio VGN-CR520D.11:43
fuzzybunny69y If anyone can help that would be great!11:43
mac_vah... all my icons disappeared! now i have no icons anywhere!11:47
Ngis anyone else seeing weird gnome-power-manager behaviour in karmic atm?12:36
Ngafter the devicekit removal and devicekit-power upgrade12:36
dupondjegnome crashed :s12:42
dupondjenew flash player for x64 :)12:46
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dupondjegnome-settings-deamon crashed :( restarted it, but all screens looks ugly now :(12:53
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dupondjeupdate-alternatives: error: no alternatives for iceape-flashplugin.13:05
aboSamoordtchen, is there any hope that bug 278648 will be fixed with karmic ?13:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 278648 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "[regression]snd-hda-intel sound input does not work at all with Conexant CX20549 (Venice) chips " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27864813:10
mac_vNg: what exactly ? I'm having problems after todays update too13:19
holzmodemafter update, missing context menu icons... is it a known bug?13:20
mac_v^ for me too...13:20
Ngholzmodem: I've noticed that, not filed a bug yet or checked for one :/13:20
Ngmac_v: g-p-m seems to be forgetting all its settings and handling them incorrectly, my screensaver and suspend just keep going off while I'm typing13:21
mac_vNg: ah... then i'm not going crazy... :P ... having all those problems13:21
mac_vholzmodem: not only context , if you restart X, all icons are lost , from applications everywhere13:22
holzmodemI already restarted my system, only context icons are gone13:23
mac_vah... for me icons are not shown anywhere :(13:24
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Armageddoni would like to try Karmic Koala but i have 2 OS on my laptop and im afraid it wont let me go into the other OS13:27
mac_vArmageddon: you shouldnt have any problems accessing other OS , grub2 has options13:28
mac_vArmageddon: i have 3 apart from Karmic13:29
Armageddonmac_v: the website says otherwise13:29
Armageddoni read the website about the alpha 3 release and they said there is a problem with the grub2 and windows13:30
mac_vArmageddon: where? i installed the Alpha3  , it works well ,13:30
mac_vthat has been solved13:30
mac_vArmageddon:  Bug #40279513:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402795 in grub2 "windows option not shown" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40279513:30
Armageddonmac_v: any other know issues ? and i mean major ones13:31
mac_vArmageddon: dont do today's updates13:31
Armageddoni will be upgrading from Jaunty Jackalops13:32
mac_vArmageddon: if you have space , install Karmic on a separate partition, and use the same /home for both13:32
Armageddonthat would be hard for me13:33
Armageddoni'm not that expert13:33
mac_vArmageddon: its simple... the installer allows that option13:33
Armageddoni think that would be really hard downloading Karmic Koala at the moment, cause when the download finishes you will release your beta version13:34
holzmodemwhich update brakes the icon thing?13:34
Armageddonanyway i will be waiting for the beta version and then i will upgrade13:35
mac_vholzmodem: you filled the bug? bug # pls13:35
holzmodemhttps://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/karmic-changes/2009-July/005347.html <<?13:35
mostafacan anyone help me how to add a menu in Grub2.0?14:14
bazhangmostafa, you using Karmic 9.10?14:16
mostafabazhang :no Jaunty14:16
bazhangmostafa, then #kubuntu14:16
mostafau mean the kernel version?14:17
bazhangmostafa, no this channel is for Karmic 9.1014:18
rskscreensaver is activating 20minutes in14:37
rskeven thou i have removed screensaver* packages14:37
mostafabazhang : where should i go to ask this question plz ?14:38
bazhangmostafa, #kubuntu14:39
e-jatcan some one triage bug 40454614:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404546 in ppp "pppd crash (unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 00000014)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40454614:40
mostafa:(( i ask there but they siad go and ask this in ubuntu14:40
rskrun lsb_release -a and pastebin the output14:40
bazhangmostafa, #kubuntu is the correct channel14:40
Pici#kubuntu for grub2?14:41
bazhangits in jaunty repos, he is using kubuntu14:41
Oli``Wow k3b has had some MAJOR work done to it since jaunty's version14:56
sinanwhat is the "paper cuts" ?15:23
ruslanrsinan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PaperCut15:24
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sinanruslanr: thanks15:30
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natewiebe13anyone know anything about hardware resetting when trying to use it?15:59
natewiebe13for example a printer15:59
natewiebe13i have a lexmark x4270.. in jaunty i used the z42 driver and it worked just fine.. but in karmic, when i used the z42, the printer resets when trying to print, but doesnt print16:01
natewiebe13also, with a sansa clip, it continually connects then resets16:04
natewiebe13should i file a bug report? or does anyone know anything about this?16:04
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carldaniis anyone able to fix the FAQ about the next release? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CommonQuestions#Releases%20and%20Version%20Numbers16:45
EagleScreencarldani: i will check it16:49
carldaniEagleScreen: thanks!16:50
BluesKajkonqueror still loses the cursor on some pages , I'll have to check more closely16:54
apwanyone know how you define the options used to mount a specific device under karmic?  there used to be a device and volume tag on each device properties page ... which has gone16:56
moustafaIs there any screenshots released for ubuntu 9.10?17:02
BluesKajmoustafa, it looks much the same as 9.0417:09
BluesKajdepends on your desktop options17:09
EagleScreencarldani: done17:11
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Seren__Hi, I am on Karmic and software-properties-kde does not launch17:18
Seren__it does not seem there is a bug associated to this behaviour17:18
Seren__am I the only one ?17:18
coz_Seren__,  mm  I am not running kde right now...  did you update then dist-upgrade to see if anything has changed?17:20
Seren__I did both, it seems to be a path or python issue17:20
BluesKajSeren__, try the menu/software sources17:20
coz_Seren__,  ok that looks like it is broken... you may want to report this as a bug17:21
Seren__systemsetting -> software souce does not work either17:21
Seren__it is same thing either from packagekit or system settings17:21
Seren__(what is the command to report a bug associated to a package, like "xxx sofware-settings-kde" )17:25
billybigriggerSeren__, $ ubuntu-bug <package>17:26
Seren__thx billy17:26
billybigriggerSeren__, tried launching it in a terminal? it might give you some output as to why it's not launching17:27
Seren__see my paste bin17:27
billybigriggerbillybigrigger@cabo:~$ sudo apt-cache search QtCore17:27
billybigriggerlibqtcore4 - Qt 4 core module17:27
billybigriggerlibqtgui4 - Qt 4 GUI module17:27
billybigriggerpython-qt4 - Python bindings for Qt417:27
billybigriggerdo you have libqtcore4 installed?17:28
BluesKajSeren__, does apt or aptitude work in the cli ? and check your sources.list17:28
billybigriggerif so what about python-qt4?17:28
Seren__  Installed: 4.5.2-0ubuntu117:28
Seren__  Candidate: 4.5.2-0ubuntu117:28
billybigriggerand libqtcore4?17:28
Seren__  Installed: 4.5.2-0ubuntu217:29
Seren__  Candidate: 4.5.2-0ubuntu217:29
billybigriggeri would $ ubuntu-bug software-properties-kde with links to that pastebin error, and show them your apt-cache policy output for python-qt4 and libqtcore417:30
billybigriggergotta run, wish i could help17:30
Seren__yep thx billy17:30
carldaniEagleScreen: Thanks! Would you mind adding some text to answer the "What is the next release of Ubuntu?" question as well? After all, the question is already there, it's only missing the answer.17:38
EagleScreencarldani: what would you add there?17:42
billybigriggercarldani, if you see a bunch of typos, or something wrong with ubuntu pages, tell the Doc team, #ubuntu-doc17:55
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FlufflesWill gnome-volume-control be reverted to the old one like it was in jaunty or are they sticking with the new one in karmic?18:20
itswhatev1do i need anything special in my xorg.conf for xserver-xorg-vide-intel from x-edgers if i'm running karmic daily?18:38
itswhatev1seemingly still have regular freezes, one consistent when someone calls/sends sms to my phone while it's connected via usb :O18:39
yofelitswhatev1: are you still able to kill X with 'alt+sysrq+k' ? If not then it's probably a kernel issue.18:44
itswhatev1yofel: i will report back when it occurs again18:45
carldaniEagleScreen: sorry, was disconnected. Anyway, since the question is already there, there probably was some answer in the past. Maybe link to KarmicReleaseSchedule?18:47
carldanibillybigrigger: thanks, will do18:47
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torocatalaI have a problem activating the private hardware controllers for my Nvidia on my ubuntu karmic19:23
torocatalathe system found two drivers, but when I click on Activate, and appears the window of autenticate, I click on "autenticate button (in spanish, Autenticar) and nothing happend19:25
torocatalai don't know in what log can found the error messages19:25
torocatala¿any idea?19:26
mphilltorocatala: did you try to reboot, the driver my already be installed19:28
mphillinstalling the driver once should suffice for all cards19:28
mphillyou may have uncovered a bug though19:28
torocatalamphill, i have this error since few days ago19:28
torocatalaif i have a new bug, what I have to do?19:32
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itswhatevyofel: ok it happened and alt-sysrq-k took me to a black screen, not able to toggle num/caps lock, and saw no tty's - SO.. kernel?19:35
eagles0513875torocatala: www.launchpad.net to signup and report your bug if it doesnt already exist19:35
eagles0513875hey guys im having an issue on karmic where after logging in on kde i got no splash screen saying the desktop is loading all i get is the mouse on a black screen19:35
Amber_Johnsonany one running Karmic Koala , on an SLI system? I am considering installing it.19:38
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eagles0513875BUGabundo: you stuck in the revolving door lol19:41
BUGabundoI am :(19:41
BUGabundois it just me19:43
BUGabundoor is audio tooooo loowwww19:43
eagles0513875i have another issue on my desktop19:43
eagles0513875i loving with the login splash screen and i then no loading splash screen black screen and mouse is only thing that shows :(19:44
torocatalaby the way, in karmic, ¿how I can disable the login of users?, i mean, for a user entry automatically to the system19:54
bullgard4Where are listed in the Internet the Karmic milestones?19:55
BUGabundoyou can't19:56
BUGabundostill not ready19:56
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yofelbullgard4: see the release schedule in the topic20:00
Amber_JohnsonI hope Ubuntu 9.10 works with my SLI system, Ubuntu makes me feel alive and sexy :D All i can get to run is 8.04 :( 8.10 and 9.04 just give me a black screen when xserver starts.20:02
* Amber_Johnson has 2x Nvidia 8800GT20:03
bullgard4yofel: Thank you very much.20:04
yofelyou're welcome20:05
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torocatalaHi, I report that bug in the launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/jockey/+bug/407468 But i'm not sure if i do ok, ¿can anyone take a look?20:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407468 in jockey "No privileges to activate hardware driver" [Undecided,New]20:35
x1250torocatala, I think I read a post at ubuntuforums.org and it said you couldn't use propietary ati drivers yet. Try the opensource ones.20:46
torocatalais not ati20:46
torocatalais Nvidia20:46
gnomefreak180* seems to work20:47
gnomefreaklet me rephrse that nvidia-glx-180 works at least on the 6200 and 7200 cards that i know of off hand20:49
x1250torocatala, in bug #361454 Martin requires some aditional info. I guess you could try to provide that info in that bug, and most probably your bug will be marked as a duplicate.20:49
ubottuLaunchpad bug 361454 in jockey "restricted driver authorization crashes on open" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36145420:49
torocatalaok, gnomefreak20:52
gnomefreakthe 5200 is using legacy drivers now and they are not working. i used upstream drivers until i got this 620020:53
gnomefreaksorry just now getting to look at the bug.20:53
gnomefreakwhat happens if you install them by hand. sudo apt-get install nivdia-glx-173 does it fail to build module?20:56
jiribi'm running jaunty but i need pci-stub driver to hide pci for virtual machines in KVM; i installed karmic kernel but X doesn't work anymore20:56
jiribblack screen -> cold reboot :(20:57
gnomefreakmore info on this driver see bug 379669 384639 however kockey isnt crashing in those20:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 379669 in nvidia-graphics-drivers-173 "nvidia-glx-173 fails to load in Karmic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37966920:57
gnomefreakbug 38463920:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384639 in nvidia-common "2.6.30-8 kernel related packages fail to install" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38463920:57
jiribrunning T400 - Intel Corporation Mobile 420:58
torocatalagnomefreak, can't found the packet nivdia-glx-17320:59
torocatalaerror on write nvidia21:00
torocatalanvidia-glx-173 ya está en su versión más reciente. // most recent versions is installed21:00
aboSamooranyone responsible for the audio stack in ubuntu is here now ?21:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about nvidia-glx-17321:03
gnomefreak!info nvidia-glx-17321:03
ubottunvidia-glx-173 (source: nvidia-graphics-drivers-173): NVIDIA binary Xorg driver. In component restricted, is optional. Version 173.14.16-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 7785 kB, installed size 23080 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)21:03
gnomefreaktorocatala: you have the 5200 card?21:03
torocatalagnomefreak, yes21:03
gnomefreaktorocatala: does apt-cache policy nvidia-glx-173 say installed?21:04
torocatala  Instalados: 173.14.16-0ubuntu121:05
torocatala  Candidato: 173.14.16-0ubuntu121:05
torocatala  Tabla de versión:21:05
torocatala *** 173.14.16-0ubuntu1 021:05
torocatala        500 http://archive.ubuntu.com karmic/restricted Packages21:05
torocatala        100 /var/lib/dpkg/status21:05
torocatalathis is ok?21:05
gnomefreaktorocatala: please dont paste thats why i asked if it said installed21:05
torocatalaok, sorry21:05
gnomefreaktorocatala: are you using upstream drivers?21:05
torocatalaSorry, I don't know that, ¿how I can be sure of that?21:06
gnomefreaktorocatala: did you download drivers from nvidia website?21:06
gnomefreakthan im gonna say they havent fixed it yet21:07
jiribanybody running karmic on  Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07) ??21:16
DanaGoh yeah, I have a spare 4-gig SDHC card, but my reader is slow.  The card has instant seek, but reads at only about 15 megabytes per second.21:38
DanaGWhat would be something useful to put on it?21:38
BUGabundook is this thing on !?21:39
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore21:39
BUGabundoit is21:39
BUGabundohow do I remove a stanza from grub2?21:40
BUGabundoyofel: billybigrigger: ^^^21:40
DanaGwill fix my mute!22:00
BUGabundonow fix my low volume22:02
ubottuError: Error getting bugzilla.novell.com bug #522764: NotPermitted22:05
DanaGgrr, damn Novell.22:05
DanaGCan't even READ the friggin' bug report!22:05
=== fader_ is now known as fader|away
euthushi i keep getting this error message when i boot ubuntu: http://codepad.org/jFJkNdmi22:25
euthusi'm not very good with fsck, so i dont want to mess things up22:25
euthuscould anyone help?22:25
* BUGabundo checks22:27
BUGabundofsck died with exit status 822:27
BUGabundonot good22:27
euthuswhat to do22:28
Amber_Johnsonpoke it with a sharp stick? that is what I always do....22:29
euthusAmber_Johnson: you're intelligent.22:30
euthusAmber_Johnson: if you don't know something, why don't you just stfu, instead of pissing ppl off?22:31
euthusi'll try to sudo blkid -c /dev/null22:31
euthusBUGabundo: looks like a partitioning problem22:31
euthus/dev/sda2: UUID="d502a29f-b4e7-4f97-ae96-0bf41dae12d0" TYPE="ext4"22:32
euthusfsck.ext4: Unable to resolve 'UUID=8f11ae17-a3dc-413b-a2cf-16dede417b17'22:33
euthushow do i replace the resolved uuid22:33
euthusshould i change the fstab?22:33
BUGabundoeuthus: please calm down and don't insult other user. Thanks22:34
BUGabundoand Amber_Johnson, please try to be helpful22:34
BUGabundoboth of you please obey CoC22:35
BUGabundodon't think its only fstab related22:35
BUGabundobut if you want to try that22:35
euthusBUGabundo: hold on a sec, while i reboot.22:35
BUGabundodo an ls -l /dev/disk-uid22:35
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
BUGabundonew adobe flash 64bits package? http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html22:53
arandBUGabundo: interesting, and also makes me wonder why those versions has not made it into -updates, from my experience they're just BETTER.23:01
BUGabundoarand: no package available to be packaged by distros23:02
arandBUGabundo: well, as a new version of flashplayer-installer, I guess would be the correct term, but anyway...23:03
BUGabundoAFAIK it just downloads the 32 version23:04
BUGabundo(11:05:51 PM) fta: 32 with a wrapper23:06
BUGabundo(11:06:27 PM) fta: asac didn't want that as long a the x64 blob is beta23:06
BUGabundoarand: ^^^^^^^^23:07
arandHmm, Yea I guess it does... And come to think of it I see the complicationin getting it into a package just like that...23:07
arandBUGabundo: But since the 32bit version seems to crash rather frequently I kinda disagree with that decision :/23:08
dupondjeBUGabundo: testing the new flashplayer plugin atm23:08
dupondjehad 2 crashes already :(23:08
aranddupondje: joy :(23:09
BUGabundodupondje: I also run the 64 .so plugin23:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 326555 in flashplugin-nonfree "Please package flashplugin 64bit" [Wishlist,Confirmed]23:10
arandSo is there any way to get the old "stable" alpha now then?23:15
BUGabundoisn't it on the web site?23:15
arandBUGabundo: Well, since the new "refresh alpha" has replaced it, it seems...23:18
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
TwigathyYou know what'd be reaaaally nice now that we have PulseAudio infecting everything ever? A volume control slider on every single window, next to the minimise/maximise/close buttons....23:46
TwigathyAll this talk of per-app control is all well and good, but having to go through that PA gui thing (padevchooser or whatever it is called) kind of utterly ruins the idea23:46
Twigathyno thoughts? guess everybody is away/busy/sleeping/eating/hacking code/??? :o23:48
BUGabundoey Twigathy23:48
BUGabundoTwigathy: +123:48
BUGabundowe can do that with pavucontrol23:49
DanaGoh, and a "which devices do I play on?" feature,23:49
BUGabundoagain, DanaG we do that on pavucontrol23:49
TwigathyThat'd be quite nice too23:49
TwigathyBUGabundo: but... that's not the point23:49
TwigathyYou shouldn't have to start a whole app to change your programs volume23:49
TwigathyIt should be right there, with close etc. c_c23:50
BUGabundoI know23:50
BUGabundoand that's why I gave it +123:50
TwigathyThing is, I haven't a clue where to start on this kind of thing :)23:50
TwigathyLaunchpad somewhere c_c23:50
Twigathy"Bug: PA allows different volumes per app but apps can't change their volumes"? :)23:51
BUGabundobetter be in next PA cycle23:54
BUGabundoand done UPSTREAM23:54
BUGabundoforget Ubuntu23:54
* Twigathy thinks it'd probably make a good google summer-of-code project23:55
Twigathyor at least, somebody could start it then23:56

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