
johanbrapparently devicekit-power is supposed to provide the equivalent functionality now, see /lib/udev/rules.d/95-devkit-power-battery-recall-*00:03
chrisccoulsonthanks johanbr00:03
=== asac_ is now known as asac
* asac considers to not use his laptop on next flight 00:04
chrisccoulsonasac - probably a wise decision ;)00:10
chrisccoulsong-s-d media-keys plugin seems to be a mess at the moment:(00:12
ftachrisccoulson, it's always for "Filesystem root", assume this is /00:21
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah, that's right00:22
chrisccoulsonthat name comes straight from GLib. i wish it could pick a better name ;)00:22
Riddellgnome dudes: where are these icons from and what's their licence?  http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/icons.png00:28
chrisccoulsonhmmmm. if you do a g_hash_table_lookup on something, then remove the returned value from the table with g_hash_table_remove (and the GDestroyNotify function for that value is g_object_unref), things will go pretty wrong if you then try to access that object afterwards without first increasing the ref count won't they?00:36
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didrocksmorning everyone07:29
kklimondaHey, I was wondering - are we ever going to make installing single packages from -backports less troublesome? I remember reading about new gui for package managment, was it even discussed?07:33
crevetteola ubuntuereos$07:50
didrocksmorning crevette07:51
crevettehey didrocks07:51
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seb128hello there08:43
crevettehi hi seb12808:45
seb128hey crevette mvo huats08:45
mvohey seb12808:45
chrisccoulsonhey seb12808:46
seb128hello chrisccoulson08:46
huatshello seb128 chrisccoulson crevette and mvo !08:46
chrisccoulsonhello huats08:46
crevettehey hey huats, chrisccoulson and mvo08:46
chrisccoulsonhello crevette and mvo also08:46
chrisccoulsonanyone i've missed? ;)08:47
mac_vasac: hi... Bug #387626 , are you involved in nm?08:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 387626 in hundredpapercuts "wireless notification icon is wrong signal strength" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38762608:47
didrockshey seb128, chrisccoulson, mvo08:48
mvohey huats, crevette, didrocks and chrisccoulson :)08:48
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks08:49
didrocksthe chan was so quiet before seb128 arrived :)08:49
huatsdidrocks: we follow our leader :P08:49
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i did some debugging with gsd last night. i've got a fix for the broken notification on mute now08:49
seb128didrocks, right, and now is time to collect homework08:49
* mvo hugs seb'party-cannon'12808:49
chrisccoulsonbut i havent solved the crash yet08:49
seb128chrisccoulson, ok, good08:50
seb128didrocks,huats: what about you? ;-)08:50
didrocksseb128: hem... you already collected it and I'm fighting against launchpad translation tool :)08:50
didrocksthe automatic export in bzr branch don't want to take my branch!08:51
huatsseb128: I am about to work on deskbar-applet08:51
seb128didrocks, ah ;-) Collected what, clutter-1? ;-)08:51
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i ran gsd in debug mode, and if you switch audio devices a few times, something goes horribly wrong (it starts spewing out loads of g_criticals) and it never recovers, but it doesn't always crash08:51
seb128huats, good!08:51
seb128chrisccoulson, you can maybe add a comment saying that on th GNOME bug08:52
chrisccoulsoni will do. i wanted to try and get a trace of the first critical with G_DEBUG=fatal_criticals, but the problem is it prints an unrelated critical message at startup and causes it to abort long before it gets to the interesting bit08:53
chrisccoulsonis there any way around that other than fixing the first error?08:53
mvoseb128: I just tried and it seems that for me gksu re-asks if I enter my password wrong08:54
didrocksseb128: no, yesterday's homework updates. You already sponsored them :-) Clutter will be more a week-end homework, I guess :)08:54
seb128mvo, in fact it doesn't there because it "*** glibc detected *** gksu: malloc(): memory corruption (fast): 0x08520467 ***"08:54
didrocksok, and I'm taking empathy as an extra bonus :)08:54
seb128mvo, which might be the same issue that you fixed yesterday08:54
seb128didrocks, it's already done08:54
mvoseb128: ok08:55
didrocksoh? waiting for publishing?08:55
seb128didrocks, huats, robert_ancell: versions.html outdated by one day08:55
seb128the script is crashing on rookery for some reason08:55
didrockshum, ok :/08:55
seb128and there is no gdb or valgrind there to debug08:55
huatsok seb128 thanks for letting us know08:55
seb128I blame it on mvo, sources_record.Lookup() crashes08:56
robert_ancellseb128, can it be run manually?  It should dump a stacktrace08:56
seb128I can get the issue easily with a python line08:56
seb128robert_ancell, it doesn't08:56
robert_ancellseb128, can you update the script to pipe the output to a log file?08:57
seb128robert_ancell, well the issue is simple enough08:57
seb128(waiting to get the prompt on the box)08:58
crevetteseb128, you want to keep the new libgnome settings for menu icons?08:59
crevettedon't you fear user reactions ? :)08:59
seb128crevette, it's an upstream choices why not giving a try to what they decided?08:59
seb128crevette, no, I'm used to users complaining08:59
crevettehonnetly I used thi settings since 2 weeks, and I'm fine with it08:59
seb128robert_ancell, mvo:08:59
seb128$ python -c 'import apt, apt_pkg; apt_pkg.Config.Set("Dir::Etc::sourcelist","./index/debian/etc/apt/sources.list"); cache = apt.Cache(rootdir="./index/debian"); cache.update(); sources_record = apt_pkg.GetPkgSrcRecords(); sources_record.Restart(); print sources_record.Lookup("speex")'09:00
seb128/usr/lib/python2.4/site-packages/apt/__init__.py:17: FutureWarning: apt API not stable yet09:00
seb128  warnings.warn("apt API not stable yet", FutureWarning)09:00
seb128*** glibc detected *** double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0821ce78 ***09:00
seb128 09:00
seb128that's the issue basically on rookery09:00
seb128code didn't change, Ng said rookery didn't change09:00
seb128and the same code works locally there09:00
robert_ancellcould be the cache?09:00
seb128I tried deleting the dir09:00
seb128it does the same after rebuilding a new one09:01
robert_ancellsomething weird with speex?09:01
seb128no, same on any source09:01
seb128speex is just the first in the list09:01
seb128but I tried with a bunch of names same issue09:01
robert_ancellvery odd09:01
seb128I might ask IS to install gdb or valgrind today09:02
asacmac_v: yes i am involved with NM :)09:27
mac_vasac: ah... could that be fixed? can nm notifications send the right signal strength?  BTW this only affects ubuntu , since we use notify-osd09:28
seb128asac, hi, did you do a wiki table or something about bluetooth devices?09:28
asacseb128: you mean a table where desktop team can say what devices they hav?09:30
seb128asac, what did we decide during the meeting?09:30
seb128asac, I though we would list devices we have so we know what else we need to test or I misunderstood?09:31
asacseb128: you are right.09:31
seb128asac, context I want to buy some device for testing not sure which one though09:31
asacwonder if that would be on wiki.ubuntu.com09:31
seb128ok, so the reply is that we don't have the table yet09:32
seb128I will just pick something, I've discount in a near shop to use before this evening09:32
asacseb128: i think there is so much bluetooth hardware that its unlikely that you will pick a dupe09:33
seb128right, thanks ;-)09:33
mvoseb128: python-apt> hm, myserious09:34
seb128mvo, they have a custom version supporting lzma or something09:35
seb128mvo, the box is still running dapper I think09:35
mvodapper :)09:35
mvothat brings back memories09:35
seb128ie weird mix but used to work until this week09:35
seb128and Ng says the install didn't change this week09:35
seb128so maybe the current debian index has something which makes this python-apt old version crash09:36
asacseb128: setup a "StaffBluetoothHardware" wiki.c.c patge09:36
seb128I'm wondering if I could do a local install of a newer version09:36
seb128asac, thanks!09:36
asacseb128: add your thing there .. i will ask folks to add their info09:37
seb128asac, will do ;-)09:37
asacmac_v: doesnt upstream also notify if connection was established?09:39
mac_vupstream doesn send the signal strength, just uses this icon > /usr/share/icons/gnome/scalable/status/nm-device-wireless , for everything09:39
mac_vasac: ^09:39
* seb128 is away for some shopping be back later09:42
cassidyseb128: hi. Would be good to sync telepathy-sofiasip package from Sid. Should I open a bug about that or can you do it directly?09:50
asacmac_v: i dont get the problem.09:51
asacmac_v: whats the differenve that makes this not an upstream bug?09:52
asacmac_v: i mean: why are we supposed to send signal strength, but upstream isnt? just because we use something that has -full in its name?09:52
mac_vasac: upstream doesnt have notification icons for every signal strength09:52
mac_vasac: we have icons for all strengths why not use them , make the notification more useful?09:53
asacmac_v: so checkout wireless_get_icon src/applet-device-wifi.c10:02
asacmac_v: the notifications can try the same thing that is used there to decide which icon to use in tray10:02
asacthats in wireless_device_state_changed10:02
mac_vasac: could you comment this on the bug report , about how this can be done?10:03
asacmac_v: paste what i wrote10:03
asaci have no more to say about it ;)10:03
mac_vMacSlow: ^10:03
asacexcept that i dont thinkg its really useful10:03
mac_vasac: just that MacSlow  wanted to know from your side , so felt it was better if the concerned dev wrote it10:04
asacpaste it to the bug. i dont see him commenting there though10:04
MacSlowmac_v, asac: haeh, what?10:05
mac_vthe bug about the wireles icon in the bubble10:05
mac_vasac: we had discussed it on #ayatana ;p10:05
asacnow i pasted it10:05
asacyou could have done the same ;)10:06
MacSlowmac_v, asac: which icon to use for what notification (if it is a system-level thing, like the wireless strength) is something to discuss with the design-folks on #ayatana10:06
mac_vMacSlow: we discussed the other day with kwwii in #ayatana, remember10:07
MacSlowmac_v, asac: btw... the initial patch for NetworkManager/applet I did not write10:07
MacSlowmac_v, only vaguely if at all10:07
* MacSlow is in bug-fixing mode atm10:08
asaci dont know about ayatana10:08
asacthey should be in here10:08
mac_vasac: they have a separate room #ayatana ;p10:08
MacSlowasac, btw... trying to merge you mem-leak related patch and fix some of the other pending reasons for potential mem-leaks10:08
asacMacSlow: please just push it ;)10:09
asacMacSlow: there were no commits after it10:09
asacMacSlow: what what are you trying to fix?10:09
MacSlowasac, I know... but nothing is going into notify-osd without me looking thoroughly over it... not being strict about such things caused problems10:10
asacok. but shouldnt take long ;)10:11
MacSlowasac, there are probably still some GObject-related issues in class Bubble causing g_object_unref(bubble) to not clean up as much as it should10:11
MacSlowasac, I want to add that to the commit/push with your patch as it fits the same topic/issue10:12
asacMacSlow: nah. please keep my commit separately10:12
asacMacSlow: dont try to be scarce about commits ;)10:12
asacMacSlow: wait another second i try to find another gigantic patch fixing many other memleaks10:13
MacSlowasac, I hope "gigantic" is a joke there10:13
asacno its the truth10:14
asacwait a nother second10:14
asaci made that in /tmp/ ... so the tree is gone. luckily i pastebinned it :)10:15
asacMacSlow: http://pastebin.com/f181a86ec ... thats on top of my patch10:19
asacMacSlow: there is a lot of fine cleanup code added.... but the big hit I hit in the end in stack.c10:19
asacMacSlow: so three main issues ádddressed there on top of what i already did:10:20
asac1. lots of error conditions didnt cleanup everything10:20
asac2. not all data surfaces not properly destroyed (i introduced destroy_cloned_surface )10:21
asac3. bubbles get never popped10:21
asac-> never unreffed10:21
asac-> never freed10:21
asac-> big bustage10:21
asaci ran som bruteforce thing against notify-osd10:21
asacbefore it was 100M mem-leak in 2 minutes10:21
asacnow its 200 k10:22
MacSlowlooks like a win10:22
MacSlowasac, thanks for getting some overtime off my shoulders!10:22
asacMacSlow: yeah i am not sure why you never freed any bubble ... the code suggested that there were issues with crashes10:22
asacbut i couldnt reproduce them ... and even if there were there is no reason not to free any bubble ;)10:22
MacSlowasac, there's some fundamental design issues in stack and the list-queue it maintains10:23
asacMacSlow: no problem. just get that reviewed and committed. if there are problems let me know.10:23
MacSlowasac, I can tell you a bit more about what led to this in Dublin... if you're interested10:23
asacMacSlow: what are those probles. i didnt see that directly. when things get removed they should get popped of the stack10:23
MacSlowasac, e.g. stach should not keep a list of bubbles... way too heavy objects... but instead abstract notifications objects... much lighter10:24
MacSlowasac, at any time only two bubble objects at maximum should be in memory10:25
asacMacSlow: thats true thats what i wondered about as well ;)10:26
asacbut we should free them for now when they got processed10:26
MacSlowasac, that's when you get rushed and told "you can polish that later, move on"10:26
asacMacSlow: i know :)10:27
mvoI need a good name for the list on the left side of: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AppCenter?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=1.0-available-home.jpg - do you have any suggestions? the one with "avaialble software", ...10:27
mvo"ActivityList", "SwitchBoard" - help :)10:28
asacMacSlow: i will commit that as a separate commit to the leak branch or make a separate branch on top of that ... let me know10:29
chrisccoulsonpitti - now that gnome-session suspends the machine directly via dk-power, what tells gnome-screensaver to lock the screen now, so that it resumes in the locked state? (i think that g-p-m used to do that, but i can't test it because suspend doesn't work on my machine)10:29
chrisccoulsoni only ask because i've seen some users saying their machines resume with the screen unlocked now10:29
MacSlowasac, well for the sake of clean-ness if you could make a second branch-proposal with your pastebin stuff on top of trunk (after I merged your first stuff)10:30
MacSlowasac, one moment10:30
asacMacSlow: ok thats better10:30
asacMacSlow: i can make two or three commits out of it10:30
asace.g. error case fixes10:30
Ngmvo: a conceptual name, or a display name?10:31
MacSlowasac, even better thanks10:31
mvoNg: a conceptual name10:31
asaccopy_surface fixes, etc.10:31
asacMacSlow: let me know when you have merged the other in10:31
mvoNg: not a UI name, I will nag the design guys for that10:31
mvoNg: but something I can idenitfy it (and name the class after) - I feel so uncreative today :/10:31
Ngmvo: viewswitcher?10:31
Ngthat seems to express what it does10:32
mvoNg: yeah, thats nice10:32
Ngmvo: when you talk to the UI folks about display names, can I suggest that "Available software" say "Get new software"? I think "Available" and "Installed" could be interpreted to mean the same thing ;)10:32
* mvo was also considering class ViewView(gtk.TreeView)10:33
mac_vmvo: listswitcher ? ;p10:33
mvoNg: thanks, that does make sense, I will mention it to mpt when he is back10:34
davmor2seb128: I know this isn't priority but I found a work around for bug 384767 however once the bbc iplayer plugin is up and running there is a new error but I think that might be just audio teething issues on my test box but I'll create a new bug for it shortly.10:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384767 in totem "Karmic: Totem BBCiPlayer plugin doesn't install" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38476710:37
* mvo is happy that his 10 minutes writer's block is over :)10:37
Nghmm, is something a bit sideways in karmic gtk atm? context menu icons don't seem to be loading10:37
MacSlowasac, merged, tested and pushed10:44
asacMacSlow: great10:44
MacSlowasac, lp is still updating10:44
pittiGood morning10:45
asachi pitti10:45
pitti*grumble* virus infection and fever :/10:45
mvooh, poor pitti10:45
asacpitti: oh dear .... keep that away from me10:45
mvoget well!10:45
pittiyeah, will try10:45
asacpitti: go back to bed so you  are getting well for dublin ;)10:45
MacSlowpitti, well... get well soon... and don't spread it in Dublin ;)10:45
al-maisanpitti: gute Besserung :)10:45
pittithe doctor said it usually lasts three days, so if I'm feeling good enough I can come to the sprint10:45
pittibut no hugs this time10:46
pittithanks guys10:46
* asac takes a mental note10:46
pittino swine flu, though :)10:46
pittilool: sure, for home users that might make sense; however, in order for that to make sense we also need to sort out the keyring password and such10:48
crevette_asac, I seen your reply on the gnome-bluetooth, the introspection build should be disabled I guess, it is true I read somewhere it was not building10:49
crevette_this is weird the build on ppa worked.10:49
=== crevette_ is now known as crevette
asaccrevette: it didnt buld here. either missing build-dep or something else not proper10:50
crevetteasac, no, introspection is not working10:50
crevetteI can disable that, this is a know issue apparently10:50
asaccrevette: yeah could be its automatically enabled if the package is on system (i didnt not use pbuilder etc.)10:55
asaccrevette: so explicitly disabling might help10:55
asaccrevette: why doesnt introdpection not work? any idea?10:56
didrockspitti: take care :)10:57
=== onestone_ is now known as onestone
* pitti -> back to bed, cu next week11:07
crevetteasac, it does't build upstream neither, this is not ubuntu specific.11:09
asaccrevette: right. we should disable it explicitly then. whats the configure switch for that so i can check what i wanted to check in the first place?11:11
seb128cassidy, can do it11:11
seb128pitti, hey11:12
seb128pitti, should I start taking vitamines to not get your flu sunday? ;-)11:12
crevetteasac, I can't see the flag in configure.ac, perhaps a ./configure --help may help11:14
asaci found enable introspection in acinclude.m411:14
asaclet me try --disable-introspection11:15
asacok builds with that11:19
asacgnome-bluetooth conflicts with bluez-gnome11:19
asac  blueman provides bluez-gnome and is present and installed.11:19
asacdpkg: error processing gnome-bluetooth_2.27.8-0ubuntu1_i386.deb (--install):11:19
asac conflicting packages - not installing gnome-bluetooth11:19
asaccrevette: ^11:19
crevettethat's why I don't like build in system, you pick unwanted dependencies :)11:19
asaci think we need to conflit/provudes it11:19
asaccrevette: yes. but its a packaging bug if it does that ;)11:20
crevettehmm, I used to be there....11:20
crevetteasac, my sentence was unrelated to the error you just pasted11:20
asacheh ok11:20
asacstill its a packaging bug ;)11:20
asaccrevette: so i dont see the problem you describe11:21
crevetteokay perhaps a ppa issue11:21
asacthe build starts and works without CPU spikes ... also i dont get any error/warning11:22
crevettedid you launched the properties or the wizard?11:22
crevetteit happened there11:22
asaccrevette: ok i will --disable-introspection and check if there is something with the conflicts/provides we can do and upload11:22
asaccrevette: oh let me try that11:22
asacyeah that shows the same bug11:24
MacSlowasac, any estimates when you think you can work on that three-way split up of the pastebin patch for notify-osd?11:24
asacMacSlow: when do you need it?11:31
MacSlowasac, the earlier the better...11:31
MacSlowasac, today I only do bug-fixing, testing and merge work11:31
asaci will check after lunch11:32
asachell. emacs diff-split-hunk is gone ... where was that in?11:36
asaci had that for ages11:36
asacemacs22-el ... maybe11:37
asacMacSlow: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~asac/notify-osd/lp405364_more_memleaks/+merge/9502 -> "please push (not merge) to keep my detailed commit logs ;)."12:21
MacSlowasac, I only know how to merge using "merge"12:23
MacSlowasac, how does the other suggested process work?12:24
asacMacSlow: you can just pull it and if you did review push to the lp:notify-osd branch12:25
asacMacSlow: that only works if the branches have not diverged (e.g. no more commits on lp:notify-osd after i started the other  branch)12:25
asacbut i think thats the case12:25
asacif you already committed something afterwards only merge will work ;)12:26
MacSlowasac, oh... thanks for rev. 358 I was expecting to do this maintainer-burden stuff myself12:27
asacMacSlow: let me know if there is something or if you have pushed it ... would like to upload a new notify-osd to karmic today based on latest upstream12:27
MacSlowasac, yeah... I'd like to do a tarball-release too today if possible12:27
asacMacSlow: hehe. i just found by accident that you actually did maintain such a file in bzr log ... so i added myself (other projects ask you to add yourself if you want to be in that list)12:27
seb128oh, asac tracking notify-osd now, one less thing to do for me there ;-)12:27
asacMacSlow: yeah then do some testing and let me know12:27
asacseb128: its an opportunistic thing because i did some work on it ... in future you can have it back ;)12:28
seb128asac, you touch it you keep it ;-)12:28
asacseb128: actually i think its a team thing anyway12:28
seb128it's sticky12:28
asacoh good12:28
MacSlowseb128, asac helped me a good bunch with some overdue bug-fixing (mem-leaks)12:28
seb128MacSlow, I noticed I'm subscribed to notify-osd component on launchpad12:28
asacseb128: i can do that ... everything is in bzr so its pretty great ;)12:28
seb128or rather the ubuntu notify-osd one12:29
asacand simple12:29
seb128asac, make sure to nag MacSlow to look at bugs too ;-)12:29
asacseb128: hmm. unlikely i can do that regularly ;)12:29
seb128alright, I will keep having a look then ;-)12:29
seb128was worth trying12:30
asaci am still confident that adding QA resources to our team would be a great win12:30
seb128no doubt about that12:30
MacSlowasac, argl... rev 360 conflicts with fixes I did myself in another branch12:32
MacSlowasac, but it's not that bad as it's mostly the same kind of fix12:33
asacMacSlow: 360 is the big error handling ?12:34
MacSlowasac, just conflicts with some GObject disposal cleanups and fixes I did12:34
asacah even more ;)12:35
MacSlowasac, god... I hate that inconsistent coding style... in stack.c (not your fault)12:35
asacMacSlow: yeah.12:36
asacMacSlow: are we working towards notify-osd 1.0?12:38
* asac saw that there is a 0.9 branch12:39
MacSlowasac, no... it#s not feature complete12:39
MacSlowand there's still too much left to fix12:39
MacSlowto call it 1.012:39
MacSlowonly if all feature from the spec are implemented and it's cleaned of all major bugs it'll be considered 1.012:40
asacMacSlow: so 1.0 not for karmic?12:40
MacSlowasac, and I don't see that happening soon12:40
MacSlowasac, impossible12:40
MacSlowasac, and I don't want to know what additiona work will be piled upon me in Dublin12:40
MacSlowasac, except for coding-style/formatting I'd say https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~asac/notify-osd/lp405364_more_memleaks looks good testing now12:41
asacMacSlow: what coding style things you dont like?12:42
MacSlowif (condition) {12:42
asacgiven that its inconsitent we could do a coding style cleanup commit afterwards i would thiink12:42
asacMacSlow: oh yeah. thats where i had printf in i think12:42
MacSlowasac, well sure but12:42
asacanything else?12:43
MacSlowasac, I'm also missing the time to write a coding-style guideline for patch submission12:43
MacSlowasac, not that I can think of atm12:43
asacMacSlow: ok i can fix those if you want that12:43
asacits an odd coding style though ;)12:43
MacSlowasac, no... I'll do that afterwars12:43
asacok thanks12:44
MacSlowasac, what did you do to monitor notify-osd's mem-usage to verify your patches?12:50
asacMacSlow: valgrind12:50
asacMacSlow: also i reduced timeout and ran a while sending notifications12:50
asacMacSlow: there are still a few leaks ... but i managed to get down from 200MB in a few minutes to like 200-300k12:51
MacSlowasac, how do you test with valgrind12:51
MacSlowasac, I mean in a "monitoring" fashion12:51
seb128run valgrind notify-osd, use a bit and ctrl-c12:51
seb128and see the summary12:52
asacMacSlow: build it with debugging symbols and -O0 .... then killall valgrind --leak-check=full; ./src/notify-odf12:52
asacthen wait until you see in top that memcheck has settled12:52
MacSlowasac, seb128: ah... I thought it had a top-like mode too12:52
asacand start sending notification12:52
asacthen after a few minutes, you cancel it and get a summary12:52
asacbut those are a bit tricky to interpret12:52
seb128MacSlow, G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly  valgrind -v --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full valgrind notify-osd12:52
seb128MacSlow, G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly  valgrind -v --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full notify-osd12:53
asacright G_SLICE=always-malloc is also good12:53
MacSlowasac, I still have to learn the full ins and outs of valgrind12:53
asacMacSlow: yeah. so testing in a build tree, do like i said and set  G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly12:53
asacthat will give you beset results12:53
asackillall notify-osd; valgrind --leak-check=full ./src/notify-osd12:54
asacsorry there were typos further up ;)12:54
asacso: killall notify-osd; G_SLICE=always-malloc G_DEBUG=gc-friendly valgrind --leak-check=full ./src/notify-osd12:55
asacMacSlow: ^ ;)12:55
asacthen hit ctrl-c after a while processing notification12:55
asacsometimes the output directly shows you where theproblem is ... but often it just tells you: you still have a leak ... and you still have to read code thoroughly; which is why i did all the error case cleaning12:56
MacSlowasac, so I can push your branch now to trunk via lp you said?13:03
asacMacSlow: yes. if it doesnt work bzr would complain13:03
asacso its safe13:03
MacSlowasac, how? I don't see any button on link for it... where is that "hidden"?13:04
asacMacSlow: oh . i dont know about lp interface. you can just do a bzr push lp:notify-osd if you have my branch locally13:05
asacMacSlow: it should also mark the merge request merge. at least it does if i push merges that way13:05
asachow do you merge without merging on your local disk?13:06
asacit doesnt do that if i approve merges at least13:06
MacSlowasac, if I do "bzr push lp:notify-osd" from your branch I've locally on my hd I get "No new revisions to push"13:07
asacMacSlow: heh. do you have a local checkout?13:08
asacor branch?13:08
MacSlowasac, I always work with branches13:08
MacSlownever used checkout13:08
asacMacSlow: if you have a local checkout and do bzr pull ... it automatically pushed it13:08
MacSlowbecause ehm...13:08
MacSlowI forgot13:08
asacdid you bind?13:08
MacSlowsomeone from the dx-team suggested taht13:08
asacbzr info13:08
asacMacSlow: are you sure you are in my new branch? which revision is on top there?13:09
MacSlowasac, no it's unbound13:09
asacmaybe you are accidentially in the already merged one?13:09
asacif i do it locally it works:13:10
asacnotify-osd.memleak1$ bzr push ../notify-osd13:10
asacAll changes applied successfully.13:10
asacPushed up to revision 363.13:11
crevetteasac, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=58928013:11
ubottuGnome bug 589280 in introspection "GnomeBluetooth-1.0.gir does not build" [Normal,Unconfirmed]13:11
asacDBusGlib-1.0.gir missing?13:12
asacseb128: how do we get the xlib-1.0.gir into the repository?13:12
asacwhich package is supposd to do that?13:12
MacSlowasac, I don't want to waste more time on relearning some process with bzr which I already know and which works13:13
MacSlowasac, I'll do it the way I'm used to13:13
crevetteasac, don't need to bother with introspection now13:13
MacSlowasac, besides... doing so nothing of your comments or commits is lost13:13
MacSlowasac, I can see everything just find in olive-gtk or bzr log13:13
asacMacSlow: its ok ... but its really just bzr branch mybranch; cd mybranch; bzr push lp:notify-osd13:14
asacif that doesnt work its a bug13:14
asacgo ahead as you suggested13:14
seb128asac, xlib-1.0.gir? since when has xlib introspection?13:15
asacseb128: not sure. gnome-bluetooth wants that13:15
asacone sec13:15
crevetteasac, as I said this is not a showstopper now13:15
crevetteI wouldn't loose 2 minuts on that :)13:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406592 in gnome-bluetooth "please sponsor new release 2.27.8" [Undecided,New]13:15
asacseb128: ^13:15
asaccrevette: well. introspection is nice ;) ... not a showstopper yes.13:16
crevetteI don't even know what is it :)13:16
seb128asac, gobject-introspection-freedesktop13:16
* crevette is ashamed :/13:16
seb128asac, it's xlib-2.0.gir not xlib-1.0.gir ;-)13:16
asaccrevette: its something that makes it more or less trivial to code against dbus interfaces like in python13:17
asacat least thats the most use.13:17
asaci guess its probably something general for python gobject bindings13:17
asacseb128: nice13:17
asacseb128: but it seems that that isnt even referred to in the source code :)13:18
asacmaybe what ever ships 2.0.gir did add it wrongly to the repo13:18
asacor something including 1.9.dir13:18
seb128asac, well gobject-introspection is a pack will all the .gir13:18
seb128asac, the goal is to have those built by each source though13:19
asacseb128: i dont have anything related to Xlib in /usr/lib/girepository-1.0/13:19
seb128ie ideally the xlib .gir would be built by xlib13:19
asacseb128: so its a standalone source package?13:19
seb128asac, it's in /usr/share/gir-1.0/xlib-2.0.gir13:19
seb128asac,  /usr/lib/girepository-1.0/ was the old location13:20
seb128no, not the old one, the typelib one13:20
asacseb128: maybe you have something on your system that i dont have yet? e.g. gnome-öshell?13:20
seb128asac, /usr/lib/girepository-1.0/ has the .typelib for runtime13:21
asacat least xlib is not there for me13:21
asacseb128: which package ships that for you?13:21
seb128asac, sudo apt-get install gobject-introspection-freedesktop?13:21
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asacseb128: why wasnt that installed? there were other gir things installed there13:22
seb128asac, gir is splitted in gir and gir-fdo13:22
seb128ie the gnome and freedesktop stacks are different binaries13:22
asacah ok13:22
seb128you probably had the gnome only, which is required for gnome-shell13:23
asacyeah so now i end up in DBusGLib-1.0.gir13:24
asaclike in the gnome bug13:24
seb128asac, it's name Dbus-1.0.gir13:25
seb128oh, or they are different things13:25
asacseb128: i think DbusGlib is the dbus glib thing13:25
asacseb128: the dbus lib in C is not using gobject ... so i guess its really Dbus-1.0.gir13:26
asacbut thats a wrong name imo13:26
asacthough its shipped by same source afaik13:26
asacseb128: so i guess we need to add that manually to -freedesktop13:27
seb128asac, let me look13:27
seb128asac, it's possible that somebody forgot to update a .install13:28
seb128asac, I'm test building right now13:28
asaci dont see a DBus thing in the introspection sources ... nor in dbus. but could be that gir's are produced during build13:29
seb128$ ls gir | grep DBus13:32
seb128"MISSIONCONTROL_GIRSOURCES = DBusGLib-1.0.gir \13:33
seb128                            TelepathyGLib.gir \13:33
seb128                            LibTelepathy.gir13:33
seb128I guess it lacks a build depends on mission-control13:33
seb128dnl mission-control (disabled for now, it has odd structs and isn't useful yet)13:33
seb128in configure.ac13:34
seb128asac, ^ upstream doesn't build it right now13:34
seb128"dnl PKG_CHECK_MODULES(MISSIONCONTROL, libmissioncontrol,13:34
seb128dnl                  have_missioncontrol=true, have_missioncontrol=false)13:34
seb128not sure why they need missioncontrol to build dbusglib though13:35
seb128let's ask walters when he's around13:35
asacseb128: what is mission control?13:48
asace.g. why is a base thing like dbusglib in there?13:49
seb128asac, the sort of server in the telepathy stack13:49
seb128asac, " not sure why they need missioncontrol to build dbusglib though"13:49
seb128asac, dunno, that's what I want to ask when walters is around13:49
asacyeah sorry. this whole telepathy thing is pretty far from what i know about13:50
asaci think they came up with this whole introspection thing?13:50
seb128no, the introspection and telepathy guys are the same ones13:51
seb128introspection is mainly done by the litl and js binding guys I think13:52
asacinteresting. do we have those js bindings already?13:52
seb128asac, yes, apt-cache show gjs13:53
seb128asac, that's what gnome-shell is using13:53
asacoh ;) ... that was what i just got removed when trying ot install the old gobject-introspection package13:53
asacoh gjs istn installable atm13:55
asac gjs: Depends: libgirepository1 (>= 0.5.0)13:55
asacmaybe needs a respin because of lib transition or something?13:56
asacok seems like it13:57
asacwill upload13:57
asacwe had a transition in libgirreposiory to 1.0-013:57
seb128asac, yes that's due to the gir recent changes13:59
seb128I will fix that now13:59
asacseb128: i changed build depends and wanted to upload13:59
seb128ie didrocks resynced on debian13:59
seb128and the naming slightly changed13:59
seb128asac, go for it13:59
asaci have the bits ready if you dont mind13:59
seb128thank you13:59
asacurgh. forgot depends of -dev package. also fixed ;)14:08
didrocksasac, seb128: yes, that's why mutter as weel should be worked on this week-end. But as I wasn't in the repo yet, I didn't take the time to do it before renaming :)14:21
seb128didrocks, gjs is in universe14:21
didrockshum, really? Strange that I didn't rdepends first :/14:22
didrockssorry in this case14:22
seb128didrocks, that's ok don't worry gjs is of no real use until we get gnome-sheel14:24
seb128mvo, not sure how much you read bug emails; bug #407240 is easy to close14:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407240 in software-properties "Please update the translation template software-properties.pot" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40724014:40
mvoseb128: right, thanks14:40
seb128mvo, could be easier for you to make debian rules update it automatically14:41
seb128mvo, you're welcome14:41
dobeyseb128: is there any way to have the ubuntuone team automatically be able to view all the private bugs against our packages?14:45
seb128dobey, not that I know the way usually is to be in the bugsquad14:45
seb128talk to pedro about it, you can probably be added there14:46
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i think i've solved that gnome-settings-daemon crash now :)14:46
seb128chrisccoulson, you rock as usual ;-)14:47
chrisccoulsoncertainly, there's no more memory errors in valgrind14:47
chrisccoulsoni couldn't reproduce the crash that reliably so i could do with finding someone else who could reproduce it so they can test it;)14:47
seb128well fixing valgrind errors is a good start14:48
seb128I guess awe will be able to test when he's back online14:48
dobeyseb128: but then i get all the ubuntu bugs in my mail if i do that, right?14:50
seb128dobey, no, the team has a mailing list members don't get emailed14:50
seb128it just access control by team membership basically14:50
dobeyseb128: oh ok14:50
pedro_dobey, thought you were able to see those reports, let me have a look14:51
dobeypedro_: i don't get to see the private ones automatically, no14:51
pedro_dobey, added you to the team, could you check now?14:52
=== andreasn_ is now known as andreasn
seb128dobey, pedro_: btw I've added an apport hook which should reassign crashers in libnautilus-ubuntuone directly to ubuntuone-client14:53
seb128and make the ubuntuone-client hook to be run14:53
dobeypedro_: i see more bugs now14:53
pedro_dobey, then it's working :-)14:53
dobeyseb128: nice14:54
seb128dobey, you don't get email notification for private bugs btw so you need to watch this list on launchpad14:54
dobeyseb128: yeah14:54
asacdidrocks: no problem. you say we will get mutter in archive soon?14:54
seb128asac, we should, I put didrocks on that task because it blocks gnome-shell ;-)14:55
seb128asac, it's in the ubuntu-desktop ppa for now14:55
dobeyseb128: i wish i could not get mail for other things too :)14:55
asacwill we do that in debian? i should open ITPs for network-manager-netbook and carrick (both need mutter) then14:56
didrocksasac, seb128 : I'll work on this this week-end14:56
seb128asac, you are welcome to do debian sponsoring if you want, I don't intend to work on it there14:57
seb128debian not accepting source uploads sucks and I don't have the bandwith to keep a debian unstable uptodate for builds14:57
didrocksasac: I can open an ITP later for mutter if you wish14:57
didrockswish* :)14:59
asacdidrocks: your decision ;) ... if you want to maintain that on longer run, than that makes sense15:00
asacotherwise we should open a RFP and attach our work15:01
asacit always is a bit hard to see how work we do gets trashed because someone in debian does his own package from scratch15:01
seb128you could think that by now debian people know they can use ubuntu work and look there first when packaging something new ;-)15:03
didrocksasac: I volonteer to maintain it :)15:04
didrocksasac: I will ping you on Monday about that15:04
asacseb128: you would think. but thats not the case15:04
asacat least not always15:05
seb128mvo, what is the canonical source for SimpleGtkbuilderApp?15:13
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm failry certain that the patch i've written will fix that gsd crash now. i'm just sending it upstream - do you want it in ubuntu before the next tarball release? you might want it if you're all testing bluetooth hardware next week;)15:13
seb128chrisccoulson, would be nice yes15:13
chrisccoulsonthanks - i'll push that to bzr shortly15:14
=== WelshDragon is now known as Cuddles
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i've pushed the gsd changes to bzr now16:03
seb128chrisccoulson, thanks16:03
chrisccoulsonit also fixes the notification issue, and i've fixed another issue i just noticed where it sends notify-osd duplicate notifications16:04
seb128walters, hey16:05
waltershi seb12816:06
seb128walters, do you know why the DbusGlib gir depends on mission-control and is not built?16:06
seb128or DBusGLib rather16:06
seb128walters, gnome-bluetooth gir build-depends on it apparently16:07
waltersthe dependency is the other way around; and basically because i ran into problems scanning something in that stack, i forget16:07
waltersgnome-bluetooth depends on the dbus-glib gir?16:07
seb128ok, I need to look again at why we don't have a DBusGLib gir then16:08
seb128walters, ^16:08
ubottuError: Could not parse XML returned by Gnome: timed out (http://bugzilla.gnome.org/xml.cgi?id=589280)16:08
seb128bah bugzilla sucks, it's not responding again16:09
asaci hope its the right one. i couldnt open it either ;)16:09
waltershm, yeah not loading here either16:11
waltersi should try to move the dbus-glib gir into dbus-glib itself16:11
seb128chrisccoulson, 61_fix_volume_notification.patch .. did you send that one upstream?16:12
chrisccoulsonseb128 - i'm going to open it on bugzilla and do that now16:12
seb128chrisccoulson, ok thanks16:12
chrisccoulsonyou're welcome16:13
SiDiasac: MacSlow: hi guys. In notify-osd's source, defaults.c:defaults_init (l625+) isnt there a memory leak in case there is an error ?16:13
SiDiGerror* error would then be set but never fred16:13
asacdid MacSlow commit my stuff yet? /me checks16:14
seb128gra, I suck, I looked to wrong gobject-introspection source directory16:14
SiDiasac: i may not have the latest code. i've got some changes on my side so i dont wanna merge :]16:14
MacSlowasac, SiDi: asac's patches are in trunk now16:14
asacok its committeed16:15
asacthx MacSlow16:15
MacSlowasac, SiDi: atm I'm doing further potential mem-leak fixes16:15
SiDiMacSlow: okey.16:15
SiDidefaults.c hasnt been touched so its probably still there. I suppose the error should be fred but i never used gconf so i dont know if it explicitely wants you to free it or if it uses static memory for it16:16
asacyes. error needs to be freed afaik16:17
SiDiokies, thanks16:17
asacits not returned or something, so yeah16:18
seb128asac, walters: bugzilla is back16:18
asacsame for src/dialog.c pango_parse_markup error16:19
asacand bubble.c load_icon16:19
seb128walters, are you sure that's the other way around for mission-control? it seems that DBusGLib is not installed due to mission control not being built16:19
waltershm, that's possible16:20
asacand dnd.c: dnd_is_screensaver_active and dnd_is_screensaver_inhibited16:20
asacdbus.c has the proper error_free ... good16:20
seb128"MISSIONCONTROL_GIRSOURCES = DBusGLib-1.0.gir \16:20
asacthats it16:20
seb128                            TelepathyGLib.gir \16:20
seb128                            LibTelepathy.gir"16:20
asacMacSlow: ^^16:21
asactake those too16:21
asac(last few lines i wrote)16:21
seb128walters, that's gir/Makefile.am16:21
=== Cuddles is now known as Fluffles
seb128chrisccoulson, I've fixed the patch tags to be the same than on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/PatchTaggingGuidelines and sponsor the upload now16:22
seb128chrisccoulson, ie Ubuntu, Upstream, Description16:23
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks16:23
* rickspencer31 is getting on a plane in 20 minutes16:23
seb128hey rickspencer3116:23
rickspencer31oops, caps lock :/16:24
seb128rickspencer31, have a good atlantic crossing16:24
rickspencer31seb128: thanks16:24
rickspencer31I'll be in SF airport for bit this afternoon16:25
mvoseb128: there is no canonical source currently, but we should just create a project :)16:33
seb128mvo, ok16:33
seb128mvo, I'm wondering if that makes sense to display a warning for get_name on non buildable objects16:34
seb128ie gdebi16:34
seb128WARNING: can not get name for '<gtk.TextBuffer object at 0x98d9b44 (GtkTextBuffer at 0x9c41a00)>'16:34
mvoseb128: I have not yet made up my mind on this, I added it for now16:34
seb128I'm not sure why you consider it as being an issue worth a warning16:34
mvoseb128: but I don't quite undetstand how gtkbuilder does deal with those16:34
mvoi mean, it needs to have a way to contruct them too16:35
seb128yeah, I don't know either16:35
mvoI just added it to see what is affected, just silence it :)16:35
mvoit should probably be something like logging.debug()16:35
seb128right, no big deal I was just having a look to some gdebi bugs16:36
seb128and I noticed that warning16:36
mvodo you want me to import it into a branch?16:36
mvoaha, ok16:36
mvoseb128: anything interessting? gdebi should be ok-ish as far as triage goes16:36
seb128but apparently I suck at making valgrind run on python code16:36
seb128mvo, deprecation warning16:36
* mvo nods16:36
seb128ie .installedVersion -> installed.version16:36
mvoyeah, a lot16:37
seb128but some less trivial too ;-)16:37
waltersseb128: pymalloc does crazy stuff; there's a patch to have python detect valgrind and be less crazy in their issue tracker i think16:37
seb128walters, ah, thanks for the hint16:37
seb128mvo, in fact I was looking at a crash which has quite some duplicates but otherwise gdebi seems in good state16:38
seb128the "  gdebi-gtk crashed with SIGSEGV in gtk_button_set_label()" one16:38
waltersseb128: i'm poking at doing the dbus-glib gir in dbus-glib itself, but if it's blocking you i'd just build gnome-bluetooth without introspection for now since I don't think anything uses it16:38
mvoseb128: oh, this one - I have no idea what might cause it :/16:38
seb128mvo, but I failed to make valgrind work as said and got sidetracked by warnings ;-)16:38
mvoseb128: have you seen the new "look-inside-the-deb" feature?16:39
mvoI quite like it16:39
seb128walters, right, that's what asac was about to do I think, we just tried to understand if the issue was a packaging one for dbusglib gir16:39
seb128mvo, yes, nice work ;-)16:39
seb128asac, can I tell firefox to display patches inline?16:42
asacseb128: i usually change the mime type of the attachment ;)16:49
seb128asac, bah ;-)16:49
seb128not to mention that firefox 3.5 display no choice by default to open a patch16:49
seb128and that the "select an application" dialog sucks16:49
asacseb128: what do you want in the dialog?16:50
seb128the same thing as in nautilus? ;-)16:50
asacseb128: you mean if you select "other ..." ?16:50
asacwe are waiting for nautilus or gtk shipping that feature in a lib16:51
asacto adapt firefox16:51
asacwe would be happy to do that16:51
seb128the default is "open with <nothing>"16:51
seb128good point16:51
asacseb128: does it at least suggest gedit?16:51
asacin preferences -> applications16:51
seb128well now I picked /usr/bin/gedit in the fileselector so yes16:52
seb128but by default there was nothing16:53
seb128and it return an error about <null>16:53
seb128when clicking on the open button16:53
asacseb128: what mime type is it on launchpad?16:53
asacalso does gnomevfs-info URL suggest something sane?16:54
seb128asac, "text/x-diff"16:54
seb128$ gnomevfs-info http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29751919/gwbber.diff16:54
seb128MIME type         : text/x-diff16:55
seb128Default app       : gedit.desktop16:55
asacsounds like a bug then16:55
asaclet me check if i can reproduce16:55
seb128asac, though that's not the one I had the issue on early when I had to pick gedit though16:56
asachmm suggests gedit for me here16:56
asacseb128: yeah. maybe the one with the problem has a different mime type?16:56
asacseb128: which one was it16:56
seb128asac, I didn't note it that was yesterday, any way to reset the associations I did?16:57
asacseb128: yes: find $HOME/.mozilla/firefox-3.5/ | grep mime16:58
asacmimeTypes.rdf ... and remove those16:59
asacstop ffox before16:59
asacat least i think thats the case ;)16:59
asacseb128: you can also go to preferences -> applications16:59
asacand set it to always ask again16:59
asacbut not sure if that forgets the gedit association completely16:59
seb128asac, ok, so I deleted the types rdf thing and restarted firefox17:00
seb128asac, firefox-3.5 http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29751919/gwibber.diff17:00
seb128it has "open with <browse>"17:00
seb128if I click ok it says17:01
seb128"The application you chose ("(null)") could not be found.  Check the file name or choose another application."17:01
seb128ie no default choice there17:01
asacseb128: do you have firefox-3.5-gnome-support installed?17:03
asacor rather xulrunner-1.9.1-gnome-support ?17:03
seb128asac, no17:04
seb128should that be a recommends? ;-)17:04
asacseb128: yes. but but but ...17:06
asaci gave in to requests from kubuntu folks17:07
asacimo thats a general problem. we cannot recommend anything from gnome if the software is also used on kubuntu :(17:07
asacneeds some innovation17:08
asaci guess something for mvo ^^17:08
seb128asac, the software is not used on kubuntu though, at least by default17:10
seb128asac, the users who install it can uninstall the recommends if they don't want it17:10
seb128or they could have a xulrunner-kde in alternative recommends17:11
seb128but yeah, having some flavor hint for install would be nice17:11
asacright but their argument is: because its used by default in ubuntu a recommends is not needed because -gnome-support gets pulled by ubuntu-desktop17:12
seb128well proof it doesn't work17:12
seb128especially on a non default firefox version ;-)17:12
asacanyway i have a hacky solution ;)17:13
seb128I think we should not break the recommends meaning to please some users17:13
asacjust need to implement it and convince myself to maintain that. it involves shipping all plugins in the xulrunner main package and stripping the gnome related depends manually out of control or something17:13
seb128they can switch off recommends if they don't want those17:13
asacit works because the plugins are just not loaded if not all libs are fulfillede17:13
asacseb128: right. i would have never given in, if it wasnt that most kubuntu users use firefox ;)17:14
asacand install it afterwards17:14
seb128asac, I don't like the runtime thing17:14
asacseb128: thats how firefox upstream is shipped17:14
seb128I much prefer a -gnome which has the right depends17:14
asacthey ship the gnome components17:15
asacif kubuntu folks run it, they just are auto disabled17:15
asacseb128: yes the -gnome would still exist17:15
asacjust an empty package with just the dependencies17:15
asacbut the libs we need are installed on all machines anyway, so it wouldnt be a problem if someone doesnt install -gnome anymore17:16
=== Cuddles is now known as Fluffles
seb128asac, the issue with your way is that an apt-get install firefox-3.17:17
seb128on a stock install wouldn't install gnomevfs, etc17:18
seb128so opening patches wouldn't work out of the box17:18
seb128stock install being a minimal install, not an ubuntu-desktop one17:18
seb128if firefox needs xulrunner-1.9.1-gnome-support for a full user experience it should recommends it17:19
seb128or recommends gnomevfs, etc17:19
asacyeah. the gnomevfs part changed since gvfs is not default17:20
asacok off ... for weekend. see you in dublin seb12817:22
seb128same here17:22
seb128asac, enjoy, see you on sunday17:22
asaci am landing at 2300 ... so maybe monday17:23
seb128asac, yeah probably then17:26
maxbmvo: Are you around? I've noticed that when you did the last notification-daemon upload you didn't commit it to the bzr branch - just an accident?17:45
pittiseb128: vitamines> heh, you might; but as I said, no cuddling this time (viruses don't really spread airborne)17:54
chrisccoulsonyou're not very well pitti? virtual hugs only then ;)18:00
* chrisccoulson hugs pitti18:01
mvomaxb: let me check18:01
didrockschrisccoulson: not hug, you are mad :)18:02
didrockspitti: do you feel a little better, less tired now?18:02
chrisccoulsonhey didrocks18:03
chrisccoulsonhow are you?18:03
didrocksfine, and you? :)18:03
chrisccoulsonyeah, not too bad. i always like fridays because i finish work at lunchtime :)18:04
didrockshow lucky you are :)18:04
chrisccoulsoni don't feel so luck from mondays to thursdays though ;)18:05
chrisccoulsoni'm always glad to get to the weekend!18:05
didrockschrisccoulson: do you have some holidays soon?18:05
mvomaxb: should be up-to-date again now18:05
chrisccoulsondidrocks - i've got the week after next away from work, but i'm not actually going on vacation anywhere18:06
didrockschrisccoulson: hum, you will be the channel keeper in august, I guess18:06
maxbmvo: Excellent! Can I trouble you to upgrade the branch to a nondeprecated format whilst you're there?18:07
chrisccoulsonis everyone disappearing in august?18:07
didrockschrisccoulson: it seems that from former discussion.18:08
mvomaxb: sure, doing that now18:08
didrocksWell, I have an ITP to fill in :)18:08
chrisccoulsondicrocks - so i'll have nobody to talk to? i might have to actually do some work :-/18:08
maxbmvo: Also, the reason I was looking at it is because I'm afraid you dropped a bit that shouldn't have been dropped in that last merge - one of the patches patches autoconf/automake files, but you dropped the rerunning of autoconf/automake18:09
didrockschrisccoulson: hehe :)18:09
didrockschrisccoulson: or work more on Ubuntu :p18:09
chrisccoulsondidrocks - yeah, i'll probably do that instead18:09
chrisccoulsonanyone know if epiphany can display feeds from here: https://help.launchpad.net/Feeds ?18:26
dobeyi wonder if there's a bug about media player icons in karmic19:14
chrisccoulsondobey - what's the issue?19:22
dobeychrisccoulson: in karmic, my ipods are all getting the drive-removable icon on the desktop now19:23
dobeyinstead of the multimedia-player icon19:23
chrisccoulsonhmmm, what's the output of gvfs-mount -li ?19:23
chrisccoulsonis your ipod just mounting as removeable storage or as a MTP device?19:24
chrisccoulsonif it's removeable storage, then that icon name comes from dk-disks i think19:24
* dobey plugs in his shuffle19:24
dobey    themed icons:  [drive-removable-media-usb]  [drive-removable-media]  [drive-removable]  [drive]19:25
chrisccoulsonwhat type of mount is it?19:25
dobeywhat specific piece of information am i looking for to determine that? there's a lot of info here19:26
chrisccoulsonthere should be a Type: field. But it will probably say "GProxyMount (GProxyVolumeMonitorGdu)"19:28
chrisccoulsonit probably wouldn't say anything else actually19:28
dobeythat's what it says, yes19:32
dobeywhich i guess isn't helpful19:32
maxbIs this the best channel to find people who know about OOo ?19:37
dobeychrisccoulson: capabilities in gnome-device-manager shows "portable_audio_player"19:49
dobeychrisccoulson: so i suspect a regression in the switch to DK19:49
chrisccoulsondobey - most likely, yes19:49
mvomaxb: hm, shouldn't this be handled via the DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_AUTOMAKE and friends in the debian/rules file?19:51
maxbmvo: Yes, but they got dropped in -1ubuntu119:51
mvomaxb: oh, ok. seems like I overlooked that :/19:52
maxbThere's the further complication that -1 introduced a patch touching ltmain.sh, which is in conflict with our use of DEB_AUTO_UPDATE_LIBTOOL19:53
maxbbut if you don't update libtool, you must not run aclocal19:53
maxbI've been having 'fun' trying to convince cdbs to do automake and autoconf but not libtool or aclocal19:53
ftachrisccoulson, "has only 3.5 MB disk space", lol, I still have more than 4 GB left in /19:54
chrisccoulsonfta - that's strange. i might write a little C program in a bit which copies what gsd does but prints some info about your disks, so you can run it and i'll hopefully understand a little why it isn't working20:01
chrisccoulsonor i could do a build of gsd with some debug lines in it, but it might be easier to just write a little C program20:02
chrisccoulsoni cant recreate the issue here :-/20:02
chrisccoulsonis there anything perculiar or non-standard about your disk setup?20:02
ftanothing fancy20:16
FlufflesIn karmic, will gnome-sound-properties and the old gnome-volume control be brought back like they were in jaunty? Or will karmic keep the new gnome-volume-control?20:23
chrisccoulsonFluffles - karmic is keeping the new gnome-volume-control20:26
chrisccoulsonfta - so, you have 4GB left, but the disk space warning shows only 3.5MB right?20:29
chrisccoulsonhow big is the volume?20:29
ftaFilesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on20:30
fta/dev/sda1             288G  284G  4.1G  99% /20:30
chrisccoulsonthe gsd code does f_bavail/f_blocks for working out the percentage of free space. f_bavail is the number of free blocks available for non-root users20:30
chrisccoulsonso that doesn't count the reserved 5% for root users20:31
chrisccoulsonthat's probably what you're seeing20:31
ftamaybe it's a rounding issue20:32
fta$ df -B 1 /20:32
ftaFilesystem           1B-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on20:32
fta/dev/sda1            308918038528 304411000832 4302237696  99% /20:32
chrisccoulsoni think it's related to the 5% reserved blocks that you're not allowed to use20:32
Fluffleschrisccoulson, kk thank you. Is anything going to be provided by default to allow you to change the levels of different channels, and set which channels the volume up/down Fn keys will change instead then?20:33
ftachrisccoulson, i usually tweak that value, the default 10% doesn't make sense for big disks20:33
chrisccoulsonfta - yeah, i agree. i've set it to zero for my /home partition - it just doesn't make sense there20:34
chrisccoulsonbut i think that explains your issue. i could use f_bfree rather than f_bavail, but then i think that would be wrong as it would count the space that you're not allowed to write to as available.20:35
chrisccoulsonfor working out the absolute space for displaying on the screen, it literally does f_frsize * f_bavail20:36
chrisccoulsonthese all come from statvfs()20:36
ftai know stat*fs pretty well20:38
ftai'm the author of libfilesys-diskspace-perl20:38
chrisccoulsonah, ok - i didn't know that20:39
ftafrom another life ;)20:39
chrisccoulsoncool. i've never done any perl in my life ;)20:39
ftai last touched this module 10 years ago, yet it's in karmic ;)20:40
chrisccoulsonlol, does anyone maintain it now?20:41
chrisccoulsonyikes, my home partition is 80% full. i'm going to have to start having a clear out i think20:42
ftalol, we also have my libdata-compare-perl20:42
ftaand libpdf-create-perl20:42
ftaseems i have some fans20:43
ftaand my libsnmp-mib-compiler-perl too, lol20:44
SiDiQuick question for devs : how can i know the content of a g_string ? Can i compare it with a static string ? How can i check if its empty ?21:06
chrisccoulsonSiDi - did you figure out your answer?21:20
SiDichrisccoulson: i'm hoping for a proper way than "g_string_compare(mystring, g_string_new(NULL)) :/21:21
chrisccoulsona GString is just a struct containing 3 members - the actual string, it's length and the allocated length21:21
SiDiand am i meant to be able to directly reach the string?21:21
chrisccoulsonyeah, you can just access the str member21:21
SiDiso a NULL g_string would contain a NULL str and a 0 length ? :]21:22
chrisccoulsona NULL GString is just that - nothing ;)21:22
chrisccoulsonbut you can check the size of the string by accessing the "len" member. that obviously only works if you use the g_string_* functions to write the string21:23
SiDichrisccoulson: ok. my concern is that i risk having a g_string initialized to NULL in my code21:24
chrisccoulsonbut you can check for that.21:26
kklimondaSiDi: you can always check first if it's null or init it with g_string_new (NULL); which will create an empty but correct gstring21:26
SiDiyeh, im gonna check if the string's str is NULL21:26
SiDichrisccoulson: kklimonda thanks :]21:27
chrisccoulsonSiDi - you're welcome21:27
chrisccoulsonbut i'm not sure of the value of a NULL pointer check on the str member, as you will already know what you initialized it too when creating the GString21:28
chrisccoulsonso it seems a bit redundant;)21:28
SiDii get it from an external function which can return NULL. But i could indeed check the gchar before21:29
SiDiwhich is what im going to do, after i get a coffee >_<21:30
SiDiSorry for the noise21:30
chrisccoulsonthat's ok ;)21:31

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