
stashi guys, why this builds contain no support fo btrfs: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/ ?00:54
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DarkrIs there anyway I can disable cpu freq scaling?  You see, my hardware is a tad buggy.  It crashes when scaling occurs.  In Hardy, I simply removed powernowd and that did the trick.  But in Karmic, that no longer exists so I can't do that.  Any advice?01:56
Darkrbrb, I'm going to try doing this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=760257201:58
DarkrI just wanted to say nevermind, but thank you for your help.  Someone in another channel (#ubuntu+1) was able to help me.02:11
NCommanderapw, belated ping, I know the kernel currently FTBFSIng on SPARC, I hope to get you revised patchs soon, but its hard to work on my sparc box whiel I'm at debconf. I should be able to do something once I'm in Ireland tomorrow morning02:40
johanbrDarkr, easiest way would be to change the cpufreq governor, for instance using the cpufreq-applet02:46
gjanyone using an acer?02:52
gjanyone using an acer laptop?02:54
AthunyeHello. Since the update to 2.6.28-14 some pages like yahoo.com, scrib.com and some other won't load. In karmic they do load and so with arch linux. 11:45
AthunyeI think it is not a flash problem because I even purged it. In links I can load those web pages, though.12:11
AthunyeI tried opera, and epiphany-browser as well.12:11
reisiare there any updates on lzma support in perhaps 9.04 kernels? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/17763414:26
ubot3Malone bug 177634 in linux "squashfs kernel module does not support lzma" [Medium,Won't fix] 14:26
reisiit's currently targeted at Milestone "later"...14:26
amitkreisi: it is marked as "Wont fix" for 9.0414:34
reisiamitk: well hopefully it'll get into 9.10 then.. or is it in the mainline already? squashfs+lzma seems superb backup solution if you need to image a fs with huge number of files..14:38

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