
=== asac_ is now known as asac
andvasac, everything ok00:33
andvasac, builds fine on amd6400:33
andvasac, I've pushed them to my website, gonna mail you the dgettable url00:33
andvasac, did you receive mail?00:44
andvasac, having some problems with my client00:44
andvyep, sent00:44
starwindhey, some what silly question00:45
starwindjust to confirm00:45
starwindsudo apt-get remove firefox-3.500:45
starwindwill remove the shiretoko build of firefox on jaunty, right?00:45
andvI guess ff3.5 was built for karmic only00:46
andvlet me see00:47
andvno, it got uploaded to jaunty-security as well00:47
andvstarwind, yes, that will delete your 3.5 copy00:48
andvuse the purge option to remove config file as well00:48
starwindhow is that done?00:48
bdrungsudo apt-get purge firefox-3.500:48
starwindalright, and that is used after the apt get remove, right?00:49
andvyou can directly use purge00:49
andvpurge includes delete00:50
starwindI see, so it will uninstall and remove the config files00:50
andvuninstall the package and remove config files00:51
starwindgreat, thanks :)00:51
starwindwhat command would I use if I wanted to install the minefield build of firefox?00:55
starwindyes, I think that's the codename00:56
starwindfor the nightly builds00:56
bdrungsound like you need to active a ppa for that00:56
billybigriggerhey all04:05
billybigriggeranyone here tested out the new 64bit flash update?04:06
billybigriggeri keep getting a bunch of these...04:06
billybigrigger*** NSPlugin Viewer  *** ERROR: /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/libflashplayer.so: wrong ELF class: ELFCLASS6404:06
micahgwhere is it?04:15
micahgbillybigrigger: where is it?04:16
micahgah, we don't support downloads from adobe04:17
billybigriggeri'm surprised you guys haven't jumped all over this :P04:17
billybigriggerhaha what did you expect, i said 64bit flash update04:17
micahgdid they officially release the 64 bit version04:17
billybigriggerno, its an update04:17
micahgor is it still alpha?04:17
billybigriggerstill the alpha prerelease ya04:18
micahgyeah, we're not gonna release it until it's stable04:18
micahgmy guess is you shouldn't been running nsplguinwrapper with 64 but flash04:18
billybigriggerbillybigrigger@cabo:/usr/lib/flashplugin-installer$ ls04:20
billybigriggeris the one i had it there before04:20
billybigriggerand i have sound in flash and it works good, so i'm not messing with it :) tried that new one and don't want to muck with it too much04:20
micahgyes, make sure you remove nspluginwrapper from your system04:21
reed_asac / fta: ping08:36
asacreed_: ?09:26
reed_asac: I cc'd you to a bug09:30
reed_oh, apparently I didn't09:30
reed_mozilla bug 50756809:31
ubottuError: Error getting Mozilla bug #507568: NotPermitted09:31
asaclet me check09:39
andvmorning asac10:35
andvdid you receive my mail in the end?10:35
asachavent checked mails yet10:36
asacyes i see a mail from you10:36
asacwill try to do that later10:36
andvasac, a guy is NMUing it with a deferred upload, I've already added my comment on the bug and wrote to him on irc. I guess we should upload my fix before the delay ends10:37
asacandv: NMUes are not really a big problem.10:37
asacandv: have you included his changes?10:37
andvasac, yes10:37
andvasac, I already had those changes anyway10:38
andvasac, it was a fix for a grave bug10:38
andvI was working on it already10:38
andvasac, so I don't want to have an NMU on my package10:39
andvit's not nice10:39
andvit's not a big problem, but it's not nice10:39
asacits really not a problem at all10:39
asacyou should give credit to him10:40
andvasac, already done10:40
andvin the changelo10:40
asacok good.10:40
andvasac, I gonna leave for the 3 pm, if you gonna process it for that hour would be great, then I'm off for 3 days10:41
asacandv: why would i hurry if you go to holidays.10:41
asaci will upload if its good10:42
asacif not it has to wait. ... think of me as the one who has 25+ much more severe issues on his plate than a NMU10:42
andvyep, I know10:42
asaci will try it anyway10:42
andvI made everything ready for you, so it won't take more than 5 minutes10:43
andvso you won't lose time10:43
andvty alex10:43
dpmhey asac, good morning. I'd like to talk about the FF3.5 translations next week, so I'll try to grab you at some point at the sprint if you've got some time11:33
dpm(actually, it should have been good afternoon ;)11:43
asacdpm: hmm. it was 12:33 that qualifies for morning here12:21
ftaasac, for me, morning ends up at 11:5912:38
asacfta: i align my day to UTC :)12:39
asacBug 40276712:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 402767 in firefox-3.5 "multisearch add on blocks the functionality of firefox location bar" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40276712:50
andvasac, I'm leaving in around 10 minutes, are you able to send me a text message on my mobile?13:38
andvif everything went fine13:38
asacits better for you to assume that all went ok anyway13:42
asacif you cannot change it13:42
asacotherwise you will be unhappy all weekend ;)13:42
asacalso i dont know why not everything should be ok13:43
asacandv: when was the NMU uploaded?13:43
andvasac, it has been uploaded to deferred13:43
asacand to which delayed queue13:43
andv1 day remained13:43
andvand it will be accepted if my upload13:43
andvdoesnt get in13:44
asacat least then the NMUer didnt do his work for nothing13:44
andv1 days 04:4613:44
asaci will upload if i can ... promissed. but you shouldnt sweat it; there are worse things in the world13:44
andvyeah, I integrated his changes and gave some credit to him13:44
asacyeah. so even if the NMU gets in the upload will clean it and all will be happy13:44
andvasac, yeah, that's for suree13:45
andvasac, well, if the NMU gets in, it will need some changes to the package I made13:45
andve.g integrating changelog entry13:45
asacwhat about debian bug 377270 is that in the pipeline?13:46
ubottuDebian bug 377270 in agg "agg doesn't provide a shared library" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/37727013:46
andvforwarded upstream ages ago13:46
andvbut no responses13:46
asaclets talk about that when you come back13:46
andvwe already talked about it in the past13:47
asachave fun at the sea13:47
andvthanks alex13:47
asacandv: yes. but if upstream doesnt move you can make a shared lib out of it maybe.13:47
andvlet's hope everything will be fine13:47
andvwhen I get back13:47
asacif we already discussed that and there were reasons not to do it, then so be it ;)13:47
andvasac, no13:47
andvasac, it's broken13:47
andvagg doesn't ship one because it's broken. it was .so.2 in 2.2, 2.3 and13:48
andvit in 2.4. WITH incompatible API/ABI changes.13:48
andvupstream won't provide a shared lib13:48
andvalready discussed13:48
andvfine, I'm off13:48
andvtake care13:48
andvgoing to take my gf13:49
kimus1ping asac14:47
=== kimus1 is now known as kimus
kimuscan I talk to you a bit asac?14:56
asacjust ask/talk ... dont send contentless pings ;)14:56
kimusasac: sorry dont want to be rude14:57
kimusasac: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/40735914:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407359 in network-manager "USB Modem e156G not working" [Undecided,New]14:57
kimusasac: i'm steeling my neighbor net :-)14:58
kimusasac: can you can help me with this... I can help you debugging :-)15:02
asackimus: shouldnt that be ttyUSB0?15:02
asacor something?15:02
asacwhat do you get for ls /dev/ttyUSB*15:02
kimuseven that does not work :-) no probinf ingo asac15:02
kimusit's 0 in the end15:02
asacplease run that output then15:03
asackimus: a) can you see your modem?15:03
asacin NM?15:03
kimus/lib/udev/nm-modem-probe --verbose --export /sys/class/tty/ttyUSB0 ... outputs the same15:03
asackimus: its a huawei?15:04
kimusasac: what do you mean about 'seeing' the modem in the NM? it shows the GSM connection that I have, after inserting the modem15:04
kimusasac: yes it's an huawei15:04
asackimus: so dont touch ttyUSB015:05
asactry ttyUSB1 (but unplug, replug first)15:05
asacthe modem-probe isnt the problem if you see it in NM15:06
kimusL: main(): (/sys/class/tty/ttyUSB1): usb-vid 0x0000  usb-pid 0x0000  usb-intf 0  driver '(null)'15:06
asace.g. it means the  prober properly detected it15:06
kimusasac: I attached all stuff in the lp bug15:06
kimusNetworkManager: <info>  (ttyUSB0): exported as /org/freedesktop/Hal/devices/usb_device_12d1_1003_noserial_if0_serial_usb_015:07
kimusso he is using USB015:07
asacok stop NM /etc/ini*/NetworkMa* stop15:08
asacthen run it from command line like:15:08
asacsudo NM_SERIAL_DEBUG=1 NetworkManager --no-daemon 2>&1 | tee /tmp/nm.log.txt15:08
kimusI did that15:08
asacthen plug in your huawei15:08
kimusI will attach that :-D15:08
asacand attach that log15:08
asacafter connect fails15:09
kimusit's running for a while. should I do again or you filter ?15:09
kimusso I dont loose the internet :-D15:09
kimusok... attaching15:10
kimusthe last thing I did was the connect15:10
bdrungasac: what does nss do?15:10
asacbdrung: ssl etc.15:11
bdrungah, ok15:12
kimusasac: so nm is trying ttyUSB0 and not ttyUSB1 in the logs15:12
kimusshould it be USB1?15:12
asackimus: i dont know yet. i would have thought so15:13
asacbut first i need the log15:13
kimusasac: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29751290/nm-serial.txt15:13
asackimus: thats more than one connect attempt15:15
kimusthe last one15:15
kimusin the end15:15
kimusNetworkManager: <info>  Activation (ttyUSB0) starting connection 'SAPO'15:16
asacthats not a freshly started NM15:16
asacafter a fresh plug of the modem15:16
kimusdo you need that?15:16
asacthats what i said15:16
kimusi will loose the net :-S15:16
kimusok ok.. I will do that for you... brb :-D15:16
asackimus: well. isnt the first attempt that?15:17
asacare you sure you did a fresh plug before?15:17
asacif not. please do that... modems can get in weird follow up states15:17
asackimus: another thing ...15:17
asackimus: do you have APN/username/password set for connection?15:17
asacok ;)15:18
kimusasac: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29751445/nm-serial.txt15:19
kimusdo you need more info asac?15:22
asackimus: do you have a root shell open?15:26
kimusasac: sure... what you need15:26
asackimus: close all root shells and try15:27
asaccheck that there is no /var/console/root15:27
asacerr /var/run/console/root15:27
asacdbus bug that is15:27
asacyes. make that the root is not there anymore -> exit all root shells you have15:28
kimusah ok :-)15:28
kimusno root console15:28
asacls /var/run/console/root15:28
asacmust not exist15:28
asacotherwise it wont work15:29
asacyou can open root shells after you connected, but not while connecting15:29
kimusasac: like i said... there's none now15:29
asacfor ppp15:29
ftaasac, is select broken for you too in ff?15:29
asacyes. then the error should be different. but i expect it to work15:29
asacfta: what kind of select?15:29
kimusasac: so I do the nm-serial log again? but without a root console?15:30
asackimus: sudo ... doesnt create one afaik15:30
kimusagain... out we go15:31
asackimus: check if it doesnt connect that ther eis no root ;)15:31
ftaasac, http://www.sofaraway.org/ubuntu/tmp/select-bug-ff.ogv15:32
asaci remember a similar bug a year or so ago when 3.0 was still trunk15:34
asacbut i dont see it (nor do i use 3.6 much atm :()15:34
asaci need to use what we ship15:34
kimus1asac: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29751862/nm.log.txt15:35
ftaasac, grr, why do i get the profile selector each time i start 3.5?15:35
=== kimus1 is now known as kimus
asackimus1: do you have APN/username/password set? (sorry if naswered above)15:36
kimusasac: I'll check15:36
asacfta: that happens if you have two profiles ... or started it once and didnt check the "dont ask me again"15:36
asacdont ask me again should work ;)15:37
kimusasac: no user and no passwd15:37
kimusasac: so do I need to put the user and password ? that's odd15:38
asackimus: set them to someting15:38
kimusasac: try again?15:39
asaca few modems need that to not go rouge15:39
kimuslet's try without debug15:39
kimusasac: so you should make a list... wish modems need :-D15:39
asackimus: its fixed in latest NM15:40
kimusasac: oh... I see15:40
asacbut not in jaunty15:40
kimustryied the ppa and was not working15:40
kimusbut ok :-)15:40
asackimus: did you use the broadband wizard to setup the connection?15:40
asackimus: yes. ppa isnt the latest on jaunty yet.15:40
kimusno wizard15:41
asacwanted to do it in real karmic first because a bunch of people rely on that15:41
asackimus: yeah. so if you use the wizard it sets username/password for most providers15:41
asacso maybe you woudnt have seen it15:41
asacyou need libmbca0 installed for the wizard15:41
kimusdisconnected... not working... trying again... sometimes only on the 2nd atempt15:41
kimusnope... seeing the "disconect" libnotify popup right away15:42
kimusasac: so what do you sugest?15:43
kimusasac: libmbca0: Depends: mobile-broadband-provider-info but it is not going to be installed15:45
asackimus: do you still have the NM ppa enabled?15:50
asacmight be that thats the problem15:50
asaci think i updated the mobile-broadband-provider-info there already to prepare the update to latesat upstream15:50
asacwhich breaks libmbca0 .... so its not going to be installed15:50
kimusasac: loosed connection. sorry, did you said something?15:51
asac16:45 < kimus> asac: libmbca0: Depends: mobile-broadband-provider-info but it is not going to be installed15:52
asac16:50 < asac> kimus: do you still have the NM ppa enabled?15:52
asac16:50 < asac> might be that thats the problem15:52
asac16:50 < asac> i think i updated the mobile-broadband-provider-info there already to prepare the update to latesat upstream15:52
asac16:50 -!- kimus [n=kimus@pa3-84-90-215-77.netvisao.pt] has quit [Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer)]15:52
asac16:50 < asac> which breaks libmbca0 .... so its not going to be installed15:52
kimusasac: :-)... so concluding... i'm ...f#@%d15:53
kimusasac: thank you, do you recomend anything else?15:56
kimusa ppa? an upgrade? what? :-S15:56
asackimus: all is fine15:57
asacyou said it worked.15:57
asacat least sometimes ;)15:57
asacwhich is a good step ahead15:57
asacthere are some serial consoel problems. maybe the PPA NM helps15:57
asacto get more reliable connections15:58
kimusworked what? only works with another modem... but not what I need :-)15:58
asacdid you add username/password, etc.?15:58
asacwell. i need to the serial debug then. but first upgrade to ppa version15:59
asacthere are a few bugs fixed i dont want to fix again15:59
kimusso what ppa do you recomend?15:59
kimushumm I had that... but then BUGabundo recomended another... even with 0.8 didnt work... but I didn't have the user/pass settings :-D16:01
kimusasac: the version on the ppa it's almost the sabe... 0.7.116:03
kimus*the same16:04
kimusasac: using modem now :-D16:20
asackimus: nice. so its fixed there?16:21
asackimus: is it using ttyUSB0 ?16:21
kimusdo you care? :-D16:21
kimusasac: GSM (ttyUSB0)16:21
kimusand I had to empty de pass and user asac16:22
kimusthe problem was the APN ...16:23
kimusbut... first it conencted and no ping... then I restarted the wizard and sqy Any in the modem... and worked16:23
kimusasac: thank you16:23
asacyes apn is even more often needed16:24
asacuser/password can do hard, but sometimes random values help similar to aPN16:25
kimusasac: using user and passwd was requesting a passwd .:-D16:26
asackimus: something random didnt work?16:26
kimusasac: nope.. strange16:26
kimusasac: the modem was detected like e220 it's normal?16:27
asacnot sure what that means16:27
kimusintead of detecting has a e156G on the connection wizard... in the modem combo appeared e22016:28
kimusso it must be normal right asac?16:28
kimusI choosed Any nevertheless :-D16:28
asaci would have to check that16:29
asacbut i wouldnt be surprised ... so if it works, dont bother ;)16:29
kimusasac: just give me a ping on #ubuntu-pt if you need debugging :-D16:33
asaci think its unlikely to remember that if i need it ;)16:34
* asac wonders if setting up a wiki page for hardware owners would help to get feedback and help on specific modems16:34
kimusasac: maybe you can remember #linux-pt eh eh eh16:34
kimusasac: thanks again16:36
ftaxulrunner-1.9.1_1.9.1.2~hg20090730r26181+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1.dsc: Version older than that in the archive. <= ????17:15
micahgcan someone look at bug 348505, it seems to be a bad interaction with ff3.5 and the new gnome shell17:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348505 in firefox-3.5 "firefox-3.5 crashed with SIGSEGV in __pthread_mutex_lock()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34850517:17
asacfta: maybe version bump backout17:22
bdrungfta: yes. have a look at the beginning: <= ????17:30
bdrungfta: yes. have a look at the beginning: <
ftabdrung, i can read, i just wonder why upstream decided to do that17:35
ftabdrung, sorry, i often skip the obvious in my questions17:36
bdrungfta: ok17:45
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
micahgasac: could you look at bug 34850519:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 348505 in firefox-3.5 "firefox-3.5 crashed with SIGSEGV in __pthread_mutex_lock()" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34850519:35
BUGabundohey asa19:36
ftaasac, "we use our custom Hunspell which uses a custom dictionary format for better performance." *sigh*19:39
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
asacfta: as long as the api they use is not differnt thats ok ;)20:15
asacmicahg: i reopened the upstream bug for now. if we invalidate it let me know or invalidate the upstrewam bug too20:21
asacmicahg: maybe subscribe to upstream bug and let me know if he closes it again20:22
micahgasac: is the policy of closing retrace-failed bugs still in effect?20:25
asacmicahg: its not really policy, but a consequence ... if there are instructions to reproduce we should try to get one by ourself20:28
micahgoh, about the dictionaries?20:29
micahgspelling problems should be opened again teh appropriate myspell package?20:29
micahgasac: ^^^^20:31
asacmicahg: depends20:34
asacwords misspelled/unknown -> most likely hunspell langpack20:34
asacnot smart enough -> most likely hunspell main package20:34
asacwrong dictionary default -> not so sure ... probably firefox for now20:35
micahgyep unknown words20:35
asacthat depends.20:35
asacif its a variant because of language particularities20:35
micahgbug 40714520:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407145 in firefox-3.5 "Firefox UK English spell checker doesn't know its own name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40714520:35
asaclike (casus, etc.) its hunspell main package20:35
asacok so Firefox missing?20:36
asacthats -uk langpack20:36
asaci would think hunspell-uk or something20:36
micahgI'll take care of it this weekend20:36
asacif there are sources fdor that20:36
asaciam out now most of the time till monday where we start sprinting in dublin20:36
asacfor that week i am usually not as responsive as i would like20:37
micahgok, so for the next week then?20:37
micahgis there anyone I can ping while you're out?20:38
micahgor should I just send an e-mail?20:38
asacno ... i will be there ;)20:42
asacalso will be logged in ... just not as responsive ;)20:42
asactomorrow i will try to relax and run some errands. but will check if there are questions ;)20:42
asacbut interesting bug20:44
asacUbuntu is known20:44
asacbut Firefox not ;)20:44
asacfeels strange.20:44
asacok off for some gaming. will be back later for a bit20:44
gnomefreakim not here either20:45
gnomefreakasac: have fun20:45
LLStarksasac, how do i compile google gears?21:33
micahghe's afk at the moment LLStarks21:39
BUGabundohey LLStarks micahg21:40
LLStarksbug. mark wrote about multisearch.21:40
micahghi BUGabundo21:40
BUGabundoit was just slap in the rist21:55
BUGabundonothing more21:55
gnomefreaklast i heard we were removing it anyway we were talking about this yesterday or the day before22:00
* gnomefreak checking gwibber than im gone22:01
micahghi gnomefreak, how are you ?22:01
gnomefreakmicahg: hi im ok thanks and yourself?22:02
BUGabundohey John. welcome22:02
gnomefreakBUGabundo: hi22:02
ftanice, i'm not the only one to have ssh zombies22:06
ftabug 40742822:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407428 in openssh "sshd zombie processes and strange behavior after karmic upgrade" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40742822:06
gnomefreakfta: IIRC BUGabundo had them the other day22:07
BUGabundome what?22:08
BUGabundono, it was fta. not me22:08
gnomefreaki thought you couldnt ssh into your upstrairs box?22:09
BUGabundoI have no other linux box that I use22:09
BUGabundoyou are messing up stuff22:09
BUGabundonow I need to get in touch with ubuntu-mid guys and Android community22:09
BUGabundoI want to enjoy my new android to the max22:10
BUGabundoany one knows anything? pointing me in the right direction?22:10
fta#ubuntu-mobile maybe22:10
BUGabundothose guys are toooo quiet for my taste22:11
ftamaybe they prefer working instead of loosing time talking ;)22:12
ftaBUGabundo, http://identi.ca/notice/7332110 why !ubuntu there?22:20
BUGabundobetter question: why not!22:21
ftawhy do we all need to know that url?22:21
ftai mean, there's no useful context, it's 1 to 1 answer22:21
ftanot 1 to n22:22
BUGabundolet me check22:22
BUGabundowhat happened to context?22:22
BUGabundodarn identichar22:22
BUGabundowell, @gamerchick02  was asking for themes22:23
BUGabundoI said I had a link22:23
BUGabundothan that guy asked for the PPA22:23
BUGabundoso I gave it to him and the all group22:23
ftasee what i mean? we don't care ;) just answer him22:24
BUGabundoyou don'tbut 3 others just thanked me22:25
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
BUGabundoasac: fta: new adobe flash 64bits package? http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10.html22:53
micahgBUGabundo: still not packaging it :)22:55
BUGabundoI know22:55
BUGabundoI just use the .so22:55
BUGabundoI set a RSS monitor on the page22:56
BUGabundoand it just told me the page changed :)22:56
ftai hate flash23:01
micahgas do I23:01
BUGabundome 323:01
micahgI hope HTML5 video really catches on23:01
BUGabundowill it ?23:02
ftacodec debacle :(23:02
ftafree vs non-free fight23:02
BUGabundoehe yep23:04
BUGabundofta: micahg the flash installer for 64bits pulls 64bits so, or 32 with a wrapper ?23:05
fta32 with a wrapper23:05
ftaunless someone changed it23:05
ftaasac didn't want that as long a the x64 blob is beta23:06
ftamozilla 47362923:11
ubottuMozilla bug 473629 in Startup and Profile System "crash on exit in glibc memalign with jemalloc statically linked" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=47362923:11
ftaasac, bz493541_att386469_fix_flash_fullscreen_crash ?? what does flash has to do with this bug? wrong filename?23:16
ftamozilla 49354123:17
ubottuMozilla bug 493541 in jemalloc "jemalloc integration cause crashes when libraries or plugins dlopen with RTLD_DEEPBIND" [Critical,Resolved: fixed] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=49354123:17
ftafixed, good23:17
ftaasac, nm23:17
micahgfta: it's on trunk with a look at 3.5.3 for widespread use if I remember correctly23:19
ftamicahg, nm, i was fixing a ftbfs in the dailies23:20
ftahttps://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa too much red23:21

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