
pteague_workhow do i remove the floppy drive icon from the desktop?  virtualbox is insisting i have it <.<00:03
rgrigin synaptic, "reload" succeds if synaptic is run from the command line, but not if run from the xfce menu. in the later case it fails because it tries to use some (wrong) proxy. in BOTH cases settings->preferences->network says "direct internet connection", which is how it should be. any ideas?00:07
billybigriggerwhy doesn't xfce want to auto mount my usb camera01:04
sake!ask anyone know how to add volume notifications to xubuntu?02:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)02:54
ubottuPlease read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic02:54
sakeanyone know how to add volume notifications to xubuntu?02:55
knome!info notify-osd | sake02:56
ubottusake: notify-osd (source: notify-osd): daemon that displays passive pop-up notifications. In component main, is optional. Version 0.9.11-0ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 142 kB, installed size 780 kB02:56
knomesake, try installing that package.02:58
sakei did already02:58
sakeno volume notifications02:58
sakeand everything else works02:58
LaibschIs there anybody here experiencing bug 329616 as well?  upon login a large number of xfdesktop processes are started and bog down the computer.  I wonder what needs to be done to understand and fix the issue.02:59
sakeknome: so... is there like a shell script or somethin i cn install 2 get the volume?03:00
knomei don't know.03:00
knomei don't like notifications myself03:00
knomeso i don't use them03:00
sakeknome, what are the shortcuts for increasing and decreasing the volume?03:06
knomesake, the commands?03:09
sakelike ctrl-something03:09
knomei suppose there is none by default03:09
knomeapart from possible multimedia keys03:09
knomesee the sound -section at the bottom03:09
sakemy browser sez that the url duznt work03:10
knomeit does.03:10
knomeplease copy the complete url (it might have been cut)03:10
sakeyup same error03:12
knome"Open the Keyboard settings (Applications > Settings > Keyboard) and open the Application Shortcuts tab. Click add and follow the shortcut wizard. The shortcut commands are amixer sset Master 5%- for volume down, amixer sset Master 5%+ for volume up and mute for mute."03:12
sakeok thanx03:12
sakei found a shortcut03:13
sakebut it sez the key is XF86VolumeMute03:13
sakei mean AudioMute03:14
knomethat might not work.03:14
knomeif it doesn't replace it with the command proposed.03:14
sakewhat key is it?03:14
knomeany key you want it to be.03:14
knomesee the settings window to find out.03:15
knomei don't know which button "AudioMute" is in your keyboard03:15
knomeyou can change that.03:15
ubdhello how do i make a dial up connection03:16
knome!dialup | ubd03:17
ubottuubd: You want to connect via dial-up? Read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DialupModemHowto - Also try disabling/removing KNetworkManager if KDE applications cannot connect using dial-up03:17
ubdthis is fucked up03:23
sakeubd, cussing WILL get u kicked03:25
searcherthat'll get you a  lot of help03:25
* sake doesnt like potty-mouths03:25
knome!language | ubd03:26
ubottuubd: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:26
* sake agrees with knome03:26
sake!language | ubd03:26
ubottuubd: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.03:26
ubdi love you all guys, but that dont change the facts03:27
sakeyea but not a reason to use the f word03:27
knomeubd, did you read the link?03:27
sakeso dont cuss03:27
ubdlinux cannot dial a 7 digit number!03:27
ubdyes i read most of it03:27
knomewhat about reading the parts you didn't read?03:28
sakethen take off the country code smart one03:28
ubdthe ones about network boot via dial up?03:28
cody-somervillesake, No need to get sarcastic either ;)03:28
ubdyes sake pls dont make fun of me03:29
ubdjust becuz i cannot configure my modem doesnot mean i am necessarily inferior03:29
cody-somervilleubd, What have you tried thus far?03:29
* sake says sorry to ubd03:29
cody-somervilleOkay, so the first step is to identify what type of modem you have.03:30
ubdi know that my modem has a conexant chip03:30
cody-somervilleubd, What version of Xubuntu do you have?03:30
pteague_workwhat's the keyboard shortcut for opening the applications menu?03:30
sakeubd, i have idea install chestnut dialer03:30
ubdlatest version03:30
sakeubd, i heard its gud03:31
cody-somervilleubd, So Xubuntu 9.04?03:31
ubdi just installed it03:31
ubdcuz i couldnt connect with another distro03:31
ubdhow can i learn if xxubuntu knows that i have a modem03:32
cody-somervilleubd, Is your modem a PCI card?03:33
ubdthis is a laptop03:33
cody-somervilleubd, Try running sudo lshw and then pastebin the output on pastebin.ubuntu.com03:34
cody-somervilleubd, It appears you have an Intel Sound card with built in modem03:39
ubdsound card with modem?03:39
ubdengineers  who made this are not audiophiles for sure03:40
ubdso xubuntu sees my modem?03:40
cody-somervilleSure. However, I'm quite sure that Xubuntu doesn't know how to use it - not yet atleast.03:41
sakeubd, this is almost like when i tried to install a network comp03:42
sakethe solution turned out to be really simple03:42
sakeso ur answer might be really simple03:43
sakebut u ovrlooked03:43
ubdill brb,  i have to change my room03:43
cody-somervilleubd, You can try using this http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/downloads-installer.php03:45
cody-somervilleYou can get a deb package from here: http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/full/downloads-ubuntu-x86.php03:46
cody-somervilleAnyhow, I need to get to bed03:46
cody-somervilleBest of luck ubd03:46
billybigriggerdoes anyone here use gnome-do?03:54
billybigriggerand does the Workspace Switcher plugin not work in XFCE?03:55
billybigriggerworks fine in gnome, but it only shows 1 workspace, when i actually have 203:55
pteague_worki think the gnome desktop doesn't completely adhere to the open desktop standard &/or gnome-do may be accessing extended functionality of gnome workspace...  that's a guess, i've not used gnome-do before...  what are you using gnome-do for?04:04
ubd   i istalled the drivers, everything is fine i theory05:20
ubdwhen i dial, i hear the numbers regarless of the phone connected or not05:20
ubdand nothing haappens05:20
mezquitalehow small can "/boot" be? anyone have any idea??05:40
=== Laibsch1 is now known as Laibsch
Yonderinghello.. I'm experiencing a strange issue with xfce.. :)  multiple xfdesktop processes keep spawning, anyone able to point me in a direction?   I've cleared ~/.cache/xfce/desktop and ~/.config/xfce/desktop..06:54
humehi.. anyone got advice on how I can get a small script (sshfs-mounting some dirs) to run on login to xfce-session? something similar to sessions in gnome?07:13
Laibschhume: xfce4-session-settings07:21
humegreat, thx07:33
humeehr.....is there a way to set the system language too? for menus and stuff, I mean07:36
TheSheephume: at login07:56
TheSheephume: or globally in system->language support07:57
FentHi ia anyone awake? got a nub question08:45
ablomenFent, sure, there are people awake, if you ask your question somebody that knows an answer might reply :)08:49
FentWell i am downloading Ubuntu-9.0408:55
FentCan it be ran live? Just burn the .iso and it has the option on boot? Thanks let me know.08:56
FentCome on Abolmen :)08:58
ubottuThe Ubuntu Desktop CD is a "LiveCD" which can be run without altering existing files on your harddrive. Especially useful for testing your hardware's compatibility, it also includes an install option.09:06
FentThank you. I figured it was. I have a laptop (gf's sister) and the keyboard i acting up09:07
Fentonly Caps lock works and "Enter" so u cant enter a password on boot. But if u let it idle it works for a unkown amount of time (only had it a few hours(09:08
Fentand when i plug a keyboard in it. It also doesnt work....Ugh windows is such fail lol09:08
Fenti just dumped the drivers. worked on boot (which it hasnt before) hopefully that fixes it. Thanks for the answe tho Ubottu.09:10
blue1I have a laptop that is 1.5ghz 512mb ram but has no cdrom or floppy.09:15
FentUsb ?09:16
Fentso is your questions how to get linux on this laptop lol09:16
blue1it has 3 usb09:16
FentI believe u can install thru USB what do you have a "Netbook" or something?09:17
blue1nexlink laptop09:17
blue1i have a adapter that lets me connect laptop harddrive to my desktop09:17
Fentoops sorry. That was a "hotkey" that opens up google on my PC lol09:17
blue1but i will detect wrong hardware if i put it back?09:18
FentTry that09:18
blue1ok thanks09:19
jadez03Anyone in the room ever experienced Clearwire as an ISP?09:25
Fentnot i09:27
Fentcheck that out09:28
hatake_kakashidoes anyone know how to get out of sysrq mode?09:44
hatake_kakashifor some reason I'm stuck in this place where the keyboard bindings are all messed up and sometimes using the sequence Ctrl+Alt+Scroll lock I get a little SysRq help menu but with those key combinations I do not know how to either activate them or disactivate them09:46
hatake_kakashinm I managed to get out of sysrq by issuing alt+sysrq+o09:54
hatake_kakashiissued poweroff in other words :p thank goodness for having other computers nearby to see how one is supposed to get the key combos09:55
=== VSIIISU_gay_tpg is now known as psycho_oreos
jadez03Fent, yeah. I concur with quite a bit of them. My latency can be around 900ms average.10:11
cemunali open a gif file with evince but print menu is unavailable10:12
cemunalhow can i fix?10:12
knomemaybe you should use some other program to open the gif file10:13
cemunalevnice opens a gif file with resized for a410:16
cemunaland i want to print like this10:16
knomei have no idea.10:16
cemunalcan i able to write with evince10:16
knomei only know evince is not the best app to open gif files.10:17
psycho_oreosanyone tried getting remote desktop to work? I'm trying the xdmcp + xvnc guide but all I'm getting is a checkered background with a X as mouse cursor. I'm running jaunty and I suspect the issue lies with xdmcp which is part of gdm11:18
TugboatJonesCan somebody please just reassure me that it's worth all this hassle to migrate my files?17:46
Besogon20:57 Moskow time17:57
slworksHi all!19:48
slworksI've got a little problem with the install process of Jaunty...19:49
slworksduring install the installer goes red and says that the step 'installing software' has failed...19:50
slworkswell, i installed anyway, but now the system won't load the lists from the repositories... ( the sources.list was empty, but i wrote in the correct sources )19:51
viddslworks, bad cd burn?19:51
slworksany ideas what i could do to fix it?19:51
slworksum.. dunno.. could be...19:51
slworksbut i remember that the checksum was right.19:51
slworksanyhow, the burner is in the office and this laptop i'm writing from is a piece of junk... its burner isn't working.19:52
slworksany ideas what i could do with the apt lists? it intalls nicely from the cd, but i always get a 404 for the online repositories.19:53
viddcan you ping your router?19:54
slworksand even any address outside the router.19:54
slworkseven wget works19:54
slworksuh. i think i got it... but thanks anyway.20:04
slworksbye guys!20:04
michaelok i have xubuntu and i cant get the sound to work i have a dell laptop i used to have windows how do i get the sound to work?22:28
=== freego is now known as forces

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