
Matt_91io non riesco piĆ¹ a cambiare la pass del io accaunt, vado qui: http://wiki.ubuntu-it.org/PreferenzeUtente13:50
Matt_91e po?13:50
Matt_91sapete il link della quida del terminale dove spiega il comando cd??14:26
Matt_91io dovrei inserire dei link nel wiki, qualcuno mi aiuta16:26
Matt_91mi servirebbero dei link per il terminale e per il comando cd, ma non li trovo16:26
Rocket2DMnMatt_91, do you speak english?16:34
Rocket2DMnsomething about the wiki and a bad command?16:34
Matt_91i speak elementary english16:34
Rocket2DMnthat's ok, what can we do to help you?16:35
Matt_91thanks, but I resolved16:35
Rocket2DMnoh, ok16:36
Matt_91I make a syntax error16:36
Rocket2DMnhehe, a common problem at the command line :)16:36
Matt_91thank you, bye16:36
Matt_91to work on the command line is easy to make errors16:37
Rocket2DMnno problem16:38
Matt_91haha, I have wrong the channel! the Italian is #ubuntu-it-doc16:40
Matt_91that's why you answered me in English!16:40
Matt_91now I enter the Italian channel:-)16:40

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