
* amanica thinks I should make the log-lowerbound-exclusivity change at the highest level possble, so that I break less stuff?!00:20
ronnyhmm, http://bazaar-vcs.org/BzrVsHg is full of lies and massively outdated crap00:33
SamBjelmer: hmm ... it looks like svn_ra_replay_range calls svn_ra_replay00:39
jelmerSamB, in the subversion code you mean?00:40
SamBjelmer: well, that's what I see here:00:41
SamB(gdb) frame00:41
SamB#0  0xb76dc926 in svn_ra_replay () from /usr/lib/libsvn_ra-1.so.100:41
SamB(gdb) frame 100:41
SamB#1  0xb76dd553 in svn_ra_replay_range () from /usr/lib/libsvn_ra-1.so.100:41
SamB(gdb) frame 200:41
SamB#2  0xb76ef673 in ra_replay_range (self=0x8a7f770, args=0x8a7fd4c)00:41
SamB    at subvertpy/_ra.c:124000:41
SamBit might not always happen, haven't looked at the source ...00:41
jelmerSamB, That seems perfectly fine, I don't think all transports implement ra_replay_range so falling back to ra_replay in that case seems sensible00:42
* SamB looks at code now ...00:42
SamBjelmer: hmm, yeah, that does seem to be a fallback01:11
SamBhuh, how would I run a testcase but break into pdb when it fails ?01:54
spivSamB: there's no command line option for that, we really ought to add one.07:57
spivSamB: insert "import pdb; pdb.set_trace()" into your test case by hand :/07:58
abeaumonthmmm, i'm wondering, any chance that bzr-git + git-svn works better than bzr-svn for large repos?10:34
AfCabeaumont: I seriously doubt it10:38
abeaumonti see10:39
AfCI put "parent_branch = file:///home/andrew/src/quill/mainline/" into .bzr/branch/branch.conf, but `bzr info` isn't reporting that as the parent branch. Any idea what's up with that?13:46
LarstiQAfC: parent_location iirc13:51
AfCLarstiQ: ah.13:52
AfCLarstiQ: yeah, that did it. Thanks.13:52
AfC(why, oh why)13:53
LarstiQwhy it worked? ;)13:53
AfCLarstiQ: no... why on earth a file that we force users to edit would have an asymmetrical naming pattern for things.14:02
AfCLarstiQ: submit_branch:14:02
AfCLarstiQ: parent_branch: would therefore make sense14:02
AfCbut no14:02
LarstiQAfC: I agree there is some consistency to be had, but I don't agree with user editing of branch.conf14:02
AfCLarstiQ: is there a UI for setting locations now?14:03
AfC(if I've missed something new and shiny, then I do apologize)14:03
LarstiQAfC: not as it should be, specifically parent though, `bzr pull --remember`14:03
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ElMonkeyanyone happen to know if i can get files from bzr repo A into bzr repo B without making B a branch of A, while preserving file history?17:06
ElMonkeyeg, i just want to pull out a specific subset of files from a repo to use in another project17:06
fullermdNo, files are in history, not the other way around.17:08
fullermd(and in bzr terms, you probably mean 'branch' rather than 'repo')17:08
ElMonkeythere's no fairly doable workaround, i presume?17:19
fullermdYou can sweet-talk it into using the same file-id's, which would make merging work, but that doesn't sound anything like what you'd want.17:19
LarstiQElMonkey: can you explain more fully what you are trying to solve?17:19
fullermdThere are various ways one can go about rewriting a branch to create new, unrelated history that looks similar to the existing history.17:20
fullermdBut you can't turn existing revisions into different content; that goes against the idea of history.17:20
ElMonkeywell, its like this: i have a mac app, and i am porting it to the iphone17:21
ElMonkeynow the mac app is older, and there's already an iphone scaffold in place from another app17:21
ElMonkeyand now i'd like to load the relevant pieces of the mac app onto the iphone template17:22
LarstiQand you want to keep the history of the iphone template?17:22
ElMonkeyi'd like to keep the history of both :)17:23
LarstiQI'd value the mac app more than the template17:23
LarstiQElMonkey: you could `bzr merge -r 0..-1` them together17:24
ElMonkeywell, thanks for the input, i'll have to think some more about how to do this :)17:26
LarstiQElMonkey: tried the merge command?17:27
LarstiQElMonkey: keeping histories/files of two branches is way easier than selectively transplanting some files17:27
ElMonkeyLarstiQ, no, i havent tried it yet17:28
ElMonkeyi think i have to adjust the directory structures a bit before i can17:28
LarstiQElMonkey: for best effect, likely. You can try and revert to see what happens before that though :)17:29
* SamB wonders why he thought there were no failures with the replay code enabled ...17:49
SamBhmm ... 2a seems slow via HTTP, at least when samba.org is involved ...20:40
LarstiQSamB: if -Dhpss shows a million requests, that would be why20:40
SamBactually, it just seems to be doing far too much computing20:45
LarstiQSamB: there are a couple of bugs about poor http 2a performance at least20:45
SamBor, wait, samba.org doesn't have a smart server anyway I think20:46
SamBat least not people.samba.org20:46
SamBbut -Dhttp doesn't seem to indicate that it's the making of many HTTP requests that is the issue20:50
SamBsince I'm seeing a lot of BIG gaps between bzr recieving one response and sending the next request ...20:51
SamBwhich agrees with my bandwidth meter20:51
SamBhmm ... there is always a chance that my actual problem is that it's doing a lousy job in reporting it's progress ...20:53
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GungaDinHow do I tell bzr diff to show only the names of the files that have changed and not the contents?23:37
LeoNerdTry   bzr st23:38

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