
gherringfg56lx: what type of sound card do you have?00:00
sourcemakerI have a lot of DVD's and ripiing all of them to harddisk... so I need about 650 GB :-)00:00
sourcemakeror more...00:00
fg56lxgherring: nVidia Corporation MCP78S ?00:01
gherringsourcemaker: wow...you need a terabyte drive    lol.00:01
sourcemakergherring: that's my problem... I do not kown how to handle the data...00:01
gherringsourcemaker: so you want to save the whole dvd?00:02
sourcemakergherring: best quality... right00:02
sourcemakerso I have differenent options... using external USB drives... or build an server... :-)00:03
mhilmiWhy can't I install Boost 1.37 from Synaptic without having to remove kde-devel?00:03
gherringfg56lx: is that onboard or pci card?00:07
roni--hey guys did somebody have problems with usb sticks00:07
roni--one of my computers just resets the device if I want to create folder or copy into it00:08
roni--this is the kernel log00:09
fg56lxgherring: Its onboard. (Its a HP Laptop)00:10
roni--anyone have an idea? this is my system: Linux ronin 2.6.24-24-generic #1 SMP Fri Jul 24 22:46:06 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux00:11
gherringfg56lx: man...that's tough.  most of my methods are hack'n slash at best...I usually end up throwing the whole kitchen sink at the problem, get it working, and then not sure what it was that resolved the issue00:12
gherringfg56lx: did it work before?00:12
fg56lxgherring: Yes, its always worked fine. I just turned it on one day and it started doing this. I even reinstalled, but its still doing this00:12
gherringroni: looks like the device is either damaged or the table is broke -  -FAT read failed (blocknr 9248)00:14
gherringroni: I see a lot of read errors in your post00:15
roni--gherring: yes, but it works fine with my laptop00:15
roni--gherring: i actually made dd00:15
roni--gherring: then new fat 3200:15
gherringfg56lx: what application are you using that the sound is bad in, or is it bad all the way around?>00:16
fg56lxgherring: Its bad all around. Every application ive got that plays audio/video does it00:16
roni--gherring: with my laptop, because with my desctop gparted could not create new file system on the device it was always resetting00:17
gherringroni: is there any info on it you want saved?00:17
roni--gherring: no00:17
roni--gherring: it is empty now00:17
roni--and the strange thing to me is that my desctop and laptop have the same distros of kubuntu only one is 32bit and the other 64bit00:19
gherringroni: try using the livecd...boot from it, get to the desktop, then plugin the usb stick and see if it resets00:22
gherringroni: this want solve the issue but will definetly rule quite a few things out00:23
roni--gherring: ok thnaks for the advice, it is good idea i will do that, i am trying now other usb sticks00:24
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gherringfg56lx: did you try re-booting when you set all your dfaults to pulse audio?  I had also installed alsa-oss package as well00:25
gherringroni: tell me what happens when you try other usb sticks00:25
roni--gherring: but it seems they dont work too, but an external hard drive works ..i will try your idea00:25
fg56lxgherring: I rebooted, Ill try installing alsa-oss now.00:25
gherringroni: this is on the 64bit or the 32?00:26
roni--gherring: well it mounted it automatically then i created new folder all ok00:26
roni--gherring: on 32 bit system00:26
roni--root@ronin:~# cat /etc/*-release00:26
roni--DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 8.04.3 LTS"00:26
FloodBotK1roni--: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:26
gherringso you booted from livecd and it works?00:27
roni--gherring: then i tried to copy data00:27
roni--gherring: it started fast then slowed down .. stalled .. and then error00:28
gherringroni: is there a reason your using Hardy and not Jaunty?00:28
roni--gherring: i like kde 3.500:28
gherringroni: no matter about the distro ver - just curious00:29
roni--gherring: plus it is pretty robust distro my laptop works great with it00:29
gherringroni: i c   :)00:29
roni--gherring: : )00:29
gherringtry other usb sticks with livecd and see what happens00:30
roni--gherring: ok i will do that00:30
roni--gherring: 10x00:30
roni--gherring: are you using jaunty00:30
gherringyea...the glitz has enslaved me.  I love the oxygen theme00:31
gherringthis looks like windows 7 but it works00:31
roni--gherring: hah, and how is it, is it stable now00:31
roni--gherring: cos i tried some of the first kde 4.1 i think and many applications were crashing as hell00:32
gherringit's ok...I would test drive the live cd first and if you  install stick to default repos00:32
roni--gherring: i c, maybe i will try again in virtualbox fist00:33
gherringsame here, BUT--> i re-installed and have not enabled any backports or anything like that.00:33
roni--gherring: but thanks a lot mate00:33
gherringroni: I left everything at default and it works fine00:33
roni--gherring: ok00:34
gherringroni: yea, definetly use v-box to test first00:34
roni--gherring: gonna use the live cd to chech this usb problems00:34
gherringroni--: ok00:34
roni--gherring: bb00:35
gherringwill be around00:35
roni--gherring: hah i may come in a while : )00:35
gherringfrom livecd?00:35
roni--no after reboot00:35
roni--or from live cd it is also possible00:36
gherringwill be here00:36
roni--ok c ya00:36
wisekalWow did it ever take me forever to find how to get here lol00:53
wisekalHi guys... I'm a complete nob when it comes to Ubuntu.  I just installed 9.04 and my resolution is out of whack.  I've read all this information about Xorg.conf and even tried editing it but wound up with more problems.  So I back tracked and fixed it.  Now I'm still having problems with Screen Resolutions.  Can someone please help me?00:55
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Benny_I want to create a Ubuntu Kubuntu community in our city anyone can support me00:58
gherringfg56lx: hey...how's the sound?01:07
fg56lxgherring: Still skipping.01:08
gherringi have an idea...do you have the livecd near you?01:08
fg56lxSeveral, but its difficult to use them because when I boot up to one everything is SUPER slow untill I select the restricted nvidia drivers, which requires a restart. So livecds are insanely slow for me.01:09
gherringfg56lx: i see.  did you install more than 1?01:10
fg56lxMore than 1 what?01:11
gherringrestricted driver01:11
gherringor was there only 1 to choose from?01:11
fg56lxNo, just the Nvidia 180 driver.01:12
gherringhow was the sound before you installed the driver?01:13
fg56lxAnd it was fine for several months after i installed it.01:13
fg56lxIt just started doing this yesterday.01:14
gherringany updates or package installs after that?01:14
fg56lxAnd I even completely reinstalled to try and fix this, and it didnt fix it.01:15
gherringjeez...sounds like it could be a hardware issue...how old is your computer?01:16
fg56lxAbout four months.01:16
gherringfg56lx: last but not least: have you tried clicking the kmix icon and then clicking the mixer button and trying some of the options in there?01:18
fg56lxLike what? Adjusting volume and panning isnt going to solve this.01:18
gherringfg56lx: there was this one option I actually had to mute to get my sound right01:18
livingdaylighthttp://www.kubuntu.org/getkubuntu/download can someone tell me where i find the md5sum?01:19
fg56lxI guess im going to have to install windows.01:19
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Pr0_Newbieanyone around?01:26
Pr0_Newbienew to Ubuntu (linux in general) and have a problem, can anyone help?01:29
bazhangPr0_Newbie, please ask a question first01:31
Pr0_Newbieok, Ubuntu will not recognize my USB external HD.01:32
Pr0_Newbieanyone help out with a newbie problem?01:35
bazhangPr0_Newbie, is this formatted in ntfs? what version of Kubuntu are you using01:40
Pr0_Newbieformated nfts (was fat32) using the latest Ubuntu, just installed 2 weeks ago.01:41
bazhangPr0_Newbie, lets keep this in channel; more eyes to see errors and help out01:43
bazhangPr0_Newbie, is this hotplugged? is it in your fstab?01:46
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions01:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about btrfs01:47
Pr0_NewbieI have no idea what you mean....  I just installed Ubuntu 2 weeks ago.  i'm  not really up on linux yet.01:48
Pr0_Newbieit is plugged in and ON right now.01:48
bazhangPr0_Newbie, was it plugged in when you started the computer01:48
Pr0_NewbieI can't start the computer with it plugged in and ON, Ubuntu loading screen just hangs at about 10%.  if I shut it OFF, Ubuntu loads instantly.01:49
bazhangPr0_Newbie, is this just a data drive?01:51
Pr0_Newbieyes, just files and folders....no OS.01:51
bazhangPr0_Newbie, with the drive plugged in, type sudo fdisk -l in the konsole01:52
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Pr0_Newbieok, what do you need to know?01:54
bazhangPr0_Newbie, please paste the output of that to paste.ubuntu.com and give us the url (Don't paste here)01:54
bazhangPr0_Newbie, the url?01:56
bazhangPr0_Newbie, that only shows your 80GB internal driver correct?01:57
bazhangerr drive01:57
bazhangPr0_Newbie, and the other hdd is plugged in and turned on? no problem with the cables?01:58
Pr0_Newbieit is plugged in, on and i've tried differet cables and different ports.....   FYI  works fine in Windows.01:59
bazhangPr0_Newbie, okay, then unplug and replug and check the output of dmesg01:59
KiRiLoStail -f /var/log/messages , then unplug & replug.02:00
KiRiLoSpaste the last lines @ the pastebin02:00
bazhangPr0_Newbie, ^^02:00
bazhangthanks KiRiLoS02:00
Pr0_Newbiehttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1223164  <----read this...some guy was trying to help me.02:00
Pr0_Newbiestill here..................02:07
Pr0_Newbiestill here.......02:08
bazhangPr0_Newbie, still need the output of above02:08
bazhangPr0_Newbie, need the url02:12
Pr0_Newbiestill here...............02:16
bazhangPr0_Newbie, how big is this hdd02:20
Pr0_Newbie6gb I thnk02:20
bazhangPr0_Newbie, so it is a flash stick then?02:20
Pr0_Newbieno, it is a actual HD inside a enclosure I bought off ebay...........2.0.02:21
bazhangPr0_Newbie, a six GB HDD?02:22
Pr0_Newbiemy sandisk USB thumb drive (when plugged in) works great!02:22
Pr0_Newbieyep,......i'm a little behind the times02:23
bazhangPr0_Newbie, never heard of a HDD that is only 6GB02:23
bazhangeven flash disks are 1GB, 2GB, 4GB, 8, 16,32 etc02:24
Pr0_Newbielol, i was logged into Compuserve in the 80's.  That was PRE-internet.   lol02:24
bazhangPr0_Newbie, still never heard of such a size. did you put in enclosure yourself?02:25
Pr0_Newbieyes....the enclosure I bought was a standard IDE - USB enclosure.  I put the HD in it myself.  Like I said.....works 100% in WIndows.02:27
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bazhangPr0_Newbie, well that is odd, apart from trying another USB port I have no suggestions. No experience with such odd sized drives02:28
Pr0_Newbiedon't feel bad, the other guy got lost too. Thanks for the effort..........02:29
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bastidrazorfrom google searching the only 6GB drives i can find are for ipods and other such devices..03:18
charles__anyone know what I need to do before this "svn co http://svn.linuxmce.org/svn/branches/LinuxMCE-0810/src/new-installer" on a new kubuntu install?03:42
JontheEchidnasudo apt-get install subversion, at the least I'd imagine03:43
charles__thanks that worked03:43
JontheEchidnayou're welcome03:44
noquinhodo u know how to change looding screen ?03:44
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korrupthello, I'm having a problem with k3b, it isn't burning my cd's, I'm on hardy, any solution?05:14
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fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?05:58
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fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?06:36
digmorejoin #ubuntu-cn06:42
dmitriyhello people!06:47
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apparlehi guys07:40
Guest35511i have several problems i need help with please first is that when i try and update things i get this error message E: Malformed line 1 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list.d/pidgin-ppa.list (dist parse)07:57
Guest35511E: The list of sources could not be read.07:57
Guest35511ho do i fix this?07:58
bazhangGuest35511, please paste.ubuntu.com the output of cat /etc/apt/sources.list07:58
Guest35511how even07:58
Guest35511what now?08:05
bazhangGuest35511, is there a sources.list.d ; if so paste.ubuntu.com with that08:06
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Guest35511all thats in there is a file called pidgin-ppa.list08:11
ShockValuecant get qLandkarte to compile08:11
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bazhangGuest35511, that is the problem08:11
Guest35511what do i need to do to fix it?08:11
bazhangGuest35511, you added that PPA incorrectly08:12
apparleI am unable to connect to gtalk using kopete but I can connect to it via pidgin08:12
Guest35511i added that like 3 months ago and it was never a problem :o08:12
Guest35511how do i fix it though?08:13
bazhangremove the listing, or put a # in front of it08:13
Guest35511its not letting me write to the file08:14
bazhangGuest35511, kdesu kate /etc/apt/sources.list.d ?08:15
Guest35511bash: kdesu: command not found08:16
Guest35511now what?08:16
bazhangGuest35511, sudo nano then08:16
apparleGuest35511: use 'kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list.d'08:18
apparlebazhang: they have change kdesu to kdesudo08:19
Guest35511yeah i got it :) now to figure out why both of my computers stoped playing dvds08:19
bazhangapparle, kdesudo is optional package08:20
apparleI don't know but in 9.04 i have been using right after install08:20
bazhang!info kdesudo08:20
ubottukdesudo (source: kdesudo): sudo frontend for KDE4. In component main, is optional. Version 3.4.1-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 41 kB, installed size 672 kB08:20
bazhangapparle, ^^08:20
apparlesomeone plz help me with my problem08:22
livingdaylight537a22de1342d5671b7e0070f66a6076 is this md5sum correct for kubuntu i386?08:22
Mofalivingdaylight: 537a22de1342d5671b7e0070f66a6076 is the correct md5sum08:25
Mamarokbazhang: actually it should not be optional, as you need it to gain sudo rights for GUI apps08:26
Mamarokapparle: what is your problem? Could you sum it up in one line, please?08:26
livingdaylightMofa: ok, that matches my number, why couldn't i easily find it on the homepage?08:26
bazhangMamarok, indeed it should not; why is it marked so above though08:26
Mamarokbazhang: ask the packagers...08:26
apparleI am unable to connect to gtalk using kopete but I can connect to it via pidgin08:27
Mofalivingdaylight: good question. i dont have an answer. i had to search through the files on a mirror to find the correct md508:27
Mamarokapparle: I can't, neither, must be a bug I guess08:27
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/VerifyIsoHowto or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows08:28
Mamarokthat's where the md5 sums are, or at least a link to those08:28
apparleI use following settings to connect to pidgin using these http://imagebin.ca/view/ngQXf4A5.html08:28
Mamarokapparle: read what I said, it seems not to work, so just use something else :)08:29
apparleMamarok: is there another KDE jabber client08:29
Mamarokapparle: because gtalk is Jabber?08:29
apparleMamarok: ya08:30
Mamarokapparle: not AFAIK, gtalk doesn't use the jabber protocol, where di you find that info?08:31
jussi01apparle: I remember that kopete had some small config issue, check the server and the ports from googles website08:31
livingdaylightI am sorry, but md5sum should have to come to an irc channel and do !md5 to find a link to a ubuntu help page to find it. It should be easily available on the kubuntudownload page imho08:31
jussi01Mamarok: it does ;)08:31
Mamarokit uses XMPP IIRC08:32
Mamaroklivingdaylight: then file a bug, else the devs will not see it08:32
bazhang!info qca-tls08:32
ubottuqca-tls (source: qca-tls): TLS plugin for the Qt Cryptographic Architecture (QCA). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0-4 (jaunty), package size 28 kB, installed size 128 kB08:32
bazhanghttp://amazing-development.com/archives/2006/01/20/using-google-talk-with-kopete/ apparle08:32
Mamarokjussi01: wasn't it just compilant with jabber but uses xmpp?08:32
livingdaylightMamarok: i don't know whether it is a bug or a feature request, but it is standard practice for most distros i can think of. Strange is hasn't naturally occured to the devs08:33
jussi01Mamarok: Im not sure, but it will work with kopete - I have had it working before, and it will work with the jabber support on bitlbee08:33
Mamaroklivingdaylight: yes, I know, it should, but there are many things that *should* and we don't have that many volunteers to make the work08:33
jussi01livingdaylight: file a bug against the kubuntu webpages please08:34
Mamarokjussi01: I already told him so...08:34
livingdaylighti'm just a newbie coming (trying) to come to kubuntu for the first time....08:34
Mamaroklivingdaylight: well, that doesn't prevent you to file a bug nontheless :)08:35
apparlebazhang: I already have it installed08:35
Mamarokand newbie not as much as you seem to have used other distros :)08:35
livingdaylightsorry, it really aint my job to ask for something which should have been done for as long as kubuntu has existed.08:35
Guest35511im getting an error with every player i use on both of my desktops that it cant decode dvds08:35
bazhangapparle, and what error are you getting08:35
Guest35511how do i fix this08:36
livingdaylightkubuntu simply don't think its a requirement to make it easily available - fine08:36
Mamaroklivingdaylight: I explained the reasons already, live with it then *shrug*08:36
bazhangGuest35511, did you install libdvdcss2 from medibuntu.org08:36
livingdaylightMamarok: what, lack of volunteers?08:36
Guest35511let me make sure08:36
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?08:36
Mamaroklivingdaylight: yes, there is a lot of work for very little people, so ...08:36
apparlebazhang: I am getting connection refused. Also I can't use 5223 as it is blocked in college08:37
jussi01apparle: thats the issue - you need 522308:37
bazhangapparle, no wonder08:37
Guest35511Package libdvdcss2 is not available, but is referred to by another package.08:37
Guest35511This may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or08:37
Guest35511is only available from another source08:37
bazhangGuest35511, did you go to medibuntu.org and download it?08:38
apparleguys I'll resume discussion in 0min............going for lunch08:38
MamarokGuest35511: try typing aptitude search libdvdcss2, it will tell you which package has it08:39
bazhanghe needs the medibuntu repos for that; alternately just downloading the .deb file works Guest3551108:40
apparleguys I'll resume discussion in 30min............going for lunch08:40
Mamarokapparle: yes, you told us so already08:40
apparleMamarok: earlier I said 0mins by mistake08:40
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuHashes livingdaylight you could bookmark that08:41
Guest35511how do i get the  repos08:41
bazhangGuest35511, the instructions are on the site; you dont need them though for just that one package08:41
Guest35511cause its giving me a bunch of errors when i try and install the deb08:42
bazhangGuest35511, what command are you using to install it; or did you just double click it08:42
Guest35511i just clicked it08:42
livingdaylightbazhang: how will that help everyone else who goes to kubuntu download page and wonders where the md5sum number is?08:43
Mamaroklivingdaylight: stop it, please!08:43
bazhangGuest35511, what about sudo dpkg -i .debfile08:43
bazhangGuest35511, make sure you are in the same directory08:44
livingdaylightMamarok: NO, bazhang continued... my point is valid08:44
Guest35511i dont know how to do that D:  im sorry08:44
Mamaroklivingdaylight: this is a support channel, not for discussion08:44
bazhangGuest35511, did you download it to your Desktop?08:44
livingdaylightMamarok: i am not discussing... so, don't tell me to stop doing something i am not doing08:45
Mamarokalso we told you the way to make it happen, so please, either file a bug or keep quiet08:45
bazhangGuest35511, cd Desktop then ls to see if it is there08:45
Mamarokyou are not exactly helpful08:45
livingdaylightMamarok: please stop and listen to yourself first08:45
Guest35511yes its there i clicked it and got several errors when it tryed to install08:47
bazhangGuest35511, which errors08:48
Guest35511it just says sorry an error occored and when i click ok it just disapears08:49
bazhangah he quit08:51
livingdaylightok, on Quassel for the first time09:08
livingdaylightmirkochip: ciao ragazzo09:09
livingdaylightis it webkitkde or something? i want to install to change konquii to webkit?09:12
apparlehi guys09:19
Mamaroklivingdaylight: normally you should have an option in Konqueror for the webkit in the View menu -< View mode09:21
livingdaylightMamarok: thx09:22
* livingdaylight checks09:22
livingdaylightMamarok: all i see in View>View Mode is Khtml09:23
Mamarokwhat KDE version are you using?09:23
Mamaroktry installing the 'webkitkde' package09:24
livingdaylightMamarok: how can i find out what version kde i'm using?09:26
livingdaylightMamarok: View doesn't have View Mode anymore?09:29
Mamaroklivingdaylight: help menu in any KDE application -> about KDE09:30
livingdaylightis 'version' not a command?09:30
juan_is it ok to install nvidia drivers on kde?09:30
voicuhi, any idea why flash doesn't have sound either in firefox or konqueror? i'm using intrepid with all updates09:30
daniel_sanwas it working before updates?09:31
livingdaylightI am using KDE version 4.2.98 (KDE4.2.98 (KDE 4.3 RC3))09:31
Mamaroklivingdaylight: just go the the Help menu of Dolphin or Quassel, then choose the About KDE option09:31
Mamarokjuan_: why not? You should go with the default driver packages in the repos first, though09:32
voicudaniel_san: no... actually i think it worked once or twice but i don't know what was different then, i've been just playing some videos on youtube09:32
voicuother streaming sites do the same09:32
Mamaroklivingdaylight: did you restart Konqueror after installing the package?09:32
livingdaylightis there a way of changing #channel rooms as tabs?09:32
livingdaylightMamarok: yes, and then the View didn't have View Mode any longer09:33
Mamarokvoicu: this is a known problem with flash, works well in Jaunty now for me09:33
daniel_sanyeah i remember havin issues with flash/audio on my laptop with ubuntu 7.0309:33
Mamaroklivingdaylight: I don't use Quassel, so I can't tell09:33
livingdaylightvoicu: i am using Jaunty and flash works here on  my laptop09:33
Mamaroklivingdaylight: then I don't know what didn't work, I have it working here, same KDE version09:33
Mamaroklivingdaylight: try restarting KDE09:34
livingdaylightMamarok: what do you use?09:34
Mamaroklivingdaylight: irssi in a screen session, it's a comman dline IRC client09:34
livingdaylightMamarok: i'm more familiar with xchat. Quassel has the same default look with channels on the left as a tree, but xchat lets us change from 'tree' to 'tabs'09:34
livingdaylighti don't see this option in Quassels settings09:35
voicuwait, i've got them mixed  up... i'm on jaunty :P09:35
Mamaroklivingdaylight: you can use what you want to09:35
voicui forgot i did a dist-upgrade09:35
livingdaylightvoicu: lol09:35
daniel_sanyeah i have no clue with the names anymore hehe, and yeah upgrades might have messed up your flash09:36
Mamarokvoicu: did you isntall the flashplugin-nonfree package?09:36
daniel_sanim using 8.04 LTS09:36
livingdaylightvoicu: if you install kubuntu-restricted-extra it will include the flash and all other media codecs09:36
Mamarokdaniel_san: it's not LTS for Kubuntu though09:36
daniel_sanno kidding, well its still 8.0409:37
Mamaroklivingdaylight: he already has it installed...09:37
Mamarokvoicu: do you have a 32 or 64 bit system?09:37
livingdaylightMamarok: does one have to install flashplugin again?09:37
daniel_sanim just kinda scared upgrading will break things09:37
voiculivingdaylight: it says there is no such package09:38
Mamarokdaniel_san: test with a live CD then09:38
daniel_sancause didnt they upgrade X for jaunty?09:38
voicubut yeah, i already have flashplugin-nonfree09:38
Mamarokvoicu: it is kubuntu-restricted-extras09:38
daniel_sanyeah i should try that, too lazy to downlaod and burn a dvd though09:38
Mamarokso you don't need to install that meta-package09:38
voicuwell i'll put it anyway09:39
Mamarokvoicu: which version of KDE do you use?09:39
Mamarokvoicu: the default KDe 4.2.2 or did you upgrade to 4.2.4?09:39
voicuuhm, 4.2.209:39
livingdaylightisn't everyone on 4.2.98?09:40
voicuhm, maybe i'll try 4.2.409:40
voicuhope some of the bugs are gone09:40
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Mamarokvoicu: flash works fine with Konqueror in KDE 4.2.98, and not too bad with firefox-3.5, besides occasional crashes in FF09:40
daniel_sanlol im on 3.5.1009:40
Mamarokdaniel_san: we already know that, please, stop rambling, this is a support channel09:41
voicucan you have jaunty with kde 3.5?09:41
Mamarokvoicu: no09:41
daniel_sansorry im not trying to ramble. honest.09:41
voicumamarok: oh well, i guess kde 4 it is09:41
Mamaroklivingdaylight: well, no, KDE 4.2.98 is in the PPA backports only, so unless you add the PPAs to the sources...09:42
livingdaylightMamarok: ooops09:42
Mamarokvoicu: check in the Help menu of Dolphin -> About KDE09:42
livingdaylightmaybe i should have stayed put09:42
apparlebazhang: Isn't there any way I can connect to Gtalk using kopete09:42
bazhangapparle, what errors are you getting09:43
voicumamarok: i did09:43
voicuit's 4.2.209:43
apparlebazhang: connection refused09:43
Mamarokvoicu: ok, see the topic, you should upgrade to 4.2.4, there have been quite some bugfixes09:43
voicuyeye, doing that now09:44
bazhangapparle, but you need the port that is blocked by your college09:44
Mamarokapparle: didn't he tell you earlier the port you need?09:44
apparleso what should I do college is not going to open 522309:44
apparleIsn't there any way to connect to 44309:45
bazhangapparle, you need to get a proxy for that09:47
apparlebut pidgin can connect normally09:48
voicucan i apply the settings from "system settings -> display" at kdm time?09:50
livingdaylighttrying to understand widgets: I've added the yellow sticky widget and it is sitting in the taskbar. How do i use it from there?09:50
voicushouldn't it work like that by default?09:50
Mamarokvoicu: you don't need to set those in an upgrade, this should already be there09:50
Mamaroklivingdaylight: right click on it to see the options, but it's not meant for the taskbar09:51
voicumamarok: this is not related to the upgrade09:51
livingdaylightMamarok: i didn't think so; and right clicking insn't giving me much in terms of relevant options that i can tell09:52
Mamaroklivingdaylight: because there are not that many options, use Knotes instead, that goes well with the panel09:52
voicumamarok: i have a monitor attached to the laptop and i want to use that instead of the laptop screen... thing is when it boots, kdm is in 800x600 mode to accomodate both screens. i have to go to system settings->display each time i login09:53
voicubtw, sound works in flash now09:53
Mamarokvoicu: each time? Then your settings are not saved, I think you will need KDE 4.3 for that09:54
voicumamarok: well, they're kinda saved... when i open the display tab, it immediately applies the settings i want09:55
voicuso it saves them but it doesn't apply them at startup09:55
Mamarokvoicu: oh, you mean having KDM with the settings already? I don't think that's possible, maybe check the settings in systemsettings -> advanced tab - > Login manager09:57
Mamarokvoicu: but once KDE is started it starts with the right settings?09:57
apparleI have some extra keys on the keyboard for Calculator,Home etc. how to enable them to open calculator etc directly09:58
livingdaylightMamarok: Knotes is not in teh widgets menu? Another thing. In the widgets each one has a pentagon next to it. I click on it and it fills with yellow. What does it do? At first i thought this was how the widget is selected but in fact that is not so. Simply highlighting the entire widget by clicking on it selects it already, so i'm wondering what making the pentagonstar yellow does/adsds?09:58
voicumamarok: they get applied only after i click the Display tab in System Settings09:58
Mamaroklivingdaylight: knotes is an application, not a widget09:58
Mamarokwhat pentagon? Never seen that09:58
livingdaylightMamarok: knotes is like tomboy?09:58
Mamaroklivingdaylight: you should not use tomboy in KDE...09:58
livingdaylightMamarok: pentagon-shaped Star09:58
livingdaylightMamarok: why not?  i thought apps are cross platform?09:59
Mamaroklivingdaylight: oh, in the widget browser you mean? That is a star, not a pentagon, you can add a star to mark a widget as favorite09:59
livingdaylightMamarok: yes :)09:59
Mamaroklivingdaylight: because tomboy uses mono, and KDE doesn't09:59
livingdaylightoh, its simply to denote that this widget is a favourite?10:00
Mamarokand knotes is very good, so no need for tomboy10:00
livingdaylightMamarok: i was in fact simply asking whether it was an equivalent to get a sense of it10:00
nexusВсем вздравствуйте, помогите зайди на второй жесткий диск, он в разделе ntfs, в интернете ничего не могу найти10:06
Mamarok!ru | nexus10:06
ubottunexus: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke10:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about akonadi10:08
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about akonaditray10:08
Mamaroklivingdaylight: ask10:09
livingdaylightUnder utilities i see akonaditray, what is this please?10:09
Mamaroklivingdaylight: akonadi is the database sever used by Kontact and possibly other apps10:09
livingdaylightk, thx - nothing for me to concern myself with for now10:10
Mamarokand akonaditray is the system tray part to control akonadi features10:10
livingdaylightinteresting that kubuntu has replaced konversation with Quassel10:11
Mamaroklivingdaylight: only because there was no KDE4 knonversation port at the time, konversation will be default again in Karmic10:12
Mamarokand Quassel will be optional10:13
livingdaylightkubuntu kde4 is still very errr... a work in progress?10:13
Mamaroklivingdaylight: all free software is work in progress, but KDE4 was a major rewrite of everything, and there are hundreds of applications, so...10:14
Mamaroklivingdaylight: you can find all this information in http://www.kde.org10:14
apparleguys please suggest a XMPP client for gtalk other that kopete10:40
aswinhi does any one know how to use kdevelop to develop kget or any other KDE application10:40
skyhunterHi, is there any way to activate echo cancelling?10:43
Mamarokapparle: why don't you use pidgin, then? Didn't you say yourself it was connecting ?10:46
Mamarokskyhunter: echo cancelling in what?10:46
skyhunterFor skype10:46
apparleMamarok: I don't want a gnome application, it has installed gnome keyring and now kpacakgekit is trying to use  gnome keyring to store password and has crashed10:47
Mamarokskyhunter: that very much depends on the abilities of your soundcard I think10:47
Mamarokapparle: well, then you need a proxy10:48
apparlebut why can't kopete connect via 443 like pidgin10:48
skyhunterhmm in windows I could activate echo cancelling with realtek, but i cant find something in kubuntu 9.04 :S10:48
Mamarokskyhunter: normally your sound card driver should support that, did you have a look at the system settings -> multimedia?10:53
skyhunterit shows me that i use HDA Intel(ALC888 Analog) for audio recording but i cannot find any option to activate echo cancelling.10:55
apparleI have ATI card and I use open source drivers, sometimes system starts graphic effects and sometimes it does not. For eg: currently I don't have any graphic effects and my mail panel is opaque11:08
apparleMamarok: how to setup a proxy??11:15
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judgenSorry if this is a stupid question, but what file holds the theme selection in kde4?11:33
judgenfor me it seems to hold only the font information. not the qt style.11:34
Rabenschwingein .qt/qtrc ?11:42
judgeni had allready found it with locate11:43
judgenbut thatnks11:43
njais anyone here11:50
=== rachel is now known as Guest76642
sourcemaker_is there a software to organize mp3 files... amarok is not working for me12:06
sourcemaker_I need to organize a lot of mp3 files... related to artist, album and track name... separated in different folders12:07
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs12:29
bazhang!info easytag12:32
ubottueasytag (source: easytag): viewing, editing and writing ID3 tags. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.1.4-1.1 (jaunty), package size 967 kB, installed size 3080 kB12:32
bazhangsourcemaker_, ^^12:32
sourcemaker_bazhang: getestet.... nicht mein DING12:33
bazhangsourcemaker_, english please12:33
sourcemaker_bazhang: I am sorry... the software does not work find for me12:33
bazhangsourcemaker_, could you clarify what you need then?12:34
sourcemaker_bazhang: I would like to organize mp3 files... but group by the artists initial12:35
sourcemaker_bazhang: like /M/Metallica/Album/Track.mp312:35
bazhangsourcemaker_, let me search the repos, hang on a second12:35
cuznttry songbird12:37
bazhangsourcemaker_, exfalso (quodlibet)12:41
bob_how to configure12:43
bob_a local network?12:43
bob_should I install a package?12:44
zizzfizzixanybody runs kubuntu 9.04 on virtualbox?12:58
zizzfizzixwith kde 4.3rc3 actually12:58
zizzfizzixno other repos12:58
AlexZionHi everyone, I'm running kde 4.3 RC3, and seems to have some problem with kde effects..., actually they works, but actually they are not so "fluid" as before ....., it can be some my settings problem , or someone else hasnote the same ?13:10
zizzfizzixAlexZion: try tu update graphics card driver13:15
AlexZionI think I already have the lastone..., I mean , the last on the repos for  NVidia graphic card ...13:15
AlexZionI have installed 180.44, isn't the lastone available ?13:17
AlexZionI mean , is the last version available on the repos ....13:20
AlexZionzizzfizzix: can I use some other repo for a newest Nvidia driver ?13:21
zizzfizzixi dunno really13:23
zizzfizzixbut it's not that hard to install it manually13:23
zizzfizzixyou can try13:23
zizzfizzixbut first you should try on a new user13:23
zizzfizzixcreate one with clean configs and try how it works13:23
AlexZionI'm not so sure to do it , anyway nobody else has report this problem ?13:24
AlexZionmaybe is my old graphic card ..., it's a ge force go 7300 ....13:25
zizzfizzixi have no idea, try first with clean configs on another account, you'll know if it's its fault13:25
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zizzfizzixif it worked before it's not graphics card, unless it got broken13:25
AlexZionif I do a new user , are you sure that changing the driver would be just for that user ?13:26
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AlexZionor do you mean , a new user , without change driver ?13:26
zizzfizzixjust try a new user13:28
zizzfizzixif it will be bad as for your user13:28
zizzfizzixthen try to installe newer driver13:28
bob_someone can tel me how I can find the key for this backport http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.2.98 ?13:29
zizzfizzixbob_: ah shit, there is a tip13:29
zizzfizzixdidn't you even read it?13:29
bob_I don' know the command I must enter in konsole13:29
zizzfizzixread it, and you'll know13:30
zizzfizzixyou daon't have to use konsole for this13:30
AlexZionok zizzfizzix, I'll try it .., thanks ...13:30
bob_I don't know I can save it13:30
bob_sudo what ?13:30
zizzfizzixAlexZion: np13:32
zizzfizzixbob_: click on it, it's a html page13:32
zizzfizzixthere is a key13:32
zizzfizzixBEGIN GPG BLOCK etc13:32
zizzfizzixsave this to a file13:32
zizzfizzixand then choose it in kpackagekit or whatever it is13:32
FloodBotK1zizzfizzix: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:32
zizzfizzixbob_: what sudo?13:32
bob_ok i have found, thanks13:33
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khaije|amaltbest video editing app for kde (for relative noob) ?13:54
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siegiekhaije|amalt: kdenlive13:59
khaije|amaltty siegie :)14:02
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BluesKajHowdy all14:11
ercanplz help me i installed ubuntu but my mouse isnt workimg14:16
ercanfor this reason this is third installition14:17
ercanno body can help14:17
BluesKajercan, in the terminal: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg14:19
AlexZionzizzfizzix: I try with a new user and looks much better ..., so probably it's just for some settings ...., how can found where the problem is ?14:21
BluesKajAlexZion, pls expalin "looks much better" ?14:23
zizzfizzixAlexZion: maybe the new user has much less cpu/gpu load?14:24
zizzfizzixare you trying with same programs running?14:24
AlexZionok BlueEagle, the effects of kde looks much better on a new user , because I have some problem with my default user , they looks much less fluid ...14:24
AlexZionI just try it opening few things ....., should I try running more applications ?14:25
BluesKajwhat looks better ?14:26
AlexZionall the kde animation effects BlueEagle14:26
AlexZionops BluesKaj all the kde animation effects...14:27
ercanercan@ercan-ubuntu:~$ su14:32
ercansu: Yetkilendirme hatası14:32
ercanercan@ercan-ubuntu:~$ 1234514:32
ercanbash: 12345: command not found14:32
FloodBotK1ercan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:32
ercanercan@ercan-ubuntu:~$ su14:32
zizzfizzixAlexZion: try with same amount of apps as usuall14:34
zizzfizzixso you know it it's configs and not work load14:34
ercansomebody can help14:34
ercanplz help me i installed ubuntu but my mouse isnt workimg14:34
zizzfizzixercan: it may be a missing xserver package14:35
ercanhow can i do this14:36
ercanthis is my third format14:36
AlexZionzizzfizzix: now I'm running just quassel, but looks the same ...14:36
zizzfizzixercan: what did you have previously?14:37
AlexZionhow can I reset all thesettings of kde ?14:37
zizzfizzixAlexZion: just move ~/.kde or ~/.kde414:37
zizzfizzixdunno where are configs in kubuntu14:37
ercani had ubuntu again but i had a driver problem then i formatted again14:38
BluesKajercan, have you tried a different mouse14:38
ercanit is working14:38
zizzfizzixBluesKaj: search for all xserver packages, maybe some are missing14:38
zizzfizzixthen install appropriate14:38
ercanhow can i do this14:38
BluesKajercan,  then use that one14:38
ercanno no no14:38
AlexZionok I'll try it,but I have both , .kde and .kde4 , isn't a bit strange ?14:39
ercanmy mouse is working14:39
ercanit isnt working in ubuntu14:39
ercani think i must format again14:40
ercani ll be here again after format se you14:41
ercansee you14:41
BluesKajercan, formatting will make no difference , if your mouse isn't recognized now it won't be later after a new install either14:41
zizzfizzixAlexZion: it's nothing strange, move .kde414:41
AlexZionand I just leave .kde ?14:42
zizzfizzixercan: it won't help you likely14:42
zizzfizzixAlexZion: nope14:42
ercanbut it was working14:42
ercanin ubuntu14:42
AlexZionzizzfizzix: so I have to move both ?14:42
zizzfizzixAlexZion: the thing is, that if you have .kde4 there are your kde4 configs, i you have just .kde then there are your kde4 configs :) depends on distro14:42
zizzfizzixAlexZion: nope, kwin is from kde4 so just .kde414:42
zizzfizzixercan: and you did a clean install since then?14:43
AlexZionok , I got it , I'll try ....14:43
BluesKajercan, can you try a different mouse ?14:43
ercanno solution14:43
zizzfizzixercan: is it usb or ps2?14:43
ercanok it was working in installition step14:44
ercanwhen it finished14:44
ercani open my pc without mouse14:45
ercani formatted again and again14:45
BluesKajformat , why ...that's not going to change anything, ercan14:46
ercanhow can i fix this14:46
zizzfizzixah shit, it's not windows so you have to format your disk all over the time..14:47
BluesKajthe easy way , borrow a mouse from someone14:47
ercani tried tree different mouses bu no solutiın14:47
ercanit isnt a hardware problem14:48
zizzfizzixercan: told you, try to search for xserver packages14:48
zizzfizzixprobably installation wasn't smooth14:48
zizzfizzixand some packages weren't installed14:48
zizzfizzixor reinstall them if they were14:48
ercanok but how can i do this im new user14:49
zizzfizzixercan: use apt-get or aptitude14:52
zizzfizzixin aptitude it's really easy14:52
AlexZionzizzfizzix: is the same , and now I'm in the new user and everything is smooth and nice ...14:54
AlexZionI0m thinking right now, it could be a problem with the theme manager ?14:55
zizzfizzixAlexZion: may be14:55
zizzfizzixtry to backup and delete kwin and plasma settings14:55
lukaszWitajcie :D14:56
lukaszmam pytanie14:56
lukaszgra ktoś w jakieś gry?14:56
lukaszplay the game in linux?14:56
zizzfizzixlukasz: i's english only channel14:56
AlexZionzizzfizzix: ok , so I'll go back to the default user to check with the standard theme manager , otherwise I'll backup and delete kwin and plasma settings...14:57
zizzfizzixniewiele osób chyba mówi tu po polsku, a nawet jeśli to reszta nie zrozumie, więc używaj angielskiego w miarę możliwości14:57
AlexZionzizzfizzix: yeah , it was a decoration manager problem "Aurorae", with Dekorator is perfect15:02
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zizzfizzixgreat it's working now :)15:04
AlexZionyeah but I had changed dekorator for another problem .., so I always have a small problem ....:)15:04
AlexZiontheproblem with dekorator is with thw transparency on the rounded corner ...15:05
zizzfizzixmaybe it's fixed, at last you've upgraded ;)15:09
ercanwhich packages i must install from aptitude15:09
waltzingalongercan: for what?15:10
ercanfor mouse problem15:10
AlexZionzizzfizzix: I think so , I'm just using the verion available on the repos ...15:10
zizzfizzixercan: search for xserver15:11
zizzfizzixthere are some packages with input in names15:11
zizzfizzixthose are probably responsible for mouse and etc. handling15:11
AlexZion_zizzfizzix: please help me again ..., I found a new version of dekorator, but I have some problem compiling it....15:22
zizzfizzixAlexZion_: what problems?15:22
AlexZion_they says the package is already on KDE repo...15:22
AlexZion_it's better install from there ?15:23
zizzfizzixwho says that?15:23
AlexZion_make[2]: *** [client/CMakeFiles/kwin3_deKorator.dir/deKoratorclient.o] Errore 115:23
AlexZion_make[1]: *** [client/CMakeFiles/kwin3_deKorator.dir/all] Errore 215:23
AlexZion_make: *** [all] Errore 215:23
zizzfizzixif it's the same version which you wish to have it's better for you to install it from repo15:23
zizzfizzixAlexZion_: 1st use pastebin, 2nd it doesn't tell me anything15:24
AlexZion_yeah , i think so , where I can get the KDE repo ?15:24
zizzfizzixAlexZion_: ask him who told you it's there..15:25
AlexZion_i read just on his pubblication on KDE-Look.org15:25
zizzfizzixso it should be in default repo i guess15:27
zizzfizzixdunno though15:27
zizzfizzixi'll be right back..15:27
=== zizzfizzix is now known as zizzfizzix|away
xhatmanhi! is there an xmessage/gmessage equivalent in kde?15:30
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=== sumit is now known as Raj
JontheEchidnaxhatman: kdialog seems to be what you're after15:35
BriGuyI am using kubuntu and installed firefox 3.5.  Anyone know how to point the shortcut in the application launcher from 3.0 to 3.5?  First time using kubuntu instead of ubuntu15:35
JontheEchidnaBriGuy: the shortcut from the "favorites" pane?15:36
xhatmanJontheEchidna: thanks =)15:36
BriGuyJontheEchidna: no under the applications pane under the internet section.  It keeps opening up 3.0 instead15:36
JontheEchidnaBriGuy: Firefox 3.5 is still branded as "Shiretoko" (the nightly release) since it's not the default firefox, and Ubuntu only brands the default release.15:37
JontheEchidnalaunching shiretoko will launch firefox 3.515:37
JontheEchidna!ru stasig15:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ru stasig15:37
JontheEchidna!ru > stasig15:37
ubottustasig, please see my private message15:37
BriGuyJontheEchidna: thanks :)15:38
JontheEchidnaBriGuy: you're welcome :)15:39
=== zizzfizzix is now known as zizzfizzix|away
=== zizzfizzix|away is now known as zizzfizzix
paul_привет всем!)15:43
BluesKaj!ru | paul_15:46
ubottupaul_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke15:46
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AlexZionzizzfizzix: when I try to compile the source of dekorator I get this http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d704b4e5115:54
zizzfizzixis it really for kde4?15:57
zizzfizzixit sounds like for 3..15:57
zizzfizzixwhere did you get it?15:58
AlexZionhere http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/deKorator?content=8792115:59
zizzfizzix* To install from source, you need cmake, kdebase-workspace-dev, and libqimageblitz-dev (or similary named). Additionally, you must have the KDE 4 binaries in your path.16:00
zizzfizzixinstalled this? ^16:00
zizzfizzixah and btw, apt-get install kwin-style-dekorator, should do the trick for you16:01
zizzfizzixAlexZion: ^16:01
zizzfizzixfound it here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=dekorator&searchon=names&suite=jaunty&section=all16:01
dangelobuona domenica a tutti16:20
dangeloitalian speek16:21
eMyllerhow do i share a directory?16:21
bazhang!it | dangelo16:22
ubottudangelo: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:22
eMylleri'm on kde4.3 rc316:22
zizzfizzixeMyller: share with what?16:22
VoipJunkywhat is thever of kde in kubuntu 9.0416:23
dangelograzie ma ho appena installato ubuntu16:23
bazhangdangelo, english here  /join #ubuntu-it16:23
VoipJunkyI need 4.3 for teting16:23
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zizzfizzixVoipJunky: you can install 4.3rc3 from back\ports or something16:24
eMyllerzizzfizzix: share with the network protocol16:24
eMylleror samba, whatever16:24
zizzfizzixit's latest announcement on kubuntu.org16:25
eMylleri got samba installed here16:25
zizzfizzixeMyller: then you want to share it with another computer..16:25
BluesKajeMyller, open the dir /edit/properties/share tab16:25
eMyllerBluesKaj: there's a button with 'configure file sharing', that has no action :(16:26
BluesKajno option button to configure file sharing ?16:28
eMyllerthere's a button there16:29
eMyllerbut i click on it and nothing16:29
eMylleri just tried again as root, but nothing.16:30
BluesKajok eMyller  , the you prolly need samba or smb client installed16:30
waltzingalongdangelo: buongiorno16:31
* eMyller is sad cuz the builtin network stuff doesnt work16:31
BluesKajeMyller, also there's no point in file sharing if you are the only user as well16:31
eMyllerBluesKaj: i've that installed already16:31
=== zizzfizzix is now known as zizzfizzix|away
BluesKajeMyller, have you established a networking with another pc ?16:32
eMyllerBluesKaj: obviously :P16:34
eMyllerBluesKaj: i see the other pc in both smb:// and network://, but i can do nothing16:34
BluesKajeMyller, I have to state the obvious if i don't know your setup ..so don't be offended . It could be a permissions prob , but it's difficult to tell16:36
eMyllerBluesKaj: i know, dont worry :)16:37
BluesKajdifficult for me :)16:37
eMyllerBluesKaj: i dont think so, i tried to click that button as root16:37
BluesKajmaybe someone elas has some clues16:37
eMyllerBluesKaj: thx anyway :)16:40
BluesKajeMyller, it's odd cuz I just tested /usr/bin as an example , and the share button opend , but I get the message that samba and ntfs servers aren't installed16:40
eMylleranyone else? :)16:40
BluesKajI have access to wifes pc as well as the laptop on our network , so something here is strangely amiss too16:41
=== zizzfizzix|away is now known as zizzfizzix
BluesKajeMyller, install system-config-samba , it's  a gui capable of setting up your file sharing options . I just installed it and now I can share the dir If i wish.16:54
eMyllerBluesKaj: oh, great. may i report a bug? to display a "system-config-samba missing" msg when clicking that button16:55
user___aloha there! ;)16:56
BluesKajeMyller, well it might already be an established bug. I'd check first16:56
user___anyone has an idea howto start my game *.i386?16:57
user___the system asking me for an program i want to open the file with16:57
BluesKajuser___, ctrl+alt+f2 , type in the name of your game16:58
eMyllerwould it be alt+f2? :P16:59
BluesKajoops , alt+f2 ...16:59
eMyllernow i think he's locked in a tty16:59
BluesKajuser___, ctrl+alt+f717:00
BluesKajif you're still here17:00
user___loool fond the way back xD17:01
BluesKajthink I'd better take a break , my memory is failing me17:01
UnixDawg_what ver of kde4 comes on kubuntu now days 9.0417:01
BluesKajsorry user___ , didn't mean to lead you astraty there17:01
waltzingalongUnixDawg_: meaning when you grab the kubuntu 9.04 iso?17:02
BluesKajuser___, right click on the desktop and choose "run command " works too17:03
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user___lol bluesky .. gives me al more expirience =)17:04
user___but dont work .. it alway ask me 4 the program i want to open the file with... :(17:06
JuJuBeeGreetings.  Anybody have any idea how I can access my printer's (HP C7280) built in card reader if printer is connected via ethernet?17:06
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UnixDawg_ok looks like the iso I have is 4.2.417:09
UnixDawg_kde that is17:09
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BluesKajuser_, is it a linux native game or windows ?17:14
EagleScreencan I change the fonts of KDE3 applications?17:15
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waltzingalongEagleScreen: through system settings / appearance / fonts, you mean?17:21
EagleScreenyes, but change kde3 applications from KDE 417:22
waltzingalongEagleScreen: oh you have a kde4 installation and some kde3 programs and would like to change the fonts for those kde3 programs?17:24
EagleScreenyes waltzingalong17:24
waltzingalongwell that i do not know, EagleScreen17:26
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martijn81why is it that kpackagekit does block a few packages for upgrading?17:37
martijn81is it my repository which is wrong here17:39
EagleScreennot it is a known bug in kapackagekit17:40
martijn81ok :)17:40
martijn81thanks man17:40
BluesKajmartijn81,  not really , sometimes dependencies aren't upgraded so the main app isheld back until those dependencies are also up to date.17:41
Dragnslcrmartijn81- most of the time the packages to be upgraded have new dependencies, which KPackageKit doesn't handle correctly17:44
Dragnslcrmartijn81- usually it's a new kernel. You can upgrade it pretty easily through Konsole if you want to17:45
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BluesKajDragnslcr, martijn81, using aptitude seems bring the dependencies along correctly rather than the packagekit or even apt in my experience17:47
martijn81Dragnslcr: yeah it is a new kernel package indeed17:47
martijn81what should i do17:47
martijn81just upgrade from apt-get?17:48
DragnslcrBluesKaj- apt-get has worked fine for me17:48
Dragnslcrmartijn81- yeah, you'd have to do apt-get dist-upgrade17:48
* martijn81 is doing it right now17:49
martijn81thanks man17:49
BluesKajI'm a bit of an aptitude convert due to successful installs without probs17:50
BluesKajand upgrades17:50
=== zizzfizzix|away is now known as zizzfizzix
martijn81yeah, but it is really strange, the guys from sidux are complaining about aptitude and recommend anyone to use apt-get instead of aptitude...17:51
neo__приф всем_)17:53
BluesKajmartijn81,  that could be a prob with their repos17:54
condor666i've a problem17:54
martijn81yeah, but they are always against it, that makes it a littlebit strange17:54
martijn81condor666: just tell us17:54
condor666i've installed java via the package sun-java6-jre but it doesn't works in firefox17:55
martijn81phew i would not know that condor66617:55
condor666anyone an idea ?17:56
martijn81condor666: have you reloaded firefox?17:56
condor666yes and i've tried to restart but no changes17:57
martijn81it should work after this tm17:57
waltzingalongcondor666: you installed the jre but maybe you want the plugin as well?17:57
CSS_GuruI need help with Dolphin errors17:57
CSS_Guruit will load, then give an error and close17:58
waltzingalong!sun-java6-plugin | condor66617:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:58
martijn81waltzingalong: you could try to install sun-java6-plugin18:00
condor666i've just found it via apt-cache search18:00
waltzingalongmartijn81: thanks, condor666 was looking for it18:01
martijn81yeah, with apt-cache search you are albe to find it18:01
condor666let's test it18:01
martijn81should work18:02
CSS_Gurucan someone help with Dolphin errors?18:02
CSS_GuruI get this error when I right click a file on Dolphin file manager -- http://pastesite.com/942018:03
condor666it works18:03
martijn81condor666: great:)18:03
martijn81CSS_Guru: are you using the latest kde18:04
martijn81yeah, you could try and upgrade to kde4.3 RC318:05
condor666try the 9.10...18:05
martijn81better to use rc3 inside 9.04 because the latest is still alpha18:06
condor666i use the daily build and everything works fine18:06
CSS_Guruhow do I do that?18:06
martijn81CSS_Guru: this is easy, just add a line of source in file /etc/apt/sources.list18:07
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: instructions at www.kubuntu.org18:07
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waltzingalongCSS_Guru: well you would have to install the debugging symbols to generate a helpful backtrace; could also start dolphin from the konsole, then look there for output when dolphin crashes18:09
condor666is there somewhere a place where i can find sources.list with a lot of stuff ?18:10
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CSS_GuruIve been dealing with error after error with kubuntu so far, I dont see why people like it at all...18:10
waltzingalongi guess to presume that it is not that way for everyone else? CSS_Guru18:12
CSS_GuruAnyways, I did apt-get upgrade earlier this week, could that have contributed to this non-error LOL18:13
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: how did you install?18:13
condor666no one ?18:13
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: could have i suppose. so far we have not eliminated any causes18:13
korrupthello, I'm having problems burning cd's with k3b, it recognizes my cdrom but when it's time to burn nothing happens and then my cdrom gets locked.18:14
BluesKajcondor666,  it depends what "stuff " you want.18:14
condor666like non free stuff18:15
BluesKajcondor666,  pastebin your sources.list18:15
korruptany help? I used to be able to burn cd's fine w/the old dapper drake18:17
CSS_Guruhow do I right click a file in Dolphin, if it closes every time I right click?18:18
martijn81CSS_Guru: have you tried deleting the configuration files under ~/.kde/share/apps/dolphin ?18:20
CSS_Guruhow would I do that, again, kubuntu isn't very user friendly, and I need instructions to do everything18:20
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: what do you want to do by right mouse clicking it?18:20
CSS_GuruI want to copy it18:21
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: some instruction told you to run apt-get upgrade?18:21
BluesKajcondor666,  first of all , uncomment all the deb repos on your list and save it , then do an update in the terminal18:21
martijn81CSS_Guru: try this from konsole or yakuake: rm -rf ~/.kde/share/apps/dolphin18:21
BluesKajcondor666,  except for the cdrom deb18:22
condor666BluesKaj, ok18:22
CSS_GuruI put that in konsole, and nothing changed18:23
martijn81CSS_Guru: you might need to reload X, so do a CRTL-ALT-BACKSPACE18:25
condor666BluesKaj, done18:25
CSS_Gurusame error and close18:25
CSS_GuruI only use kbuuntu for watching videos, and now I can't even do that18:26
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: because right mouse clicking on a file in dolphin is a prereq for watching videos?18:26
martijn81CSS_Guru: not cool for you, and what if you use konqueror (not that this is a real solution...)18:26
CSS_Guruwaltz, I need to copy the video to another file18:27
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: :D18:27
BluesKajcondor666, now find the game youwant to install on google and check to see if the kpackagekit or your favorite package manager has it listed , otherwise you may need to find additional repos that host those games18:27
condor666BleusKaj, ok18:28
condor666BluesKaj, ok18:28
condor666usually apt-get18:29
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: usually when using konqueror/dolphin for file manipulation i use the left mouse button to move files, using the popup menu to specify move/copy/link/cancel18:30
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: but yes, right mouse clicking a folder should not crash dolphin18:30
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CSS_Guruwaltz: yes, it's just a common task for me, but I still dont know why I get the error all of a sudden18:31
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: with every file? just this one? folders too?18:31
CSS_Guruits just this file18:31
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: oh so right mouse clicking another file does not crash dolphin?18:32
CSS_GuruI just tested, and yes, it does sadly18:32
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: and this particular file is a video?18:32
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: so right mouse clicking anything crashes dolphin18:32
CSS_Guruall files crash, not folders18:33
CSS_Guruoo nvm18:33
CSS_Guruyes, it is just this .mp4 file18:33
BluesKajcondor666,  I still have adept and synaptic installed , altho i seldom use them to install anything due to my confidence with aptitude in the terminal . I use them to find the proper names for packages /apps that I want to install18:34
BluesKajcondor666,  I still have adept and synaptic installed , altho i seldom use them to install anything due to my confidence with aptitude in the terminal . I use them to find the proper names for packages /apps that I want to install18:34
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neoandersenHello! I need help18:35
martijn81neoandersen: just tell here18:35
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: similar to what is mentioned here? https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=19705818:35
neoandersenI have 2 hd with kubuntu and ubuntu in each one...18:35
neoandersenwhen I type the  password and login on ubuntu it just turn all black and returns asking login and password again...18:37
CSS_Guruyes waptz I guess18:37
neoandersenit doen't shows the "login fails" message...18:38
CSS_GuruIt's ironic, its Matrix Reloaded.mp4 lol18:38
neoandersenit begin to happen after the automatic scandisk...18:38
* Adapter say good evening18:38
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: not that that helps us take care of it. seems like it is something related to strigi though. are you using the strigi engine?18:38
CSS_GuruI have no clue18:39
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: system settings / advanced / desktop search18:40
Adapterwaths with usb on akoya a bug?18:41
Adapteron 9.1018:41
CSS_GuruWaltz: it isn't enabled.18:42
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waltzingalongAdapter: #kubuntu+1  ?18:42
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: well then, do not know what to tell you. find another way to move it.18:43
waltzingalongAdapter: yeah but that has not been released yet so support is in #kubuntu+118:43
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: but you can view it ok?18:43
Adapterahh thanks ok18:43
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: (and yes, the program should still not crash)18:43
CSS_Guruso theres no way to right click it?18:44
neoandersenhow can I make a search in the other hd as my ubuntu is not starting?18:44
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: there are other ways to move it. cut/paste, move with left mouse button, but i do not see the way through the menus (file/edit,...) to pull up the context menu for the selected item in dolphin18:46
CSS_Guruwow, this time I didn't have to even right click it, it just closed right after opening the file's folder18:47
korruptIs there any way I can get hardy to burn a cd? Neither k3b or brasero works :(18:48
CSS_Guruanother mp4 is having the same issue18:48
leifdk1978?any one use k.3d18:49
CSS_Guruwhen I select the mp4 file Dolphin closes18:53
CSS_Gurugood thing I dual-boot windows and kubuntu, or else I would have to deal with this crap18:55
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: so install the dbg packages, reproduce the error, append to bug report, submit a patch :D18:57
CSS_Gurusee, I have no idea how to do that18:57
leifdk1978is there any channel for k-3d18:57
CSS_GuruIm sure, if I was an 80 year old lady, I would have a heart attack figuring out kubuntu errors18:58
bdgraueleifdk1978: /j #k3b18:58
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: if you were an 80year old lady i doubt you would have messed around with matrix reloaded mp4 let alone found your way here18:59
CSS_Gurulol true18:59
CSS_GuruI got transformers 2 also19:00
CSS_Guruhaving the same issue with that mp4 too19:00
neoandersenhelp me start my Ubuntu please!19:00
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: does konqueror crash too when you right mouse click the file?19:00
neoandersenor to make a search in the hd that is no starting...19:01
CSS_Guruill see19:01
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CSS_Guruhow would I use Konquoror to view a file?19:02
CSS_Guruoo nvm19:03
CSS_Guruyes it worked, using Konquoror19:04
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: dolphin crashes with that file, but right mouse clicking in konqueror worked ok?19:05
CSS_Guruyes Waltz, it worked.19:06
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: well so there you have a workaround19:07
CSS_GuruI dont like workarounds though :(19:07
waltzingalongand yet you dual boot? :D19:07
CSS_Guruhow do I change the default video player to VLC ?19:08
waltzingalongone way: in konqueror :D, right mouse click the file, open with, other, find the program (vlc), and click remember this association19:08
waltzingalongCSS_Guru: another way, edit file associations in system settings / advanced /19:09
EagleScreenis there a channel for kubuntu-kde3 remix?19:09
waltzingalongEagleScreen: not that i know of19:10
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VoipJunkyok will koffice install on kde 4.2.4 with out screwing it u19:18
VoipJunkyor doesit nly work on 4.2.2 ?19:18
douglas_i want one girlfriend19:24
douglas_where i can find ?19:24
phipps2000anyone answering questions here19:29
phipps2000anyone answering questions here19:35
lexrhi guyzs19:36
lexrdoes anybody know how to speed up desktop effects in kde 4 on kubuntu 9.04 using fglrx?19:37
waltzingalonglexr: using nvidia here19:40
lexrwaltzingalong: are your effects going fast with no delay? (eg right click, window move, resize etc?)19:43
waltzingalonglexr: actually i just enabled desktop effects the other day (less than a week). there are still some kinks.... for example the 'sharpen' effect does not for me yet.19:45
waltzingalonglexr: after right mouse clicking on a folder in dolphin, seems to take a full second before the context menu shows up19:46
lexrKDE 4 is really looking awesome19:46
lexryep, me too19:46
lexrit is just a bit slow (still, hope that gets fixed)19:46
lexrIMHO KDE 4 looks and works better that   Windwos 7.19:47
martijn81dougl: you probably won't find any on freenode19:48
martijn81phipps2000: there are users reading this at least19:49
phipps2000i hope so --19:50
christinaanyone who can tell me how to install Zimbra desktop on Kubuntu 9.04?19:55
christinawhen I install the .sh file it does not create a desktop icon as it says it will19:55
waltzingalongchristina: in your /home/username/Desktop folder?19:55
phipps2000does anyone know if konversation supports webcams or know of a client that does fairly well19:56
christinaWaltzingalong: Yes I can see that the file is there but I can not start it. How do I do that? And can I create a deskop Icon that starts the application?19:57
martijn81phipps2000: konversation does not support webcams no, i do not know of any irc client that does currently19:58
martijn81christina: have you made the file executable with chmod +x?19:58
christinamartihn81: Proably not how do I do that?19:59
martijn81start konsole, cd to the folder where the file is, and then chmod +x filename20:01
martijn81do you get this, or should i explain myself better?20:02
christinaIf you can please try :-D20:02
christinaafter running the .sh file the installer starts and after installing the zimbra desktop a folder named zimbra is created20:03
christinain that folder I have a shall file called zimbra20:05
brian___Hi guys,,,,20:05
brian___Guys   i am facing a new issue with most of the Voip cleints like twinkle...20:06
brian___the call is getting connected.... but the voice of the remote person is not heard,,,20:06
brian___there is distortion,,20:07
brian___i tried linephone too20:07
brian___the same issue,,20:07
brian___My headset works fine with skype,,20:08
brian___other than skype,,, there is distortion issue...20:08
brian___other than skype..... the rest Voip cleint softwares have Voice distortion issue..20:08
brian___anybody is facing the same issue?20:09
brian___Please help me,,,20:09
VoipJunkyok adept is muchnicer then kpackagekit20:19
VoipJunkybut I sill wish they would make the system read what ver of kde your run and only show what kdestuff works20:20
brian___VoipJunky i didnt get u..20:20
VoipJunkyjust saying the kpackagekit interface for installing pkgs is ugly and adept installer I find much nicer20:21
VoipJunkywhy did they change20:21
VoipJunkyjust hard to know what works on 4.2.4 and what does not becausethey are not marked20:27
VoipJunkylike koffice does it work on4.2.4 or just 4.2.220:28
tsimpsoneverything that works in 4.2.2 should work in 4.2.4, it's just a bug fix release20:29
VoipJunkyand it seems flash is still only 32 bit and som other apps you would think by now more apps would be native 64 bit20:30
tsimpsonflash is made by adobe, nothing to do with us20:31
VoipJunkyI know20:31
VoipJunkyhow many here use kubuntu64 ?20:33
waltzingalongbrian___: i had problems with pulse packages so removed them all (should not be needed with kubuntu9.04) and now audio on my laptop works great20:35
VoipJunkyso pulse is breaking audio ?20:43
gamepocketscan anyone help me burn a .dmg image in kubuntu??20:46
VoipJunkywhat what is the player that replaced xmms?20:52
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zuz_can anyone tell me where i can find the equivalent of "Program Files" folder in Kubuntu?21:09
zuz_and the wine folder if possible21:10
zuz_been trying to find it on google but i dont seem to understand of find it21:10
BriGuy_zuz_: as in wine program files or where all the programs would be installed? on ubuntu /bin stands for binaries which is generally where programs are21:12
zuz_hey thanks for the ubuntu one, and where the c drive would be in wine21:13
BriGuy_zuz_: ~/.wine/drive_c/Program Files21:14
zuz_whats the ~21:14
BriGuy_~ is like a shortcut to your home path21:14
BriGuy_kind of like %systemroot% and %temp% in windows21:14
zuz_well first let me tell you im using dolphin21:14
MTGap_yeah... open it up and if your not in root then most likely your in the ~21:14
BriGuy_getting used to how the file system works takes a bit.  It isn't the same as windows21:15
zuz_i still cant find that .wine folder21:15
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zuz_yeah i have to do a good read on that21:16
BriGuy_I assume you have wine installed.21:16
zuz_im trying to install SAM 3 on this machine21:16
MTGap_Do you have hidden files on21:16
zuz_good question21:16
BriGuy_yeah good question.  a . in front of the folder name means its hidden21:16
zuz_i never touched it since like briguy said, its a little different and i didnt get to play with that part yet21:17
MTGap_do you see any folders with . at the beginning21:17
zuz_how to i unhide them21:17
MTGap_there will be a ton you can't miss them, config files for everything21:17
MTGap_go to View>Show hidden files21:17
BriGuy_which is also alt+.21:18
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Zuz|Kubuntudidnt notice that21:19
aftertafhey all.21:19
aftertafanyone have Donald Duck sound when using Skype ?21:19
aftertafmy mic records things too fast and i have no idea how to fix this21:20
=== colvin is now known as Arborius
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »21:22
ArboriusI'm having issues with kubuntu, it hangs as it boots, and I must press enter or hit the power button, the boot contiues until i have to hit enter or the power button again, and this happens several times durring boot.21:24
MTGap_Arborius: What version of kubuntu are you using21:27
Arboriusim not sure, its amd 64...21:28
MTGap_Did you make any updates before this started happening21:33
Arboriusit happend on install, i did updates, and it still happens after21:34
MTGap_Oh it's been happening ever since you installed?21:34
Zuz|Kubuntudid you check hardware compatibilies?21:35
Arboriusit happened on reinstall, after i overwrote windows and linux partition with this install im on now21:36
Zuz|Kubuntuagrrr compatibility21:36
=== vorian is now known as buttercup
Arboriusthis was originally a vista oem21:37
Arboriusthen xp / kubuntu21:37
Arboriusnow kubuntu with vbox21:37
Arboriuswindows runns better in linux anyways....hehe21:37
Arboriusthis version, once booted up into kde works beautifully21:38
Arboriusits almost like there are a bunch on cin.gets durring boot21:39
Zuz|Kubuntuwhat kind of machine do you have?21:39
Zuz|Kubuntubrand, name and model21:39
Arboriuspresario amd 6421:39
Arboriusoem vista21:40
MTGap_So you can eventually get into Kubuntu21:40
Arboriusim here now21:40
Arboriusjust on boot i have issues21:40
Arboriushave to hit enter several times to jump past hangs21:41
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Arboriusor if enter doesn't work, the poweer button with jump past it21:41
MTGap_hmm... that's weird21:41
Arboriusno doubt...thats why i came here21:42
Zuz|Kubuntudo you get errors?21:42
MTGap_I think that might be some kind of hardware problem21:42
Zuz|Kubuntuor just hangs?21:43
Arboriusi don't see any errors21:43
Arboriusit just hangs between doing something and "....[OK]"21:43
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Arboriuson rebooting for the first time after install i do get an optical drive fail21:44
Arboriusbut that has gone away21:44
Arboriusand drive works fine21:44
Arboriuseven installed C&C dvd on windows in vbox21:44
Arboriuseverything works from what i can tell21:45
Arboriusi did just botch a adobe flash install, but that is fine now i think21:45
Arboriusany ideas?21:47
Arboriusalso, the loading bar hangs, before going into kde, enter or power also gets it to continue21:47
MTGap_I have no clue..21:48
Arboriusthats not what i wanted to read though21:49
MTGap_LOL, have you filed a bug report or made a forum post sometimes you get better results there21:49
Arboriusno, i wanted to come here first and get so live input21:50
Arboriusso = some21:50
MTGap_I never have good results from irc21:50
MTGap_As you can tell 90% of the people here aren't active21:50
Zuz|Kubuntui always get great input here21:51
Zuz|Kubuntuyou just came in a bad time21:51
Zuz|Kubuntubut you should google it21:51
Arboriusi did21:51
Arboriusim like the only one with this issue21:52
Arboriusim unique21:52
Arboriusi don't want anymore unique problems21:52
Zuz|Kubuntuim no expert but depending on how fast you want this fixed id reformat and do a clean install21:53
Arboriusi just spent such a long time downloading updates though21:53
Arboriusotherwise i would have done that without even coming here21:54
Arboriusit makes me sad21:54
Arboriushardware solution: im going to build a mechanical arm to strike enter for me.21:56
Arboriushow about this, can anyone help me with host interface and virtual box?22:04
Arboriusbah, fresh install here i come...22:07
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=== mcasadevall is now known as Guest48309
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safakhello,i just installed kubuntu but i cant see my ntfs harddisk.Is there a tool or something ?22:30
=== mcasadevall is now known as Guest35641
larsaasafak: tried sudo fdisk -l22:42
safaklarsaa:Yes i tried that but there are some folders inside and i need to copy them .Can i do this22:43
=== jon is now known as Guest6732
Guest6732any girls22:53
Guest6732any hot girls in here22:54
Guest6732any hot girls22:55
Guest6732hay any one in here22:58
Guest6732i am jon22:58
toniiwe don't care.22:58
ShexNivisI had this line on my fstab in ubuntu but wont work in kubuntu, anyone know why? (UUID=80E8A0F2E8A0E79C /media/disk ntfs-3g auto,users,uid=1000,gid=100,utf8,dmask=027,fmask=1 0 0)22:58
bazhangGuest6732, wrong channel. Please stop22:58
toniichecked so the UUID is the same in the two os's?22:59
Guest6732any hot girls22:59
ShexNivistonni lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 10 2009-08-02 15:37 80E8A0F2E8A0E79C -> ../../sda222:59
toniiguess that's in kubuntu?22:59
Guest6732any girls want 2 cyber22:59
ShexNivistonni ye23:00
toniiany error? :)23:00
bazhangGuest6732, this is Kubuntu support only; take chat elsewhere23:00
ShexNivistonii: it wont mount in boot and when i try to mount it clicking on dolhpin I get (org.freedesktop.Hal.DEvice.Volume.PermissionDenied: Device /dev/sda2 is listed in /etc/fstab. Refusing to mount23:01
ShexNivistonii: any clue?23:03
fkmHi there. I had my use of the backport repository limited through pinning. But now I wanted to upgrade the whole thing to the backport status but somehow I can't. I removed /etc/apt/preferences but the system continues to tell me that everything is up to date.23:05
fkmIs there a way to undo whatever I messed up here?23:06
fkmI also tried to set the priority through /etc/apt/preferences to 600 in order to force APT to get the packport packages. Without success...23:07
fkmSo I figured that maybe the repository is somehow missing from /etc/apt/sources.list. But no: deb http://ch.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty-backports restricted main multiverse universe23:08
=== sarah is now known as Guest35163
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?23:09
VoipJunkywell many things can cause it. like low mem . bad internet connection is streaming23:10
ahmoshi i have a mf626 usb modem but i can't configure it, any help please23:11
VoipJunkymany reasons23:11
ShexNivisI had this line on my fstab in ubuntu but wont work in kubuntu, anyone know why? (UUID=80E8A0F2E8A0E79C /media/disk ntfs-3g auto,users,uid=1000,gid=100,utf8,dmask=027,fmask=1 0 0)23:12
fkmMy backport repository problem23:14
fkmOtherwise I'll start reinstalling the whole system right away23:14
fkmSo I can finish until morning23:15
fkmWell then. Backing up the data23:18
fkmThanks anyway23:18
=== Guest35641 is now known as mcasadevall
tnt034hey yall i need help with skype on ubuntu 9.4 anyone please23:23
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?23:27
achmedi am a new user ubuntu:>23:36
VoipJunkywhere can I get the b43 firmware ?23:38
VoipJunkyI have the cutter from the pkgs23:38
VoipJunkyI need to get my bcm4318 working23:38
DrknezzHi guys!23:46
ahmoswhen i manage network connections ,the mobile broadband tab is not active,any help please23:46
Drknezzahmos: you've got to add a connection first23:47
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?23:48
ahmosDrknezz i can't select the tab to add a connection23:48
Drknezzfg56lx: try updating alsa, and using pulseaudio for everything in multimedia23:48
Drknezzahmos: idk why, try connecting a cellphone23:48
fg56lxDrknezz: Updating alsa to what? And I tried pluseaudio and it skips just as much as anything else.23:49
Drknezzfg56lx: latest version23:49
fg56lxHow do I do that?23:50
Drknezzfg56lx: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Main_Page23:50
Drknezzfg56lx: download and compile everything, then restart, bump me up if you have issues23:50
fg56lxWill do.23:51
fg56lxDrknezz: How can  I find out what version i currently have? It says their last stable release was over a year ago.23:52
Drknezzfg56lx: theres is a cat command for that, alsa automatically publishes it's version to a /dev node, but i dont remember which one23:53
fg56lxWell im pretty sure I have the latest.23:54
Drknezzfg56lx: not EVERYTHING the ubuntu team packs is latest version ;)23:56
=== colvin is now known as Arborius

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