
cbhlHmm... that was interesting... I think I just had a crash where I couldn't SSH in. :S00:03
cbhlor, freeze, rather.00:04
penguin42never good00:05
cbhlI don't have a serial console; unfortunately... so with no SSH and no keyboard; all I can do is reboot and tinker with Xorg.conf again...00:10
* cbhl shrugs00:10
alteregoai got some spaghetti charset with cygwin00:13
alteregoalocale is utf-800:14
vasuviI just installed Karmic Alpha 3, and am unused to the way that GRUB 2 does things.  Namely, as it discourages manual editing of grub.cfg, how to get it to "know" that the drive its on should be (hd2) instead of the (hd4) it thinks it is?00:36
penguin42vasuvi: Interesting I think I'm still on grub 1 ?00:37
penguin42seem to be00:37
vasuvipenguin42: Easy way to tell: do you have a menu.lst, grub.conf, or grub.cfg file in your /boot/grub directory?00:38
vasuviThe first two are for GRUB 1, the last for GRUB 200:38
vasuvi(If you already knew that, sorry ;) )00:38
penguin42I have menu.lst00:39
vasuviYup, GRUB 1 then00:39
* penguin42 happens to like being able edit config files00:39
alteregoautf-8 stuff00:40
BUGabundopenguin42: vasuvi well we can00:40
* vasuvi agrees, but vasuvi also likes to be able to boot directly into ISO's ;)00:40
BUGabundothere should be a _proper_ way00:40
BUGabundobut I just edit it as root00:40
alteregoamdadm does mdadm check the array after a period of time automaticly?00:40
BUGabundosudo didn't work00:40
BUGabundovasuvi: grub allows boot from iso? WOOT00:40
penguin42alteregoa: I think it can be made to and remember there being something about a cron to do that00:41
BUGabundogona be glad to test livecds onto HW00:41
vasuviBIGabundo: Yup :D  Just like on a live partition, you just mount it to loop first (at least what GRUB 2 calls "loop", whatever it actually does internally)00:41
vasuviThen you can boot to, say, (loop)/boot/vmlinuz00:42
penguin42oh wacky00:42
alteregoapenguin yeah i enabled crond in services00:42
alteregoathats fine, so it checks every x minutes the array00:43
penguin42alteregoa: I think there are two types of checks; one is 'has a disc failed' and I think there is an occasional check that can be done every few days which check the whole disks00:43
alteregoawhere is crond?00:44
penguin42alteregoa: It's a thing that runs things periodically for you00:44
alteregoayeah but wher is the crond config file?00:44
alteregoai only see onancrond00:45
alteregoasounds like a biblic thing00:45
penguin42it looks like mdadm creates /etc/cron.d/mdadm00:45
billybigriggeralteregoa, mdadm will check the array00:46
billybigriggeralteregoa, tune2fs00:46
penguin42there is also a /usr/share/doc/mdadm/README.checkarray  which might be worth reading00:46
alteregoaah at 00:57 at every sunday00:47
billybigriggeralteregoa, check the man page, mdadm defaults to 30 mounts or 180 days, whatever is first00:47
penguin42any minute then ?00:47
alteregoaeach first sunday of the month00:47
penguin42billybigrigger: Erm how are tune2fs/mdadm related?00:47
billybigrigger???? you can override mdadm's settings of checking the array every 30 mounts or 180 days with tune2fs00:48
alteregoaits 30000KB/s the check so it doesnt hurt00:48
billybigriggerpenguin42, check the tune2fs man page00:48
penguin42billybigrigger: I'd expect that's you can override the filesystems check - I don't think mdadm does any checks based on mount does it?00:49
alteregoa180 days is to long00:49
billybigriggermdadm itself doesn't do checks i don't think no, if thats what your asking00:49
penguin42tune2fs is purely for filesystem not for raid00:49
billybigriggerbillybigrigger@cabo:/media$ sudo tune2fs -c 20 /dev/md000:50
billybigriggertune2fs 1.41.8 (11-July-2009)00:50
billybigriggerSetting maximal mount count to 2000:50
alteregoano, the system is running on a UPS, forever00:50
billybigriggerhow so, i just changed from 30 mounts to 20 mounts before a check is performed00:50
penguin42billybigrigger: mdadm does do perioic checks00:51
billybigriggerfsck does the checking of the fs00:51
penguin42billybigrigger: you are confusing the two problems - tune2fs is configuring the filesystem - the fact you have it on the raid is a separate issue00:51
alteregoai create  a crond entry for tune2fs -c00:51
penguin42alteregoa: Why?00:51
alteregoato check for consistency00:51
billybigriggersorry, i must have jumped into a conversation in the middle00:51
billybigriggeralteregoa, you only need to set tune2fs -c once00:52
penguin42alteregoa: tune2fs doesn't check for consistency; you don't need to do that00:52
alteregoae2fsck or whatever00:52
* billybigrigger goes back to the sidelines00:52
penguin42alteregoa: You can't fsck while mounted anyway, so there's no pointing in cronning it00:53
alteregoathat sucks00:53
BUGabundopenguin42: actually you can00:53
BUGabundojust remount as RO00:53
penguin42true, but also you should never ever need to fsck in practice00:53
BUGabundobut if it changes the FS00:53
BUGabundoyou need to reboot LOL00:54
penguin42BUGabundo: yeh I guess so00:54
alteregoareboot, no way00:54
BUGabundobtw there's a bug in there on the recovery menu00:54
BUGabundotwo bugs even00:54
BUGabundoalteregoa: either that or data lost00:54
alteregoadata lost, yeah i saw the movie, data lost on the enterprise00:55
penguin42The simple answer is you don't normally need to do an fsck except after hardware failure00:55
BUGabundopenguin42: on recovery menu if you fsck, it will try to boot afterwards, with the system on RO00:55
BUGabundoDOH FAIL00:55
penguin42and if you are running on duff hardware you don't want to be running an fsck00:55
alteregoaits a 15tb array00:55
BUGabundopenguin42: wrong. data corruption *can* occur00:55
penguin42BUGabundo: How?00:55
BUGabundoyou can suffer from bad disks, interfences, kernel bugs, etc00:55
BUGabundopenguin42: just see what pre -30 kernel did on ext400:56
BUGabundoalteregoa: easilly fixable. cluster reduncy00:56
penguin42BUGabundo: Yeh well that's why I've not gone anywhere near ext4 yet00:56
BUGabundoalteregoa: you take one host down for mantanence and then resync when online00:56
BUGabundoalso see glusterfs.00:57
BUGabundopenguin42: most known bugs are fixed on -3100:57
penguin42BUGabundo: I'll give it a year or two :-)00:57
alteregoaglusterf sounds like goa'uld fs00:57
BUGabundoincluding the so NOTORIUS truncage bugs00:57
alteregoai think i put the md0 to a iscsi00:58
alteregoaor is there a way to forward x11 screen output over a tcp connection? ( not vnc)?00:59
penguin42from an already running X session?00:59
alteregoaif its possible yes01:00
penguin42for an existing one the only way I know is via vnc using x11vnc01:00
BUGabundoalteregoa: it *used* to01:01
BUGabundowith XDMC01:01
BUGabundoAFAIK not available on the new GDM01:01
alteregoaxdmc yeah rundmc is cool01:01
yoasifalteregoa, there are ways to do it, but you have to run a virtual x server01:01
yoasifwhen i used it last, it was kinda buggy01:01
alteregoaon cygwin?01:01
yoasifon the server01:02
yoasifand then you use x + screen or whatever normally01:02
alteregoavirtual framebuffer runs much faster compared to vnc01:04
yoasifyeah definitely01:04
yoasifvnc is slow01:04
yoasifyou could also do NX01:04
penguin42how do you monitor Xvfb?01:04
yoasifno idea what you mean by monitor01:05
penguin42I thought it was so virtual you couldn't see it01:05
yoasifyou can use it by using X01:05
alteregoavirtual on the host, but you send the output to a terminal (here to a cygwin terminal)01:05
yoasifalteregoa, its working ok for you?01:07
alteregoai check it later01:09
yoasifhehe cool01:10
yoasifgood luck01:10
BUGabundohey Sarvatt01:24
BUGabundoand bye guys01:24
BUGabundoBED mode on01:24
alteregoabhagwan was a jerk01:31
DanaGodd... my GDM was FLASHING at me.02:21
DanaGSwitched back and forth between wallpaper and login, multiple times per second.02:21
=== _Siegfried is now known as Siegfried
DanaG"Vuze just completed downloading an important update and must now be restarted so that the update can be installed."02:28
DanaG"Vuze just completed downloading an important update and must now be restarted so that the update can be installed."02:28
yoasifvuze sucks02:31
yoasifuse transmission02:31
yoasifor rtorrent02:31
syn-ackhell even uTorrent would be better02:31
yoasifeh i would rather stay away from wine if i can02:31
syn-ackDoesnt uTorrent have UNIX port?02:32
syn-ackCould have sworn it did02:32
DanaGVuze has more features than all the others.02:33
syn-ackVuze is slow pile of....  er yeah02:33
DanaGLast time I checked, Transmission was severely lacking in features.02:34
DanaGDidn't even have a good auto-throttling thing, I think.02:34
syn-ackWorks fine for me02:34
DanaGAnd it doesn't keep seeding and downloading in separate panes.02:35
DanaGOh, and another thing: you can't specify a fixed local port to use -- so I can't use QoS on it on my router.02:35
rippsDanaG: take a look at Deluge, I used to use it alot, but I've stopped torrenting because my isp hates me when I do02:37
DanaGoh yeah, and importing all my active torrents would likely be a pain, too.02:38
DanaGoh, and handy feature in vuze: it guesses, usually correctly, where to put torrents, based on where you last put other torrents with the same types of files.02:39
yoasifDanaG, you can do all that with rtorrent02:40
DanaG"peer TOS byte" -- whazzat?02:40
yoasifplus it's actually -- fast02:40
yoasifunlike vuze02:40
DanaGwell, deluge looks pretty good.02:41
rwwdeluge and rtorrent are both great compared to vuze :)02:43
vasuvibittornado is good compared to vuze ;)02:43
vasuvi(I just use Transmission myself, but my needs are pretty modest)02:44
vasuviIf anybody is curious how I hacked the scripts to make 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc' do the right thing based on boot drive:02:46
vasuviI wrote a small C program: http://paste.ubuntu.com/243053/02:46
vasuviAnd I grep'ed to find the four places where the grub_probe is called for the device name, and made it call my small program on the result02:47
DanaGHow do you make it ask where to put each torrent, for every torrent you download?02:47
DanaGugh, yeah, importing the things is not worth the effort.02:49
DanaG... at least for now.02:49
alteregoathe tony danza extravaganza02:55
billybigriggerif your looking for a vuze/utorrent the only thing that comes to my mind is deluge02:57
billybigriggerbeats the pants of transmission02:57
alteregoatransmission is KISS programming02:58
DanaGyeah, but manually pointing it back at all 20 or so torrents I have... seems like a pain.03:03
DanaGAnd how well does it deal with torrents that have files on not-currently-mounted mount points?03:03
DanaGWhat Azureus does: just stops those torrents.03:03
DanaGoh heck, I don't even remember which of the torrents in .azureus/torrents I actually still have active.03:05
billybigriggerDanaG, what else would you expect it to do?03:05
billybigriggercan't really do much but stop the torrent if its not somewhere mounted03:05
DanaGI don't know; if it were badly coded, it'd remove the torrent, or something stupid like that.03:05
DanaGWith the way some of the Gnome things have been going lately, it wouldn'y surprise me.03:05
billybigriggertry deluge03:05
billybigriggerit beats the pants off anything i've tried03:06
billybigriggerunless you want something console based, but in the gui world of linux torrent clients, deluge reigns supreme :P03:06
rwwthe deluge webui isn't half bad either03:08
DanaGOh yeah, and vuze also shows which pieces are active, and lets you prioritize specific files, and such.03:09
DanaGI just imported one torrent, and it's stuck at "Checking 0.00%."03:09
DanaGSTill just sitting there.03:13
DanaGoh, I see... it was on 'pause'.03:13
DanaGSo apparently, "start paused" means "and don't bother checking it, either."03:13
billybigriggerdeluge can change file priorities03:19
DanaGah, cool.03:20
DanaGIt's easier to import one at a time (i.e. drag one .torrent at a time), than to import all at once and try to sort them out that way.03:20
DanaGI don't see how to change priority.... right-clicking gives nothing, and double-clicking just opens the file03:24
billybigriggeropen the torrent properties?03:26
DanaGYou mean the bottom pane?03:26
DanaGAlready did that.03:27
DanaGThat's where I'm seeing the list of files.03:27
DanaGI see the priority options now... but they're all grayed out.03:27
DanaGi.e. disabled.03:27
DanaGwhat do you mean, "???"  ?03:29
billybigriggerim lost i don't know why it's greyed works for me everytime03:29
billybigriggernot greyed here03:31
DanaGheh, whether you're paused or going... the menu shows both "pause" and "resume".03:31
DanaGheh, this thing lets you try to add the same torrent twice.03:34
DanaGAnd then silently ignores you once you hit "okay".03:34
DanaGgrr, broken priority.03:37
DanaGGreat, since I can't tell it "do not download", it's going to trample on my good tagging with the broken tagging present in the original torrent.03:45
DanaGYou're right about it being slim, though -- no performance hit from running it.03:46
DanaGgrr, case-sensitive.... since when is NTFS case-sensitive?03:47
DanaGAnd there's no option to RENAME the dir, either.03:48
DanaGyay, at least ntfs supports symlinks.03:53
syn-ackDanaG, NTFS in of its self always has been04:02
syn-ackDanaG, Windows though, is not.04:02
alteregoayou can made windows case sensitive04:05
alteregoa ObCaseInsensitive = 004:06
syn-ackalteregoa, right, but out of the box *windows* is not case sensitive, but NTFS is04:24
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone I am having major problems with my sound. It has been happening ever since Intrepid and it seems to be even worse in Karmic when I play a song it will start playing fine and then when i skip to the next song it will just freeze up the program. The driver is snd-hda-intel and ICH8 variant of it. The codec it is using is Realtek ALC262 and then it also lists Conexant ID 2c06 and I am using a Sony Vaio VGN-CR520D.04:29
fuzzybunny69y If anyone can help that would be great!04:29
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:45
SeveredCrossUh, File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer) doesn't make sense anymore in Karmic, does it?05:26
fuzzybunny69ySeveredCross, yeah I am not sure where to change all those settings anymore05:28
billybigriggeri guess it would be in your sound preferences now05:29
fuzzybunny69ydamn I thought switching to a xine backend or Amarok would fix it05:29
billybigriggeryou can't even change that in sound preferences05:29
fuzzybunny69ywell I am at a total loss everything I have tried doing has not worked and everytime I upgrade anything it seems to get worse for some reason05:30
billybigrigger$ apt-get install pavucontrol05:30
billybigriggeryou can change your output device in there05:30
billybigriggerdev's should have made 'Sound Preferences05:31
billybigriggerdev's should have made 'Sound Preferences' = pavucontrol05:31
billybigriggernot a dumbed down version05:31
billybigriggerwith less options05:31
DanaGThat's Gnome for you.05:31
DanaGFewer options is better!  Always!05:31
billybigriggerbetter than kde imo, for now :P05:32
fuzzybunny69yI like Gnome so far05:32
billybigriggerwe'll see in the next few releases05:32
fuzzybunny69yKDE seemed very unstable when i used it so i went back to gnome05:32
billybigriggernever have been a fan of kde, but xfce is starting to make me considering switching :P05:32
fuzzybunny69ybillybigrigger, how do I switch my output device?05:33
DanaGI like the gnome system-monitor applet.05:33
DanaGNothing else manages to convey the nice/system/user load quite as well.05:33
DanaG... once I swap the colors, that is.05:33
DanaGOh, and iowait.05:33
billybigriggerfuzzybunny69y, i was looking at input05:33
billybigriggerseems you cant05:33
fuzzybunny69yhmm i dont really see any options in there to change much05:34
billybigriggerno, except input device05:34
DanaGgrr, stupid deluge... I select 5 torrents, and go to "modify tracker"..... and it modifies... ONE.05:34
DanaGJust one.05:34
billybigriggerwhat version?05:34
fuzzybunny69yall it lets me adjust is the volume05:35
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP305:36
billybigriggerthat needs some updating for +105:38
fuzzybunny69yhere is my sound info guys: http://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=fc7ef18b2311cf63921c6196cd2d26b2110a1000 if anyone can help05:45
billybigriggerhey, fyi, .31-rc5 kernel should have some alsa/hda updates05:48
billybigriggermaybe that might fix them05:48
syn-ackhas rc5 hit yet?05:48
syn-ackour repos, that is05:49
syn-ackI havent seen it at all yet05:49
DanaGOh, the mute GPIO thingy -- ooooooooh.05:49
DanaGmissing or invalid 'file sizes' entry in resume data05:52
billybigriggerwas finished building 12 hours ago05:52
billybigriggershould be hitting repos soon05:52
syn-ackMan, I wish the submission to distrobution cycle was quicker sometimes05:53
DanaGoh yeah, where can I get the firefox 3.5.2 beta?05:53
DanaGI don't want dailies, but I want the beta for the fixed ICC stuff.05:53
syn-ackDanaG, From mozilla's site, I'd imagine then05:54
HobbseeDanaG: ~mozilla-team may have a ppa for them05:56
Hobbseeor ~fta05:56
alteregoawhy the hell i get certificate errors?05:59
DanaGE: Build-dependencies for pidgin could not be satisfied.06:01
DanaGhow do you make dpkg-buildpackage use -j option for Make?06:06
DanaGoh, it's still... -j.06:13
DanaGhey, where'd the Totem youtube plugin go?07:41
DanaG!info totem-plugins-extra07:41
ubottutotem-plugins-extra (source: totem): Extra plugins for the Totem media player. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.27.2-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 62 kB, installed size 160 kB07:41
DanaGnot there.07:42
kklimondaDanaG: well, according to the description it's still in totem-plugins07:52
kklimondabut it's obviously not a case..07:52
DanaGah, so I'm not crazy.  ยฌ_ยฌ07:53
DanaGs/crazy/the only one/07:53
syn-ackYou are but thats beside the point07:53
kklimondaDanaG: from buildlog: configure: WARNING: you need libgdata >= 0.4.0 installed for the YouTube plugin (disabling plugin)07:55
kklimondaDanaG: bug 38476807:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 384768 in totem "Karmic: Totem Youtube plugin option seems to of vanished" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38476807:56
DanaGseems to "OF"?  =รพ07:56
DanaGI'd reword that:  "has vanished."07:56
DanaGWell, "it'll be fixed by release time" is a good enough answer for me, if that's what it is.07:56
DanaGodd... one specific torrent keeps reporting "input/output error".08:01
kklimondaanyone using hamster-applet?08:10
kklimondaI need a quick check of something08:10
LaibschCan somebody help me understand why I can access a cheap NAS box I have with hardy and jaunty smbclient, but not the karmic one? -> bug 40758308:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407583 in samba "karmic smbclient fails to access NAS box" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40758308:11
DanaGwhy do we have both cron and anacron?08:26
Hobbseebecause one's used for machines on all the time, and one isn't.08:29
Hobbseei'm not sure why it recommends cron, though08:30
DanaGubuntu-desktop depends on both.08:31
Hobbseeyes, anacron recommends cron, and i'm unsure as to why.08:33
DanaGI hope they don't both try to run the same things.08:34
DanaG... or they'd end up happening multiple times.08:34
Hobbseelooks like cron runs by default, and anacron doesn't.08:35
DanaGodd... for me, both daemons claim to start.08:35
Hobbseeon fresh jaunty, anyway08:36
DanaGstat("/etc/cron.d/anacron", {st_mode=S_IFREG|0644, st_size=244, ...}) = 008:37
DanaGSun Aug  2 00:39:14 PDT 200908:39
* Laibsch suggest combing through the changelogs08:46
HobbseeLaibsch: I already did - it told me that anacron's cron has changed from suggests to recommends, but not why.08:47
Hobbseedidn't check bugs in debian or antyhing, though08:48
LaibschWho made the change?08:48
Hobbseeso i'm a bit at a loss08:48
LaibschIs it a real problem?08:48
* Hobbsee heads out for a while08:48
Laibschwas it a recent change?08:48
Hobbseenot to me, but seems to be to DanaG08:48
* Laibsch does not have ubuntu-desktop installed because it pulls in too much stuff08:48
Laibschand recently I'm running XFCE more often anyway08:49
DanaGI find it silly to have two scheduler thingies of some sort... do they work together, or independently (ignorantly)... or do they cooperate?09:01
DanaGoh yeah, when'll the new kernel go to repos?09:03
DanaGoh yeah, and is it possible to extract the raw audio data (i.e. not go lossy -> pcm -> lossy) from the totem youtube plugin?09:04
mac_vIn Karmic , where are the settings for the PCM volume levels ?09:14
Laibschmac_v: as always in alsamixer09:16
mac_vi can find it o.009:16
mac_vonly terminal , no gui :(09:17
floatingalsamixer is terminal prog09:17
mac_vpreviously there was a GUI for altering the alsa settings09:18
floatingon my karmic xubuntu there is such too09:18
mac_vthey changed a lot in Ubuntu , now not there09:19
floatingapplications - multimedia - mixer on xfce09:19
floatingbut alsamixer on terminal is not very hard to operate, just try it09:20
mac_vyeah... just figured it out  , seems quite easy09:20
fuzzybunny69yhey everyone I am having major problems with my sound. It has been happening ever since Intrepid and it seems to be even worse in Karmic when I play a song it will start playing fine and then when i skip to the next song it will just freeze up the program. The driver is snd-hda-intel and ICH8 variant of it. The codec it is using is Realtek ALC262 and then it also lists Conexant ID 2c06 and I am using a Sony Vaio VGN-CR520D.09:31
fuzzybunny69y If anyone can help that would be great! Another weird thing is that if I make another user account and go into that account my sound problem seems to be fixed09:31
hifihow do I change on what partition ubuntu hibernates, also which is on use swsusp or TuxOnIce?09:40
cwilluhifi, it's the swap partition unless you've explicitly changed something09:55
cwilluif you have multiple swap partitions, I'd expect that it uses the normal swap partition priority09:55
kklimondafuzzybunny69y: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/DebuggingSoundProblems10:00
hificwillu: can I explicitly set which swap partition to use10:01
cwilluhifi, via the usual swap priority mechanism I'd expect, yes.  You'd have to look at the relevant docs for whichever hibernation system you're using though10:02
cwillutypically, hibernation is exactly equivilent to swapping everything out, and as such it doesn't typically make much sense to do things differently just because we're hibernating10:02
hificwillu: just in case the first swap is too full to contain the real system memory I'd like to have a different swap for hibernation10:03
hifithats really a marginal case, but could happen10:04
cwilluyou can add and remove swap files on the fly10:04
cwillui.e., it'll migrate off a swap file/partition when you remove it via swapoff10:04
cwilluideally the scripts would handle those cases, but I'm pretty sure they're not doing it yet10:05
hifiI'm on a bare karmic and writing my suspend scripts by hand10:05
cwillubut it'd be easy to have it check top and allocate a new swapfile on root or /tmp big enough to cover the shortfall, enable it, and then resume the hibernate process10:05
cwilluthe only hitch is that afaik swap files can't be sparse files, so you do have to actually allocate the space, which can be expensive in certain circumstances10:06
hifiI already have a partition with enough space to hold the system memory so I'd like to use it10:07
cwilluso just add it as a normal swap drive10:07
cwilluset it as a low priority if you don't want it used unless absolutely necessary10:07
hifiah, that'd work I guess10:08
cwillupri=value in fstab10:08
cwilluso it'd be pri=0, and then your normal swap partition would be pri=110:09
hifithanks for your help10:18
joohooi use karmic koala10:24
joohoobefore my firefox was 3.0, theni think it was 3.5 i dont know10:25
joohoobut now its 3.0.1210:25
joohoowhy its not 3.5 ?10:25
kklimondajoohoo: there are still some things that has to be done before 3.5 becomes the default version.10:26
joohooi think i had it before and it worked good, but im not sure10:27
joohoowhat has to be done?10:27
joohoowhen will 3.5 be default?10:27
floatingwhen will chromium be default ?10:29
joohoochromium cant be default cuz its not firfox10:30
joohooonly firefox can be default10:30
kklimondajoohoo: the list of things to be done is here: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-firefox-3.510:31
kklimondaI'm not sure if it's up2date though10:31
floatingchromium is more responsive than firefox. I couldn't use linux with firefox, it reacts to tab changes and stuff 10 times slower than chromium10:32
kklimondafloating: chromium isn't ready to be a replacement for Firefox10:32
joohootab changes is fast in firefox for me, i have dualcor10:33
kklimondafloating: neither is Google Chrome 3.x for Windows - it lacks some features that Firefox has and people use10:33
floatingyes, not ready to be a replacement for firefox as default browser, but it is ready enough for personal use :)10:33
BUGabundoI just use both10:34
BUGabundodepending on what I need10:35
BUGabundoand guud morning everyone10:35
floatingdo you have any kind of ad blocker for the chromium ?10:35
BUGabundonot yet10:35
floatingI tried some on google chrome on windows earlier, but it was based on some css inspecting or something, and was not even close as effective as adblocker+ for firefox10:36
kklimondaBUGabundo: do you know if breathe icon set will be a new default for KK?10:36
BUGabundono I didn't know10:36
BUGabundoI have a totaly and external theme10:36
BUGabundonothing even close to the archive set10:37
BUGabundowallapper, mouse, windows, icons10:37
BUGabundonothing is untouched10:37
BUGabundothat's what I dislike on the new GDM10:37
BUGabundono choice :(10:37
BUGabundothis is becoming so NOT linux, no choise, no change :(10:37
kklimondaBUGabundo: isn't it just a bug? :P10:39
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
BUGabundono idea what you are talking about ! :p10:41
yofelgood morning folks10:42
BUGabundohey dear yofel10:42
cdE|Woozysorry, wrong channel10:42
BUGabundohey richardcavell10:43
BUGabundocdE|Woozy: well a "hm" always helps :D10:43
yofelBUGabundo: iirc you liked comparing bootcharts :P http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122911110:43
richardcavellhey Bug10:43
BUGabundoyofel: tip on my person: if it is stats, I luv it !10:44
cdE|WoozyBUGabundo, glad to be of service :D10:49
BUGabundoyofel: left my reply there10:52
BUGabundoamazing, two pages of replies and no one replied to OP10:52
syn-ackBUGabundo, you around?11:05
BUGabundoyep syn-ack11:06
* BUGabundo pokes syn-ack with cwillu poking stick11:06
syn-ackYou familiar with EFI at all?11:07
syn-ackspecifically Insyde firmwares...11:07
syn-ackIm trying to figure out how to disable the BIOS CSM so I can directly boot via GRUB2+EFI_Core11:08
simba_so i installed karmic on a Eee 1008ha, I love it when everything just works....well almost everything, when i go to text console (<ctrl><alt>F1) and back to gnome the tapping on my pad stop working, and i either have to re-run gsynaptics or restart to get it to work again....any ideas?11:08
richardcavellsyn-ack: what computer do you have?11:08
richardcavellsyn-ack: and why do you need to do that?11:08
syn-ackbasically this is how it works. I have EFI but everything about the BIOS emulated, including Bootstrap11:09
syn-ackrichardcavell, I have an HP Pavillion G50 and because I can?11:09
richardcavellI have a Mac so I don't have any choice but to use EFI11:09
syn-ackI mean I only use EFI like yourself, but HP in all their wisdom had insyde emulate the BIOS11:10
syn-ackwhich if you ask me is pretty silly11:10
BUGabundosimba_: you are lucky. my tap doesn't even work on a fresh boot11:12
simba_BUGabundo, does it work after running gsynaptics?11:13
BUGabundolet me see11:13
BUGabundoThe program 'gsynaptics' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:11:13
BUGabundosudo apt-get install gsynaptics11:13
BUGabundosimba_: just a few secs more11:13
BUGabundoI was under the idea we no longer supported gsynaptics11:13
* syn-ack hands BUGabundo a /exec sudo11:14
BUGabundosince jaunty11:14
BUGabundosyn-ack: I posted that deliberety11:14
BUGabundoohh I haven't run updates today11:14
syn-acksure you did. /me runs11:14
* BUGabundo headslap11:14
syn-ackThere were only 711:15
yofelsimba_: tapping works fine here on my 1000H11:18
yofelwell... after fiddling around with gconf that is -.-11:18
BUGabundooh KEWL11:18
BUGabundoI have tapping back11:18
BUGabundothanks simba_11:18
simba_BUGabundo, a more manual way to setup the touchpad is to do it in /etc/hal/fdi/policy/ (more choises)11:18
BUGabundooh... multitouch doesn't work :(11:19
BUGabundowe are regressing :(11:19
simba_yofel, guess it isnt compleetely identical hardwares...11:19
yofelBUGabundo: tell that to the gnome devs that only implemented about 1/10 of the synaptics features in the gconf settings *-.-11:21
mac_vsimba_: BUGabundo Bug #406247 tap-to-click needs to be set in the gconf11:21
dupondjeGnome feels death, its not really improving anymore: (11:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406247 in gnome-settings-daemon "click by tap stops working after loging in (dup-of: 404219)" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40624711:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 404219 in gnome-control-center "Touchpad Tap Clicking Broken (scrolling also)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40421911:21
BUGabundowell horizontal scroll is not fixed here11:22
mac_vBUGabundo: that too needs to be set in the gconf11:23
simba_hmm....wonder if multitouch can be set manually,11:24
yofelsimba_: 2 finger scroll can be set in gconf afaik, and the rest should still be configurable with synclient11:24
simba_yofel, you run karmic UNR?11:25
yofelnope, default karmic11:25
dupondjebtw, how long does it take for a package to get synced from debian ?11:25
mac_vguys install  gpointing-device-settings , more options that gsyanptics , gsynaptics is being depricated11:25
BUGabundo$ synclient -h11:26
BUGabundoCan't access shared memory area. SHMConfig disabled?11:26
simba_yofel, I love the UNR desktop.11:26
BUGabundonow I have multitouch, thanks  mac_v11:27
yofelsimba_: never tried it tbh. I use yakuake and gnome-do most of the time11:27
BUGabundobut now horz scroll :(11:28
mac_vBUGabundo: set it manually in gconf11:28
BUGabundomac_v: where?11:29
mac_vBUGabundo: Desktop -> Gnome -> Peripherals -> Touchpad11:29
* BUGabundo starts hacking gconf like crazy. result: rm .gconf aftewards11:30
mac_vfor some reason the mouse settings are not being activated in gconf.11:31
BUGabundocan't we have a 4th option?11:31
BUGabundolike BOTH?11:31
yofelBUGabundo: DanaG already complained about that :P11:31
maxbIt seems like such on obvious omission :-/11:32
maxbCircular scrolling would be nice too11:32
BUGabundoso this applies immediately?11:32
BUGabundoor after re-login ?11:32
mac_vyup , immediately11:32
simba_BUGabundo, info on manually setting synaptics for xorg "http://en.gentoo-wiki.com/wiki/Synaptics_Touchpad/Xorg_7.3"11:35
yofelsimba_: doesn't gconf override the X settings?11:37
simba_yoasif, was just thinking, sins gconf dont have everything the x settings for the other stuff might work11:38
yofelhm... how do you open the gnome-do settings in docky mode?11:50
BUGabundoyofel: same key11:56
BUGabundoohh setting11:57
BUGabundoyou need the mouse11:57
BUGabundoclick on the 1st icon11:57
BUGabundoright button I think11:57
yofelthx :)11:57
yofelhmm, docky is niiiice :D11:58
BUGabundono its not :d11:59
BUGabundoI like glassy better11:59
BUGabundohum let me take a screen shot of that11:59
RAOFBUGabundo, yofel: Same as normal - there's an item.  Fire up Do, run the "preferences" item11:59
yofelah, didn't know that11:59
syn-ackG'morning, RAOF11:59
BUGabundoRAOF: hi. can you make an #exaile plugin ?12:00
BUGabundoit has MPRIS support + a CLI for that + a dbus interface12:00
BUGabundoI asked on #do12:00
yofelBUGabundo: had glass until now too, but I want to get rid of the window-list on my *small* eeePC screen ;)12:00
BUGabundobut noone replied12:00
RAOFFor Do?  Not until I've finished Pulseaudio# and written a pulseaudio plugin.12:00
BUGabundoRAOF: and that wish bug I filed for paste.ubuntu.co m?12:01
kklimondaBUGabundo: you have the most cluttered desktop I've ever seen12:02
BUGabundothis is a _clean_ version12:02
BUGabundoit used to be worse12:02
yofelkklimonda: mine looks like that too :P12:03
yofelthough it was worse before I purged my gconf settings and started fresh ^^12:03
kklimondaheh, my panels are more or less default ;)12:04
BUGabundoreally why?12:05
BUGabundoI need to make it feel ME12:05
BUGabundonot someone else idea of a Desktop12:05
kklimondaBUGabundo: I love the idea of sensible defaults ;)12:05
BUGabundothat reminds me who nuno pinheiro says he feels when he looks at other ppl desktop12:05
kklimondaBUGabundo: do you know how much time does it save ? :)12:05
BUGabundohe spends so many other design the thing and then users _kill_ it12:06
BUGabundokklimonda: do you know how kicker I am when I have what I need close at hand?12:06
BUGabundoplus DO makes everything soooo much faster12:06
BUGabundoI don't even use menus12:06
kklimondaI don't use do12:06
BUGabundoI just need alt+f2 to start it when it dies12:06
BUGabundokklimonda: you have NO idea what you are lossing!12:07
kklimondaBUGabundo: I've tried using do and quicksilver on mac12:07
* BUGabundo winks at RAOF12:07
kklimondaquicksilver lost with spotlight12:07
kklimondaand do.. dude, I spent most of my time in terminal ;)12:07
BUGabundokklimonda: well I've set it up for new users, and 15 min latter they can't let it go12:07
yofelhm... am I *still* the only one that can't use alt+f2???12:07
BUGabundowell even on cli, DO can be helpful12:07
BUGabundosure super+l+ter+enter12:08
BUGabundois longer then ctrl+n12:08
BUGabundoyofel: prob12:08
BUGabundoand most users that don't know it exists12:08
kklimondaI wonder why is rmadison so slow for ubuntu :/12:08
kklimondait works almost instantly for debian.. :/12:09
BUGabundoI wish DO and pidgin fixed the darn jump to chat bug12:09
BUGabundoguess I need to re-file it and nag some ppl12:09
BUGabundokklimonda: I feel the same thing with OOo12:09
BUGabundo!info rmadison12:09
ubottuPackage rmadison does not exist in karmic12:09
BUGabundo!kklimonda_the_bot rmadison12:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)12:10
yofel!info devscripts12:10
ubottudevscripts (source: devscripts): scripts to make the life of a Debian Package maintainer easier. In component main, is optional. Version 2.10.48ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 544 kB, installed size 1668 kB12:10
kklimondaBUGabundo: it's a tool that displays package's version for all supported ubuntu/debian releases/architectures12:11
yofelok... metacity can't use alt+f2 as well so it's at least not a compiz issue...12:12
BUGabundocan't use?12:12
BUGabundoWFM yofel12:12
yofelBUGabundo: that much I figured out already, but it won't work for me :(12:13
yofelI press alt+f2 and nothing happens12:13
yofelyay and now I can't start compiz12:13
yofelapport comes up with compiz.real has crashed -.-12:14
syn-ackyoasif, open a terminal and start it for now or zap your console. :P12:14
yofel*sigh* I guess I'll re-login, compiz --replace gives me12:15
simba_gnome-do works with UNR?12:15
yofel*** glibc detected *** /usr/bin/compiz.real: double free or corruption (!prev): 0x0000000002cee750 ***12:15
BUGabundoyofel: I got that fixed luckly12:17
BUGabundothere's something in gconf for that12:17
BUGabundoand on cssm12:17
BUGabundoyou need to set compiz as the default WM and not metacity12:17
* BUGabundo digs gconf12:18
syn-ackI dont12:18
syn-ackBUGabundo, one word12:18
syn-ackWindows Registry.12:18
syn-ackwhich is EXACTLY what I think of gconf. Call me old school though12:18
* scizzo- agrees with BUGabundo 12:18
BUGabundosyn-ack: it is12:19
BUGabundoyofel: think this is it : /apps/gdm/simple-greeter/wm_use_compiz12:19
syn-ackIt is12:19
* yofel goes looking12:19
kklimondasyn-ack: the idea of registry isn't really bad or something ;)12:19
BUGabundoThis is going to happen if you "unredirect" fullscreen windows (System-> Preferences -> CompizConfig Settings Manager -> General Options ->General -> Unredirect Fullscreen Windows).12:20
BUGabundoand seems to help too12:20
yofelBUGabundo: set it to 'true' ?12:20
BUGabundoyofel: true12:20
yofelok, set12:20
yofellet me try again12:20
BUGabundokklimonda: I like the basic idea. just does it have to do it all ON FILES???12:21
BUGabundowhy not a DB?12:21
BUGabundowrong tip12:21
BUGabundoyofel: Open ccsm -> Choose category Utility -> Workarounds -> [x] Force synchronisation between X and GLX12:21
kklimondaBUGabundo: GSettings over dcons will use some kind of db12:21
BUGabundokklimonda: not the default of Ubuntu, right?12:22
kklimondaBUGabundo: it will be once it gets upstream to gtk+12:22
yofelBUGabundo: I already have that enabled12:22
simba_yey.....gnome-do and UNR plays well together.12:23
kklimondaBUGabundo: and files as a storage are safer than db in some cases (for example over nfs). dunno how it's going to be resolved in gsettings/dconf though..12:23
BUGabundosimba_: as long as your gpu supports composite12:23
BUGabundoits all fine12:23
dupondjeFlash Player 10 = Disaster :(12:31
dupondjehowto remove flash playere in ubuntu :(12:58
simba_installed with apt?13:00
yofeldupondje: apt-get purge flashplugin-* and check that you don't have on in .mozilla/plugins/13:01
dupondjeupdate-alternatives: error: no alternatives for iceape-flashplugin.13:02
dupondjeupdate-alternatives: error: no alternatives for iceape-flashplugin.13:02
yofeltrying out UNR was a bad idea13:09
yofelI got rid of it with aptitude13:09
kklimondadupondje: I'm pretty sure I've helped someone with the same issue yesterday13:09
yofelbut the windows still get maximized on launch *-.-13:09
kklimondawhere do you guys get those packages from ? :P13:09
yofelanyone an idea how to get rid of that?13:10
gnomefreakdupondje: its a known issue13:14
gnomefreakkklimonda: its our package that has the bug. its the update-alternatives bug. you should beable to cd into that file (dont remember where) nad remove flash file and start over. nevermind about the u-a file that was gnash i was thinking of but flash has same issue13:16
=== introuble is now known as SERE
gnomefreakyofel: workaround is on the bug report (cant recall the number though13:17
kklimondagnomefreak: btw, as you are here and I remember - are you still working on getting firegpg into archive?13:17
gnomefreakkklimonda: sort of. ive been tied up with a few more important things. if i get time ill update it for my PPA but thats not looking good for this cycle13:18
kklimondagnomefreak: what has to be done to even think about it?13:18
gnomefreakkklimonda: can you package?13:19
kklimondagnomefreak: yes13:20
gnomefreakkklimonda: join me in #ubuntu-mozillateam and i will get you some info to maybe help you or if i get done with todays work fast eough ill trow it together shouldnt take more than 20 minutes to update it13:21
yofelok... fixed by removing maximus13:26
yofelwhy aren't the packages that are pulled in by ubuntu-* not marked as 'pulled in as dependency' anyway?13:26
yofelwell, lunch. bbl13:29
* aboSamoor banshee upstream team has a quick response, I hope that alsa have the same13:36
Hobbseeyofel: remove maximus13:39
yofelHobbsee: thx, but I found that out already ;) 14:26:07 < yofel> ok... fixed by removing maximus13:40
yofelhm, any way to fix g-p-m showing me an 'empty-battery-with-red-x' icon all the time?13:43
BluesKajHowdy all14:12
yofelhi BluesKaj14:18
oldude67morning all14:18
jonathonfafternoon ;)14:18
BluesKajhi yofel, oldude67, jonathonf14:20
legend2440what is the cli command i can use to upgrade from jaunty to koala?14:39
jonathonfsafest is to use update-manager -d, but that's a gui app14:39
legend2440jonathonf: yes thats the one. i couldnt remember it. thanks14:40
oldude67ugh this might take a while...got tired of trying to run 9.10 in vbox..(not enough memory) so this dist upgrade is going to be like an hour, will it use the newest kernel or will it load all the old ones as well too?14:48
jonathonfyou'll have the new one14:49
oldude67well dont know if that will be a blessing or a nightmare it seems to run fine on this machine in vbox but last time i had it installed it made the intel video crap.14:50
oldude67oh well guess ill find out here in about an hour..lol14:51
jonathonfmm, there were issues with intel graphics, though i think most have been fixed with the new kernel (.31) and newest intel drivers14:52
jonathonfyou should also check the x-swat ppa which has stable X and video driver updates14:52
oldude67well i think it was the 2.6.31-3 kernel that made my intel video screw the 2.6.31-2 was ok tho14:53
yofelgrmbl... that nvidia random-suspend bug is annoying -.-14:59
BUGabundohey ehy14:59
zer0xHi all, is anyone here running karmic on an eee pc?15:01
Emme_NK_zer0x: yes, on an eee pc 90015:02
BUGabundozer0x: yeah some are15:02
yofel<- 1000H15:02
zer0xEmme_NK_: ah :) is it complaining about 1% battery capacity?15:02
zer0xstill getting used to this teeeeny keyboard :/15:03
Emme_NK_no, only sometimes it "forgets" to update15:03
Emme_NK_I pull the plug, and it still thinks I15:03
Emme_NK_am on AC15:03
zer0xoh, on my 900 it seemed fine in live, but now I've installed to ssd its keeps warning me about low capacity, the battery is fine however :/15:04
Emme_NK_and the battery charge prediction does not work, it only reports in 10%-steps15:04
nemoI decided to try updating to karmic on a non-critical laptop15:04
* BUGabundo has a 13.3" pseudo netbook15:04
nemothe upgrade did not go smoothly...15:04
zer0xEmme_NK_: I guess i'll just ignore it for the moment :) these darn 900's lose there charge whilst turned off also :(15:04
Emme_NK_mine does not15:05
nemoanyway, I thought I finally had everything sorted out - but it appears, and this is just a guess, that karmic is still using an older version of grub15:05
jonathonfmy 701 does :S15:05
nemo'cause my grub config appears to have been screwed up15:05
Emme_NK_I was afraid of it before I got the eee, but looks like I am lucky15:05
nemo(my grub2 config)15:05
zer0xoh? I was under the impression the celeron chip was the culprit, wish I had the 900A :/15:05
nemoanyway. thinking I might as well just reinstall. which brings me to my questions15:06
nemo1) Is it worth filing a bug chronicling my failures at this point? or is it likely this will all be ironed out over next few months15:06
nemo2) If I download a karmic nightly and reinstall, do I have to worry about $HOME?15:06
zer0xat least the intel issues are fixed in karmic :)15:06
jonathonf2) no need to worry15:07
Hobbseezer0x: they're completely fixed now?  nice!15:07
Hobbseemight have to try that15:07
Emme_NK_zer0x: maybe the battery draining issue depends on the BIOS version. I have 060115:07
Hobbseenemo: you'd be better going for the last alpha15:07
zer0xHobbsee: I believe so, compiz is very smooth, it was horrendous on 9.0415:07
zer0xEmme_NK_: very good point, I have not updated this one yet15:08
Hobbseeno screen suddenly going black?15:08
zer0xEmme_NK_: is the update possible via linux?15:08
Emme_NK_AFAIK there's some tool for linux, I don't know. It came with this version15:08
nemoguess I'll pull a build then15:08
nemooh. also, the installer won't get confused, will it? :)15:08
yofelthe only intel problems I have in karmic now are that the driver refuses to work with an external monitor and more than 640x480 :/15:09
nemowell. guess I'll find out15:09
zer0xahh, just praying its not a windows only .exe update! eww :)15:09
jonathonfzer0x, someone made a bootable USB image that automates the BIOS update; you can even select the version you want15:09
jonathonfthough it's been a while since i've messed with my eee15:09
BUGabundohey Hobbsee15:09
Hobbseeyofel: oh, don't mirror the screen.15:09
zer0xjonathonf: sounds good, any idea where I can find it?15:09
HobbseeBUGabundo: heya!15:09
jonathonfi'll dig out the link, hang on15:10
zer0xjonathonf: cheers very much :)15:10
yofelHobbsee: if I try to *not* mirror it I get only garbage :(15:10
jonathonfzer0x: http://downloads.k0k0.de/index.php?dir=EeePC%2F15:10
jonathonfloads of stuff in there15:10
Hobbseeyofel: ah.  Does the intel driver even support getting up to that high resolution with an external monitor?15:11
zer0xjonathonf: thanks, much appreciated :)15:11
yofelHobbsee: I didn't try every possible resolution that I had in the Display options. It would have taken too much time since I had to kill X every time...15:12
zer0xcant press both mouse buttons on eee :/15:12
Hobbseeyofel: i was thinking you'd try jsut the largest15:12
yofelI'll try again once I get the time for that15:12
* BUGabundo gives a free tip to yofel : $ xrandr --auto15:12
* yofel makes a note of that15:13
Hobbseeyofel: oh, adn the other trick is to turn off the first monitor, and  just use the external15:14
yofelHobbsee: and how do I do that? or do you mean turn off in bios?15:14
Hobbseex seems happier that way15:14
Hobbseeyofel: in display properties15:14
zer0xthis eee keyboard is going to take some getting used to!15:15
yofelok, I'll report back as soon as I get to try it :)15:15
zer0xthanks for your help all :) bb15:15
Hobbseeyofel: fwiw, intel drivers don't handle external monitors particulalry brilliantly, but you should be able to make ti work at all15:16
* aboSamoor the banshee database migration bug fixed :-D, dancing with banshee on the edge15:17
BUGabundoHobbsee: and its worse when the resolution of the extrenal is bigger then the internal15:17
BUGabundosome how it doesn't have enough BW for it15:17
BUGabundothe 2nd controler must be worse or less powerful15:17
Hobbseein which case, you'd wonder why you'd bother15:18
oldude67that really dont make sense.15:19
BUGabundooldude67: what doesn't?15:19
oldude67like he said why bother.15:20
BUGabundohe is a _she_15:20
oldude67oops sorry15:20
BUGabundonot that she likes to be the spotlight15:21
oldude67now is that with all video adapters or certain ones?15:21
Hobbseei presume all15:21
Hobbseei only tried with one15:21
BUGabundofrom intel, all I've used15:23
BUGabundoati is very sensitive on that15:23
BUGabundoand even on nvidia as very poor external outputs on _most_ cards15:23
BUGabundoor maybe its bad drivers15:23
oldude67im assuming this is with laptop issues right?15:24
BUGabundomost desktops have much better output15:25
BUGabundosince, well, they don't have embed lcds :)15:25
BUGabundoso if they support dual head, both exits are similar in bandwith15:25
oldude67sorry im being so nosy im going to be getting a laptop here soon and i am just wondering what im getting myself into..lol15:25
Hobbseeoldude67: are you plannin to connect it up to a second monitor?15:26
BUGabundoright. this is just a question for multimonitor15:26
oldude67yeah i was thinking about it, but it sounds like it would be a waste of time.15:26
BUGabundolook don't be scare. my nvidia 8400 18 month old15:26
BUGabundocan run compiz at 90FPS on a lcd 1280+ external at higher reso15:26
BluesKajoldude67, make sure you get a lappy with nvidia graphics , intel and ati to a lesser degree are troublesome to get set up15:27
BUGabundoOTOH I can get from 200 to 300FPS on a single LCD :D15:27
BUGabundoBluesKaj: not so true with newer ATI cards15:27
BUGabundothe prob is that _they_ aren't supporting FLOSS drivers on older cards15:27
BluesKajBUGabundo, good to hear ati is back in the game15:28
BUGabundothose are being done by community15:28
Hobbsee1500 frames a second for compiz.  wow.15:29
oldude67well i have had several on board intel videos work well with ubuntu, and have heard nightmares about ati, but i have seen a lot of updates for ati here recently.15:29
* BUGabundo shrugs looking at Hobbsee hardware15:29
Hobbsee(new nvidia card)15:30
BUGabundoHobbsee: what are you running on ?15:30
BUGabundothe new GX?15:30
HobbseeBUGabundo: 8800gt, 1920x108015:30
BUGabundoone of those 280?15:30
Hobbseenah, nothing tha tgood15:30
BUGabundoahh the good old GT15:30
BUGabundothat's not _new_15:30
jonathonfwhat are you using to benchmark?15:31
Hobbseei know.  But stacks better than the intel card in teh laptop15:31
BUGabundojonathonf: I'm runnng compiz benchmark15:31
Hobbseejonathonf: compiz has a plugin for it15:31
BUGabundobut xgears is more accurer15:31
BUGabundoEVERYONE: $ glxgears15:32
jonathonfbah, compiz isn't working at the minute15:32
BUGabundo2685 frames in 5.0 seconds15:32
jonathonf8658 in 5.0 seconds15:32
Hobbsee7502.347 FPS15:32
Hobbseewow, now it's going up15:33
Hobbsee116709 frames in 5.0 seconds = 23341.680 FPS15:33
BUGabundo781 frames in 5.0 seconds15:33
BUGabundo970 frames in 5.0 seconds15:33
BUGabundoguys FULL SCREEN if you please15:33
jonathonflol, ok15:33
BUGabundonot the smallish winwod15:33
jonathonf1913 in 5 on 1280x102415:33
BUGabundokewl jonathonf15:34
Hobbsee6232 frames in 5.0 seconds = 1246.373 FPS15:34
* BUGabundo still can't believe Hobbsee values15:34
BUGabundoahh those are more real15:34
BUGabundojonathonf: what are you running ?15:34
jonathonf9600gt (acer 5930g) with 190.18, metacity+compositing15:35
jonathonfdual screen (1280x1024+1280x800)15:35
BUGabundoyou did _that_ on multimonitor?15:36
BUGabundothat card SMOKES15:36
Hobbseemethinks BUGabundo is off to buy a new video card now15:37
BUGabundono more money spending this month15:38
jonathonfthis laptop is one of the most under-appreciated models /ever/ and it was only in production for about 10 months15:38
BUGabundogot new 1,5T disk, case for it, and and Android G215:38
BUGabundobetter settle down on geek stuff for a month at least :p15:38
SEREi need a case!!! othervise i cant get linux box!!!15:38
SEREPLS give me a case15:39
oldude67ok installing upgrades..brb more coffee..lol15:39
BUGabundooldude67: not many updates today15:40
BUGabundojust usual fta bots builds15:40
BUGabundoff,chromium, gwibber15:40
oldude67BUGabundo, no im doing a whole dist upgrade. reinstalling 9.10 as base system again.not enough memory to run it in vbox15:44
=== SERE is now known as iliekafricanlinu
BUGabundoenough? 1G should do it!15:45
=== iliekafricanlinu is now known as africanlinux
oldude67yeah well i only have 733 , and its just slow as snot15:46
BUGabundoit will be15:46
BUGabundotry xubuntu15:46
BUGabundoI bet charlie will apreciate15:46
bjsniderhow is the gnome-volume-control applet that integrates pulse's applications list coming along?15:46
BUGabundohe needs more Xub testers15:46
BUGabundobjsnider: like a car falling from a bridge15:46
jonathonfpavucontrol works quite nicely ;)15:47
oldude67that dont sound to good..lol15:47
tgpraveenBUGabundo: know whats the problem?15:47
BUGabundojonathonf: well we don't bring pavucontrol on default do we ?15:47
jonathonfwell, no...15:48
BUGabundotgpraveen: other then mute on start up, stupid flat volume, can't listen to somehing on LOW volume (keeps self rizing)15:48
bjsniderpavucontrol is a second running app to do the same thing. that's why we want all of it in one app15:48
BUGabundovery low MAX volume (used to be able to be LOUDERD)15:48
bjsniderbut the one i jaunty didn't have any alsa hardware controls, so it was junked15:49
zer0xHi again, anyone getting widely variable performance with wifi on eee pc?15:49
Teknocrappy atheros15:49
bjsnidermaybe the lbm package would improve it15:50
zer0xahh, was it like that with the Xandros install also? I never tested it15:50
BluesKaj!info wicd15:50
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-3 (karmic), package size 415 kB, installed size 2484 kB15:50
bjsniderzer0x, the linux-backports-modules package will have a newer, probably better atheros driver than the one in the kernel15:51
zer0xbjsnider: ah, cheers :)15:52
bjsniderzer0x, i don't drink at 11AM15:52
BUGabundobjsnider: not on karmi15:52
zer0xbjsnider: :P I've banned myself full stop! darn JD15:53
bjsniderBUGabundo, sir, why not, sir?15:53
BUGabundoafaik backports are only added after kernel freeze15:53
BUGabundobut I may be wrong15:53
BUGabundotoo much from the kernel team eludes me15:53
bjsnidercould be15:54
tgpraveen!info empathy15:54
ubottuempathy (source: empathy): High-level library and user-interface for Telepathy. In component main, is optional. Version 2.27.5-0ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 305 kB, installed size 1256 kB15:54
bjsniderit's all john linville's fault15:54
oldude67omg 1 hour and 7 minutes for install, and it took 45 minutes down load..:(15:55
BUGabundooldude67: ????15:56
BUGabundoI took 8 timed min to clean install this15:56
BUGabundoare you using a daily ?15:56
bjsniderubuntu doesn't take an hour to install15:56
oldude679.10 on a celeron 2.4:(15:56
BUGabundo!daily > oldude6715:56
ubottuoldude67, please see my private message15:56
bjsniderhe's probably got a bad image15:57
oldude67doing dist-upgrade from 9.0415:57
zer0xthe install on this 900Mhz celeron took < 30 mins15:57
bjsniderwhy not just clean install?15:57
bjsnideryou didn't create a separate partition for /home?15:58
zer0xI better get this thing on ethernet before I start messing around with apt..15:58
oldude67nope i flubbed up.15:58
bjsnidernobody can tell me why ubuntu doesn't do that by default15:59
oldude67bjsnider, sure would be nice.15:59
bjsnideropensuse and fedora do15:59
BUGabundobjsnider: tehre no *current* need to create a partition for /home15:59
BUGabundoI'm fighting that idea15:59
bjsnideroh come on15:59
BUGabundono, you don't15:59
BUGabundothe installer is capble of removing the old one16:00
bjsniderthere's no reason not to16:00
BUGabundoand install a new clean install16:00
yofelBUGabundo: there *is* a need for a /home partition on alpha at least16:00
BUGabundowithout touching users files16:00
BUGabundoyofel: no16:00
BUGabundothere a need for BACKUPS16:00
yofelok... you're right16:00
bjsnideryeah, lusers know how to do backups on linux16:00
BUGabundoI'm always :)16:00
oldude67<just needs to get a new flashdrive.:(16:00
yofelBUGabundo: haha :P16:00
nemoBTW, before going the reinstall route, I looked around to see if others were having same problem16:03
ubottuDebian bug 497791 in grub-pc "grub-pc: System unbotable due to "search --fs-uuid" command" [Important,Closed]16:04
nemoLooks like I had this issue16:04
nemo"search --fs-uuid"16:04
nemoI manually booted (since for some reason ctrl-x wasn't working - had to type in from commandline) and now I guess I'll modify the menu.lst16:04
* ccooke realises that it's two months to Karmic and he isn't running it yet. 16:06
ccookeDidn't realise work had been this busy :-/16:06
ccookeWhat's the status? Any serious gotchas (considering I usually update at least one system to Ubuntu+1 between two and three months before release)16:07
oldude67anyone know what the difference is between an intel celeron r 2.4 gig chip and an intel celeron d 2.4 chip is?16:07
ccookeoldude67: let's see - memory may be faulty, given it's a few years ago now, but IIRC Celeron D was the first(ish) 64-bit capable celeron16:09
Teknobased on pentium d16:09
zer0xTekno: does your speed just fluctuate wildly? I just pulled a openbsd iso and the md5 checked out ok16:09
bjsniderthey're both junk16:09
BUGabundoccooke: its more close to 3 months16:10
Teknozer0x: when close to AP, no proble16:10
Teknobut atheros is ;|16:10
oldude67ccooke, ty, and bjsnider your quite right about that too.16:11
zer0xah, can the card be replaced in these things?16:11
floatinganyone ever had a vibrating mouse pointer ? I just came home and returned to my pc to find out my mouse pointer is making some 5mm back and forth movement on my 19" screen16:11
floatingoaps, maybe that 19" is not really helpping in measurements.. some 1440x900 reso16:12
ccookeBUGabundo: True. I tend to ignore the actual release date and go for 2-3 months before the version number.16:12
floatingwhatever ,but kinda funny :P16:12
Teknozer0x: its possible to replace yes16:13
floatingbut it is irritating my eyes to watch it, maybe i should restart x16:13
floatingbut i wouldnt be able to maybe debug this while it is still happening ?16:13
ccookeoldude67: I'm failing to recall the celeron r. Is it possible someone'e seeing the (R)egistered mark and stripping the brackets?16:14
zer0xTekno: ah, good :)16:14
oldude67ccooke, sorry was trying to bring up sysinfo but in the middle of dist-upgrade and its being a pain..ill let you know what it says when its done.16:20
oldude67its the chip im using right now.16:21
oldude67ccooke, and i think your right i think its the (r)egistered mark..16:23
BUGabundobrb pidgin restart16:31
jonathonfis pidgin any good for irc? i've used xchat for years...16:33
BUGabundoits the only one I manage to use joakim-16:34
jonathonfah, ok16:34
zer0xTekno: does your microphone work on karmic?16:35
jonathonf|pidginthis doesn't look too bad, actually16:37
BUGabundozer0x: it used to16:40
zer0xBUGabundo: not checked recently? I've played with alsamixer but no luck so far..16:41
BUGabundoyofel: what was that nice way to add a ppa?16:52
BUGabundowanna test it now16:52
BUGabundo$ man add-apt-repository16:52
BUGabundoNo manual entry for add-apt-repository16:52
BUGabundothanks jonathonf16:53
jonathonfgotta love the awesome bar :D16:53
BUGabundocan't leave without it16:54
BUGabundojonathonf: how does it get the proper dist release?16:56
jonathonfi think it's only supposed to be used for adding PPAs16:57
BUGabundobut ppas have several releases16:59
BUGabundokarmic, jaunty, ibex, etc16:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 321922 in azureus "vuze 4.2 new upstream release" [Wishlist,Confirmed]16:59
jonathonfit looks like it does it automatically17:01
jonathonfjust tried it with sudo add-apt-repository ppa:exaile-devel17:01
jonathonfit added a new .list in /etc/apt/sources.list.d for karmic17:01
yofelBUGabundo: it's just a python script that calls the software-properties functions, and I think software-properties should know which release you're using ^^17:02
BUGabundounless you are runnign debian ^^17:05
BUGabundojonathonf: better use the bzr directly17:05
BUGabundoppa is outdated for devel17:05
jonathonfok, was just a test taken from the forum ;)17:05
nemoyay. everything seems to be under control17:06
nemoI think maybe the upgrade was confused that I was already on grub217:06
nemoreran the grub legacy updater, ditched the menu.lst and life is back to normal17:07
nemoBTW, why the heck can I no longer manipulate individual channels in the gnome sound config?17:07
nemothat's really frustrating when I want to mute/unmute/adjust volume on individual channels17:07
nemoheck. I can't even figure out how to switch between which one controls main volume - which is useful if I plug external speakers into the laptop mic port17:08
SeveredCrossnemo: Because PulseAudio lolves you.17:08
zer0xah, the mic does work.. just had to change the input in alsamixer :)17:08
SeveredCrossnemo: Try pavucontrol, though you may not have better luck.17:08
nemoI ended up using alsamixer17:08
nemoI'm just annoyed the main tool ditched this17:08
nemoone more thing to confuse users17:08
EagleScreenhello, is it possible to change the appareance of KDE3 applications?17:08
SeveredCrossnemo: The idea is that PulseAudio will work well enough for everyone.17:09
SeveredCrossUnfortunately, Pulse completely stinks up my system.17:09
zer0xwhy dont all the options in alsamixer show up in the sound preferences gui?17:09
SeveredCrosszer0x: Because the sound preferences UI is based off PulseAudio, not ALSA.17:09
zer0xah :)17:09
nemoSeveredCross: ... and... pulseaudio will automagically know which input channel I'm wanting?17:09
coz_EagleScreen,   what do you mean change their appearance?    window borders  and such?17:10
SeveredCrossnemo: People would like to think so.17:10
SeveredCrossMe, I think PulseAudio's created more problems than it's ever solved for me.17:10
nemoSeveredCross: in that case it failed at it :-/17:10
EagleScreenyes, coz_, but fonts size overall17:10
nemoI wonder if the folks who made that gui actually consulted the features of the old tool17:10
coz_EagleScreen,  yes it is possible  but  I dont have kde installed right now  but I believe if you go into system settings  what you have mentioned is possible from there  or   go into the #kde  channel and ask about the locations of certain settings :)17:11
* zer0x is happy with karmic eee pc now :D17:13
nemook. now to see if I can get emifreqd-applet back17:13
nemoI really liked that applet17:13
nemoI did chance some of the images so it worked better w/ my 20px gnome panel, but otherwise.17:14
zer0xquick question, can i halt but not automatically power off? the halt command powers off by default..17:23
zer0xI want to leave the machine in a safe state for the battery to discharge17:25
jpdszer0x: Suspend it?17:25
zer0xjpds: is that safe? will the disk be left in a clean state etc?17:25
zer0xon openbsd if i issue 'halt' it halts but stays on, only a 'halt -p' will actually power the machine off17:26
zer0xbut on ubuntu a 'halt' seems to power off also :/17:27
zer0x/etc/default/halt ... halt or poweroff, looks promising :)17:30
* lupine_85 wonders if his new sansa fuze is crap, or if the i/o schedular needs some work17:32
nemohm. I don't care for the new user switch applet either. old one was more convenient17:32
lupine_85The I/O (KDE4) keeps stalling. most weird17:33
Machtinhm.. why is there no newer nvidia-driver-version available? :o18:01
jonathonfnewer than what?18:02
jonathonfi'm running 190.1818:03
jonathonfthough that's from a ppa18:03
scizzo-185.18.31 is the latest from the nvidia site18:04
jonathonfthough if you're running from the karmic repo you should have 18518:04
scizzo-185.18.14 is the one in the repos18:04
jonathonf190.18 is the latest beta18:04
jonathonfah, ok18:04
scizzo-sorry...correction...latest stable18:05
Machtinhm. strange.18:05
scizzo-Machtin: why is that strange?18:05
Machtincause i can't find 185 in the repos18:05
yofelMachtin: it's called 180 but you get 18518:05
Machtinoh, i see.18:05
yofelwrong label18:06
jonathonf$ apt-cache policy nvidia-glx-18018:06
jonathonfCandidate: 185.18.14-0ubuntu318:06
BUGabundoscizzo-: please don't run drivers direclty from nvidia site.18:06
scizzo-BUGabundo: I am not18:06
Machtinokay, got it.18:06
scizzo-BUGabundo: I was making a difference between ubuntu repos and website announced version18:06
scizzo-BUGabundo: if that is wrong of me then I am sorry18:07
BUGabundono no18:07
BUGabundoits all fine18:07
Machtinany possibility to add 190 to the repos in a sensible way?18:09
jonathonfit's beta, so no :(18:10
Machtinguess i'll live with that one bug then.18:10
jonathonfyou can get them from a ppa though18:10
Machtindunno what a ppa is, to be honest..18:11
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.18:11
Machtinah.. hm.18:11
Machtinnah, rather not.. i can wait, i guess18:11
penguin42is anyone else having problems post resume with monitor mirroring when they shouldn't be?18:12
jonathonfhttps://edge.launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa is probably the best bet, plus it gets vdpau acceleration18:12
FloridaGuyis there a netinstall cd for 9.10....i always have trouble with ubuntu live cd..or the alternate.....never have trouble with netinstall18:12
BUGabundojonathonf: is that official team ?18:14
BUGabundoFloridaGuy: yes18:14
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate18:14
jonathonfBUGabundo: I think so18:14
BUGabundoFloridaGuy: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/netboot/18:14
BUGabundojonathonf: I only know those of the xquasher and edgers18:15
nemogrr. the User Switch Applet 1) appears to be lacking the switch to "guest"  2) Seems to be missing the minimal icon option that there was in Jaunty - where you just saw a little icon of people18:15
nemomight be a completely different applet is why, but still means it is wasting precious space18:15
* nemo removes it18:16
* BUGabundo tries to find who brandonsnider is18:16
jonathonfBUGabundo: he's lurking in here, bjsnider18:16
bjsniderwant me for something?18:16
BUGabundosince the Nvidia Vdpau Team is a ONE man team18:17
BUGabundobjsnider: we were talking about vdpau apps18:17
bjsniderat some point avenard will join18:17
bjsniderwhen i can persuade him18:17
BUGabundobjsnider: any warning before I add your PPA?18:17
FloridaGuyubuntu 8.04 is great...been playing with mandriva 2010 alpha 1 and 2 that been pretty good..so lets see how ubuntu 9.10 alpha3 is18:18
bjsniderBUGabundo, no, it should be fine on karmic18:18
nemoI think the most annoying part so far is the mucked up volume control :-/18:18
nemoI mean I can use alsamixer, but still18:18
bjsniderBUGabundo, i get almost daily bug reports and requests, so it must be popular-like18:18
bjsniderBUGabundo, you can't use the 190 driver if you wantt o use the vdpau stuff18:19
bjsniderit's all built against the 185 driver currently18:19
bjsniderthe 190 driver is for basic testing only18:19
BUGabundobjsnider: that's what I have18:20
nemohttp://packages.ubunut.com/us/karmic/emifreq-applet - and this. I miss this :-/  ah well.18:20
bjsniderBUGabundo, the 190 driver?18:20
* BUGabundo puts $ sudo add-apt-repository ppa:nvidia-vdpau/ppa to the test18:20
bjsnideryou can try smplayer right away. no config necessary18:21
BUGabundomplayer too?18:21
bjsnideractually you still might have to blank out the screenshots directory18:21
FloridaGuywhat kernel is alpha3 useing....in mandriva 2010 alpha2 im in 2.6.31 rc5.218:21
bjsnidermplayer will require some tinkering18:21
jonathonfFloridaGuy: .31-rc4, -rc5 is coming18:22
yofelFloridaGuy: right now 2.6.31-4 (based on -rc4)18:22
BUGabundodidn't know smplayer18:22
BUGabundoFloridaGuy: -5 is buildign as we speek18:22
bjsniderBUGabundo, smplayer is stupendously good18:22
BUGabundo4 replies? poor guy18:22
yofelFloridaGuy: 2.6.31-5 is coming today or tomorrow (based on -rc5)18:22
jonathonfBUGabundo: it's built, it's just waiting for approval18:22
jonathonfi've downloaded it from launchpad and installed it manually just to be cheecky :D18:23
mac_vhow do i check if my system has openGL capabilities?18:23
bjsnidermac_v, glxinfo from the command prompt18:23
BUGabundoThe following packages will be upgraded:  libx264-67 mplayer mplayer-nogui18:23
BUGabundobjsnider: why didn't it suggest nvidia too ?18:23
bjsniderBUGabundo, because my driver is called 185, not 180. it is available in the repository18:24
FloridaGuyok...netinstall iso burnt....now time to go for install.....if it works see everyone in about 30..40 min18:24
BUGabundobjsnider: I have it installed already18:24
bjsnideri've got this crazyidea that 185 isn't the same thing as 18018:24
BUGabundoshouldn't your replace it or something ?18:24
bjsniderif you ask to install the 185 from the ppa it will yank out the 180 first18:25
BUGabundo$ apt-cache policy nvidia-glx-180  Installed: 185.18.14-0ubuntu318:25
bjsniderthat's not the latest18:25
nemosweet. the jaunty package for emifreq applet still works fine.18:25
bjsnider185.18.31 is18:25
BUGabundobjsnider: thats what my apt-cache sees18:26
xtknightcan others confirm bug 408054 please?18:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408054 in file-roller "drag and drop bug makes file-roller UI unusable as a whole and puts desktop at risk" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40805418:26
BUGabundodoesn't even show your repo entry in there18:26
bjsniderlook for nvidia-glx-18518:26
mac_vbjsnider: my glxinfo > http://paste.ubuntu.com/244276/ seems my system is capable , but when i run cairo dock opengl version, i have weird artefacts!18:26
BUGabundonvidia-glx-185:  Installed: (none)18:26
BUGabundo  Candidate: 185.18.31-0ubuntu1~karmic~ppa1     185.18.31-0ubuntu1~karmic~ppa1 018:26
bjsniderthere you  go18:26
BUGabundobjsnider: so should I go with 185 or keep archive 180 ?18:26
bjsniderinstall the 18518:27
bjsniderright now18:27
BUGabundodon't BOSS me!18:27
mac_vbjsnider: am i using wrong driver or something?18:27
bjsnideryou axed18:27
jonathonfi'd install 190 just to be awkward :P18:27
DanaGodd... I left my system on overnight... and now everything is all laggy.18:27
BUGabundogonna grab something to eat. brb18:28
bjsnidermac_v, what are youtrying to run?18:28
mac_vbjsnider: cairo dock version218:28
bjsniderand what happens?18:28
jonathonfwoot, Katich is out!18:29
mac_vwait i'll get a screenshot18:29
bjsniderno, just tell me18:29
jonathonfsorry, that would mean more if i'd typed it into #ubuntu-uk18:29
bjsniderhis first problem is he's using an ATI card18:30
yofelbjsnider: whats the difference between nvidia-settings and nvidia-settings-185?18:30
bjsnideryofel, at the time i built that package i thought there might be a lot of difference, so i created a new package for it. in truth, there isn't much difference18:31
bjsniderbut hey, you dribble & you shoot18:31
yofel(or: why does nvidia-glx-185 suggest nvidia-settings and not nvidia-settings-185?)18:31
yofelah, ok18:31
mac_vbjsnider: ah... the background just turns *black* when i hover over it >  http://files.getdropbox.com/u/1325768/Screenshot-3.png18:32
bjsniderhis second problem is he's using an ATI card18:32
bjsnidermac_v, find a guy named alex deucher. tell him his driver sucks.18:32
bjsniderno, disregard that.18:32
mac_vhehe ... no solution other than that?18:32
penguin42always a good way to get stuff fixed :-)18:32
bjsniderpurchase an nvidia card18:32
mac_vah ha ;p18:33
bjsnidermac_v, have you tried gnome-do with docky as an alternative?18:33
DanaGHeh, I actually switched to ATI because I was sick of all the nvidia crap I had dealt with.  For now, ATI has DIFFERENT crap to deal with... but at least the specs are open.18:33
mac_vbjsnider: ah i did , didnt have as many options as cairo dock ,18:34
bjsniderwhat nvidia crap, you mean hardware-accelerated opengl 3.1+?18:34
mac_vbut the non-opengl version works fine18:34
bjsniderbut did it work?18:34
bjsniderawn doesn't use opengl. maybe that would be better for you.18:34
DanaGNo, I mean like the whole damn screen going *BLINK*      *BLINK*     *BLINK*18:35
bjsnideryou've got an old junk mobile chip right?18:35
DanaGGranted, that bug got fixed a while ago, but my choice was partly a matter of principles, too.18:35
DanaGThe one that did the blinking was a Go 7600.18:35
mac_vtried awn too , but cairo allows the dock on top , its just that the openGL version has so much more bling , flet i was missing out ;p18:36
bjsniderthe 8k/9k/gtx/gts series will work like gangbusters18:36
DanaGOh yeah, and I ALSO have a spare, rarely-used laptop ("toshitba") that has a "1 + 1 = 4 (MX)!" card.18:36
DanaGAnd the nvidia binary on that.... just segfaults.18:36
bjsnidertime to throw it out18:37
DanaGOh yeah, and it also has an ipw2200.... actually works worse than B43 ever has, for me.18:37
bjsnidermac_v, can you swap video cards or is it a laptop?18:37
DanaGipw2200:  firmware error, restarting.18:37
DanaGipw2200:  firmware error, restarting.18:37
DanaG... and so on.18:37
mac_vunfortunately laptop :(18:37
mac_vbjsnider: what package do i file a bug against?18:38
bjsniderDanaG, does broadcom have any linux drivers at all in the kernel?18:38
DanaGI think B43 is in-kernel, but the firmware is non-distributable.18:38
DanaGThat restriction never made any sense to me.18:38
bjsnidermac_v, i don't know what it's called in the repos, but it's xf86-video-ati in xorg18:38
DanaGI mean, fine, don't open-source it, whatever.  But why the **** would you not allow people to distribute the closed-source-anyway firmware?18:39
bjsnideri think it's just called the radeon driver18:39
mac_vah... ok ,i'll check18:39
bjsniderDanaG, wait. i thought you were an open-source activist?18:39
bjsniderotherwise why switch away from nvidia?18:39
DanaGWell, I'm griping about the ipw2200 sucking so badly.18:39
BUGabundobjsnider: The following NEW packages will be installed:  nvidia-185-kernel-source{a} nvidia-185-libvdpau{a} nvidia-glx-185 smplayer smplayer-themes{a} smplayer-translations{a}18:40
BUGabundoThe following packages will be REMOVED:  nvidia-180-kernel-source{a} nvidia-180-libvdpau{a} nvidia-glx-180{a}18:40
bjsniderwhy is the radeon driver still only on opengl 1.4?18:40
DanaGThe only opengl thing I use in Linux is compiz.  =รพ18:40
BUGabundoso its seems I alreaduy add vdpau18:40
bjsniderBUGabundo, you did18:40
bjsniderubuntu is slow tp update the driver though. yours is two point releases out of date18:41
BUGabundobjsnider: and jockey doesn't even sugest that driver for my card18:41
bjsniderwhat card?18:41
BUGabundobjsnider: was that for me ?18:41
BUGabundobjsnider: 8400m G18:41
BUGabundo01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G86 [GeForce 8400M G] (rev a1)18:42
bjsniderit will show up in jockey after the modaliases package is in there18:42
mac_vbjsnider: there are 2 installed > xserver-xorg-video-ati   ,  xserver-xorg-video-raedon  , description says " This package is built from the X.org xf86-video-ati driver module." for both ? so i file against both?18:42
bjsnidermac_v, i guess18:42
mac_vok... thanx18:42
bjsnideri don't think fglrx works on that card anymore18:42
bjsnideri don't think fglrx works at all18:43
DanaGoh yeah, one of my friends has a Dell XPS M1330, and has had the soldered-on GPU fail twice in the past year or so.18:43
DanaGToo bad Ubuntu doesn't use fbcondecor.  :=รพ18:44
Adapterhi @all18:45
DanaGoh yeah, and the one time I tried and got KMS on my R600, it was awesome.18:46
DanaGBummer it couldn't do EXA and KMS at the same time.18:46
Adapterwhats with usb on akoya a bug?18:46
DanaGakoya?  whazzat?18:46
Adapterno usb after update18:47
BUGabundoAdapter: prob a kernel bug18:48
BUGabundohave you rebooted ?18:48
BUGabundoor even tried and older kernel ?18:48
Adapterreboot ok no usb18:48
Adapterahhh but older kernel was delete18:49
BUGabundoAdapter: FAIL18:51
BUGabundonever remove an older kernel18:51
BUGabundoalways keep at least ONE18:51
BUGabundonice to know that *now*, right?18:51
DanaGOne reason I still use pidgin instead of Empathy: far, far far far far more of those useful plugens.18:52
DanaGargh, I cabn't type right now.18:52
* BUGabundo lends DanaG spell checker plugin18:52
BUGabundoDanaG: plguoes?18:52
DanaGspell-checker doesn't auto-fix.18:52
Adapterso i trie tomorrow a new hd and check again18:52
BUGabundodon't hit ENTER so fast then !18:52
DanaGah, I need to move myself about an inch or so leftwards.18:52
BUGabundoDanaG: that has happened to me too18:53
jonathonfpidgin-otr is the key one for me18:53
DanaGOh, and Empathy sucks at IRC.18:53
DanaGAnd I can't share Empathy logs with Windows; I can do this just fine with Pidgin.18:53
BUGabundonew GPM is broken18:54
BUGabundomy LCD bright is jumping from 30% to 90%18:54
DanaGfunky... the brightness-icon is offcenter.18:54
DanaGAbout 20% offcenter.18:55
Adapterok by all thanks BUGabundo18:55
yofelhm, can it be that this new brightness notification thing is calculated relative to the display size?18:57
yofelit's freakin' huge here18:57
DanaGSame here.18:57
DanaGSame size as the volume thingy.18:57
DanaGI finally just decided to go ahead and ditch notify-osd.18:58
DanaGAt least the old way doesn't LAAAAAG.18:58
bjsniderDanaG, other than that, you love empathy?18:59
DanaGnope.  Don't like it.18:59
Shane_FaganI like it18:59
DanaGI use far too many features in Pidgin to ditch.18:59
Shane_Faganbut its ugly and has memory leaks19:00
bjsniderthen what's to like about it?19:00
Shane_Faganon 64bit on my computer it crashes a lot19:00
bjsnidersounds great19:00
Shane_FaganI mean pidgin19:00
BUGabundoDanaG: me too19:01
Shane_Faganempathy is lacking in features but is stable enough and has a good ui19:01
BUGabundoI use around 50% of the available plugins19:01
BUGabundo#pidgin devs won't accept any bug from me19:01
DanaGbuddy state notification, difftopic, slashexec, history, i'dle mak'er, ignore, irchelper, ircmore, markerline, message blocker (good for those damn aolsystemmsg), message notification, nautilus-integration, and psychic.19:01
BUGabundoI repos have old version of the plugin pack19:01
bjsniderBUGabundo, why is that?19:01
DanaGOh yeah, and the share-logs-with-Windows-version ability (via a symlink in .purple).19:02
BUGabundoDanaG: http://paste.ubuntu.com/244335/ pfff19:03
DanaGshowoffline is obsolete now, isn't it?  Feature has gone into pidgin itself, I seem to remember.19:04
BUGabundoyes it is19:05
BUGabundois it still in there?19:05
BUGabundoDanaG: there's a ppa with a current plugin pack version19:05
BUGabundomuch better, fixed many mem leaks19:05
BUGabundoand crashed19:06
DanaGoops, bad replacement. =รพ19:06
DanaGwould give "ans crashed"19:06
jonathonf|xchatgmeh, plain xchat is better than xchat-gnome19:06
DanaGwhat's the name of the PPA?19:07
BUGabundooh did I tell you guys my keyb shortcut keys are working again ?19:08
BUGabundoDanaG: searching19:08
BUGabundogotta lova $ sudo !!19:09
BUGabundoDanaG: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/mbudde/ppa/ubuntu karmic main #purple-plugin-pack19:09
BUGabundoand deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/pidgin-developers/ppa/ubuntu karmic main19:09
DanaGsudo add-apt-repository ppa:mbudde19:10
jonathonf|irssimm, text-mode irc19:10
BUGabundoDanaG: its wonderful isn't ti?19:12
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DanaGugh, deluge must be taking hints from Apple.19:17
DanaGIn the "Files" pane, it's not F2 to rename and enter to open....19:17
DanaGit's enter to rename.19:17
jonathonfthat's daft. enter should always be "open"19:20
jonathonfor accept19:20
DanaGThen you have OpenOffice, where pressing Enter in a dialog box... results in the button visually going down as if pressed..... and then it gets stuck.19:21
DanaGi.e. it's as if you clicked and held the button perpetually.19:21
DanaG      - autoprofile      - listlog      - colorize      - enhancedhist      - google      - msglen      - nomobility (not usable)      - splitter19:22
DanaGconversation badger....19:24
DanaGbadger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger MUSHROOM MUSHROOM19:24
jonathonfbadger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger badger SNAKE it's a SNAKE is's a Slithering SNAKE19:25
jonathonfeveryone loves magical trevor, the tricks that he does are ever so clever19:25
DanaGthere's no "slithering"19:25
DanaGSNAKE,  SNAKE,  Oh, it's a snake!19:25
jonathonfi've not worked out what that word is -.-;19:26
DanaGToo bad the audio and video get desynced.19:26
DanaGat least, that's what I get out of it.19:26
BUGabundoDanaG: my audio doesn't get out of sync19:29
BUGabundovideo does!19:29
BUGabundopauses and them fast fws19:29
DanaGI mean on that badger badger badger.19:29
DanaGthe flash animation.19:29
BUGabundoout of context19:29
DanaGoh, it's "badgers"19:29
jonathonfpsk, i'm starting to doubt the power of google - "weebl badger badger transcript" doesn't find what i'm looking for...19:29
DanaGoh hey, they fixed the video.19:30
DanaGno, it does still desync after about 10 loops.19:32
jonathonfdoes leekspin ever de-sync?19:32
* jonathonf wonders if anyone actually went and watched leekspin...19:37
ubottuOfficial channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ - For LoCo channels, http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/19:38
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* BUGabundo wonders how much of this is OT19:40
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP319:46
billybigriggerthis needs to be edited for +119:46
billybigrigger'Sound Preferences' has changed in karmic, and so has the steps to changing your output device19:47
BUGabundochange device? LOL19:48
BUGabundoyou wish19:48
BUGabundobillybigrigger: hi.19:48
billybigriggerhowdy :)19:48
BUGabundonow try to change my MIC input source19:48
BUGabundoI dare you19:48
BUGabundoand have a cookie if you manage to :)19:48
billybigriggerdoes you mic show up in sound prefs Input tab?19:49
billybigriggerjust change the profile19:49
billybigriggeror look in the Hardware tab19:49
billybigriggeri don't have a mic to test with :(19:49
BUGabundowhat HW tab??19:51
billybigriggerthe hardware tab in sound prefs :)19:54
billybigriggerthat hw tab19:54
BUGabundoI just have ONE card19:54
BUGabundowith built in mic, and another external19:54
billybigriggeras do i have 1 card19:55
BUGabundothen how do I change it ?19:55
BUGabundoit used to be so simple!!19:55
billybigriggerlook in the profile19:55
BUGabundooutput analog + intput analog stereo19:55
billybigriggertry Output Analog Stereo + Input Analog Stereo19:55
BUGabundothe only other input is digital19:56
billybigriggertry Input Digital?19:56
BUGabundoand I don't think that is it19:56
BUGabundook ok.... ill try it latter19:56
DanaG!info gamix19:56
DanaGinstall that.19:56
ubottugamix (source: gamix): Graphical sound mixer for ALSA. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.99.p14.debian1-4ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 38 kB, installed size 196 kB19:56
BUGabundoto lazy to fetch the mic now19:56
DanaGit'll give you the REAL mixer.19:56
BUGabundoDanaG: that's alsa. we want PA19:56
billybigriggerBUGabundo, hehe19:56
DanaGOh yeah, depending on the card, mic may be input-mono.19:56
DanaGYeah, but the PA thingy doesn't have a mic-or-line switch.19:56
BUGabundostrangelly this laptop has TWO built in mics19:57
DanaGArray mic?19:57
billybigriggerBUGabundo, i would just try and fool around with the profiles19:57
billybigriggerdoes any of them show your sound hardware?19:57
DanaGOn my laptop, selecting "Microphone" uses internal if no external mic is connected.19:57
billybigriggerie. my Output digital + input digital both show (IEC958)19:57
DanaGAudio Advantage Roadie (though Turtle Beach calls it "SRM") -- OUT Analog 7.1, IN Analog stereo.  Has stereo mic and stereo line.19:58
DanaGInternal Audio: in and out are analog stereo.19:58
DanaGRV635 Audio Device: I disable it.19:58
DanaGwow, if I open the Input pane and stretch the window, the number of boxes stays constant.20:00
DanaGIt looks pretty ugly.  =รพ20:00
billybigriggerBUGabundo, im pretty sure you should be using both in/out as analog20:02
billybigriggeri don't know your laptop hardware but doubt it has digital input and outputs20:02
BUGabundobillybigrigger: right20:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 197957 in alsa-plugins "Include a libasound2-plugins-extra package for a52, jack, maemo" [Wishlist,New]20:05
billybigriggermust shower, going to see my newborn nephew in the hospital today :)20:06
billybigriggergood day all20:06
BUGabundobye billybigrigger20:09
BUGabundoand who was the other guy whose kid was born last week?20:10
BUGabundoshiss worse memory ever20:10
DanaGspeaker-test -c2 -Dhw:220:11
DanaGPlayback open error: -2,No such file or directory20:11
BUGabundoALSA lib pcm_hw.c:1433:(_snd_pcm_hw_open) Invalid value for card20:11
DanaGcard 2: HDMI [HDA ATI HDMI], device 3: ATI HDMI [ATI HDMI]20:19
DanaGah, that's odd... why is it 3, and not 0?20:19
aboSamoorany advices regarding how to progress solving Bug 278648 ?20:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 278648 in linux-ubuntu-modules-2.6.24 "[regression]snd-hda-intel sound input does not work at all with Conexant CX20549 (Venice) chips " [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27864820:21
* penguin42 wonders what I'm doing with FF - sometimes I get a little window up that appears to be a little preview of the whole window - is it some gesture I'm triggering?20:23
BUGabundopenguin42: close and restart20:26
BUGabundodid you do upgrades to it while open ?20:26
BUGabundoor some addon not compatible20:27
penguin42BUGabundo: No, I'm not sure it's a bug - I think I might be triggering a feature20:27
BUGabundoits a preview tab20:29
BUGabundopenguin42: ^^^^^20:29
penguin42no, not getting it with ctr+tab20:30
BUGabundobjsnider: bug in smplayer: should default to audio PA, not ALSA20:31
bjsniderthink so?20:32
bjsniderare you a lobbyist for pulseaudio?20:32
penguin42BUGabundo: I switch tabs and then make a down stroke20:32
BUGabundobjsnider: ahaah I'm not. but I defend distro default!20:33
BUGabundoif we are going with PA, all apps meant to be used by it , should set it as default20:34
bjsnideri disagree with your choice of default20:34
BUGabundopenguin42: no idea20:34
BUGabundoask fta on #ubuntu-mozillateam20:34
BUGabundobjsnider: of course20:34
BUGabundoits *your* PPA :)20:34
BUGabundoI was just making a sugestion20:34
BUGabundoI changed mine .20:34
bjsnideralsa is needed to do passthrough20:34
BUGabundocarry on . nothing to see here20:34
bjsniderand will work with everything else20:34
bjsnidercome to me when pulse can do passthrough20:35
bjsnidersome time in the year 207520:35
BUGabundo  p, li { white-space: pre-wrap; }   MPlayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: seek ID_SIGNAL=1120:35
BUGabundobjsnider: ^^^20:35
BUGabundogot that when I applied my settings20:36
bjsniderto smplayer?20:36
BUGabundothe biggest changes were pa and pvau20:36
BUGabundoI used to get a similar error on mplayer with pvau20:37
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bjsniderworks fine here with vdpau+pulse20:37
BUGabundosorry, new name20:37
bjsniderhave tyou got any hi-def flicks with x264 video tracks?20:38
BUGabundonop. no x264 I think20:39
BUGabundoor then again maybe20:39
BUGabundosome Narutos20:39
BUGabundobut not sure their reso20:39
hifiapple has 720p trailers20:39
BUGabundoI usually go with smaller ones20:39
BUGabundoI do have a FULL HD20:40
bjsnideryou can now grab extremely  large stuff20:40
bjsnideryou should be able to play an x264 flick even if the frame size is 1920*1080 at >10mbps with no more than 5% cpu use20:41
BUGabundoFLOSS movies http://www.bigbuckbunny.org/20:41
BUGabundolets test that20:41
bjsnidervdpau does not accelerate all mpeg4. you won't get any help with xvid/divx. only wmv3 and avc/x264/h.26420:42
bjsnidervc1 too20:42
BUGabundocan it be verbose, like mplayer-cli?20:42
BUGabundowhere it show cpu usage?20:42
bjsniderjust use system-monitor20:42
BUGabundoatop it is20:43
penguin42Ooh I hadn't realised they finished the bunny film20:43
BUGabundono image ))20:43
BUGabundogot a crash20:44
BUGabundobjsnider: http://paste.ubuntu.com/244495/20:44
BUGabundo[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_device_create_x11: 1 Error opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.20:44
BUGabundo [pulse] working around probably broken pause functionality,         see http://www.pulseaudio.org/ticket/44020:45
BUGabundoand according to dtchen that is supposed to be fixed too20:45
BUGabundo  855   0.01s   1.21s     0K     4K     0K     0K  --   - R  61% mplayer20:46
BUGabundo 1103   0.00s   0.91s  6248K  1128K     0K     0K  --   - S  45% mplayer20:46
BUGabundothis is with XV20:46
BUGabundovdpau won't work20:46
Laneycan someone test muine please?20:48
bjsniderBUGabundo, is nvidia-185-libvdpau installed?20:48
BUGabundohaven't rebooted yet20:48
bjsnideryou haven't rebooted20:48
BUGabundobjsnider:   Installed: 185.18.31-0ubuntu1~karmic~ppa120:49
BUGabundowell no20:49
BUGabundobut I still should have the old one20:49
bjsnidercould you do that thing?20:49
BUGabundoI was nt lost20:49
BUGabundoI hate reboots20:49
BUGabundobut just because I like you !20:49
BUGabundoI'll do one20:49
bjsniderwell, i could send homeland security after you20:49
BUGabundono you can't!20:50
bjsnideryes i can20:50
BUGabundoI'm untouchable20:50
BUGabundowe don't extradit20:50
bjsniderwe'll see20:50
bjsniderit would be unfortunate if i had to leave a garrison here20:50
BUGabundoI'm in the mid of a download20:51
BUGabundo17 min left20:53
bjsniderproblem is you've got the newer vdpau package but a slightly older video driver20:55
Q-FUNKhowdy!  is the goal to ship Karmic with FF 3.5 still current or will we keep FF 3.0 instead?21:01
bjsnidert'will be shiretoko i'm sure. asac is just finalizing the changes to ubufox.21:02
Q-FUNKah ok21:02
bjsnideri think it's asac21:02
bjsnideror is it sebastian21:02
Q-FUNKit probably is21:02
bjsniderno, i think it's bacher21:02
BUGabundoQ-FUNK: ship 3.5 and remove 3.0 in karmic+121:04
BUGabundoor even right on karmic21:04
Q-FUNKBUGabundo: ok21:04
BUGabundobjsnider: its asac21:04
bjsniderif you say so21:04
bjsnideri backported his new ubufox to jaunty and it applies on shiretoko here21:05
bjsniderso he's pretty far along21:05
bjsniderand i think ubufox is the only thing holding it back21:05
BUGabundoarchive ubufox and mozillateam is already available for every release21:06
BUGabundono need to backport it21:06
DanaGhere's a 1920xsomething-a-bit-smaller-than-1080 trailer for some Tron thingy.21:09
Q-FUNKDanaG: is this meant for #ubuntu+1 ?21:09
DanaGSomebody was asking for a link to something h.264.21:09
DanaG... and there's something.21:09
DanaGweird.. Totem's audio is all crackly, but mplayer is fine.21:10
Q-FUNKDanaG: not that weird.  totem uses a different codec library (gstreamer) that mplayer.21:11
Q-FUNKรถรถ.. than21:11
BUGabundoCache size set to 320 KBytes21:14
BUGabundoCache fill: 17.50% (57344 bytes)21:14
BUGabundoCouldn't resolve name for AF_INET6: wdmp-7.vo.llnwd.net21:14
BUGabundobjsnider: download doen21:18
DanaGwtf... my screen just randomly dimmed.21:18
BUGabundohope this works21:18
BUGabundoDanaG: mine too21:18
BUGabundoI blame todays updates to GPM21:18
DanaGIt's like it's counting it as ALWAYS idle.21:18
DanaGugh, stupid g-p-m: "put computer to sleep when inactive for":21:19
DanaGhas items 5 minutes, 10 minutes, 30 minutes...21:19
DanaGI WANT 15!21:19
DanaGGrr.  Stupid Gnome.21:19
aboSamoorempathy crashed, I can not find its crash report in /var/crash/ !21:19
DanaGIs there an existing bug report for that?21:20
kklimondaDanaG: I don't think so21:21
DanaGthe brighness one, I mean.21:21
kklimondahaven't seen it reported today yet21:22
BUGabundobjsnider: back21:30
BUGabundosame think21:30
bjsnideri'll alert the media21:30
BUGabundomplayer, smplayer, gmplayer21:30
BUGabundoall fail with vdpau21:31
BUGabundo[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_device_create_x11: 121:31
BUGabundoError opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.21:31
BUGabundobjsnider: no need to be sarcastic21:31
ubottuping yourself ;-) really the diodes all down my left side are sore21:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about diodes21:31
jonathonfah ha!21:32
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bjsniderBUGabundo, what card are you using again?21:32
DanaG"mplayer interrupted by signal 11 in module: unknown"21:33
BUGabundobjsnider: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G86 [GeForce 8400M G] (rev a1)21:33
BUGabundo  Installed: 185.18.31-0ubuntu1~karmic~ppa121:34
bjsnideryou've got a g86. that's supported21:36
BUGabundonow why didn't this ever work?21:37
BUGabundoits not just now21:37
bjsnidertry using it from smplayer instead21:37
BUGabundoseveral weeks ago when you told me about it, I had the same prob21:37
BUGabundoI did21:37
BUGabundoI tested ALL of them21:37
BUGabundosmplayer was the 1st21:37
BUGabundowant a crash log again?21:38
BUGabundowant me to install dbg packages ?21:38
bjsniderBUGabundo, are you doing anything unusual in your xorg.conf?21:39
BUGabundo$ pastebinit /etc/X11/xorg.conf http://paste.ubuntu.com/244603/21:40
BUGabundoas clean as they come21:40
TrewasBUGabundo: that video is plain old mpeg4, should that even work with vdpau? but if it's about that, mplayer really should handle the error more gracefully21:41
BUGabundoTrewas: no idea. let me test a x26421:42
bjsniderBUGabundo, try it wihtout the -vc option21:42
BUGabundook x264 doesn't crash smplayer, but no image21:43
BUGabundofrom mplayer21:43
BUGabundoMatroska file format detected.21:43
BUGabundoVIDEO:  [avc1]  1280x720  24bpp  29.970 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)21:43
BUGabundoOpening video decoder: [ffmpeg] FFmpeg's libavcodec codec family21:43
BUGabundoSelected video codec: [ffh264] vfm: ffmpeg (FFmpeg H.264)21:43
BUGabundonow to force mplayer to use pdvau21:43
BUGabundo$ mplayer -vo vdpau  Naruto\ Shippuuden.E105.\(1280x720_h264+AAC_softsubs\)_\[AF5EA8FD\].mkv21:44
BUGabundoVIDEO:  [avc1]  1280x720  24bpp  29.970 fps    0.0 kbps ( 0.0 kbyte/s)21:44
BUGabundo[vdpau] Error when calling vdp_device_create_x11: 121:44
BUGabundoError opening/initializing the selected video_out (-vo) device.21:44
BUGabundono image21:44
BUGabundoA:  29.9 (29.8) of 1385.0 (23:05.0)  0.9%21:45
bjsniderthe display device isn't being created, almost like you've got an unsupported card21:45
BUGabundowell really low CPU lol21:45
squeHi, I am trying to setup dual head with Intel 945 and KMS screws up  modesettings21:45
Lint01when we will see that Application Center?21:45
BUGabundoLint01: prob karmic +121:45
squecan anyone help me on this?21:45
FlufflesBUGabundo, why do you say karmic+1 and not karmic?21:46
penguin42sque: What you seeing; I have 945+dual head and it's a bit touchy21:46
BUGabundoFluffles: from what I've read, its only 15% done21:47
BUGabundoso in no way it will be ready for karmic21:47
penguin42what's Application Centre?21:47
BUGabundobjsnider: Trewas: any more suggestions?21:47
DanaG"Too many video packets in the buffer"21:47
BUGabundopenguin42: the concept that will merge UM, synaptic, add/remove, etc21:47
TrewasBUGabundo: not really, I haven't tried vdpau myself, no full-hd screen and this computer is fast enough for 720p with only software decoding21:48
squepenguin42, It have an external syncmaster 174T which is properly recognized if KMS is off, but when it is on it is recognized as UNKNOWN with some wierd modes 1340 x 1100 something like that21:49
BUGabundopenguin42: https://blueprints.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/desktop-karmic-app-center21:49
BUGabundoTrewas: nor is this screen21:49
BUGabundobut at least it should cut on my CPU usage21:49
penguin42sque: Interesting - I have an external Dell S2409W which has always been 'unknown' for me - I added the res explicitly in xorg.conf - some say you can do it with xrandr though but I've not figured out how; if it previously worked I'd bug report it21:50
=== jonathonf|away is now known as jonathonf
squepenguin42,  have you tried booting it with nomodeset option?21:50
TrewasBUGabundo: there's that, but usually both 720p and 1080p versions are available, so I'll just take the smaller one21:50
penguin42sque: No, but Jaunty didn't recognise the res either21:51
squepenguin42, I think it worths a try as karmic has  completly different code21:51
penguin42sque: I suspect there's some hardware reason why it doesn't detect it for me - (Toshiba Eqium A100-306)21:52
penguin42sque: The other weirdo thing I'm having is that since a recent karmic it's not properly restored on hibernate21:52
squeI pray for the day of decent plug and play...21:53
penguin42sque: Do you get anything in dmesg? I get moans like 'i915 0000:00:02.0: VGA-1: no EDID data' 'i2c-adapter i2c-0: unable to read EDID block.'21:53
squeme too21:53
squepenguin42, but only with KMS enabled21:55
penguin42sque: If yours works without modesetting I'd definitely report it (probably against linux or xserver-xorg-intel-thingy)21:55
squeThere are too many bug report almost the same as mine21:55
penguin42oh if they're all 945/something then I'd wonder about marking them as dupes and selecting 'affects me as well'21:56
squeand i don't think I need to report it, however some them are declared as "Fixed" and I am starting thinking that the patches are quircks per models.21:56
squepenguin42, how did you set manual modeline?21:57
penguin42erm let me see if I can find my xorg.conf21:58
penguin42sque: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29512084/xorg.conf21:58
penguin42you might not need all of that21:59
squepenguin42, and how did you create that cryptic line?21:59
squeI remember there was a tool21:59
penguin42I think I found it somewhere :-)21:59
penguin42However, you shouldn't need it if it's actually a normal mode Ubuntu already knows about22:00
* penguin42 might not need it these days either - when I wrote it ubuntu didn't seem to have a 1920x1080 line22:00
JanC'man xorg.conf' & 'man intel' explain most of the settings22:01
penguin42sque: The other trick I'm doing in there is putting the monitors vertically above each other because that lets it still do 3D with22:01
penguin42JanC: Actually http://intellinuxgraphics.org/ is very good for the Intel stuff22:01
squeJanC, ty :)22:01
bjsniderBUGabundo, from what i'm reading, this isn't going to end well for you22:02
BUGabundobjsnider: :(22:02
BUGabundoyou are going to send HLS meet me ?22:02
bjsnideryou may have a defective card22:02
bjsniderdon't shoot the messenger22:02
BUGabundooh great22:03
BUGabundoany substancial way I can prove that to my seller?22:03
BUGabundobjsnider: source?22:03
bjsnidercan you download and run the vdpinfo script?22:04
JanCpenguin42: right, but the options for xorg.conf should be in the manpages too (which might be useful if ever need to change them where you don't have internet, say when you have to give a presentation and the beamer doesn't work OOTB ;) )22:04
bjsniderBUGabundo, http://www.nvnews.net/vbulletin/showpost.php?p=1974588&postcount=622:04
bjsnidernote at the end that guy replaced the exact same gpu as yours22:04
BUGabundowill do22:05
BUGabundobjsnider: where is the script?22:06
bjsniderBUGabundo, who manufactured your rig?22:06
bjsnidergoogle it22:06
BUGabundoOEM national brand22:06
BUGabundothey were bough a few months ago22:06
BUGabundobare bone asustek S27S22:06
bjsniderif there's any way you can get a new one or a replacement i'd be doing that without delay22:07
bjsniderthis "ubuntu one" thing is a good moneymaking scheme22:08
bjsnideri hope it works for them22:08
BUGabundodownloading build essencials now22:08
bjsnidercanonical needeth more capital22:08
BUGabundobjsnider: just look at multisearch addon !22:09
BUGabundog++ -O3 -g   -c -o vdpinfo.o vdpinfo.cpp22:11
BUGabundovdpinfo.cpp:36:25: error: vdpau/vdpau.h: No such file or directory22:11
BUGabundovdpinfo.cpp:37:29: error: vdpau/vdpau_x11.h: No such file or director22:11
BUGabundonvidia-185-libvdpau-dev ahhhhhhh22:12
BUGabundog++ -O3 -g   -c -o vdpinfo.o vdpinfo.cpp22:13
BUGabundoIn file included from vdpinfo.cpp:37:22:13
BUGabundo/usr/include/vdpau/vdpau_x11.h:44:22: error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory22:13
aboSamoorbjsnider, I tried ubuntu One and it really sucks, it did not work from two machine. unstable and not user friendly22:13
bjsniderit's still beta right?22:13
bjsnideri only said it was a good moneymaking idea22:14
aboSamoorbjsnider, I don't know what does it mean to be beta ? I am using karmic and it nice [since alpha2]. All google services are Beta !22:14
bjsnidergoogle never goes out of beta for anything22:15
penguin42aboSamoor: Beta's are supposed to mostly work but don't be surprised if you find some problems; alphas could quite easily be loaded with zillions of problems and could change from alpha to alpha22:15
BUGabundoif you want online data sharing go with dropbox22:15
Lint01will karmic have normal dc++ client instead of this linuxdc shit?22:15
penguin42an alpha release might eat your cat; a beta will probably just scare it22:15
BUGabundoU1 will be more then just storage22:15
BUGabundo!language | Lint0122:16
ubottuLint01: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.22:16
BUGabundoLint01: fell free to open a bug for packaging of any other app you know of. contributions accepted too22:16
LeftmostWhat has changed in the new language pack updates? The date remains the same, which makes me think it doesn't include recent Launchpad work, but the version has still been bumped. Anyone know?22:25
bjsnideris there a cursive font that's always on linux systems?22:27
JanCbjsnider: considering that everybody can remove whatever fonts they want, I would say no  ;)22:29
JanCbut I suppose you mean one that is on most distros by default?22:29
TwigathyBUGabundo: are you rolling your own mplayer to get vdpau support?22:44
TwigathyBUGabundo: I don't see it on -vo help... :)22:44
BUGabundono I'm not22:45
BUGabundoI'm using bjsnider builds22:45
BUGabundoand he tells me I have broken HW :(22:45
BUGabundothis is an 18 months old laptop. not gonna be easy to come up to the store and say:"hey my GPU doesn't work with vdpau. can you exchange it?"22:46
BUGabundoreply: "- ah???"22:46
Twigathyyeah, I read upchannel, sucks :(22:47
TwigathyBUGabundo: sorry, but where were those builds?22:47
Twigathyin a PPA on launchpad or...?22:47
BUGabundodeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/nvidia-vdpau/ppa/ubuntu karmic main #vpau22:48
Twigathyahh, cool. :)22:48
TwigathyI might have to have a play...22:48
RAOFBUGabundo: For karmic, PPAs are more usefully described by "ppa:bjsnider/nvidia-vdpau" for use with add-apt-repository :)22:49
BUGabundoRAOF: I know22:50
BUGabundoI was planing on emailing LP-users22:50
BUGabundoso that they place that some where in a wiki22:50
BUGabundoand eventually on all ppa22:50
BUGabundo_just to make it easilly dangerous_ to install 3rd party ppas22:50
JanCbjsnider: I guess "URW Chancery L" comes closest to what you ask (it's part of gsfonts)22:50
BUGabundolet windows ease begin22:50
BUGabundoRAOF: actully this case would be ppa:nvidia-vdpau/ubuntu22:51
BUGabundome thinks22:51
RAOFPossibly.  It's ppa:$LP_USER/$PPA_NAME22:52
BUGabundomore like PPANAME/PPABRANCH22:53
BUGabundoRAOF: ppa are not users22:53
BUGabundoeither user or teams22:53
RAOFBut PPAs belong to users.22:54
Daviey_or_ teams22:54
BUGabundoRAOF: ^^^^22:55
RAOFA team is a user :P22:55
Davieya launchpad_id22:55
BUGabundolets take this to #launchpad :)22:55
RAOFFor example... the nouveau crack repository, belonging to the ~xorg-edgers team is ppa:xorg-edgers/nouveau22:55
BUGabundoand by this you prove my point . thanks22:55
yofelhm... gnome-do docky is buggy. I launch gVim and it shows the adept icon o.O23:02
Twigathyoh fgs, pulse has broken my lovely working vlc spdif passthrough >:(23:06
Twigathyburrrrn >_<23:06
Twigathyoh, killing PA and starting it again worked23:10
* Twigathy dislikes weird maybe-not-bugs like that :S23:10
BUGabundothe entire PA is just a BIG bug23:11
* Twigathy agrees23:12
BUGabundoand no one seems to be capable of tracking it down23:12
DanaGI like PulseAudio's features... I just don't like some of the things it does.23:12
TwigathyI can't believe it's managed to get itself into so many distros >_<23:12
DanaGLike flat volumes... whose hairbrained idea was that?23:12
Twigathyoops, workrave says I need an anti-RSI break... c_c23:13
Twigathybtw it has the cutest icon *ever* (little sheep thingy that lives in the system tray) :)23:13
RAOFDanaG: Flat volumes are an obvious good thing to audio wonks.23:14
RAOFThe UI could be less... annoying, though.23:14
DanaGYeah, the UI is horrible, horrible,  horrible.23:15
DanaGWhen I move an app between cards... I damn well don't expect it to suddenly change its "relative to max" volume.23:15
TwigathyI mentioned yesterday(?) that the way to do app volumes is not to have a horrible GUI for it, but to have another window control like minimise/max/close ;)23:15
Twigathyditto soundcard shuffling of app noises23:16
DanaGEven a pavucontrol with checkboxes for "which device" would work.23:16
DanaGAwesome thing to do, thanks to PA: put games and movies and such on offboard surround sound, and leave web audio on internal speakers.23:16
DanaGThat way I don't have to worry about Flash videos being too loud -- I just start with the onboard speakers at low volume.23:17
DanaGThe only thing I saw of flat-volumes was exactly the horrid UI... what's the supposed benefit?23:17
DanaGDoing analog scaling instead of digital scaling?23:18
RAOFDanaG: Exactly.  The idea is to use the audio hardware's amplifier to scale volume, rather than deplete the bit-depth.23:18
DanaGThe UI needs to abstract that away, then.23:18
RAOFProbably, yeah.23:19
DanaGhere's how I think of volumes: I use the old non-flat way.23:19
DanaGCard is at some portion of its max volume.23:19
DanaGApp is at some proportion of the volume of whatever device it's on.)23:19
DanaGyou know you're a programmer when you just thought: "synax error: unexpected ')'."23:19
DanaGAnd if I move the app to another device... the same "percent of whatever device it's on" applies.23:21
DanaGOh yeah, and the mixer for my onboard sound card is a bit annoying:\23:21
DanaG1% is -89dB, 50% is -45dB, and 100% is 0dB.23:22
DanaGWhy, pray tell, do I need it to go all the way down to -89?23:22
BUGabundoDanaG: +123:22
BUGabundoanithing bellow 60% here is == mute23:22
DanaG50% for me.23:22
Shane_FaganWhy not work using percentages23:22
Shane_Faganmine is fairly loud23:23
RAOFShane_Fagan: Percentages of what?  Percieved volume?  RMS power? :)23:23
Shane_Fagan20% is still audible23:23
Shane_FaganRAOF: the volume the computer can go23:24
RAOFShane_Fagan: Then it's horribly non-linear, perception wise.23:24
Shane_Faganlike the way it detects the battery life using percentages23:24
RAOFThat'll mean that the last 50% sounds pretty much exactly the same volume.23:24
DanaG... which is exactly my problem.  =รพ23:25
RAOF(Because hearing perception is logarithmic)23:25
Shane_Faganim just saying the db system is weird23:25
DanaGAnd the notify-OSD actually makes the volume change itself.... lag.  Stupid design.23:25
RAOFThe dB system is weird because human perception is weird.23:25
bjsniderBUGabundo, what did the vdpinfo script get you?23:25
Shane_Faganwhy cant they move over to an easier to understand system23:25
DanaGThe volume change should NEVER wait for the notification.23:25
DanaGWhat's odd to me is the negative-ness.23:25
DanaG89dB below... what?23:26
Shane_Faganbut we arent computers23:26
RAOFDanaG: Below 0, obviously :)23:26
DanaGoh yeah, one thing I like about my laptop: when idle, the hard drive is the only thing I hear.23:27
BUGabundobjsnider: it didn't build :(23:27
BUGabundoDanaG: mine is the fan23:27
Shane_FaganDanaG: Mine makes an annoying rattling sound all the time23:27
Shane_FaganIts not healthy23:28
BUGabundoShane_Fagan: dBs are strange to you, 'cause you don't know what they mean23:29
BUGabundoof course Human Beings don't care either :)23:29
Shane_FaganAh as long as im not expected to say how many dbs some sound is im fine23:30
bjsniderBUGabundo, it will build23:30
BUGabundobjsnider: not here :(23:31
BUGabundoI added the -dev package required23:31
BUGabundoand it didn't work23:31
DanaGoh yeah, and with my USB sound card, alsamixer itself is a bit confused.23:31
bjsnidererror msg?23:32
DanaGIt goes from 0% (0.0dB) to 100% (0.0dB).23:32
BUGabundobjsnider:  make23:32
BUGabundog++ -O3 -g   -c -o vdpinfo.o vdpinfo.cpp23:32
BUGabundoIn file included from vdpinfo.cpp:37:23:32
BUGabundo/usr/include/vdpau/vdpau_x11.h:44:22: error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory23:32
penguin42install the X dev files23:32
bjsnideryou are missing a dep23:33
* BUGabundo looks23:34
* penguin42 is sure dpkg -S is getting slower23:34
BUGabundox11proto-video-dev ?23:34
penguin42no, libx11-dev23:35
yofelBUGabundo: libx11-dev23:35
BUGabundothose are a bunch of depencies23:35
yofelBUGabundo: how to find out: 'apt-file find X11/Xlib.h' and check what looks best ;)23:35
BUGabundo13MiBs download over 3G yay23:39
penguin42bet that costs you23:41
BUGabundoI'm not paying this one23:43
BUGabundobut my neighbours wifi is down :(23:43
kklimondahow dare he to shut it down!23:45
BUGabundoyeah right!23:47
BUGabundolets poke him23:47

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