
shtylmancjwatson_: I am curious to know...is it possible to have the live cd detect and use dmraid? or to install dmraid on the target?00:10
shtylmancurrently, to install on my software raid setup, I need to install the dmraid package manually in the live cd as well as the target after the installer finishes installing...was wondering if there is a simple approach to an easier way for the end user?00:11
cjwatson_we'd need to get dmraid properly integrated into ubiquity, which shouldn't be *too* hard now ... wasn't somebody working on that?00:16
cjwatson_basically just needs to have partitioner support00:16
shtylmanI see00:18
cjwatson_it's probably just a matter of depending on (or recommending?) dmraid and emulating the stuff from disk-detect.sh, actually00:19
cjwatson_or whatever bits of it are necessary00:19
shtylmandoes the cd have the space for dmraid?00:22
cjwatson_well, that's always a problem, but the package is only 34KB00:24
cjwatson_oh, well, libdmraid is another 100KB or so00:25
cjwatson_as features go it's fairly light00:25
shtylmanI see00:25
shtylmanwell...it would sure put an end to this page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto00:26
shtylmanwhich has been really helpful to me... but also more work than the average person would want to do I imagine...00:26
shtylmanand the grub instructions are probly wrong now as well00:27
shtylman(which reminds me...I should grab the next daily cd and try to make new instructions with grub2)00:27
cjwatson_I'd love to see dmraid support in ubiquity and would happily review a patch00:42
shtylmansounds like an open invitation to explore... :) ... where would I start?00:49
cjwatsonshtylman: I'm actually not sure where this belongs. Maybe ubiquity/components/partman.py but that can easily get run multiple times so care would be needed. At the moment there really doesn't seem to be an equivalent of the disk detection step. Maybe it should just be done at ubiquity startup ...01:39
shtylmancjwatson: where do I find disk-detect.sh ?04:05
shtylmannvm... on that...found it...04:07
shtylmancjwatson: does this comment still hold? : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubiquity/+bug/44609/comments/804:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 44609 in ubiquity "RAID not implemented (use alternate CD instead)" [Wishlist,Confirmed]04:11
shtylmanany idea on what happens if those directories exist before I start ubiquity?04:12
mcwanyone up08:01
buhello there!14:46
SiDiMadsRH: boo20:58
MadsRHSiDi -> :P20:59
SiDiMadsRH: im gonna try to code it on my side21:02
SiDiyou're on gnome withh default DPI / font size, right ?21:03
MadsRHSiDi -> okay21:05
SiDifind me the exact px value of 1 em then please :)21:05
SiDior the value of 1px in em :P21:05
MadsRHhhmmm, not sure about this, but could it be 0,07em21:08
MadsRHnope, that's not it21:10
SiDi0,0625 ?21:10
SiDiMadsRH: ^21:11
MadsRHStupid task!21:12
MadsRHI get 0,06254285721:13
SiDi0,0625 will be enough =D21:13
SiDithanks MadsRH21:14
MadsRHSiDi -> I can't provide the PNG right now. Will I be able to just replace the JPG file and the link in your file to make it work?21:30
SiDithe jpg will most likely be broken anyway21:33
SiDithere's way too much position absolute in this CSS :|21:33
SiDiMadsRH: http://imagebin.ca/img/LBtpoZHf.png ready for production ?21:46
MadsRHSiDi -> perhaps some finetuning ;-)21:47
MadsRHSiDi -> I'll just logout for a few minutes. I need to reboot to grab the images from the other harddrive (don't ask!)21:48
SiDihaha no problem21:48
MadsRHSiDi -> http://files.getdropbox.com/u/175241/images.tar.gz22:21
SiDierr 40422:21
SiDiMadsRH: the icon is actually always meant to be in the bottom right ?22:35
MadsRHSidi -> right. They have a white line a the bottom22:37
SiDii'm gonna put them as background images then22:38
SiDiMadsRH: your link above is wrong, i get a 404, btw22:38
SiDierr, whatever, works now :|22:39
MadsRHOkay, but can you still do the no-text-over-image then?22:39
MadsRHSiDi -> Dropbox just needed to finish the upload22:39
SiDiyeh i can22:40
SiDiactually im not gonna do it cause i'd have to use a style markup property or several CSS files22:50
MadsRHSiDi -> Should we push all your changes to the madsrh-layout branch?23:03
SiDiMadsRH: wait, i'm far from finished :P23:09
SiDiyou should make another branch to preserve the current one23:09
SiDii found out why there was some position:absolute23:09
SiDiit's because webkit sucks.23:09
SiDiit cant properly pre-render relative positions23:09
MadsRHSiDi -> ha ha23:09
SiDiyeh. it looked ugly when loading a slide23:10
SiDiit was moving from the bottom to the top, instead of taking its position directly23:10
MadsRHSorry, I didin't know that. Would have been nice with a heads-up there23:11
MadsRHI'm past midtnight here, so is there anyway I can ask you politely to make the new branch?23:15
SiDiMadsRH: i cant push branches here, just catch me tomorrow ;)23:16
SiDibtw, text over icon is much harder with damn absolute positions....23:16
SiDi(probably impossible actually)23:17
SiDi(absolute positionning is the evil)23:17
SiDi(and some icons are missing ;P)23:17
MadsRHPerhaps another crossfade script would work better?23:17
MadsRHMore icons - I know - todo!23:18
SiDii dont know23:18
SiDiit looks webkit-ish to me23:18
MadsRHAnyway, sincerely thank you for helping out. If I'm not on IRC, just e-mail me MadsRH@Gmail.com23:20

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