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mrooneylifeless: oh okay, I can't get a diff to generate but, I'll try to find one, I know there is a youtube video I think00:06
mrooneymaybe I need to copy it to an orig.tar.gz first00:06
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stochasticDoes anyone have a free minute to REVU either http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/a2jmidid or http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/xwax or http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/xjadeo03:05
stochasticoh and http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/slv203:16
kamalnandanHi Guys...04:22
kamalnandanI am learning basic ubuntu packaging and also went thru the basic guide..but this guide makes me download some already existing "tar.gz" using "apt-get source"...and doing this creates some dsc file as well..04:25
kamalnandanI was able to create a basic pkg using that..04:25
kamalnandanbut I want to do packaging from scratch..say, I have my own "hello world" program, in a file called "hello.cpp", and a makefile that compiles that..04:27
kamalnandanso how should I go about it?04:27
kamalnandanBTW...Gurus..I followed the example given on this page..:"https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Basic"04:29
kamalnandanno response guys??04:41
kklimondakamalnandan: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete#Packaging%20from%20Scratch04:43
kamalnandankklimonda: thanks for reply..i have gone through this guide...but let me go thru this once again..probably I have missed something..04:48
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kamalnandana bit off topic..but...whats the difference between a configure.in file and configure.ac file?05:30
kamalnandanok..found it, configure.ac is the new name for configure.in05:35
kamalnandanam writing a configure.in script for the first time for a helloworld program..06:24
kamalnandani.e. hello.c06:25
kamalnandanwhen i do "autoconf" i get the following error:06:25
kamalnandanconfigure.in:2: error: possibly undefined macro: AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE06:26
kamalnandanwhat does it mean?06:26
kamalnandanor is there some other channel where i nust put this question?06:27
jmarsdenkamalnandan: This is a build system question not a packaging question.  See http://mij.oltrelinux.com/devel/autoconf-automake/ for one tutorial, and http://sources.redhat.com/autobook/autobook/autobook_toc.html for a book all about these tools.06:29
jmarsdenYour error probably means you forgot to put an AC_INIT macro invocation near the start of the file ?06:30
kamalnandanjmarsden: sorry to put this question here..but I have to do packaging..and got to know that it will require configure script too...so learning to write configure script..and thats why this question..06:32
kamalnandanBTW, I have put AC_INIT macro at the start..06:32
jmarsdenkamalnandan: No, packaging does not require a configu8re script, just some way to build the software.06:32
jmarsdenAny way the original software author chooses that works is fine.06:33
kamalnandaninfact i was going thru the following steps where it mentions that we must have a configure script too..06:35
kamalnandanthough i agree..even a makefile would do..since configure script is just used to generate a makefile..06:35
kamalnandanhowever, i believe i must not get distracted and try to learn too many things at a time.:-)..so now I am not going to get into configure script writing and concentrate on packaging only...:-)..its more important to complete the given task at hand..infact, they are already using some cmake utility and have written a file that for cmake that probably works similar to configure..06:39
jmarsdenThe forum post you linked to is not at official guide, it just uses an example project that has a configure file.  I do not see it saying "you must have a configure script" anywhere in that forum thread.  You will be better off using the official documentation instead.06:39
jmarsdenYes, cmake should work fine.06:39
jmarsdenUse whatever the software developers use when they build the software.06:40
kamalnandanok..thanks jmarsden..infact, i got distracated and started getting into configure which I was not required to..:-)..06:40
kamalnandanthanks for your help ..06:41
jmarsdenNo problem.06:41
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ppzicoHi, I have a question about packaging. I have a single project having 2 different executables. Another is made with C and the other with Python. Those executables communicate through TCP/IP on localhost.07:41
ppzicoHow should I package them?07:41
ppzicoMaybe as multi binary or should I consider having those executables different projects?07:41
ppzicoJust want to know which is the best approach and giving the least hairloss for me..07:42
hyperairppzico: you should only split a package if there is something that's very large if unsplit -- i.e. dependency chain, or package size.07:45
hyperairppzico: otherwise, don't split it07:45
kamalnandanif I dont have to use a configure script in my package and have to simply use a makefile what should i remove from the rules file?07:47
kamalnandanhere is the link to the rules script that I am using..07:48
ppzicohyperair: Do you mean now splitting the project or the binary?07:49
ppzicohmm, then I might need help how to package a project with both C and Python, since I have found it complicated07:51
ppzicoCould try to think a bit more myself first though, if that is the right approach07:51
ppzicoIs the dh_make still usable for this or should I do packaging the hard way without any autotools?07:53
hyperairdh_make is usable for all cases08:12
hyperairyou just have to customize the debian/* files08:12
hyperairand remove some template files08:12
ppzicoalright, thanks :) That's good to know that I don't go soloing with some worse techniques08:15
maxbDo we have a canned reply for "We usually only update packages in the development release. SRUs and backports blah blah blah.... " ?09:30
mrooneyI thought so, did you look in stock responses?09:31
maxbhttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/Bugs/Responses ?   I don't see anything quite applicable.09:34
mrooneymaxb: hm maybe not, I'd certainly link to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/StableReleaseUpdates though09:40
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kamalnandanwhy is it so that when i build a package using "debuild -us -uc", the binary also gets installed?14:35
kamalnandani dont want to get it installed, i just want to create the package i.e. .deb file14:35
kamalnandani want to get it installed only when i do "dpkg -i <package i.e. .deb file>"14:35
kamalnandanexperts, any idea?14:36
Hobbseeer, the binary shouldn't be getting installed?14:41
Hobbseeare you running a hook or something?14:41
kamalnandanwhile doing "debuild -us -uc", i just want the *.deb file to be created and not to be installed..14:53
kamalnandanit must be installed only when i do "dpkg -i <*.deb>"14:53
kamalnandanfolks..any idea about this?14:53
iuliankamalnandan: Hobbsee already answered.14:57
iulian1441.37 <@Hobbsee> er, the binary shouldn't be getting installed?14:57
iulian1441.42 <@Hobbsee> are you running a hook or something?14:57
Abd4llAhi there, any idea what's the difference between /lib/libc.so and /lib/tls/i686/cmov/libc.so ?15:00
kamalnandaniulian: infact, I had got disconnected for a while..perhaps Hobbsee answered within that time..sorry..15:02
kamalnandanthanks @Hobbsee for your reply...:-)15:03
Hobbseekamalnandan: long ping timeout, with 4 mins ;)15:03
Hobbseeand you're welcome15:03
kamalnandancan you plz reply once again..15:03
kamalnandanyes..thare was some problem...15:04
kamalnandanbecause of which network got disconnected..15:04
kamalnandan@Hobbsee, can you plz copy and paste your last answer...thanks..and also sorry, if i am getting impatient...:)15:08
Hobbseekamalnandan: it's what iulian pasted?15:09
kamalnandanoh..sorry..i thought it was for someone else..15:10
maxbkamalnandan: debuild does _not_ install what it builds. You *must* have something additional on your system which is doing it15:10
kamalnandanwell..but the binary is getting installed..what could be the problem..15:10
Hobbseepebkac, most likely.15:11
Hobbseeof one form or another15:11
kamalnandani have "install" target in my makefile..15:11
kamalnandanwould that be doing this..15:11
kamalnandanand moreover the deb file doesnt contain the binary..15:11
kamalnandanI have pasted the contents of my rules script here..15:16
kamalnandanand this is the makefile15:16
kamalnandanit would be great, if someone takes a look...thanks..:-)15:18
kamalnandani also tried removing the "install" target from my makefile...but in that case "debuild -us -uc" fails..15:21
kamalnandanhowever, here is the output of "debuild -us -uc", after removing "install" target from my makefile..15:22
kamalnandanno response guys???15:28
debfxis revu only for universe packages (but not multiverse)?15:28
pochudebfx: multiverse is fine too AFAIK15:28
debfxpochu: ah ok, the wiki only mentions universe15:32
maxb'main' and 'universe' are sometimes meant in ways which include their less-free counterparts - e.g. there's no separate sponsors teams for restricted and multiverse15:34
maxbkamalnandan: erm...15:35
maxbcp ${TARGET} /usr/local/bin/15:35
maxbThe problem should be obvious15:35
kamalnandanmaxb: thanks for your response...:-)..15:36
kamalnandanbut when i remove the install targe, i get this error15:37
kamalnandanmoreover, even if install target is there in the makefile, one doesnt expect the binary to be installed while building..15:38
kamalnandanit must be installed only when one installs it using something like "dpkg -i <*.deb>"15:38
kamalnandanmaxb: am i right?15:39
maxbOne expects commands to do what you tell them to do. You told cp to put the binary in /usr/local/bin/, so that's what it did15:39
maxbYou really shouldn't run builds as root, by the way, for exactly this sort of reason15:40
kamalnandanbut, the install target has to be executed while installing the package..isnt it? and not when I am building the package..15:41
kamalnandanmaxb: sorry..I am new to packaging..15:41
maxbkamalnandan: Your rules file includes the DESTDIR variable in the "make install" command. This is not a feature of make, it is a convention for how people write makefiles. Your install target does not pay attention to the DESTDIR variable.15:42
mzzhow do I get sbuild to produce a .ddeb file (or at least I think that'd be preferable for debugging this)? Alternatively: how do I get it to not strip binaries?15:45
kamalnandanmaxb: thanks..perhaps I am getting it now..let me try fixing that..15:46
kamalnandanmaxb: BTW, why doesnt the deb file contain the binary?15:46
maxbBecause your install target malfunctioned and put it into the system root, rather than the package staging directory15:47
kamalnandanoh..ok..so install target should be copying the binary in the $DESTDIR directory...am i right?15:48
kamalnandansorry..am a novice in packaging..thats why asking so many questions..15:49
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kamalnandanmaxb: now i can see that the binary gets included in the .deb file..thanks for you help..15:58
kamalnandanand when I do dpkg -i <deb file>..then it gets installed too..15:58
kamalnandanbut I am wondering where the binary got installed..i mean in which directory..15:59
kamalnandanok..it got installed in the "/" folder..which i think is not a good idea..i will need to install somewhwere else..16:01
kamalnandanbut getting it now..16:01
kamalnandanwhat is the best location to install a binary? /usr/local/bin or /usr/bin?16:05
geserfor a package: /usr/bin, /usr/local is out of package space, it's for local installations16:06
kamalnandangeser: thanks for response...:-)..16:07
kamalnandanso, i need to create this dir /usr/bin inside debain folder ...right(when I am making a package)??16:07
StevenKkamalnandan: man dh_installdirs16:18
kamalnandangeser: thanks16:26
kamalnandanStevenK: OK..let me have a look in the man page..16:27
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douweiI am having trouble with compiz and the animation add-ins....it is installed and I can go to preferences and they look to be checked but they are not working18:30
douweianyone there?18:31
iuliandouwei: Please join #ubuntu for support.18:31
douweioops sorry18:32
ximionCould someone recheck the http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/libqtintf4 package? I think it's fine now. I added the missing README file also. (With instructions to change the version in rules for on new upstream versions)18:35
alefterishow can i use the config file with pbuilder, i tryed with no luck: sudo pbuilder build ./opensc_0.11.4-5ubuntu1.dsc --configfile /home/thanos/dev/packaging/pbuilderrc-jaunty19:04
jbernard__what is the best way to handle package versioning when upstream employs a "-r3", "-r4", "-r5" scheme?19:09
ximionjbernard: I would suggest appname-
ximionsimply add the letter and the number without -19:20
jbernard__what if there is no digit before the 'r'?19:20
ximionbut maybe there exists a fixed naming-standard?19:20
jbernard__upstream is releasing <package-name>-r5, for in instance19:20
ximionjbernard: What is the exact version of the application?19:21
jbernard__"r5" ;)19:21
jbernard__i would assume19:21
ximiononly this?19:21
jbernard__the previous release was "r4"19:21
jbernard__kinda weird19:21
ximionwhat is the name of the application?19:22
ximion(I've never seen this strange release naming!)19:22
jbernard__i haven't either19:22
jbernard__dh-make gets really upset19:23
jbernard__and i would assume other tools will have issues as well19:23
ximionThey named it 0.r519:25
jbernard__where did you get the '0' from?19:25
jbernard__they only did the '0' for "r3", from what i can tell19:25
ximionThe project provides DEB packages.19:25
ximionThe version of those packages is 0.r5 ;-)19:26
jbernard__I see no '0' for the r5 release19:26
jbernard__they distributed a deb for "r3", but it needs work19:27
ximionokay, they named it 0.r3, so you can name your package version 0.r5, I think this is o.k.19:28
jbernard__cool, thanks19:31
mrooneyif I am working on a manpage, what is the easiest way to preview it?20:21
nellerymrooney: man ./<manpage>20:23
mrooneynellery: haha wow, how silly of me, thanks!20:24
nellerymrooney: no problem20:24
mrooneymaybe that is too simple for the internet to solve, all I could find was creating a postscript file from it :)20:24
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