
=== giovani|1ork is now known as giovani|defcon
BilgeEven though I use hardy, can I still install a deb built for intrepid?01:47
giovani|defconBilge: can you technically? yes -- it's very possible it won't work properly01:48
BilgeI wouldn't know why01:50
BilgeI can just built it myself though so whatever01:50
giovani|defconBilge: well why (or if) depends on the exact application -- could depend on library versions that you don't have, for example01:52
giovani|defconit could also place things in directories not used in your version01:52
giovani|defconlots of things change -- many things don't -- which is why there's no generic answer01:53
tsrk_anyone have any idea why rsync'ing large amounts of data is causing a kernel panic on the receiving server?01:59
giovani|defcontsrk_: could be lots of things -- bad ram -- bug in kernel, rsync -- etc02:00
giovani|defconI presume you've googled?02:01
tsrk_giovani|defcon, yeah, also I should mention it doesn't happen when it goes the other way02:01
tsrk_there's some networking related things in the stacktrace though so i'm wondering if it's something with ssh02:01
nick125Good evening. I have a quick question: Is it possible to install Ubuntu Server over SSH (once I get the CD in and potentially set a password and start sshd)?02:38
giovani|defconnick125: by "over ssh" you mean what?03:07
giovani|defcondoing an interactive install via a pts?03:07
nick125giovani|defcon: Going through the interactive prompts over SSH03:07
giovani|defconnick125: not that I know of -- not sure why you'd want to03:08
nick125Apparently, this piece of documentation says there is a way in the installer menu to do it03:08
giovani|defconserial console, kvmoip, or automated install03:08
giovani|defconnick125: if it's in the "menu" it sounds like it https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetworkConsole03:08
giovani|defconwhoops, sorry -- bad paste03:08
giovani|defcon https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/NetworkConsole03:09
giovani|defconhah -- my tablet is failing03:09
nick125giovani|defcon: Don't worry, this ducttape will fix it!03:09
giovani|defconit looks messy03:10
giovani|defconI see no reason to do it03:10
* nick125 backs the data up from his server03:10
giovani|defconbut if you'd like to have your remote hands set that up for you -- go ahead03:10
nick125Well, my server isn't remote, it's just that it's too uncomfortable to sit there and work on it for any period of time03:11
giovani|defconthen use serial console03:11
giovani|defconthat's the proper approach03:11
giovani|defconthe install should take minutes03:12
giovani|defconyou can also automate it03:12
nick125Knowing my luck, it'll take a few hours :p03:12
nick125It would find a way to take hours.03:13
giovani|defconif you want to convince yourself of that ... ok03:13
nick125Hmm....I wonder if I could setup a serial console to the desktop sitting next to my server, then SSH into that box..hmm03:13
giovani|defconwhy would you need to do that (I mean, you can ... but)03:14
nick125It's going to take a bit of time to initialize the 3x160GB RAID-5 (320GB total volume size), then the LVM PV/VG.....03:15
nick125I guess I could just leave it and let it do its thing03:15
nick125Should I make a separate partition for /boot that isn't on the RAID?03:16
giovani|defcondoesn't sound like a big deal03:16
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=== is is now known as giovani|defcon
giovani|defconnick125: is this hardware raid?03:16
nick125giovani|defcon: software03:16
nick125The motherboard in my server supports fakeraid, but I think I would rather avoid it (especially with the mix of different SATA controllers)03:17
giovani|defconin general, I stay away from software raid03:21
giovani|defconbut yeah, I'd keep /boot off of it -- just in case the array is broken03:22
nick125And the initrd included with Ubuntu Server works just fine for RAID/LVM?03:24
ballI sort of wish I'd gone for software RAID on the last server I put in.03:27
giovani|defconthe issue is grub -- grub supports lvm03:27
giovani|defconit seems to support some raid levels (1, notably)03:27
nick125The last Linux install I did, I put /boot on RAID 103:28
giovani|defconok, well from what I raid, grub will support it03:28
giovani|defconbut I see no reason to use it for /boot03:28
nick125So if one drive fails, there's another drive to boot from03:33
giovani|defconnot if the MBR isn't there ...03:33
giovani|defconwhich it won't be03:34
nick125You can install the MBR to the other drives too03:35
giovani|defconyes, but it wouldn't be there normally03:36
giovani|defconjust use real raid03:36
nick125I don't have money for a $400-500 RAID controller03:37
ballI'm sure ours didn't cost that much.03:38
giovani|defconnick125: try 1/10-1/5th of that03:39
nick125A real RAID controller for $50?03:39
nick125(or so)03:39
giovani|defcon$500 will buy you a high-end 8 port PCI-X controller03:39
giovani|defconnick125: on the low end, yes03:39
giovani|defconsomewhere between $50-10003:40
ballOurs has batteries on it for some reason.03:40
giovani|defconball: yeah ... that's normal03:40
ball...to back up the cache RAM I suppose03:41
giovani|defconto make sure the drives don't get corrupted mid power cut03:41
ballI need to go and lay down now03:47
qman__yeah, I wouldn't bother with anything that wasn't at least $60, and even then, that's usually just a high performance disk controller, no RAID functions04:22
qman__you don04:23
qman__you don't have to spend a fortune on something really fancy, but at least get something like a highpoint rocketraid04:23
qman__if you don't, you're better off just using mdraid than whatever fakeraid controllers you can get04:24
ballI like RAID, me.04:51
gherringgreets - I'm fairly new to ubuntu server, but very familliar with kubuntu and ubuntu...how do I enable remote login to an ubuntu server?05:23
giovani|defcongherring: you install openssh-server05:25
gherringok....thanks for that.05:26
gherringI can look up the rest  - thank you05:26
giovani|defconyou could've looked that up as well :)05:26
gherringwell, your correct - but i wanted a somewhat expert opinion and the closest I figured i could get was coming in here and asking  :)05:28
giovani|defconan expert opinion on the ssh server package name?05:28
gherringno...i'm no stranger to command line and i can follow a walkthrough05:30
gherringi'm not good with servers...yet05:30
giovani|defconuh, ok05:30
giovani|defconso you're not familiar with ssh?05:30
gherringor how to log into them remotely05:30
gherringno, i've never used it but heard of it05:30
giovani|defconthen you probably should be using your desktop more05:30
giovani|defconssh is hardly limited to "servers"05:31
gherringscenario: i can (and do) vpn to a microsoft network every weekend - they want to install an ubuntu server05:31
gherringi need to be able to log into it after they install it05:32
giovani|defconyou shouldn't be administering a server for a company/organization if you've never done it before ...05:32
gherringit's ok...seriously.  the admin is my brother05:33
giovani|defconif you've never used SSH before ... I would advise you to take a huge step backwards05:33
giovani|defconand learn the basics05:33
gherringi'm practicing05:33
gherringok, where should i start then?05:33
giovani|defconyou should start by learning linux basics05:33
giovani|defconand your desktop is a perfectly fine place to start05:33
gherringI know alot of the basics05:34
giovani|defconhonestly, I beg to differ05:34
gherringi'm going to take your word on this05:34
giovani|defconSSH is an extremely basic utility -- if you haven't used it yet -- you probably haven't spent much time with Linux05:34
gherringi'm not as 'swift' as i think i am05:34
gherringok...is there a way I can practice using ssh?05:35
giovani|defconsure ... the point wasn't really about SSH, just that it was evidence of your experience level05:35
gherringI have an ubuntu server in virtualbox installed and ready05:35
giovani|defconget two linux boxes05:35
giovani|defconuse ssh to remotely connect to the other05:36
giovani|defconI'd probably get a book on linux if I were you05:36
gherringI have to boxes next to each other right now...and a spare hp hub05:36
twb`You could still do that with virtualbox05:36
giovani|defconlearning piece-meal is likely to leave a lot of gaps in your knowledge05:36
gherringi do have huge gaps in my knowledge...but i can learn05:37
gherringwhat book on linux would you recommend?05:37
giovani|defconI don't have one off-hand05:37
giovani|defconsurf amazon for one with a lot of good reviews05:38
giovani|defconask around05:38
gherringsomething like 'ubuntu server handbook'?05:38
gherringi have an amazon account - i can do that tonight05:38
giovani|defconaccount? browsing books doesn't require one05:38
gherringbut is there a way I can practice ssh skills using virtualbox ose?05:39
gherringok - sorry05:39
giovani|defconunfortunately, you seem to be focusing on SSH05:39
gherringyou brought it up...i'm hooked05:39
giovani|defconwhich is exactly what I'm trying to tell you not to do -- it was just an -example-05:39
gherringok..letting go of it05:39
giovani|defconstart with a basic book ... read the book05:40
gherringbasic book on server or ubuntu in general?05:40
gherringbtw, i appreciate your patience05:41
giovani|defconyou want something server-oriented -- the first thing you have to understand is that there's nothing that solidly differentiates a "server" from a "desktop"05:41
giovani|defconthose distinctions are largely made up -- and have more to do with function than the OS itself05:41
gherringahhhh i see05:42
giovani|defconubuntu server and ubuntu desktop are the same OS05:42
gherringi've done minimal install before and totally agree with that05:42
giovani|defconthey use a different kernel -- that's it -- and that has to do with hardware support, and special features only people running servers typiclaly care about05:42
giovani|defconother than that -- they offer the exact same software05:43
gherringright right....05:43
giovani|defconok, so the knowledge won't differ05:43
giovani|defconbetween a "desktop" and a "server"05:43
gherringi've installed a server kernel before on an xubuntu desktop system05:43
giovani|defconother than application-specific stuff05:43
gherringright...i understand05:44
gherringso on a minimal install when i choose server it automatically selects a server kernel05:45
gherringor i could have chosen ubuntu desktop, but whatever - same frame work05:46
twb`Note that support for server software is significantly longer, though05:46
twb`Regarding security updates and such05:46
gherringtwb - ok, understood05:47
lukehasnoname<3 Ubuntu server, mostly05:47
twb`I imagine the at the desktop kernel also has some basic "tuning" for a desktop role (e.g. more RTOS stuff)05:47
giovani|defcontwb`: sure, I don't think that's relevant to a basic understanding of them being the same OS05:48
twb`giovani|defcon: granted.05:48
giovani|defconunfortunately, ubuntu has focused on differentiating the products in a marketing sense05:49
giovani|defconwhich only serves to misinform, imo05:49
gherringglovan - oh, i see...causing some confusion05:49
giovani|defconit's a windows thing05:50
twb`giovani|defcon: it's a necessary evil when dealing with the corporate space05:50
giovani|defconcommercial-focused (read: microsoft market-focused) distros began the whole "desktop" v "server" distinction05:50
giovani|defcontwb`: ubuntu isn't accepted in any significant way in the commercial space05:50
twb`It is where I hang out05:51
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giovani|defconclearly you're not looking at the big picture05:51
lukehasnonameEh, Ubuntu Server is a slightly different product. Different kernel settings and different default packages are a pretty big deal. It's like lamenting over the disinction between Ubuntu and Kubuntu.05:51
giovani|defconhow many fortune 1000 run ubuntu as a major part of their infrastrcuture?05:51
giovani|defconlukehasnoname: I've already covered that05:51
lukehasnonameI just hopped in05:51
twbgiovani|defcon: there is a huge difference between multinationals and corporations in general05:51
giovani|defcontwb: pick any metric you like05:52
giovani|defconubuntu is a nonexistant player in the corporate space05:52
twbIn the SMEs I deal with, CentOS has lost a lot of ground to Ubuntu Server.05:52
giovani|defconshow me any evidence to the contrary05:52
giovani|defconSMEs? -- name a few05:52
twbWell actually the deployments I'm most familiar with are prisons05:52
giovani|defconprisons are enterprises?05:53
twbHere, they're government.05:53
giovani|defconI suppose if they're commercially-owned and leased to the government05:53
giovani|defconhow big is the computing infrastrcuture at a prison you're talking about?05:53
twbaround 300 desktops each05:54
giovani|defconthat's ...05:54
giovani|defconnot an enterprise05:54
giovani|defconthat's a small-medium business05:54
twbI've lost interest in this discussion.05:54
giovani|defconmy company has almost 2000 servers, and we're considered a small business by most standards05:54
lukehasnonamegiovani|defcon: Most standards is wrong, then05:54
lukehasnonameI work at a bank with 4,000 servers running several OSes, a multitude of apps, with a customer base of 6m05:55
giovani|defconlukehasnoname: how any of the 4,000 are ubuntu?05:55
lukehasnonamedivide that by two and you're still big or medium big05:55
lukehasnonameNone. I wasn't making that point, if you're trying to gun after me. I'm arguing that 2k servers is not 'small'05:56
giovani|defconno, I'm not gunning -- I'm using you as a random sample05:56
lukehasnonameWe run Solaris 9, RHEL 4, AIX, and Windows 2003/200805:56
lukehasnonameI don't know what else05:56
giovani|defconworse than random, really -- since you're in #ubuntu-server -- and clearly a user05:56
giovani|defconI'm also clearly a user -- I think it's a great distro05:57
twbI think it's a horrible distro, but the alternatives are a lot worse.05:57
giovani|defconbut I acknowledge its lack of presence in the medium-large commercial space -- which is the market that defines the success of Linux distros, overall05:57
gherringi've tried several linux distros - ubuntu has been the most stable for me05:57
twbI sure a shit wouldn't want to babysit a bunch of AIX boxes05:57
lukehasnonametwb, you don't like Ubuntu?05:57
gherringlol @ twb05:58
twbI think Ubuntu has a great job of taking Debian and running it into the ground.05:58
giovani|defconthen clearly you belong in #debian05:58
gherringwow - again05:58
lukehasnonameElaborate. I'm seriously interested in hearing the other side of the fence.05:58
lukehasnonameAlso, Are you talking about desktop or server space?05:58
lukehasnonameI assume server.05:58
twblukehasnoname: it's more from a package maintainer's perspective.05:59
twbFor example, reportbug(1) on Ubuntu for a long time silently sent email to a subscriber-only mailing list05:59
twblaunchpad requires you to create an account to report bugs, and isn't AGPLd05:59
lukehasnonameLaunchpad is AGPLed, isn't it?06:00
lukehasnonamerecent development.06:00
andoltwb: I think you inteded to saw wasn't? :)06:00
twblukehasnoname: OK, I must be out of date on that.06:00
twbNetworkManager has fucked me repeatedly, and there was a change in d-i in hardy that meant that it tried to talk to archive.ubuntu.com before it asked you about proxies, which meant on a broken network I maintained, that you basically HAD to preseed or d-i would take like eight hours to install06:01
lukehasnonameadmittedly, I haven't run Ubuntu Server on advanced or troubled configurations06:02
twbI don't think I can point to any one huge aggravation06:02
twbAnd Ubuntu have definitely improved some things06:02
twbAnd I prefer Ubuntu in pretty much every way to RHEL or Solaris :-)06:03
lukehasnonameI wanted to like Opensolaris, but I just didn't get into it06:03
lukehasnonameI think the packaging is a total mess06:03
lukehasnonameI even got a book on Osol, I was so interested06:03
twbYou think that's bad, you should see OS X.06:04
giovani|defconSolaris? -- let's stick to distro comparisons here06:04
lukehasnonameHad to get a real IRC client06:13
giovani|defconlukehasnoname: now we know where your loyalties lie :)06:14
lukehasnonameI want to ask about some recent Debian news I heard06:14
lukehasnoname- kFreeBSD support, introducing the first non-linux architecture into Debian06:14
lukehasnonameDoes this mean the FreeBSD kernel will be an official branch in the Debian project?06:15
giovani|defconlukehasnoname: as far as I know, yes06:16
giovani|defconnot a "branch" but a port, yes06:17
twbDebian GNU/kFreeBSD has been around for ages06:17
lukehasnonameYa, I know06:17
twbBut I think like Debian GNU (as in GNU/Hurd), it has like five people who use it at all06:17
lukehasnonamewell, since FreeBSD is a technically superior platform...06:18
twbI just wish the Solaris kernel didn't have the CDDL of death06:18
twbBy all accounts it's a rockin' kernel06:18
twbBut Nexenta is too hairy for me, due to CDDL/GPL fights in dpkg and such.06:19
giovani|defconheh -- let's talk about how ssl died circa defcon 200906:19
twbgiovani|defcon: openssl?06:19
giovani|defconall major ssl implementations06:19
giovani|defconin one form or another06:20
giovani|defcontons of attacks released06:20
lukehasnonameprotip: Don't wipe your database until you're sure you don't have any apps using it06:21
jmarsdenlukehasnoname: And even then, back it up first06:21
nick125_lappylukehasnoname: Ouch. Well, if you didn't have backups before, now you do.06:23
lukehasnonameya, this is kinda lame.06:23
twbTaking adequate backups is a lesson EVERYONE learns the hard way06:24
nick125_lappyHm. In /etc/network/interfaces lingo, what is the equivalent to ip addr add <blah> <dev>?06:24
twbpost-up ip addr add <blah> ?06:26
twbYou want the interface to have two IPs?06:26
nick125_lappytwb: yes06:26
twbYou could also try just listing two "address" lines06:27
nick125_lappyHowever, for some reason, dhcpd doesn't like serving addresses on the same subnet as a ethN:X alias.06:27
nick125_lappyGood idea.06:27
nick125_lappyWait. What if the two addresses have a different netmask?06:28
twbI do not normally do what you're talking about06:28
nick125_lappyNobody seems to. :)06:28
nick125_lappyCan I have multiple post-up lines (if needed)?06:29
twbWhy do you want to?06:29
twbYes, post-up lines are run serially IIUC06:29
twbOr you can put stuff in /etc/network/if-up.d/06:29
nick125_lappyGreat. Thank you.06:30
lukehasnonameGood news: I was able to get torrentflux back up and running with minimal pain06:30
twbBe nice when apt-torrent gets off the ground06:33
gherring 06:50
quizmehttp://pastie.org/568384  <---- the permissions are 777 and I'm in the dev group, but I still change chmod g+w that file.... anybody know why not?06:54
LiraNunahow do you make rdiff-backup perform full mirror even though there's a previous backup present?07:05
LiraNunathe more diffs there are, the slower it is to restore07:06
lukehasnonameWow, so annoying.07:07
lukehasnonameI was hoping phpMyBitTorrent would be an all in one solution07:07
lukehasnonameI want to choose a file, have a .torrent made, and load it to a tracker and seed, all in one step.07:08
lukehasnoname*a private tracker on my server07:08
twbDoesn't rdiff-backup just do a cp -al then an rsync, like rsnapshot?07:09
LiraNunatwb, no, it saves diffs07:09
LiraNunanot really07:10
LiraNunait's pwerful07:10
twbDoes it use --only-batch?07:10
twbrsync --only-write-batch, I mean07:11
LiraNunait uses librsync07:11
twbAh, I didn't know that.07:11
twbrsnapshot is just perl or something07:11
LiraNunardiff-backup is a delicious combination of mirror backup and incremental backup07:11
twbSo is rsnapshot07:12
LiraNunaproblem is the more time passes by, there are more diffs to patch against, so restore gets slower07:12
LiraNunaI want to put some cron job every month to put a full mirror so it won't be as slow07:12
twbrsnapshot assumes you're backing up to a (possibly remote) hard disk, so you can just use hard links to get incrementality at zero cost.07:13
twbA restore is as fast as a single backup07:13
LiraNunawhat about size?07:13
twbIt wouldn't work with tapes or DVDs, though07:13
twbLiraNuna: you mean size of the thing being backed up?  Arbitrary.07:14
LiraNunaanyway, I'm just seeking advice of how to overcome this problem07:14
twbSorry, I went off on a tangent07:14
LiraNunano problem, I didn't want to start 'backup warz' here :)07:15
twbMea culpa.07:15
LiraNuna       -b, --backup-mode07:18
LiraNuna              Force backup mode even if first argument appears to be an incre‐07:18
LiraNuna              ment or mirror file.07:18
LiraNunawill that destroy past diffs?07:18
twbAt this point I would see if rdiff-backup has a dedicated channel.07:21
andolWell, at least there is no official or well known rdiff-backup channel.08:19
andolLiraNuna: At current stage, rdiff-backup can only have one full mirror, the rest is reverse diff.08:19
nick125_lappyGood evening (or morning) :)08:22
lukehasnonameIs there a trick to deploying a war to Tomcat?08:42
lukehasnonameI dropped a war in /usr/share/tomcat6/webapps/ like I was told08:42
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uvirtbot`New bug: #407923 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.1 failed to install/upgrade: Unterprozess post-installation script gab den Fehlerwert 1 zur?ck" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40792310:31
quizmewhat does "sudo mount /etc/mysql" do ?11:08
quizmein fstab it says "/vol/etc/mysql /etc/mysql none bind"11:09
andolquizme: Unless /vol/etc/mysql is mounted at /etc/mysql, that is what will be attempted.11:19
rosa_hello...i am having problems with my cups system...i just install that in a new server, when i try to print to one of the printer that I install, doesn't print and shows a message in "processing since" and don't do nothing else...somebody can helo me please11:24
quizmeandol: i'm totally confused.  i don't know how my mysql database got onto /vol/var/lib/mysql, because my fstab doesn't have such an entry.11:44
quizmeyet it works11:44
quizmeand it's there11:44
andolquizme: Talk to the person who installed the server?11:47
nick125_lappyHm. Apparently, I broke my networking.12:05
uvirtbot`New bug: #397721 in php5 "[needs-packaging] php-fpm" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39772112:18
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andolcjwatson: Wondering if you, being Mr. OpenSSH, have any opion on whatever bug #362511 being important enough to backport the upstream patch? Goten the impression what we now don't watch to be to creative with our OpenSSH packages :)15:15
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 362511 in openssh "force-command unable to pass arguments along to internal-sftp" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/36251115:15
Acshey guys17:07
AcsI am trying to run this php script and I am getting this Extension './dirtotal.php' not present.17:08
AcsI have #!/usr/bin/php -q at the top17:08
Acsand change the permissions to +x17:08
Acsand I am calling it like ./dirtotal.php17:08
Acsam I doing something wrong?17:08
AcsI have a php script that is being called in a cronjob and that works fine17:09
andolAcs: Is "./dirtotal.php" what you have in cron? Is current working directory specified in any way?17:12
Acsno no the dirtotal.php is the script I am trying to run in the cli17:12
Acsin the cron it's another script17:13
andolAcs: Try specifying the full path to dirtotal.php instead17:15
DiViN3anyone can help me plz17:16
Acsandol I have fixed by calling it with php17:16
Acsso php dirtotal.php works17:16
Acsthanks for the help17:16
DiViN3how to add ips in ubuntu server17:17
DiViN3wats the command or where must i add the ips17:17
DiViN3anyone can help me plz - how do u add ips in ubuntu server17:20
giovani|defconDiViN3: man interfaces17:20
DiViN3giovani|defcon : sorry to say but m not that good with all that stated in there as i cant seem to understand17:23
DiViN3giovani|defcon : all i did was read up from internet n setup my server17:23
DiViN3giovani|defcon : i found out that  by doing  : ifconfig eth0 add     <--- the ip is added17:24
DiViN3but some web say that i need to add the additional ips as virtual ips17:24
DiViN3so that they can be binded for vhost17:24
DiViN3anyone can help me with how to bind vhost for irc18:04
DiViN3my revesre is not functioning18:04
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me ace this discussion at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1228878   its related to servers18:29
eVo_DiviniMy whole file system is mounted read only. Will rebooting fix this?18:53
giovani|defconeVo_Divini: depends on the cause18:56
andoleVo_Divini: If the system mount your (root) file system read only it might very well be because it detected some problems at mount time.19:15
andoleVo_Divini: If you look in /etc/fstab you might find the mount option "errors=remount-ro".19:15
uvirtbot`New bug: #405325 in mysql-dfsg-5.0 (main) "package mysql-server-5.0 5.1.30really5.0.75-0ubuntu10.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40532519:21
storrgieI just swapped the processor out on my rig, should I run anything when I boot up to make sure the kernel detects everything properly?19:37
eVo_DiviniI found it andol19:50
eVo_Diviniupon rebooting, the server hung19:51
eVo_Divininot sure why19:51
eVo_Divinithe provider is working on it19:51
nick125Good afternoon. On a server without VT/SVM, what virtualization method would you guys recommend, other than VMware Server? If I could run full-virtualization guests (i.e., Windows if the need comes up), that's a plus.20:43
incorrect_i can't get a channel list, but what is the name of the ubuntu kvm channel22:16
incorrect_is there a way to boot up rescue mode with no networking? or more to the point, how can i stop a module from loading at boot?23:03
jpdsincorrect_: Add it to /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf .23:06
incorrect_jpds, init=/bin/bash and i hacked it out, bonded bridged interfaces = weird kernel panic23:17
DormantOdenhey, can someone tell me the 32 bit library name? =)23:41

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