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SiDiMadsRH: still need css help ?18:50
MadsRHSiDi -> Still there? I didn't see your message :-[19:43
SiDilet me finish to pwn a boss in FF and i'll try to help you then MadsRH ;)19:44
MadsRHSiDi -> I do still need help19:44
MadsRHSiDi -> great19:45
SiDieverything i need is on that bzr branch?19:45
MadsRHSiDi -> no, not exactly - in the mailing post19:47
MadsRHthis one: https://lists.canonical.com/archives/ubuntu-website/attachments/20090802/563969a3/attachment-0001.bin19:47
SiDiMadsRH: what kind of file is it ?20:02
SiDia tar  gz ?20:02
SiDiSo what are the current issues with the arrows ?20:08
SiDiI dont really understand. Just launched the slideshow in chromium. The  main issue i notice is that some icons are blurry20:08
MadsRHyeah, that's on my todo list20:10
MadsRHwhen the text is too long and fills two lines, the arrow takes up the first space in the first line, so the text isn't aligned20:11
MadsRHcompare these two screenshots https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-website/2009-August/000765.html20:11
SiDiwhy dont you use a list ?20:13
SiDiand use the arrows as list buttons ?20:13
SiDithis way you shouldnt have this problem20:13
MadsRHWould that work with the po files?20:16
SiDiMadsRH: something else. I think you should convert all width/height/font-size to em's instead of px, just calculate the values that'll look exactly as the current status ones20:16
SiDi<ul><li>"string one"</li><li>"string 2"</li></ul>20:16
SiDiinstead of <div><p>"string"...20:17
MadsRHI'll just try it20:17
MadsRHWhat's the benefit of em over px?20:18
SiDiiff the user puts a 16Px font on the live CD because he has problems to read20:21
MadsRHMy problem is I don't understand how the .po files work within the HTML - how it get's the text and so on.20:21
SiDithen the size will also increase in the slideshow20:21
SiDiem is more or less the height of the highest character in the alphabet20:22
MadsRHof course - good call20:22
SiDiyou can even put icons with an em size20:22
SiDibut ideally they should then be svg :)20:22
MadsRHsvg would be better, but also very time consuming to create with reflections20:24
SiDihm, static size png then :/20:25
MadsRHwill they be scaled wrong with jpg? seems to work fine now20:29
SiDihm nope, it'll be exactly the same20:30
SiDibut why use jpg ?20:30
SiDiyou have much less risks of rendering issues with transparent PNGs20:30
SiDiand we dont really mind about IE6 not being able to display the slideshow20:31
SiDiso i'd go for PNG instead of JPG20:31
MadsRHhe he, IE6. Okay I'll change all the icons to transparent PNG files20:33
SiDii suppose we also want to avoid text over the icons ?20:38
MadsRHyes, that's another issue20:39
MadsRHIt seems that <ul><li> gives me a dot and not the arrow image.20:40
SiDiMadsRH: you can set the dot to an image20:40
SiDiin the ul's css20:40
MadsRHSo if <ul><li> doesn't really solve the text over icons, what is the benefit? (Sorry for all the newbie questions)20:41
SiDiWell, what you show is a list of phrases, right ?20:42
SiDiusually, you use the markup that matches the semantic of your content :)20:42
SiDinewz2000 would say "there's none", but its because he's not a semantic fanatic like me :p20:43
SiDi(and ul li should solve the problem when there is too much text. ive just not done web for so long that i dont know where to start coding t_t)20:43
SiDifor the text over icon problem, put the icon after the text in your layout, and dont use position absolute or float, just align it to the right, so it'll always be _below_ the text list, but on the right20:44
SiDiand with transparent PNGs you dont have to count pixels to know how to make it sexy20:44
SiDiits damn sexy, by the way ;)20:47
MadsRHthanks and thanks for helping out. Actually Dylan McCall has done all the coding, I just do design stuff. But I can't seem to get a responce from him, so I try to fix it myself (that means with your help) ;-)20:50
MadsRHso for the icon image in the CSS I should use20:56
MadsRHleft:4em; top:6em20:56
SiDino, the icon shouldnt be set that way :)20:58
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SiDidoes anyone remember where i can find the default css that firefox uses ? :X22:00

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