
Dr_WillisMK13:  all i did was that one rc.local change.  after i got a proper xorg.conf working.. 'cp /root/xorg.conf.NVIDIA /etc/X11/xorg/conf'  then ran gdm00:00
lakotajameserr, iceroot:  gnome-do and compiz00:00
Hydrid how i run or open gstreamer-properties???00:00
Dr_Willis!info vlc | ubuntuNoob00:00
ubottuubuntuNoob: vlc (source: vlc): multimedia player and streamer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.9.9a-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1652 kB, installed size 3660 kB00:00
jribteimu: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/RippingDVDs00:00
lakotajamesiceroot: compiz.real00:00
MK13Dr_Willis, i have to try that now :D00:00
Dr_WillisubuntuNoob:  use the actual 'synaptic' package manager. not that crippled 'add/remove' icon variant.00:00
ZxcvbI have a script that I would like to run on suspend/hibernate, how would I do that?00:00
teimuthanks again jrib!00:00
icerootlakotajames: that are the desktop effects00:00
Dr_WillisubuntuNoob:  its int he Multiverse repository.  or use 'sudo apt-get install vlc'00:00
icerootlakotajames: like transparent windows, the cube and so on00:00
lakotajamesiceroot:  why is gnome-do taking so much?00:01
icerootlakotajames: i dont know what gnome-do is00:01
Dr_Willis!info gnome-do00:01
ubottugnome-do (source: gnome-do): Quickly perform actions on your desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 410 kB, installed size 1976 kB00:01
ubuntuNoobDr_Willis: when the install was finished i try.. thnx again00:01
jribZxcvb: hmm, don't have my laptop handy where I had to do that but check out pm-utils iirc00:01
icerootDr_Willis: a thx, i forgot00:02
ubuntuNoobitaliani qui?00:02
jrib!it | ubuntuNoob00:02
ubottuubuntuNoob: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:02
=== daBomb69 is now known as Chazz
ubuntuNoobok ok i just asked :P00:02
ubuntuNoob"Sto andando via" is italian .. so... nvm00:03
twig11How do I set permissions so all users have access to an ext3 drive?00:03
jrib!permissions > twig1100:03
ubottutwig11, please see my private message00:03
MementoMorijrib: using the right click on the chan name does nothing using xchat.00:04
jribZxcvb: yep, that's what it was.  The documentation in /usr/share/doc/ was decent.  This is how I used it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/59867/comments/7200:04
jribMementoMori: ?00:04
MementoMorijrib: it should be removed from the help00:04
MementoMori(click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)00:04
jribMementoMori: does it work in pidgin?00:04
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?00:04
icerootteimu: the website from dvdshrink is telling, that there is coming a linux-client! imo dvdshrink is the best to copy dvds00:04
MementoMoripidgin? I actually dont know... is pidgin supposed to be the default irc client?00:05
cap_eathmbrigdan: Now I get a firmware bug at 3.854528 and 3.854612 powernow-k8 complaining about ACPI _PSS00:05
Chazzfg56lx, hardware problem?00:05
ubuntuNoobDr_Willis: ok the stick was full :P i got to reboot, thx a lot and have a nice day/night!00:06
jonesy<fg56lx> what sound card isit00:06
icerootMementoMori: in ubuntu, yes00:06
teimunice find iceroot! thanks00:06
icerootMementoMori: its the only irc-client installed at start imo00:06
fg56lxChazz: It's never done this before, it just started doing it one day00:06
fg56lxjonesy: How can i find out what card it is?00:06
MementoMoriit should be nice to see how many pidgin client are here now...00:06
mbrigdancap_eath: Hmm, I'm not really a hardware knowledgeable person, so I might not be the right person to ask. I think K8 is AMD though, do you have an AMD chip?00:07
icerootMementoMori: i hope not much, so everyone is using a real client, like xchat or irssi00:07
ChazzMementoMori, of course, whoever is stupid enough to version the whole room will die...00:07
cap_eathmbrigdan: Yes.  It is an AMD dual core athalon00:07
MementoMoriChazz: lol!00:07
jefincfg56lx: lspci00:08
MK13iceroot: or hydrairc ;)00:08
jribiceroot: or weechat!00:08
* Chazz is amazed we don't have anyone in here stupid enough to try it! :P00:08
mbrigdancap_eath: Does that have the AMD cool and quiet thing? Linux doesn't seem to be a big fan of it.00:08
icerootjrib: yes, weechat was cool, never tested but it looked like irssi with user-friendly elements00:08
ubudoglist of supported usb wireless adapters for 9.04 anyone?00:08
fg56lxjonesy: nVidia Corporation MCP78S00:09
lakotajameswhy is gnome-do using 40% cpu?00:09
mbrigdancap_eath: If it does, you can probably disable it in the bios and see.00:09
jribiceroot: I just like the fact I can script it in half a dozen languages00:09
cap_eathUh, ACER doesn't give much in the way of instructions, so how would I check?00:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gnome-do00:09
icerootjrib: i only need perl00:09
Chazziceroot, xchat ftw00:09
jefinc!info gnome-do00:09
ubottugnome-do (source: gnome-do): Quickly perform actions on your desktop. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 410 kB, installed size 1976 kB00:09
lakotajamesI know what gnome-do is, I just don't know why it is using so much cpu00:10
icerootChazz: yes, but if you want a bnc, ssh + screen + irssi/bitchx/weechat is much better00:10
shooreedoes anyone know where the option for showing the channel user list in gnome's Xchat is? I can't seem to find it and it's on by default in regular Xchat.00:10
Chazziceroot, ya... but XChat has a GUI!00:10
mc1I'm back.  This is my paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/242774/00:10
mbrigdancap_eath: Here, i'll do some googling and see. If you can, poke around in the BIOS looking for AMD Cool'n'Quiet (Usually Advanced options, or 'Cell Menu', in my case)00:11
legend2440shooree: on bootom left where it says 1282 users click that00:11
icerootChazz: why need a gui for chating? :) your are chatting with keyboard not with a mouse00:11
Chazzgood point... :P00:11
shooreelegend2440: yea, but can I have it shown all the time and not as a popup?00:11
legend2440shooree: no only as pop up00:12
sebsebsebmc1: ok00:12
shooreethat's stupid. thanks anyway legend244000:12
mc1Thx Sebsebseb00:12
mbrigdancap_eath: AMD does say that the Athalon has cool and quiet, so check if that's on. Also look for an annoying thing called "Spread Spectrum" and turn it off if its on (unlikely though)00:12
thomas_hi everybody00:13
MindVirusWhat's the best way to remove old kernels?00:14
jribMindVirus: remove the corresponding linux-image-* package00:14
MindVirusjrib, that doesn't include the modules and everything else.00:14
sebsebsebmc1: this  boot to ram thing, why did you do that?00:14
jribMindVirus: like?00:15
mc1just to learn.  and it's supposed to be very fast.00:15
MindVirusjrib: for example, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-11-generic00:15
jribMindVirus: right, so remove that as well00:15
sebsebsebmc1:   what you done is weird00:16
mc1I've  been convincing friends to switch to Ubuntu and I thought it would be a good way to impress them.00:16
MindVirusjrib: I am asking for the best (quickest, least prone to human error) way to do this.00:16
MindVirusjrib: I don't want to copy/paste all day.00:16
sebsebsebmc1: also if  everything is being loaded from  RAM,  well   all the programs you install will go, once the computer is re booted00:16
mc1ain't it??00:16
jribMindVirus: you aren't, you are typing two package names... but I don't know a better way00:16
MindVirusjrib: are you disagreeing just to disagree?00:17
jribMindVirus: no, I am disagreeing that what I suggested requires "copy/paste all day"00:17
MindVirusI'd be apt-cache searching all day.00:17
MindVirusAnd from there copy/pasting.00:18
sebsebsebmc1: have you restarted the computer since the problems?00:18
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camtMindVirus: Ubuntu Tweak provides a list of kernels you can remove00:18
MindVirusThat's what I'm looking for.00:18
cap_eath1mbrigdan:  My internet crashed.  I tried to find something like it in BIOS and came up empty.00:19
RhetorikWondering if I can get some help? I updated ubuntu and it seems that it has deleted the STA driver for my broadcom card. the B43 driver it has is activated and doesn't even work00:19
MindViruscamt: Is there anything that is in default repos?00:19
Rhetorikso I have no wireless00:19
camtMindVirus: After you install, go Applications > Package Cleaner > Clean Kernel00:19
camtMindVirus: Not that I'm aware of00:19
Rhetoriknot sure if I updated something I wasn't supposed to or deleted something00:19
sebsebsebmc1: Do you know what RAM is?00:19
Sorinzhi can someone help with : how to change cursor themes .. please00:20
RhetorikEverything was done under the Update Manager00:20
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ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes00:21
MindVirusDoes apt have Python bindings?00:21
jribMindVirus: yes00:21
personfirefox stops a download after a few hundred kb and aptitude slows download speed lots while repeating the same line in stdout for the package it's getting for ages - I am using a wired ethernet cable and not getting this in Fedora. Any ideas?00:21
MindVirusjrib: thanks.00:21
jribMindVirus: should be python-apt iirc00:22
Dr_Willisperson:  check 'dmesg' for errors.. and perhaps try 'wget'00:22
Sorinzthank you kindly00:22
personDr_Willis: Thanks.00:23
=== Angelik is now known as Grant-A
fergal32hi boys and girls ^^00:23
Dr_Willisperson:  ive had some wired network cards with some buggy drivers   in the last release .00:23
dementorhii any one use cacti,i need some help?00:24
personDr_Willis: Just downgrade and use pin priorities?00:25
personI found some things in /var/log/dmesg of a repetitive nature - brb00:26
Dr_Willisperson:   the current release fixed it. :)  its a bit hard to pin kernel drivers..00:26
fergal32anybody has some good howto for ldap on ubuntu 9.04 server?00:26
Shortguy109Does anyone know why Giver won't send folders between my two laptops? I can send files but not folders.00:27
cap_eath1internet crashed and now my username is locked.  Can anyone tell me how do logoff my cap_eath so I can log back on as him in Pidgon?00:28
paddyhey guys00:28
paddyI want to upgrade my ram but, don't know what my motherboard is00:28
personDr_Willis: Here is some stuff from /var/log/dmesg00:29
Shortguy109Does anyone know why Giver won't send folders between my two laptops? I can send files but not folders.00:29
cap_eath1yeah got it.00:29
* Dr_Willis will BBL.00:30
personDr_Willis: Aaah!00:30
personAlright, well thanks for your help...00:30
fergal32    *00:31
emersonI need to put some pages in my website by ftp which program I can use...?00:31
musikgoat|mainemerson: its built in -> Places -> Connect to server00:32
sebsebseb!ftp |  emerson00:32
ubottuemerson: FTP clients: Nautilus (Places -> Connect to server), gFTP, FileZilla (for !GNOME); Konqueror, Kasablanca, KFTPGrabber (for !KDE); FireFTP (for Firefox); ftp, lftp (for !cli) - See also !FTPd00:32
emersonsomething similar to smart ftp or something like that .00:32
Chazzemerson, FireFox with FireFTP addon00:32
personemerson: If you use Quanta, there's an inbuilt ftp client in there :)00:32
TeclysDoes anyone in here know a way to get ahold of Lostinspac_46? I need to thank him for all of his help.00:32
personOr there's Filezilla00:32
personI don't know, I'm just naming some :P filezilla seemed easy to me.00:32
cap_eath1Does any know if 8.04 is have ACPI errors in 64 bit.  I can't get Jaunty to boot live cd to install.00:33
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes00:34
cap_eath1mbrigdan: you're still here.  My user name is messed up.   I was unable to find any info in BIOS about cool and quiet.00:35
trakcyiaI am trying to make a chainloader entry in my menu.lst but every time I try I get "invalid or unsupported format". The grub manual says that means the kernel isnt supported. That makes no sense to me because I should't need a kernel to load extlinux.conf through a chain loader00:35
trakcyiaThe kernel type is bzimage00:36
cap_eath1mbrigdan: I was considering using 8.04 LTS.  The download has been working for awhile so I haven't had a chance to try it.  You think that it would be a better bet?00:36
trakcyiadoes grub not support linux bzimage?00:36
EvetDo you suggest a web-browser?00:37
EvetHydrid, another00:37
lstarnesEvet: epiphany, midori, aroro00:38
Shortguy109How could i transfer my files to my other laptop? like Im switching laptops altogether but I want all my old stuff on this.00:38
EvetWhich is mot advanced?00:38
lstarnesEvet: firefox is00:38
sebsebseb!samba |   Shortguy10900:38
ubottuShortguy109: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:38
lstarnesEvet: otherwise, opera00:38
sebsebsebShortguy109: and it can even be used Linux to Linux00:38
cap_eath1evet: Firefox or the Debian equivalant IceWeasel is the only ones that are current to the web.  The rest have some issues with new tech.00:38
lstarnesEvet: but opera isn't open-source00:38
Shortguy109sebsebseb: so it transfers files between the two laptops? :o00:39
sebsebsebShortguy109: your other lap top is Windows?00:39
MK13ubuntu just started throwing me into tty1 on boot instead of gdm on tty7, what would cause this? (tty7 is completely blank)00:39
EvetThank you for suggestion00:39
Shortguy109sebsebseb: no00:39
sebsebsebShortguy109: both Linux?00:39
Shortguy109sebsebseb: yup00:39
blaz_helo. how to scroll a window in irssi?00:40
MK13blaz_ page up?00:40
lstarnesblaz_: have you tried the page up and page down keys?00:40
MK13is there any way to get my tty7 back on?00:41
sebsebsebShortguy109: yep it will do what you want00:41
sebsebseb!scp |  Shortguy10900:41
ubottuShortguy109: SCP is a secure way of copying files across networks using !SSH. Usage: scp filename user@host:filename - WinSCP is a client for Windows, available at http://winscp.net/00:41
sebsebsebShortguy109: there's stuff like that as well00:41
sebsebseb!nfs  |  Shortguy10900:41
ubottuShortguy109: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.00:41
majnoonhow get pulseaudio on one computer to play on another ??00:43
MK13what would cause GDM to suddenly stop appearing on tty7?00:43
Eveti downloaded firefox, how can I install it00:43
sebsebsebmc1: oh you disappeard on me earlier?00:44
sebsebsebmc1: well I already knew that, since no replies, but not that you left the channal00:44
cap_eath1evet: Don't download it.  Synaptic will install it correctly for you and keep you up to date.00:44
=== shamwari_ is now known as kl
cap_eath1evet: Synaptic is under System:Administration00:45
Evetcap_eath1, synaptic doesnt install up to date firefox00:45
mc1Yah, Seb.  There's kind of a nasty storm where I'm at00:45
mc1and I didn't even noticed when i got desconected00:45
Evetcap_eath1, I'm using 3.0.1200:45
ironmagma1Hi all, is it possible to access physical hard drives from a live session of Ubuntu?00:45
MK13ironmagma, yes00:46
sebsebsebmc1:  have you restarted the computer since the problems?  Do you know what RAM is?   also if everything is being loaded from the hard disk into RAM,    things you install,  will go bye bye,  like the Live CD, once the computer is turned off or re booted00:46
bastidrazorMK13, you are wrong. they just need to be mounted00:46
mechtechhow to send a network message?00:47
ironmagma1MK13: how?00:47
cap_eath1evet:  Well, if you just download it, you can copy it into your home directory in ~/firefox.  The command ./firefox will load the program.  Jaunty's version so far has been pretty current if you need that.  Otherwise, I used the downloaded version in my home directory in Debian awhile with no issues00:47
MK13bastidrazor, how am i wrong?00:47
mc1Random Access Memory00:47
sebsebsebmc1: yes, but what do you think it is used for?00:47
EvetThank you for hepl, cap_eath100:48
mc1I know that everything is volatile that way. for speeeeed00:48
mechtechyou know, like net send blah, blah, blah00:48
sebsebsebmc1: everything you do, will be gone  lost,  go bye bye,   once  the computer is restarted or rebooted,  when it's putting stuff into RAM00:48
sebsebsebmc1: turned off or re booted above00:48
MK13ironmagma, what are the device nodes of your hard drive?00:48
bastidrazorironmagma1, in a terminal type sudo fdisk -l  .. find the /dev/sd(something here) of the partitoin you want.. then sudo mkdir /media/drive  then sudo mount /dev/sd(somethinghere) /media/drive00:49
bastidrazorMK13, that is how.00:49
moymoysebsebseb: what are you talking about? things will still be written on the harddrive00:49
sebsebsebmoymoy: the guy has followed a link   for something that can be used instead of a Live CD,  and doesn't seem to understand, what he has done or something00:49
MK13bastidrazor, you just showed him they COULD be accessed, which is what i said00:49
mc1seb: I do have my copy of Ubuntu on hard drive00:50
cap_eath1Evet:  Actually, the Firefox in Jaunty is 3.0.1200:50
sebsebsebmc1: sure, but  everytime it's booted up,  everything from it goes into RAM yes?00:50
mc1i just wanted to add the other opcion (RAM) to grub00:50
bastidrazorMK13, maybe i am having trouble reading today. :\00:50
moymoysebsebseb: ahh i see..00:50
MK13bastidrazor, Oh00:51
sebsebsebmoymoy: https://wiki.edubuntu.org/BootToRAM   that's what he has done or tried to do00:51
mc1when i did the update using Synaptic I was on the hard drive00:51
ageyanyone know how to install xmms on ubuntu8.0400:53
lstarnes!xmms | agey00:53
ubottuagey: xmms is no longer being developed, see http://bugs.debian.org/461309 for more details.  Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead.00:53
sebsebsebmc1: What  you have tried to do is for intermediate to advanced users,   and  hardly anyone has done that00:54
kunjiHey everyone, I'm trying to set up a LAMP server on Jaunty Desktop edition, just to host a few small pages and I'm not really sure what I'm doing, so I could use some help.00:54
mc1is this thing fixable??00:54
MK13I can no longer access X, when i try startx it says cannot stat /tmp/.x11 (stale NFS file handle), aborting. How can i fix this?00:55
sebsebsebmc1: probably   if people know what  they are doing,   without needing to ask others for help,  if you get what I mean,    otherwise people should just clean install or whatever, do a normal install00:55
blaz_Do you know some good CLI tool to configure services ?00:55
ageyis there alternative simple music player like xmms?00:55
debsanagey, audacity00:56
mc1u upset for what i did?  i can do a clean install in no time but, when am i gonna learn???00:56
ageydo you mean audacious?00:56
sebsebsebmc1: no not upset,   and   I have been there as well,   had certain problems,  and  thought well   I want to fix this instead of clean installing,   but sometimes it's simpalley better to just clean install00:57
sebsebsebmc1: oh and if you want speed I have an idea00:57
Evetcap_eath1, i installed and tried to start, but it told me "a firefox already running"00:57
sebsebsebmc1: of  course   booting  Ubuntu from a harddisk into RAM,  instead of a CD, is going to be quicker00:57
Sensivaagey as ubottu just said "Consider using audacious, bmpx, or xmms2 instead."00:57
Lostinspac_46Teclys: chech your messages00:57
sebsebsebmc1: ,but  hardly anyone will want to boot up the whole of Ubuntu from  the hard disk into RAM00:57
eltumeguys what would I put under /etc/fstab so that my discs and generic devices will be mounted and pop-up automatically ?00:58
debsanagey, right sorry00:58
blaz_or - how to disable console-kit-daemon for good?00:58
mc1well, to me it's not "die or live" thing.  i just wanted to try it out!00:59
whaaaaaaaawhawhere do i go to when i want to cry about how much i love and hate ubuntu and open-vpn support :(00:59
ageyI have installed xmms2 but I can't find icon to run it00:59
sebsebsebmc1: maybe next you should try Ubuntu with Ext4 :D00:59
mc1I can boot and leave the computer on indefinitely00:59
Lostinspac_46Exactly what does the marker bar mark?00:59
mc1that's the file system i'm using00:59
=== naruto is now known as Guest3922
mc1tried ext3, ext4 and Reiser4 too00:59
sebsebsebmc1: should turn your computer off really,   unless you have a proper reason to leave it on01:00
whaaaaaaaawhaTLS key negotiation failed to occur within 60 seconds (check your network connectivity)01:00
trayzzhello world01:00
whaaaaaaaawhai can't use the networkmanage-openvpn because it is broken01:00
mc1well it's a lap and often i leave it on so my im contacts can see me01:00
Lostinspac_46trakcyia: Hello back01:00
benny_i'd like to create a Ubuntu Kubuntu Community in my city anyone can support me01:00
sebsebsebmc1: the hardware should last longer, if  a desktop or lap top  is   turned off every now and again,   after all  they  don't use proper server hardware01:00
whaaaaaaaawhaand kvpnc throws in random errors01:00
teeheehey i was syncing my ipod with banshee music works find but i have a problem with video it says i have 130 vidoes on the ipod but they show up in unknown artist in music and dont play01:01
whaaaaaaaawhai don't know what to do anymore :(01:01
kunjiAnyone know how to set up a LAMP server?01:01
Lostinspac_46trayzz: Hello back01:01
sebsebsebmc1: lap tops,   go in lower pow modes and such, but  really  those should be turned off  at times as well I think01:01
trayzzlittle noob question, if there's a file in synaptic called filename.dbg it's debug file that i should probably install rite?01:02
mc1yeah, i can see you're very technical.  the way i see it, hardware goes obsolete soon01:02
adubcan someone help me get juniper working right for vpn please??01:02
mc1so i try to get my money's worth01:02
sebsebsebmc1: that's true, but normalley people want it to last  10 years or more01:02
sebsebsebmc1: well maybe more like 6 years at least01:02
mc1jajaj... ok.  No brag but, i change two laps every year.  so i don't worry about that01:03
Lostinspac_46trayzz: Just leave it till you need it01:03
kunjimc1: what hardware are you using?  I'm too much of a noob myself to actually help out, just curious though.01:03
mc1intel dual proc01:03
trayzzLostinspac_46: the problem is that i have a lot of graphic bugs with my radeon hd 260001:03
mc1'round 2 Gigs01:03
mc13 Gigs RAM01:04
ironmagma1does the xtest module in python not work on Jaunty? (other than myself)01:04
moymoymc1: exactly how much RAM do you have? .. you're gonna need to use the harddrive at some point if you want it to function like a proper OS01:04
mc1340 hd01:04
moymoymc1: ah..01:04
Lostinspac_46trayzz: Then you might want to d/l the debug file01:04
kunjimc1: I missed the beginning of your conversation, what is the trouble you're having?01:04
moymoykunji: he wants to set up a system that boots right into RAM like the LiveCD and doesn't touch his HD01:04
Lostinspac_46trayzz: Radeon hdd?01:04
sebsebsebkunji: he tried something slightly odd,   boot  Ubuntu from the hard disk into RAM, rather than a Live CD01:04
trayzzLostinspac_46: hd 260001:05
mc1well kunji:  i was doing an update using Synaptic and all of a sudden i01:05
ironmagma1bastidrazor: sudo fdisk -l gives me nothing01:05
mc1kunji here is my paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/242774/01:05
Lostinspac_46trayzz: Ahh, hd is part of the card name?01:05
MK13what would the command "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" do?01:05
Juan_a_DayHello, Could someone help me to install a multifunctional Epson TX300F ?01:05
trayzzLostinspac_46: it's just minor things, like i see my desktop wallpaper anytime the new gui notification thing shows me someone going on or offline inn pidgin01:06
sebsebsebMK13: fix the log in screen01:06
trayzzLostinspac_46: yup01:06
mc1other'n that.  the os is fine01:06
adubcan someone help me get juniper vpn working in ubuntu01:06
MK13sebsebseb, so it would set it back like when ubuntu was first installed?01:06
Lostinspac_46trayzz: Hmmm, sure it's not a Pidgin issue?01:06
trayzzLostinspac_46: i'm going through loads of feeds but there's barely much i haven't tried yet01:06
sebsebsebMK13: should do yep01:06
trayzzLostinspac_46: i have it in wine too and some other apps01:07
kindofabuzzanyone got some time to help me setup wu-ftpd? can't seem to get it right01:07
kunjimc1:  yeah, I don't know anything about that, something that might be an alternative would be to run the OS off of a flashdrive.01:07
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: that sounds like an FTP server to me,  instead of just a client01:07
MK13sebsebseb, would it change any settings?01:07
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: you want to do your own FTP server?01:07
kindofabuzzsebastien__, yeah01:08
Lostinspac_46trayzz: When does it happen in wine?01:08
trayzzLostinspac_46: sometimes my screen just fades to black on fullscreen mode watching movies01:08
kindofabuzzsebsebseb, yeah01:08
sebsebsebkindofabuzz: ok was just checking,  I can't really help with that01:08
mc1kunji:  I've tried that as well successfully01:08
sebsebsebMK13: yep  probably01:08
trayzzLostinspac_46: fruity loops clicking on a menu eg01:08
sebsebsebMK13: things should go back to the default01:08
Lostinspac_46trayzz: It will do that, if you're not clicking, it thinks you're not using01:08
mc1but i don't like carrying around an usb stick.  tried off a micro sd card but it didnt work01:09
sebsebsebMK13: I think01:09
kunjimc1: oh well..01:09
trayzzLostinspac_46: well yea but it does it opening any menu or right clicking on a string or anything01:09
teeheehow come in gtkpod all i see under ipod is unwatched and photos01:10
teeheeno music tab or video tab01:10
kunjiNo one here knows about setting up servers though?01:10
trayzzLostinspac_46: i just thought the debug might help fixing it, even though i'm probably too noob to fix it on my own01:10
Lostinspac_46trayzz: Basically it does it whenever a new window iniyiates?01:10
trayzzLostinspac_46: in wine yes01:11
MK13sebsebseb, ubuntu got interupted in the middle of a restart and now refuses to start x, and suggestions?01:11
trayzzLostinspac_46: otherwise its fine01:11
Lostinspac_46trayzz: message me01:11
sebsebseb!xorg | MK1301:11
ubottuMK13: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution01:11
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWhat's there good to do on ubuntu? I'm bored.01:11
accoleeeee me too01:11
accolhahah im lookin for more01:12
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEaccol, yeah, same here01:12
sebsebsebEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE: browse synaptic for games and install ones you want to try,   also you can Google  for Linux games01:12
fergal32< EEEEEEEEEEEEEE> iḿ bored too ^^01:12
mc1I appreciate very much the time some people spend here helping others.  I gotta go but, if anyone can help me with my post - http://paste.ubuntu.com/242774/ - i will appreciate it at mcsx3@hotmail.com - Thx Seb01:12
accoldownload cave story...that game rocked01:12
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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEsebsebseb, what good games are there. Last time I checked, it was lame games01:12
sebsebsebEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE  fergal32    sudo apt-get install tuxpaint   that  may take care of boredom for a bit,  whatever your ages01:12
Guest47915How to enable auto root login. (i know the dangers)01:12
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEaccol, cave story? rpg?01:12
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zigibagido How to enable auto root login. (i know the dangers) (sorry changed my name)01:13
accolno probably the best 2d shooter game i've ever played01:13
accoltrust me...it01:13
accolits short but great01:13
sebsebsebEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE: there are a few good ones in the repo,  but   there are some pretty good ones that you install from outside the repo, if you find them01:13
mc1Seb:  Ah, by the way i got 3 os on my hard drive.  all work fine.01:13
fergal32<sebsebseb> thx in advance but i know them 4 ages ^^01:13
MK13how can i correct a stale NFS file handle?01:13
sebsebsebfergal32: ok01:14
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEsebsebseb, yeah, I saw some like tux racing or similar and those are lame.01:14
moymoyMK13: was it over nautilus?01:14
zigibagidocan someone answer my question01:14
sebsebsebEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE: I  suggest joining #ubuntu-offtopic and asking about games to install01:14
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEaccol, dang, cave story looks okay. I'm going to try it01:14
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEsebsebseb, oh, sorry about that01:15
moymoyzigibagido: you can't login to root... because root account and root password is disabled in ubuntu01:15
accoltrust me....ull love it01:15
greyfoxEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE : nice pseudo01:15
zigibagidomoymoy: but you can enable it01:15
b4283hi, if i wanna change a users default locale, just assign LANG and LC_ALL in .xsession right ?01:15
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EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEmoymoy, use sudo -i or sudo -su01:15
moymoyEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE: i know.. i'm telling someone else01:15
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MK13moymoy, i get a stale nfs handle error when trying to start X01:16
kitchesudo su should never really be used unless of course you want the logging to not work anymore01:16
moymoyzigibagido: you can try making your own root account01:16
moymoyMK13: is it automounted in fstab?01:16
zigibagidomoymoy: I have enabled root account and password i just want to have it auto login on start up.01:17
MK13moymoy, it is the root file system01:17
moymoyyou have your / as a mounted NFS share?01:17
moymoyMK13: you have your / as a mounted NFS share?01:17
sebsebsebEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE: oh yeah and instead of saying loads of native Linux games are lame,  how about you  help make  native open source Linux games better :)  by  contributing to projects,  or  learning how to program  (assuming you don't know how already)  and make your own?01:17
fergal32    *01:17
bastidoes crossover use some of the libs or anything else created by wine? because i cant get to run some apps, which worked with crossover before, but i guess i did change some things at wine which i cant remember ;) in particullar i am talkink about magic workstation where both tools dont let me use the online play with an error on gdipluss.dll01:17
MK13moymoy, it isnt NFS, that is just a general error01:17
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEsebsebseb, where can I start?01:18
moymoyMK13: then i don't know.. keep asking around01:18
sebsebsebEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE: don't know, but  Python is a good language to start with01:18
EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEcrossover is very limited in the number of games available01:18
bastithis is not an app compared to games01:19
bastijust an app01:19
sebsebsebEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE: well you don't seem to understand,  that most games companies don't really care about Desktop Linux,  hence why hardly any of them make for Linux,  they will use the,   Linux does not have enough market share on the desktop yet excuse01:19
moymoyEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE: make the world's best Linux RPG game.. i like rpg's but the good ones have been abandoned for liscensing issues =[01:19
fergal32crossover? havent used it 4 ages01:19
zigibagidomoymoy: do you know how to do this?01:19
moymoyzigibagido: no idea01:20
zigibagidoDoes anybody know How to enable automatic root login? (I know this is dangerous)01:20
ironmagmait's under settings or something01:20
ironmagmaLogin Window I believe01:20
ironmagmaand you have to change it to Allow root access for login01:20
lstarneszigibagido: recovery mode by default logs into root, but it's cli-only01:21
ejvquestion: I am using 8.10. is it safe to upgrade to 9.04 thru the "update manager" or should I be downloading the new cd and start from scratch?01:21
lstarneszigibagido: you should not be using most graphical applications as root01:21
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sebsebsebejv: I suggest staying with 8.10 for now, untill 9.10 is out, then clean install,  plus then you get Ext4 by default :)01:21
sebsebsebejv: if  in the mean time you want to try  9.04,   and you have enough RAM, you can virtual machine it inside 8.1001:21
Zxcvbis anyone here good with power managment stuff (pm-suspend)?01:22
zigibagidoI just want to know how01:22
zigibagidoIs there a way01:22
ejvsebsebseb: I'd really like openoffice 3.001:22
sebsebsebejv: you can have that in 8.10 as well, there's a ppa01:22
ejvsebsebseb: i thought it was only for 9.04, i stand corrected, what's a ppa01:22
sebsebseb!ppa >  ejv01:23
ubottuejv, please see my private message01:23
sebsebsebejv: ppa's  are a way to get  later  versions of programs, without having to wait for the next Ubuntu release,   or   without people having to install them self  in another way01:23
ejvso where do i get the 'ppa' for ooo01:23
MK13i get a stale file handle error, but fsck.jfs shows no errors, and ideas?01:23
vasuviAs GRUB 2 discourages manual editing of grub.cfg, how to get it to "know" that the drive its on should be (hd2) instead of the (hd4) it thinks it is?01:23
sebsebsebejv: the Ubuntu repos only do security updates, hence these ppa's01:24
moymoyejv: and they often have a maintainer, so updates are automatic as usual01:24
zigibagidolstarnes: do you know if there is a way to do this. Or can i tell you want i want to accomplish and you may have a different method?01:24
sebsebsebejv: normalley  you get the ppa's from luanchpad,  and you add a repo for it01:24
lstarneszigibagido: I would strongly recommend against it01:24
Mozillero052 01:24
Mozillero052        01:24
Mozillero052 01:24
Mozillero052 01:24
FloodBot2Mozillero052: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:24
sebsebsebejv: you can Google  Open Office 3.0  ppa  or some such, and it should come up01:24
lstarneszigibagido: I don't know of a way to do that but it may be possible01:24
uvstudiosanyone know the command to search for a cd-rom driver01:25
zigibagidolstarnes: ok can i ask you something else - can i VNC into the computer before ti logs on so i can login to any account?01:25
hou5tonThere seem to be several options regarding software to connect to my cell phone .... Does anyone have suggestions and/or experience with this?01:25
lstarneszigibagido: I'm not sure01:25
uvstudiosi'm trying to get to load up xenserver on my systm and it wont find my cd-rom drive01:25
Andre_Gondimuvstudios, try mount01:25
PaulChaterHey everyone.01:25
joltzyHey guys! are there any game repos ?01:25
BzOneguys which tool is better to sync files (mp3 files)01:26
zigibagido Does anybody know if you can VNC into Ubuntu before it logs in so you can login as any user?01:26
PaulChaterCan anybody help me with some Emerald stuff.... i'm having problems (No not installing themes or anything but generic issues...)01:26
uvstudioswhat is the usual mount point for a cd-rom drive?01:26
th0rzigibagido: you cannot vnc like that.01:26
bazhangzigibagido, no you cannot01:26
PaulChaterRunning 32 bit Ubuntu Jaunty, all up to date etc. Pretty much fresh install.01:26
Andre_Gondimjoltzy, http://blog.ubuntugames.org/01:26
zigibagidothor: if i have a computer with no screen that i want to be able to access from another computer that will be restarted and i will need to access root account how do it do it01:27
bazhangjoltzy, there are no special games repos maintained by Ubuntu01:27
Andre_Gondimjoltzy, try http://ubuntugames.org/ there are many games01:28
trakcyiahey lostinspace_46 im getting much better at dvorak im up to 30wpm yay01:28
joltzyAndre_Gondim: thx alot m801:29
joltzybazhang: okey01:29
bazhangzigibagido, why would you need to do that; accessing the root account is very unsafe01:29
trakcyiacould someone please explain to me hoow to set a chain loader, i keep getting "invalid or unsupported format"01:29
PaulChaterAnybody anybody at all?01:29
bazhangzigibagido, use sudo not root01:29
Kevin1aWhat is the name for the ubuntu chat channel?01:29
MK13when i try to startx i get a stale file handle warning, but when I boot from a livecd and run fsck.jfs it does not find any errors01:29
lstarnesKevin1a: #ubuntu01:29
sebsebsebKevin1a:  #ubuntu-offtopic01:29
bazhangPaulChater, emerald is no longer supported01:29
trakcyiapaulchater you gotta ask a question first lol01:30
PaulChatertrakcyia , I did ;) I was asking if anybody could help me, once I received a response I would state the problem.01:30
th0rzigibagido: I have no idea what that question was....but if you want to get into a machine the way to do it is to ssh to the machine, log in as the user you want to use, start vncserver, log out, then you can vnc to the machine and access that user's desktop01:30
th0rzigibagido: another option is to open an ssh tunnel to the other computer and then run the desktop apps via an X-forwarding tunnel01:30
th0rPaulChater: well, how  in the world is anyone going to know they can help if they don't know the problem?01:31
zigibagidok thanks01:31
Kevin1aPaulChater: just ask you're question.  The channel rules are visable via the channel info.01:31
eric1glad i finalyl got my printer working01:31
rafaelscj!multemedia > rafaelscj01:31
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about multemedia01:31
PaulChaterOkay, basically how would I refresh Emeralds cache? Basically what is happening at the moment is I'm trying to install a theme but it just doesn't do ANYTHING (Note: Before I formatted and reinstalled Ubuntu Emerald worked perfectly fine.) It doesn't show me a list of themes, nothing, I will take a screenshot.01:32
bazhang!emerald | PaulChater01:33
ubottuPaulChater: emerald is an obsolete window decorator for compiz. It's unsupported and unmaintained, making issues with it very hard to diagnose and fix. There are no known, supported alternatives.01:33
rafaelscj!codec | rafaelscj01:33
ubotturafaelscj, please see my private message01:33
bazhangPaulChater, as I said above emerald is no longer supported; use a different window decorator for support01:33
PaulChaterbazhang: I don't care if its obsolete. Emerald is theo nly one I know.01:33
bazhangPaulChater, unsupported means we dont support it here.01:34
PaulChaterAlso its the only one which I can find themes easily for, and the one I like.01:34
eric1unsupported hmm..01:34
sebsebsebPaulChater: maybe  they will support it in ##linux  or  #compiz01:34
PaulChaterbazhang: I know what unsupported means. Don't be a dick. Help someone out. It's a community isn't it? Communities should help out wether software is unsupported or not.01:35
eric1its unsupported within this community01:35
PaulChatersebsebseb, Yeah then they'll just say go to #ubuntu if I ask in there.01:35
Kevin1aPaulChater: I would help you out, but I don't really know anything about Emerald.  Maybe try some forums?01:35
bazhangPaulChater, no need for that language.01:35
eric1tell them its unsupported in #ubuntu01:36
sebsebsebPaulChater: if  they do that, you say   we won't support it here01:36
PaulChaterKevin1a, I've looked on google, there's nothing, nadda, zilch.01:36
th0rjeez guys. I know canonical has done a lot to simplify linux, thus attracting people who don't know how it works, but what has canonical done to attract such a lack of common sense?01:36
sebsebsebth0r:  people in here are volunters01:36
toyimpth0r, blame it on MTV.01:36
spOdo you need an execute bit or a read bit in order to play a movie or mp3 file?01:36
sebsebsebth0r: maybe  there are one or two Canonical employees hiding in here some where, but other then that01:36
lstarnesspO: read01:36
LjLth0r: such as not having the common sense to stay ontopic on the channel? :)01:37
th0rsebsebseb: not the volunteers....some of the questions01:37
eric1Paul just go lay down 180 bucks for a copy of vista01:37
spOexecute bit is needed only for running programs01:37
bazhangspO, you need to install the codecs01:37
lstarnesspO: correct01:37
spObaz, so i need a execute bit now?01:37
lstarnesspO: directories also need it so that you can see what's in them01:37
lstarnesspO: the files don't need the execute bit01:37
PaulChatereric1, Why would I want Vista? The operating system is Shit. Besides i have its new brother /sister installed, don't mock me or make some random assumption that I came from Windows.01:38
LzOhello, how to install gDesklets? I get an error when try to launch it from menu01:38
bazhangspO, install ubuntu-restricted-extras package01:38
spOonly programs need execute bit?  ie, files that are sound or movies, do not then huh01:38
bazhangPaulChater, watch the language please01:38
spObazhag, how come?01:38
lstarnesspO: correct01:38
sebsebsebPaulChater: it's new brother or sister?   Windows 7?    if  you meant Ubuntu nope,  since  it's not related to Windows in any way at all01:39
kunjiHow do you install .tar.gz files?  I forget.01:39
lstarnesspO: ubuntu-restricted-extras includes extra codecs01:39
aicra PaulChater: try installing your themes manually (they are compressed files, try uncompressing and putting  them in .emerald/themes at your $HOME)01:39
garchonixmmm, regarding emerald, how is it included on the universe repository if it's unsupported ?01:39
lstarneskunji: extract it (tar xzf file.tar.gz) then look for a README or INSTALL file01:39
DarylTXI am installing the Ubuntu by using the wubi, but the most size i can get is 30gb.. I can expand it or what?01:39
macgyver_all to be fair, I have Windows7 installed here on a spare box for testing (I work in IT) I am actually very suprised with it01:39
aicraI use emerald01:39
kunjiSorry, extracting is the part I forget....01:39
macgyver_of course Linux is way superior :)01:40
PaulChateraicra, Finally someone with some sort of decent solution instead of practically saying "piss off"01:40
LzOhello, how to install gDesklets? I get an error when try to launch it from menu01:40
rafaelscj!ifs > rafaelscj01:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ifs01:40
rafaelscj!dfs > rafaelscj01:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about dfs01:41
Teclysis there any way to create either an install that includes all of the settings and packages i've already installed on another machine?01:41
rafaelscj!ext2 > rafaelscj01:41
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ext201:41
sebsebseb!attitude | PaulChater01:41
ubottuPaulChater: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines01:41
LjL!msg the bot01:41
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".01:41
gnubiePaulChater; http://www.compiz-themes.org/   have you looked thruogh here?01:41
bazhangrafaelscj, please /msg ubottu01:41
garchonixTeclys yes01:41
macgyver_Teclys, yes you can, but I have never tried it01:41
PaulChaterAh! I think i may have found the problem.01:41
PaulChaterApparently the permissions aren't right :/ which is weird.01:41
TeclysHow would one go about that?01:42
macgyver_Teclys, stand by I am checking01:42
Teclysmacgyver_, thank you very much01:42
bazhang!clone | Teclys01:42
ubottuTeclys: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate01:42
rafaelscjbazhang, ok01:42
garchonixyou have to save /etc, you home directory and the output of dpkg --get-selections01:42
macgyver_Teclys,  failing that you can try "uck"01:43
spOis there a file that is used in conjunction with my user to set files or directorys i create to a certain mask?01:44
macgyver_Teclys, --> uck - Tool to customize official Ubuntu Live CDs01:44
PaulChaterNevermind guys, Figured out the problem.... Thanks for the suggestion aicra. ^_^ looks like it was some permission errors to do with .emerald folder.01:44
eric1maybe you could start a #emerald chat01:45
aicra PaulChater, you're welcome01:45
PaulChaterI have another question. :) Why are 80% of IRC users complete and utter pricks? :)01:46
spOif i create a directory or a file, what is the default mask that is used?01:46
blaz_how to disable console-kit-daemon service?01:46
th0rI rest my case01:46
Teclysthank you macgyver_ and bazhang01:46
dgeary2sp0: umask01:46
PaulChaterEspecially on So called 'support' channels. Lmfao.01:46
hou5tonWhat is the command to find out what USB port I have something plugged into?01:47
DarylTXI am installing Ubuntu by using the Wubi .. I noticed the biggest size on installation is 30gb.. it is possible to increase it?01:47
dgeary2spO: umask01:47
MK13PaulChater, well because the other %20 keep calling them pricks (j/k)01:47
LjLhou5ton: lsusb maybe?01:47
hou5tonLjL:   thanks01:47
MK13does anyone else have links to vmlinuz from the / folder?01:48
Juan_a_DayHello, Could someone help me to install a multifunctional Epson TX300F ?01:48
rafaelscjis really necessary to have a firewall activated? gufw isn't easy to manage > it does not manage apps' access right.01:48
eric1intersting never used lsusb before01:48
Apollo2366I just "upgraded" to jaunty, and my sound broke. There is no sound output, but beyond that, no abnormal behaviour.01:49
th0rJuan_a_Day: have you tried installing it through cups?01:49
LjLrafaelscj: if you don't have any services installed, and especially if you're behind a router... nah. not in my opinion.01:49
th0rJuan_a_Day: open a browser and go to localhost:63101:49
Juan_a_Dayth0r: thank you, no I haven't01:50
spOdgeary2, where do i change the umask setting?  if i type umask it says 0022 , but i don't knwo how that relates to anyting01:50
dgeary2rafaelscj: i agree with LjL, but iptables is easy enough to use01:50
Juan_a_Dayth0r: just a moment01:50
spOby default  if i have a group  user2 , user2 is a memberof that group?01:50
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MK13does the root folder normally have a link to vmlinuz(.old), and initrd.img(.old)01:51
lstarnesMK13: yes01:51
LzOAn error occurred when running the child process' gDesklets' (No such file or directory)01:51
dgeary2spO: i set my umask in ~/.profile01:51
LzOhow to fix it?01:51
MK13lstarnes, ty01:51
garchonixspO you change it with the umask command: in a terminal type "help umask"01:51
rafaelscjLjL, dgeary2, because iptables don't manage apps, like Windows Firewall, so I must allow too many ports. It takes time, even if you use gufw01:52
hou5tonThis is what lsusb gives me, but I need the port # ... Bus 002 Device 002: ID 22b8:4221 Motorola PCS01:52
MK13is it ok to delete the lost+found folder?01:52
Juan_a_Dayth0r: I'm there01:52
kerihello I need some help01:52
aicraMK13, I don't think so01:52
keriI am trying to get frostwire01:52
dgeary2rafaelscj: i'm not familiar with app based firewalling01:52
rafaelscj!ask > keri01:52
ubottukeri, please see my private message01:52
th0rJuan_a_Day: I am not familiar with that specific computer, click on add a computer01:53
bazhang!frostwire | keri01:53
ubottukeri: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire01:53
th0rJuan_a_Day: oops...add a printer01:53
eric1cool im gonna downlaod frostwire now01:53
Juan_a_Dayth0r: ok, yes ;) a printer01:53
th0rJuan_a_Day: the firs tsscreen....name,location, description, that is information for you, and can be anything you like01:54
dgeary2spO: system -> administration -> users and groups01:54
kerii had frostwire and it would not open so i compely removed it and now i would like to know how to get again01:54
th0rJuan_a_Day: then click on continue. The next screen, if your printer is connected to your computer, you want AppSocket01:55
dgeary2rafaelscj: how many apps are listening for new connections?01:55
th0rJuan_a_Day: I have to warn you...I haven't owned a printer in years...so this is all old memory01:55
bazhangkeri, did you read the link I gave you?01:55
Juan_a_Dayth0r: you have a wonderful memory01:55
Apollo2366Hey, I've had an unbelievable amount of trouble with audio. I had it working in Intrepid to where all I had to do after starting a new session was to sudo alsa force-reload and I'd have sound until I restarted or logged out. Now however, after "upgrading" to jaunty, there is no sound output. Period. In any application at any point in time. I need HELP.01:56
majnoonok what i want to do is connect to my desktop with my laptop and use the pulseaudio to stream the sound to my laptop01:56
th0rJuan_a_Day: if the printer is connected to your computer, the next screen should say (I think) just socket01:56
kerihttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire this one01:56
th0rJuan_a_Day: although it might want the hostname of the computer as well.01:57
Juan_a_Dayth0r: I din't know that apple could help me in that01:57
rafaelscjdgeary2, for example, pidgin uses 1024-2048 ports. but i think it works without allowing these ports01:57
eric1I used system>administration>printing01:57
eric1then you might be able to select the model from the database01:57
eric1for the printer01:57
dgeary2rafaelscj: what protocols are you using in pidgin?01:57
Juan_a_Dayth0r: problems there is TX200 and 400 not 300F01:57
th0rJuan_a_Day: a direct connect computer used to be lpd, but I read somewhere that cups now considers all printers network connected.01:57
rafaelscjdgeary2, msn, irc, (gmail)01:58
spOuser2 is not implicitly part of group user2 is it?01:58
eric1or get the PPD files from the driver CD that came with the printer01:58
deamon3user: deamon3 | password: f50f50 ||||| user:root ||password f50f5001:58
Juan_a_Dayth0r: it is ok if it is a network printer01:58
th0rJuan_a_Day: the next screen is where you choose your printer model. Sometimes you have to try a few to find one that works if yours isnt listed01:58
dgeary2rafaelscj: none of them accept new connections01:58
Juan_a_Dayth0r: Is there any ppd file that I can use? where do I get it?01:59
spOi guess not02:00
eric1from the driver CD that came with your printer02:00
th0rJuan_a_Day: and that is about all I remember about defining a cups printer. There is some pretty good info on the web about various models, so google cups and your printer model and see if someone else has already defined it02:00
th0rJuan_a_Day: I wouldn't know.....you might try google again for that...usually they come from the printer manufacturer I think02:00
eric1you might want to first see if your printer is supported02:00
eric1hold on juan02:00
spOumask doesn't make sense because if i set umask to 777 ,  then every file i create is 0000, but if i use umask 022 , then every file created is 64402:01
th0reric1: th0r is going to put those printer memories back in the cellar where they belong02:01
Juan_a_Dayth0r: yes I did, I think that I can continue by myself, thank you very much, I'll tell you when I finish02:02
th0rJuan_a_Day: good luck02:02
Apollo2366So nobody has any idea. Great. Know where I can find more competent sound people? Or a FAQ? Or anything?02:02
Juan_a_Dayth0r: thanks again02:02
MK13what kind of settings would "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gdm" reset?02:02
kitcheApollo2366: considering that Alsa is not used by default02:03
eric1JUAN go here http://www.linuxfoundation.org/collaborate/workgroups/openprinting02:03
eric1select your model02:03
eric1and it will tell you if its compatible,02:03
eric1and what steps you need to take to get it working02:03
blaz_Apollo: I'm using OSS4 instead of alsa (much less res. hungry on my EEEPC), did you tryit ?02:03
tsrk_anyone have any idea why rsync'ing large amounts of data is causing a kernel panic on the receiving server?02:04
aicraApollo2366: check if pulseaudio is running02:04
blaz_kitche: what do you mean, i thoug alsa IS default on anly linux02:04
Apollo2366aicra, it is02:04
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aicraApollo2366, check if speakers are mutted (use alsamixer)02:05
papulwhat is the diff betwn ubuntu and xubuntu?02:06
lstarnespapul: regular ubuntu uses gnome, xubuntu uses xfce02:06
lstarnespapul: the default applications are also different02:06
garchonix!xubuntu | papul02:06
ubottupapul: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels02:06
lstarnespapul: but they use the same package repositories02:06
Apollo2366aicra, No, they aren't02:06
bazhangpapul, xfce4 and gnome, some of the apps, and somewhat lighter weight02:06
papullstarnes: such as?02:06
bazhangpapul, install and try02:06
papulbazhang: ok02:06
lstarnespapul: I'm not sure exactly what xubuntu has as its default applications02:07
bazhangpapul, xubuntu-desktop is the package you want02:07
timGetting an error loop on my Aspire One - "Status {DRDY ERR} / Error: UNC / Exception Emask 0x0 SAct 0x0 SErr 0x0 action / BDMA Stat 0x4". Disabled ACPI in GRUB to no avail. Where could I find a good translation of this? Most docs on DRDY error blame it on a kernel bug and reccommend ACPI=off.02:07
papuli will fresh install xubuntu02:07
papulwill xubuntu run on netbooks?02:07
bazhangpapul, you dont need to fresh install02:07
tsrk_paul, yeah02:08
th0reric1: thanks for that printer link. And it made me feel good when it said to first give it a try...start with localhost:631. Always nice to know the old ways still work <smile>02:08
bazhangpapul, you can install that package and then choose from the login session02:08
papulbazhang: i dont have ubuntu in my system02:08
papulcant install de to low ram02:08
tsrk_papul, gnome works fine on my netbook though, why do you want xubu?02:08
aicraApollo2366, hmm... check if pulseaudio's default server is your machine02:08
Apollo2366aicra, how do I do that?02:08
C13R3Khi all02:08
papultsrk_: i want to install xubuntu on my old desktop as well02:09
garchonixtim, verify with smartctl that the disk health is ok02:09
timwill do.02:10
tsrk_papul, ok, it should work well for that02:10
papulubuntu does not even install02:10
Apollo2366aicra, hello?02:10
aicraApollo2366, if you see a small icon with a plug in the gnome-bar, click it-> select default-server-> see if this is your machine02:10
tsrk_papul, you'll probably want the alternate xubuntu cd then (rather than the live cd)02:10
papultsrk_: ok02:11
aicraApollo2366, if you don't see it, start padevchooser02:11
Apollo2366aicra, I selected "Default" and nothing changed. Still no output.02:12
aicraat the very same icon, select manager02:12
aicracheck if you are connected to pulseaudio02:13
Apollo2366aicra, yeah02:13
spOi mount two cifs on my box and one is mounted with 777 , and one is mounted with 555   , i don't understand why they are mounted with different default permissions02:14
spOie, i did not specificify permissions but that is what they were mounted as02:14
aicrasorry Apollo2366, I don't know what else todo,02:15
aicra 02:15
aicramaybe google?02:15
garchonixsPO, maybe it is showing the access permissions from the server? just guessing02:15
Apollo2366thanks anyway02:15
aicraApollo2366, maybe try playing something with mplayer -ao pulse, and see if it gives you some information02:16
aicraApollo2366, good luck02:16
blaz_Apollo2366: can you run mplayer from the console and check if there are any error messages about sound?02:16
Apollo2366clas_ yeah, hold on02:16
Apollo2366blaz_ yeah, hold on02:16
ARMENIANhow do i format a flash drive in ubuntu?02:17
ARMENIANsomeone, anyone?02:18
Apollo2366blaz_ no errors at all. Just no sound02:18
garchonixARMENIAN, i know of a way using the command line, dunno if there is an easy one with the GUI02:18
MK13ARMENIAN, mkfs -t <fstype> /dev/sdXX02:18
blognewbHelp! oh no :( "aptitude: command not found02:18
blognewbwhat should be done?02:18
=== root is now known as Guest66319
blognewbdid i delete something?02:19
Guest66319how can i get ubuntu 9.04 to work on a PC with intel integreted grahics 855?02:19
MK13ARMENIAN,  or you can install gparted for a gui approach02:19
ARMENIANMK13: ok so mkfs -t NTFS but what is the /dev/sd does it matter?02:19
Apollo2366blaz_ wait, It gave me something: Starting playback...02:19
Apollo2366Cannot sync MAD frame.0 (29.0)  0.7%02:19
Apollo2366Cannot sync MAD frame02:19
Apollo2366Cannot sync MAD frame.0 (29.0)  0.7%02:19
ARMENIANMK13: command line is better if i can just figure out what i should set the /dev/ to02:19
FloodBot2Apollo2366: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:19
aicrablognewb, sudo apt-get install aptitude02:20
Guest66319if anyone can please help i would much appreciate02:20
QuiwHm ..02:20
ARMENIANhow do u check the devices?02:20
garchonixARMENIAN, plug your pendrive and when you see it mounted, type "mount" in a terminal02:20
MK13ARMENIAN,  the /dev/sdXX is where your USB drive is ("sudo fdisk -l" can help you find the right /dev/sdXX)02:20
blaz_Apollo2366: did it say something about 'no sound' and then continue playback?02:20
zherkehziWhat's something I could tweak in ubuntu. I'm running out of ideas02:21
binarymutantwhy does mplayer start and exit fullscreen whenever I play or stop a video? It's annoying02:21
garchonixthe device will be mounted somewhere under /media02:21
Apollo2366blaz_, no, that's all the output I got, besides the normal playback output.02:21
Guest66319how can i get ubuntu 9.04 to work on a PC with intel integreted grahics 855?02:21
blognewbo_o it worked thank you aicra. is it really not installed on ubuntu 9.04?02:22
sebsebseb!intel |  Guest6631902:22
ubottuGuest66319: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.02:22
blaz_Apollo2366: I don't know then, sorry...02:22
Guest66319thank you so much sir02:22
sebsebsebGuest66319: maybe you can't,  but I read something about 9.10 having a fix for the Intel issues02:22
Apollo2366Shit, well thanks anyway.02:22
Guest66319which version of ubuntu works with intel 855?02:22
sebsebsebGuest66319: however 9.10  final won't be out untill end of October02:22
Guest66319i used pone years back and cant remeber which one worked02:22
sebsebsebwith the default Ext4 :)    and  people get full  support only when they do a proper clean install02:23
sebsebsebGuest66319: did you recently upgrade to 9.04 or something?02:23
Guest66319i just installed it and the screen is black02:23
Quiwhm ..02:23
Guest66319im using slax off a cd now02:24
sebsebsebGuest66319: oh right  that's kind of interesting02:24
sebsebsebGuest66319: ok if you want Ubuntu,  and since you got  Intel graphics card, your probably better off putting 8.10 on for now02:24
Guest66319sebsebseb you are a good man!02:24
soreauGuest21901: The question you want to ask is which intel driver will work with your intel card02:25
sebsebsebGuest66319: yep the previous version http://releases.ubuntu.com   then  you can clean install and do 9.10  when it's out :)02:25
kunjiGuest66319:  It isn't working at all?  Or is it just the acceleration that isn't working?02:25
rafaelscjhow to check the percentage of disk fragmentation?02:25
sebsebsebGuest66319: remember to md5sum your ISO  before burning to make sure it's a good one02:25
sebsebseb!md5sum |  Guest6631902:25
ubottuGuest66319: To verify the integrity of a download, use the md5sum - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM for more02:25
Guest66319once it boots i hear the startup sound and the screen get corupted and goes black02:25
sebsebseb!defrag |   rafaelscj02:25
ubotturafaelscj: The default Ubuntu filesystem (ext3) is engineered to avoid fragmentation issues in most cases, see http://linkpot.net/behead/ for a simple example on how it achieves this.02:25
soreauGuest21901: If you're getting a black screen, you should post /var/log/Xorg.0.log somewhere02:25
garchonixrafaelscj: depends on the fs02:25
sebsebsebsoreau: wrong Guest02:26
soreauGuest66319: Can you access the hard drive from the slax live cd?02:26
Guest66319thanks everyone i will download ubuntu 8.10 for now02:26
Guest66319yes you can02:26
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sebsebsebGuest66319: to be honest 9.04  is a bit of a bad release,  so  8.10 :)02:26
Guest66319i have to go thanks all!!02:26
ARMENIANmk13 hmm I was able to get everythign btu when i set -t to NTFS it ended up formatting to etx3/ext4, weird02:26
soreausebsebseb: Bah, auto nick completion always goes to hell in this wretched channel02:26
ARMENIANi need it in NTFS02:26
th0rsebsebseb: a 9.04 user agrees02:27
rafaelscjgarchonix, it's ext2. i want to analize that percentage.02:27
Apollo23669.04 sucks, never use it.02:27
MK13ARMENIAN,  i am checking on how to format is to ntfs, one sec02:27
sebsebsebth0r: yeah  I am using 9.04 at the moment as well,  but   I will clean install, and  get KDE 3 from the repo, and run that for a while,  with karmic and such in virtual machine :)02:27
sebsebsebth0r:  and with Ext4 of course,  running that now  for 9.0402:27
ARMENIANMK13: ok thanks :)02:28
=== PingJocky_ is now known as PingJocky
th0rsebsebseb: been debating if it would be worth backing up to 8.10. I also run ext4 in jaunty02:28
sebsebsebth0r: my partition set up etc,  so  it's  easier and better to just clean install, to sort out02:28
garchonixrafaelscj: e2fsck -nv /dev/hda5|grep config02:28
sebsebsebth0r: 8.10 does not have Ext402:28
th0rsebsebseb: same here...partitioned so I can nuke the system and keep home02:28
sebsebsebth0r: 9.10 will use by default :)   ,but people must clean install for full support02:28
garchonix(change sda5 of course)02:29
th0rsebsebseb: yeah...been trying to hold out for 9.10 instead of 8.10....but keep stubbing my toes on jaunty02:29
sebsebsebth0r: what kind of issues?02:29
=== blaz_ is now known as DeskRabbit
MK13ARMENIAN, "http://www.online-tech-tips.com/computer-tips/format-usb-ntfs/"02:29
garchonixrafaelscj: also http://linuxgazette.net/164/misc/lg/2_cent_tip__ext2_fragmentation.html may be of interest02:29
sebsebsebth0r: I  thought about putting another distro on my hard disk  properly,  because of jauntey, but...02:29
th0rsebsebseb: my sound doesn't always work at bootup. Been trying to find out what is going on, but so far all I know is I have to reboot to get it back, sometimes two or three times.02:30
ARMENIANMK13: i know how to do it in Windows :P I want to do it in ubuntu02:30
th0rsebsebseb: I also lost my wifi to 28-14...so I have frozen jaunty at 28-13 and turned off updates02:30
sebsebsebth0r: that's a bit sucky02:31
DenisIm just so happy today :)02:31
spOis there a way to sudo -i one whole desktop session ?02:31
bastidrazorth0r, 28-15 just came out today02:31
th0rsebsebseb: and the worst is this laptop is ati video...so no support any more02:31
* macgyver_ is tearing his hair out trying to get dual monitors working02:31
th0rbastid_razor: yeah...I am debating giving it a try02:31
sebsebsebth0r: sounds like maybe you should go to 8.1002:31
emrahhello everyone02:31
hyperionx11 i'm not happy i sold my desktop to party02:31
sebsebsebth0r: then clean install   and give 9.10 a try when it's released02:31
th0rsebsebseb: yeah...I know I should...but getting lazy in my old age02:31
tsrk_anyone have any idea why rsync'ing large amounts of data is causing a kernel panic on the receiving server?02:31
bastidrazorth0r, you can always remove it if it doesn't work.. apt-get is very kernel friendly that way02:32
blognewbhey guys another dumb question, suppose i'm upgrading/installing/updating something via PuTTy and it got disconnected, will the incomplete files remain? What is the right thing to do? THANKS!02:32
hyperionx11i phoned this guy giving away free monitors so I could powerup my sparc and he brings me vga monitors from 1992 that make a weird smell when I turned them on02:32
th0rbastid_razor: yeah...already had to do that with 28-1402:32
soreauth0r: No support for which graphics card?02:32
hyperionx11they r sitting in the rain right now02:33
sebsebsebth0r: well as the saying goes,  newer is not always better,  so  true,  also with Ubuntu it's not about what is new, it's about what is still supported02:33
th0rsoreau: it is an ati card....650 I think02:33
binarymutantah mplayer is driving me insane, it starts+exits fullscreen when I ever I play or stop a video. How can I stop this?02:33
MK13ARMENIAN, my bad... wrong link, but i don't think ubuntu can format in ntfs :(02:33
spOi can do sudo -i from console, but how do i make my whole desktop session sudo -i ?02:34
ARMENIANMK13: really, well that sucks, but doesn't gparted do it, I believe it does02:34
th0rsebsebseb: what really aggravates me...I had the 8.10 cd in my hands and was about to install it, and decided at the last minute to download jaunty instead02:34
sebsebsebspO: why?02:34
th0rsebsebseb: God don't help dumb <smile>?02:34
bazhangspO, you would not want to do that02:34
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sebsebsebth0r: what was that?02:34
soreauth0r: That card is supported by the open ati driver. Works ootb, no more fooling with driver installation. Not to mention, the ati driver has improved ever greatly in the past year since amd bought ati and is releasing specs, working with the open radeon driver developers02:35
zhxk`hello, may ubuntu ppp connect to windows ?02:35
garchonixARMENIAN,MK13: ntfsprogs can't do it?02:35
bastidrazorspO, to run graphical applications you could use gksudo applicationname from a terminal02:35
zhxk`hello, may ubuntu ppp connect to windows over uart?02:35
th0rsebsebseb: ...a dumb move on my part....downloading jaunty instead of installing 8.1002:35
rafaelscjgarchonix, that command found too many errors02:35
sebsebsebth0r: yeah well naturally you think the later one is going to be better for you,  but  that won't always be the case,02:35
sebsebsebth0r: shame 8.10 isn't a LTS it was a great release02:36
soreauth0r: I suspect karmic will have the option for dri2 on radeon cards up to r5xx02:36
sebsebsebth0r: it is  a great release I should say02:36
th0rsoreau: I do have the card working, even have xfce compositing. But the video still leaves something to be desired02:36
zhxk`hello, may ubuntu ppp connect to windows over uart, and can ping to windows?02:36
garchonixrafaelscj, then your hd is failing?02:36
soreauth0r: Such as? And which driver are you using?02:36
th0rsoreau: there is video tearing when I move windows around, and some flickering with google earth and such02:36
ARMENIANgarchonix: hmm havent tried it was hoping ubuntu had a built in option02:36
schiz0idok, here's a prob im having. I tried to apt-get install the kubuntu desktop image, and it said i had to manually run dpkg --configure -a. i did that, and it went through this whole long process and then said aborted. before this, i tried synaptic with basically the same result. what do i do now?????02:36
MK13ARMENIAN,  the ntfs choice in my gparted is faded out and unselectable02:36
soreauth0r: dri2 will fix the flickering with opengl + compositing, and testing it here there is far much less tearing than years past of the reverse engineered driver02:37
th0rsoreau: I am using the radeon driver...just read something about blacklisting that and using something else...but haven't gotten back to that url to read further yet02:37
schiz0idall im trying to do is switch my GUI to KDE, didnt think it would be this hard :(02:37
rafaelscjgarchonix, i've formated it recently02:37
rafaelscjgarchonix, yesterday02:38
garchonixrafaelscj, but if you have s.m.a.r.t. errors, it means the hardware is failing or about to02:38
soreauth0r: Now is the time to go with ati, by the end of the year the driver will be working very well with 2.6.31 and later kernels (KMS kernel mode setting)02:38
garchonixARMENIAN: http://man.linux-ntfs.org/mkntfs.8.html02:38
DenisPONG 124917711702:38
schiz0idis there some other way to install KDE?02:39
soreauschiz0id: yes02:39
Dr_Willisschiz0id:  at the login screen  theres a sessions menu to select what desktop to use.02:39
sebsebsebschiz0id: you can even get KDE 3 from a repo  or  remix cd02:39
soreauschiz0id: install kde-desktop02:39
Dr_Willisschiz0id:  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop to install kde402:39
th0rsoreau: well, the laptop is really nice, so I put up with the video. And I, unlike some, am willing to sacrifice a little, I realize linux isn't 100% out of the box...needs tweaking and gentle loving care <smile>02:39
sebsebseb!kde3 |  schiz0id02:39
ubottuschiz0id: Kubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Jaunty does not include KDE3 but a remix install CD can be obtained at  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty . This is not officially supported. Support, instructions and ways to contribute can be found on the wiki page02:39
* sebsebseb is not much of a KDE 4 fan02:39
lazyPowerRepo's having issues? I'm having mad issues trying to get some updates.... buncha size mismatches on the US archive server, and switching to the "official server" has yielded a missing gpg key....02:39
rwwschiz0id: you getting dpkg errors is a symptom of something being wrong with your package manager, which you should fix, not work around.02:39
soreauth0r: heh :)02:39
lazyPowerShould probably note i'm using 9.0402:40
schiz0idrww: how do i fix it then?02:40
rafaelscjgarchonix, -> Inode 3571767, i_size is 1389227, it should be 1396736.  Correct? no02:40
BitTorrentDr_Willis: thank's for you help.02:40
Dr_WillisBitTorrent:  oh? Ive been at the grocery store for the last 2 hrs.. I think.. :)02:40
ogr3firefox is acting up on me. how do i kill this process? normally I would google my answer but my browser isnt responding02:40
macgyver_all how can I get my Toshiba to load dual monitors? that probbaly sounds like a n00bie question, but I have pretty much tried everything02:40
lazyPowerogr3, ps aux | grep firefox02:40
schiz0idwait, let me try that menu u were talking about. brb02:40
lazyPowerogr3, kill -9 processid02:40
rwwschiz0id: well, first step would be copying the output from dpkg --configure -a to http://paste.ubuntu.com/ ...02:40
spOi try to chown my externel NTFS usb drives, but it isn';t working02:41
garchonixrafaelscj: you told me smartctl reported errors right?02:41
macgyver_I am running the ATI/AMD proprietary FGLRX graphics driver02:41
Dr_WillisspO:  you DONT chown/chmod ntfs/vfat filesystem files02:41
Dr_WillisspO:  you must mount them with the proper options to set the permissions/ownerships02:41
soreaumacgyver_: Have you tried amdcccle?02:41
ARMENIANMK13: yeah I just tried it on gparted same thing02:41
ARMENIANbut i think i found a solution02:42
lazyPowerRepo's having issues? I'm having mad issues trying to get some updates.... buncha size mismatches on the US archive server, and switching to the "official server" has yielded a missing gpg key.... I'm running 9.04, default install thus far.02:42
rafaelscjgarchonix, don't know, that's a line of the output02:42
macgyver_soreau, yes I have that installed, but it is asking for xinerama or something02:42
soreaumacgyver_: Or something? show the output02:42
garchonixthat couldnt be the output of smartctl02:42
rafaelscjgarchonix, does that command show s.m.a.r.t errors?02:43
MK13ARMENIAN, what is your suggested solution?02:43
macgyver_soreau, I cannot show the output, its  GUI02:43
spOis there something that handles power of external usb drives well or better than generic and default configuration?02:44
soreaumacgyver_: GUI goes tot he monitor which is an output device02:44
ARMENIANMK13: well i just installed ntfsprogs and gparted now allows me to choose it :) solved02:44
spOis there a command or something that will allow me to turn off my hard drives after 20 mnuutes or so02:44
garchonixrafaelscj: smartctl --all /dev/yourdisk02:44
macgyver_soreau, I have the ATI control centre installed, right now I have both screens the same02:45
macgyver_I would like the extended desktop02:45
blognewbhello, i'm installing imagick on ubuntu and at the very last line of the installation it said "ERROR: `Make` FAILED" what should i do?!?! :'(02:45
paddy_melonhey guys02:45
soreaumacgyver_: So you're using clone mode currently and you want to extend the desktop to the other monitor02:45
macgyver_soreau, correct02:45
macgyver_xorg.conf only shows 1 screen though02:45
rafaelscjgarchonix, 258 non-contiguous files (19.8%). 19,8?02:46
soreaumacgyver_: If you can't show what it says when you try to do that, I'm not sure I can be of much help02:46
MK13ARMENIAN, yea i was thinking that would help too, but i am on dialup here so i couldn't install anything02:46
paddy_melonis there a way I can get a touchscreen monitor cheap or change one of my normal monitors to make it touchscreen? Will Ubuntu support it? Any guides?02:46
ARMENIANMK13: ohh ok :P02:46
DarwinSurvivorIs there a way to make urbanterror use OSS4 (which I have installed and works with all other apps) instead of ALSA (which I removed)?02:46
jjzoolyn00b question....do I need a samba user to set up between xp and ubuntu?  Keep getting annoying login screen on xp02:46
garchonixrafaelscj: that's high02:46
Dr_Willispaddy_melon:  never seen a 'cheap' one.  :)  the ones i have tried.. are less then 'usefull' in many ways..02:47
macgyver_soreau, basically I have the ATI drivers install and the ATI control centre, the control centre says I need xinerama enabled02:47
macgyver_I am unsure how to acheive that02:47
canthus13paddy_melon: Ebay.02:47
paddy_meloncan I mod mine though?02:47
Dr_Willisjjzooly:  if you want xp to access 'shares' you install samba on the server02:47
helperhow i can compare the md5sum to check if the file is not corrupted?02:47
kunjiI'm having some trouble installing ddclient properly... could someone help me troubleshoot this?02:47
soreaumacgyver_: So enable xinerama? Pastebin your X log02:47
paddy_melonEG put on like a touchscreen coating or something02:47
MK13ARMENIAN, i can't wait to get back to the university for >9MB/s d/l speeds :D02:47
canthus13paddy_melon: There's no such thing.02:47
garchonixrafaelscj: should be under 10% - 5%02:47
donnybrascowhen my system (or devices) goes to sleep, bluez no longer recognizes my devices without pairing them again.  Does anyone know how to solve this?02:48
Dr_Willispaddy_melon:  no idea on mods these days..  the things just are a tad gimmicky. using your finger to do fine 'pointing; often dosent work, and its a pain holding your arm up to do things..02:48
Dr_Willispaddy_melon:  unless you are using it for some specific appliocation. Like a Kiosk or similer02:48
canthus13paddy_melon: The 'coating' is a thin film with intersecting conductors that contact each other and act as buttons.02:48
paddy_melonbut, I've seen people mod laptops to make em touchscreen02:48
jjzooly@Dr_Willis ...I have...I have it very simple.  Browseable =yes guest ok =yes02:48
ARMENIANMK13: lol I get 20 Mb/s down here so like 2.5 MB/s down02:48
paddy_melon(im trying to do a desktop)02:48
jjzoolyi still get the login02:48
bazhangpaddy_melon, ??02:48
Dr_Willisjjzooly:  give the linux users a samba password with 'sudo smbpasswd -a USERnAME'  thats teh password to use when xp asks for one02:49
paddy_melonyes bazhang?02:49
rafaelscjgarchonix, do you know how to schedule that task to be done at system startup02:49
garchonixrafaelscj: mmm lemme check02:49
Dr_Willisjjzooly:  they are not rying to connect as 'guest' they are trying to connect as their xp user name.02:49
canthus13paddy_melon: The 'mod' probably involved either some sort of screen swap or an overlay that plugs into USB.02:49
Dr_Willisjjzooly:  i  use identical user names on xp and linux also. makes things easier02:49
paddy_meloncould I do that?02:49
jjzooly@Dr_Willis that will allow people to log in without a username or password on the network?  I want to make it public without having the login screen02:49
DarwinSurvivoranybody know how to get an application to use OSS instead of ALSA...??02:49
canthus13paddy_melon: Dunno.  Google it.02:49
paddy_melonOK thanks for ur help02:50
Dr_Willisjjzooly:  read up pn the samba docs about 'guest shares' i think theres a few other settings you have to disable.02:50
canthus13paddy_melon: Instructables might have something for ya.02:50
paddy_melonI'll check it out02:50
jjzooly@dr_Willis thanks!! will do02:50
Dr_Willisjjzooly:   theres some map invalid users to 'guest' option02:50
soreauDarwinSurvivor: Sometimes there is a config file in ~/, for instance ~/.gamename02:50
Dr_Willis!info samba-doc | jjzooly02:50
ubottujjzooly: samba-doc (source: samba): Samba documentation. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.1 (jaunty), package size 7806 kB, installed size 16060 kB02:50
macgyver_soreau, --> http://pastebin.com/m78e7349b02:50
helperif file give : md5sum: PacketTracer52_setup.exe: no properly formatted MD5 checksum lines found ( mean it's corrupted) ?02:50
EviltechieHow do you lower the max volume of a audio interface? I set the volume to zero, but it is still too loud.02:51
blognewbhi guys is "make" not installed in ubuntu 9?02:51
DarwinSurvivorsoreau: there are a bunch of OSS to ALSA wrapper apps, where are the ones that go from ALSA to OSS?02:51
Dr_Willisblognewb:  not by default02:52
soreaumacgyver_: xdpyinfo | grep -i xinerama <-- does this show any output?02:52
ubottuCompiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:52
blognewbDr_Willis: that's for me?02:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bluez02:52
naglehi! I am looking for help installing emacspeak on ubuntu02:52
Dr_Willisblognewb:  are you trying to compile software? If so  it is...02:52
soreauDarwinSurvivor: It doesn't work like that. Look in your home folder to see if there is a config file for the app you're trying to make use oss02:52
naglespecifically, I am stuck right now on how to set up a speech server.02:53
macgyver_soreau, yes I get XINERAMA XINERAMA02:53
blognewbDr_Willis: i was trying to pecl install imagick... then it gave me a ERROR make failed :(02:53
DarwinSurvivorsoreau: it's UrbanTerror (Quake3 mode), and there is a folder, but nothing in there says alsa or oss (I grep'ed it)02:53
donnybrascodoes anyone here know how to make bluez recognize my bluetooth devices when the system or a device wakes up from standby?02:53
soreaumacgyver_: Then I guess amdcccle is confused, no idea why though.02:53
spOso ubuntu doesn't have anything to power down individual devices like hard drives as specific times?02:53
soreauDarwinSurvivor: Then ask the developers of said game(s)02:54
Dr_WillisspO:  thers the various hdparm power saving settings..  you could try.. but my external usb drives handle that by theirselfs..02:54
garchonixrafaelscj still there?02:54
DarwinSurvivorsoreau: i'm trying to. You said "it doesn't work that way" when I mentioned wrappers. Why would it be possible to wrap an OSS app to use ALSA but no the other way around?02:54
soreauDarwinSurvivor: No idea. Ask in #alsa02:55
macgyver_soreau, is there somewhere I can paste a screenshot?02:55
soreaumacgyver_: omploader.org picpaste.com speedyshare.com02:55
jjzooly@Dr_Willis; ubottu: Thanks a million...one little security setting had to be adjusted.  Found it in the docs.02:55
rafaelscjgarchonix, yes02:55
MK13ARMENIAN, "http://i26.tinypic.com/s25hg8.png", i needed the screenshot for a tutorial :D02:56
Dr_Willisjjzooly:  with samba it pays to read the docs ;)02:56
jjzoolyDr_Willis yep.....lessoned learned02:56
ARMENIANMK13: lol wow that's crazy02:56
ARMENIANMK13: what amazes me more is the fact that that server actually allows uploads of those speeds to just one ip02:57
garchonixgarchonix: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/243064/02:57
macgyver_soreau, --> http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-Catalyst_Control_Center.png02:57
MK13ARMENIAN, i know... i usually have to use a d/l manager02:58
mbrigdanHello, I have just found out that SNORT has been sending 'mail' alerts to root@mycomputer for quite a while now. Is there anyway that I can get this to go to my real email address?02:59
soreaumacgyver_: It's telling you to look in the Display Manager section (there on the left) to enable the other monitor02:59
macgyver_soreau, they are --> http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-Catalyst_Control_Center-1.png02:59
ARMENIANMK13: yeah I mean i have a few screenshots bu they're me maxing out my connection on less than legal torrents ;P03:00
canthus13mbrigdan: did you look in snort.conf?03:00
MK13ARMENIAN, gotcha03:00
soreaumacgyver_: And in the multi-display tab there?03:00
=== Odin is now known as th0r
pretender_gnome do wont auto start in docky mode ubuntu 9.04 NR03:01
diablaqui parle français là?03:01
macgyver_soreau, --> http://picpaste.com/Screenshot-Catalyst_Control_Center-2.png03:01
bobwhoopsI'm currently trying to install ubuntu side-by-side with vista. Partitioning is taking a while and is stuck at 0%. Is this normal? I'm assuming it's defraging the disk or something?03:02
Teclysje la parle.03:02
jefinc!french | diabla03:02
ubottudiabla: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr03:02
macgyver_and the second monitor is a Samsung LCD, not a CRT03:02
bazhangdiabla, #ubuntu-fr pour francais03:02
Dr_Willisbobwhoops:  if you told ubuntu to 'resize' the ntfs partition - yes. that can take a VERY long time03:02
Dr_Willisbobwhoops:  i find it faster/safer to have vista resize its own partitions.03:02
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr03:02
Dr_Willisbobwhoops:  i find it 'best' to keep both os's on their own hard drives. :)03:03
bobwhoopsDr_Willis: Eh, well, I already started. Thanks03:03
bazhangdiabla, /join #ubuntu-fr03:03
mbrigdancanthus13: Yeah, I can find anything03:03
DiViN3hello anyone can help me with bind9 issue03:03
bobwhoopsDr_Willis: just wanted to make sure taking a while was expected behavior03:03
canthus13mbrigdan: Hmm.03:03
soreaumacgyver_: You should be able to do it there from amdcccle but if you'd like I could show an example of enabling BigDesktop mode in xorg.conf03:03
Dr_Willisbobwhoops:  yep. resizing under vista is like 3x faster at least then last i tried it under ubuntu03:03
macgyver_soreau, that would be great thanks.03:04
lazyPowerRepo's having issues? I'm having mad issues trying to get some updates.... buncha size mismatches on the US archive server, and switching to the "official server" has yielded a missing gpg key.... I'm running 9.04, default install thus far.03:04
DiViN3anyone can help me with >>> this problem rndc: connect failed: connection refused03:04
DatzHello, for the first time in a year, I can't see my network folder for my ubuntu pc, it is setup using samba. I have already tried "sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart"  It seemed to stop and start the deamon just fine. Does anyone have any tips?03:05
helperDiViN3 check config of bind903:05
garchonixdiabla yes03:05
helperDiViN3 did you reload 1st the rndc  ?03:05
DiViN3helper : i have checked all the the bind903:05
macgyver_soreau, BRB rebooting to check the bios03:05
helperDiViN3 did you restart it then reload the rndc ?03:06
bazhangdiabla, #gnewsense for support03:06
Dr_WillisDatz:  this is from a XP box trying to access a ubuntu box?03:06
canthus13mbrigdan: check out this article... http://www.linux.com/archive/articles/2989503:07
noobedoes anyone here know "directions" to set up video recording with a pci capture card ( I know that should be in other channel, but seems they're all sleeping03:07
DatzDr_Willis: Sorry it I should have said it is from win vista03:08
Dr_WillisDatz:  you could check the samba logs..  see if anything is mentioned as trying to connect.03:08
DatzDr_Willis: great idea, thanks03:08
noobeI have in other pc ubuntu studio03:08
Dr_WillisDatz:  or on vista just enter the full 'url' to the share..  //servername/sharename03:08
DatzDr_Willis: I wish I could remember it03:08
Dr_WillisDatz:  use the 'findsmb' command on linux03:09
=== iosif is now known as anachoret
Dr_WillisDatz:  and theres smbtree command also03:09
noobedoes anyone here know "directions" to set up video recording with a pci capture card ( I know that should be in other channel, but seems they're all sleeping03:09
Dr_Willisnoobe:  this is a tv tuner card with video in? or some other special kind of card?03:10
noobeyes with bt878 chips 4 sound and for video in03:11
soreaumacgyver_: Again, this is merely an example. The most important parts are DesktopSetup in the Device section and the screens lines in the ServerLayout section http://pastebin.com/mcc1d99e03:11
Shortguy109is there a server for hydrogen? the drum machine thing03:11
Shortguy109is there a channel for hydrogen? the drum machine thing i mean03:11
Dr_Willisnoobe:  check the mythtv forums perhaps for some tips. If the thing makes a proper /dev/whatever entry i think you can use mencoder or ffmpeg to captuer video from it.03:11
noobeI have 4 diferent cards but I am not making to put any of them working03:11
LoCedAnyone know why a 1gb nic (used 100MB), would just start going at 10MB, and disconnect when I try to hardset it back to 100?03:12
macgyver_soreau, thanks, I will keep playing03:12
DiViN3anyone can help me with >>> this problem rndc: connect failed: connection refused03:12
rafaelscjgarchonix, i am downloading various mp3 files, some of these are imcomplete. should it be the cause of that errors?, or should i unmount before doing that comand?03:12
=== alejandro is now known as diagonalizador
noobethanks Dr_Willis03:12
canthus13diagonalizador: What were you doing to get the error?03:13
DiViN3Dr_Willis : can u help me with : rndc: connect failed: connection refused03:13
canthus13DiViN3: What were you doing to get the error?03:13
garchonixrafaelscj: what command?03:13
DiViN3canthus13 : nothing03:13
rafaelscjgarchonix, e2fsck -nv /dev/sda403:13
DiViN3canthus13 : all i did was restart the server03:13
Surlent777hey, just checking, but would it be considered a cause for alarm or at least mild worry if typing "ls *.flv" in your ~/Videos folder produces the message "invalid option -- '_'", but typing that same command anywhere else on your file system either lists flv files or states that none were found?03:14
garchonixrafaelscj, i don't think that command will harm anything, as the "-n" is for read only operation03:14
garchonixiow, you don't need to unmount before03:15
DatzDr_Willis: I see this in the log http://pastebin.com/m17bed83c03:15
canthus13DiViN3: It's got to do with named, I think... Gimme a sec.03:15
canthus13DiViN3: Did you edit bind.conf?03:16
canthus13DiViN3: Err. named.conf.options, rather.03:16
Dr_WillisDiViN3:  never used rndc sorry.. looks like its trying to connect to localhost is that what you really want?03:18
DiViN3canthus13 : http://pastebin.ca/1515357   <---- u can have a look at the log03:19
LjLSurlent777: means some of your filenames begin with a weird character03:19
Surlent777LjL: then why does it work if I type "ls ~/Videos/*.flv"?03:19
macgyver_soreau, the difference with yours to mine is "Identifier "aticonfig-Screen" whereas mine referes to "Identifier "amdcccle-Screen"03:19
Surlent777LjL: and I am quite sure that this used to work normally until recently. I fear corruption of some sort.03:20
milo__hey. Please can someone explain me why i can't clearly watch videos on youtube and dailymotion?03:20
hyperionx11should nip amd in the ass03:20
milo__sometimes i can't even watch youtube and dailymotion videos on facebook03:20
hyperionx11im undecided if I should buy a nvidia or ati MSI notebook03:21
canthus13DiViN3: Did you alter it at all? One misplaced space can make all the difference.03:21
Dr_Willismilo__: clarify what you mean by 'clearly'  normally the flash stuff works.. or it dont.03:21
soreaumacgyver_: The identifier line can be named anything, as long it is the same throughout the file03:21
DiViN3canthus13 : i have never touched it at all03:21
Surlent777hyperionx11: nvidia tends to be awesome and well supported on every OS that matters03:21
canthus13DiViN3: 'k.03:21
DatzDr_Willis: If you have any ideas, could you pm me, I have to go now, thanks03:22
hyperionx11Surlent777, yea i feel bad matrox is out and ive heard theres a few S3 cards out there now and intel GMA03:22
canthus13DiViN3: Port 953 is the BIND control socket.  Try restarting BIND.03:22
milo__Dr_Willis: my problem is that there is a deplacement between the sound and the video itself and when i try to watch videos on youtube it slows firefox03:22
DiViN3i hve tried restarting03:22
Dr_Willismilo__:  you may want to try one of those various video downloaders/converters   ive never had sound/sync issues03:23
milo__Dr_Willis: yeah but i  what if all i want is to watch the video online and not to download it?03:23
hyperionx11i think i will buy fujitsu maybe its got S303:24
hyperionx11im sick of the battle of ati nvidia03:24
hyperionx11my ultrasavage in my thinkpad plays quakeworld its the only thing id need from graphics other than blender and compiz03:24
Surlent777always have a system that can handle future expansion and unforseen uses03:25
spaceBARbarianare there any apps i can use to add separate wallpapers to my monitors ?03:25
hyperionx11like i bet this s3 chrome 540 gtx blows away some cards and its only 256mb gddr303:25
Dr_Willismilo__:  no idea. i dont bend over too far backwards for adobe and their problem prone flash any more.03:25
nanotubeDr_Willis: just a little backwards, then? :P03:26
milo__Dr_Willis: thank you anyway :)03:26
PytlaskHey all! Having a bit of a problem. Just installed Ubuntu (Intrepid) onto a laptop, but it is periodically 'crashing'. Essentially, everything stops responding except the mouse. Sounds also continue to play for ~5 minutes before dying. (I was able to ssh in while it was 'frozen', so the system itself is ok). Anybody have any idea what could cause this?03:26
Surlent777all I know re: Flash is that it works just fine for me and I'm even running the allegedly suspect 64-bit Ubuntu...I think I just got the restriced extras package and went from there =/03:26
nanotubePytlask: try disabling desktop effects, and see if the problem persists03:26
Dr_Willismilo__:  we can only hope that firefox 3.5 and the new video features..  blow adobe and flash out of the water.. and last weeks Security  Disaster with Flash..  has really woken up a lot of people03:27
=== bruno is now known as Guest85020
Dr_WillisSurlent777:  i have 64bit ubuntu and no flash issues for the most part.. its some SITES that cause teh issues...03:27
BitTorrentDr_Willis: are you using DSL on internet connection right now?03:27
milo__Dr_Willis: yeah03:27
spaceBARbarianare there any apps for managing multiple monitors ?03:27
Pytlasknanotube: I'll try that. Thanks :)03:28
nanotubePytlask: also another thing to try might be to get the latest ubuntu release (9.04), and see if that helps.03:28
Dr_WillisBitTorrent:  using cable modem.03:28
Guest85020hi all, just intalled 9.04 on two different pc's with same acer x193w monitor.  Quad core has 9800 gtx+ nividia card and the AMD has 6200 nividia.  Monitors are capable of 1440 x 900 but only the second (AMD) pc has that resolution by default.  On the quad core/9800gtx I can only go up to 1360 x 768.  ANy suggestions to get quad/gtx up to 1440x900?  Thanks in advance.03:29
Pytlasknanotube: Hmm, actually, the "Desktop Effects" option is turned to none. But I *do* have Compiz Config. I'm pretty sure some of that should stay enabled though (e.g. alt-tab). (And yes, this same thing occurred before installing Compiz Config)03:30
BitTorrentDr_Willis: dial up modem. lol03:30
Juan_a_Dayhelp help, I want to install a TX300F multifunction on debian, I've tried Cups with gutenprint 5.2.3 but my printer is not listed, is there a way to use a later version?03:32
nanotubePytlask: anything interesting in the system logs?03:32
Pytlasknanotube: Nope. Actually nothing within 1.5 mins in either direction of the crash itself.03:33
Guest85020 hi all, just intalled 9.04 on two different pc's with same acer x193w monitor.  Quad core has 9800 gtx+ nividia card and the AMD has 6200 nividia.  Monitors are capable of 1440 x 900 but only the second (AMD) pc has that resolution by default.  On the quad core/9800gtx I can only go up to 1360 x 768.  ANy suggestions to get quad/gtx up to 1440x900?  Thanks in advance.03:33
Grant-Aanyone need any help?03:33
Juan_a_Dayhelp help, I want to install a TX300F multifunction on debian, I've tried Cups with gutenprint 5.2.3 but my printer is not listed, is there a way to use a later version?03:33
nanotubePytlask: well, i'm out of ideas, then... maybe try 9.04 :)03:34
Juan_a_Daygrant-a: can you help me?03:34
Grant-ASurlent777: ...03:34
Grant-AJuan_a_Day: With?03:34
Pytlasknanotube: (Also, I'm hesitant to switch to Jaunty due to issues I've heard about with older ATI cards. Any idea if those have been solved?)03:34
Juan_a_Dayhelp help, I want to install a TX300F multifunction on debian, I've tried Cups with gutenprint 5.2.3 but my printer is not listed, is there a way to use a later version?03:34
Juan_a_Daygrant-a: help help, I want to install a TX300F multifunction on debian, I've tried Cups with gutenprint 5.2.3 but my printer is not listed, is there a way to use a later version?03:34
Grant-Ayou're trying to install something on debian?03:34
Juan_a_Dayon linux03:34
nanotubePytlask: try it with a livecd first.03:34
Grant-ASorry, but this channel is for Ubuntu support. Try ##linux or #debian03:34
Grant-Agood luck03:35
nanotubei have an ati9000 (rv250), and it works fine with jaunty, e.g.03:35
webb_bi need some help with gnome do , the docky part is really really sllow, when i move my mouse over it i get alot of lag , anyone got any ideas how to fix this03:35
webb_bit makes it almost un useable03:35
nanotubePytlask: i have an ati9000 (rv250), and it works fine with jaunty, e.g.03:35
Juan_a_Daygrant-a: ubuntu is from debian03:35
diablaje veux rejoindre ubuntu en français03:35
Surlent777diabla: #ubuntu-fr?03:36
nanotube!fr | diabla03:36
ubottudiabla: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr03:36
Grant-AJuan_a_Day: No, Ubuntu is a debian-based distribution. The two distributions interact a lot with each other, but this room is specifically for Ubuntu support. Sorry, but you'll have to try ##linux or #debian for debian support.03:36
bruno123Just switched to other computer.....hi all, just intalled ubuntu 9.04 on two different pc's with same acer x193w monitor.  Quad core has 9800 gtx+ nividia card and the AMD has 6200 nividia.  Monitors are capable of 1440 x 900 but only the second (AMD) pc has that resolution by default.  On the quad core/9800gtx I can only go up to 1360 x 768.  ANy suggestions to get quad/gtx up to 1440x900?  Thanks in advance.03:36
Juan_a_Daygrant-a: I have xubuntu installed03:36
diablaoui mais03:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu.fr03:36
Pytlasknanotube: Alright, I'll try checking it out. Thanks :)03:36
Grant-AJuan_a_Day: But you just said that you were trying to install something on Debian...?03:36
bruno123using nivida restricted hw driver03:36
nanotubePytlask:  :)03:36
bruno123on both03:36
nanotubediabla: "#ubuntu-fr"03:36
nanotubediabla: type "/join #ubuntu-fr" (sin quotes)03:37
Ademanis there any way to make apt-get give the line of offending sources? Apt is currently complaining about a repository not being trusted, but it only displays the host (ppa.launchpad.net) which isn't very helpful, as I am using several PPAs and I don't want to trust them all...03:37
nanotube!hi | joshtran03:37
ubottujoshtran: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:37
Surlent777that was pointless03:38
joshtrani just saw this in the full circle magazine and im trying it from irssi03:38
Juan_a_Daygrant-a: I'm a newbie I just thought that they were the same thing03:38
Grant-AJuan_a_Day: Oh, it's ok, we were all newbs at one time. ;)03:38
nanotubeSurlent777: heh03:38
Juan_a_Daygrant-a: thank you03:38
joshtranhow do you change your name?03:38
Surlent777/nick <nick>03:39
nanotubejoshtran: /nick03:39
Grant-Ajoshtran: /nick <nick>03:39
joshtranoops didnt work03:39
nanotubeheh, everyone likes the easy questions03:39
joshtranhold onm03:39
Surlent777haha yes03:39
Juan_a_Daygrant-a: I'm trying to install my epson TX300F but I don't find that model03:39
joshtranjoshtran: /nick josh03:39
macgyver_soreau, would you believe I have copied your xorg.conf file and replaced mine (made a backup of course) yours boots fine and I still have clone only!03:39
joshtranjoshtran: /nick <josh>03:39
Surlent777nein, just type /nick <newnickhere>03:39
ironmagmaHi, I'm trying to install the python Xtest module but I get this error: xtest.c:30:22: error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory... how could I get this file?03:39
macgyver_that was weird03:40
joshtranohhhh lol03:40
joshtrandid it work?03:40
Grant-A /nick nicknamehere03:40
joshtrandoes it just say josh?03:40
nanotubejoshtran: no03:40
nanotubejoshtran: nope03:40
soreaumacgyver_: What are your two monitor types?03:40
canthus13joshtran: josh is probably taken.03:40
Grant-Ajoshtran: Chances are that the name "Josh" is taken03:40
joshtranwatever im fine03:40
Surlent777forward slash, then your new name, then enter03:41
buckyironmagma: sudo apt-get install libx11-dev03:41
macgyver_one is the laptop other is Samsung LCD 20"03:41
joshtranoh the new name first?03:41
joshtrandid it work now?03:41
nanotubejoshtran: heh... are you sure you're typing precisely "/nick josh" (without quotes, and nothing else extraneous on the line?03:41
nanotubejoshtran: nope03:41
Grant-AJuan_a_Day: I'm sorry, but I don't have experience with that model.03:41
canthus13joshtran: Err. No.03:41
soreaumacgyver_: What does 'glxinfo -l|grep MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE' say?03:41
donnybrascoI'm having problems with bluez.  When my computer or a device paired with it goes on stand by, bluez no longer recognizes the device.  I have to delete the device and pair again.  Anyone have a solution to this problem?03:41
canthus13joshtran: The proper format is /nick <nick>  if it doesn't take, check your server messages.03:41
Grant-AJuan_a_Day: If for some reason you can't get help here, don't be discouraged. Try posting a topic at the UbuntuForums: http://ubuntuforums.org03:41
nanotubejoshtran: maybe the plain "josh" is already taken03:41
Surlent777josh is already in use03:42
Juan_a_DayGrant-A: thank you03:42
Surlent777I just checked03:42
joshtrandang it03:42
macgyver_soreau, --> GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 819203:42
=== joshtran is now known as josht
nanotubeSurlent777: heh03:42
joshtok i got it to work now03:42
nanotubejosht: indeed you did :)03:42
noquinhodo u know how to change looding screen ?03:42
joshtyay!! i just turned 15 and am pretty new to ubuntu03:42
Grant-Ajosht: The beautiful world of CLI apps, no? ;)03:42
soreaumacgyver_: Resolution shouldn't be an issue then. The official fglrx support channel is #ati but there's never anyone there. Try asking on the phoronix forums about your issue03:43
=== rp3_ is now known as rp3
joshtyea i guess actually seems better than gui kinda03:43
Grant-Ajosht: Congratulations03:43
macgyver_ok will do03:43
Surlent777josht: do you happen to live in southern Arizona?03:43
macgyver_thanks for your assistance soreau03:43
joshtnope i live in southern california03:43
Grant-ASurlent777: You googled his IP address. No fair :P03:43
Surlent777haha one off03:43
joshtive used ubuntu for 6 months and broke my system once already03:44
joshti still love it tho03:44
PytlaskSo I'm not looking at upgrading to 9.04 (from 8.10). Is there any way to roll back the change if I have problems? (I've heard of some issues with 3D games run through Wine not working)03:44
Grant-Ajosht: For off-topic chatting (I.E. not support related), go to #ubuntu-offtopic ;)03:44
nanotubeSurlent777: heh, ip geolocate shows los angeles, ca. :) could have saved yourself a question :P03:45
Surlent777indeed. I will make a note of that.03:45
bruno123anyone in here willing to help with display rez problem on nvidia 9800gtx03:45
joshtdoes anybody know a good guide for a 15 year old for gimp?? i think its a bit too advanced03:46
Surlent777oh hell, I meant to ask...I ran into an interesting problem: Both Puppy Linux and the Ubuntu 9.04 LiveUSB are unable to pick up my hard drive all of a sudden. Just how bad a sign is that?03:46
nanotubePytlask: not easily (unless you just make a backup of the disk, and all that). best way is to run from livecd, try all the things you suspect would not work and make sure they work, and if they do, then you're ok.03:46
Surlent777josht: I would just try and go through the help file bit by bit, and just experiment. That's how I learned the basics myself.03:47
joshtkool and is that on gimps homepage?03:47
Surlent777no, it comes with it03:47
canthus13noquinho: Apparently, you can't. there appears to be a bug in jaunty that keeps splashy from working.03:47
nanotubejosht: try googling for "gimp tutorial", you'll probably come up with a bunch of good stuff03:47
canthus13noquinho: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/splashy/+bug/32808903:47
joshtkool thanks very much03:47
=== s is now known as Guest83310
nanotubeSurlent777: hehe03:48
nanotube!hi Guest8331003:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi Guest8331003:48
nanotube!hi |Guest8331003:48
ubottuGuest83310: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:48
nanotubehehe, i like that silly little "!hi" command ;)03:49
Surlent777I would be more confused, but then I remembered that I turned off all /joins and /quits here03:49
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!03:49
Surlent777I like my !8-ball command03:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 8-ball03:49
nanotubeSurlent777: eh, it doesn't work, it seems :(03:49
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".03:49
Surlent7778-ball: is this a question?03:50
Surlent7778-ball says: Very doubtful03:50
YeTr2Surlent777: 8-ball says: Outlook so so03:50
Surlent777josht: it's /part03:51
nanotubejosht: "/part"03:51
nanotubejosht: also google for "irc tutorial" :)03:51
joshthaha oops i was gonna just try it still reading the magazine03:51
webb_bhow would i find out if my netbook has a nvidia  card03:52
Surlent777josht: all IRC commands are prefixed with a forward slash and accept parameters afterwards. For instance, /part Leaving would cause you to leave the room and print "Leaving"03:52
MK13is ubuntu able to hibernate to a swap file?03:53
nanotubewebb_b: run "lspci"03:53
nanotubeMK13: yes, hibernate works03:53
echosystmwhy are fonts so much bigger in ubuntu than windows? :/03:53
echosystmis it just my imagination?03:53
echosystmeverything looks huge03:53
joshtis it possible to scroll upward is irssi?03:53
bruno123I need help with display rez problem on nvidia 9800gtx.  Anyone in here ACTUALLY know anything??????03:53
Surlent777So, both Puppy Linux and the Ubuntu 9.04 LiveUSB are unable to pick up my hard drive all of a sudden. Just how bad a sign is that?03:53
Surlent777josht: page up03:53
AdemanSurlent777: sounds like a kernel issue...03:54
nanotubeechosystm: you can set them to whatever you want in system->preferences->appearance03:54
Surlent777Ademan: Both worked previously though, and neither has changed since  last successful attempt03:54
joshtohh thanks i thought u couldnt because the scroll bar03:54
nanotubeechosystm: but yes, the default gnome "look and feel" takes up more space than default windows look and feel03:54
webb_b00:00.0 Host bridge: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Memory Controller Hub (rev 03)03:54
webb_b00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)03:54
webb_b00:02.1 Display controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GM/GMS/GME, 943/940GML Express Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 03)03:54
echosystmwhere would i change the system-wide dpi ?03:54
webb_bis that nvidia03:54
echosystmwheres xconfig stored these  days03:55
Surlent777webb_b: that would be an Intel card03:55
nanotubeechosystm: /etc/X11/xorg.conf. but it's pretty empty by default due to the fancy X autoconfig capability...03:55
echosystmso i cant set the system wide DPI in there?03:56
cachedis there a way to increase the maximum volume (for headphones) on my laptop? My roommate, who has the exact same laptop (but is running windows), can play stuff much louder than I can, so I doubt it's a software problem. This generally wouldn't be a problem, but I know someone who is hard of hearing and was wondering how to increase the max volume.03:56
cachederr, I doubt it's a hardware problem that is03:56
nanotubeechosystm: oh no, you can still set anything you want in there. xorg.conf is still read and parsed. only the parts that are not there get autoset. if you set something there, it will work.03:56
Surlent777echosystm: A command you may find useful for many things: locate, ie locate file.ext. Sometimes you need to manually update it's database via sudo updatedb, I think03:56
Surlent777err its*03:56
echosystmthanks nanotube03:57
Surlent777beats the crap out of any of Windows' search tools, I tell you what03:57
blognewbhi guys im having issues after doing:03:57
blognewb"sudo pecl install imagick" the last line gave me this error: make: *** [imagick_helpers.lo] Error 1 ERROR: `make' failedi'm assuming there was a remaining incomplete install in the box since it gave that error. how do i clean it first? or do i have to do that?03:57
nanotubeechosystm: np03:58
nanotubeechosystm: one more thing03:58
joshthow many tabs can you have open in terminal?03:58
nanotubeif you go to sys -> prefs -> appearance -> fonts, and click "details", you can set the dpi in there too, without need to edit xorg.conf03:58
Surlent777josht: about as many as you'd ever want, so long as you have enough RAM03:58
echosystmyeah i tried that03:58
echosystmit doesnt seem to change anything03:58
echosystmsystem default is 96px03:58
echosystmi set it to 75, no change03:59
nanotubeechosystm: yea, that's what i have as default, too.03:59
cachedjosht: assume it's infinite. number of tabs generally won't be an issue.03:59
nanotubeechosystm: hmm, never tried changing that so don't know, but maybe it would help to logout and log back in?03:59
joshtoh i was starting to worry that after a couplle it would crash or something like 20 tabs in firefox03:59
NALIN4UBUNTUwhte is over new subject03:59
nanotubeechosystm: or restart x?03:59
Surlent777josht: You can also manage terminal tabs with the program "screen", although that's a bit more primitive and only really useful in a TTY (the thing you get when you press CTRL+ALT+F1 through F6. CTRL+ALT+F7 gets you back to X Windows)03:59
joshtthat made no sense to me... sorry04:00
nanotubeSurlent777: screen rocks. :) i use it when sshing to remote machines.04:00
joshtlet me try it04:00
Surlent777nanotube: I use it for irssi. In fact, I'm using it now in a TTY04:00
nanotubeSurlent777: heh ic04:00
nanotubeSurlent777: i'm an xchat guy when it comes to irc... :)04:00
joshtctrl shift f1 makes a P for some reason04:01
nanotubejosht: ctl -ALT-f104:01
nanotubejosht: to get back, its ctl alt f7, fyi04:01
joshtoh ctrl alt sorry04:01
nanotubeSurlent777: oh, you already said that ;)04:01
Surlent777console stuff is awesome...makes you look like you know what you're doing =D04:02
Surlent777do that and compile ksolitare or twin or something and they look at you like you're a hacker04:02
joshtwow that was weird just all terminal?04:03
Surlent777yes. Generally, no pictures04:03
joshti can still do cli stuff?04:03
kindofabuzzSurlent777, often faster to get things done too04:03
Surlent777oh yes04:03
nanotubeSurlent777: hehe, even better is running cat /dev/random in a terminal ehhe04:03
Surlent777josht: CLI = Terminal = TTY = Console04:03
joshtohhh '04:03
Surlent777more or less anyway04:04
joshti didnt know the difference04:04
Surlent777a TTY is a Console, and those are emulated by Terminals. All are CLIs04:04
Surlent777A Terminal is like a hole in X that lets you get to the Console/CLI backend that supports everything04:05
joshtso is there something where u boot into a tty for like old computers?04:05
nanotubeSurlent777: those terminals i think are called "vty" for "virtual terminal"...04:05
nanotubeSurlent777: all others are just terminals :)04:05
canthus13josht: Sure. Just don't install gdm.04:05
Surlent777sudo dpkg-reconfigure console-setup calls the F1-F6 TTY's04:05
bruno123I give up.  This channel is filled with pompous ignoramuses unwilling to help anyone but their own.04:06
Surlent777totally d99d04:06
Surlent777or they could simply not know04:06
Surlent777since they're like04:06
Surlent777volunteers and crap04:06
kindofabuzzsays the ignoramues04:06
FloodBot2Surlent777: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:06
bruno123Yeah, well trying to help is at least something.04:06
kindofabuzzbruno123, we're users just like you. we're not paid by anyone04:06
Bob_DoleOn the boinc manager thing, it seems to have an issue with the add project interface. The menu displaying available projects is much to small, only 1 project can fit in it, and it likes to show them between projects so you can't read most of them.04:06
Surlent777nanotube: your cat command is awesome =D04:06
nanotubeSurlent777: well, a tty is any terminal emulator. run "tty" from a gnome-terminal, itll tell you the device for it, too...04:07
nanotubeSurlent777: hehe04:07
half 8-)  :D  '<04:07
alex__anyone know any usefull sites for someone learning c++ in linux?04:07
bruno123No one is being paid....yeah I know that.  How about some free advice on my prob. then?04:07
=== Pytlask1 is now known as Pytlask
kindofabuzzhow about saying your problem?04:08
joshtdo you guys have friends that give u help with ubuntu cause i know noone in real life who uses it04:08
oblenobhey I need some kind of DV capture solution quickly that isn't kino04:08
bruno123I think I have about 5 times...but here goes again:  just intalled ubuntu 9.04 on two different pc's with same acer x193w monitor.  Quad core has 9800 gtx+ nividia card and the AMD has 6200 nividia.  Monitors are capable of 1440 x 900 but only the second (AMD) pc has that resolution by default.  On the quad core/9800gtx I can only go up to 1360 x 768.  ANy suggestions to get quad/gtx up to 1440x900?  Thanks in advance.04:08
oblenobI am filming the sunrise in timelapse04:08
oblenobbut kino seems to have permacrashed on me04:08
kindofabuzzjosht, well that's why you should get your friends using it. all my family and friends use some sort of linux04:09
Surlent777nanotube: tty prints the file name of the terminal connected to standard input. I don't think that means that a tty is a terminal emulator in general, but this is all admittedly obscure and confusing04:09
=== Ayita{Adon} is now known as Isla
bruno123kindofabuzz...there u go.  Your thoughts?04:09
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution04:09
Surlent777josht: I'm self-taught with the occasional help of these good people and Google04:09
nanotubeSurlent777: even better is /dev/urandom, produces more of the good stuff. :)04:09
kindofabuzz!xorg.conf | bruno12304:09
ubottubruno123: please see above04:09
Surlent777nanotube: noted. I actually did that instead of /random cause I misread your post04:10
joshtwell i found it from my cousin using in in vmware... got interested tried a live cd and know im in here after 6 months i still dont know much04:10
canthus13bruno123: That's odd. I'd have expected the 6200 to be the one giving you problems.04:10
half :)  :@04:10
Surlent777josht: Look for the Ubuntu Pocket Guide. I think you can find it in Synaptic, actually04:10
=== starcraft_ is now known as starcraftman
spOdo i need to install a boot loader if ubuntu is my only os i am using?04:10
nanotubejosht: for commandline stuff specifically, check out linuxcommand.org04:10
oblenobanyone able to help me?04:10
Tyrathhow do you install the new firefox?04:10
oblenobI the sun is getting close04:10
Surlent777sp0: I don't know of any other way to install Ubuntu; it automatically tends to install GRUB04:10
bruno123I liked the old days when u could actually edit the whole xorg.conf .  Now it is so sparse and more confusing if you was me...but I will check that site04:11
kindofabuzzjosht, linux isn't like windows where you learn everything in a day. there is going to be a learning curve. but once you're comfortable with it, goodbye windows04:11
Bob_Doleisn't lilo no longer supported?04:11
Surlent777Bob_Dole: It probably is, but I have no idea how to use it04:11
kindofabuzzbruno123, umm you can edit xorg.conf04:11
Surlent777kindofabuzz: Not everything is listed thanks to the autoconfig stuff is what he means04:11
bruno123canthus13 yeah really odd.04:11
canthus13oblenob: Did you try to uninstall and reinstall kino?04:11
joshtits basically goodbye windows i havent booted in 2 months but whenever people come over and want to use my laptop i boot into windows for them04:11
nanotubeoblenob: hm... don't know anything about kino... but maybe try to see if you can get the freshest version installed? or try what canthus13 said...04:12
Tyrathkindofabuzz josh977 : you can learn ubuntu as quickly as you can learn windows (you just can't learn the shell as quickly)04:12
spOsurlent, you can click on advance and not install it04:12
Surlent777sp0: I know, but as I said, I don't know how that'd work04:12
canthus13oblenob: Not sure then.04:12
bruno123kindofabuzz yes I know....but I liked it better back when all the info was in there instead of just "Configured Monitor" etc.04:12
oblenobcanthus13: I had been recording a timelapse all day today of the sky and it seems to be crashing trying to re-import thr file04:12
oblenobbut I don't want to delete it04:12
canthus13oblenob: All day? is the partition holding the files full?04:12
Surlent777josht: Get compiz working and that'll blow anyone away =D Also google for Tombuntu XWinWrap Compiz04:12
kindofabuzzbruno123, run sudo nvidia-xconfig then sudo nvidia-settings, make your resolution changes then hit apply to config04:13
Surlent777josht: It lets you use a video or xscreensaver as a background04:13
bruno123will try that...thanks04:13
* Bob_Dole hasn't run windows on any of his main boxes in a year or 3...well, there were a few in virtual machines, but those don't count..04:13
Tyrathdoes anyone know how to install the new firefox, or is it just a simple drop and replace. its a tarball not an executable - hence my dilemma04:13
bazhangTyrath, its in the repos04:13
joshti have compiz working its AMAZING love it but cant get anything to record it properly...04:13
bazhang!ff35 | Tyrath04:13
ubottuTyrath: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY04:13
nanotubeoblenob: kino 1.3.3 is available http://www.kinodv.org/article/static/1 maybe try it?04:13
Tyrathbazhang: thanks :)04:14
Surlent777Tyrath: If you open the .tar, there's usually a text file marked INSTALL that should be able to guide you...or you could go to those sites there, yeah =/04:14
kindofabuzzTyrath, just extract it wherever and then run ./firefox in that dir, if you want to use a new profile then ./firefox -P04:14
Bob_DoleBut I went to windows, then mac, then Linux...but while I windows I switched between windows and linux about once every other month.04:14
kindofabuzzthere is no install from the firefox tar04:14
nanotubebazhang: what's up with these shortened urls in there? i hate those, you never know where they're taking you...04:14
Surlent777josht: Try gtk-recordmydesktop04:14
kindofabuzzjust run ./firefox like i said04:14
bruno123back later.  Thanks.04:14
bazhangnanotube, they are done by the Ubuntu irc team04:15
TyrathSurlent777 kindofabuzz : thanks for the help, but I'll just install from the repo ;)04:15
nanotubebazhang: well, in that case: you hear this, ubuntu irc team, shortened urls suck!! :P04:15
kindofabuzzTyrath, ok take the easy way, but you'll never learn how to install anything if you don't try it sometime =)04:15
nanotubekindofabuzz: hehe04:15
Tyrathkindofabuzz: I've installed a lot of applications from source, so really, I don't need the practise :P04:16
Surlent777haha start with Aldrin on a 64-bit machine and tell me if you get it to work04:16
bazhangnanotube, kindofabuzz lets keep it on topic please04:16
joshtdoes anyone know how to record compix effects like the cube without black bars randomly running through it?04:16
kindofabuzzTyrath, then what hard about extracting the files then typing ./firefox? sorry bazhang04:16
Surlent777josht: not really, but --one sec, k?04:16
nanotubebazhang: talking about ubottu's help messages /is/ on topic, i think04:17
macgyver_nay gphoto2 tethered shooters here?04:17
Tyrathkindofabuzz: because I didn't untar it in command, I used the GUI, and consequently it looked like a bunch of folders. (couldn't see a configure file off a first glance)04:17
Surlent777josht: I just tried gtk-recordmydesktop and it seemed to deal with the cube ok04:18
Tyrathkindofabuzz: also. there's no point installing it from source if it's in the repo04:18
nanotubeTyrath: it's a binary package, so no need to configure.04:18
spOjosht, what do you like about compiz?04:18
Tyrathnanotube: ah k04:18
Tyrathkindofabuzz: unless the repo version is buggy, which I doubt it would be with firefox04:19
Surlent777I wish I could use Opera on Ubuntu again04:19
nanotubeTyrath: but at any rate - indeed, try the repos, see if it does it for you. also look for the firefox PPA, which has the latest firefox testing packages. also look for ubuntuzilla.here's a good page explaining all alternatives: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion04:19
josh___Irssi --The best irc client ever?04:19
Tyrathnanotube: I've already installed, but thanks :)04:19
nanotubeTyrath: ok, then you're good :)04:20
Surlent777josh___: though xchat is my favorite GUI client04:20
sebsebsebSurlent777  josh___  Konversation :)04:20
josh___I had pidgin up for a while, but it just doesn't have the feel I'm looking for.04:20
Tyrathjosh___: bitlbee is a light, quick chat client, only I don't know if it has support for GoogleTalk, Facebook, etc.04:21
Surlent777josh___: Pidgin I only use for AIM and Facebook. IRC is almost always irssi04:21
Tyrathjosh___: actually, you need irssi to use bitlbee04:21
e-nerdhi e-nerd here04:21
Surlent777amazingly useful04:21
Tyrathit's awesome. only im not sure if you can set it up to auto connect to servers04:22
Surlent777all your non-social-site-using friends in one tab04:22
josh___Ever since time warner dropped newsgroups, I stopped using them. Anyone here have suggestions where I might be able to get alt.os.linux04:22
Tyrathbut you can definitately set it up to auto execute commands for servers04:22
Surlent777josh___: I think I recall seeing something in Synaptic about newsgroups. Take a look in there04:23
Tyrathanyhow. i should do some work on my thesis. all the best. ciao04:23
masonfor some reason sudo command doesnt work on ubuntu 9 for ps304:23
josh___I'll check it out, thanks04:23
masonit says the user is not in the sudoers file? This is the latest ubuntu for the ps304:24
kindofabuzzjosh___, didn't Google purchase the newsgroups?04:24
Dr_Willismason:  only the first user you made is in the 'sudoers' groups04:24
masonit is the first user04:24
kindofabuzzjosh___, http://groups.google.com/04:25
josh___thanks kindofabuzz. I'll look and see if they support nntp04:25
kindofabuzzjosh___, i don't think they do04:26
spOjosh, you could use wine to run mirc04:27
Surlent777or you could use xchat =D04:27
purplenurpleanyone know how to disable the exit fullscreen function for flash04:28
purplenurplesorry exit fullscreen when I click on another window04:28
Surlent777I don't think you can change that =/04:28
purplenurpleit drives me nuts ... i like to watch videos while i'm working04:29
oblenobsame fail with new kino04:29
adelie42I have a computer with a soft raid. the partition does not show up in gparted using a 9.04 livecd. will dmraid give me the support I need04:29
zroyschadelie42: md raid?04:29
adelie42zroysch: how do I check? not certain04:30
zroyschadelie42: well how do you know its software raid04:30
spOdo any of you use ethernet bonding for two ehternet cards?04:31
adelie42zroysch: because both disks show up as unpartitioned sda and adb04:31
zroyschadelie42: any disk would do that04:31
purplenurplespO, I bridge two connections w/ my router04:31
zroyschadelie42: how did you setup the raid04:32
spOpurple, two ips or one ip?04:32
adelie42I was under the impression that hardware raid was seamless04:32
purplenurple2 ips ... 2 diff. ISP's04:32
zroyschadelie42: you said software raid.04:32
adelie42preconfigured on the laptop04:32
ubottursync is a fast remote file copy and synchronization program - For more see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/rsync04:32
=== Raffi_ is now known as raf
=== raf is now known as _raf_
adelie42zroysch: the installer sees one partitioned disk with windows not resizeable. gparted sees two disks unpartitioned04:33
oblenobcanthus13: latest version of kino, nothing04:34
zroyschadelie42: you think you can run windows software raid in linux? i have not heard of this.04:34
zroyschadelie42: maybe in a virtual machine04:35
adelie42zroysch: I have done it with dmraid in the past04:35
adelie42zroysch: mounting anyway, never installing04:35
zroyschadelie42: yea i have no idea. i run either md raid (at home) or hardware raid (at work)04:36
welltbhello..got a question..i installed a new wifi card to my desktop and i can't seem to get it to work.  i've tried a few things, but now it reads "device not managed"04:38
welltbany takers?04:38
purplenurplewelltb, have you installed the drivers for it?04:38
oblenobthe sun is up04:38
welltbi believe i have.  with ndiswraper, i beleave it is a broadcomm chipset04:39
pgrosso0433A music messaging session has been requested. Please click the MM icon to accept.04:39
welltbi'm a newbie by the way...04:39
Surlent777pgrosso0433: good luck. That plugin is crap.04:40
welltbpurplenurple: i was able to get the "activity" light to work, now it doesn't even come on.  At boot it hangs...using Crunchbang 9.04...04:41
pgrosso0433do you know how to get it to work04:41
Bradburytheres 1237 people in this room, and this is all the action?04:42
welltbpgrosso0433: are you asking me?04:42
purplenurplewelltb, what hangs the OS?  Did you or did you not install the drivers?04:42
blognewbhello>? does this install gcc? => sudo aptitude install build-essential04:43
Surlent777blognewb: It might!04:43
purplenurpleblognewb, yes it should04:43
blognewboh no :(04:43
welltbpurplenurple:yes, drivers installed.  at boot, i only see the splash screen.04:43
blognewbpurplenurple: then why do i get a "make" error on imagick installation?04:43
purplenurplewelltb, can you hit alt+F2 at the splash and see what is causing errors?04:44
welltbpurplenurple:  i will try...04:44
Dr_Willisblognewb:  perhaps its an error in the compiling of the  code. - theres 'installing' and then theres 'compiling'04:44
=== Grant-A_ is now known as Grant-A
purplenurpleblognewb, not sure ... imagemagick has many dependencies ... do you get any specific error messages?04:45
kattollikisdhi to all04:46
Dr_Willis!info imagemagick04:46
ubottuimagemagick (source: imagemagick): image manipulation programs. In component main, is optional. Version 7: (jaunty), package size 84 kB, installed size 304 kB04:46
Surlent777hey look an easily-installable package04:46
Dr_WillisI forget what is that command to install the 'dependencies' to 'build' an app..  sudo apt-get install deps PACKAGEname  or somthing like that.04:47
bastidrazorapt-get build-dep packagename04:47
Dr_Willisits handy to install all the dependencies/dev pckages for  somthing befor trying to build it from source. thatway all the -dev packages should be installed.04:47
kattollikisdCan i Install ubuntu and Kubuntu at the same time?04:47
Dr_Williskattollikisd:  install kubuntu-desktop and select 'kde' at teh GDM login screen.. and you have both :)04:48
Surlent777kattollikisd: yes. sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop04:48
kindofabuzzis there a command to see who's on ftp at the moment on my server?04:48
welltbpurplenurple: didn't hang this time...weird...04:48
oblenobgot the timelapse working04:48
Dr_Willischeck the ftp server logs?04:48
Surlent777kattollikisd: you'll want to go and find packages starting with kde in synaptic afterwards so you can get more KDE crap04:48
kattollikisdDr_Willis, Surlent777 and i can remove it complety if i want?04:48
bruenig!ohmy | Surlent77704:48
ubottuSurlent777: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.04:48
purplenurplewelltb, that's how good i am04:48
Dr_Williskattollikisd:  you can always remove things.. that may be a little harder..but doable...04:49
ubottuIf you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal04:49
Surlent777bruenig: good job at being late04:49
welltbpurplenurple:  cool, but no...won't get past wpa password now...04:49
bruenig!patience | Surlent77704:49
ubottuSurlent777: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.04:49
purplenurplewelltb, have you used this wireless AP w/ your system before04:49
welltbpurplenurple: no...04:50
Surlent777bruenig: ahahahahaha dude, where have I repeated a question in the last hour? Relax, have fun.04:50
buckyDr_Willis: sudo apt-get build-dep04:50
buckyimagemagick ?04:50
kattollikisdDr_Willis, Thanks :)04:50
brEzHey - I have an IPv4/6 tunnel running on my ubuntu // when I perform an apt-get, it tries on ipv6 first which doesn't work... is there a way to force IPv4 in apt-get?04:50
purplenurplewelltb, try starting w/ no security ... moving up to WEP and then moving to WPA04:50
xathulluU want to instal cedega from cv. I just instaled Kubuntu and I know that im missing much of the needed deps. ne have any  advice on where to start?04:50
purplenurplewelltb, I've found that my card doesn't like certain types of WPA04:51
welltbpurplenurple:  how do you do that?04:51
purplenurplewelltb, do you have access to your router?04:51
buckybrEz: ubuntu builds ipv6 into the kernel.. i had to recompile my kernel with ipv6 support as a module and then blacklist it04:52
Surlent777I'm afraid to try that04:52
BeWopHey, I have an interesting request for anyone who wants to help04:52
Surlent777such as?04:52
brEzit's strange, because I've never had this problem before with the v6 tunnel running04:52
welltbpurplenurple:  yes, but,  i'll have to continue with this later.  thanks for the try though, bud...04:53
purplenurplewelltb, n/p04:53
xathullune advice on compiling cedega from cvs?04:53
the_dark_warrioHow can I know if my audio driver is correct? My sound card is a Realtek High Definition Audio, but "lspci" gives me "Intel Corporation 82891H ...". Is this expected? (I'm lurking into this because my sound behaves strangely with some apps like pidgin, for example)04:53
Guest69215cant get 1400x900 resolution even though both card and monitor are capable of it... suggestions???04:53
Dr_WillisI havent had to use cedega in years.. -  wine does most all the games i want now a days.04:54
BeWopAlright, so here's the basis. My computer has stopped detecting my cd drive. I've run firmware and everything to try to get it to detect it again. Nothing's worked. I also don't have a usb drive. I currently am dual booting XP and ubuntu, but I need to reinstall windows XP. Is there anyway I can do this from ubuntu?04:54
Surlent777Dr_Willis: Can you name off a few games you've gotten working to your satisfaction?04:54
xathulluim trying to run anarchy online but wine seems to have issues with the updater, ive read that cedega supports better04:54
Guest69215BeWop ubuntu and windows cant see cd drive or just windows?04:54
=== marsha is now known as mdg
BeWopIt doesn't even detect it in the bios04:54
Surlent777BeWop: sounds to me like the drive is definitely bad04:55
BeWopI've tried multiple drives04:55
Surlent777BeWop: Replace it asap04:55
BeWopA brand new one isn't working04:55
Guest69215Then it isn't a windows/ubuntu problem.  Have you checked cables?04:55
BeWopThe firmware doesn't detect it04:55
stovicekBeWop: tried a new cable?04:55
xathulluive had this problem before bewop, it sems if i remember correctly it had something to do with missing drivers04:55
BeWopReconnected cables, tried new ones04:55
Surlent777possible motherboard failure then?04:55
BeWopReinstalled drivers04:55
Guest69215what type of computer BeWop?  Age etc.?04:55
Dr_WillisSurlent777:  grandtheft auto worked well for me.  and i finally did get Lord of the rings onlne working.04:55
BeWopDell Dimension 240004:55
BeWopDon't know how old04:56
Guest692155 years old or so?04:56
xathulluhmm, i gave up and started running vista again, windows 7 has issues with cd/dvd drives also04:56
Surlent777Dr_Willis: I've tried to get Supreme Commander working, but it's laggy and slow for no reason. Is there ways to tweak wine to work better with more hardcore stuff like that? I have so far found nothing of use =/04:56
binarymutantah mplayer is driving me insane, it starts+exits fullscreen when I ever I play or stop a video. How can I stop this?04:56
Dr_WillisSurlent777:  chedk the wine app database04:57
BeWopMy main question is is it possible to reinstal xp from ubuntu using an iso?04:57
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help04:57
Surlent777ah, right, I always forget about that04:57
xathullusurlent777 doing that requires tweeks to wine's version of regedit i think. google that string youll have luck04:57
Dr_WillisSurlent777:  I recall that game beubng laggy on my windows machine.. I never did get past like the 3rd level of it.. :)04:57
BeWopAnyone know if it's possible?04:57
Surlent777haha I was on the 2nd Aeon campaign in Windows. It ran awesomely though04:57
binarymutantBeWop, probably not but ##windows would have better answers04:58
kindofabuzzBeWop, what do you mean? install XP while in Ubuntu? no you can't04:58
Guest69215BeWop, I doubt it.04:58
Surlent777BeWop: Not unless you were to somehow get your XP disc as a bootable USB disc04:58
xathulluso nothing on cedega?04:58
spOit is not likely that two ethernet cards would have the same hardware address even if they were part of the same motherboard would they?04:58
BeWopThat's not hard04:58
BeWopI'll just get a usb drive then04:58
xathullubewop you can do surlents suggestion with nlite i think04:59
Surlent777seriously? You can do that?04:59
BeWopThere's tons of guides out there04:59
Surlent777=D awesome04:59
BeWopUSB Flash drive start up disk04:59
BeWopGoogle it =P04:59
Surlent777I always used Unetbootin for Linux stuff04:59
kindofabuzzspO, i guess it's possible but very unlikely04:59
BeWopSee ya04:59
binarymutantmplayer starts and exits fullscreen when I ever I play or stop a video. How can I stop this?04:59
spOifconfig is reporting two ethernet cards,  that have the same hardware address, one is eth0 and the other is eth0_rename04:59
xathulluget vlc instead of mplayer04:59
Surlent777I prefer Xine05:00
Surlent777mplayer gives me no end of grief05:00
spOinstead of eth1  , i am supposed to have two different hardwares05:00
Surlent777especially in console mode05:00
xathulluspo get aircrack-ng and use airmon-ng to change the addresses05:00
jumaoasmanyone from singapore?05:01
ma11ocspO: even ethernet cards that have more than one port have continues numbering. so, no05:02
xathulluno advice on cedega? ne none?05:02
xathullusp0 read wifu05:02
ubottucedega is a project based on WINE, aimed at running Windows games on Linux. For more info, see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Cedega05:02
=== root is now known as Guest61196
Guest61196i have just installed ubuntu 8.04 and after login screen screen goes corruptedd and mouse freezez can anyone help me?05:03
Guest61196i have acces to hard drive that has ubuntu install05:03
xathullu'no no i know what it does i need to to learn how to compile it from cvs whatever that is05:04
Surlent777well, I think I have to comfort someone, so I'll leave. Take care/good luck05:04
Guest61196any help will be much appreciated05:05
phirestalkerWhat would be the best way to have a system apt-get upgrade on boot without continuing other scripts until it is done. I would just use update manager however this is a system that I set up for a total noob and did not give them any access (my brother)05:05
blognewbhi purplenurple, Dr_Willis the imagick error was http://pastebin.com/m74ca08ae05:05
xathulluguest, it sounds like your mose drivers r , try going to hardware manager and checking up on your driversify05:06
jumaoasmhi, do you know any complete ubuntu site guide from free? i want to learn ubuntu server05:06
Guest61196can i do that without booting ubuntu up?05:06
jumaoasmi recently joined the team05:06
Dr_Willisblognewb:  you did do a -->  ' sudo apt-get build-dep  imagemagick05:07
Dr_Willisblognewb:  befor trying to compile imagemagick?05:07
Guest61196i have just installed ubuntu 8.04 and after login screen screen goes corrupted and mouse freezes can anyone help me?05:08
KermosSounds like an x-server issue to me.05:08
Dr_Willis!info php-pear05:08
ubottuphp-pear (source: php5): PEAR - PHP Extension and Application Repository. In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.6.dfsg.1-3ubuntu4.1 (jaunty), package size 321 kB, installed size 2352 kB05:08
Dr_Willisblognewb:  thats not a 'make' problem . thers somthing in the code thats wrong. or some dependency is not set up right.. ive never used pecl befor. So no idea what that does.. or what you are really trying to do.05:09
Guest61196i have just installed ubuntu 8.04 and after login screen screen goes corrupted and mouse freezes can anyone help me?05:10
KermosGuest61196: I think these days rebooting in recovery mode gives an option to debug xserver problems (though I could be mistaken, I don't have the list of things it offers to help with memorized). Try booting in that mode and see where that gets you.05:10
Dr_WillisGuest61196:  always tell peopel your video card/chipset is a good idea.05:10
purplenurpleblognewb, sorry I thought you mispelled imagemagick ... I'm not familiar w/ the PECL imagick install05:10
Guest61196how do i boot in recovery mode?05:10
Dr_Willispurplenurple:  no idea what it is either. :)05:10
purplenurplePECL has always eluded me w/ unknown errorrs and such05:10
KermosGuest61196: When grub comes up, you can choose that05:10
Guest61196ahh k05:10
n_nickhow to format a USB drive05:11
KermosGuest61196: at boot time, if ubuntu is the only OS on the system may have to hit escape to get the grub menu to show05:11
Guest61196ahh ok05:11
Guest61196thanks kermos05:11
Dr_Willisn_nick:  sudo mkfs.WHATEVER /dev/sdX#    normally.05:11
jumaoasmhi, any complete site for us to study ubuntu server?05:11
jumaoasmi need your help bosses05:11
Dr_Willisn_nick:  ehere .whatever = the filesystem you want to do.. and  be sure to get the /dev/sdXX right.. or just use 'gparted'05:11
n_nickok i got gparted but i couldn't find the formatting option there05:12
Dr_Willisn_nick:  right click on the partition in question -> format to -->05:12
Dr_Willis i think.05:12
tannersummershey guys05:12
Dr_Willisn_nick:  what filesystem are you formating it to?05:12
tannersummershow do i install a cursor into ubuntu and where could i find some good ones05:12
n_nickok thanks05:12
Dr_Willistannersummers:  gnome-look.org05:12
ubottuTo change gnome themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy.  Kubuntu themes: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CustomizeKubuntu. Xubuntu users should /msg ubottu xfce-themes05:12
Dr_Willisi dont even rember where you change the mouse pointer at...05:14
phirestalkerWhat would be the best way to have a system apt-get upgrade on boot without continuing other scripts until it is done. I would just use update manager however this is a system that I set up for a total noob and did not give them any access (my brother)05:15
ma11ocDr_Willis:  should be preferences > appearance05:15
tannersummersDr_Willis i cant find any cursors on therew05:15
BalajiDear sirs, I have a strange problem, I accidentally set a screen server, which hangs up my system05:15
n_nickDr_Willis: i did sudo mkfs.fat32 /dev/sdb doesn't work05:16
BalajiI can change it now from my desktop,05:16
Dr_Willisma11oc:  aha  - ubnder that sneaky 'customize' tab/button05:16
Dr_Willisn_nick:  you use  sd## where  like sdb1 NOT 'sdb'05:16
Kermosphirestalker: You'd have to create a script that is run at bootup time that runs apt-get update && apt-get upgrade05:16
Balajisorry I can't change it now from my desktop  I am using Ubuntu Jaunty05:16
macgyver_soreau, I am getting closer05:17
Kermosthrow it in the init.d directory05:17
tannersummershmm this is hard05:17
Balajiis there a way I can modify through file changes05:17
macgyver_soreau, I now have 2 desktops, but cannot transfer applications between them, I can start apps on both though05:17
Kermosdon't forget to run update-rc.d with your script name though05:17
Dr_Willistannersummers:  the 'chaninDjoole' icon theme added a 'pointer' theme to my list of pointer themes...   not sure about others.05:17
ma11ocBalaji: what's the problem with changing? just go to preferences Y05:18
osiriswhats the recommended method for turning ubuntu into xubuntu.  full re-install, or can i get the required packages ?05:18
blissi have a wireless card in my ubuntu computer connected to a wireless router, i want to hook my other machine into that machine via ethernet and have it be seen as a seperate machine from the one its connected to, the machine is connected to a lan @ 192.168.1.*05:18
n_nickwhere can i see a list eg. sdas sdbs05:18
n_nickbecause in gparted it shows sdb05:18
ma11ocBalaji: preferences > screensaver05:18
Dr_Willisn_nick:  sudo fdisk -l - it will be /dev/sdb# then05:18
tannersummersDr_wilis, ill check it out but that sites confussing i dont see anythign im looking for lol05:18
Dr_Willisnick_h:  first partition will be sdb105:18
Balajiwhen I wish to change it, soon i go to screen saver changing screen, as this screen server is active, it hangs up again05:19
Al_nz_lapthow do i reconnect to a session i startedon my desktop with screen? I tried screen -r xxx.xxxx.xxx but it says there is no screen to be resumed?05:19
artistxetear-free rendering with new drivers....what does tear-free mean ????05:19
Dr_Willistannersummers:  mouse cursor customiztion is somthing most people dont really worry about. :)05:19
RobotCowhow can i debug my audio problem in ubuntu?05:19
Al_nz_lapteven tho screen -ls says there is???05:19
blissartistxe: it means that you wont see artifacts on the screen05:19
macgyver_soreau, if I now enable the server option "Xinerama" "on" it bots up and then goes black when x starts05:19
Dr_Willisartistxe:  video 'tearing'  where ya see a line/glitz on the games/video playback05:19
n_nickthanks Dr_Willis05:19
n_nickits sdb105:19
buckyosiris:  xubuntu-desktop05:20
n_nickDr_Willis: fat32 is not there.. is it vfat or msdos ??05:20
artistxeDr_Willis: thank you. so that would be the same as when I see the entire screen with clored lines (static) across the screen (mainly when my app goes fullscreen) ?05:20
osiriswill that get me all the extra stuff, other than just xfce4 ?05:21
Al_nz_laptin fact when i try screen remotely with putty, it does nothing05:21
n_nickwhen i press tab multiple time after mkfs. it shows 8 options besides fat3205:21
buckyosiris:  apt-cache show xubuntu-desktop05:21
RobotCowhow can i debug my audio problem in ubuntu?05:21
Dr_Willismouse themes --> http://www.gnome-look.org/index.php?xcontentmode=36&PHPSESSID=b4b0ce6db51c8c427b75b2d9864b37a105:21
Dr_Willisn_nick:  vfat = fat3205:21
finspringsI have a fresh install of 9.04 x64 on a new i7 and the audio is stuttering really badly. any suggestions?05:21
movelahi, whats a good download manager for rapidshare links in linux?05:21
finsprings9.04 hasn't done this on any other machine i've installed it on, x32 or x6405:21
RobotCowDr_Willis, mkfs.vfat -F 32 or mkfs.vfat -F1605:22
ma11ocBalaji: what machine are you using?05:22
osirishmm.  learn somethin every day.  thanks05:22
RobotCown_nick, , mkfs.vfat -F 32 or mkfs.vfat -F1605:22
RobotCowlol at LinuxMercedes05:22
RobotCownice nick05:23
n_nickok thanks05:23
artistxehttp://farm3.static.flickr.com/2036/2245968061_3ee6849f78.jpg    Video Tearing ?05:23
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions05:23
soreaumacgyver_: Sounds like you're running two separate X sessions since you can't drag windows between screens05:24
Dr_Willistannersummers:   http://www.gnome-look.org/?xcontentmode=36 'lighthelix' is sort of nifty :)05:24
BalajiDear sirs, I activated a screen server which hangs up my system.05:24
BalajiI wish I could change, but when open up the preference-> Screen server window, system hang up as that problematic screen server is the active one. kind help05:24
ironmagmaI can run x-interfacing commands (like xdotool) directly from the GNOME console or via VNC, but when I try to run it remotely, I get "Error: Can't open display: :1"  How to fix this?05:24
n_nicksudo mkfs.vfat -F 32 /dev/sdb1 mkfs.vfat 2.11 (12 Mar 2005) mkfs.vfat: /dev/sdb1 contains a mounted file system05:25
n_nickagain a peoblem05:25
soreauironmagma: Try prefixing the command with DISPLAY=:005:25
macgyver_soreau, I can move the mouse between them though05:26
ironmagmaGetting the same thing05:26
n_nickDr_Willis: any idea how to get about the problem of mkfs.vfat: /dev/sdb1 contains a mounted file system05:26
finspringsno one have any suggestions for audio stuttering in 9.04?05:26
Dr_Willisn_nick:  Unmount it...05:26
n_nickoh ok05:27
ironmagmasoreau: for :0 and :1 I get "No protocol specified" in addition to the other errors05:27
ironmagmasoreau: but for :2 I just get the other errors05:27
soreauironmagma: No idea then05:27
Al_nz_laptshhot - i think i need the help of a screen guru05:27
macgyver_soreau, --> http://pastebin.com/d34ede5de05:28
Balaji Dear sirs, I activated a screen server which hangs up my system.05:28
n_nickthanks it worked finally05:28
macgyver_new xorg.conf05:28
soreaumacgyver_: Mouse cursor != windows05:28
ma11ocBalaji: try gconf-editor on console. goto /apps/gnome-screensaver05:28
macgyver_with xinerama on I get black screens05:28
BalajiI wish I could change, but when I open up the preference-> Screen server window, system hang up as that problematic screen server is the active one. I think it crashes at preview mode as well05:28
macgyver_I will say that if I run amdcccle as root I now can enable xinerama, but not as a pleb user05:28
soreaumacgyver_: I'm will to bet it's the suckiness of fglrx, namely it's compatibility with X 1.6.x05:29
soreaumacgyver_: Which card model is this again?05:29
macgyver_soreau, oh well, I can live with this05:29
macgyver_at least I have 2 screens now05:29
buckyironmagma: export DISPLAY=:0.005:29
macgyver_its the 250005:29
soreaumacgyver_: Does it say if it's an r6xx or r7xx in the output of 'lspci|grep VGA'?05:30
soreaumacgyver_: My point is that the open drivers already support your card for 2D and xv, just not for 3D quite yet05:31
mc1i logged in a few hours ago.  I requested some help with Synaptic; didn't get very much.  this is my paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/242774/05:31
mc1'case anybody can help me05:32
ma11ocBalaji: maybe changing 'mode' to 'blank-only' helps05:32
ironmagmabucky: like how, "export DISPLAY=:0.0 xdotool mousemove 10 10" ?05:32
axisyshow do I get more man pages? man 2 bind gives no result05:32
macgyver_soreau, output of lspci|grep VGA = 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc M76 [Radeon Mobility HD 2600 Series]05:32
artistxemc1 : cannot use means that synaptic does not open ?05:32
mc1no, art, means that as soon as i open it05:33
BalajiDear Malloc, thanks alot  for your tip, I removed the value present in there for the screenserver and it automatically set the screen server to bank05:33
artistxeis blank or crashes ?05:33
mc1i get the error message discribed on my post05:33
* artistxe rereads05:33
mc1close the error message and the whole thing closes05:33
macgyver_soreau, ok maybe I cant live with this :) if I open an application on the second screen it opens on the first screen :) and I cant move it back :(05:33
ma11ocBalaji: nice :-)05:34
click170Hey does anyone know why the traffic accounting for interfaces (ifconfig) have a 4.2 gigabyte barrier?05:34
soreaumacgyver_: If you don't need 3D, you should try the open radeon driver05:34
Balajiand then I was able to set appropriate screen server.. the screenserver causing the problem: FlipScreen3D05:34
sebsebsebSo I have  sun-java6-jre   installed,  but  when  I  try to  open   the prototype  http://blogs.sun.com/GullFOSS/entry/prototyping_a_new_ui_july  it wants me to download a jnlp  file,  first time I do that and tell it to open it says it's downloading the thing, but  it never  opens up the prototype.   also telling it to open the file up again in    sun  java webstart is no good either.   why won't it i just  show in the browser or something?05:34
Balajithanks a lot experts for you timely help05:35
macgyver_soreau, its a laptop though05:35
buckyironmagma: http://www.semicomplete.com/projects/xdotool/xdotool#desktop_and_window_commands05:35
macgyver_I have had issues in the past doing that05:35
=== noel is now known as Guest19258
bcurtiswxis jabber a popular IM client?05:36
sebsebsebbcurtiswx: kind of05:36
axisysgot it .. manpages-dev05:36
sebsebsebbcurtiswx: Google Talk uses it and the in built Gmail chat05:36
ubottujabber is a free and open source instant messaging protocol, unlike MSN and AIM. Supporting clients on Linux: Kopete (KDE), Pidgin (GNOME). For more info see http://www.jabber.org05:36
soreaumacgyver_: Just keep in mind that the radeon drivers are definitely being improved everyday and yet another option for you. Keep testing them05:36
artistxe mc1 :  just curious if you could post your /etc/apt/sources.list for me ?05:36
bcurtiswxsebsebseb: i hear it a lot, do a lot of people use it? whats so special about it?05:36
ironmagmabucky: I'm not having issues with xdotool.. I just don't know where to put the export or what to do with the ":0.0" (because it has to be display 205:37
Dr_Willisbcurtiswx:  opensourced.. and useb by google. :)05:37
macgyver_so I just simply replace fglrx with radeon in xorg?05:37
sebsebsebbcurtiswx: well the main thing is that it's open source :)    unfortunatly the propritary  closed source networks such as MSN,  AIM, and Yahoo are the most used05:37
macgyver_so I just simply replace fglrx with radeon in xorg?05:37
macgyver_doh. dupe...05:37
Dr_Willisbcurtiswx:  you dont have to worry about MSN or yahoo breaking  your IM client every other week.05:37
mc1ok, art.  How do i do that?05:37
sebsebsebbcurtiswx: yeah it's  very reliable05:37
bcurtiswxDr_Willis, so on empathy, when i register a google talk account.. it uses jabber?05:38
sebsebsebbcurtiswx: you don't get spammed on it either, unlike MSN05:38
artistxemc1 : locate the file and pastebin it05:38
sebsebsebbcurtiswx: yep get a Google Mail and you got Jabber, plus a good email account05:38
=== bullgard is now known as bullgard4
Guest19258keep cool;http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jabber05:39
bcurtiswxsebsebseb: have you tried empathy voice/video with google chat?05:39
macgyver_soreau, so I just simply replace fglrx with radeon in xorg?05:39
soreaumacgyver_: Actually, the radeon driver wont work while any part of fglrx is installed05:39
sebsebsebbcurtiswx: no,  and  I am not that sure about the current state of empathy,  since  I haven't tried it yet hmm  or did I once and removed or something hmm,  anyway  Ubuntu 9.10 will use it by default, and it should be a lot better by then05:40
sebsebsebbcurtiswx: Pidgin and Ekiga will get replaced by empathy as the defaults05:40
bcurtiswxyeah, it still breaks a lot right now.. ive played around with it05:40
macgyver_soreau, http://pastebin.com/d7725e88b05:40
bcurtiswxsebsebseb: im in bug control and focus on empathy05:41
sebsebsebbcurtiswx: your in bug control???05:41
bcurtiswxsebsebseb: yes05:41
sebsebsebbcurtiswx: what do you mean?05:41
ryanhaighcan someone tell me how i can completely disable my cdrom, it is broken but i can't remove it (laptop) and its causing errors at boot etc05:42
bcurtiswxsebsebseb: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBugControl05:42
n_nicki downloaded an .img file of ubuntu 9.04 Laptop Edition but in my intrepid i got create a usb start up disk which does not allow .img files05:42
n_nicki tried searching for usb-image-writer in synaptic but i was not able to find anything relevant05:44
Guest19258try that:http://goodbye-microsoft.com/05:44
n_nickcan some one help me with this05:44
burnern_nick: you can get a program to make that .img into a usb bootable disk or get an iso to make a bootable disk.  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ubuntu_Live_USB_creator for the former05:45
sebsebsebGuest19258  n_nick   that's like Wubi, but for Debian, so I woudn't recommend it,  partitioned installs :)05:45
sebsebseb!ot |  Guest1925805:46
ubottuGuest19258: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:46
ray66How to change position of splashscreen image in Hardy05:46
ryanhaighcan someone tell me how i can completely disable my cdrom, it is broken but i can't remove it (laptop) and its causing errors at boot etc05:46
sebsebseb!usb | n_nick05:47
ubottun_nick: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent05:47
syntaxcan you install the desktop version on a labtop or does it have to be the netbook remix?05:49
syntaxmy bad ubuntu linux that is05:49
Bob_DoleDesktop version works fine, syntax, just like any OS05:49
Bob_DoleAny x86 OS designed to use the legacy BIOS*05:49
Bob_Dole(such as windows, linux, etc)05:50
syntaxoh ok thankz05:50
sebsebsebsyntax: have you got a laptop/notebook or a netbook?05:50
* Bob_Dole runs the UNR on one of his desktops, actually.05:51
ubottuTo change the Gnome splash screen, use gnome-splashscreen-manager or change the GConf key /apps/gnome-session/options/splash_image using !gconf-editor.05:51
syntaxWell my friend has one and it runs slow on his..hez got 2 gigs of ram05:51
Scuttlebuttanyone able to maybe help me out with an apache question?05:52
purplenurpleany benefit to using x86_64 over x86?  I've noticed a considerable increase in RAM usage on x64 but not that much performance diff.05:52
Bob_Dolesyntax, the Netbook remix runs fast on a 1.8ghz Pentium 4 with 512MB of RAM, and also runs fast on a 1.6ghz intel ATOM, with 1GB of RAM.05:52
BadHorsieHi, I'm trying karmic atm and I tried doing an install on flashplayer-installer, all the time I get this error: update-alternatives: error: no alternatives for iceape-flashplugin.05:53
Guest19258scuttlebutt; yes05:53
Scuttlebuttfrom what i understand, the only difference about using x86_64 is that it has more bits with which to address RAM blocks05:53
purplenurpleScuttlebutt, what's your apache ?05:54
Bob_Dolepurplenurple, the 64bit version has the advantage of more memory available if installed. You aren't limited to ~3.5GB of RAM(4GB installed will often report as 3.5GB, or less)05:54
bullgard4What is a 'ULi Driver'? (in http://www.nvidia.com/page/uli_drivers.html)05:55
purplenurpleBob_Dole, in top I show 3894 on a machine w/ 4Gig's is that normal?  Why not all 4Gigs?05:55
zroyschseems to be a company.05:56
Bob_Dolepurplenurple, That's normal, and because, I believe "memory mapped I/O" where it uses part of the 4GB the 32bit address space can access for In/Out interfaces.05:56
Al_nz_lapthow the heck do i close different terminal session in "screen" ???05:56
purplenurpleBob_Dole, thanks05:57
techqbertI just added a user to my freebsd machine but he can access a mounted NFS share to an opensolaris machine in the file system that I don't want him to access.  How do I tie his account down?  the nfs client on ubuntu or the server on opensolaris?  where do i start with permissions?05:58
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?05:58
purplenurpleanyone here use prgmr?05:59
strykerMy friend added CCSM, and has all the settings correct, but he can't get the 3D cube to work or anything special, why could that be? graphics card not good enough?06:00
root_222 every body06:00
root_I see gpg key error: GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 0CF459B8DF37ED8BGPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B5Failed to fetch http://deb.opera.com/opera/dists/jaunty/non-free/binary-i386/Packages  404 Not Found06:00
root_Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.06:00
root_how to get gpg key from this links : GPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 0CF459B8DF37ED8BGPG error: http://ppa.launchpad.net jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 5A9BF3BB4E5E17B5Failed to fetch http://deb.opera.com/opera/dists/jaunty/non-free/binary-i386/Packages  404 Not06:01
root_Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.06:01
n_nicki read the pages provided.. but it doesnt say anything of a .img file06:01
n_nicki need to load the img file onto the disk06:01
BadHorsiestryker: I guess you could try comiz --replace from a terminal and check out errors, also ccsm from a terminal...06:01
strykerBadHorsie: okay06:01
Guest19258stryker; glxinfo | grep direct06:01
strykerGuest19258: one sec06:02
=== _MrsApple_ is now known as _MrApple_
Guest19258stryker ; aptitude install fusion-icon06:03
strykerGuest19258: the fusion icon is already installed06:04
strykerhes new to linux, so im telling him to go into the terminal and type the grep direct06:04
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?06:05
Guest19258stryker; be root06:05
Tech-Mike|Smokensup peeps, got a synaptic question:  while checking for updates it pauses for up to a minute while checking on "translation" packages each with a fail status...how can I correct this??06:06
=== Tech-Mike|Smoken is now known as Tech-Mike
mcwhow do you create an irc channel???06:09
mcwif anyone can tell me?06:09
Tech-Mikemcw either join one thats not already open or run your own server06:10
mcwis that hard to do?06:11
kindofabuzz /join <name>06:11
kindofabuzzif you have to ask, then yes it is06:11
mcwand that creates it?06:11
mcwya i have to ask06:12
mcwha ha06:12
Tech-MikeBUMP>>sup peeps, got a synaptic question:  while checking for updates it pauses for up to a minute while checking on "translation" packages each with a fail status...how can I correct this??06:12
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?06:13
teDo I have to log out and back in for my crontab to work?06:15
teI have this line: 15,30,45 * * * * /usr/bin/ruby /home/defn/bin/liebertBlog.rb06:15
teit doesn't seem to be running as expected though06:16
guestadminIs there a reason I can't do file transfers with Yahoo, and Skype, but NOT AIM? (I only use official clients) AOL Linux just wont transfer it sems06:16
guestadmin^can do yahoo and skype06:16
Tech-Mikey not pidgin06:17
burnerpidgin + aim can do file transfer06:17
teit may well depend on his network setup too06:17
disappearednghow do I apply this patch for totem? http://launchpadlibrarian.net/28137773/0001-Don-t-restart-video-when-drag-and-dropping-on-itself.patch06:18
guestadminTech-Mike: I used to, but I got out of the habit since yahoo blocked pidgin users unexpectedly and all 3rd party apps at once, dont want to be caught of guard agin06:18
teDo I have to log out and back in for my crontab to work?06:18
teI have this line: 15,30,45 * * * * /usr/bin/ruby /home/defn/bin/liebertBlog.rb06:18
teit's not running as expected06:18
Tech-Mikeguestadmin:  thats been remedied, and will continue to be06:18
teNo one?06:19
guestadminTech Mike, I hope so, But I also like the official interface better (I know ..Im the only one), but transfers work fine there, but not on AIM? Which I love the old basic interfce06:20
Bob_DoleYahoo blocked all third party apps before? :o06:20
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?06:20
guestadminBob_Dole: Yeah search problem, Yahoo , Pidgin Ubuntu ;)06:20
guestadminI made sure my AIM ports are open, is this a known bug, file transfer in the official Linux AIM?06:22
guscaalguien de nicaragua06:22
geekeningguestadmin use pidgin06:22
guscapor que06:23
mdgrechI need help opening an unknown file, when I issue the command file foo, the command says the file type is x86 boot loader?06:23
guestadmingeekening, will that work for my AIM friends, uing pidgin for file transfer?06:23
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:24
Tech-Mikeit should but as somebody already mentioned...make sure the remote side of the connection is setup to accept the connection06:24
mdgrechany ideas guys?06:25
guestadmingusca: Exacto como dice ubotto, #ubuntu-es  (yo creo) es para espanol, ayuda esta dividido por idioma (como el mundo es tan grande)06:26
tomrianhi! how can i record video from a webcam ?06:26
bcurtiswxtomrian: install cheese06:26
joshtdoes anybody know how to record compiz effects smoothly without black bars?06:27
teAOL 2.506:27
tomrianbcurtiswx: oh, thanks (:06:27
Tech-Mikebetter gfx card ??06:27
bcurtiswxtomrian: yw06:27
teCan someone help me figure out my freaking crontab?06:28
mdgrechwhats up with your crontab?06:28
mdgrechand might I recommend the package gnome-schedule, gives you a very nice gui for your crontab06:28
joshtis a nvidia gt 8600m not enough to record compiz?06:29
Tech-Mikelol...my bad - deff good enough06:29
joshtso is gtkrecordmydesktop messed up?06:29
Tech-Mikeits been awhile since i used it....maybe slow down what ur doing?06:30
temdgrech: i added a line to the user's crontab using crontab -e, the line is: 15,30,45 * * * * ruby /blah/script.rb06:30
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?06:30
temdgrech: it's not running06:30
joshtlike switching between the desktops more slowly?06:30
mdgrechis script.rb executable?06:30
mdgrechyou didn't put commas inbetween the values did you?06:31
mdgrechalso try just running script.rb from terminal just to make sure the script is ok06:31
teyes the script works06:31
joshtoh wait i think its cause sound quality and video quality are at 100 maybe thats what is wrong?06:31
mdgrechand you entered the path relative to your home directory right? so if the file is at ~/file.rb you could just enter file.rb06:32
Tech-Mikejosht im no expert maybe somebody else here could help out, maybe the recordmydesktop channel (if theres one)...when i used it i had no probs06:32
sebsebseb!somebody |  lander_06:33
ubottulander_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?06:33
sebsebseb!caps |  lander_06:33
ubottulander_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:33
temdgrech: i didn't do relative paths, i did full paths06:33
joshti will try to search06:33
sebsebseb!es |  lander_06:33
ubottulander_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:33
lander_than you06:34
sebsebseblander_: np06:34
te(you asked)06:34
sebsebseb!caps |  te06:34
ubottute: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.06:34
tethanks for that very important warning sebsebseb06:35
snowrichardI have gotten a google voice number.  There is a piece of code you can insert into web pages to let people call you.06:35
temdgrech: changing that path to relative doesn't fix it06:35
snowrichardso you don't have to give out your number06:36
joshti have 1 too it is google voice is pretty interesting06:36
tewhy are you spamming your stupid website?06:36
Tech-MikeBUMP>>sup peeps - question for custom wallpaper....is there a blank dragon png i could use to create custom backtrack wallpaper??06:38
Tech-MikeBUMP>>sup peeps, got a synaptic question:  while checking for updates it pauses for up to a minute while checking on "translation" packages each with a fail status...how can I correct this??06:39
Tech-Mikethats the one:-P06:39
temdgrech: uhh, yeah, this isn't fixed06:39
mdgrech@te honestly not sure, I had problems with crontabs too. Seriously get the package gnome-schedule, its awesome and will make your life much easier. Plus you don't have to memorize the nonsense * * * * formula of crontab06:39
mdgrech@te the script you have...it doesn't require any sort of user input does it?06:40
{boscois there anything like swishmax for ubuntu or linux?06:40
mdgrechyes there is. Its called Javascript.06:41
mdgrechis this for web development bosco?06:41
tomriancheese can record audio ?06:42
temdgrech: no -- it doesn't.  this is annoying.  it's not a stupid error.  there's something actually wrong with my cron06:43
{boscomdgrech: yes this is ?06:43
{boscomdgrech: just toying around with making some custome intros not that i plan on using one06:43
alazyworkaholicI've already asked in #ubuntu-virt. No Replies. I'm a little confused about the relationship between QEmu & KVM. I have an AMD-V enabled processor, & want to use KVM in the most painless, GUI way possible. I installed a whole whack of packages hoping that I'd see something easy & clear pop up in Applications. I have kvm, virt-viewer, qemu, qemulator, qemulator, & kqemu-common, plus anything that accompanies those by de06:44
mdgrech@bosco, def start using Javascript. Your users won't need to install a plugin to view your website, plus it will be more search engine friendly. Plus you can do a lot of cool other stuff with Javascript like make firefox extensions.06:44
=== apc_ is now known as ar10|here
Guest19258what is java?06:44
temy cron = broken -- the last time it ran was 5-2206:44
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository06:45
=== ar10|here is now known as ar10
{boscomdgrech: is there a a program that allows me to create that i dont know much java as far as webcode goes06:45
mdgrechalright java and javascript are two completely different things. Java is made by sun and used to make desktop applications. Javascript is a free open-source scripting language used to style the web. check out w3c schools for a good intro to Javascript.06:46
BozHi all, I've just installed flightgear on mu ubuntu box and after launching the application it closes itself down before completing its loading stages06:46
Bozany obvious reasons?06:47
kindofabuzzBoz, start it from command line and it should tell you06:47
Bozok, what would be the code for that?06:48
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?06:48
neil_dwhat package has the man pages for printf etc. in it?06:49
Guest19258fg56lx; alsamixer06:50
fg56lxGuest19258: What about it?06:51
dsl1i am from china06:51
tehow the hell do i get my crontab working, this is bogus06:52
Guest19258fg56lx: do you know what is a consol?06:52
fg56lxGuest19258: Yes.06:53
quizmehttp://pastie.org/568384  <---- the permissions are 777 and I'm in the dev group, but I still change chmod g+w that file.... anybody know why not?06:53
Guest19258so put this command : alsamixer06:53
fg56lxGuest19258: Ok.06:54
nippzanyone aware of a way to see when you last updated packages?06:54
teso no one here can tell me anything more about fixing a crontab script im trying to run other than to chmod +x it, make sure it has no input, etc.06:55
nippzte whats the sitchuationz06:55
axisyshow do I check if my /dev/video0 is working ? i have a camera attched to it06:55
nippzi do crons all the time - its my alarmclock even06:56
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras06:56
tenippz: im trying to run a ruby script from my home directory06:56
axisysnippz: thanks06:56
teim using this line:06:56
te*/1 * * * * bin/liebertBlog #JOB_ID_106:56
tethis line actually runs a shell script06:56
tewhich runs the rubs script06:56
nippzok first x/1=x06:56
nippzand your problem is a leading / is missing06:57
teyes i know they're equivalent06:57
nippz* * * * * /bin/liebertBlog #JOB_ID_106:57
fg56lxGuest19258: Now what?06:57
teit's running from my $HOME directory nippz06:57
teso bin/... should work fine06:57
nippzbut you have to specify absolute path.06:57
tenippz: what is weird is that i can execute this script from gnome-schedule with no problems06:58
tethe script works fine06:58
tebut it never runs06:58
tethe last time cron ran looks to be 5-22-0906:58
nippzthen your trying to invoke some gui bit right?06:58
teno, it's very simple and requires no input06:58
nippzso let me make sure i got this straight06:59
nippza. some scripty06:59
nippzb. worx by hand06:59
nippzc. worx by gnome-schedule06:59
nippzd. fails with crontab?06:59
teyes, yes, yes, yes06:59
FloodBot2nippz: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:59
nippzshush FloodBot2 thats all hand typed and your only a bot06:59
tenippz: im not sure if it's actually failing with crontab, i just dont think it ever runs06:59
nippzthats easy enough to check:06:59
nippztail -f /var/log/syslog07:00
nippzin a terminal - it should be executing every minute or so07:00
nippz-f means constantly spit tail [lst 10 lines] of said file, even as is updated07:00
nippzthus exceptionally useful for troubleshooting in general07:00
nippzone can also cat/grep etc.07:00
tecool, didnt know that07:00
teim waiting 1 minute here to see if it runs07:01
teokay, so it IS running07:01
nippzsounds great, gonna medicate here; tho i'd love to see the scripty07:01
nippzi had that problem forever with my mplayer script07:01
nippzknow what hte problem was?07:01
teno idea07:01
tei run it by hand and it works fine07:01
nippz-really-quiet vs --really-quiet07:01
nippzsee if you can run in some high debug mode07:01
shahzadhi i need help about synaptec manager07:01
nippzand have the crontab spit its output to a file07:01
nippzsup shahzad whats the probl07:02
shahzadi unable to find the complete list of required softwares in it07:02
shahzadeven though i have reload it again n again07:02
LavaBearBurkeany software in paticular shahzad?07:02
shahzadlike packages related to gcc i required for ns207:03
tomrianhi! again :P... i have problems with alsa, the sound is crappy like static.. anyone knows what can be ?07:03
shahzadlike tk, tcl and also compizconfig manager etc...07:03
LavaBearBurkeshahzad:  do other programs show up?  just not the ones you are looking for?07:03
mdgrech@te, this is a ruby script, probably obvious but you made sure the path was correct as well right?07:04
shahzadye other are here07:04
thinh_tn85ko hieu07:04
LavaBearBurkeshahzad:  most likely you need to add their sources07:04
LavaBearBurkesystem-administration-software sources07:04
shahzadbut i installed ubuntu 2 months ago and in that i found the whole list which i need now in the fresh installed07:05
nippzshahzad ok so you need more packages than your seeing?07:05
nippzwhat version are you on? 9.04 or 8.10? or which? the name is ok too - jaunty, hardy, etc07:05
shahzad9 jaunty07:05
shahzadany solution dear nippz or lava07:06
shahzadhow could i add system-admin-software sources of all the packages available for ubuntu 907:08
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?07:08
nippzshahzad yeah07:09
nippzsorry doing multiple things here07:09
LavaBearBurkeshahzad, you may want to check the software sources in admin controls to ensure all the boxes are checked on the "ubuntu software" tab07:09
nippzi can give you my sources list07:09
nippzdid you install medubuntu yet?07:09
shahzadyeah i hav checked all of them lava07:10
LavaBearBurkefg56lx:  do you know which driver you are using, alsa, oss?07:10
fg56lxLavaBearBurke:  Alsa07:10
shahzadhow z it medubuntu nipz?07:10
nippzso thats for usa sources07:10
nippzuse the appropriate localized ones for you07:11
LavaBearBurkefg56lx:  under preferences->sound do you have multiple choices for each dropdown?07:11
nippzhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu <<--- then that07:11
nippzthen update07:11
nippzthen if you still dont see your package its probably not in the normal repos07:11
nippzbut what was the pacakge again and i'll see if i see it07:11
fg56lxLavaBearBurke: "HDA Nvidia (analog)" "HDA Nvidia (digital)" "Pluseaudio"07:12
shahzadgcc, tcl, tk, g++ related packages07:12
LavaBearBurkefg56lx:  i'd try each one, and play sound, and see if it improves07:12
LavaBearBurkefor the sound playback option07:13
nippzshahzad ive no problem with gcc g++07:13
fg56lxLavaBearBurke: They all skip.07:13
shahzadthese are the most important ones but there are many others which i could see in the last installed operating system but now i unable to find them07:13
nippzyour probably not having your sources and universe and multiverse enabled in your system > software sources07:13
shahzadwhat about tk07:13
* credobyte is away: Gone away for now07:13
* credobyte is back.07:13
nippzyeah itl install07:14
shahzadthe first link u gave me is the list of sources that i should add as repository07:14
nippzadjust my main sources for your localizations and you should be fine07:14
viki27Hello , i need help please , i accidental delete the apache configuration file : /etc/apache2/sites-available/default how can i restore this file so apache will work ?07:14
nippzshahzad more specifically i gave you the sources that i USE07:14
nippzhi viki2707:14
=== Testing is now known as Guest48574
nippzsounds like some tough cookies a bit there....07:14
LavaBearBurkefg56lx:  sorry you stumped me07:15
fg56lxThanks anyway107:15
whatisuppeoplejoin nipponsei07:15
shahzadthanx but how could i add that resources now07:15
shahzadactually i m a little new with ubuntu and trying to shift from window to linux so ...07:15
nippzviki27 well in general file recovery is sh1t in linux, unless your very prepared.07:16
nippznow let me start with the basics:07:16
nippz#1 always have a backup07:16
nippz#2 always have a backup of the backup07:16
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nippz#3 take incremental backups07:16
nippz^^---- that is all07:16
TheFunkbombQuick question...  when using wget and a url, how can I direct the download of the page into a specific folder?  I already tried $wget url /home/user/testing07:16
nomad77!build-essential |shahzad07:16
ubottushahzad: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)07:16
viki27nippz: so where is the general file recovery files stored ?07:17
nippzTheFunkbomb you could try using an env= command07:17
LavaBearBurkeviki27:  do you need the original file?07:17
nippzor so07:17
purplenurpleTheFunkbomb, cd /dir/to/download/to07:17
nippzviki27 they arnt07:17
viki27LavaBearBurke: yes07:17
TheFunkbombhold on, let me check this out07:17
nippzviki27 what filesystem07:17
shahzadplease tell me how to add the list of sources u gave me07:17
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nippzshahzad: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list07:17
nippzhowever shahzad07:18
viki27nippz: ubuntu 9.06 64 bit07:18
nippzmine are optimized for us.archive.ubuntu07:18
shahzadnippz: and then07:18
nippzviki27 cat /etc/fstab|grep ext307:18
nippztell me if you see the partition that your websites are on07:19
nippzor that / is on07:19
viki27LavaBearBurke: its seems my firewall block the connection can you pastbin the file ?07:19
nippzshahzad so you can copy paste in man, and then delete the ones you dont need of yous07:19
nippzor better yet make sure deb and deb-src and universe multiverse in yours match up like mine07:20
nippzi added comments for what the extra sources i use are07:20
LavaBearBurkeviki27:  pasted to you07:21
shahzadi used the command it did not open any text editor file in which i could copy your list of sources07:22
viki27LavaBearBurke: thanks but it not printed well on irc chat , can you use http://pastebin.com/ and paste there and send me the link ?07:22
LavaBearBurkesure one sec07:22
shahzadnippz: plz tell me the command by which i could open the file in which i copy your given sources?07:23
LavaBearBurkeviki27:  http://pastebin.com/m13b5d23407:23
shahzadk nipzz: i have copy all of the sources and save the file now what i do next?07:27
nippzshahzad you open another terminal and type man nano07:27
ubottuAcronyms or statements like noob, jfgi, stfu, or rtfm are not welcome in this channel. Period.07:28
* credobyte is away: Gone away for now07:28
Flannelshahzad: What do you need help with?07:29
shahzadthanx flannel: i need to know that i just add some sources in sources.list now how i could upgrade the list07:30
Flannelshahzad: What sources did you add? what software are you hoping to get?07:30
shahzadi need tc, tk, g++, gcc etc etc related packages are required07:31
Flannelshahzad: those are all in the regular repositories.07:31
shahzadbut i unable to found the complete list which i found in my previous installed ubuntu a week ago07:32
Flannelshahzad: You probably just hadn't updated it.  You don't need any third party repositories for those things.  What's your sources.list curerntly?07:32
shahzadthere were a great number of available softwares now it is a very short list as compare to the prev one07:33
ProfOakIs transmission supposed to lag if left on for too long? If it usually does, can you name some clients that won't slow my computer down.07:33
shahzadi updated it, reload it but still not get07:33
Flannelshahzad: Alright, well, let's solve that problem then, instead of just trying to put a bandaid over the symptoms.07:33
shahzadk thanx flannel: tell me wt to do07:34
Flannelshahzad: What version of Ubuntu are you using?07:34
shahzad9 jaunty07:34
Flannelshahzad: alright, Do you still have your original sources.list handy? We'd like to get it back to the default.07:35
shahzadye i hv my orig one07:35
Flannelshahzad: alright, go ahead and remove whatever you've got in there now and set it back to default.  Save it, and then in a terminal pastebin the output of the following command: sudo apt-get update07:36
gartralProfOak: all P2P clients will take whatever resources are available, if you want too throttle it, renice it07:36
strykeranyone know of good MMORPG linux games?07:37
Guest19258transmission works07:37
Guest19258no matter07:37
gartral!enter | Guest1925807:37
ubottuGuest19258: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:37
shahzadhow could i get default enteries back in source.list07:37
Flannelshahzad: edit your sources.list, and then paste in the default ones07:38
strykerany MMORPG games you can recommend?07:38
Guest19258oki ubottu.07:38
shahzadi open my source list and now how could i roll back the enteries i did in it07:39
thiebaudeGuest19258, ubottu is a bot07:39
Flannelshahzad: Just delete whatever you've added to it.07:40
shahzadthese are mixed with default ones07:41
shahzadi dont know what are orig and what are newer07:41
nickrudshahzad, http://aphroneo.net/jaunty-sources.list are some you can compare07:41
nickrudhi flannel07:41
blognewb_hi guys can someone interpret the solution in this thread, this could be the solution to my imagick issue... http://forums.cpanel.net/f7/imagemagick-pecl-install-breaks-126257.html07:41
blognewb_what did he do to fix the 'make' error in installing pecl imagic?07:42
Flannelnickrud: Howdy07:42
bazhangnickrud, !!07:42
nickrudbazhang! howya doin'?07:42
shahzadk i did it07:43
shahzadnow i got the default list07:43
Flannelshahzad: alright, save it, and then pastebin the output of sudo apt-get update07:43
Guest19258aptitue install php5-imagick07:43
* credobyte is back.07:43
shahzadk i execute the update command07:44
om26erhow to remove the encircled logo in the top panel http://yfrog.com/0fscreenshotcarp07:44
Flannelshahzad: right, pastebin the output: http://paste.ubuntu.com/07:44
shahzadk i pastebin the output07:46
shahzadhow did u get it ?07:46
Flannelshahzad: you pastebin it, get the URL, and give us the URL by saying it in this channel07:46
om26eris there a way to remove that logo07:47
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Flannelshahzad: Alright, so, do you remember any of the packages you thought you didn't have?07:47
shahzadno not specifically07:48
Sinisteri have a bunch of mp3s with the same track number is there anyway to remove just the number 01 with rm ?07:48
Flannelshahzad: Well, I don't think you'll be missing any of them, so, lets go ahead and install build-essential, which will give you gcc and g++, sudo apt-get install build-essential07:48
shahzadbut as i said when i searched tk, tcl, gcc, or g++, it showed me the long list but now it z a very short as compare to that one07:48
Guest19258shahzad: use synaptic07:49
shahzadhmmm i also found last time compiz-config-manager which is not here now also07:49
shahzadyeah in synaptic07:49
Flannelshahzad: it's compizconfig-settings-manager07:51
Guest19258so what's about php5-imagick07:51
shahzadbut last time when i search that it was on the top but now it is not at all07:51
Flannelshahzad: If you're searching for compiz-config-manager, it won't show up, since that's not anywhere in it.07:52
blognewb_hello everyone can you guys help me figure out what's the code for installing: version 2.2.x of imagick from http://pecl.php.net/get/imagick-2.2.2.tgz ?07:52
shahzadit is one of the example i remember, as i said there were very huge list which i unable to view now07:52
vir1omii am trying to install frostwire on top jaunty, and i am having some issues. after clicking download from frostwires site it opened the window to down load it through GDebi package installer. and after clicking install it claims i cant install it as there is another package manager open. however i do not obviously have one open and i checked in the terminal for any of the package managers for it and couldnt find something that seemed obviou07:53
Quiznosvir1omi chk for winders hiding winders; i see this with opera all the time; it might be the wm set to raise-win-on-mouse-within type setting07:53
shahzadso now what could i do to get that bigi list back to my synaptec07:54
Quiznosvir1omi if that's the case, then you want click-to-raise07:54
richardcavellIs it possible in empathy to switch off unsolicited instant messages from people I don't know?07:55
shahzadflannel are u wid me?07:55
Quiznosshould be07:55
Quiznoslose someone?07:55
Apollo2366Quiznos, what are winders?07:56
QuiznosApollo2366 dimensional limits with an outline on the glass/lcd :)07:56
Flannelshahzad: you have access to all of the software in main, restricted, and universe, which is almost everything in the repositories.  I guarantee to you that you'll have 95% of the same results.07:56
kindofabuzzhey you by the winder, j'eat yet?07:56
Quiznosi'm fo0ding now tyvm07:56
shahzadyou wanna say that the list i send you included everything not missing even upto 10 %07:58
Quiznosm0r0n are you for real?07:58
Quiznoswow; an honest, self-confesing mo-ron :)07:58
Quiznosglad to meet ya07:58
StupidWeaselWell you do already have a StupidWeasel ;307:58
vir1omisorry. quiznos. i was still looking at what you said earlier07:59
m0r0nWhat's a program that I can write Java in? I dislike eclipse, I'm used to Dr. Java. What should I get?07:59
Quiznosvir1omi ok; holding07:59
baaaaaarfuuuuuuwhat is that terminal called that have a dollarsign as icon?07:59
vir1omihow would one go about looking for a window hidden in a window?07:59
Quiznosminimise the top-down07:59
m0r0nQuiznos: See I figure people won't say dumbass to me if I get something wrong since I have already proclaimed myself as a moron.07:59
Quiznosm0r0n heh yea :)07:59
Flannelshahzad: what?08:00
shahzadyou wanna say that the list i send you included everything not missing even upto 10 %08:00
kindofabuzzm0r0n, thers are alot of choices, eclipse and netbeans to name a few08:00
Flannelshahzad: sure08:00
Flannelshahzad: pastebin it08:00
Quiznosm0r0n i prefer smart asses to anything else :) they're more fun08:00
Quiznossarcasm is a lost art08:00
vir1omiwould you mind explaining top-down. i apologise for all these basic questions. im still trying to learn how to use linux.08:01
Quiznosvir1omi sure, most visible window first until you get to the root window08:01
stevierabiejoin my facebook group08:01
Quiznosvir1omi the most stoopit questin is the one not asked.08:01
FloodBot2stevierabie: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:01
m0r0nkindofabuzz: Installing Netbeans as we speak, thanks.08:01
shahzadwhat about this list08:01
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:01
shahzadflannel: could it be more for me ???08:02
baaaaaarfuuuuuuhmm, im not sure i got it: what is that terminal called that have a dollarsign as icon?08:02
Quiznosbaaaaaarfuuuuuu cmd.exe? :)08:02
stevierabiejoin my facebook group please!!08:02
kindofabuzzbaaaaaarfuuuuuu, that's probably the sh shell08:02
baaaaaarfuuuuuuhow can i install it?08:03
FlannelQuiznos: Please stop.  Take chatting elsewhere, perhaps #ubuntu-offtopic08:03
Quiznosthats not a dollar icon. that the ps1 prompt08:03
* Quiznos skulks08:03
Quiznosvir1omi where ya at now?08:03
baaaaaarfuuuuuuthe icon is glossy08:03
vir1omiQuiznos, you meant for me to minimize all the windows yes? untill i was down to the desktop?08:03
baaaaaarfuuuuuuand the terminal is minimalistic08:04
Quiznosvir1omi yes08:04
Flannelshahzad: there wouldn't be significant additions from those, no.08:04
OffoffoffI have INTEL G45 (v. 2.7 driver, new xorg) and 3D Blender. And I see some artifacts in main window. Is here someone who has the same problem?08:04
vir1omiQuiznos, alrighty. i did that then. nothing out of the ordanary. didnt find anything new08:04
Quiznosok good08:04
Quiznoswhats the prob again?08:04
nomad77baaaaaarfuuuuuu: probly xfce4;s "Terminal"08:04
Quiznosno short term ram here08:04
Apollo2366Offoffoff, not really. You could ask in #blender, though08:04
baaaaaarfuuuuuuthats it08:05
baaaaaarfuuuuuuapt-get install teminal ?08:05
blognewb_hi guys what's the difference between aptitude and apt-get ?08:05
m0r0nkindofabuzz:  Ya... why wont Netbeans, like eclipse, let me have a System.out.println("hello"); to work?08:05
baaaaaarfuuuuuusame sing different name08:05
vir1omiQuiznos, trying to install frostwire i cant install it as there is a other package manager up, but i cant find the other package manager any where08:05
OffoffoffApollo2366: Alright.08:05
lstarnesblognewb_: aptitude is more advanced08:05
kindofabuzzm0r0n, i know nothing about java, they probably do, the problem is probably your code08:06
lstarnesblognewb_: plus when invoked witn no arguments it provides an interactive frontend08:06
nomad77baaaaaarfuuuuuu: sudo apt-get install xfce4-terminal probly08:06
Quiznosvir1omi ok, in term/shell do, ps fax, and review running apps08:06
m0r0nkindofabuzz: I didn't write anything. All I want is a simple print of "hello".08:06
baaaaaarfuuuuuureally thx08:06
kindofabuzzm0r0n, if you're just starting to program, your best bet would be to just use gedit or something08:06
baaaaaarfuuuuuui like the look of it08:06
Apollo2366m0r0n, do you have a pastebin of your code?08:07
m0r0nkindofabuzz: I know how to use java, this program I have no clue08:07
kindofabuzzm0r0n, read the docs08:07
Teclysif I close my laptop screen, the computer will not turn back on. does anyone know a way to prevent this?08:07
kindofabuzzand learn a real language =)08:07
m0r0nApollo2366: http://pastebin.com/d26803d0c08:08
Kendaph99hi, Im new to Linux and have installed 9.04 and its great.  Im trying to get Full Tilt poker going under Wine and get the error08:08
Kendaph99>SetupNew\setup.cpp (135)08:08
FloodBot2Kendaph99: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:08
m0r0nkindofabuzz: I will once I master Java, learning it in school, I have one more year of Java then I will move on08:08
Tech-Mikesynaptic prob, multiple "translation-en_US" fails...how can i fix this - its VERY annoying...every check/update it hangs08:09
vaysuhai anyone plz tell which is the best IRC client for ubuntu08:09
Apollo2366m0r0n, what? That's it? Where's your main() ?08:09
sebsebseb!best |  vaysu08:09
ubottuvaysu: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.08:09
sebsebsebvaysu: Konversation is rather nice :)08:09
LaibschCan somebody help me understand why I can access a cheap NAS box I have with hardy and jaunty smbclient, but not the karmic one? -> bug 40758308:10
Apollo2366vaysu, I use LostIRC. I like it08:10
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:10
kindofabuzzLaibsch, #ubuntu+1 is where you need to be08:10
kamalnandancan i ask ubuntu paackaging questions here?08:10
sebsebsebApollo2366: not heard of it08:11
Flannelkamalnandan: #ubuntu-motu might be a better place08:11
Laibschkindofabuzz: you're probably right08:11
blognewb_Is there a comprehensive bash command ref good for ubuntu/linux dumb asses like me?08:11
Apollo2366sebsebseb, it's in the repos.08:11
vaysutnx guys08:12
sebsebsebApollo2366:  oh ok ty08:12
m0r0nApollo2366: Beh. I don't know this program added things that I didn't want so I deleted everything sorry, added a main http://pastebin.com/d60cbffc908:12
m0r0nApollo2366: Wait a sec actually.08:12
vir1omiQuiznos: looking through this list im not seeing aptitutude or synpatic anything. could you help give me an idea of what i am looking for on this list if its not either of those?08:12
Apollo2366blognewb_ http://www.tldp.org/guides.html Look for "Advanced Bash scripting guide" or one of the many others08:13
Quiznosvir1omi not really; there's not other manager running that shouldnt be?08:13
kindofabuzzgreat guide there08:13
kindofabuzzblognewb_, it's actually http://www.tldp.org/LDP/abs/html/ i had it bookmarked08:13
vir1omiQuiznos: not at all. i thought maybe i had accidentally brought it up somehow and closed everything down and rebooted and still got the same response from it. thats when it was the onlything on the screen aside from firefox08:14
kindofabuzzblognewb_, more basic one http://tille.garrels.be/training/bash/index.html08:14
Quiznosvir1omi ok08:14
kindofabuzzblognewb_, and http://www.hypexr.org/bash_tutorial.php08:15
blognewb_thank you kindofabuzz Apollo236608:15
blognewb_what's -y for though?08:15
blognewb_i can't find it08:15
Quiznosvir1omi well, you could restart the de? or x11?08:15
vir1omiQuiznos, de and x11?08:15
kindofabuzzblognewb_, like apt-get install -y foo?08:15
nomad77blognewb_: for general cmds this is ok  http://www.justlinux.com/nhf/Command_Reference08:15
vir1omiwhat are those?08:16
kindofabuzzmeans answer yes to any yes/no questions08:16
Quiznosde=desktop (gnome/kde), x11 Xwindow; the gooey itself08:16
Flannelkindofabuzz, blognewb_: you generally don't want to assume yes to things like that.  Since often the questions will be unexpected/dangerous/etc08:16
Apollo2366!x11 | vir1omi08:16
ubottuvir1omi: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution08:16
blognewb_like this Flannel > sudo aptitude -y install php5-cgi php5-mysql php5-xcache php5-common php5-dev php5-sqlite php5-tidy php5-xmlrpc php5-xsl php5-mcrypt php5-curl php5-gd php5-memcache php5-mhash php5-pspell php5-snmp php5-sqlite libmagick9-dev php5-cli php5-xcache08:16
=== jem is now known as Guest95804
m0r0nApollo2366: Ok so how do I run it now that I have fixed my thousand problems08:17
blognewb_i was following that tute to a T08:17
blognewb_is that not good?08:17
Apollo2366m0r0n, can I see your revised code first?08:17
nickrudthat particular use of -y isn't a problem, but it's still something you don't do lightly08:18
m0r0nApollo2366: Stole my code from something I made in class http://pastebin.com/d639171b808:18
Apollo2366m0r0n, that looks good to me. Are you asking me how to compile in whatever IDE you're using?08:20
Kendaph99Im  neeeeewbe can someone have a look at this - http://paste.ubuntu.com/243436/08:21
m0r0nApollo2366:  Netbeans, ya I don't understand this program whatsoever I'm too use to Dr. Java08:22
FlannelKendaph99: Try asking in #winehq (/join #winehq)08:23
Apollo2366m0r0n, have you ever programmed without an IDE or have you always had one? And also, Idk. I've never used netbeans08:23
m0r0nApollo2366: Nope, what do you use? Eclipse?08:24
blognewb_hello..? how do i install a package from a specific url? "sudo pecl install imagick" installs 2.3.x but i wanna install 2.2 from http://pecl.php.net/get/imagick-2.2.2.tgz is it possible? :(08:25
Apollo2366m0r0n, I try to stay away from IDE's. I've always just used a text editor and a CLI compiler. With java, I used the one that came with the SDK08:25
m0r0nApollo2366: I'm still learning so errors are common as you just saw, so finding errors with an IDE will kill me08:27
Apollo2366m0r0n, I'd recommend staying away from an IDE until you really have use of it. That is to say when you're developing very large applications.08:29
m0r0nApollo2366: Ok so say I wrote some code in a text, how would I comple and run it?08:30
quizmewhat does "!" do in bash?08:30
Apollo2366Uh, first try "man javac" in terminal and see if it comes up with anything. That's the command in windows. Idk if it's the same in ubuntu08:30
Apollo2366m0r0n, inb408:31
kindofabuzzm0r0n, what don't you go to #java or something like that?08:31
quizmesudo find /vol/{lib,log}/mysql ! -user root -print0 | xargs -0 -r chgrp mysql   <--- what does the "!" do ?08:31
Dulakquizme: ! is logical not, so it means not owned by user root08:32
Apollo2366quizme, ask in #bash, they should know08:33
Apollo2366nvm, just saw Dulak's answer08:33
kindofabuzzquizme, like != means not equal08:33
Quiznosquizme find's ! negates next08:33
quizmeoh thanks08:33
kj4hello all08:35
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?08:36
Veratyr9after my computer's been on for an extended time, audio stops working.  volume is up including pcm. where to start trouble shootnig?08:37
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
Quiznosfg56lx packet lag from the net?  i get taht too when i'm downl;oading too much08:37
fg56lxQuiznos: it happens even when the only program i have open is w/e media player im using.08:37
Quiznoshmm ok08:37
Quiznosfg56lx on dialup? :)08:38
fg56lxQuiznos: No. And what does that have to do with playing media i already have on my drive?08:38
blognewb_how do i doo this? -> m using the current stable imagemagick package, but I must have unmasked08:38
blognewb_pecl-imagick a long time and forgotten about it. I removed the entry from my08:38
blognewb_keywords file and all is well.08:38
macgyver_quick question (I am fighting with xorg right now) how do I set my machine to start and NOT load GDM? I would like to have to typre "startx"08:38
Quiznosoh; ok , what about cpu too busy or IO too busy?08:39
Kendaph99I'm loving the look of Ubuntu, only problem sometimes the screen goes scrambled08:39
Quiznosmacgyver change the initdefault in etc/inittab if it's currently :5:08:39
fg56lxQuiznos: Thats what I thought too. But it never goes over 15-20 % cpu usage while its doing this odd skipping08:39
Quiznosfg56lx ok, what else is running?08:40
Quiznosfg56lx q.v. usr/bin/iostat08:40
gianniCiao a tutti08:40
fg56lxQuiznos: "q.v"08:41
Quiznosquod vide (latin for which see)08:41
macgyver_I want RL 3 yes?08:41
Quiznos3 is good08:41
Quiznosnon-gooey run level08:41
macgyver_Quiznos, cheers08:41
macgyver_friggin xorg driving me mad08:41
macgyver_I dont have an /etc/inittab08:42
ee99eeI'm trying to run gtk-gnutella to be used over SSH via CLI. The only documentation I can find refers to the GUI interface. Does anyone know where can I find how to use this application from CLI?08:42
blognewb_frogzoo1: error: 'CosineEvaluateOperator' undeclared (first use in this function) on sudo pecl install imagick08:42
fg56lxQuiznos: Im a bit confused about what youre asking me to do.08:42
BlizzerandWill 32 bit Ubuntu download work in an 64 bit architecture08:43
Quiznosfg56lx IO would be a serious bottleneck, after being the expected one too.  iostat would show what is causing neck08:43
lstarnesBlizzerand: yes08:43
icerootee99ee: man?08:43
Quiznosfg56lx iostat is similiar in what it does compared to netstat, lsof and fuser08:43
Quiznosfg56lx it shows who is doing what08:44
Blizzerandlstarnes : So what is the need of providing 32 or 64 bit option at the bottom of the download page08:44
lstarnesBlizzerand: the 32-bit version can't access certain processor features that require 64 bits08:44
lstarnesBlizzerand: for example, most 32-bit operating systems only support up to about 4 GB of RAM08:45
fg56lxQuiznos: Ok, installed that and ran that, what am I looking for?08:45
lstarnesBlizzerand: but 64-bit ones can access far more08:45
Blizzerandlstarnes : oh08:45
Quiznosfg56lx hogs08:45
fg56lxNothing is unusually high.08:45
Quiznoscheck free output08:46
blognewb_hello..? how do i install a package from a specific url? "sudo pecl install imagick" installs 2.3.x but i wanna install 2.2 from http://pecl.php.net/get/imagick-2.2.2.tgz is it possible? :(08:46
bazhangblognewb_, download the tgz08:46
fg56lxQuiznos: What is free output?08:46
Quiznosmem usage08:46
blognewb_bazhang: im using PuTTy08:46
blognewb_install via PuTTy...?08:47
icerootblognewb_: download the tgz with wget08:47
sarmisakblognewb_: use wget08:47
bazhangblognewb_, wget08:47
blognewb_wget  http://pecl.php.net/get/imagick-2.2.2.tgz like that?08:47
lydiohow can i setting sound in my laptop presario cq35 for ubuntu 9.0408:47
icerootblognewb_: yes08:47
sarmisakblognewb_: yes08:47
blognewb_no need for sudo?08:47
icerootblognewb_: why?08:47
blognewb_sudo pecl wget  http://pecl.php.net/get/imagick-2.2.2.tgz08:48
icerootblognewb_: wget is a download-manager08:48
icerootblognewb_: not an installer08:48
icerootblognewb_: man wget08:48
blognewb_im a dumb08:48
bazhangblognewb_, wget is a downloader08:48
icerootblognewb_: just downlad the package with wget, extract it, look for a readme to install08:48
blognewb_iceroot: via putty?08:48
icerootblognewb_: why not?08:48
fg56lxQuiznos: Im almost 100% sure it has absolutely nothing to do with something killing my resources. Like i said, nothing is insanely high and a dual core amd machine with 3gb ram shouldnt have a problem with simple audio playback,08:49
icerootblognewb_: with ssh (putty) you have full system-features like your a sitting infront of the pc08:49
Quiznosfg56lx ok08:49
Quiznosfg56lx perhaps the sound data is disorderly?08:49
macgyver_man this is driving me insnae08:49
macgyver_insane even08:50
blognewb_me too08:50
fg56lxQuiznos: In the actual media file?08:50
icerootblognewb_: but why need an old version? using apt-get is much better (and safer because of updates)08:50
blognewb_iceroot: because i am getting an error "make not found08:51
Quiznosfg56lx we've eliminated alot so far; if its not the data then its the app that has a prob08:51
icerootblognewb_: sudo apt-get install make08:51
puremichaelanyone knows why i can't give focus to a window by clicking inside it? focusing only works if i click on the titlebar08:51
blognewb_i meant "ERROR: `make' failed08:51
Quiznospuremichael use another wm that does twhat youwant08:51
icerootblognewb_: why need make if you install with apt-get?08:51
blognewb_i have build-essentials08:51
fg56lxQuiznos: Its not the data. I've played all these files countless times before and they have never had problems. And it does it on every app I have.08:51
blognewb_iceroot: uh08:52
Quiznosfg56lx ok08:52
blognewb_iceroot: http://pastebin.com/m74ca08ae08:52
puremichaelQuiznos, up until yesterday it worked in default ubuntu08:52
Quiznosfg56lx that leaves hardware.08:52
macgyver_1 x laptop with external display, I get 2 desktops with tool bars on both screens, I cannot move an open application to screen 2, and if I open an application on screen 2 it actually opens up on screen 1!!! WTF???08:52
blognewb_im frustrated08:52
Quiznospuremichael then undo the change you made08:52
fg56lxQuiznos: I couldn't see why it would break already, This machine isnt even 4 months old.08:52
Quiznosfg56lx like, parity error08:52
Quiznosfg56lx yea08:53
fg56lxAnd, audio on live cds run fine.08:53
TannerSis there a virus scanner app that could scan music files for win32 viruses08:53
Quiznosfg56lx stray neutron?08:53
Quiznosfg56lx if not that then it's God; are you playing the music backwards and worshipping created things? L:)~08:54
icerootblognewb_: i will have a look08:54
blognewb_sigh i couldnt fix this since 4pm today08:54
blognewb_i meant ive been tryin to look for a soln since 408:54
macgyver_does anyone here have a Toshiba laptop, running 9.04 and using an external display?08:56
iceroot!anyone | macgyver_08:56
ubottumacgyver_: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?08:56
icerootblognewb_: hm, looks strange08:56
blognewb_ye im so unfortunate08:56
macgyver_iceroot, that IS my question08:57
macgyver_my next question would be how the hell did they get it to work08:57
macgyver_becuase for 3 weeks now, nothin....08:57
macgyver_driving me mad!08:57
icerootmacgyver_: ... just ask what you are doing, what are the erros and so on08:57
macgyver_I did08:58
macgyver_<macgyver_> 1 x laptop with external display, I get 2 desktops with tool bars on both screens, I cannot move an open application to screen 2, and if I open an application on screen 2 it actually opens up on screen 1!!! WTF???08:58
blognewb_iceroot: sudo apt-get install libmagick9-dev08:58
blognewb_i think it's been solved08:58
icerootblognewb_: working?08:58
icerootblognewb_: nice08:58
nnxHi.  Can anyone tell me what a partial upgrade is?  Will it actually upgrade my distribution version?08:58
blognewb_i still have yet to try lulz08:59
Quiznosfg56lx i'm crashing, gotta sleep. good luck08:59
vir1omimy frostwire install fails to run, here's the CLI output: <http://pastebin.com/d4a2fbaa>08:59
icerootmacgyver_: so you dont want to clone, you want extend your desktop with 1 xserver (one gnome running)?09:00
ar10vir1omi, you checked that it's not a corrupt frostwire download, right?09:00
blognewb_iceroot: didn't work :\09:00
nnxAlso, I have an old Gateway 2000, Pentium III 1 GHz, 512 MB RAM, GeForce2 MX, and a lot of HD.  Any suggestions on what version of Ubuntu to put on it?  It's running kinda slow on 8.04.09:00
blognewb_"You should explicitly select one to install.09:01
macgyver_iceroot, correct09:01
blognewb_ejv: Package libmagick9-dev has no installation candidate"09:01
icerootmacgyver_: can you paste your xorg.conf?09:01
vir1omiar10: how would i go about checking that?09:01
macgyver_iceroot, we did try and enable xinerama but I just get a black screen instead of X09:01
ar10vir1omi, try downloading it again, and see if that fixes it.09:02
macgyver_iceroot, http://pastebin.com/d4b07251809:02
Apollo2366ar10, he did. It fixed it.09:02
ar10ar10, if the website you downloaded it from has its md5sum, it can be checked without re-downloading09:02
macgyver_iceroot, be right back, wife needs me (preggers and all that stuff... must obey)09:03
ar10Apollo2366, alright. I'm curious, how did you find out? ;)09:03
Apollo2366ar10, Pidgin09:04
icerootmacgyver_: tried sudo aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=right  ?09:04
icerootmacgyver_: dont have ati, so i cant test, i am using twinview with nvidia09:06
icerootmacgyver_: also have a look here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=22117409:07
Brandonhow do i use run files?09:07
blognewb_damn there's a lot of issues with 9.0409:07
blognewb_what is up! zomg i cant get any unluckier than this09:07
pseudohackdoes anyone know how to get skype to work on 64 bit09:07
Brandonor any type of parralles09:08
Brandonbased programs?09:08
purplenurplepseudohack, install medubuntu09:10
purplenurpleskype works fine for me on x6409:10
purplenurpleBrandon, what do you mean run files?09:11
purplenurplecan you explain more09:11
Brandonthere is this file called parallels-server-3.0.2150.92060.run but i don't know how to use it.09:12
icerootsounds like mac09:12
MiKeYOk QUestion. is there a disc i can make with all the ubuntu packages on it. So i can not have to download from internet09:12
onatswhen i go to certain sites on ubuntu, i am unable to access the pages, but when i access it using windows in virtual box (on the same machine), I am able to go to these pages...09:12
MiKeYcause i dont have wifi on ubuntu yet09:12
Brandonyou SOB09:13
DulakBrandon: do chmod +x parallels-server-3.0.2150.92060.run and then run it09:13
Brandontrying it now.09:13
MiKeYIs there a package disk i can make?09:13
MiKeYCause i currently dont have internet i use unsecured wifi09:13
MiKeYand i cant find networks on ubuntu09:13
MiKeYonly on windows09:14
BrandonMiKeY what version of Ubuntu are  you using?09:14
purplenurpleBrandon, parallels is a virtualization app for osX09:14
macgyver_iceroot, yeps, I tried tried sudo aticonfig --initial=dual-head --screen-layout=right thats how I got the current config09:15
Brandonyeah but there is a parallels for Linux yet..09:15
mikebeechamhi there...does anyone know of there's a way to put a semi-transparent background panel behind some conky text?09:16
Dr_Willismikebeecham:  not sure thats doable.. You might be able to force conky to be semi-transparent also... but i doubt it.09:17
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-setup-parallels-virtualization-software-in-ubuntu.html Brandon09:17
mikebeechamDr_Willis: thanks anyway :(09:17
Dr_Willismikebeecham:  could alwyas check the conky forums.09:17
mikebeechamDr_Willis: will do that09:17
Dr_Willismikebeecham:  ya got to rember the conky was around befor transparent stuff was common :)09:17
Brandonokay when i do it i get this error.. The software require the hardware virtualization, technology (VTx or AMD-V).09:18
Dr_WillisBrandon:  what software.. ? :)09:19
icerootBrandon: why not using virtualbox? (dont know parallels)09:20
Brandonnever used virtualbox i think..09:21
Dr_WillisVirtualbox works quite well.09:21
icerootBrandon: try it :) its a good one (and in the repos)09:21
Brandonand how do i get said Virtualbox?09:21
icerootBrandon: there is a free version without usb-support and a not-free version with usb-support (free as in freedom)09:21
lstarnes!virtualbox | Brandon09:22
ubottuBrandon: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox09:22
sriramomanhi guys09:22
bazhangBrandon, from the repos; sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose09:22
ice_cream!x86 > ice_cream09:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about x8609:22
icerootice_cream: x86 = all architektus like 386, 486, 586, 68609:23
ice_creami guess i'm wondering what isnt x8609:23
sriramomanif virtualbox-guest software is installed its much faster than qemu with kqemu, imho!09:23
* ice_cream nods09:23
sriramomanice_cream: x86 includes all 32 bit arch processors09:23
Dr_WillisHmm.. Vitualbox is so easy to get going.. i gave up trying qemu :)09:23
ice_creambut i think i recall something about amd64 arch also being able to run x86 stuff09:23
* sriramoman agrees with Dr_Willis09:23
Dr_Willis64bit virtualbox can do 32bit os's :)09:24
icerootsriramoman:  wrong, x86 != all 32bit cpus09:24
sriramomaniceroot: I wasn't sure if there's some exclusion in the list09:25
icerootsriramoman: ppc is also 32bit, like some sparcs09:25
sriramomanvijay1: you may ask doubts here09:25
icerootbut old sparcs09:25
ice_creampretty much every processor these days can handle an OS made for x86?09:26
Dr_Willisexcept for the ARM ones :)09:26
vijay1hw to install themes in ubuntu09:26
icerootice_cream: yes, you cant buy sparc on normal ways, and ppc died09:26
ice_creamok, thx09:26
icerootDr_Willis: ah yes, forgot arm09:27
Dr_WillisPPC's not dead.. its just.. gotten very.. weird...09:27
icerootDr_Willis: its dead :)09:27
sriramomanvijay1: go to gnome-look.org09:27
velcroshoozps3 runs ppc ..hardly dead09:27
Dr_Willisiceroot:  its in the PS3 so its not dead yet! :009:27
Dr_Willisthey just decided to fancyify the name09:27
icerootDr_Willis: hm, that is 100% ppc?09:28
Dr_Willisiceroot: 800% i think.. it has 8 cell processors that are ppc  if i recall right. :)09:28
icerootDr_Willis: ok, so let me correct. in the pc-world, ppc is dead09:28
tomoyuki28jpThe best way to use Windows on my ubuntu is using VMWare server?09:29
Dr_Willistomoyuki28jp:  i run windows in virtualbox on linux09:29
sriramomanvijay1: then select the theme under your desired type09:29
nnxDoes anyone know what a 'partial upgrade' means?09:29
Dr_Willisvmware can do it also.09:29
iceroottomoyuki28jp: no, its virtualbox09:29
root_tomoyuki28jp: or wvware workstation09:29
sriramomanvijay1: you have variety of configs like icon themes, wallpapers etc09:29
nnxSynaptic is insisting that I should run one before installing any package updates.09:29
tomoyuki28jpDr_Willis: iceroot: root_: I will try virtualbox. thanks a lot!09:29
icerootDr_Willis: ok i have looked up. its really ppc in the ps3. nice to know09:32
Dr_Willisiceroot:  a whole munch of them...09:33
macgyver_iceroot, root@MacOps:~# sudo aticonfig --query-monitor - Error: option --query-monitor is not supported when RandR 1.2 is enabled!09:33
pmwikijoin #knoppixfr09:33
onatshi, how do you install a library with an .so extension?09:33
macgyver_iceroot, what does that mean??09:34
zhangjmhi,how to check ubuntu's version09:34
lstarneszhangjm: lsb_release -a09:34
Dr_WillisPerthaps ya should use the xrandr tools instead of aticonfig?09:34
ice_creami wish other distros had lsb_release09:35
zhangjmlstarnes: tank you I try09:35
Dr_Willishmm if they ere lsb complaint they should. :)09:35
=== Ubuntu is now known as JohnHenry
JohnHenryi wonder how i got that nick09:35
Gumbyanyone here have problems with messed up audio over hdmi when using a nividia card?09:35
JohnHenrynop, works fine here, just make sure your using the lastest (180) drivers09:36
GumbyJohnHenry: you are using hdmi for video?09:37
Gumbyyou using nvidia drivers or ubuntu debs?09:37
zhangjm2 domain can to mail server ?09:37
JohnHenryOnes loaded from restricted drivers09:37
GumbyJohnHenry: and nvidia 185 drivers are out btw09:37
JohnHenrymaybe ill stick with the ones i have then09:38
MiKeYHey how do i know what ubuntu i downloaded09:39
mendezi have a problem with ibernation/suspend under 9.04...09:39
jussi01MiKeY: whats the file name?09:39
Kotahow do u download games like perfectworld and run it on ubuntu09:40
sriramomanvjv: hi09:40
MiKeYis that jaunty?09:40
MiKeYAnd is there a easyier way to download packages as i dont have internet access on that machine yet09:41
blognewb_what does this mean? "Package libmagick9-dev has no installation candidate"09:41
blognewb_any workaround?09:41
Gumbyblognewb_: to find an appropriate candidate you can try apt-cache search libmagick09:42
Dr_Willisblognewb_:  i would update, upgrade, and try again09:42
BrandonMiKeY sudo apt-get install packagehere09:42
jussi01MiKeY: yes, 9.04 is jaunty09:42
Dr_Williscould be the repos are somehow out of sync09:42
GumbyBrandon: he obviously dont know the appropriate package name.09:43
jussi01blognewb_: tried "sudo apt-get update" first?09:43
Dr_Willis!find libmagick09:43
ubottuFound: graphicsmagick-libmagick-dev-compat, libmagick++-dev, libmagick++1, libmagickcore-dev, libmagickcore1 (and 2 others)09:43
Gumbyblognewb_: that command I gave will give you some insight as to packages with 'libmagick' in the name09:43
blognewb_jussi01: i did09:43
BrandonSynaptic maybe09:43
Gumbyhe is obviously on the command line already.  why not give him a command line tool to use09:44
mendezwhy ubuntu 8.10 work fine with suspend and 9.04 don't work after a sfresh install without any usb device connected?09:44
MiKeYI dont have internet access09:44
blognewb_Gumby: it gave out a lot of words :O09:44
Gumbyblognewb_: well, you need the dev package right? start there... apt-cache search libmagick |grep dev09:45
aksciFatal error: Allowed memory size of 16777216 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 75229 bytes) in /var/www/drupal/includes/database.pgsql.inc on line!!! :O09:45
unimatrix9hi there09:45
unimatrix9how would i mount cue files and extract the contents?09:46
unimatrix9i mean bin..09:46
Dr_Willistheres cue/bin to iso converter09:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cue09:46
unimatrix9whats it called?09:46
Dr_Willisor i recall the fuseiso9660 (or similarey named tool can mount them)09:46
Dr_Willis!info bchunk09:46
ubottubchunk (source: bchunk): CD image format conversion from bin/cue to iso/cdr. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.0-8 (jaunty), package size 13 kB, installed size 72 kB09:46
unimatrix9cue is the file sheet for the bin file09:46
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.09:47
unimatrix9thank you09:47
Guest19258aksci: ini_set("memory_limit",'16M');09:47
Guest19258but i'm not sure09:47
blognewb_it said libmagickwand-dev is already the newest version.09:48
blognewb_oh my jezuz09:48
blognewb_this is hard ;(09:49
Dr_Willisblognewb_:  so what are you trying to do exactly?09:49
=== sale_ is now known as sale
=== _codeswing is now known as codeswing
blognewb_Dr_Willis: install the latest imagick09:49
Dr_WillisYou mean COMPILE the latest imagick?09:50
Dr_Williswas this using that clpl or whatever program from earlier?09:50
blognewb_Dr_Willis: if i did wget http://pecl.php.net/get/imagick-2.2.2.tgz will it install the imagick automatically?09:50
Dr_Willisblognewb_:  not a clue about that thing...09:51
=== Shamoun__ is now known as shamoun
aksciGuest19258: how do i do that? where should i add this line?09:51
Dr_Willisive never used pecl befor.09:51
alnuvolavorrei dei consigli riguardo l'audio su ubuntu09:52
alnuvolacome configurazione uso alsa09:52
alnuvolae come riproduttore RB09:53
b0nnhmm, not sure if this is the best #chan to ak. I have a wifi setup, but I cannot change the channel one of the clients is on09:53
Gumbyman, thos crackling is quite annoying09:53
b0nnany ideas?09:53
Gumbyb0nn: you're router runs on a single channel usually, not multiple09:53
Gumbyso you dont change the channel of a client, you change the channel of the router.09:54
blognewb_if i installed an incomplete higher version of a package then installed lower version version afterwards, will it overwrite the incomplete higher version that had an error??09:54
th0rb0nn: the channel is determined in the wifi router. you set it there09:54
OzFalconAnyone able to use Japanese input? I can't get it working. :-(09:54
b0nnit's an ad hoc network09:54
b0nnthere are no routers per se09:54
b0nnonly clients09:54
th0rb0nn: an ad-hoc network?09:54
Gumbythe wifi is still on a single channel09:55
b0nnwhich channel?09:55
Gumbylook on the router, could be any09:55
th0rb0nn: you can use iwconfig to set the channel in an ad-hoc network09:55
b0nnwhat router?09:55
b0nniwconfig wlan0 channel 1-1109:55
b0nniwlist scan shows the channel as 7, even though I have set it to 409:56
th0rb0nn: if I remember correctly, you have to do an ifdown and ifup after the iwconfig to reread the info09:56
shooreewhat's the best solution to mounting an .iso in order to install it through WIne?09:57
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.09:57
Dr_Willismount it some where and access it as if it was any other directory is how i do it.09:57
th0rb0nn: also, from the man page "In Ad-Hoc mode, the frequency setting may only  be  used at  initial  cell  creation,  and may be ignored when joining an existing cell.09:58
vikashi have JMB38X cardreader09:58
vikashbut its not working in ubuntu 9.0409:58
vikashits internal09:58
shooreethx Dr_Willis09:59
vikashit comes with compaq laptop09:59
=== giuppy_ is now known as giuppy
SDFORMAThello why is there no SHOCKWAVE Player for ubuntu yet or no one has made a CLONE for i10:01
onatsanyone familiar with ddrescue?10:01
unimatrix9there is no hig need for it?10:02
SDFORMATget !@#$ed10:02
SDFORMATEVERYONE Uses Shockwave10:02
SDFORMATAre you just retarded10:02
Dr_Willisaparently adobe dosent think its worth porting to linux10:02
unimatrix9ask adobe folks10:03
FlannelSDFORMAT: Please mind your language.10:03
Dr_Willisgo ask them why they dont support it.10:03
SDFORMATwell adobe is f'ed in the head10:03
unimatrix9and no, i dont use shockwave...10:03
Dr_Willisand this is our fault somehow?10:03
SDFORMATyou dont use it because you fail@life imo -10:03
FlannelSDFORMAT: Did you have an actual support question today?  If not, there are other, more appropriate places for this discussion.10:03
th0rwho unlocked the cage?10:03
unimatrix9hmm ?10:04
echosystmcan anyone tell me why cgj gets installed with open office,w hen i already have sun-java6-jre installed?10:05
Dr_Williscgj perhaps came as part of the build-essentials10:07
Dr_Willisyou can have several java's installed.10:07
echosystmyeah i dont want to though dr willis10:08
Dr_Willisi think you are worring about nothing10:08
onatshow do i mount a fat16/win95 partition?  http://pastebin.ca/151553910:08
Dr_Willisonats:  several ways.. the things should have icons uou can click on to mount.10:08
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE10:09
onatsDr_Willis, its actual an image of a whole hard drive.. its not a physical drive.10:10
Dr_WillisYou need to use the proper mount command and the  'loop' option then.10:10
th0ronats: I think the -t for fat16 is 'msdos', but don't quote me on that10:10
Dr_WillisIF its a whole hard drive You also need to give some sort of offset if theres more then 1 partition.10:10
Dr_WillisI saw that in an example in a magazine some time back.10:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about loop10:11
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.10:11
Dr_Willissudo mount -o loop -t vfat filesystemfilename mountpoint10:11
Dr_Willisi THINK.. may work10:11
=== sale_ is now known as sale
th0rDr_Willis: I think vfat is fat3210:12
Dr_Willisvfat works for most I think.. except for ntfs. :)10:12
onatslet me try that. im getting some errors10:12
Dr_Willistry it and see10:12
echosystmif you manually compile a program, because it is outdatedi n your current distro10:13
echosystmwhen it gets updated in the repo, can you update the one you compiled?10:13
echosystmor do you have to install it separately10:13
Dr_Williswhen you install the compied one.. be sure to either put it in the users home dir.,., or like in /usr/local  so it dont interfear with the ones from the repos10:13
Dr_WillisI keep the apps  on a per user basis.10:14
Flannelmode +b *!*@CPE-58-169-253-249.wa.bigpond.net.au10:15
onatswrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error  In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so10:15
onats[95613.635117] VFS: Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev loop0.10:16
grawityFlannel: You forgot a /10:16
grawityOr, I have modes on ignore...10:16
grawityDammit. </ot>10:16
Dr_Willisonats:  you may need to use some offset if its a whold hard drive. is there mor ethen 1 partition on the backup?10:16
Guest19258good night10:16
blackgraznight good!10:16
onatsDr_Willis, yes, i used offset.. here's the way the image looks: http://pastebin.ca/151553910:17
Dr_Williscould be ya got the offset wrong. I only had to do this once ages ago.. i saw a example/guide on how to do it in a Knoppix artical once.10:19
Dr_WillisI think you can do a fdisk -l imagefile10:19
Dr_Willisto get some info also.. but i dont recall how you calculate the proper offset.10:19
ah2what are you trying to do?10:20
PadhuHow can i check CPU and motherboard temperature in ubuntu 8.10?10:20
onatsDrWillis, multply it by 512.. thats' what this article says: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery10:20
th0rPadhu: acpi10:20
Padhuth0r: little bit more10:21
th0rPadhu: man acpi10:21
jschiff:() { :|: & } ;:10:22
* Dr_Willis wonders what the point of jschiff was...10:23
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:23
Dr_Willisonats:  hmm.. this one says divide by 51210:23
Padhuth0r: ok thanks :-)10:23
onatsDr_Willis, i'll give divide a try10:24
Dr_Willisonats:  but i guess it depens on your BS options..  it also shows how to split the disk in to single partition images.. that may be handy10:24
Dr_Willisonats:  best to figure out whats going on.. not just guess. :)10:24
Dr_Willisonats:  it appears that theres some 32/64bit number size issues with the offsets from what artical i pasted.10:25
=== lipsin_ is now known as lipsin
rocket16Hello All!10:26
rocket16Ubuntu is the best!10:27
rocket16Hello ice_cream10:27
ice_creamworks for me10:28
shooreeGuys, what am I not doing right when trying to mount an .ISO to a cdrom drive? I get this: An error occured wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail  or so10:28
shooreeI'm trying this using Gmount10:28
Dr_Willisshooree:  gmount? normally i use teh command line.10:29
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.10:29
shooreeDr_Willis: I tried also, but get errors10:29
onatsDr_Willis, trying the stuff in the page.. thanks for the tip10:29
Dr_Willisshooree:  thers also the fuseiso or was it isofuse tool.10:29
Dr_Willisshooree:  whats the exact command line you are using?10:29
shooreeDr_Willis:  sudo mount -o loop rzr-a144.iso /home/shooree/Games/Anno 1404/10:30
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Dr_Willisshooree:  get out of the habbit of using spaces in the path/names :)10:30
Dr_Willisshooree:  qoute the location10:30
shooreeDr_Willis: oh10:30
shooreelemme try that10:31
FloodBot2shooree: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:31
Guest62074how do i search for a channel?10:31
grawityDr_Willis: Spaces aren't that bad, try newlines :)10:31
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines10:31
grawityGuest62074: /msg alis help10:31
shooreeDr_Willis: you're the man!10:31
Dr_Willisspaces in filenames -  the scurge of all evil!10:32
rocket16Hi Dr_Willies? I am the same Win2Linux, whom you met at the Puppy Channel10:32
Dr_Willisrocket16:  if you say so... :P10:33
rocket16 8-)10:34
* DaZ- enjoys the silence :f10:39
Dr_WillisIts almost Deafening!10:39
jpdsDaZ-: That's a great song though.10:39
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kj4silence is golden10:40
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DaZ-something is wrong <:10:41
kj4anyone here every tried cruchbang linux?10:41
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Dr_Williskj4:  dident see the point in yet another ubuntu variant.10:44
richardcavellAnyone here know anything about Epiphan frame grabbers?10:44
kj4Dr_Willis: i didn't either, but its very lean and fast10:44
kj4i'm liking it for a month now, after 5 years of ubuntu10:44
kj4and some others thrown in too10:45
DaZ-it's still ubuntu <:10:45
kj4yep, which is nice10:45
Dr_Williskj4:   I just install fluxbox and use it on my ubuntu system.. if i wanted.. less hassle10:45
makehow to set amule display Chinese?10:45
DaZ-if you say so.. :f10:45
blackgrazf that10:45
blackgrazi use console as my X windows10:45
Dr_Willisive been exploring 'pulse audio' features lately. I can get the sound from this PC to now go to the other pc in the house. :)10:45
kj4Dr_Willis: thats cool,  i didn't have luck with that, because of all the configuring reqd, but i guess if you already know how to work with fluxbox, thats a good way to go10:46
kindofabuzzI wish OpenGEU wasn't dead10:46
bobrockHey there folks! Help me find out where is qingy's binary files are placed. Please. =)10:46
Dr_Willisactual the pulse remote trick.. was trivial once ya install the 2 tools. :)10:46
kj4kindofabuzz: i tried that, is that the one with enlightenment?10:46
kindofabuzzkj4, yeah, the 8.10 version is very nice10:47
blackgrazi thjink thats the one with fluxbox10:47
kindofabuzzno e1710:47
kj4Dr_Willis: thats a useful feature.  what are the two tools?10:47
fosstuxHi! How can I enable Window expose ? Desktop Expose works....10:47
fosstux#in 9.0410:47
Dr_Williskj4: padevchooser   and some other oddly named pulse tools.. let me find the names10:48
richardcavellfosstux: do you have Compiz installed?10:49
Dr_Willisust install paprefs and pavucontrol, set auth off10:49
Dr_Willis in paprefs, then use the pulse gnome applet to set default pulse server to the server ip, all is good10:49
kj4Dr_Willis: thanks10:49
fosstuxotherwise te Desktop expo couldn't work10:49
Dr_Willisthere we go.. paprefs and pavucontrol,  :) theres some other pulse tools ti install also.. like a few mixer tools and some other neat tricks10:50
Dr_Williskj4:  with the pulse mixer you can set volumd on a per app basis Likeyou can in windows vista now. :)10:50
zenjixhey can any body help to setup my mouse touch sensitivity10:50
richardcavellfosstux: well it's in there10:51
richardcavellselect window for window group10:51
dimmcan i upgrade from 8.04->9.04 instead 8.04->8.10->9.04 ?10:52
Dr_Williskj4:  reading up on it at  http://pulseaudio.org/  to learn some more pulse-audio-fu skills :)10:52
richardcavelldimm: no10:52
shooreewould anyone know how to do the following thing I found regarding running this Anno 1404 game> "Only thing to do is setting dll-override for "dbghelp.dll" to "native", after installing the game"10:53
shooreewrong chan, sorry10:53
=== eus_ is now known as eusu_kefuin
simba_what's the channel for karmic?10:57
blackgrazhow can i find out what verion of ubuntu i am running?10:57
blackgraz /etc/releases or somthing like that10:58
grawitylsb_release -a10:58
simba_introuble, thank you.10:58
introublei have a question, im on windows xp, how do i burn 9.04 bootable?10:59
richardcavellintrouble: download it and burn it10:59
richardcavellintrouble: what are you asking?10:59
introubleand the iso is automatically bootable?10:59
grawityintrouble: Get a program for CD burning (ImgBurn, Nero, thousands of others), point it to the .iso file.10:59
richardcavellintrouble: yes10:59
grawityintrouble: And the .iso is bootble, yes.10:59
crom09hello, i want to assign read/write permissions to a folder to all the users of a group11:00
introublehow come some iso's arent automatically bootable? even thou should be?11:00
introubleim getting nero11:00
crom09however, in the propoerties/permissions dialog, i can't see the group11:00
crom09any help?11:00
grawityintrouble: if you don't have any, ImgBurn would be one of the best options.11:01
introubleis it better than nero?11:01
introublei check it out11:01
Swords2this might be a bit of an odd question, but11:02
Swords2I was wondering what safe/valid characters for a directory name would be11:03
introubleso can i also burn xp with imgburn?11:04
Swords2for the system I'm setting up I'll probably have all sorts of weird strings thrown at me for places to store stuff, I was thinking base64 might work well11:04
Swords2though I'm wondering if having a directory start with - or + or something might totally throw things off11:05
=== MadMax is now known as Guest25195
grawitySwords2: You can't use the slash (/). Everything else will be accepted by the filesyste.11:06
Swords2alright, thanks.11:06
Mikithere is somebody from Italy ?11:06
amarillionHey, when I pop in my USB hdd it gets mounted read-only, so I can't write to it11:07
amarillionWhy is that? How can I change that?11:07
grawitySwords2: Some characters can cause problems with some applications, such as \ < > ? * " ' (and especially newlines), so it would be better to avoid them.11:08
Swords2yes, that was what I was thinking11:08
Swords2especially since base64 uses - and + in addition to uppercase and lowercase alphanumeric, it seems problematic11:09
grawity+ and - aren't bad11:09
Swords2like if a directory started with -11:09
Swords2"mkdir -bleh"11:09
grawitymkdir -- -bleh11:09
grawitymkdir ./-bleh11:09
Swords2ah, alright.11:09
grawityAnd so on.11:09
Dr_Willisamarillion:  what filesystem? with ntfs - thers several reasns why it may be doing that.11:10
=== Vincent is now known as Guest41841
cemchow does one set up auto-login? I have an ubuntu installed and I want it to log in automatically with a user in gnome  when it boots11:11
cemccan I do that somehow?11:11
Dr_Williscemc:  thats a gdm setting.. check the system -> admin -> login screen settings11:11
grawitycemc: System -> Administration -> Login Screen11:11
Dr_Williscemc:  you can make it login as a specifi user.. and/or as a specific user after a set amount of time. (i find the delay method a littel easier in ways)11:12
Dr_WillisI case you ever need to change sessions or somthing.,11:12
cemcI found it. now, how does this work? I just select the user and it logs in automatically after say 30 seconds ?11:13
Dr_Willisthats one way..11:13
cemcjust like that, without password or anything ?11:13
Dr_Willisthers 'auto login' and 'delayed login'11:13
Dr_Willisthe user still has a password.. its just not needed the first time the system boots11:13
kj4wrong window, sorry11:13
ExcelsiorHi, I have troubles making back my raid array. May someone help me ?11:14
ExcelsiorHi, I have troubles making back my raid array. May someone help me ?11:19
Dr_WillisI know very little about raid. sorry.11:19
Dr_WillisOther then...11:19
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto11:19
ExcelsiorI'll look there, thanks11:19
backslash7"Bad: new password must be different than the old one11:20
Dr_Willismakes sence to me backslash711:20
backslash7When I try to change my password from "testfootest$" to "testfoo$"11:20
backslash7They *are* different11:21
backslash7doesn't make sense to me Dr_Willis11:21
grawitybackslash7: How are you changing it?11:21
Dr_WillisI was thinking theres the password legenth is shorter then that11:21
Dr_Willis8 characters?11:21
cemcDr_Willis: it's kinda working. I set up a user with timed login, and rebooted. But after it boots and logs in automatically, I get a blank screen with the mouse and that's it11:21
* Dr_Willis counts...11:21
grawityDr_Willis: It isn't anymore.11:21
cemcDr_Willis: but if I log in and restart gdm, it logs in ok, and I get to the desktop...11:21
Dr_Willisgrawity:  im on so many differfent machines/os's its hard to rember. :)11:21
backslash7old: 14 | new: 1111:21
backslash7it's not test of course11:22
WIGGMPkHow can I prevent windows from opening behind other windows... Meaning, I want new windows to open up 'on top' and as active.. I am using Compiz Fusion which I believe is directly related11:22
backslash7it's something different just don't really wanna tell everyone my password in #ubuntu :P11:22
Dr_Williscemc:  it works for me here. You could do automatic (that will auto login on boot) then if ya exit out.. it will relogin after a delay.11:22
Juzman-EeePCHey guys, I'm running Jaunty 9.04 on a EeePC, using Openbox as WM. I was wondering easiest way to remove GNOME, and still be able to use audio / wifi ?11:22
grawityWIGGMPk: It's in "General settings", I think -- focus stealing prevention.11:22
Juzman-EeePCI'm using the NetworkManager atm for wifi, I should be able to use wicd IIRC.11:22
amarillionDr_Willis, the usb hdd has ext3 filesystem11:22
Dr_Willisamarillion:  then you need to set the permisions/ownership of the files/directories to be correct.11:23
=== drago is now known as Drago84
Juzman-EeePCI would like to (eventually) remove all gnome-related apps, and have a "slimmed" version of ubuntu11:23
backslash7grawity, Dr_Willis: Any idea why this nonsense is happening?11:23
Dr_Willisamarillion:  if you move the drive from one linux box to another - those permissions.ownerships can cause issues.11:23
remyoHow do I display recently used commands through terminal?11:23
WIGGMPkgrawity: omg I love you... have you ever hunted for a particular settings for days and looked at the setting you needed millions of times without knowing.. lol thank you11:23
grawityremyo: 'history'11:23
Dr_Willisbackslash7:  never noticed the problem Hmm.. Im using a 11 char password.11:23
grawityremyo: Or press the Up arrow a few times.11:23
backslash7remyo: press arrow up, check ~/.bash_history or press C-r and start typing11:24
remyograwity: Thanks!11:24
grawityremyo: Ctrl-R is for searching history.11:24
introublei love imgburn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11111111111111111111111111111:24
introublealso love african linux!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111111111111111:24
introublethanks <33333311:24
grawityIt's called Ubuntu -_-11:25
Dr_Willisbackslash7:  it does the same thing here when im using password and passwordx11:25
backslash7Dr_Willis: Really? That's stupid11:25
backslash7I don't want Ubuntu to take care of me when chaning my password just slightly11:25
Dr_WillisBad: new password is just a wrapped version of the old one11:25
amarillionDr_Willis, so an external hdd remembers the user? That's strange, what if that user doesn't exist on the other system?11:25
Dr_Willissounds like having very similer passwords are triggering security things.11:26
Dr_Willisamarillion:  err.. the linxu FILESYSTEM each file has a user who owns the file11:26
Dr_Willisamarillion:  ysers are defined by theur user id. if the user is not on the other system. it just shows it owned by the UID11:26
amarillionDr_Willis, yeah ok, I understand, thanks for the pointers11:27
Dr_Willisbackslash7:  change it to somthing very different.. then change it back to your slight change.11:27
LuLociao a tutti11:28
Dr_Willisjust now it would not let me use 'password' then change it to xpassword11:28
Dr_WillisIm betting its the same thing for password and passwordx - but the error message seems to be improper.11:28
backslash7Dr_Willis: Great idea, hang on for a sec11:28
Dr_Willisbackslash7:  or use 'sudo passwd username' THEN it dosent seem to check.11:29
Dr_WillisIts deisgned to keep users from doing silly passwords it seems heh11:29
backslash7Dr_Willis: Worked, thanks for doing the thinking for me :P11:29
backslash7Dr_Willis: Really? Only root is allowed to do insecure stuff?11:29
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Dr_Willisbackslash7:  root can do anything. :)11:29
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Dr_Willisbackslash7:  i just tried it.. to see11:29
Dr_Willisroot can set a null password for a user also  but a user cant.11:30
backslash7hmm ok11:30
Dr_Williswell a 'blank' password...11:30
Dr_Willisages ago i made a user called 'shutdown' :) with no password and a defalt shell of 'shutdown -h now' :P11:30
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acasahello all11:33
AE^laptopwhen i run alsamixer, it says "function for snd_ctl_open failed for default; No such file or directory"11:33
AE^laptophow can i fix that?11:33
acasasorry to disturb11:33
backslash7Dr_Willis: hahaha shutdown user ^^11:33
Dr_Willisbackslash7:  yep, this was when i was using xdm and ther ewas no 'shutdown/halt' buttons..11:33
Dr_Willisor i could telnet in and shutdown quicker. :)11:34
acasabut i am new to ubuntu and i use now xubuntu11:34
acasais there a need for antivirus,antimalware,etc. software to protect an xubuntu desktop11:35
lillisnot really11:35
icerootacasa: no11:35
lillisi've never used it :)11:35
acasalillis: wath antivirus software11:35
acasayou have never used it11:36
AE^laptopdoes anyone know?11:36
lillisacasa: i have never used antivirus software :)11:36
lillisbut neither have i in windows so that doesnt really count i guess..11:36
acasabut are there any threats11:36
acasacan i get infected with viruses,worms,troyans11:37
lilliswell, technically there are, but not really11:37
acasawath about firwalls ?11:37
acasaare thre necesary11:38
tscmgahow to kill a job?11:38
AE^laptopi can how ever run it as root when i login to recovery mode11:38
grawityacasa: Almost all Linux systems have an integrated firewall, but it's disabled by default, as there's nothing to block.11:38
acasacan DoS Denyal Of Services afect me in xubuntu without an firewall ?11:38
tscmgahow to kill a job ?11:38
backslash7tscmga: kill -9 PID11:39
AE^laptopyou should always have some sort of firewall11:39
grawityacasa: DDoS attacks affect you NO MATTER if you're on Windows or Linux, with a firewall or without.11:39
tscmgabackslash7, en...11:39
acasaits good ???11:39
tscmgabackslash7, i want to kill a suspend job11:39
grawityFirestarter is just a graphical interface that controls the built-in firewall.11:39
grawitytscmga: kill %1 (assuming it's job number 1)11:39
acasaso there is a firewall and firestarter is the GUI11:40
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tscmgagrawity, yes . :D11:40
AE^laptopis there a good dhcp-server application, like ipcop, but not standalone?11:40
grawityacasa: The firewall is built into Linux. Firestarter is a program to control it, yes.11:40
=== shooree is now known as Shoore|Away
AE^laptopwhen i run alsamixer, it says "function for snd_ctl_open failed for default; No such file or directory"11:41
acasahope i dont bore you11:41
AE^laptopi can how ever run it as root when i login to recovery mode11:41
acasabut i like ubuntu ( xubuntu )11:41
acasai want to learn more11:41
acasai hate windows11:42
acasaso if i run WINE software on xubuntu11:42
acasaam i in any danger11:42
grawityacasa: Most of the time - no.11:42
=== marius is now known as Guest58599
acasabecause i have a problem with the P2P and torrents11:43
acasathe linux clients dont offer allot of speed11:43
kushalsejwalgreetings everyone :)11:43
acasaso i did thys11:43
grawityacasa: The client doesn't matter.11:44
acasaWINE ---> UTORRENT11:44
acasaand i have greater speed11:44
Guest58599can someone please help me to install a leadtek winfast tv usb II deluxe in jaunty x64?11:44
AE^laptopif you got speed issues, it's not the client that is the problem11:44
AE^laptopmore like some setting11:44
acasathen wath ?11:44
kushalsejwalI am unable to remote login to my system using the command vinagre <my_static_ip>      pls help11:44
acasain the shity windows i have full speed11:45
acasaso wath can i do11:45
quizmebesides fstab is there a way to make a directory appear after a reboot on a mounted volume11:45
tavi_how i can change font in firefox11:45
tavi_cause don't change11:45
grawityquizme: Why "besides fstab"?11:45
acasaIn firefox use PREFFERENCES11:46
quizmegrawity: cuz it's not my fstab11:46
acasalook up there11:46
quizmegrawity: but it's mounted...11:46
quizmegrawity: well, i think it's mounted..... not sure really.... somehow the files are showing up there.11:47
tavi_well i tried11:47
tavi_but don't change11:47
acasaesti roman11:47
quizmegrawity: ohh it's a symbolic link..11:47
grawityquizme: 'mtab' shows _current_ mounts.11:47
acasapai auzi11:47
grawityquizme: fstab, gnome-volume-manager, Nautilus automount, etc.11:47
acasapoate sa "bulit" ceva11:47
acasacare versiune11:48
tavi_8 0411:48
ubottuThe #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat11:48
Guest58599can someone please help me to install a leadtek winfast tv usb II deluxe in jaunty x64?11:49
quizmegrawity: wait there is no symbolic link...11:49
acasaSo wath can i change to have the speed i had in windows11:49
acasawhere to go,wath to do11:49
b3rz3rk3racasa, i only joined for the end of your question.. whats up?11:51
Guest58599can someone please help me to install a leadtek winfast tv usb II deluxe in jaunty x64?11:52
pozicGuest58599: there is no such thing as x64.11:52
b3rz3rk3rpozic, 68611:53
lillemanHow can I start the X server automaticly on a minimal Ubuntu install?11:53
lilleman(no window manager or nothin', just the X-server itself)11:53
Guest58599pozic: 64bit version11:54
hybriiddohhai all11:54
tavi_so any ideea?11:54
minimeclilleman: thr gdm daemon has to run on boot11:54
hybriiddabout what11:54
tavi_how i do whit firefox?11:54
pozicGuest58599: so, what did you try and do you have any reason to believe it should work in the first place?11:54
hybriiddi need help11:54
lillemanminimec: I have no gdm, and dont want it either. Just kindof "autoperform" the startx-command at boot11:55
hybriiddhalp please11:55
Guest58599pozic: i tried this tutorial http://www.2nrds.com/digital-tv-in-linux-with-em28xx-devices11:55
AE^laptopif i run strace -eopen alsamixer, it opens the alsamixer, but if i just run "alsamixer" it just says: alsamixer: function snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory11:55
b3rz3rk3rhybriidd, whats up?11:55
hybriiddok huge issue wusb54gc ver 311:55
Guest58599i stucked at the point getting and installing the driver11:55
hybriiddcant compile the driver on backtrack 4 pre-final11:56
Guest58599pozic: i stucked at the point getting and installing the driver11:56
introublehey.... about that imgburn software, i burned iso and did verify and its foundin a lot of miscompares, is that dangerous?11:56
hybriiddsame prob as me?11:56
pozicGuest58599: your machine gave some response. They always do. What was it?11:56
b3rz3rk3rhybriidd, backtrack 4 isnt stable yet, so as such, your prob is expected11:56
hybriiddya but there isnt any supported distros 4 ver 311:57
b3rz3rk3rhybriidd, also with such a specific prob (and not being specific to Ubuntu) you will want to go to their forums11:57
hybriiddya but bt4 is ubuntu engine tho11:57
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:57
hybriiddfak i duuno11:57
hybriiddyi made my own wireless device11:58
hybriiddand tryd loading this driver to it11:58
hybriiddsays no such device11:58
hybriiddlabeled ra011:59
hybriiddits worked on slax kubuntu and ubuntu11:59
Guest58599pozic: after i enter this line hg clone http://mcentral.de/hg/~mrec/v4l-dvb-kernel i get a folder named v4l-dvb-kernel with a file in it Makefile11:59
hybriiddbut bt4 is givin me hella shit11:59
Guest58599pozic: after entering cd v4l-dvb-kernel make sudo make install i get nothing11:59
b3rz3rk3rhybriidd, again, try asking in #backtrack forums11:59
Guest58599no output11:59
Guest58599pozic: no output12:00
hybriiddyeah i tryed i found a chanel with noone on12:00
pozicGuest58599: you always get some kind of response. It is called an exit code.12:00
hybriiddyu no one?12:00
Guest58599pozic: no12:00
hybriiddyyeah noone was on it i even got the chanell from wiki12:00
pozicGuest58599: can you give the _exact_ commands you typed?12:00
hybriiddsrry 4 bad spelling12:00
Guest58599pozic: cd v4l-dvb-kernel make sudo make install12:01
hybriiddi find that hard to beleaive12:01
pozicGuest58599: that is wrong12:01
pozicGuest58599: you should have && between those commands12:01
b3rz3rk3rhybriidd, im really not sure then... you could try the http forums.. make a post and wait for a reply?12:01
Guest58599pozic: i got it from the tutorial12:01
pozicGuest58599: cd <something> is a command.12:01
hybriiddmake && makeinstall12:01
pozicGuest58599: tutorials can be wrong and you should use your brain12:01
hybriiddbrain power12:02
Guest58599pozic: wow12:02
Guest58599nice trick12:02
icerootGuest58599: && = the next command will only run if the one before runs with success12:02
lucahello! as changing the password of ubuntu 9:04?12:02
Guest58599pozic: so... what should i enter?12:02
hybriiddi love linux users always willing to help12:02
pozicGuest58599: so, cd <something> && make && sudo make install12:03
hybriiddmake && make install12:03
AE^laptopis it possible to download apt-get packages to a usb stick?12:03
hybriiddlol fak i duno12:03
pozicGuest58599: where something is that directory name, obviously.12:03
pozicAE^laptop: of course it is.12:03
iceroothybriidd: not all :) its most ubuntu12:03
AE^laptopmkay, how?12:03
hybriiddewwww i kno how to make usb stuuffz12:03
AE^laptopcause i dont have internet on my linux computer12:03
pozicAE^laptop: you write a script which does that.12:04
hybriiddewww no internet??12:04
Guest58599pozic: got it12:04
AE^laptopeeh... script? hard to do?12:04
hybriiddaare u tring a usb install?12:04
Guest58599pozic: i'm not that stupid, trust me12:04
pozicGuest58599: but seriously, don't you think this was a bit of a stupid question?12:04
Guest58599pozic: no12:04
deanyadding a user (i`m using ubuntu server)  it doesnt create the home folder ive set it to use, do I have to do all that?12:04
hybriiddya u used to use kubunu hella people willing to halp12:05
Guest58599pozic: i'm not used with linux shell12:05
icerootpozic: there was a prgram for that, apt-cd or somethink like that, cant remeber the name12:05
hybriiddeven easier use the package manager12:05
Guest58599pozic: now i get something like the em28xx-new driver project has been discontinued, in order to provide12:05
Guest58599optimal Linux support you can have a look at http://shop.sundtek.de12:05
Guest58599for fully supported Linux based TV devices.12:05
icerootdeany: man useradd and man adduser to see the difference, why one is not creating a /home/dir12:06
poziciceroot: I don't know, but I would search first, and if I realy had to do it, I would do it by hand probably. If I would have to solve it multiple times, I would write a script.12:06
lillemanI have a Ubuntu minimal install, with just a X-server. Now, I'd like the command "startx" to be ran automaticly when the machine is started. How can I achieve that?12:06
ecolitananyone know why route command doesnt work with set group ID permsissions?12:06
hybriiddstartx is 4 kde12:06
AE^laptopso, how can i get aptitude packages to my usb stick and then install them on my ubuntu pc?12:06
hybriiddinternet lawl12:07
lillemanhybriidd: :) startx works fine for me though. ;) I'm just looking for a way to get my X-server started at boot time12:07
hybriiddoh ya me 22212:07
backslash7AE^laptop: get .dpkg packages and install them using dpkg -i <filename>12:07
AE^laptopthe wierdest thing is that alsamixer runs when i am logged in as root12:08
deanyiceroot, oh, thanks12:08
grawitybackslash7: correction, .deb12:08
backslash7lilleman: either put startx into your rc.local or just add it to your .bashrc (check if it's already started though)12:08
hybriiddyohh statx ist working on boot?12:08
backslash7grawity: uh yeah sorry :P it's early morning xD12:08
b3rz3rk3rhybriidd, sudo it?12:08
lillemanbackslash7: ah, good good. I'll try that. Thanks :)12:08
hybriiddycould be ur resolution12:08
backslash7haven't been using debian for a while :P12:08
Guest58599pozic: so, as i understand at a moment (the moment that tutorial what written) this device was working. Can i assume that if at a moment this device was working with ubuntu it should also work now? Is this idea also stupid?12:08
hybriiddsrry spelling12:08
AE^laptopcant seem to find .dpkg packages for pulseaudio or alsa (and this shitty 20kbit internet isnt helping)12:09
hybriiddno imdude diff problem lol thnks tho :)12:10
hybriiddim good just havin probs makinf wireless drivers12:10
* toyimp is away: sleeping most likely12:10
sash_AE^laptop:  you can also download them by using apt-get install <packagename> -d. they will be in /var/cache/apt/archives, so you can move them to your usb-stick12:10
pozicIs there a *nix version of 7Zip?12:10
hybriiddywhat error u get while u startx?12:10
Technocrat-AmitHi everyone !12:10
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, hi12:11
ecolitananyone familiar with setgid?12:11
sash_AE^laptop:  you can find all packages as .deb at packages.ubuntu.com12:11
hybriiddwhats ur startx problemmmzzz12:11
sash_pozic:  yes, it is in the repositories12:11
pozicGuest58599: it depends on a lot of factors. In general you can assume that with the same kernel version it will probably work.12:11
pozicsash_: isn't that just unzip?12:12
Technocrat-AmitI am newbie here ! and I have no idea about IRC channels etc12:12
AE^laptopyea, problem is that i dont have internet on that very computer, so have to download them on this pc instead12:12
Technocrat-Amitand new to linux world too12:12
AE^laptopk, thx12:12
pozicsash_: because unzip seems to be a different project.12:12
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, in that case, welcome12:12
tavi_someone help me whit firefox12:12
Guest58599pozic: how can i determine if it should work with current kernel?12:12
sash_pozic:  look for p7zip12:12
hybriiddthts always the case tho huh lol making ur internet work with linux pays off tho12:12
ecolitanwhat's up tavi_ ?12:13
pozicGuest58599: what was the output of the make command?12:13
sash_pozic:  and p7zip-full12:13
pozicsash_: thank you12:13
tavi_i can't change font12:13
tavi_on some sites12:13
Technocrat-Amit@ b3rz3rk3r - I didnt configure anything except choosing a nickname then how did I land here ?12:13
Guest58599pozic: the em28xx-new driver project has been discontinued, in order to provide12:13
Guest58599optimal Linux support you can have a look at http://shop.sundtek.de12:13
Guest58599for fully supported Linux based TV devices12:13
tavi_on some i can12:13
ecolitantavi_ font size?12:13
Technocrat-Amitwhere I am actually ?12:13
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, this is the per-determined destination set by Ubuntu to help new users12:13
Guest58599pozic: i checked that site12:13
tavi_on some site works12:13
tavi_on some don't12:13
=== professor_ is now known as pyromaniac
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, you are in a room called #ubuntu on the Freenode server12:14
Guest58599pozic: i got nothig useful12:14
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diddyIs anybody using truecrypt?12:14
hybriiddi just turned my linksys router into a dd-wrt today awsommmmeeee fewls!12:14
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Technocrat-AmitOk and what is a freenode server ?12:14
pozicGuest58599: was that all?12:14
=== firestarter is now known as worldomination
ecolitantavi_ maybe try hold down ctrl and scroll with your mouse wheel on the site?12:14
=== worldomination is now known as REGISTER
hybriidddont use irc mas rooot u fewl!!12:15
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, Freenode is a server collection for IRC chatrooms12:15
=== REGISTER is now known as worldomination
Guest58599pozic: yes\12:15
Technocrat-Amitlike yahoo chatrooms ?12:15
Festrhello, is there anybody who can help me with installation graphic drivers(nvidia - geforce 2 GTS - nv15) to my ubuntu 9.04 ? i need to get compiz and such 3d stuff to work12:15
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, yes, but you will usually only find the technically inclined on here :p12:15
tavi_size changed12:16
tavi_but font?12:16
hello-aeroplanehow do i enable the PCMCIA cardbus in ubuntu12:16
AE^laptopshall i get alsa-base if i wanna reinstall alsa?12:16
hybriiddubuntu comes with those drivers12:16
ecolitananyone here familiar with setgid perms?12:16
Technocrat-AmitWell ! thats even better because I hate rooms where people just bitch and abuse12:16
Technocrat-Amitseems this is right place for me12:16
Festrif anyone can help me please pm12:16
hybriidddude i agree12:16
hybriiddgood shit12:16
=== Sotoroth_ is now known as Sotoroth
pozicGuest58599: ok, then it sounds like the consumption cycle of our economic system is trying to force you to buy something new for no reason. Since I don't like that, I will check whether I can find another solution.12:17
hybriiddnoone can help me tho12:17
diddyWhat could be the reason that after choosing a slot in truecrypt a mount directory is not shown?12:17
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, when speaking to someone directly, start the line with their name is usual custom) you can auto-complete names using tab.. for EG: to talk to me, type "b3" then hit tab12:17
ecolitantavi_ dont know if you can always change it, maybe coded into the site?12:17
furythorHow I can make link from file to another using command line ?12:17
deanymy (admin) user can login to vsftpd but any new users I create I get login incorrect (it is correct).12:17
diddyI right clicked on the truecrypt partition and chose check filesystem/repair filesystem. No change.12:17
Guest58599pozic: ok. Let's suppose i'll buy another tv tuner.12:17
hybriiddeww wronggg12:18
deanythere is nothing in the config to stop anyone else logging in.12:18
Guest58599pozic: how can i be sure that the new one will work?12:18
pozicGuest58599: I don't know which one you should take, but please select on drivers that are in the kernel already.12:18
Technocrat-Amitb3rz3rk3r: As you know I am newbie in linux desktop computing and so I picked ubtuntu. The installation and installing packages was easy thanks to snaptic and gui package installer12:18
hybriiddubuntu is easy shit12:18
Guest58599pozic: can you tell me how can i check that?12:18
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, glad you are enjoying it12:18
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, anything i can help you with?12:18
pozicGuest58599: you can download the kernel from kernel.org and then do make menuconfig and you get a menu in which you can search for those kinds of devices.12:18
pozicGuest58599: you can also search the internet for someone who had the same question and then verify his claims.12:19
hybriiddfak if u can use ubuntu u shouldnt be behind a linux distro12:19
Technocrat-Amitb3rz3rk3r: however I am now looking to actually control this thing, you know getting more geeky :) ! like windows why administrator/root account is disabled ?12:19
pozicGuest58599: mythtv probably lists some devices.12:19
tavi_ecolitan: ?12:19
hybriiddumm google12:19
hybriiddso tru'12:19
jribhybriidd: do you have an ubuntu-related support question?12:19
Festrcan anyone help me with my problem ?12:20
jribhybriidd: please stick to support and take the commentary elsewhere then12:20
jrib!enter | hybriidd12:20
ubottuhybriidd: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:20
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, its a safety thing, you only use a root privs when changing settings to prevent bad things happening ;)12:20
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ecolitantavi_ it's possible that you may not always be able to change the font12:20
jribhybriidd: please watch your language and be respectful of others in the channel12:20
tavi_on some site sworks12:20
ecolitantavi_ on some sites12:20
tavi_on some don't12:21
Technocrat-Amitb3rz3rk3r: how can I enable root account ? I am using 8.10 version ?12:21
hybriiddok hay12:21
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, what do you need root for?12:21
tavi_so on the sites i can't is npot possible no matter what ica do?12:21
tavi_i do12:21
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, loggin in as  normal user and upgrading privs when prompted is much safer12:21
Guest58599pozic: ok, tks a lot for support12:22
Technocrat-Amitto configure iptables and install dbms software like oracle student express version12:22
hybriiddok so no wusb54gc ver 3 users?12:22
hybriiddwireless dongle12:22
jrib!sudo > b3rz3rk3r12:22
ubottub3rz3rk3r, please see my private message12:22
Guest58599pozic: i'll try to buy another device12:22
pozicGuest58599: all the results I see on Google about that device are complaining.12:22
AE^laptopuse sudo instead of loggin in as root12:22
Technocrat-Amitb3rz3rk3r: to configure iptables and install dbms software like oracle student express version12:22
hybriiddsudo fakabitch12:22
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, if somthing needs root it will ask for your password12:22
pozicGuest58599: if you want to be even more sure of a good device, make sure OpenBSD supports it.12:22
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, if a cmd isnt working, you can preempt it with "sudo" to gain root12:23
pozicGuest58599: those guys are anal about hardware documentation. With hardware documentation a lot of people can write drivers.12:23
Technocrat-Amitb3rz3rk3r: yeah , everytime I install a package from repo , it asks for sudo password, but it gets annoying if you are doing R&D12:23
tavi_ecolitan: ?12:23
PaschuHi, I have a question12:24
Paschuits very important12:24
ecolitantavi_ no idea, may not always be possible12:24
Technocrat-Amitb3rz3rk3r: is there a way honestly to use root account in ubuntu ?12:24
Paschuok, so, i booted from my usb stick to install ubuntu netbook remix12:24
AE^laptopi wanna find the .deb for pulseaudio, but cant find it on packages.ubuntu.com, and my internet connection takes forever to load a single page, could anyone help?12:24
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, it will only ask you to authenticate once for different programs.. much like vista12:24
ecolitantavi_ you need to find a firefox guru :)12:24
Guest58599pozic: i checked on a site for tv tuners and no one has any mention about OpenBSD12:25
b3rz3rk3rbrb.. door12:25
AE^laptopsu i believe, or su sudo12:25
Paschuand then there was something with my hard drive, partition thing12:25
jrib!sudo > Technocrat-Amit12:25
ubottuTechnocrat-Amit, please see my private message12:25
hybriiddok ubuntu usb boot wats the prob12:25
pozicTechnocrat-Amit: yes, and it is a FAQ.12:25
jribTechnocrat-Amit: the link ubottu gives you tells you how12:25
Paschuand i wanna have windows and ubuntu on my hard drive12:25
Technocrat-Amitb3rz3rk3r:  Oh I HATE vista , that distro is one of the worst products of MS after windowsME12:25
hybriiddew lol partitioning with linix noway!!!!12:25
Technocrat-Amitb3rz3rk3r: private message ? how do I see your private message12:25
Paschuand then i choosed that windows will have 60 gb and ubuntu 50 - and then it loaded 10 minutes12:26
tavi_ecolitan: so is not possible to change font on the sites i can't everothing i do?12:26
AE^laptopdepends on your client12:26
hybriiddmake sure u partition ur usb device and not ue winblows HD!!12:26
Paschuand then i quit cuz i wasnt sure12:26
Technocrat-Amitb3rz3rk3r:  moreover Vista is the reason why I have said GOODBYE to Mycrowshaft OSes12:26
AE^laptopTechnocrat-Amit usually alt+<window number>12:26
Paschuand now my windows has 60 gb12:26
hybriiddlsmod it12:26
AE^laptopTechnocrat-Amit: dont be a hater :p12:27
jiohdiwhat is the equivalent for copy/b *.wmv.* file.wmv  ??12:27
ecolitananyone know how to set group id permissions for routing ?12:27
pozicGuest58599: mythtv has an OpenBSD developer. That suggests there is atleast one working device.12:27
AE^laptopand Win7 is really nice btw (ot)12:27
hybriiddewww grose win7??12:27
Paschunobody wants to help me?12:27
AE^laptopi believe it's gross ;)12:27
jiohdihow do I copy a multi-part file into a single file is the question12:27
hybriiddi jus said12:27
jiohdiusing ubuntu12:27
hybriiddlocate ur usb device12:27
gartral!attitude | hybriidd12:28
ubottuhybriidd: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines12:28
jribjiohdi: use cat?12:28
pozicShow me benchmarks of Win7 vs Ubuntu, but don't tell me it is nice. Also, get me 20000 easy to install software packages. Then we talk :)12:28
jiohdijrib, noob here, please explain in stupid12:28
kapipiI am looking to delete a known_hosts file entry, but it's a bit hard to find with the new format of that file. Is there some tool I'm supposed to use?12:28
grawitykapipi: ssh-keygen -R hostname12:29
kapipiahh, great thanks12:29
Technocrat-AmitALL : How do I see private messages from other users ? I am not getting anything12:29
AE^laptopdouble clicking to launch an app is hard for you pozic?12:29
tavi_ecolitan: ?12:29
grawitykapipi: The hostnames are hashed (privacy reasons), but you can disable that in your ~/.ssh/config.12:29
Technocrat-Amitwill it be a pop up or special blinking message ?12:29
gartralTechnocrat-Amit: what IRC client?12:29
jiohdijrib is a cat a command line or a program/12:29
kapipigrawity: no thats fine with me, just hard to identify which key to remove when ssh gives the fingerprint12:29
bazhangjiohdi, cat file1.avi file2.avi file3.avi >newfile.avi12:30
grawitykapipi: And that's why I suggested disabling it12:30
jribjiohdi: try « cat file1 file2 ».  That will output file1 and then file2 to the terminaal.  Then you can redirect output to another file like: cat file1 file2 > output12:30
Technocrat-Amitgartral:  you mean program I am using for this chat12:30
afd__hi! I'm interested in learning about the hardware details of my laptop, I'm running Xubuntu, but with Gnome and KDE destkops installed, what command can I use?12:30
gartralTechnocrat-Amit: yea, its called a client, i use Irssi12:30
bazhangafd__, sudo lshw12:30
Technocrat-Amitgartral: its Xchat gnome irc chat12:30
jiohdijrib, can you use it like file.* > output?12:30
kapipigrawity: yeah that's another way of doing it, but ssh-keygen seems to be good too12:31
bazhangjiohdi, I just told you12:31
gartralTechnocrat-Amit: i believe ctrl-tab12:31
jiohdibazhang... I am asking if you can use * like you can in dos12:31
legend2440!ati > me12:31
ubottulegend2440, please see my private message12:31
jribjiohdi: sure if you have cat in there.  Note you may want to check the order12:31
Carsten_hi guys... looking for a hand with getting my nivida drivers activated... any time i am trying to start X with a nvidia driver it just says to me display unavailabe, i have uninstalled drivers, reinstalled drivers tried older drivers, tried removeing all the drivers then installing them while GDM was not running, I have tried driver sets 96, 173 and 18012:31
kapipigrawity: ofc it would be nice if ssh did mention ssh-keygen as the tool to use12:31
Carsten_has anyone heard of a problem like this before?12:32
kapipigrawity: but thats for another channel :-D12:32
Technocrat-Amitb3rz3rk3r & gartral : nothing is happening12:32
legend2440Technocrat-Amit: in left panel it says  Ubuntu Server #ubuntu? is there on that says ubottu?12:33
Technocrat-Amitlegend2440: yeah I got that12:34
jribkapipi: ssh-keygen works but ssh also reports the line number which should make it pretty easy12:34
imrei have a problem about the update12:34
imrewho can help me?12:34
legend2440Technocrat-Amit: click on ubottu and read the message12:35
imreplease private12:35
Technocrat-Amitlegend2440: actually it was in collapsed state when I expanded it messages were visible :(12:35
=== rodrigo is now known as Frezeeer
jribimre: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)12:35
imrei try to update butr there is written on note like that cdrom://Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090420.1)/dists/jaunty/restricted/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by12:36
Technocrat-AmitALL : anyone knows how to logon on to different irc chat server12:36
jiohdithank you jrib and bazhang, that did the trick12:36
jribimre: can you pastebin the command you ran and the full output?  Or did you not use a command?12:36
hybriiddare u using a live cd??12:36
kindofabuzzTechnocrat-Amit, /server <server>12:36
hybriiddu are omg12:36
hybriiddur trying to update a live dista?12:37
imreyes ı put12:37
hybriiddysrry jrib12:37
jrib!pastebin | imre12:37
ubottuimre: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic12:37
ecolitananyone here know how to set group id perms in linux?12:37
Technocrat-Amitlegend2440: ubottu says its a bot ... that means a program and not human ... right ?12:38
jrib!permissions > ecolitan12:38
ubottuecolitan, please see my private message12:38
jribTechnocrat-Amit: right12:38
legend2440Technocrat-Amit: click IRC on top panel and choose connect and a box with different servers will pop up12:38
Technocrat-Amitkindofabuzz: I want to join irc://irc.thinkdigit.com12:38
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, lol @ the hating12:38
b3rz3rk3rTechnocrat-Amit, i think mot ppl agree with you12:38
diddyI have two identical disks in my PC. One disk is complete encrypted with truecrypt. Not as a container but as a partition. Is it possible to make an exact image of the partition to the other disk. Both disks are same type, same model, same size.12:39
ecolitanjrib i'm having troube specifically applying set gid perms to the route command12:39
bazhang!lol > hybriidd12:39
ubottuhybriidd, please see my private message12:39
jribTechnocrat-Amit: how to do that depends on your client12:39
bazhanghybriidd, please take chat elsewhere12:39
jribecolitan: can you pastebin what you ran and what the output was?12:39
jribdiddy: use dd I guess12:40
Technocrat-Amitb3rz3rk3r:  good MS is going wrong way12:40
imreare there any people who can talk in turkish?12:40
jribecolitan: ok, it's aleady setgid12:40
Technocrat-Amitjrib: How do get in to irc://irc.thinkdigit.com12:41
ecolitanjrib yeah i know, but route throws an error12:41
jribecolitan: what version of ubuntu is this?12:41
ecolitanjrib 2.6.28-14-generic12:41
mizipzorafter upgrading to 9.04 sound stopped working and i simply cant get it working again... tried to read some guides i found on google but no progress so far... anyone got any pointers as to where to start?12:41
jrib!version | ecolitan12:41
ubottuecolitan: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »12:41
pozicWhat is the name of the standard that is used to connect digital cameras to TVs?12:41
backslash7pozic: S-Video ? Or just TV_Out12:42
backslash7Not sure though12:42
furythorshould mod_rewrite have some configuration file for apache2 ?12:42
jribecolitan: why aren't you just using sudo?12:42
jribecolitan: instead of changing the default route permissions12:42
jribfurythor: I would try #apache12:43
JenniferB3hi folks, I am logged in as root and trying to run a script to backup and I get a -bash: -/db Permission denied ?12:43
minimecmizipzor: I would open <Alt>F2 gstreamer-properties and play around in the Audio section. Then you can see, if Ubuntu recognized your card.12:43
JenniferB3I can run the same script from the command line.. but apperantly not as a script12:43
jribJenniferB3: Can you pastebin more details?12:43
Carsten_Does anyone have exp with Nvidia installation issues?12:43
ecolitanjrib i usually use sudo, but I'm trying to write a script to automatically setup the routing for my vpn12:43
ecolitanjrib and want it to run as my user12:44
legend2440Technocrat-Amit: clicking  on the link works for me  >        irc://irc.thinkdigit.com12:44
jribecolitan: I don't think setgid is the solution here.  The users group probably doesn't have the necessary permissions12:44
JenniferB3jrib: http://paste.ubuntu.com/243748/12:44
mizipzorminimec: even though it worked in the last version of ubuntu? ... in the device section i have "default" and "unknown"12:44
minimecmizipzor: sitch to ALSA once and try that 'unknown' device.12:45
=== Mike is now known as Guest73445
Guest73445What are the sys requirements for Gnome?12:45
furythorCarsten you mean graphics card ?12:45
ecolitanjrib i chowned the /sbin/route file to have the group users, and i'm in the users group in /etc/group12:45
Carsten_I do.12:45
gartralGuest73445: depends, minimal or recommended?12:46
furythorwhat generation and what ubuntu version ?12:46
mizipzorminimec: switching to ALSA, i got four items in the device section, "default" and three with the same name "CA0106"12:46
jribecolitan: right, but why would the users group have permissions to change whatever it is that the route command changes12:46
ecolitanjrib i've used setgid before but it's just giving this wierd thing with route12:46
Guest73445gartral, minimal12:46
Guest73445gartral, minimal for older machines12:46
jribecolitan: do you understand my last comment?12:46
mizipzorminimec: none of them produces any sound when testing though12:46
ecolitanjrib i think i do now12:46
minimecmizipzor: Check these device and use the 'test button' YOu should get a 'beep' sound...12:46
Carsten_Nvidia 7300LE and Ubuntu 9.0412:46
gartralGuest73445: give me a moment, please12:47
hybriiddthose drivers are never fully suppoterd12:47
dremitshi. when updating the package manager a lot of the time in ubuntu 9.04, i find that either loading packages is very slow or won't load at all. Having said that it will sometimes load packages lighting fast (as was normal in Ubuntu 8). My internet works fine and i've tried different servers but it seems it's very hit and miss loading packages.12:47
furythorhmm,  then you need to consult nvidia graphics card driver manual to see if it supported or not12:47
ecolitanjrib ok, i get it12:47
ecolitanjrib my bad12:47
bazhanghybriidd, which ones12:47
Carsten_I have and it is.12:47
hybriiddthat series of nvidia :(12:47
jribJenniferB3: how are you running it?12:48
tstaerk3how can I install krecord on ubuntu?12:48
bazhanghybriidd, did you have a support question? please chat in #ubuntu-offtopic12:48
jribJenniferB3: as what user?12:48
DesertPantherhello, how can I install the new 2.6.30-4 Linux kernel for Ubuntu 9.04 Jaunty?12:48
hybriiddno need12:48
tscmgahow to change screen resoltion , when quit on a game?12:48
DesertPantheris there a ppa for it?12:48
minimecmizipzor: So you don't get any sound using that 'test button' but ubuntu sees a 'Ca0106'?12:48
Carsten_I installed Fedora on a different hard drive to see if it was an issue with my hardware... It works fine on Fedora with the same driver version so have a hard time trying to work out why X will not use it with ubuntu12:49
furythorCarsten_ Well, what kind of issues you are having then ?12:49
tscmgaxrand -s 0?12:49
gartralDesertPanther: you cant... either wait for Karmic or switch distros12:49
tscmgaxrandr -s 0?12:49
diddyHow can I check the hard disk health status of an internal disk?12:49
mizipzorminimec: actually it sees three of them... but no, no sound12:49
KeifferWhat CD/DVD catalog software is there for Ubuntu??12:49
hybriiddi wouldnt switch distros12:49
diddyI am very worried that my internal 500GB disk is giving up on me.12:50
worldominationdiddy: SMART Tools12:50
gartralGuest73445: looks too be 400 mhz p2 PCU and 128 mb Ram12:50
diddyworldomination, how do I get those?12:50
Guest73445gartral, On my own machines I may install Gnome as well,kde 4,, is a little fat :)12:50
PadhuHow can i view sdf extention files in ubuntu 8.10?12:50
Carsten_I get error, Fatal server error: no screens found12:50
worldominationinstall gsmartctl12:50
gartralGuest73445: CPU*12:50
KeifferWhat CD/DVD catalog software is there for Ubuntu??12:50
worldominationI meant gsmartcontrol12:50
Guest73445gartral, cheers for the info,, :)12:50
worldominationand smartools12:51
Guest73445gartral, d/load in progress ;)12:51
mizipzorminimec: i have both alsa, oss, esd and pulseaudio installed... could there be any conflicts there?12:51
worldominationdiddy: gsmartcontrol look it up in synaptic have fun12:51
furythorCarsten that seems to be because your screen is not recognized for reason or another12:51
jribDesertPanther: well you could always compile it yourself, but why do you want it?12:51
gartralGuest73445: whats your specs? you may be beter off with e1712:51
jcmariniwhew!  busy tonight12:51
minimecmizipzor: ok. Let's go a step further. 1. Set 'Output'Audio to 'automatic' again in gstreamer-properties; 2. Open a terminal and do sudo apt-get install pavucontrol; *. <alt>F2 pavucontrol look the 'outpu devices' section.12:52
Malekoany idea how i can start multiple instance of wget in terminal?12:52
gartralmizipzor: i see ESD and Pulse in the same list, thats a no-no, also, alsa and oss needs aoss to coexist without dying12:52
Carsten_well come back to why did it work fine in previous versions of ubuntu but not this one. as i said it also works fine on fedora12:52
DesertPantherjrib, I heard that it works faster than 2.6.2812:52
Maleko'wget link & wget link2' doesnt work12:52
Guest73445gartral, i have plenty :) It is for friends with older xp,,machines12:52
DesertPantherI don't compile it myself12:52
minimecmizipzor: Ubuntu sees some audio devices. Let's chek if pulseaudio sees them too ;)12:52
gartralGuest73445: whats the specs????12:52
myselfI compile it12:52
=== arthurL_ is now known as arthurL
Justcopdoes anyone know of a programme that can warn of low disk space. Just had loads of problems cos i had no idea12:53
mizipzorgartral: should i then, instead, start by removing as much as possible? everything related to sound but alsa and pulseaudio?12:53
Carsten_anyone else have any ideas?12:53
myselfWatch Your Diskspace Like A Vulture12:53
myselfsorry i cant think of anything12:53
furythorCarsten I had some issues on 8.10 my self too, so I was forced to move back to 8.04 and my hardware upgrade seems inevitable if I want to keep using latest LTS version ...12:53
jribDesertPanther: that's not really a great reason.  The kernel team's ppa has them though if you want to try them12:53
mizipzorminimec: the default output plugin or the default output device?12:53
gartralmizipzor: i would remove ESD via terminal with sudo aptitude purge esd12:53
Guest73445gartral, 2 gig ram ,,and clocked at 3.0-3.6 ghz depending on my mood ;)12:53
DesertPantherjrib, sure, where can I find that PPA?12:53
mizipzorgartral: im on it12:53
minimecmizipzor: If you set the Plugin, the device will be 'greyed out'12:54
gartralGuest73445: that should run gnome ANDE compiz just fine, as long as you have a semi decent gfx card12:54
bazhangCarsten_, how did you stop gdm when you installed those drivers?12:54
Guest73445gartral, 256,,Nvidia12:55
mizipzorminimec: ok, thats done, installing pavucontrol12:55
jribDesertPanther: kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline -- remember this isn't supported and is meant for testing, your machine may spontaneously combust, etc.12:55
DesertPantherjrib, how can I add this PPA to my source.list?12:55
=== Vincent is now known as Guest10294
Carsten_i was using     /etc/init.d/gdm stop12:55
diddyworldomination, I installed those smart tools but they are nowhere to be found under system -> administration. ???12:56
legend2440DesertPanther: http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/12:56
bazhangCarsten_, and then installing from the tty?12:56
mizipzorminimec: yup, this application was discussed in one of the guides... rhythmbox is playing and is listed under playback12:56
Guest73445gartral, I have kde4,,,on one partition and it is a little slow compared with 3,,,,12:56
dremits>hi. when updating the package manager a lot of the time in ubuntu 9.04, i find that either loading packages is very slow or won't load at all. Having said that it will sometimes load packages lighting fast (as was normal in Ubuntu 8). My internet works fine and i've tried different servers but it seems it's very hit and miss loading packages.12:56
mizipzorminimec: i got one entry in output devices, "ca0106-ca0106"12:56
bazhangCarsten_, sorry I forgot, did you also install nvidia-settings12:56
Carsten_via apt-get12:56
minimecmizipzor: But still no sound?12:57
mizipzorminimec: correct12:57
gartralGuest73445: KDE4 is a little slow on my i7 920 workstation with 12 gigs ram... its just slow code12:57
incorrecthi, what is ubuntu MID edition?12:57
Carsten_i did... and when I used nvidia-settings it tells me the driver isnt active etc, and to run nvidia-xconfig  when I do that I still get the same problem12:57
gnubiedremits; http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-select-fastest-mirror-in-ubuntu.html12:57
DesertPantherlegend2440, okay got it, but I want to add it in my Software Sources12:58
gartralincorrect: for "Micro Internet Devices"12:58
Guest73445gartral, Hell one powerhouse ,,does it dim the lights ;)12:58
dremitsgnubie i have tried12:58
dremitsbut to no avail12:58
bazhangCarsten_, everything crashing? what resolution are you trying to set btw12:58
Keifferwhat CD/DVD catalogging software can I use ?12:58
incorrectgardar, probably not a smart idea for a desktop,12:58
jribDesertPanther: not sure if you can as it doesn't have a repository structure.  You can just use the deb files if you want.12:58
minimecmizipzor: TRy to check if you got more than just one sound interface. A USB webcam for example, or an onboard sound card in combination with a pci soundcard. You should be able to send the stream to the device you want.12:58
dremitsis there anyone here from the united kingdom?12:58
incorrectmust admit netbook remix seems like a smart idea for a desktop12:58
DesertPantherjrib, alright thank you :)12:58
bazhang!uk > dremits12:58
ubottudremits, please see my private message12:58
gartralGuest73445: no.. but it acts as a great space heater!12:58
incorrectI would consider giving netbook remix on a desktop to my dear old mum12:59
Carsten_I get error, Fatal server error: no screens found   im using res 1440x90012:59
gartralincorrect: as your name states.. your incorrect.. ubuntu MID edition will run on the Atom based systems fine12:59
bazhangCarsten_, try selecting a lesser resolution12:59
Carsten_tried... same issue.12:59
mizipzorminimec: the onboard soundcard is faulty and has been disabled via the bios to prevent exactly such issues... no webcams or any external hardware is plugged in except for mouse and keyboard12:59
Guest73445gartral, Could do with that over here in NZ13:00
mizipzorminimec: unplugging the speakers and plugging them in again switches the output device in pulesaudio volume control to a "Null Output"13:00
incorrectgardar, are you saying MID is a good idea for a desktop?13:00
minimecmizipzor: Just because you talked about some 'unknown' devices in gstreamer-properties...13:00
alazyworkaholicI'm trying to set up a KVM vm. I also want to use the new 0.8 virt-manager, but only the 0.61 is available in the repositories. I downloaded 0.8, configure, make, make install, & it's in Applications, Other, but doesn't work. Running virt-manager in a terminal gives "File "/usr/local/share/virt-manager/virt-manager.py", line 26, in <module>    import libvirt" What do I do now? libvirt-bin is installed.13:00
bazhangCarsten_, I am at a loss; having nearly the same card working fine13:01
mizipzorminimec: i have no idea what the unknown is... but as i said, i have probably way to much sound software installed13:01
mizipzorminimec: ill try removing oss as well13:01
Carsten_im at a total loss as well... it works fine for me with another distro13:01
minimecmizipzor: You don't have to. I have a default installation, and that works.13:02
zinkeldonkI have Hardy but I want a newer kernel. In fact, I would like the Jaunty kernel. Trying to do this with the preferences file. Can one use syntax like this:13:02
zinkeldonkPackage: linux-image*13:02
zinkeldonkin the preferences file?13:02
gartralGuest73445: may i pm you?13:02
morris1the login sound plays although i have disabled it via system > preferences > sounds. is there a file which i can edit to stop that??13:02
mizipzorminimec: but neither do i need them, right? maybe removing them might remove some of the variables here... making it easier... and they can always be installed again13:02
minimecmizipzor: open a terminal and do lspi | grep audio13:02
mizipzorminimec: http://pastebin.org/592713:03
jcmarinias far as ican tell i havn't broken any6 rules13:03
jribjcmarini: hmm?13:03
jcmarinihmm indeed13:04
mizipzorminimec: i assumed you meant lspci, i dont have lspi... if it wasnt a typo13:04
zinkeldonkDoesn't seem like manual is explicit like this.13:04
zinkeldonkRather it does stipulate13:04
zinkeldonkPackage: *13:04
Carsten_just had an idea...13:05
Guest73445gartral, sure13:05
Carsten_whats the command to clear the synaptic/apt downloaded package cache?13:05
morris1the login sound plays although i have disabled it via system > preferences > sounds. is there a file which i can edit to stop that? or is this a known issue?13:05
jribCarsten_: « man apt-get » read about the two options with "clean" in them13:05
minimecmizipzor: ;) http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=963027 Your baby is maybe needing some tweaks. I guess this post is for hardy, but I would search the net for 'yourhardware' in combination with 'ubuntu' or 'jaunty'13:06
Guest73445Carsten_, apt-get clean13:06
mzzmorris1: which one? The one played when you have actually logged in or the one played by the login screen when it asks you for your username?13:07
Padhucarsten, $ sudo rm -f /var/cache/apt/archives/*.deb13:07
minimecmizipzor: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=767741113:07
morris1mzz: when i've actually logged in. the first one i don't even know how to disable... but i would if i could13:07
mizipzorminimec: ok... should i try to tweak the sample rate? or should i remove as much software as i can first?13:07
minimecmizipzor: You don't have to remove software.13:07
mizipzorminimec: yea, ok13:08
zinkeldonkAlso, I want to ensure that only the kernel comes from Jaunty....everything else should remain in the Hardy release.13:08
mzzmorris1: that one's probably under system -> administration -> login window -> accessibility13:08
behappyannasseh, welcome back13:08
mzzmorris1: I don't know why the other setting isn't working for you13:08
mizipzorminimec: but since unplugging and plugging in the speakers again... the output device is now only "null output"... maybe i should reboot before going any further... if there isnt any software trick for rechecking the card13:09
annassehbehappy, thanks13:09
morris1mzz: yeah... just thought there exists a config where i can look for the setting...13:09
behappyannasseh, np ^^13:09
Plichuhello everyone13:09
mzzmorris1: yep, but that'd be the one you said you just changed13:10
jcmarinimy bother scanner still willnot work withou sudo prin\veledge ... wots the script to make it local user again13:10
minimecmizipzor: sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils should do.13:10
minimecmizipzor: 'sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart'13:10
morris1mzz: :(13:11
Edicowhat is the name for the mit-scheme package?13:11
mizipzorminimec: hm... no effect, still null... but ive set the sample rate as described in that post, ill try a reboot, brb13:11
clem6I am using 9.04,it's a great system.13:11
minimecmizipzor: You could also do a 'dmesg' in a terminal and check for suspicious messages ...13:12
morris1mzz: additionally, in the sound preferences window, when i set a custom sound like cards shuffle.mp3, and i clikc on the play button on the right, the original login sound is played13:12
morris1that must be a bug somehow13:12
introublehey... in ubuntu, does ipod work as external drive without any downloads of apple crap or anyother crap?13:13
clem6But I met a problem,that is I see "shutting down bluetooth ..." when I shut up my machine,but I have no bluetooth device.13:13
mzzmorris1: I only replied because I thought you might have changed the wrong pref. I really don't know why the pref you found isn't working (it is the right pref, it worked here)13:13
clem6How can I remove this message?13:13
morris1mzz: okay, thanks anyway13:13
mzzclem6: does the message really bother you that much?13:13
nick125Quick question: what would cause an upgrade to be "held back?"13:13
mzzclem6: it's probably "bluetooth device management" in system -> administration -> services, but I haven't noticed it having any serious detrimental effects13:14
JenniferB3what is a simple ftp program for linux with gui support?13:14
rskiJenniferB3: filezilla13:15
mizipzorminimec: back, and the output device is back to normal13:15
nick125JenniferB3: I've used gftp in the past with good luck13:15
Padhuftp client13:15
clem6Yes,it is not effect my using,but remove it is better,I think. ;)13:15
minimecmizipzor: open a terminal and do dmesg and check for suspicious messages in combination with your audio device and driver.13:16
JenniferB3is it gftp-common that I should select?13:16
clem6Maybe it can make the shutting operation more quick.13:16
Jester_Racerhi all13:16
JenniferB3got it, thanks :)13:16
=== introuble is now known as SERE
Jester_RacerI have a quick quiestion: It is possible to get to work Enemy territory on Ubuntu x64?13:17
grawityJenniferB3: Are you using GNOME? It supports ftp:// addresses itself.13:18
mizipzorminimec: cant see anything weird13:18
clem6I have canceled the bluetooth service in system -> administration -> services,but nothing changed.13:18
Oseok, so I have a XP computer without a wireless network adapter built in, but with an usb adapter instead. If I switch my computer to ubuntu, can I somehow use the adapter (it comes with a windows only installation CD) to access my wireless netowrk?13:18
* Ose is lousy with everythign hardware-related13:19
daanwhich 802.11n wifi card should i buy that works out-of-the-box on ubuntu ?13:19
Padhu_1Ose: just try13:19
mizipzorminimec: hmm... this http://pastebin.org/5928 isnt really the same as this: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-ca010613:19
mizipzorminimec: or am i missunderstanding something now?13:19
minimecmizipzor: Well I guess I cannot help you further... I would continue playing around in the pavucontrol settings, as you card is recognized by the system...13:19
nick125daan: Intel cards are better supported. Broadcom n cards do not work without ndiswrapper.13:20
sunonetopenoffice in Jaunty is not actually sun's version but Go-oo, is this true?13:20
mizipzorminimec: ok... i see, thank you either way :) much appreciated13:20
daannick125: is the ndraft protocol fully supported ?13:20
minimecmizipzor: np13:21
nick125daan: I believe N is fully supported on the Intel cards13:21
daanthnx nick12513:22
alex^^surely there has to be some package out there for the cli to pickup on volume input strength, on say line-in?? ive been hunting for the last 2 hours and i cant find anything that can return the volume input levels on say mic-in or line-in, on the CLI13:22
alex^^anyone know?13:22
DoNoBaN_anybody has an zte mode working on ubuntu?13:22
mizipzorduring the installation of this: http://www.alsa-project.org/main/index.php/Matrix:Module-ca0106 where should i type ./configure? the guide seems skipping where i can find the actual source13:23
amirhamzneed someone to help13:24
WholeGrains!ask amirhamz13:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask amirhamz13:24
b3rz3rk3ramirhamz, please ask your question all one line13:24
amirhamzi cant install update13:25
amirhamzi just install ubuntu jaunty13:25
amirhamzwhen i try to update, i got error13:25
amirhamzsomthing like this : : Unable to lock the download directory13:26
bazhangamirhamz, use sudo13:27
mizipzorminimec: unchecking IEC958 in the volume control for my card seems to get sound when testing it :)13:27
blackcoatmanpeople, i need to modprobe the snd-rtctimer module, but it's not anywhere in the module packages.....13:27
blackcoatmanhow else can I do this? o.O13:27
minimecmizipzor: Cool.13:27
pozicMy machine just rebooted out of nothing. Is there some log that says why it did that?13:28
bazhangamirhamz, sudo apt-get update followed by sudo apt-get upgrade13:28
amirhamzi tried that13:28
amirhamzbut still got those error13:28
amirhamzCould not get lock /var/cache/apt/archives/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)13:28
bazhangamirhamz, then close other instances of synaptic add/remove etc and try again13:28
mizipzorpozic: could be related to overheating as well, which wont be in the logs13:29
pozicmizipzor: it didn't feel particularly hot.13:29
amirhamzcan i leave the chat open?13:29
PaschuI have a problem13:29
mithuis there any driver for medion 42200 quick launcher panel13:29
Paschui cant see the icons and the other things in my ubuntu13:29
grawityPaschu: What do you mean by "the other things"?13:30
clem6Hi,how can read the startup message and shut up message in the rootfs?13:30
Paschugrawity: the off button, ...13:30
Paschuthe time13:30
grawityPaschu: ah. So the desktop and the panels13:30
Paschuyea right13:31
bazhangamirhamz, of course you can13:31
Paschui can see the background13:31
Paschuand the mouse13:31
Paschuand my usb stick13:31
FloodBot2Paschu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:31
grawityPaschu: Can you open a terminal with Alt-F2 -> "gnome-terminal"?13:31
clem6any help?13:31
Keifferwhat command I use in terminal too see login time?13:31
Paschui think i tried it13:31
Neutron_hello, I wonder if there is some network install CD for ubuntu.. I have a CDROM that is a bit screwed and will only read about the first 300MBs of a disk..13:31
Paschubut it dont work13:31
Paschubut i can open 'Help'13:32
geirha!install | Neutron_13:32
ubottuNeutron_: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate13:32
grawityKeiffer: w, who, finger, finger Keiffer, lastlog -u Keiffer... depends on what you need.13:32
meteor``I tried to update ubuntu but now it says..  Update is complete/ Not all changes and update succeeded. For further details , please expand the details.13:33
meteor``what should i do? I cant install nay software by add remove panel even.13:33
Edicohere it says that mit-scheme is in jaunty http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/devel/ but when I try to search it with synaptic I can't find it. Why?13:33
Paschui need help! nothing work right!13:33
Neutron_ok thanks I will give it a go13:33
bazhangPaschu, does alt f2 work13:34
Paschuit dont13:34
amirhamzbazhang, i still got the same error13:34
amirhamzdo i need to restart first n update, or what?13:34
Paschuit doesnt work13:34
bazhangamirhamz, are you downloading something now?13:34
amirhamzthe only thing thats open is chat n firefox13:35
meteor``I tried to update ubuntu but now it says..  Update is complete/ Not all changes and update succeeded. For further details , please expand the details.13:35
meteor``what should i do? I cant install nay software by add remove panel even.13:35
=== sale_ is now known as sale
grawitymeteor``: Can you go to the Terminal, then type 'sudo apt-get update' and 'sudo apt-get upgrade'?13:35
bazhangamirhamz, and you closed all the other instances of apt? add/remove synaptic etc?13:36
=== TwentyFour0One is now known as BaconCat
minimecPaschu: That if you reboot? Can you do <ctrl>aslt>F1; login; sudo reboot ?13:36
bazhangPaschu, when did you install ubuntu and what version13:36
Neutron_"The Minimal CD downloads packages from online archives at installation time instead of providing them on the install CD itself. Downloading packages at install time reduces the size of the install CD to approximately 5 to 20MB depending on architecture" great, I found what I was looking for. thanks guys13:36
minimecPaschu: <ctrl><alt>F1 ;)13:36
Paschunetbook remix13:37
myselfno one lives in the future, no one lives in the past13:37
bazhangmyself, ??13:37
myself!offtopic myself13:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about offtopic myself13:37
myselfneither do i13:37
myself he he sorry13:37
Paschuso, what should i do?13:38
myselfwhats your question13:38
amirhamzso, how can i know if something open on the background13:38
amirhamznow i only have pidgin n firefox13:38
bazhangPaschu, the keyboard is completely unresponsive?13:38
myselfopen gnome-system-monitor13:38
myselfin terminal13:38
Paschuthe keyboard works13:38
myselfand see what u got running13:39
clem6How can I see the shut up log in the ubuntu?dmesg can not see that.13:39
CradLeRckerI have a problem with wine or steam. When ever i run Half Life 2 or Team fortress 2 i can never get past the launch screen and an error message comes up. unfortunatly i cant read the error message. If anyone can help me please PM me.13:39
amirhamzbazhang, should i restart first??13:40
myselfcan people even get TF2 running on Wine?13:40
myselfanyone here? cause id be interested in installing it if that was possible13:40
bazhangamirhamz, open a terminal and type top to see what is running13:40
bazhangmyself check the appdb13:40
bazhang!appdb > myself13:40
ubottumyself, please see my private message13:40
myselfheh team fortress 2 is Gold13:41
bazhangPaschu, so you installed unr today ? did it ever work? what method of installation did you use?13:41
amirhamzhow to look at this?13:41
Edicosomeone use ubuntu-x86_64?13:41
Paschuit worked13:41
Paschuin the fist minutes13:42
Technocrat-AmitALL : how can I join multiple irc servers/channels in XCHAT GNOME IRC CHAT client13:42
myselfim gonna install it13:42
myselfFOR THE WIN13:42
amirhamztask 136, running 213:42
Paschuthan i switched to desktop mode and BANG13:42
Paschuafter a restart it didnt work13:42
bazhangPaschu, switch back to unr mode then13:42
Paschuno desktop icons13:42
Paschuno control panel13:43
bazhangPaschu, log out and choose in login session13:43
bazhangamirhamz, paste.ubuntu.com with the output of sudo apt-get update and give us the url (DONT paste here)13:44
marcin_i'm a new user of ububtu13:44
marcin_somebody can help me?13:45
marcin_i speak polish13:45
marcin_somebody else>13:45
amirhamzwhere to paste?13:45
bazhangamirhamz, open a web browser; go to the website paste.ubuntu.com ; type sudo apt-get update in the terminal; copy and paste that output to the web page you opened; hit paste on the webpage, and give us the generated url here13:45
kristapsabout what ?13:45
minimec!pl | marcin_13:46
ubottumarcin_: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Mozesz uzyskac pomoc w jezyku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.13:46
legend2440i have Autologin enabled. if i am booting and want to see the Login options is there a key i can press to bypass Autologin? or do i have to uncheck the option in Login Window?13:46
helperlegend2440 i think you have login Window and on  Terminal . /etc/gdm/gdm.conf13:47
meteor``I tried to update ubuntu but now it says..  Update is complete/ Not all changes and update succeeded. For further details , please expand the details.13:47
meteor``what should i do? I cant install nay software by add remove panel even.13:47
amirhamzwhen i type that command, the update manager kick in13:47
bazhangamirhamz, now the same procedure with sudo apt-get upgrade13:48
amirhamzbut when i tried to install, comes the error13:48
legend2440helper: ok thanks13:48
Hydridi just installed lamp server i put and it displays a message it works! and now i am running the command sudo gedit /var/www/testphp.php it opens me the file i write < ?php echo "Hello World"; ?> i save it and afer i put it to firefox http://localhost/testphp.php and firefox ASKS ME WITH WHAT TO OPEN IT? What should i do???13:48
JenniferB3Not enough random bytes available.  Please do some other work to give the OS a chance to collect more entropy! ........... how do I say , now its enough.. try agaun.. I can keep typing forever it seems13:48
meteor``amirhamz, Im doing the same.13:48
meteor``Nothing happens.13:48
bazhangamirhamz, cancel out the update manager13:48
bazhangJenniferB3, move your mouse around13:49
meteor``sudo apt-get update -> fine.13:49
meteor``sudo apt-get upgrade -> gives and error.13:49
bazhangmeteor``, was the update manager up and running?13:49
JenniferB3bazhang: I have done and typed in allot of words.. should it quit this mode by itself? or do I need to hit some special key?13:49
meteor``yes it was.13:49
meteor``the last upgrade was okay.13:49
meteor``dpkg: parse error, in file `/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 11581 package `gtk2-engines':13:49
meteor``<meteor``>  `Replaces' field, invalid package name `gtk2-engines-highcontrast$': character `$' not allowed (only letters, digits and characters `-+._')13:49
meteor``<meteor``> E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (2)13:49
FloodBot2meteor``: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:49
bazhangpaste.ubuntu.com meteor`` (not here)13:50
meteor``This is what IM getting on upgrade.13:50
bazhangJenniferB3, you are generating a key for gnupg?13:50
JenniferB3gpg --gen-key13:51
amirhamzi canceled it13:51
amirhamzi stopp installing after lots of failure13:51
minimecmeteor``: Your problem is different. That gtk-engine package is broken. Open the Synaptic package manager and go zo broken packegesand remove that package.13:51
bazhangamirhamz, you first canceled out the update manager?13:51
amirhamzthen i look up  to u guys13:51
amirhamzafter update, update manager kick in, but i cancelled13:52
amirhamzthats the correct way right?13:52
amirhamzthen paste13:52
bazhangamirhamz, how about this; sudo apt-get update ; let manager take over and run it from there13:53
meteor``minimec, cant get you.13:53
bazhangmeteor``, its a broken package, follow what minimec said13:54
amirhamzi tried that13:54
helpermeteor`` minimec was telling you , you got a broken package either u need to open the Synaptic package manager to remove it or use aptitude (From Terminal ) to remove it13:54
bazhangamirhamz, are you logged in as normal user?13:54
minimecmeteor``: You are getting that error message with the package 'gtk2-engines-highcontrast$'. It looks to me that you tried to install that package before.13:54
amirhamzhow to know?13:54
amirhamzwhen i installed ubuntu just now, i put automatic log in13:55
bazhang!aptfix | amirhamz try this13:55
ubottuamirhamz try this: If an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:55
Hydrid i just installed lamp server i put and it displays a message it works! and now i am running the command sudo gedit /var/www/testphp.php it opens me the file i write < ?php echo "Hello World"; ?> i save it and afer i put it to firefox http://localhost/testphp.php and firefox ASKS ME WITH WHAT TO OPEN IT? What should i do???13:55
sp4zanybody know of a email client that will talk with an exchange server? or perhaps is it possible to run outlook via wine?13:55
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bazhangsp4z, check appdb13:55
meteor``I tried to search for 'gtk2-engines-highcontrast$' in Synpatic PM.. and cant find anything like that.13:55
amirhamzwhich one?13:55
jrib!lamp > Hydrid13:56
ubottuHydrid, please see my private message13:56
sp4zbazhang, appdb?13:56
amirhamzbazhang's or ubottu?13:56
Hydridevolution speaks with exchange server as i know13:56
bazhangamirhamz, did you login as root?13:56
Edicowhy I can't check like the source code like all the other sources like in this picture http://imagebin.ca/view/Aw9RZwLp.html ?13:56
jribHydrid: follow the "troubleshooting" section for that issue13:56
=== SebastianV is now known as sv
bazhangamirhamz, never mind on the command from ubottu above13:56
helpermeteor`` search for gtk2-engines-highcontrast13:56
sp4zbazhang, nvm found it13:57
alazyworkaholicI can only use virt-manager (manual install of newer version) as root. As a regular user it starts but won't connect to Qemu & complains libvitd hasn't been started.13:57
bazhangamirhamz, you need to use sudo in your command, and nothing else can be running. that is the issue13:57
amirhamzi put sudo aptfix13:57
amirhamznothing happened13:57
bazhangamirhamz, never mind that13:58
meteor``helper, not that even.13:58
amirhamzso what now?13:58
helpermeteor`` go to terminal try: dpkg -l | grep gtk2-engines  (is there any) ?13:58
ComStarhow do I connect to a network from console13:59
sjooswil of frank?13:59
bazhangamirhamz, launch update manager from the system administration menu13:59
gDDplease help me find out what program in this terminal: http://forum.ubuntu.org.cn/viewtopic.php?f=50&t=145239&start=013:59
bazhangComStar, wireless? encryped or open14:00
ComStarwireless, unencrypted14:00
jribgDD: might be gnutypist?  Don't know14:00
ComStarI've tried man pages14:01
erUSULComStar: it depends... wifi? wired? dhscp or static ip?14:01
ComStardoesn't get me far14:01
ComStarWifi dhcp14:01
bazhangComStar, sudo dhclient wlan014:01
ComStarjust give me the basic commands14:01
ComStarI do man pages14:01
ComStarah ok thanks bazhang14:01
bazhangComStar, make sure it is that in ifconfig14:01
oixis there someone who speaks french?14:01
bazhangoix, in #ubuntu-fr14:01
ComStarbazhang you mean wlan0?14:02
ComStaryeah it's there lol14:02
* Dekko wonders if someone knows how to fix the usplash on shutdown having weird colors.....14:02
bazhangComStar, yes, could be that or ath0 or similar, make sure and check14:02
sp4zare there any opensource apps that will get mail from an exchange server14:02
ComStarbazhang I already know my system, thanks14:02
sHyLoCk_oix: type join #ubuntu-fr14:02
minimecoix: /join #ubuntu-fr14:02
ComStarsHyLoCk_ you mmean /join14:02
jribsp4z: can't evolution do that?14:02
amirhamzeven my display is still sluggish14:02
gDDjrib: thanks, let me have a try.14:02
ComStaramirhamz what's wrong?14:02
sHyLoCk_ComStar: join works for me14:03
ComStarsHyLoCk_ what irc client do you use14:03
ComStargood choice14:03
ComStarI guess, used to use that cause of the gui popup for highlights14:03
ComStarbazhang thanks for the help14:03
bazhangComStar, you're welcome14:03
ComStarbazhang can you point me in the direction of a general tutorial for all the scenarios? (wireless, wired, static ip, non-dhcp dynamic, etc)14:04
mhzareihow to active Ethernet in kubuntu14:04
sp4zjrib, yeah it does but only via OWA14:04
jribsp4z: ok14:04
bazhanghttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=571188 ComStar14:04
ComStarthanks bazhang14:05
styol3Gsany ideas on how to diagnose an issue with a wireless card for a dell mini (netbook) where basically the wireless networks option doesnt show up.. possible partial upgrade may have caused it?14:05
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sHyLoCk_bah, ubuntu channel keeps on increasing my log size14:06
canthus13styol3Gs: Does it show up when you do lspci in a terminal?14:06
styol3Gscanthus13 let me give that a try real quick14:07
canthus13styol3Gs: 'k.14:07
oixMy sceen freezes when I start my laptop (or when I restart X), and everytime I have to type blindly "compiz" in a terminal to solve this problem14:07
ComStarbazhang: that doesn't seem to have worked14:08
ComStarbazhang that doesn't seem to have worked14:09
ComStarthe command you gave me, I'm just going to read the guide though14:09
Shinobiis there a way to kill a process in the gui?14:10
Alvinwareyoutube fullscreen bug in firefox solved?14:10
canthus13Shinobi: System Monitor.14:10
Alvinwareshinobi, windows monitor.14:10
styol3Gscanthus13 it seems like its showing up, would it be a network controller or a ethernet controller?14:10
arandShinobi: system monitor, or the kill apllication applet?14:10
minimecShinobi: <alt>F2 xkill or with the gnome-system-monitor14:10
canthus13styol3Gs: It would probably show up as a wireless controller.14:10
canthus13styol3Gs: If it's dell, probably either intel pro or broadcom.14:11
echosystmwhats the equivalent of lspci that would show what kind of touchpad i have?14:11
canthus13styol3Gs: And if it's broadcom, you may have to activate the driver.14:11
s0u][ightcan someone help me with my acer aspire 5920 laptop and the media keys?14:11
mhzareiethernet controller14:11
grawityechosystm: 'dmesg' usually has that information.14:12
arandechosystm: lsusb maybe14:12
zargonovskioix do you have graphic driver installed14:12
styol3Gscanthus13 Network controller: Broadcom corporation bcm431214:12
s0u][ightechosystm, look in /proc/bus/input/devices (lists all your input devices14:12
solexious_When trying to unmount a mdadm array I get: [umount: /media/storage: device is busy.] How can I remedy this?14:12
canthus13styol3Gs: Ok. Check your restricted drivers.14:12
canthus13styol3Gs: You may just need to activate it.14:12
Shinobiarand: to kill a applet14:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about acer14:12
styol3Gshow do i do that?14:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about aspire14:12
ubottuKeyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts14:12
Shinobiarand: windows wireless drivers14:13
canthus13styol3Gs: Which version of ubuntu are you using?14:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about toshiba14:13
jcmarinianyone got trouble with brother dcp150scanner?14:13
arandShinobi: you are speaking in fragments... what?14:13
mizipzoris there a program that lets me select an arbitrary point on the screen and get the rgb value currently displayed on that pixel? working with some themes here... such app would help14:13
alazyworkaholicdoes anyone here know anything about libvirtd, the libvirt for virtualization daemon?14:14
minimecs0u][ight: open a terminal, type xev in it and put the mouse pointer into the window that pops up. use the media keys now to see if they give some keycode.14:14
Shinobiarand: to kill a applet "windows wireless drivers"14:14
Shinobiarand> Shinobi: system monitor, or the kill apllication applet?14:14
jcmarinihelp my brother scanner only works with sudo priveledge14:14
ComStarbye all14:14
arandsolexious_: might be you are browsing the mount point currently?14:14
s0u][ightminimec, hmm i had remapped the buttons before lemme log out and in and retry ;)14:15
solexious_arand, sadly not14:15
oixyes I  have, I had a problem recently with X.Org my PC crashed when I tried to see a video in a fullscreen mode with VLC, I was obliged to make a buckup of xorg.conf,  since that day I have this problem14:15
canthus13styol3Gs: it's in the admin menu. (sorry.. I'm logged in on a windows machine, ssh'd into my home server, so I can't dig through the menus myself.)14:15
diddyIs there a tool to deactivate badblocks on a hard disk?14:16
styol3Gscanthus13 alrightie no prob, ill check it out real quick.. thanks much14:16
arandShinobi: so you're trying to kill ndiswrapper?? System monitor would do that I think, xkill (or the force-quit panel applet) just kills applications with associated windows...14:16
canthus13styol3Gs: No prob.  wireless drivers can be a pain.14:16
spOmy two ethernet ports  on my motherboard have the same hardware address but use a different irq,  the problem is the kernel names one eth0 and the other one eth1_rename  instead of eth114:16
legend2440mizipzor: open system pref>appearance>background click on square box unde  Colors it will give an eyedropper click on screen and it will give rgb value14:17
jcmariniwots wrong with brother anyway .. it has the cheapeast ink... up the poor workers14:17
styol3Gsadmin > hardware drivers. ? says no proprietary drivers are in use on this system canthus1314:17
mizipzorlegend2440: thats what ive been using so far... but it would be nice with something even simpler... something that sits in tray and has a keyboard shortcut or something14:18
helperspO both have same HW address?14:18
canthus13styol3Gs: Odd. It should show that there are broadcom drivers available.14:18
tavi_hy i need help whit open office14:18
tavi_i wanna put that open office whit tabels14:18
arandsolexious_: well, you could always force the umount ( -f ) but first after you make sure nothing might be using it in any way...14:19
solexious_arand, thanks14:19
jcmarinidoesnt everyone need help how bout brother drivers14:19
styol3Gsi think something got borked, my girlfriend decided to do updates and it stopped cause it ran out of room14:19
styol3Gsso i suspect i may just need to reinstall the drivers for it14:20
helperspO actually i never seen 2 Ethernet having same HW address !14:20
solexious_arand, now im also getting [umount2: Device or resource busy]14:20
solexious_arand, with adding -f14:20
canthus13styol3Gs: Do this in the terminal:  lspci | grep b4314:21
canthus13styol3Gs: Paste the result, if any.14:21
canthus13styol3Gs: Err. wrong command.14:21
canthus13styol3Gs: lsmod | grep b4314:21
canthus13styol3Gs: Sorry.14:21
styol3Gsone sec14:22
canthus13styol3Gs: :)  My bad. I just woke up... haven't had enough caffeine yet.14:22
arandsolexious_: try " -l " then... (man umount for info on those options).14:23
styol3Gscanthus13 haha all good no worries.. both haz no output14:23
solexious_arand, That got it, thanks14:23
canthus13styol3Gs: Hmm...14:23
canthus13styol3Gs: Ok... Well, check out this thread.  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76656014:24
jcmariniworkers of the  world unite you only have your chains to loose  karl marx das capital14:24
mizipzorwhats the program in gnome that lets me add and remove programs that will be autostarted upon login?14:24
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Arenlormizipzor: I'm not sure but it should be under System > Preferences > Startup Applications14:26
styol3Gs_canthus13 sorry bout that one sec ill peep the link14:26
canthus13styol3Gs_: Sure.14:26
mizipzorArenlor: not the program i had in mind but it seems to do the same job :p thanks14:26
minimecmizipzor: <alt>F2 gnome-control-center. You will find it in the 'personal' section ;)14:27
mizipzorminimec: white text on white background :p that control center most certainly dont like my current theme14:28
oldude67whats the command to do a dist-upgrade?14:28
Arenloroldude67: sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:29
spOhedlper, even if they are part of the same motherboard?14:29
oldude67Arenlor, ty14:29
minimecmizipzor: oups ;) I often use gnome-control-center, as I use e17 as WM without a Panel.14:29
dementorhy how can ai add a bluetooth  handsfree  device14:29
diddyWhat does this tell me during the operation of badblocks? 115200% done, 5:36 elapsed14:29
diddybadblocks: Input/output error during ext2fs_sync_device14:29
diddybadblocks: Input/output error during ext2fs_sync_devic14:29
Arenlorminimec, mizipzor: That control center is all under System14:30
mizipzorminimec: but i found the button you mentioned, it was the same app as Arenlor indicated14:30
Syriusdoes any body use grsync ?14:30
creeedafter upgrading to 9.04 my left-right-click do not funktion any more! any help pls?14:30
minimecArenlor: I often use gnome-control-center, as I use e17 as WM without a Panel.14:30
Syriusif I check the update existing and make backups of existing that will update existing make backup first and also backup newly created files right ?14:31
creeedhow can I emulate the middle click by clicking both of right and left mouse buttons?14:32
jcmarinimizipzor let me retype that ; menu system14:32
Padhuany application to check CPU temperature?14:32
mizipzorjcmarini: thank you :)14:33
Syriusdoes any body use grsync ?14:33
Syriusif I check the update existing and make backups of existing that will update existing make backup first and also backup newly created files right ?14:33
b3rz3rk3rcreeed, that should be a default setting14:33
gregAttempting to compile a .c file, but getting errors about 'undefined reference to 'floor''. Have checked on the .c file includes reference to <math.h>. However my copy of math.h doesn't appear to declare the floor function. Anybody got any ideas? Using gcc to compile.14:33
creeedPadhu, gnome-sensors-applet14:33
ArenlorPadhu: Sensors-Applet with libsensors and hddtemp works for me. Not sure if I'm missing something14:33
b3rz3rk3rcreeed, at least it is in Firefox14:33
mizipzorgreg: i think youll have more luck in ##c or ##c++14:34
buhi everybidy14:34
Padhuthank you i will try it14:34
Arenlorgreg: Pastebin your app14:34
creeedb3rz3rk3r, where can I change the settings? I saw in xorg.conf nothing abour input devices14:34
aksci_how can i have two different webform pages insert data into a single table??14:35
bui got issues setting up my wireless card14:35
stroyangreg: You need to link with -lm to get the math.h functions.14:35
b3rz3rk3rcreeed, for a laptop?14:35
b3rz3rk3ras in touchpad?14:35
b3rz3rk3ri dont know14:36
gregArenlor - may be easier for you to download from site: http://www.sbrk.co.uk/ant0_t3.tar.gz14:36
hmwMy Jaunty won't let me connect from outside with vnc - "connection refused" - the remote desktop settings tell me: "Your desktop is only reachable over the local network. Others can access your computer using the address _localhost_" - I can't find anything related on the web. Please help.14:36
creeedb3rz3rk3r, no it's a wireless usb-mouse14:36
dementorhy how can ai add a bluetooth  handsfree  device14:36
b3rz3rk3rcreeed, for a usb mouse it will be in xorg.conf14:36
spOis there a way to change my ethernet card's hardware address?14:36
n8tuserspO-> yes, use of the command ip14:36
bumaaan this room is random!! :S14:36
b3rz3rk3rb3rz3rk3r, gksu gedit /usr/bin/xorg.conf i think14:36
djisamsoebu: please explain your problem in more detail, may be someone will help14:36
b3rz3rk3rcreeed,  gksu gedit /usr/bin/xorg.conf i think14:37
b3rz3rk3rlol.. typed that to myself :p14:37
bulol djisamsoe thanks for the hint14:37
myselfmy love for you is like a truck b3rz3rk3r14:37
livingdaylighthello channel14:37
livingdaylighti need help with panels14:37
gregstroyan - the app has a makefile but the first two lines fail: [1] CFLAGS=-g -Werror14:38
greg[2] LDFLAGS=-lpthread -lm (The -Werror is not recognised from [1], lm command not found in [2]14:38
Waldteufelhello livingdaylight14:38
creeedb3rz3rk3r, I rood the configuration for input devices by 9.04 is nomore in xorg but in hald!14:38
bumy laptop cant detect my intel 3945abg wireless card am running ubuntu 9.0414:38
alex^^whats the cdrom audio input inside /dev? line-in is /dev/dsp, whats the cdrom auto? does it come through alsamixer into /dev/mixer??14:38
livingdaylightWaldteufel, hallo14:38
buthe iwconfig says no wireless extensions14:38
hmwargh... what's wrong with the remote desktop?14:38
Waldteufelbu, do you have restricted drivers installed?14:38
hmw"Always display an icon" is checked, but there is no icon. I can't connect.14:38
buno wald14:39
b3rz3rk3rcreeed, should be in xorg.conf still.. at least mine was when i changed my button assignment on my logitech mx14:39
stroyangreg: It sounds like you typed "sh Makefile".  You should type "make" to use the Makefile.14:39
livingdaylightbecause i've isntalled Ubuntu on laptop i want to take maximize realestate and using only 1 panel at bottom. But now when i minimalize FF or Terminal for eg, they disappear and i can't bring it back, you know how to fix?14:39
djisamsoebu: what chip does your wlan card use?14:39
Waldteufelbu, try that or the linux-backports-modules-...14:39
creeedb3rz3rk3r, I'll write a section for anf tell you14:39
hmwlivingdaylight: try ALT+TAB14:39
grawitylivingdaylight: Alt+Tab. Or add a window list to that panel.14:39
reya276How can I reformat a USB flash Drive which is readonly?14:39
creeedb3rz3rk3r, what ubuntu release do you have?14:39
b3rz3rk3rcreeed, 9.0414:40
livingdaylighthmw, alt-tab work14:40
livingdaylightgrawity, ahh... that is what is missing from this panel, ok, i add14:40
Syriusif I check the update existing and make backups of existing that will update existing make backup first and also backup newly created files right ?14:40
hmwlivingdaylight: you might try cairo-dock for saving screen real estate with a "task bar"14:40
Paschui cant fix it on my own :/14:40
Arenlorgreg: That thing just doesn't compile.14:40
buWaldteufel, i did try the backports and that what made my wireless completely disappear , 1stly it was there but cant connect to any network.. now when i removed the backports it still cant be detected14:40
gregstroyan - indeed I did. Using make now gives me compile errors. :o( Thanks for your help, I'll continue investigating.14:40
PaschuI tried everything14:40
Paschubut nothing worked14:40
livingdaylighthmw, hrmm, it is an idea.... not too keen on cairo... big and clunky if i recall. The standard /classic is simple and clean14:41
buand am using Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)14:41
gregArenlor - thanks. Just found that out as well. Back to the drawing board, and Windows for the time being!14:41
PaschuAfter ubuntu loaded, i can see the mouse cursor and the background image - no control panel, no icons. ALT + F2 doesnt work, what should i do???14:41
Paschu*im using ubuntu netbook edition14:41
Arenlorgreg: If you really need taht now just use "gcc -lm -lpthread gant.c antlib.c -o gant"14:42
oixjoin #python-fr14:42
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oix!join #python-fr14:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about join #python-fr14:42
b0bhii wie komm ich de^14:43
Paschucmon! its very important14:43
hmwwow... i clicked on that "localhost" and now windows pop up "composing message" - this remote desktop is insane14:43
arand!de | b0b14:43
ubottub0b: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:43
gregArenlor - thank you very much. Guess thats just treating warnings as warnings now, until the code is tidied up? Seems to have compiled14:43
Waldteufelcan anyone help me with equivs? I'm trying to make a dummy package for texlive to satisfy lyx's dependencies. But apt-get install lyx always wants to install tex-common although it's listed in the Provides section of my package control file.14:44
=== janne is now known as Skiessi
Arenlorgreg: Yep, -Werror means treat warnings as errors. -g means include debugging statements which considering their makefile and code both need cleaned up, not sure if debugging would help them14:44
crunchbang666hi all, just trying to install ubuntu 9 to usb, which partition would i add the bootloader to? sda or sda1?14:44
EvetHow can I repair my gnome? It crashes...14:44
gregThank you very much guys. No doubt see you again soon. Bye for now! :o)14:44
djisamsoebu: & what kernel architechture do you use with ubuntu?14:45
zer0xHi all, is anyone here running karmin on an eee pc?14:45
hmwmy remote desktop won't work, looks like firewall blocking it, but there is no active fw. any help here?14:45
varunthackeri have 15gb of unallocated space.Can i merge that into my existing ubuntu filesystem which is partitioned in ext414:46
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styol1canthus13 it didnt work :(14:46
zer0xhmw: is that through a router on or the same lan?14:46
hmwzer0x: same lan. the other ubuntu machine lets me in.14:47
geirhavarunthacker: Yes. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowtoPartition14:47
arand!karmic | zer0x14:47
ubottuzer0x: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 2009 - Karmic WILL break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:47
hmwzer0x: standard setup. The remote desktop tells me, i can now connect via "localhost" gah14:47
zer0xhmw: umm, you have checked the port is open on the target machine?14:47
Arenlorvarunthacker: Yes, just make sure to backup all important data first.14:47
zer0xubottu: he14:47
ubottuלשיחות בשפה העברית ולגישה לקהילת המשתמשים העברית אנא הקלד:14:47
ubottu/join #ubuntu-il14:47
zer0xubottu: cheers, just want to check something about power management14:48
varunthackerbackup which drive?14:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:48
hmwzer0x: no firewall active, then I installed firestarter to be sure, doesnt help.14:48
mdgbu: http://linux-wless.passys.nl/query_part.php?brandname=Intel - card works out of the box14:48
xps9000hmw: Just use IPTables14:48
styol1canthus13 anything else i should try?14:49
Spykemcccan someone help me do my minimal ubuntu install script for hardy 64 ???14:49
hmwxps9000: jaunty comes with an completely open firewall, right??14:49
Arenlorhmw: No ufw available?14:49
xps9000No, just IP Tables14:49
erUSUL!fw | hmw14:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fw14:49
erUSUL!firewall | hmw14:49
ubottuhmw: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist14:49
Arenlorhmw: type "sudo ufw status" just to make sure it's not blocking.14:49
hmwaah... i used to use a normal script with iptables14:49
djisamsoemdg: bu has quit... :)14:49
mdgdjisamsoe: thanks - guess I missed it :)14:50
zer0xhmw: so you can connect to it from another machine on the same lan?14:50
styol1ahhh, pimping14:50
Neutron_is there any very very old linux distro that will run on an old laptop with 8MB of RAM with GUI?14:50
varunthackerArenlor, which partition do i need to backup.14:50
hmwufw status: inactive14:50
kolnmany bugs ito 9.04 version, streamtuner do not work in it, damn & damn14:50
Jester_Racerhi all14:50
Neutron_there's no way win95 can do what linux can't :P and Win3.x used to run on 4MB of RAM14:50
Arenlorvarunthacker: No one in particular, but probably at least /home would be useful to backup14:50
hmwzer0x: no, i can not connect, thats the problem, and i dont understand it, its a standard setup14:51
mdgNeutron_: damnsmalllinux might be able to if you give it enough swap14:51
darklingduckQuestion, I have Ubuntu on my laptop.  I started with 8.10, and it worked fine.  When I updated I can not use the new Kernals.  I have 2.6.28-14, 28-13, and 27-14 all installed, but can only boot with 27-14.  Any Ideas?14:51
zer0xhmw: If no machine can connect i assume it is only listening on localhost14:51
Spykemccis openbox desktop is easy to use ?14:51
hmwzer0x: thats what this strange remote desktop keeps telling me. why?? i want to make it correct. how?14:51
Evethow can I reinstall gnome?14:51
gastlyhi :)14:52
bishopzero0x  terminal ifconfig ?14:52
erUSULdarklingduck: what errors? or weird behavior you get with the new kernels ?14:52
varunthackerits been over a month with this problem and i will have to reinstall ubuntu unless someone can solve this probelm http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7720632#post772063214:52
zer0xhmw: you would have to make it listen on your main interface, or use an ssh tunnel to forward the connection14:52
arandSpykemcc: Seems so, check out crunchbang, a ubuntu derivative which uses it.14:52
kolnsudo aptitude install gnome-desktop14:52
djisamsoeNeutron_: try DSL or puppy Linux14:52
Evetkoln, i cant reach terminal14:52
hmwzer0x: not really, the other ubuntu pc lets me in with the same standard setup. I must have done something very bad.14:52
darklingduckerUSUL:  When the LILO tries to boot it locks up.14:53
Spykemccarand I don't want another bloated ubuntu clone ... I wanna build my minimal install14:53
arandEvet: not even in rescue mode?14:53
hmwzer0x: is there a howto? a config file in /etc? something, where I can configure this thing?14:53
Neutron_sure, I will give it a try14:53
maggi_kpunkthi, i'm new to linux. I installed Ubuntu 9.04 on friday on a different HDD XP. I'm a little konfused because the Bootloader offers me two different Kernel versions. Is that normal or did i do something wrong?14:53
erUSULdarklingduck: blinking leds ? any error msg ?14:53
Evetarand, i cant reach internet in rescue mode14:53
erUSULdarklingduck: btw why do you use lilo ?14:53
Evetis there a filetype which opens with terminal?14:54
zer0xhmw: not sure, I never use remote desktop, only ssh :/14:54
hmwzer0x: darn, me too... i need my thunderbird14:54
Abd4llAhi there, any idea what's the difference between /lib/libc.so and /lib/tls/cmov/libc.so ?14:54
darklingduckerUSUL: No error message, just sits there.  I let it sit fo 15 minutes and nothing.  Actually I think it is Grub, LILO was just the first name that jumped into my head.14:54
zer0xhmw: can you use X forwarding with ssh? xD14:54
durtEvet, not unless you associated it with a filetype14:54
arandSpykemcc: crunchbang is normally far less bloated than ubuntu, but you could always check it out just to evaluate openbox, and then go ahead with the minimal+openbox if it suits you...14:54
adrian__hi all14:54
helperAbd4llA i think for libraries14:55
Evetdurt, its a good idea14:55
hmwzer0x: no, i need to connect from windows14:55
durtEvet, no it's not14:55
erUSULdarklingduck: even if you boot removing the splash an quiet boot options you do not get anything ?14:55
Abd4llAhelper: what do u mean?14:55
crunchbang666are there any other viable wireless network managers apart from WICD and NM?14:56
hmwwhat do they use as remote desktop server? is it vnc? i try to find the config files, since the UI settings dialog doesnt let me set anything except "yes, i want it to be active"14:56
darklingduckerUSUL:  You lost me there.  Fairly new to Linux.  Still learning.14:56
Abd4llAhelper: I know they're libs, I build my app and it gets linked against the tls/i686/cmov libc, dunno why ?14:56
zer0xhmw: ahh :/14:56
mdghi crunchbang666 !14:56
crunchbang666mdg: hey14:56
arandEvet: can you get net with a livecd? in that case you might be able to chroot into the current install and fix, I think at least...14:56
geirhahmw: It's vino (vnc)14:57
mdghi bu!14:57
erUSULdarklingduck: sorry; when you are in the grub menu. hit the letter "e" you then will be able to edit the kernel line. remove the words splash and quiet from that line... then hit "b" and it will boot the edited entry14:57
buhelllo mdg14:57
mdggot your wireless working?14:57
erUSULdarklingduck: that will make the boot more vervose and hopefully the error should be visible14:57
crunchbang666no wireless for me either14:57
zer0xthis new eee pc keyboard is driving me mad!14:57
buits disabled for some reason and i duno how to get it online again14:58
Evetarand, thanks, its a good idea too. but i dont have a cd-rom, or usb stick14:58
hmwgeirha: do you think, reinstalling vino might repair it?14:58
mdgcrunchbang666: still no wireless?14:58
geirhahmw: You'll find the configuration in gconf-editor, /desktop/gnome/remote_access14:58
Abd4llAis there a room for development ?14:58
darklingduckerUSUL:  I can try that, though I am on my laptop now.  When I get the error I will come back with it.  Thanks for the help.14:58
geirhahmw: I doubt a reinstall would fix anything14:58
crunchbang666mdg: from the live cd it picks up the wireless networks no problem, from install it doesnt ?14:58
bucrunchbang666, whats the bug with ur wirless?14:58
erUSULdarklingduck: no problem14:58
hmwthere is a very strange passwort set!?14:59
kolnrehello linuxers14:59
tavi_someone know well opern office?14:59
mdgcrunchbang666: some cards are blacklisted - work from live CD but not install - had that problem once14:59
buhello koln14:59
zer0xhmw: if you run putty on windows you could set up a tunnel between the two, and leave it only listening on localhost14:59
kolnwhat u need, tavi?14:59
crunchbang666bu: when i install ubuntu or crunchbang or any other ubuntu based distro, the live cd picks up the wireless card and surrounding networks, but the installed version doesnt even give me a wireless option in Network Manager14:59
varunthackerhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=7720632#post7720632 please help14:59
tavi_well  need that open office whit tabeels14:59
crunchbang666mdg: any way around this problem?14:59
hmwzer0x: this might be one solution, but no explanation, why it crashes on one pc and not on the other, i want to be certain, it is fixed.15:00
Gnomercyhello everyone15:00
mdgcrunchbang666: first start with the card and chip15:00
kolnno idea what is tabelx, explain me what is it, tavi15:00
Evetdurt, i cant associate any file to terminal15:00
bucrunchbang666, try backports15:00
zer0xhmw: true, not sure whats happening there sry! :/15:00
mdgcrunchbang666: sometimes its a matter of blacklisting and installing the right driver15:00
livingdaylighthmw, how heavy is cairo-dock on resources? especially important coz this is a laptop and i don't want CPU unnecessarily working and heating up the machine15:00
arandEvet: well, that's worse, you can't the net access through terminal then?15:00
mdgcrunchbang666: what kind of card was it?15:00
crunchbang666bu: im new to linux and dont even know what backports are15:00
hmwlivingdaylight: i don't know really, i guess low CPU, since it's invisible, when not used.15:01
zer0xarrg evil eee pc keyboard!15:01
crunchbang666mdg: i forgot the model i'll find it on google, 2 secs15:01
erUSUL!backports | crunchbang66615:01
ubottucrunchbang666: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging15:01
crunchbang666mdg: intel wireless 3945abg15:02
busame as my wirelesss15:02
livingdaylightcrunchbang666, i have the same one! what a coincidence!15:02
mdgcrunchbang666: someone else was just here with that same card...15:02
Evetarand, i can. but not in rescue mode. the problem iss, i cant reach terminal now. gnome crashes. is there a way to assign a filetype to terminal?15:02
styol1this is a bad thing right?15:02
buwhat ubuntu version u r using 666?15:02
styol1hugos@hugos:~$ ndiswrapper -l15:02
styol1bcmwl5 : invalid driver!15:02
bumdg its me with the same card15:02
testiI am not able to print with f-spot, it says: "Too many failed attempts"15:03
hmwhow can I restart vino?15:03
arandEvet: I don't understand how that would help you, and I don't know how to do that, sorry.15:03
crunchbang666lol strange... it even caused some problems in vista15:03
kolnevet, reboot and enter in recovery mode, (next line or linux version), and just u have a terminal for aplying15:03
erUSULEvet: "assign a filetype to terminal" <<< that just does not parse... what exactly do you want to do ?15:03
arandEvet: How o you normally get net access then?15:03
mdgcrunchbang666: do you know if it is rev 2 card?15:04
aoupiis it possible to have different screensaver depending on if AC is plugged in or not?15:04
kolnsudo aptitude install gnome desktop15:04
bu666, in vista its workin fine but in ubuntu i duno whats wrong with it15:04
* Gnomercy thinks the first cup of coffee is always the best and most rewarding.15:04
crunchbang666mdg: not a clue, is there a terminal command i can use to get a full product description of the wireless card whilst it is being seen from the live cd?15:04
bumsg, for me yea its rev 2  Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)15:04
crunchbang666that's the one i think15:04
mdgcrunchbang666: lspci15:05
bu666 type lspci in terminal and check ur wirless desc.15:05
erUSULcrunchbang666: lspci | grep -i net or better yet « lshw -C Network »15:05
mdgbu: from what I see it should work out of the box except for WPA 1/215:05
erUSUL!cn | student15:05
ubottustudent: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:05
mdgbu: until you install backports15:05
crunchbang666Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection (rev 02)15:05
mdgcrunchbang666: you have the same as bu15:06
bumdg. i installed backports and then feeeew no wirless card detected at all ,, now i just want to get it back .. where it was on but cant log into any network15:06
EvetThanks anyway15:06
mdgfor reference bu and crunchbang666:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsIntel - bottom of page15:06
kolndoes anyone use Debian unstable?15:06
styol1im having trouble with a broadcom wireless card15:06
crunchbang666mdg: thanks15:06
=== exodus_ms|tbuss is now known as exodus_ms
hmwi give up15:06
Evetis there a way to open terminal, with a keyboard shortcut?15:07
erUSULkoln: #debian should be full of people who do15:07
kaminashiis anyone any good with sane? I'm having scanner trouble15:07
erUSULEvet: alt + crtl + f115:07
buok i will check it and be back mdg 10x15:07
pjb3_Anyone have a good recommendation for a place to buy a laptop I'm planning to run ubuntu on?15:07
uuvHow dow i know what is the path for my ipod? Like, for example, /dev/hdd1 or something?15:07
mdgbu & crunchbang666:  You may need to work through the troubleshooting wireless page of ubuntu wiki15:07
erUSULuuv: do « tail -f /var/log/messages » on a terminal then plug the ipod.15:08
alazyworkaholicIs there a good way to upgrade to new versions of software that haven't trickled into the repositories without having a million things break?15:08
luckyW/ printer configuration, which option is it to print to a printer on another ubuntu machine on the network?15:08
buwell mdg , am using ubuntu 9.0415:08
mdgcrunchbang666 & bu:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessTroubleShootingGuide15:08
kolnevet, also you can open a terminal into ubunto making  ctlr+alt F4 or F3 or F2, probe u pleezz15:08
erUSUL!backports | alazyworkaholic15:08
ubottualazyworkaholic: If new updated Ubuntu packages are built for an application, then they may go into Ubuntu Backports. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuBackports - See also !packaging15:08
erUSUL!ppa | alazyworkaholic15:08
ubottualazyworkaholic: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.15:08
mdgcrunchbang666: you using 9.04 too?15:08
styol1mdg any ideas why from this guide: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=766560 im getting this error hugos@hugos:~$ ndiswrapper -l       bcmwl5 : invalid driver!15:09
crunchbang666mdg: i have 9,04 ubuntu and crunchbang ...same problem with both.15:09
kolnintel all is recognized by defect in ubuntu 9.04, dont understand why u have problems15:09
mdgcrunchbang666: - probably same kernal15:09
fabio123hi there15:11
mdgstyol1: that's interesting...15:11
uuverUSUL: And how do i know which one that is? Can it be for example sdg1?15:11
geirhakoln: By default. Don't think it's a defect ;P15:11
bumdg, u know how do i get my wireless card activated again?15:11
bunow its dead15:11
mdgstyol1: try "lsmod" and see what modules it lists15:11
erUSULuuv: the new one appearing whn you plug the thing is probably the one ;) yes /dev/sdg1 is possible15:11
styol1mdg im also getting hugos@hugos:~$ sudo modprobe ndiswrapper         FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.15:12
EvetThank you all, i fixed it15:12
laughzillahi :) i just installed ubuntu 9.04 jaunty jackalope for the first time. i had the same box running 8.04 TLS for the past year or so. what package(s) should i install to be able to use Flash driven sites, ie: youtube, facebook, myspace, jango, etc. ?? is it just Gnash and swfdec as described on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash#Free%20Software%20alternatives%20to%20Adobe%27s%20Flash%20Player  ??  thanks! :)15:12
uuverUSUL: Yea, i get that it's the new one ;) but i wasn't sure what adresses are possible15:12
mdgbu and crunchbang666:  In a terminal type "ifconfig" no quotes and see if you have a wlan0 come up15:12
astridhow do I filter the msg "XXX has joined/left"?15:12
buno wlan0 instaead pan015:12
erUSULlaughzilla: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras15:12
buand iwconfig gets no wilress extension15:12
JenniferB3hi, how can I change the clock ? I want to set it one hour back15:12
mdgstyol1: looks like ndiswrapper is not installed - by chance are you on a PowerPC?15:13
erUSULastrid: depends on the client you are using15:13
JenniferB3forward I mean :O15:13
crunchbang666mdg: i did that last night and got pan0 also....right now that wont work because im on the live cd and it is finding the card and networks15:13
styol1mdg dell mini 9 netbook15:13
bucrbchbang probably has wlan0 as his wirelss card is detected15:13
laughzillathx erusul15:13
erUSULJenniferB3: system>administration>15:13
geirhaJenniferB3: Right click the clock at the upper left15:13
astriderUSUL: using xchat, like 5 years ago. There might be a better client on MacOSX though...15:13
JenniferB3erUSUL: I am not using gnome15:14
erUSULastrid: right click on the channel tab/button15:14
JenniferB3just the termnal (server edition)15:14
erUSULJenniferB3: kde should have similar facilities15:14
kolnlaugh, besides restricted extras, you must install flashplugin-nonfree15:14
mdgcrunchbang666: from the live cd - go into wireless network setup (Administartion > Wireless) and see if you can see anything15:14
erUSULJenniferB3: ok then « man date  »15:14
mdgI have to take a little break - back in a few...15:14
fabio123i need to get rid of the menubar15:14
erUSULkoln: is included15:14
styol1mdg i dont see wireless anything via lsmod15:15
kolnhi jordi, bona tarda15:15
erUSULastrid: did you see the option to turn off join parts ?15:15
crunchbang666mdg: im on the crunchbang live cd at the second and i dont have that GUI option15:15
GArReT`Hey guys. I installed TCL8.5 on my PC, but when i ./configure my eggdrop bot... it says can't find TCL... Can anyone help me with this pleace?15:16
crunchbang666brb my install has finished15:16
erUSULGArReT`: it maybe needs the -dev packages of tcl15:16
astriderUSUL: yeah. Thanks a lot, it is more readable now :)15:16
erUSULastrid: no problem15:16
uuvI'm trying to get my ipod nano 16gb to work with banshee, and i've been following this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?s=5a8ac35128e1ccf981ae9fc0ae0e355a&t=875705&page=2 , but i don't know how i should type in the code. Can someone tell me, i15:16
uuvi'm a newbie15:16
aoupiuuv: open up a terminal (Applications->accessories)15:17
=== tt is now known as Guest81300
uuvYes, i got that far15:17
uuvand i know the device path but i don't know how to mount it15:17
erUSULuuv: look like terminal commands15:18
erUSUL!cli | uuv15:18
ubottuuuv: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal15:18
uuvYe, i know the terminal, but the part <mount> is what i don't get. Where and how should i mount it15:18
djisamsoebu: until mdg get back his seat, let yourself stick with me. :) have you try ndiswrapper?15:19
aranduuv: normally you first have to create the "mount point" e.g "sudo mkdir /media/mountpoint"15:19
grawityuuv: Using the 'mount' command, on whatever path you want.15:19
kolnman mount15:20
erUSULuuv: «mount » is the directory you want the ipod to appear in your fs. /media/ipod for example15:20
budjisamsoe: i tried ndiswrapper, jaunty, intel website, and none worked for me :(15:20
aranduuv: and then just sudo ipod-read-sysinfo-extended /dev/sdd1 /media/mountpoint (as an example)15:20
uuvCan i use /home15:21
djisamsoebu: how about the one from the source?15:21
erUSULuuv: no; /home/someemptyfolder15:21
grawityuuv: You need to use an empty directory. Usually one is created in /media -- /media/ipod, for example.15:21
budjisamsoe: i made it worse that now my wirless is not detected at all 1stly it was workin but cant connect to any network secured or not15:21
uuvWell, i made one in /home, /home/ipod, but when i try to insert the command it just says couldn't resolve Device  directory path on uuv/uuVaio.15:22
djisamsoebu: can you manage to revert back every command until the original state? what have you done so far?15:23
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!15:23
bui couldnt, i installed backports i think that wat caused it to not funcion and when i removed it it still15:24
aranduuv: are you sure the device is the correct one then? "sudo fdisk -l" should give you the /dev/sd** which is your ipod15:24
erUSULbu: linux-backports-modules-jaunty ? remove the package then... and reboot15:24
buerUSUL: already did15:25
buand still15:25
buand yea its the jaunty15:25
SERErski, hi how ur doing? im making coffee15:25
laughzilla erusul or anyone else with 9.04 experience ... should i also install Gnash and swfdec after i install the 'restricted directories' material? :)15:26
etronikHi all, anybody using detached rtorrent automatically ?? need help with screen and getting the thing to run automatically on start-up15:26
etroniksaw this but it's unclear: http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-589554.html15:26
djisamsoebu: hmm... that's tough... ok, i know this will be a lame thing to suggest:try to reboot first?15:26
crunchbang666so how do i get backport modules for jaunty?15:26
crunchbang666im now running from install not live cd and no network card is found15:26
erUSULlaughzilla: no; gnash and swfdec ar not mature enough afaik... th adobe version whith its bugs and all works better imho15:27
uuvarand: I think so, it gives me a 16gb device with the path /dev/sdg ,  i think that's my ipod15:27
bucrbchbag , type >> sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty15:27
laughzillaerusul u mean i should grab that package from adobe labs, the beta version?  ok, i will try that.  thx again. :)15:27
aranduuv: and you've been using sdg1 for these commands?15:28
laughzillai'm on a 4-bit, dual core intel 1.6 ghx box.15:28
erUSULlaughzilla: no; the restricted package already installs the adobe version15:28
laughzillai mean 64-bit15:28
uuvWell, i tried with sdg1 and sdg15:28
budjisamsoe: consider me already rebooted15:28
uuvneither of them worked15:28
erUSULlaughzilla: yes the 64 bit version15:28
laughzillaerusul - ok cool thx.  i was about to google all its contents but i'm still waiting for it to finish installing. :)15:28
crunchbang666bu: E: couldn't find package linux-backports-modules-jaunty15:29
aranduuv: well /dev/sdg1 should be the relevant partition...15:29
djisamsoebu: ahh.. i c, check Hardware Drivers from the System menu15:30
uuvarand: May i /msg you?15:30
etronikdoes ubuntu have /etc/rc.d ?? all I see in my system is a bunch of rcx.d (where x goes from 0 to 6)15:30
styol1does this make sense to anybody? ndiswrapper is saying that bcmwl5.inf is already installed, i list installed ones and it says invalid, so i try to remove it and its not there.. http://pastie.org/56863115:30
fabio123try runlevel15:30
budjisamsoe: it says nuthin is used by the system15:30
ray66I am getting an error message during boot...boot clean  failure cleaning /tmp15:31
aranduuv: sure, but I'm not sure what more to do on your issue though...15:31
etronikfabio123: was the runlevel thing addressed to me ?15:31
bucrunchbang666: i dont know r u using 9.04?15:31
erUSULetronik: /etc/init.d/* ?15:31
fabio123etronik: yes15:31
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto15:31
WisemanI need some help.  I'm trying to recruit my brother into the whole Linux universe but I'm having trouble vocalizing exactly why he should go through the trouble?15:31
fabio123etronik: runlevel has something to do with the bunch os rcx.d15:32
erUSUL!bugs | darklingduck15:32
ubottudarklingduck: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:32
etronikfabio123: I got the output of "N 2" !? whatever that measn15:32
fabio123etronik: so you are in the rc2.d15:32
mdgsorry about the interruption bu and crunchbang66615:33
bumsg: its ok15:33
mdgcrunchbang666: you have a dell mini, bu what about you?15:33
crunchbang666mdg: no probs :) brb 2 mins though, phone call :(15:33
crunchbang666mdg: dell xps m153015:33
Wisemancan someone help me convert my brother?15:33
etronikfabio123: but that might be the ssh session Iopened, what if I read instructions to put something in rc.d ? like a deamon (for rtorrent) ?15:33
bumdg: fujitsu A602015:33
tobias___how do I start self written programs from the console15:33
grawitytobias___: In what language are they?15:33
James121Evening everyone ^_^15:34
mdgbu: yours is the netbook right?15:34
Wisemanhe's got vista and has it tweaked so it's not as bad as factory, but I can't figure out a way to verbalize exactly what the benefits for Linux would be for him...it's sort of a "You'll understand when you get there" sort of thing.15:34
fabio123etronik: everithing in rc32d starting by S will be executed15:34
etronikok, thnaks15:35
exitonhow can i find out why my computer woun't connect to the dsl modem all of a sudden? the modem and the cable is ok, it's ubuntu 8.0415:35
mdgbu: lets start with some command line stuff15:35
bumdg: ok lets15:35
djisamsoeWiseman: :D15:35
mdgbu:  try "lshw" without quotes15:35
paschuI made it15:36
paschudamn it works15:36
Wisemandjisamsoe: any ideas how to get him to come over to the dark side?15:36
deepakanone using utorrent webui15:36
paschuuhm, is there a program where i can see the partitions on my HD?15:37
crunchbang666mdg: back ... im now running from install and no longer have any wireless.15:37
bumdg: -network UNCLAIMED15:37
bu                description: Network controller15:37
bu                product: PRO/Wireless 3945ABG [Golan] Network Connection15:37
bu                vendor: Intel Corporation15:37
bu                physical id: 015:37
FloodBot2bu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:37
bu                bus info: pci@0000:05:00.015:37
grawitypaschu: 'sudo fdisk -l' will print some information.15:37
fabio123paschu: gparted15:37
G__81isnt it possible to install mysql server 5.x in Ubuntu 9.04 ?15:37
Coverthey guys15:37
grawitypaschu: gparted is much easier to use15:37
deepakanyone using utorrent webui15:37
mdgunclaimed - now we know15:37
fabio123mdg: -network UNCLAIMED: means not working15:37
Wisemanone thing he's concerned about is how to remove linux if he wanted to...and I don't know how to do that lol15:37
grawitydeepak: This is #ubuntu, uTorrent is a Windows app15:37
deepakno with winw utorrent works15:38
fabio123deepak: qbittorent rocks15:38
G__81i am not able to install it any clue on how to install MySQL server 5.x in Ubuntu 9.04 ?15:38
fabio123deluge also is good15:38
bumsg: so what u suggest?15:38
Covertguys, how can i burn a iso to usb without using ubuntus default extracter15:38
grawitydeepak: That is still not an Ubuntu question.15:38
ray66I am getting error message when booting...boot clean ..failure cleaning /tmp15:38
fabio123msg: unclaimed means there is no driver for it, i suppose15:38
bumdg: so what u suggest?15:39
mdgbu:  next step - sudo pccardctl ident - tell me if it sees your card15:39
dementorNo package 'libstartup-notification-1.0' found15:39
dementoranuy idea how to instal15:39
Covertguys, how can i burn a iso to usb without using ubuntus default extracter?15:39
djisamsoeWiseman: ok friend, let's talk about this with the other guys at #ubuntu-offline, i think this will be an interesting topic... :D come....15:39
bumdg:   no product info available15:39
bazhang!usb > Covert15:39
G__81can someone help me with this ?15:39
ubottuCovert, please see my private message15:39
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent15:40
Coverti dont want to install ubuntu15:40
djisamsoeWiseman: whoops, #ubuntu-offtopic15:40
ikoniaSERE: stop using capslock please.15:40
bazhangSERE, stop that15:40
ikoniaSERE: what is the problem ?15:40
SEREcovert, then write: /wc15:40
zroyschhello for some reason mdadm made my third raid device /dev/md_d2 and I would prefer it be /dev/md2. is there any way I can change this?15:40
G__81is anyone here running mysql server 5.x in Ubuntu 9.04 ?15:40
SEREikonia, i need a case for linux15:41
grawitySERE: You try that first, okay?15:41
Covertwhats /wc15:41
ikoniazroysch: you'd have to stop the array and re-assemble it15:41
ikoniaSERE: a case, as in a "box"  ?15:41
bazhangCovert, ignore him15:41
grawityCovert: It closes the window ... don't use it yet :)15:41
zroyschikonia: i'm trying but its not working15:41
SEREikonia, yes a box for my mobo15:41
ikoniazroysch: what's not working ?15:41
grawityCovert: Do you want to make a bootable USB drive?15:41
zroyschsudo mdadm --stop /dev/md_d215:41
zroyschmdadm: stopped /dev/md_d215:41
bazhangSERE, you are offtopic here15:41
ikoniaSERE: that's nothing to do with #ubuntu as a channel and nothing to do with linux,15:41
zroyschsudo mdadm --assemble /dev/md2 /dev/sdc /dev/sdd /dev/sde15:41
zroyschmdadm: no recogniseable superblock on /dev/sdc15:41
zroyschmdadm: /dev/sdc has no superblock - assembly aborted15:41
grawityCovert: What, then?15:41
Covertgrawity: My usb is bootable15:41
SEREi liek african linux15:42
ikoniazroysch: that's interesting15:42
bumdg:  no product info available15:42
Covertgrawity: I need to get burn the iso onto the usb15:42
mdgbazhang: is Intel 3945 blacklisted?15:42
ikoniaSERE: please stop making random comments, and bad advice to peple. This channel is for ubuntu support discusision ONLY15:42
grawityikonia: He just left.15:42
ikoniazroysch: can you re-do --create15:42
zroyschikonia: it appears that there is no start command..15:42
SEREim sorry15:42
grawity...not for a long time.15:42
bazhangmdg, does the live cd see it? I have it on my thinkpad and it works no problem, no need for blacklisting15:42
SEREwill not happen caps lock anymore15:42
zroyschikonia: that goes through the entire rebuild process again doesnt it?15:43
mdgbazhang: bu and crunchbang666 are having problems with it15:43
bazhangSERE, stay on topic and stop being silly15:43
ikoniazroysch: yes, I'm wondering if it's not got a superblock on as it's already in an array15:43
jgoohola amigos, what is the best way of creating a new image of your ubuntu install? (that usb image or cd image creator?)15:43
mdgbazhang: crunchbang666 had it working from live cd but not install15:43
mdgbazhang: bu has nothing15:43
=== kitthigoo is now known as [red]sf
SEREjgoo, brasero burner15:43
CovertGrawity: i need to burn a windows iso onto usb so i can have both windows and linux15:44
grawityCovert: Umm ... explain more?15:44
bazhangmdg, maybe the linux-restricted-modules ? thought that card was supported kernel level though now15:44
dementorNo package 'libstartup-notification-1.0' found  ????15:44
mdgbazhang: they are both using 9.0415:44
grawityubuntu_: You need to type /join #xubuntu15:44
jgooSERE, ?! are you sure? I think there is a ... bootable cd creator... I can't quite recall... :-/15:44
=== SERE is now known as iliekafricanlinu
Covertgrawity: I need to burn windows xp's iso onto a usb stick. (how can i explain more?)15:44
mdgCovert: there's a windows XP .iso???15:45
bazhangjgoo, you mean a clone? ignore sere15:45
=== iliekafricanlinu is now known as africanlinux
Covertyes. go on microsofts website and search15:45
Covertfor people without cd drive15:45
africanlinuxjgoo, if the iso is already bootable you dont need fancy appz to burn it15:45
grawitymdg: there can be an .iso for anything that exists.15:46
jgoobazhang, yeah, I figured he was being stupid. I remember seeing a ubuntu tip on it, and I've had a friend send me a CD of his netbook setup, I just can't for the life of me remember anything in the name to google it15:46
AceCovert: do you mean extract the files onto a USB drive?15:46
Coverti tried15:46
jgooubuntu boot disc creator?15:46
Covertit just takes ages but i dont think it will ever finish15:46
bazhang!clone | jgoo15:46
ubottujgoo: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate15:46
africanlinuxubuntu iso's are bootable15:46
sash_Covert:  forget it. tried to prepare a stick to install xp from it, but its not possible15:46
Coverti done before lol15:47
sash_perhaps you can try it under windows15:47
Covertjust never put the iso on from a linux15:47
bazhangCovert, wont work15:47
sash_Covert:  k, what do you mean? install the iso to the stick, or prepare the stick to install xp from it to your machine after a reboot?15:47
crunchbang666i can't imagine windows xp being capable of running live from a flashdrive somehow.15:48
Covertbazhang: Dont be a prick. Tell me why15:48
sash_crunchbang666:  you know bart pe?15:48
ikoniaCovert: drop the language and attitude now15:48
bazhangCovert, watch the language15:48
jgoobazhang, I think this was to create a live-cd recovery... reimaged.... remastered... cd of your current installation (it creates a bootable iso)15:48
Covertinstall the iso to a stick15:48
ikoniaCovert: please be polite to people15:48
Covertikonia: im trying...15:49
jgoobazhang, so, wallpaper, settings, even passwords... all the same15:49
Covertoh fuck it i worked it out15:49
crunchbang666some people *shakes head in disaproving stylee*15:49
kovanhow do I change the PATH of the X windows?15:50
jgoobazhang, startup disk creator is it?15:50
bazhangjgoo, usb-creator is the name, but that wont clone things for you15:50
mdgcrunchbang666 and bu:  Are you using the module iwl3945?15:50
paschulol the netbook remix looks weird15:51
bazhangjgoo, sorry usb startup disk creator in the menu15:51
crunchbang666is there anything wrong with this command? "sudo apt-get install linux-backports-modules-jaunty" ? it tells me it cant find the package.15:51
incorrect_can i get gcc 4.4 for jaunty?15:51
Smdsup bitches!15:51
SmdCoverts back15:51
paschui need a program that shows me the partitions on my HD15:51
mdgcrunchbang666: backports is a repo not an app15:51
jgoobazhang,  fffffffff.... this basically makes your current ubuntu system... into a live booting iso... so it can be used to freeze an installation... backup... etc... or share a working config with someone else15:51
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.15:51
bazhangcrunchbang666, did you enable the backports?15:51
paschui need a program that shows me the partitions on my HD15:51
AceCan someone help me set up an FTP program so I can share a folder on my PC?15:52
SmdUbottu please smd15:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about please smd15:52
Smdim sure u do15:52
crunchbang666bazhang: bu told me to type that and get the backports for added wireless support as i'm unable to use wireless.15:52
jgoothiebaude, who was that language warning for?15:52
paschuHEY GUYS15:52
crunchbang666so i probably havent enabled anything lol15:52
jgooaah Smd15:52
paschui need a program that shows me the partitions on my HD15:52
paschuI REALLY NEED IT15:52
thiebaudejgoo, read above15:52
jgoogparted ?? paschu15:52
paschuwhere can i download it?15:53
mdgcrunchbang666: you have synaptic and an ethernet connection on your dell right now?15:53
paschui cant extract zip15:53
grawitypaschu: 'et install gparted'15:53
crunchbang666mdg: i have a wired connection and synaptic yes :)15:53
grawitypaschu: 'sudo apt-get install gparted'15:53
grawitypaschu: Or through Synaptic.15:53
mdgcrunchbang666: cool that will make it easier15:53
paschuand whats the command to download xmoto? :DD15:53
crunchbang666mdg: awaiting command ^^15:54
bazhangpaschu, check synaptic package manager15:54
jgoopaschu, type xmoto in a terminal, and it will tell you!!15:54
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash15:54
paschuIM A NEWB15:54
jgoopaschu, goto Programs, Accessories, Terminal15:54
DekkoHello everybody! I am wondering would it be possible to move a Ubuntu install to a new (more powerful computer) while moving all the hardware over as well (Graphics, soundcard etc.) will it be able to boot and work then on the new hardware?15:54
jgootype 'xmoto'15:54
DawgzillaHello, I want to install emacs 23.1, is there a web page with instructions ? (ubuntu 9.04)15:54
bazhangpaschu, dont use the enter key as punctuation15:54
jgoopaschu, The program 'xmoto' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:15:54
jgoosudo apt-get install xmoto15:54
mdgcrunchbang666: fire up synaptic > system > Admin > Synaptic15:55
jgooDawgzilla, is there any point? anything interesting in the changelist?15:55
crunchbang666mdg: done15:55
Dekkowill you please let me know?15:55
mdgcrunchbang666: we are looking for linux-backports-modules-jaunty15:56
paschuO.o it says that it couldnt find xmoto15:56
Dawgzillajgoo, anti-aliased fonts I believe15:57
crunchbang666mdg: just updating package list15:57
grawitypaschu: xmoto is in the 'universe' source, you need to enable that in "System -> Administration -> Software Properties".15:57
grawityDawgzilla: Antialiased fonts? In emacs?15:57
mdgcrunchbang666: after it updates, go to settings in the menu bar and choose repositories15:58
grawityIsn't that a terminal app...15:58
frybyeDeko - it is just the cpu and mainboard that will change..?15:58
bruenigcrunchbang666: I like the themepack that shares your name15:58
hccan you guys help me out a little?15:58
crunchbang666mdg: after typing linux-backports-modules-jaunty into the search, it appears i have every single package already installed on my system, they're all marked.15:58
hchttp:// Does this work?15:58
paschui found this synaptic thing :D15:58
hcAnd does work?15:59
crunchbang666bruenig: i'll check it out :)15:59
mdgcrunchbang666: we have to enable the repository15:59
grawitypaschu: Good, did you enable the 'universe' repository in Software Properties?15:59
crunchbang666mdg: ok, do you have the name? i've enabled reps in synaptic before15:59
frybyeDekko: you still here??15:59
grawityhc: The first address works, the second one - no.15:59
paschunot yet15:59
mdgcrunchbang666: you need to add or fine linux-backports-modules-jaunty16:00
Osehc: The connection to the server was reset while the page was loading.16:00
mdgcrunchbang666: let me know when you have added that line or found it16:00
VoipJunkyI installed kubunto on my laptop this am16:00
paschuits loading16:01
Dekkofrybye: yes I am here16:01
hcgrawity: Okay, thanks! What about then?16:01
VoipJunkynow there is a issue of what the tool in kde is for installing pkgs16:01
hcOse: cheers!16:01
dementorThe following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 6B15AB91951DC1E216:01
VoipJunkythe frontend for apt-get16:01
dementorany idia16:01
grawityhc: Nope.16:01
mdgcrunchbang666: if you don't see it in the list, click new and type it in16:02
bazhangVoipJunky, kpackagekit if you are on 9.0416:02
crunchbang666mdg: i was looking already, i googled "add linux-backports-modules-jaunty" but nothin commin up16:02
frybyeDekko: so what abt my ? - is it just the cpu + m-board that will be different??16:02
VoipJunkybut how to get it to list all avaible pkgs16:02
Dekkofrybye: Yes just the CPU & Motherboard...16:02
mdgcrunchbang666: let me find a screenshot of where you should be....16:02
Dekkofrybye: I guess my question is - will Ubuntu require full reinstall on new hardware or are all the hardware drivers etc IN the kernel - as opposed to how Windows is.....16:03
dhalsimmhi, I want to synchronize tomboy notes with webdav, so I get an account but I can't use it because I can't install fuse and wdfs. How can I do that?16:03
mdgcrunchbang666: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu - just a little way down the screen16:03
VoipJunkyits not displaying avaibles pkgs when I select all-package16:03
hcgrawity: Okay, thanks for your help. Then what about ? This is the last one!16:03
mdgcrunchbang666: look for "Ubuntu Software Tab"16:03
paschugrawity: i need help :D16:03
grawitypaschu: ?16:04
bazhangVoipJunky, load the second one in the menu, then go back to all16:04
frybyeDekko... my tip - am no ubuntu expert though - is try it and if dosent work = new install.. save your home dir and export the snaptic list 2 an ext. drive first..16:04
crunchbang666mdg: im there16:04
paschuomfg O.o i dont know what to do16:04
grawityhc: Doesn't work. "Timeout"16:04
Dekkofrybye: Okay thanks ...16:04
bazhangpaschu, please watch the language16:04
grawitypaschu: What are you trying to do?16:04
ikoniapaschu: control the language, please, we know what "omfg" means and don't need to see it16:04
hcgrawity: Oh, ok. Thanks!16:04
paschuyea yea >_>16:05
mdgcrunchbang666: we are trying to add the software sources for linux-backports-modules-jaunty16:05
mdgcrunchbang666: maybe it would be faster from command line16:05
paschuok im trying to download xmoto and gparted16:05
zroyschikonia: do you know what makes md devices automatically appear in /proc/mdstat? i just rebooted and md_d2 shows up automatically with just device /dev/sde1. i stopped md_d2 before reboot.16:05
paschuand i cant find it in synaptic16:05
frybyeif u are doing it today.. report back how it went!! ,0916:05
* Dekko also wonders if there is a newer version of the Elemental theme out?? The current one reports a bug in terminal on launch........16:05
grawitypaschu: Did you enable the 'universe' repository like I asked you to?16:05
crunchbang666mdg: im not competent with linux commands but if you tell me what to do i'll do it.16:05
ikoniazroysch: that's read normally from the boot script which reads /etc/mdadm.conf or /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf16:05
paschuno i didnt16:05
grawitypaschu: Then do.16:05
paschucuz i cant find it16:06
mdgcrunchbang666: I'lll give it a shot...16:06
zroyschikonia: I only have a listing for md0 and md1 in mdadm.conf16:06
grawitypaschu: System -> Administration -> Software Properties.16:06
VoipJunkywhat was the oldfront end ?16:06
ikoniazroysch: then it must be reading the data from the private rejoin16:06
paschui have the netbook remix16:06
paschuhere is no 'administration'16:06
frybyeDekko: save your sources list for a poss. new install also..16:06
VoipJunkyI think16:06
mdgcrunchbang666: can you open a terminal and type:  sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list  (it will ask you for your password)16:06
grawitypaschu: Ah. Try software-properties-gtk16:07
Dekkofrybye: I will thanks.16:07
zroyschikonia: im not sure what that means. do you know how i can delete /dev/md_d2 and make it go away forever?16:07
DekkoBTW how do I do that?16:07
bazhangVoipJunky, adept?16:07
dhalsimmhow can I install fuse to ubuntu? (to install wdfs) or which package?16:07
bazhangVoipJunky, you can still install if you wish16:07
rsc___maybe "aptitude search fuse" can help.16:07
paschuits enabled16:07
grawitydhalsimm: I think Ubuntu already comes with FUSE support.16:07
grawitypaschu: 'universe' is enabled?16:08
alazyworkaholicerUSUL: Thanks for the backport/ppa info. I think I still have a problem. I want to use virt-manager 0.8.0 instead of 0.6.x, but it's not in the backport repositories (came out a few days ago) & I don't see how uploading the new virt-manager source to a ppa will help the new virt-manager & virt-install play nice with the rest of the system. Any other way?16:08
dhalsimmgrawity: sudo modprobe fuse -> module fuse not found16:08
crunchbang666mdg: sorry had to answer the door... i did what you said, it worked16:09
bazhangVoipJunky, you got it?16:09
grawitydhalsimm: Because it's probably already integrated and everything.16:09
mdgcrunchbang666: are you looking at the app nano with /etc/apt/source.file open in it?16:09
paschubut i cant  find xmoto and/or gparted16:09
grawitypaschu: Try the "Reload" button in synaptic16:10
bazhangpaschu, update your packages list16:10
crunchbang666mdg: it brought up all the info in the terminal... it lists the current repositories i have enabled16:10
VoipJunkykpackegekit is just weird being I have never seen it16:10
Spykemccsomeone can help me ? I want an easy way to make an ubuntu minimal install with only one command line for hardy ...16:10
bazhangVoipJunky, there is also a #kubuntu channel for help16:10
mdgcrunchbang666: yes, move to the bottom of the list because we have to type one in16:10
crunchbang666mdg: is there a command to open up this list in GUI ?16:11
bazhangSpykemcc, the 9mb iso installer?16:11
edbianSpykemcc: What do you mean?  You want to make a minimal install? Like an installer disk?  What do you mean "only one command line" ?16:11
crunchbang666mdg: in text editor etc16:11
mdgcrunchbang666: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/source.list (type from command line)16:11
bazhangSpykemcc, there is no one line to do that16:11
paschuonly 47 packages? O.o16:11
Spykemccbut I want to make a GUI on top of it, the fast and easy way ...16:11
bazhangSpykemcc, then dl the iso first16:12
Spykemccgot it ...16:12
crunchbang666mdg: the text editor has opened the file source.list but there is no content16:12
edbiancrunchbang666: Then you made a typo ;)16:12
mdgcrunchbang666: close it - I think you made a typo16:12
Spykemccis the alternate cd better ?16:12
mdgcrunchbang666: gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list16:13
bazhangSpykemcc, please clarify. you have it on cd (burned iso to cd) on usb stick, or what16:13
crunchbang666mdg: i will copy and paste the command you type.16:13
Spykemccgot the iso on my disk drive but I'm now trying to do my setup script16:13
crunchbang666mdg: i did make an error i typed source instead of sources ... ok so i have it open :)16:14
mdgcrunchbang666: cool.  Now go down the file - you may see a backports section already16:14
mdgcrunchbang666: if you don't see it, we will make it16:14
Spykemccat least, be ready to install and know my way out enough to install the gui and internet, to get helped if I need after it ...16:15
dhalsimmI'm trying to compile wdfs but I'm having this if I run the configure script. http://dhalsim.pastebin.com/m5071e93, what should I do?16:15
Oseanybody familliar with 'ndiswrapper'?16:15
edbianSpykemcc: If you have an ubuntu iso and you're trying to install it on your system you don't need to write any scripts.  Just boot the live CD and use the installer that's on there.16:15
edbianOse: I've used it ;)16:16
crunchbang666mdg: main restricted, then universe, then multi universe and then jaunty backports main restricted ...2 lines16:16
Spykemccedbian it don't have a GUI ...16:16
mdgcrunchbang666: we will add this to the backports section16:16
edbianSpykemcc: I'm confused about what you're tying to do. :(16:16
grawitydhalsimm: Usually, for developing and compiling software, you need the -dev packages -- I guess it's libfuse-dev16:17
crunchbang666mdg: ok ?16:17
bazhangedbian, he wants to use the minimal iso without burning to disk or usb16:17
mdgcrunchbang666: find the section of the file that showed "backports"16:17
crunchbang666mdg: im there16:17
edbianSpykemcc: unetbootin16:17
=== system is now known as Guest20277
bazhangsystem in #ubuntu-cn16:17
mdgcrunchbang666: the line should start with ####Backports####16:17
Guest20277Is anyone come from china?16:17
bazhangGuest20277, /join #ubuntu-cn16:18
Spykemccedbian I'm trying to install a minimalist and user-friendly ubuntu that will just need the minimal cd and an installation script that can be customized as needed ...16:18
Spykemccunetbootin wow you're noob or what ? I don't need a live usb ...16:18
bazhangSpykemcc, user friendly? you may wish to try the alternate then16:18
crunchbang666mdg: http://pastebin.com/m13b8385e16:19
Spykemccbazhang the minimal will do ...16:19
bazhangSpykemcc, dont use noob here16:19
Edicocan someone tell me if he can check source code repo like the others (universe, multiverse ...). I can just like that http://imagebin.ca/view/Aw9RZwLp.html16:19
mdgcrunchbang666: you in GB?16:19
crunchbang666mdg: yeah16:20
mdgcrunchbang666: okay cool - this is easy16:20
SpykemccSomething like > Minimal xubuntu : sudo apt-get install xorg gdm xfce4 xfce4-goodies16:20
mdgcrunchbang666: see the line  # deb http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse16:20
crunchbang666mdg: i hope you mean great britain, not some computing term :P16:20
crunchbang666mdg: i see it16:20
mdgcrunchbang666: all you have to do is delete the "#" character from the beginning of the line and save the file16:20
crunchbang666mdg: just the deb or the deb-src line too?16:21
mdgcrunchbang666: go ahead and do them both.16:21
crunchbang666mdg ok16:21
styol1sudo modprobe ndiswrapper   is telling me    FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.    and ndiswrapper is definitely installed... anyone have any ideas?16:21
mdgcrunchbang666: once you have closed out, we need to go to the command line and use modeprobe16:22
crunchbang666mdg: im there16:22
styol1one thing has said to install ndisgtk but im not able to16:22
mdgcrunchbang666: sudo modprobe iwl394516:22
crunchbang666mdg: nothing happened it just took me to the next command line.16:23
dementorany one use cacti?16:23
mdgcrunchbang666: thats what it was supposed to do16:23
mdgcrunchbang666: now type "lsmod" and see if you see iwl394516:23
paschusoo, im updating unr now16:24
crunchbang666mdg: iwl3945                97912  016:24
mdgcrunchbang666: almost there :)16:24
tvjudgeHi something has happened to my panel where i no longer get an icon for each open application. Can someone suggest what I need to do to to get this feature back please?16:24
mdgcrunchbang666: I forgot the command to restart networking....16:24
crunchbang666mdg: will me being connected to a wired connection interfere with this at all?16:25
mdgcrunchbang666: yes16:25
grawitytvjudge: You probably removed the window list. Right-click on the panel, and click "Add"16:25
=== zach is now known as Guest93353
mdgcrunchbang666: you need to replub and restart networking but I cannot recall the command16:25
mdgcrunchbang666: replub/unplug16:26
tvjudgethanks grawity16:26
paltrycrunchbang666: I forgot the command to restart networking....:::/etc/init.d/network restart16:26
magnum54animated gifs, youtube video stops or freezes until mouse is moved. Can't find resolution in archives.16:26
mdgpaltry: thanks!!16:26
crunchbang666do that?16:26
mdgcrunchbang666: yes16:26
paltryits networking restart... correction16:27
mdgcrunchbang666: unplug ethernet and plug in card and then type that16:27
crunchbang666mdg: plug in card?16:27
kitzOgenHi, can anyone help me with the sound?16:27
mdgcrunchbang666: oh I mean unplug ethernet - you have a PCI card right?16:27
crunchbang666it's onboard16:28
crunchbang666if that's what you mean? :)16:28
mdgcrunchbang666: yes, just unplug ethernet and type that command and cross your figers16:28
crunchbang666mdg: confirm the command again? :::/etc/init.d/network restart ?16:28
styol1without tthe :::16:29
crunchbang666in that case the command doesnt work16:29
mdgstyol1: sudo or no?16:29
crunchbang666bash: /etc/init.d/network: No such file or directory16:29
mdgcrunchbang666: sudo /etc/init.d/network restart16:29
papapepcrunchbang666: it's /etc/init.d/networking restart16:29
paltry"/etc/init.d/networking restart"16:29
crunchbang666thanks :)16:29
crunchbang666ok brb16:30
mdgcrunchbang666: you won't see anything16:30
mdgcrunchbang666: type "ifconfig" without quotes16:30
mdgcrunchbang666: you should see wlan016:30
laughzillaerusul - thx :) the restricted stuff that i installed works great. :)  cheers!16:30
crunchbang666mdg: no wireless lan just eth0 and lo16:30
mdgcrunchbang666: type "sudo iwlist scan" and see if it returns anything?16:31
papapep!ask | poc16:32
ubottupoc: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:32
amirhamzhello again16:32
amirhamzgot the updates16:32
styol1sudo modprobe ndiswrapper  --> FATAL: Module ndiswrapper not found.  any ideas?16:32
pocI have register,but why i can't join ##php16:32
crunchbang666mdg: returns lo ... eth0 and pan0 ... and states none of the interfaces support scanning.16:32
OseI need someone to help me (preferably talk me through, if you have time) installing 'ndiswrapper' and using it to install the drivers for my wireless USB dongle thingy so that  I can connect my newly installed ubuntu machine to the internet16:32
amirhamznow got problem downloading nvdia driver16:32
* Ose is complete linux newb16:32
mdgcrunchbang666: okay, something still not right16:33
DJonespoc: I'd suggest that you join #freenode and ask that question there, they should be able to help you with a freenode network query16:33
Broadwayyou here16:33
styol1poc if you have registered also make sure to identify16:33
amirhamzits says crashed backend16:33
crunchbang666mdg: maybe a reboot is in order?16:33
paltrymdg & crunchbang666 why dont u remore login and sort it all out through vncviewer?16:34
papapeppoc: just type "/join #php" (without quotes)16:34
mdgcrunchbang666: it couldn't hurt16:34
crunchbang666mdg: lead the way16:34
mdgpaltry: I have no experience with vnc16:34
ShundeIs anyone come from china?16:34
crunchbang666mdg: il reboot brb16:34
larry88hey guys i'm installing on a older computer that has a wireless card but i's not seeing the wireless card how can I know what card I have16:35
styol1check out acrobat.com and adobe connectnow16:35
amirhamz<<<<<< nvidia driver 180 problem16:35
ShundeIs anyone come from china?16:35
mdgpaltry: he won't learn if I fix it for him16:35
ikoniaShunde: does it matter ?16:35
styol1larry88 goto terminal and type lspci16:35
ShundeIkonia,nice to meet you16:35
mdglarry88: type "lspci" in a terminal16:35
pocI  had join yesterday, but today it don't work.16:36
grawitypoc: You need to identify to NickServ.16:36
papapeppoc: I've joint two minutes ago, its working16:36
grawitypapapep: ##php requires NickServ registration.16:37
papapepgrawity: uh...did'nt know, thx16:37
pocHow can i do to identify to NickServ16:37
styol1the command is /msg NickServ identify username password16:37
grawitypoc: /msg nickserv identify poc YourNickservPassword16:37
ikonia!register > poc16:37
ubottupoc, please see my private message16:37
amirhamzhow to install nvidia180 and which server???16:38
amirhamztried it but it said crash backend16:38
zroyschhow can md_d2 be showing up on reboot with only drive sde automatically on reboot when I removed the partition from sde with fdisk16:38
mdgcrunchbang666: any luck?16:39
crunchbang666mdg: now running from wireless internet connection :)16:39
mdgcrunchbang666: yay!!!!16:39
larry88styol1, mdg  thanks guy it says it's a broadcom shouldn't that be working since it's working on my laptop16:39
td123does anyone know how much updates the ubuntu, ubuntu-updates, and ubuntu-security-updates repos get updated a week? (approximate)16:39
crunchbang666mdg: you are indeed a god. lol thanks for the help16:39
mdgcrunchbang666: your welcome :)16:39
styol1larry88 im having trouble with mine too16:39
styol1same issue16:39
RaceConditionI've installed Ubuntu JeOS 9.04 on VMWare Fusion and almost every other time I run aptitude update, aptitude hangs displaying smth like "98% [9 Packages 4645848/4732kB 98%]"16:40
crunchbang666mdg: i dont understand what we did that made it work, i dont recall downloading any drivers or doing anything except restarting the networking protocols?16:40
RaceConditionand just doesn't do anything until I forcibly quit and restart it16:40
toni_I have install flash nonfree .but when i was just at cbs.com to test it out it will not work.I have a laptop and i also live in the usa16:40
toni_can yall help me out16:41
styol1RaceCondition: how lllong do you wait?16:41
darewhy not install the debian from the adobe flash website?16:41
mdgcrunchbang666: we added the software source "backports" jaunty, which in turn enabled iwl3945 once we used modprobe to load that driver16:41
RaceConditionstyol1: sometimes like 3 minutes or so16:41
dthackerhello, is there a command line utility I can run to probe my video card?  I'm not sure what is in this PC.   I'm trying to get to a higher resolution than 800x60016:41
crunchbang666ah :)16:41
daretoni_, http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/16:41
larry88styol1,  it's strange on my laptop my broadcom modem was detected and was working out of the box but here it's not even showing up16:41
grawitydthacker: lspci, xrandr...16:41
Osequestion: on http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/misc/ndiswrapper-common, do I need to download the .dsc, tar.gz, diff.gz or all of them?16:41
Padhudthacker: you should edit X11.conf16:41
grawityPadhu: It's xorg.conf16:42
styol1larry88 yeah probably needs the drivers16:42
styol1which broadcom?16:42
dthackergrawity: thanks16:42
dareOse, aren't there any deb's?16:42
mdglarry88: what was the results of lspci - did you see broadcom?16:42
pocThank you16:42
dareyes, binary packages to install16:42
d0s4gwtoni_: does youtube work?16:42
=== c is now known as Guest67549
larry88mdg yes it was detected as a broadcoom BCM430616:43
Osedare: i'm trying to follow https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper#Installing%20Packages%20%28With%20Internet%20access%20on%20another%20computer%2916:43
Padhularry88: you can download source tarball for broadcom modem. speed is limited to 10kbps unit complete the device registration16:43
* Ose installed ubuntu 30 mins ago16:43
mrwesdthacker, lspci | grep VGA for your video card16:43
styol1larry88 what version of ubuntu16:43
mdglarry88: at a terminal type "lsmod" and see if the bcm4306 is listed16:43
bobbyddddHi, I have an external network storage device which I can moutn via samba. Now I can mount it manually. Whats the best way to make this automatic?16:43
dareOse, http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/main/n/ndiswrapper/ndiswrapper-common_1.53-2ubuntu1_all.deb16:44
mrwesbobbydddd, add a line in your /etc/fstab to mount it at boot time16:44
lifesengineeverytime i set my resolution using nvidia x server settings....and i shut down my computer....the settings are as good as gone16:44
dthackergrawity: will lspci detect agp cards?16:44
lifesenginei have to keep setting my reso upon start up16:44
d0s4gwdare: regarding that link to adobe - they don't have a 64 bit installer, do I need to install from source?16:44
bastidrazorlifesengine, use gksudo nvidia-settings and be sure to save to X configuration file16:44
MK13how can I get rid of the list of freebsd slices shown in the ubuntu removable disk menu?16:44
mrwesbobbydddd, something like this: // /home/bill/SharedFiles cifs credentials=/home/bill/.creds,_netdev,uid=bill,gid=users 0 016:44
larry88mdg no i don't see it16:44
dared0s4gw, there is no 64bit flash16:44
styol1mdg any ideas on my issue with modprobe and ndiswrapper?16:45
d0s4gwdare: So how would those of us with 64 bit machines run flash?16:45
styol1larry88 what version of ubuntu are y0ou using16:45
lifesenginebastidrazor: i'm new to ubuntu, and when i save to x config file i get an error message every time...using the GUI16:45
dareit's x86_64, you can still run it16:45
d0s4gwdare: btw, this is somewhat baffling, but youtube works and all others (hulu) do not16:45
mdgstyol1: sudo apt-get install ndiswrapper ndisgtk16:45
schlpsrhi all16:45
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:46
larry88styol1, xubuntu latest16:46
=== drago_ is now known as Drago84
styol1mdg E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper16:46
darewhat's the link to the page where flash does not work?16:46
styol1its a dell mini and theres a special repo for it i just found out16:46
schlpsrhas anybody an idear where i can join to get some infos about thunderbird contacts syncro with egroupware?16:46
bobbyddddmrwes: whats the .creds?16:46
bastidrazorlifesengine, that is cause you're not running the program with permissions. in a terminal type gksudo nvidia-settings  ..then make changes and save.16:46
BromaxSuxhow wrong is for root to have his .fonts and .icons dirs a symlinks to regular users .fonts and .icons dirs?16:46
larry88styol1, latest as in jaunty16:46
buhow do i get this fixed? FATAL: Error inserting iwl3945 (/lib/modules/2.6.28-14-generic/updates/iwl3945.ko): Invalid module format16:46
mdgstyol1: perhaps try through synaptic16:46
=== Drago84 is now known as pippa
=== pippa is now known as Drago84
mdglarry88: I found what you need to do16:47
d0s4gwdare: http://sports.espn.go.com/golf/news/story?id=437161116:47
styol1larry88 ah ok i was asking because i have a guide for hard 8.0416:47
mrwesbobbydddd, a read-only file with my username and password for authorization16:47
styol1mdg ill try that16:47
mdglarry88: at a terminal type:  sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter16:47
bobbyddddmrwes: can I leave that out if that share doesn't require one?16:47
lifesenginebastidrazor: thanks a lot16:47
mrwesbobbydddd, username= and password=16:47
mrwesbobbydddd, sure16:47
mdgstyol1: you have the same card as larry88 right? BCM4395?16:48
bastidrazorlifesengine, good luck.16:48
mrwesbobbydddd, also, notice I mounted using cifs -- seems a bit faster16:48
mrwesbobbydddd, and from what I've read that will be the standard file system for samba16:48
larry88mdg ok give me a sec I was installing something :( don't leave me LOL16:48
bobbyddddmrwes I'll give that a go now :)16:48
lifesengineas for charging my 2nd generation ipod shuffle...anyone have any idea how to get the solid light to indicate that it is in fact charging?16:48
toni_ok i just install the .dev flash.from website of adobe.now i am at the website of hulu.com but the videos will not play.16:49
mrwesbobbydddd, don't forget to mkdir for the mount point first, make sure you own and have read/write perms16:49
dared0s4gw, do you see 'get adobe flash player' ?16:49
darei see that also :-S16:49
styol1mdg nah i have BCM4312= and synaptic only have ndiswrapper-common and ndiswrapper-utils-1.9 installed16:49
dareit's a problem with their website in that case16:49
bobbydddd// /mnt/data cifs _netdev,uid=bob,gid=users 0 016:50
toni_will i live in the u s a16:50
bobbyddddok mrwes?16:50
d0s4gwdare: No, it appeared for a moment then disappeared and now it's just the black box where the video should be.  If I right click the video then it actually says that the flash video is playing.16:50
rinconwhich firewalls should i activate when using ubuntu as a web server ?16:50
BromaxSuxadmin makes the root's .fonts and .icons dirs as symlinks to his "regular user" (home dir) .fonts and .icons dirs ... what are the risks in doing such a thing?16:50
d0s4gwdare: I think I have flash installed but not installed correctly.16:50
mdglarry88 and styol1: I told you wrong... sorry16:50
larry88mdg, ok I have that done now what?16:51
dared0s4gw, try this http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/install-flash-10-ubuntu-linux-64bit.html16:51
dareor have you done that already?16:51
larry88mdg doh!!!16:51
mrwesbobbydddd, looks good, the _netdev will give an error in your logs, but it help make sure the network is available before mounting the share16:51
toni_so can any one help me out on trying to install flash plese16:51
toni_ i live in the usa16:51
ericdbDoes anyone know of a way to replace the standard battery icon in the notification area with a more informative graph?  I don't like just seeing "full, not full, oh crap".16:51
richardcavellrincon: use the inbuilt iptables16:51
mrwesbobbydddd, /mnt/data exsists?16:51
mdglarry88: nope I was right the first time... sorry16:51
styol1mdg for me ndisgtk is not possible to install cause it depends on an ndiswrapper version E: Couldn't find package ndiswrapper16:52
styol1i cant install16:52
larry88I'm gonna reboot BRB16:52
bobbyddddmrwes, yes16:52
ericdbFor the battery meter question, I'm using Gnome.16:52
mrwesbobbydddd, you own it and have rw rights? :)16:52
larry88mdg, what should i do after that command then16:52
th0rericdb: check gkrellm...offers much nicer monitor stack than the panel apps and lighter on resources16:52
mdgstyol1: type "lspci" in a terminal again and tell me what card it was16:52
ericdbThanks th0r, I'll look into it.16:52
dared0s4gw, are you using firefox? which version does it show in tools->addons->plugins?16:52
richardcavellericdb: there's a separate power applet16:52
styol1mdg 03:00.0 Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g (rev 01)16:52
toni_does any one really know how to install flash the right way so it will work16:52
mdglarry88: did you sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter16:52
mrwesbobbydddd, so edit the fstab and then sudo mount -a16:53
richardcavellericdb: and karmic has a new power applet design altogether16:53
larry88mdg, yes16:53
richardcavellericdb: and yes I use gkrellm too.  It's really good.16:53
HighLordObsigrr...my router bites16:53
JuJuBeeI have an HP C7200 color all-in-one printer.  It connects via ethernet.  How do I access the card reader via linux?16:53
busudo modprobe iwl3945 gets me >> WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc/modprobe.d/ndiswrapper, it will be ignored in a future release. WARNING: All config files need .conf: /etc modprobe.d/blacklist, it will be ignored in a future release. WARNING: Error inserting lbm_cw_cfg80211 (/lib/modules/2.6.28-14-generic/updates/lbm_cw-cfg80211.ko): Invalid module format WARNING: Error inserting lbm_cw_mac80211 (/lib/modules/2.6.28-14-generic/updates/lbm_cw-mac80211.ko16:53
larry88mdg, it downloaded some stuff and installed it16:53
ClouseHi there all in  ubuntu land,16:54
d0s4gwdare: I just ran that script from the link and it completely removed all flash packages... it didn't reinstall them properly so now no flash works16:54
mdglarry88: you need to restart networking:  /etc/init.d/networking restart16:54
daretoni_ http://nxadm.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/install-64-bit-adobe-flash-player-on-ubuntu-904/16:54
=== Ose is now known as Ose|afk
d0s4gwdare: however, now I get the "Install flash plugin" in the video box16:54
richardcavellClouse: hi16:54
dared0s4gw, you are running 64-bit ?16:54
d0s4gwdare: yes, using firefox16:54
HighLordObsilet's see if i can get this install to work....16:54
d0s4gwdare: yes16:54
daretry http://nxadm.wordpress.com/2009/04/26/install-64-bit-adobe-flash-player-on-ubuntu-904/16:54
mdgstyol1: did you have ethernet available on that machine?16:55
ClouseJust trying to convert a .img file to .iso using ccd2iso and I am getting "Unrecognized sector mode (0) at sector 0!" any ideas?16:55
crunchbang666please could someone tell me how to rename my "host" name ?16:55
lillisClouse: sounds like error in the switches but im not sure16:55
Spykemccis there a way to know where an image come from and his license cause I maybe want to sue a website for using an image of book ...16:56
styol1mdg 04:00.0 Ethernet controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. RTL8101E PCI Express Fast Ethernet controller (rev 02)16:56
darecrunbang666, what do you mean?16:56
dareyou cannot change your internet hostname16:56
pocWhy my firefox is set to larger when it run.16:56
mdgstyol1: I think that should work out of the box16:56
crunchbang666dare: for instance in terminal it will say "paul@hostname:"16:56
styol1yup yup ethernet is fine wifi broke16:57
Clouselillis: OK thanks I am not using any switchers and the moment, I will check it out16:57
mdgstyol1: I mean.. plug in your ethernet and type this command16:57
styol1it was working before, i even had dell replace the card16:57
richardcavellIs there a way to stop empathy from giving me messages from people I don't know (ie spam)16:57
mdgstyol1: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter16:57
larry88mdg, ok did that in the hardware drivers it now says that it's using the broadcom drivers but it's still not starting16:57
darecrunchbang, nano /etc/hostname16:57
lillisClouse: just "man ccd2iso" and see what it says about the switches16:57
lillisthat's what i'd do atleast :)16:57
crunchbang666dare: ty16:57
larry88mdg, in ifconfig i only see eht0 and loopback16:58
iamslangomy system has been way sucking lately.16:58
d0s4gwdare: Nicely done, fully functional flash now.  Thanks very much16:58
toni_HAY I SAID that i need to have flash to be install the right way.i live in the us a16:58
bastidrazorrichardcavell, does spamassassin work with empathy?16:58
iamslangoit looks up at random16:58
HighLordObsiany clues as to why my install loads correctly once or twice then tells me that x server probably isn't set up properly?16:58
richardcavellbastidrazor: I don't know16:58
toni_i need some one to help me out16:58
larry88mdg, I just install a new kernel I'll reboot and come back16:58
alexD_is nvidia still the prefered brand for linux16:58
richardcavellbastidrazor: But there ought to be an option to refuse messages from randoms16:58
iamslangoand flash sometimes works in firefox... sometimes doesn't16:58
ethicxsup you all.16:58
mdglarry88: okay - do  a shutdown fully and reboot16:58
richardcavellethicx: yo yo yo16:59
dthackerhello again.  I've loaded the propietary nVidia driver.   I'm trying to increase resolution in the nvidia tool, but can't find anywhere to change the setting.  Could someone point me in the right direction?16:59
Clouselillis: Doing that now, but other people report that just "ccd2iso myimage.img myimage.iso" works just find with out the use of any switches.16:59
guntbertdare:  crunchbang666 will have to change /etc/hosts too...16:59
toni_i dont need flash to work for firefox.i need it to work for all the thing that i need it to do .16:59
styol1mdg its doin some voodoo17:00
styol1just was installing stuff17:00
mdgstyol1: /etc/init.d/networking restart17:00
mdgstyol1: okay17:00
richardcavellEveryone, I'm downloading Half-Life 2 to play on my Intel GMA 945 chipset-equipped laptop.  What do you think my chances are of being able to play a decent game?17:01
toni_is there any one who lives in the usa  that can help me out to insatll flash plese17:01
dareguntbert, interesting.. what listens/connects to
styol1mdg yeah it didnt disconnect me from the net like it should no17:01
HighLordObsigrr...i really would like to blow up my router17:01
luckyis there any way to get shockwave working well under linux? i tried installing it under firefox under wine, and it crashes.  Unfortunately, Shockwave is the dealbreaker for this install.  It's the only thing which doesn't work, and has to work.17:01
QGBdoes ubuntu automatically make a swap partition when it uses entire disk ?17:01
mdgstyol1: did you unplug ethernet?17:01
darethere is no shockwave for linux17:01
darelucky, i got it working under wine though17:02
geekhutHey fellas17:02
BlasenMichwith Ubuntu server installed, what else do I need to do reverse ssh?17:02
QGBdoes ubuntu automatically make a swap partition when it uses entire disk ?17:02
dthackerQGB: yes17:02
darelucky, but i only tried it on isketch.com :-)17:02
luckydare: it keeps crashing under wine.17:02
danbhfiveQGB: I believe so.  you can check with free17:02
richardcavellBlasenMich: is ssh installed?17:02
darelucky, does isketch.net work btw?17:02
abhi_recently i have compiled a linux kernel to be used for ubuntu. every thing is running fine except the LCD. lines are visible when the screen is refreshing.17:02
guntbertdare: usually a lot of "internal" services - but maybe its no problem at the moment - just to make sure for the future17:02
luckydare: don't know.17:02
BlasenMichI haven't set up the server yet17:02
richardcavellrichardcavell: sudo /etc/init.d/ssh status17:02
richardcavellBlasenMich: that was for you17:02
richardcavellBlasenMich: type that in17:02
dthackertoni_: please do not shout17:03
daremaybe it's a problem with the wine version, i tried it on an older version, ~1.0 i think17:03
toni_THEN HELP ME OUT17:03
abhi_so wht should i do to reduce this effect?17:03
luckylol it's too bad17:03
dthackertoni_: you are still shouting17:03
QGBdthacker: why doesn't ubuntu make more seperate partitions than just swap ?17:03
luckyback to pirated windows then :(17:03
danbhfivetoni_: you need to say for what program you want it  (if not firefox)17:03
QGBI heard that just have two is insecure17:03
richardcavellQGB: no need to17:03
guntbertdare: try lsof -li to see17:03
QGBbut it is unsecure I have heard17:03
geekhutJust got AFP compiled on Ubuntu - couldn't be happier with the results.17:04
richardcavellQGB: I don't know about that17:04
dareoh wow, a lot :-)17:04
BlasenMichRC - I've been told I have to have something called "squid"17:04
QGBlike people can log flood you if you don't have /var on its own partition17:04
HighLordObsiafter i reconfigure xorg i get a message that SMBus base address not initialized...upgrade bios or use force_addr=0xaddr17:04
JenniferB3how do I change the timezone on Ubuntu?17:04
rinconrichardcavell: how do i use iptables?17:04
toni_i need flash in ubuntu linux 9.04 dont need it to be install for fire fox17:04
dthackerQGB: Ubuntu knows you need a root, a boot, and a swap and makes those.   More complex partioning is left for you do decide17:04
guntbertdare: :-)17:04
daretoni_, are you running 64-bit?17:04
richardcavellrincon: for one thing you can get GUIs for iptables like UFS and Firestarter17:04
toni_i also install flash but it is not working17:04
toni_i dontknow17:04
danbhfiveQGB: I suspect because it would be hard to make those decisions.  I suspect you don't have to worry about logs unless you are running services17:04
richardcavellQGB: I suppose that's true17:04
geekhutrincon: try guarddog17:05
mdgJenniferB3: System > Administration > Time and Date17:05
daretoni_, type uname -a in terminal17:05
geekhutrincon: Actually firestarter is simples.17:05
daretoni_, is it i686 or x86_64?17:05
richardcavellgeekhut: I like Firestarter and I use it.  I haven't seen anything that does the same job better.17:05
rinconrichardcavell: firestarter is on repos ?17:06
mdgstyol1: how did it go?17:06
richardcavellrincon: yep17:06
ClouseLooks like it is reader error protection coursing the problem.17:06
QGBwell what I mean is that if they log flood you and var is not on its own partition it will take the whole system down to but it its own its own partition that will not happen17:06
Chessguywhen i check for new updates i get an error that it "could not download all repository indexes", any idea how to fix this?17:06
BlasenMichmy monitor won't allow me to change the resolution what command corrects this?17:06
richardcavellQGB: what happens if it tries to append to a log and the partition is full?17:06
geekhutCheeseguy: try updating in a shell17:07
QGBit won't work17:07
geekhutsee what the error is17:07
QGBbecause space is full17:07
Chessguygeekhut: how17:07
geekhutsudo apt-get update17:07
=== root is now known as Guest8820
dthackerQGB: that would be an argument for you doing a customized layout.   Or setting your syslogd configuration to avoid that problem.17:07
QGBbut I have heard that will not take down the system if var is on its own partition and someone log floods you17:07
anonmatircan i load ubuntu on a AMD1600 2gb DDR1 400mhz 80GB sata, 4 NTFS partitions, with no freedisk space..17:08
QGBfrom an old slackware security tuneup guide17:08
anonmatircan the ubuntu desktop cd be loaded17:08
anonmatircan it be used to remove windows >?17:08
richardcavellanonmatir: well you'll need some disk space for it?17:08
DiViN3anyone can tell me how to add ips in ubunut server ???17:08
anonmatiri am not being able to start up with live17:08
styol2mdg i seem to have the same scenario17:08
QGBfrom this guide if anyone is interested http://www.chessgriffin.com/files/docs/slack_sec.txt17:09
rinconrichardcavell: i installed firestarter but it launches the following error:  (firestarter:5422): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:17:09
mdgstyol2: hm.....17:09
dthackerQGB: If you create a separate var filesystem, it may increase your chances of the server staying up when the fs fills, yes17:09
styol2i =also rebooted17:09
Chessguylol @ url17:09
richardcavellrincon: ??17:09
QGBopenbsd does a similar layout17:09
ClouseAnyone know how to assign a hot key to launch a instance of terminal?17:09
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic17:09
richardcavellrincon: try running with sudo17:09
mdgstyol2: "lsmod" and see if you see b43-fwcutter17:09
richardcavellrincon: gksudo actually17:09
anonmatirrichardcavell: i cant remove windows.. i got no win bootables17:09
QGBokay system is almost installed17:09
anonmatiri need ubntu to remove it17:09
styol2mdg nah not in that list17:10
guntbertQGB: you are right about using several partitions - especially for /var/log, but you can use a lvm setup too (instead of assigning the required space from the beginning)17:10
DiViN3anyone can tell me how to add ips in ubunut server ???17:10
rinconrichardcavell: i ran it as root....17:10
HighLordObsinow lets see if this install will load up17:10
Chessguyanonmatir: try using another live cd?17:10
QGBis there any other ways to get a list of installed software besides dpkg --get-sellections ?17:10
mdgstyol2: oh we have to modprobe perhaps17:10
Chessguyhow old is it17:10
Spykemcchttp://paste.ubuntu.com/244160/ is my script right ???17:10
mdgstyol2: sudo modprobe b43-fwcutter17:10
styol2yah thats my issue17:10
richardcavellrincon: try rebooting17:10
anonmatiri get the same for xubuntu, read errors..17:10
dthackerWhere in the "Nvidia X Server Settings" utility can I change the resolution?17:10
anonmatirhow much HDD space does LIve need?17:11
mazda01why doesn't phpmyadmin work when I install it on jaunty running apach2? can someone help me figure this out please?17:11
styol2mdg same error i was getting with ndiswrapper17:11
danbhfivedthacker: I thought you select the monitor, and then there is a bunch of settings to the right17:11
styol2FATAL: Module b43_fwcutter not found.17:11
guntbertrincon: running a GUI-app as root leads to trouble, thats why we use gksudo17:11
geekhutanonmatir: You need to create a symlink to /var/www/x17:11
mdgstyol2: please refresh my memory about error - what was it again?17:11
mazda01i am getting a 404 Not Found error despite phpmyadmin being installed. is there additional configs I have to change?17:11
danbhfivemazda01: do you go to: localhost/phpmyadmin  ?17:11
mazda01geekhut: where do I create the symlink?17:12
styol2same error except for it said ndiswrapp=er17:12
dthackerdanbhfive: would that be "Screen 0"?17:12
geekhutyou can sudo ln -s /usr/share/phpadmin_dir /var/www/phpmyadmin17:12
mdgstyol2: b43-fwcutter - dash not underline17:12
danbhfivedthacker: yeah17:12
styol2yah i copy and pasted17:12
mazda01danbhfive: went there, i am telling you I get a 404 not found error17:12
mazda01geekhut: ok, will try. thanks17:12
HighLordObsican anybody tell me why I keep getting the x server error thingy?17:12
DiViN3hello anyone can assist me in telling me how to add ips in ubuntu server17:12
styol2hugos@hugos:~$ sudo modprobe b43-fwcutter17:13
styol2FATAL: Module b43_fwcutter not found.17:13
styol2hugos@hugos:~$ sudo modprobe b43_fwcutter17:13
styol2FATAL: Module b43_fwcutter not found.17:13
FloodBot2styol2: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:13
geekhutthere is a specific dir in /usr/share/phpmyadmin I believe - it is just as easy to grab the source from sourceforge and channge blowfish17:13
Chessguywhen i check for new updates i get an error that it "could not download all repository indexes", any idea how to fix this? I'm still getting the error in the terminal with "sudo apt-get update"17:13
danbhfivemazda01: did you try restarting apache?17:13
guntbertDiViN3: you know there is a channel #ubuntu-server too?17:13
geekhutCheeseguy please pastebin thew error17:13
mdgstyol2: is it showing you b43dashfwcutter or b43underlinefwcutter?17:13
geekhutDiViN3: I have set up a few - PM me for help17:14
ClouseAlso guys and girls I am trying to use the DarkLooks theme in ubuntu 8.10 but it is not displaying properly. When I first select it it comes up OK but then some windows just start not loading it correctly, any ideas?17:14
crunchbang666mdg: still around?17:14
mdgcrunchbang666: yes :)17:14
styol2when it sayd not found its show an underscore but as i pasted it does same for both17:14
styol2mdg this was the guide i was following http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=76656017:14
mdgstyol2: sudo modprobe b43-fwcutter (with a dash)17:14
crunchbang666mdg: yay... ok so i just installed proprietary driver for my nvidia card, rebooted and we're back to the same problem ... no wireless lol17:14
mdgcrunchbang666: uh oh....17:15
geekhutCheeseguy - notice the 404's - remove those sources from /etc/.apt/sources.lst17:15
mazda01geekhut: that was it, thank you. why is something like this not done off the batt when I install phpmyadmin? also, what is the command to add a password for root  for my mysql server?17:15
geekhutthen sudo apt-get update17:15
styol2mdg yeah i know, it says FATAL: Module b43_fwcutter not found.17:15
blackgeckohi, anyone can tell me how to setup a local repository to upgrade all my ubuntu pcs from one main server17:15
geekhutmysql -u root -p17:15
crunchbang666mdg: can you remind me of the commands i used last time? i'll save them in a text file and see if using those and rebooting solves the problem.17:15
styol2sudo modprobe b43-fwcutter -->  FATAL: Module b43_fwcutter not found.17:15
mdgcrunchbang666: in a terminal type :  lsmod  and look for iwl394517:15
geekhutset password = password('newpasswd') ;17:16
thneedblackgecko: cd /etc/sources.list and then add the repository17:16
mdgstyol2: b43-fwbutter vs b43_fwcutter - are not the same17:16
crunchbang666mdg: it's there17:16
zer0xhi all, quick question, how to i halt ubuntu without actually powering down?17:16
mdgstyol2: b43-fwcutter vs b43_fwcutter17:16
geekhutor if using ubuntu - you can sudo dpkg-recofingure mysql-server17:16
thneedcan someone help me finish my upgrade to jaunty, I lost my gui and I am stuck in a read only shell17:16
mazda01geekhut: currently the root password for mysql server is blank. but I am trying to get into phpmyadmin and leaving root password blank gives me Access denied error? huh?17:16
blackgeckothneed: not the online repos, but a local repo i just want to download once and updgrade all my statiosn from it17:17
darethneed, apt-get install ubuntu-desktop17:17
mdgcrunchbang666: restart networking with:  /etc/init.d/networking restart17:17
styol2mdg http://pastie.org/56870517:17
zer0xhi all, quick question, how to i halt ubuntu without actually powering down?17:17
zer0xdamn eeepc keyboard!17:17
blackgeckozer0x: halt or suspend17:18
guntbertzer0x: you can use suspend (needs still power) or hibernate (no power needed, but a big enough swap space required)17:18
crunchbang666mdg: done17:18
mdgstyol2: that's crazy!17:18
zer0xwhenever i use halt it actually powers down, on openbsd i have to halt -p to actually power off also17:19
thneedblackgecko: you can still upgrade that way, just remove it after you update17:19
zer0xi just want to run the battery down safely17:19
HighLordObsidesigner of belkin products should die17:19
mdgstyol2: ohh - its bc43-fwcutter not b4317:19
iamslangoin /var/log/messages: Aug  2 03:56:39 tuxbook -- MARK --17:19
iamslangoany idea what that means?17:19
dthackerUsing the Nvidia Display Utility, I have Color Correction, XVideo Settings, Cursor Shadow, OpenGL Settings, GLX Info and Antialiasing Info.  None of these have an adjustment for resolution.  Where is it?17:19
iamslangois someone named MARK hacking my shit17:19
mdgcrunchbang666: any luck?17:19
styol2mdg same17:19
zer0xis it safe to suspend and let battery discharge to empty?17:19
blackgeckothneed: what i need are the steps to mirror the ubuntu repos in a local machine17:19
jribiamslango: syslog puts those there periodically so you know it hasn't crashed17:20
mdgstyol2: can you pastebin "lsmod"17:20
zer0xlol --MARK--17:20
crunchbang666mdg: still no wireless option in Network Manager.17:20
geekhutcrunchbang666: What card?17:20
iamslangojrib, ah, gotcha17:20
guntbertzer0x: no, that would not be "safe", you could start a live CD session though and let that run to the end of the battery17:20
iamslangoI figured it was something like that17:21
thneedokay, I am stuck at gnome login and I cannot type anything into the box and I cannot drop to a shell...can someone help me?17:21
styol2mdg http://pastie.org/56870917:21
mdgstyol2: you are right - but we need to remove it17:21
crunchbang666geekhut: intel corp PRO/Wireless 3945abg (rev 02)17:21
WaSeidelhi someone i have one friend who has a trouble with his soundcard17:21
zer0xguntbert: didnt think so, i want to halt but not poweroff, but halt seems to poweroff by default17:21
Viliny_guntbert, how about leaving the thing in bios and let it drain out?17:21
geekhutcrunchbang666:  What kernel?17:21
iamslangothe last thing my laptop seems to have done before it froze up: Aug  2 04:10:01 tuxbook /USR/SBIN/CRON[17613]: (root) CMD ([ -x /usr/sbin/update-motd ] && /usr/sbin/update-motd 2>/dev/null)17:21
crunchbang666geekhut: whichever ships with ubuntu jaunty17:22
mdgstyol2: okay - nothing to remove not loaded.17:22
geekhutcrunchbang666: have you taken a look at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=30566217:22
WaSeidelhere is his lspci http://paste.ubuntu.com/244103/17:22
styol2mdg is it b44 ?17:22
HighLordObsihmm...apparently i don't have any screens17:22
WaSeideland this is his laptop17:22
MK13blackgecko, you would need a server setup on one machine then add that machine to the repos of the other computers, or use aptoncd to put the downloaded files on a cd and use the cd as a repository17:22
crunchbang666geekhut: i'll look now17:22
mdgstyol2: lets try apt-get again17:22
mdgstyol2: you have ethernet plugged in?17:23
styol2just to note the dell mini ubuntu repos are missing stuff17:23
guntbertViliny_, zer0x everything but an actually running system is fine (memtest for instance...)17:23
blackgeckoMK13: how do i setup that server, to act as a repository, whats the directory jerarchy and how do i sync withthe online repos17:23
mdgstyol2: sudo apt-get install b43-fwcutter17:23
mdgstyol2: oh....17:23
WaSeidelhe have a toshiba satellite x205-s9800 4 harman kardon with subwoofer, soundcard realtek alc268, but the subwoofer doen's works on ubuntu or other linux distro17:23
styol2mdg it says its already installed17:23
=== recreatedme is now known as loell
styol2mdg wanna haz vnc?17:24
styol2ill paypal you money lol17:25
mdgstyol2: I have no experience with vnc - sorry17:25
XE3XHey all17:25
donaldo_he have a toshiba satellite x205-s9800 4 harman kardon with subwoofer, soundcard realtek alc268, but the subwoofer doen's works on ubuntu or other linux distro17:25
styol2ah its pretty easy youre on ubuntu yah17:25
rekhi what do u think about minix?17:25
donaldo_any idea?17:25
ClouseAny body know if there is any news on the 9.04 ATI driver issue?17:25
MK13blackgecko, let me do some googling on that :D17:25
Sid`anyone tried 9.04 yet?17:25
geekhutNothing yet on ATI sorry :(17:26
mdgstyol2: what kind of stuff is missing from UNR?17:26
HighLordObsii'm tryin to install 9.0417:26
blackgeckoMK13: ive done some but didnt found the answer17:26
MK13blackgecko, "http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-599479.html" how about that?17:26
styol2mdg ndisgtk17:26
Sid`i was trying to upgrade and it prompted me with a hardware compatibility issue for my ATI video card17:26
XE3Xquick question, can anyone tell me how to kill an unpack command? it's locking the apt management tool17:26
donaldo_he  I have a toshiba satellite x205-s9800 4 harman kardon with subwoofer, soundcard realtek alc268, but the subwoofer doen's works on ubuntu or other linux distro17:26
HighLordObsiwell....i got it installed, i'm just tryin to get it running17:26
WaSeidelerUSUL: hi i have see you some times in ubuntu-es is that right?17:26
donaldo_  I have a toshiba satellite x205-s9800 4 harman kardon with subwoofer, soundcard realtek alc268, but the subwoofer doen's works on ubuntu or other linux distro17:26
ClouseSid: I did but had to go back to 8.10 cos of ATI driver issues.17:26
Spykemcchttp://paste.ubuntu.com/244160/ is my script ok ?17:27
Sid`ahhh! so its better i believe to stick to 8.10 for now clouse?17:27
blackgeckoMK13: thanks man thats it17:27
styol2=mdg couldnt find package ndisgtk or ndiswrapper -- i do have ndiswrapper-common and ndiswrapper=-utils-1.9 installed17:27
mdgstyol2: .... hmmmm17:27
rubyistwhat is that tool that installs 32bit libs for u?17:27
rubyisti have it17:27
rubyistcant remember its name :\17:27
ClouseSid: Do you have and ATI GPU?17:27
blackgeckoMK13: is it necesary to have all that repos, or can i just mirror the updates ?17:27
MK13blackgecko,  glad to help17:28
Sid`its an integrated card clouse! ati 200M. how about you?17:28
Spykemccthe same here Sid17:28
danbhfiveblackgecko: I think apt-proxy can mirror just updates17:28
blackgeckoMK13:that will be cool cause i dont want people to download extra apps17:28
MK13blackgecko,  you could probably just mirror what you need17:28
blackgeckoMK13: thanks man ill try17:28
HighLordObsiany way to get jaunty to recognize my screen?17:29
Clousegeekhut: Thanks, must be a pretty big issue to hold them up for this long, but then I serpose that anything closed source is a big issue.17:29
Sid`spykemcc which version are you running?17:29
SpykemccI used ubuntu hardy heron 8.04.3 LTS x64 alternate cd, maked my minimal install with lxde and it's hard to beat ...17:29
adityagi installed 8.04(swap partition 1.5GB) but the desktop resolution was just 640*400, now i installed 7.04(swap partition 500 MB) on the same HDD, i cant open 8.04 because of the swap partition which is 1.9GB on 7.04. how do i make 8.04 work without a swap partition because both the swap partitions are being used in 7.0417:29
mdgstyol2: I think your repos need updated17:29
Sid`oh what's the best irc client for ubuntu?17:30
Spykemccforget 9.04 until mesa 7.6 if we are lucky ...17:30
mdgstyol2: how long have you been running UNR?17:30
styol2mdg when i add other repos it says stuff like file not found when it updates17:30
WaSeidelsorry but if some one can help me with the trouble of that friend17:30
styol2what unr?17:30
Padhu_1adityag: just addd swap partition in /etc/fstab17:30
SpykemccSid on linux everything depend or your needs and your knowledge ...17:30
mdgstyol2: yes - you using UNR?17:30
ClouseSid: Same, I have an X1600M PCIe in my Tecra A7 Toshiba lappy.17:30
geekhutClouse: Yeah it is a pain - I have some decent ATI hardware and no acceleration.17:30
=== mubu is now known as whoro
Chessguygeekhut is my hero17:31
styol2whats unr?17:31
adityagPadhu_1:  how do i add it ?17:31
HighLordObsifarfignugens...am i even in here?17:31
mdgstyol2: I thought you were using Ubuntu Netbook Remix17:31
styol2probably, im not sure17:31
Spykemccirssi in the terminal, xchat for full-featured, pidgin or chatzilla if you need little usage of irc17:31
styol2came with the dell mini 917:31
Sid`spykemcc i'm pretty new to linux and still in the learning process! i just downloaded xchat and its pretty hard to use as compared to mirc so was just wondering if there are any other clients that are closer to mirc in terms of accessibility17:31
MK13can ubuntu hibernate to a swap file?17:31
mdgstyol2: how long have you had your mini 9?17:31
styol2sbout 6 months17:32
XE3Xhello again17:32
Padhu_1adtyag: first check which partition is swap by $sudo fdisk -l17:32
shahzad_hi i am facing a serious problem when i try to install ns2 simulator in my ubnutu by using ./install17:32
Sid`irssi is what i would really like to use! gives you a whole techie feel haha!17:32
mdgstyol2: has it updated successfully at all?17:32
spOdo any of you do ethernet bonding?   I have it setup,  my eth0 and eth1 use the same ip as my bond0 device, and they both have the same hardware/mac address ,   my route shows only bond017:32
styol2wifi just stopped working after my girlfriend accidently started an update that filled the hard drive17:32
shahzad_is there anybody who assist me17:32
spOi think bond0 is not handling my routes correclty17:32
Sid`clouse i've got the 9.04 installation but don't think i'll be using it for a while now. 8.10 seems to be running just fine for now as of now17:32
WaSeidelthe trouble is the next my friend have installed ubuntu 9.04 on a toshiba x205-s9800 4 harman kardon with subwoofer, but the subwoofer doesn't works for him some one can help us?17:33
mdgstyol2: explain "filled the hard drive?"17:33
SpykemccSid it's not easy at first but linux is way better than any other operating system if you learn it well ...17:33
XE3Xi'm trying to install the java environment and it's taking too long to install17:33
whoroHey guys, Im having a big security issue with ubuntu 9.04. Up until very recently if user A mounted a hdd and user A was still logged on, but you switched user to user B, user B couldnt acces that hdd that user A mounted. Now, user B can access that hdd. However the biggest security concern is that now if user A mounts a truecrypt partition (which requires root), user B can access said partition (user B is a limited user with no root access). Any ideas on wha17:33
whorot could be causing this and how to fix it ? thanks17:33
XE3Xit failed me three times now17:33
styol2mdg it couldnt complete because there was HD space left17:33
styol2its like a 4 gig hard drive17:33
shahzad_is there anybody who assist me to solve my ns2 installation problem17:33
mdgstyol2: oh... that's probably the problem17:33
mdgstyol2: so you have a solid state drive?17:34
Flannel!bugs | whoro17:34
ubottuwhoro: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots17:34
Clousegeekhut: Is there place where one might go to keep an eye on any news in the future about the whole 9.04 ATI fun and games?17:34
Sid`spykemcc i totally agree with that. its way better that windows but i still have a lot of learning to do. i usually google everythng i need help with so its just because of that i'm survivng on linux. Would you suggest something in terms of where i start learning linux17:34
styol2mdg yeah17:34
adityagPadhu_1:  http://pastebin.com/m120635b517:34
SpykemccSid the best for you should be ubuntu hardy heron 8.04 and if you want speed add openbox and run ubuntu in gnome-openbox mode17:34
geekhutClouse: Not that I know iof - your best bet (I know it hurts) but buy Nvidia17:34
Flannelwhoro: If you report it as a bug (if it doesn't already exist as a bug) it'll get looked at/fixed/etc17:35
spOanyone using ethernet bonding?  does route show eth0 or eth1 or does it show just bond0?17:35
mdgis there a dell mini IRC channel17:35
Spykemccmake your sources.list and websites as www.getdeb.net and www.appnr.com should help at first ...17:35
martijn81why are there some packages in packekit blocked from upgrading?17:35
WaSeidelthe sound card of x205-s9800 4 harman kardon with subwoofer it's an realtek alc26817:35
paul_mdg: i disconnected my eth0 connection then used modprobe on iwl3945 then used /etc/init.d/networking restart and rebooted and wireless is back17:35
paul_mdg: i get the feeling it wont work again the next time i reboot, it's very tempermental17:35
Clousegeekhut: No i don't mind Nvidia, it is just that this is in a Lappy17:35
mdgpaul_: awesome!  :)17:35
mdgpaul_: if you used sudo modeprobe - it should, unless something is updating and making you lose it17:36
geekhutClouse: - Unfortunate, wish I had more info for you.17:36
paul_mdg: i did read somewhere that Network Manager and linux in general doesnt bode well with WPA encription, perhaps i should change to WEP on the router setup page?17:36
Sid`spykemcc what's the use of keeping openbox?17:37
geekhutpaul_: That was a while back - I think they fixed a lot of the WPA stuff.17:37
mdgstyol2: I think the 4 gig harddrive is the problem - I have no experience with solid state drives and ubuntu installs - see if there is a dell netbook IRC channel17:37
geekhutI just use MAC filtering with tomato17:37
paul_geekhut: ah ok :) didn't check the date that was posted17:37
sdirchow do i find out if the default radeon driver supports my video card for gaming?17:37
livingdaylightdoes someone know how to remove "window list" from panel?17:37
RacKhaMhi there17:37
styol2mdg alrightie= thanks for the help17:38
XE3Xthx all, fixed the problem17:38
geekhutpaul_: Apparently the card is the deterrant17:38
mdgstyol2: your welcome and good luck - I hope someone can guide you :)17:38
geekhutintel chipsets have been working great with Debian recently - I wouldn't reccommend anything else.17:38
Spykemccopenbox is a little windows manager that replace metacity for ubuntu and it's the fatest, you won't notice the change for a great addition of speed ...17:38
paul_geekhut: i read the page you linked... it said to have the wireless radio button switched off before booting up, i'll try it the next time17:38
mdgi gotta go - have a great day!17:38
thneedokay, I can boot into recovery mode...and I fixed broken packages, butnow that I can load gui, I have a lot of packages that are malfunctioning. apt-get -f install is recommended but it keeps failing17:38
Sid`oh yeah i that i could use that spykemcc considering that i only have 384Mb of ram! it does get a bit slow at times17:39
Spykemccyou will be able to follow all tutorials about ubuntu or gnome without issues ...17:39
styol2mdg yeah im SOL :)17:39
styol2err probably17:39
HighLordObsino screens...damn17:39
livingdaylightI've added Window List from Add to Panel to the top panel when only wanted 1 panel. Now i'm reverting to two panels and added the Window List to the bottom panel where it should be. But i don't know how to remove it from the top, anyone?17:39
ClouseSid: Yar just one of those things, if people insist on making the software closed then there is nothing the amazing coders of the world can do for them.17:39
Spykemccyes can you follow my lead I could help you to install it ...17:39
Sid`would be great spykemcc!17:39
paul_geekhut: is there any reason why downloading graphics card drivers or installing programs via synaptic would affect the modules or drivers related to wireless ?17:39
Clousegeekhut: Thats OK I understand.17:40
Sid`that i feel is the only disadvantage of using linux clouse :)17:40
danbhfivethneed: can you pastebin the errors?17:40
geekhutpaul_: No, in fact apt-get install does the same thing.17:40
thneeddanbhfive: no, I cannot load any irc clients, I am talking to you from a different comp...hold on I will pastebin and then send the link via email17:41
erUSULWaSeidel: yep; i'm op there17:41
Sid`spykemcc sudo aptitude install openbox obconf ?17:41
geekhutpaul_: The only real benefit is the GUi - IMO I prefer -f -y anyway17:41
WaSeidelerUSUL: can you help me with the trouble?17:41
livingdaylight does someone know how to remove "window list" from panel?17:41
livingdaylightI've added Window List from Add to Panel to the top panel when only wanted 1 panel. Now i'm reverting to two panels and added the Window List to the bottom panel where it should be. But i don't know how to remove it from the top, anyone?17:41
WaSeidelif you want we can go to -es?17:41
geekhutWaSeidel: Don't ask if you can ask... LOL17:41
WaSeidelbut i have a half hour asking and nobody help's me17:42
erUSULWaSeidel: sorry ; just been away. can you repeat the question ?17:42
WaSeidelhi someone i have one friend who has a trouble with his soundcard17:42
thneeddanbhfive: pastebin.com/m1ed692b517:42
WaSeidelthe sound card of x205-s9800 4 harman kardon with subwoofer it's an realtek alc26817:42
geekhutlivingdaylight: You must right click to the left of the panel item (there should be three dots) - oress the 'r' key17:42
danbhfivelivingdaylight: cant you just delete the panel, and then create a new one to your liking?17:42
geekhutDaHoIv: That is overkill - just right click the panel item and press r.17:43
livingdaylightdanbhfive, pffff... its the top panel! its not easily re-created and what you're suggesting is NOT an elegant solution17:43
* geekhut it's miller time17:43
livingdaylightgeekening, found it- thx17:43
thneedI found 5 broken packages in synaptic icedtea-6-jre-cacao, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-14.18, openjdk-6-jre, sun-java6-bin, and sun-java6-jre...can I safely remove them?17:43
geekhutthose are some serious broken packages17:44
geekhuttry sudo apt-get -f -y autoremove17:44
thneedyour tellin me...I cannot believe I even got a gui17:44
danbhfivethneed: I suggest you get rid of ticedtea and openjava for starters17:44
theTroyHelp, after update, the sound is not working - can hear only crackling noise17:45
geekhutAnyone with a mac in this channel?17:45
danbhfivethneed: does apt-get install -f give you the same error?17:45
geekhutif so - read this : http://www.kremalicious.com/2008/06/ubuntu-as-mac-file-server-and-time-machine-volume/17:45
thneeddanbhfive: will check after package removal...17:46
or4ngeekhut: thanks, I have Powerbook G4 and I'm going to build new fileserver :)17:47
theTroyany help?17:48
theTroyafter update, the sound is not working - can hear only crackling noise17:48
funkyHattheTroy: which update?17:48
theTroynot sure tbh17:48
theTroyI havent restarted in about 2 weeks17:48
funkyHattheTroy: which version of ubuntu are you using?17:48
funkyHatok, have you restarted since updating?17:49
theTroyjust now17:49
thneeddanbhfive: nah, that does not work17:49
theTroyand sound disappeared17:49
kitzOgenDo anyone can help me to config the sound? HELP17:49
funkyHattheTroy: can you pastebin the output of lspci -vv17:49
danbhfivethneed: yeah, but what error does that report?17:49
geekhutor4n: It is beautiful; - I am migrating my old sparseimage right now17:49
funkyHatkitzOgen: which version of ubuntu are you using?17:50
theTroyfunkyHat command not found17:50
kitzOgenfunkyHat:  Last one, Xubuntu 9.0417:50
theTroystop, my bad, found it will paste17:50
funkyHatkitzOgen: did you upgrade from a previous version of ubuntu, or did you install using a 9.04 CD?17:51
kitzOgenfunkyHat: no, new installed.Thanks17:51
danbhfivekitzOgen: http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup17:51
Zabaddahow do i become root so i can send files to a USB key?17:51
darezabadda, type sudo nautilus17:52
kitzOgendanbhfive:  i will test now, thanks17:52
darein terminal17:52
homyHi, I have ubuntu with gnome but I installed some kde apps (like kolourpaint) as I didn't find good gnome ones. But: how can I integrate kde apps to look the same like gnome apps? Using qtconfig, I can only set that for plain qt apps but not for those using kde.17:52
theTroyfunkyHat: pmed you pastebin17:52
danbhfive!gksu | dare Zabadda17:52
guntbert!gksudo | Zabadda, dare17:52
ubottudare Zabadda: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:52
ubottuZabadda, dare: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:52
MK13Zabadda, DO NOT sudo nautilus, use "gksudo nautilus"17:53
Zabaddaim just trying to send files to a USB that it says i do not have permission for17:53
MK13Zabadda, or u could just use sudo cp /path/to/source /media/usb-mount-point17:54
thneedbdanbhfive: no error, it lists installed packages...I cannot get kvirc to work though17:54
Zabaddawhy can i not just open it lol? my other keys work fine17:55
aksciZabadda: it might be so that your pendrive isn't mounted with correct permissions!17:56
danbhfivethneed: http://pastebin.com/d579d9413            that is when I run it.  If you get anything other than that, it's an error17:56
homyHow can I integrate kde apps with gnome so that they have the same style?17:56
Zabaddahow can i change that for the future?17:56
homyI don't have kde installed, just some kde apps17:56
MK13Zabadda, is it listed in fstab or getting mounted w/ user option or by root?17:56
HighLordObsiholy crap...i got logged in :o17:57
Zabaddawhats fstab17:57
Wintervenomhomy:  GTK/Qt Engine.17:57
guntbertZabadda: pastebin the output of mount please17:57
MK13Zabadda, how are you mounting it?17:57
homyWintervenom: I tried changing the style in qtconfig, but it only affects pure qt apps and *not* kde apps.17:57
WintervenomZabadda: "/etc/fstab" -- Filesystem able.17:58
Wintervenom* Table17:58
amolwaghhello all17:59
Wintervenomhomy:  Oh, I mis-read your question.  You will have to edit the KDE config by hand and set the widget style to GTK.17:59
amolwaghtoo many guys out here17:59
SpCombZabadda: do you normally just use your flash drive with gnome's automatic stuff? Could be that it's formatted with a filesystem that has the wrong permissions for access17:59
guntbert!welcome | amolwagh17:59
amolwaghI am from www.hackersenigma.com17:59
ubottuamolwagh: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.17:59
homyWintervenom: which file would that be?18:00
=== ait is now known as zikos
guntbertamolwagh: do you have an ubuntu support question?18:00
zikosme yes18:00
dragon64Does anyone know how to manually set refresh rate for my monitor in jaunty? I used to be able to do this in the xorg.conf file, but those options are no longer there18:01
spOnetwork manager is auto loaded in a file or osjmething? hwo is that program loaded?18:01
dragon64I have an nvidia card btw18:01
Wintervenomhomy:  Hmm... I think it is in either "$HOME/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals" or "$HOME/.kde/share/config/kderc."  It's been a while.18:01
toorbyhow can i transfer all my kubuntu menus to my ubuntu menus?18:01
guntbertzikos:  do you have an ubuntu support question?18:01
zikosbut i have a problem18:02
toorbyhow can i transfer all my kubuntu menus to my ubuntu menus?18:02
guntbertdragon64: system/preferences/display18:02
dragon64Does anyone know how to manually set refresh rate for my monitor in jaunty? I used to be able to do this in the xorg.conf file, but those options are no longer there18:02
kitzOgenOh i cant solve the sound problem, can anyone help me? HELP18:02
Edicohow do I install a package on a x86_64 that is not anymore available in repos for that architecture but is still availabale for x86 architecture?18:02
MK13does anybody here know how to get and Easycap DC60 usb capture card to work on Jaunty?18:02
jbuhi all.  Does ubuntu (or linux) have a limit on number of disks I can have connected?  I have four hard disks, but when I put a usb 2.0 flash drive in ubuntu is not recognizing it and I also do not see a new file appear in /dev/...can someone help?18:02
guntbert!ask | zikos18:02
ubottuzikos: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:02
jbudoing tail /var/log/messages shows that at least the kernel is recognizing that the devices is being plugged in and out.18:03
zikossomeone  can speak french please??18:03
guntbert!fr | zikos18:03
ubottuzikos: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:03
ClouseSid: Oh no is not Linux that is the problem here, I gestimate that the closed source people of the world are holding back development betweens 2 to 5 years and they make what would be very simple things very diffecald if not impossable to achive18:03
zikoscomment le rejoindre18:04
zikosje suis new sous unbuntu18:04
ClouseSid: And all because of there fear for greed or both.18:04
funkyHattheTroy: does the crackling coincide with when there _should_ be sound?18:04
guntbertzikos: /join #ubuntu-fr svp18:04
zikosmais comment18:04
zikosje ne sais pas comment18:04
toorbyhow can i transfer all my kubuntu menus to my ubuntu menus?18:04
thneeddanbhfive: okay it's good18:04
dragon64does anyone know where refresh rate is stored now that xorg.conf is being ignored18:05
danbhfivethneed: cool18:05
theTroyfunkyHat: it crackles instead of playing music, but when there is no sound, it is quiet, volume control affects the volume of the sound18:05
zikosso how18:05
theTroysound == cracks18:05
funkyHat!fr zikos18:05
homyWintervenom: thanks! setting "widgetStyle=gtk" in kdeglobals works perfectly.18:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fr zikos18:05
Paul-are there any howotos for bacula for ubuntu 8.04?18:05
zikosoui funkyhat18:05
funkyHat!fr | zikos18:05
ubottuzikos: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:05
danbhfivedragon64: a) I thought you could still use xorg, its just optional now.  b) you can't use the display application?18:06
Zabaddaits a new flash drive18:06
zikosquelqu'un peut m'aider pour rejoindre #unbuntu-fr18:06
aaron11what language18:07
Zabaddawhat shall i format the drive to so to get proper access?18:07
spOif you put in a usb device, what handles the auto mounting of that device?18:07
adityagi installed 8.04 but the desktop resolution was just 640*400, now i installed 7.04 on the same HDD but i have a resolution of 1024*800, now i want same resolution in 8.04.... how do i get it ?18:07
rsc---that would be gnome hal manager sp018:07
rsc---I think18:07
MK13Zabadda, do "sudo fdisk -l" and tell me what the sdXX of your USB drive is18:07
rsc---I cant remember the exact term.18:07
spOwhat about just console, does anything in just console environment handle usb?18:08
Zabaddaok 1 sec18:08
funkyHatzikos: /join #ubuntu-fr18:08
Wintervenomdanbhfive:  Desktop environment settings/xrandr are/is supposed to set it.18:08
theTroyfunkyHat: is there a way to re-install the sound drivers/configs? or what should I do? it started to be like that only after restart after update18:08
zikosj'ai pu le rejoint18:08
Wintervenom* dragon6418:08
rsc---nope, you wont get automounting in console sp0' if gnome is not running18:08
bk2weezyHi i trying to find out if my desktop is a dvd writer18:09
adityag i installed 8.04 but the desktop resolution was just 640*400, now i installed 7.04 on the same HDD but i have a resolution of 1024*800, now i want same resolution in 8.04.... how do i get it ? last time i copied a file from 7.04 to 8.04 to get the right resolution on 8.04. but i cant remember which file18:10
m0r0nHey, how do I change my resolution?18:11
Zabaddait's sdc118:11
gbear14275did they canonical take the netboot images down?  Having a hard time finding them18:11
MK13Zabadda, where is it's mount point?18:12
funkyHattheTroy: most likely the issue is a kernel update. if you reboot and at the grub prompt select the next kernel down (the entry that looks the same as the top one, with just a slightly lower number), see if that helps18:12
theTroyhmm k will try that18:12
dragonrigshi i18:12
ZabaddaMK13: ummmm sorry not sure how u mena18:13
adityag i installed 8.04 but the desktop resolution was just 640*400, now i installed 7.04 on the same HDD but i have a resolution of 1024*800, now i want same resolution in 8.04.... how do i get it ? last time i copied a file from 7.04 to 8.04 to get the right resolution on 8.04. but i cant remember which file18:13
MK13in fdisk -l it should have said /media/X for /dev/sdc118:14
guntbert!repeat | adityag18:14
ubottuadityag: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.18:14
MK13Zabadda, in fdisk -l it should have said /media/X for /dev/sdc118:14
Zabaddathats all i got18:15
ClouseSo no one knows how to assign a hot key to terminal?18:15
guntbertMK13: mount points are found in the output of mount (not fdisk -l)18:15
MK13guntbert,  oops, thats right thnx18:16
homyClouse: System->Preferences->Keyboard Shortcuts18:16
guntbertMK13: ;-)18:16
homyClouse: then in the "Desktop" Category, you can set a shortcut to "run a terminal".18:17
DiViN3hello i need help in setting up reverse dns as my ip are not resoving to hostname18:17
MK13Zabadda,  run "mount" and tell me where it says /dev/sdc1 is on18:17
HighLordObsidamn...got the wrong video driver18:18
Zabaddadev/sdc1 on /media/disk-3 type ext4 (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal)18:18
MK13Zabadda, i am sorry i g2g, hopefully someone else can take over from here18:18
HighLordObsihmm....iso won't dismount18:18
Clousehomy: Thanks, always something simple.18:18
theTroyfunkyHat: it did not help18:18
homyClouse: you're welcome.18:18
theTroyStill having problem with cracking noise instead of sound after update18:19
homyI have a problem with kipi plugins not being shown i.n digikam, although I installed the package "kipi-plugins"18:19
DiViN3anyone free to help me solve my problem thanks18:19
thneedHighLordObsi: you typed sudo umount?18:19
HighLordObsihaven't brought up the terminal yet...then again the new driver isn't done downloading yet18:20
coz_DiViN3,  I am not skilled with this sort of thing sorry   ... I am sure others are but  in case you dont get a good response here  try  #linux   channel :)18:20
GodfatherofEireCould somebody give me some help with rsync? I need to back up some files, but I get this error when I run RSYNC http://paste.ubuntu.com/244269/18:20
Edicohow do I install a package to ubuntu-x86_64 that is not available in repos for that architecture but is available for x86 architecture?18:21
coz_theTroy,  did you check in  alsamixer  and if so did you try  the  #alsa   channel?18:21
theTroycheck in alsa mixer = ?18:21
DiViN3hello i need help in setting up reverse dns as my ip are not resoving to hostname    ....urgent18:21
theTroyI will try #alsa now18:21
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me ace this discussion at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122887818:21
coz_theTroy,  from terminal   tyep    alsamixer    check that everything is unmuted18:21
PerryArmstrongits about servers stuff18:21
coz_theTroy,  but I would go to #alsa  also18:21
kenoxi have a doubt18:22
coz_Edico,  which pacakge is this?18:22
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me ace this discussion at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1228878   its related to servers18:23
coz_Edico,  do you have a link18:23
geekhutHAHAHA http://img233.imageshack.us/img233/1909/1218530.jpg18:23
theTroycoz_ thanks for telling about checking alsa settings, found that PCM and headphones were both down to 0 but not muted18:23
Edicocoz_, mit-scheme http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/devel/mit-scheme18:23
coz_theTroy,  there you go ... did that fix the issue?18:24
GodfatherofEireCould somebody give me some help with rsync? I need to back up some files, but I get this error when I run RSYNC http://paste.ubuntu.com/244269/ I need to back up these files ASAP18:24
theTroyyes thank you18:24
kenoxwhat happen when a kernel is updated? I get the message "keep existing menu.lst" i say yes, so does that void the update?18:24
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me ace this discussion at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1228878   its related to servers18:24
GodfatherofEire!patience > PerryArmstrong18:25
ubottuPerryArmstrong, please see my private message18:25
guntbertkenox: you apparently have changed /boot/grub/menu.lst manually?18:25
coz_Edico,  hold on ...so far there doesnt seem to be a 64 bit  mit-scheme18:25
kenoxyup, i have multiple os18:25
SEREand good day18:25
kenoxdoes it now boot the updated kernel?18:26
Edicocoz_, yes I know but I must install mit-scheme18:26
kenoxsynaptic says i have multiple versions of the kernel....18:26
coz_Edico,  ok I am still checking hold on18:26
SEREi have a question, which motherboard i should pick for ubuntu linux? a7v333-x or a7n8x-x?18:26
DiViN3hello i need help in setting up reverse dns as my ip are not resoving to hostname18:27
guntbertGodfatherofEire: the error is in conor@conor-laptop. - you either use the ip-address or the name, not both18:27
GodfatherofEireguntbert, thanks18:28
guntbertGodfatherofEire: np :-)18:28
kenoxshould i manually edit my menu.lst every time? what happens if i say yes when it asks the question?18:28
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me ace this discussion at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1228878   its related to servers18:29
guntbertPerryArmstrong: maybe #ubuntu-server is a better channel for your question?18:29
PerryArmstrongguntbert; thanks,...i'll try there18:29
guntbertPerryArmstrong: good luck :)18:29
coz_Edico,  no luck so far  I would check in  #linux channel  ...they might have someone who can sort through this :)18:30
Edicocoz_, thanks18:30
kenoxany help?18:30
coz_Edico,  I saw many complaints about this by the way18:30
HACKER10011can some one help me18:30
=== dimitri is now known as Vash--
HACKER10011can some one help18:30
meborckenox, what question is asked by synaptic?18:30
=== Vash-- is now known as vash--
coz_Edico,  apparenlty  this has not been updated for some time18:31
radionaweblisten : www.radionaweb.net18:31
guntbertkenox: make a backup copy of your menu.lst and let the original one  overwrite - so you can decide later what you want to do18:31
radionaweba radio station in open source programas18:31
Edicocoz_, about mit-scheme?18:31
guntbert!ask | HACKER1001118:31
ubottuHACKER10011: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:31
guntbertradionaweb: not here please18:31
coz_Edico,  yes   apparenlty many have needed the 64 bit  but seems to be unavaiable18:31
SEREhello can anyone help i need motherboard advice!18:31
kenoxok... so what package should i reinstall to initiate the script?18:32
GodfatherofEireguntbert new problem, port 22, connection refused18:32
owen1what's the signing key for skype?18:32
meborckenox, just do "sudo apt-get upgrade" and it should ask again, if there is a problem18:32
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guntbertSERE: such advice will be beyond *this* channel, you could ask in #ubuntu-offtopic though18:33
douweiI am having trouble with compiz and the animation add-ins....it is installed and I can go to preferences and they look to be checked but they are not working18:33
PazyCould some please help me. Because my wireless USB adaptor isnt supported in linux I have to use Ndiswrapper to use it. I installed Ndiswrapper and it loads my drivers and it works perfectly except that I have to run the command "modprobe ndiswrapper" every time I log in. Is this a problem with my installation or do I need to manually set it to run each time and if so how? Thanks for any help you can give.18:33
BCM43I try to install ubuntu on my aspire one via usb and I get the error "The attempt to mount a file system with type ext3 in scsi2 (0,0,0), partition #1 (sda) at "/" failed" I try to configure manualy with fdisk /dev/sda and I then try to save it and I get fdisk printout: “Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy”18:33
kenoxnothing to do says apt-get18:33
guntbertGodfatherofEire: you will have to start ssh-server on the target machine (maybe just install it there)18:33
SEREguntbert, thanks18:33
guntbertSERE: good luck :)18:34
keyboardwhy some people say ubuntard ?18:34
grkblood13how do i port forward without a router, i have ssh running and can see it listening when i do a netstat but i still cant connect18:35
geekhutkeyboard: LOL18:35
geekhutgrkblood13: Are you behing a nat firwall?18:35
geekhutOr 'router' if you will.18:35
grkblood13not sure18:36
grkblood13im trying to help a friend out18:36
grkblood13so the setup in question is his18:36
theTroywhat to use to mount mdf files?18:36
grkblood13but no18:36
grkblood13not nat18:36
grkblood13this is a home setup18:36
geekhutyes - ifconfig18:36
HighLordObsiyay...maybe this'll help out a bit18:36
paul_im bored and scrolling through the synaptic package list of games, anybody know of any decent online RPG style games floating around?18:37
grkblood13geekhut,  what should i be telling him to look for when doing an ifconfig18:37
HighLordObsiafter five or six times trying i finally managed to log in18:37
wildc4rdevening all18:37
geekhutalt + f218:38
geekhuttype "gnome-terminal"18:38
geekhuttype ifconfig18:38
geekhuthave him pastebin the output18:38
BCM43I try to install ubuntu on my aspire one via usb and I get the error "The attempt to mount a file system with type ext3 in scsi2 (0,0,0), partition #1 (sda) at "/" failed" I try to configure manualy with fdisk /dev/sda and I then try to save it and I get fdisk printout: “Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy”18:38
douweiam i in the right group18:38
HeatherI just reinstalled Ubuntu and I installed my nvidia drivers like I always do but my resolution options are all weird. Typically, it detects my monitor as 'generic' something or other and it offers me 1280x1024 as my largest resolution18:38
HighLordObsikept saying my smbus base address uninitialized and to upgrade bios or use force addy thingy...then it would tell me that x server didn't start cos it wasn't set up properly18:38
Heatherbut now it's identifying my monitor as 'CRT-0' and the highest resolution is 1360x768 and it doesn't give em 1280x1024 as an option18:39
Heatherwhat can I do to fix this?18:39
geekhutlspci | grep VGA18:39
HighLordObsimine was telling me i don't have any monitors :o18:39
geekhutfor you heather.18:39
kenoxwhy do i have four kernels installed on my system? dosnt the update replace it?18:40
Heathergeekhut: 00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 [GeForce 6150 LE] (rev a2)18:40
HighLordObsicrossin my fingers here...18:41
Flannelkenox: Not always, no.18:41
geekhutHeather:  sudo apt-get -f -y install envyng-qt envy-gtk18:41
Flannelkenox: The old ones stick around in case of regression, so if something goes horribly wrong with a newer kernel, the old ones will still be around for you to boot into.18:41
PazyIs anyone able to help me with this problem: Because my wireless USB adaptor isnt supported in linux I have to use Ndiswrapper to use it. I installed Ndiswrapper and it loads my drivers and it works perfectly except that I have to run the command "modprobe ndiswrapper" every time I log in. Is this a problem with my installation or do I need to manually set it to run each time and if so how? Thanks for any help you can give.18:42
FlannelHeather, geekhut: please don't use -y, and please stop recommending it.18:42
Heatherwhat's -y?18:42
Flannelgeekhut, Heather: -f (force) is also bad.  Please stop recommending it.18:42
grkblood13geekhut, http://pastebin.com/m1a57a06518:42
FlannelHeather: it assumes yes to any question, so if apt figures out that installing it will cause problems, and asks if you want to continue, it'll assume yes.18:42
FlannelHeather: It's a bad idea.18:42
geekhutFlannel: I am sure envy is not going to destory her build18:42
Flannelgeekhut: So?  There's no reason to use -f or -y18:43
Kan3Hi, how can I login as root in terminal? I did su but that doesn't works18:43
Heathergeekhut: Couldn't find package envy-gtk18:43
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me ace this discussion at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1228878   its related to servers18:43
FlannelKan3: You want to use sudo instead.18:43
Flannel!sudo | Kan318:43
geekhutSure, -y forces yes - so (s)he wont ask me in two minutes whether to press Y18:43
ubottuKan3: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)18:43
Kan3thank you18:43
Heathergeekhut: Why am I having to install anything at all? I've installed ubuntu at least 20 times and I've never had this problem18:43
Kan3I forgot about that18:43
FlannelHeather: Have you gone through restricted drivers?18:44
owen1i don't hear anything. in alsamixer, all the bars are high. any clues?18:44
geekhutHeather:  You have an Nvidia graphic cars, envy is a gui frontend to install the nvidia drivers without a headache18:44
ubottuopenbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox To replace metacity with Openbox please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReplaceMetacityWithOpenbox18:44
FlannelHeather: (enabling the closed drivers before?)18:44
geekhutFlannel: With all due respect - she is installing a script that -f -y wont hurt her build.18:44
Flannelgeekhut, Heather: except envy does cause headaches, since it goes outside of package management18:44
Flannelgeekhut: No.  That's entirely wrong.18:44
geekhutFlannel: Maybe you should sugest a fix for her.18:45
Flannelgeekhut: Maybe you should stop telling people dangerous things.18:45
HeatherFlannel, geekhut: I've done this easily 20 times. I install Ubuntu, I enable the restricted nvidia drivers, and the resolution I need is always there. This time is the only time I've had problems and I've done nothing different.18:45
BCM43I try to install ubuntu on my aspire one via usb and I get the error "The attempt to mount a file system with type ext3 in scsi2 (0,0,0), partition #1 (sda) at "/" failed" I try to configure manualy with fdisk /dev/sda and I then try to save it and I get fdisk printout: “Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy”18:45
grkblood13geekhut, did you see the pastebin?18:45
geekhutI am completely wrong - do not listen to me.18:45
FlannelHeather: If you haven't had to use envy in the past, then you won't need to now.18:45
geekhutgrkblood13: Sorry I was in a debokkle - will investigate.18:45
HeatherFlannel: Is there any way for me to force the resolution? I need 1280x1024 at 60htz18:46
PerryArmstrongcan anyone help me ace this discussion at: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1228878   its related to servers18:46
Flannel!resolution | Heather18:46
ubottuHeather: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution18:46
nperryBCM43: I've got that netbook, Maybe it was a bad flash to usb? As never had that problem :s18:46
geekhutgrkblood13: == NAT - he is behind most like ly a linksys, buffalo router.18:46
HeatherOh how I hate being given links rather than actual help.18:47
grkblood13he said he doesnt havea  router18:47
grkblood13let me recheck18:47
FlannelHeather: I don't know anything about X.  But I do know you shouldn't be using envy.18:47
Leoneofi want to see like Task Manager but in Ubuntu , any idea?18:47
Leoneofhey Heather :)18:48
=== syntax is now known as ^syntax^
dareor ps x18:48
kainiOr install htop witch si more nice18:48
th0rLeoneof: ps ax18:48
geekhutHeather: Sounds like you have done this a few times, after installing the restriced modus you can not issue gksudo nvidia-settings and configure the right res?18:48
xathulluhey im trying to slipstream some drivers into either a vistawever that brasero is a bi unstable and freezes during finalization. any know of a more stable disc burner that i can trust? or xp install disc, it seems ho18:48
Leoneofth0r? what's ps ax ? write it in terminal?18:48
DiViN3hello i need help in setting up reverse dns as my ip are not resoving to hostname18:48
Heathergeekhut: No. I can't.18:48
ichatquestion: -  i have a promise fasttrack tx2 -   is ubuntu able to read of the disks on that controler (i dont need any raid levels - als ill be using software-raid18:48
th0rLeoneof: yup...in a terminal. lists all running processes18:48
Leoneofthanks ^_^18:49
xathulluhmm any know of a more stable disc burner than brasero? sory to repeat my last post got screwy18:49
geekhutxathullu:  cdrecord18:49
=== Lint is now known as Lint01
xathullugeekhu: will it burn isos?18:50
SlickMcRunFastAny one here play Warsow? Ubuntu Game Night will be playing it today. Join #ugn for more details. http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=122435418:50
darek3b burns isos well18:50
geekhutHeather: What version of ubuntu?18:50
* Heather bashes her head into her desk repeatedly.18:50
Heathergeekhut: 9.0418:50
HighLordObsiyay! i managed to log in twice in a row :o18:51
dareinto your own computer? :P18:51
xathulluthanks il try k3 and cd and see wich is better. ill have a return post about that later in case anyone is interested18:51
BCM43I try to install ubuntu on my aspire one via usb and I get the error "The attempt to mount a file system with type ext3 in scsi2 (0,0,0), partition #1 (sda) at "/" failed" I try to configure manualy with fdisk /dev/sda and I then try to save it and I get fdisk printout: “Calling ioctl() to re-read partition table. WARNING: Re-reading the partition table failed with error 16: Device or resource busy”18:51
darek3b is really feature-rich18:51
HighLordObsilol ubuntu has been giving me some apparently serious errors18:51
Heathergeekhut: I don't see a single option for forcing a resolution or adding a resolution in the nvidia settings thing. All I see is a drop down that shows different resolutions but the one I need isn't on the list and the wiki link I was given didn't work18:51
darei don't think brasero can even erase/format dvd-rw18:52
xathullubcm43, try installing a distro of backtrack with your usb. it should be more stable, and fun!18:52
xathulludamn, i knew something was week with brasero18:52
loonyphoenixhi all! does anybody know how to turn off chromium's about:linux page?18:52
th0rdare: well, that's a wrong assumption18:53
dareit is?18:53
geekhutHeather: sounds like quite a pickle, what is the card model?18:53
th0rdare: open brasero, click on tools, then click on erase18:53
Heathergeekhut: 00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 [GeForce 6150 LE] (rev a2)18:53
geekhutHeather: Also if you run out of options, try mu sugested envy optn, it may help you out.18:53
Sindrakehi people18:53
Heathergeekhut: No. It will not.18:54
SindrakeCan someone tell me how to get compiz to open18:54
dareth0r, i see. i managed to miss that18:54
geekhutHeather: Thsn sorry - I can offer no further options.18:54
kitcheHeather: force the option in xorg.conf but sounds like you can only use a gui if you don't know how to force an option for resolution18:54
xathulluheather: acer and aspire both had some serious issues with drivers, it sounds to me like you are having the same driver prob i did with ibex, try checking out your drivers in hard drive manager, also google wich drivers u should be using with your particular model. I need more info to help18:55
eVo_Divinimy whole file system is mounted read only. will rebooting help this?18:55
DiViN3[-Hi-] there everyone , can someone help me plz...i cant get my ip to be resolved18:55
HighLordObsiother than xorg not wanting to work(didn't recognize any screen) i kept getting this message: 34.088607piix4_smbus 0000:00:070: SMBus base address uninitialized. Upgrade BIOS or use Force_addr=0xaddr18:55
xathulluhardware manager sorry18:55
Heatherxathullu: Nope. Not an issue like that. I was using this very same driver with this very same hardware three hours ago before the reinstall and there were no issues.18:56
xathulluheather: then update18:56
=== dare_ is now known as dare
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lxde18:56
xathulluheather or find out what your setup used to be a few hours ago and revert to that18:56
ubottuopenbox is a lightweight window manager. For instructions and more information see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Openbox To replace metacity with Openbox please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReplaceMetacityWithOpenbox18:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 1+118:57
xathulluits not much on intsructions but it would work, i dont know how to tell you how to do that though18:57
Heatherxathullu: Easy. My setup was EXACTLY the same as it is now, a fresh install from the ubuntu CD18:57
grkblood13geekhut, he doesnt have a router18:57
Sindrakei got emerald themes working my NVIDIA driver is perfect im running like a dream but i just cant seem to get compiz-fusion to open after synaptic downloads18:57
grkblood13just a modem18:57
xathulluheather: my drivers for my wifi did that to me last night, i just uninstalled and reinstalled them a few times until it finally took18:57
ramsey1lol, so hello ppl, i need some help really quick on my ubuntu machine18:57
Sindrakeis it because im on a laptop18:58
homyHi! I don't have any plugins in digikam although I installed kipi-plugins. How do I get them?18:58
grkblood13one second18:58
xathulluyou might try that with your gpu18:58
HighLordObsiany idea why the hell it was telling me that?  and i checked..my bios is the most recent version18:58
geekhutgrkblood13: Well is not a routable IP - he is possibly behind a modem with dhcp ?18:58
geekhutgrkblood13: Type it in your browser and see for yourself.18:58
ramsey1for whoever can hep me, i made changes last month to my ubuntu machine, i was trying to get my iphone recognized so i cna put songs on it18:58
grkblood13geekhut, hes kind of computer illiterate :/ he might have a router18:58
geekhutgrkblood13: PM me18:59
ramsey1and never ever since i did some changes, it puts so many icons on my desktop whenever i hook up my iphone18:59
ramsey1does anybody know what the heck is driving that cause?18:59
HeatherI so rarely get actual useful help in here, sometimes I wonder why I bother. I either get a rundown of stuff that doesn't work or I get someone directing me to a link18:59
geekhutHeather was not a happy girl - probably my fault...18:59
Lint01Heather, try Windows, it usually works19:00
LeoneofHeather gurl? :/19:00
HighLordObsimost of the time i just come in here to watch...never know what you might learn19:00
xathulluLint01: your the devil19:00
ramsey1can anybody help me with why my iphone puts so many mount icons on my desktop when i connect it?19:00
thneedI keep getting an error that says, "unable to write mmap - msync (28 no space left on device). it prevents me from accessing synaptic and aptitude, can someone help me finish my updates19:00
HighLordObsibut then again i didn't have any problems with my old ubuntu on my old pc19:00
xathulluno one should ever have to use winblos, if you cant do it in linux then dont try19:00
geekhutLint01: for a while...19:00
dareramsey1, what icons?19:00
toni_I have install linuxmint from the website but it will not go all the all thro19:01
ramsey1i did something last month to try and get banshee to recongize my iphone19:01
geekhutI don't think that is what Ubuntu's mentality is.19:01
ramsey1ever since i did that19:01
toni_some one help me19:01
xathulludare: what did you say was the better iso burner k3b or something like that?19:01
ramsey1it puts so many mount icons on my desktop whenever i connect my iphone19:01
darexathullu, k3b is my favourite19:01
HighLordObsithen again my problem may lie in my vm software too...or my host system19:01
nordarcan brasero compress and create image files?19:01
xathulludare: thanx i got caught up trying to help ppl nd forgot your suggestion19:01
ramsey1they look like mount/hardrive icons19:01
ramsey1but why does it do so many?19:02
ramsey1i made some changes regarding fstab a month ago, but i forgot what i did19:02
xathullunordar: use k3b dare says its better, brasero has trouble finalizing19:02
nordarthank you19:02
^syntax^k3b is tight19:02
^syntax^Good advice19:02
toni_can anyone plese help me try to install linux mint.it is showing on my desktop19:02
zinkeldonkHere's the problem. I have an Intel wireless card (5100) that uses the iwlagn driver. We're on Hardy LTS, which has kernel 2.6.24-24. I have tried compiling compat-wireless-2.6-old for this kernel. No joy.19:02
geekhuttoni_: ...19:03
zinkeldonkInitial thought was to put Jaunty kernel on, but leave the rest hardy.19:03
zinkeldonk...that all using the 'preferences' file.19:03
zinkeldonkBut can't seem to get that to work.19:03
zinkeldonkCompat-wireless stuff compiles, but modules won't load properly.19:04
thneedI keep getting an error that says, "unable to write mmap - msync (28 no space left on device). it prevents me from accessing synaptic and aptitude, can someone help me finish my updates?19:05
=== guscpu is now known as fergus
DiViN3hello there.....i need help in getting my ip to be resolve as forward is working but reverse is not working19:05
toni_any one plese help me19:05
genericWhat is the porcess for useing your own kernel in ubuntu?19:05
=== fergus is now known as guscpu
genericI mean to you just build it and edit /grub/menu.lst?19:06
ramsey1nobody here to help19:06
xathulludare: umm i cant find k3b in adept manager is there a .deb i can find for it or do i need to update sources?19:06
vigotoni_: Is it a .deb ?19:06
Paddy_NIxathullu: open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install k3b" without quotes19:07
tomoyuki28jpWhy there isn't a package for Berkeley DB?19:07
darexathullu, i didn't need to add any extra sources19:07
surgyso im running ubuntu 9.04 and trying to pick up an old C++ project of mine using a new (to me at least) called code blocks, well my problem is; it can't seam to find the G++ compiler, I think i might be missing a package? maybe build-essential ? is that the name of the package? and if so what repository is it in? and i cant seam to remember the directory of sources.list. These are all noob questions but its been awhile since i have messed with ubuntu so for19:08
surgygive me, thanks in advance19:08
=== guscpu is now known as sugref
zinkeldonkBerkeley owned by Oracle now....perhaps it's not part of their new licensing....19:08
xathulluwhoe i got some lib issues when i did that19:08
xathulluits a long post but someone look at this and tell me what i have19:08
Paddy_NIsurgy: you need to install build-essential19:08
xathulluThe following packages were automatically installed and are no longer required:19:08
xathullu  libgail18 libgnome2-0 libgail-common libbonoboui2-common libbonoboui2-019:08
xathullu  libgnome2-common libgnomecanvas2-0 libgnomecanvas2-common19:08
xathulluUse 'apt-get autoremove' to remove them.19:08
xathullu0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 0 not upgraded.19:08
FloodBot2xathullu: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:08
nordarit won't install k3b...19:08
unop!info libdb4.619:08
ubottulibdb4.6 (source: db4.6): Berkeley v4.6 Database Libraries [runtime]. In component main, is important. Version 4.6.21-12 (jaunty), package size 552 kB, installed size 1260 kB19:08
surgyPaddy_NI, yeah but what repo is it from? and where is my sources.list located?19:09
unoptomoyuki28jp, ^^19:09
xathullufloodbot idnt like that19:09
Paddy_NI!info build-essential jaunty | surgy19:09
ubottusurgy: build-essential (source: build-essential): Informational list of build-essential packages. In component main, is optional. Version 11.4 (jaunty), package size 7 kB, installed size 48 kB19:09
ikoniasurgy: that's the right package for the full c++ compiler and associated tools/libaries19:09
zinkeldonkAnyone using the preferences file a lot?19:09
Paddy_NIsurgy: open a terminal and type "sudo apt-get install build-essential" without quotes19:10
darexathullu, so did it install?19:10
Chaostoshi all Ubuntu users, got some questions about new Ubuntu 9.04, would be great if anyone could help in private chat. (about microphone use, Widescreen Samsung T220 & Rhytmbox)19:10
surgyok kool i got it19:10
lb__hi! I have a problem with my Ubuntu VM! I have installed the minimum VM server option. When I try to update my package lists with aptitude or apt-get, just nothing happens. pinging website and my router does work though. I have found out now, that it does not work with network via NAT, but with a bridged network connection, it does. What could be the cause for that?19:10
surgythanks guys19:10
ikoniaChaostos: just ask in here19:10
xathulludare: no its stelling me i either already have it or i already have the libs for it19:10
ikonialb__: what vm server option ?19:10
daretype k3b& in terminal19:10
surgyalso does anyone know if the allegro that is in the repos is the most current version?19:10
ikonialb__: there is no "vm server" option at install time19:10
Chaostosahh thanks 1) does microphone works well in 9.04, it was no sound on 8 version. I got AC 97 Soundmax soundcard19:10
xathulludare: it doesnt show up in software manager however19:11
ikoniaChaostos: it depends if the hardware is supported19:11
Paddy_NIikonia: there is.. its jeos19:11
ikoniaPaddy_NI: ahhh jeos is not ubuntu19:11
Paddy_NIikonia: its included with ubuntu server now19:11
ikoniadoesn't show up for me19:11
xathulludare: because i AM a tard and I DO already have it19:11
Paddy_NIikonia: hmm19:11
Chaostosit is...but It was widespreed issue with all previous Ubuntu users..low microphone volume =\19:11
lb__ikonia: I installed the successor of JeOS from the Ubuntu server CD,19:12
Chaostosas I searched Internet all over ..19:12
ikoniaChaostos: then you need to try it19:12
m0r0nYou do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.19:12
m0r0nHow do I fix that?19:12
ikonialb__: ok - so it's a jeos install19:12
tomek\connect warszawa.irc.pl19:12
xathulluso i just remembered that kubuntu comes with k3b whose g the tard trophy?ot that19:12
Chessguy1hey, anyone know what might be causing these IP table rules? It's blocking connections to tremulous game servers:19:12
Chaostosok thanks, 2 ) Does 9.40 support Samsung T220 widescreen with 1680*105019:12
Chaostosgot nvidia 6150 card - it is supported19:12
xathulluARRRG, is there some way i can make my mouse not screw up my text hen i post?19:12
wildc4rdnot Ubuntu specific, but Ubuntu is one of the bootable OS's, having trouble with my PC starting at the moment, first time I start it the fans spin up, but it won't even POST, if I restart it will then go through bios and into the grub bootloader19:12
xathulluaside from not touching the touch pad19:13
ikoniaChaostos: I'd guess a fireall tool like firestarter19:13
ikoniaChaostos: sorry - not you19:13
ikoniaChessguy1: I'd guess a firewall tool like firestarter19:13
Chessguy1ikonia: it's not installed19:13
paul_can someone help me please, are there any other repositories i should add to SPM to find programs? i used to be able to find Frostwire P2P and it's no longer comming up19:13
ikoniaChessguy1: something "like" that19:13
=== John is now known as Yahs
Chessguy1i searched firewal19:13
lb__ikonia: Yes. Is it maybe more of a VM software question? (I am using VM player.)19:13
=== tomek is now known as k3rmit
ikoniaChessguy1: most monitors are supported, it's mostly down to your video card19:13
ikonialb__: ok, that's fine that makes sense19:13
Chessguy1ikonia: what?19:14
darepaul_, i see it here in my apt cache19:14
Chaostosanyone got some widescreens like Samsung T220 ?...Does 9.40 support 1680*1050 by default19:14
ikonialb__: you'll need to bridge out to your host to use apt19:14
paul_dare: how do i list my current repositories in terminal? perhaps you have one that i dont19:14
ikoniaChaostos: most monitors are supported, it's your card that matters19:14
Paddy_NIikonia: yeah as of hardy its part of the server install19:15
MoheroChaostos: YES, IT DOES19:15
ikoniaPaddy_NI: I can see it19:15
MoheroOops, sorry, Caps was on19:15
Chaostosthank you guys )19:15
m0r0nHow do I edit my X server?19:15
Paddy_NIikonia: press F4 on the first screen and select "Install a minimal virtual machine19:15
ikoniam0r0n: /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:15
IgramulHi, is there a standard mechanism for blocking IP addresses for a given period of time. sshdfilter does this, but is there an API/Service I can contact from other scripts (e.g. an IDS)?19:15
ikoniaPaddy_NI: yup, I can see it19:15
lb__ikonia: Thanks. Doing that, I can update my repository info and packages now19:15
ikoniaIgramul: look at fail2ban19:15
m0r0nikonia: via terminal19:15
thneedI keep getting an error that says, "unable to write mmap - msync (28 no space left on device). it prevents me from accessing synaptic and aptitude, can someone help me finish my updates?19:15
ikoniam0r0n: via any text editor you are comfortable with19:16
Igramulikonia, thanks19:16
ikoniathneed: you are out of disk space19:16
m0r0nikonia: No I want to use the terminal though, I need to restart the X Server19:16
Chaostosis there Equalizer in Rhytmbox Ubuntu 9.04 by default ? ...19:16
ikoniam0r0n: use a terminal then ??? as I said, what ever text editor you want19:16
Moherom0r0n: CTRL+ALT+F1 ?19:16
MoheroCTRL+ALT+F7 to get back to where you are now :)19:17
Neutron_you know those "ethernet over power wiring" devices? do you think they would work to make a network between me and my neighbour? :>19:17
ikoniaNeutron_: that's nothing to do with ubuntu so offtopic in here19:17
Neutron_hmm wrong channel sorry19:17
ikoniaNeutron_: no problem19:17
Neutron_ye I know, I noticed I was talking in the wrong room19:17
MoheroNeutron_: yes, though, depends on the level of wiring..19:17
m0r0nMohero: There was something someone showed me yesterday, you had to press CTRL + O to save and whatnot it was a mini GUI in terminal19:18
darem0r0n, nano? lol19:18
xathulludare: so ive got k3b doing an md5 check, ill let you know how it did wih the iso burn...19:18
m0r0nYa, GNU Nano19:18
Moherothough, I prefer Vi to be honest19:19
HighLordObsicrap....i forgot to install some of the packages from the cd :(19:19
bruenigvim > *19:19
RaspberryHey gang -- For the lsat few months I've been having a really annoying problem that doesn't occur on Windows Vista on the same machine....   I can't download faster than 25K/sec with the update manager... so it takes HOURS and HOURS to get updates...  Torrents download fine, downloads from the webbrowser download fine...  I've tried "selecting the best server" that doesn't help -- any suggestions?19:19
ikoniaRaspberry: probably your update server overloaded19:19
darei get 4kb/s on my ubuntu server :P19:20
Raspberryikonia: I've tried over 12 update servers19:20
dareso i don't bother with updates19:20
ikoniaRaspberry: maybe also qos on your network ?19:20
MoheroRaspberry: change to a local mirror.19:20
Brain1307Wireless or network card?19:20
ikoniaMohero: is it realistic to expect him to download a 60GB mirror to his local machine for a local mirror19:20
HighLordObsilord i'm an idiot...and I can't find exactly how to go in and install them now19:20
Raspberryit's not QoS ... I have no QoS19:20
Moheroikonia: no19:20
Moheroikonia: I didn't mean that, I meant use a mirror that is closer to him..19:21
m0r0nHow do I reset the X Server?19:21
MoheroI have an internal mirror as I have +25 machines, which makes sense19:21
daresudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart ?19:21
Raspberrycan anybody suggest a mirror server that is working fine?19:21
Moherom0r0n: you need to do it from TTY1 (CTRL+ALT+F1) - "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart"19:21
ikoniaRaspberry: have you tried a totally random mirror on in a differnet continent19:21
Chaostosanyone use Rhytmbox in Ubuntu 9.04 ?...1) where can i find Themes & updates for it & does it have Equalizer by default ?  - it didnt in 8.1019:21
RaspberryI've got 40mb Fiber here :)  So this 6+hrs to download 350mb is annoying.19:21
rightsprocketHello everyone. I have a package dependancy issue I cannot seem to resolve.19:22
MoheroRaspberry: what mirror are you using now?19:22
ikoniaChaostos: check the rhythembox website for themes19:22
MoheroRaspberry: and, where are you19:22
rightsprocketI keep getting the following: The following packages have unmet dependencies:19:22
rightsprocket  libio-pty-perl: Depends: perlapi-5.8.819:22
rightsprocketE: Broken packages19:22
Raspberryikonia: yeah -- I have been jumping around to different mirrors over the last 18hrs19:22
RaspberryMohero: I'm in Minneapolis MN19:22
Brain1307I assume you have the proper drivers19:22
ikoniaRaspberry: ok, that sounds unusual then19:22
Chaostosikonia: got link ?...  I tryed google but  it showed something Uber-strange19:22
rightsprocketRunning 8.10.19:22
ikoniaRaspberry: may I suggest trying a mirror, then hitting the same mirror over http and downloading the package19:23
ikoniaChaostos: what did it show19:23
Chaostosone sec19:23
rightsprocketBasically trying to install webmin on 8.10.19:23
ikoniaChaostos: yes, that's the website19:23
Chaostosahh lol , thanks19:23
Raspberryyes, please suggest an update server that is working properly19:23
Raspberryand I will work from there and see if I can find the problem on my end...19:24
Raspberryto many varibles at this point.19:24
ikoniaRaspberry: try a random one, hit it via apt, then hit the same package with your http browser see how they behave different19:24
Chaostossorry for stupid questions. It will be my 3Rd try to get from XP to Ubuntu - just love how it feals & looks.... downloading 9.04 now19:24
ikoniaRaspberry: it's clear it's not a "bad" server as you've tried 1219:24
Chaostoscya around & thank you all19:24
ikoniaRaspberry: so suggesting good servers doesn't seem a way forward19:24
rightsprocketAny help would be greatly appreciated.19:24
Raspberrywell -- is there a way to "reinstall" the update manager19:25
Raspberryand potentially clear out something that was hanging it up?19:25
ikoniaRaspberry: why do you want to do that?19:25
ikoniaRaspberry: why do you keep suggesting random things with no basis, try the debugging I've just suggeested19:25
Brain1307Does anyone know how to fix the system sound conflict between the login window sounds and the ones you can set for everything else?19:25
Raspberrywhat's the debugging that you suggested?  Download a package via the browser and the update manager at the same time?19:25
ikoniaRaspberry: not at the same time19:25
ldlework_I just selected python 2.6 and it seemed to install everything but the binary?????  http://ldlework.pastebin.com/m6853eab819:26
RaspberryI've downloaded packages via the web -- they're fine.19:26
ldlework_Anyone have a clue?19:26
ikoniaRaspberry: download a package via apt - record the time, then hit the same repo via http and time it19:26
ikonialdlework_: ls -la /usr/bin/python19:26
bthorntonJaunty ships with NetworkManager enabled by default, but it also still has the /etc/network/interfaces file. How do I override the contents of that file or otherwise edit it by graphical means? It seems the settings in that file are overriding NetworkManger..19:27
ldlework_ikonia, rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 2009-01-19 11:59 /usr/bin/python -> python2.519:27
RaspberryWhat are these "Translation-en_US" packages that fail during my repository update in Update Manager?19:27
ldlework_I have 2.5 installed as default19:27
ikonialdlework_: ls -la /usr/bin/python*19:27
ldlework_ldlework@vector:~/devel/ldlework.com/svn/urb/newtrunk$ ls -la /usr/bin/python*19:27
ldlework_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root       9 2009-01-19 11:59 /usr/bin/python -> python2.519:27
ldlework_-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root 1181300 2008-10-05 15:43 /usr/bin/python2.519:27
ldlework_-rwxr-xr-x 1 root root    1419 2008-10-05 15:41 /usr/bin/python2.5-config19:27
ldlework_lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root      16 2009-01-19 21:56 /usr/bin/python-config -> python2.5-config19:27
FloodBot2ldlework_: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:27
ikoniabthornton: disable network manager19:27
ikonialdlework_: what version of ubuntu and what repo did you get python2.6 from ?19:28
bthorntonikonia: okay I can do that, but then how do I configure my network interfaces? There used to be a graphical program for that but I can't see it anymore.19:28
Raspberrymaybe the problem is the http method with apt19:28
ikoniaRaspberry: I'm wondering if apt is going through a proxy, check your proxy settings19:28
ikoniabthornton: system -> preferences -> network19:29
Raspberrymy proxy is "Direct Internet Connection"19:29
ikoniabthornton: system -> preferences -> network connections19:29
ldlework_Intrepid, ubuntu~ppa3?19:29
NicoleI am trying to run a program on my computer and it is saying I need to have default bottles.19:29
ikonialdlework_: you've grabbed it from a ppa ?19:29
NicoleHow do I set up these bottles?19:29
ldlework_ikonia, it seems19:29
ikoniaNicole: bottles ?19:29
ikonialdlework_: contact the PPA owner then19:29
ikonialdlework_: can't support someones personal packages19:29
bthorntonikonia: That's not showing my currently enabled ethernet connection. I set a static address at install time, but it's not showing up as a wired interface.19:30
ldlework_ikonia, I see. Is there a place I can get 2.6 official for intrepid?19:30
ironmagmaIf I run "ooffice" from the command line, is there a way to get the PID of the spawned process?19:30
ikonialdlework_: I can see it in the repos19:30
Besogonbthornton: you can use  pppoeconf (for ppp), wpa_supplicant for wifi insteed of the Networkmanager19:30
bthorntonI just need eth0 to get its address with DHCP.19:30
ikoniabthornton: possibly not if you've messed with /etc/interfaces19:30
bthorntonstock interfaces file.19:30
ikoniabthornton: if it's that bad, edit the /etc/interfaces file manually19:30
xathulludare: man you didnt mention that k3b had a device AND software buffer, kudos for your suggestion man, Its working like a dream19:30
ah2anyone know a soft that makes ubuntu like windows. i need easy installing, etc.19:31
NicoleIt says: Fatal Error, Unable to find the default bottle: bottle default not found in /home/nicole/.cxoffice19:31
Nicolebottle default not found in /opt/cxoffice/support19:31
ah2i dont want shell shit19:31
ikoniaah2: control your language19:31
DeannaT2Nicole, maybe this can help you: http://www.codeweavers.com/products/cxmac/bottles/19:31
ikoniaah2: ubuntu comes with a graphical interface installed by default unless you installed the server install19:31
ah2i know its gui  ...19:32
m0r0nHey, can you guys take a look at this... http://imagebin.ca/view/BA6KpptF.html19:32
ah2what up19:32
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Guest84602oh cool i get to be guest19:33
NicoleThank you.19:33
ldlework_ikonia, the two thirdparty repos I have are http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu and http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu (source code). I have all the official ones checked. I don't see python2.619:33
ikonia!guidelines > ah219:33
ubottuah2, please see my private message19:33
=== Guest84602 is now known as Raidsong
m0r0nikonia: Remember that problem I had, look here please http://imagebin.ca/view/BA6KpptF.html19:33
ikonialdlework_: well, that's good, no PPA's19:34
tavi_i need help whit a game19:34
ldlework_ikonia, I removed them just now19:34
tavi_i have counter strike source and i have the executable on the desktop19:34
tavi_and is whit wine19:34
ldlework_I deselected the ppa python 2.619:34
tavi_and i double click and ont start19:34
ldlework_ikonia, is 2.6 in intrepid's repos?19:35
ikoniam0r0n: postebin your /etc/X11/xorg.conf19:35
Chaostosahh guys got a question...What is more simple to use...but is very simply to configure - Ubuntu or Kubuntu ? I see it also looks great19:35
ikonialdlework_: I see it, one moment19:35
ikoniaChaostos: try both - it's personal choice19:35
b3rz3rk3revening everyone19:35
ikonialdlework_: try the package python2.619:35
ldlework_That's what I have typed19:35
Chaostosahh...is there any significent differences in how to work in Terminal\ etc ? in Ubuntu & Kubuntu ?19:35
ldlework_in the search box19:35
ikoniaChaostos: no19:36
Raspberryikonia: I did you test... I d/l at about 2MB/sec from Firefox grabbing a .deb and about 4200B/sec to 16.7KB/sec in Update Manager or Apt19:36
m0r0nikonia: http://pastebin.ca/151591119:36
ikoniaRaspberry: that's most odd19:36
ikoniaRaspberry: blindly, I'd say a proxy, but you say that's not running.19:37
ldlework_ikonia, can you think of any reason why I wouldn't be able to see it?19:37
Raspberryhow can I remove a proxy from apt... that is non-existant anywhere else in the system?19:37
ikonialdlework_: just try installing it - see if it respon ds19:37
ldlework_ikonia, I don't see it in order to install it19:37
ikonialdlework_: use the command "sudo apt-get install python2.619:38
dougbi'm doing an update on an eee pc 900 with ubuntu netbook remix 9.04 and it is stuck on "Registering documents with scrollkeeper" it seems like there is a lot of hard drive activity though...does anyone know how long this part lasts?19:38
storrgieI just swapped the processor out on my rig, should I run anything when I boot up to make sure the kernel detects everything properly?19:38
ikoniastorrgie: it will be fine19:38
ikoniaRaspberry: just pondering19:38
ldlework_ikonia, http://ldlework.pastebin.com/m1a6abcf819:38
ikoniam0r0n: that looks fine19:38
ikonialdlework_: interesting, do an sudo apt-get update and then re-try it, tell me if you get the same19:39
m0r0nikonia:  I restarted the X Server and got this message, hold on19:39
ldlework_ikonia, yes same thing19:39
ikonialdlework_: one moment please19:39
Raspberryikonia: I thought I had read (when I started having this problem) that there was a problem with perl or an apt module / method that was causing slow downloads... I just would have expected it to be fixed by now if it affected a lot of people -- so I don't think that's my problem anymore ;)19:39
ikoniaRaspberry: I'm not aware of that problem, and that is also backed up by the fact my machines downloads quick19:40
UbuntumanHi I have a Dell Inspiron Mini 10, and my wireless Internet is very slow.19:40
Brain1307Does anyone know how to fix the system sound conflict between the login window sounds and the ones you can set for everything else?19:40
ikonialdlework_: it just installed fine to my system lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 9 2009-07-12 13:43 /usr/bin/python -> python2.619:40
ikonialdlework_: are you sure you've not got any 3rd party / PPA repos enabled19:40
ldlework_I've removed them all.19:41
Raspberryikonia: I agree with that -- but I also think it was a problem that they fixed quickly and that people who didn't update during the brief period it occurred weren't affected at all19:41
ikonialdlework_: ahh but you've had any19:41
ldlework_yes I did19:41
grkblood13how do i find out my gateway if im using DHCP/19:41
tesseracterhello! i would like the behavior of my window panel in GNOME to change from [minimize, restore] to [bring to front, minimize, restore], any idea how to change this?19:41
grkblood13and dont want to trust ifconfig19:41
ldlework_It keeps wanting to install python2.6-minimal insteal of python2.619:41
HighLordObsidamn it...somebody shoot my wireless crap19:41
ldlework_which was from the ppa I believe19:42
ikonialdlework_: I wonder if you've got packages installed that are referncing python2.6 from an external repo (that you can obviously not use now you have disabled it)19:42
ldlework_ikonia, I think you're on the right track there19:42
ikoniaRaspberry: well in theory if you tell it to update and ride it out, if your theory is correct it should go away19:42
TR0VADORWhat is the default port of DCC in xchat?19:42
TR0VADORhelp ;D19:42
xathulluSUCCESS k3b is FAR superior to brasero19:42
ikonialdlework_: that's one of the pains of using un-trusted repos19:42
Raspberryikonia: yeah -- I did that for 4hrs last night -- and rebooted this morning... didn't go away :-/19:42
ikoniaRaspberry: so as of last night you're fully up to date19:43
RaspberryI have seen other problems with linux that don't go away once they exist19:43
Raspberryikonia: I'm fully up to date with 'main' -- I didn't run anything else19:43
ikoniaRaspberry: I doubt this very much, just pondering other solutions19:43
KeifferHi. Is there any way to power on your computer over internet?19:43
ldlework_ikonia, so I should just install python 2.6 manually then?19:43
ikoniaRaspberry: are you running any services, like tor on your machine ?19:43
Raspberryno, definitely not19:43
Raspberryikonia: no tor or privoxy19:44
ikonialdlework_: just thinking it through now, as I wouldn't advise building something as core python on your machine19:44
ldlework_ikonia, you're amazing19:44
TR0VADORWhat is the default port of DCC in xchat?19:44
ikoniaTR0VADOR: open settings and checki19:45
ldlework_TR0VADOR, it uses a range and you can see in settings19:45
ikonialdlework_: and this is just a stock 9.04 install ?19:45
ldlework_Yeah as far as I know19:45
TR0VADORldlework_, thank you ;D19:45
gumpweaCan anyone tell me how to get tar to create an archive from what being fed into it's standard input? This command fails: echo "hello" | tar czf foo.tar.gz -19:45
ProfOakIs there some program I should look into for making bootable multi iso DVDs? I'm looking to fully utilize my DVDs by burning linux liveCDs.19:46
ikoniagumpwea: without -f tar reads from standard input19:47
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic19:47
ikonia!info python2.619:47
ubottupython2.6 (source: python2.6): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.6). In component main, is important. Version 2.6.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2396 kB, installed size 9320 kB19:47
ikonialdlework_: that's very worrying that python2.6 is in main and you can't even see it19:47
HighLordObsiif you're using them on windows systems, i'd suggest an autorun file maker thingy(sorry haven't slept in a couple days) with that, you can create a splash and a menu to choose from all the iso's19:48
ldlework_ikonia, it seems that because the ppa's python2.6-minimal package refers to, or replaces the python2.6 package, and that now some other software is depending on that deslected package AND I deleted the repo from the list that things are messed up19:48
ikonialdlework_: ok - I suggest removing your python2.6 package from your system - re-run "sudo apt-get update" then try "sudo apt-get install python2.6"19:49
ikonialdlework_: when you remove your pythong2.6 package from the PPA repo is should complain about deps - you'll need to remove these too19:49
ikonialdlework_: follow where I'm going with this ?19:50
grkblood13how do i move audio left and right in audacity?19:50
Spykemcchttp://paste.ubuntu.com/244400/ is it ok for my minimal cd installation script ? how I can improve it with light apps or else ?19:50
gumpweaikonia:  hmmm it seems this also fail: echo "hello" | tar cz foo.tar.gz19:50
rightsprocketHello all.19:50
ldlework_ikonia, it did complain, and I'm removing those19:50
ikonialdlework_: do follow what I'm suggesting /19:50
rightsprocketCan someone tell me if I am running 8.10 should my sources still be set for hardy?19:50
ClouseDamn it, as soon as I enable compiz effects my video playback goes all screwy.19:51
mikebeechamhi there...can anyone tell me how to change the position of a particular line of text within conky, without disturbing text on another line?19:51
ikoniamikebeecham: maybe ask the conky wizards in #conky ?19:51
ldlework_ikonia, http://ldlework.pastebin.com/m68dead3e19:51
m0r0nHow do I get Two Display's showing a differnt workspace each?19:52
ikonialdlework_: are you %100 sure you have "main" repo enabled?19:52
ldlework_ikonia, Cannoical-Supported Open Source Software (main)  on the Ubuntu Software tab of the syntaptic-package manger's repo dialog?19:54
ldlework_ikonia, then yes19:54
ikonialdlework_: something is very very wrong then19:54
ikonialdlework_: pondering again19:54
ldlework_ikonia, it has to be this python2.6-minimal package19:54
ldlework_If you read the pastebin19:55
ikonia!info python2.6-minimal19:55
ubottupython2.6-minimal (source: python2.6): A minimal subset of the Python language (version 2.6). In component main, is required. Version 2.6.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1296 kB, installed size 4664 kB19:55
ikonia!info python2.619:55
ubottupython2.6 (source: python2.6): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (version 2.6). In component main, is important. Version 2.6.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2396 kB, installed size 9320 kB19:55
ikonialdlework_: can you please do "dpkg -l | grep python-minimal"19:55
ikonialdlework_: python-minimal is required so you have to have it19:56
ldlework_ii  python-minimal                             2.5.2-1ubuntu1                                     A minimal subset of the Python language (def19:56
Chaostosme again, is there an IRC program in 9.04 ubuntu by default ? or i need to install some.19:56
ikonialdlework_: whoaaaa, something very wrong there then too19:56
ikonialdlework_: 2.6.2 is the current 9.0419:56
Lint01how can I permanently change my own PATH variable?19:56
Raspberryikonia: switching from http to ftp on the same server with apt -- -works fine19:56
ikonialdlework_: show me "uname -r"19:56
ikoniaRaspberry: now that is very interesting, again - it suggests a proxy, but your not running one19:57
skinnypupI've got a tablet with an extra l/r/up/down joy like button on it. Used xbindkeys to get the button value. Now how would i add these so they tandem with the up down l&r arrows ?19:57
ikonialdlework_: you're using 8.10  - not 9.0419:57
Raspberryikonia: why would the proxy only affect apt?19:57
ldlework_I know I said intrepid19:57
ikoniaRaspberry: you can proxy apt only, there is a setting, somewhere19:57
OttifantSirChaostos: Pidgin is able to communicate on various IM-protocols, including IRC and is installed by default in Ubuntu19:57
ikonialdlework_: ahhhhhh19:57
ikonialdlework_: my mistake, I thought you said you where on 9.0419:57
* ldlework_ chuckles. Sorry for the miscommunication19:58
skinnypupI seemingly can only find how to add keymappings to launch things19:58
Chaostosthank you guys again19:58
Raspberryikonia: apt-proxy isn't installed19:58
ikonialdlework_: no no, not a problem, ok so now this makes sense19:58
ikoniaRaspberry: the behaviour suggests a proxy, the facts suggest other19:58
ikonialdlework_: 8.10 doesn't have python2.619:59
ikonialdlework_: which makes sense why you're not seeing it and having to use a PPA19:59
ldlework_ikonia, well that would explain it eh?19:59
ikonialdlework_: perfectly, well at least we understand now19:59
QGBwrong channel19:59
ldlework_ikonia, is it safe to do a non-wipe upgrade? I'm like terrified honestly.19:59
ikoniaQGB: your not in an other channel, so please don't mess around19:59
=== astrid is now known as strida
=== strida is now known as astrid
ikonialdlework_: I see no problem with it at all, it's tried and tested20:00
QGBI am on other irc networks ikonia20:00
skinnypupldlework_, I've done several version upgrades flawlessly20:00
QGBthe tabs are bunched together20:00
skinnypuppress the button and go to sleep20:00
=== astrid is now known as strawhat
ldlework_ikonia, for example, since I use 2.5 and all my code relies on 2.5 will 2.5 be there after the upgrade despite 2.6 being the default on the newest Ubunut?20:00
ikonialdlework_: no, it will get upgraded too - hang on20:01
Lint01which upgrade had broke Xorg?20:01
ikonialdlework_: python will be upgraded to 2.6 - however there is a 2.5 package in Jaunty so you can put 2.5 on too20:01
ikonialdlework_: that seems like a reasonable solution20:02
ldlework_ikonia, and I run xmonad as my window manager, I suspect that will be gone as well?20:02
ldlework_ikonia, I agree20:02
ldlework_I suspect it will be like a fresh install with my home folder being retained20:02
ikonialdlework_: best summary yet20:02
ldlework_ikonia, you've been a pleasure. You should charge for your time ;)20:03
ikonialdlework_: anything 8.10 specific that's not in 9.04 will remain unless you tell it to clean up post install20:03
ikonialdlework_: not at all, happy to help, glad we understand it now20:03
Spykemccikonia can you check > http://paste.ubuntu.com/244400/20:03
MrKeunerhi, if Google's Chrome browser is free code, why isn't it in Ubuntu repositories?20:03
ikoniaSpykemcc: what do you want me to check in that ?20:04
Spykemcctell me the errors and the stuff I could add, remove or change ...20:04
dareMrKeuner, becomes it's unstable?20:04
HighLordObsipersonally, i hate chrome20:04
joshtranlayout1 is malformed in mocp. Does anyone know what that means?20:04
Lint01MrKeuner, only engine is open source, the browser itself not20:04
guntbertMrKeuner: you asked that question yesterday (IIRC) and its off tpoic in a support channel20:04
ikoniaSpykemcc: well, I wouldn't use a script to add a repo personally20:04
Spykemccit will be my first minimal install, I dont want to mess it up ...20:04
Lukasz_TarkowskiWhy isn't sound loud like on windows?20:05
joshtranlayout1 is malformed in mocp?? what does this mean?20:05
skinnypupLukasz_Tarkowski, you may need to open the mixer and turn the "pcm" up20:05
skinnypupdouble click on your volume icon20:05
rightsprocketAnyone have a good tutorial or source for getting past dependancy problems?20:05
Lukasz_TarkowskiI did skinnypup20:05
SpykemccI know but I won't remind that on ubuntu CLI for install and some stuff was not in the repositories ...20:06
Lukasz_TarkowskiIt still isn't20:06
skinnypupDOH , idk then20:06
Lukasz_TarkowskiIts loud so I can hear well20:06
MrKeunerLint01, that's what I thought thanks20:06
Lukasz_TarkowskiBut not loud enought20:06
ikoniaSpykemcc: seems fine then20:06
Lint01how can I permanently change my own PATH variable?20:06
Spykemccsure ?20:06
MrKeunerLint01, add it to your .profile file20:06
QGBwinbuntu ?20:07
ikoniaQGB: what ?20:07
skinnypupLukasz_Tarkowski, some of the newer versions of vlcplayer have a working eq and preamp20:07
Lukasz_Tarkowskiok thnx20:07
ikoniaSpykemcc: wget deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/lxde/ubuntu hardy main >> /etc/apt/sources.list20:07
QGBdo they have winbuntu ?20:07
ikonia Spykemcc that doesn't seem right20:07
ikoniaQGB: what are you talking about20:08
ikoniaSpykemcc: I see what you are doing, so it will be fine, but not how I'd do it20:08
QGBwindows + ubuntu = winbuntu20:08
ikoniaQGB: that's just a made up product20:08
Spykemccikonia another idea ?20:08
djznhi folks, I am planning in getting a AMD780G/SB700 chipset based motherboard... is that OK to run ubuntu ?20:08
ikoniaSpykemcc: just echo the correct url into sources.list - my personal opinion isn't to trust 3rd party repos to update sources.list20:09
guineaWhen I start xwindows with "startx -- :2" I can't start alsamixer. It says "alsamixer: fucntion snd_ctl_open failed for default: No such file or directory". Alsamixer works when I log in through gdm, though20:09
rightsprocketAnyone here able to get webmin installed on 8.10?20:09
Spykemcclxde isn't in hardy repositories ...20:10
guntbert!webmin | rightsprocket20:10
ubotturightsprocket: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.20:10
Lukasz_Tarkowskibrb got to reboot20:10
ikoniaSpykemcc: no it's not20:10
DiViN3hello i need help with reverse dns records20:10
rightsprocketYikes thanks for sparing me config hell :)20:10
ikoniaDiViN3: what's the problem ?20:10
rightsprocketguntbert how is ebox?20:10
QGBwill there ever be winbuntu ?20:10
rightsprocketguntbert I mean have you tried ebox?20:11
axisysi have a old quickcam http://pastebin.com/f1a255d86 plugged in but luvcview cannot talk to it20:11
SpykemccQGB never20:11
guntbertrightsprocket: I don't use it, just knew of the trouble with webmin20:11
QGByou never said that ikonia20:12
axisysi went through https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam and https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/4973920:12
ikoniaQGB: ok - well, please stop messing around, and the topic of this channel is ubuntu support discussion only20:12
axisysstill cannot get that quickcam workign20:12
adam__hi my flash player is installed but now it isnt working, i just get a white square where the flash is supposed to be20:12
QGBhow is winbuntu not support of ubuntu ?20:12
Spykemccaxisys > sudo apt-get install cheese20:12
skinnypup I've got a tablet with an extra l/r/up/down joy like button on it. Used xbindkeys to get the button value. Now how would i add these so they tandem with the up down l&r arrows ? My searches seem to turn up how to change kbd formats and how to add keybindings to program launching.20:12
QGBit is like kubuntu20:13
ikoniaQGB: because it's a made up product - as I told you20:13
axisysSpykemcc: i installed cheese too and it cannt detect a camera20:13
Spykemccweird I have a quickcam and it work without drivers20:13
SpykemccQGB shut up there is no winbuntu and never be ...20:13
ikoniaSpykemcc: easy there - no need to be rude, he's been told to stop messing around20:14
axisysSpykemcc: Bus 002 Device 004: ID 046d:0870 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Express (lsudb sees it too)20:14
QGBso he must be lieing someone told me his was install winbuntu20:14
ikoniaQGB: drop the topic - it's nothing to do with ubuntu20:14
SpykemccQGB maybe a dual-boot ...20:14
buckyQGB: it's called Wubi now20:15
Spykemccoh that junk outch20:15
skinnypupQGB: its like lemon+lime = limon there is none20:15
QGBsee bucky was a nice lad20:15
Spykemccdon't use that ...20:15
QGBhe/she should be promoted20:15
QGByou guys depromoted20:16
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m0r0nHow do you restart your computer from Terminal?20:16
ylkshutdown -r now20:17
guntbertQGB: please stick to support discussions20:17
QGB!request bucky promotion20:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:18
Lukasz_TarkowskiThank you it works now :o20:18
ikoniaQGB: what part of "Stick to ubuntu support" is not clear to you ?20:18
ikoniaQGB: what part of "stop messing around" is not being made clear to you ?20:18
joshtrandoes anyone know useful applications that run fromm command line other than moc and irssi20:18
QGBI am supporting the channel20:18
ikoniaQGB: this is a support channel for ubuntu discussion only - stick to that topic and stop messing around. This is yoru final warning20:19
att0I am currently running 8.04 LTS. If I did apt-get dist-upgrade, would all of my program pref's (such as my Firefox profile) stay in place?20:19
buckyjoshtran: apt-get moo20:19
ikoniaatt0: yup20:19
ylkyes, you won't loose anything20:20
joshtranok i will see what that does20:20
att0ikonia: what about my custom theme and icons?20:20
ikoniaatt0: all in your home dir - so all fine20:20
att0excellent, thank you.20:20
joshtranwhat does it do just create the cow?20:20
dareit's an easter egg20:21
joshtranwhat do you guys think are the most useful cli apps?im an utter noob20:22
th0rjoshtran: mc20:22
guntbertjoshtran: what is useful for you depends on your needs20:22
joshtranwhat is that?20:22
=== joshtran is now known as josht
guntbertjoshtran: the midnight commander - a file manager20:23
th0rjoshtran: a two pane file manager for the terminal. something like the old norton commander20:23
joshtcool i will try it out seems interesting.. summer here is boring without ubuntu for a 15 yrs old20:23
th0rI was 15 once....then all the dinosaurs died20:24
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:24
JohnCDIdamn you killed the dinosaurs?20:24
launch12345Hi what is the difference between 9.04 and 8.04 lts20:25
joshtis there a way to disable seeing all the people logout/leave? from irssi?20:25
rskilaunch12345: different releases20:25
jrib josht http://irssi.org/documentation/tips "annoyance filters"20:25
launch12345well 8.04 is less than 9 but it supported until 2011 instead of 2010??20:25
jrib!lts | launch1234520:25
ubottulaunch12345: LTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Hardy (Hardy Heron 8.04).  The next LTS release is scheduled to be 10.0420:25
joshtthjanks i will look up20:26
DiViN3hello i need help with reverse dns records  anyone can help20:26
launch12345jrib why there is no 9.04 lts?20:26
jribDiViN3: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)20:26
Spykemccmesa version for old ati cards and the support ...20:26
josht"/ignore -channels #chan1,#chan2,#chan3 * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS"20:26
guntbertjosht: or http://wiki.xkcd.com/irc/Hide_join_part_messages20:26
jriblaunch12345: because it was decided not to make it LTS.  Supporting a release consumes resources20:27
josht"/ignore -channels #chan1,#chan2,#chan3 * JOINS PARTS QUITS NICKS LEFT20:27
jribjosht: no "20:27
joshtyea i messed up on accident20:27
jribjosht: and you probably want something other than chan1 chan2...20:27
kderrI have a really old edgy box. I should probably dist-upgrade. What are the chances that doing this is going to brick it?20:27
joshtlike what #ubuntu?20:27
antonio_I'm running ubuntu jaunty, what happens if I move my HD to another pc? does it reconfigures?20:28
Spykemcckderr just install from the hardy alternate or minimal cd, maybe a minimal install with lxde should be nice ... but backup your datas first20:29
Teclysis there a way to move my settings and preferences to a live usb key?20:29
kderrSpykemcc: This is a remote box. If there's a good chance I'll brick it by sshing in and doing a dist-upgrade, I don't want to even risk it.20:29
josht /alias uis exec - rsync -avz main.irssi.org::irssiweb/scripts/scripts/\*.pl ~/.irssi/scripts/official20:29
th0rkderr: play it safe20:29
DakkusHi. Installed eeebuntu, which now constantly freezes on my eeepc 4g whenever loads are high.20:30
Spykemccdist-upgrade not work all the time, I never tried as ubuntu isn't a rolling release type it should be badly supported ...20:30
JohnCDIantonio_: i dont know if ubuntu would automatically detect the new computers hardware but either way i think backing up your data and just doing a fresh install to the new computer would be ideal20:30
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DakkusThe previous crash took place when I was updating a lot of stuff at once, requiring a download of 150MB.20:31
aethersixi love ubuntu.20:31
DakkusAnd, now the computer no longer boots.20:31
keerooI have the situation that "sudo -i" is executed after seconds20:31
tesseracterhello! i would like the behavior of my window panel in GNOME to change from [minimize, restore] to [bring to front, minimize, restore], any idea how to change this?20:31
keerooand "strace sudo -i" comes instantly20:31
keerooany idea where to find the error?20:31
antonio_JohnCDI what if I just try, would it be dangerous?20:32
JohnCDIi would back up whatever you dont want to lose20:32
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Cigeok, so to get my desktop to use my usb wifi I need to type in the terminal "sudo modprobe ndiswrapper", the problem is that I currently need to do this every time I boot into ubuntu.  Is there a way to automate this so it is performed at startup?20:33
th0rCige: put ndiswrapper in /etc/modules20:33
th0rCige: that's it...just the one word...on a line by itself20:34
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Cigeshould I mak a modules folder in /etc?  I don't see one20:34
Cigeoh, wait it's a text file isn't it20:35
guntbertjosht: commands to you client must start with a / (no blank in front)20:35
th0rCige: no...it is a simple text file. If it doesn't exist create it..../etc/modules20:35
ubottuWays to automate installation of Ubuntu on multiple machines are described at https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/installation-guide/i386/automatic-install.html - See also !cloning20:35
joshtwhat is the advantage of MC over nautilus?20:35
jophishWould a gtx 295 run under linux?20:35
th0rjosht: you asked for useful cli apps.20:35
tenerhey... i just tried to give my dad some tech support on getting dvd's to work "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" on ubuntu 8.10. the command downloaded all the files and segfaulted before anything got done20:35
tesseracterjophish, my gtx280 runs fine20:35
th0rjosht: nautilus won't run at the cli20:35
Lint01josht, less clutter, more info20:35
joshtoh i see so you dont have to look at so many icons right?20:36
jophishthanks tesseracter, but I'm not sure about the sli20:36
tesseracterjophish, i use the nvidia drivers newer than the repo, but the card works just fine.20:36
jophishok, thanks20:36
guntbertjosht: very often you work with a remote machine (via ssh) so you will need things that work on the CLI20:37
tenerhey... i just tried to give my dad some tech support on getting dvd's to work "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras" on ubuntu 8.10. the command downloaded all the files and segfaulted before anything got done. are there any reasons why? will it be fixed later? can i just install libdvdcss2 (in 8.10)?20:37
dassoukiany alternatives to QCad for 2d architectue house design ?20:37
tesseracterjophish, ah, i think there are problems with sli, but i cant remember. check phoronix.com20:37
jophishthanks tesseracter20:37
joshtohh so if you go in using like an android phone?? or a ds running linux?20:38
ylkdassouki: made a research and QCad is the best. need something more try AutoCAD on wine20:38
meteor``im getting this while installing a software20:39
guntbertjosht: for those too - but please take those questions to #ubuntu-offtopic as they are not "support questions" really20:39
nicklas_has anyone had any luck getting fallout 3 working in linux?20:39
Besogondassouki: Briskacd20:39
th0rmeteor``: do you have another instance of synaptic open?20:39
joshtoh sorry20:39
dassoukiylk: is there a plugin to allow for autocad shortcuts20:39
dassoukiBesogon: i'll check iout20:39
meteor``i was having aporblem with updates this evening.20:39
meteor``wait let me show it to ou20:40
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joshtjoin/ #ubuntuofftopic20:40
guntbertjosht: its /join #ubuntu-offtopic20:40
Cigeok, it says I don't have permission to edit /etc/modules, how do I do this?20:40
keeroowhen I execute "sudo", I have a delay of about 10 seconds... how can I correct it?20:41
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th0rCige: use sudo20:41
Half-LeifI can't get my monitors to display correct resolution in ubuntu(9.04). I'm using a T60p laptop(1400x1050) in a mini-dock connected to a HP display(1980x1200).20:41
guntbertCige: you'll need sudo/gksudo20:41
guntbert!sudo | Cige20:41
ubottuCige: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)20:41
guntbert!gksudo | Cige20:41
ubottuCige: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)20:41
tenerkeero, sudo executes another command as root. you can try "sudo -k" then "sudo whoami"20:41
Besogondassouki: arcicad (many cad) see thouse link http://linuxopen.ru/2008/06/23/cad-sapr-dlja-linux.html20:42
meteor``im getting this after sudp apt-get upgrade20:42
Cigeubottu: thanks!20:42
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:42
tudonis there still no easy way for ubuntu to set up xorg.conf if a monitor is not recocnized ???? do people still need to manualy blabla ??? :(((20:42
CigeI only knew about sudo20:42
tenerCige, or even "sudo nano -w /etc/modules"20:42
keerootener, but I haven't had this delay previously... why does it occur?20:42
dassoukiBesogon: thanks :D20:42
keerootener, sudo -k has the same delay20:43
meteor``im getting this after sudp apt-get upgrade - http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m11909d9620:43
dassoukiBesogon: arccad link doesn't work lol20:43
Viliny_ubottu, hi20:43
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu!20:43
Guest10064drivers for canon pixma MP110 ubuntu 9.0420:43
th0r Cige mc is a useful tool for those edits, but that is, apparently, ot20:43
tesseractermy favorite command is "sudo !!" - it executes the previous command, with sudo tacked on te the front.20:43
joshtcan you use moc to read the tags instead of a filename?20:43
Viliny_so, sudo ! !20:43
tesseracter"sudo !!"20:44
Chazzsudo !!20:44
tesseracterno need for a space Viliny_20:44
th0rjosht: if you mean 'mc' no...but it will edit configs and scripts, and I think it will display hex, but I haven't done that in years20:44
Viliny_ah ok20:44
Cigethere we go, thanks a ton!20:44
Half-LeifNobody know how to solve my display issue?20:44
Viliny_i can imagine that would be handy20:44
joshtno i mean for moc the music player20:45
tesseracterViliny_, plus, it saves the complete command in your bash history, not just the sudo !!20:45
Viliny_oh nice20:45
VanionHaving trouble booting my windows installation using grub , gets stuck at "Starting up..." someone know whats wrong?20:45
th0rjosht: I use easytag for that20:45
joshtwhat does that do?20:45
Cigealso, I want to run sudo rmmod pcspkr at startup to turn off the system beep, which I find annoying, is there a way to do this20:45
th0rjosht: reads the tags for mp3s etc20:46
DugenNashI was wondering if anyone has had a problem where web page layouts are messed up20:46
tesseracterHalf-Leif, i would go it with an xorf.conf edit, but thats pretty messy.20:46
SpykemccCige yes check on google20:46
joshtwill it do it if i use moc to play my music?20:46
th0rCige: you can blacklist a module....google blacklist modules20:46
george2515hay guys anyone have a good tut for graphic card configuration?20:46
Cigeok, thanks!20:46
tesseractergeorge2515, which card?20:46
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george2515hold on20:47
th0rjosht: easytag is for reading and editing the mp3 id info...you can still play the music in whatever player you desire20:47
tesseractergeorge2515, there are easy intel driver packages in the ubuntu repos... it shouldnt be too hard.20:47
joshti see thanks.. learning alot here20:47
gamepocketscan anyone help burn a .dmg image in kubuntu??20:47
tesseractergamepockets, dmg2iso?20:48
DugenNashanyone have any ideas as to why some web pages render funny? I have tried both Firefox and Opera, it seems like the css is rendered incorrectly or something20:48
gamepocketswell its a mac os9 install and i run a ppc g320:48
george2515well ...when i update the system graphics slow down20:48
VanionGetting stuck at "Starting up..." when i'm tryin to boot my windows installation, someone familiar with that kind of problem?20:48
guntbertjosht: most of us do20:48
george2515when i put fresh install they re fine20:49
lunisI want Empathy 2.27.5. Are there any repositories that can make this happen? If not, how can I install a -dev package, ignoring all dependencies so i can manually checkinstall later versions of said dependencies?20:49
viki27Hello , can someone recommend me on good software for edit video movies such in windows systems (windows movie maker or adobe premire)20:50
DugenNashanyone have any ideas as to why some web pages render funny? I have tried both Firefox and Opera, it seems like the css is rendered incorrectly or something20:50
KeifferHow do I force mount a ntfs partition. It needs to be checked20:51
erikk71hi all20:52
kasparhauserhi! got some trouble with old kernel packages. dpkg still lists them with "rc" and some still appear in grubs menu.lst20:52
Half-Leiftesseracter, must be hundreds of people using ubuntu with a external monitor in full-hd20:52
kasparhauseri guess that's because of fglrx modules. how do i get rid of the packages?20:52
BriGuy_kasparhauser: the old kernels stay installed until you clean them up20:53
erikk71dosbox what a pain in the rear end to use20:53
kasparhauserBriGuy_: i uninstalled the packages, but dpkg still lists them as "rc"20:53
tesseracterHalf-Leif, sure, do you get any signal on your external monitor?20:53
erikk71next time i install20:54
erikk71ill install freedos20:54
OrvilleSashanyone have any ideas as to why some web pages render funny? I have tried both Firefox and Opera, it seems like the css is rendered incorrectly or something20:54
erikk71then ubuntu20:54
whobodyhi. I've downloaded ubuntu jackalope. I tried installing it, but when i click on Install Ubuntu from the menu, it just comes up with an underscore, and doesn't do anything. ???20:54
tesseracterHalf-Leif, System > Display solves most people's issues.20:54
KeifferHow do I force mount a ntfs partition. It needs to be checked20:54
Half-Leiftesseracter, yes I'm using it right now. clone display from my laptop. Just plugged in the cable and it worked20:54
erikk71i think freedos is best for running dos programs20:55
Half-Leiftesseracter, the display settings don't have 1920x1200 as an option20:55
danbhfiveKeiffer: the safest way I thought was to just boot windows20:56
tesseracterKeiffer, i've never found a way if the ntfs partition was yanked from a windows machine. i put it back in windows, then shutdown the windows system with the partition mounted if ejecting it doesnt work.20:56
Lint01erikk71, most modern videoadapters do not support dos graphics20:56
KeifferI can't boot Windows. Has some missing files20:56
erikk71doxbos just dont ynderstand it20:57
MyWayhi, a question20:57
danbhfiveKeiffer: well, it looks like there is a 'force' option in linux, but it looks like it will leave any files that are corrupted corrupt20:57
tesseracterHalf-Leif, you can either add the line for 1920x1200 to your xorg, or get a more accurate spec for your monitor somewhere.20:57
MyWayi've added the user anywhere to www-data, but i can't still overwrite files in www-data's ftp folder20:58
MyWaythis folder has write permission to group20:58
tesseracterdanbhfive, force has never worked for me... ntfs being pulled out of windows is nasty.20:58
manjaI'm looking for a typing training tool for my mom20:58
Keifferdanbhfive, OK. i'll get into it20:58
meteor``im getting this in upgrading - http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/m6c39833720:58
CigeOk, it all works.  thanks alot20:58
lakotajameshi guys20:59
danbhfivetesseracter: ok, Ill make sure not to bring that up again  : )         thanks20:59
n33ds_h3lphow do you exit a man page in terminal?20:59
lakotajamesi try to run software sources, and get this message: Failed to run /usr/bin/software-properties-gtk as user root.20:59
lakotajamesUnable to copy the user's Xauthorization file.20:59
Half-Leiftesseracter, It's a HP LP2475w20:59
th0rn33ds_h3lp: q20:59
manjan33ds_h3lp, ctrl+q20:59
tesseracterdanbhfive, meh, it might work for someone...but not for my yanked out 16gb flash drive.20:59
Lint01lakotajames, try gksudo20:59
BriGuy_Keiffer: may I suggest that if your trying to recover a windows installation you use something like ubcd or ubcd4win.  lots of tools made for recovery21:00
Lukasz_TarkowskiI am having toruble installing Splashy on Ubuntu 9.0421:00
lakotajamesLint01 Failed to run software-properties-gtk as user root.21:00
lakotajamesUnable to copy the user's Xauthorization file.21:00
KeifferBriGuy_, from inside linux? ntfs and fat tools?21:00
tesseracterHalf-Leif, thats the one my dad has...he uses a hp laptop on ubuntu to connect to it. umm... there might be a "force resolution" advanced feature...for him its in the nvidia control panel.21:01
RioKurodoes anybody know a quick way to set up a trigger for a backup when an external harddrive is connected?21:01
BriGuy_Keiffer: they are live boot cd.  And yes mainly ntfs and fat tools in there21:01
lakotajamesI can't check for updates, either21:01
guntbert!info tipptrainer | manja21:02
ubottumanja: tipptrainer (source: tipptrainer): A program to learn touch typing. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.0-15 (jaunty), package size 242 kB, installed size 724 kB21:02
KeifferBriGuy_, thanks21:02
BriGuy_you don't have to build ubcd but ubcd4win you do..you could probably do this through wine.  check out the websites anyways21:02
manjaguntbert, xactly, tu21:02
BriGuy_lakotajames: are you running with sudo?21:03
viki27Hello , i am trying to use ffmpeg to convert files from flv format to wmv and it working good , does it possible to tell ffmpeg to cut 10 sec from the start point of the movie ? (to start the convert process from specific time ?)21:03
lakotajamesBriGuy_:  gksudo21:03
dareis tipptrainer better than ktouch?21:03
tesseractertipptrainer do dvorak?21:03
Lukasz_Tarkowskinevermind I have got it :)21:03
g[r]eekHi how do I search apt-get to see if a particular package exists?21:03
darektouch does dvorak21:04
Half-Leiftesseracter, okey. I'm using a ATI Fire GL V5250. I've never installed any sw for my graphics card in ubuntu. should I?21:04
g[r]eekI know it has the keyword mysql in it so I want to list all packages with 'mysql' in their name21:04
jrib!apt > g[r]eek21:04
ubottug[r]eek, please see my private message21:04
jribg[r]eek: apt-cache search foo21:04
jribg[r]eek: use -n to limit to names21:04
g[r]eekOk thanks21:04
tesseracterHalf-Leif, yes, ATI has a nice combined driver, open source too.21:05
tesseracterHalf-Leif, you should see better performance too.21:05
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guntbertdare: I don't know about ktouch, those k apps always come with a lot of kde dependencies, so I avoid them21:05
tesseracterHalf-Leif, /join #ati too, they will be able to help.21:06
Half-Leiftesseracter, sweet. I'll join21:06
dareokay, that makes sense21:06
BriGuy_viki27: -ss Seek to given time position in seconds. hh:mm:ss[.xxx] syntax is also supported21:06
owen1i don't hear anything on my laptop. in alsamixer, all the bars are high and not muted. any clues?21:07
BriGuy_viki27: http://ffmpeg.org/ffmpeg-doc.html thats the page with all the commands21:07
Olof2Having trouble adding my windows installation to grub , tried to update grub but it doesn't work , someon know how to fix it?21:07
n33ds_h3lpim looking at man passwd. its talking about setting a password expiry option -e --numberofdays. does this mean that i can choose a new password at startup? is this safe as long as i trust every one where the computer is located?21:07
danbhfiveOlof2: you only have to edit your menu.lst if grub is already booting ubuntu21:08
hezyHi there. I have a new computer with an intel G31 chipset. I'm not sure if the jaunty-intel bug is relevant for my computer. How can I find out?21:08
linduxedyesterday i used the command "xset dpms 0 0 120" (and i mention it because i dont remember anything else thats significant) and now, whenever the gnome-screensaver should go online, the screen dims but then comes back to life right away and he 3 minute (my screensaving time) wait restarts.21:08
linduxedis there a way to fix this?21:08
Olof2danbhfive: But the problem is that i don't know wich number my windows patition have , so i don't know what i should write21:08
th0rn33ds_h3lp: after -e days the system will no longer allow you to log in except to change your password. It forces you to 'renew' your password every -e days21:09
n33ds_h3lpth0r: so, will I have to type in my old password in order to change it?21:09
danbhfiveOlof2: hmm, well, you could run the command blkid.  that will tell you about your partition21:09
bobwhoopsIs there a way to get a script to run on startup without having to define all the start/stop/restart nonsense from init.d?21:10
owen1i don't hear anything on my laptop. in alsamixer, all the bars are high and not muted. any clues?21:10
th0rn33ds_h3lp: that will be the only thing the old password will be good for21:10
danbhfiven33ds_h3lp: I think so.  you will login with you old password, and then you will be prompted to change21:11
th0rn33ds_h3lp: it is meant for a corporate environment where they want all employees to change their password every so many days...usually 30 or 6021:11
Olof2danbhfive: seems like lays on sda5 , does that mean that I should write (hd0,5)?21:11
danbhfiveOlof2: I think (hd0,4)21:12
Olof2danbhfive: ok , will try that21:12
danbhfiveOlof2: fyi, in the future, you should install windows to the first partition21:13
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Olof2danbhfive: yeah I got to know it now after I installed Ubuntu... :P21:13
=== floopsie is now known as Floops
YesImaLinuxN00BQuestion for anyone. Has anyone used Reconstructor?21:14
alex^^hi guys, im wondering what would be the best way to clone my OS on my machine, to another HDD, this cloned hdd will go on another machine with exact same specs, any good tools out there to do this?21:14
ClouseIs there any way to change your user name in Ubuntu?21:15
jambaalex^^ : http://www.nixtutor.com/linux/7-tasks-you-shouldnt-use-a-gui-for/   #4 maybe?21:15
bingohi, do you think that pulseaudio problèmes will be solved in ubuntu 9.1021:16
viki27BriGuy_: i also would like to limit the size of the output file when i use the option -fs (to limit the size of the file) i do get small size but the movie cut in the middle (duration before 4:20 - after 3:50) ?21:16
danbhfivebingo: http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup21:17
lakotajameshow can I see where all my free space went to?21:17
ProfOakIs there a way to burn multiple ISOs to a DVD and make it bootable? Like burning ubuntu+crunchbang to a DVD, and booting into it.21:17
danbhfivelakotajames: have you tried the gnome app?21:17
lakotajamesdanbhfive which one?21:17
danbhfivelakotajames: bilbaoba?21:18
KeifferAnyone knows a good, proffesional HexEditor for Ubuntu? Like WinHex21:18
danbhfivelakotajames: Apps > Acces > Disk Usage Analyzer21:18
Olof2Danbhfive: tried (hd0,4) , It said "Starting up..." but nothing more...21:19
BriGuy_viki27: sorry not that familiar with the program.  but you can't limit the file size to less than what it needs to output.  you can't squeeze an entire movie into 1mb.  you probably want to mess with the quality21:20
wazzupto Prof0ak, yes that can be done with isolinux21:21
viki27BriGuy_: i dont care if the quality came out not good , i just need to limit my file to 5MB but to keep the all movie any idea ?21:21
bastianhello, I have some problems setting up a static ip with /etc/network/interfaces21:21
bastiananyone willing to help?21:21
guntbert!info bless | Keiffer21:21
ubottuKeiffer: bless (source: bless): A full featured hexadecimal editor. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.2-1.2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 473 kB, installed size 1196 kB21:21
tritiumbastian: sure, can you pastebin your /etc/network/interfaces file please?21:22
YesImaLinuxN00BHas anyone used Reconstructor?21:22
bastiantritium: yes one second21:22
BriGuy_viki27: I would check out the documentation on compression and such.  I watch alot of movies but don't encode many..and when I have done its mainly with gui programs.  I would try an irc channel for video encoding maybe21:22
danbhfiveOlof2: does your menu.lst look like this?:http://blog.firetree.net/2005/08/26/duel-boot-windows-with-grub/21:22
bastiantritium: http://pastebin.com/m69fcb77a21:23
danbhfiveOlof2: hmmm, the update-grub isnt needed, but the map statments, you got those?21:23
bastiantritium: the wlan0 interface works21:23
tritiumbastian: also, note that you can "man interfaces", and "zless /usr/share/doc/ifupdown/examples/network-interfaces.gz" for some guidance.21:23
b0nnhmm, how do I tell what package a command is in?21:23
danbhfiveb0nn: dpkg -S21:23
bastiantritium: actually i am about 100% sure that this configuration should work as it has done in prev. versions.21:24
tritiumbastian: why no gateway?21:24
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »21:24
Olof2Danbhfive: I've added this text to menu.Ist "title Windows21:24
Olof2root (hd0,4)21:24
Olof2chainloader +1"21:24
b0nndanbhfive: orsum, thanks21:24
buckybastian: don't you need a line for your nameserver? also.. did you sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart ?21:24
danbhfiveOlof2: can you use pastebin please?21:24
bastiantritium: it's not for internet access or anything... the thing is: the interface doesn't come up correctly with it's static ip on boot21:24
axisysanyone can suggest me a night vision webcam that will work with ubuntu ?21:25
bastiantritium: if I do sudo ifdown etho && sudo ifup eth0 it works21:25
tritiumbucky: nameservers are specified in /etc/resolv.conf21:25
bastiantritium: but i have to do it after every boot21:25
b0nnbastian: what output does iwconfig give you?21:25
tritiumbastian: that shouldn't be the case, with the "auto" stanza21:25
Olof2Danbhfive: map statements? added this text to menu.Ist " Title windows root (hd0,4) Chainloader +1"21:25
BriGuy_axisys: not sure..but if you get some ir lights you can use a regular webcam and others can't see the ir :)21:25
bastiantritium: eth0      no wireless extensions21:25
tritiumiwconfig is for wireless interfaces, b0nn21:25
Leonard_bastian: old CA member?21:26
bastianleonard_ what is CA?21:26
b0nnsorry, I thought wlan0 was the problem iface21:26
Leonard_guess not then :P21:26
osirisi changed my /etc/hosts file to point to my local phpbb, but when i try to resolve it by url, the icons dont show up.  they show up if i resolve it by ip.  any ideas ?21:26
axisysBriGuy_: i will need a webcam that does not filter ir then21:26
gbear14275I just did a fresh install of 9.04 but didn't install a boot loader as I didn't want to copy over my last one.  Now I can't boot... I tried following this article to repair it but am now getting /boot/grub/stage1 and grub/stage1 does not exist21:27
gbear14275any ideas on how to fix this?21:27
bastiantritium: i guess it would work with network-manager, but my wlan driver conflicts with nm, therefore i had to uninstall it...21:27
axisysBriGuy_: do you know a site where I can purchase one from ?21:27
wazzupaxisys: many webcams does not filter ir21:27
tritiumbastian: it should work as you have specified.21:27
th0rosiris: did you use absolute paths for the icons?21:28
danbhfiveOlof2: http://pastebin.com/d5a51174321:28
bastiantritium: that's what bothers me too... maybe I could force a ifdown and ifup on every boot? in some file...21:28
osirisi didnt change the default config at all really21:28
axisyswazzup: i need to find one that also works with linux.. can you suggest one that I can google search.. so far have not found one21:28
YesImaLinuxN00Baxisys: just remove the ir filter from the lens21:28
tritiumbastian: technically, that's done too, with /etc/init.d/networking21:29
osirisset the hostname, password, added a user, made a test post, but no customer icons th0r21:29
BriGuy_axisys: point your remote control at your camera and hit a button..if you see a flash it picks up ir :)21:29
axisysYesImaLinuxN00B: i tried to remove from one and I broke the cmos.. quickcam communicate mp .. :-(21:29
Olof3Danbhfive: sry , newbie with ubuntu , don't know how to use paste bin...21:29
axisysBriGuy_: first i have to get one21:29
bastiantritium: ok thanks for your help anyways...21:29
osiristh0r, for example, the captcha doesnt show up by url, but does by ip21:29
YesImaLinuxN00Baxisys: then u need to replace it with a piece of developed film21:29
wazzupaxisys: i have some trust sht, i'll test it in ubuntu21:29
danbhfiveOlof3: thats fine, I was actually sending you the info at that link21:29
th0rosiris: still...if you look at the source pointing to the graphic...is it a relative path or an absolute path21:30
axisysYesImaLinuxN00B: replacing the cmos?21:30
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Olof3Danbhfive:Ahh good:P thanks =)21:31
BriGuy_axisys: true I'm not sure of any that will definately work.  I might searching google for linux infrared webcam...I found a few results21:31
trakcyiahow do i disable nvidia powersaving (automatic downclocking)?21:31
osiristh0r, im gonna say relative21:31
danbhfiveOlof3: gl, hope that works for ya21:32
schaoi have got a problem(network sharing)21:34
guntbertosiris: care to pastebin your /etc/hosts ?21:35
schaoi want to connect windows share folder, but warning : unable to mount location, failed to mount windows share, what is this ?21:35
schaowhat can i do ?21:36
schaoon ubuntu 9.0421:36
=== vorian is now known as buttercup
osirisguntbert, http://pastebin.com/d73e241fd21:37
guntbertosiris: ok - ping wickedtribe.homeip.net works?21:38
osirisoh yeah21:38
mordocaiHello, i just used the guide on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto in order to install sensors for my computer. I got it to work fine, however, there isn't anything clearly labeled CPU. The output of sensors is http://ubuntu.pastebin.com/d22f332bb. Can anyone tell me what the various temperatures mean?21:38
Olof3Danbhfive: Me again... Got a bit further this time though , now it said "starting up" but also "a disk reading error occured" (bad translation) is it something wrong with my windows installation?21:39
osirisguntbert, i can view the board.  its just things like the pbpbb button in the top left, the captcha, the "icons" by login, regiter, etc, that dont show up21:39
owner_I need help with my apache server.. i keep getting 'Restarting web server: apache2/usr/sbin/apache2: error while loading shared libraries: libkrb5.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory'21:40
danbhfiveOlof3: i don't know, sorry21:40
moose55could someone help me out with transferring files from jaunty to XP using a CROSSOVER cable?21:40
aftertafhey. Can anyone help me fix issues with Skype and PulseAudio ?21:41
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Olof3danbhfive: Ok  , no worries21:41
danbhfiveaftertaf: http://www.pulseaudio.org/wiki/PerfectSetup21:41
axisyshmm.. i wonder if this one will work or not21:41
guntbertosiris: and they show up if you point your browser to ?21:41
axisyswith ubuntu21:41
osirisguntbert, yep21:41
aftertafdanbhfive: looking. thanks :)21:41
osirisguntbert, but once i log in, since it does a re-direct, the url will change to the domain name, and the icons disappear.21:42
moose55could someone help me out with transferring files from jaunty to XP using a CROSSOVER cable? PM ME PLEASE21:42
osirismoose55, set both ends in the same subnet, ip wise, and use samba21:43
guntbertosiris: you will have to look into the server logs - do you know where to find them?21:43
osirisguntbert, im sure i can find them with a little poking around21:43
moymoyis it even possible to mount a computer through a USB cable?21:43
osirisheck, ill use wireshark if i have to, but this is just an afternoon time killer21:44
guntbertosiris: it should be something like /var/log/apache...21:44
bobwhoopsI'm running a program from a startup script in /etc/init.d using 'sudo -u foo' to change the user, but the problem is that I need an environment variable set for user foo. Where should I set this variable?21:46
guntbertosiris: its /var/log/apache2/error.log or access.log21:46
gbear14275I just installed a fresh copy of jaunty over my old one but switched to ext4, in my install I told it to use the same partition and now am having grub errors (i said to not install a bootloader).  I think the problem may relate to my uuid... but I'm not sure.  Any advice?21:46
gbear14275I've already gone through a few repair grub howto's with no luck21:48
Lint01where should I report bugs in locale?21:48
zataminehi!! All21:49
moose55osiris....does samba work with crossover cable?21:49
osiriswhy wouldnt it ?21:50
AlvinwareDoes any one know what's arca beta, a hardware?21:50
osirismoose55, samba is just a protocol21:50
gbear14275or could someone tell me how to view the grub config files from the grub prompt?21:50
zataminecan anyone tel me how to update filezilla thanx21:50
osirismoose55, if you have ssh on the linux box, you can download winscp, and do it like that21:51
osirisFTP client style21:51
moose55yeah but i cant get them to communicate via crossover cable21:52
losherAlvinware: I've never heard of it. More importantly. neither apparently has google. Got any context?21:54
Alvinwarelosher, My friend said it was from Japan, and it's a hardware for computer,it hide the owner I.P..21:55
burntresistorhas anyone successfully been able to get tversity to work on wine21:56
flodine_hey can someone tell me why my laptop screen is always so dark in 9.0421:56
losherAlvinware: I still don't see anything that fits in google. Could you have translated it wrong? At this point it's starting to look very off-topic21:57
kerm|tflodine_: your laptop should have keys to adjust the brightness21:57
BriGuy_flodline try the power options or use the keys to adjust brightness21:57
=== samuelrbo is now known as samuel-cirilo
flodine_i do that but it keeps going back dark21:57
guntbertmoose55: you have to set ip addresses manually on both ends , I suppose21:57
burntresistorstep 8 on wine hq says to run  wineboot i dont know what that means21:58
=== EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE is now known as Shor_e
amarotem alguem do brasil ai?22:00
losher!br | amaro22:01
ubottuamaro: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.22:01
amarocomo faço?22:01
cearboyi cannot get ubuntu to find my wireless card, the manufacturer support page only has windows drivers, any suggestions?22:01
losheramaro: type: /join #ubuntu-br22:01
Name141Is the dell version of Ubuntu any differnt than the regular DVD or CD ?22:02
Shor_ehow do I get in my repo?22:02
Shor_eusing terminal?22:02
cearboyi cannot get ubuntu to find my wireless card, the manufacturer support page only has windows drivers, any suggestions?22:03
moymoyName141: probably the same but has better support for their laptop buttons and such and has dell repos22:03
ctmjr!ndiswrapper | cearboy22:03
ubottucearboy: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:03
Name141moymoy: Would they have anything special for their desktops?22:03
Name141moymoy: I am having trouble with my NIC working properly after Hardy22:03
trakcyiadell has repos?22:03
Oookcan someone help me out with dual booting ubuntu and XP?22:03
moymoyName141: no idea.. i myself use the original ubuntu image on a dell Vostro22:04
OookI keep getting a resize operation error22:04
Name141moymoy: Perhaps it's worth a try?22:04
Oookand I do not want to uninstall my XP22:04
moymoyName141: you can try, but i don't know what NIC is22:04
Name141moymoy: ehhh the networking card22:04
moymoyOook: that looks like a grub error22:05
linuxrock5is there a module for serial in ubuntu?22:05
moymoyOook: you just have to set grub up again i would think22:05
cattellardo you know if it's possible to hide the left menu on banshee?22:05
DragginI've finally decided to upgrade my 8.04 installation to 8.10, but I'm afraid it didn't seem to work so well... My graphics seem to be rather messed up (keeps complaining about the nVidia kernel not being initialised or something) and the nVidia Restricted drivers app isn't proving very helpful either - even if I select a different driver and try to activate it, all of the listed drivers...22:05
Draggin...remain inactive on the system... Any ideas?22:05
Name141moymoy: Any ideas on where to look for the dell version?22:05
OookWell.. how would I go about doing that. x_X22:05
OookI'm running Ubuntu live atm.22:05
OookI want to install.. but I keep getting resize operation failures when I try to resize the windows partition.22:06
moymoyName141: it's got problems with an ethernet network card?22:06
losherDraggin: I seem to recall the nvidia site has drivers you can download & install for linux. Worth a try, no?22:06
OookVIA the Ubuntu installer22:06
* TwoToneSpirit feels bad for oook.22:06
gnubieOook; http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Jaunty#Dual-Booting_Windows_and_Ubuntu   have you looked through here?22:06
TwoToneSpiritoook: head over to #grub, they helped me.22:06
Oookalright, I'll try both22:06
Dragginlosher - I guess,,, But wouldn't that break dependencies and all that? I'm not all that technically advanced when it comes to Linux, so I don't want to mess with things that don't need messing with,,,22:07
matuhi, how to get the live version bootable on my sd ?22:07
losherOook: are you using gparted to do the resize? What *exactly* happens....?22:07
OookWell, I'm using gparted in Ubuntu22:08
matuit is not working anymore on 9.0422:08
OookI can't resize the partition22:08
OookIt just doesn't let me.22:08
=== GDonato__ is now known as GDonato
koudelka_hello!, is there some official ubuntu server usb image?22:08
losherDraggin: the graphics card drivers are pretty much standalone. And you can always go back to 8.04. Or get out the wand...22:09
cattellarkoudelka_: you could just use unetbootin22:09
koudelka_works for server als?22:09
Dragginlosher - Go back to 8.04? How22:09
BusMasterkoudelka_, usb-creator22:09
Oooklosher: and when I try to resize VIA Ubuntu installer I get a resize operation error22:09
koudelka_well, i use opensolaris22:09
cattellarkoudelka_: i'd say yeah22:09
moymoyName141: http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/Ubuntu_9.0422:09
matuI cant launch the live ubutu 9.04 from my SD22:09
matuis it NORMAL ?22:09
styolhow would i go about reinstalling ubuntu via network boot to an osx computer?22:10
styolor rather from an osx computer22:10
=== SP3C is now known as SP3C7R3
losherDraggin: well, the hard way. Via a backup (you made a backup, right?) or reinstall from scratch from the CD...22:10
moymoymatu: are you selecting it to boot when you're in the bios?22:10
DragginPffft... Backups are for wussies :P Nah, I just thought you meant there's some standard built-in way to default back to your previous installatoin22:11
cattellarwhat can I install a game from a 6gb iso?? I cant mount it or burn it in a normal dvd :/22:11
matuit gives me a msg like, ubuntu is unable to launch the linux kernerl...22:11
matubut it worked on 8.10!22:11
cattellaryou're screwed22:11
losherDraggin: one day there will be, but for now, there's only the wussy method...22:11
Dragginlosher - Hehe :) Thanks.22:12
OttifantSirThis is Ubuntu-support, I know, but I have set up a Samba-share to allow my neighbours access to TV-shows and movies. Problem is, how do I connect to it from Windows? I used Webmin to set it up, with a setting of allowing everybody access, but Windows says it can't find it, or that the user may not have permissions to access it.22:12
john__Anyone know how to make http://www.fiero.nl/cgi-bin/main.cgi?chat work under Jaunty?22:12
matumoymoy, ?22:13
Oooklosher: any ideas? ._.22:13
losherDraggin: since those are both relatively drastic options, I'd try the nvidia site dowload thing first...22:13
AlvinwareWhat's arca beta from japan, an ip hardware?22:13
drrob1I am having a problem w/ tilda under 9.0422:13
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moymoymatu: oh, sorry i wasn't following22:13
Dragginlosher - yeah, guess that is the safest, huh?22:13
drrob1It started giving a page segment fault and won't start22:13
matuu dont have to be sorry about it22:14
moymoymatu: are you using 9.04? that's strange.. have you checked if your ISO was corrupt?22:14
matuyes it is not22:14
drrob1it was working fine, and stopped after an update22:14
losherOook: only lousy ones: a) google for known workarounds, or b) use a different partition manager22:14
matui guess the 9.04 is just unable to do it22:14
josh___I've got a headless ubuntu machine running here. I want to be able to log in using gdm over the network. What should I reference for that?22:14
Oookah okay.22:14
Shor_ehow do i update to the latest version of transmission?22:14
OookThank you :P22:14
Neutron_I am trying to run various windows games that are rated as platinum in wine's appdb, however none of them seem to be running without extra configuration on my system.. are others experiencing the same things? the games I am trying to run are WoW, and halflife 1/halflife 2 based games22:15
matuyes thanks moymoy22:15
joshtcant u jsut do sudo apt-get install transmission and it will upgrade?22:15
mdgrechhow do i change the font color in the nautilus file browser?22:15
Shor_ejosht, the latest 1.73 version?22:15
whobodynoone can help me with my ubuntu prob in ##linux22:15
joshtshore_e: yea i think so thats what i did and it worked22:15
guntbert!webmin | OttifantSir (be careful)22:15
ubottuOttifantSir (be careful): webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.22:15
Neutron_CS for example loads, but then just exits without errors.. WoW loads, but the screen just looks totally messy, and runs with a very low framerate22:16
Raulhhey guys; does anyone know how to get wireless adapter drivers working on ubuntu22:16
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:16
matui will opt for fedora :(22:16
JackDeth1whobody: wuzzup?22:16
whobodymatu: i use fedora22:16
moymoyShor_e: are there features you JUST can't live without in the newer version?22:16
joshtShore_e: sorry nvm i just checked and it was not for 1.73 mine is still 1.7222:16
matuu mean the live sd ?22:16
whobodymatu: it rocks! (no offense ubuntu)22:16
whobodynah, i have it on hdd22:16
moymoymatu: sorry then, i don't know.. perhaps try with a different USB22:17
=== sale_ is now known as sale
matui just need to have a livd sd working22:17
chocotuarhas anyone every tried to untar a file to a remote folder? I want to do something like "tar xzf blah.tar.gz2 -C user@hostname:/location/of/dir"22:17
matuno it works with usb22:17
nerrHey everybody, I'm trying to figure out X11 Forwarding over SSH but can't seem to get it right.  Are there certain packages I need to install besides just xauth to make it work?22:17
matui need sd22:17
whobodyI've downloaded ubuntu jackalope. I tried installing it, but when i click on Install Ubuntu from the menu, it just comes up with an underscore, and doesn't do anything. ???22:17
whobodysd card22:17
matuyes !22:17
moymoychocotuar: why would you want to extract to a remote folder? the compressed archive makes the transfer over the network faster22:18
matui was able to have the live sd working with 8.1022:18
whobodyi tried doing that with ubu, no luck22:18
matuit does not work anymore >_<22:18
JenniferB3hi folks, how do I set up tighvncserver ?22:18
Raulhhey guys; does anyone know how to get wireless adapter drivers working on ubuntu22:18
Raulhhey guys; does anyone know how to get wireless adapter drivers working on ubuntu22:18
OttifantSirguntbert: I know that, however, Webmin was supported in 8.04, and that is where I use it. And ebox is not working at all. It has too few choices, and its "proprietary" modules makes sure that I can't use the CLI tools to set up services to be run. It's even worse than having to be careful with using Webmin.22:18
chocotuarmoymoy: I have the openmoko neo freerunner and I'm trying to install an operating system, but I have a unique problem of not being able to mount the micro sd card correctly to my main computer22:18
moymoynerr: what error do you get when you use the -X option?22:19
joshtNeutron: i am running cs 1.6 perfectly fine under wine22:19
gbear14275could anyone point me to a good grub fix howto?  I just installed jaunty on ext4 and didn't install a bootloader (cause I already had one)... now... nothings working... already gone through a couple grub fix howto's already22:19
chocotuar...so I must untar the files locally, and transfer them across usb to my device, which has the mounted micro sd card22:19
Shor_emoymoy, yes, do you know how to get the latest repo for transmission 1.73?22:19
moymoychocotuar: does your openmoko have ssh?22:19
nerrmoymoy: I always get no display specified, even if I export a display as localhost:022:19
chocotuarmoymoy: yes it does22:19
whobodyhi. I've downloaded ubuntu jackalope. I tried installing it, but when i click on Install Ubuntu from the menu, it just comes up with an underscore, and doesn't do anything. ???22:19
OttifantSirThis is Ubuntu-support, I know, but I have set up a Samba-share to allow my neighbours access to TV-shows and movies. Problem is, how do I connect to it from Windows? I used Webmin to set it up, with a setting of allowing everybody access, but Windows says it can't find it, or that the user may not have permissions to access it.22:20
guntbertOttifantSir: ok, just wanted you to be aware - I don't use ebox either...22:20
Raulhi have the tenda twl541p, how can i get it to work on ubuntu, anyone??22:20
moymoynerr: no no nooo!! .. never export a display on your own.. ssh handles it... do you ssh -X blah blah?22:20
Neutron_hmm yeah I am trying to load CS, the game loads, but then either freezes or just exits without error. now I know that I can't expect everything to run in wine out of the box, but all games that are clearly listed as "platinum" just don't work for me22:20
moymoychocotuar: okay.. so you can extract the file locally.. then transfer the whole dir over through scp22:20
JackDeth1whobody: Could you have a bad burn? Have you tried downloading it and burning it again?22:20
gbear14275no grub guru's out there?22:20
moymoychocotuar: man scp22:20
nerrmoymoy: It doesn't appear to do anything differently than a standard SSH connection would22:20
Lint01OttifantSir, do you use IP adresses to connect?22:20
Raulhi have the tenda twl541p, how can i get it to work on ubuntu, anyone??22:21
joshtNeutron_: im not an expert... actually pretty noob but did u install from steam or from ur cd?22:21
whobodyJackDeth1: many times22:21
whobodythe MD5 thing is fine too22:21
nerrwait moymoy, here we go22:21
whobodyJackDeth1: it works on my desktop, but not laptop22:21
bendtI deleted files in /etc/bluetooth - how do I get them back? Reinstalling pakcages didnt work...22:21
OttifantSirLint01: Yes. I use \\\share22:21
chocotuarmoymoy: that's where the problem is. see, I'm extracting an operating system so the symbolic links get all messed up after I extract, and scp follows these bad symbolic links22:21
nerrmoymoy: /usr/bin/X11/xauth:  error in locking authority file /home/matt/.Xauthority22:21
moymoynerr: type in like gedit or something into the terminal22:22
moymoynerr: it should forward the gedit window22:22
acr0nymnano ftw ;P22:22
linuxrock5is the serial driver compiled into the ubuntu kernel?22:22
whobodyJackDeth1: i've also tried knoppix and debian, nothing22:22
JackDeth1whobody: what kind of laptop are you trying to install on?22:22
OttifantSirLint01: the share is three 1TB discs in LVM array, mounted to \home\ottiserver\share22:22
moymoynerr: okay.. delete that file ~/.Xauthority22:22
whobodyJackDeth1: one running vista, made by iQon22:22
ctmjrwhobody: when you boot to the cd with ubuntu press f4 then choose safe graphics mode then install22:22
moymoynerr: don't worry.. it'll generate a new one22:22
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:23
Raulhthat's not helping..22:23
whobodyctmjr i'll have a go22:23
FloodBot2Raulh: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:23
nerrmoymoy: I'm actually trying to use PuTTY to connect to this box from a Windows machine.  Do I need some kind of X server on Windows as well?22:23
blognewbhi how do i check if "imagick.so" exists via bash?22:23
whobody!language Raulh22:23
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about language Raulh22:23
JackDeth1whobody: If it's an older computer you could try Puppy Linux. If it's a somewhat newer computer try booting the cd with safe graphics mode.22:23
whobodyit's new22:23
fat_rat!ohmy |Raulh22:23
ubottuRaulh: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.22:23
moymoychocotuar: is your phone itself capable of extracting the archive? or is that what you're avoiding?22:24
moymoynerr: D; ... yes yes you do22:24
bendtI deleted files in /etc/bluetooth - how do I get them back? Reinstalling pakcages didnt work...22:24
nerrmoymoy: ahahaha, okay, I'll do some research then. :) Thanks anyway.22:24
JackDeth1whobody: One laptop I tried installing it on gave me the same problem. I had to use a Windows 98 boot disk to format the drive before it would let me install any Linux on it. Wierd.22:24
whobodyit's not workin now either22:25
josh___what client program can I use to connect to xdmcp on another computer?22:25
guntbertnerr: there is cygwin/X as x server for windows22:25
chocotuarmoymoy: it's very capable of untarring, but I don't think I have enough room to put the archive AND the extracted operating system on it at the same time, I only have so much space on the phone22:25
whobodyi've tried a number of things, thanks to ##linux22:25
r00t|vaiohello, i'm trying to run the ubuntu install cd on some notebook... it seems that the kernel panics when it loads the i810 audio driver... is there some method to stop it from loading that driver?22:25
user33hi all22:25
blognewbhi how do i check if "imagick.so" exists via bash?22:26
=== ircleuser is now known as fergal32
r00t|vaioblognewb: [ -f imagick.so ]22:26
binarymutantblognewb, mlocate imagick.so22:26
blognewbr00t|vaio: with brackets?22:26
chocotuarmoymoy: the best way I can think of doing it is just untarring on the big machine, and somehow automatically redirecting that output to the phone over usb (network address to the mounted location of the micro sd card22:26
gbear14275is there a repair install command or something within the installer?  I really don't want to have to go through the entire install again just to fix grub.... :(22:26
moymoychocotuar: perhaps you can setup an NFS share on your computer and mount it with your phone22:26
drrob1getting help here is like screaming at the top of your lungs and hoping someone hears and answers22:27
r00t|vaioblognewb: yes, that checks for a file in the current directory, you might want something more complex22:27
moymoychocotuar: and have your phone untar it through the network22:27
styolubuntu network boot to reinstall ubuntu? the network boot would be on an osx computer, any suggestions22:27
cattellargbear14275: you can install grub again without reinstalling your system22:27
r00t|vaiogbear14275: boot the live system, mount your hd, ...22:27
ideamonkhey guys just wrote a script that helps in accessing pastebins from terminal, anyone interested ?22:27
r00t|vaioideamonk: spamming, are we? does it at least contain a trojan?22:28
DJNomadto the person asking about connecting linux to windows I done it before what part are you needing ?22:28
zacharyIs it recommended to use kernel package when building your own kernel?22:28
cattellarideamonk: does it work to post a pastebin entry from terminal?22:28
ideamonkr00t|vaio, what trojan would a humble pythong script do22:28
bruenig!kernel | zachary22:28
ubottuzachary: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages22:28
ideamonkcattellar, yeah :)22:28
DJNomadi think I used samba on linux and tiny vnc on the windows22:28
zacharybruenig: thank you22:28
bruenig!thanks | zachary22:28
ubottuzachary: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:28
cattellarideamonk: nice, im interested :)22:28
bendtPlease help - I've been an idiot and deleted everything in /etc/bluetooth. Thought it would come back upon reinstalling packages, but it didnt. How do i recover the files?22:29
bruenigbendt: reinstall the packages22:29
bruenig!hi | fergal3222:29
ubottufergal32: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu!22:29
DJNomadbendt would it help if I copied mine and gave it to you ?22:29
chocotuarmoymoy: how do I set up an nfs server on my large computer?22:29
ideamonkcattellar, I've tried to implement automatic syntax highlightinh too22:29
fergal32bruenig: hi22:29
ideamonkcattellar, letme know if u find it useful22:29
DJNomadi dunno I am rather new22:29
OttifantSirSamba share mounted at /home/ottiserver/share set up to allow everybody access. Set up with Webmin 1.480 on an Ubuntu 8.04.3 Server. How do I connect to it from Windows? Windows gives me the message that I may not have permissions to access it, and it can't find the network share.22:30
bendtDJNomad - i dont know - how? Im new to irc...22:30
guntbertideamonk: such a script exists, its called pastebinit22:30
bruenig!samba | OttifantSir22:30
ubottuOttifantSir: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.22:30
bendtReinstalling didnt bring back files in /etc22:30
ideamonkguntbert, oh is it :( my weekend was a waste after all22:30
moymoy!nfs | chocotuar22:30
ubottuchocotuar: nfs is the network file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpNFSHowTo for information on installing and configuring NFS.22:30
moymoythere's the link22:30
guntbert!info pastebinit | ideamonk22:31
ubottuideamonk: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 344 kB22:31
DJNomadbendt there is like 5 notepad like files in my etc bluetooth22:31
cattellarideamonk: where can I get it?22:31
bruenigDJNomad: call them textfiles22:31
ideamonkcattellar, i've put it on github - http://github.com/ideamonk/pypaste/tree/master22:31
=== FlashGordon2000 is now known as swordfish
guntbert!info pastebinit | cattellar22:31
ubottucattellar: pastebinit (source: pastebinit): command-line pastebin client. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.11.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 21 kB, installed size 344 kB22:31
bendtDJNomad - do you think they are "standard"?22:31
DJNomadk bruenig22:31
=== swordfish is now known as FlashGordon200
chocotuarI've used NFS before, I just couldn't remember exactly how to get it to work. I'll look it up online. thanks for the help22:31
blognewbr00t|vaio: current dir? what if in a specific directory?22:31
blognewb[-f ..?22:31
ideamonkdamn, i should've done some research b4 working on it22:31
EvilPenguin|hey guys22:31
Cynopegbear14275: what's up with your grub?22:32
EvilPenguin|how do i make ubuntu into a cube?22:32
DJNomadbendt I have not done nothing to mine other than add my phone22:32
bruenig!compiz | EvilPenguin|22:32
ubottuEvilPenguin|: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz22:32
EvilPenguin|thank yo22:32
moymoychocotuar: that link should describe how to get it to work.. it has the whole process of setting it up22:32
bruenig!thanks | EvilPenguin|22:32
ubottuEvilPenguin|: You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)22:32
r00t|vaioblognewb: absolute path22:32
DJNomadbendt,  I imagine they would be pretty standard22:32
bendtDJNomad - Please give them to me, but how? BTW are you running Jaunty?22:32
* zachary just recently started running xubuntu22:32
r00t|vaioblognewb: but it seems to me that you want to check if a specific library is available...?22:32
DJNomadyes on jaunty22:33
mralexandrocan i mount a "network drive" in linux as easy as in windows.22:33
bruenig!ot | zachary22:33
ubottuzachary: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:33
blognewbr00t|vaio: sorry how's the syntax? yes specifc lib or that file would be fine22:33
moymoymralexandro: depends what you mean by easy22:33
moymoymralexandro: but of course it's easy22:33
mrwesmralexandro, yes, from nautilus, click File | Connect to Server22:33
r00t|vaioblognewb: wouldn't it be more useful if the package providing the library is installed or something?22:33
gbear14275cattellar: r00t|vaio:  THanks looking into the re-install option now22:33
ideamonkyeah pastebinit happens to be the same thing... thanks 4 informing guys22:33
=== pyrak_ is now known as pyrak
r00t|vaiogbear14275: WHAT?22:33
blognewbr00t|vaio: how do i check that? apt-get ?22:34
cattellargbear14275: dude, you don't have to22:34
blognewbim a real noob22:34
cattellargbear14275: use the livecd, and follow some guide on google, there are tons to restore grub22:34
r00t|vaioblognewb: more like dpkg?22:34
mralexandromoymoy: i mean in windows you simply right click computer, sleect map network drive then choose letter you want. adress of drive and  there you are done22:34
gbear14275Cynope: I installed over my last jaunty install in an attempt to get a clean slate.  Because I already had a bootloader i told it not to install another one... now I keep falling to a prompt when I try to boot22:34
r00t|vaioblognewb: if you are a noob, then why would you need such a thing?22:35
blognewbr00t|vaio: i don't know what that is sorry22:35
blognewbr00t|vaio: for my vps22:35
brueniggbear14275: startx22:35
blognewbim just reading up on reference22:35
r00t|vaiocattellar: i think he meant re-installing just lilo22:35
blognewbim a linux noob22:35
gbear14275cattellar: thats what I'm doing... following one of the grub reinstalls... not one of the system ones22:35
mrwesmralexandro, did you read what I said?22:35
gbear14275bruenig: startx?22:35
cattellarahhh ok22:35
brueniggbear14275: type it22:35
cattellarstartx is a magical conjure22:35
mralexandromrwes: i am sorry i saw it now, thansk man22:35
bendtblognewb: use find|grep22:35
mralexandromrwes: i am not used to irssi:)22:36
Cynopegbear14275, paste the output of "cat /boot/grub/menu.lst" in a pastebin22:36
blognewbbendt: thank you i'll try!22:36
moymoymralexandro: if you use Nautilus, you can select a network share, and it'll "mount" itself as a drive.. but it won't survive a reboot and you'll have to do it again when you restart... but you can also (if you don't mind editting text files) automount it through fstab22:36
gbear14275startx not found22:36
bendtblognewb: what was the file again22:36
gbear14275Cynope: will do22:36
mrwesmralexandro, if you feel more comfortable with a GUI IRC client, try xchat22:36
blognewbfind|grep imagick.so ?22:36
blognewbbendt: find|grep imagick.so ?22:36
r00t|vaiobendt: WHAT? ... that's silly... and... find -name ... if anything22:36
DJNomadbendt,  I am trying to send the first file through file transfer here22:36
Dr_Willisactually nautilus dosent exactly 'mount' the share in the same way that the mount command does. it sort of 'browses' the shares.22:37
mrwesDr_Willis, and you point doc?22:37
r00t|vaioblognewb: what are you trying to do? find out if imagemagic is installed?22:37
mrwesyour* :)22:37
binarymutantblognewb, mlocate imagick.so22:37
mralexandromrwes: i know, but i like not feeling comfortable, i have no idea why, but i like the simplisity of irssi so much i wanna learn it22:37
blognewbbinarymutant: says mlocate command not found22:37
bendtnever figured how find -name works22:37
maxiei need some expert help for ubuntu 9.04 PM ME!22:37
r00t|vaiobendt: OUCH22:37
Dr_Willismrwes:  done expect non-gnome apps or the terminal stuff to find things on that share.22:37
mralexandromrwes: how do i scroll up ?22:37
Dr_Willismrwes: err. 'dont' :)22:37
binarymutantblognewb, I thought it was installed by default, try slocate imageick.so22:38
gbear14275Cynope: i'm at an initramfs prompt... no /boot anywhere :-/22:38
mrwesDr_Willis, he can add it as a bookmark and it'll always be there when he needs it22:38
r00t|vaiobendt: it takes globs... the only caveat is to quote them... find / -name "*.txt"22:38
blognewbbinarymutant: not foud either :( is this because im using 9.04?22:38
moymoyDr_Willis: shares "mounted" by Nautilus are mounted in the folder ~/.gvfs22:38
bendtroot|vaio - ok thanks22:38
Cynopegbear14275: it's easy to fix, can you go to grub console?22:38
Dr_Willismrwes:  for gnome apps.. yes.  some times.. and ive had some apps not like that sort of arangement. but ive also had issues lately with auto-mounting samba shares via fstab. it can make the system take a long time to shutdown..22:38
blognewbi already did a build-essentials yesterday22:38
mrwesDr_Willis, BTW -- how the hell are ya?22:38
moymoyDr_Willis: so terminal and apps can access the shares22:38
gbear14275Cynope: yeah lemme restart22:38
Dr_Willismoymoy:  they dont show up in the mount command that ive ever seen... and ive looked22:38
binarymutantblognewb, sudo apt-get install mlocate22:38
guntbertgbear14275: several people said you should attempt recovery from a live CD22:38
r00t|vaiolet me try my question again:  how can i prevent the ubuntu installer/live system from loading some driver (because it crashes the system)?22:39
bendtDJNomad - I am using weechat for the 2nd time ever. I have no idea how to transfer files usingt irc?22:39
* Dr_Willis can look again..22:39
mrwesDr_Willis, yah I here ya on the samba/cifs shares -- you need to add an umount in the postsession and that should fix0r it up22:39
moymoyDr_Willis: if you ls the ~/.gvfs directory.. and you can even cd into the shares22:39
r00t|vaiobendt: right-click a nick, select "send file" ...22:39
Dr_Willismrwes:  yea - not sure why thats now an issue when its not been in the past.22:39
gbear14275guntbert: its on my list... Cynope is asking me to try a few things first so I don't mind seeing if he might be able to help22:39
DragginLater everyone!22:39
bendtroot|vaio: im on a console right now...22:39
r00t|vaiobendt: /dcc send <nick> <file>22:40
blognewbbinarymutant: says -> mlocate: can not open `/var/lib/mlocate/mlocate.db': No such file or directory22:40
mrwesDr_Willis, something to do with the network connection being killed before the share is umounted22:40
guntbertgbear14275: ok, sorry to interrupt - listen to Cynope please :-)22:40
moose55does anyone know how to transfer files from ubuntu to XP using a CROSSOVER CABLE.....PLEASE PM ME TO HELP ME22:40
gbear14275alright... I'm at my grub loader22:40
bendtroot|vaio: how to recieve?22:40
Dr_Willismrwes:  hopefully fixed in the next release22:40
gbear14275Cynope: sorry... to you22:40
mrwesbendt, I thought freenode blocked dcc xfers22:40
mrwesDr_Willis, you running Karmic in a VB yet?22:40
binarymutantblognewb, :)   sudo updatedb   and then locate it, then you can find anything with mlocate and/or slocate22:40
r00t|vaioblognewb: considered...: dpkg -l | grep libmagick ?22:40
Cynopegbear14275, its ok :P, ok, type 'root ("TABTAB"'22:40
moymoybendt: you should see some activities in your other buffers.. scroll to that one22:41
Dr_Willismoose55:  give both machines a static ip. and they will be networked.  Then you use the normal tools.  Or install a dhcp server on one.22:41
Dr_Willismrwes:  nope. not yet. been trying other disrtos lately22:41
r00t|vaiomrwes: why would freenode "block" dcc? they only are not a network for dcc bots serving warez...22:41
rodent37anyone know how to turn off SLI and get multiple monitors on multiple cards to work with the nvidia drivers on 9.04 ?22:41
mralexandromrwes: how do i select network drive under the options of connect to server, i only see ftp and windows share22:41
Cynopegbear14275, in order to continue --> T = TAB22:41
gbear14275Cynope: alright... I've got the root (hd0,22:41
maxiesome expert here that can spare some time 2 help me with ubuntu 9.04???22:42
Cynopegbear14275, can you remember which partition did you install your linux?22:42
r00t|vaiobendt: receive? you mean accept the transfer? depends on the client...22:42
blognewbbinarymutant: thank you thank you for bearing with me it worked!22:42
bendtDJNomad - switching to X on another machine - just a second22:42
gbear14275cynope... this sounds like a root (hd0,4) then setup (hd0) fix?22:42
Cynopegbear14275, i mean your root.22:42
bendtroot|vaio: weechat22:42
mrwesmralexandro, is it another ubuntu machine or a windows machine?22:42
r00t|vaiobendt: i've never even heard that name before22:42
ideamonkOkay my script has one advantage over pastebinit, in pastebinit, you've to specify the format explicitly by -f while in PyPaste, all you need to do is to specify the file, it finds the syntax highlight for you on its own :)22:42
blognewbbinarymutant: do i always have to updatedb every install?22:42
gbear14275yes, the fresh install is on partition 1, the /boot is on partition 422:42
mrwesr00t|vaio, it was my understanding freenode blocked dcc xfers -- shrug...22:42
r00t|vaiobendt: in BitchX it's /dcc aceept <nick> iirc22:42
r00t|vaiomrwes: rest assured that i use it regularly, on freenode too22:43
Cynopegbear14275, Umm, Well, I didn't understand what you mean by "sounds like that", What I'm trying to do is to boot your linux first.22:43
freemenhello iam new her22:43
freemen how this work22:43
Cynopegbear14275, after that all you need to do is to type the same line in your menu.lst file22:43
maxieand i get ignor i see -_-22:43
mrwesr00t|vaio, fuqin aye -- you made your gawd damn point a-hole22:43
binarymutantblognewb, well it was default for me, but to update all the files that it can store yes22:43
strykeri have 4 virtual desktops with compiz, how can i have 4 different wallpapers? I only see the same one for each of them22:43
mralexandroit is a iphone, but not the entire one, it is a "office" program that has its own "server" to upload download .xls and doc files etc. it has description for how to mount this "drive" in vista and osx, i hoped it could be done in ubuntu as well22:44
r00t|vaiomrwes: lol22:44
sol93I manually mounted a smb share with my Thunderbird profile, but Ubuntu Thunderbird keeps telling me, there would be another instance running. This is most likely due to some problem, that it cant write access the mounted dir... can someone help me?22:44
mrwesr00t|vaio, I wasn't reading from the freakin' bible :)22:44
VCooliofreemen: welcome; ask any questions on ubuntu you have and see if anyone answerd22:44
gbear14275Cynope: I'm sorry... shouldn't have tried to jump ahead.  so that must be the step I'm missing22:44
r00t|vaiomrwes: an irc network _could_ try to prevent usage of dcc by filtering the messages clients use to negotiate it... but i haven't heard of any network doing such a thing22:45
maxieHALLO may some expert help me with a problem on 9.04 ver??22:45
sol93!ask | maxie22:45
ubottumaxie: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:45
Cynopegbear14275, That's ok, I still don't know if you tried that or not, anyway if you have installed linux... fixing grub isn't a problem22:45
r00t|vaiomaxie: might help if you mention what the problem is22:45
gbear14275Ive followed this first case here: http://www.sorgonet.com/linux/grubrestore/22:45
mralexandromrwes: it is a iphone, but not the entire one, it is a "office" program that has its own "server" to upload download .xls and doc files etc. it has description for how to mount this "drive" in vista and osx, i hoped it could be done in ubuntu as well22:45
Cynopegbear14275, which partition did you install your linux on?22:45
Cynopegbear14275 I mean your root directory22:45
gbear14275partition 122:46
gbear14275my / is on partition 122:46
Dr_Willismrwes:  now exaplain to me how nautilus mounts samba shares to .gvfs with out them showing up in the mount command output. :P22:46
maxieubottu i take contact with u on pm ok22:46
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:46
mrwesmralexandro, I don't own an iphone, nor do I have any experience 'mounting' one22:46
Cynopegbear14275, ok so it should be "root (hd0,0)"22:46
Cynopethen press enter22:46
maxiei hate maesseneger bots22:46
mrwesDr_Willis, gawd is involved of course :P22:46
Cynopenow type kernel /boot/vm[TAB-TAB] to see a list of available kernels22:46
jribmrwes: what are the osx instructions?22:47
jribmralexandro: what are the osx instructions?22:47
Dr_Willismrwes:  and black magik22:47
=== Nicky is now known as Guest92016
mrwesDr_Willis, and a bunch of chicken bones too22:47
Dr_Willismrwes:  and blue smoke.. dont forget that22:47
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:48
mrwesDr_Willis, lemme sip on this 15yo Highland Park some more and maybe I'll figure it out22:48
gbear14275Cynope: I have 6 partitions they are in order;  0 = windows xp, 1 =/ (jaunty), 2 = /home, 4 = /boot, 5=documents and settings (NTFS), 6= storage (ext3)22:48
* mrwes sits back down22:48
moymoyDr_Willis: mounting through GNOME is always different than mounting with "mount"22:48
sol93does anyone know, what's causing Thunderbird to refuse working with the profile on a samba share? (I mounted the share to the dir, where profiles.ini looks for the profile. It works if it is a dir, but nothing mounted over it)22:48
Cynopeer.. then ---> root(hd0,4)22:48
mrwesmoymoy, why?22:48
Cynopegbear14275, seems like you already have tried that22:48
gbear14275Cynope: alright22:48
blognewbhi, when i did a "free" on putty, it gave me these results: total 128, used 125... what does this mean?22:49
Cynopegbear14275, The site that you gave me is still loading22:49
gbear14275Cynope: I have... although you mentioned writing to my menu.lst... not sure if I have done that22:49
blognewbfree memory == RAM?22:49
alisonFunkyBananer xD22:49
gbear14275Cynope: i have done the root (hd0,4) --> setup (hd0)22:49
Cynopegbear14275, have you been able to boot linux at all?22:49
sol93blognewb: ask man:  man free22:49
alisonWhat Is This ? :P22:49
blognewbsol93: man?22:49
moymoymrwes: Dr_Willis: gnome/nautilus uses gnome_mount err something like that.. don't rememebr.. and when mounted through gnome, you cannot umount with sudo umount, and when mounted with "mount", you cannot umount from Nautilus or the mount Applet on the panel22:49
gbear14275Cynope: no... it fails to a initramfs shell (/bin/sh)22:49
Cynopegbear14275, after typing "root (hd0,4)"22:49
sol93blognewb: type "man free" into your terminal. you can do this with almost every bash command22:50
Cynopegbear14275, type kernel /boot/vmTABTAB22:50
moymoymrwes: Dr_Willis: i guess that explains it not showing under "mount"22:50
guntbert!welcome | alison22:50
ubottualison: Welcome to #ubuntu - the Ubuntu support channel.22:50
Cynopegbear14275, to see a list of kernels22:50
mralexandrojrib: have wifi on. bring up "connect To server" from Go menu in finder (cmd-K) enter adress of device(i have that ip adress)  in server adress field of connect to server dialog, and then press connect button. if authenticaion in file transfer settings is enabled, finder will present authentication dialog asking for user pass...22:50
moymoymrwes: Dr_Willis: because they're two different systems22:50
blognewbsol93: oh22:50
gbear14275Cynope: unrecognized device string22:50
mrwesmoymoy, but I can go the other way right? I can mount from the CLI and umount from Nautilus, no?22:50
jribmralexandro: have you tried doing the same in nautilus?22:50
gbear14275I think the uuid for my grub config is still set to my old install... not sure how to fix it22:50
moymoymrwes: nope22:50
moymoymrwes: you'll get a permission denied22:51
sol93blognewb: it shows free ram, but i guess, you already supposed so. i dont know the details22:51
maxiewell i get some trouble with 9.04 so i need help but since i hate 2 write more then i need 2,please go here http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1217649&highlight=j2c 2 read what i need help with and reply there if u can... THX22:51
gbear14275Cynope: oops... one sec read wrong brb22:51
mrwesmoymoy, I can umount my cifs share, which is mounted from my /etc/fstab from nautilus22:51
mrwesfor sure22:51
strykerI have 4 virtual desktops... how can I change the background of all 4 of them, i get the same picture for all of them22:51
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Dr_Willismrwes:  actually i think if i mountd shares via command line i couldent remove them with nautilus22:52
Dr_Willisbut ive cleaned up my network now.. i dont have 100_+ shares all over the place22:52
mrwesDr_Willis, hrmm...I see your point22:52
gbear14275Cynope: ah... big list... kernel / worked... /boot/vm didn't22:52
Dr_WillisMore Hiding things to make things more confiusing. :)22:52
blognewbsol93: oh no that means ive used up all my ram?!22:52
Cynopegbear14275, so you don't have a /boot directory?22:53
moymoyDr_Willis: are the 100+ shares all from the same machine?22:53
mrwesDr_Willis, yah..plus I need to be in a gksu nautilus to umount the cifs share22:53
JuJuBeeIs there a support channel for k3b?22:53
mralexandrojrib: no i have not. cause i entered nautilus in terminal and then i pressed file and "connect to server" but then i need to know wich to select under service type22:53
guntbertmaxie: I'm afraid you won't get *much* response this way, better tell the channel your question22:53
benno_fra_dkPlease help - Deleted files in /etc/bluetooth/*. How to restore. Reinstalling packages did not bring back configuration files.22:53
sol93 maxie: what about the ls output for your home direcotry? does your home still look normal?22:53
gbear14275Cynope: I thought I did... I know it should be installed22:53
Dr_Willismoymoy:   i had 4 little 'file servers' set up to shre allthese data drives.. Thanks to the cost of 1TB media.. :) its dwindled down to 1 box now.22:53
Cynopegbear14275, root (hd0,2) and try the same thing....22:53
jribmralexandro: try one at a time, there aren't many.  sftp would be my guess22:54
guntbertblognewb: linux uses nearly all your RAM always - there is nothing to worry about22:54
Cynopegbear14275, you need to find your /boot directory.22:54
mralexandrojrib: sftp i will try first then:)22:54
JuJuBeeCan someone help me figure out why I am writing coasters with k3b lately?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/244735/22:54
blognewbguntbert: does it mean the "bandwidth" for my vps?22:54
blognewboh no sorry no22:55
moymoyDr_Willis: my Desktop has 1TB HDD, so my desktop acts as my server =p not that i really need it to be a server, since i'm always on my desktop anyway22:55
ctmjrbenno_fra_dk: did you just reinstall the package or remove it then install22:55
blognewbi mixed it all up22:55
blognewbim really overwhelmed right now sorry22:55
benno_fra_dkctmjr: apt-get remove and apt-get install22:55
guntbertblognewb: I was only answering your last question, got no time to read back right now, sorry22:55
gbear14275Cynope: I have a /grub... in it is a stage1 and stage222:56
blognewbguntbert: its ok ok22:56
mralexandrojrib: what do i enter under "folder"22:56
jribmralexandro: leave it blank22:56
jribmralexandro: i'll be back in 522:56
Cynopegbear14275, That won't help it's just grub files, you need to locate your OS kernel file22:56
mralexandrojrib: ok22:56
blognewbdamn i didn;'t know i should press q to exit man22:56
gbear14275Cynope: I found a bunch of kernel files in /22:57
moymoyblognewb: lol!! i remember when that happened to me22:57
ctmjrbenno_fra_dk: try sudo apt-get --purge remove "package" then sudo apt-get install "package"  (2 different commands)22:57
gbear14275initrd.img-2.6.27-7-generic <-- files like this Cynope?22:57
Cynopegbear14275, umm, Yes. :)22:57
ocdhey guys i need some helpo22:58
Cynopegbear14275, can you see vmlinuz* files too?22:58
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ocdis there a alternative program for syncing music to zunes ??22:58
gbear14275Cynope: yes... want me to name it?22:58
Cynopegbear14275, nah, it's ok just type22:58
mrwesocd, alternative to what?22:58
Cynopekernel /vmlinuz.... root=/dev/sda5 [ if you are in hd0,4 ]22:59
ocdzune software i own a microsoft zune and need a program to sync music to it22:59
Cynopegbear14275, vmlinuz... is the kernel of your choice.22:59
mrwesocd, the default program Rhthymbox doesn't work?22:59
gbear14275alright... lemme give it a shot brb Cynope22:59
gbear14275Cynope: this is from grub prompt corrent?23:00
ocdi haven't tried Rhthybox ill try it23:00
Cynopegbear14275, Yep23:00
linuxguy2009ocd: if you need a zune sync app then I would search Add/Remove for "zune" and or synaptic, and maybe even sourceforge website.23:00
mrwesocd :)23:00
losherJuJuBee: my first guess if nothing else has changed, is that your dvd writer is beginning to fail. Since it has moving parts and the tolerances are incredibly tight, it's kind of the weakest link in the chain....23:00
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bonez46how can I list all users on my system as well as all groups to which my user belongs?23:00
moymoyocrob: you might want to try Banshee also.. they usually have support for these devices23:00
blognewbmoymoy: which one?23:01
JuJuBeelosher : brand new writer, thought that was the problem with the old one23:01
linuxguy2009bonez46: system -> admin-> users and groups?23:01
JuJuBeelosher: gets to 99% then seems to fail.23:01
osehas anyone here set up ganyremote before?23:01
moymoyblognewb: what do you mean which one?23:01
mrwesocd: I think Banshee works too23:01
gbear14275Cynope: k... seems to have taken23:01
blognewbmoymoy: that it happened to you too once23:01
Weedyany idea why programs like htop, powertop, and ibam can't get battery information on my eeepc?23:01
gbear14275Cynope:no error messages at least23:01
Cynopegbear14275, can you see initramfs files under that directory too?23:02
mralexandromoymoy: mounting via nautilus did not work for me, how did you say it could be done?23:02
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guntbertbonez46: the users are in /etc/passwd and the groups you are in you can see with groups23:02
Cynopegbear14275, or just initrd files?23:02
losherJuJuBee: erm, try skipping k3b and using growisofs directly?23:02
moymoyblognewb: oh.. not knowing how to exit man23:02
gbear14275Cynope: one sec I'll list in pastebin23:02
JuJuBeelosher : not familiar with growisofs23:02
moymoymralexandro: what kind of share is it? a windows share? just click on networking, and you can see the icon right there23:03
JuJuBeelosher: is it command line ?23:03
ProfOakIs there a way to make my own multi-iso LiveDVD?23:03
Dr_WillisProfOak:  bound to be a way.. ie seen it done.. but it will proberly need some skills and learning23:04
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sonium1can someone confirm my webserver working:
linuxguy2009ProfOak: Have you started with making your own custom ubuntu CD/DVD?23:04
daresaonium1, yeah23:04
sonium1k, thx23:04
ProfOaklinuxguy2009: No, I guess it's gonna be a long trip23:04
Dr_WillisProfOak:  ive seen many PC magazines have multi-linux disrtos on one included dvd. So i know it can be done. I could do it with Frugal installs of Puppy linux. But it Ubuntu makes it a little harder in ways23:04
linuxguy2009ProfOak: ubuntu customization kit is good for making a custom ubuntu. Ive used it myself. You can make a CD/DVD of ubuntu with whatever apps you want right out of the box.23:05
daresonium1, in future you could try accessing it from a web proxy like hidemyass.com23:05
losherJuJuBee: yes, it is cli. there is a man page. Basically, to burn DATA files direct to dvd, you do something like: growisofs -speed=4 -use-the-force-luke=noload -Z /dev/cdrom -dvd-compat -R -J <files>23:05
Dr_WillisOh My. :)23:05
linuxguy2009ProfOak: search synaptic for "uck"23:05
osecan anyone answer a question about '/etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf'?23:05
sonium1dare: hey, nice tip23:05
ProfOakDr_Willis: There's a security multi iso disk floating out there on the internet, and all the distros are out of date23:05
mralexandromoymoy: i am not sure what you mean by "click networking" where would i do this. the adress of the "server" would be
gbear14275Cynope: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/244773/23:06
Dr_WillisProfOak:  every time i ever see a magazine with disrtos on disk.. they are out of date. :)23:06
moymoymralexandro: at the left, there should be "networking"23:06
ProfOaklinuxguy2009: thanks I'll check that out, and try to make a custom ubuntu. I've been meaning to do that anyways.23:06
mralexandroleft as in nautilus or in the application i run on the iphone?23:06
ProfOakDr_Willis: This is hosted on a site, and the torrent took forever23:06
JuJuBeelosher what if I already have an iso image of the movie I wish to burn?23:07
Dr_WillisProfOak:   ive only customized puppylinux, slax, tinycore, and tried that new SuseService thing..  not tried ubuntu..  I found the syslinux system in ubuntum and how the live cds were laid out.. a bit confusing23:07
losherJuJuBee: with an iso, it's even easier: do growisofs -speed=4 -dvd-compat -Z /dev/cdrom=file.iso23:08
osehow can I save a .conf file? it won't let me23:08
Cynopegbear14275: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/244777/23:08
ubottuTo mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.23:09
mrwesJuJuBee, yah growisofs is the way to go23:09
th0rose: you use sudo when you open the editor23:09
linuxguy2009ProfOak: with UCK you select your ubuntu ISO and then you can use a terminal or synaptic to install programs and then it will pack them into your iso and you just burn it to CD or DVD depending on how many apps and the size of the final ISO. Then when you install ubuntu from your new custom CD/DVD all the apps you told uck to install will be there out of the box.Its really nice and easy.23:09
oseth0r: how?23:09
benno_fra_dkose: do you have root privileges?23:09
losherJuJuBee: once you get successful burns, you can start to up the speed....23:09
th0rose: which conf file?23:09
oseuhm, I installed ubuntu earlier today, I should have all rights23:09
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?23:09
gbear14275Cynope: ah ok... is there a way to get back to the grub boot list so I can edit the file?  I pushed c for a prompt... but don't know how to go back?  should I just reboot?23:10
VCoolioose: sudo nano <file> or gksudo gedit <file> in terminal23:10
ProfOaklinuxguy2009: That's rad, I'm gonna definitely use this for 9.10 since I'm not using ext4.23:10
th0rose: sudo nano /etc/bluetooth/rfcomm.conf23:10
gbear14275wiat... sorry my bad Cynope23:10
th0rose: and do yourself a favour, go to tldp.org and read up on linux basics23:10
ahmoshi i have a mf626 usb modem but i can't configure it, any help please23:10
Cynopegbear14275, You can't edit the file from grub bootloader, you need to edit that file in your linux23:10
mralexandromoymoy: left of the nautilus or left of iphone applicaiton?23:11
Cynopejust do a "locate menu.lst"23:11
th0rCynope: it is /boot/grub/menu.lst23:11
linuxguy2009ahmos: dialup modem?23:11
jejediis there anyone who can help me to solve a problem?23:11
jribjejedi: best to just ask the channel your actual question (on a single line)23:12
Cynopeth0r. Yeah I know, but he couldn't find it there :P23:12
moymoymralexandro: left of nautilus23:12
jribmralexandro: any progress23:12
ahmoslinuxguy2009 yes23:12
linuxguy2009jejedi: When you come in feel free to just ask the question right when you come in. Ask your question its ok.23:12
th0rCynope: well, it isn't going to work anywhere else <smile>23:12
ldleworkikonia, hey, when I select the xmonad session type, gnome doesn't start. Any ideas? When I load normal session and start xmonad then kill metacity it works. But if I pick the xmonad session type I'm not sure what needs to be started to get the gnome stuff.23:12
moymoymralexandro: exactly what type of server are you mounting?23:12
JuJuBeelosher thanks, I will try that23:13
jribldlework: well xmonad wouldn't have anything to do with gnome by default23:13
mralexandromoymoy: jrib: i am not sure. but here is the adress to the aplication http://www.quickoffice.com/quickoffice_iphone/23:13
Cynopeth0r, that's might explain why his linux wouldn't boot :-?23:13
jribldlework: http://www.haskell.org/haskellwiki/Xmonad/Using_xmonad_in_Gnome23:14
ldleworkjrib, I know. What do I run to initialize all the gnome stuff?23:14
th0rCynope: worth betting on23:14
linuxguy2009ahmos: Well I have heard that most USB ports are all standard interfaces and all work out of the box for the most part, however devices plugged into the USB ports like your modem depend mainly on kernel driver support, and/or a 3rd party driver provided by the manufacturer.23:14
jejediI've just install ubuntu 9.04 and I have no sound, according to some forums it appears that it can comes from my tactile touchs which don't work, do you know how to solve that?23:14
th0rCynope: locate is part of find-utils...not installed by default23:14
losherJuJuBee: another cause of mysterious failure is media incompatibility. I have good luck with Verbatim brand blanks...23:14
linuxguy2009ahmos: You will most likely need to find a deb or .run driver file.23:14
jribmralexandro: have you tried contacting them directly?23:15
gbear14275Cynope: th0r:  I have my menu.lst file23:15
gbear14275Cynope: th0r its in /grub/menu.lst23:15
benno_fra_dkjejedi: is the a "file" in /dev/dsp?23:15
ProfOaklinuxguy2009: I'm trying to install from the synpatic, and from a deb. It keeps asking me for my kubuntu jaunty disk, but when I put it in, it gets recognized, but doesn't stop giving the error.23:15
ahmoslinuxguy2009 thank you alot and i'll continue searching23:15
Cynopegbear14275, it will probably be mounted on /boot when you boot your linux23:15
linuxguy2009ahmos: maybe do a "sudo lshw" and see if the kernel recognizes your modem.23:15
gbear14275Cynope: th0r:  so I have to boot from a live cd then?23:15
mralexandrojrib: no i have not, since i thought they would say like everyone; we just support windows and mac....23:15
jejediI a real nubby, i don't undersand... can you explain? sorry...23:16
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gbear14275there isn't a text editor I can get from the grub prompt23:16
blognewbin the reverse dns, is it advisable to put it www.domain.com or just domain.com?23:16
Cynopegbear14275, you can do that too, I just wanted to make sure that you can actually boot from grub.23:16
JuJuBeelosher I am using Memorex.  I had great luck with them until the last 20 or so of a 100 pack.23:16
benno_fra_dkjejedi: open a terminal, write ls /dev/dsp23:16
crazysoulafter just a normal restart my GRUB says "Error 18" :(23:16
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gbear14275Cynope: ah, yeah no success yet, the third line of your pastebin yielded an error23:16
JuJuBeelosher: after I insert a blank DVD-R, do I mount it somehow? or does growisofs take care of that?23:17
jribmralexandro: never know until you try :)23:17
gbear14275Cynope: something about a direct filename or block file23:17
jejedibenno: ok qnd then?23:17
benno_fra_dkjejedi: qnd?23:17
Cynopegbear14275, I forgot / it should be initrd /initrd.....23:17
losherJuJuBee: for writing, you just pop in the dvd-r and invoke growisofs...23:17
jribmralexandro: even if you just ask them for more details about how the files are shared, I'm sure they would help you23:17
JuJuBeelosher: ok thanks again23:17
crazysoulany clues on how to fix this Error 18 in grub? (dualboot w xp)23:18
benno_fra_dkwhat does ls /dev/dsp tell you - is this file present?23:18
bobwhoopsWhere does output from /etc/init.d/ scripts get logged?23:18
jejedibenno: it just print /dev/dsp ...23:18
th0rbobwhoops: at least some of it is in /var/log/messages23:19
mralexandrojrib: thats true, will try to do that23:19
benno_fra_dkjejedi: try ls -l23:19
mralexandroi will do this one in windows for now and research it further:)23:19
gbear14275Cynope: ok that worked... but still no boot into linux... "target filesystem doesn't have /sbin/init"  <-- looks like the error message23:19
jejedibenno:I have a file yes23:19
Cynopegbear14275, that's because your "root" isn't located where you specified23:20
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?23:20
bobwhoopsth0r: are you sure? I don't see any of it there23:20
Cynopegbear14275, try to play with root=/dev/sda? to see where you have installed your linux23:20
gbear14275alright... i'll try stepping through them Cynope.  btw... thank you so much for the help so far... I'm feeling like this is close23:21
benno_fra_dkjejedi: ok, then. try "cat /dev/urandom >> /dev/dsp" (hold your ears - what you are doing is pushing random data to the sound card - should produce a lot of noise in your speakers)23:21
eNons3nsecan you guys possibly help me?  for some reason my sansa clip has stopped mounting.  the screen on the device shows it's connected, but it never shows up on my system.23:21
Cynopegbear14275, np :) I hope it works.23:21
th0rbobwhoops: I am looking at mine now...can see the video starting, the bluetooth loading, etc23:21
ProfOakIs there something wrong with the ubuntu repositories? I'm not getting anything from it.23:22
jejedibenno: there is no sound23:22
Cynopebenno_fra_dk, that was really fun :DD23:22
crazysoulplease can someone help me? i'm running into a "Error 18" in Grub23:22
benno_fra_dkjejedi: is there a speaker icon next to your name??23:23
bobwhoopsth0r: I'm looking for user level stuff, like apache, mysql, etc.23:23
WIGGMPk1I am having an issue with PulseAudio, roughly 8 out of 10 times that I boot/reboot, I have to run "killall pulseaudio" then "pulseaudio -D" in the terminal in order to restore ANY and ALL sound to my system. The times that I have to do this, the custom sound works at the login screen but the login sound theme does not play. Please help...!23:23
benno_fra_dkjejedi: what happens when you click it?23:23
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JuJuBeelosher: I get this error... :-( "/dev/cdrom=MyStuff.iso": unexpected errno:No such file or directory23:24
gbear14275Cynope: when i put the command root (hd0,?) in should ? be the root partition or the boot partition23:24
ahmoslinuxguy2009 why i can't set a mobile broadband connection,when i try to manage network connections there is only wierd and wireless and vpn , mobilebroadband and dsl are not active23:24
jejedibenno: I have a sound bar at 70% and it's not mute23:24
mhammerdoes ubuntu have something like linuxmint has, it's called mintinstall23:24
Cynoperoot (hd0,BOOTPARTION) -- root=/dev/ROOTPARTITION23:24
losherJuJuBee: can I see the full command line please?23:24
goldenbluedoes anybody uses ubuntu with VirtualBox?i can't mount cd device maybe smb can help23:24
Cynopegbear14275, root (hd0,BOOTPARTION) -- root=/dev/ROOTPARTITION23:25
benno_fra_dkare you shure that your speakers are connected?23:25
JuJuBeelosher: growisofs -speed=4 -dvd-compat -Z /dev/cdrom=MyStuff.iso23:25
crazysoulplease can somebody help me here, error 18 in GRUB23:25
jejedibenno: it's a laptop, I tried the command lspci and there is the audio device23:25
linuxguy2009Hey guys hows come firefox 3.5 isnt picked up as an update in synaptic?23:26
JuJuBeelosher: Ah, I think it is because there is only /dev/cdrom1 and /dev/cdrw123:26
linuxguy2009I can manually install it but I thought it was strange.23:26
benno_fra_dkjejedi: what kind of soundcard is present?23:26
losherJuJuBee: that would do it. You can check which device is which by doing eject /dev/cdrom1 and seeing which tray opens...23:26
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?23:26
VCooliolinuxguy2009: it's a separate package, not an update to 3.0, you can have them installed together23:27
linuxguy2009VCoolio: hmm strange. Thanks for answering.23:27
Ose|afkuhm: 'To connect anyRemote to /dev/rfcommX it needs to run anyRemote with -s /dev/rfcommX command line parameter or specify it in configuration file directly.' - what command? specify what in the file?23:27
jejedibenno: Intel 82801I (ICH9 Family) HD Audio Controller23:27
JuJuBeelosher: that was it... seems to be writing now... keep fingers crossed.23:28
Cynopegbear14275, I'm guessing boot = (hd0,4) / and root=/dev/sda323:28
gbear14275Cynope: can I use the uuid's instead?  looking at the grub line and it has uuid's in it23:28
losherJuJuBee: here's hoping...23:28
EvilPenguin|how do i enable dual monitors.. One HDML?23:28
JuJuBeelosher: :(  :-[ WRITE@LBA=100h failed with SK=5h/INVALID ADDRESS FOR WRITE]: Invalid argument23:28
th0rbobwhoops: you are right...that stuff (or most of it) doesn't show in messages23:28
benno_fra_dkTry clicking the "volume control"- or something - button under the slider - do you get a mixer?23:29
sebsebseb!ff35 | linuxguy200923:29
ubottulinuxguy2009: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY23:29
Cynopegbear14275, er... you can use uuid ofc, but i doubt that would help at all. [ its exactly like writing /dev/sda4 ]23:29
jzaboohi, anyone here still up and being able to help me with postfix?23:29
jejedibenno:yes i hqve the mixer23:29
linuxguy2009sebsebseb: yep thanks bud23:29
ProfOaklinuxguy2009: Do you have UCK installed already? When I try to install it, it asks me for a kubuntu CD,  but does nothing when I put it in.23:29
RoastedIs anybody familiar with sysprep and mass deploying of Vista machines? I need serious help asap... I'm in a bind with so little time to spare...23:29
RoastedAh CRAP wrong channel - sorry guys!23:30
losherJuJuBee: wow, that happened quickly. My best guess is you have a hardware issue....23:30
gbear14275well I noticed at the grub prompt is lists the uuids... so was thinking those might be accurate... is that the case?  or are those not necessarily the right ones23:30
linuxguy2009ProfOak: You need to rip the *buntu cd to an ISO and point it to that.23:30
linuxguy2009ProfOak: Brasero can do it.23:30
benno_fra_dkand does it say: unit: intel blah blah (alsa mixer) or something like that ( my system is danish, so I am translating here)23:30
ProfOaklinuxguy2009: I'll try it23:30
g073nksargh, can someone help me with my wireless NIC23:30
JuJuBeelosher: I don't think so as I said earlier, this drive works in windows fine.  I have burned several in Windows23:31
jejedibenno: ok mine is french... I have HDA Intel (Alsa mixer)23:31
JuJuBeeI even burned same move in both OS's and it fails in linux23:31
JkesslerCan someone recommend a good Wireless-n draft 2.0 pci card for Ubuntu 9.04 that works out of the box?23:31
Guest83287what's the command to move a not copy a directory to a different location ?23:31
linuxguy2009JuJuBee: Do you get a power calibration error?23:31
jzabooI've just managed to make postfix working fine. Everything runs except one thing: sasl auth against my sql database. actually my sql-server recieves the queries but I still get: SASL LOGIN authentication failed: authentication failure or  SASL DIGEST-MD5 authentication failed: authentication failure. Can anyone help me out?23:31
JuJuBeelinuxguy2009: not sure where would I see it?23:32
Guest83287what's the command to move a not copy a directory to a different location ?23:32
linuxguy2009JuJuBee: Oh you would know it if you had it. I just wondered.23:32
Guest83287what's the command to move, not copy a directory to a different location ?23:32
JuJuBeeUsing growisofs - no23:32
g073nkswith my wireless nic i've "installed" the drivers via ndiswrapper, but my wireless nic still doesn't work23:32
gbear14275Cynope: does sda1 correspond to (hd0,1)?23:32
kalakouentinhello do you know some way that I can find the OS that is running to the server I am pinging?23:32
losherJuJuBee: if I were you, I'd start googling. Perhaps it's a known incompatibility with linux and that model of burner? Or there's a firmware update (less likely) that fixes it...23:32
Cynopegbear14275, sda1 = hd0,023:32
gbear14275so sda2 would be hd0,1?23:33
benno_fra_dktry unmuting and turning up every posible controller.23:33
JuJuBeelosher: burner is LG my previous burner did same thing (thats why I got a new one) and was LiteON23:33
DaZkalakouentin: nmap23:33
gbear14275I think we have a winner!!!!23:33
JuJuBeeThe previous burner worked for a long time with linux only recently (last month or so) it started failing23:34
didrikHelp! "sudo: In: command not found" When I try to make a symbolic link. : P23:34
gbear14275Cynope: YES!  got a login prompt23:34
Jkesslerg073nks:  not all wireless cards work with ubuntu23:34
kalakouentinthank you23:34
Cynopegbear14275, Grats :)23:34
DaZdlmarti: it's not In23:34
jejedibenno: I hqve still no cound23:34
losherJuJuBee: sorry, at this point I'm stumped...23:34
g073nksJkessler, i've done searching, it's been posted someone else got the same card to work23:34
Cynopegbear14275, the rest is up to you just edit your menu.lst file.23:34
didrikDaZ: Huh, it's says that on many places... What is it then? : P23:34
JuJuBeelosher: btw, I can burn cd-r fine23:34
benno_fra_dknow try cat /dev/urandom >> /dev/dsp again23:34
DaZlike in faiL23:34
trismwhat card g073nks?23:35
didrikOooh, haha23:35
gbear14275thanks... is there any problem putting the sda stuff instead of the uuid?23:35
g073nkstrism linksys (i know i know) wmp11 v2.723:35
linuxguy2009Whats the terminal command to run ff3.5 now? "firefox-3.5"?23:35
benno_fra_dkjejedi: now try cat /dev/urandom >> /dev/dsp again23:35
losherJuJuBee: what os version are you running?23:35
DaZlinuxguy2009: firefox + tab ? :f23:35
JuJuBeekubuntu 9.0423:35
VCooliolinuxguy2009: exactly23:35
Cynopegbear14275, not really if you aren't planning to add new hard disks, or you aren't booting from USB, but if you need to put uuids, you can use blkid command.23:35
jejedibenno: sorry nothing happens23:36
benno_fra_dkis there a /dev/dps1 ?23:36
JkesslerCan someone recommend a good Wireless-n draft 2.0 pci card for Ubuntu 9.04 that works out of the box?  I'm designing a wireless network for a company that I recently built a fileserver for and I don't want the hassle of trying to get the card recognized23:36
g073nksdo i have to use an older version of ndiswrapper? or manually install (make) instead of dpkg the deb file for newer version23:36
jejedibenno : no23:36
didrikDaZ: sudo: l: command not found23:37
didrikDidn't work : p23:37
=== Befolked is now known as Crunchy_the_Head
* DaZ facepalm23:37
benno_fra_dkSorry then I'm lost.. Anyone else?23:37
linuxguy2009hmm strange it says "firefox-3.5" thats what i thought it was I checked the program names in the ff package in synaptic and also did the firefox +tab and its right. But wont start.23:37
linuxguy2009Do I need to remove the old ff package?23:38
g073nksplz i really don't want to be stuck with win2k23:38
losherJuJuBee: sorry, I'm out of ideas at this point. If I were you, I might try moving the unit to a different controller if one was available, but it's kind of clutching at straws, sorry...23:38
jejedibenno: some says that it's because of the tactile touchs that rule the sound, do you know a package to make them function?23:38
benno_fra_dkjejedi: what kind of laptop?23:39
trismdoes the card show up in dmesg? and is the ndiswrapper module loaded?23:39
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?23:39
jejedibenno : HP HDX 1623:39
VCooliolinuxguy2009: shouldn't be necessary; no error output?23:39
g073nksdmesg? let me check, it's in another room23:39
* g073nks still fairly new to linux... used before but hdd's kept crashing23:39
linuxguy2009VCoolio: Ah i got it, just removed the old ff 3 and the gnoem support for it. Cool. Thanks guys.23:40
gbear14275Cynope: got a favorite project or paypal account?  I'll be trying to pay it forward when it comes my time to help others... but I appreciate a helping hand too!23:40
sebsebsebfg56lx: does it ever crackle?23:40
fg56lxsebsebseb: No, it just skips.23:40
Cynopegbear14275 :) that's ok, I'm just glad I could help.23:41
benno_fra_dkjejedi: try searching for laptop or hotkey in synaptic.23:41
=== Crunchy_the_Head is now known as Arv3n
loshergbear14275: we do it for the glory, the adoring crowds, the adrenaline rush. The money's strictly secondary...23:43
kitty_how do you mount a bluetooth device as root ?23:44
jejedibenno: there is a package hotkey-setup already installed on my laptop which is supposed to cinfigure automaticly the hotkeys23:45
didrikDaZ, I see. Thanks! XD23:46
jejedibenno : actually the touchs 'play','top','>>' etc work, but not the one to mute the sound, nor the one to shut down the wifi qnd the one to eject a CD, so the ones that deals with the hardware23:46
Cynopegbear14275, have a good day/night, g2g.23:47
DaZ15 minutes23:47
DaZnot bad [;23:47
kitty_jejedi, if you goto the shortcuts tab in your keyboard config, you can do it yourself23:47
CynopeLater guys.23:47
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?23:48
ldleworkHi I'm attempting to use XMonad on Jaunty. I've done all the xmonad steps for running on jaunty. My behavior is that metacity is not running, but xmonad doesn't run either. If I run xmonad on the command line it starts up and works perfectly. I have the startup launcher written out correctly. There are no xmonad.errors. Someone please help!23:48
sol93is the remote desktop reachable, when I forward the port to the outside of my firewall/router or is there something additional preventing external connections?23:48
P_KableHi. I need to create a split archive but the option "Split in volumes of" is grayed out, anybody knows why ?23:49
kitty_sol93 you maybe blocking connections outside of your network with your linux firewall or within the x server's configuration23:49
sol93x server??23:49
jejedikitty : where can i find the shorstcut tab?23:49
kitty_jejedi: system : preferences : keyboard shortcuts23:50
sol93kitty_: i can connect locally. i tried to reach out my remotedesktop with a forward of port 5900, and i cant connect via the server's ip. Thats maybe, the source is in the same subnet, as the target?23:51
kitty_sol93: System : Preferences : Remote Desktop -> advanced23:51
sol93there is no advanced tab23:51
kitty_if you have "accept local only" it won't allow remote ips to connect23:51
DrknezzAnyone knows why firefox won't follow gtk-qt-engine's directives? emesene does23:51
kitty_sol93 pm me your ip address i'll see if the port is open23:51
sol93kitty_: how can my ubuntu know, that it isnt locally, when it is coming through a forwarded port??23:51
kitty_the "forwarded port" just dumps all the packets it recieves on your computer23:52
kitty_it doesn't change them, it doesn't change the source or destination for them, it just goes "here, you deal with them"23:52
linuxguy2009Now just so I am clear the ff 3.5 in the repos is not a beta or anything correct? Its an offical release?23:52
benno_fra_dkHardy, Bluetooth, GPS - sdptool browse <mac-address> returns "Invalid exchange". HEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEELP!!23:53
jejedikitty:the shortcuts are well configured with the otkeys, and if i try to change them the hotkeys work, so any idea?23:53
trismyeah firefox3.5 in the repos is 3.5.1, I'm using it right now23:54
kitty_jejedi so what was the problem?23:54
jejedikitty : i have jsut installed ubuntu 9.04 on my HP laptop and I have absolutley no sound23:54
kimimaroinstall photoshop ubuntu?23:54
kitty_do you have a speaker icon in your system notification area?23:55
Stralytici'm getting alot of sata errors in my logs, see http://pastebin.com/m2e1fa43c ... can anyone hazard a guess as to the cause?23:55
jejedikitty : yes, but nothing is mute23:55
raulhhey guys im just wondering how do i install flash on firefox 3?23:55
linuxguy2009trism: cool thanks. I just ran acidtest3 and sunspider and they both show pretty high improvments in speed.23:55
DaZraulh: like on any other browser? :f23:55
raulhno adobe doesn't support linux.23:56
DaZgood to know23:56
kitty_pop something into your headphone jack and see if you get sound out through that23:56
pocIs any body know about symfony23:56
linuxguy2009raulh: What do you mean adobe doesnt support linux? For main apps you mean? You do know they have a linux flash plugin and adobe reader right?23:56
DrknezzAnyone knows why firefox won't follow gtk-qt-engine's directives? emesene does23:56
raulhi know they do linuxguy2009, but i can't find it.23:57
linuxguy2009raulh: What do you need?23:57
DaZraulh: repositories maybe? :f23:57
raulhi had to setup ndiswrapper and i dont get the "proprietary" drivers either.23:57
raulhor the "update now" message23:57
jejedikitty : i have still no sound23:58
wweaselI have a laptop with integrated Intel X3100 graphics (i965 chipset).  I'm trying to run 3D games, but I believe that hardware acceleration isn't working. How would I check?23:58
DaZwweasel: glxgears23:58
kitty_jejedi: System: Preferences : Multimedia system selector23:58
=== marsha is now known as melinux
linuxguy2009raulh: adobe.com and go to flash and download the deb for flash. Its easy.23:58
DrknezzAnyone knows why firefox won't follow gtk-qt-engine's directives? emesene does23:59
linuxguy2009raulh: double click it and install23:59
melinuxIs it possible to "undo" an update?23:59
DaZDrknezz: no23:59
DaZsatisfied? :f23:59
wweaselDaZ: I see some gears, at 715 FPS. I suppose that means it's working.23:59
DrknezzDaZ: :S23:59
trismflash is actually in the repos, generally easier to install that way23:59
raulhError: Dependency is not satisfiable: libnspr4-dev23:59
DaZwweasel: i think so23:59

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