
=== TCP\IP is now known as inkvizitor68sl
=== inkvizitor68sl is now known as ink_away
BUGabundomonrning !10:35
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
=== ink_away is now known as inkvizitor68sl
naelrHas anyone had any success installing Ubuntuone in KDE?19:17
naelrI figure this has been asked a few hundred times19:17
BUGabundolots of ppl19:21
naelrwell I got it installed but I cannot get it to launch the site to add this computer...19:32
naelrhave been searching for about an hour now for some instructions .. don't suppose anyone can point me to a good page ..19:34
BUGabundosudo apt-get install ubuntuone-client ubuntuone-client-gnome ???19:35
naelrno I have it installed and running I just can't get it to connect19:36
naelraccording to the page it is supposed to launch (on the first load) a page to add this computer as a device that can connect19:37
naelrIt will not call the launcher directly to the page19:37
BUGabundoit  need network-manager19:38
inkvizitor68slfor why ??? xD19:38
inkvizitor68sli dont talk, what dont.... but why oO19:39
naelrreally? hmmm ok will try apt-geting that19:39
inkvizitor68sland dont it need nautilus?19:39
BUGabundofor GUI yes, I think19:39
naelrnetwork manager is already installed19:39
inkvizitor68slit will not work on my eeepc19:40
naelrI have jaunty on my eeepc I will try that.. but I have jaunty kde on my desktop which is where I wanna do all this from19:41
BUGabundosome ppl use WICD19:41
BUGabundoand that doesn't work19:41
naelrthis is just crazy19:41
naelrit is at least loading now which it woudln't do when I got the invite ... it woudln't put the client in the taskbar19:42
naelrhehehe eeepc is slow hehehe19:49
inkvizitor68slnaelr, why?19:51
inkvizitor68sleeepc 1000h19:51
inkvizitor68slwith atom N27019:51
inkvizitor68sli can run few virtualbox3 machines on it)19:52
BUGabundoa few?19:52
inkvizitor68slapt-build magick yep.19:53
naelrno not the eeepc19:54
naelrthe ubuntuone not wanting to authorize this machine in kde19:55
naelrand I have the original eeepc 701 hehehe19:56
naelrubuntuone installed just fine.... on it and went to the page... I am trying to find the token for this machine (desktop) so I can manualy open the page19:56
naelrwhere I dual boot this box into windows... both windows and linux don't like the time. .and one of them really messes with my time ... so I just ntpdate when I boot into linux... it was my time.. time was way off..20:02
naelrit said 11 am and it is 3 pm here... ubuntuone  site didn't like that ... so it woudln't hand out a token20:02
BUGabundoknown bug20:06
BUGabundowind  and linux store the date in diff ways into the bios20:07
BUGabundo*buntu has ways to determine that and work around20:07
BUGabundoif your system didn't, you must have something out of the ordinarie20:07
BUGabundothere's a flag you can change to make that fixed20:08
naelrdon't suppose you know the flag?21:49
naelrif not no biggie I will go look for it ..21:49
naelralso have you have ubuntuone not download all files... it has been open and updating everything I have uploaded since that last time I posted.. and 2 files have not downloaded.. is their a command to force a resync?21:50
tcolenaelr: if all else fails, disconnecting and then reconnecting should prompt a sync, though it will take a while to perform23:42

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