
=== Wajih is now known as MaWaLe
mac_vMDC2: for nautilus > Bug #40838414:48
ubot4Launchpad bug 408384 in nautilus "Nautilus need to use "gtk_image_menu_item_set_always_show_image" for essential icons." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40838414:48
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
mac_vDanRabbit1: ping ... the gpm labels need to be updated > Bug #38327416:16
ubot4Launchpad bug 383274 in human-icon-theme "missing icons for gnome-power-manager" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/38327416:16
=== jono__ is now known as jono
DanRabbit1mac_v: working on it right now16:36
mac_vDanRabbit1: Pls, remind me when you push the rev to bazaar16:40
DanRabbit1mac_v: okay, I pushed it. Try it now :D16:41
mac_vDanRabbit1:  i meant the gpm-primary-000-charging , are now all labelled gpm-battery-**16:43
mac_vit has been changed in karmic16:44
DanRabbit1yea, it should be all there, I just pushed it16:44
mac_vhehe... i was too quick ;p16:44
mac_vgot it now :)16:45
DanRabbit1oh, yea launchpad takes a few seconds :D16:45
mac_vDanRabbit1: are you working on mac or linux?16:47
DanRabbit1mac_v: I have a mac and I dual-boot between Ubuntu and OS X16:47
DanRabbit1It depends on the task at hand, but for icons I work in Linux16:47
mac_vthere are nasty OSX remenants ._.DS_Store16:48
mac_vDanRabbit1: and .DS_Store in several folders16:48
DanRabbit1I'll check that out16:48
DanRabbit1okay, removed them16:51
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
MDC2mac_v, yeah, saw that one. Hopefully I got some time later this evening to fix it. But it would be nice if I got some comment on the first patch first...18:43
mac_vMDC2: http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=590652 , i think the patch needs to go here18:45
ubot4Gnome bug 590652 in general "Menus don't show any icons for bookmarks and places if menus_have_icons=false" [Normal,Unconfirmed] 18:45
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
MDC2mac_v, add the patch to that bug report?19:11
mac_vMDC2: i think thats the right place for the force icons for applications patch19:12
MDC2mac_v, i'll add a copy to it :)19:15
mac_vMDC2: how do you take screenshot of context menus? i'm not able to do it! when the context menu is active the screenshot doent work!19:21
MDC2mac_v, virtual box :-)19:32
mac_vah ha... ;)19:33
MDC2mac_v, is the shit when developing stuff, don't wanna break my desktop :)19:34
MDC2actually surprised of the performance.. to bad my version doesn't handle multiple cpus, would be good when compiling19:35
mac_vMDC2: hehe... thats what i did when using your ppa ;) virtual box i totally awesome19:36
MDC2yep, don't trust my ppa's with your desktop ;)19:36
MDC2mac_v, lots of bugs of the same thing now; http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59064719:37
ubot4Gnome bug 590647 in general "use :always-show-image for boomarks/places in menus" [Normal,Unconfirmed] 19:37
MDC2not sure where to bother people about my patch..19:38
MDC2i'll ask in #nautilus..19:38
mac_vMDC2: add it to andreas's bug , i'm marking the other as a dup19:38
MDC2hmm.. they already did the other way around..19:39
mac_vMDC2: oh andreas's has been makerd as dup ;p19:39
MDC2ok, patch added19:43
MDC2mac_v, you don't happen to be a native english speaker? I'd like some comments on documentation of a function later...19:45
SiDihe is a mac_v native speaker !19:48
mac_vSiDi is alive !19:50
SiDinoh, i'm a zombi19:50
SiDigot killed early this morning. i just learnt again how to use the keyboard19:50
mac_vSiDi: darn it , whoever killed obviously didnt do a good job ;p19:51
mac_vkilled you*19:51
SiDii totally agree. THey'd better have kept me alive, i was easier to feed19:52
MDC2how many lines is ok to post?19:55
mac_vMDC2: use pastebin19:56
MDC2mac_v, http://pastebin.com/d792d5bec19:59
MDC2I've added the function wnck_window_get_raw_name and need to update the documentation to reflect the change. get_name filters the \t\n\r chars from the name so it won't mess upp the taskbar etc..20:00
mac_vMDC2: is this> wnck_window_get_name also your or only the raw part?20:03
MDC2well, I've updated w_w_get_name so it filters the \n, \t and \r chars, so I've updated the doc as well...20:04
MDC2so... yes, and no :)20:04
mac_vMDC2: ah... could i have a look at the original documentation?20:04
MDC2sure, 2 sec20:04
MDC2ok with just seeing the complete patch?20:05
MDC2hmm. maybe not as you won't see the whole text.. 20:05
MDC22 sec20:06
MDC2mac_v, http://pastebin.com/d278adc07 <--orig20:07
mac_vMDC2: what does get_raw_name do?20:10
mac_vas in  _window_get_name > displays in the pager ,  get_raw_name ?20:11
MDC2mac_v, the doc is that bad? :-) well, it returns the name as the window actually reported it, including \t etc if it exitsts20:11
mac_vjust a sec20:11
MDC2well, this is a lib (libwnck) so it's up to the programmer if he wants to use the "raw name" of a window or not..20:12
MDC2this just lets him decide20:12
mac_vMDC2: http://paste.ubuntu.com/246585/ 20:20
mac_vI dont think the "filtered" needs to be mentioned20:21
MDC2ok, thanks! will add this to the function and the similar functions in the other classes :)20:21
mac_vnp... 20:22

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