
pooliehi all00:45
pigmejhi ;)00:49
pigmejanyone alive?00:49
pygimaybe not00:51
lifelesstheory has it that we can't really tell00:51
pigmejok guys :)00:52
pigmejI need to setup multibranch env00:52
pigmejwith bug tracking system...00:52
pigmejthe question is how to do it "good"00:52
pigmejand what do you recomend ;-)00:52
pigmejFor now I cannot use launchpad...00:53
pigmejnot yet..00:53
lifelesspigmej: I don't really know what you want00:53
pygiI think he wants a bug system integrated with bzr00:54
pigmejlifeless: I have project...00:54
pigmejWe have multiple branches00:54
pygipigmej, you might be interested in cluemapper then?00:54
pigmejWe want to "manage" bugs etc with web interface00:54
pigmejI'm trying to do it with Trac00:54
pygipigmej, http://projects.serverzen.com/pm/p/cluemapper00:55
pygialso look into ClueBzrServer00:55
pygi(its there on that page)00:55
pygibut I'm off to sleep now :p00:55
pigmejI will look ;)00:55
pigmejCu ;)00:55
spivGood morning.01:00
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lifelessjml: are you back?01:05
poolielifeless: i don't think he will be01:06
poolieaccording to my record01:06
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lifelesspigmej: why can't you use launchpad?01:15
pigmejI need to store code in private plase01:16
pigmejuntil first public release01:16
pigmejGPLv3 licence01:16
lifelesslaunchpad can do that if you get a subscription01:16
pigmejlifeless: yah payed one01:16
lifeless(private hosting is a for-fee service)01:16
pigmejlifeless: lauchpad hasn't private "projects"....01:17
pigmejor am I wrong?01:17
lifelesshmm, I don't remember01:17
pigmejbtw error: Could not find suitable distribution for Requirement.parse('TracWysiwyg')01:17
lifelessI suggest you ask on #launchpad about that01:17
pigmejfrom easy_install cluemapper01:18
pigmejok I've fixed it01:21
pigmejlifeless: launchpad hasn't private "space" in 100%01:21
pigmejbut it's open source now.. so maybe that's the way..01:21
pooliepigmej: if you ask and explain the situation they might give you free temporary private hosting01:26
pooliei'm not sure01:26
spivpoolie: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bzr/+bug/375013, see comment #1.  That's the hpss blackbox test that fails with 2a.01:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 375013 in bzr "Commit doesn't honor stacking invariants" [Critical,Triaged]01:27
pooliespiv: i pushed lp:~mbp/bzr/default2a02:24
poolienice idea02:24
GungaDinWhile I'm trying to checkout a branch on my Windows machine, I keep getting a' bzr: ERROR [Errno 2] No such file or directory: u'.....'' while bzr is downloading the tree. any ideas why?02:24
poolieGungaDin: not unless you provide more information02:24
lifelessGungaDin: look in the log - bzr --version will tell you where the log is02:24
lifelessthere should be a backtrace; could you pastebin that thanks.02:25
lifeless        if not hasattr(test, '__call__'):02:28
lifeless            raise TypeError("the test to add must be callable")02:28
lifelessI sometimes despair about upstream02:28
pigmejlifeless: have you tried cluemapper with bzr ?02:29
pigmejhow to do it?02:29
lifelesspigmej: I don't know what cluemapper is - so no, sorry.02:30
GungaDinwrong one02:31
lifelessGungaDin: no problem02:31
lifelessI think you might be running into a path depth issue02:40
GungaDin.. ?02:40
GungaDinwhy? is there a limitation?02:40
lifelesseither that, or one of the elements in C:/cygwin/home/me/Sources/myproj/.bzr/checkout/limbo/new-100/A/B/C/D/E/a.b.c.d.e.f.datasource is missing02:40
lifelessGungaDin: windows has many limitations02:40
GungaDinI hardly believe that's the case.02:41
lifelessis that the actual string, or did you edit it somewhat ?02:41
GungaDinI just changed that directory and file names. Not the depth.02:41
lifelessI need to know how long the original string was02:42
GungaDinjust a sec, I'll let you know.02:42
GungaDinYou think it's greater than 255?02:42
GungaDinthe limit is 127?02:42
lifelessthere are several different limits02:43
lifelessper-dir and total length02:43
lifelessI'm just refreshing my memory02:43
GungaDinthe path string length is 26202:43
lifelessthe limit is 26002:44
lifeless"In the Windows API (with some exceptions discussed in the following paragraphs), the maximum length for a path is MAX_PATH, which is defined as 260 characters. "02:44
lifelessthere are some things that can be done to use longer paths, but they have various different problems02:46
lifelesssuch as causing Windows Explorer to fail02:46
lifelessif you can make a temp dir a c:\F02:50
lifelessand checkout into that it may work better02:50
lifelessplease file a bug; there are some things we can do to workaround this, if we can detect it even half decently02:50
GungaDinMSDN also mentions there are functions to use an extended path name.02:55
GungaDinup to 32768 chars.02:55
lifelessyes. - as I said above in fact :). "11:46 < lifeless> there are some things that can be done to use longer paths, but they have various different problems"02:57
lifelessspiv: are you sending to pqm from lp successfully now?02:58
spivlifeless: not yet, but I don't think I've tried recently.03:07
spivMy locations.conf still uses http:// for public_location as a workaround.03:07
GungaDinok, submitted a bug03:14
poolielifeless: subunit is making me install libtool; ewww03:16
poolieyou do get points though for not shipping the standard useless INSTALL file03:18
lifelesspoolie: you probably don't need the C bindings; you can just add ./python to your path; or use one of the debs03:19
meoblast001i have the BZR-CIA plugin installed, by any chance does anyone know how to remove CIA reporting from a project (i'm going to be pushing to a seperate branch03:19
lifelessmeoblast001: I don't know, sorry.03:20
poolieyou have debs now?03:21
lifelessas I said to jam :P03:22
lifelesshttps://edge.launchpad.net/~subunit has two PPA's03:22
lifelessreleases and snapshots03:22
poolieyou should link to them from the subunit home page...,03:22
lifelessif you're on a distro-release that isn't represented, let me know and I'll upload targetting it for you03:22
pooliei'm on jaunty and on karmic03:23
lifelessit would be nice if lp would join these things a little more nicely.03:23
lifelessanyhow, right now. _food_. I shall return shortly.03:24
SamBusing Ubuntu ;-P03:33
poolierather than?03:34
SamBDebian, duh!03:34
poolieoh, i thought you were going to say GEOS03:35
lifelesspoolie: subunit 0.1 (a snapshot between 0.1 and 0.2 actually) is in karmic, no ppa needed there at all04:01
poolielifeless: does subunit, eg subunit-stats, print out the errors but not the failures?04:03
SamBdon't you need to use subunit-filter to get that?04:05
SamBthat's what I'm doing04:05
* SamB is using 0.0.2~bzr68-104:06
lifelesspoolie: subunit-stats consumes the entire stream, just reports the aggregate; if you're seeing other stuff, its being passed through04:06
lifelesswhich can be caused by badly escaped exceptions (I have to check for bugs there), *or* bzr corrupting the stream by e.g. top level network progress output04:06
SamBwhen I run bzr selftest --subunit it tells me *everything*04:07
lifelessSamB: right; you can pipe that through subunit2pyunit for a pyunit display; trunk has subunit2gtk, subunit2pyunit --progress to get a bzr progress bar04:07
lifelessif you want to read the raw stream, subunit-filter --no-skip is probably what you want04:07
poolielifeless: bug 40818604:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408186 in subunit "subunit-stats prints some errors" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40818604:11
SamBI usually end up redirecting/teeing to a file and doing different things04:11
SamB... interspersed with cursing unittest for not supporting traceback-format overriding04:13
lifelesspoolie: checking04:15
lifelessSamB: I have some thoughts/plans on how to tie multiple filters together better04:15
lifelessa shell Y should utility would be nice04:15
lifelessas would a subunit interleaver04:15
SamBlifeless: how is that going to help me convince unittest to print tracebacks with variable names, without feeling dirty because of the inevetable monkey-patches?04:16
lifelessSamB: it won't, it will just make it easier to deal wiht ;)04:17
SamBthis would be far more tolerable if I BZR_PDB=1 would catch test failures04:17
SamBoh, variable values too ;-)04:18
lifelesspoolie: thanks04:27
lifelessthis is an important unittest model issue, as it happens04:27
poolielifeless: also, does it have any understanding yet of the various shade-of-grey results?04:42
SamBpoolie: hmm, I don't think using shades of gray is a good idea -- it might cause confusion between the light-on-darkers and the dark-on-lighters ;-P04:43
pooliemm thanks04:43
lifelesspoolie: it knows skip04:43
lifelessit doesn't have wire representation for unexpected success or expected fail, IIRC.04:43
pooliesubunit-filter --error includes UnavailableFeature04:43
poolieistm it should not04:43
SamBlifeless: those probably ought to be added, at least04:44
SamBpoolie: yeah, you'd think those should count as skipped!04:44
lifelessI think my dirstate iter_changes branch will land happily now04:48
lifelesssending it in a bit04:49
=== Xavura is now known as Xavur[a]
lifelesspoolie: in the spirit of getting small things done as they happen - https://edge.launchpad.net/subunit - I've touched it up.05:08
poolielooks good05:14
poolielifeless: would it be expected that the text_index for a 2a format holds one more key than in previous formats?05:36
pooliemaybe for the root directory05:36
pooliere bug 40819905:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408199 in bzr "blackbox.test_check fails in 2a format" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40819905:36
poolieyes, apparently for the root05:36
lifelesspoolie: all rich roots will, yes.05:37
pooliethought so, thanks05:37
* lifeless enqueinates05:39
AfCI love it when people look sophisticated looking words ... that get zero Google hits05:42
AfCAnd, of course, just when you're doing what should have been an oh-snap put down, you realize you totally blew it with a editing mistake. {sigh}. I hate the universe.05:44
AfCoh boy05:44
* AfC slinks away in shame05:44
mwhudsonAfC: irc needs a feature that allows you to scrub stupid things you say from your readers' minds05:44
lifelessif it makes you feel better, I checked the spelling on the made up word thrice before using it.05:45
AfCmwhudson: the very earliest versions of ICQ chat at sent a-few-characters-at-a-time and backspace worked.05:45
lifelesshudson really is very pretty05:46
AfCMy spelling got much better when I added an "Add all [red underlined misspelled words] to dictionary" feature to the spell checker.05:46
AfCMy typing is awesome now. I love it.05:47
mwhudsonlifeless: i really wish that project was called something else05:52
lifelessmwhudson: yeah, I can see that ;)05:53
mwhudson(my brother uses it at work too)05:53
lifelessDoes he call his server, Michael?05:54
mwhudsoni hope not05:54
lifelessit would be childishly entertaining05:54
lifelesspoolie: yes, the mapping to subunit is partly subunit not being as rich as bzr is (fixable) but also partly the way bzr  does its subunit output06:08
lifelesswe should probably put a decorator TestResult to change missing deps to skips or something06:09
lifelesspoolie: bug 123688 - use stopTestRun06:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 123688 in bzr "selftest leaves the last test showing" [Low,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/12368806:28
lifelessI think its called 'done' in bzrlib at the moment06:28
lifelessbut upstream python merged the feature as 'startTestRun' / 'stopTestRun'06:28
pooliethat's called on the TestResult?06:28
lifelessif it isn't, we should make it so06:29
lifelessbecause its the right design :P)06:29
poolieso it still feels a bit like whack-a-mole06:36
pooliebut it's definitely good to have a standard interface for it06:37
poolielifeless: you can read the diff in https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mbp/bzr/selftest/+merge/9571 if you like06:38
pooliewell, if you're lucky and the diffmonster put it there06:38
pooliei'd like, in a subunit gui or command line, to say06:43
poolieget all the tests whose failures look ~like this~ and run them again06:44
lifelesspoolie: I wouldn't add the comment under done()06:53
poolieabout the standard name?06:54
lifelessthat just adds conflicts to resolve when merging a fixup to the right method name06:54
pooliei'd care more about people understanding they're the same than getting one tiny conflict when changing the name06:54
lifelessin that case I'd use a docstring not a comment06:55
pooliefor the sake of the generated api docs etc06:56
poolieor rather just because it's public documentation?06:57
lifelesshelp(foo.done) / pydoc etc06:57
lifelesslooking at the source is less common than looking at the objects, or the help on them06:57
poolienot for me :)06:57
poolieanyhow i'll move it06:58
pooliei find i use pydoc much less than i did use similar things elsewhere06:58
pooliei'm not sure why06:58
lifelessbecause folk write comments ? :)06:59
pooliemm :)07:00
pooliei kind of feel it's because there's less of a static model07:00
pooliebut, there is enough to generate some api docs07:00
poolieanyhow, it's a beer qn07:00
lifelessso, what are you thinking of subunit so far?07:00
poolieflaky but intriguing07:01
pooliein a nutshell07:01
lifelesswell, thats better than horrible ;)07:01
lifelesspoolie: isn't TestUIFactory new anyway ? :)07:08
poolieno, it's old07:10
poolieCannedInputUIFactory is new07:10
lifelessI thought tests used to use SilentUIFactory07:10
poolieimbw but i think they were both there07:10
pooliethere is some cruft07:10
pooliethus the bug asking for more thinking and more cutting07:11
lifelesshuh, 200707:11
lifelessthere we go07:11
lifelessso, I've spent most of today playing whackamole on iter changes07:12
lifelessgetting the last kinks out07:12
lifelessI hope to land it tomorrow am07:12
pooliewell you know what i've been doing :)07:12
poolieso far all of them are pretty shallew07:12
pooliebut this may not last07:12
lifelesswould you like to have lunch tomorrow?07:12
poolieotoh i haven't particularly been starting with the easy ones, so ...07:13
pooliei have lunch most days :-)07:13
poolieso yes :)07:13
poolieoh, with you? sure.07:13
lifelesso/~ welcome to pedanical o/~07:13
lifelessI was thinking chinese in epping07:14
lifelessbut anywhere reachable is fine07:14
pooliesounds dangerous :/07:14
pooliebut actually that sounds fine07:14
lifelessfeel free to file more bugs on subunit btw07:15
pooliei'll see you around 12 then07:15
lifelessI like bugs, they are a sign of users07:15
pooliei wonder how spiv got on?07:17
lifelessre 12 - cool07:17
spivpoolie: I have lunch most days too ;)07:17
lifelessthat said, EOD time for me.07:21
vilahi all !07:22
lifelesshi vila07:23
pooliehello vila, welcome back07:23
vilalifeless, poolie : thanks ! anything urgent ?07:24
pooliegetting 2a stable :)07:24
lifelessother than working on the 2.0 targetted bugs07:25
poolieyou could have a look at the six-month-release thread07:25
poolieit's not urgent as such but i want to know you're ok with it07:26
lifelessyou might enjoy the subunit2junitxml + hudson stuff I did ;)07:28
pooliespiv, re bug 407834, do your changes add (or remove) a warning for inter-format fetch07:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407834 in bzr "Branching MySQL too slow" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40783407:33
pooliei think i put one in at one point...07:33
pooliewhen i mean 're that bug' i'm not implying it's assigned to you07:35
spivpoolie: I don't think I've added or removed any warning there, not sure that there is one atm though.07:35
GungaDinHow can I check the parent of a rev id?07:38
GungaDinor parents07:39
poolielifeless: is bug 407834 a bug in its own right? ie can it plausibly be faster?07:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407834 in bzr "Branching MySQL too slow" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40783407:39
lifelessit should be; the bugs on IDS, network deltas will make it faster07:42
lifelesshundreds or thousands of times faster I suspect07:42
lifelessspiv has timing data07:42
spivI'm not sure if my network deltas patch will make much difference to the CPU cost, but it should massively reduce the network traffic (both bytes and roundtrips).07:48
bob2hm, cd'ing to a svn checkout inside a bzr branch makes zsh's prompt stuff do bad things08:42
GungaDinI just did a really stupid thing...08:45
GungaDinand I need help.08:45
GungaDinI merged my local branch into trunk...08:45
GungaDinthen uncommited that revision08:45
GungaDinthen someone else committed something into trunk08:46
GungaDinand now I want to commit a change into my local branch and then merge into trunk... but I can't08:46
GungaDinwhen I try to merge into trunk I get: "bzr: ERROR: Tags not supported by BzrBranch5('file:///home/winnt/TIBRA/yaron.hirsch/Sources/tibra/COM-226/'); you may be able to use bzr upgrade."08:46
GungaDinany help please?09:22
LarstiQGungaDin: ehm10:11
LarstiQGungaDin: the tags error is unrelated to what you previously did10:11
vilalifeless: bzr.dev revno 4581 breaks --parallel=fork, is there some subunit pending merge I need that isn't found in lp:subunit ?10:42
vilalifeless: breakage is about expected failures and unavailable features\10:42
pigmejHey everyone10:56
pigmejHas anyone tried ClueBzrServer and/or ClueMapper with bzr ?10:56
jmllifeless, I'm in Dublin11:04
vilajml: welcome to my TZ :-)11:06
jmlvila, thanks :)11:07
=== Xavur[a] is now known as Xavura
mityajhi! help me! why  uploading data to master branch generate big traffic(over 10 MB) when commiting changes of little text file?11:14
mityajwhy by uploading data to master branch does so much traffic generate transfer when I commit changes of short text file11:17
LarstiQmityaj: what format/transport/version of bzr?11:18
mityajLarstiQ: bzr 1.1611:19
LarstiQmityaj: you only answered 1/3rd of my question :P11:19
mityajLarstiQ: sftp11:20
mityajLarstiQ: Bazaar Branch Format 611:20
LarstiQmityaj: the repository format is more importance, just `bzr info` should tell you11:21
mityajLarstiQ: format: pack-0.9211:21
LarstiQmityaj: k11:21
LarstiQmityaj: did you commit a merge? Or where you previously out of date with master?11:22
LarstiQmityaj: sftp is a so called 'dumb' transport, so potentially reading the index files from the remote end is going to be a sizeable transfer too11:22
mityajLarstiQ:   What should I use instead of sftp?11:24
LarstiQmityaj: or if a pack got performed11:24
LarstiQmityaj: bzr+ssh://, but that requires bzr installed on the remote end11:25
mityajLarstiQ: thank you, I'll try11:26
lifelessvila: no, e verything should be landed12:30
lifelessvila: (everything in subunit relevant to bzr parallel that is)12:30
vilalifeless: weird12:30
lifelessjml: theres a subunit patch up if you wanted to review it it would rock12:31
jmllifeless, sure thing. I'm probably going to stay in tonight, so I'll try to look at it then.12:31
=== You're now known as ubuntulog
lifelessyou might like the talk I gave at slug too12:37
lifelesstheres an announce on the subunit lp page12:37
vilalifeless: http://paste.ubuntu.com/245975/ "fixes" the problem for me but it also lose the /nnnn in the progress bar :-/12:41
jmlvila, hey, since I'm in your timezone...12:52
jmlvila, can you have a look at this? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/40834212:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408342 in bzr "'bzr up' fails against a read-only remote, trying to create a write lock" [Undecided,New]12:53
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vilalifeless: did you see http://paste.ubuntu.com/245975/, digging deeper, I can confirm that ConcurrentTestSuite and CountingDecorator are incompatible because TextTestRunner.run explicitly tests isinstance(test, testtools.ConcurrentTestSuite) around line 60013:07
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DaffyDuck_I exported the netbsd sources, then ran "bzr init --2a" in the directory, "bzr add" and finallt "bzr commit -m 'Initial commit.'". I got a memory error.18:13
DaffyDuck_So I increased process memory usage to 512MB, then I could add and commit the files.18:14
DaffyDuck_...but I can't branch it. I get some internal error. 512MB doesn't seem to be enough.18:14
DaffyDuck_bazaar doesn't scale very well. :(18:15
DaffyDuck_Is there anything one can do to make bazaar use less memory?18:16
Kinnisondefine "The netbsd sources" ?18:17
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SamBDaffyDuck_: prod the developers?18:45
SamBDaffyDuck_: I think it's a bit worse than usual at the moment ... some kind of major rejigging of how transfers are done?18:46
SamBDaffyDuck_: oh, and anyway that sounds like kind of a dumb thing to do -- wouldn't you want to import the history?18:47
SamBDaffyDuck_: btw ... what were the file count and total size of the tree you tried to import?18:48
DaffyDuck_SamB: I don't really need the history. I'm developing something on a specific branch.19:01
DaffyDuck_..and it's about 99138 files.19:02
DaffyDuck_It's just a plain "cvs export -r netbsd-5-0-RELEASE src", and nothing else.19:02
LarstiQDaffyDuck_: so, what is that exactly? (ref Kinnison's "define netbsd sources")19:02
LarstiQDaffyDuck_: kernel/base system/ports?19:02
DaffyDuck_The entire system sources.19:03
DaffyDuck_The src module, not including x or pkgsrc.19:03
LarstiQDaffyDuck_: keep in mind we don't (necessarily) know netbsd :)19:03
DaffyDuck_None the less, it's an excellent testcase for the bazaar developers. :)19:03
LarstiQright, people have been known to version the gentoo/netbsd ports or entirey of Debian before19:04
LarstiQDaffyDuck_: the thing about history would be that each commit is more reasonable than one humongous change19:05
LarstiQDaffyDuck_: having said that, I think SamB is right about specifcally 2a needing some bits to be ironed out19:05
DaffyDuck_The first problem appears to be a simple "out of memory" error. Increasing memory size helped. The second problem was a branching problem, which may also be a memory limit issue. The third actually looks like a mini-server (bzr+ssh) problem, but it may be a memory issue as well.19:06
DaffyDuck_Should I file a complete bug report?19:06
LarstiQDaffyDuck_: that sounds like 3 different ones, but yes please. The bug filing process should prompt you with similiar bugs (some of yours might already be filed)19:08
LarstiQand if not, it is much easier to set dupes than to split a bug in pieces19:08
DaffyDuck_Ah, good point. I'll file three bug reports.19:09
DaffyDuck_Just out of curiosity, are there any (semi-)hidden options which dump relevant information useful to the bazaar developers?19:09
LarstiQDaffyDuck_: what kind of information? `bzr info` and possibly `bzr -Derror` (info otherwise in ~/.bzr.log) for general information19:10
LarstiQDaffyDuck_: `bzt dump-btree` is a hidden one specific to some formats, but I doubt you'll need that19:11
DaffyDuck_OT: Is there a goo way to link from one PR to another in bug-thingie in launchpad?19:13
LarstiQDaffyDuck_: linking bugs together? you can say 'bug 12355' and it will show up in the ui as a link19:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 12355 in xorg "Dell Optiplex GX100 only get 640x480 resolution with live cd (dup-of: 12248)" [Medium,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1235519:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 12248 in xorg "[i810] ddc sync ranges get lost in mode validation" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1224819:17
LarstiQalso, saying it in here will let ubottu give some info ;)19:17
DaffyDuck_Aha! Excellent. Thanks!19:18
jamsidnei: just to let you know, I used 1.0rc8 on Kerguelen and everything seems to build19:30
sidneijam: cool, thanks for letting me know19:31
LarstiQjam: iirc you've done things about not holding huge files in memory at once, how about large inventory(deltas) like with DaffyDuck_ trying to commit all of netbsd src in one go?19:32
jamLarstiQ: so we should be holding a single copy of file content during commit for 2a format repos19:33
jamAs for the large tree shape, etc19:33
jamI haven't really done memory profiling there19:33
DaffyDuck_I'm writing a bug report with complete instructions on how to repliacte the problems I've encountered.19:34
jamsidnei: can you think of an easy way to have it put a build number into the final executables?19:36
jamso I can get "bzr -setup-1.17-1.exe ?19:36
sidneijam: you could pass it on the command line?19:37
jamgiven the command is "make installer-all" I'm not sure what you would pass19:38
jamI'm happy to say at build time "this will be the -1" installer19:38
jamI just don't know how to get that info passed around19:38
sidneijam: 'make installer-all BUILD_REVISION=-1' would work?19:39
jamyeah, probably be fine19:39
sidneijam: ok, that's not too hard to do.19:40
DaffyDuck_bug #408526, in case anyone wants to take a look at it.19:40
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408526 in bzr "bzr commit on large projects require large amounts of memory" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40852619:40
* SamB wonders why jelmer has all these imports at the beginning of cmd_svn_import.run ...20:14
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LarstiQSamB: I'm presuming because they're not shared and provide a import hit otherwise20:26
SamBactually, the main issue I have with it is how ugly it all is ;-)20:34
SamBLarstiQ: having all that stuff between the "def run(<args>):" and the actual code20:36
SamBthat's kind of ugly20:36
* LarstiQ looks up the cod20:37
LarstiQthat is a sizeable amount of imports20:38
LarstiQSamB: have you looked at annotate/log for those lines?20:38
SamBsay ... is it possible to have a RegistryOption that filters the registry?20:38
SamBLarstiQ: hmm, no ...20:38
LarstiQSamB: on uglyness, I wish python module loading, and python interpreter startup was much faster20:39
SamBsee, I want to allow specifying a repository format to bzr svn-import20:54
SamBI've got that working, but now "bzr help svn-import" lists a bunch of --<format> flags that aren't actually applicable20:54
LarstiQSamB: those formats need to move out of the way anyway20:56
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jamsidnei: so I found a small problem with the build script.21:03
jamIf you change the release version for a given plugin21:03
jamit *doesn't* properly update the 'release' directory21:03
jam(specifically, I did a build with bzr-rewrite-0.5.2 and then updated buildout.cfg to use 0.5.3 and the 'release' directory was still at 0.5.2)21:04
jamI *think* what I want is to delete all of the release directories before doing a new build21:04
sidneijam: +121:04
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jamsidnei: so is this something that should be part of gf.release.bzr ?21:06
jamor should I just change the Makefile to do "rm -rf build-win32/*/release" ?21:06
jam(especially in ':strict' mode... :)21:08
jamalso, when I build the python installers21:08
jamI delete the extra plugins21:08
jamI think I can mimic this by just changing the build order21:08
sidneijam: do the latter for now. i have the impression that it should have detected the change and wiped the release directory, need to investigate.21:08
jamso that we build the python installers before we install the plugins21:09
SamBjam: wouldn't you still have to delete any that were already installed ?21:10
jamSamB: this is the build process, it is building into a new scratch dir21:10
jamso it only has things I've put there21:10
sidneijam: that sounds right to me as well.21:10
jamI don't remove launchpad and netrc, just svn, etc.21:10
jambecause they require that the python install location has lots of extra dependencies21:11
jamlike PyQt or subversion libs21:11
jamand those aren't bundled, like the all-in-one installer21:11
jamsidnei: k21:11
jamso for now, I'll add an 'rm' call21:11
jambut I would like to understand why gf.recipe.bzr isn't doing that for me21:11
SamBhmm ... how do I have check_conversion_target give details as to why it failed ...21:12
sidneijam: ok. i need to go away for some hours. i will come back with an answer tomorrow for you.21:14
SamBoh, maybe that's not what's failing21:16
jamsidnei: have a good evening21:16
jamsidnei: I'm also now having problems re-running the script because of 'uninstall' issues again:21:27
jam  Installing.21:27
jam  Uninstalling bzr-rewrite.21:27
jamError: Abort uninstalling, because of pending local changes.21:27
jamI'll see if it is my problem, though21:27
jamsidnei: a more complete traceback (when you get back): http://paste.ubuntu.com/246654/21:28
jamIt seems to be trying to access my default push target21:29
jamwhich certainly doesn't exist for this branch21:29
jamah, it seems to be confused because I have a default push location for all branches21:32
jambut that branch certainly doesn't exist for the staging location21:32
jamand then it tries to do "bzr missing" but obviously there is nothing that can be done, because the other branch doesn't exist21:33
jamsidnei: adding this to my bazaar/locations.conf seemed to get it working again: http://paste.ubuntu.com/246661/21:35
jamI would guess you'd want to handle this differently, though I guess I'm not positive to that effect.21:35
krisivesHi all :)21:36
krisivesI have a website I want to put under version control. Would it be wrong to bzr init the public_html ?21:36
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=== JaredWigmore is now known as JaredW
krisivesAnyone here?21:49
vxnickkrisives: would you want others to be able to branch your website?21:50
krisivesNo, I wanted this to be internal21:51
krisivesWell, other developers, yes.21:51
vxnickkrisives: in that case, create the repo locally or out of the web root and then use something like bzr-upload to FTP the website to your server21:52
jamkrisives: I personally version public_html21:57
jamand just tell Apache's config not to share .bzr21:57
jambzr-upload is a reasonable way to do it, though21:57
krisivesI want to version it on the host, since I have root access etc.21:59
krisivesWill it create a .bzr inside each sub directory?21:59
krisivesCan I .htaccess the .bzr directory without issue?22:04
krisivesI think requiring basic HTTP auth will be okay for people who want to branch22:04
vxnickkrisives: or you could branch using the SFTP transport instead of HTTP22:05
vxnickdepends on how you want to do it really22:05
Noldorinhaving some strange issues pushing a repo to an FTP server22:06
Noldorinthose are the error messages returned22:06
vxnickI've not encountered that before, but I'm guessing it'd be the FTP server software rather than bzr22:07
Noldorinvxnick: yeah, i thought so...22:07
Noldorinbut i've double checked that all the permissions are set22:07
Noldorinso i'm not sure what could be wrong22:07
vxnickwhich permissions did you check? each line is providing two by the looks of it22:09
Noldorinvxnick: all of them. (including change permissions)22:09
vxnickafraid i'm not sure then22:09
vxnickthe only thing I can suggest doing is going through the FTP server config to see if there's any compatibility mode you can enable, or similar22:10
Noldorinvxnick: good idea. it's probably a longshot, but worth checking22:11
vxnickgood luck with it22:11
Noldorinheh, cheers.22:13
krisivesIf I bzr ignore a directory will it ignore it's children?22:22
Noldorinkrisives: yes22:22
krisivesOkay, because I am doing this on production and some directories will have lots of user-made files inside them. bzr will not bother scanning it if ignored, right?22:22
Noldorinyeah, it won't even display them in the status list22:23
krisivesI love bzr!22:23
vxnicksame :)22:23
krisivesI don't waste time figuring out cryptic erorr statuses or lockings22:24
Noldorini hate bzr at the moment... but i'll love it again once this issue is fixed22:24
Noldorin(honestly, it's probably the ftp server's fault)22:24
krisivesMaybe I can help, I have done some stuff with bzr on restricted hosts (GoDaddy)22:24
krisives(Although I assume you're idling in here you must know more than me)22:24
krisivesReading your issues above, one sec22:25
Noldorinkrisives: not exactly :) i'm happing to take suggestions from you22:25
Noldorinkrisives: i get the following errors when trying to push: v22:25
krisivesIs it wrong to just delete the lock file (assuming only one person is using it) btw?22:26
krisivesI like your username on the FTP ;)22:26
vxnickI've done it a few times with no ill effect22:26
krisivesNoldorin: can you CHMOD normally with this FTP?22:27
Noldorinkrisives: my username?22:28
Noldorinkrisives: erm, i shuold really check that now22:28
krisivesNoldorin: "pos@"22:28
Noldorinkrisives: see the end of the previous line ;)22:28
krisivesoh, lol22:28
krisivesIt's possible that the FTP is using some kind of file system that doesn't support permissions :-/22:29
Noldorinkrisives: the site manager for my web host displays unix-like permissions22:29
Noldorinso i doubt it22:29
krisivesIf you're in *nix you could try a CHMOD with the `ftp` program to get more details on what happened22:29
Noldorini'm on vista22:30
Noldorinerm, the server is windows though.22:30
krisivesWhat do you use to modify the permissions?22:30
Noldorineven though it seems to have unix permissions22:30
NoldorinCommand:SITE CHMOD 755 repos22:31
NoldorinResponse:500 'SITE CHMOD 755 repos': command not understood22:31
Noldorinfrom filezilla22:31
krisivesSeems like your host has CHMOD disabled22:32
krisivesTry removing the execute22:32
Noldorinit's a paid host22:32
krisivesMaybe they just don't let you set execution rights22:32
Noldorinso i'd hope i can enable it still22:32
lifelessvila: what is the url to your buildbot?22:32
krisivesIndeed, should be able to do this on almost any host22:32
Noldorinstorm internet is the host in case you are familiar...22:33
krisivesTry chmoding as 66422:34
krisivesThat's R/W but no X22:34
Noldorinkrisives: ok22:34
krisivesIf you're looking for a good cheap host I use these guys and they installed bzr on the server for me: http://holeinthewallhosting.com/ ($10/year)22:35
krisiveshttp:// is their PHP info22:35
Noldorinkrisives: same error unfortunately22:35
krisivesI haven't got around to testing it fully yet though22:35
krisivesHmm, I would contact them and find out why you can't CHMOD22:36
Noldorinkrisives: thanks. unfortunatley i use asp.net though22:36
Noldorinwill do22:36
krisivesIt's possible they setup the account with the wrong permissions22:36
krisivesSome Windows hosts don't have permissions either :-/22:37
Noldorinthat would be major fail22:38
Noldorinkrisives: i've just emailed my web host... have to see what they say22:51
krisivesGood luck :)22:51
Noldorinthey've replied promptly and helpfully in the past22:51
Noldorinso hopefully it will be good news22:51
Noldorinkrisives: heh thanks :)22:51
Noldorinappreciate your help anyway22:51
krisivesWhat are you using BZR for, just curious?22:51
krisivesI am just curious*22:52
Noldorinkrisives: hosting my IRC bot code :)22:52
Noldorinthough i plan to use it for hosting all my projects eventually22:52
Noldorinkrisives: i chose the web host for other reasons though mainly (ASP.NET support for example)22:54
pooliehi all; hi jam23:04
krisivesNoldorin: Why ASP.NET anyhow?23:07
Noldorinkrisives: i'm a .NET developer, and i've learnt to love it :)23:07
Noldorinit's what i know well23:07
Noldorinthe AJAX framework is cool too23:07
krisivesNoldorin: Have you ever used MONO?23:08
krisivesIt's available on Linux hosts23:08
Noldorinkrisives: yes, a bit23:08
Noldorinkrisives: the ASP.NET support isn't great though23:08
krisivesI can understand if you're committed to .NET though23:08
Noldorincertainly no entities framework23:08
Noldorini'm a bit of an MS guy still :P23:08
Noldorineven though i admire the mono project23:08
Noldorini've even taken a close look at it23:09
Noldorincertain parts23:09
krisivesUsing bzr on windows pretty legit? Never done it myself23:09
Noldorinof course23:09
Noldorinthey release a version for windows lol :)23:09
Noldorinkrisives: i've host bzr repos on another ftp account of mine for a long time23:11
mobodowhat's the easiest way to provide browsing from the web to a bzr repository?23:21
mobodo(browsing as in from the web)23:22
mwhudsonmobodo: loggerhead23:23
mobodomwhudson: I looked at loggerhead, but I was under the impression that I'd need admin access to the web server, am I wrong?23:23
mwhudsonyou only need admin access if you want to put it behind the apache or whatever23:24
mwhudson(but this would be true of absolutely anything)23:24
mobodowhere else would I want to put it?23:25
mobodologgerhead will run its own server, right?23:25
mwhudsonyes, in that it talks http on a port you provide23:27
mobodomwhudson: that's pretty much what I mean by "I was under the impression that I'd need admin access to the web server"23:28
mobodoI'm not going to run a daemon on a shared server, let alone run it on port 8023:29
mwhudsonmobodo: so i'm unsure what answer i could give you that you'd be happy with23:29
mobodoI was wondering if there's a cgi script that will let me browser a .bzr23:30
mwhudsonoh right, cgi23:30
mobodolike you can do with cvs/svn23:30
mwhudsonnot aware of any cgi scripts for that no23:30
mwhudsonthe 1990s are calling, they want their tech back :)23:30
RenatoSilvaverterok: hi23:35
mobodobazaar is totally awesome btw. I had been looking for a while for a version control system that would work over generic http23:35
mobodoit's perfect for distributed anonymous development23:36
mwhudsonmobodo: sorry23:36
mwhudsonmobodo: just trying to joke that cgi isn't an often requested thing these days23:36
mobodomwhudson: ahh :) see, that's how deep in it I am for not even getting the joke23:37
andresjhello, is there a way to tell bzr to use ./adir/.bzr as its directory instead of ./.bzr ?23:52
krisivesI also am interested in the answer to that23:54
krisivesAs it would be nice to have my public_html/.bzr just be ../.bzr23:54
andresjmy case is actually, in a way, backwards. I have a directory /my/site which i cannot modify. However, I can modify /home/public, /home/private, and /home/protected. I want to have these directories version-controlled, and use ./private/.bzr as my repo dir23:56
beunokrisives, your case is easy, just have a public_html dir as your top level23:58
beunoandresj, I don't think you can change bzr's location23:58
krisivesbeuno: Won't the .bzr be in public_html/.bzr though?23:58
andresjbeuno: hum... any suggestions, then? :D23:58
krisivesbeuno: I see, I thought it would put the .bzr into the public_html if it was versioned23:59

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