
* JontheEchidna grabs some patches from the kde-qt git repo00:26
shtylmanRiddell: someone will need to look at making a set of slides for Kubuntu ... should I look into that? or do we have someone better for that (I hope we do)...00:34
seeleScottK: was going to try and get you to the pirate bar last night.. but you must have been sleeping already ;P01:25
macoseele: if you go to linuxchix tell 'em im sorry i couldnt come, but i have to go into the office all this week and itd take me til 9pm to reach silver spring if i leave work at 53001:27
nixternalhrmm. guess I didn't reboot the other day but accidentally shut down :/02:49
seelemaco: what linux chix?03:14
seeleoh wow.. caught by spam filter. that's the first time that's happened03:16
seelemaco: it looks like it is in college park this time because piratz is closed on mondays03:19
seelemaco: if i go, i probably wont make it until 9 because i have aikido03:19
macoi reach dc at 8 so anything maryland...903:23
seelebummer.. i didnt even see the meeting planning email come out.. stupid spam filter03:24
macohow long've you been doing aikido?03:25
seelemaco: 3 months, hehe03:50
macois that one of those high-impact marshal arts?03:54
macoor is it something someone horrendously out of shape can manage?03:55
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seelemaco: no, it's soft.. not hard like karate04:18
seelemaco: definitely, although you'll be in pain the first month just from using muscles you've never used before, hehe04:18
harolddongI'm using the last 4.3 RC where did the gtk theme controls go? They used to be in system settings but now arent and most gtk apps looks dreadful04:52
jussi01Hrm, is there not a way we can sort the authentication for ppa's with a single command (something along the lines of what medibuntu does?). I hate fidling with gui's and would be nice if a command was given... :D07:44
gorgonzolahello, i have a terrific idea for a workaround for this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/369042, but i need help implementing it. anyone here up for the task? some knowledge of acpi/hal required... (i was sent here from #kubuntu :P)08:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 369042 in fglrx-installer "[HD 2600/HD 3670/HD 4650/ Others?] fglrx + Kwin with OpenGL desktop effects = failed resume" [Medium,Confirmed]08:37
gorgonzolai'll propose anyway: the thing is that suspend and resume fail with current fglrx drivers on some cards, with desktop effects enabled. It ocurred to me that it should be possible to disable desktop effects immediately prior to suspension and reenable them after resume, using acpi or hal events... but i don't know where to begin.08:37
mgraesslingorgonzola: I like the idea08:38
mgraesslinI am not really familiar with the suspend/resume architecture, but KWin offers a DBus interface to suspend/resume compositing08:39
gorgonzolamgreasslin : well, it is a horrible hack, but until ati releases a real fix, i don't think of any other possibility to enjoy dekstop effects08:39
gorgonzolaaaaha, excellent, thats one of the things i was looking up08:39
mgraesslinthe only important part is to delay the resume compositing enough08:39
mgraesslinas in worst case it would just be suspended again as everything is too slow08:40
gorgonzolaalthough in my experience, dbus is terribly unfriendly... dcop was much more... pedagogic08:40
gorgonzolai guess that could be managed witha sleep in the script08:40
gorgonzolaand some tuning to see how much to delay it08:41
gorgonzolathanks for th tip08:41
mgraesslinsleep I guess is a bad idea08:41
mgraesslinas that could be blocking08:41
gorgonzolawell, i'm a terrible bash scripter... but i can get help with that08:41
gorgonzolaok, so dbus for the actual desktop effects part,08:41
gorgonzolanow... should i look into hal events, or acpi events?08:42
mgraesslinno idea :-)08:42
gorgonzolathe documentation page is for dapper (!)08:42
mgraesslinhave a look at powerdevil08:42
gorgonzolayeah, i already did08:42
gorgonzolait has hooks to profile loading08:42
gorgonzolabut i didn't find any for the actual actions08:43
gorgonzolai don't know where i saw hooks for pre suspend and after resume...08:43
gorgonzolawell, i guess i'll have to learn acpi :S08:43
gorgonzolammm, apparently everything is done with dbus, talking to hal...08:46
jussi01morning Riddell09:23
Riddellcoming live from Dublin09:30
QuintasanHi Riddell09:31
* jussi01 sighs... someone broke pioneers... leastways its broke for me here :(10:16
=== Tonio__ is now known as Tonio_
ghostcubeT -12 hrs11:49
JontheEchidnadpm: bug 203349 should be fixed by now in all languages, correct?14:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 203349 in language-pack-kde-sv "Broken plural forms in KDE" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20334914:00
JontheEchidnaI would imagine that between the committing of the fix all of the langpacks have been updated14:01
neversfeldeplasma-widget-plasmaboard has a new upstream release 0.6, 0.51 is in the archives, seems that it was a typo by upstream, should have been 0.5.1. How do we upgrade that package now?14:04
a|wen-workwe are bold and calls it 0.60 ... and hope they'll reach 1.0 very quick (before we want to sync with debian)14:05
neversfeldehe plans to get it in kdeplasma-addons for 4.414:06
a|wen-workat least that way we want have an epoch...14:06
a|wen-workwhen that happens we are safe :)14:06
Quintasanhmm, anyone got Radeon HD3450?14:13
ghostcubei need and new nvidia any suggestions :D14:15
Riddellrdieter: did you and _Sime work out wherr pykdeuic should be installed?14:16
rdieterRiddell: haven't heard from him (yet)14:17
neversfeldebug 408372 needs a sponsor, I forgot to mention the bug number in the changelog, will set it to fix released manually after it is uploaded14:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408372 in plasma-widget-plasmaboard "new upstream version available (0.6)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40837214:20
RiddellTonio_: "kdesudo: Release and tag 3.4.2-1" just for your information14:20
OdyXRiddell: we prepared this new tarball together :->14:20
OdyXTonio_: it has been accepted in Debian just now14:21
Riddellneversfelde: let me get hat14:21
Tonio_Riddell: I uploaded it so I know :)14:22
Riddellneversfelde: should we be looking to replace kvkbd with this?14:22
Riddellneversfelde: uploaded, I even added the bug number to the changelog14:23
neversfeldeRiddell: I never had a look at kvkbd, I will compare both and send a mail to the devel list14:24
Riddellgreat thanks14:24
neversfeldeRiddell: bilbo is now in the new queue, so if you have some time, it would be great if you could have a look14:46
Riddellneversfelde: my archive admin day tomorrow, 4.3.0 packaging takes priority today14:56
neversfelde ok, I think this can wait until tomorrow :)14:57
JontheEchidnabug 408398 needs sponsoring, if a main sponsor is free15:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408398 in plasma-widget-networkmanagement "New upstream svn snapshot" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40839815:04
JontheEchidna(fixes bug 351390)15:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351390 in knetworkmanager "Open VPN configuration in plasma-widget-network-manager not working" [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35139015:05
JontheEchidnathe upstream bug watch task is showing up as fixed there^15:05
JontheEchidnaalso bug 351628, it seems15:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 351628 in kdenetwork "[jaunty] NetworkManager widget doesn't save connection data" [Unknown,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35162815:07
RiddellJontheEchidna: onto it15:09
JontheEchidnaThe new NM trayapp has a lot of sweet features too15:26
RiddellJontheEchidna: hmm, I can't actually list the available access points in this knetworkmanager version15:27
JontheEchidnaoh :(15:28
dpmJontheEchidna: re: bug 203349, I'm going to have a look at this. I have to talk to ArneGoetje to confirm, but I think this should be solved in the new jaunty language packs we're going to release soon15:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 203349 in language-pack-kde-sv "Broken plural forms in KDE" [Medium,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20334915:28
JontheEchidnadpm: eh, I think that's more for intrepid. should've been fixed in jaunty from day one15:29
dpmJontheEchidna: oh, ok, I just read too quickly, I was just having a look at the dates of the last comments15:30
RiddellJontheEchidna: can you get a list of access points from the applet menu?15:31
JontheEchidnaRiddell: wired here15:31
Riddelloh aye15:31
JontheEchidnamight be a good idea to get a ppa for testing15:32
JontheEchidnaperhaps upload to kubuntu-experimental for karmic15:32
Riddellyeah can do, I just used my ~jr one15:32
neversfeldeBug #408408 needs a sponsor15:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408408 in plasma-widget-customizable-weather "new upstream version available (0.9.11)" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40840815:38
* JontheEchidna can take that15:38
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* Riddell removes everything from kde-i18n-xx except quanta17:18
Riddell~twitter update in Dublin17:18
kubotustatus updated17:18
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momesanaI've just downloaded and written karmic to a disc and am wondering why it boots ubuntu instead of kubuntu. What's wrong?17:46
a|wenmomesana: sounds like you downloaded ubuntu instead of kubuntu ... where did you download the iso?17:51
momesanaa|wen: yes, just realized that17:51
momesanawhere do I get a kubuntu release ... I can't find a karmic subdir on kubuntu mirrors17:52
neversfeldethere is no karmic?17:53
momesananeversfelde: evidently not17:53
a|wenmomesana: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/daily-live/current/17:55
a|wenmost mirrors doesn't contain development releases of kubuntu17:55
momesanaa|wen: thanks a lot17:56
bmungerthe plasma widget network manager is getting some work i see18:03
Quintasanhmm, python and ruby plasmoids are not working for me :/18:49
seeleRiddell: are you on kde-core-devel? there is a question about system-config-printer19:06
einalexnemphis: can you remember how you fixed this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-de.org-website/+bug/29919619:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 299196 in kubuntu-de.org-website "Anmelden im Forum zumindest vereinzelt nicht möglich" [High,Fix released]19:36
einalexnemphis: I get the same error with my drupal + mediawiki installation and would like to get a hint on how to fix it19:38
nemphiseinalex: yes, just a moment. i search for the diff ;)19:39
einalexthank you :)19:39
einalexthe bugreport has no info on that attached..so i had to bug you ;)19:40
nemphiseinalex: no problem :)19:40
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