
fg56lxDrknezz: Im also afraid if i try to compile something ill mess it up even more.00:01
VoipJunkywhycant they make a b43 firmware pkg00:04
VoipJunkythis is a pain00:04
mhilmiAnyone know where I can find a package for Boost newer than 1.35, considering it is like 2 years old?00:08
Drknezzfg56lx: compiling is linux' user best friend sometimes00:09
fg56lxNot when you can never get it to work. Lol.00:10
Drknezzfg56lx: dependency problems?00:20
fg56lxI dont know, but every time i try and compile something i get errors.00:21
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VoipJunkyok I am trying to use the broadcome b43-cutter and I have 3 diff ver of software and thet all fail md5 checksum when I try to cut00:26
VoipJunkyI need the firmwarefor my laptop bcm4318 card00:26
VoipJunkyand the b43-cutter inthe pkgs is old there is a .12 now00:27
VoipJunkySorry, the input file is either wrong or not supported by b43-fwcutter.00:29
VoipJunkyThis file has an unknown MD5sum b6d32979ad3fdd8ce5c3ec806ebec757.00:29
VoipJunkyanyone here using the bcm4318 wifi card00:30
VoipJunkyand have the correct firmware00:30
josh____so is this the actual ubuntu irc? Quassel?00:32
josh____havent used ubuntu irc yet00:33
jmtHi! I am wondering if there is a way to have 2 versions of the same package installed simultainously. I have Inkscape 0.46 installed because I am having issues with 0.47. However I would like to keep 0.47 installed to help with testing, but I don't want to lose 0.46 as it is the only version I am getting a usable file with. Any suggestions?00:38
VoipJunkyI have wifi00:39
VoipJunkyI have to find a specific ver of the driver00:39
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VoipJunkywhats the debian commandtoinstall a .deb00:54
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PliskinVoipJunky : dpkg -i00:57
VoipJunkyI cant find libnatilus01:03
VoipJunkyI need it fordropbox01:03
VoipJunkyI need it for dropbox01:03
fg56lxI'm having a problem with sound. When ever I listen to any music (on any media player) or watch any video (even youtube) the sound starts to skip and jump around. What would cause this, and how could I fix it?01:05
Walzmynwhen any app opens the save/open dialog it starts in ~/Documents and I'd rather it just start in ~/ Where can I change that?01:09
VoipJunkyis there nautilus inthe pkgs01:13
VoipJunkyI need it01:13
fg56lxWhere do I go to choose between alsa/oss/etc etc as my sound drivers? I cant find it anywhere in system settings.01:17
leonardyoungnow what?01:32
Walzmynnow what what?01:32
leonardyounghow does this work01:32
Walzmynthe chat room? ya just type01:33
Walzmyngot a question ask it01:33
leonardyoungwhat is the general subjuct?01:33
ubottuHi! Welcome to #kubuntu!01:34
leonardyoungthat is what i need01:34
Walzmyn!hello | leonardyoung01:34
ubottuleonardyoung: please see above01:34
leonardyoungi was reading that01:34
Walzmynthere, that thing's a bot. !<command> makes him tell you things01:34
ner0xHow can I download version 1.6.4 for kubuntu, or version 1.6 for MacOSx?01:41
Walzmynner0x: version of what?01:43
ner0xWalzmyn: Whoops, wesnoth, sorry.01:43
leonardyounggoogle it01:44
Walzmynner0x: 1.6 is what's in the repo are you wanting something different?01:44
Walzmynoh wait, you want 1.6.4 - I guess you'll have to get that from their site and compile it01:45
broflovskiany  one from mexico01:48
ledragonoirHello, I do not speak English, I use an online translator, I am looking for a person under the username "zour" which would or comes here, is that someone knows?01:50
leonardyoungi just installed Kubuntu 9.0401:52
leonardyounghow do i learn how to use it without documentationn01:52
=== ShockValue_ is now known as ShockValue
ShockValuehi all.. got a garmingps.. the software im using works fine to xfer to it when running as root, but not as a normal user... I'm assuming its some USB permissions, but not sure how to fix02:21
ShockValueany ideas?02:21
MTGap_what's wrong with doing it as root?02:22
ShockValuei dont want to run user apps as root.. its a security risk and it should work as a user :)02:22
MTGap_so you have to start the application from root in a terminal?02:23
MTGap_what's the application called02:23
ShockValuethe application works fine as user, except when I try to xfer via usb it gives me a permission error.02:24
ShockValuebut as root, the xfer works fine02:24
MTGap_I don't know, but it's most likely bc of the software02:27
StupidWeaselAhh sorry ignore that folks =P02:32
* StupidWeasel goes back to idling02:32
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cangriatodos alguen03:02
cangrime puede dar elcomando03:02
cangripara poner tu roots03:02
FloodBotK1cangri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:02
cangriel comando03:03
FloodBotK1cangri: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:03
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julian___en español?04:22
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harolddongI'm on kubuntu with kde 4.3 (the lastest RC) but I also have fluxbox installed and use it frequently.  I want to install the new notify-osd notification system and have it only be active when I'm not logged into kde.  This is way in kde I'll still have the kde notifications and in fluxbox or openbox I'll have something besides those ugly yellow things.  does anyone know how to do this?04:47
lulwutzAnybody here use Acer Aspire One and successfully got their wireless to work?04:55
pgtl_10hi anyone there?05:10
pgtl_10need help fixing ubuntu05:10
pgtl_10this is useless05:12
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pescadoanybdoy expert installing network printers05:33
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kalpafter 9.04 upgrade from 8.10, video and audio doesnt play. whats the solution?06:28
kalpafter 9.04 upgrade from 8.10, video and audio doesnt play. whats the solution?06:31
alan_Is there a way to check if the sound card is fisicaly good?06:34
kalpafter 9.04 upgrade from 8.10, video and audio doesnt play. whats the solution?06:36
mataks_how to resume downloaded file when using "wget"?06:37
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alan_use wget -c URL TO DOWNLOAD06:38
alan_in the directory where the file is, of course.06:38
kalpafter 9.04 upgrade from 8.10, video and audio doesnt play. whats the solution?06:42
amason_kalp: given that you have not provided us with much information to work with i would say roll back to 8.10 :)06:48
amason_or provide some more info :)06:49
kalpamason: what info do u need06:49
amason_kalp: i don't need anything as I likely can't help, however if you want other people to be able to help, they may want to know what audio doesn't work ( ogg, mp3, notifications ? ) does it error , and video wise which codecs ? which application etc..06:51
amason_kalp: imagine that you are trying to help someone with the same problem, what info would you need in order to help someone else06:51
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gorgonzolai have a terrific idea for a workaround for this bug https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/fglrx-installer/+bug/36904208:32
gorgonzolabut i need help in implementing it.08:32
gorgonzolaanyone up for the task?08:32
reficgorgonzola: shouldn't you ask in #kubuntu-devel?08:36
gorgonzolarefic, ywah, already got sent to ubuntu+1 for that. thx for the tip08:37
reficalright, np :)08:37
carlinuxHello, for some days I am seeing 4 locked updates in Kubuntu 9.04, can anyone tell me why does this happen and what tod o in order to prevent it? Thx08:58
BruceChanghello all. I have a question relative to the driver, can I ask it here?09:13
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carlinuxit seems that there's not many people reading this chat ;)09:23
dwidmannNo more lyricwiki api goodness? :(09:25
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COm_BOYhow to configure tftp server on kubuntu09:54
real_atehey everyone... i'm having trouble with installing a package09:56
real_atei've updated to the KDE 4.3 packages and tried to install kdepim-dev09:56
real_atebut i get some "Not installable" messages09:57
real_ate^^ anyone please have a look and see if there is anything i can do? I don't mind if there isn't, i understand that this comes with me working on "Bleeding edge" stuff ;)09:58
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clau30hi.. I got a problem on my laptop running Jaunty with kde3.3(RC3): the win key doesn't work (didn't work right after installing either).. I tried googling but didn't find anything that helped me.. anyone any idea?10:40
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real_ate_clau30: what do you mean by the win key is not working?11:19
real_ate_clau30: is it just not doing what it used to do?11:19
mike1312HELP   Amarok does not play anything on freshly installed system11:21
fenix__hello Guys, I am looking for icq channel where I could talk about everything not only about kubuntu. Any ideas ???12:47
clau30about... what?12:48
fenix__you know just everything :)  like normal social talk :)12:48
Picifenix__: I assume you mean IRC not icq... #kubuntu-offtopic, #ubuntu-offtopic12:49
fenix__any ideas ??12:50
Benny_anyone pls support my ubuntu kubuntu community in my country12:51
ubottuJoin #ubuntu-ph for tagalog12:51
Benny_who is the founder i12:52
Benny_who leads the ubuntu in manila12:52
Benny_i want to lead a community here in pangasinan Dagupan City12:53
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:54
raphinkthat's a rather small netsplit though12:55
raphinkfarmer has been disconnecting quite a bit lately12:55
Benny_pls support my ubuntu community here in Dagupan City12:57
hw_Does anyone know how do I get the fingerprint of my ssh keys?13:13
shadeslayerhey,how do i convert my 8 GB Video DVD to a smaller format?13:33
shadeslayersomething which consumes lesser HD space...13:33
jussi01!info dvdrip | shadeslayer13:34
ubottushadeslayer: dvdrip (source: dvdrip): perl front end for transcode and ffmpeg. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 1:0.98.9-0.0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1386 kB, installed size 3088 kB13:34
jussi01shadeslayer: vlc can also do it iirc, but dvdripm is easier13:35
shadeslayerjussi01: so whats the file difference?? is it HUGE?13:35
shadeslayer*file size13:36
jussi01shadeslayer: depends what you transcode to and the quality...13:36
jussi01Ive seen dvd's got to ~800mb for a 4.3 gb before, and quality was ok'ish13:36
shadeslayerjussi01: this dvdrip is gui?13:37
BluesKajhiyas all13:37
shadeslayerBluesKaj: hey13:37
shadeslayerjussi01: wanna join us for a game of wolfie?13:37
jussi01shadeslayer: wrong place mate ;)13:38
shadeslayerjussi01: just asking :)13:38
BluesKajlooking for a driver for our motorola kzrk1m phone ,been searching for one , but finding only windows versions. I don't want to use it as a modem or anything like that. I merely want to get the pictures I took with it on to the hard drive13:42
shadeslayeroh and is there a svn command which can checkout all my SVN's at once?13:45
ibrarany body expert of EVDO here13:54
shadeslayerjussi01: wow! this thing is exhaustive13:55
shadeslayerextremely detailed13:55
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shadeslayerjussi01: can you help me with this? i cant figure out everything by myself14:00
judgenwhere does kde4 save their themes?14:03
shadeslayerjudgen: look in .kde14:03
judgenive got no .kde folder at the moment, but the themes are there when running qt4 config.14:04
shadeslayerjudgen: uh.. how can you NOT have .kde14:04
judgenits got to be somewhere outside the home folder.14:04
judgenim running kde3 remix.14:04
judgenand i want to change the theme on the qt4 apps.14:05
judgenso no idea huh?14:07
judgenWhen you install for instance, polyester.. where does that stuff go?14:07
judgenaah its in /usr/share/kde4/apps/kstyle/themes/polyester.themerc14:10
=== shadeslayer is now known as Guest57737
judgenhmm i cant seem to get the qt4 apps to use any other theme than the default.14:33
judgenIm running kde3 in Karmic =) works great.14:47
zoisshey guys has any one got a x-fi soundcard working fine with alsa drivers?14:50
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit14:52
=== travler is now known as mausie
mndotoday i updated to rc3 and it worked for a couple of hours but after kde froze i had to restart kdm and now there's no way to make composite work15:13
mndo(nvidia 190) any ideas?15:13
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phhmndo: how have you installed the 190 driver ?15:16
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havanehi everybody15:42
havanei need some help with kubuntu and a wifi usb key15:43
MTGap_Is it not working?15:44
havanei can t find the drivers15:44
havanethere is only drivers for mac and windows15:45
havanehelp me if you can i m feeling doooowwnn15:46
MTGap_Well go to System>Hardware drivers15:46
havane© the beatles15:46
MTGap_I've never tried a wifi usb but look under System Settings Network Management as well and there are some tabs for Wireless15:49
havanethe system is able to find by himself the right driver?15:50
Blackwingggyshi everone15:50
xakerвсем привет15:51
Blackwingggyshello people15:51
Blackwingggyswhats up15:51
xakerвсем привет15:53
MTGap_Is there any possible way to have something where any text I right click on I can send it to pastebin.com ?15:55
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ivowie is er nederlands16:27
ubottuNederlandstalige ondersteuning voor Ubuntu (en vers gezette koffie) is te vinden in #ubuntu-nl16:28
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kalpupgraded to 9.04 from 8.10, video and audio are not playing, any solution/16:46
kalpupgraded to 9.04 from 8.10, video and audio are not playing, any solution?16:46
BluesKajkalp, which sound card ?16:49
BluesKajand video card16:50
BluesKajlspci | grep -i audio &&  lspci | grep -i vga16:51
kalpBluesKaj: Nvidia17:13
BluesKajkalp, in the terminal :  lspci | grep -i audio &&  lspci | grep -i vga17:14
kalpBluesKaj: 00:10.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)17:16
kalp00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 [Geforce 6150 Go] (rev a2)17:16
kalpBluesKaj: 00:10.1 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP51 High Definition Audio (rev a2)17:24
kalp00:05.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation C51 [Geforce 6150 Go] (rev a2)17:24
BluesKajkalp, the nvidia-glx-180 driver lists your graphics card as supported17:28
=== rosco_away is now known as rosco_y
=== rosco_y is now known as rosco_away
=== ejat is now known as e-jat
bouili would like to make my wifi connections system wide.. In the kde network manager, there is a checkbox "system connection", but this checkbox is grayed (disabled). How to make the wifi connection available on boot (before login) ?17:51
=== kadri is now known as kadri_
=== kadri_ is now known as kadri
nathanielKbouil: are you root? the checkbox might be available if you run the network manager as root17:53
nathanielKor, rather, with sudo17:53
bvalek2hi, i use 8.04, and a user after logging in cannot use the keyboard, it doesnt react. the other users are not affected. why?17:58
havanei am not an expert but i think you could find a log error somewhere17:59
bouilnathanielK: when i try to run sudo kcmshell4 kcm_networkmanagement it runs as my user, because Error: "/var/tmp/kdecache-bouillon" is owned by uid 1000 instead of uid 0.17:59
bvalek2sure, i take a look18:00
nathanielKbouil: not sure what to tell you, I don't use the tool :( good luck18:01
Dodekhey, how can i install ubuntu one in kubuntu?18:01
bouilnathanielK: arg.... :'-(18:02
MamaroknathanielK: that's most likely because he ran a gui app with sudo instead of kdesudo, changes the user permission18:11
nathanielKMamarok: makes sense.18:12
MamarokDodek: you can, but you need to add Gnome applications to make it work for now18:12
nathanielKsince kdesudo seems to not work for me (re: user error) I do a cute $:sudo echo "hi", $:sudo <graphical app> trick when I need to run gui's with sudo18:12
Dodekwhat kind of gnome application?18:12
MamaroknathanielK: in KDE4 this should work though18:13
MamarokDodek: nautilus for sure, and the gnome notification app18:13
MamarokDodek: and of course you need an invitation, as it is still in early testing18:14
Dodekinvitation? it didn't seem necessary when i registered.18:14
Dodekalso, it's a pity it isn't implemented as FUSE18:15
MamarokDodek: well, we do not really do support for Ubuntu One here, this is a Canonical thingy, so check their mailing list for it18:15
Dodekseemingly the name misguided me. either way, that's too much effort for me, i'll just wait for stable release.18:17
Dodekthank you for help.18:17
DDOSKINGhey guys18:18
DDOSKINGi have a very urgent issue18:18
DDOSKINGif someone would like to help18:18
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DDOSKINGcan anyone help?18:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about asjk18:20
Picier, DDOSKING Just ask18:20
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DDOSKINGwell okay18:20
DDOSKINGi installed ubuntu18:20
DDOSKINGdual boot iwth xp18:20
Mamarokall in one line, please18:20
FloodBotK1DDOSKING: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:20
DDOSKINGbeing an idiot18:20
=== Guest94507 is now known as trollopins
=== trollopins is now known as trollopina
DDOSKINGi installed ubuntu, dual boot, with xp. After a while I decided to remove the ubuntu partition. I did this in windows with disc manament. Being an idiot, I hibernated instead of shutting down. Now on reboot I get error 22 with Grub18:21
DDOSKINGI can't Reinstall ubuntu to get grub back18:22
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:22
DDOSKINGbecause the ntsf is hibernating18:22
MamarokDDOSKING: please see the above link18:22
DDOSKINGi have18:23
DDOSKINGi can't do any of it18:23
DDOSKINGbecause I can't install ubuntu18:23
FloodBotK1DDOSKING: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.18:23
PiciDDOSKING: If you made the changes in Windows and hibernated from Windows, then ##windows should be the best place to ask18:23
DDOSKINGBut doesn't it involve grub?18:23
DDOSKINGI can't boot into windows without fixing grub18:23
DDOSKINGand I can't fix grub because the partition is frozen :/18:24
PiciDDOSKING: You can use your windows install CD to fix your disk18:24
DDOSKINGI don't know how to put the recovery console iso on a flashdrive18:24
Mamarokyou did a dual boot on a netbook?18:24
DDOSKINGits an iso18:24
MamarokDDOSKING: anyway, for restoring the windows installation you will really have to ask in ##windows18:25
trollopinahey, im a complete linux noob and need some help relating to vsftpd if anyone can help?18:25
zynxp install disk has recovery system function18:26
trollopinaor redirect me somewhere where someone can18:26
Picitrollopina: #vsftpd18:26
trollopinathanks pici18:27
zynuse ultra iso to burn iso to a bootable usb-disk18:27
DDOSKINGultra iso does that?18:29
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zyni use it in chinese ...18:29
zynultra iso 9.3 i think18:30
mahe_coolhey anybody der18:49
mahe_coolohh hi18:49
setwebhow are you?18:50
Mamarokmahe_cool: do you have a question?18:50
mahe_coolso wer r u from ?18:50
mahe_coolok leave abt that18:50
mahe_coolsince when have u ben using uvuntu18:50
Mamarokmahe_cool: this is a support channel, please, chat is in #kubuntu-offtopic18:51
Mamarokhi christian__18:58
* shadeslayer waves18:59
deathtechHeya Fellas19:00
deathtechanyone here proficient with getting a webcam to work in 'Nix19:00
deathtech ?19:00
shadeslayer!webcam | deathtech19:00
ubottudeathtech: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras19:00
shadeslayerubottu to the rescue :P19:00
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:00
deathtechIll dig around there some more, so far no useable results :)19:01
shadeslayerdeathtech: well....theres limited support for webcams right now.....its either there or its not supported :(19:01
shadeslayerJimmY|DE: sorry i have to say this but....get a grip on your connection :)19:03
UbuntuNISMO  anybody can help fixing /etc/network/interfaces ? private me!19:04
JimmY|DEshadeslayer i don't know what you mean :D19:04
shadeslayerJimmY|DE: um..you keep quitting and joining... just adds to the network traffic19:05
BluesKaj!pm | UbuntuNISMO19:05
ubottuUbuntuNISMO: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.19:05
JimmY|DEoh i'm sorry19:06
JimmY|DEi was looking for a not existing name19:06
shadeslayerJimmY|DE: thats all right,but try selecting a nick before joining,please visit #freenode for a proper nick setup :)19:07
aschauerSi alguien entiende español porque no tengo ganas de teclear en ingles KUBUNTU es lo mejor que he usado !!!!19:09
Pici!es | aschauer19:10
ubottuaschauer: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.19:10
Mamarokaschauer: thanks anyway :)19:10
trollopinaumask question19:25
=== sysop is now known as Guest46650
trollopinahow do i set umask for a user when i logon19:26
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=== sysop_ is now known as sysop__
Mamaroktrollopina: I found that: http://linuxzoo.net/page/sec_umask.html19:28
MamarokGoogled with 'set umask on login'19:28
=== sysop__ is now known as RZC
j3j5somebody knows why, when I try this (http://amarok.kde.org/wiki/Media_Device:VFAT/Samsung_YP-F1) with Kubuntu 9.04 doesn't work?19:30
j3j5my device node doesn't change with this version19:31
j3j5the same thing worked in 8.1019:31
Mamarokj3j5: have you seen the date of that wiki page? It's for KDE319:31
Mamarokand an older Amarok version, too19:31
Mamarokj3j5: you should ask in #amarok, media devices are very much work in progress19:32
j3j5Mamarok: yes, I know, but the problem isn't with amarok19:33
j3j5is with udev rules19:34
Mamarokj3j5: because you should use UUID instead :)19:34
UbuntuNISMO!PM  anybody can help fixing /etc/network/interfaces ?19:34
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:34
j3j5Mamarok:  UUID instead? can you explain more about that?19:35
Mamarok!uuid | j3j519:35
ubottuj3j5: To see a list of your devices/partitions and their corresponding UUID's, run this command in a !shell: « sudo blkid » (see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LibAtaForAtaDisks for the rationale behind the transition to UUID)19:35
Mamarokthis very much exlpains it well19:35
j3j5Mamarok: ubottu: thanks, I'll see about that!19:37
BluesKajUbuntuNISMO, what kind of network interface ?19:37
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Mamarokfishbone: English, please19:39
trollopinathanks mamarok19:44
ibrarany body can help me on EVDO setup19:48
j3j5Mamarok: thanks, I achieve somethin like I want19:53
j3j5but, I want know how have a custome device node19:54
j3j5do you know how can I do that?19:54
ibrarany body can help me on EVDO setup20:02
apparlehi guys20:05
NemesisUKhi all got a small question with regards to a micrphone and audigy soundcard20:10
NemesisUKcant seem to get the mic to work and all channels are open20:10
BluesKajNemesisUK, have you checked alsamixer in the terminal ?20:12
NemesisUKyes i did20:13
NemesisUKthey are all halfway open20:14
BluesKajgoto 70% or more for the mic input20:15
NemesisUKgreat it works now just me being dumb :)20:16
BluesKajnot really NemesisUK , some mics are kinda insensitive and need some boost20:21
deathtechAnyone here know of a really good video encoder / converter ?20:22
deathtechfor Nix of course :)20:22
BluesKajffmpeg, deathtech20:23
BluesKajdeathtech, you prolly have it installed already but it's a great cli tool for conversions20:24
deathtechThank you, ill dig around for some options :)20:25
BluesKajdeathtech, do some reading on the ffmpeg site , there's some good suggestions20:27
deathtechso , in your personal experience ffmpeg was better than mencoder ?20:27

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