
* mwhudson FINALLY has an automated test case for bug 12097700:01
mupBug #120977: cscvs breaks when a cvs merge creates a file <Launchpad CSCVS:In Progress by mwhudson> <NUnit 2.5:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/120977>00:01
mwhudsonunfortunately it has a sleep 60, a timezone dependence and i have to hack the cscvs source...00:01
mwhudsonfind . -name '*,v' -print0 | xargs -0 sed -ie 's/^date\t[0-9]\{4\}\.[0-9]\{2\}\.[0-9]\{2\}\./date\t2007.01.01./'00:10
thumpermwhudson: at least we won't be running cscvs tests when landing LP branches00:16
mwhudsonthumper: i have a faster testcase now00:16
mwhudsonthat's what that regexp is about though00:16
ajmitchugly but readable, why do you need to rewrite the dates?00:17
mwhudsonajmitch: oh god00:19
ajmitchthat much pain? :)00:19
* ajmitch won't ask00:19
mwhudsonajmitch: basically because cscvs looks a week in the past because cscvs00:19
mwhudsonbecause cvs is a bit vague00:20
mwhudsonbut i need stuff to have happened longer ago than that00:20
thumperOSError: [Errno 13] Permission denied: '/var/tmp/bazaar.launchpad.dev/mirrors'00:28
thumperowned by root again!00:28
lifelessmwhudson: cool00:36
spmmwhudson: hmmm. interesting. just looking at the numbers of requests in the xmlrpc log - was a delay of ~ 15 mins before the service was restarted onto a new log; and can clearly see a drop in the # of requests. ~ 1/4 ish. Ouchy.00:43
mwhudsonspm: :( !00:44
mwhudsonspm: make build suckiness?00:44
spmmwhudson: I guess....00:44
spmmwhudson: ahh. I'd put money on the compression phase holding things up.00:45
mwhudsonspm: oh00:45
mwhudsonspm: well, i have this change that will reduce the number of requests by 75% or so ...00:46
spmbe nice!00:46
spmas in, would be :-)00:46
thumperspm: can you bounce the buildbot? the db_lp builder seems fubared02:29
spmthumper: sure02:29
spmbleh. looks like the slave is borked02:35
spmthumper: right that seems to have kicked it along.02:39
thumperspm: ta02:41
JamalFanaianSo, I think the make schema step of the launchpad setup used to ask me what I wanted the psql username to be, but it isn't on this computer and I keep getting the following error:04:28
JamalFanaianpsql: FATAL:  Ident authentication failed for user "jamal"04:28
JamalFanaianCould I be doing something wrong?04:28
wgrantJamalFanaian: make sure you've run utilities/launchpad-database-setup04:29
JamalFanaianwgrant: ah ok! thanks :)04:29
JamalFanaianwow, i even went back to the wiki to make sure i didn't miss a step.. bah! lol04:30
JamalFanaianwgrant: thank you04:30
JamalFanaianok so now my next question is, how can i configure it to listen to requests to all ips, or at least the external ip, instead of
JamalFanaiani'm running it in a vm and copied the hosts directives but changed it to point to the ip of the vm (instead of the local ip), but the request is being delivered to apache's default Vhost04:38
wgrantJamalFanaian: You want to poke at /etc/apache2/sites-enabled/local-launchpad04:39
JamalFanaianwgrant: thanks again :)04:39
JamalFanaianawesome, that works perfectly.. thank you!04:40
marsYUI3 beta 1 adds the YUI test suite! \o/05:44
marssomething good to build on05:44
wgrantSo make jscheck can take even longer?05:44
marsdepends if we add our unit test suite to the acceptance test suite05:45
marswhich we might do, for convenience sake05:45
jtvspm, g'day!  I'm trying to get the translations-export-to-branch output in my error-reports, but I can't seem to find the right topic or something.  Do you know where these logs go?05:47
mwhudsoni get them05:53
mwhudsonso it's probably some code related topic05:53
thumpermwhudson: I'm going to get a branch to disable spark lines for now06:07
beunothumper, I hate you06:09
wgrantthumper: I love you.06:09
beunoit's the wrong solution06:09
thumperbeuno: nothing personal06:09
beunoI know, but only a handful of people complain, and for the wrong reasons06:10
thumperbeuno: it can be fixed...06:10
thumperbeuno: I'm not deleting the code06:10
thumperbeuno: just disabling for now06:10
lifelessbeuno: I don't think looking ugly is a wrong reason :)06:10
thumperbeuno: we can fix it before 3.006:10
thumperbeuno: but until it is fixed, I'm making the executive decision06:10
beunothumper, I'm very against removing a feature under the users, which benefit them06:10
mwhudsonthumper: ok06:11
lifelessbeuno: we're users too though06:11
mwhudsonthumper: i've got that branch of yours mostly reviewed06:11
thumperbeuno: I don't see the benefit that isn't obvious elsewhere06:11
beunothumper, activity06:11
beunoa lot of users use it06:11
thumperbeuno: commit count shows activity06:11
lifelessbeuno: its not showing what they probably think it is06:11
beunothumper, not as well06:11
beunoagain, this is personal opinion, versus people who actually use it06:12
lifelessbeuno: I feel like you want to keep something substandard because its graphical06:12
lifelessbeuno: we should probably gather some real data on this. After all, so far we've only got the complaints - there is measurement error possibility there06:12
thumperbeuno: lets work to fix it then... but right now, and for the next few days at least, I'll be gone on edge06:12
beunolifeless, if we remove all substandard things in launchpad, we'll remain with a very think software06:12
lifelessbeuno: but it would be beautiful06:13
beunothumper, fix what Paul broke?06:13
thumperbeuno: there are more issues with it though, rendering being a big one for lifeless and poolie06:13
thumperbeuno: there are many bugs for the sparklines06:13
thumperbeuno: perhaps we should look to address them when we bring them back06:14
thumperbeuno: but right now, they don't look good06:14
beunoright *now* they don't. They where good enough a week ago06:14
thumperthey weren't06:14
thumperthere are a lot of bugs with them06:14
thumperI don't think you've been looking at them06:14
thumperthere are issues with the sparklines on production06:15
lifelessbeuno: they have *never* been good for me.06:15
beunoI have. They where wonky on the person page (they shouldn't of showed up)06:15
lifelessbeuno: I'm not being difficult.06:15
beunolifeless, I know. They have been great for other people.06:15
beunoanyway, I've said what I think. It your app, so it's all I can do.06:16
lifelessI think the problem with both our arguments is !citation06:18
lifelessI'd like to see sparklines that look good and expose useful information06:18
beunoI can dig up IRC conversations and blog posts where people mention them as what they use to measure activity06:19
beunobut it feels like a waste of time06:19
lifelessI don't want you to waste your time06:20
lifelessand its thumpers call about this06:20
beunoyeah, I'm really absolutely off to bed now  :)06:20
beunonight guys06:20
lifelesssleep well06:21
thumperI like the idea of sparklines06:23
thumperI think they could be really good06:23
thumperlets make them better06:24
lifelessI would in fact like them on every row, once fixed06:25
lifelessbut unlike data in (say) stocks, our branches are tightly coupled06:26
lifelessso we need to consider that06:26
thumperbug 40820706:28
mupBug #408207: Branch sparklines are disabled <ui> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/408207>06:28
thumperI've targetted 3.0 to fix this06:28
stubWhat does 'max commits' on the sparklines actually mean?06:45
stubI just opened https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/408211 for giggles - the colour choices violate our UI standards.06:46
mupBug #408211: sparklines using error red and link blue when it shouldn't <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/408211>06:46
thumperstub: bug 39064506:49
mupBug #390645: Sparkline text doesn't make sense <confusing-ui> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Triaged by thumper> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/390645>06:49
thumpermwhudson: there isn't any point landing the fix now as it won't get in before the edge rollout anyway06:50
thumpermwhudson: I'll check the windmill with rockstar tomorrow06:50
mwhudsonthumper: finally reviewed your branch06:55
thumpermwhudson: thanks very much06:55
mwhudsonthumper: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad-cscvs/merge-creates-file-bug-120977-attempt-2/+merge/957307:04
mwhudsonlifeless: you might like to look at that too ^^07:04
lifelessmwhudson: remind mem tomorrow07:04
mwhudsonfair enough07:04
* mwhudson is no longer here07:17
thumpermwhudson: replied, and I'm EOD now07:20
jtvhi noodles77507:48
noodles775Hiya jtv :)07:48
=== Wajih is now known as MaWaLe
jtvmthaddon, are you here?09:18
stubKilling translationstobranch(30855), 2009-08-03 03:30:08.209901+00:00, 2009-08-03 03:30:08.304575+00:0009:21
stubjtv: Doing something in a long transaction? or perhaps a hang.09:21
jtvstub: have you done that before?  I noticed the export for ddtp-ubuntu got interrupted a few days ago.09:22
jtvIt's just a very large export job.09:22
stubKilling translationstobranch(21076), 2009-08-02 03:30:09.157374+00:00, 2009-08-02 03:30:09.289792+00:0009:22
stubKilling translationstobranch(11525), 2009-08-01 03:30:10.466531+00:00, 2009-08-01 03:30:10.590209+00:0009:23
stubIs there any reason to do that inside the transaction?09:24
jtvYes, that matches.  The ddtp-ubuntu exports are taking too long & getting killed off.09:24
jtvWe should be able to break it down into smaller transactions.  That'd benefit exports in general.09:25
stubYup. Autocommit mode could be best if you don't need the transactional integrity.09:26
stubIf you do need transactional integrity, it might need refactoring to dump information into a temporary table in one transaction and then export from the holding area in autocommit mode.09:27
mrevellHowdy Launchpadders09:27
jtvhi mrevell!09:27
jtvstub: I don't think we need it that badly.09:28
jtvmrevell: hey, the What's New list on the front page is still 2.2.6!09:35
jtv(a little Serbian bird just told me)09:35
mrevelljtv: I'm afraid I wasn't here for the release (paternity leave) so not everything happened exactly as normal. I need to see if there's a way to get an updated What's New onto production without a roll-out.09:36
danilosjtv: mrevell was on leave at the time, kfogel was supposed to update it09:36
jtvdanilos: I know, but he's not here now.09:36
danilosmrevell: sure there is, it's called a cherrypick :)09:36
danilosjtv: that's even better: blame the one who's not here :)09:36
jtvdanilos: it does mean I can't tab-complete the nick, so that's why I went with mrevell09:37
mrevelldanilos: to be fair to kfogel, I was in a rush to get out the door to tend to my increasingly pained wife, so I may have left the "what's new" requirement out of my "oh my God, can you please do these things" email.09:37
danilosmrevell: you might have, but I remember reminding him about it and sending my items along with it :)09:38
jtvdanilos: he did email them out.09:38
mrevellAnyway, let's not worry about what happened in the past, let's just make the future a great place to be.09:38
mrevellRight, anyway, I'll prepare a branch now and get it through testing and review.09:39
danilosmrevell: sure, so if you can get a branch ready, I am sure we can have it cherrypicked09:39
danilosmrevell: I'd be happy to restart my work with a review as well :)09:39
mrevelldanilos: superb :) Gimme a few mins to prepare this branch.09:39
danilosmrevell: np :)09:39
carlosdanilos: hey, you are alive!10:25
carlosbtw, hi ;-)10:26
daniloscarlos: hey hey10:33
daniloscarlos: just back from my holidays :)10:33
daniloscarlos: how's it going? have you tried the new Launchpad? :)10:33
carlosdanilos: I supposed that :-P10:33
carlosdanilos: I didn't have time yet, I only checked it out10:34
daniloscarlos: heh, cool :)10:34
carlosdanilos: btw, congratulations for the release ;-10:35
daniloscarlos: thanks, really happy about it myself :)10:35
deryckMorning, folks.11:00
noodles775Hi deryck :)11:01
danilosjtv, henninge: hey hey, I'd really like to hear your voices, it's been so long!11:02
jtvdanilos: should I sing a bit?11:02
danilosjtv: I'd love that :)11:02
henningedanilos: I am sorry, I forgot my headset at home ... :(11:02
jtvSo who's going to do backup vocals?11:03
daniloshenninge: a shame, a shame11:03
henningedanilos: I can go and grab it if you are willing to wait 10 minutes for my voice ...11:03
* henninge runs off11:04
daniloshenninge: sure, sounds fine :)11:04
=== henninge is now known as henninge-brb
jtvdanilos: did you _have_ to say "sounds fine"?11:04
danilosjtv: of course I did, the sound was splendid :)11:05
* jtv sighs11:05
=== henninge-brb is now known as henninge
henningedanilos, jtv: ready!11:15
danilosjtv, henninge: calling11:15
=== mrevell changed the topic of #launchpad-dev to: Launchpad Development Channel | Week 1 of 2.2.8 | https://dev.launchpad.net/ | Please use #launchpad for support. | https://launchpad.net/~launchpad-dev | Get it: https://dev.launchpad.net/Getting | http://people.canonical.com/~herb/ | http://paste.ubuntu.com/
=== mrevell is now known as mrevell-lunch
* henninge lunches13:06
=== henninge is now known as henninge-lunch
=== noodles775-afk is now known as noodles775
jtvherb, hi!  I sent two requests to the LOSAs list.  Have to leave now, but the message-sharing one is the more important one.13:30
jtvherb, to reiterate: apply https://pastebin.canonical.com/20693/ on staging, then run scripts/rosetta/message-sharing-merge.py -vvv -T -p elisa13:32
jtvtia :)13:32
jtvAh, that should be the -P option (the -T one isn't necessary here)13:33
* jtv afks13:37
marssinzui, around?14:01
sinzuiI am14:01
marshi sinzui, just wondering if my argument for saving 50% of CHR's project review time swayed you to give the experiment a shot :)14:01
sinzuiI think we need to fix the test/translation/junk problem first14:03
sinzuiThe test and translation problems are a regression from the old design14:04
=== mrevell-lunch is now known as mrevell
=== Ursinha-afk is now known as Ursinha
=== Edwin is now known as Guest36657
kfogeljml: mmm, I envy you the real Guinness14:46
jmlkfogel, and an interesting thing came up in discussion14:46
kfogeljml: hit me :-)14:46
jmlkfogel, heh heh14:46
jmlkfogel, I reckon a lot of the potential Launchpad hackers out there are people who are actually more interested in Ubuntu.14:46
jmlkfogel, there's an internal Canonical wiki page called UbuntuInfrastructureNeeds which has a bunch of stuff that we need to address14:46
* kfogel goes to look at that page14:46
jmlkfogel, we should move much of that page to the dev.lp.net wiki14:47
kfogeljml: agreed.  Since I'm working in the wiki right now, I'll do that too.14:47
jmlkfogel, and I think, more generally, it'd be worth making it really obvious for people to answer the question "how can I help Ubuntu by patching Launchpad?"14:48
kfogeljml: I'm torn on that one.  On the one hand, Ubuntu devs are big Launchpad users.  On the other hand, by making Launchpad (including Launchpad development) more attractive to non-Ubuntu-specific upstreams, we can get them using Launchpad more... which would be good for Ubuntu in the long run of course.  So I'm not sure how Ubuntu-pandery to be.14:49
jmlkfogel, fair enough.14:49
kfogeljml: the answer might be to talk about Launchpad in Ubuntu forums, not in Launchpad forums.14:50
jmlkfogel, perhaps.14:50
jmlkfogel, I'm going to mull over this one, I think.14:50
kfogeljml: me too.  Some of the answers may become obvious as I'm editing the wiki today.14:51
jmlkfogel, cool :)14:51
marsgary_poster, btw, do you have any ideas for stub's suggestion of forking buildout for python2.6?15:02
marsdoes buildout let you keep a light-weight configuration fork like that?15:02
stubI was just thinking of a seperate branch with automatic merges like devel -> db-devel15:03
stubAlthough I guess running 'make check PYTHON=python2.5' might work just as well15:03
gary_postermars, I'm afraid I didn't see that.  Looking.  In any case, the typical approach for that sort of thing is to have a separate .cfg file that extends the normal one (or some other similar variant).  You can specify the cfg to use with the -c option to bin/buildout15:03
marsgary_poster, lp-dev, maxb's "Launchpad on Python2.5" thread15:04
gary_posterYeah I see it15:04
marsyou know15:05
gary_postermars, not sure if that's what he meant.  If we have a separate branch then the branch can just modify buildout.cfg as appropriate15:05
marsit would be nice to have a clear, visual buildbot display from running the suite on 2.615:05
marsso we could start running it right now, see the errors15:05
marsand anyone can start fixing them15:05
mars*without* running the entire suite15:05
gary_posterThat's a good idea.  I think I'd be more keen on that once I have the zope buildout branch done.15:06
jmlhello :)15:06
marshi jml15:06
jmlI'm getting james_w set up with a Launchpad development environment...15:06
jmland he's getting errors to do with the storm egg15:07
marsstub or gary_poster, ^ ?15:07
gary_posterjml, what sort of errors? :-)15:07
stubRefresh download-cache15:07
stub(and make sure the power cord is plugged in)15:08
jmlstub, 'bzr up download-cache' is up to date15:08
* jml gets a stack trace15:08
jmlTree is up to date at revision 57.15:10
james_w# ls /tmp/buildd/launchpad/devel/eggs/storm-0.14trunk_321-py2.4-linux-i686.egg/storm/ | grep cext15:11
stubAny build errors though?15:11
stubThe storm egg is broken, so what happened.15:11
stubstorm update happened last commit actually (move from custom branch to trunk), so if this is a genuine problem revert r9024. I have to head off in a few mins though.15:13
stubmake clean; make build15:13
gary_posterjames_w: if you have lost build errors in your terminal, you can remove /tmp/buildd/launchpad/devel/eggs/storm-0.14trunk_321-py2.4-linux-i686.egg and rerun make (or simply run bin/buildout) to try to get the error15:13
stubOr maybe make clean; rm -rf eggs/*; make build15:13
JamalFanaianhi, what is the proper way to run the python unit tests? i was trying bin/test using the --test parameter, which runs but results in 0 tests executed15:13
noodles775JamalFanaian: what's the exact command that you're running? (I generally use -vvt, but not sure why you're getting 0 tests?)15:14
JamalFanaiannoodles775: bin/test --test=test_person.py15:14
jmlso that seems to have addressed the problem15:15
jmlit seems a bit suboptimal that 'make clean' doesn't actually clean the build15:15
gary_posterwell, good, and, huh??15:15
bigjoolsJamalFanaian: use -t test_person15:15
stub'bin/test test_person' is what you want.15:15
JamalFanaianbigjools: stub ok thx :)15:15
jmlgary_poster, yeah, that's where I am :)15:15
stub--test is a regexp that doesn't match the filename you are specifying15:16
JamalFanaianstub: oh ok15:16
stubBecause the filename is not what is being matched - the module and testname is15:16
noodles775JamalFanaian: so for unittests, just leave of the .py ... yes, as bigjools said15:16
JamalFanaianmakes sense, it's running now :)15:16
JamalFanaiannoodles775: yeah it's working now, thank you :)15:16
gary_posterjml: make clean does clean the build.  it doesn't delete all the eggs, which are shared resources.  I suppose we could have a make clean_eggs but I'm not even in favor of that, because it would affect other branches (at least in the current set up, which has speed advantages)15:17
marsjml, noted, we need 'make distclean'.  'make clean' already does some stuff to clean up the app server state, but not the initial artifacts15:18
gary_posterjml: your launchpad build was fine.  an egg was broken.  That's "not supposed to happen" in such a way that rebuilding the egg makes everything happy15:18
jmlgary_poster, I see.15:19
stubgary_poster: Should buildout trash the egg it just tried to create if the creation fails?15:19
jmlI wonder how 'make clean' interacts with sourcecode/15:19
gary_posterstub: yeah, that seems like it would be good behavior15:19
jmlanswer: it cleans it up incorrectly by accident15:20
gary_posterjml: good question.  so...not quite sure what the answer means to the buildout story (given the "incorrectly by accident" part)15:21
jmlgary_poster, well, it's hard to determine intent15:21
gary_postergotcha :-)15:22
jmlit uses find to recursively delete things that are likely to be build artifacts15:22
gary_posterjml: huh.  ...I wonder if it therefore would be the cause of this symptom, if it walks into eggs...15:23
jmlI only ever really use 'make clean' when I'm suspecting an error in the build process and want to try again...15:23
jmlgary_poster, that's probably it, actually.15:23
* jml experiments15:23
* gary_poster thinks he's used make clean plenty since buildout-ification and not had a problem like this to his knowledge...15:24
jmloh, btw, I'm making a branch that removes the 'apidoc' dependency from 'make build'15:25
jmlahh, got it.15:25
jmljames_w has download-cache in the devel directory15:26
jmlnot as a symlink15:26
jmlso find is recursing down into it, whereas it doesn't recurse into symlinks15:26
gary_posterjml: (apidoc dependency) oh, I thought we needed that for lazr.restful-based tests.  Are you sure that's not the case?15:26
jml(so my earlier statement about it cleaning up sourcecode was untrue)15:27
gary_posterjml: "download-cache" just has .tgzs, but I suspect your analysis is true for "eggs" as well, which would in fact cause this symptom15:27
gary_posterjml: ah ok15:27
jmlgary_poster, right, I meant to say eggs.15:27
jmlgary_poster, so this would explain why we have never seen it.15:27
gary_posterright exactly.  ...I suppose we could try to make the ``make clean`` target avoid "eggs"?15:28
gary_posterfor this kind of situation:15:28
jmleither that or get it to delete them :)15:28
jmlbut it should be one or the other.15:28
gary_postersorry, s/:/./15:28
gary_posterjml: yeah.  ok, unless you want to argue for the deleting the eggs, I'll add a bug for making "make clean" not remove .sos and so on from eggs15:30
jmlgary_poster, +115:30
jmlso, on the apidocs15:30
jmlthere are two things. the first is that we should make the actual step more resilient to failure15:31
jmlthe second is that if it's not actually needed to run launchpad locally, then it shouldn't be in 'make build'15:31
rockstarjml, why in the world are you awake?15:31
jmlrockstar, because it's 3:33pm where I am.15:33
rockstarjml, I do not think you are where I think you are.15:34
jmlrockstar, I'm in Dublin15:35
rockstarjml, ah, okay then.15:35
gary_posterjml: make the actual step more resilient to failure, sure, makes sense.15:36
kfogelHey folks, new page: https://dev.launchpad.net/Help .  I'll post/write about these new pages later, as I'm revamping a bunch of stuff, but thought you'd want to know about that one early.15:36
gary_posterjml: not needed to run launchpad locally: if you are right (don't know) and there's a target that the losas use for building that is not make build (don't know) then makes sense15:37
jmlgary_poster, do you know if it's needed to run launchpad on production?15:37
gary_posterjml: flacoste would know if it is necessary for development, and leonardr might know.  Have you already determined this?  If not, we should consult leonardr; if he is not sure, I suspect we should consult with flacoste when he is available later this week.  (I do believe this is necessary for launchpad on production, at least because we link to it from the wiki)15:38
jmlgary_poster, I haven't already determined it, but I figure that if I just do some experiments & grepping, I can find out enough.15:39
leonardrjml, gary_poster: it's necessary for development in the sense that there's a test that verifies its existence15:40
leonardrwhich i think is why we put it in make build15:40
jmlleonardr, hi, long time no see :)15:40
jmlleonardr, but why is the test there?15:40
leonardrto make sure that the generation code works?15:40
jmlleonardr, why can't the test run the generation code itself?15:40
gary_posterjml, can we just address the first problem then (make it more resilient to failure)?  Not clear on what the problems are there15:41
jmlgary_poster, yes. that's easy enough.15:41
jmlthe problem is that the way the make step works, if it fails, there's an empty file at $API_INDEX15:41
gary_posterah yes15:42
jmlso the next time you run 'make build', you get a horrid syntax error15:42
* gary_poster looks mildly guilty15:42
leonardrjml: well, right now it's a simple pagetest. changing it to run the generation code would mean making it more like a doctest15:42
leonardrthere's no reason why we couldn't do it15:42
mrevellkfogel: Help page looks good to me15:42
jmlleonardr, ok. I think I'd like to do it then.15:42
gary_posterjml, leonardr, but I'm not sure what the win is, since we do need it for production, unless there is a different make target that the losas use15:42
kfogelmrevell: do you know how to color text (not in a table) in moin?15:42
=== noodles775_ is now known as noodles775
kfogelmrevell: without installing the separate Color() macro, that is :-).15:43
jmlgary_poster, the win is shaving 20 seconds off every make build run.15:43
mrevellkfogel: the only way, of which I know, without the macro is using tables15:44
gary_posterjml: does it still run after an initial build?  I thought I had fixed that.15:44
kfogelmrevell: ah, okay.  thanks15:44
gary_posterjml (shaving 20 seconds off every new branch's make build run is nothing to sneeze at; I'm clarifying for my own interests, I suppose)15:44
jmlgary_poster, no, it doesn't, I think.15:44
gary_posterok, good, at least.15:44
* jml verifies experimentally15:45
gary_posterleonardr, jml, am I right that shaving 20 seconds at build time means we regain 20 seconds within test time, given the current proposed change?15:45
leonardrgary_poster: yeah15:46
jmlgary_poster, just in time :)15:47
gary_posterand jml, I apologize for repeating, but do you know if losas have a different build target?15:47
herbgary_poster: what are you trying to figure out?15:47
jmlgary_poster, no, we don't. I'd definitely want to confirm that before landing the change15:47
jmlherb, I'd like to know which make targets are run as part of the deployment process15:48
herbjml: confirming. one moment.15:48
jmlherb, thanks.15:49
gary_posterjml: again feeling mildly guilty, this time for putting brakes on your efforts.  I raised my concerns; now will get out of your way. :-)15:50
jmlgary_poster, no worries at all :)15:50
herbjml: so, we're kinda all over the place on this.15:50
herbjml: at the very minimum we run make build15:50
jmlgary_poster, friendly concern is always appreciated :)15:50
kfogelmrevell: https://dev.launchpad.net/Running (just created, review welcome)15:51
herbjml: actually15:51
gary_posterheh, cool15:51
kfogelmrevell: I also modified the top-level Getting page to refer out to Running and Help now.15:51
herbjml: let me approach it this way15:51
herbjml: in one way or another we use the following targets in production: build, static, start, initscript-start, stop, shutdown15:52
jmlherb, and that list is complete?15:52
mrevellkfogel: makes sense15:53
mrevellkfogel: will look at running15:53
herbjml: don't hold me to that.15:53
beuno_mars, intellectronica, rockstar, noodles775, AJAX in 10?15:53
jmlherb, fair enough :)15:53
=== beuno_ is now known as beuno
rockstarbeuno, yessir.15:53
noodles775beuno: yup.15:53
herbjml: I would say that covers 99.9% of the cases.15:53
jmlherb, certainly, knowing what the public interface of our Makefile is helps a lot :)15:53
herbjml: but I didn't go out and check every server.15:53
jmlherb, np. thanks for checking :)15:53
herbjml: welcome15:54
intellectronicabeuno: yes15:54
kfogelmrevell: is there a single, canonical page for Karmic anywhere?  I see www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/alpha2 and .../alpha3, and various other pages, but I don't see a single "this is what Karmic is" page15:54
marsbeuno, yep15:55
mrevellkfogel: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicKoala ?15:55
kfogelmrevell: perfect, thank you15:55
AdamDHHey, I did a bzr co lp:launchpad but I cannot see the Soyuz source or Codehosting source code? Any ideas where this is?16:02
noodles775AdamDH: ./lib/lp/soyuz ?16:02
intellectronicabeuno: are you leading?16:03
beunointellectronica, I am. trying to hang up another call16:03
mrevellkfogel: I'll PM you some comments.16:03
intellectronicabeuno: just offer whoever is on the line to listen to some really great, relaxing music for a bit ;)16:04
kfogelmrevell, jml: a thought -- I'm editing https://dev.launchpad.net/PatchSubmission right now, and it says for pre-implementation discussion, contact the on-call help person in #launchpad.  That doesn't seem quite right; better to just come into #launchpad-dev and talk to someone here, no?16:04
mrevellkfogel: That certainly seems to make better sense to me. I think we're providing pretty good coverage in here.16:05
intellectronicakfogel: nor neither. the best thing to do is to come to #launchpad-reviews and talk to the ocr16:05
jmlkfogel, agreed.16:05
kfogelintellectronica, jml: even better, thank you16:05
kfogelmrevell: ^^ intellectronica and jml told us where to go, sha-ZZAM16:06
AdamDHnoodles775: thanks did not see it in there16:06
maxbPatchSubmission could also use some clarification about what to do for small obvious fixes - e.g. a three line fix for buildmailman.py - you can't have a pre-imp discussion when you don't know the change you'll be making until you've researched a bug16:08
marsbeuno, still around?16:09
beunomars, almost dialing in, sorry16:09
allenapBjornT: stub has commented on bug 253242 that he's planning on pruning bugnotification soon. wgrant pointed out to him in the bug referenced that perhaps we (bugs) want to use that data first. Do you have an idea what the value of this data is? Should we ask him for a dump or an archived copy before it's gone for good?16:22
mupBug #253242: Fill in the gaps in the activity log using data from bug notifications <bughistory> <feature> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/253242>16:22
marsGuest36657, AJAX call?16:23
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marsEdwinGrubbs, joining the call?16:30
BjornTallenap: yeah, dumping the data would be a good idea.16:31
allenapBjornT: Okay.16:31
allenapBjornT: I'll comment on the bug.16:31
marsbeuno, intellectronica, ah!  Forgot to settle next steps for the UI/QA experiment16:36
marswe really should close that out formally16:37
marsis was successful, right? :)16:37
intellectronicamars: it will be especially interesting in light of our qa team changing. it might mean the qa people can be even more on hand16:38
intellectronicamars: yes, from my experience i can say it was successful16:38
marsintellectronica, would you mind writing a mail to the list saying "It works!  Here's how we did it!"16:39
marsIt would lend closure16:39
EdwinGrubbsmars: I'll call in now. I thought I had already missed the meeting entirely.16:40
marsand let us start talking about the next steps16:40
intellectronicamars: sure, i can do that16:40
marsEdwinGrubbs, nm, we wrapped it up at 11:3516:40
intellectronicamars: b.t.w one thing we still haven't figured out is how to track the results. we currently use the team's test plan, but we find it very inconvenient16:41
marsintellectronica, you should include that problem at the end of the experiment summary.  It might start some discussion.16:43
mars"It works!", "Here's what we did", "Here's what didn't work so well"16:43
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
kfogelI want to do a search for all open-and-unstarted bugs that affect Launchpad that have the 'trivial' tag.  But Launchpad isn't just one component; it's many components.  How to do this search?16:52
kfogelI tried https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%3Alist=TRIAGED&assignee_option=any&field.assignee=&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.h16:52
kfogelbut that brought zero results.16:52
kfogeljml: ^^, and note if I do the same without the 'trivial' tag, I get 58 results.16:54
jmlkfogel, launchpad-project is the conglomeration of all launchpad components.16:55
kfogeljml: thanks16:56
kfogeljml: how did we make that magic happen?  Is it one of those special encapsulating projects ("project groups") that some admin has to create/16:56
jmlkfogel, yes, that.16:58
kfogeljml: thanks16:59
kfogelmrevell: please see front page and critique away17:08
* mrevell looks17:08
mrevellkfogel: Looks good! Is the line "This wiki is new and we're still moving information to it from other places:" misplaced?17:10
beunomrevell, I promise to reply to your email today17:10
mrevellbeuno: thanks man :)17:10
kfogelmrevell: oh wow, forgot about that line17:10
kfogelmrevell: killing it now17:11
beunomrevell, don't thank me until I follow through  ;)17:11
kfogelmrevell: since it will always be true, there is no need to say it17:11
mrevellkfogel: joey was keen to see a section where we link to an overview page for each team. I've actually got that as a bug assigned to me. I guess we should leave it to each TL as to what they want on their team overview page.17:12
kfogelmrevell: that's the part right under the top table now17:12
kfogelmrevell: I was just noticing how some of the pages need to be filled in.17:12
mrevellkfogel: Is it, though? I mean, we don't have a Blueprint team and that's listed there. I suppose the question is: is it worth distinguishing, on the front page, between "parts" of Launchpad the software and the make-up of the Canonical development team?17:13
kfogelmrevell: IMHO we should concentrate on parts of Launchpad -- that's how it looks to the community.  Our internal division into teams, while not completely irrelevant to the dev community, is much less important than the architecture of Launchpad itself (particularly since in practice, people from one team often help out with bugs in some other area).17:14
mrevellkfogel: Perhaps could you take a look at the description of bug 391666 ?17:17
mupBug #391666: Please list Launchpad Teams on dev.lp.net's front page <cleanup> <launchpad-team> <trivial> <Launchpad Documentation:Triaged by matthew.revell> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/391666>17:17
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kfogelmrevell: looking17:18
jtvherb: hi!  Can I just badger you some more?17:19
herbjtv: sure.17:20
kfogelmrevell: commented there17:20
mrevellkfogel: Perhaps a CanonicalTeams page. Let me try something.17:21
kfogeljml: do you have any idea what that project group is called "launchpad-project" instead of "launchpad"?  The latter would be more natural.17:21
kfogelmrevell: should this be a high priority, anyway?  It doesn't seem that important to me, compared with the other things we need in the dev wiki.17:21
jmlkfogel, historical reasons, I think. ISTR mpt doing a lot of thinking about this a while back17:22
kfogelIf it's fast to do -- i.e., a simple page with links to the https://launchpad.net/~TEAM pages -- then sure.17:22
kfogeljml: *nod*17:22
kfogeljml: uh, I'll add that to my stack of questions to ask on list17:22
* kfogel notices the bottom of the stack starting to spontaneously combust from the pressure17:22
jtvherb: did you get my requests for script runs on staging?17:24
herbjtv: yes. saw the emails to losas@. haven't had a chance to jump on the requests yet. will soon.17:25
jtvherb: great, thanks.  It's late night here... could you email me with the output?  A bit impersonal, but...17:26
herbjtv: will do17:26
* jtv ไว่s herb17:27
kfogelbeuno: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+bug/40847017:27
mupBug #408470: "offer to mentor this work" line repeated on mentoring page <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/408470>17:27
* beuno looks17:27
mptkfogel, jml: In the past projects used to be called "products", and project groups were called "projects". (They still have the old names in the database schema.)17:31
jtvherb: if what I just wrote doesn't make sense to you, it's because I mis-spelled it.  I meant ไหว้, not ไว่17:31
mptkfogel, I think kiko gave launchpad-project its ID.17:31
kfogelbeuno: do you see it too?17:31
mptkfogel, I would much prefer that bug tagging was improved enough that we didn't need separate Launchpad projects at all.17:32
kfogelmpt: well, before I go too far down this road, here's what I tried to do: I was searching for a bug (or maybe reporting one and in the dup-search stage?) and I put "launchpad-project" as the group, and that turned out to be invalid.  :-(17:32
kfogelmpt: ah, we were typing at the same time.  Yes, that's exactly the problem.17:32
beunokfogel, yes17:32
mptyes, you can't report a bug on a project group17:32
mptthough you can search for them17:32
kfogelbeuno: I'll bet you can fix that in thirty seconds, man :-).17:32
kfogel(beuno: whereas it would take me all of two minutes!)17:33
mptIf you click "Report a bug" on bugs.launchpad.net/launchpad-project the first thing you'll be asked is to choose which project17:33
kfogelmpt: :-(17:33
beunokfogel, yes, I agree that sinzui can fix it in 15 seconds17:33
kfogelmpt: so in one context, we should type "launchpad-project", and in another we should type "launchpad", even though they're semantically basically the same thing.17:33
kfogelbeuno: niiiiiice17:33
kfogelmpt: "they" being the two contexts, I mean17:34
* sinzui reads scrollback17:34
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kfogelsinzui: bug #40847017:34
mupBug #408470: "offer to mentor this work" line repeated on mentoring page <Launchpad itself:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/408470>17:34
mptkfogel, yes, it's all a workaround for Launchpad having poor categorization of bug reports in large projects17:34
kfogelmpt: I see and am not shocked.17:34
sinzuibeuno: this is one of this issues I reported in my email several weeks ago. The form (view) and the template are both setting headings. This will be fixed the bug team need to fix this since 2008-03-0517:39
beunokfogel, there you go17:39
beunounder 15 seconds17:40
sinzuibeuno: kfogel: The bug's team will have a change to fix this when they update the template to main_only17:40
=== beuno is now known as beuno-lunch
kfogelsinzui: was there already a bug on this?17:40
sinzuikfogel: search /malone17:41
sinzuikfogel: I only understand the problem, I just uses blame to see when the error was introduces17:42
kfogelsinzui: bug #31758917:44
mupBug #317589: "Offer to mentor this work" heading is repeated <trivial> <ui> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/317589>17:44
kfogelsinzui: and I failed to find it because of precisely the problem mpt and I were just discussing :-).17:44
sinzuikfogel: when I search for a bug that I do not know the domain, I search launchpad-project which is the project group for everything we can change: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-project?field.searchtext=mentoring+heading&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=NEW&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITH_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=INCOMPLETE_WITHOUT_RESPONSE&field.status%3Alist=CONFIRMED&field.status%17:46
jmlI can't submit via ec2test :(17:51
sinzuikfogel: beuno-lunch: mpt: matsubara-lunch: Do we want to ask an admin to: 1) rename launchpad => launchpad-old. 2) rename launchpad-project => launchpad 3) add the launchpad-project alias to launchpad. QA will then triage all bugs that belong to the project.17:52
jmlsocket.gaierror: (-2, 'Name or service not known') during delete_previous_key_pair17:52
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jmlgary_poster, is there anything I can do to work around this, or at least get more info?17:55
matsubarasinzui, why do you want to do that?17:56
mptsinzui, I'm not sure that would solve kfogel's problem. Depends on whether he searched first, or relied on the dup-finder.17:56
mptAnyway, it wouldn't solve the problem for people who *do* rely on the dup-finder.17:56
sinzuimatsubara: I think kfogel would have not files a duplicate bug if he could have found the original bug. launchpad only exists to triage bugs, so users probably never find the bug they want investigate unless they know how launchpad is structured17:57
* sinzui is really upset the the 'd' key keeps moving on his keyboard17:58
gary_posterjml: never seen this before.  I assume you agree that it looks vaguely like a network connection to AWS is broken or flaky somewhere along the line.  I would just need to dig into boto myself.17:59
matsubarasinzui, I think we need to fix bug 174443 instead of doing the rename17:59
mupBug #174443:  Better duplicate searching in Launchpad's own projects <dupefinder> <feature> <Launchpad Answers:Triaged> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/174443>17:59
jmlgary_poster, james_w just diagnosed it for me17:59
gary_posterjml: and digging into boto would probably just verify that the broken socket is to AWS.  I'd hopefully see precisely what the address was, but not sure where I'd go from there17:59
jmlgary_poster, my hardy chroot has a dodgy resolv.conf.18:00
gary_posterjml: ah, ok.  cool18:00
jml(and the socket module raises shitty errors, making it harder to diagnose.)18:00
jmlgary_poster, thanks.18:00
gary_posteragree on socket module errors :-/18:00
sinzuimatsubara: but the duplicate work in this case. kfogel did not know that launchapd is NOT a PROJECT.18:00
jmlit's a general Python problem, saying the error but not providing enough data about the objects involved18:00
sinzuiWe suck for creating a project that we would NEVER approve if it was made by someone else.18:01
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rockstarbeuno-lunch, can I have you take a look at: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~rockstar/launchpad/codereview-js/+merge/958718:04
sinzuiI am so very tempted to spend my weekends to put wiki markup in in blueprints so that I never have to use moin again.18:05
kfogelsinzui: I if one could a) file a bug against 'launchpad' even when it's a project group, and b) have 'launchpad' work in the dup finder when filing, then your plan would be good.  The fact that the dup finder does not search the same domains as search is very problematic.18:10
sinzuikfogel: as the link I pasted showed, in your case it did work You did not know that 'launchpad' is QA's bug holding project. The real project is named launchpad-project18:11
kfogelsinzui: I'm on a call, back in a sec (had trouble understanding what you're telling me, but unable to formulate the right question right now)18:12
beuno-lunchrockstar, yes, right after lunch, I'll take that on18:14
beuno-lunchI think today is UI review day, I have like 6 of them in queue18:14
mrevellsee you tomorrow guys.18:15
gary_posterBjornT: ping.  I have someone who is getting timeouts when trying to use https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/bugs/+filebug (specifically, after pressing Continue).  I tried it, and while it didn't give me a timeout error, it was pretty slow if you just type in "Testing" in the Summary, and press Continue without filling anything else out.  Is this a known bug I can report?18:33
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gary_posterBjornT: On the same page, when I try to use the Package chooser and search for "bug" then I get "Loading results failed".18:34
JamalFanaiani'm trying to create a unittest but i'm having issues.. i have created a person object using the LaunchpadObjectFactory makePerson method, but I can't figure out a decent way to create karma records for that person using the factory.. would someone be willing to help me a bit with that?18:35
iahello. since LP has been "open sourced", should 3rd party users/developers count on packaging debs of LP (by Canonical Launchpad Engineering team, i guess) in the near future?18:39
jmlia, no. :)18:40
elmo(I like the "scare" quotes, btw)18:40
jmlia, we're all busy making Launchpad better.18:40
BjornTgary_poster: we already have a bug for it. the search for duplicates sometimes times out, and it's not easy to fix.18:42
gary_posterBjornT: ok thank you18:42
gary_posterBjornT: do you happen to know anything about the ubuntu-bug command line application?  I have someone on IRC who wants to report a bug about it, but neither he nor I can find it in Launchpad.18:43
gary_posterleonardr: ^^18:44
elmogary_poster: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apport18:45
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gary_posterelmo: thank you!18:45
rockstarsinzui, hi18:47
rockstarsinzui, do you think I could have a pre-imp call with you re: javascript error handling and 3.0?18:47
sinzuisure. I know nothing about either of these issues, but I have opinions if you are willing to listen to me18:48
rockstarsinzui, well, you know most about 3.0, and mars and I have already had a few discussions about this.18:48
marsrockstar, sinzui has been doing web work for over a decade, so I trust his opinions :)18:50
sinzuirockstar: That is a common misunderstanding. I am trying to make the pictures that beuno shows me to work in the code. I do not know what any page should look like. I personally want to know what can go in the side portlets and what they look like18:50
sinzuirockstar: I am ready for a call when ever you are ready18:51
rockstarsinzui, what is your skype id?18:53
sinzuirockstar: curtis.hovey18:54
=== salgado-lunch is now known as salgado
salgadokfogel, I think https://answers.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad/+faq/195 needs to be updated. ;)18:56
kfogelsalgado: done; thanks18:58
gary_posterderyck: you are on the bugs team, right? :-)  A user put some primate information (his email signature) in a bug comment.  Is the only way to change this to go to a losa, or is there some other approach?18:59
gary_posterlol, s/primate/private/18:59
gary_poster<ooka ooka>18:59
deryckmonkeys in the system, no!19:00
deryckgary_poster, yeah, if it's in the comment, there's no way that I know of except to edit the comment or have a LOSA hide the comment.19:01
deryckgary_poster, anyone with admin privileged on lp can hide the comment because that is exposed in the API now.19:01
deryckgary_poster, can hide it with a script, rather.19:01
gary_posterderyck: so the only way out is database skuduggery?  oh, ok.  I'll ask the user if that's what they want then.  thank you!19:02
marsor curl, perhaps? :)19:02
deryckgary_poster, yeah, two options -- db work or run a script to hide the comment.19:02
gary_posterderyck: ok cool thanks.19:03
sinzui"There are monkeys in the palace" was a call sign at Time Life when someone misconfigured products in the database.19:04
deryckgary_poster, I wonder if that isn't an exercise in futility ultimately, though -- Google cache or any other web archive may have picked up the person's data and make cleaning LP pointless, no?19:05
gary_posterderyck: perhaps so, but using that as a customer service reason for not doing anything strikes me as unfriendly at best, don't you think?19:06
deryckgary_poster, oh, yeah, I'm not against helping. :)  I think the user should be warned, though, that this data has been compromised and not believe that simply hiding the comment fixes the potential problem.19:07
gary_posterderyck: cool, agree19:07
deryckgary_poster, cool :)19:08
* rockstar goes to lunch19:10
marssinzui, btw, something I thought might enjoy reading, when you have a moment: http://www.inc.com/magazine/20090701/joel-spolsky-the-day-my-industry-died.html19:11
sinzuimars: you fiend! How can I ignore this article now that you have shown it to me? The new project layout cannot be finished until my reading is complete.19:13
marswell, it's a short read...19:13
* beuno stabs mars 19:14
beunodon't distract sinzui!19:14
sinzuibeuno: <as I look up from the article> is there are final picture of what side portlets should look like? Should we be showing the translation's involvement link if the project does not use translations.19:15
beunosinzui, we should not19:16
sinzuigood, I already coded it that way19:16
beunosinzui, if only you weren't already married...19:17
sinzuimy wife is very jealous woman.19:17
beunocan't have everything in life I guess...19:18
sinzuibeuno: I have two answers sections to complete then I can take some screen shots. I am also struggling with the YUI first class. it is does not behave well when it is used around a portlet that the template call.19:19
* sinzui is looking for a recipie to make the template and th portlet simple19:20
beunosinzui, can you cheat using firebug to send me the screenshots?19:21
beunoI'm currently reviewing rockstar's branch19:21
beunobut I won't leave my desk today until I've done all UI reviews on my plate19:21
sinzuibeuno: the first class must be on the portlet div, which means all templates that use it must always use it as first (left) portlet. The solution is to only use yui layout classes in the template that makes the page.19:26
* sinzui play with this a bit more before declaring defeat19:26
sinzuibeuno: we use the term "mugshot" for user images. Should we use that term instead of "branding" in links to update the small, medium, and large images?19:40
beunosinzui, I don't think that's a very well understood term19:41
beuno"update pictures"?19:41
sinzuiokay. I agree that mugshot is not clear. (nor was hackergotchi)19:42
sinzuibeuno: I propose that I update the form to state where we will use the images.19:43
beunosinzui, I saw, and it's a fantastic idea19:43
sinzuibeuno: Is this the "Get involved" presentation you expect to see?19:46
beunosinzui, yes. The icons weren't a great idea19:47
BjornTbeuno: what is the "bug root page"? (talking about pages to be redesigned for 3.0)19:54
JamalFanaiansalgado: hey, do you have another min? i'm terribly sorry that i've been such a pester today.. just trying to get my head around the way factories work :\19:56
salgadoJamalFanaian, sure, what's up?19:57
beunoBjornT, bugs.lp.net/project19:57
beunoBjornT, I had no idea how to refer to it  :)19:57
JamalFanaiansalgado: well i'm trying to figure out how to create a karmacache record using the factory.. i've got a unittest that is able to create a person object and set up the PersonView19:57
JamalFanaianI tried defining a makeKarmaCache method in the factory that just creates a KarmaCache object that I can then pull up when person.getProjectsAndCategoriesContributedTo() gets called19:58
JamalFanaianbut I can't actually get the KarmaCache record to be created correctly..19:58
JamalFanaiani'm guessing i'm just doing it wrong, so i just wanted to see if you could give me a few pointers of where to look19:58
BjornTbeuno: ok, i suspected it was that one :)19:59
salgadoJamalFanaian, sure, do you get any errors when creating the KarmaCache record?  Can I have a look at the diff?19:59
JamalFanaiansalgado: let me create a diff, but i get an error when i try to call transaction.commit() after creating the karmacache record, not sure if i need to commit or not20:00
salgadoJamalFanaian, can you paste the error too?20:02
JamalFanaiansalgado: sure thing20:02
JamalFanaianhttp://pastebin.com/f3627c1e6 -- this is my changes.. i created a simplified sql query to test if the data was even in there..20:03
JamalFanaiansalgado: here is the test execution with errors http://pastebin.com/f1f8fbe620:04
JamalFanaiansalgado: woops ignore that last link ;020:04
JamalFanaiansalgado: http://pastebin.com/f31c00a8 this would be the correct one20:06
salgadoJamalFanaian, that's because the db user used on the web app (the same one that's used for tests) is not allowed to insert rows on the KarmaCache table20:08
salgadothat's becasue that table is maintained by a script, so only that script's DB user can insert on that table20:09
JamalFanaiansalgado: ah, ok i understand..20:09
JamalFanaiansalgado: so is my option to try to get that insert query to run as the cron DB user? or am i taking a completely wrong approach at this?20:10
salgadoJamalFanaian, I think it's OK to change the new factory method to do the insert as a dbuser that can write to that table20:12
salgadothat dbuser would be config.karmacacheupdater.dbuser20:13
salgadobut I'll have to look up how to get the existing connection to use that user20:13
JamalFanaiansalgado: that's beyond my comprehension of the system so far lol20:14
salgadoJamalFanaian, I don't think we have good infrastructure for switching the db user in factory methods, so I suggest you do the following20:17
salgado1. move your new factory method as a helper method of your test class20:17
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salgado2. there you can use LaunchpadZopelessLayer.switchDbUser(dbuser) before creating the KarmaCache entries, and change it back afterwards20:18
JamalFanaiansalgado: let me try that then, thank you so much for your time and assistance20:19
salgado3. email launchpad-dev@lists.launchpad.net asking if there's any way to turn that test helper into a factory method20:19
salgadoJamalFanaian, don't forget the 3rd step, that's the most important one. ;)20:20
JamalFanaiansalgado: I won't :).. Should I do that after I commit the branch so I can show them? Or just post the diff in the email20:23
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salgadoJamalFanaian, just the diff is fine20:27

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