
Ford_PrefectAnyone tried booting a rootstock generate rootfs with NFS?06:40
Ford_PrefectThe dratted NM seems to be pulling down the network for a restart, which breaks because it's running from NFS06:41
loolFord_Prefect: Right there's a bug with NM breaking network on NFS (that's not related to rootstock I think)09:28
loolI've seen it filed on Debian it's probably reported in Ubuntu as well09:28
Ford_Prefectlool, ah, okay. I worked around it by putting an exit in /etc/default/NetworkManager09:45
loolFord_Prefect: eh I guess that works09:55
loolI seem to recall that one issue was that there was some chicken and egg issue with /usr needed for NM to start and NM being needed to get /usr from NFS09:56
loolBut then in your case what you really want is for NM to start without touching the network09:56
Ford_Prefectlool, it's a pretty hard problem to crack in a please-all way, I guess.10:23
loolFord_Prefect: Yeah exactly10:57
loolFord_Prefect: That said, your bug would probably be fixed if NM was careful not to wipe clean the network config when starting up to replace it with its own10:58
Ford_PrefectGuess it would be a little hard to make sure that no network access is required between when NM starts touching the config and when it finishes setup11:12
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lbtanyone familar with dpkg-cross. I'm hitting issues with -dcv1 vs -cross  how do I make -dcv1 packages?13:13
loollbt: We're building our own or using the codesourcery ones14:48
lbtso I'm approaching this by setting debian/target=armel and then debian/rules control to make a gcc-cross.14:49
lbtis that you mean by "building our own"?14:50
loollbt: Install binutils-source or grab the source yourself, same for gcc and build these14:51
lbtOK. I want to integrate this into the OBS build system - building from source is fairly simple. I'd like to track the gcc as shipped by ubuntu so we have version match14:52
lbtI'll check out emdebian though - thanks  for that :)14:52
loollbt: Note that I'm not making a recommendation of emdebian, but the tools you mention are emdebian ones so they are the people who can help you use them15:03
lool(IOW I don't use them myself)15:03
lbtthat's fair... NB my objective is to produce a cross compiler to install (elegantly) into a qemu chroot15:04
lbtI would like to base it on gcc.dsc15:04
lbtso as gcc evolves with Jaunty/Karmic15:05
lbtI can update my chroot build env to match15:05
lbtcurrently dpkg-cross seems a viable way to do it using debuild...15:06
rjune_lbt: I use crosstool-ng to build for our platform. Though we're building a complete distro, not just building for debian or ubuntu15:32
lbtrjune_: My objective is a drop-in replacement for gcc_XXX_armel in a qemu-chroot15:34
lbts/drop-in/kinda drop-in/15:34
rjune_then crosstool probably isn't for you, did emdebian prove helpful?15:36
lbtI've not brought it up yet.... I actually found a maybe solution15:43
lbtwaiting for my turn in the build sched15:44
lbtooh... finished but not finalised....15:44
loolHmm I don't remember finding crosstools-ng last time I was looking for such stuff15:53
loolSeems nice15:53

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