
PhilippeVoinovsorry, I'm new to the ubuntu art comumunity. I have a question - If I want to make some art (eg. an ubuntu/gimp) splash I make a wiki page for it, right?01:33
Philippe_VoionvSorry, im kind of new to ubuntu art stuff. I made a splash for gimp 2.6 on ubuntu. Do I post it on the art wiki or something?06:16
BHSPitMonkeyPhilippe_Voionv: wouldn't you send that kind of thing to the Gimp project?06:20
darkmatterBHSPitMonkey: I think that would depend on whether or not the splash is generic or ubuntu specific06:37
BHSPitMonkeyI, for one, am against customizing apps' splash screens in distros :(06:38
* BHSPitMonkey shudders at the orange OO.o splash06:38
darkmatterBHSPitMonkey: hmmm... I don't know if I agree. it's a matter of 'does it work'. opensuse manages to make it work. plus it does add consistency to the distro.. but yeah.. the whole 'vomit orange' trend is disturbing06:40
BHSPitMonkeyIt wouldn't be as horrific if ubuntu REALLY integrated the styles06:41
BHSPitMonkeyLike the splash screens in Adobe's various Creative Suite programs06:41
BHSPitMonkeyBut these are all just, "Let's take the app's existing splash and tint it orange"06:41
kwwiiBHSPitMonkey: actually, the current OOo splash is not simply the blue one made orange, we spent quite some time making a splash which Sun would accept08:50
kwwiibut anyway, time for a meeting08:50
BHSPitMonkeykwwii: I understand that, but it might as well be that way08:51
kwwiiwe have a policy of not branding any splash screens in order to help the variants keep their branding clear08:56
kwwiiso the slightest way we could brand the OOo screen was to change the design and the colors (ie we did not want to add an ubuntu logo)08:57
BHSPitMonkeyMy opinion remains that they shouldn't be branded at all :(08:58
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andreasnmac_v, #408361 excellent! Will add some applications14:08
mac_vdamn bot, bug #40836114:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408361 in nautilus "Applications need to use "gtk_image_menu_item_set_always_show_image" for essential icons." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40836114:09
mac_vandreasn: wanted to ask you-> where can i find the src of the gnome > /devices/ac-adapter.png ?14:19
andreasnhm, sounds like gnome-power-manager14:20
andreasnwhat's the exact url, I can't seem to locate it14:20
mac_vandreasn: http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gnome-icon-theme/diff/256x256/devices/ac-adapter.png?h=one-canvas&id=621dd282948d60b1732946e38a5d9d8acbc7a54814:22
mac_v/usr/share/icons/gnome --- yup14:22
andreasnoh, it's in the one-canvas branch14:23
mac_vandreasn: ah... ! the label threw me off! i was looking for ac-adapter! thanx14:26
andreasnyes, they are grouped together in not always logical ways :)14:29
mac_vandreasn: when will these icons be updated for the end-user?14:31
andreasnI think we'll be able to merge it into the main branch for 2.28, but I can't tell for sure14:31
mac_valso the flash ,when used with a light panel background[default ubuntu panel] doesnt display well14:31
andreasnwhen is the GNOME freeze now again? like late august?14:32
mac_vi'm not sure14:32
MadsRHDoes anyone know where I can find a SVG version of the Empathy logo in a non-Tango version?16:23
FLOZzHello all  \o_16:52

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