
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
markot06Hi, none of the OpenOffice apps start from either Applications menu or terminal (although processes seem to be created). Can anyone help?03:58
didrocksgood morning07:45
huatsmorning everyone08:11
ruslanrhuats: good morning08:12
huatsmorning ruslanr08:15
didrocksmorning huats08:28
huatsmonring mr didrocks08:29
pittibonjour, good morning, guten Morgen, доброий утро, etc.08:33
didrockshey pitti08:35
hggdhbom dia09:39
hggdhdesktop folks: bug 408095 seems a clear case of papercut; I have attached a debdiff09:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408095 in gnome-settings-daemon ""Disable touchpad while typing" should ignore modifier keys when monitoring keyboard activity" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40809509:50
asacseb128: ping09:53
asacseb128: you dont listen ;)09:53
asacseb128: we have gnome-shell in the archive, but not mutter?09:54
asachow des that work?09:54
seb128asac, listen where, in the room?09:54
seb128asac, it's the combination of a wrong dput target and an archive admin NEWing it before a reliased09:55
seb128asac, didrocks is supposed to get mutter in universe, he said he would work on it this weekend09:56
didrocksseb128: it's done, you can have a revu at http://www.didrocks.fr/temp/package/mutter_2.27.1-0ubuntu1.dsc09:56
seb128asac, ^09:57
didrocksseb128: I opened an ITP BUT!09:57
didrocksI saw that there is one version in pkg-gnome09:57
seb128didrocks, did I say that I dislike REVU ;-)09:57
didrockswithout any ITP :/09:57
seb128you should just upload09:57
seb128didrocks, who worked on it?09:57
seb128ok, will talk to him09:58
didrocksseb128: I didn't use revu, it's just on my server if you want to keep an eye on it09:58
seb128when did he start on it?09:58
didrocksseb128: something like 5-7 days for the first commit09:58
seb128didrocks, oh, I misread, I did review the ppa version already I think09:58
didrocksseb128: yes, I made some slights modification, but nothing important09:58
didrocksso. I don't know if I upload as Debian will have one soon...09:59
didrocks(it's not in debian NEW)09:59
seb128didrocks, I will talk to kov10:00
didrocksseb128: ok, keep me in touch :)10:00
asacseb128: yes in the room ... i was trying to get your attention ;)10:01
asacanyway. thanks. so gnome-shell went in by accident for now10:01
seb128sorry was chatting with somebody and didn't notice that10:01
seb128asac, right10:01
seb128asac, I didn't bother to get it out because we are just mutter away from getting in now anyway10:01
asacseb128: no prob ... just funny to chat with you stting like 3 meters away ;)10:01
* didrocks hopes you don't drink Guiness during working in the sprint :/10:02
seb128didrocks, don't worry I don't like dark beer10:02
seb128ie no guiness10:02
didrocksguiness is well better in Ireland than in France10:02
didrocksI tested it during 6 monthes being in Ireland :)10:02
seb128didrocks, btw you should just upload mutter to universe10:03
seb128didrocks, you have been in dublin?10:03
didrocksseb128: yes, I have been living there 6 monthes during my final internship10:03
seb128oh nice10:03
seb128is there any city part you recommend to hang out in the evening ?10:03
didrocksoh yes, despite the weather, Ireland is a really great country with friendly people :)10:04
seb128they talk a weird language10:04
didrocks"how's you doing", "how mouch" :)10:04
didrocksseb128: temple bar of course, at least once to see the lights, etc.10:05
didrocksseb128: let me take a map :)10:05
didrocksseb128: saint stephen's Green really worth a walk (and st stephen's green shopping centre too). Dawson street is awesome when the lights turn on.10:08
didrocksseb128: of course, there is the main street with the "spire" and the post office (lovely)10:09
seb128the post office is that next a building looking like a church?10:09
seb128ok, we have been there yesterday10:10
seb128dawson street is nice indeed10:10
seb128pitti wanted to see grafton street10:10
seb128we had dinner at a pub near where the burger were very challenging10:10
didrocksit's not as nice as dawson street, but worth an eye too :)10:11
seb128shame it was raining when we went out, no street music10:11
didrocksoh yes, burgers seems to be some kind of national food :)10:11
didrocks"it was raining" -> what a surprise :-)10:11
didrocksI hope you will have the time to heard some traditional music10:12
seb128maybe if the rain stops10:12
seb128we will visit the guiness storehouse this week10:12
didrocksit should... before another "rain train" :-)10:12
seb128so at least I will taste one guiness ;-)10:12
didrocksoh, it's nice and funny10:12
didrocksyes, you have one with your ticket10:13
didrocksbrewed less than 3 hours ago :)10:13
didrocksjust be careful about when you get there. It's sometimes crowded10:13
seb128well we have a group visit booked apparently10:13
didrocksok! /me wishes to be in Dublin too :)10:14
didrocksI really liked the people handling ad boards down the street10:15
seb128seems you really enjoyed your time there ;-)10:15
didrocksseb128: appart from the weather, yes and the whole country (especially the western part) is really lovely :-)10:16
didrocksseb128: where are you right now, in Dublin center?10:16
seb12815 minutes walking from dawson street10:16
seb128cross the park south of there and the small river10:17
didrocksseb128: north or south?10:17
didrocks(from dawson street)10:18
seb128it's written the line before your question10:18
seb128south ;-)10:18
didrocksok, I was reading south of where there is a small river :)10:18
seb128well you go south from dawson street10:19
seb128cross the park and the small river10:19
seb128and the hotel is just there10:19
didrocksI know a little less this south part than the north one. But I probably had a walk once there (Dublin isn't so big in reality) :)10:20
didrocksalso, if you have more time, you should go to Dublin Castle and Christ Church Cathedral. I think that's it for "must visit" guide ;)10:24
didrocksin addition to visit some pubs, of course10:24
bratscheI saw those yesterday.10:24
bratscheEspecially the cathedral is quite nice.10:24
didrocksyes :-)10:28
mdzdoes anyone happen to know the bug number for that issue with the spurious policykit authentication dialog?10:33
seb128mdz, bug #39644810:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 396448 in gvfs "inconsistent automounting on startup" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39644810:42
mdzseb128, thank you10:48
andreasnmpt, ping10:55
Ngis there a prevailing policy/process for switching svn->git for gnome projects that have launchpad projects setup (but not actively used by the upstream folk)? vte is still set to come from svn and afaict that means it's not seen any changes since april11:06
robert_ancellbryce: did you attach the stacktrace to that X report?11:16
brycerobert_ancell, no I didn't, mind adding it?11:18
robert_ancellbryce: what is the best way?  Attach the core dump?11:18
robert_ancellbryce: or ~bryce/gdb.txt11:19
bryce ~bryce/gdb.txt11:21
didrocksseb128, rickspencer31: ahah \o/ fixed yesterday in trunk (before seing the crash report) :)12:42
rickspencer31didrocks: nice12:42
didrocksI need to investigate about adding a apport hook to add some information.12:43
seb128didrocks, apport hooks are easy let me know if you need some help to set up one12:44
didrocksseb128: ok, I'm investigating that this evening. Is there some documentation somewhere?12:46
seb128didrocks, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Apport/DeveloperHowTo12:48
didrocksseb128: thanks12:48
seb128you're welcome12:48
asacseb128: hmm12:54
asacseb128: i can add a confli8ct. but mozilla-dev must be really really old12:54
asacseb128: you are reading bugmail for nspr for me now ;) thanks!12:55
seb128asac, ok, I don't know about it I just pointed it in case it was something many users will hit12:55
seb128asac, no, I was looking to the most recently reported list to see if people were complain about the icons in menus being dropped12:55
seb128asac, you might want to look at https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=504275 btw12:56
ubottuMozilla bug 504275 in Menus "Bookmark favicon images with menus_have_icons=false" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]12:56
crevettesimplecommeubuntu ?14:46
crevette :)14:46
didrockscrevette: yes ! ;)14:46
crevettethe framasoft book?14:46
didrocksyes (mine book, btw ;))14:46
crevetteI just found the link in google14:46
didrocksreally? you have never heard about the framabook collection?14:46
didrocksit's been there from 6.10 edition (in fact, from 6.06 but never been published and it was called Simple Comme Linux at the epoch)14:48
brycepitti, mind peeking at bug #407816 when you get a chance?15:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407816 in xserver-xorg-input-vmmouse "vmmouse should be in main (reverted to universe in intrepid)" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40781615:37
pitti bryce: I guess nothign depended on it any more15:38
pittibryce: that explains why it actually worked in kvm in hardy, but not later15:39
pittibryce: kirkland told me a nice trick how to get back the effect15:39
brycepitti, how can we get it pinned down into main?  vmware depends on it15:39
pittibut if we fix it properly, so much the better15:39
pittibryce: something has to hold it in main, i. e. either by seed or dependency15:39
pittibryce: it's not on http://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/component-mismatches.txt15:40
brycepitti, ok how do I do that?15:40
pittii. e. it's currently neither depended on nor seeded15:40
pittibryce: to me it sounds like it should just be added to -input-all ?15:40
pittiif that's not appropriate, we could add it to ubuntu-desktop, but that would be a bit strange15:40
brycehmm, ok15:41
brycepitti, ok I'll add it to -input-all15:41
pittibryce: bug updated, -vmmouse promoted15:43
andreasnmpt, oh, crap, I don't read :/ I thought #408361 was about all applications15:49
* tgpraveen thinks this is not my day15:50
mptandreasn, you didn't misread, it was about all applications15:54
mptI was talking more to mac_v than to you :-)15:54
mptThanks for doing that work mac_v15:54
mac_vmpt: np... :)15:54
seb128andreasn, mpt: those changes seem not really well organized15:55
mac_vandreasn: actually i filed it for all apps, but mpt makes a good point about spam15:55
mac_vhence i split it15:55
mac_vtgpraveen: Bug #40836115:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408361 in firefox "Firefox needs to use "gtk_image_menu_item_set_always_show_image" for essential icons." [Unknown,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40836115:56
seb128andreasn, mpt: it has been explained nowhere and to nobody15:56
mac_vseb128: http://www.andreasn.se/blog/?p=103 , but it has not been explaind to anybody15:57
mptseb128, it was posted on desktop-devel@. It's the sort of change where nobody really cares about fixing problems with the non-default setting until it's changed. It reminds me of the introduction of action-less notifications, actually. :-)15:58
mclasenseb128: do you expect the explanation in regular mail, or via UPS ?15:58
seb128mac_v, blogs are a nice communication tool but not the best way to reach everybody in a project15:58
mac_vyeah , agreed...15:58
seb128mclasen, regular email would be nice, I think that's what is used for discussions in GNOME so far and to announce changes, etc15:59
andreasnseb128, agreed, a initial e-mail after the change had been made to ddl should have been done15:59
mac_vi noticed that only from the upstream bug report15:59
mac_vs/that/that blog15:59
seb128mpt, well nobody wrote about the always use icon property in the d-d-l email or that applications need to be changed15:59
seb128mpt, ie I didn't know about that until reading your launchpad comment16:00
seb128mpt, that's in this blog post apparently too though but I'm one of those people who don't read planet regularly ;-)16:00
mac_vmpt: i dont think no-one will care, people will notice when icons are missing , it looks like a nasty bug... you should have been in #ubuntu+1 the day this happened16:01
mac_vi just reported late since i had other things to fix ;p16:01
andreasnseb128, who is in charge of writing the Ubuntu Alpha/Beta release notes?16:02
andreasnseb128, we need to make sure to mention this change there16:02
seb128andreasn, I think there is a launchpad team you can subscribe to bugs, pitti or slangasek know16:03
andreasnvuntz, and who writes them for OpenSuse?16:03
andreasnseb128, cool, thanks16:03
andreasnseb128, I'll make sure it also goes into the GNOME 2.28 release notes16:03
pittiandreasn: subscribe ubuntu-release to the bug and then add a comment16:03
asacawe: DEB_DH_MAKESHLIBS_ARGS = -- -c416:03
vuntzandreasn: zonker, I think16:05
andreasnvuntz, can you get in touch with him and make sure it gets mentioned?16:05
mptseb128, yes, it could have been better explained16:06
seb128mclasen, btw shouldn't set_use_underline be on by default?16:08
mclasenthe default value for use-underline has always been FALSE16:08
seb128mclasen, the change is somewhat a compatibility breakage in the sense where it change behaviour and make lot of applications behave incorrectly, doing it the reverse way would not change the behaviour16:08
mclasenwhat change ?16:09
seb128mclasen, well since gtk was buggy and not respecting that it sort of was TRUE not by design but by use16:09
brycepitti, ok -input-all updated16:09
brycerobert_ancell, xserver patch pushed; thanks again16:09
pittibryce: that means the next naive kvm -cdrom karmic.iso should "just work" again?16:09
seb128mclasen, http://git.gnome.org/cgit/gtk+/commit/?h=gtk-2-16&id=1b4d4628b94f9aff0af63aebfbc2e3ed73eed56b16:09
brycepitti, hope so16:10
robert_ancellbryce: Thanks, no more X crashes for me!16:10
brycerobert_ancell, onward compiz!  :-)16:10
* robert_ancell dies a little inside ;)16:10
didrocksseb128: when/if you have some time, did you received my mail about reviewing the fdo mail?16:11
seb128didrocks, yes sorry, sort of busy travelling, sprint, etc16:11
didrocksseb128: I understand, no worries :)16:11
mac_vhehe.. the funny thing about the libgnome change was , even seb128 ,who approved the change, didnt know ;p16:12
seb128mac_v, I didn't approve the change16:12
seb128but I didn't realize that some items were still supposed to have icons16:13
seb128almost no application seems to do that right16:13
mac_vi meant the this https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/karmic-changes/2009-July/005347.html16:13
mclasenseb128: it is fine in almost all apps; the ones where we need some finetuning are browsers16:14
seb128mac_v, right I did the libgnome update, I though that the goal was to have no icon though, not that some items would need to set a property16:14
seb128mclasen, that's not what mpt suggested16:14
seb128"Examples of menu items that count as objects, and should therefore have icons: applications, documents (including any recent documents in a "File" menu), disks, partitions, folders, bookmarks, history items, IM accounts, IM statuses, user accounts."16:14
mclasenseb128: mpt is not god...16:14
mac_v0.o i thought he was ;p16:15
seb128mclasen, well if even the design people who did dicuss the issue don't know what we are supposed to do ...16:15
seb128mclasen, and no need to be aggressive there16:15
seb128so it seems different people disagree now on what entries should have icons or not16:16
mclasenseb128: I'm not16:16
vuntzandreasn: hrm, what should get mentioned?16:16
seb128that will make easy for each application maintainer to know what change to apply16:16
mac_vvuntz: Bug #40762116:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407621 in libgnome "(design decision) Icons missing from context menu , dialogue buttons , firefox bookmark favicons" [Wishlist,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40762116:17
seb128andreasn, should standard application have any icon for documents, disks, bookmarks etc as suggested by mpt or not as suggested by mclasen now?16:17
mclasenthe one place where documents usually show up in app menus is recent docs16:18
mclasenand we already handle that in gtk16:18
andreasnseb128, I would go with what mpt recommended here, ie. yes, show them for apps, documents, disks etc.16:19
seb128andreasn, thanks16:20
andreasnthis is also what Vista and OS X does (if that matters in any way)16:20
seb128mclasen, the gtk changes for underline trigger lot of bugs similar to http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59034916:21
ubottuGnome bug 590349 in Appearance "Theme save button says "Save _As" including underline" [Trivial,New]16:21
andreasnI can't recall what Maemo and Moblin does right now, let me see if I can find the n80016:21
seb128mclasen, which is somewhat a compatibility change in the way that by doing the stable update you "break" applications which were working apparently correctly16:22
andreasnaccording to hbons, all menu icons are disabled on moblin16:23
mac_vandreasn: wow! when something is done in windows and not in gnome , devs say we dont want to copy .... but for such issues do we copy? double standards eh ;p16:23
mptmac_v, I didn't mean that users wouldn't care about the change, I meant that until now developers hadn't cared about fixing the cases where icons should have been always shown16:24
seb128mpt, I think most hackers don't know what those cases are16:24
mac_vmpt: oh... yeah... until the change is forced they wont patch it... ;)16:24
seb128mpt, ie your "object" explanation is somewhat unclear to me still :-)16:25
andreasnmac_v, just copying a design from another OS right over can sometimes be a bad thing, as the design can have been influenced by underlying software or hardware issues16:25
andreasnmac_v, so it's often best to do your own research etc.16:25
andreasnmac_v, but avoiding designs that other OS:es does, just because those do it as well would be, hm, odd16:26
mac_vandreasn: agreed... so when you are pushing this idea , pls dont keep saying other OS do the same... doesnt sound right..16:26
mac_vlets just base our decisions on our research16:27
mptseb128, yeah, the HIG has been vague about it, probably mostly because the option was set to something else by default. It's a chicken and egg situation.16:30
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seb128mpt, well what I'm saying is that it's still somewhat a fuzzy definition, ie is there anything in nautilus menus you consider objects?16:33
mclasenseb128: what stable updates are you talking about ? the bug you point to is for 2.27...16:35
seb128mclasen, we got control center bugs in GNOME saying that's an issue with 2.26.3 too16:36
mclasenwell, there are a few places, but it is still application bugs...16:37
seb128well the annoying part is that updating gtk will trigger bug in a certain amount of applications16:38
seb128some from an user or distributor point of view those will be buggy until somebody goes through every installed to spot and fix all the buggy things16:39
mclasenseb128: of course, we don't know how many places are  buggy because they were coded following the gtk api docs...16:41
seb128mclasen, would changing the default behaviour be problematic? there is probably nobody relying on the default documented behaviour since that was no working16:44
seb128having it changed would also mean no runtime behaviour change on upgrade and would allow users to set it to false easily16:45
mclasenno, its not that easy16:46
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=== tgpraveen11 is now known as tgpraveen1
mclasenit is not as if gtk was simply using use-underline=true before, just that the false did not have the desired effect in some cases16:46
seb128hum, ok16:47
seb128mclasen, we could argue whether fixing that in a stable serie makes sense or not but let's say it's a distributor issue to weight the fix against the behaviour change16:49
asaccrevette: hey16:53
asaccrevette: so which version of gnome-bluetooth are we looking at?16:54
asaccrevette: somehow the -properties doesnt have the issue anymore16:54
crevetteyep this one16:54
asacit just went a way16:55
asaccrevette: does it work for you too? (i didnt even rebuild it)16:55
crevettedidn't tested, I'll do tonight once I'm at home16:55
* crevette is über hungry16:56
asacbon appetit16:56
* asac assumes you plan to stop that state ;)16:56
crevetteI've nothing to eat around me, and that's better16:56
crevetteeating at job is baaaad16:56
asaccrevette: oh. all retract ... i had bluetooth "Off"16:57
crevetteI need to ping pitti about acl for rfkill in 2.6.3116:58
crevettewe need to had rules to permit people to manage the rfkill of the bluetooth adapter and I never touch udev16:58
crevette(/me would like to bite a toblerone)16:59
pitticrevette: that doesn't sound like something an user should have access to?17:02
seb128asac, echo 3 > /proc/sys/vm/drop_caches17:03
crevettepitti, you need to switch off the bt adapter apparently17:03
crevettepitti http://mail.gnome.org/archives/desktop-devel-list/2009-July/msg00212.html17:04
crevetteoups not the right link17:05
crevettepitti, http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=585765#c417:06
ubottuGnome bug 585765 in general "Move killswitch code to /dev/rfkill" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]17:06
pittihm, that sounds a little dangerous17:06
pittithat should be accessed by networkmanager17:07
pittinot by any random user IMHO17:07
crevetteneed to go17:09
crevetteI should online quickly17:09
seb128james_w, so your logrotate thing for ck-history doesn't seem to make a difference17:17
seb128james_w, ck-history reads everything in the directory including .gz logs, ie if anything it makes it slower17:18
pittidropping cron sessions from CK will already help a lot, but perhaps we should just disable reading of rotated logs then?17:24
seb128pitti, yes17:27
seb128pitti, I've some ten thousand entries there17:27
seb128or what asac said, don't rotate but only read a limited number of lines17:27
pittiwe still need to rotate, though17:30
pittiotherwise /var/log will eventually overflow17:30
asacoh ck-history reads everything ... that explains it17:30
james_wseb128: yeah, it's not complete17:32
james_wseb128: I have a code change to ck-history to make it return some results quicker17:32
andreasnmpt, in the tomboy menu, the notes are objects, right?17:32
james_wbut GDM waits until it has the complete list before showing anything anyway, so it doesn't win you anything17:32
seb128james_w, in any case reading a limited number of lines seems to make sense17:33
james_wcould do17:33
james_wif GDM would display the first users that it gets straight away I think my branch would make it usable17:34
james_wbut limiting the number of lines would be a quicker fix I guess17:34
seb128james_w, wouldn't having the list changing after some seconds still be weird?17:35
james_wit would17:35
james_wbut my proposal is not to do that17:35
james_winstead of being purely frequency based as now, it would be a combination of frequency and recency17:36
james_wso if I only ever logged in twice, but both were yesterday, I would be higher in the list than someone that logged in 10,000 times a month ago17:36
asacawe: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-security/+archive/ppa17:36
seb128james_w, ok fair enough, I was just pointing that it was reading everything in the rotated directory because I noticed that while playing with it17:37
mptandreasn, yes, they're basically documents17:37
seb128james_w, I though the rotation was a workaround to the speed issue17:37
james_wseb128: yeah, I should have done better at discussing all the issues with you17:37
james_wno, that was just because it's the right thing to do17:37
seb128ok, seems you have everything on track17:37
seb128sorry for the noise ;-)17:38
james_wand because it at least bounds the time taken, even if it's still too long17:38
mac_vasac: when do we expect firefox3.5 to replace firefox 3.0 in Karmic?17:38
james_wno, I don't think I do17:38
seb128well you have an action plan at least17:38
james_wI'm not sure how to modify GDM for my proposal17:38
james_wbut I could easily do the lines thing if needed17:38
seb128and we can easily use to the "read a limited number of lines" before karmic17:38
james_wand I have the code for the recency+frequency17:38
seb128I might have a look to gdm but doing asynchronous loading might be non trivial for somebody who don't know the gdm codebase17:39
asacmac_v: soon ;)17:39
asaci hope to have it by default in alpha417:40
asacccheney: so ooo doesnt build with xul 1.9.1 ... you think you could check that? https://edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/+archive/ffox3517:41
james_wseb128: it seems to do async loading, but delays the draw until the completed signal17:43
james_wthis may be for other reasons though17:43
andreasnmpt, done http://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59065317:44
ubottuGnome bug 590653 in General "menu don't show icons for objects if menus_have_icons=false" [Normal,Unconfirmed]17:44
mptandreasn, and here's where I start wincing because that's such an awkward API to use :-)17:54
mptthanks for reporting that though17:54
ftahttp://code.google.com/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=14822  I'm looking for ideas of what could cause that.. (metacity + compositing)18:19
asacfta: feels like the metacity patch we carry for a while18:21
asachmm i think i dont undeerstand the bug18:22
seb128asac, he says that changing the chromium option makes the gnome-panel turn transparent18:22
ftamore than transparent, it disappears, but it's still there18:23
asacah ok18:23
asaci think metacity compositing is still buggy18:23
ftachromium changes it's default to hide its window decorations, so everyone using metacity with compositing is impacted.18:24
kklimondaIf I prepare an update/merge of package maintained in ~ubuntu-desktop team's bzr repositories who should I subscribe for sponsorship? normal -sponsors as usual or ubuntu-desktop ?18:24
ftait seems fedora too18:24
chrisccoulsonhey fta - i saw your message last night but didn't get a chance to reply18:24
seb128kklimonda, normal sponsors18:24
seb128kklimonda, which one?18:25
kklimondaseb128: and they are going to merge my bzr branch into "official" one? bug 40789818:26
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407898 in hamster-applet "Update to 2.27.5" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40789818:26
seb128kklimonda, subscribe the universe sponsors for that one18:26
seb128kklimonda, yes, whoever does the update will do that18:27
kklimondaseb128: ok, thanks18:32
UbuntuNISMO anybody can help fixing /etc/network/interfaces ? private me!19:09
ccheneyasac: yea looking at it19:17
ccheneyasac: it seems to not like the 1.9.1 headers, after digging though the build log19:21
* ccheney will do a local non-threaded build and see if he can determine why19:22
UbuntuNISMO  anybody can help fixing /etc/network/interfaces ? private me!19:22
chrisccoulsonhey pitti - having fun in dublin?19:22
chrisccoulsonUbuntuNISMO - you want #ubuntu for support19:23
chrisccoulsonand no need to ask the same question twice.19:23
UbuntuNISMOwhat is this channel about19:39

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