
bluefoxicyI have a question about packaging.01:09
bluefoxicyWhy is the version of Evolution in Ubuntu shipped without support for "Send an e-mail" as an alarm action?01:09
bluefoxicyit's there, yet grayed.01:10
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YokoZarIs Firefox 3.5 scheduled for alpha 4?04:08
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slytherinA quick question. Does 'better dependency calculation' work for programs linked against gtk2 libraries?09:11
james_wwhich package provides the knotify stuff in KDE?09:41
Riddelljames_w: >dpkg -S /usr/bin/knotify409:43
Riddellkdebase-runtime: /usr/bin/knotify409:43
Riddellif that's what you're after09:43
mdzTheMuso, where is that PPA you mentioned this morning? I'm happy to install the latest pulseaudio and test10:21
StevenKmdz: http://launchpad.net/~ubuntu-audio-dev/+archive from TheMuso's mail to -platform10:22
mdzStevenK, thanks, can't get to my mail atm10:24
directhexyay for mdz getting his bag back10:44
mdzapparently I am one of the lucky ones10:49
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directhexmdz, well, a lost bag not being blown up by the bomb squad is an event10:56
TheMusomterry: You are the first person who has had a pulseaudio upgrade problem of that nature, which makes me think that its probably something to do with your system.10:57
TheMusoI have installed these packages fresh several times over the last week or so, and no changes were made to the upgrade scripts, and I had no problems, and it seems others are not either.10:57
mterryTheMuso, fair enough....  looked like bad syntax of some dpkg call, which would surprise me if it was machine dependent, but if I'm the only one...10:57
TheMusomterry: I'll still take a look though.11:01
TheMusomterry: Actually, found the problem, thanks for the heads up.11:02
mterryTheMuso, sweet11:03
* cjwatson finally fixes the stupid bug where console-setup doesn't work on boot11:09
TheMusomterry: Give it an hour max, and new pulse packages should be available with the fix.11:11
TheMusoI've not long uploaded the fix.11:11
mterryTheMuso, awesome, thanks11:11
mdzcjwatson, I wonder if we shouldn't seed iw in all of the places where wireless-tools currently is11:47
slytherinis there any particular reason why gtk+2.0 package in karmic does not contain libgtk2.0-0.symbols file?11:50
seb128slytherin, we didn't merge on debian since they added it11:53
seb128slytherin, it's probably useful for gtk but no fun to maintain because you have to build gtk once for nothing, get to break because .symbols is not updated, do the update, etc11:54
slytherinAnyway, I am not sure how much the symbol file form Debian will be useful as it is old version.11:54
l3dxoff-topic: anyone know a good resource for setting up emacs for C++ dev?11:54
seb128slytherin, the idea is that you should update that file which each update11:55
slangasekpitti: hal in karmic has debian/patches/04_nvidia_brightness.patch, but it's not in the series file?11:55
slytherinI can understand why it is not easy task.11:55
slangasekpitti: (I would like it to be in the series file)11:55
seb128slangasek, isn't hal deprecated anyway?11:56
slangasekseb128: is something else doing backlight handling today?11:56
seb128isn't gnome-power-manager doing that using devkit-power?11:57
slangasekI don't know11:57
slangasekseb128: basically, I'm trying to bring closure to bug #277589, which continues to haunt me because people affected by it are making arbitrary changes to their fdi files in ways that fix it for them, break it for everyone else, and provide no guidance regarding a fix that can be integrated properly :/11:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277589 in hal "sony brighness on a geforce series older than 8 (nvclock works fine)" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27758911:59
* slangasek finds no instances of 'bright' or 'backlight' in the devicekit-power source, so I guess it's not doing it today?12:01
seb128slangasek, that's a question for pitti I guess, I didn't look at that closely12:05
slangasekseb128: pull pitti's beard to make him pay attention to me, then ;)12:06
seb128slangasek, done12:06
pittislangasek: that sounds like a bug indeed, it's supposed to be there12:08
pittislangasek: ah, I might have disabled it because we don't use it any more anyway12:08
pittibut that might have been a lie, g-p-m still talks to hal for brightness12:09
pittiso if it fixes it, let's re-add it12:09
pittislangasek: beard> ouch :)12:09
slangasekpitti: it doesn't fix it, I just noticed as I went to try to follow through on it that the patch wasn't applied12:11
slangasekpitti: anyway, I need your brain to help me with the question in https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hotkey-setup/+bug/277589/comments/51 in order to finally nail this, I think12:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 277589 in hal "sony brighness on a geforce series older than 8 (nvclock works fine)" [Medium,In progress]12:11
slangasek(or, well, if your brain is not available, I'll muddle through and come up with something that looks suitable to me)12:12
pittislangasek: right, that would make sense; they need to point to the smartdimmer specific scripts to change the brightness12:14
pittislangasek: the get/set scripts just call some CLI tool, so it doesn't need an addon?12:15
slangasekpitti: uh... that sounds accurate12:17
pittislangasek: an addon is something that runs all the time, like the process that polls CD-ROMs for media12:17
pittibut since I suppose we don't need to react to events from the backlight (just from input events from keys, which is already provided), it doesn't need an addon12:18
TheMusocjwatson: I have just come up with a preliminary list of source packages that libpulse0 depends on that will need to be made bi-arch. I have a feeling that some of these are not actually depended on, so I will have to look at the pulse code to see what are actually needed, so that list may yet be trimmed.12:24
TheMusoNevertheless, there is currently 11 packages on the list. So I certainly think I will likely need help to address all of these.12:24
cjwatsonTheMuso: lovely :-/12:27
cjwatsonmdz: sounds sensible, though it's in universe right now ... this is the first I've heard of iw12:27
TheMusocjwatson: My thoughts exactly.12:29
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slangasekjames_w: bug #40834212:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408342 in bzr "'bzr up' fails against a read-only remote, trying to create a write lock" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40834212:45
slangasekjml: ^^12:46
stoicaleris it ok not to use firewalls?14:46
Picistoicaler: Please ask in #ubuntu , #ubuntu-devel isn't a support channel.14:46
slytherincan someone please give back nautilus-sendto on armel?14:59
pittislytherin: done15:01
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TheMusocjwatson: it seems that there are a few packages that libpulse0 depends upon, but are not actually needed, however due to the way pulse is built, they are linked against libpulse0 anyway, even though no symbols are used. I am going to see if I can fix this somehow.15:46
pittiTheMuso: -Wl,--as-needed might work for some of them15:47
pittithis usually does a good first cut of cutting down stray dependencies15:48
TheMusook thanks15:48
pittiTheMuso: LDFLAGS+= -Wl,--as-needed15:50
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TheMusoFor the record, this caused pulseaudio to FTBFS.15:57
seb128TheMuso, which means it's probably using libraries and not specifying -l<lib> for all the libs it's using16:01
seb128TheMuso, and you want to use the flag on client applications to cut the unneeded depends not on pulseaudio directly16:01
TheMusoseb128: I am trying to cut down on the unneeded dependencies of libpulse0, as it is linked/depends on libraries even though it doesn't use any of their symbols.16:06
seb128TheMuso, right, so you need to use --as-needed on applications who depends on libpulse now wrongly16:10
seb128that should cut the shlibs:depends to real depends16:11
slytherinWhy isn't --as-needed a default flag? does it not always work as expected?16:22
slangasekScottK: boost1.37 removed, asio appears to still depend/build-depend on it: any plans for fixing that?16:22
seb128slytherin, it breaks builds when you don't use -llibraries correctly16:23
slangasekah, some other packages as well, e.g., wesnoth (checkrdepends is still running, bah)16:23
slytherinseb128: Didn't know that.16:23
seb128slytherin, it also doesn't work for things you dlopen etc16:23
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sebnerslangasek: fighting with Arnaud Soyez hmm? :)16:32
slangaseksebner: fighting?16:32
sebnerslangasek: having fun may be a better word :D16:32
slangasek<shrug> I'm just pushing the buttons, archive admin duties are a fairly emotionless process :)16:33
sebnerslangasek: will be say that again after 10 sync requests by him? :P16:33
slangasekif he continues to file sync requests inappropriately, then I'll escalate accordingly. <shrug> :)16:34
sebnerI'll point him to the wiki then to save him =)16:35
cody-somerville---., /;8*/,l4841794976125+*954 9kj\16:44
StevenKcody-somerville: Was that a cat, or your head hitting the keyboard?16:44
cody-somervilleJudging by the lump on my head...16:45
macothe cat, then?16:45
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mneptokcody-somerville: if i ROT13 that do i get interesting bits of your medical history?16:47
slangasekScottK: oh right, you addressed this in the text of the bug report. <whistle>16:57
sebnerslangasek: I'm wondering you synced monkeysphere 0.25 where 0.26 was requested. (also testbuilt by me since pull-debian-source already pulled in 0.26 back then)17:17
slangaseksebner: probably an error from not having done an update-sources first; let's try again17:17
sebnerslangasek: Many Thanks! :)17:19
momesanahi all17:27
momesanaI am having problems starting X on every ubuntu version since 7.0417:27
momesanait's because the via drivers suck17:28
momesananow, I was wondering if the newest version of ubuntu comes with unichrome so they may work17:28
cjwatsonmomesana: I know nothing about this directly, but https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-unichrome says that the Unichrome driver was in 7.04, 7.10, and 8.04, and was then removed in 8.10 because it was broken (bug 284042)17:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 284042 in xserver-xorg-video-unichrome "archive removal request: xserver-xorg-video-unichrome is uninstallable." [Wishlist,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28404217:31
cjwatsonsee also bug 19634917:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 196349 in xserver-xorg-video-unichrome "xserver-xorg-video-unichrome broken in hardy." [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19634917:32
momesanaubottu: thanks ... 7.04 works ... it's currently installed17:32
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:32
brycemomesana, have you tried -openchrome?17:32
momesanathe other ones load the framebuffer driver and then immediately blank the screen so i cant do nothing but restart17:32
momesana9.04 is a little better in this respect ... it doesn't load anything but I also don't have X17:32
momesanabryce: the openchrome driver fails starting X17:32
momesanabryce: as does the vesa driver17:33
brycemomesana, did you file a bug report?17:33
momesanabryce: nope but there was a bugreport somewhere with the same error message I got ...17:34
momesanaand no response17:34
* momesana writing karmic to a disc17:34
momesanabryce: yes, it's definetly a bug17:34
momesanabryce: what I can't understand is why the vesa driver fails to load17:35
brycemomesana, bug number?17:35
momesanabryce: I can't remember anymore but it was on launchpad I think17:35
cjwatson... that may not narrow it down ;-)17:35
momesanabryce: I will file a bugreport if I can't find it17:35
cjwatsonthere are 39 bugs on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xserver-xorg-video-openchrome/+bugs right now17:36
momesanaI'll boot with the karmic driver and save both the Xorg.0.log and the Xorg file ... then try vesa etc. and save everything so the devs have something to referr to17:36
cjwatsonmomesana: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Reporting17:37
momesanacjwatson: thanks, let me read the bug reports ... maybe someone has the same problem17:37
ogracjwatson, i would love to ask you to merge my debian-cd change to get imx51 in chape but somehow LP doesnt wont to show me code.LP.net today17:37
cjwatsonogra: URL?17:37
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brycemomesana, it's probably best to file a new bug regardless; if there's one you suspect to be the same bug, just mention that and I can evaluate if it really is a dupe17:38
ogracjwatson, ^^^17:38
bryceoften two bug reports *look* like the bug, but really need each their own fix17:38
ogracjwatson, and/or https://code.launchpad.net/~ogra/debian-cd/ubuntu17:38
momesanabryce: allright :)17:39
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momesanabryce: strange ... it seems to work on the newest version of ubuntu ... now the strange thing is ... I downloaded karmic and it boots ubuntu?!?17:43
TheMusoHas anybody ever had to clean .la files during a package build, the .la files in question being generated by the package build itself?17:44
seb128TheMuso, "had"17:45
seb128ie, how do you want to clean those and why?17:45
seb128we stopped installing those for random package and clean content for others in gnome17:45
TheMusoseb128: Clean them, as in clearing the dependency_libs variable, because its causing libraries to be uselessly linked against other libraries17:45
seb128TheMuso, if you use cdbs you can include clean-la.mk17:46
seb128TheMuso, that does what you want17:46
seb128TheMuso, otherwise you can copy the /usr/share/cdbs/1/rules/clean-la.mk snippet17:47
TheMusoseb128: yes, during the package install. My issue is with .la files that are used during the package build itself, that are internal to the package, not external.17:47
TheMusoOk, pulseaudio has several libraries that parts of itself need linking to. When these libraries are initially built, they create .la files that include dependencies which are then uselessly linked against other libraries.17:48
seb128TheMuso, you can probably patch the source package directly too17:48
TheMusoYeah I think thats the best option.17:49
cjwatsonogra: done17:51
ogracjwatson, merci :17:52
seb128TheMuso, gtk only does clean the .la in the install target not during the build17:53
seb128ie similar to what cdbs is doing, not really useful for your issue17:53
TheMusoseb128: ok thanks, I'll see if I can patch the build system, perhaps ltmain.sh to work around the issue.17:54
seb128TheMuso, you can try asking Keybuk about that maybe, he's the libtool expert around17:55
TheMusoseb128: thats also a thought, thanks.17:59
cjwatsonsoren: any idea what http://paste.ubuntu.com/246467/ means? I just installed eucalyptus-{cloud,cc,nc} with the intention of setting up a trivial one-node cloud on localhost, and it doesn't seem to want to start the cluster18:22
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slytherinCan any of the archive admin please explain me what is the meaning of error 'failed to upload'?19:28
cody-somervilleslytherin, soyuz issue19:29
cody-somervillecprov, ^^19:29
cody-somervilleslytherin, link to upload log?19:29
slytherinjust a sec19:29
cprovslytherin: it means you source was built successfully but resulted in binaries that cannot be uploaded.19:30
slytherinI got the error twice for same package. First I thought was transitional so I tried it again.19:30
slytherinlet me paste the email notification content.19:30
slytherincprov: http://paste.ubuntu.com/246545/19:31
cprovslytherin: it's an issue processing one of the emails in the changesfile19:31
slytherinis it known issue?19:32
cprovslytherin: right, we all can access it directly from librarian -> http://launchpadlibrarian.net/29832266/upload_1145807_log.txt19:32
cprovslytherin: no, not really19:32
slytherinSo I guess there is nothing I can do than wait.19:33
cprovslytherin: this email is associated with an account but it has no user ... weird.19:35
slytherinthe package was synced from Debian.19:35
cprovslytherin: can you please file a bug, while I investigate it19:35
cprovslytherin: thank you.19:37
slytherincprov: bug 40852819:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 408528 in soyuz "lucene2 synced from Debian, built fine but failed to upload" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40852819:41
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Laneycan someone unprivate bug 408499?20:07
ubottuBug 408499 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/408499 is private20:07
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AnAntHello, I got a question about NotificationOSD21:07
AnAnthow can I disable a certain capability ?21:07
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macoAnAnt: can't21:13
macowell unless you mean like "tell pidgin not to notify when someone signs on"...then the answer'd be "configure it in pidgin"21:13
AnAntmaco: no, I mean, there is a capability called truncation, can I disable that ?21:14
macoas a user? or as an application developer?21:16
macoas a user, there's very little able to be configured21:16
AnAntI use python21:16
AnAntso I do pynotify.get_server_caps() to get capabilities21:16
AnAntso I find that 'truncation' is one of them21:17
AnAntcan I disable that ?21:17
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Sp3c1alKis there an API for ubuntu?23:11
Sp3c1alKor some type of documentation for code, more specifically networking?23:11
directhexum... that sorta depends on which of the several thousand programming languages available to you you decide to use23:12
directhexand is also not an ubuntu question23:12
directhexand is also a bit off-topic23:12
directhex(this channel is for development OF, not ON, ubuntu)23:13
Sp3c1alKyeah, I figured people who were developing ubuntu would know of an api23:13
directhexwell... sure. I'd use System.Net or System.Web from your local friendly C# compiler23:16
=== Cuddles is now known as Fluffles

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