
Rocket2DMngeez, duncan made such a mess of things00:43
Rocket2DMnit is impossible to follow all these connections00:44
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=== starcraftman is now known as starcraft
=== starcraft is now known as starcraftman
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Sp3c1alKis there an api in c/c++ for ubuntu?23:16
FlannelSp3c1alK: What do you mean?23:17
Sp3c1alKI'm wanting to develop an app in c/c++ using some networking features, and I'm wondering if there is any documentation or an api for ubuntu that I could use23:18
Sp3c1alKlike the WinAPI on msdn23:18
FlannelYeah, it's not ubuntu specific, but Linux specific.23:18
Sp3c1alKwhere can I find this at?23:18
FlannelUm, well, networking you'd use sockets I imagine.  Let me see what I can find in a cursory search23:19
Sp3c1alKok, thanks23:22
FlannelWell, there's lot out there.  None of them really stand out as extremely good.  But "Linux Networking C++" returns relevant results, etc.  Try #ubuntu-programming maybe, they may know of better resources besides just man pages and google.23:23
Sp3c1alKalright, thanks =)23:23

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