
McPeterFlannel, he spam #ubuntu-fr to02:00
McPeter<Spykemcc> http://paste.ubuntu.com/244995/02:00
Flannelocd or Skywhatever?02:00
Flannelright.  It's like he's stuck in a mental loop.  It's not even a support question in that pastebin.02:00
McPeteri ban him for one day02:00
McPeterjust before02:00
McPeterand now in /query :\02:00
McPeterdone :\02:02
samjegalÇÏ¿ì... purple Á¢¼Ó ¾ÈµÇ³×;;02:28
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redbullfxcan anyone help me12:48
jpdsWhat's up?12:48
redbullfxI would like to know if windows games run the same on linux?12:48
redbullfxim researching into linux and want to start using it.12:49
redbullfxim worried about the FPS in linux12:49
jpds-> #ubuntu is your friend.12:49
Piciredbullfx: Like jpds, #ubuntu is the official support channel  #ubuntu-irc is for IRC related issues, see /topic12:50
redbullfxoh ok... sorry..thanks....12:51
redbullfxhave a good day guys..take care12:51
xnonixse puede en español?13:10
xnonixen #ubuntu-es, un tal torpedo, esta saliendo y entrando todo el rato, y llega un punto en el que molesta13:11
nikoxnonix: in english it's possible ?13:17
xnonixniko: my english is bad13:17
xnonixin #ubuntu-es is torpedo, he is exiting and joining all time13:18
xnonixniko: you see trpedo?13:21
nikoyes, thanks13:22
=== [Garfeild] is now known as Garfeild
nikois #ubuntu-es op available20:18
jpdsniko: Hola.20:25
nikodue to lack of ubuntu-es ops, i have to looks at it, lot of #supremos spam. and no access for freenode/staff20:26
Piciand ubuntuirccouncil....20:27
RoAkSoAxniko, I'm here now (one OP of #ubuntu-es)20:27
nikoi have nothing to tell, i'm not an op of #ubuntu-es20:27
nikoRoAkSoAx: happy to know that20:27
RoAkSoAxniko, yes we have been receiving spam and flood from them for a while now20:27

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