
=== jdstrand is now known as jdstrand__
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gnomefreakasac: with SM2 i guess in beta they named it 2.0_2.1 sort of like SM1 1.1.x  so its still 2.011:29
asacnot sure11:32
asacsounds odd11:32
asacgnomefreak: why do you think its a problem?11:32
gnomefreakasac: i thought the same but the 2.0 made me think that11:32
asacactually ... why do you think that they have such an odd version11:32
gnomefreakasac: i was hoping to build 2.011:32
gnomefreakasac: 1.1.x i was thinking they would follow that versioning11:33
gnomefreakbut the whole beta part makes me not sure11:33
gnomefreaki cant remember before 1.1.x if it was 1.011:34
gnomefreakim going for a smoke and make coffee. let me know what you think (iwould rather stick with 2.0 before i move to 2.1 but not real sure how they name it anymore.11:36
gnomefreakasac: that is unless m-d adds the 2.0_ part of the 2.0_2.1 part of tarball. i have to try and fix coffee pot damnit11:44
gnomefreakkklimonda: ok heard back from upstream author for firegpg i will fix and update it when either the next release or the one after. That is when upstream plans to fix some other needed bug fixes.13:04
ubottuForgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords13:32
gnomefreakVeXaToR: what is the problem again?14:28
gnomefreak3.5.3~hg20090801r26185+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1 doesnt give me a problem on youtube or myspace14:28
VeXaToRgnomefreak, Hi, videos are slow in shiretoko.14:29
gnomefreakVeXaToR: what flash are you using?14:29
VeXaToRgnomefreak, Where can I check?14:29
gnomefreakVeXaToR: apt-cache policy flashplugin-installer14:29
gnomefreakVeXaToR: 32bit or 64bit?14:29
VeXaToRgnomefreak, 32 I guess.14:30
gnomefreakyou guess?14:30
VeXaToRgnomefreak,  flashplugin-installer:14:30
VeXaToR  Installiert:
gnomefreakVeXaToR: apt-cache policy nspluginwrapper14:31
VeXaToRgnomefreak, not installed.14:31
gnomefreakVeXaToR: give me 2 websites that are slow for you please14:31
gnomefreak!info flashplugin-installer jaunty14:32
ubottuflashplugin-installer (source: flashplugin-nonfree): Adobe Flash Player plugin installer. In component multiverse, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 18 kB, installed size 176 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)14:32
asacVeXaToR: antoher one is mozilla-plugin-gnash14:46
VeXaToRgnomefreak, How do I remove?14:46
VeXaToRasac, Not installed. :)14:46
gnomefreakasac: has the removal bug in gnash been fixed?14:46
gnomefreakVeXaToR: sudo apt-get remove swfdec-mozilla14:46
asacgnomefreak: removal bug?14:46
gnomefreakasac: perm bug. to be sure exavtly i would have to look it up14:46
gnomefreakasac: its the perm or post removal script14:47
VeXaToRgnomefreak, asac, awesome! Thank you. :)14:48
VeXaToRgnomefreak, asac, it works just fine now.14:48
asacVeXaToR: one second14:48
asacVeXaToR: you can actually have multiple flash players installed and then use tools -> manage content plugins14:48
asacto switch them on the fly if you are on a site with flash ;)14:49
gnomefreakgnash is free why would we have swfdec (its been known to have issues IIRC14:49
asacanyway. i guess you dont want that ... so enjoy14:49
asacgnomefreak: its yet another alternative. ubuntu as the distro does not decide which alternatives to put in the archive14:49
VeXaToRasac, Thx! I try to run as easy as possible. I don't get all that stuff. :)14:50
asacwe only decide what gets insatlled by default14:50
gnomefreakasac: there are 3 bugs that i see for gnash issue. bug 398213 is the one i was thinking of14:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 398213 in gnash "package mozilla-plugin-gnash 0.8.5-0ubuntu1 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 2" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39821314:51
gnomefreakand the other 2 are post removale14:51
gnomefreakas i recall same problem with removal14:52
VeXaToRCu l8r.14:53
gnomefreakbug 34401914:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 344019 in dpkg "update-alternatives: error or eof reading /var/lib/dpkg/alternatives/gnome-video-thumbnailer for update_mode ()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34401914:55
gnomefreakwht the hell did we do to update-alternatives that is causing all these bugs on it14:57
gnomefreak"we" as in Ubuntu14:58
gnomefreakok today is over for me at least for a few hours.15:00
ftaff 3.6 regressed16:17
asacjdstrand: seems we need nss in the -security ppa before we can actually build xulrunner :(16:18
asacso tomorrow monring QA on nss/nspr?16:19
asacjdstrand: or do you have the VMs ready so we can do a quick check?16:19
asacfta: which way?16:20
ftaasac, several.. the text selection i've already mentioned, some bad rendering (for ex the ubuntu forums sometimes are not rendered at all until i force a repaint by scrolling up and down)16:22
ftathe sound is broken once again, locking up the browser16:22
ftait takes 20%~40% cpu even when idle16:23
ftaall form fields have artifacts, but it suspect it's gtk16:24
fta(or the darkroom theme)16:24
asacfta: lets wait till tomorrow and hope that there is some major rework going on that will cure things when getting closer to finish16:32
ftamost are several weeks old16:33
asacbdrung: was there anything I failed to commit?16:44
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bdrungasac: yes, the latest development status. i will create a branch for it and push it to lp, if you like.17:14
asacbdrung: what features are added17:24
asacthe sol eol stuff?17:24
bdrungasac: yes.17:24
bdrungasac: to make it perfect we need a debian package versioning policy, to be ably to specify limits like firefox-3.0 (>> 3.0.9)17:25
asacbdrung: yeah that would be great then. i think we should somehow document what version to add ;)17:25
asace.g. what to choose for sol ;)17:25
asacbdrung: ah right.17:26
asacbdrung: lets get this committed and i can then open discussion with the debian folks ;)17:26
bdrungasac: for sol i would use the lowest version that hits the archive17:26
asacbdrung: you are subscribed to debian mozilla lists now?17:26
bdrungasac: yes17:26
asacbdrung: ok. lets do that then17:26
asaclowest version that hit the archive17:26
bdrungasac: maybe we should rename the mozcmp tool to "moz-version" and use it like "moz-version --compare 1.0 lt 2.0".17:27
bdrungasac: then we could add features like "moz-version --transform" which would transform 2.0a1 to 2.0~a117:28
asacbdrung: would be fine with me17:29
asacsounds like a plan17:29
bdrungasac: ok, i will do it and push it to lp "when it's done" (TM). :)17:30
bdrungasac: how about making MOZ_EXTENSION_PKG optional? if this variable is empty, we could use the first binary package listed in debian/control, couldn't we?17:42
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asacbdrung: probably right17:43
bdrungasac: ok, i add this to my todo list.17:44
asacbdrung: yeah. i would like to get 0.14 out ... 0.15 will still be in karmic, so i would suggest to add that for that17:44
bdrungasac: ok17:44
bdrungpackages_{ec8030f7-c20a-464f-9b0e-13a3a9e97384} := abrowser-3.0 abrowser-3.5 abrowser-3.6 firefox-3.0 firefox-3.5 firefox-3.6 iceweasel17:49
bdrungpackages_{3550f703-e582-4d05-9a08-453d09bdfdc6} := icedove thunderbird thunderbird-3.017:49
bdrungpackages_{92650c4d-4b8e-4d2a-b7eb-24ecf4f6b63a} := seamonkey17:49
bdrungpackages_{a79fe89b-6662-4ff4-8e88-09950ad4dfde} := conkeror17:49
bdrungpackages_prism@developer.mozilla.org := prism17:49
bdrungasac: am i missing a package? should i already list firefox-3.6?17:49
asacbdrung: hmm. didnt i add prism and xulrunner (toolkit@mozilla.org)?18:07
asacbdrung: also sunbird and songbird18:07
bdrungasac: prism is in the list. xulrunner, sunbird, songbird were not18:08
asacbdrung: yeah so xulrunner-1.X is toolkit@mozilla.org18:08
asacwith sol 1.9a1pre and eol 1.9.0.* for xulrunner-1.918:08
asacand sol 1.9.1a1pre and eol 1.9.1.* for 1.9.118:09
asacand sol 1.9.2a1pre and eol 1.9.2.* for 1.9.218:09
bdrungasac: ok, done18:12
bdrungasac: the list is getting very long. should i put it into an extra file?18:14
bdrungasac: or maybe at the end of the file?18:14
bdrungasac: what is the string for sunbird and songbird?18:15
bdrungasac: i cannot find songbird in the repos18:16
asacbdrung: ok. lets leave songbird for now18:17
asacnot so sure about the extra file18:17
asacif we do that we probably want something better than the current make format (more readable)18:18
bdrung50 lines18:18
bdrungasac: ok, then we leave it in there, till we find a better format for that.18:18
asacso lets do the extra file for 0.1518:18
bdrungasac: should i move the list to the end of the file?18:18
asaci will think about a format. ... but probably xml18:18
bdrungasac: then you have the write the parsing routine. ;)18:19
asacbdrung: i think its ok to keep it there as we are going to move it to an extra file. lets mark it as "DATA" thing18:19
bdrung# DATA18:19
bdrungor how?18:19
asacwhatever you think is appropriate ;)18:20
asaclets leave it as it is18:20
asacits going away at some point ;)18:20
bdrungasac: my comments are normally very short and sometimes not very meaningfull.18:21
bdrungasac: what to use as sol for conkeror? http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/universe/c/conkeror/conkeror_0.9~git090223-1/changelog18:22
asacbdrung: ask the maintainer ;)? who is that?18:24
bdrungasac: Axel Beckert18:24
bdrungasac: do you know if he is active on irc?18:33
asacbdrung: good question ... whats his next?18:41
bdrungasac, fta: what is the sol of prism (upstream version of first debian package that was uploaded)?18:41
asacbdrung: i think its ok to check https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/prism18:45
asacok have to run .... cu tomorrow!18:45
bdrungasac: cu18:45
bdrungasac: but what equals 0.8+svn20071115r8030?18:46
ftaasac, NUMJOBS := -j$(shell getconf _NPROCESSORS_ONLN 2>/dev/null || echo 1)19:13
ftathis is in ffmpeg-debian19:13
BUGabundoola micahg20:24

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